In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In silence, I try to have you listen to God. The lack of silence in the world causes absence of peace and, due to the lack of peace in the world, there is no harmony.
For this reason, this is the great moment for souls to turn to their inner silence, because God has been waiting up until now to speak to His Children, to His Creatures, so that they may listen to His Call and to His Voice, so that souls may be led to the Purpose and, as a part of this Spiritual and Divine Purpose, hearts may learn to express His Divine Will, day by day.
The lack of silence in the world is what causes chaos and war. This is what causes faulty listening, and the difficulty to feel and recognize all that happens to one’s neighbor.
This is why the world and humanity are confused, lost and disturbed, because the lack of peace disorients the consciousnesses of the surface and slowly distances them from the Purpose of God.
But on this day, once again, through the doors to My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy, through the Wound of My Side, I come to grant souls the opportunity to reintegrate themselves into the evolutionary path. Thus, they may not only learn to listen to God in the silence of the heart, but they may also be impelled to carry forward the preparation of My Return to the world. And although this is about to happen in humanity, very difficult things will still happen on the surface.
Through the Divine expression of My Word, through My New Gospel, which springs from the innermost depths of My Heart, I come to prepare souls for that moment.
In the meantime, I ask you to sustain yourselves in Me, because in Me you will be able to continue on despite the times of tribulation and darkness, although you may see these nations oppose one another, although people may rise against people, although indifference, for many, may be the theme of this age.
Companions, I invite you to get up and begin every day as if it were the first time, knowing that in your hearts there must emerge the ardent inspiration to fulfill My Purpose no matter what, regardless of what may happen, regardless of what is carried out in this world.
Do not seek the solution in that which is material and concrete. Seek the answer in your inner worlds and in that which is spiritual, because the one who seeks an answer on the material plane will never find it, as all of this surface needs to be redeemed and rehabilitated, from the human beings to the Kingdoms of Nature.
All of Creation waits for the great moment of redemption of the planet. All evolutionary consciousnesses of the universe are waiting for the awakening of the human being so that it may become aware, once and for all, of everything it has done to this world, of every harm it has caused to this Creation.
But from the brave and anonymous hearts will emerge this spiritual power through the love, adherence and unity of souls, which will allow the conversion of the most adamant sinners, those who have condemned themselves to the fire of hell.
There would be no other reason for My Divine Mercy to be present in this Creation but for the souls that are lost and condemned.
My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy comes to bring atonement to all. It comes to replace Justice through the presence of Grace and Compassion.
Therefore, when you see all that will happen in this world, as is happening now, strengthen within yourselves the aspiration of being in Me and of serving Me, so that I may have instruments on the surface of the Earth, of which I may avail Myself and with which I may work in these very definitive times of the planet, in which unknown and incredible situations will be lived in which your faith, the faith of each one of my disciples, must be first in the lives of all, no matter what happens, as I have said to you.
Because it will be this science of faith that will help you to love the planetary cross, and it will also help you carry your own cross and, through faith, you will learn to transcend yourselves a little more every day.
Imagine, even for one moment, what would have happened to Me if I had not had faith so as to surrender in sacrifice through the Last Supper, to be condemned, humiliated, flagellated and then crucified, as if I were less than a lamb.
What would have happened without the presence of faith!
The Living God became small and humble in an abandoned place in Bethlehem. The Living God waits, at this moment and in this time, at the eve of the Nativity of the Lord, to be born again in the hearts that wait for Him, and thus change this planetary situation, through all those who profess their faith and trust in Christ, through all those who love the science of the Sacraments.
It is in this way that, once again, that the Lord of the Night, the Lord of the Mountains, the Firstborn Child, Christ the Redeemer, comes to anoint you through His Spirit. Thus, you will dare to cross the threshold of the end of times and you will never lose sight of the Divine Purpose, the blazing flame of Peace and the Will of the Father for all His Creatures in this Creation.
This is why neither your Master and Lord nor any other Hierarchy will raise their sword although the battle is hard and difficult. On the spiritual planes of consciousness, I call all Hierarchies, just as I call you, My companions, to express Christic Love, which overcomes the errors, dissolves indifference, transcends sin, liberates suffering and opens the doors to hope and peace.
Evil does not know these attributes, or these spaces of the consciousness. And the more people live these attributes and are a source of these Christic experiences, the less long time will evil be able to sustain itself, because it will dissolve itself, as Light, Love and Unity reign.
I invite you to abandon wrath. I invite you to leave behind the planetary disconformity. It is time for you to live what I taught you with so much Love, because the Father only expects that His Children may be the Christs of the New Times.
On this second day of meeting with Me, I come to make you think about all these things because, as I told you, there is no longer time, and My Instructions must not go unnoticed.
