Friar Elías del Sagrado corazón de Jesús:

On this day of Jesus’ triumphant entry in Jerusalem, let us prepare ourselves, in solemnity and reverence, to receive our King, through the song “Pater Noster.”


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The day of Universal Judgment has come, and, each day that passes, this moment draws closer to humanity. But do not think that this moment, this great universal event, could be a punishment for the planet or for all its inhabitants.

This is the time of correction so that the energy of impunity and world injustice may be eradicated from the human consciousness and, in this way, it may liberated from all inhabitants of the surface of the planet.

For this reason, this day is approaching, and all of you see, with your own eyes, these events happening, which are very painful for the Eternal Father, very inexplicable situations for millions of souls throughout the world.

But on this day, when you receive Me and glorify Me, once again, I come to grant you spiritual amnesty, not only for those present, but also for all who are hearing Me at this moment and who believe in the Word of the Lord.

For this reason, we are, not only as a planet, but also as a universe, at a great moment of inflection, when the powerful currents of the universe, through the manifestation of the Angels and Hierarchies, silently activate to help humanity at this moment.

And although, at this moment, war, persecution and death are the news throughout the world:

Rise up, companions, because the day of your redemption is near!

Rise up, companions, because the Heavens will open when I return to the world!

Rise up, companions, and sustain with faith the banner of My Peace!

You have come, at this time and at this moment, to live these events for Me. For this reason, as My sacred sheep and as My beloved apostles, you will be placed by Me wherever I may need you; this will allow Your Master and Lord to enter those places in the world that are most in need, not only of Ppeace, but also of Mercy.

In this Sacred Week, which is culminating, but also definitive for Me, I invite you to enter the same Christic Spirit of Love so that compassion in your lives may show and reveal to you the true necessity of these times, which, as you know, My beloveds, is not limited to your purifications and tests, but also includes the mandatory need to serve Me, to announce Me and to testify to Me in the place of the world where I might need it so.

For this reason, what is most important in this Sacred Week, besides the fact that your hearts already have to be ready, is that your hearts must already be open to listen to Me, because Heaven and Earth shall pass, but My Words shall remain alive and hidden in the hearts that trust Me.

Now that you are at the doors of the Temple of the Father's Celestial Church, let us prepare this moment, blessing this altar that you have offered to My Heart, through a loving yet simple offering of two souls that I have chosen so that, on behalf of humanity and on behalf of My beloved Africa, you may glorify the Lord, at the doors of the New Jerusalem, where all are being contemplated and received by the Celestial Father, Adonai, through the Presence of your Master and Lord.


I invite you to stand up.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

And at this moment, let us bring the incense that, at the beginning of this Sacred Week,  will be offered to Our Lord by the sisters from Ethiopia, Martha and Tseguereda. You may come here, before Our Lord.

Let us keep concentrated, at the request of Christ, so that our consciousnesses do not become disconnected from Him, but rather that, through Him, we may sustain this moment of planetary intervention on the first day of the Sacred Week, which Our Lord today blesses and opens for all.


Today, My Heart gathers here the universality of all peoples and races, which, throughout times and generations, have participated in the sacred opportunity of the Project of God, through different cultures, races and peoples, just as it was with the people of Israel.

This incense that you are offering today to your Master and Lord represents the greatest offering for this cycle that prepares the Return of Christ, when the souls of the world unite to Me, to prepare this sacred moment of the coming of the Messiah, the Savior and Lord of the world.

For this reason, this incense, brought from the lands of Ethiopia, not only glorifies the Lord, as it was in the Grotto of Bethlehem, but it also prepares the great planetary moment during Good Friday, when your Master and Lord will again die so that you may have abundant life and live through Me.

I sanctify these elements, just as I sanctify this altar and all who are listening at this moment.

May hope awaken again within you, hope that will lead you to Peace and the Light of God, because the end of calvary is near, and you will participate with me in the Sacred Table of the Return of Christ where, together with the angels, saints and blessed ones, you will eternally enjoy the Presence of the Lord.

May the bell towers of the Cosmos sound. May the doors and dimensions open at this very moment so that, through Saint Michael the Archangel, Saint Gabriel the Archangel and Saint Raphael the Archangel, souls may receive, in the depths of their being, My impulses of Christification and holiness, for the victory and triumph of My Heart, for the centuries to come. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:


Christ is asking the sisters to pray Our Father in Aramaic, as an offering for the important task that He will have in Africa, through this Work, in some countries of that continent, and so that many more African nations may receive the regenerative codes of Love and Forgiveness.


Through these consciousnesses, your Master and Lord blesses all exiled and refugees throughout the world, especially those who flee wars, dangers and adversity, so that, in My Name and for My Name, they may rebuild their lives and families forever. Amen.


“Adonai, Beloved Father,
who listens, in Your silence,
to the voices of Your children, who cry for You,
sanctify this altar and all the elements
that will be offered on these days
to remember the Passion of their Master and Lord,
for the Redemption and Peace of the entire human race.

