Dear children,
The permission of Grace is granted through fervent prayer, which will always lead you to peace.
If souls knew the formula of praying with the heart and doing it with fervor, many situations of material life would surely be resolved now due to the momentum that the heart creates to reach the heavenly planes of Creation.
I leave you today, My children, the knowledge of a true and deep prayer that constantly responds to the needs of this chaotic time.
From Heaven, I bring you the power of My Grace so that, from now on and in this last cycle, all of you can use it as a bridge for the salvation of souls and the whole world. As it was in Lourdes, My Immaculate Conception is revealed to all through the permanent state of transforming and redeeming Grace that your Celestial Mother lives.
If souls only came to the heart of My Grace, many difficult situations would take the course of a better result for all.
Awaken to My call, and accept My call that is also pronounced through a state of Greater Grace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
The Grace of God is poured out upon you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
In these difficult times, I come every day from Heaven so that one day you will reach peace. For this, with the rosary between your hands, look in the prayer for the essence and the attribute of the Peace of God, because in truth I tell you that it will be the Peace of God that will lead you to find the patience that is so much sought in these moments.
Embrace prayer as the only shield of protection against the evil of My adversary. Do not give up the path of consecration and surrender that My Son proposes to you. For this cause I am here to help you because as your Heavenly Mother I wish you to take the same steps that My Son took to the Cross, achieving the redemption of the world out of love for all. For this, imitate Him and be consistent with what the Universe gives you.
My Heart accompanies you through this pathway of transformation and renunciation that some are being called to live in the name of humanity.
Love each other and together you will reach the goal that God has set for you.
Humanity needs many more who people who pray, in this way the Earth will also be able to consecrate itself.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who fills you in the Sacred Love of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The task God entrusts to you is to be fulfilled through love and trust. In this way, gratitude for the Plan of the Most High can be lived and expressed.
Each entrusted task receives a spiritual impulse that is capable of helping to bring internal relief so that they may accomplish the Purpose.
In these times, the tasks are profound because they encompass not only the state of consciousness but also some need that is to be resolved in this humanity.
In this way, the flocks and the peoples of God gradually take form through the tasks that must be accomplished with a maturity of spirit as well as an absolute trust in the Plan of God.
Now that the armies are being convoked, the schools of inner instruction are being formed to be able to spiritually respond to the need for the education of all souls.
It will be in this way that Christ will count on a certain number of armies to concretize the mission of His Return.
For this, there is one premise to be accomplished: constant effort.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who contains you and loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
My Motherly Heart wishes to become the main core of families, so that the work of the approach of Christ to the lives of beings may succeed.
For this purpose, the cenacles of light are made through the groups of prayer, so that the sovereign Will of God may be fulfilled through the Heavenly Messengers.
The cenacles of prayer exist in the world to be pillars of the evolutionary life and for the manifestation of a Christian life based on the faith and devotion of the praying souls.
Through the cenacles of prayer, My merciful Heart can work and open the doors to the reconciliation of those who would not deserve it due to sin and error.
It is through each cenacle that I build the Kingdom of the Heavens within the beings so that, guided by My trust, they may welcome the day of their liberation and surrender to the One God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who loves you and blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
I thank you for your sacrifices and effort, because it is through this surrender that your Heavenly Mother can help the planet, mainly the serious situation of humanity.
Facing now the first part of the end of a time, My Luminous Heart comes to guide you and move you away from the paths that My adversary creates to deceive the good souls.
Through the act of renunciation is found the liberation of the inferior self and thus, the consciousness sees itself totally free of doing wrong and of deviating from the Will of God.
It is by means of sacrifices that your Most Holy Mother can repair many things, like the causes that produce the perdition of the hearts and souls of this world. For this I come to remind you of the act of your sacrifice and penitence as a key for the liberation of oneself and for the deep healing of the world.
It will be through prayer that the fundamental foundations of the new Christianity will be manifested. And will be these foundations that will create the interior condition in the souls to reach redemption and specially the preparation for the second coming of Christ to the world.
Dear children, day and night I pray for you, to encourage you, despite the consequences, to be founders of these new foundations that will be formed through the love and the interior donation of everyone to the Plan of God.
You cannot imagine, My children, all that your Heavenly Mother can do to help the souls and the Plan of Evolution in all of the humanity. For this your sincerity before God will allow you to walk towards this Purpose and thus I will also be able to count on your immediate help.
I thank you for answering My call!
Who congregates you to the apostolate of Christ,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear Children,
As the Pilgrim Mother, I go around the world in a ceaseless search for the humble hearts in the Lord to, in this way, build the new foundations of the Promised Earth.
In these times I summon you to love and forgive because thus I will also see your humble hearts in the Lord, being true apostles of My Son.
When your redemption occurs, beloved children, it will be the moment to take the right step to the conversion of the soul and of all the consciousness.
Every day I gather you here, in My cenacle of love, for you to receive the internal impulses that will take you to peace and to the love in Christ.
Today I visit your Sacred Heart and I renew it through the gifts of the Holy Spirit of God so that, determined and simple, we can help to reconstruct this wounded humanity.
Dear children, I wait for you in prayer every day. My Grace is your Grace, My silence will be your silence when you simply take the risk to live it in the faith and the trust that one day you will achieve it.
I am your Mother and I keep you all in My Most Sacred Heart.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who blesses you always in Christ,
Your mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The true fruit of prayer is Love and from Love is born the confidence in God. From this confidence, Faith sprouts as a seed of light so that afterwards it may become a flower that will be at the feet of the Altar of God.
The only path is Hope because from it, Wisdom is born and from Wisdom, the servant consciousness is nourished to someday live in Peace. From Peace comes meekness, that is the gift of the pacifiers and this meekness is the shield against all restlessness and disturbance.
Fear exists for the lack of confidence, and fear is a misleading weapon that My adversary uses to make the hearts give up on the Path of God. From this fear, wrath is born and from wrath, comes guilt and oppression, cunnings from the enemy to impede your confirmation to the Plan of God.
But the soul that prays, renews itself and loses all of the fears, does not have anything to gain nor to lose because it is surrendered to the Will of God. Who lives prayer, bear good fruits, but who prays in sincerity and without automatisms will convert itself into a precious pearl to God.
For this I come to the world to teach you about this school of prayer. If you enter this path you shall get to know your potentials and virtues. It is enough to just take the first step so that in a short time you may liberate yourselves from all the codes of superfluous and petty life.
Be today a great mirror of light that, through the loving prayer, reflects to the world the Light of Christ among darkness.
Be pillars of the new time so that My Son may institute His Temple of Mercy in you and, in this way, the basis of the New Humanity will be able to be manifested.
Banish from your consciousness the path of perdition and spiritual blindness, open the eyes and read the message that the Queen of Heaven has written to you.
These are already the last announcements before everything is triggered. Live in prayer and someday you will be a reflection of a living prayer, permeated by The Spirit of Christ and free from all evil.
The world needs mirrors of prayer, power plants of cosmic and divine fire, that attract towards the planet, the laws of Mercy and Harmony in a time of great imbalances.
The proposal to convert your life is in force. Adhere to the call and enter the universe of My Heart in order to thus redeem your consciousnesses.
There in the Universe, we will always be one.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who ignites the mirrors of the heart,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Before Mary appeared, Father Pio manifested himself before us. He brought in his hands a crown of flowers and some other loose flowers. He was praying the Rosary as he waited for Our Lady and when the portals started to open, he placed the flowers that he had in his hands on the path of Mary, and the crown of flowers, on the place where She would put Her Feet. When Mary appeared, Father Pio stood on his knees and touched with his head the feet of the Mother, remaining like that during all the time She was present. In the end of the Apparition, he took leave and left with Mary.
I Am the Mother of the lost and of the unsheltered.
I Am the Mother of the repentant, of the redeemed, of the rescued.
Come to Me the sinners, and I will sanctify you.
Come to the Me the incredulous, and I will give you absolute faith.
Come to Me the fearless, because I will build over them a fortress, and I will congregate them in My army of peace, which will overcome evil through prayer and through the love of the Creator of all things.
Come to Me the imperfect though brave ones, for you will let yourselves be molded in My Holy Hands, and you will permit that I may conduct you in My arms to the Heart of the universe, to the King of kings, to Christ the Redeemer.
Dear children, I do not call to My presence the perfect ones, because This One is already found in the Kingdom of the Heavens, at the right hand of God. I call to My side those that will allow themselves to be transformed and purified by the fire of prayer and by My most sacred presence in this world.
Today I bring before you Saint Father Pio of Pietrelcina, so that your hearts may find in him an example to be followed. This beloved saint of Mine, My children, was capable of trusting Christ, Saint Joseph, and My Immaculate Heart, above all things. He was willing to understand the mysteries of Heaven and to live in himself the sorrows of the Passion of My Son, notwithstanding all the evil that there was in the world was against the mission that he was receiving.
As I did to Father Pio, I invite each one of you to surrender to the Mysteries of the Kingdom of God, to not remain in the illusion of the days of this world, solely enclosed in the common living.
I invite you to transcend the human understanding and to comprehend the celestial miracles because you will experience them in yourselves.
But know, My dears, that those who are willing to follow Me must be also willing to face the world and themselves. They will have to overcome the fear that dwells in their cells: the fear of not being accepted by others; the fear of not being loved by the beings of this world; the fear of not being understood; the fear of being persecuted.
Today I tell you that the Grace that I offer you is purely interior. However, the one who may live it fully will not hesitate in denying the glory of the world and embracing sacrifice and renounce for all of the Glory that they will live in the Heavens.
My beloveds, Christ is the Path, the Truth and the Life, and He has set an example to all of how to reach the Kingdom of the Heavens: by loving without being loved; by giving without receiving anything in return; by suffering for those who persecute them; by pouring over the unjust and sinners the Mercy that was imprinted in His own blood.
And those who followed His example demonstrated again to the world that it is possible to live the transformation in Christ and to merge with Him, and even to live within themselves the mysteries of His Passion.
Come to Me the sinners and I will sanctify you.
Come to Me those who with courage will abandon the world and above all, themselves, because I will show you the Kingdom of God.
Come to Me those who do not fear renouncing and that will learn to love sacrifice, because I will show you the face of God.
This, My beloveds, is My only promise: sacrifice, surrender and prayer in order to learn to love and to forgive, in order to live redemption.
Who will extend the hands to accept what I am giving to you? Who will come to Me everyday?
Who will let themselves be guided to the Heart of Christ, beyond the purification of this world?
I wait for you, love you and guide you always
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
My beloved children,
In the awakening of the Universal Love in the hearts of this world, My maternal consciousness distributes in the souls of all My children the Wise and Eternal Love of God.
My consciousness of mother uses all the possibilities that the Eternal Father allows Me, in order to nurture each soul with the codes that will allow all of My children to reach Paradise, where the Kingdom of God waits for you.
For this Universal Love to be able to awaken, the experience of the “self” must be in a deep process of transcendence, in which the souls will be the ones to govern the personalities of the beings, carrying forward the commands that the spirits impel in the service that each consciousness must do for God.
When a soul is suffocated by the needs of this world and subdued by illusion, the spirit that should guide and command it, loses the possibility of conducting the evolution of each child of Mine, and in this way the efforts are lost, nulled by the demanding material life.
The soldiers of Christ, the ones who have been summoned since always by My Son to support the purification of this planet, must have it clear that they will be exposed to these definitions, in which the soul will feel the intense pressure of the commitment with the Heights as well as the intense pressure of material life. Know, beloved children, that nothing can prevent this to happen, because My Son must know on whom He can truly count.