My Instructions must be lived in plenitude and awareness so that someday you, as awakened, adhered and available beings, may be part of My Celestial Kingdom on Earth, may be the preamble to the emergence of the New Humanity, free from sin, suffering, pain, as bearers of peace.
You who look at this world with anguished Eyes,
trust those who follow My Steps in faith,
just as you trusted Your Son.
Empty the hearts so that You may enter them
and all Your Children may commune with You,
just as Your Son communed with You
at the culminating moment of the Garden of Gethsemane.
Help Your Creatures go through the end of these times,
to love the unknown more and more every day,
so that all may find the sacred promise
of belonging to Your Kingdom.
Let us keep praying for the descent of the Divine and Unfathomable Mercy upon the whole world.
May these impulses that I give you be a reason to fulfill the Sacred Plan, through the surrender of your lives and essences, through your adherence to the Divine Purpose.
May My Peace be in you and in this place.
May My Peace be infused in this world.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My dear children,
Before resuming the pilgrim path that will take us to Brazil, your Heavenly Mother stops in the inner planes of the Kingdom of Aurora to rest, in the silence and peace of all Kingdoms of Nature.
Just as I did last Saturday with My children of the Community of the Brotherhood, today, I come to communicate to you that your Heavenly Mother will visit the Community Fraternity, through a special and private Apparition in the prayer room of the area of Redención 2.
Tomorrow, I would like you to wait for Me with your songs and prayers, and to offer Me a simple altar, in honor of the Most Holy Virgin of Fatima so that, in this stage of rest, your Heavenly Mother may not only bless the new community cycle in Aurora, but also from Aurora I may again bless Uruguay and South America.
This moment that you will share with Me will later be transmitted through an audio, on September 25, so that My other children may accompany from their hearts the maternal Words that I will address to My children of the Community Fraternity.
Fulfilling this request, I will again ask Uruguay to consecrate itself to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart so that this blessed country may be protected and sheltered from the evil intentions that today are also sadly promoted throughout other countries of America.
In Brazil, My Son will return with all the power of the Divine Word to warn and clarify the ideas and minds of the people, so that Brazil may continue to internally sustain the destiny of becoming the New Eden of God for the whole world.
My children, let us pray. And I ask you, once again, to commit yourselves with heart and word to the different Prayers for Peace in the Nations. It will depend on the participation and the presence of each Child of Mary that some unfortunate situations may not manifest nor materialize in matter.
From now on, I am grateful for those who up to today support the Prayers for Peace in the Nations, responding faithfully.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My God,
I believe,
I adore, I wait for and I love Thee.
I ask pardon for those who do not believe,
do not adore, do not wait for and do not love Thee.
(three times)
Today, before the majesty and the sovereignty of these mountains, I greet you all.
Behold the Resurrected, behold the One who gave His life for you and keeps giving it in these times, for one goal: the redemption and conversion of humanity, beyond beliefs, beyond religions, beyond dogmas, ideas or atheism.
I am the Resurrected, and I present Myself before the world once again, to announce My Message of Peace and of the end of war. So that this may happen, all souls and consciousnesses must surrender before Me. This will allow, before the Celestial Father, for humanity to be thoroughly saved and it will allow areas of this planet not to be lost due to ignorance and wickedness.
Behold the Resurrected, the One who resurrected on the third day from the dead, who rose to the Heavens, who will return in Glory with all consciousnesses and Hierarchies to re-establish in this world the Government of the planet, the true Government of humanity, a Spiritual Government that has never been sown in the external consciousness or within life.
Therefore, when the Resurrected returns to the world, He will not only come in Glory, but also in splendor, to announce to all the arrival of the New Times, the arrival of the New Earth, after it is purified, as it is being purified now, after this Earth and this humanity understand, once and for all, that they must turn to God, because without God, humanity is nothing, it is a dead, fragile and poor humanity.
Through My Words, I come to bring you the riches of the universe, the Word of God that may become flesh within you through examples of charity and the good, which is what humanity lacks, which is what the human race lacks; it lacks the experience of the good and charity so as to find in itself the Mercy it needs in order to redeem and save itself, so that this planet, as a spiritual consciousness, may become rescuable.
I come from the top of these majestic and sovereign mountains of Montserrat to announce to the world that the time of My Return is coming, and that at each new day this Return becomes closer, closer to all.
Keep elevating your prayers and supplications to Heaven for those who do not do so, for those who do not live it, for those who deny God and do not fulfill the Universal Laws. If this keeps happening this way, the world will enter greater chaos.
Be intelligent and do not allow My adversary to advance over this humanity, be peacemakers, be merciful, be representatives of Christ on Earth, through your transformation and the transformation of your consciousnesses. Thus, you will give a living testimonial, not a passing one, you will give a true testimonial, not a poor one.
