During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary announced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!

Wednesday, October 31 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children,

May the joy of living and of being in God awaken in you today because in this way you will be in inner communion with the Creator.

Dear children, today I ask you that, through the prayer of the heart, you may commune again with the Presence of My Son so that all souls may unite to God and may awaken to the call of this time.

My children, as the Mother of Graces, today I radiate My Peace to you and I bring all of you closer to the Great Heart of God. The goal for today, little children, is to continue to pilgrimage through prayer, because the world needs your loving and giving help. The redemption of all hearts of the world is primordial in this time, and each one of My children keeps in their heart the inner potential to accomplish this praying mission that My Heart entrusts to you day by day.

Dear children, today before the Doors of Heaven I ask you to revere the Universe, because many of My children forget to look towards the Infinite to find peace. The enemy distracts humanity with modernities and this disconnects My children from prayer.

Today I invite you to love the primordial exercise of prayer so that at least some of My soldiers may help in the awakening of the new consciousness of the spirit and of the heart, that each child must have in these times before the Most High.

God will thank your praying posture at the end of times.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call for peace.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Tuesday, October 30 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dearest children from Córdoba and from all of My beloved Argentina,

As the Queen of Peace today I come to your encounter through a Special Apparition of My Immaculate Face.

May this day be glorious, blissful and joyful for all so that we may be together and united to the Celestial Jubilation of God and, through the prayer of the heart, we may say “yes” to the Salvation and Redemption of souls.

Dear children, God the Father has sent Me to the city of Córdoba to give My Great Maternal Blessing and for this reason My Immaculate Heart has heard the loving voice of your prayers and of your call.

When souls say “yes” to the Divine Plan, the events that are written in the book of God change through the intervention of My Immaculate Heart and of the Sacred Heart of My Son. And this happens because you, as so many other souls, live the inner power of prayer.

Therefore, dear children, may your hearts continue to pray, creating new groups of prayer that respond to My requests and thus strengthen the faith in each one of you.

As the Mother of Divine Mercy today I bless you all for this path of faith and devotion that your hearts are living in honor of the Lady of the Immaculate Peace.

My children, My Message is reaching everyone throughout the world. Today I also ask you that your hearts be faithful propagators of My message and of My call, because many souls that have distanced themselves from God must begin to pray again and many souls that do not know the Love of God must feel the Celestial Father in the depths of their hearts.

Dear children, in order for this to happen, your faithful prayer must continue every day and thus open the heart to receive those who are in most need of God.

Dear children from Córdoba and from the sister provinces, today I invite you to participate in the new life of the spirit through the selfless service to the Plan of God. Therefore all the groups of prayer from Argentina are called to collaborate for love in the emerging of the New Christic Community of Brotherhood (*), extending your arms and giving yourselves through your hands. Therefore you are invited to be the work- ers of this Plan of Love.

In the Córdoba Mountain Range, from My Home of Prayer, a point of Light must finish emerging. Therefore you are all called to form yourselves in the school of prayer and to respond to the maternal requests of My Heart. All of you are part of the Home of Prayer because the world needs it in order to reach the Grace of Forgiveness.

Good fraternal service for all My children of Argentina!

I thank you for responding to My call today!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

(*) Located at the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, Capilla del Monte, Córdoba, Argentina

Tuesday, October 30 of 2012

Special Apparitions
For the Light poured out by Your Immaculate Heart,
that converted the hearts of the world,
Divine Lady, pray for us.
(7 times)

Today, as Queen of Peace, I come to bring My Love and My blessing to all.

Dear children, today I invite you to be with Me in My Heart, in this very important time. And this can happen through your daily prayers.

Today, the Lord invites you to multiply your practice of prayer. Many souls are in need of this aid and of this protection. Your prayers will help the Plan of God to be accomplished here, on Earth.

Dear children, I want to tell you that today I need all of you. Thus, I also invite you to imitate My Pilgrim's Path, through good service and charity for others. With this, dear children, you will help the world to be relieved of its own evil.

As Lady of the Rosary, I also invite you to continue with this practice. The angels are opening the Heavens toward the Earth, and My guardian armies are sent to help humanity.

Dear children, I only invite you to give of yourselves in a more heartfelt way. That will be very important for the end of this time; for you must not only create groups of prayer, but rather a great network of fraternity far and wide throughout the world.

Dear children, I invite you to walk with Me in peace and in faith.

Today I am also here to ask you for something important. You know, dear children, that in My Marian Centers of Love, Bell Towers of Peace have manifested, which must sound the call of peace for souls.

Today I am also calling on you, My children, to manifest a Bell Tower of Peace in the new Community of My Son, so that the three Marian Centers of Love help these nations, the three nations to which I appear, month after month, calling all My children to assist this humanity by means of the consciousness of their hearts.

Thus, this Bell Tower of Peace will bring peace to this nation. Even though it may seem to you, dear children, that this is far from your reality, this Bell Tower of Peace in Argentina will bring good and peace to this nation.

Today, I come to meet with you to announce that it is important to disseminate peace, and this will begin through prayer, also through good acts that transmit peace.

It is important, dear children, that you gather together in the name of the light and peace, to help this part of humanity that needs them so much.

Of course, dear children, your prayers count. But it is necessary to practice service and charity; and this will begin, dear children, with the brother or sister beside you, looking at them with a peaceful and loving gaze, to dissolve the conflict that many hearts experience.

Thus, many hearts distance themselves from that true peace, because at the end of this time, starting with all that hearts experience in this material life, they also distance themselves from light and peace when hearts generate conflict.

For this reason, you are called to think on this peace, because you will find the Lord in your lives and your spirits will rejoice in the Heart of My Son.

Also, today I invite you to feel and to think about Mercy, all the times you are able to in your lives. This is a paramount request, dear children, so that you may see it is important to bring more Light to this world.

For that, dear children, My Motherly Heart has need of faithful soldiers who are able to lead many groups of souls through prayer, service, peace and love; for in that way, dear children, your hearts will be united at the doors of Heaven.

On this day I want you to know, dear children, that through the Grace of God and the permission He has granted Me as the Universal Mother of all, that My Motherly Heart will return here. For that, you must pray a lot during these months, so that My Motherly Heart is able to be present as from next year.

And I will come here to save you and aid you during the time of this purification. Thus, prayer will prepare your hearts.

Take your minds into the center of the heart and live within the Kingdom of His Peace; for in this way, dear children, you will not only be with Me, but also with My Son.

Thus, pray, pray and only pray. Pray for those who have forgotten to pray, and even more for those who do not want to pray in this time.

Live the principles and attributes of the patriarchs, and learn from the great fathers of prayer to coexist in peace and in good, spreading love and hope.

Today I am here, over this city, to bless it; for it is the heart of Argentina, which must beat strongly in this time through renewed groups of prayer, that not only spread peace, but also the hope that many need, because otherwise many hearts will be lost. Thus, there is a need for instruments of prayer.

My Heart has need of faithful servers who are able, from their heart, to disseminate the purity they hold. For in this way, dear children, your small purity will unite with My great Purity, and through My Motherly Love, I will be able to coexist with you every day in your homes, in each prayer, to support you and tell you to continue onward because evil will not defeat you, but rather, My Immaculate Heart will triumph if you will simply allow it.

Thus, listen to the call I bring from Heaven. Open the inner hearing of your heart, because hope is possible, dear children. And if you are united with Me, the heart will heal little by little, and the consciousness will open to the new and will not fear anything, for it will be with Me on this path of prayer that many need to experience in this time.

Count on Me, dear children, because I Am your Mother, your Mother of Peace.

Now you must place your hearts and your attention on the importance of prayer. Day after day, you must grow through this practice and not see it as something simple, but rather as something very sacred.

I am teaching you, dear children, daily Message after daily Message, to learn to walk in prayer and to discover the attributes that My Immaculate Heart once experienced when It was here on this Earth.

Dear children, I Am Mother and part of this humanity; for this reason, I deeply know you. Know that I read and feel your thoughts, I know your hearts' intentions. So, dear children, you are transparent to My Heart. For this reason, God sends Me to you to teach you to walk on the path of the good, and in this way, dear children, the example of your life, your simplicity and your humility will be able to attract many hearts that also need to learn a new way of life.

This humanity is mistaken, dear children; and silently, step by step, My Motherly Heart has accompanied the awakening of this humanity, the lessons and the tests.

I have been here, dear children, century after century, radiating all My children through the Source of the Love of God, so you may know that the universe is broad and that in it is the Great Presence of God.

For this reason, your eyes must always look up to infinity, so your aspiration is able to be on a straight path that only takes you toward the Lord, like the angels of Heaven. The beloved Archangel Gabriel taught Me this in the Annunciation.

My Words are poured out through the Light. Thus, you must keep them as a treasure in the heart; because you know, dear children, that they are already the last ones, which I announce in Medjugorje and which I now announce here, among you, to awaken faith in this very definitive time.

Thus, today, walk, dear children, taking steps with hope and accepting to live in the Lord, above all things.

Beyond your lives, your hearts must always draw close to the Kingdom of the Lord, for there you will be sheltered under the Light of My Motherhood and under the Light of the Heart of My Son. You must believe in this, dear children, because it will allow your faith and your devotion to God to be strengthened.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Our Lady, we're going to pray for the nations, practicing the prayer of the Hail Mary in different languages. And today, we're also going to include the Hail Mary in Latin.

She said that while we pray, She will open a door from Heaven so the Light may descend upon this place and can be spread through Peace.

At the request of Our Lady, we'll pray each Hail Mary twice.

Dear children, I thank you for this simple practice of the heart. For this reason, I invite you to continue praying together with Me during every day, out of love for all the nations of the world, so their representatives are able to guide the hearts of all souls toward the path of eternity.

Dear children, I thank you for responding to My call and for your love, for having received Me on this day with so much love in your heart.

May the Heaven of God, His Infinite Universe, remain in your hearts forever.

Under My motherly blessing and the blessing of My Son Jesus, I tell you, dear children: go in peace and go forth!

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

We're going to try and make a summary of what Our Lady transmitted today, the requests She made, so that afterwards, Friar Elías can give us a brief account of how the Apparition unfolded.

Two important things She manifested today as requests, beginning with the daily Message, is that the Nucleus of work which exists in Cordoba, which as you know, there is a Nucleus in the city of Capilla del Monte and a Monastery in the Cordoba Hills, that this task be turned into a Community.

That means there will be a greater responsibility towards the Plan of God. And all the people and groups that, above all, assist in this task here, in northern Argentina, will have a greater responsibility.

As you all know, the Light-Communities are designed to support the process of purification and so that we, as human beings, have a choice for a different life, a life dedicated to the One and at the service of the One.

In the same way as the Figueira Community and the Fraternidad Community in Casa Redención, now the Community of Brotherhood will be a goal to be achieved by all of us.

As you all know, they are also three strategic points within the Americas that will allow us to support the planetary movements during the purification. And we will do that through prayer, as has been requested of us and taught to us.

As we already know and have repeated several times, prayer will be the instrument that humanity will have for support in the difficult times. An instrument that any person of any religion, of any race, of any color and of any social standing can develop. For this reason, it will be the instrument that will support us, and any of us can do it.

Therefore, as from now, especially in Northern Argentina there is a very important commitment which is to unite through the heart and participate in the development of the Community.

Another of Our Mother's requests is that we build a bell tower like the one there is in the Figueira Community and in Aurora.

