The red dragon has left his abyss and, with his wrathful tail, he hits the regions of the Earth in order to drag as many souls as possible.
But the dragon also moves the stars of the sky, which makes them fall into the great abysses.
His fury and anger are because he knows there is little time left for him.
Therefore, the dragon, which is the idol of some representatives of the nations of the Earth, believes he has all peoples and nations of the world under his power.
Now, as a feared serpent, his tail drags throughout South America and awakens in his allies all forms and feelings of power, authority and oppression.
The red dragon wants to destroy the re-emergence of the New Humanity at once. Therefore, as his time shortens, he uses all allies to satisfy his ambition and pleasure.
But the dragon does not know that there is something that blinds him completely and leaves him lost, to the point of leaving him aimless, and this is group prayer from the heart, because it is such an invisible and subtle tool that, little by little, corners him and leaves him without action and without a way out.
The dragon fears the powerful feeling of prayer, because out of nowhere his sinister and perverted plans fall, becoming destroyed by the angels of the nations.
Thus, in South America, a battlefield has been established, because the dragon came to tread these sacred lands while in the North of this continent the door was opened for him by some, and these were his allies.
Now that everything is at stake, the Woman Clothed with the Sun summons and calls Her children so that, together with Her, they may run to the deserts and take refuge beneath the sacred spirit of the Sites. From there, everyone will be able to accompany the situation of the nations and will be more protected.
The Woman Clothed with the Sun is pregnant. But, as She is ready to give birth, Her Son runs the risk of being captured. Therefore, the Woman of the Sun escapes to the desert so that what is new and coming may not be found.
The dragon is furious and destroys, with his passing, all thoughts, feelings and all peoples, and manages with his craft to put all against one another, brothers against brothers.
Therefore, the Woman Clothed with the Sun calls Her children to the deserts so that they also may escape and be free from all that will happen before the dragon arrives.
But he will be defeated by fasting and prayer. This is why you must not give him any kind of spiritual, mental or material food.
Close all doors to him. Blind him with the light of prayer and in a short time he will faint. He will die because he will no longer have nourishment nor motive, and that is when Saint Michael Archangel with all of his hosts will defeat him and again throw him into the abyss.
And all the allies of the red dragon will also feel it. Some will lose their reason and meaning. Others will go into exile because everything will come to light, but others will lose all the power and willpower they believed they had in their hands and in their cold hearts.
The Woman will leave the desert again with Her new Son in Her arms, and the sun will rise as the new Aurora and the seven seals will close a history.
The redemption of the Americas will be a victory.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Love your brothers and sisters just as they are, just as I love you, without conditions, without rules or restrictions.
Love your brothers and sisters as they are, without trying to change anything in them, because they themselves should make the great change in consciousness, just as you should make the inner change.
Love your brothers and sisters with all their defects, with all their imperfections, with all their anger and with all their resistances, just as I love all of your being, with all your errors, with all your faults and with all your miseries.
Love your brothers and sisters with all their talents, skills and abilities, just as I love you with all your potential, with all your intelligence and with all your energy.
Love your brothers and sisters in their moments of happiness, in their moments of pain and in their moments of joy, just as I love you in your moments of falling, in your moments of test and in your moments of defeat.
Love your brothers and sisters with all their happiness, with all their anger, with all their folly, just as I love you with all your resistances, with all your misconceptions and with all your doubts.
Love is capable of everything and it has no limits, no commitments nor schedules.
Love is the giving of self and is the acceptance of the biggest and of the smallest errors.
Love will always free you from chains and will heal your heart.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart.
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Second day of the Novena
And having carried souls that experience hate, anger and impunity toward the glorious Fount of My Divine Mercy, you will allow My Consciousness of Light to enter into those deep spaces of the being, where the most hardened errors and offenses are sown.
Through the Fount of Divine Mercy, the hearts that are most in need and distanced from Me will achieve peace and no longer feel the need of giving their lives into the hands of hate, anger or impunity.
Although justice is not accomplished in the humanity of these times, and those who are lawless have the power, I assure you that all this will not last, for those who fight by the sword will die by the sword, and their throne will fall, as will fall all their allies.