For this reason, I am here to make you brave and persevering; so that, through My Heart, the Heart of the Resurrected, you may again find life, and your brothers and sisters may again find the life they have lost, the life that I call spiritual life.
Meanwhile, I would like to tell you that the Hierarchies that accompany Me today, the Wise Hierarchies of the universe, untiringly work at this planetary moment, especially for those who are struck by the wars and conflicts, especially for those who keep being discarded, enslaved and martyrized by their brothers of humanity.
The moment the Son of God returns, He Himself, in His Sovereign Presence, will face those consciousnesses that denied Him, especially the ones who rule the governments of this world, who will be, face to face, before the King and the Son of God.
But I will not come to impose a law or a punishment, I will come to demonstrate, even more, the infinite universe of My Love, which I invite you to continue grasping and understanding through consciousness and acts of love. Thus, you will not only be My servers, but you will also be the merciful consciousnesses of God that will attract to Earth the Divine Laws, which, up to today, humanity does not fulfill nor live.
The absence of the Higher Laws in this humanity generates the chaos it is living today and attracts very great inequality and indifference through those who only fill their pockets with wealth, and do not share it with the poorest and most discarded.
Therefore, My Message comes to the most simple of heart, the purest of intention, for the most humble.
I do not come to seek those who are perfect, intelligent or clever, I come to seek those who consider themselves as sinners, those who need My Hearts Flame of Love so as to redeem themselves and keep moving forward on this path toward My Celestial Father, which I offer to you.
Meanwhile, the Eternal Father has His Arms open, but His Heart is filled with arrows due to the hatred, the conflicts, the wars, the indifferences and, mainly, due to the lack of love and fraternity throughout the human consciousness.
I know My Spiritual and Divine Presence, at this moment that is previous to My Return, awakens and activates many Inner Christs that do not live any religion, that do not live any dogma nor practice any philosophy, but rather, through service, their hearts are filled with peace, with bliss and the joy of serving others.
It is there, where My Redeeming and Merciful Love also acts deeply, in the most difficult abysses of the planet, in the hells of the consciousnesses of nations, where only violence, hatred and evil are practiced.
Although everything may seem to be destroyed in some nations of the world, I promise to raise them again, so that they may be the true Kingdom of God that they came to this world to be, but which, for different reasons and motives, their brothers of humanity impeded this Project of Mine for the nations.
I will make new treasures bloom in hearts. I will make new experiences bloom in hearts. And all those who have believed in Me will be able to receive the impulses of My Love, which will bring them wisdom and discernment for these times of transition.
In this way, you will not only be prepared, but also, through your examples of service and love, you will prepare your brothers and sisters, especially those who are not aware of spirituality and Higher Life.
For this reason, I come today especially to Montserrat so that the consciousness may rise to God, so that the human race may turn to the universe and contemplate the starry firmament of this Creation and remember that there is a very special place for each consciousness, for each soul and for each being, which is their origin.
If souls turn to their origin, their spirits will return to their primordial origins. In this way, the spirit of the government of this humanity and of this planet will be rebuilt, when all has been purified.
Many ask themselves in the inner planes: how much time will pass before the Redeemer returns?
Today, I tell you again, that it is not much time; but while I cannot return to your hearts, while you do not give your lives completely to Me, and while you do not resist every inner aspect, I will not be able to return.
It is in this way that I need to justify, before the Eternal Father, this great universal movement. Be conscious of this moment, because there is no longer time.
My Lips pronounce the Words of God’s Will to all consciousnesses.
My Heart radiates the Impulses of the Divine Source at this moment, in the face of this situation of the planet and of humanity.
While I am here, I stabilize the planes of consciousness for all those who need peace, for all those who are fleeing the war, persecution and death, because your Master and Lord knows what it is to die in loneliness. He lived it on the Cross in His own Flesh, at each minute and at each second of the Calvary.
But in this loneliness that many consciousnesses are living in the world today, due to different reasons, to poverty, discarding, inequality, indifference, misery, disease, or even due to wickedness, they find inner strength through My Presence, when they just think of Me.
Thus, I make you walk beyond what you believe you can do, surpassing your limitations, your deserts and even your difficulties. The Love of God is capable of going beyond, and I will give you an example so that you may understand: at this moment, of suffering and darkness for the Ukraine, your Master and Lord has proposed special help for all the essences that are going through this moment through a simple humanitarian service, which is precise, but also profound, because it means bringing the Light of Christ to those places where it is most needed.
In the same way, My aspiration for Africa is latent.
Not only for Europe, but also the whole world, all those who hear My Voice and believe in My Message must keep in mind these two aspirations of your Master and Lord because whether or not there will be greater relief for humanity will depend on these tasks, on these events.