May the doors to evil be closed.
May the doors of the Light open
so that the angels may descend
and grant Eternal Life, at this moment,
to all consciousnesses.”



Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:




“Most Holy Father of the Universe,
You, who have the power to resurrect all life,
You, who have the power to heal all hearts,
You, who have the power to again raise all Your creatures,
through the water that You have created
in the image and likeness of Your children,
bless the whole world,
bless all those who listen
and, especially, bless, Lord,
all those who flee wars seeking peace,
so that those who take refuge in Your Heart,
through the humble and simple refugees,
may be recognized, honored, respected and loved,
just as You love them, Lord.
Because I have promised to You, Eternal Father,
to return, first for all of them,
so that they may participate with Me in the joy of the New Earth.”


I withdraw into the hearts that listen to Me.

I find relief in the hearts that embrace Me.

I rejoice in the hearts that receive Me.

I rest in the hearts that open.

Thus, I sanctify all that I touch, in order to glorify the Lord, the God of the Universe.

Thus, I prepare you for the coming times so that, together with me, you may build the bases of redemption for the good of the world, for the peace of humanity.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us celebrate, at this moment, the Holy Eucharist, in the Presence of Our Lord Jesus Christ and, on this first day of the Sacred Week, we will celebrate this moment, at the request of Christ, for all refugees so that, at the request of Our Lord, they may be heard, welcomed and loved as a part of this living humanity. And Christ invites the sisters from Ethiopia to accompany us in this celebration. Let us prepare ourselves for this exercise.


“Father, glorify all that You have created,
unify all that You have built
and accept this offering of the altar
so that You, Father, may be glorified, adored and honored
for the times to come
through the humble and simple hearts
that vivify and adore You.”


At the doors of the New Jerusalem, before the Angels and the Archangels, before all beings of goodwill that at this moment are congregated, by My Love, in this Sacred Week, I again offer the same sacrifice that I once offered you.

That moment that I shared with My apostles, today I share it with you again, taking the bread and offering it to the Father for it to be converted into My Body. Thus, I break it and again share it with all of Mine, saying to them, “Take it and eat it, for this is My Body, that will be given for humanity for the forgiveness of sins.”

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We adore the Body of Christ, for the redemption of the entire human race, so that the one thousand years of peace may be established.


In the same way, before this Supper ended, I take the Chalice in My Hands again, offering it to the Father so that it may be converted into My Precious and Divine Blood. Thus, I offer it to My companions, saying to them, “Take it and drink it, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the New and Eternal Covenant, which today is shed by your Redeemer for the remission of all faults. Do it in remembrance of Me, because I am already returning.”

We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.
We praise You, Lord, and we bless You.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We adore the Precious Blood of the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world, liberates us and grants us Peace.

May the Peace of Christ descend to Earth and, in an act of reverence, let us give peace to our brothers and sisters.


In this Sacred Week, I want to see and feel you with the same faith and conviction as the centurion, and that, before Me, with devotion and fervor, you may repeat this simple yet profound prayer:

I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof,
but only say the Word, and I shall be healed.


Behold the Body and the Blood of Christ, let My companions rejoice, for I have promised reconciliation and life to them.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thus, we announce, in the Name of the Lord, the Spiritual Communion of all those congregated in the Love of Jesus who are present throughout the whole world.

And, at the request of Our Lord Jesus Christ, we will accompany this moment of Communion of all those present, live, so that each one who is present at this moment of Communion with Christ may make their offering for this Sacred Week.

While the priestly brothers prepare to distribute the Communion, let us sing, as one heart and one voice, a song He has asked of us: “The Song of the Centurion.”


I want to convert your hearts into living tabernacles of My Love, because My aim is that you may be instruments of My Father so that I can heal the Earth and thus renew the planet. This is My aspiration for each one of you.

I thank you for having responded to Me, and, in this Holy Week, may your essences receive the Codes of My Passion for the redemption of the entire human race.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You may go in peace.

Immaculate Lady of Peace,
manifestation of the Original Purity,
permit us to enter into Your Heart,
Sacred Kingdom of Love and Protection.
May Your Mantle of Light guard us
and transform our little beings
into servers of Your universal task.
We revere You, Mother,
Queen of Peace,
Divine Conception of the Trinity.
(three times)

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

In this silence that embraces you, feel the Mother of God's Heart beating.

From Heaven, I bring to you what is most beautiful that exists; for this reason, I gather you together with Me so that you can once more feel the Love of God.

Today, I come as a Mother who agonizes at seeing this planet in suffering.

Today, I come to look for each one of My children so that they may console Me, because, in this way, the Mother Earth will be consoled and each Kingdom of Nature will receive the attention it deserves, so that the souls on the surface of this planet may help the Kingdoms of Creation, because without the Kingdoms of Creation, humanity will not be able to survive.

For this reason, I have asked you, My children, to invoke and implore the intercessory power of Saint Gabriel the Archangel, because the faithful Messenger of God will be able to help each one of you and, thus, it will also be able to help the planet.