So we're going to get to work, because through each bell ringing during the times indicated to us, the energy of Peace descends upon this place; and wherever there is a prayerful peace-bringer, that energy is drawn toward the place where that peace-bringer is. 

And as all of us have to become peace-bringers, through each prayer, united with the bell tower, we will be attracting the energy of Peace to this place.

Let's remember that in this time, all is allowed. All the good we are able to generate is allowed. All the peace, all the love, all that we can offer is allowed, and will be multiplied as never seen before. So let's trust in what we, as beings of love, are able to multiply: love, the good, and peace. And let's not worry about what's multiplied on the other side, which will be a lot also.

So we have to get to work with a lot of striving.

Now we'll listen to the Friar, to see what he can tell us.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We thought that today the Apparition would be in front of the Altar, but it was the opposite. Our Mother always has wonderful plans for us.

As you heard today, She came as the Queen of Peace.

To better understand, we'll explain how the Apparition was.

Barefoot, with a rosary in Her Hands, with which She constantly prayed while She spoke.

She was dressed in a pink robe, a blue belt and a white veil that almost reached Her Knees, and that swayed from one side to the other, but that veil also fell forward a little because of the movement She made as She spoke to us, and around Her, a blue aura.

When Our Lady appeared over this place, She did so through a channel that was light blue, directly connected to the Heavens. And through Her, Light poured out over here, and expanded throughout Cordoba when She said that Cordoba was the heart of Argentina.

She was showing how Cordoba should be a heart that beat strongly and that the Light should be sent as if through arteries to all the other provinces. It is a creative exercise She taught us for praying, because She said that this would greatly help Argentina.

When She referred to the Bell Tower of Peace, She showed us that those three bell towers were already manifested, especially the one that will be present in the Cordoba Hills; and that the three, in unison, radiated Light for all of South America.

She promised us that if that bell tower were manifested before the end of the year, it could aid the three nations during the process of purification.

We asked Her if this meant that, in Argentina, Uruguay or Brazil, nobody would experience the tribulation. She said to us: "Each child will experience the state of purification that is foreseen, but if you do what I ask of you, if you pray with Me, you will be greatly protected, and My Heart will be able to aid you all."

Once again, today She gave us a lesson on being humble and being mediators through prayer. Above all, She asked about those we see daily, who we don't know, or that we may come across during our life, and that also have need of that prayer. In this way, She told us we will be practicing fraternity.

And when She told us She would return to Cordoba, we asked Her when it would be. She responded, as you all heard, that a lot of prayer was needed.

We asked Her: "Has the Lady foreseen appearing in the House of Prayer that is in the Cordoba Hills?"

She said, nodding Her Head: "Yes, it is in the Plans of God."

And She added something else, which really drew our attention: "Everything will depend on the communications of this world remaining in place, so I am able to transmit My Message."

So we understood how important the task She is doing in this time is, and that She also is carrying Her Message through the media we have available at this time, trying to save as many as She can.

This is why we know that also there, in the Cordoba Hills, there is no possibility of transmitting an Apparition until now.

So She will wait for that to manifest. We understood that it's a task for everybody to make the Apparitions possible in that House of Prayer that She asked to be built.

She also made a third request of the groups that are present here today and those that are not, specifically all the brothers and sisters of Argentina.

We know that next Saturday we have the Apparition in Lujan, and at that moment, She asked that some of the representatives of the groups of prayer present here, do a pilgrimage to the Lujan Sanctuary with the brothers and sisters of the Buenos Aires groups on the day of the Apparition.

We asked Her what the reason was and if She had a special request. "What is important," She said, "is that whoever can, should go and join that pilgrimage; because the same task I am doing here, I will also do at that Apparition at Lujan."

So the invitation has been made by Our Lady.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

So we have to get to work, to pray and to be on pilgrimage.

As Friar Elías said, this next Saturday we'll be in Lujan. As She has been appearing during these last months and will continue doing so, according to what She has said, up until the end of the year, we need to avail ourselves of the Presence of our Mother.

We invite you all to accompany us, and know that each moment during the time the Mother is present, is an unparalleled moment for receiving Her codes of Light; that if we attend the Apparition, open of heart and inwardly united with Her Presence, while we pray, many things can happen in our lives, which we have waited for since we were born; because as I previously said to you, during this time anything is possible, and we have to have a lot of faith in this.

We'll see each other in Lujan. Thank you all for being with us.

Monday, October 29 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children,

Remembering the miracle of the Wedding at Cana, today I ask you that, through prayer, your hearts be converted as Jesus converted the water into wine. The mystery of this miracle is to be found in the love that you can have before the Father.

Therefore, children, on this day accompany Jesus in the conversion of humanity which is in need of Mercy and Forgiveness.

Dear children, may your lives reflect the teachings of Jesus in spirit and in essence. May your arms be open, free and prepared to receive those that are most in need of Mercy.

Little children, today I am calling you to live this miracle of the Wedding at Cana in your hearts so that your consciousnesses may live the great example of conversion that My Son realized in the name of the Love of God.

When Jesus converted the water into wine, He was instructing us about how the Love of God converts the impure into the Pure, the irreparable into the Repairable, the faults into Mercy, the darkness into Light. For this reason, dear children, may today your prayer be a new conversion of Cana, a demonstration of the love that each one of you keeps for God.

But this love that you keep must be radiated in brotherhood to all because in this way all will be uniting to the great web of love and fraternity.

Your redemption will begin when you recognize that you are a part of God and that God is a part of you, because in this simple exercise you will be collaborating in the spiritual elevation of humanity.

Therefore, it is important to pray every day, even more so in this time of urgent changes in each one of My children. But if you are under the Light of the Holy Spirit your hearts will receive, once again, the Grace of Forgiveness.

Be in My Peace and seek to be in My Maternal Peace.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call today!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Sunday, October 28 of 2012

Daily Messages

When you feel lonely, I will be with you.

When you see that life is a shipwreck, I will be with you.

When you doubt your faith, I will strengthen you.

When you feel you are carrying too much burden on yourself, I will alleviate you.

When you search for My Son, I will show Him to you and I will give you to drink from the Fount of Mercy and Redemption.

When you see that everything is empty, I will fill you with the Spirit of My Love.

When no one can help you, I will place you under My Mantle so that, with the angels of Heaven, you may praise God, the Source of Love and Forgiveness.

When you feel joy, My Heart will be with you.

When you feel sadness or desperation, call Me because there I will be and I will place you in My arms, just as I did with Jesus, to radiate to you the Light of God. Then you will no longer feel lonely, you will feel the Maternal Comfort of My Heart.

When you cultivate prayer in your heart, there God will be because souls are still in need of forgiveness.

When you do not find the path, cry out for My Heart and I will radiate the Light of My eyes so that you may walk to- wards My Son, the Redeemer. Thus you will be like a sheep that aspires to the guidance of the Great Shepherd and together with the hearts of the whole world, you will supplicate for redemption.

It will be the moment in which your heart will be kept within the Sacred Heart because in this way you will be protected from all pain.

Now, on this day aspire to be in God and in vigil, in eternal prayer for the souls.

Believe in the power of Mercy and elevate your supplications as flowers to the Heavens, because I will collect them to give them with love to the Creator as an offering of a soul in redemption. And when you see the new dawn remember that the Light of God is being born for each being.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Saturday, October 27 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children,

As the Mother of Heaven, today I invite you to an inner encounter with My Son through the adoration of His Sacred Water and His Divine Blood. Contemplate these two principles of the glorification of Jesus so that your hearts may fill the soul under the Gifts of Christ.

Today also, My children, meditate and feel the gift of the transfiguration, because in your union with Christ you will understand the Wisdom of God. May the Holy Spirit participate in your lives and, united to the Sacred Water and the Divine Blood of Jesus, may you drink from the Fount of Salvation and wonders in the name of humanity.

Dear children, today I call you to consider in your prayer all the Gifts from the Lord, the Most High, Gifts that manifest themselves through His Favorite Son.

In your sincere union with Jesus, you will help to balance many souls that must reach the Light and the conversion through peace in this time. A soul that is truly on the path of conversion is permeated by the Merciful Love of My Son. He is the one who in truth guides them and conducts them towards the Doors of Heaven.

Dear children, today live this union with Christ from heart to Heart and from spirit to Spirit, because in this spiritual exercise of unity you will concretize in your hearts the beloved and honorable Will of God for your lives.

Be partakers in the time of Divine Mercy, and through prayer, propagate the Spirit of Peace to all those who need it.

Today again I form instruments that live the path of salvation and that, united to Christ, must radiate the inner love from the heart. Souls cry out for help, although many hearts are blind to this inner call.

This is why today I call you to prayer for all of them so that your brothers and sisters may also be participants in the merciful time. Be vigilant in the prayer of the heart.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Friday, October 26 of 2012

Daily Messages

As the Star of Heaven and of the Universe, your steps are guided under the Light of My Immaculate Heart. Thus your feet walk on this pathway towards the encounter with My Son. This is a pathway built in the pacification and in the faith of the heart.

Dear children, today I call you to rejoice your hearts and not to fear for anything because your Celestial Mother is with you, by your side, observing the walk of each soul, observing the definition of each heart before the Plans of God. Because each one of you keeps in the heart something that is revered by the angels of Heaven. This precious thing that you keep is called “purity of the heart.”

Although the world forgets, day to day, to strengthen the spirit through prayer and through the Love of God the Creator, today I invite you to search within yourselves for the immaculate purity of the heart. Out of love, God has given you His Favorite Son, who left for you the path of truth and salvation.

Therefore, dear children, today revere, adore and glorify the Presence of the Son of God in your lives.

On this day of important reparation of the Heart of Christ, I ask you that, out of love, you surrender your lives to Jesus and that you find, in the Merciful Love of Christ, the door to your salvation and redemption.

My children, new instruments of Christ, new fires of His Merciful Love must awaken in this time because the souls, as sparks of the Love of Christ, will help in the salvation of the essences by means of service and consecration.

Today, dear children, I want you to remember that you are precious essences of God and that beyond your understanding and reason, there is the expression of the Love of the Father in each one of His creatures. If souls could at least remember that they are essences created by God, the steps in conscious- ness would be able to be united to His Will.

Dear children, as the Mother of Redemption I leave My crown of stars to each one of your hearts today so that, guided by My Immaculate Love, you may recognize the value of your faith and of your absolute trust in God the Creator.

Today I also tell you to fear nothing and to walk, walk in prayer, because it will be your shield for the important moments. Uniting day by day your hearts in fraternity you will be able to carry imprinted in your beings the Eternal Celestial Peace of the Lord.

Propagate the merciful power of prayer and may your lives reveal to those who are distant from God, the teachings and the transformations that Christ has made in your consciousnesses.

Be the new shepherds of prayer and, through the exercise of prayer, be the guardians of all souls with Me. Let us pray for the presence of the Mercy of God in the world.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Thursday, October 25 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children,

For the commemoration of My monthly apparitions each 25th in Medjugorje, today I invite you and I gather you in the name of Jesus so that your hearts may contemplate the existence of the Marian Center of Figueira.

After twenty-five years of instruction, necessary for your lives and loving for your souls, today I announce that the Blessed Universal Mother, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, has walked silently together with you through this pathway of teachings and learning.

Dearest children, today I want you to understand in your hearts that God the Father manifests Himself not only through My Immaculate Voice, but also through all those who give themselves from the heart to concretize the Divine Plan on Earth.

Therefore, My children, God the Father is the Great Tree of Wisdom, Its roots and Its branches are the expression of the Infinite Universe and Its leaves are the emanations of the souls upon this beloved planet.

