An account of the Message
Sister Lucía de Jesús:
Today we went to receive Saint Joseph at Casa Nossa Senhora dos Pobres (House of Our Lady of the Poor), and during the prayer and the singing we were doing to receive Him, we perceived a very lovely energy, a channel that gradually opened in the whole area of the wall of the house and the altar where the picture of Mary, of Christ and of Saint Joseph was.
It was a portal that was slowly opening into the Celestial Kingdom, a space where there were many choirs of angels, many! On all the levels of the dimensions that slowly appeared, each of the doors, one after another, had different levels of choirs of angels, and they were creating a path to the Divine Consciousness.
At the end of this path there was a Fount of pure energy, which began to descend over us as if it were a river, a spring, crystal clear water, but it was energy.
It gradually descended from that portal, that pure Fount, crossing all the dimensions, and when it reached the place where we were receiving the Message, that water first touched our own consciousness, worked on us, cleansed us, purified us, and was bringing that energy of Grace and of peace. Afterwards, it passed through our beings and reached all the planetary spaces, most especially the city of Carmo da Cachoeira and Brazil. It was something that was coming and had no end, it flowed without ending.
After a time, Saint Joseph appeared in the depths of that portal. He was walking through that Fount of clear water, and when He reached where we were, that Fount gradually transformed into another space, and Casa Nossa Senhora dos Pobres slowly gained a different aspect, like a much simpler house, with walls of stone. Inside, there was some furniture, some of wood, others of stone, and Saint Joseph was saying that this was the House of the Sacred Family of Nazareth.
In that house there were different portals to the Universe, to Infinity, portals that were associated with the Divine Consciousness, with Universal Life and its mysteries, and many angels and archangels were going through that house.
Saint Joseph was saying that Casa Nossa Senhora dos Pobres has a link of a spiritual coordinate with that House of Nazareth, which still exists in the inner worlds, on the inner and spiritual levels of consciousness.
Then, as He spoke, talking about the experiences of the Sacred Family, those experiences were appearing there through images, and the codes of the experiences which the Sacred Family went through were touching our consciousnesses, our beings.
With that, He began to transmit the following Message:
Like a spring unknown to human hearts, Grace flows abundantly when souls pray in the places consecrated by the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Here, children, at this Point of Light, where the Sacred Hearts find rest, there is a sacred spiritual coordinate which unites this place with the Sacred House of Nazareth, where the Child Jesus, the Virgin Mary and My Chaste Heart learned about love, charity and the celestial mysteries.
In that Holy House, Our Hearts expanded and Our Consciousnesses lived an expansion that until then had never been experienced by the human consciousness. In Nazareth, we lived the first steps of transcendence and the initiation of a union with the Divine, the school of intersession, the mystery of humility, the power of silence and the Grace of charity.
For that reason, here in this sacred place, these same gifts are available for hearts that pray, adore and contemplate the mysteries of the life of Christ and His Sacred Family.
In this place, the angels of the Archangel Gabriel fervently wait for the merciful and intercessory prayers of pleading souls, so that in this way, they are able to carry them as merits to the Feet of God, in the name of those most in need.
The planet, children, is in need of balance and prayer. It needs awakened souls that will give priority to this sacred, hidden and silent mission of interceding for the world and for its Kingdoms. Thus, I ask, and with love, I tell you that you should vivify your prayers with the sincere effort of the heart, and do not allow the abundant Graces of the Heart of God to remain in the Heavens, but rather that they be poured out over the Earth through the celestial floodgates that are opening to the sound of sincere hearts that lift up their prayers to the Heavens.
Generate merits for the balance of the planet and this sacred place. Like waves of Light, your prayers will intercede for this city, for this country, for this continent, and for this planet, as long as you are constant and persevering in your spiritual path.
When, with love and responsibility, you take on the commitment of sustaining your spiritual path, you will perceive, children, that you will receive all the responses you are searching for, the healing for which you cry out, a balance in your purifications, the transcendence from your miseries and the ascension of the consciousness.