To be a soldier of Christ is not only a label placed on the forehead. A soldier of Christ is the one who knows that their Lord is the first thing in their life. That from Him and through Him all other things of life are driven under His Protection, His Guidance and His Will.
A soldier of Christ loves completely the chosen path. Without doubting that whatever happens they will be guided and placed wherever it is necessary, wherever their Lord needs them to be.
A soldier of Christ is a consciousness that knows that the Plan of Rescue, to which they have been called, is not only for their own sake, but for the sake of all humanity and they also know that they will not receive any reward in this life.
A soldier of Christ does everything out of love for their Lord, without expecting any results; just for serving, loving and living the major surrender.
A soldier of Christ trusts in their Lord above all things and out of love for Him, surrenders day by day their whole life, the great and minor things to the heart of their Lord.
Children of Mine, who offers themselves to be soldiers of the Redeemer? I come in this time to call you for this great task and I will protect the lives and the paths of the simple and brave children of Mine who surrender out of love for this universal task.
Today I protect and take care of you with all My Maternal Love.
Thank you for being with Me.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The world is very noisy for listening to God.
I Am the Lady of Silence. You will recognize God through My Heart. In My Silence are found the answers to the deep aspirations of your lives, those that can never be materialized due to the great noise of this humanity.
I Am the Lady of Harmony, the One Who cultivates the seeds of Christ so that My Son may sprout in your hearts and find His dwelling and His space, so that in the end He may act and work in your lives.
Dear children, I Am the Lady of Healing and of Silence, that which humanity has not discovered yet, since it does not know in depth all of My faces.
I bring to you the attributes of God, although you do not know them in depth. Today My Heart reveals them to you.
Silence, Harmony and Healing are necessary for humanity. In this way the world will balance itself. But I know that very few will answer to this call.
You cannot be in silence in these times, but if you keep seeking the path of prayer, of the prayer of the heart and of the spirit, I assure you that you will find the silence that you are not able to live.
God wishes to pour His Graces over humanity all the time, but it is necessary for humanity to find silence in order to be able to hear God and to perceive that which it is not doing well.
As in other times, dear children, by means of My Silence I come to prevent many things. You can experience this School, the School of the inner silence, so that you may perceive, children of Mine, how important it is to manifest silence in this humanity. In this way many things will be resolved in time and fewer souls will get lost within these great human uproars.
If you do not seek silence, dear children, who will seek it? Who will be willing to live silence in order to find God?
Our Sacred Family used to live in the Silence of God. It knew the Laws and used to apply the Rays in order to manifest the Will of Adonai.
It is time for you to awaken to the inner silence. The noise of the world is quite suffocating and the souls cannot listen to the Kingdom of God; they cannot listen to the angels singing and even less to all of the celestial choirs.
So that these things may descend to the material world from the spiritual Kingdom, silence must exist in the material level. In this way, your doubts will be dispersed and the great concerns of your lives will be dissolved by the action of the inner silence. Once you enter into profound contemplation you will be able to easily perceive, children of Mine, that which is fine inside of you and all that must be corrected in time.
The world is very noisy and it gets lost in superficial things. It prefers to listen to the modernities than to feel its own inner heart.
In this world that is so noisy, that does not live the inner silence, many hearts are afflicted all the time because they do not pray and even less live the silence that God needs in this time.
Those that will have the grace of receiving Christ will have to be in a state of profound silence because My Son will arrive by means of silence, which does not mean muteness.
The profound Silence of Jesus will be expressed from the spiritual level. It will be a Law that will descend to this planet, the sacred Law of Spiritual Silence. For this, your hearts must be prepared and the School of prayer is your first step to be able to live It.
Although you must pray with your lips, you must also seek the inner silence. The recited prayer will bring you to the inner silence and in this way you will understand many things, children of Mine. Especially those things that you have not yet been able to solve will receive Light and Wisdom and soon will be solved.
If you have the goal of silence, I assure you that you will help the entire humanity. The noise is so great and so suffocating that the souls cannot even think of seeking silence. Silence is an experience of life; it is an attitude and an inner state that you need to construct in these difficult times. In this way, Your Mother of Silence will be close to you so that through the inner silence I may be able to say many things to you; that your souls may understand the mysteries of God and may receive the wisdom that is so necessary for these times
Use the verb only as necessary. May your lips be solely dedicated to prayer and to help to fulfill the Plans of God as God commands it. In this way you will not waste energy and you will be within the state of My Silence.
I will assist you, children of Mine, so that you may see clearly how the world does not find the inner silence and then misses the opportunity of experiencing Healing and, mainly, Harmony.
Very few are those who live this inner silence and that can reflect to the world the true Spirit of God so that It may fill all of the hearts of the Earth, especially those that are distant from God.
You will find the key of silence in the adoration of the Most Holy Eucharistic Body of My Son. In Him the total silence is reflected so that you may receive it and thus find clarity in all things.
The world does not find silence because it is not willing to seek it. How will the Laws act upon the world if the world is not in silence?
Ask for help from your guardian angels so that this silence may manifest itself. The more you live in silence and in attunement, the greater number of catastrophes will be avoided, and suffering will be alleviated, and it will not be necessary for the hearts to suffer as a result of a great human noise that never ends and that never ceases.
For this the hearts must pray a lot, so that they may attain at least the first state of silence and may rise from the surface of the Earth. Then they will enter into another vibration and harmony. In this way your spirits will be filled by My Peace. And in the end of times it will be this Peace that I will give to you that which will act upon all of the things that are so noisy that will neither find quietude nor harmony.
I come to announce to you My Universal Silence. I know that you would like to know other things about Me, but I come to reveal to you the true necessity.
You are crossing the times of darkness and many take refuge in the modernities in order to be able to isolate themselves from their disturbances and fears. Nonetheless panic increases due to the lack of prayer and silence.
As in Kibeho, I come to announce the sacred word of God, giving you the opportunity to deeply reflect in time, offering you My warning so that you may change promptly. The more there are seekers of the Universal Silence, the less the planet will suffer, or at least a small part of the continents of the Earth will be safeguarded.
See the lack of silence in the oceans. God created them in order to express silence to this world. Humanity has been in charge of tormenting them.
See the lack of silence in Nature. God created the trees so that they would express the spiritual Silence and the constant search for elevation towards the Heights. Humanity keeps tormenting them.
Who will pay these debts if the hearts do not truly pray, and even less, seek the inner silence? How will the scales be balanced? How will humanity be able to ask for Graces to Heaven if it does not even change the minimum? If you keep killing animals, how will it be possible for humanity be saved?
You must change in your memory all of the human codes and transform your lives through prayer.
My Son has not come to the world by chance. He came to give to you the Sacraments so that you would be able to redeem your lives and spirits and leave this normality that has been created by the adversary. How will the birds be able to sing the Word of God? How will they be able to express the harmony of the Universe?
How will the whales be able to sing in the oceans, if they are hunted by humans, who degenerate the Kingdoms of Evolution? How will the world be able to receive Mercy, if those who ask for it are so few? How will the suffering of the hearts cease and how will the diseases of the body and of the soul be prevented, if you continue to walk backwards, violating all of the laws; forgetting God, and seeking the modern god through technologies?
Do not be prey for My adversary. Be good sheep of Christ. I Am the Shepherd of your souls, Who comes to prepare the flocks for Redemption so that they may seek the path of rehabilitation and may turn away from from perdition.
Who will close the abysses? Who will assist Me in building the new humanity?
I do not tire of praying for you and, prostrated by the Thrones of God, I ask for Mercy for this world.
May you leave from here really changed and in this way you will deserve the Grace of God. The Grace of God has allowed Me to say all these things so that you may grow in your consciousness and so that your souls stop being immature and may make the decision for the path of the Plan of God.
I Am the Lady of the Divine Word Who draws the souls near to the Kingdom of God.
I Am the Director of the new armies, the one Who ignites the Mirrors of prayer. If the Mirrors were not ignited through the prayers of all of the souls, how would the world survive? Where would your feet be now? In which part of the Cosmos or in which lost places?
Do you understand the Mercy of God now? Be merciful and patient. Purify yourselves like God wishes and consecrate your lives to My Heart. I give you the Grace of consecrating you so that you may follow My steps.
My message has been delivered and I hope that you may be able to review it so that it may remain in your hearts as an exit door to the hope of God.
Now, may all of the children whom I will consecrate come here. I have them all on My lap as the Mother of humanity.
Under the authority that God has given Me, in the name of the Grace and of the Mercy of Jesus, I consecrate you to My Immaculate Heart and I hope to see you in the future, steadfast to the path of consecration and of prayer. Because in this way the Mirrors of prayer will fill the Promised Land.
In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Go in peace, dear children. I thank you.
Dear children,
At the doors of an end of cycle and at the begging of another, of greater purification and definition, I ask you to not be afraid and to clench My mantle with your hands, so that together in Christ we may be able to cross the great storm of this worldly and spiritual transition.
May your eyes look at Me all the time. May your hearts feel Me all the time. May your minds be united to the Mind of God so that no one might lose their path towards the Glorious Heart of Christ. May your tests, challenges and confirmations be an opportunity to belong to the Plan of God. Children, there is no longer any consciousness nor soul over the Earth that is not living their own transition. But My Heart is the key and the antidote to prevent and to relieve any purification.
Now that you are more mature and conscious of the word of the Divine Hierarchy, do not allow yourselves to stay motionless in the middle of the path, as if there were nothing else to be done. Leave the torpor that My adversary produces all the time and, as decided apostles, assume the task that has been entrusted to you.
Children, unite yourselves, unite yourselves very much! Beyond your ideas and preferences, do not lose the course of the Divine Purpose. You are guided by My Immaculate Spirit so that someday your lives might be the reflection of a purity that was worked upon by effort and charity. Do not distract yourselves with the superficial and common things, the spirit of your concentration and prayer should already transcend the difficulties.
If you call yourselves My soldiers, then be so with truth and act in the way that the Universe needs. I still see many children with their feet over two boats, waiting for the Universe to decide for the life of each one of them, but this will not happen any longer! Open your eyes from the sleep that absorbs you and see the reality of this humanity, the one that hurts and damages itself, the one that loses all the values of a true and healthy family, the one that subjects many souls to styles and tendencies of a demonic life. Cut the network of evil with your swords of light and may prayer be the principle to create the great divine protection.
Hop on the horses of light and tame your preferences, be ready at any hour or moment to respond to the commands of the Universal Mother. The worlds is only now crossing the first door to the transition, and it will be stronger if the world keeps on outraging the Law of God, as if nothing else mattered.
Rule with serenity and harmony, search for the Essence of My Son in order for your ideas to be guided by the wisdom of His Heart. Adore Him and build the foundations for the New Humanity! Do not separate yourselves! Be loving and you will not feel alone during the battle of the Woman Dressed of the Sun against the beast. Elevate your thoughts to God and live Mercy as the only and last exit, thus you will be saved.
I thank you for answering to My call!
In the sovereign power that rules you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children in Christ,
The power that adoration to the Blessed Sacrament has is unknown to the world.
My Son is truly present in the Eucharist and mainly in all the hearts that, having confessed, receive the Eucharistic Body of Christ.
In each adoration, just as in each new communion, the essential union between the Spiritual Universe and the material one can be established, and a great amount of divine gifts can embody in the hearts of those who are most simple. It is through adoration that the Kingdom of God is established, and in this way, the laws renew the principles of the life of holiness and service.