Dear children, in order for this to exist in all of the created life, there exists in your lives the presence of the Universal Mother, the Queen of Peace, the Morning Star that announces the new time before the coming of Her Son.

Dear children, this is why your lives and your essences are al- ways united to the essence of the Heart of God. As the Mother of the World, as the Lady of the Heavens, I come to your en- counter to reveal to you the true mystery of your faith and of your lives; this mystery is called Love for the Whole, Love for the One, Love for the Will of God.

This is why today, with the Rosary of Peace in My blessed hands, again I invite you to prayer, because day by day many souls are lost and they do not find the path towards Light.

For you, My dear children, who are awake to the life of the spirit, it will be enough to serve in this time: to serve by giving yourselves, to serve by loving, to serve to repair the Heart of My Son.

Through your inner maturity and with prayer as a primordial exercise, you will be taking secure steps towards the consecration of your little hearts.

My children, on this 25th of October and after so many events that have happened by means of the presence of My Immac- ulate Heart, I call you to the awakening of your consciousness so that, under the will of God, new and donated Marian servers of peace may emerge. These soldiers of peace have the spirit of loving prayer, of being in inner service for souls and finding, in the Will of God, the aspiration to reach Eternity.

My children, awaken to the call and listen in your hearts to the Voice of the One and Great Lord.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Thursday, October 25 of 2012


Today I am here, dear children, and also am in Venezuela with all My children of that nation.

My Plans of Peace have not changed and are being spread in the heart of all My children.

As Lady of Graces, today I pour out the Grace of God over that nation, and at this moment, I invite you, dear children, to pray for the nations of the world, as in every month.

Today, in My Hands, I also bring you, dear children, the Ears of Wisdom: the Wisdom of the Father, the Wisdom of the Son and the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit. This is the symbol of the Ears of Wisdom, something you must consider important in the end of times.

Today, I materialize these three ears for your understanding and so you can see the beauty of the Creation of God.

In the ears is found the Wisdom of the Lord. It is an ancient symbol of Christianity, something you must consider in this time, for your inner instruction.

The wisdom will carry you onto good paths, and as a result, you will have good discernment when you are united with the Father in prayer.

Let us pray for the nations at this moment. This is a celestial request, it is important, it is the Will of God.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

After the definitive secret which Our Lady revealed to us, we're going to pray at Her request.

For this reason, we're going to pray not only for Venezuela, but for all the nations of the world. And Our Lady asked that we especially pray for the governors, that they may find the Light of Christ.

At the request of Our Lady, we're going to pray the Universal Mother in different languages. We will repeat the prayer twice in each language.

We will begin by praying in Spanish, and our sister Kueipeh of Venezuela will pray with us, at the request of Our Lady.

Prayer: "Universal Mother" (in Spanish, Portuguese, English and Italian).


On this night, dear children, I thank you for the presence of each of you in My Heart.

Under the almighty blessing of God, today I give you My motherly blessing once again.

Go in the Peace of My Son.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for responding to My call!


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

In this deep silence of reflection Our Mother left us, in this inner silence, let us place our gratitude in our heart and keep present, in our prayers, the request of Our Mother to pray for the governors.

Now, Friar Elías will give a brief account of what happened during the Apparition.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

While we were praying, during the task of the prayer, the process of the Apparition gradually deepened.

Before the Apparition, different situations were developing, which we'll tell you about now.

For example, at different levels, different states of what we understand as Heaven, were gradually projected toward this physical place where we were, and that movement of energy was guided by angelic consciousnesses.

As the prayer process developed, something also happened: Abraham and Isaac appeared in the sky, accompanied by other beings which we know as saints; and here, on the surface of the Earth, another scene was developing while they were present.

While this situation was developing, we asked Abraham what was happening. He told us that they, the prophets, are governed by the Queen of the Universe, and at that moment, Abraham showed us a scene of the Final Judgment and told us that it was the symbol of the separation of the chaff from the wheat. That was manifesting through a judgment, as we know it here on Earth, a judgment in which a person is condemned by a judge.

At that moment, we didn't know what was happening until that situation was clarified. Abraham was showing in that judgment that the path of many souls was being defined; he told us that they were souls of this humanity and explained that this judgment happened on an inner level of the consciousness of all beings of the Earth.

We asked him if this situation, this reality he was showing, was concurrent, if it coincided with this time of the Earth which we're experiencing. He said that yes, souls were defining themselves on one path or on another.

We asked Abraham and Isaac why they were present today. They told us they were fulfilling a part of the prophecy written a long time ago.

Afterwards, this situation disappeared from this place; it was as if the prophets had withdrawn into the inner space of this sky.

Then the time of the Apparition came, and our Mother appeared at the highest point of the sky. She placed Her Feet on a great rose of Light.

What drew one's attention was that the rose was inverted downwards, to here. And the Light of the rose spilled over this place, while Our Lady slowly descended toward here.

Today, She manifested as the Lady of Graces, because She told us that once again, She was carrying out a task with the nations. And when She appeared, She began to slowly address Her Words.

One of the things She told us was that She wouldn't speak very much because She was fulfilling the Will of Her Father. Then She showed us the symbol of the three ears and explained the meaning of the three ears She carried in Her Hands, which She was gifting, giving and offering to us.

Today, once again, She spoke to us of the importance of us asking for wisdom, especially that we ask the Father for wisdom in our consciousness in the end of this time. She told us that when we should receive that wisdom or ask for that wisdom, we would be on correct paths.

During the then prolonged silence, She revealed a secret to us which She called "the definitive secret". Afterwards, She remained in a profound silence, contemplating us. Through this secret, She showed us various images, events that She asked us to pray for. And above all, She said: "I need you to pray today with sincerity"; and then She asked us to pray the "Universal Mother".

At the start of the Apparition, She made a special request of us, which She defined as a clarification for us, about tomorrow's Apparition. She said that tomorrow, it would be an important Apparition and promised us that She would address Her Words to us with more precision.

She told us She is going to consecrate the Portal of Peace that is on the Figueira Hill of Apparitions. And for that, She told us that the Apparition would be at 9 p.m. We asked Our Lady if there was a special reason for this time, and She said: "Of course, yes, there is a reason; 9 p.m. is a special time for the planet; it's the time of watchfulness, in which the soul can be more vigilant; and it is also the time of the reparation of the Heart of My Son". For those reasons, She will appear at that time.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Very well, tomorrow we're going to prepare our heart so as to be vigilant; and in this way, together with our Mother, we will be able to repair the Heart of Our Lord.

She asked that we do a pilgrimage with candles, from the entry of the path that leads to the top of the Hill of Apparitions.

To close, we will sing.

Song: "Divine Mother".

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Thank you all very much.

Wednesday, October 24 of 2012

Daily Messages

My children,

In the advent of the new time for this world, a time of changes and learning, today I ask you for more prayer, a prayer that may spring as a fountain from your hearts, a prayer that may help the world, a prayer that may alleviate the great burden of humanity. Prayer will always bring you clarity, wisdom and discernment in the moments that will arrive for humanity.

Your lives are already living a different time. It is necessary, dear children, to be attentive and vigilant to the consciousness and to the heart.

While the world continues repeating mistakes that have now become irreparable, My Maternal Heart comes to humanity to bring Light and Mercy.

I know that some of My children judge the truth of My existence and of My apparitions. Therefore, dear children, today I tell you that the ever Blessed Virgin Mary, Universal Mother and Queen of Peace, has now been among you for some years.

God gave Me the permission to send My saving message to all My children; therefore many hearts were participants in My apparitions throughout the last year.

Dear children, in the face of hunger in humanity, in the face of the wars that are awakening among brother-hearts, in the face of the great loss of children and teenagers, in the face of the path of perdition that many young people are going through, and in the face of many more things that are now unknown to you, I tell you: Pray! Pray! Pray! And pray, as if it were the last time! And recognize, from this day on, the Celestial Grace that you are receiving through the loving intercession of My Immaculate  Heart.

My children, you are now adults in your lives of prayer, therefore with maturity and charity pray for Peace and Mercy in each corner of this world.

This is My last and definitive call to humanity: Prayer! Prayer and prayer so that more souls may be partakers in the presence of the Master and Savior.

Dear children, you have the path of Salvation, Grace and Mercy in your hands and on your lips. You have within your lives the infinite power of prayer. You must love prayer and feel it in the depths of your souls.

Dear children, you are in My Heart, therefore you are being awakened from the dream of this world, by the Universal Love of the Queen of Peace.

You are in Me. I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Tuesday, October 23 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children,

If you try to live in the essence of My Peace you will find the Kingdom of God upon the Earth, and the conflicts among the hearts will be dissolved, conflicts that are born from the consciousness itself.

In this time, above all, be united as brothers and sisters through prayer and let yourselves be conducted by the power that it has when pronounced with love.

Dear children, withdrawn within My Heart on this day, seek the presence of My Son, practice the teachings of Jesus through daily prayer, service and fraternity.

It is no longer the moment for any heart, for any child of the Father, to stop fulfilling their daily task of prayer because, without realizing, you would be distancing yourselves from the purpose and you would begin to live under human principles, even those souls that have consecrated themselves.

Prayer is the salt of your lives, it is the seasoning that provides humility and wisdom in these times. My children, while you walk upon this world you will open a little door towards Heaven through the daily prayer in order to find peace and meekness.

Be merciful at all times even if your thoughts and feelings say something different.

Unite to the Heart of My Son so that all the sheep that have separated from Him may find the path again. You are part of the Plan of God, a Plan that is being accomplished with effort in this part of the Americas through the announcement of My Immaculate Face.

As the Mother of Relief, I give you My Blessing and I invite you to remember the path of humility for your hearts so that in this way upon this world there may be more peace and harmony.

I thank you!

Thank you for praying the Rosary every day!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Monday, October 22 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children,

In this month of the Rosary until the 26th of November, I ask you that out of love for God the Creator, you gather in groups of prayer and that you pray at least the first fifty beads of the Holy Rosary for the world and for humanity, uniting in this way this request to the one that I have already made for all the nations of the world.

My children, by means of this maternal request, My Immaculate Heart will intercede in favor of all the souls that are in need of peace and forgiveness in this time, with the celestial mission that all of My children may awake from the dream in which they normally live and may begin to live for God, in His Love and Mercy.

In order for this to happen for most of My beloved children, the prayer of the heart on the part of all groups that have con- secrated themselves to the Divine Mother will be considered of universal importance.

Dear children, when souls are conscious of the requests that God sends through My Immaculate Heart, this loving action of responding to the call has repercussions in all the life of the planet and of humanity.

By means of the exercise of the Rosary on these days of Octo- ber until November, your lives will be preparing in conscious- ness for the new, for the time that will arrive to the world.

My children, the opening of your hearts will allow that this task may become sacred and true, just as are resting, eating and living for God. Each action of life in this time must be sacred so that God may avail Himself of the good examples of His children, who learn the laws of living together and of fraternity.

The new world will be composed of groups of souls that will learn to live the laws as the ancient peoples from the desert lived and obeyed together with Moses. God has prepared for each soul a special message of love and a mission.

Your exercise of daily prayer will allow that, in each moment, your hearts may contemplate the Will of God.

Dear children, may this month of the Holy Rosary be a preparatory month, a true school of prayer for all.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Sunday, October 21 of 2012

Daily Messages

Keep the Immaculate Love of My Heart in your beings and in trust call, by means of prayer, the inner presence of God.