This is a long road, which must be trod with the key of constancy, and when you least expect it, your consciousnesses will achieve a pure and simple union with God, even in times of tribulation.
Be persevering and constant, and everything will be made known to you.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My dear children of Sao Paulo,
I rejoice to meet you again gathered in the Love of My Son in this Sacred House of God, permeated with the experiences of service and charity, experiences of awakening and of openness to learn to love the Plan of God.
Today, I am here with you, especially to begin the new cycle of the Light-Nucleus in São Paulo, a preparatory cycle for the times of emergency, but above all for the welcoming of suffering souls.
Dear children, for this reason, from now on, I ask you to open your hearts and minds, to let yourselves be guided towards what is foreseen for this point of Light, so that it may happen as God needs it.
Behold, My children, the coming time of renewal, of a renewal that needs to begin first in each one of you, so that it may then be reflected in this Sacred House, blessed by Me, time and again.
My children, I ask you, in this new cycle of renewal of the Sacred Light-Nucleus, to take the first step in faith, in trust and mainly in the opening of the heart. In this way, the Purpose that needs to be concretized here will be shown and manifested.
This Sacred Nucleus in the city of São Paulo is essential, decisive and important for the mission that it fulfills in the Plan of the Eternal Father. For this reason, My beloved children, I am here, once again as Mother of Sao Paulo, to encourage all of you, without exception, to enter this new stage of the Light-Nucleus.
From now on, My dear children, with all My Heart I wish you a very good beginning of this cycle.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Through the oceans, My Consciousness is mirrored throughout humanity, and within human beings it can mirror the great state of Christic Consciousness. It is this spiritual and inner state that I have sought to implement in the entire human race throughout times, through the impulses that I bring to you in this cycle.
Today My Heart and all of My Being are now in Africa, just as your inner worlds and your prayers may also be there so as to accompany Me in this daring task of redeeming the African Continent and of generating, in all peoples of Africa, the relief of suffering and the recovery of peace.
For this reason, I Am here today, but in Spirit and omnipresence, I Am also in Africa, dealing with very important and spiritual subjects, which up to today your consciousnesses have not known.
Once again, I invite you to love mystery through the Love that I offer to you. Thus, you will be able to feel, in your inner world and in your consciousness, the impulses that I bring to you, so that you may learn to recognize My Will, the Will that is already written in the Consciousness of the Eternal Father, in all His Angels and Archangels, this Will that has been trying to establish itself from the origin of the planet, from the beginning of humanity.
For this reason, My Divine Consciousness has worked from the origins of the Earth for this human project, which was lovingly thought of by the Creator.
But you must know something important: this is the time to correct humanity, not through Justice, but rather through Mercy, so that it may again find the path toward its evolution and awakening, which it has lost.
The African Continent holds very important treasures, precious treasures unknown up to today.
It is My task, and it is also My duty, to reveal these treasures to you through the spiritual wealth that is kept in many hearts of Africa. A spiritual wealth that was not only exploited and removed in an unjust way that went unpunished, but also a spiritual wealth that was buried, silenced and enslaved by the countries and consciousnesses that unfortunately rule these nations of Africa.
In My Return, I will come with a Great Project to carry out and concretize. One of these Projects that I hold in My Heart is the re-emergence of the spiritual consciousness of Africa, what it has represented for the Eternal Father since the beginning and the whole legacy that no one has yet come to know.
These treasures about which I speak to you are not material, but rather deeply spiritual, and I might even say, super-physical.
These treasures will allow the planet, as a soul and as an inner consciousness, to regenerate, and thus allow the emergence of the New Humanity, which is not the humanity of these times, because this is a humanity in transition, in trial, it is a humanity in suffering and in agony.
Through My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, I come to open the doors throughout those places where they are closed: the Doors of Light, the Doors of Consciousness, the Doors of Grace and Healing, for those consciousnesses, souls and hearts that truly need them, such as My cherished Children of Africa.