At the next Marathon, I want you to already feel as My apostles, rather than aspire to be My apostles.
The world needs an apostolate, not an apostolate of evangelization, but rather an apostolate of service, of love, of charity and even of redemption; of bringing peace to where it does not exist, of transmuting evil where it is present, through silence and prayer, through the elevation of the consciousnesses.
Thus, you will learn to do the same as I did for you, when I was on Earth. In this way, I will be able to count on consciousnesses that love the Law of Transmutation and do not avoid it, because this is the time to do something for others.
May this Marathon be a confirmation for each server so that, at the next meeting with Me or in the next Sacred Week, I can mention the needs of the Plan that I foresee for the world, that is, to place the consciousnesses at the service of Africa, of the Middle-East and Europe, as well as other places of the world.
But so that this may be real, you must love My aspirations and you must want to live them, concretize and even carry them out, because you know that I can do many things, but now I resign before you, so that you can do more than I did, so long ago.
You must be generators of hope for the world, of a hope that has been conditioned, of a hope that has suffered mutation due to the contrary projects of humanity. You must make the world remember that God gave you life and that life is the most precious thing that the Father gave you.
The world no longer wants to respect life. The world wants to abort life and does not know what it connects to when it makes this movement. If a life is about to emerge, this life must be respected and loved, just as you have been loved and respected since your birth.
If I had never been born in a poor Manger of Bethlehem, the world would not have understood the Purpose of God. If I had not preached, the world would not have understood the Parables. If I had not died on the Cross, the world would not have adored Me as the Firstborn.
Remember that I am a Bridge to God. I am the Great Mirror of Divine Mercy, and, each time it presents itself, it also projects and refracts throughout the whole world, in all souls, under any condition and situation.
The time has come for the confirmed apostles. The hour has come for you to cease to have a tepid heart, to have feet on two paths, on two pathways, because I tell you again, as I once told you, that I am the Way, the Truth and the Life.
I thank you because you pray to My Celestial Mother, as that Great Worker of God works for peace in Eastern Europe, together with all angelic consciousnesses.
Let us keep creating the bridges toward the universe, let us keep opening the correct doors and closing uncertain doors, because evil will be defeated through Love.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
In the sacred solemnity of the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, may the life of each child of Mine be converted into this awaited for tabernacle so that the Most Sacred Heart of Christ may be kept as a divine spiritual relic, that pulsates within each human heart.
This tabernacle, which each one must prepare, so that Christ may live within each soul, has to be built through some important but simple principles that will make of this inner space a favorite place for My Son.
These principles, which you must practice in daily life, are:
1. The prayer of the heart, which is a mature prayer of a consciousness that commits itself every day to the expression of the divine word, of a consciousness that understands, beyond itself, the emergency of these times, that everything may be filled inside and out by the sacred word of prayer.
2. A life of fraternal inclusion and service, of the ability to serve without conditions, of the opportunity that can be given to every person, beyond their mental or inner conditions. It is the ability for each soul to have its place to express itself in life.
3. Obedience, which is an attribute that is not often lived by most, but living obedience, even in the smallest details, means to be preparing oneself, in a detached and austere manner, to someday obey Higher Commands, or even to direct these Commands, that we call Armies of Light.
In simple words, dear children, they represent living in the Law of Hierarchy in order to learn to live in the Will of God.
With these three attributes or principles, applied with effort in daily life, you will build a safe tabernacle for My Son to deposit His most infinite spiritual treasures, the treasures that will rebuild all of humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In this time of definition, children, all beings, in different degrees, are being obliged to confront within themselves both human will and Divine Will, the old and the new human.
Within the human will are held all the beliefs about life, about yourselves, about God and His Plan, about your personal mission and how to move it forward, about knowledge, wisdom, truth and ignorance.
Within Divine Will, something profoundly unknown and silent is held, that with its simple approach, knocks down walls and structures, transforms, modifies and renews that which was out of place within beings.
But holding on to what is unknown is not easy to do. Allowing for the transformation of one's most formed and oldest convictions in the consciousness, in order to walk toward something that is unknown, where the human consciousness does not have roots but only spirit, is the great challenge of these times.
And how can this be carried out?
There will be no other way of going through this moment, children, except by praying, yielding more deeply each day and opening yourselves to a more true relationship with God so that, in this way, you may recognize Him, even in the invisible, even in the silence, so that you may know how to distinguish His Will, beyond the shouts of human wills.
During this time of the planet, you will only be sustained by a real relationship between God and humankind. It is about the experience of the Covenant already realized by Christ that must now be experienced by the beings. But in your relationship with God, there is no past, there is no human condition, flesh does not prevail, but only spirit.