Dear children,

May this day of Sunday be dedicated to the reparation of the Heart of the Lord through prayer. In the exercise of the prayer of the heart will be revealed the attributes that will help all of you in this time; attributes such as Faith, Love, Forgiveness, Mercy and Redemption.

Dear children, as the Mother of humanity I ask you to pray so that My Son may intercede and alleviate the pain in many hearts.

Each sincere offering that is born from your hearts day after day, will allow the Plans of the Most High to be fulfilled in the lives of all souls.

My children, in love and in devotion, I ask all of My children from the city of São Paulo in Brazil to raise their eyes to the Merciful Kingdom of God and in this way, to practice in their lives the maternal teachings that My Heart has poured through this last year.

Through the exercise of the adoration of the Sacred Heart of My Son, all My children of São Paulo will be united to My Immaculate Heart.

Therefore, dear children, today God asks you to grow in consciousness from the heart and to unite your souls with the different states that prayer will radiate to you, states such as unity, love and fraternity.

In this month of the Sacred Rosary, may your hearts discover the keys of salvation in each Mystery.

I give thanks to My children of São Paulo for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Saturday, October 20 of 2012

Daily Messages

Blessed children,

In response to the urgent call realized yesterday to My children, I announce to those to whom I have appeared for five years as the Blessed Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, that My Beloved Son, Christ Jesus, sends Me today to your hearts to tell you that the Almighty God has observed from His Heart your response to the celestial call of attention.

Dear children, in the face of the urgent necessity of conversion and redemption of all the creatures of God, today I call you to continuous prayer and especially I call you so that, during this whole month, your lives may deepen and may give time to the meditation on each one of the holy Mysteries of the Rosary.

There you will find the keys for the conversion of your hearts that are: peace, surrender, trust in God, charity, forgiveness, the Love of My Son, sacrifice, and the resurrection together with the glorification of Christ.

My children, in this month of the Rosary I want that you especially dedicate yourselves to unite your hearts to each one of the passages of the life of Jesus and of the silent life of My Immaculate Heart.

My little ones, that in this time may awaken in your consciousness the call to Redemption and to the Surrender to God, a call that My voice pronounces day by day by means of the daily messages.

Dear children, under the Grace of God we are now close to the completion of one year, continuous and without interrup- tions, of daily blessed messages of My Immaculate Heart, of the Queen of Peace, who intends to guide you along the path of Good and Peace in the heart.

After a continuous year of Graces received, today I want that in response to these Graces, you unite your lives to the key teachings of Christ.

For this victorious reason of My Immaculate Heart in each one of your lives I announce to you today in the name of the Merciful Love of Christ Jesus, that on the day of tomorrow, the 21st of October, 2012, My visionary children, will be honoring Me by means of a simple prayer and an internal communion in the Sanctuary of Aparecida, a sanctuary that I love with fondness for the humble expression of faith from all of My pilgrim children of Brazil.

Therefore, dear children, the Honorable ever Virgin Mary, Lady Aparecida of Brazil, invites you and calls all Her chil- dren so that together with My children the visionaries, you may realize this simple pilgrimage towards the Sanctuary of Aparecida and that, through the offer to pray fifty beads of the Holy Rosary and of the inner communion with Christ, you may repair My Immaculate Heart.

In response to the events that have happened between you and God, I promise you that whomever participates with a sincere spirit of reconciliation and forgiveness before the Most High, the Mother Mary, Queen of Peace, will radiate the power of Divine Mercy from Heaven, and your lives will be absolved before the Law.

Dear children, I have brought roses in My hands to the throne of God, and the Father of the Source of Love and Compassion has accepted My offering for all of you. This exercise of frater- nity that I ask you to realize will allow, once more, that your hearts be clean and pure before God.

Once again, dear children, My Immaculate Heart will triumph!

Thank you for responding to this celestial call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Saturday, October 20 of 2012

Special Apparitions

Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Our Mother wants us all to go outside and, if it rains, we see it as a Grace from Her.

Now we'll sing while we go out and get organized to stay outside; and not to worry if we have to remain standing.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Our Lady, holding a Monstrance in Her Hands, asks that we pray with Her.


Prayer: "Hail Mary" (10 times in Portuguese)


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

We inhale.


Today, dear children, I come to speak to you about an important task at the end of these times. A spiritual practice that will define you on your spiritual path.

Today, dear children, I am speaking to you about the importance of the adoration of the Heart of My Son, mainly in these great cities, where It is highly assaulted by the movements and actions of all humankind.

For this reason, dear children, lifting up this symbol of the Universal Monstrance with My Hands, I ask that you adore the Heart of My Son in this sacred space where I have appeared throughout this time, for in this way, dear children, My Son will be among you and you will be in My Son.

Why, in this time, do I ask you for the adoration of the Heart of My Son? Because in the symbol of the Monstrance of the Heart of My Son, many keys will be revealed for your lives.

I promise you, as Queen of Peace, to participate with you in this practice. The Monstrance is the Portal of Light for the new time and you, dear children, must lovingly revere the Heart of My Son; because in this end time, you will be participating in His Mercy.

Thus, dear Children, in this last hour, open your hearts and lift up your aspirations to God.

As a Mother, I call for your attention; but as a Merciful Mother, I guide you and lead you on the good path of peace, the good path of the Christian. Will you dare to be led on this new path I propose for you?

Dear children, all have need for redemption; but now, My Son, through this practice of adoration of Him, has need of good and healthy instruments so that, despite your imperfections, the Light of the Heart of My Son is able to be poured out over you; and this will have greater consequences in the Heavens.

My Celestial Graces will be poured out over this city, as well as over others. Many of My children will be rescued and their souls will be pointed toward salvation.

Dear children, today we are speaking about a single humanity, a single race that corresponds to God.

I, as Mother, as a part of this humanity and this place where I was born, and from here, from Heaven and from the universe, I come to help you once again.

Not only fasting is important for these times, but also uplifting your consciousnesses through adoration.

Know, dear children, that today I bring you this universal merit and present, the Monstrance of the Heart of My Son, because I tell you that this is My last day here.

Now, dear children, is the moment for your feet to begin to walk on the pathway I built throughout time, a path that will take you toward the Light, toward eternity. Thus, My children, fear nothing. If you just fulfill what I ask of you, you will be protected within My Immaculate Heart; and in this end time, the Heart of My Son will be present within you.

Today, I also hold the holy rosary in My Hands, dear children, the instrument of prayer of all ages; a prayer I have requested of you, throughout time, and which has allowed this humanity to not become lost and to be guided toward the Light.

But a greater merit has come in the end of this time. In this last century, through the Mercy of Jesus, He too invites you to honor His Heart through the adoration I request of you today, and today I will teach you how to do it.

You must focus your kind and loving eyes upon the mystery of that Monstrance, so that your soul is able to express itself at that moment, and a divine connection can be manifested at that time, in that place and in that room, where this Universal Monstrance is present.

And day after day, through this practice, your hearts will be uplifted, and without your perceiving it, you will find the Guardian Angels of the Lord in your life, so they may go to each part of this city and to all of Brazil, to aid souls, especially those that have grave faults in this time, and even more, those that will commit actions that are not within the Law of the Lord.

So, dear children, the adoration will uplift you, and you, as part of this humanity, will be aiding many souls that do not adore, that do not love and that forget the importance of the prayer of the heart.

Do you now understand, dear children, why I have come throughout this time, asking you for My intentions so that they may be accomplished on this Earth?

If you trust in the Essence of the Universal Mother, in you, you will find the Holy Spirit.

I was conceived by a Greater Power which is called God, the Greatest Most High of the Heights, and I want all My children to participate in this Motherly Source through daily prayer, and now also, through this practice of adoration.

You must allow your hearts to be led, so in your lives there may be correct reasoning and thoughts; in this way, dear children, you will be able to be guided.

And why do I call on you today to contemplate through adoration?

Because currently, the great Monstrances in this world are very much abandoned. Jesus is present in them, His Sacred Heart is in all the Tabernacles of the world. Thus, you must understand, dear children, that Christ, in His solitude, is waiting for you so you may unite with Him through the practice of adoration and inner silence.

This is the greatest present I am giving to all of you today, My children. I leave this Celestial Monstrance in this place so it may be an extension of your hearts, a perfect unity with My Son; because at the end of this time, dear children, it is enough that humanity rise up toward the Kingdom of God.

From that place, from where I come and where I want everyone to be very soon, today I invite you to pray for this request so that each of you, dear children, may find the Paradise God has left in your hearts. He is there; you must believe in that. Will you seek Him?

Today, I also invite you to continue praying, dear children, with greater sincerity so your hearts experience a transformation and you rise up toward the Kingdom of God, and I am able to welcome you there, in the essence of My Virginal Purity.

I want you to be humble like I am.

I want you to be simple like My Heart; because at the end of this time, in a humbleness of heart, you will find the truth of the mysteries.

Let us pray, dear children, for all the cities, and further, for those souls that at this time, have need of the Mercy of My Son and of salvation.

All are united in the Kingdom of the Father. It is important that you now know this, because in Paradise, all souls are equal. And all drink of the same Source of the Lord, a Source of Love and of Unity.

An aspiration that, in this time, your hearts must not lose, in spite of what happens. If you help Me to have My Immaculate Heart triumph, I will silently be with you.


Prayer: "Universal Mother" (three times in Portuguese).


How much I love you, dear children!

In My Arms I carry the Child of the new time at the return of My Son, the Savior.

As from tomorrow, dear children, let Our Lady Aparecida perpetually appear in your hearts.

Under the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you, dear children, for responding to My call!

May Peace, may My Eternal Peace, illumine your hearts, and this Peace be your faith to continue walking, in spite of everything, under the power of Divine Devotion, a Devotion that God will give you, a Devotion radiated to you by My Heart.

Today I only ask that you remain in My Motherly Heart.

Let the roses of My Peace be a new spirit of fraternity in your lives.

I thank you!


Song: "Magnificat".


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

We're going to listen to a short account on the part of Friar Elías and then we'll make some comments about that which our Mother has requested and announced.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We saw that about 15 to 10 minutes before the Apparition, there was a significant movement in this room. When our sister began to intone the Hail Mary, in a very quick and spontaneous way, a portal opened upward in this place; a deep sky blue portal. It was a portal that went up, into infinity.

While we prayed, and the sister sang the Hail Mary, choirs of angels began to appear. From those different choirs of angels, seven angels approached and positioned themselves from the ground up, toward infinity and were forming a great spiral, a spiral of Light toward the heights.

At that scene, that image appeared, we waited to see what it was that was taking place. The prayer-work continued and the sister continued intoning the Hail Mary.

At the center of that spiral, formed by seven angels, the first angel, which was very close to us, manifested a great bell in its hand, which rang as we prayed the Hail Mary.

When that bell rang, it radiated Light toward all of São Paulo. At that moment, the six other angels also had bells; there was a total of seven bells that were ringing on different scales and with very elevated and bass tones.

While all these bells rang, at the highest point in the sky, our Divine Mother appeared, came through this portal toward here, and She was the eighth consciousness Who also held a bell. In all, there were eight bells ringing at the same time, on different sound scales.

While they rang, our Mother had a greater bell which She was ringing loudly, calling all of us. At that moment, through this portal, many souls were being lifted up by the angels toward another place. We then saw that all these souls, which were scattered throughout this city, were moving through that channel of Light. They took advantage of, used that channel of service which had been opened through prayer.