When I ask you to console Me, it is not only through the prayer of the heart, but also through remembering, every day, the importance of saving Creation and, especially, everything that dwells upon this planet, all Kingdoms of Nature, including the Elemental and Devic Kingdoms.

Children, I come here as your agonizing Mother, so that you may understand the symbol, but also the cry of the planet.

I know that the majority could respond to My call, but the more voices gather to ask for respect for this planet, the less these voices are heard by those who believe they have the power in this humanity; but, do not give up, My children.

I do not only invite you to serve the Kingdoms of Nature, but I also invite you to defend them, to protect them with actions of love and charity, because the human being of these times has completely forgotten that it comes from Creation and that each part of its being belongs to the Kingdoms of Nature.

So that you may understand, beloved children, what I am saying to you, understand, at this moment, that your essences come from the ponds of Creation and that a small particle of Light of each Kingdom has given of itself, out of Love for God, to constitute the formation and the expression of your beings.

In this way, you will understand, beloved children, that when the world hurts the Kingdoms of Nature, it hurts itself.

Beloved children, how can you allow humanity to always wound itself and remove from its habitat all that God has given you with so much Love, since the beginning of the Genesis?

How is it possible, beloved children, for human beings to lose their sensibility and even their earthly feeling in the face of the suffering of the Lower Kingdoms?

Has humanity realized that it destroys its own consciousness? That, by contaminating the seas at each second of this time, it loses the possibility of having water to quench its thirst?

The world has great problems with water, and, once again, the poorest among the poor suffer the consequences of those who claim to be powerful.

How is it possible, beloved children, for the human being of this time to destroy forests just to have paper?

Children, how is it possible for you, in this time, to contaminate the Earth or sacrifice the animals without feeling absolutely nothing?

I do not speak of vegetarianism, I speak of feeling, in the depths of the heart, that the Lower Kingdoms are consciousnesses that deserve to evolve, just like you. And those who believe they have power over Creation have decided not to do anything.

If the majority does not pray on their knees, only social revolutions will come, and the men and women of this time will keep becoming sick, because the mutations of these times, which modify the perfect genetics that God created, absolutely degenerate the spiritual condition of humanity, and My enemy has advanced in this field.

But do not feel indignation or guilt, because the Original Project of God will be fulfilled with the transmutation and the transcendence of humanity, of those who really fight with the banner of Christ so that His Plan may be fulfilled on the surface of this planet.

Once again, I say, especially to those who do not hear or believe the Word of God, that, if they do not undergo a deep change, their destiny will only be to perish. And how far should the Mercy of the Father or the Justice of God go? How far should compassion embrace the most miserable conditions of this planet?

Love does mean concession. Love does not mean alliance with the laws of the Earth. Love is also Justice, but it is Wisdom. Love is not punishment, it is a correction.

Therefore, I invite you to be careful and to heed My warning, because while the Kingdoms of Nature keep being transgressed and outraged, who will deter the wars on this planet? Who will close the doors that open to evil? Who will transmute these doors? Who will relieve the displacement of millions of refugees in the world? Who will help face the climate crisis of the poorest peoples in this world? Who will have the means to meet the great necessities for food?

I am not speaking of assistencialism; I am speaking of being aware and of human fraternity, of doing what God taught you a long time ago, the same that He taught the people of Israel: sharing their material goods so that all may receive spiritual goods.

I do not tire of hearing the cry of this planet. The eruption of volcanoes demonstrates to the world a great warning call. There is no one who can stop it. By any chance, will you allow the Pacific Ring of Fire to keep on expanding, as if the volcanoes were a form of entertainment for society?

Beloved children, you must respect the universal Laws so that you may learn to respect the Laws of Creation.

The string of this world is too stretched. Its tension and friction cause it to be about to break; who will prevent this? Who else will sacrifice themselves? Who will form with Me a great and powerful network of prayer that may congregate many souls, more and more, who will postulate to be the praying ones of the end of times, those called the praying ones of the Apocalypse?

It is in this way that you will be with Me, without being at fault with the prayer from the heart, because prayers are still very insufficient; extremely great numbers are the sins, in very great numbers are the faults, many are the errors and the omissions of humanity. Everything grows gradually to the point of becoming out of proportion.

Who will attain, above everything, the so necessary and extraordinary Grace that may allow a spiritual amnesty for the souls that are already condemned to hell?

This is the time of overcoming for the new Christs. These are no longer times of claims or complaints, it is a time for your lives to be totally different, just as the life of the Mother of God became different from the Annunciation of the Archangel Gabriel to the Assumption.

I do not ask you for great things, My children, I only ask you to fulfill what My Son asked of you during His last Message of October 22, for you to love one another more for those who do not love one another; because if the Love of God continues to be lacking in this world, how do you believe this humanity will end up? Have you ever wondered, My beloveds? Do you now understand the agony of the Mother of God?