To go through the doorway toward the Meeting, you will have to defeat shame, beliefs, convictions, personal plans, wills, conditions, fears and desires, goals and aspirations. It is in the void where you will find the answer and the correct vestments for going through the narrow doorway, where only spirit and love fit.
Pray to understand what I tell you. Become silent so that, in communion with silence, you may know how to listen to the Voice of the One who, even having manifested the Word, speaks through silence.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the time comes, Knowledge, Truth and the Light of the Universe of God will reveal itself on its own, and there will be no dogma, doctrine or institution that will be able to hide what will emerge within the beings, just like in the heights of the Heavens.
The cosmos within creatures will pulsate, and from this same infinity in Heaven will emerge the signs of a new time, of a new life that reveals and manifests the Kingdom of God, a Kingdom not understood and still unknown to humankind.
When the time comes, the silence of those who persisted will be their greatest instrument to allow the revelation of the truth, because the truth will not emerge from the words of human beings, but rather from their living examples, the signs of Heaven, and the very Voice of God who, after having been in silence, will allow His Word to resound with the power of a thousand trumpets over the world.
For this reason, do not want to convince, do not want to do it yourselves, do not want to transform the world with words, but rather with example, the testimony that speaks for itself. And when humankind becomes silent, the Voice of God will reverberate.
Let His Kingdom, always alive in those who allow for Its expression, be what will reveal the path to the world.
Let these be your constant aspirations: with the example, announce; with the word, pray and proclaim the Grace of God; with your life, express His Kingdom; with your heart, renew His Love.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Twenty-third Poem
Temple of Divine Wisdom,
Mother of Grace and Mercy,
Lady of Silence,
teach us to find the answers
in profound spiritual silence,
because, there, we will manage to understand
the mysteries of Creation with the heart.
Lady of Silence,
may Your profound silence before the Cross
impel us to accept with gratitude
each test that we go through.
May Your maternal silence
constantly reveal to us
the immense gratitude that You experience
in each Call of God.
Lady of Silence,
help us find the right words
in each situation of life.
May we be guided by the Holy Spirit
through Your loving
and blessed intercession.
Teach us, Mother of Silence,
to not wound others
with our words and comments.
May we give value and reverence to the Divine Word.
May we be able to discover within us
the meaning of subtle vibrations
so that we no longer waste time on unnecessary things
but rather that our words may always be
a warm and fervent prayer of silence.
Thus, with Your loving help, Lady of Silence,
we will perceive life just as You
know the life of all humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
make of my heart Your new and eternal Jerusalem.
Enter into me with Your glory and majesty.
Direct Your steps towards the temple of my heart,
and, there, tear down every lie, vanity and selfishness,
all pride, arrogance and misery that separate me
from the true essence that dwells within me.
Allow this temple to become sacred through Your Presence,
Your Word and Your Heart.
Let Your Words find an echo within me
and, forever and ever,
may they resound in my consciousness
and become Life within my life.
May this Palm Sunday take place not only in memory but in the heart, in the consciousness and in the life of all the disciples of Christ.
You have My blessing for being the eternal and renewed dwelling place of the Lord.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
While the Lord was in the desert, preparing His Heart for the surrender that He would experience by means of the Cross, His Mother Mary was already gathering together the disciples and the holy women and informing them about the Kingdom of God, about higher truths and about the path that is trodden to reach them, which is through humility, service, surrender and, above all, the love for God and for life.
At the same time that Christ was defeating the temptations in the desert, He was tested in His most human part and thus, He would take refuge in the Divine Heart of His Father; the souls that had committed to Him from the beginning of their existence were also led inwardly to the inner desert. At that moment, they recognized their weaknesses and were preparing for something greater, even if it was unknown.
The triumph of the Messiah was not understood by the majority of humanity, because the Will of God had no likeness to the ideas of humankind; but those who spiritually committed to Christ were ready and, sooner or later, they would be able to unite with the essence of the surrender of the Lord, to follow in His footsteps.
I tell you this, children, because as the spiritual time of Lent goes by, your hearts must go deeper into the meaning of the cross, you must observe the temptations and defeat them with silence and prayer, with the awakening of faith.
Let not your attention be on the laughter of the enemy, but rather on the Word of God. Hear His Voice and walk closer to Him, within yourselves.
Lent ends with a profound definition of the souls that are willing to accompany Christ and, in each cycle, in each new Lent, a greater, broader and more complete definition draws closer, until the day comes for entering Jerusalem, not to be acclaimed, but to experience absolute surrender.
Thus, do not forget the depths of what you are called upon to live; do not forget about the inner and divine greatness that you have committed to participate in.