Then came the moment when Our Lady arrived in this room and held a very large rosary; it was a rosary of white crystal which moved from side to side when She spoke to us, making gestures, expressions with which She was transmitting.

Then She gave us the opportunity to make some clarifications like those She also makes at other times. A moment came when She said: "I will appear to give My Message, outside of this room, because My Immaculate Heart is bringing a lot of heat to this place", and then said: "So that the words may be fluid, we will all go outside". Then She finished, saying: "Do not worry about it raining, because that will be a sign that My Grace is being poured out. It will be an opportunity for all, because all have to be very together, as I am with you."

And then, as She began to transmit Her Message, outside the house, She placed Herself very close to the side of the forest, more than 3 meters above where we were. There, She appeared as the Queen of Peace and brought the symbol of the Monstrance of Light. We asked Her what was happening, why She was bringing that Monstrance: "Wait, I will soon tell you, I will soon explain it to you," She said.

When She spoke in the Message about the importance of adoration, She placed the Monstrance between two trees, it being golden and having many rays, and suspended in the air over those trees.

As She continued Her dialogue with us, that Monstrance was radiating little by little during the whole Apparition. We saw that the energy of that Monstrance was working on the most subtle part of our consciousnesses, and this was very clearly manifesting in all those present.

When that situation of the movement of the Monstrance occurred, from which It was radiating little by little, Our Lady showed the state in which  beings may be when they are adoring. So at that moment a material being, a physical being could be seen, as well as the expression of that same being in a subtler part, in a more contemplative state, in a state of prayer and of attunement. According to what Our Lady told us, the adoration for that Monstrance awakens that state in us. She also explained, among other matters, that when souls enter into contact with that spiritual practice, besides being physically in front of that symbol, that symbol also acts like a portal of contact with God.

When She told us we had to focus our loving eyes on that symbol, She showed us how through our physical eyes, on observing that Monstrance, a connection was created with the heights very quickly, which was not through our own will. It was just by placing ourselves in front of that symbol, in our practice, and those various effects would gradually be spiritually generated in us.

She also told us that this practice would allow a rapid elevation of humanity, and that, if even a small part carried out this practice of adoration, it would be helping many situations on the planet to be resolved, especially unexpected events.

For this reason, when She told us She would appear today here for the last time, in this Nucleus of São Paulo, it was because She had already finished with a task and that, from Heaven, where She is, She brought us this non-material  Monstrance of Light so we could consider it a practice for the end of times.

Afterwards, during the work of the Apparition, She explained how this practice would be for all of us, which we will shortly comment on.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Very well, I had the intention of providing an explanation, but it's not necessary. When we have all the steps of this spiritual practice, we'll make them known through the ways our Mother indicates.

Friday, October 19 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children,

Carrying all humanity in My arms, today I direct My celestial words to all My children from the United States and from Venezuela, asking you to pray so that the Blessed Grace may descend over both nations.

At the request of My Son Jesus, today I give My Maternal Blessing and I call you to continue walking for peace in your hearts and in the whole world. For this reason, today I send My eternal Love to each one of the groups of prayer from the United States and from Venezuela. I send you My Maternal Comfort and announce to you that My promised arrival to both nations, according to the plans of the Most High, has been moved to the Marian Center of Figueira, in Brazil.

When I tell you that I carry humanity in My arms it is because it needs the guidance and the protection of My Motherhood. When I tell you that I will appear in glory and in spirit during the months of October and November at the Marian Center of Figueira, it is so that your hearts can feel that I will not abandon you because I love you beyond your thoughts and reasoning.

Today I want to remind you of a parable that Christ left to all humanity. It is a message that will allow you to understand why God wants and asks your consciousnesses to grow in this defining final time.

My children, remember that Jesus once said that in a past time there was a very poor woman who donated everything that she had so that the temple could continue with its task. But because what she had given was so little, her action was not considered by humankind. Jesus My son invites you to recog- nize that the action that each child of the Father offers is more important than the value itself that each one has.

What is the mystery of this parable?

Dear children, the mystery is that in the Kingdom of the Heavens are kept the true and the sincere spiritual values that enrich the hearts of all souls, and not the goods that My children keep and accumulate on Earth.

Today, My children, I want that you learn to love that which you do not have. I tell you: love the true spirit of the Providence of God. Jesus said to His disciples: “Leave everything that you have and follow Me.” My Son wanted to tell you that each one of you must donate yourself entirely to the Will of God and trust that He will give the greatest goods that exist in the Heavens.

Dear children, My absence in Venezuela indicates that a correct balance in the collaboration and in the support for My universal task with you is lacking on the part of My children.

God will not abandon you and My Maternal Heart will be transmitting the monthly message for October and November of 2012. But today I want you to meditate on how much your hearts are supporting, with sincerity, My Universal Task, so that it is thus fulfilled in each nation.

God has not given Me the permission to make great miracles. Therefore, in order for My Message and My Light to be poured out on each nation that God has asked Me to go to, there must exist a total collaboration from you so that the visionaries may fulfill the task that My Heart has entrusted to them in each nation.

Dear children, you are being invited to live in faith and in surrender to God. For this reason I am now with you. Do not fear for anything, but it is now time to grow from the heart.

Will you, My little ones, accompany the voice of My call?

I bless the efforts that I have seen from the groups of the United States and of Venezuela. Let us pray much because the times are changing!

I thank you!

Thank you for listening to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Thursday, October 18 of 2012

Daily Messages

My dear and most beloved children,

In the name of the Almighty God, in the name of the Holy Spirit, in the name of the Redeeming Love of My Son and before the Celestial Choirs, under the Power of God in the universe, under the Merciful Light of My Immaculate Heart, I, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, in this moment and during this hour, reflecting the Maternal Love of My Immaculate Heart, but with tears in My immaculate eyes, announce to you with reverence and peace, the next celestial call of attention to all My blessed children on Earth.

I tell you that the ever Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven, has seen a serious fault on the part of Her children before God. Therefore, in the name of peace, I absolve you and tell you, dear children, that the Queen of Peace, the Mother of the World, will manifest Her Face of Love to all, at the Marian Center of Figueira on the 25th and 26th of October, celebrating in this way the month of the Most Holy Rosary in a ceremony of prayer that will extend until the 25th and 26th of November of the year 2012 of your time.

This divine decision is in response to the Will of God, the Most High, and it is because of what Our beloved Celestial Father has seen regarding the lack of spiritual and material consideration that My children have given to My task of con- tact with you (*).

My children, this means that My voice and My echo will be pronounced for a longer time for the intercession that My Son, Jesus Christ, has carried out before the throne of God. I want you to understand with your hearts, My little ones, that your collaboration with My Divine Work has been scarce in this part of the Americas.

I want to tell you, My children, that your hearts have been lacking the donation and the providence for My task to be able to embrace each corner of the world.

Therefore, dear children, in the face of the lack of love in the consciousness for all that throughout time I have been pouring as Grace and with love, I want to tell you that the apparitions planned for the final days of October and November will occur at the Marian Center of Figueira. This means that I ask you for a loving collaboration so that My Message may continue to echo in the world.

For this reason, as your Mother and as Mary, Help (**), I intervene with Love for all of you so that the wisdom of the Holy Spirit may awaken in your consciousnesses. My adult children, it is time to grow in maturity because this will allow your hearts to be under the Law of My Divine Mercy.

Jesus waits for you so that your consciousnesses may meditate and confess with His Sacred Heart. I invite you in this final time to love the Law of the Divine Providence, because to understand the mysteries of Heaven, they must be loved even more than all that your lives know in this world.

Dear children, in the name of the Light of Heaven, I thank you for responding to this urgent call to meditation and reflection of your consciousnesses.

In the Faith professed by My Son Jesus, I wait for you at the Marian Center of Figueira so that together we may celebrate the month of the Most Holy Rosary because Peace is urgent in the lives of all My children.

Will My soldiers follow Me?

Thank you for your inner attention.

Who loves you eternally,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


(*) She refers here to Her task with the visionaries.

(**) Tr: “Mary, Help” refers to and expands upon the meaning of the well-known title of the Virgin which in English has been called “Mary, Help of Christians.”

Wednesday, October 17 of 2012

Daily Messages

My children,

As the Queen and Mother of Peace, today I invite you to search in your hearts for the inner union with Jesus so that through prayer you may help My Son to carry the cross of the world.

As the Cyrene, carry, out of love, the pain of the world. May your prayer be the nourishment that may satiate all, and the water that quenches the thirst of many of My children.

Today I want to tell you that the cross of humanity must be supported in the perseverance of the groups of prayer that, united with the Most Holy Heart of Jesus, fulfill the call to alleviate the Heart of Christ.

A small part of your lives, by means of prayer and as a ser- vice, can contribute to others. Today I refer, dear children, to the inner state of giving yourself to others. This inner state will allow you to recognize the humility that is necessary to live in these times. Because of the lack of humility in the human heart, many events are unfolded, events that condition the harmonious walk of My children.

Therefore, searching in yourselves for Jesus, the Redeeming Love, you will find the essence of giving, and when this giving becomes a daily exercise together with prayer, your hearts will begin to glimpse the Light of humility.

All of My children are being called to live this path of humil- ity, of emptiness of oneself, for love of God and for the reparation of the great conflicts and the arrogance that humanity lives, in which there is so little love for one another.

Dear children, I am calling you to form yourselves as good instruments of God so that your High Priest, Jesus, may be able to pour His Merciful Graces upon the pure hearts and upon the fallen hearts.

It is time to be in Jesus every day. Let us pray.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Tuesday, October 16 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children,

In the eyes of God, the soul always loves.

In the eyes of God, the soul lives its faith.

In the eyes of God, the soul walks and ascends.

In the eyes of God, the soul is in God.

In the eyes of God, the soul recognizes the path towards Christ.

In the eyes of God, the soul drinks from the Fount of the Love of God.

In the eyes of God, the soul grows and finds strength in the Heart of God.

In the eyes of God, all souls are equal and all of them are united to the Creating Principle of God, because in the eyes of God one lives the great mysteries of the Heart of God.

Dear children, today I invite you all to remain under the merciful gaze of God, because in the eyes of God your hearts will become inseparable from the life of prayer, and the Great and Divine Spirit of God will allow you to know the humility that you need in order to fulfill His One and Only Will.

My children, when I invite you to be under the gaze of God, it is for you to recognize that you are not walking alone and that, united to His heart, you will be guided by Love and by the Holy Spirit.

Little children, many hearts still are not under the kind gaze of God. The Father is close to each one of His beloved children and you, in the name of Love, can help so that the whole world may be under His gaze.

Each child of this humanity must open the treasury of the heart in order to reach the gaze of God.

My Father, the Most High, is in your hearts and therefore I invite you to search for Him within your beings because many children easily forget God in the heart. Your attention to be in God will alleviate the martyrdom that He receives from the constant offenses of humanity.

If humanity were in the Mercy of God, it would be a merciful humanity. You are still in time to find the Source of the Love of God in your hearts, because My Maternal Aspiration is that you learn to love as Jesus loved.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Monday, October 15 of 2012

Daily Messages

 My little ones,

Keep in your hearts the whole path of love and conversion that, through the Faithful Servant of God, you have lived. For this maternal reason today I invite you to remember that it has already been eleven months of encounters and of daily messages for the world.

Today I am calling you to be the living example of My Mater- nal Message through charity and giving.

Dear children, I call you to form part of My Marian army of peace and to propagate My words by means of your prayer. You are in time to live in the Mercy of My Son, you are in time to forgive with the heart.