Children, in adoration is found the great portal to the Heavens, where your souls can enter into communion with God the Highest, of the Universe. Through sacred adoration of the Eucharistic Body of Christ, the doors to evil are closed, and the angels help in the liberation of collective and mental disorder.
Dear children, being before My Son requires surrender, trust, and humility so that the true principles of faith, which are based on love and devotion, can be active in your lives.
Children, if humanity observed for one moment the importance of adoration of the Christ and looked less at the computer, I assure you, My dear ones, that humanity would be far from punishment for so much cruelty and wickedness.
Therefore, you who are more awake, be ambassadors and adorers of the Living Body of Christ, so that on Earth a thread of mercy will exist that will gradually reverse many things. The decision is in your hearts.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
Who meets you in the sacred adoration of Christ,
Your Mather Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear Children,
Every day the Universe of God comes to meet you to bring you the Holy Spirit of Peace and so that this sacred presence, which is born from Our Blessed Hearts, may express in your lives and in the whole of humanity.
Children, in these days in which humanity is losing its peace, be bearers of the Peace of My Son, a Peace that will free you from all evil, and as His apostles, you will be able to profess and testify to the living of that Peace that is already at a minimum in some hearts.
The world is in a spiritual war, and that is why I come to institute the real path of return to the Heart of Christ; in this way, My children, you will be able to recognize that your school of continuous prayer and continuous adoration of the Living Body of My Son, which is present in the Eucharist, will give you the necessary strength to be able to predicate in these difficult times.
For this reason, children, with the courage and love that characterizes you, go and radiate My spirit of peace; this way many souls that feel alone will return to the Arms of the Celestial Father.
I thank you for responding to My call every day!
Who gathers you together in the Love of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of the Peace
Dear children of the Americas, of Central America, and of the United States,
I thank you for the essential union made between your hearts in order to materialize My much waited arrival to Colombia and to the United States of America.
Since the first day that you began your exercise of group prayer for such important cause, My Heart was filled with bliss and with hope by seeing from Heaven the motivation and the effort of your souls in wanting to materialize My sacred designs.
On this extraordinary day, in which your Heavenly Mother visits you from Heaven in order to renew you in faith and in the trust in God, I wish that you might get to know and respond to a especial task, a task that, from this day on, My Immaculate Heart will entrust to you, as a means of help and intercession to make possible the visit of the Divine Messengers to South America and to North America.
Dear children, I ask you, on this day of blessing and of Grace, to continue to pray together for the plans of your Most Holy Mother. For all to be possible, I invite you to realize a campaign for Peace, so that in this way the plans of the Virgin Mary may be fulfilled in this part of the world.
Children, as your Mother of the homes and of all the families of the world, I wish that each group of prayer may carry out a fundraising campaign that may be the most convenient and simple to them, with the divine goal of manifesting the necessary funds that will permit the materialization of the next pilgrimage of Mary to Colombia and to the United States.
Children, a loving means for this campaign will be the canticles of Mercy Mary, of the Crystal Mother, which can be offered at will in countries such as Colombia, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, Ecuador, and the Dominican Republic. Also in the United States, they can be offered to My children, to those who migrated to this country in search of a better life and survival expectance.
I keep all of them in My Heart and in My prayers so that one day they may return to their nations without the need of being separated from their families and from their lands of origin.
Children, you can realize in each of these nations a campaign that may respond to the way of life and to the culture of each people, that which knows and lives Our Lady. Congregate in the United States all of the Latin Americans that live there, so that the ones who are moved by faith, may collaborate with the plans of the Heavenly Mother.
Each group in each country will be able to exercise its creativity and, in this way, find the means in order to raise the basic funds for the pilgrimages of the Celestial Messengers. Your Mother of Heaven wishes to motivate you to work in cooperation with the Evolutionary Plan, and above all, that you may experience the love and the fraternity between the languages and the sister nations.
Remember, children, to summon the brothers and sisters of Mexico for this task, because the Spirit of your Lady of Guadalupe will spiritually unify the purpose of this mission to Colombia and to the United States.
Dear children, I reveal to you that the Sacred Family, in Its Humility and Love used to live on simple jobs, but abnegated, in order to fulfill the purpose of God.
Good work and good fraternal cooperation to all!
Who blesses you and unites you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
A soul that prays with the heart is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it intercessor between God and the humans.
A soul that consecrates itself to a life of prayer is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it instrument of God in the world, door of His Mercy for the most needy ones.
A soul that seeks, thirsty and tireless, the Source of the Universal Life is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it precursor of the New Race, seed of the New Humanity which will live peace, forgiveness and redemption.
A soul that seeks redemption and walks towards the Infinite, without losing sight of the return to the Celestial Origin is, for Me, favorite, because I will call it light in the world, guide of the lost ones, safe path, an example to be followed.
A lost soul that extends its arms to Me is, for Me, favorite, because it represents My possibility of helping many more. I will call it reason of My coming to the world.
A sinful soul that repents of heart and seeks the forgiveness of God is, for Me, favorite, because it indicates to the Universe that this humanity is still rescuable. I will call it Divine Hope in the human heart.
A soul that does not believe in God, that does not seek Him, that does not repent of its sins and carries on causing evil in the world will also be, for Me, favorite, because this soul will impel Me to be tireless and My Heart will not leave this world until the last one of them has been rescued. I will call it Victory of Christ in the world and in the Universe because someday this Victory will happen.
My beloved, I wish with these words to say to you that all of the souls of this world are favorite before My Heart, each one of them will impel Me to pour over humanity a different Grace of God.
With the same love, perseverance and joy I will seek those who accompany Me and those who deny Me everyday because My maternal eyes know what they represent to God and just see, in each soul, its Divine Origin.
When My Eyes contemplate the world, they find in each being a possibility of the living manifestation of the Love of God, as well as it happened with My beloved Son Jesus because God Himself lives inside of each being, as well as He lives inside of Christ.
On this day I descend upon the world to bless humanity in a special way, I invite you to be My assistants in this blessing. It is in this way, My beloveds, that I ask you to put inside your eyes, My maternal eyes and inside your hearts, My Immaculate Heart and in this way, see each creature with My Eyes and feel them with My Heart.
Discover the magnitude that is kept in the essence of each being and help Me to awake the purest in each heart. Help Me to show this humanity that a Living God longs to live in its interior and this is for all, even for the most lost ones.
On this day, My dears, God calls you to contemplate Him in each being and, in this way, create a condition of Unity in order for Him to awake in the human heart and, thus, a New Race, full of God, may be a reality and not only hope.
I love you and I leave today My blessing and My gratitude to My dear Son, who with His effort, makes My coming to the world possible.
Pray, children of Mine, for all of the visionaries consecrated to My Heart so that they may be strengthened and firm in Christ in the times that will come.
May the Grace of God and His Peace be today in your hearts and in the whole world.
I bless you,
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
Beloved children,
Today I find Myself among you to bring peace, relieve and an expansion of light that may reach your consciousnesses, so that they may strengthen themselves in the Love of God.
In time of tests, of great definitions and greater commitments that must be assumed by the soldiers of Christ, My adversary uses all of his tricks to put in the heart and in the mind of My children, creations that are not real, ideas and feelings that disturb them and that only seek to remove them from the task of the spirit that incarnated on this Earth to serve God.
All those feelings and thoughts that distance you from My Heart and from the heart of your brothers and sisters are in process of transformation so that once and for all you may die for love. This will permit that the truthful that exists in you and that was sown as a talent by My Son, may sprout, flourish and develop.
These true attributes are kept, in some cases, under several keys because the mediocre aspects of humanity have been cultivated in consciousness throughout history and developed as false attributes, what deceives all of My children into thinking that they are their best spiritual qualities, mental and material skills.
While these false attributes are defended and treasured as real and sublime inside of the beings, the true attributes and talents remain captive in cages, where they can not express themselves or fulfill what they came to do in this world.
But My Love and the Redeeming Love of My Son come to break the locks of these prisons so that, what you truly are, My Beloved Children, be able to be liberated and the mediocrity learned by this humanity throughout history may be able to finally be unmasked and die.
The art of loving, dear children, is that task that God has entrusted to you, an exercise full of challenges in which each consciousness takes as a goal to overcome every day, one by one, the mediocrities of this world, with determination, will and faith to reach this vital purpose that keeps waiting for the worthy Children of God.
When a consciousness is determined to achieve what God in truth has sown in it, going over its own head, without fear of what it will find, it receives from the Celestial Spheres an assistance that is not from this world, which is reserved for the brave ones.
When a consciousness is willing, in humility, to discover what false this world has put in them and decide to discover the potential the Universe has sown in their interior, the Heavens collaborate so that their prompt awakening to the truthful may open the door of the treasure that had been guarded for so long.
Beloved children, persevere, work, be strong and brave. Discover the false that My adversary has sown in your hearts and do not allow to be prevented to feel the full joy of discovering who you truly are.
I guide you, trust in My designs, in My requests and thus I will be able to help you to liberate yourselves from what you are not.
Today I bless My favorite son, the one that is favorite for the effort he has made in discovering the instrument that I have built within him and in offering himself to be led by God to the awakening of his brothers and sisters.
I want to be able to serve Myself from all My beloved children as instruments of Light in My hands.
I love you, I protect you with My Immaculate Heart. Thank you for being today with Me.
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
Like the Breath of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles of Christ, today that Divine Breath floods your spirits, so that on experiencing the cycle of inner rehabilitation, you now confirm your union with Christ, Our Lord.
Thus, My Son will find apostles ready to serve Him above all else, because truly, your purification is the prelude for entering into a state of Divine Consciousness.
Between your terrestrial beings and the soul of each of My children there must be no abyss that will separate you from the Purpose and the fulfillment of the task My Son entrusted to you from the beginning.
Now, this Divine Breath will carry you to a discovery of everything whose time has come to go through its death, so that, crossing the portal toward the Heavens, your cells become divine in Christ, the Lord.
Between one cycle and the next you will find the abysses of consciousness, abysses that must be illumined by the power of the love and unity among souls. This is the key that will open the door of freedom from the self for you and believe that from now on, you must allow yourselves to be loved and must set aside the calvary that through a lack of understanding you are experiencing within yourselves.
Your souls must be in constant unity and fraternity; views and concrete ideas can no longer reign in the collective thought of souls. Your source of renewal must be the Love of God, a Love that bears all things, forgives all things and understands all things.
In this way, you will be free of always seeing imperfection and will awaken to the virtues of the unity and love that My Son taught you. For this reason, children, you are in time to reconsider and of not allowing the ideas of My adversary to completely invade your consciousnesses.
The spiritual battle of the end of times has now begun which will come from the hand of the accelerated and intense purification that many will face, to then be able to enter into the Kingdom of God.
During the battle will be the moment when you must be more united than ever, so the Divine Breath of Wisdom may always place you on the correct path. In this way, you will be able to collaborate and help all those who will be lost, through ignorance or deceit, to be placed on the right path.
Be witnesses of all the Divine Legacy which has been given to you. Nothing occurs by chance; that Legacy will be your fortitude and your knowledge, as Our Sacred Hearts will also be.
I thank you for responding in consciousness to My call for peace, in this time of the spiritual battle of the end of times.
Who assembles you in the Luminous Heart of Christ,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
My children,
Every 19th day, My Chaste Spouse opens a universal and celestial door so that lost souls may find again the way back to God, the Creator.