I no longer carry only seven swords in My chest, which pierce My Heart; now My Heart is pierced by fourteen swords, of the gravest sins of this world; and there lies, in this way, a central sin that makes My Heart ache, which is the sin of indifference. For this reason, when you do not feel with your hearts, be careful, so that your hearts do not become as hard as a stone, to the point that all that is shown to you in this world and all that will be shown does not move your inner world.

Attention, My beloveds, invoke your Guardian Angels, invoke the powerful Blood of Christ so that the Lord may purify and cure you, so that your hearts may always feel the need to pray and not to do so as a commitment or a schedule, because it is time for the Father to see that My Work is being fulfilled, in spite of the adversities.

It is time, My beloveds, for your lives to be prayer itself.

As a Mother who loves you, as a Mother who sustains you, I come to confess all these Words to you because there is still a little time left so that at least as many souls as possible not lose the opportunity of redemption.

I cry together with those who feel injustice. My Heart agonizes together with the Kingdoms of Nature, from the depths of the oceans to the top of the mountains. The cry of the planet is heard by the universe. By any chance, are you hearing it?

So that My Son can return to the world, just as He has announced so much, humanity needs to deserve it, even if it is in what is essential; and if that which is essential still does not exist, how do you believe that My Son will return?

But as His Love is greater than the errors, as His Compassion is more infinite than the indifference, as His embrace is stronger than all darkness; He comes in Divinity and Spirit, for seven years now, He comes to meet you, to prepare you for this moment.

But He also anguishes, although many times He does not demonstrate it, because He knows that you could not bear it, but He patiently waits for the moment when, by means of all the adorers and also of those who are not yet adorers, each soul may be its own tabernacle, so that He may be present in Spirit and Love, and thus He may begin to heal the world and prepare the planet for His Coming to humanity.

We must fervently pray for this, because, if it does not happen, beloved children, very few parts of the planet will survive the aggressions of climate change. God did not give you this world for you to convert it into what it is today; the Celestial Father gave you this planet so that, within this universe, a civilization of Christs could emerge; but, yes, many Christs have emerged throughout times, however, they have not been enough, because these Christs, called Saints, have had to carry the same cross of the debt of this humanity, like the sacrifice that Christ made for you.

For this reason, through My Words, through this Message, I come to make you meditate with Me upon all that God has dictated to My Heart. And today, your Celestial Mother dictates, to all Her children throughout the world, the same Words that God gave Me for this Apparition.

For this reason, I tell you again that in the Sacraments, in prayer and in service lies the keys to face and overcome these critical times.

This is all that I needed to tell you, My beloveds.

Share with Me the pain of God; after having felt the Silence of God, feel now the pain of God for the great ignorance of humanity.

May the doors of Divine Mercy open.

May the 144,000 come forward.

May the Celestial Kingdom descend to Earth.

May the Guardian Angels guide and accompany the servers.

May all listen to the Call of God to fulfill His Promises, until the emergence of a New Humanity.


And, as I always do, from the heart of Lys-Fatima, inner Sanctuary for all souls that thirst for God, I bless you again today, My children, and I give you the strength of faith, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Go in the Peace of My Son. Go ahead.


Series – Divine Revelations of these times

My Divine Conception in union with the Most Holy Trinity

In the elevated spheres of the Spiritual Universe, a place in which the Living God is present, there are great spiritual matrixes, which encompass great spaces of the Trine Consciousness; because these matrixes are the faithful reflection of a Principle and of a Purpose of the Divine Will.

With forms of great crystal cities of light, these matrixes, which are spiritual and divine, formed by the contribution of the Gift of each Creator Father, that is, by the intervention of each archangel, guard elevated principles and attributes of the Divine Mind with the goal of being able to project and manifest the Plan and its different manifestations within the Universes.

From one of these ancient matrixes of the Spiritual Universe, arrives the Immaculate and Pure Essence which comes from the Divine Conception of the Mother of God.

These immaterial spaces, within the sublime spheres, can only be visited and contemplated by the archangels since it is from these spiritual matrixes that the principles of the Creator Source also emanates because these great crystal cities of light are united, in vibration and in a spiritual way, to the twelve main Sources of the Creator Father-Mother.

This entire evolutionary system of life is a great current of elevated spiritual energy that nourishes the spaces of Creation and, at the same time, moves towards the other constituted Universes: the Spiritual Universe, the Soul Universe, the Higher Mental and the Cosmic Material Universe.

It is in this way that all existing life is benefitted by these impulses which eternally emanate from the Creator Sources of the Spiritual Universe.

In this sense, just as the Creation and the Universe feeds and nourish themselves on divine principles that the Only Mind constantly emanates, the creatures, created in the image and likeness of God, have the inner potential to establish a contact with the meaning for their existence, that is, to resume union with their purpose of life.

The Essence of the Mother of God emerged, manifested itself and sprang from one of these most potent matrixes so that we could live, by the Will of God, an experience of love on Earth.

This Divine Conception of the Mother of God was formed without any stain, as it did not have any experience of suffering, duality or errors.