My children, today I also call all those who hear My urgent call for Peace and for Goodness so that you may propagate My words of support and help to all the hearts in the world.

Your goal, as is Mine, must be to alleviate the tired heart, the wounded heart and the fallen heart. To ignite, through prayer, the Flame of the Holy Spirit and to trust, in the name of My Son, in all the wisdom that you will receive to grow as consciousnesses and as hearts.

My children, today there is reason to celebrate from the heart the past eleven months in which My Maternal Love, My Hope, My Grace and My Mercy have been poured from the greatest depths of My Maternal Heart for all My beloved children.

Continue united to My Spirit of Peace and through the permanent prayer of the Rosary, be united every day to Jesus, the King of Love.

That your hearts, during these last eleven months, may have been able to be a part of My Great and Divine Son Jesus. That from now on, your lives may be surrendered to the Plan of God, as a reparation of all offenses that He receives from this world.

Be merciful and love your brothers and sisters because they are also My children.

For all this time of Mercy, I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Sunday, October 14 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children,

After that 13th of October, 1917, when the Sun of God showed Its True Face, the life of many souls changed for the good of the Divine Plan, the war among the hearts stopped and My Maternal Spirit was able to establish some more time of peace.

My children still need miracles, but today I tell you all that after so many Graces that have been poured by Jesus, from His Sacred Heart, and from My Immaculate Heart, the great Grace for this time is that I, the Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Peace, may be here among your hearts calling you in the name of My Son to live conversion and forgiveness in this time of Mercy.

My children, this is why today I invite you to remember and keep in your hearts a Great Miracle of Love that God manifested through My Immaculate Heart in the luminous presence of the Sun. The great seed of Light was sown in the hearts of those who had faith and in the hearts of the unbelievers. The seed of My Maternal Light was sown in the believers and in the atheists. No one remained without receiving, once more, the Grace of God, His Forgiveness and Redemption.

For this reason, dear children, today I am calling you to med- itate through prayer, on these mysteries that made themselves visible once in Fatima before the eyes of all My children.

God called Me to pour His Infinite Grace in a time in which humanity was once again walking towards perdition. But the Merciful Love of the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary intervened to harmonize the events that occurred in the world.

The Angel of Peace brought to humanity the sign of conversion and of penitence. He prepared the path of salvation for all of humanity, and this happened through His spiritual inter- vention upon all souls.

Thus, dear children, after this, the Lady more brilliant than the Sun arrived to propagate to the world the important call for peace and forgiveness.

Today, again, I descend from Heaven to open your hearts to this important cycle in which humanity must consecrate it- self to the Will of God.

I mean, My little ones, that each soul must confirm the degree of its Love to God, as this will permit other Laws of the Creator to act upon the world. By means of the exercise of prayer, hearts will be radiated by My Love, as in Fatima.

I invite you, dear children, to remember the facts of the Apparitions of Fatima because as I have said, your lives will thus enter the inner sanctuary to live in faith and in love.

May the Sun of God, that once illuminated the world through Its Universal Source, illuminate your little hearts. Walk through the pathway of My Son.

Let us pray for peace.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Saturday, October 13 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children,

Remember, in this time, the Portal towards Heaven that My Immaculate Heart once opened in Fatima; a Portal of Peace and Redemption for all humanity; a Portal of Faith and Hope for all My children.

This is why today, My children, in the face of so many chang- es in humanity, I ask you to return in consciousness and with the heart towards the Marian Sanctuary of Fatima, Portugal, and from there may you see My Peace arise again for all the world.

Each Marian Center consecrated to My Immaculate Heart is seen from Heaven as a little piece of My Maternal Dwelling upon the Earth, as the Presence of the Most High among His beloved children, the creatures.

Therefore, dear children, raise your eyes towards the Portal of Peace, which represents My Immaculate Heart, and see in yourselves, the Love of the Redeemer being born.

May each one of My children be a new and renewed portal towards peace and fraternity. May each little child affirm in their life the Merciful presence of Jesus.

Today celebrate, once more, the anniversary of the Apparitions in Fatima.

I ask you all, My children, that you elevate your hearts for all pilgrims and non-pilgrims, for all those who live in faith and for those who have lost it, for all those who commune with My Son and for all those who forget Him.

Dear children, may each one of you today carry Fatima, the Inner Marian Sanctuary, in each one of your hearts. May your lives be uplifted again before the Light of the Father so that the essences may find the way of forgiveness and love.

My children, on this day, carry the Peace that My Maternal Heart once poured in Fatima and may this encounter with your inner sanctuary, with the House of God, permit you to recognize what the true state is that My Love wants each one of you to live in this time.

My children, with reverence, I tell you: awaken to this last call that My voice pronounces to the world, a call that speaks to you of the opportunity of redemption that your hearts can live and a celestial call that promises you a truthful encounter with My Immaculate Peace.

As the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, I bless you all every day and I say to My little ones: Let us pray for the inner peace of each one of My children!

Celebrate with Me the presence of Fatima: the Marian Center of Love.

I thank you for responding to My call every day!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Saturday, October 13 of 2012


For the protection of Christ, My Beloved Son, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, My Arms bring you rejoicing, motherhood and love, but My Heart also brings you pain from part of this world; and that, dear children, is what on this thirteenth day, I come to announce to you.

So many years have gone by since My Presence in Fatima, and My Heart still continues to triumph in this world. Thus, today I ask, dear children, that you keep these Words present in your hearts, because in the end of time you will understand them.

I need you all perpetually, your hearts and your actions. All prayers are welcome in the end of this time.

Know, dear children, that My great sorrow today can be seen, since it is observing the great condemnation of souls that exists in this world; even though they are here, in this life, on this Land of God, they condemn themselves to the fire of hell.

Thus, today I invite you, dear children, to sincerely repair the Heart of My Son through good actions of peace and of love, because a new time is close in which many things will be revealed to humanity.

All the secrets that I have poured out throughout the years, some in Medjugorje and others here, will be revealed in due time, My dear children.

So that all may be repaired quickly and with love, the prayer of the heart is necessary. You must connect your spirits with the Most High, with the One Father, so you may be within His Protection and His Peace.

Today I also tell you, dear children, that My last call is being pronounced in this time; and when I repeat this phrase so many times, it is so that your little hearts may hear Me.

And so it is necessary, dear children, that you experience reconciliation and forgiveness. I tell you truly, My children, that you are in time to be able to live these attributes.

Some of My children of this humanity must live these principles in this end of time. You must fill the Chalice of the Heart of the Lord, the Chalice which represents the Heart of My Son, through prayer and your surrender, because His Heart is being greatly scourged.

Who will remove the thorns from His Heart, which are generated day after day, time after time?

Thus, today, dear children, I tell you again that you are in time to be able to change your condition in life through prayer and the activation of your faith; because all the Words which have already been poured out have a special reason for your hearts: conversion.

Each movement you perform in your life must be given to God; for in this way, from you He will contemplate the good works of peace and of charity. In this way, dear children, your hearts will be illumined and guided, and you will be able to follow the path toward My Son.

Because today, I tell you in truth, dear children, that very few believe in the Coming of the Redeemer; but this time is close and the temples, which are My children, the hearts of all My children, must be prepared.

When I speak to you, saying you are in time, it is because you are in time to give love and peace, setting aside any criticism born from your hearts. In this time, you must seek purity; for in this way, I will be able to say, dear children, that your hearts are illumined. They will be a crystalline temple for the Most High, for My God.

Many things are changing within My children; thus, daily I invite you to prayer. Prayer must reach even dreams, must be perpetually repeated from the heart. For in this time, My children, you must create barriers of light so that you may be protected from everything, during the hours of your life and beyond your life. In this way, dear children, I only ask you to be united to the Celestial Kingdom of the Creator.

I also ask, dear children, that you not give up, but rather, raise your eyes to the Mercy of My Son. The spring is still open and whomever has not yet drunk from this prodigious source, is invited to drink in order to quench the thirst I see in many hearts.

My Son waits to pour out His Rays, but where are the instruments of the Creator? What are they doing with their lives? How much time do they dedicate to the Lord?

Dear children, we are in the end times. What John wrote a long time ago in the Bible is now ready to be revealed.

These are not normal times, dear children; open your eyes to the Light of My Heart and raise your supplications to My Being, because My Heart feels all things and knows all things.

If today I do not show Myself to you all, it is because I am responding to God. I am inviting you to love the mysteries which are beginning to be experienced through the faith and devotion to My Immaculate Heart.

Thus, in this time, dear children, the primary proposal is peace, conversion and prayer.

Once again, I tell you to dare to live by these principles and not allow yourselves to be overcome by the conflicts within you. Elevate everything through prayer, for in this way, My Immaculate Heart will guide you.

In this very definitive time, in you, dear children, is the key for opening the door for Me, and in this way, I will be able to take you toward My Son, Who needs you and silently awaits you.

As Queen of Peace, today I also tell you that you are being very blessed throughout this time, and you, My dear children, must respond for all you are receiving.

The first response is peace in the heart.

The second response is love for your brothers and sisters.

I do not want to see any dissociation in your hearts, because My Light, the Light of the Most High, is coming to meet you.

Could it be that My little ones have perceived this?

Where is your thought? Is it united to the feeling of the heart?

You must find the peace I am promising you through your sincere unity with Me.

As Mother, as Queen of Peace, as the Mother of Nazareth, as I did with Jesus, I want to carry you in My Arms so you may be within the eternity of the Lord and know He is Mercy.

For this reason, today also, dear children, I invite you to be peacemakers of My Mission, here on Earth. Your hearts must be mirrors of light in the world, codes of love and of peace that transform wounded hearts.

It is necessary, My children, to have servers and followers given to My Immaculate Heart, so that My Peace can be disseminated through harmony and unity. In this way, fellowship will emerge from you, because the Heart of My Son will be in you, and your souls will be in My Son, in a perfect union of love and great wonders in this time.

It is necessary, dear children, to have legions of love; souls given to My Heart that can labor with Me to achieve peace.

My only request in this end of time is that you cause My Immaculate Heart to triumph, because through My Heart, the Rays of My Son will be present as a source of Peace for the world and much Mercy; above all, dear children, for those that need it, those who have fallen before God.

God listens to the song of your heart, which is born of the soul, and which allows you to maintain a unity with the Source of Love. To this practice, dear children, you must return so as to be within My Peace, very important for your hearts.

My Soul was glorified by the Lord when the Spirit of God entered into My Heart.

Thus, I invite you, My children, to elevate the greatest plea of the heart through praise of the Most High, so the Heavens, through My Heart, are able to expand upon the world and many souls are able to be touched by My Light, above all those who for a long time have waited for forgiveness.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let the bell ring, says Our Lady, to praise God.

Song: "Magnificat".


My soul blesses the Lord and all My children who unite with My Heart.

At this moment, through the Holy Spirit, the true sign of Light for all My children, I will bless you and will bless this archetype of My Immaculate Heart. In this moment, dear children, and in the name of humanity and the Power of the Love of My Son, I will also bless each of your orandiums; thus, I ask that you lift them up to Me.

May the Eternal Grace of the Father, the Merciful Power of Christ, and the Love and Wisdom of the Holy Spirit bless My little children and these small instruments of peace, so that through the simplicity and humility of your hearts, all may be united with the One God, to the Power of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit of all centuries and eternity, with the mission that, on this plane, the Divine Plan of God be concretized, and conversion as well as salvation awaken in each of My children.