For this reason, the beginning of this mission in Angola, at this stage, will be very significant, and it will not be like previous experiences, which strengthened the spirit of missionary service.
Now is the time to allow for the emergence, and also the concretization, of what the Father needs to materialize on the surface, that which you already know as sacred Points of Light, which will benefit not only Africa, but also the whole world. And this will demonstrate to all of humanity, once again, the sacrifice of the consciousnesses of Africa who do not lose faith and hope in My Heart, who only have My Heart so as to survive.
For this reason, My Heart gives of itself, once again, just as it once did in Rwanda. Now I come for all of Africa, for all nations of Africa, for all peoples and all cultures.
The time has come for humanity to recognize the errors it has committed against Africa and to correct and mend them, not only in a material way, but also in a spiritual way.
For this, I Am here as the Advocate of God, as the Mediator and Intercessor between the just and the unjust souls. I Am here through My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy and by means of the Light of My Grace to make hope re-emerge in those who have lost it and do not have anything today.
For this reason, the steps that will be taken in this cycle will be important, they will be steps that will determine the coming times, they will determine the next cycles, and I might even say, the next events.
For this reason, you must be attentive and watchful. And as My apostles, servers and missionaries, called to live the Plan of God, you must carry forward the Purpose of your Master and Lord, that of sowing Christic Love in hearts and souls, and, that of allowing suffering souls, through this unfathomable, infinite and inexhaustible Christic Love, to again find hope, faith and the joy of living in this world, and also so that, at the same time, they may again find the virtues and gifts that they do not know today.
For this reason, through the foundation of My Work in South America, a bridge of Light, of unity and brotherhood is today created between South America and Africa so that Europe may also join this purpose and so that the African Continent may no longer be used as a discard, as trash of the consciousnesses that suffer the most, but rather that Europe and the Northern Hemisphere may finally take the step to cancel out the pending spiritual debt they still have with all of Africa.
I told you, as of 2017, about the importance of reaching Africa. Some movements took place, but they were not enough. Some experiences were lived, but they were not enough. It is time for each European consciousness, each member of the Northern Hemisphere, to place their hearts, and, above all, their life, unconditionally at the service of those who most need it. This will demonstrate to your Master and Lord that you can understand My Message, and that My Message does not get lost in time nor does it end up kept only as a remembrance.
It is time to act with readiness and determination. You, suns on Earth that are already awakened, know what you must do and where you must be. Do not resist, may the Europeans not resist, but may they rather open their hearts and cancel the debts they have with Africa.
Someone must take the step and you are the ones who must do it for those who will never take the steps, for those who will never look with Mercy or even compassion upon the suffering brothers and sisters of Africa.
I invite you to reconsider your attitudes and intentions. I invite you to definitively position yourselves on the path of the concretization of the Plan.
The times now urge. For this reason, you must be attentive, so as not to lose the impulses, so as not to lose all that I Am bringing to you in these times. Africa has waited for a long time for this moment, and will not be able to wait any longer. For this reason, I Am here to remind you, to let you know, that this is the time for action.
May this Marathon of Divine Mercy prepare this immediate moment that I so much want to see concretized through you. A moment for serving without conditions, for giving of oneself without conditions, for doing something without conditions for those who suffer, for the brothers and sisters of Africa.
I can no longer hear, nor keep seeing the children of Africa, who wait for hands and arms that could welcome them, that could approach and, above all, that could love and serve them. They wait for love and not just for bread.
This is why it is important that you change your concepts about what survival life is. It is important that you may understand that in the hearts of Africa there are unknown and important treasures.
If this movement of permanent service for the African Continent takes place in these times through the collaboration and donation of all, it will allow for the spiritual debt of Europe and also of other regions of the planet to be relieved, allowing for the African consciousness to be repaired and spiritually rebuilt.
You must not just have a gesture of goodwill, this is not enough for Me; you must have a gesture of concretion, of readiness and not of resistance. You have My treasures and My Graces upon you, in your hearts and souls.