Thus, before the Divine Justice of the Son of God approaches, there is still time for you to submerge all those who need it into My Mercy so that the Law of eternal salvation may occur in the majority of the creatures of Earth.
I thank you for praying from the heart to My Divine Mercy!
Who blesses you with His Peace,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
In the end, the war and the persecution of humanity will finish when the majority of the men and women of the world repent from the heart and confess to God all of their sins. Until this happens My Immaculate Heart will not triumph.
For this I lovingly ask all of My children that listen to Me and that answer to My designs to continue to pray, so that peace will not only be reached, but also so that peace will not disappear from the human heart.
Every material war is a consequence of a spiritual and involutionary conflict; every war between humans and between nations is fomented by pride and by power that time and again attempt to defeat the human civilization.
For this, children of Mine, raising My hands to Heaven in sign of prayer and of piety, I implore to each one of you, creatures of the Earth, that you transform your arrogance into love, that you exchange your wrath for peace. Thus, in little time, the Father will have in His sight enough examples and testimonies for the world to receive a great amnesty and not to self-destroy.
Be one with your guardian angels. Be one consciousness, one mind and one heart in the times to come. In an extraordinary way, the Sacred Hearts are gathered in prayer in the Celestial Universe for all of you and for the whole project of the Earth.
I need, dear children, that you become conscious of what that means for these times of spiritual Armageddon. May your hearts be very united to Mine so that no force contrary to the Light of God will continue dominating the planetary consciousness.
I ask all of the praying beings of the world for an answer for all of humanity, that must be immediate enough before the Celestial Universe of Your Father.
The great abyss that once was seen by John the Apostle is already being opened. In truth, dear children, no one could ever interpret well the Book of Revelations. There has not been any erudite or religious person that has achieved it, and this is so because the symbols reveal themselves as a message by means of the heart.
In face of the lack of truly understanding that these are no longer normal times, but rather Apocalyptic moments, dear children, under the divine authority that has been entrusted to Me through the full state of My Grace, I will be assisting you in interpreting each one of the signs of the Apocalypse.
Many will be opposed in the face of this, but when Your Heavenly Mother, who comes from the Greater Universe begins to speak, everything will occur as it was seen by John.
No longer believe that all that is being prophesized will happen in another moment of humanity; the race is gravely condemned to a severe Final Judgment and the angels have been preparing themselves for a long time for this moment.
But finally the Immaculate Heart will triumph in the life of all those who will have transformed and redeemed themselves, giving thus space to the powerful divine intervention that is given at this time.
Dear children, while the hands of the clock indicate the passage of time, all is precipitated quickly. This is the cause of so many guidelines and requests for prayer. Your offerings will be lovingly welcome.
The Americas will have to face the greatest oppression in order to materialize the project of the Promised Earth, for this your spirits are summoned by Me.
I thank you for embracing My call with faith!
Who shelters you in face of the times of spiritual battle,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Anger is the seed of frustration and this impure feeling is born from not feeling loved. Frustration is the root of lie and pride; from pride comes folly and from it, the abandonment of the spiritual life.
The principle that balances those states is Mercy that it is based on Piety and Compassion, which make possible that everything be understood.
Frustration is a poison that dissolves peace, because this feeling has its origin in the criticism and in the value judgment. Peace permits to overcome those difficulties; frustration is dissipated with truth, especially with tolerance and patience, states that can generate interior harmony and balance despite the recurring tests.
The essence of frustration is the shame of recognizing oneself as an incompetent, above all, it keeps its impetus on the false power and on the own belief, that which generates more insecurity and lack of faith.
That soul which surrenders to My arms will stop leaving those things because I will teach them to forgive with the heart, to love through life and to establish faith as an interior emblem. It is from there, by means of prayer and humiliation, that all the evil feelings will be dissolved. In this way God will return to the heart that trusts on His Plan and will live in interior isHis communion with all of His children.
To recognize oneself as you are is a school for the braves ones. But to recognize oneself in Christ is an aspiration to be able live this school.