As Lady of Graces and Mother of all the children of the world, I also give you My maternal blessing, the power of My Love, the strength of My Spirit, the humility of My Heart, that they may be active principles in your hearts.

May the Mercy of God, His Compassion, His Love and His Forgiveness, disseminated throughout the universe, reach the light of your hearts and may all My children be united with God for all eternity. Amen.

I thank you for answering My call on this thirteenth day.

May the memory of My Presence on this day remain in your hearts forever.

I thank you!


Mother Shimani de Montserrat:

We will give a brief account, because the Words of Our Mother have already been more than enough for everybody.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We're now going to speak about some things that were occurring during the preparation of the prayer and which speak about a request that our Mother made to all of us; a request very important for the end of this time, which She called Jesus' Repairing Communion.

While we were preparing, She showed us some scenes we are going to share; scenes that gradually occurred before the Altar of our Mother, as if they were scenes on the physical plane and gradually developed as we prayed.

At one moment, a Man with a white robe to His Feet appeared. He was bent over as if carrying something on His Shoulders. And what He carried on His Shoulders and Back showed itself to be the planet. That Man wore a Crown of Thorns on His Head. Many threads of Light which came out from underneath the planet were supporting Him.

These threads of Light were supported by many angels, and that scene showed that the planet was being sustained by that Light. Even so, that Man continued to carry the planet on His Back with a great deal of effort. At one moment, the image came closer and showed us Jesus, Who was working together with the angels for the planet. Jesus was crying blood.

The image then vanished and another appeared, the very luminous image of Our Lady that was very bright, very alive.

Afterwards, Jesus was seated on a hill and Our Lady approached Him as Mother. On several places on His Face, Jesus had drops of Blood. At that moment, He no longer had the Crown of Thorns. He was in a state of total silence, of contemplation, and also radiated pain, and showed His Heart, which was surrounded by small thorns, that little by little, went deeper into His Heart, and this generated pain in the Master.

When Our Lady drew close, She made a very special movement. From within Her Mantle, She began to take out many rose petals; and at that moment, She observed us, saying: "These are the prayers of My children".

She offered them to Jesus and began to take each of those petals, which were petals of light, and placed it on each drop of Blood, and each petal dried the Blood on Jesus.

Then, this image also vanished until just before the Apparition.

Afterwards, the Master, Whom we know as the Merciful Jesus, came forward strongly, into this house and no longer had thorns nor Blood on His Face.

He placed Himself above the image that is here, in front of us, and behind Him there was a lot of light blue light and choirs of angels who accompanied Him. There were seven choirs, seven armies that accompanied the Mercy of Christ.

At that moment, He emanated, as we already know, the Rays of His Mercy over us. He had His Arms and Hands open in the sign of the cross and radiated Light from the palms of His Hands toward this room. At that moment, He said to us: "Now I will tell you what is taking place in this time".

The Rays began to ever more strongly shine, radiating from His Heart. And under His Feet, He showed us a scene: the red Ray, pouring out as if it were a river of Blood and the blue Ray also created a light blue river of Light.

At that moment, at the Feet of the Christ, two different images appeared. One was many souls that were close to the margins of that river of Blood, souls that were suffering and in a lot of pain, and who also radiated a lot of incomprehension. On the left appeared another image with a group of souls approaching that light blue river of Light. Those souls were more luminous, lighter, clearer.

At that moment, the Master said to us: "The red Ray is the one that purifies souls. All those souls are being very condemned". Then He continued, saying that even those still in this life, are souls who are being lost and needed many prayers. Then He said to us: "Many souls are in different parts of this world, and I Am pouring out this red Ray over them, My Blood, to be able to save them".

At that moment, the Master spoke about the souls which were in the light blue river. "These souls are all of you, a part of humanity that is being purified by My Water, but that is walking in the Lord".

After, the Master said to us: "Do you see these two realities?, the condemnation and the salvation. Will you help to alleviate My Heart which is being scourged?"

At that moment, He showed us how the thorns were detaching from the Heart of Jesus; and then this image disappeared.

When Our Lady came, as Queen of Peace, She spoke a lot about the reparation of the Heart of Her Son. And then, She made a request which we have already told you about at the beginning: the Repairing Communion.

Afterwards, Our Lady said: "In this time, I need the Heart of My Son to be alleviated so the Source of His Mercy can continue to be poured out and your prayers allow Justice to be light in the hearts of all the world. You can stop this through prayer. For this reason, I ask that you carry out a Repairing Communion every Friday for some time". But She did not tell us how long a time; however, we knew that it would be a long time. She also told us that it was very necessary to do that Communion practice.

After, we asked Her how this Repairing Communion would unfold.

"My main request is that all commune to repair the Heart of Jesus. I not only need you to be in good attunement, but also in true prayer". She told us this would help and that the Communion would be done openly for everybody.

Then we asked Her how this Communion would happen.

She answered: "First, you must have the intercession of a priest who will offer you that Communion. You can also do the Communion in the Communities, in a very simple way, offering it to My Son, for in this way, you will also be repairing the Heart of Jesus".

That was the first part. Afterwards, in the second part, She transmitted Her Message to us.

After everything She said to us, at the beginning of the Apparition, She also told us that She received permission for being over Her children. So we turned around to see Her and She began to transmit the Message. While She transmitted the Message, She also was imprinting Her Light in all of us.

When we recited the prayer for the Marian Centers, each Marian Center was touched by Our Lady, and then we were able to see the powerful effect the prayer was having, because She was concentrating each Marian Center in Her Heart.

In this way, finally the moment came when She made the blessing and brought God in Her Presence, Who She also poured out as energy over us.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Now we will finalize our transmission over the internet, singing "Revelations of Aurora".

Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!

Friday, October 12 of 2012

Daily Messages

As the Mother of the Christians and of the non-Christians (*), in name of the Light of My Son, I try day by day to remove many souls from the immense inner desert in which they live, for lack of faith and love in the heart.

In these times, dear children, may your hearts be active precursors of My call for peace and for the salvation of the creatures.

Dear children, as the Mother and Door of Heaven, today I ask you to search for God within your inner beings, for the Love of the Father, for the Immaculate Spirit of Peace, because this Spirit will allow you to grow and It will strengthen you for the decisions in life, in the mind and in the spirit of each one.

Today I am calling you to prepare with consciousness your dwellings so that in a short time Jesus, the King of the Universe, the Master of masters, may find rest in pure and crystalline dwellings where His Absolute and Unfathomable Mercy may be poured.

Dear children, the world is going through great tests in the faith and in the life of many hearts. For this reason I ask you to place the millions of children that I have under My protection in the true exercise of your prayers so that they enter into the definitive Law of Forgiveness and Mercy.

As I have told you, dear children, this is a last cycle for the confirmation of the hearts before the Plans of God. Humanity can live in the new Plan of God, a Plan that will lead you to remain in the true state of peace and reconciliation.

My children, it is very important to keep the fire of the prayer of the heart ignited, prayer that unites you to the Sacred Divine Spirit of My Son. But for this to happen, dear children, your lips must only pronounce words of love and peace, words that may spring from the heart, words that may relieve the great suffering that many solitary souls are living.

Dear children, today again I supplicate you and I speak to you with immense Love from My Immaculate Heart, because as you all know, these are already the last announcements that God sends Me to transmit to all hearts.

Before the new time that will come, My children, may your hearts, your thoughts and your feelings be merciful so that God may reign within you, so that the Love of My Son may reign forever.

Keep gratitude in you so that it radiates humility and Mercy.

Thank you for responding to My call.

I thank you!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


(*) Tr: “Mother of Christians and non-Christians” refers to and expands upon the meaning of the well-known title of the Virgin which in English has been called “Mary, Help of Christians.”

Thursday, October 11 of 2012

Daily Messages

With joy and bliss I place each one of My children in the Celestial Kingdom of God.

Dear children,

Today, let us celebrate from the heart for the coming of the Queen of Peace to Aurora, Her favorite home.

As the Mother of the New Aurora today I give you all My Maternal Blessing and I thank you for responding to My call for peace.

As instruments in the Hands of the Most High, today I invite you to consecrate your dwellings to the Celestial Father. Know, My little ones, that He waits for the love of the pure and true souls, that may want to live in the one Source of Love that forgives and repairs all.

Today I am calling you to be partakers of Divine Mercy through My Immaculate Heart. Dear children, I call you all so that you may take one more step, with absolute trust in the Plans of God.

My children, as the Divine Conception, I ask you to pray so that many of My children in these critical times may also be able to be touched by My inner call. Today, in addition, I remind you that each call to which you respond has worldwide repercussions in this end of times. Each call that is responded from your humble hearts will help in the redemption of humanity through the victorious coming of Christ to Earth.

My soldiers, may your hearts be always ready for everything, for that which God wants in these moments. Know, My little ones, that you are working by means of prayer so that salvation may be possible, even for the souls that are less deserving.

Dear children, I promise you that each prayer that flows with love from your hearts will be heard and responded to under the Highest Will of God.

Dear children, as a mediator between the hearts: thank you for listening to My supplications!

I thank you!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Wednesday, October 10 of 2012

Daily Messages

While humanity is still looking for satisfaction in life, My Maternal Heart calls all souls to the new and last flock of Christ.

As mediator before the souls that have found the spiritual path towards God, I want them to be able to help other souls that quickly deviate from the path of faith and from the Love of God.

Therefore, My children, I ask all praying beings today not to waste time and to pray with much aspiration towards the Heights, waiting for the Infinite Mercy of My Son.

I expect from My soldiers the awakening of their consciousnesses and that they offer themselves to collaborate so that the greater part of humanity be able to live some more time of peace. And as time goes by fast, I ask that you pray with the heart, attentively, so that something may be able to change in humanity.

Dear children, pray, pray, pray and pray! Pray with the voice of your hearts so that the Pity and Compassion of God may touch the hearts that have separated themselves from the Law of the Lord.

Remembering the teachings of the Commandments of Moses, today I ask you that you have them present in your lives as the first basic rules for a good child of God.

Dear children, throughout time humanity has been called to change from the heart; therefore may you open your eyes and see the Merciful Light that My Immaculate Heart is radiating to all.

I remind you of the importance of living in fidelity to My Son so that your hearts may be guided and may be protected in these final times.

I thank you for responding to the voice of My call in these times!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Tuesday, October 9 of 2012

Daily Messages

My children,

May today your hearts be able to understand and venerate the Special Grace that your lives are receiving by means of the exercise of prayer and in the name of the Love of My Son.

Dear children, this is why I invite you to pray more with the heart so that God the Father can hear you and My Maternal Heart may continue to come into your lives. The mission that God entrusts to you is to pray for the salvation of all souls, because, in this time, dear children, everyone will have one last Grace: to live the Conversion.

Before the Divine Universal Judgment approaches the world, you, My little ones, must be in deep and true prayer so that the willingness to pray every day may be born in you.

For this reason, dear children, the renovation of the groups of prayer is so important, by means of monthly meetings that allow the strengthening among the groups and the encour- agement to serve God and to be less invaded by the realities of the world.

Each group of prayer must be the Light of Christ in the world, and for this Light to shine in the darkness, the flames of Christ that are each one of the souls must be united in the mission and be humble from the heart, because in this way the Holy Spirit will be able to guide and bless the existence of each praying group.

My children, today I communicate to you this important mission of the end of times for all of these praying groups. Know, My dear children, that My Maternal Heart will be among you, accompanying you at the moment you begin your exercise of prayer.