For this reason, I tell My apostles: this is the time to act, and to not allow My enemy to advance in this world and, above all, in those peoples and nations conditioned by the corrupt systems of this world.
I do not ask you to do big things, I ask you to make movements and carry out actions with love. There is the key to redemption.
After this Message, and through your prayers to the Divine and unfathomable Mercy of My Heart, I will return to Africa to keep working, just as I have been doing throughout these days, preparing the continent for a new stage. But this new stage will take place and be concretized through collaboration, and I might even say, the enthusiasm of those who understand My Message, and not just listen to it.
Through this Marathon of Divine and unfathomable Mercy, I can tell you, My companions, that the world will live a Judgment in the face of what Africa lives and suffers today. Do not expect that those who claim to be powerful, or even those who exploit all of Africa, will change. The change, companions, begins within you, in the anonymous service for others.
This will grant the world an unknown, inexplicable amnesty, and Africa will be able to rise and re-emerge as the people and the culture it represents to God.
I will pray for you, My companions, to take the steps, especially all the members of this Work that belong to Europe. It is not enough that one, two or three consciousnesses make a movement for Africa, all are responsible for the spiritual debt.
I invite you to assume the cross, just as I assumed it for you. But I assure you that you will not experience the weight or the calvary that I experienced for you. I will always be there, by your side, to sustain you, to impel you, to transform you, to convert you into My apostles of the end times.
Be brave and do not step back.
Do not fear the cross, nor the suffering, rather fear to be far from God and absorbed by the illusion of the world.
You have the treasures of the Father, through Our Words and Our Apparitions, you have received these treasures; now it is time to place them at the service of others, of those who most need them, of those who have most waited for them, for such a long time.
I will be there, waiting for your definitive steps.
Now I truly return to Africa as a spiritual and divine Consciousness, hoping that more consciousnesses may assume a mature and not a passing service. Remember that Africa has a great spiritual and physical wound that has not yet healed. The presence of My apostles, of My servers and missionaries, will generate the healing of this situation, which is inexplicable to all.
Only Love will heal the pain.
I encourage you to move forward.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
When My Mother Heart visits every house on Earth and they open the door of their inner home to receive Me, I pour out all the Graces of Heaven and I establish in the hearts that receive Me, the Gifts of My holy Peace.
Every house I visit, I consecrate it, sanctify it and establish a point of Light for the world, a place where prayer can be found and where souls will be strengthened after I have gone through there.
Thus, dear children, in every house that I visit I create an oratory of Peace for the world and I pour out a Gift that will invisibly sustain all the lost consciousnesses in need of it.
This way, My dear children, through all the houses that I have visited in the world, I can create a great network of Light and of prayer that radiates the fruitful principles of goodness and peace through its potent energy.
Thus, every day, when My children pray in their consecrated houses, this flow of Grace and Redemption is spiritually reactivated for the whole planetary consciousness.
I establish in each spirit that opens the door of their house to Me, an inner consecration that is distinguished by the angels of the universe who, together with the souls, work to sow the peace so necessary in these times.
The oratories that I create for My children are spaces where My Divine Consciousness can be present to work in their own family and in all those who need it.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unifies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Beloved children,
Today I find Myself among you to bring peace, relieve and an expansion of light that may reach your consciousnesses, so that they may strengthen themselves in the Love of God.
In time of tests, of great definitions and greater commitments that must be assumed by the soldiers of Christ, My adversary uses all of his tricks to put in the heart and in the mind of My children, creations that are not real, ideas and feelings that disturb them and that only seek to remove them from the task of the spirit that incarnated on this Earth to serve God.
All those feelings and thoughts that distance you from My Heart and from the heart of your brothers and sisters are in process of transformation so that once and for all you may die for love. This will permit that the truthful that exists in you and that was sown as a talent by My Son, may sprout, flourish and develop.