The day of the cross is known only to God. Until this time comes, it is a cycle for walking more and more toward the Father, to merge into Him and to be One with Him so that the surrender of your lives may be fruitful, in Heaven as on Earth.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Christ will make you pure of heart because He gave His Life for you so that the errors of humanity could be forgiven.
His Blood justified the sins of everyone and brought freedom to the prisons of planetary life.
Through the Holy Spirit, His Water purified and baptized you as bearers of His Peace.
Each of His Wounds was offered as a salvation for all the condemned of the world, and His pain and agony continue to be the path of offering for the unredeemed.
His Cross triumphed and continues triumphing up to today.
In this way, are all marked by the power of that Cross, which defeats evil and brings freedom from the chains that imprison you.
His Word came to renew you and continues to do so because the purpose of the Divine Word is to continue to free all from the captivity of these times.
Avail yourselves then of the merits of My Son so that your lives may be converted in Christ and thus, you convert the cruelty of the world into a chamber of redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Christ will make you pure of heart because He gave His Life for you so that the errors of humanity could be forgiven.
His Blood justified the sins of everyone and brought freedom to the prisons of planetary life.
Through the Holy Spirit, His Water purified and baptized you as bearers of His Peace.
Each of His Wounds was offered as a salvation for all the condemned of the world, and His pain and agony continue to be the path of offering for the unredeemed.
His Cross triumphed and continues triumphing up to today.
In this way, are all marked by the power of that Cross, which defeats evil and brings freedom from the chains that imprison you.
His Word came to renew you and continues to do so because the purpose of the Divine Word is to continue to free all from the captivity of these times.
Avail yourselves then of the merits of My Son so that your lives may be converted in Christ and thus, you convert the cruelty of the world into a chamber of redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
With love, I contemplate the Heart of God and, standing before Him, I plead for the world.
I plead for each one of His creatures so that they not only find peace but, above all, they may awaken from the illusion and the immaturity of these times.
I plead for them to know who they are, where they are and what they are called to experience in this and in all cycles.
I plead that the suffering of so many souls may move the spirit of others so that, in love and in prayer, those who know God may cry out for peace and live it, in this way, balancing the evils of this world.
I plead for the prompt manifestation of the Kingdom of God upon Earth, for the fulfilling of the scriptures and, above all, for the fulfilling of the new and eternal universal Gospel, which you do not know, in spite of the story of your souls being written within it.
I plead for the triumph of the Heart of God in each being. I ask My Lord for His Light to illuminate the eyes of humankind and show them the truth, the way and eternal life, the path of return to His Heart.
I plead with My Lord and God, Creator of life, to have compassion for lost souls, and that they may find themselves.
My Heart, small and simple, opens to share the pain that God feels because of the indifference and ignorance of humankind in the face of so many gifts given to humanity throughout the centuries and since its origin.
In the very depths of My being, I feel the Love of God for life and, moved by that Love, I plead to the Father for all beings of all the Kingdoms and I constantly cry out for His Mercy and pity, for His compassion and love, for His peace and for His living Presence in each being.
Today, children, I plead that this same feeling of love may live within you and that you thus can unite with Me, in this perpetual crying out for Creation, because the world, the Universe and all beings need it.
May the Love of God flood you and may His Word manifest in your hearts, in your thoughts and, finally, in your mouths, as a perpetual crying out of return to the Heart of the Father.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
If your heart is tired within, if your mind is tired of resisting, if your bodies are tired of sustaining themselves and this world, child, the time has come to surrender to God.
If your spirit is tempted, if your soul is in agony, if loneliness approaches, even while surrounded by friends, and silence is what speaks loudest within you, child, it is because the time has come to surrender to God.
The planetary Passion begins with temptation.
Before surrendering all for love, your Lord had already spiritually carried the weight of the world and, defeating inner temptations with the revelation of His unbreakable Faith, He then overcame His most human resistances by sweating Blood and, in that, He overcame the fear of all humanity, of experiencing surrender and sacrifice for a love without rewards.
But once again, I tell you, My child, meditate upon the Cross of your Lord, and create a deep connection with Him.
Because when the Divine Word becomes silent, when the stars hide in the sky and even your inner universe is dark, like a night without the moon, it is only the power of the memory of the Passion of Christ that will inspire your soul. It is your profound union with Him and the goal of imitating His footsteps that will allow you to continue moving forward.
It is so little, My child, that you suffer grief magnified by the temptations of the world, the assaults of these times. But I tell you that much greater is the Love and the Power of God within you.
Risk discovering it; surrender yourself to live it.
Do not remain in weariness or agony, but rather drink from the divine Chalice that seems to offer you pain but, in reality, offers you infinite Love.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The time has come to respond to the call of God; a call that invites you to meet the spiritual and physical needs of this planet in redemption.