The Divine Origin of the Essence of the Greater Mother was constituted based on an extremely high degree of purity, of love, and of humility; which led her to incarnate on Earth as a purely immaculate and humble Being.

This characteristic, unusual within the Creation of the Project of God, had an unknown meaning and purpose to the human being, up until the present time.

Within the revelations delivered to the Most Holy Mary, through Archangel Saint Gabriel, it is expressed that the spiritual constitution of the Mother of God is a faithful mirror of the ardent desire of God for the creatures of Earth to know the Love of the Father in a maternal and cosmic aspect.

All of the simplicity and poverty that the Mother of Jesus could manifest during Her passage on Earth were reflections of the fulfilling of this project thought of by God, to defeat evil and duality, by means of the arrival of the Messiah, the Savior.

For God, first it was important for the spiritual, universal and divine contribution of the Creator Fathers, of the Archangels, so that this experience of divine maternity and of unconditional love might have a lasting result throughout the times and the ages.

The recognition that each being of the Earth can make of maternity, and of the affiliation with the Mother of God, spiritually allows God to grant His Divine Presence in the heart of humanity.

Thus, evil is once again overcome by the power of maternal love, by that unconditional motherly love that is capable of giving life to each one of her children.

In synthesis, the desire of God for humanity to have a material and spiritual Mother, like Mary, the Mother of Jesus, was to break the chain that was formed at the beginning with Adam and Eve so that, with humanity being able to recognize the Mother of God, the Mother of all, the maternal love might dissolve the roots of evil, and the causes of all errors, time and again.

In this way, the project, thought of within the Source of Creation, through the matrixes and with the spiritual contribution of the archangels, by indication of the Eternal Father, constituted the Essence of Mary as a possible and evident result by applying the same experience of love in all creatures, permitting the actulaization of the Plan and the transcendence of duality.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My Heart's feeling of Love during the Birth of Jesus

Since My first years of life and before them, I was prepared by God to fulfill His Will and to manifest His promises, those that were kept in the words of the Prophets in the sacred books of our people.

My Heart loved the Lord with fervor and this same Love allowed that, in My prayers, My Consciousness could cross dimensions in order to be before God.

Thus, I contemplated this eternal Source of life and silence; I observed how all of life was renewed through the rays, sounds, and colors that came from the Heart of God and were led by the angels and archangels to the different Universes.

My Heart only aspired to be in silence with God, to be there, in that dimension of consciousness, where all was stillness and peace.

It was like this that, contemplating the Divine Consciousness, the Creator revealed to Me the mysteries of His Creation, He showed Me the moment in which His Love expanded and gave origin to life, manifested through dimensions, He showed Me the moment in which the first Mirrors of the Cosmos were created and how they served to take Love and Divine Will to all that was created.

In His silence, the Lord revealed to Me the grace of the expression of the Divine Trinity and how, from His Heart, His Divine Spirit and His Son were born and, finally, through Archangel Gabriel, the Creator revealed to Me that His Love would manifest in life as a human body, soul and spirit, hiding all of this mystery which had been revealed before.

Before Archangel Gabriel, My Heart expanded and all the Cosmos and the sublime realities that I had been contemplating before, with my eyes, through the portals of light that opened in Heaven, I was now beginning to enter within Myself, into My womb, which kept all of this divine mystery.

First, the Creator dwelled in My Heart, then in My Consciousness and also in My body, making all the levels of My Being experience His divine presence.

The more I lived God, the more silent I became, because His Love flooded My Being in a way that there was no place for My expressions, but only for God's.

Each day that passed and the Little Child God was growing in My womb, it was like contemplating, once more, the creation of the Universes, the manifestation of the Aspects of God, the birth of the angels and archangels through the purest feeling of the Father. But now, My children, this was happening inside My womb.

An inner Cosmos was awakening in My physical body and all that I was, as part of human life, transformed into a Mirror of the Divine Consciousness. The Spirit of God mirrored in Me and, as He gave life to all that inhabited the Universe, now He was gestating a new life in My maternal womb.

Today I express with words what was lived in silence so that your hearts may participate in the mysteries of life and love them in order to seek the truth about yourselves.

Each day of My gestation was accompanied by a Divine Revelation and My Spirit rejoiced in God, in the eternal presence of the angels, as if My feet did not touch the Earth anymore but constantly lived in the renewal of life, in the divine dimensions.

My Chaste Spouse Joseph accompanied My silence and, also silenced, this allowed Him to commune with the mysteries, although He did not understand them, He lived them with the same depth.

On the Road to Bethlehem I accompanied with love every test that He lived and, in My silence, I allowed humanity to be transformed and converted through His Chaste Heart. Now the moment would come for the Spirit of God to flood His Heart and, knowing that everything has its time, I only remained silent and let the Love of God, which pulsated in My Womb, expand to His humble and faithful Heart.

The Birth of Christ was felt by Me as a new creation, a new divine expansion. My Consciousness was transferred to the Cosmos and, seeing the Unique God multiply Himself, I felt His Son being born and expressing Himself in matter.