Dear children, it is now time for fraternity to be born from hearts so that the task of praying in group among sister souls may have universal repercussions. But for this to happen, it is necessary to have much humility and to be empty of yourselves, because in this way your meetings of prayer will be victorious and you will be united to My Maternal Purpose of salvation.

Today, dear children, I thank each one of the praying beings and devotees for being responsive to My urgent call for prayer and peace.

I thank you.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Monday, October 8 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear and beloved children of the Father,

All the offenses that are generated in the world are forgiven day by day through the Unfathomable and Powerful Divine Mercy that springs as a fountain from the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Therefore today, My little ones, you must surrender in faith to the infinite mystery of forgiveness and of reparation for the hearts that have fallen into the faults that offend God.

So that the world and the souls may achieve peace and universal harmony necessary in this end of times, My Son needs humble and spontaneous soldiers of Mercy.

Dear children, the Universal King of the Love of God, Jesus Christ, awaits daily that through prayer, service and frater- nity new soldiers are able to be His instruments so that His Mercy may be propagated through the world. The hearts still have not understood the true mystery of the merciful Rays of Jesus; therefore today I invite you to propagate this important Grace that My Son is pouring over the whole world.

My children, in His Sorrowful Passion were radiated the highest States of Love that flowed out from the wounded Heart of Jesus. Now resurrected, He calls you to the conversion of your lives and to drink from the Fountain of Christ Itself, which heals all and cures all.

Dear children, it is time to awaken before that magnificent and splendorous Grace of Redemption and Forgiveness in which My Son is calling you to be participants.

May your lives be only Mercy. May your actions be merciful. May your words and thoughts be impregnated by Divine Mercy. May the Fire of the Love of Jesus convert you into instruments of His Unfathomable Mercy.

Dear children, you still have time!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Sunday, October 7 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children of My Son,

Rest your lives and your hearts in My Maternal arms. Carry in your souls the loving unity with the Eternal God.

My children, today again I call you to prayer, because a world and a humanity without prayer is a reality without God.

Dear children, united to your hearts I invite you to strengthen the spirit and the exercise of prayer so that you may always find refuge in the Kingdom of the Father through the faith and the devotion to the Most High.

As Mother of humanity I ask that you unite your hearts through the praying exercise in the groups of prayer. Each group of prayer must not only be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, but they must also radiate the Light and Love that they have received from the Heavens.

Each group of prayer must maintain the spirit of peace and the will to gather as souls that want to dialogue with God. The group must weave the network of peace between Heaven and Earth.

My children, you are servers consecrated to the Light of My Immaculate Heart. This is why I ask that in this defining time you be responsive to My requests and strong in the purpose of living day by day a consecrated life through the prayer of the heart.

All groups of prayer must be pillars of Christ, they must beat the universal rhythm of the Heart of My Son; they must always renovate themselves, inviting new hearts to participate in the life of prayer.

Dear children, in you is the possibility of allowing salvation to become a reality. In you is the love that will unite you to My Beloved Son.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Saturday, October 6 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children,

With immense delight and joy in the heart, I give My Blessing and Maternal Peace to all My beloved children of Argentina. For this reason, My children, I gather all of you around the Divine Sacred Heart of Christ so that your souls may reaffirm their alliance with the Universe of Love and Peace.

Dear children, today is one more moment to remind you of the confirmation of each one of you with the Universe and with the life of prayer, necessary and fundamental for humanity in this end of times.

Dear children, as the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje and in the world, today I ask you to pray from the source that exists in your hearts.

Today once again I ask you to pray to prevent wars, persecutions and disorder in the life of humanity.

Today, dearest children, I ask you to pray to prevent suffering, pain and the desperation that My Immaculate Heart witnesses day by day in this world.

Today I call to pray to alleviate My flagellated Heart that is hurt by the grave offenses of humanity.

Dear children, today I am calling you to awaken your small consciousness in the face of the events that are unfolding in this world.

As the Mother of Graces, today I ask you to place your hearts under the Redeeming and Merciful Rays of My Beloved Son, because it is in Christ that you will find Relief, because it is in Christ that you will find Light and Forgiveness, because it is in My Son that you will find the Reconciliation that your lives and the lives of humanity need.

Therefore, My little ones, may the hope and the joy of serving God awaken in you, because you should know that many of My children must live the redemption of the heart.

My children, on this day of meeting with Me in Luján, a Sanctuary of love and faith, I ask that through prayer you unite to Jesus, that you call Jesus, and that you look for Him so that His Divine Spirit of Love may be with you, visit you, guide you and shelter you in everything.

Dear children, for one more month I say to you: thank you for responding to My call, to all the pilgrim hearts of Argentina!

I thank you!

Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Friday, October 5 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children,

With My arms extended, radiating love to all of Argentina, and in a new meeting of children and pilgrims, I give you My Maternal Blessing.

Dear children, in this time of Grace and Justice, I ask you to pray more with the heart, to keep a space for God and that your hearts and lives express themselves lovingly before the Creator. Open the doors of your homes to God so that you may be radiated with the Love of His Omnipotent and Compassionate Divine Spirit, of the Most Holy Trinity.

Dear children, when I call you to prayer, I am calling you, as Mother, to the preparation of your hearts for the new cycle.

My children, this is why I call you daily to be in Jesus and to look for Jesus in each moment of your lives, because Christ promises you the redemption of the heart, the kind rebirth of souls once again consecrated to His Sacred Heart.

In the face of the tests in these times, dear children, I call you to strengthen your union with God, as much as your lives can, because in this way you will be under the Light of the Spirit of the Love of My Son.

Dear children, so that you may grow before the Will and the Plans of God, you must believe in the power of prayer in this decisive time, because it will help you during the different situations of your life.

Dear children, once more My Immaculate Heart comes to Argentina to find hearts consecrated to the hope of the Redeemer; humble and merciful hearts.

Let us pray, My little children, let us pray.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Thursday, October 4 of 2012

Daily Messages

Today I want to see in all of My children the infinite joy of serving God with the heart and to aspire to live in the Celestial Kingdom of Eternity.

For this reason, dear children, today I invite you to work in the name of peace and in the name of the merciful hope that My Son wants to awaken in your hearts. By means of the sincere prayer of the heart, your dwellings will prepare themselves to receive the advent of the Holy Spirit upon the Earth.

Therefore, My children, the daily prayer is important in these times, as humanity must reconcile itself with God through the profound praying dialogue that is born from the heart.

Dear children, today I also ask you to remember each one of the passages that Jesus had on this Earth and each one of the simple teachings that He left for you so that all may be able to live the conversion of the heart.

Opening My merciful arms I radiate My Graces to all so that My little children may walk in the honesty and in the truth of the heart.

Dear children, therefore, be truthful and do not waste time so that thus you are able to transform your hearts, because Christ Jesus will be approaching your lives to show you the Will of the Lord.

My children, today I call you to open the doors of your hearts and to remain in the Infinite Light of the Creator.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Wednesday, October 3 of 2012

Daily Messages

An urgent maternal call

Dear children, with the rosary in My hands, I pray so that My children may awaken in time.

I pray for all souls that are distancing themselves from God. I pray so that the world may reach the Grace of Peace.

I pray for all those who do not pray.

I pray so that faith may awaken in time in your hearts. I pray to dissolve the difficulties that many children are experiencing. I pray for this time of tests and confirmation.

I pray so that all My children may forgive each other and may redeem themselves through My Son.

Dear children, I perpetually pray for this defining time in which souls offer themselves to be in the flock of My Son or nominate themselves to be outside the flock of My Son.

Therefore, as the Interceding Mother, I pray so that no one is lost, not even the smallest of essences.

I pray so that all may achieve forgiveness.

I pray in this time of Mercy because Divine Justice is springing up.

I pray so that My Beloved Son Jesus may be among you.

I pray, beseeching Him, so that He may guide you again. I pray for everything that I observe in this world.

I pray for the new cycle that will come.

I pray so that reconciliation may be lived in every creature as an emanation of the spirit of peace.

I pray so that trust in the Only One may be strengthened in those who have surrendered themselves to the Divine Plan.

I pray with hope for all humanity.

I pray so that all My little children may become conscious that these are no longer normal times, that it is necessary to pray with the heart every day, and not to easily forget the nourishment provided by the power of prayer.

I pray for all of you so that the Holy Spirit may descend upon each of My children.

I pray for those who do not listen to My call and for those who discredit the words of My Immaculate Heart.

I pray so that the truth may manifest itself in your lives.

As Queen of Peace, I pray for your salvation.

Therefore, dear children, let us pray today with all these intentions because it is necessary that your hearts be in constant service. Let us pray for the Presence of the Peace of God, because it will be what will sustain the world.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My urgent call for Peace.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Tuesday, October 2 of 2012

Daily Messages

My Immaculate Heart radiates Love to the world.

Dear children,

Today I invite you in a special way to unify your hearts to the Light of My Maternal Love that also springs in the Center of Devotion in Medjugorje.

For this reason I invite you to pray for all the Marian Centers where My Immaculate and Helpful Face(*) is present for the life of all souls.

As the Queen of Peace today I call you to pray lovingly for all the pilgrims who, united to My Immaculate Heart, make an effort to live the science of faith and the devotion of the heart.

My Maternal Heart descends one more time upon this world, as also day to day, through My announcements in the daily messages.

Today, My little ones, My Immaculate Heart reflects itself upon the Marian village of Medjugorje.

Therefore I am inviting you to enter into the Kingdom and the Spirit of My Peace that are present in Medjugorje. There, it has been thirty years, and here in the Americas, five years, that God has been sending Me towards you to teach you to live in daily communion with My Son and to live in reconciliation and peace. Souls easily forget the essence of these important attributes for the heart.

Dear children, today I invite you to remain within the devotional heart of Medjugorje because thus you will find My Maternal Presence in your lives.

Remember that God contemplates the exercise of your prayers, that God expects the greatest effort and giving of the heart from all His children so that the designs of His loving Will are fulfilled.

Therefore, dear children, live Medjugorje as a school of prayer to live the Peace of My Maternal Kingdom.

I thank you for responding to My call for one more month!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


(*) Tr: “Faz Inmaculada y Auxiliadora” in Spanish - may refer here to “Mary, Help of Christians.”

Monday, October 1 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children,

While the world becomes agitated in this end of times, humanity must submerge itself in the ocean of prayer so that the Great Angels of the Lord may aid all hearts. Before the trumpets of the angels of Heaven sound, you must be prepared by means of the prayer of the heart, firm in faith and trustful in the Source of Divine Mercy.

Today I invite you in an urgent way to enter into the Most Holy Heart of My Son because in this way your lives will be protected by the great spirit of Mercy of the Redeemer.

Dear children, today I call you to become conscious from the heart because the times call humanity to live the conversion of the spirit and of life.

As the Mother of Perpetual Help, the Lord sends Me to awaken each one of My children from sleep and to place them all in the celestial task that the Lord is dictating for each heart through My Maternal Presence month by month.

Little children, you must not pass even one day without living the prayer of the heart, because in this way your lives will have hearts open so that the custodian angels that are sent, under the Light of My Immaculate Heart, may approach to guide all of My tiny children.

The moment has come to open the consciousness to the unusual universal signs that will try to awaken those who have separated themselves from the magnificent Will of God.

My children, all those consecrated to My Immaculate Heart must help so that other children may glimpse the Light of the throne of God, when the One and Only Son of the Father comes in Glory from the clouds.

Dear children, everything has been said. I call you and I ask you for prayer and more prayer from the heart.

I thank you for responding to My requests!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