The time has come to listen to the Voice of God, which strongly resonates in the hearts that have already awakened.
From His Word will come the strength to move on. From His Love will come the help for renewal each day in the fulfilling of His Plan. From His desert, but also from His Kingdom, will come the experiences that will forge an unbreakable fortitude in those who walk.
Thus, listen to the Voice of God within you and follow His call. There will be no other cycle, there will be no other time.
There is only a great need, children, of being in the correct place and carrying out the responsibilities that your Celestial Father gave you from the beginning of humanity.
The tests are intensified, but the Graces are also multiplied. Know how to take the Gifts of God so that they may be the foundation under your feet, and carry on in prayer, in communion and in surrender.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May your hearts be filled by the Grace, Peace and the Mercy of Christ.
Today, children, My prayer is for you to find God, to live His words, His instructions, delivered to the world through His Messengers.
My prayer is for you to know how to overcome yourselves, each day, finding in your own surrender and in the aspiration to live Christic Love, the strength to elevate, overcome harassments and adversities and find peace.
My prayer is for you to learn to serve your brothers and sisters, learn how to say yes without conditions, in the spirit of patience and fraternity, humility and love.
Today, My prayer is for the servers of Christ to discover themselves as His companions and always aspire to give one step more, and become His friends, espoused souls of His Sacred Heart and faithful imitators of His Christic path.
My prayer today, before God, is of surrender. I surrender to the Father each word said throughout these last years, each impulse that I gave you with My word, with My silence and with My Love, so that you may seek in God the fruits of this surrender.
The door has already been opened to you. The way has already been shown. Today, My prayer is for you to walk without fear and tepidness of heart.
Be souls firm in Christ, renewed in God and willing to fulfill His Plan.
For this I bless you and, with love, I accompany you, today and always.
Your Father and eternal Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When a new cycle begins, look towards Heaven and thank God for the opportunities to begin again. Look inward, into your inner world, and consciously renew your commitment with the Heights, with the Plan of the Creator, with His Will.
Thank the Father for being on His path; give thanks for hearing His Voice; give thanks for being part of His Plan, for being part of His Will and a fruit of His Grace, of His Light.
Contemplate the Word of God, which echoes in the Universe. His Silence gives way to the profound sound of His Voice and, with His Word, the Creator sends impulses to all life, redesigns His Plan, renews His Intentions and His Will, renews His Presence within His children and sends new designs to all creatures.
Listen to the Voice of God that moves Universes, recreates Creation and gives His children an opportunity to begin again.
A new cycle always comes filled with new hope and Grace. Welcome these impulses with love, experience within you a synthesis of that which you walked until reaching this point. Contemplate the new goals and undertake a new path, always toward the Heights, always inward.
Walk towards God within you and in the sublime dimensions. To elevate is to know oneself.
Give thanks also, child, that among so many renewals and impulses, the Presence of your Divine Mother is also renewed in your life. Her Plans of love manifest more and more in humanity. Her Word of peace gives way to the living presence of Her Son and Her Heart becomes silent so that Christ may speak loudly and may draw closer to all beings.
Contemplate the cycles, observe the facts, learn with the movement of the stars and with the words of those who guide you. Everything has a reason, everything is part of the Divine Will.
Feel how your Most Holy Mother renews Her "yes" that same "yes" of the first Mystery of Joy. Live this Mystery of Joy in your own life and you too shall give your "yes" to God.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Holy Saturday was marked by silence and emptiness, in heaven as on Earth. The Heart of the Creator and Word went silent, and God Himself withdrew in the depths of His Heart. There the power of the Resurrection of Christ was gestated, the wisdom of eternity, the rebirth and the renewal of Love.
It would no longer be through science that the universe would know eternity and the extension of life. The spiritual resurrection was something new, never experienced in all of God's creation; and even the sages and the archangels silently followed the movement of love that, in all dimensions, made the life of Christ resurface.
His Spirit, which had given all of Itself, touched the Father with His experience and returned to Earth so that He could renew His Love.
God followed, in deep silence, the Love that was born from His Son. Even the Creator Himself learned from His surrender and from His Resurrection.
By the perfect power of Love, His Soul, Spirit, Divinity and human and material Body lit up and rebuilt. Love was the air that circulated once again within His cells. The code of Christification gave life to His Blood, His physical and spiritual organs. Life regained its meaning.
The Love of Christ continued to expand beyond the material layers. His surrender continued growing and penetrating unknown dimensions, in the cosmos as well as in the most obscure dimensions of material life, that which we know as earthly hells.