The angels sang glory and hallelujah and emanated sounds never heard before on Earth; the Silence of God expanded as waves of Love and I felt all of this in My Heart.

Having My Son in My arms made Me share the Love of God while He multiplied Himself; the first feeling of motherhood of all life came from His Heart. And, like something sublime and indescribable, a renewed feeling of Love, a Love that did not live on Earth, My Heart lived a new expansion of light.

Feel, My children, this Love that is kept in the memory of My words and, on this day of glory, allow this expansion of Love to be lived, in some degree, within you. 

Today I revealed to you the most profound feelings of My Heart and, with simple words, I let you know that which cannot be explained, but only lived.

To truly understand what I am telling you, you must allow My words to enter into your hearts and give origin to a new state within each one of you.

I thank you for trusting in the impulses that come from Heaven and for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


Series – Divine Revelations of these times

In the Humble Cave of Bethlehem - Part I

And it was through the powerful Light of the Star of Bethlehem that your Mother and Lady, in the humble Company of Her Spouse, Saint Joseph, after having sought a simple place for the Birth of the Child King, We accepted a gift from God, which We did not expect but, at the same time, We perceived it as a visible sign during the Birth of the Child God.

It was the supreme decision that the Living God, made man and consciousness, wanted to be born in a humble manger within the caves near the village of Bethlehem.

This was so the Sacred Family, through the inner guidance of Archangel Saint Gabriel, could settle and prepare for the expected Birth of Who, throughout the times and generations, would free humankind from a possible self-destruction and a total loss of attributes and the Commandments that, as a people, in that time, united them to God.

It was for that reason that the Birth of the Messiah, the King of Israel and of the entire Earth, was prophesized and announced by the wisest contact-beings who understood, on an internal level, the cosmic vision of the local space of this Universe and, through angelic intercession, deciphered the estimated day and hour of the arrival and Birth of the Child Jesus in Bethlehem, even without previously knowing the Sacred Family.

My Husband, Saint Joseph, touched and internalized by the Birth of Christ, and by the fulfillment of the Sacred Prophecies, testified that all of His great effort and striving for the preparation of the arrival of the Little Child would be small.

Behind the Birth of Jesus, the Most Holy Mary, your Divine Mother, already knew, from the thirteen annunciations of Archangel Gabriel, that the arrival of the Child King would mean a most important Celestial, Divine and Cosmic intervention, a situation that would change and transcend all past human errors, from Eden, with Adam and Eve, up until the end of times, until the fulfillment of His second return to humanity.

This intervention, which took place in the humble and simple scenery of the cave of Bethlehem, represented the restoration of the Alliance that had been lost between humanity and God; but it also meant the re-establishment of the codes of Love-Wisdom which, from the spiritual plane, would help the material plane of the entire human race.

The first Source of Creation, which arises in the immaterial plane, lived a process of materialization of its forms and matrixes in order to contribute to the Birth of Jesus on Earth.

This movement of very high vibratory-spiritual science also meant a strong movement of cosmic and solar currents, of emanations and divine impulses which assisted so that, through the Birth of Christ, not only one of the Divine Aspects of the Trinity could descend onto the Earth, but also a state of contact between all beings who, at that time of the Birth of Christ, had total confidence about the arrival of their savior. 

For this reason, the annunciation of the angels to the shepherds and the wise interpretation and attunement of the Kings of the East generated, in all of the spiritual consciousness of the planet, the possibility of placing the Earth, once again, in a rescuable disposition.

When Jesus was born in the manger of Bethlehem many other spiritual, internal and even physical events occurred, since the descent of the immaterial energy of God embraced and encompassed many planetary events.

All of those who, with sincerity and devotion, remember the Birth of Christ, year after year, re-enter into the same cosmic and divine currents from which, more than two thousand years ago, the process of rescue and redemption of humanity was originated.

To celebrate the Birth of Christ every year is not living the past or returning to a true story, but rather it means to return to the Origin of the Origin, not only as a  planet, but also as a being, through the Birth of Christ, in order to have access to a state of spiritual atonement and to be able to regain the purpose that brought each being to the Earth, in spite of all the mistakes lived.

It is this impulse that until today enables the continuity, on the planet, of the existence of Christic beings who will generate, step by step, the fulfillment of the Plan.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


On this night of Graces, I want to give My blessing to the world, mainly to the hearts that are empty, so they may all receive the Peace of God.

From the heart of Fatima and with joy, I gather you all in the Sacred Cenacle, in the Presence of My beloved Son Jesus and the faithful and most chaste Presence of Saint Joseph, for as the Sacred Family of the universe, We radiate Our Stars of Light, which Our Consciousnesses conceived of and opened the doors to the world, directly toward the path of redemption.

On this evening, My Immaculate Heart gladly and joyfully celebrates the lit candles, the souls that wake up to the path of conversion and of peace. And although you know, My children, that the whole world suffers and endures, today the Queen of Heaven brings a unique opportunity for all, opening the doors of the heart to you so that your lives definitely find the soul, sacred precinct of God, where your King wishes to rest at the moment of His great Return to the world.