These true attributes are kept, in some cases, under several keys because the mediocre aspects of humanity have been cultivated in consciousness throughout history and developed as false attributes, what deceives all of My children into thinking that they are their best spiritual qualities, mental and material skills.
While these false attributes are defended and treasured as real and sublime inside of the beings, the true attributes and talents remain captive in cages, where they can not express themselves or fulfill what they came to do in this world.
But My Love and the Redeeming Love of My Son come to break the locks of these prisons so that, what you truly are, My Beloved Children, be able to be liberated and the mediocrity learned by this humanity throughout history may be able to finally be unmasked and die.
The art of loving, dear children, is that task that God has entrusted to you, an exercise full of challenges in which each consciousness takes as a goal to overcome every day, one by one, the mediocrities of this world, with determination, will and faith to reach this vital purpose that keeps waiting for the worthy Children of God.
When a consciousness is determined to achieve what God in truth has sown in it, going over its own head, without fear of what it will find, it receives from the Celestial Spheres an assistance that is not from this world, which is reserved for the brave ones.
When a consciousness is willing, in humility, to discover what false this world has put in them and decide to discover the potential the Universe has sown in their interior, the Heavens collaborate so that their prompt awakening to the truthful may open the door of the treasure that had been guarded for so long.
Beloved children, persevere, work, be strong and brave. Discover the false that My adversary has sown in your hearts and do not allow to be prevented to feel the full joy of discovering who you truly are.
I guide you, trust in My designs, in My requests and thus I will be able to help you to liberate yourselves from what you are not.
Today I bless My favorite son, the one that is favorite for the effort he has made in discovering the instrument that I have built within him and in offering himself to be led by God to the awakening of his brothers and sisters.
I want to be able to serve Myself from all My beloved children as instruments of Light in My hands.
I love you, I protect you with My Immaculate Heart. Thank you for being today with Me.
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
Children of Mine,
In these times you will be able to see how My presence and My message of Peace traverse the world by means of the sacred pilgrimages, the ones that are possible because of the loving help of all of My children.
On this day, I wish to place you in consciousness before the magnificence of the task that your Mother has been carrying out in the whole world and especially in Medjugorje and in South America. For these moments, beloved children, these two places have been chosen by the Supreme Will to represent some of the last points of light that My Immaculate Heart is igniting in the interior of the souls.
The whole of the Americas need the gentle visit of the Mother of God by means of the pilgrimages. It is for this reason that I announce to you again My pending task in the Andes and in the United States. As these are important missions, My Son has allowed for My Maternal Light to concentrate in one of the most needy places of each one of these two regions.
For this great purpose, children, today I announce to you that My Merciful and Maternal Heart wishes to arrive, in the next months, to Bogotá, Colombia, where My luminous presence will carry out, as the Bird of the Sun, a special task of blessing. For this, I also come today to ask the groups of prayer of Colombia, Ecuador, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba and Dominican Republic to form an only weekly group of prayer to pray and to work for this divine cause. In this way, your Heavenly Mother will help you to concretize Her upcoming presence in Colombia.
In the United States, your Most Holy Mother wishes to carry out, together with Her Beloved Son, a spiritual mission of conversion before the material and liberal life. In order for this conversion of the hearts to become possible and occur soon, I will ask the groups of prayer of the United States and of Europe to weekly unite in prayer in order to concretize the aspiration of the Queen of Heaven of lovingly going on pilgrimage to the city of Miami, Florida, and to the indigenous communities present in State of Oklahoma in the United States.
Children, the aspirations of Heaven are great, and you should know that your hearts have the potential and the love to carry them forward. For this reason, I do not announce to you any date, so that you may begin to work first in the interior consciousness. When the foundations for these missions of the Sacred Hearts become ready and firm, with ardent love We will go to announce the Call and pour the Graces that are necessary to all.
The mission in Africa had the result expected by the Plan of God and for the sake of all of these blessings, your Mother of the World announces to you today Her next Plan of worldly rescue.
I thank you all for answering to My requests!
Who unifies you in the heart of the Eternal Father,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more