So that this Grace may be granted in the heart of the simple and good server; so that each one of you may be, every 19th of the month, a bridge toward the Universe of God; your Beloved Saint Joseph needs you to love to seek the essence of a humbleness of heart, so that from your minds the codes of self-destruction and illegitimate power against My Beloved Son may be banished.
Every 19th of each month, through your prayers, the altars of Saint Joseph receive lilies of light, souls redeemed and converted through the loving action of your sacred offering.
Each lily of light which is placed at the foot of the altar of the Patriarch Saint Joseph is then offered as a symbol of restoration and of peace between humanity and God; in this way, the Plan manifests again month by month in the life of each soul.
Dear children, all these redeemed souls merge into the Great Heart of God and a new Purpose descends over a world which would already be on the edge of a universal collapse.
Children, do not waste time with your inner realities; be consistent with the Grace of the Humility that Saint Joseph pours out every month. In this way, you will drink of the Source of the Humility of Saint Joseph, and as a result, your lives will achieve a good redemption.
Every 19th day, My Immaculate Heart is the most pure and most chaste portal so that millions of essences of this world may achieve the Parentage of God and a Filiation with God through the Chaste Heart.
Each novena made to the Saint of Humility and the Poor Laborer of God is received in the Kingdom of the Heavens as an opportunity to transform your lives.
Do not deceive yourselves, My children; take the Hand of simplicity and chastity that My Holy Husband reaches out to you, with the hope that one day you may reach the path of renunciation and humility.
Thus, be pure of heart, and you will not miss the infinite Grace of continuing to be instructed by Saint Joseph. He is your Father and Guardian. He is the One Who after My Assumption, from the universe, assumed your conversion to God.
Seek that which is most simple in you and give it to the Chaste Instructor of Love; in this way, you will be able to know all the humble things that allowed the glorification of the Sacred Hearts.
Today, your Heavenly Mother is here to console you and hopes you will now be able to grow into the maturity of a simple evolutionary life, yet full of the humility that will make you similar to My Beloved Son.
Greetings to all the missionaries of peace and I hope this same group of souls has the Grace of continuing to respond to the designs of the Celestial Messengers; for Our eternal aspiration is your humble sanctity, a sanctity that will awaken to the New Humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who carries you into the arms of Saint Joseph,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
May My Peace be your peace, so that by being able to see all the things in your lives from the vision of the Universe of God, in this difficult time, you can transform in time everything that will become a spiritual battle in the lives of many of My children.
On this day of awareness, may your consciousnesses enter into the spirit of the Divine Love and from there restore all that is damaged by your minds and feelings.
In the face of your purification, be seekers of the spirit of the Sacred Unity, because these are already My last Messages for the world, they are the last preparatory Messages that will be able to give you the necessary maturity so that you can work in Christ.
My Eternal Father made known to you the power of prayer and of the divine life through the Presence of Christ on the planet.
Live forever the aspiration to be nothing in this life, that way you will be reaching the spirit of humility more quickly.
Abandon your arrogance and say no to disunity, that way I will be able to say that you have grown in spirit and that you are truly in the right place, doing the right things.
Redemption is the same as purification. Do not put your inner aspects to tests that you could not pass. God has a place for each of His children.
I give you the freedom to choose the path of My Son, the path of perfection, or the path of the world, the path of pain and improvement.
Our Sacred Hearts await all of you in the Kingdom of Peace. Unify and do not lose sight of the sacred Purpose of God.
I thank you for alleviating My Heart outraged by the sins of the world.
Who holds you in the arms of Mercy,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today I draw as close to you as your hearts allow.
As your Mother from Heaven, I wait for the great day of your redemption, for in this way, you will be free of the prison of doubt and the lack of real love.
Today I come from the Divine Universe to give a Message of Peace to the world, and for this to be possible, I come to look for the spirit of transcendence and peace in you. In this way, you will walk free of yourselves and will avoid always returning to the same departure point to begin again.
My grand Love waits to make you free, more every day, because on being withdrawn from the captivity of the heart, the soul will become as free as the flight of a sacred bird.
I wish your lives to be sanctified in Christ. I no longer need your inner resistance. Open your heart! Because during these last seven years of special Graces, you have already learned to love. If you do not love, you will never be able to forgive nor forgive yourselves.
My Son died for all, so that nobody else would have to pay the price of injustice and pain. Remember My Crucified Son, present in the Eucharist, and dispel the tribulations from your hearts.
I pray for your true inner freedom. It is already time to quickly reconsider and become reconciled, so as to not become like a stone between My Feet.
I wish for a rose of peace from your souls. Since the beginning, I aspire that you be converted in Christ and for Christ. Thus, the promised plan will be fulfilled and the whole Earth will achieve the Thousand Years of Peace.
Remember what I tell you. Do not reject My Words; take them as your own, for in this way, you will grow, and as adults, you will live a true Christic discipleship.
Know, children, that I love you and correct you, so you are able to expand the Love of God in this apocalyptic world, a love so needed by imprisoned souls.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who cultivates the spirit of holy humility in you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The path of total consecration to God is what your Heavenly Mother aspires for you all.
According to this aspiration and in these times, many souls will go through the test that will confirm the chosen path, and I will be there to help you to make the right internal decision without feeling guilty, but only the love of God.
Children, the saint of the last days will be present to help you on the culminating time of the transition of the Earth when the red moon defines the awakening of a new cycle, liberating from the sin and from the errors.
For this reason the challenges and the tests will be the tone that will mark the beginning of this new cycle, free from sorrow and from human suffering. That is why on this day I bring you the divine consciousness of the universal consecration, a mission that will be for many of My children, the ones that will push the heavy boat of this world so that you may definitely navigate in the sea of Grace and Mercy.
Your structures will move and all the dark control will stop governing so that once and for all everyone may be in Jesus, and Jesus may be forever in you.
Children, grant permission so that My Son governs your lives; in that way no other governor or aspect of your own non-purified lives will be able have determination in the spiritual lives of your souls.
For this, be meek and let My Son conquer you little by little so that He, in His Infinite Glory, may have the instruments to developed the last part of the Plan of God.
Look at your sins as instruction and opportunity for transformation and interior change; in that way when My Son has taken over the kingdom of your lives all the receptive souls will be sanctified.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who leads you to love the consecration,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Always bring My message of peace to the world and to all of the souls that do not know the power of My maternity and of My Love.
In your paths you will find hearts in need of the Mercy of God and it will be this Divine Mercy that will open the door for redemption and for the liberation of the sins.
For this, children, be apostles of Christ in love and in truth. The adversary fears these great virtues because there he cannot establish his kingdom of darkness. Love and truth will make you understand and accept the current decadence of an indifferent and materialistic humanity. In this humanity there are still praying suns that shine and bring hope to an uncontrolled and restless world without peace or unity.
Dear children, the times will be complicated because humanity and mainly some hearts without God will promote unusual events for the world. For this I come to ask you that everyday you may offer the prayer of the heart. It will be your shield against My adversary.
Those who do not pray, how will they be saved? This is the science of the end of times, the prayer of heart, the prayer of love, the prayer of truth, of peace.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who blesses you in calm and in peace,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Colombia, as an Andean and indigenous nation, holds one of the most important original legacies of the primitive and wise peoples.
For Creation, the Andes as a whole represents the spiritual elevation of the consciousness of humanity.
All the original peoples who developed there managed to spiritually maintain a union with the Divinity of the Eternal Father.
When the peoples were decimated and enslaved by the white man, a great spiritual and inner wound remained in the last descendants.
This unforgettable wound, which expanded throughout all the Americas, from the peoples of North America, going through the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas, left a pending debt to be resolved.
This is one of the many causes of what can be seen in this time, a consequence of what happened in other times.
It is this wound that your Mother of Grace wishes to heal and dissolve through the power of restorative love.
For this reason, Colombia is the cradle to be able to again awaken reverence and devotion for the principles of sacred and divine life.
In Bogota, your Heavenly Mother will try to open a celestial doorway of Mercy, and this will be possible especially because of the help of all the groups of prayer present there, during the days of the meetings with your Divine Mother.
For this reason, children, one of the just causes, for which all the groups of prayer of the Americas, especially of Central America and the Caribbean, pray for this Marian objective, is so that as from now, the Law of Divine Mercy may be established on this debt caused by Europe.
Thus, your Mother of Guadalupe will be the patroness of the mission in Colombia and the United States. I will return, as in Tepeyac, to call humanity to a profound reconciliation, for in this way, through forgiveness and communion with My Son Jesus, the Andes and Europe will close a cycle of suffering and cruelty generated in the primitive indigenous civilizations.
Dear children of Mine, for this reason, from now on I prepare you in consciousness, revealing the real story of humanity to you, for God hopes that the same errors will not be repeated.
For this, your Lady of Guadalupe will return to the heights of the mountains of the Americas, so that the Bird of the Sun may emit the voice of redemption and forgiveness.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and unites you with Christ,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May there be opened the doors of the Kingdom of Lis, a Kingdom of Purity, a Kingdom of Love, a Kingdom of Devotion, where the souls find Peace and the union with the Essence of God.
May there be opened the doors of the Kingdom of Lis so that the thirsty, the forsaken, the lost, the wounded, the sick of body, of soul and of heart, may be able to enter to receive healing and forgiveness.
May those who proclaim My name and clamor for Mercy and for intercession before My altar rejoice profoundly today because I am opening the doors of My Kingdom on Earth, the Kingdom of Lis, the Kingdom of Fatima, and those that may unite to My purpose with the heart will serve as a bridge between this Kingdom and all the places of the world.
Children of Mine, I ask you today that, in a special way, you pray the Holy Rosary so that My Kingdom may be expanded in the world and My presence may not be proclaimed only in Fatima but in all of the hearts.
Today I want that the afflicted find comfort, that the sick be healed, that the thirsty be satiated, that the anguished find peace and that the sinners receive Mercy.
Tonight, when you light the candles to receive Me, remember that the Kingdom of Fatima is lit in devotion and unite to the font of peace and redemption that I will make descend to the world in this moment.
It is already time for Justice, My beloveds. The debts of the hearts will be collected by the Laws of Heaven and of the Earth and in order for the Mercy of My Son to continue to be hope for the souls, it is necessary to exist merciful hearts in the world.
God is Just but also merciful when He finds in the world those that are willing to be bearers of His Mercy for all of the souls.
Admit, My dear children, that the times are already something else and that the inner maturity needs to be born in all of those that listen to the voice of God. When I say this I am asking that you never forget the existence of a higher life, of the responsibility that you have undertaken in face of the fulfillment of the Plans of God. When a soul does not want to grow, it forgets every day of its commitment with God and it gives itself the same permission to not comply with the Celestial designs.
You already know the part that is due to you to fulfill. God speaks to you by means of His Messengers every day. Uncountable were the Graces poured and infinite was the Mercy granted to the world so that you could awake and fulfill the mission of living on Earth as one lives in Heaven. This is reached by following the steps dictated by the Messengers of God and by denying every day the love for the material things, dying to the world and being born again to the life of the spirit.
My beloved, the Kingdom of Lis is a spiritual reality that transcends My beloved Sanctuary of Fatima. There I constructed My Kingdom in the invisible, as I have done in Heaven. Those who believe in My words will find It. Those who already know It will awaken It, and those who have already awaken It in their interior will live It and expand It throughout the entire world.
Sing and pray with fervor! Today is a day of Grace! Today is a day of Glory!
The Kingdom of God descends to the world and is consolidated in the inner of those who say yes.
I leave My blessing to My beloved children of Europe, to the children of Lis. May they be the main door so that My Kingdom may be expanded throughout the world.