Today, the angels of Lys assemble and deliver peace to the most distant places of the planet, especially to all those souls that do not follow My religion and do not know My divine Face. But the Mother of the World, the Lady of the Stars of the universe, the Queen crowned by the Crown of God, in the presence of all the Angels and Archangels, together with Her Son, celebrates the mass of redemption, the re-encounter with the spirit of love in all lost souls.

Thus, on this night of Graces, not only the Sanctuary of Lys is lit up, but all the hearts that devotedly awaken their inner mirrors to radiate the codes of love and of peace to the world. 

Today, in truth, dear children, I feel united with each of you. In this way, your sins are liberated, and all the stains of suffering are alleviated.

I am present here, among you, My children, as the Queen of Peace, as the Queen of Love and of Mercy, as the One who had been among you in Nazareth, gestating the Son of God in Her Womb, and bringing the opportunity of change for the whole world.

I am that Woman clothed in the Sun, announced in the Apocalypse of John, who brings the moon under Her feet, announcing hope to this world that suffers, and opening the door for you for the Return of My Son, the firstborn Son of God, your Jesus, King Jesus.

Thus, open your hearts and let your faults be forgiven, through the Communion that all My children, far and wide in the world, on communing with My beloved Son, received His Most Sacred Redeemer Body, in a perfect and divine union with His mystical and divine Spirit. The Graces and Mercies of God descend to this world through the hearts of the Guardian Angels.

Thus, on this evening, I also invite you, beloved children, to dispel all problems from your minds, the Grace of your conversion is close.

The Archangel Michael, together with the Archangel Saint Gabriel, unite at this moment to radiate the power of My Immaculate Heart to the world. Happy are those who feel My maternal Presence, in spite of not seeing Me; for God still wishes, beloved children, that I use certain instruments throughout this humanity so My Word may be announced to the world, which is the Message of Christ, your Savior, which will always bring you peace and hope in these difficult times.

But today, in My universal and maternal reign, My sacred hands sustain the scepter of Peace to bring the world the true Justice of God, and in this way, all hearts can be harmonized with the Law of the Creator.

Feel the Rays of My Immaculate Heart, so that one day, beloved children, you are able to understand the Laws of the Creator; those that are greatly assaulted by ungrateful hearts that do not want to listen to My Son, neither in Confession nor in Communion.

But you, beloved children, more aware of the spiritual and higher life, will be able to raise to Heaven all the hearts of the world as a sacred offering, which before this end time, must wake up to the call of the Mother of God.

Today I am among you, strengthening the cenacle of the heart; reminding you that you must continue to pray every day, especially in this time of tribulation, which begins to take place within people, and which expresses on the outside of this material life.

I want you to leave here alert and prepared, and that all the hearts united with Me at this moment, in the Sacred Sanctuary of the Kingdom of Lys, may be able to live a good life, of reconciliation and peace, experiencing repentance, strengthening their faith in Christ, renewing the Sacraments and living a life of fraternity, so that at least, My children, a part of this race is able to concretize the advent of a New Humanity.

Some hearts already live this New Humanity in the depths of their souls, waiting for the great promise of the Promised Land that will come to aid all from the Celestial Universe, through the New Jerusalem, which will be formed by the disciples of My Son, those latter-day saints, who will proclaim the last word before the great door in this humanity is opened.

Thus, today, My children, I not only contemplate your needs, the lack of love in your hearts and the strengthening of faith in your lives; I come to bring you a Message of hope, but also a Message of warning: the hour has come for praying with the heart every day and of not wasting time on superficial things.

Feed your spirits and minds with the sacred Word of My beloved Son. Study the Gospel. Visit the Bible every day. Read the Messages and practice them, so that your lives may be an example of charity and service, through the tasks of love and the spirit of redemption.

Today, before you is the New Aurora, that which always shines in the inner firmament of the hearts that invoke it, in the Sacred Presence of the Father-Mother Creator Emmanuel, which unites you with My Divine Heart so you may experience the opportunity for redemption.

Liberate your faults and debts and find again the path to the Kingdom of God.

For this reason, today I am here, in Goiânia, so that the State of Goiás, together with Mato Grosso, may establish new groups of prayer to pray for the Kingdoms of Nature, mainly for the Animal Kingdom, which is greatly punished by all. That debt must be balanced.

For this reason, today I leave you all with the responsibility of responding to this call of My Immaculate Heart, and that you wake up to an awareness of Genesis, in which God, from the beginning, since Adam and Eve, provided all the necessary things to live without any need to assault the Animal Kingdom or any Kingdom created by your God.

I not only come for you, a sleeping humanity, announcing Myself from the Sacred Kingdom of Fatima, waking up your essences, which must be united with God all the time; I also come for the Younger Kingdoms, which co-exist with you all the time, which are injured and assaulted by the violent hands of humankind, without the least respect for the Law of Creation.