Like a wave that goes in all directions of the sea of Creation, the Love of Christ traversed the universes and all the manifestations of life. At the same time that it touched all creatures, the very experience of Love made His Body become revived and renewed, in a new, imperishable life, an omnipresent and all-embracing life. A life that does not have its own dimension and that at the same time lives in all dimensions: eternal life, because it is life in God, in unity with the Creator.
Just as the Father is in all things, so is the Son. His Body could manifest itself in matter as well as in the supra-dimensions. And where there is no matter, not even colors and sounds, only the silent and invisible Existence, there is also the Son of God. Everything is united to His Love.
The Resurrection of Christ cannot be explained with words or with science, because it transcends all science, all understanding and all wisdom. The Creator Himself, on Holy Saturday, was renewed, and with Him, all of Creation.
Silence is the only explanation for what happened there. In silence, you can experience this Love that embraces everything. Fullness, omnipresence, life, everything was made new on Holy Saturday and manifested on Glory Sunday.
Meditate, feel and experience the codes of this divine experience.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
See, the Origin of all life is also in you. The infinite Universe and the One and Omnipotent God are reflected in those who were created to express the likeness with the Father and to renew His Creation.
See how great of a mystery is hidden from humanity because the science of the awakening of love begins in the essence of humility. The one who is in all things, to be what He Is, lives in the emptiness of Self and allows His Heart to be shaped to the hearts of His children, so as to dwell in all of them.
Perceive then, that in spite of the great mystery of Creation being within you, God made you the least of creatures, apparently the weakest, and with the least scientific and spiritual resources. This is the great key of the revelation of the Love of God; He is delivered to the lesser and reveals Himself to the most humble.
See that Infinity is kept within you, because just as the Father manifested life and the Universes, through the essence of His Love, someday, child, from the essence of love that is awakening today on Earth, the seed of a new life, of new dimensions, of new Universes, of a new Creation, must emerge.
I know that what I tell you seems distant and incomprehensible, but when My Word pronounces truths, it awakens within you what is dormant and which must begin to express itself.
Love is the principle from which life emerges, in all of its expressions. In it is to be found the mystery of your existence, the reason for which God manifested this humanity, and in it, Himself.
Just meditate upon what I tell you and allow My words, on their own, to inspire you to love more than to understand all these things.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Words of God are like impulses that are born in His Heart and manifest in the word of His Messengers. This impulse transforms into the Word, because speaking is sacred, it creates and manifests life and forms. But the Word of God, manifested through His Messengers, must be heard with the heart and understood with the consciousness.
There is no use wanting to reach with the mind that which comes from God, because you will never reach the essence of His Truth and you will remain in the superficialities of life.
Place, in your heart, the words of the Divine Messengers, always as a dialogue between you and God. Receive what comes from Heaven, as if Heaven always opened before your eyes and it was you who received and heard His Divine Words.
Child, God speaks to your heart, not only for you to grow but so that you awaken, again and again, and understand where you are and what the purpose of life on Earth is.
Humanity is numb to the planetary reality and more so to the universal reality. And your consciousness is also inserted in this numbness; all beings are, in different degrees and proportions.
I will tell you, over and over again, deepen into your spiritual life, into your individual contact with God. In the silence of your heart, enter into dialogue with the Father and only this way will you be able to awaken from the sleep in which you live, as a part of humanity.
You were called to do a little more for the Plan of God.
You were called to surrender everything for love, and renew the love in the Heart of the Father.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Contemplate Creation and allow the divine science to reveal itself within you.
Life is made with the Breath of the Spirit of God and manifested through the vibration of His Word, but also a broad science developed from the Creator. Universal and divine Rays, Mirrors of light, Sources of energy, sound and color all helped in the creation of the Universes, the dimensions, and consciousnesses.
Everything in life manifests perfection and, just as the Creator sent His children out for evolution into the vast Cosmos, He also created the path of return to His Heart, to the Source of Unity, to the principle of Love.
The Mirrors of the Cosmos are this path of return to the Heart of God; through them, the Father manifested, animated, and nurtured Life. His Sources are eternal and are fed by the very existence of God. Sources that manifest sources, from which essences and souls emerge. These are the Mirrors of the Cosmos and, just as the Father carries within Himself the Mirrors that manifest life, HIs children, like Him in essence and in love, also carry in themselves the inner mirrors which create through love and build, within the invisible, the Plan of the Creator.
Be aware of the mirrors that pulse in your hearts and feel yourselves a part of a divine and universal science. Just as the Mirrors of the Cosmos create in light, and manifest life and perfection, you too, children, should create through prayer and loving actions. Manifest a new life and, with the mirrors of your hearts, attract the new patterns of behavior for humanity. Manifest love, peace, and grace. Be worthy children of God and, through the mirrors of your hearts, recreate and renew this life.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more