Proclaim the Kingdom of Lis!
Live Mercy, Peace and Redemption always!
I love you and invite you to the perpetual prayer of the heart.
Your Mother Mary, Lady of the Rosary, Queen of Lis
Dear Children,
Today, when the Universe of God touches the Earth and pours Its Mercy over the whole planet, your Mother of the Most Holy Rosary, from America united to the heart of the Kingdom of Fatima will proclaim the word of life, the one that Her beloved Son Jesus requested Her to pronounce on this sacred day.
For this reason today your Celestial Mother will be united to all of the essences of this world, those that on this 13th of May declare to God and to Jesus Christ that the world accepts and recognizes the Mother of God as the Mother of all and as the Queen of Peace.
In this way the Angelic Universe will be radiating from Fatima, heart of the essential purity, a sea of Graces mainly over the hearts and souls that have remained imprisoned in the illusion and in the claws of the adversary.
Today, from the heart of the Kingdom of Fatima, it will be declared Peace for the world and this will come especially to the hearts that may commune on this day and may pray at least a mystery of the Holy Rosary.
Thus, dear children, the Church of Christ, the one that lives in eternity within the simple hearts, will be awakened again. And the Holy Father will receive an inner aid with which He will be able to keep the spiritual world balanced for some more time.
For this, children, the Queen of the Holy Rosary will descend today in South America in spirit of peace and renovation so that all of the souls of the world may collect the last fruits that the Mother of Heaven will deliver in the hands of the simple and the truthful.
Today from Fatima, the priests of the whole world and all of the favorite children of Our Lady, the ones consecrated to the sacerdotal life, will deliver to the people of God a key that will open the door to liberation of all sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary. From this door, the most sinful souls will be able to direct themselves through the path of inner and spiritual rehabilitation.
Twelve Celestial Angels of the Universe will be celebrating along with Our Lady this communion of reparation and of atonement of the whole world, an event that will happen at the same time in all of the tabernacles of the Earth.
But if there is a greater spirit of faith and of devotion to Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, the Mother of God, Saint Michael Archangel and Saint Gabriel Archangel will promise to the good souls, aid during the hour of death and mainly the spiritual conversion of the family. This will be so if today you pray the Rosary with heart, without asking anything in return, only that the Plan of God be fulfilled in the ungrateful souls.
From the Kingdom of Fatima, the angelic spheres will shine and entrust to all of the guardian angels of the world to celebrate along with Our Lady the universal communion for Peace.
For this, today, your Heavenly Mother comes to ask to all of Her Children to commune of the Body and of the Blood of Christ. This atonement that will be granted by the Virgin Mary will last until the 14th of May of 2015, moment in which will be closed the last door of conversion.
Dear children, today I invite you to adore Jesus and that all may feel united to the Sanctuary of Fatima, Portugal, so that this sacred task of your Mother may be fulfilled as it is planned.
I thank the groups of prayer of the Americas, of the United States and Europe for being already answering to My call!
The Work will be fulfilled because these are the last missions of the Most Holy Virgin before the return of Christ.
Who thanks and blesses you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
On this night of Graces, I want to give My blessing to the world, mainly to the hearts that are empty, so they may all receive the Peace of God.
From the heart of Fatima and with joy, I gather you all in the Sacred Cenacle, in the Presence of My beloved Son Jesus and the faithful and most chaste Presence of Saint Joseph, for as the Sacred Family of the universe, We radiate Our Stars of Light, which Our Consciousnesses conceived of and opened the doors to the world, directly toward the path of redemption.
On this evening, My Immaculate Heart gladly and joyfully celebrates the lit candles, the souls that wake up to the path of conversion and of peace. And although you know, My children, that the whole world suffers and endures, today the Queen of Heaven brings a unique opportunity for all, opening the doors of the heart to you so that your lives definitely find the soul, sacred precinct of God, where your King wishes to rest at the moment of His great Return to the world.
Today, the angels of Lys assemble and deliver peace to the most distant places of the planet, especially to all those souls that do not follow My religion and do not know My divine Face. But the Mother of the World, the Lady of the Stars of the universe, the Queen crowned by the Crown of God, in the presence of all the Angels and Archangels, together with Her Son, celebrates the mass of redemption, the re-encounter with the spirit of love in all lost souls.
Thus, on this night of Graces, not only the Sanctuary of Lys is lit up, but all the hearts that devotedly awaken their inner mirrors to radiate the codes of love and of peace to the world.
Today, in truth, dear children, I feel united with each of you. In this way, your sins are liberated, and all the stains of suffering are alleviated.
I am present here, among you, My children, as the Queen of Peace, as the Queen of Love and of Mercy, as the One who had been among you in Nazareth, gestating the Son of God in Her Womb, and bringing the opportunity of change for the whole world.
I am that Woman clothed in the Sun, announced in the Apocalypse of John, who brings the moon under Her feet, announcing hope to this world that suffers, and opening the door for you for the Return of My Son, the firstborn Son of God, your Jesus, King Jesus.
Thus, open your hearts and let your faults be forgiven, through the Communion that all My children, far and wide in the world, on communing with My beloved Son, received His Most Sacred Redeemer Body, in a perfect and divine union with His mystical and divine Spirit. The Graces and Mercies of God descend to this world through the hearts of the Guardian Angels.
Thus, on this evening, I also invite you, beloved children, to dispel all problems from your minds, the Grace of your conversion is close.
The Archangel Michael, together with the Archangel Saint Gabriel, unite at this moment to radiate the power of My Immaculate Heart to the world. Happy are those who feel My maternal Presence, in spite of not seeing Me; for God still wishes, beloved children, that I use certain instruments throughout this humanity so My Word may be announced to the world, which is the Message of Christ, your Savior, which will always bring you peace and hope in these difficult times.
But today, in My universal and maternal reign, My sacred hands sustain the scepter of Peace to bring the world the true Justice of God, and in this way, all hearts can be harmonized with the Law of the Creator.
Feel the Rays of My Immaculate Heart, so that one day, beloved children, you are able to understand the Laws of the Creator; those that are greatly assaulted by ungrateful hearts that do not want to listen to My Son, neither in Confession nor in Communion.
But you, beloved children, more aware of the spiritual and higher life, will be able to raise to Heaven all the hearts of the world as a sacred offering, which before this end time, must wake up to the call of the Mother of God.
Today I am among you, strengthening the cenacle of the heart; reminding you that you must continue to pray every day, especially in this time of tribulation, which begins to take place within people, and which expresses on the outside of this material life.
I want you to leave here alert and prepared, and that all the hearts united with Me at this moment, in the Sacred Sanctuary of the Kingdom of Lys, may be able to live a good life, of reconciliation and peace, experiencing repentance, strengthening their faith in Christ, renewing the Sacraments and living a life of fraternity, so that at least, My children, a part of this race is able to concretize the advent of a New Humanity.
Some hearts already live this New Humanity in the depths of their souls, waiting for the great promise of the Promised Land that will come to aid all from the Celestial Universe, through the New Jerusalem, which will be formed by the disciples of My Son, those latter-day saints, who will proclaim the last word before the great door in this humanity is opened.
Thus, today, My children, I not only contemplate your needs, the lack of love in your hearts and the strengthening of faith in your lives; I come to bring you a Message of hope, but also a Message of warning: the hour has come for praying with the heart every day and of not wasting time on superficial things.
Feed your spirits and minds with the sacred Word of My beloved Son. Study the Gospel. Visit the Bible every day. Read the Messages and practice them, so that your lives may be an example of charity and service, through the tasks of love and the spirit of redemption.
Today, before you is the New Aurora, that which always shines in the inner firmament of the hearts that invoke it, in the Sacred Presence of the Father-Mother Creator Emmanuel, which unites you with My Divine Heart so you may experience the opportunity for redemption.
Liberate your faults and debts and find again the path to the Kingdom of God.
For this reason, today I am here, in Goiânia, so that the State of Goiás, together with Mato Grosso, may establish new groups of prayer to pray for the Kingdoms of Nature, mainly for the Animal Kingdom, which is greatly punished by all. That debt must be balanced.
For this reason, today I leave you all with the responsibility of responding to this call of My Immaculate Heart, and that you wake up to an awareness of Genesis, in which God, from the beginning, since Adam and Eve, provided all the necessary things to live without any need to assault the Animal Kingdom or any Kingdom created by your God.
I not only come for you, a sleeping humanity, announcing Myself from the Sacred Kingdom of Fatima, waking up your essences, which must be united with God all the time; I also come for the Younger Kingdoms, which co-exist with you all the time, which are injured and assaulted by the violent hands of humankind, without the least respect for the Law of Creation.
You, who live here and know about the massacres of the Animal Kingdom, I invite you, dear children, to seek a natural life, avail yourselves of that which God gave you from the beginning; feed your stomachs with healthy, divine and sublime things; leave the Kingdoms in peace, let them evolve. They need you all the time and so that the Law does not fall upon this very deaf and blind humanity.
I come to warn you, dear children, about a door, an opportunity: open your eyes to the call of your Mother from Heaven.
There is no time to lose. Do not be involved any more in modernity, do not be instruments of My adversary. Use your higher intelligence, wake up your sleeping cells so that God is able to work through your hearts and lives.
Humanity owes much to the universe; but as I come from you and you come from My Heart, I am part of this humanity since the beginning. I bring you the Truth and Justice so that you may recognize them and live with simplicity.
Beloved children, today all the universe assembles so that, from the Kingdom of Lys, souls leave renewed in hope and faith. And when you, beloved children, stop doing some things in your lives, attitudes that lead you to perdition, you will be able to understand My Message and will truly believe that everything I tell you today is part of the Will of God. In this way, you will change your lives, united every day with the Holy Rosary, elevating your spirits in perfect Communion with My resurrected Son.
So, open your eyes and stop sleeping. Come out of this sleep, this torpor. Wake up, in the same way the apostles woke up in Gethsemane, when they had to accompany the agony of My Son.
But today, I bring you a little of the Mercy of God, because I interceded for all of you so I could tell you all these things.
When humanity changes, and at least a small part of this humanity lives the last Message from Heaven, I will be able to say, My children, that you will already be prepared to receive Christ. And even though that is about to happen, My Immaculate Heart, your Solar Eagle, will continue to fly over this humanity through the sacred pilgrimages, so hearts may wake up to the Call of God and stop offending Him all the time.
Dear children, what happened in Fatima was very important; but what happens here today, in this place, is radiated to the whole world, to the world of the soul, the essential world of all hearts.
This is My testimony for all. This is My Message of warning for the whole world: change, change soon. Do not live a superfluous life. Repent in time, confess, commune with My Son and you will be saved by My Most Sacred Heart. In this way, I will be able to count on many warriors of peace who will fight, with the rosary in their hands, in the culminating time of the tribulation, in which they will be united in prayer and in spirit, in union with My Immaculate Heart, waiting for the Return of the Christ to the world, when all of humanity, from East to West, will wake up and recognize the Universal King.
On this day, My children, in which your hearts withdraw into My maternal Spirit, I am present here, filling you with My Peace and with My Love; I am present in Fatima with all My children, in all the homes that are united with Me at this moment, in all the orders consecrated to God, and I am also in Kibeho, working in the heart of Rwanda for all of Africa.
Thus, beloved children, as you know My different Aspects of Light, with which I have appeared to different hearts, to bring a Message of peace and of hope throughout the centuries; today I wish, beloved children, as your Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, that you hold in memory My Message of Peace, My Message of instruction, which comes from the Will of God and His Supreme Power. My Message is strong and intense, with the hope that your cells wake up to the call to redemption and conversion of hearts and of families.