No longer frustrate your lives; recognize now all that you are capable of, because whoever is not in Christ, will not be anything. He wishes to enter and govern; the banishment of the ambitions will happen when, having determined yourself, you no longer want to be the same consciousness as always.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who takes you to the One and Only Consciousness of Truth,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The true fruit of prayer is Love and from Love is born the confidence in God. From this confidence, Faith sprouts as a seed of light so that afterwards it may become a flower that will be at the feet of the Altar of God.
The only path is Hope because from it, Wisdom is born and from Wisdom, the servant consciousness is nourished to someday live in Peace. From Peace comes meekness, that is the gift of the pacifiers and this meekness is the shield against all restlessness and disturbance.
Fear exists for the lack of confidence, and fear is a misleading weapon that My adversary uses to make the hearts give up on the Path of God. From this fear, wrath is born and from wrath, comes guilt and oppression, cunnings from the enemy to impede your confirmation to the Plan of God.
But the soul that prays, renews itself and loses all of the fears, does not have anything to gain nor to lose because it is surrendered to the Will of God. Who lives prayer, bear good fruits, but who prays in sincerity and without automatisms will convert itself into a precious pearl to God.
For this I come to the world to teach you about this school of prayer. If you enter this path you shall get to know your potentials and virtues. It is enough to just take the first step so that in a short time you may liberate yourselves from all the codes of superfluous and petty life.
Be today a great mirror of light that, through the loving prayer, reflects to the world the Light of Christ among darkness.
Be pillars of the new time so that My Son may institute His Temple of Mercy in you and, in this way, the basis of the New Humanity will be able to be manifested.
Banish from your consciousness the path of perdition and spiritual blindness, open the eyes and read the message that the Queen of Heaven has written to you.
These are already the last announcements before everything is triggered. Live in prayer and someday you will be a reflection of a living prayer, permeated by The Spirit of Christ and free from all evil.
The world needs mirrors of prayer, power plants of cosmic and divine fire, that attract towards the planet, the laws of Mercy and Harmony in a time of great imbalances.
The proposal to convert your life is in force. Adhere to the call and enter the universe of My Heart in order to thus redeem your consciousnesses.
There in the Universe, we will always be one.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who ignites the mirrors of the heart,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
While part of the world is in a never-ending war that unleashes the wrath and evil of humanity, My Divine Mercy approaches every day at three o'clock in the afternoon to restore and heal the vices of humanity.
My Divine Mercy is mainly poured into hearts that every day revive My Holy Passion. Thus, through them, all the gifts and merits achieved by My Sacred Heart are deposited as cells of light in simple and pure hearts.
In order to attain My forgiveness it will be enough to recognize oneself as a worthy child of God, and, despite the fact that sin is great and irreparable, I have the celestial authority to absolve you from all faults. Thus your lives will become crystalline and limpid when you seek to live My Mercy, beyond professing it and confirming it in your lives.
Heaven unites in harmony and prayer, every day, at three o'clock in the afternoon in order to help balance the spiritual and material disorder of this world. Therefore, only through My Unfathomable Mercy will the most hardened and sinful souls be able to find their lifeline, and the same will be true for those who serve Me but face the game of temptations of this world.
If in truth you decide to seek the spring of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, you will be able to lessen on the world the weight of its own law, and many souls will stop being condemned to the fire of hell, so as to be recognized as rescued souls.
In this last hour of the transition of the Earth, seek the straight path to My Divine Mercy because, in these times of greater confusion, you will be left only with holding on to My Path of redemption and salvation.
I give you all that I have, I give you the possibility to re-dimension your lives through the transmuting and purifying fire of My Divine Mercy.
The time indicates a quick and decisive decision. The time has come to place yourself at the feet of the Greater Source so that you can be washed, freed from stains and redirected toward the eternal Kingdom of God.
Today I especially pray for those who will incur a spiritual union with Me in the new times. This will determine the possibility of fulfilling My redemptive Project before My return to the world.
Pray for those who persevere on the path of transformation, but also pray for those who courageously abandoned Me, forgetting about Me. I place all of them in My Sacred Heart and I hope to see them, someday, in My Celestial Glory.
I determine, in this age, that you follow only one path.
Under the supreme Grace of God, be consecrated to My Heart.
The Glorified Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more