You, who live here and know about the massacres of the Animal Kingdom, I invite you, dear children, to seek a natural life, avail yourselves of that which God gave you from the beginning; feed your stomachs with healthy, divine and sublime things; leave the Kingdoms in peace, let them evolve. They need you all the time and so that the Law does not fall upon this very deaf and blind humanity.

I come to warn you, dear children, about a door, an opportunity: open your eyes to the call of your Mother from Heaven.

There is no time to lose. Do not be involved any more in modernity, do not be instruments of My adversary. Use your higher intelligence, wake up your sleeping cells so that God is able to work through your hearts and lives.

Humanity owes much to the universe; but as I come from you and you come from My Heart, I am part of this humanity since the beginning. I bring you the Truth and Justice so that you may recognize them and live with simplicity.

Beloved children, today all the universe assembles so that, from the Kingdom of Lys, souls leave renewed in hope and faith. And when you, beloved children, stop doing some things in your lives, attitudes that lead you to perdition, you will be able to understand My Message and will truly believe that everything I tell you today is part of the Will of God. In this way, you will change your lives, united every day with the Holy Rosary, elevating your spirits in perfect Communion with My resurrected Son.

So, open your eyes and stop sleeping. Come out of this sleep, this torpor. Wake up, in the same way the apostles woke up in Gethsemane, when they had to accompany the agony of My Son.

But today, I bring you a little of the Mercy of God, because I interceded for all of you so I could tell you all these things.

When humanity changes, and at least a small part of this humanity lives the last Message from Heaven, I will be able to say, My children, that you will already be prepared to receive Christ. And even though that is about to happen, My Immaculate Heart, your Solar Eagle, will continue to fly over this humanity through the sacred pilgrimages, so hearts may wake up to the Call of God and stop offending Him all the time.

Dear children, what happened in Fatima was very important; but what happens here today, in this place, is radiated to the whole world, to the world of the soul, the essential world of all hearts.

This is My testimony for all. This is My Message of warning for the whole world: change, change soon. Do not live a superfluous life. Repent in time, confess, commune with My Son and you will be saved by My Most Sacred Heart. In this way, I will be able to count on many warriors of peace who will fight, with the rosary in their hands, in the culminating time of the tribulation, in which they will be united in prayer and in spirit, in union with My Immaculate Heart, waiting for the Return of the Christ to the world, when all of humanity, from East to West, will wake up and recognize the Universal King.

On this day, My children, in which your hearts withdraw into My maternal Spirit, I am present here, filling you with My Peace and with My Love; I am present in Fatima with all My children, in all the homes that are united with Me at this moment, in all the orders consecrated to God, and I am also in Kibeho, working in the heart of Rwanda for all of Africa.

Thus, beloved children, as you know My different Aspects of Light, with which I have appeared to different hearts, to bring a Message of peace and of hope throughout the centuries; today I wish, beloved children, as your Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, that you hold in memory My Message of Peace, My Message of instruction, which comes from the Will of God and His Supreme Power. My Message is strong and intense, with the hope that your cells wake up to the call to redemption and conversion of hearts and of families.

On this evening, beloved children, place your aspirations in My hands. In the silence of the heart and the word, tell Me inwardly what it is that you need, I hear you through the silence.

And now that I have received your pleas, place your left hand over your heart and inwardly proclaim your consecration to My Immaculate Heart.

I am the Lady of the Divine Verb, and I am with all those who are consistent with God, in humility and simplicity, in reverence and love.

Today, I consecrate all these sacred images so they may be the icon of your hope, of the Mercy of God, through your Lady, the Celestial Lady.

On this evening, new children will be consecrated and I hope, will walk by My side, carrying the flag of peace. In spite of the shaking of the ground, My Heart will support those who are faithful to My maternal Spirit. I will not leave you alone, you will not walk alone, My omnipresent and universal Spirit will always fill you.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let those children who will be consecrated come here. In the presence of Our Most Holy Lady the Virgin Mary, we will listen to "Our Lady of Kibeho."


As your Lady of the Divine Verb, the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima, as the Queen of Peace and Mother of all humanity, united in the heart, I consecrate you, dear children, under the omnipotence of My Son Jesus, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear children of the United States, My hope of reaching your nation is latent in My Heart. Through your steps, My task will be concretized, and once again, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.

I thank you!


Song: "Our Lady of Kibeho"


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, we will all stand to sing the Hymn of the Sanctuary of Fatima, today, May 13.

We remain standing, quiet and in silence, and after this song, we will prepare for a break, still remaining in the Presence of Mary, to celebrate Communion together. Let us begin.

Song: "Hymn of the Sanctuary of Fatima"

Brothers and sisters present and those who are gathered together in the Marian Centers, we will begin this ceremony of Communion after this meeting with Our Lady, responding to Her request to commune with the Body and the Blood of Christ.


Afterwards, the Sacrament of Communion is celebrated with various priests of the Order.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Thank You, Mother, for all that you give us!


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