On this evening, beloved children, place your aspirations in My hands. In the silence of the heart and the word, tell Me inwardly what it is that you need, I hear you through the silence.
And now that I have received your pleas, place your left hand over your heart and inwardly proclaim your consecration to My Immaculate Heart.
I am the Lady of the Divine Verb, and I am with all those who are consistent with God, in humility and simplicity, in reverence and love.
Today, I consecrate all these sacred images so they may be the icon of your hope, of the Mercy of God, through your Lady, the Celestial Lady.
On this evening, new children will be consecrated and I hope, will walk by My side, carrying the flag of peace. In spite of the shaking of the ground, My Heart will support those who are faithful to My maternal Spirit. I will not leave you alone, you will not walk alone, My omnipresent and universal Spirit will always fill you.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Let those children who will be consecrated come here. In the presence of Our Most Holy Lady the Virgin Mary, we will listen to "Our Lady of Kibeho."
As your Lady of the Divine Verb, the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima, as the Queen of Peace and Mother of all humanity, united in the heart, I consecrate you, dear children, under the omnipotence of My Son Jesus, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children of the United States, My hope of reaching your nation is latent in My Heart. Through your steps, My task will be concretized, and once again, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
I thank you!
Song: "Our Lady of Kibeho"
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At the request of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, we will all stand to sing the Hymn of the Sanctuary of Fatima, today, May 13.
We remain standing, quiet and in silence, and after this song, we will prepare for a break, still remaining in the Presence of Mary, to celebrate Communion together. Let us begin.
Song: "Hymn of the Sanctuary of Fatima"
Brothers and sisters present and those who are gathered together in the Marian Centers, we will begin this ceremony of Communion after this meeting with Our Lady, responding to Her request to commune with the Body and the Blood of Christ.
Afterwards, the Sacrament of Communion is celebrated with various priests of the Order.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Thank You, Mother, for all that you give us!
Children of Mine,
In these times you will be able to see how My presence and My message of Peace traverse the world by means of the sacred pilgrimages, the ones that are possible because of the loving help of all of My children.
On this day, I wish to place you in consciousness before the magnificence of the task that your Mother has been carrying out in the whole world and especially in Medjugorje and in South America. For these moments, beloved children, these two places have been chosen by the Supreme Will to represent some of the last points of light that My Immaculate Heart is igniting in the interior of the souls.
The whole of the Americas need the gentle visit of the Mother of God by means of the pilgrimages. It is for this reason that I announce to you again My pending task in the Andes and in the United States. As these are important missions, My Son has allowed for My Maternal Light to concentrate in one of the most needy places of each one of these two regions.
For this great purpose, children, today I announce to you that My Merciful and Maternal Heart wishes to arrive, in the next months, to Bogotá, Colombia, where My luminous presence will carry out, as the Bird of the Sun, a special task of blessing. For this, I also come today to ask the groups of prayer of Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Dominican Republic to form an only weekly group of prayer to pray and to work for this divine cause. In this way, your Heavenly Mother will help you to concretize Her upcoming presence in Colombia.
In the United States, your Most Holy Mother wishes to carry out, together with Her Beloved Son, a spiritual mission of conversion before the material and liberal life. In order for this conversion of the hearts to become possible and occur soon, I will ask the groups of prayer of the United States and of Europe to weekly unite in prayer in order to concretize the aspiration of the Queen of Heaven of lovingly going on pilgrimage to the city of Miami, Florida, and to the indigenous communities present in State of Oklahoma in the United States.
Children, the aspirations of Heaven are great, and you should know that your hearts have the potential and the love to carry them forward. For this reason, I do not announce to you any date, so that you may begin to work first in the interior consciousness. When the foundations for these missions of the Sacred Hearts become ready and firm, with ardent love We will go to announce the Call and pour the Graces that are necessary to all.
The mission in Africa had the result expected by the Plan of God and for the sake of all of these blessings, your Mother of the World announces to you today Her next Plan of worldly rescue.
I thank you all for answering to My requests!
Who unifies you in the heart of the Eternal Father,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children of Mine,
Every day at noon when this sacred hour is fulfilled in this part of the world, an infinite ocean of Repairing Graces is poured from My Most Pure Heart of Mother.
These extraordinary Graces are the ones that allow to carry out the conversion of heart in this time, and I wish today this announcement to be clear for everyone. Your Eternal Father has allowed Me to let you know how the whole humanity at this hour just thinks about nourishing themselves with the things of the world instead of nourishing themselves with the spirit that the prayer of the heart provides.
Children, go and testify My message. I hope that you can give the example of a life redeemed by My Immaculate Heart. Today I let you know the celestial wisdom, that which has allowed through My intercession to help you and instruct you with maternal love.
For this, children, I need you to open your hearts and recognize the daily Laws of your Father, who always waits for you to enter in truthful communion and in truthful nourishment for your spirits.
As your Mother I lead you to walk through safe pathways so that one day you may find the peace of the heart.
Therefore, My children, let My feet mark your paths so that united to My Heart you may awaken to the importance of seeking the union with the Kingdom of God before anything.
I always bless you and pray for your sacred mission.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who embraces you with special maternity,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today I bless you all in the name of My Son because in truth I say to you that it will be through Him that you will find the way out and the immediate solution for your issues of the material life.
There is nothing more special than to live in the Love of the Kingdom of God, because in the journey of this pathway are found the master keys for transformation, which are the keys for purification and for redemption.
You, following with obedience the path that My Son indicates to you, will be able to discover in time each aspect of life that needs rehabilitation. For this reason, I come everyday from Heaven so that your lives may be able witness the transformation that My Immaculate Heart has made in each one of you.
My little ones, now, with the gaze on the horizon of the rebirth of hope you will find the needed inner strength to go ahead. Today I say to you, children of Mine, that each one of you is a part of My plan of redemption, a plan that prepares the next coming of Christ to the world.
And if your hearts give true testimony of the love for My Son, you will have the possibility that your souls may be led to the discovery of the spiritual mission. Everything that may happen in your minds and hearts are states and times of purification. For this, offer it with love to the Eternal Father so that He, in His Supreme Glory, may take pity on all of those who do not want to listen to His last call.
I bring you the opportunity of carefully reconsidering your own actions. For this, as your Heavenly Mother, I promise you to always show you the truth so that you may grow up in humility and in faith.
I thank you, children, for having answered to My call in Brasilia!
A new light has awakened in the simple and fervent hearts.
Who unites you to the cenacle of the Heart of Jesus,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Raised to Heaven be the hearts that are persevering and consistent with My call, as they will be crowned on the day of their Glory by the Celestial Queen.
Raised to Heaven be the innocents, because on the day of their judgment they will reach the Mercy of God.
Raised to Heaven be the missionaries of Mary, because having crossed the threshold of the material life they will reach the day of the perpetual unification with the Supreme Divinity of God.
Raised to Heaven be all the created kingdoms, because all those who have worked tirelessly to save and protect them will receive the great day of liberation and relief.
Raised to Heaven be the worshipers of the Eucharistic Body of Christ, because arriving to the Kingdom of God they will remember the moment when the doors were open to the redemption of the whole humanity.
Raised to Heaven be the humble, because on the day of their death they will see the Celestial Spheres of the Creator arrive.
Raised to Heaven be the constant and perseverant, because on the day of their judgment they will be able to get to know the Glorious Face of My Son and in their lives there will not exist any evil.
Dear Children,
Today I wish all to be raised to Heaven in spirit of peace and love so that, once for all, you may see appear in your lives the virtues and gifts that you will awaken in this time. Of these gifts, your Heavenly Mother, is served without forgetting the inner potential that each child expresses for this sacred Marian work.
You, My children, are the perfect pieces that I have chosen from this vast universe to take you to service and to total redemption of the debts. You have walked by My side for a very long time, for this, feel now in your hearts the fruit of the truth and of the divine purpose that I have deposited in each of My children.
But precious fruit will still wake up during the time of your purification. I Am your Guardian and Mother of Mercy, with maternal love I have chosen you from so many millions of souls so to that the work of your Heavenly Mother may be able to be fulfilled.
Children, it has come the time in your lives for you to see the fruit of My loving work in you instead of looking all the time to the thorns that are nailed in your feet. To arrive to the school of peace you must pass through the school of purification, of surrender and of renunciation.
For each of you I have special love and predilection, because you are My children and I love you as no one has ever loved you. My Love is divine and pure, it is simple but true, in each meeting with Me I give you a little more of the Love of God that I received when I was in this sacred planet.
Love conquers all, who lives love is not afraid of falling or collapsing in the inside. My maternal hand is stretched out to help you in the name of the Love of Christ because He is the one who sent Me to intercede for all.
I thank you for answering to My Call!!
Who blesses through the power and through the immovable force of the Love of My Son Jesus,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of the Peace
May the pains be far away from your heart, because I, your Most Holy Mother, am with you.
May the arts of My adversary be far away, because My mantle protects your walk and your task, as well as those of your brothers and sisters.
May the sins of ingratitude and denial be far away from you, because inside of My Heart you will only feel peace and the eternal flame of the Creator's Light.
My children,
On this day in which I am with you by the Divine Grace that the Father has granted Me, I come to bring Peace, Forgiveness, Grace and Mercy to My children of the world once again.
A new cycle begins to My soldiers, to the apostles of Christ and to all humanity. My Son has announced the definitive beginning of His Return. He returns, first of all, to the hearts of the children who are faithful to His Mercy, those in whom He prepares the path of transformation and of the emerging of the spiritual gifts that He sowed in each one of you, over two thousand years ago.
Such gifts will flourish in each soul, at each step taken in the sincere transformation of each being. Remember that He does not need you perfect, only good and pure of heart, faithful to His Presence and to His Guidance in this life, which will be the step that will place some of you in Paradise.
At each step that each one of you takes in the discipleship of Christ, this world and this humanity take a step towards their liberation and their salvation.
For this, My children, beloved children, children who are strong and firm in renounce and in sacrifice, always remember that your path, the one you are traversing together with My Son today, will be the seed for the New Humanity, that humanity which is so much awaited by all.
Do not fear anything, because We, the Divine Messengers, have left inside of you the keys for the indissoluble union with the Heart of God, the ones that open up the doors of Liberation, of Redemption and of the eternal Peace for all.
In your stars of origin, today is a day of celebration because a cycle of the dissolution of debts, of redemption of the experiences and of the definitive pathway of the Christic life has begun. In this cycle, you will learn that love which Christ taught to His Apostles, you will learn how to love and to be loved in the way He loved you.
Courage to those who shall see the next cycle as the best of their existences, the one that will prepare them to meet the Redeemer face to face. In that glorious day, may you lovingly merge yourselves in His Gaze and be able to receive the Eternal Grace that the Supreme God keeps for each one of you.
Today I bless you, My daughter, in order for your path to be guarded by Me, your Celestial Mother.
I bless all the children who today, in humility and reverence, are in My Presence.
Who keeps you in Her Heart of Mother,
Mary, Rose of Peace
As a Star-Sun I descend upon the world to illuminate the abysses of the wounded hearts and thus rescue the souls from perdition. To each one of them I deliver the strength to be able to go ahead so that soon they may find the new path that will take them to Christ.
I Am the Universal Star that descends upon humanity in order to save it and put it back in the Purpose of God. I indicate the path to go through, thus no essence of God loses the Grace of meeting again its inner Christ.
I Am the Star of the World, the One that signalizes the coming of Christ to the hearts, the One that suspends Herself in the cosmos to radiate the Love of God and the One that lights the fire of the new devotion.
I Am the Star Guide of the navigators, of the souls seeking redemption, of those that wait patiently for the arrival of the Grace and of the great day of forgiveness.
I Am the Star of the Cosmos, I Am the Light that comes from God, I Am the Spirit of Purity, I Am the Spiritual Divinity of the Creator because My Heart sprouts from His Most Chaste Love and His Omnipotence expresses Itself through the perfect unity of the Creation.
I Am the Star of Hope, I Am the Mother that brings the spirit of redemption, I Am the one who works in the name of Christ and the one who builds the new inner temple.
I Am the Star of the celestial spheres, I Am that Bird that searches Her nest in the dwelling of the humble hearts, I Am the Mother who gestates the New Humanity.
I Am the Pure, the Invincible, I Am the Simple and the Humble, I am the Healing Mother who heals with Her Love, every sorrow. I Am the One who guides the lost ones, I Am the One who purifies the heart, I Am the Mother who cleans the stains, I Am the Queen of Love.
I come to this world to look for My children. I descend in Glory to call you because it is already time to awaken from the illusionary sleep. I come to establish peace in each inner world. I come so that you may discover the life that is lived in the stars. I come for the last time to aid you and in order for you to undertake a flight towards Heaven. I come to look for the best in each one and to awaken the sacred virtues that Christ left to you.
At this time I come so that you may prepare yourselves in consciousness and heart to receive Christ, Your Shepherd. I will not leave any soul alone, but I ask you to pray with Me always so that all may deserve peace and may awaken repentance in your consciousness. Thus you will be free from danger and from the ambushes of the adversary. Be intelligent and good, be meek, humble and truthful in this time.
The world is a lie, but the souls are the full truth of God. Search for the correct paths in order to have correct results. Do not allow yourselves to be deceived, the only consoler is Jesus Christ. Do not seek hope in anyone, but only in God, the Celestial Father.
From Him you will receive the strength and the power, from Him you will be able to have hope to walk. Only be truthful and nothing will happen to you. Because the time of worldwide lie will succumb and your hearts will have to be ready to pray with fervor and persevere.
Unite to My Son and adore Him, in Him is the way out, in Him is the path to Paradise.
I thank Brasilia, the Marian Center of Figueira and the Marian Center of Aurora for having prepared this special encounter.
Blessings of Peace on this day for My daughter María Shimani!
Who thanks you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the doors of the Kingdom of the Heavens be opened and the sublime and celestial spheres descent in Glory to the kingdom of this world to transform and awaken all of the creatures of this blessed Earth.
My beloveds, may you all rejoice and be glad because I am descending in an extraordinary way to the world in order to pour, once again, a river of Graces upon humanity.
While the world sleeps, may those who are awake love sacrifice and the absolute surrender.
While the world let extinguish its own inner flame and faith fades from the consciousness of humanity, may those who are by My side be unshakable, and may not be any doubts from others that may take away from them the faith that I placed in their hearts.
While anguish and fear take over the hearts of those who do not fulfill the designs of the Creator, may My soldiers rejoice and, even in face of the great planetary tribulation, may they be strong, firm and confident in the fulfillment of the Celestial Plans.
While the world fears the collapse of a material system, may the disciples of Christ only wait entrusted to His return and observe each event as the true sign that this return is approaching.
While the world worries about the time that passes and the death that comes, may those who accompany Me open their consciousnesses in order to transcend the times and to enter into the infinite time, in which there is only eternity, the unity with God and with all of His creation.
My beloveds, I come to invite you today to transcend the laws of this world and all of its tendencies. I invite you to withdraw the heart from the earthly and material loves, that embrace only what this world offers you, so that in this way you may get to know a sublime love, that knows all in depth, that lives and loves to fulfill the Plans of God and to manifest His Creation, such as He thought in His Most Sacred Spirit.
My dear ones, these are times to leave the common living and fight with the heart in order to persevere in a path that, in a short time and in an absolute way, will go against all the tendencies and the energies of this world.
You must be strengthened by the power of the word of the Divine Messengers and never let yourselves be shaken by the internal processes that others will live or by the purification of the planet itself.
Open the eyes to a reality that the majority of humanity is not able to see, and know that behind all the tests of this world there is a Great Purpose that tries to strengthen you and confirm your spirits in the adhesion to the Most Sacred Spirit of God Almighty.
May the faith in your hearts never dissipate itself. May the hope in the return of My Son only strengthen and grow as an imperishable truth within His disciples and apostles.
Many will only believe in His return by seeing Him cross the Sky and put His Feet on the ground of this Earth, such as it was in His resurrection. However, blessed will be those who know that He lives, such as they knew that He was the Messiah, and know that He will return, such as they knew that He would defeat death. These are the ones who will perpetuate His Presence in the world.
Raise today to the Heavens the endless gratitude of your spirits, for being directly guided by God and by those who are the echo of His Voice and the spiritual manifestation of His Will for the entire Universe.
My beloved children, I leave you my blessing and My most precious Graces so that, with love and bravery, you may transit through the tests that will come.
May My beloved daughter that today renew herself in My Heart, be strengthened by the power of My Love.
Unite and love each other always. Live the principles of the Kingdom of God.
I love you and I hope to find you with faith and inner peace.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
From Heaven I have come to caress and love your hearts.
In this month, dear children, My Presence in Fatima is remembered again.
It has been a year, dear children, since I spoke to you of matrimonial consecration so that the importance of the Sacrament could be awakened in your hearts.
In this month, dear children, I come to remind you of the purity of Lys, which continues to permanently beat in your hearts, and which expects to promptly emerge in your lives. It will be that purity of the heart, dear children, that will always lead you into finding peace. For I deeply wish, My children, that your lives be able to be united with God so that you may promptly find the path to Paradise.
I know, dear children, that many souls despair far and wide on the planet. Thus, dear children, offer this prayer to God, all these prayers you have pronounced to My Immaculate Heart.
I come from Heaven, My children, to establish the Kingdom of God in your lives, mainly in those who have lost it through their superficial life. For God hopes, My children, that your repentance is close, so that you may live in the forgiveness of Christ and open the doors of your lives to redemption.
Today I come crowned by the stars of the universe. Today My Heart celebrates a special day. So take My Words, My children, and carry them in your hearts so they may be able to continue working in your lives, and especially that your inner temple be rebuilt.
I bring peace to the world every day, but very few souls truly accept it.
When you truly pray from the heart, beloved children, you will perceive where your lives are; for God needs you to be attentive and available so that He may carry out His Works of Mercy in this material world. When you abandon your material life and create cenacles of prayer in your homes, I will be able to be among you, My children.
My Heart is a supreme Grace; thus, I come to pour out this Grace upon you.
Beloved children, do not waste any more time. The great moment is approaching humanity and this is no longer just words. Open your eyes to the Voice that comes from Heaven. I have always been your Mother since the beginning and I hope to be so until the end.
Work on your repentance, My children. Serve your brothers and sisters from the heart, and in this way, your problems will be solved. You will not have disturbances in your lives and will again find the path of hope and of faith.
I need for you, beloved children, to define yourselves as My soldiers of the end of time, for I wish to have many armies available in this world so that My voice can reverberate throughout the times.
Just like in Fatima, beloved children, I come to bring a Message of warning: always seek the purity of your heart, in this way, My Son will forgive you, and there will be no stains or sin in your lives, nor will you be united with other things that are not of God.
For this reason, beloved children, wake up to the voice of My Heart. My Love is being transmitted, at this moment, for all, and it does not matter, beloved children, in what place of the world you may be. God granted Me universal omnipotence so that all My children of the world could not only come to know the power of My motherhood, but also the power of My sublime Grace, which wishes to be poured out into your hearts all the time.
I bring you, My children, a Message of preparation and of hope. Step out of the paths upon which you walk. Today, My Immaculate Heart opens a celestial door and all beings of prayer, the mirrors of prayer in the universe, are ignited to bring the codes to this unredeemed race.
But I will not tire, beloved children, until I fulfill the promise I made to God, your Lord. My Son has asked Me to come here and God has allowed Me to be here, among you. Understand, dear children, that this is the work of the Mercy of God.
While I speak to you here, many souls are lost in the world. Be ready to truly pray from the heart. On this planet there must be ardent flames of prayer so that I may place My Mercy and, through your hearts and your works of peace and of charity, I may pour out Light upon the world and from the abysses remove the souls that are lost as a consequence of the deceit of My adversary.
Thus, beloved children, listen attentively to what I say to you. My voice is reverberating in your essences so that, with promptness, a change can occur in your lives.
I need you, beloved children, in this great cenacle of prayer that you have built today for My Immaculate Heart, which received the honor and the glory from you. If you want miracles in your lives, change soon and you will then be deserving of receiving them.
In this time, live purification. My hand is close to your hands to lead you on the path of redemption. All I wish, beloved children, is that you be able to understand what I ask of you. I do not come to ask you for difficult things; the goals can only be reached when you simply work from the heart.
Today, I am here in Brasilia, but I am also with the whole world; observing, contemplating each of your petitions with heart and soul. Lift up your pleas to My Heart at this moment.
Remember, beloved children, that I am your Universal Mother and I want what is best for your lives. In these hearts I find many wounds that must be closed; I only need you to say 'yes', so that the universe is able to work within you and the Laws of God be able to be fulfilled in each of your hearts.
Let this month be dedicated to deep prayer; for in this time, I am in Brazil because I find hearts receptive to My call, that accomplish My designs in a humble way when you simply experience My Message and pray with Me as much as possible. This world needs it and so do you.
Feel My Original Purity, which I placed in Fatima from the beginning. Through the angels of the Kingdom of Fatima, I have brought the opportunity to find redemption to the world. Thus, I bring you the same Message, My children, because I need you to be able to experience it. When you are already experiencing it, without resistance or control, open to the purity of the heart, I will have the permission of God to reveal other things to you which will be necessary for your spiritual life. In this way, you will be mature, firm in the Word of God, servers of God available in the end of times.
Who will decide to achieve this goal?
Your Heavenly Mother comes to Brasilia to have you come to know the Law of Love, which is broadly forgotten by everybody. Without love there is no charity, no miracle, no change, no path of redemption. Seek that love and you will find the door of purity.
Our Sacred Hearts are ready to help you. You are in time to go across the threshold to the Celestial Kingdom, taking just one step is enough; and to receive, in your hearts and souls, all that you need in this era that God has foreseen in His Divine Thought, because you do not know it, but if you open from your heart, you will know it. Christ thus wishes it and My Heart thus aspires, so that the New Humanity can be born, which must first be born within you with the change of the material life, taking on new commitments to Heaven, for example, with prayer.
In this way, My children, you will be protected and will not deceive yourselves nor be deceived, because God and We will guide you until the final mission which God has written in His Heart for each of you.
Think, beloved children, about all I am saying to you.
Today, I am especially here to remind you that I am your Mother, the Mother of Hope, of Mercy. See a true example in all this Work, on this sacred and immaculate night in which the most sinful receive My consolation and My love, and are freed from imperfection and impurities to find a more open path to Christ, to reach the goal, the primary goal, the original mission of each being.
Thus, I am that special Star for you, I am the Mother of the Divine Verb Who pronounces the Sacred Word so that you may remember, beloved children, that everything begins and ends in God when one truly lives in God and does not seek preferences.
There is nothing more important in this time, children, than achieving a spiritual life, a life of prayer, a life of peace. In this way, you will be different people in a short time and the results that My Son placed in your lives will be at the service of the Creator; but you will no longer control them, because the true virtue of the soul begins through union with prayer. That is what I teach you in this time, so that your lives may enter into meditation and find the correct path among so many uncertain paths that are experienced by humanity.
I am the Door to God. Who wants to enter, through My Heart, into the fervent fullness of love and the fortitude of faith, which is what souls need for defining their paths and finding the true reason for having incarnated in this life?
My Spirit fills you, I am the Queen of Peace.
Beloved children, to achieve purity, I will give you a simple but true practice which all souls will be able to do, without restriction for anybody; all can accomplish this aspiration of My Heart. Pray, every day, especially during this month of May, remembering the Sanctuary of Fatima in your hearts, so that the angels that live there come into your lives and your hearts be placed in the essence of original purity.
For the consecration today, in which My hands will be laid on new children who will be consecrated to My universal Mantle, My immaculate protection and My call; I will also consecrate your lives, giving the blessing of the Eternal Father and of His Supreme Son, under the protection of the Holy Spirit.
I want you to open the doors of the Kingdom of Lys in a special way, for My Grace wishes to give an opportunity to those present.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Our Mother is calling the Children of Mary who are to be consecrated.
Concentrate, because I am still present.
Song: "Lys, Mary, Lys."
In the omnipotence of the Spirit of God, I consecrate these children of Mine, in the name of all My children of the Earth that must wake up to original purity and find again the path to infinity.
In this way, beloved children, My deep aspirations of a Mother will be accomplished, because I will have recognized that you have responded to My call, in these times of tribulation.
Thus, I bless these sacred images that each of your hearts and your families have brought to My altar, which on this sacred night, remember My virginal Presence as the Mother of Jesus, the Mother of the New Humanity, the Mother of the World.
I bless you, beloved children, under the luminous sign of the Cross of My Son, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I thank Brasilia for having responded to My call. My Heart is always among you; that is My true reason for being here, that you find again the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Peace, the Kingdom of Faith and the Kingdom of Mercy.
I thank you!
Prayer: Universal Mother (in Portuguese).
Glory to God in the highest and peace to beings of goodwill.
Children, I love you and will always love you. Go in the peace of My Son, singing to Lys.
Song: "Lys, Mary, Lys."
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Brothers and sisters, we wanted to end this by sharing with you that today Mary, on this May 8, brought us the Kingdom of Lys, the Kingdom of purity and love that is in Portugal.
Today, a year ago, we did a pilgrimage with Mary through Europe, where She also visited our brothers and sisters who are there. Today, simply and symbolically, Mary united Lys with our heart. That Sanctuary of Fatima that beats all the time and all year.
So we want to invite you to respond to this call of Mary of praying united with the Kingdom of Lys-Fatima, and to take this instruction that She left us today to meditate, and these Graces She poured out over our spirits.
Thank you all for having accompanied us!
We will thank Our Lady; thank you, Divine Mother, for all that you give us!
Know that I Am Your Sacred Mother and that I will always fill you with My Immaculate Love from the silence of the spirit.
For this, may the doors of reconciliation be open today and may the most unprotected receive from My Heart the essence of redemption.
Today I am among you in order to bring you My Mercy, that divine life that renews everything and that allows to awaken in the hearts the way back to the Celestial Father.
Dear children, see the immensity of the Kingdom of God that always congregates you to love, forgive and serve in the plenitude of the true surrender.
Receive today from My Heart the blessing for your lives so that united to My Virginal Spirit you may find the breath to go ahead.
Today I leave you the union with My spirit, I gather you all in the cenacle of My Heart where you will always be able to be united in essence to My Maternal Love.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Take off the past from your feet and live in the eternal present. You are being placed in the school of forgiveness and of love so that the unity that dwells in each child of God may be expressed and may fulfill its task.
There is a certain type of footwear that is very difficult to take off because in them are kept the experiences of other paths that were taken yesterday. There are certain types of pointed shoes that are more complex because in them are kept the need to try again to achieve certain things.
Other shoes are more robust and heavier because the feet have carried the sufferings from whole years. And there are some very delicate, of such a fragile consistency that any distinct path could break them.
In the end, children of Mine, the greatest thing in this time is to take off your own self. It is a tough goal that, when is achieved, the soul, victorious, finds the liberation from the inner prison. Remember, dear children, that a divested life is a free path that your feet can walk on, but not all manage to live it at the same time.
For this, the gift of fraternal love and the master key of unity are the perfect complements in order for this Creation to be able to go ahead.
Some of you are already at the door of the inner emptiness and it is being requested that you abandon now the old habits so that, completely barefoot, you may raise your spirits and consciousness to light. Only then you will be free and the chains will be broken.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who teaches you to walk completely barefoot,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
May your hearts, in these difficult times, be sublime mirrors of My Peace so that, in this way, the Earth reaches redemption.
During the hours of purification, may your lives experience the time of liberation and constant search for the purity that God wants to deposit into your hearts.
At this time, the souls of the world enter into despair because without prayer they cannot live in peace.
Therefore, children, be this stream of peace that rises from My Heart and approach the lives of all who are spiritually blind.
Through the mirror of the peace of your hearts, your Heavenly Mother can take forward the rescue plan of all those who, for gravity and sin, would not deserve it.
Your prayerful and simple lives will be the true engine for My plans to be fulfilled.
Therefore, at this culminating hour, I receive the inner self-giving of all My children who will create the new bases of the New Humanity.
Opening My arms and extending My hands towards you, I will be able to reach you and lead you to liberate yourselves with peace from all that oppresses the hearts. Go towards the encounter of peace and believe that it is possible to experience it.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you in the name of peace,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear Children,
As the Mother of Justice, through My requests, I allow you to know the Law of God and the positive effects it has on this humanity.
In order to find the way to the Law and to live in it, I have taught you, My children, the word of prayer, for the prayer of the heart is a little-known Law. The one who unites to it discovers and knows how to be within the Law of the Creator.
Today, humanity is far from the Law of Balance, of Harmony and, above all, from the Law of Divine Love; all this is a consequence of the fact that humanity creates their own laws and carries them forward, completely ignoring that the true Law is the law of Love and of Inner Unity.
The laws of the Earth dominate consciousnesses and distant regions and this always falls upon the most unprotected. Therefore, as your Mother of Justice, I teach you at this time how you must seek and find the Inner Law through acts of love and charity.
In this way, beloved children, you will be on the way to finding the Laws of God. Remember, dear children, that the first Laws that God gave you through Moses were the Commandments, which in these times are completely forgotten and are not fulfilled.
The Divine Laws persist and act throughout the times, the universes and humanity. When the Laws are not fulfilled and are altered by humanity, the result and the consequence of this is endured.
Through the Commandments that God transmitted through Moses, the whole race was to be educated and prepared to find the way of rehabilitation and peace. Now, when all can see how humanity transgresses the Law, I invite you, children, in a special and immediate way, to live in the Laws of God before it is too late.
The first Law that you must practice and implement in your lives is the Law of Forgiveness and Reconciliation; only with these two principles will you have work and effort to achieve it. And remember, My beloved ones, that your Mother of the Law is always present to help you grow from the heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who leads you to the knowledge of the Laws of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Children of Mine,
From Heaven I contemplate the needs of redemption of the world and the causes that prevent humanity from reaching this redemption.
For this, dear children, day and night I pray for all of you, so that those who trespass the Law of God the most may at least receive their redemption in the definitive day.
Through the apostolate, which is the true testimony of the love for Christ, humanity is again receiving a call so that it may remember the Mercy and the Love of the Creator. In this way the doors of conversion and of reconciliation will be opened in order to guide the souls along the paths of the Holy Peace.
Now, children, day by day the foundations of the Gospel of My Son and of His Holy Word are the urgent path to find the union with the Celestial Father again, before the world triggers the time of its most acute purification, in which all of the Earth will liberate itself from the debts that oppressed it along the centuries.
In this time in which My adversary awakens in the sinning souls ambitions of conquest, of annihilation and death, I call you to seek serenity, prayer and peace. In this way, children, you will permit that the Divine Justice may act as the Universe foresees.
Children, pray with Me, staying all the time by My side. In this way we will reconstruct this old humanity into a race of hope and of forgiveness.
I thank you for answering to My call for the perpetual prayer!
Who unites you with the Universal Love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The door of the great mission of peace is being closed. Your missionary brothers and sisters are heading to the south of Africa in order to return to one of My Marian Centers of the world, where they will live a few days of recovery and of repositioning, meditating profoundly on all that has occurred in Rwanda, Uganda, and in the Congo.
In this way, children, your Lady of Kibeho returns to the Universe in order to enter into contemplation and prayer, with the objective of silently continuing to work for the peace in humanity.
At this time, the Angels of God deposit and deliver in the celestial altars all of the experiences and services of love realized during the mission. The attributes of this missionary experience in Africa were poured as Graces in the hearts of all of the innocent.
For this, children, may this day be of celebration and joy. Your Holy Mother of Peace is already gestating within Her Most Pure Womb a new principle of redemption and of mercy through an upcoming mission of peace in Africa.
Now that all of My children in the world were participants in this important mission and that during these last days they did everything in a more conscious way, it is important to your Celestial Father that you may have learned how to materialize My designs.
Thus, your Immaculate Eternal Heart, My one, is preparing Itself to descend in Brazil again and impart blessings to all of the hearts that may open themselves to receive them.
Like in Fatima, I announce to you the revelation of secrets. In order to get to know them and live them your souls must be prepared through service and peace. This will permit that your Lady of Heaven may reveal some things to you.
Children, time is setting new opportunities and Graces for all. I ask you to know how to seize that which the Universe is giving to you. The time of Justice is coming for humanity and you must give testimony of your apostolate and service to God. In this way all will be fulfilled as it is written.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who reunites you in this cenacle of love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Beloved children,
Today My Luminous Heart descends in Glory and Love over the souls that are thirsty of God. Through the mission of peace, the doors of evil and perdition were closed during three weeks of mission and of prayer done by all My groups of prayer.
I wish, dear children, that you keep in mind the necessity of continuing working through the spirit of prayer, because in the Divine Word is found the exit and the path to the salvation of the souls.
Today I traverse the streets of the Congo and see the faces of forgetfulness, loneliness and sorrow. The eyes of My children reflect the absence of paternity and dignity. For this, children, may each moment of service be a true and profound expression of love, may your hands and fatherly hugs be able to ease the burden of denial of all the children of the Congo. Through your charity, the Mercy of My Son promises to act until the last moments of your presence in the Congo.
Now My Heart indicates you to offer the prayer for the reparation of all the innocent souls, those who wait in solitude for a major help.
Your Lady of Kibeho opens the arms to receive and protect the childhood of all of the Congo. For this, may your spirit of fraternity express the healing and the grace of receiving the Light of The Kingdom of God.
In these last days of mission for the inner planetary peace, your Heavenly Mother pours the codes of rehabilitation and mercy.
My children, the time has come to help all My children of the Congo to abandon the eternal captivity. And that will begin to happen when you allow the doors to the Kingdom of Peace to be open.
An important mission is coming to an end; a cycle is being fulfilled in the life and in the existence of all My children of Rwanda, Uganda and Congo.
The seed of peace has been sown in the hearts impoverished of spirit. The mission will become part of the memory of Heaven.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who blesses you under the Spirit of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of the Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more