First Series of Poems
Twelfth Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus

It is in the most difficult hours
when I most need You, Lord,
so that you may liberate me from falling into temptation
and into the perverse sea of desires.

It is in the most difficult hours, beloved Lord,
when I most need You
so that You may teach me to come out,
in victory and humility,
from the inner tempest.

It is in the most difficult hours, Lord,
when I most seek You
so that You may reach out
Your sacred Hand towards me
and guide me along the path
that You are going through.

It is in the most difficult hours, Lord,
when I most call for You
so that Your Heart may be the beacon
that illuminates my paths,
and thus, I may avoid stumbling
upon my own shortcomings.

It is in the most difficult hours, Lord,
when I invoke You,
because I know that Your Spirit will save me
and come to assist Your sheep.

It is in the most difficult hours, Lord,
when I most implore You,
because, in spite of all the tests,
I know You will never abandon me
and that You will be by my side
to help me and comfort me.

In the most difficult hours, Lord,
I only seek the way and the means
of remaining in Your Sacred Heart,
because thus all adversity
and doubt will dissolve
and Your magnificent sovereignty
and Your majestic consoling Love will reign.




I thank you for keeping the words of this Soul in your hearts!

Who blesses you,           

Your Master, Christ Jesus

Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Throughout time, My Presence is perpetuated within humanity, and coming to assist My children, I become present at the moments when this race is about to deviate.

I come with the authority of My Son, to announce His Return to the world.

Thus, in this very unpredictable time, I spiritually prepare the sheep so that they may follow the pathway that will allow them to find the Heart of Christ.

In this cycle, I go to meet the most lost sheep within and outside of the Church. I go after the most sinful souls so that they may reflect and be in time to experience a true inner repentance.

For this reason, through My Presence in the world and in this cycle, I prepare hearts so that they may face the most absolute and overwhelming change in their lives.

I come to give encouragement, hope and motivation to those who must cross the definite threshold of the times because the more souls that are redeemed and repent, the greater will be the Victory of Christ in the world, and time of the coming purification with be decreased.

Through hearts, I build souls of constant faith and hope.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

When we were praying the 150 beads of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, the procession with the Most Blessed Sacrament was taking place in the Marian Center. While the brothers and sisters walked and followed the Most Blessed Sacrament, I saw, among the people, a being that was the Master, but with a different aspect from what He is. He was thinner, with a short beard and hair, and He was walking and singing among the people. Later on, I saw the brothers and sisters entering into the House of Adoration, and as they passed through the door, He touched with His Hand the head of each one, carrying out a sort of healing that cured them inwardly. Following that, I saw the group during the adoration, and Christ in the same person I had seen during the procession, seated at the back of the room.

Soon He showed the image of a field, where there was a group of sheep that were walking to a specific place. Although He was not present in the image, He had us understand that He guided that flock. At a certain point, the flock encountered a great and dark abyss at the bottom of which fog could be seen.

When the Master appeared, He had a great golden six-pointed star on His chest and His Heart was in the center. He was surrounded by many sheep, with a small baby lamb in His Arms, and He was caressing it.

Based on that image, Christ transmitted His message to us:

I hold in My Arms the most spiritually ill of My sheep so that it never loses its trust that, in spite of the time and the moment of its purification, I will not abandon it. Although it has distanced itself from Me through its mistakes, I have it return to My flocks, because above all just or unjust causes, your Shepherd knows what the divine Purpose of this being is.

You, as sheep, are facing the great abyss of the times, and you must learn to walk among the shadows safe within My Heart.

First, I tell you to not fear because the Lord, your God, will show each one of you that which is saddest and most unjust within you. In this way, you will be consciously invited to live the Law of purification, which is completely supported by the merciful love of My Heart. God will not abandon you because you failed or made a mistake. But your Father that is in the Heavens will apply Divine Justice so that you may soon be free of all adversity.

Second, in this great abyss where the world is, you will see the opportunity for consciously purifying yourselves from all stains and that, just as I teach My disciples, you may love one another as brothers and sisters and unite with one another. At this hour, when hundreds of souls are lost in the darkness, you must be very united, because it will be this inner union that will cause the fountain of love to spring out of nothing, and it will be that extraordinary love that will heal impossible things in the consciousness.

Third, in this abyss of the world, you will see that souls and hearts will face their truth, something they never thought of or saw. The blindfolds will be taken from their eyes and then everything will tremble, but again I tell you not to fear. The Son of God will assist you just as the woodsman assists in a great fire. My Water of Life will dissolve all disgraces in its perfect complement of love.

Fourth, in that abyss, you will see the revelation of humanity and the moment all are going through. Just as it was written, nothing will remain hidden. What is within the soul and the body will be visible, as well as the trickery of the false, those which before were invisible to many will be as visible as the dawn.

There will be no governor, nation, or humanity that will not be exposed before the Universe of God just as they are. Every lie, deceit, or human power will be revealed, and everyone will know it. It will be the moment in which the seeds that I gave you will blossom within you, mainly the seed of compassion and love. In truth, I tell you that if you do not practice these attributes from now on, the transition of the Earth will be difficult and hard for many.

There will be no more resistance that can remain in place, all will disappear. But if in the face of all that is revealed, you searched for the essence of transformation and honesty, unimaginable and unexpected things will happen, something that will go beyond that which you call miracles.

In this definitive time, I will be counting on the fingers of My Hands all the acts of Pity and Mercy that will occur and which, motivated by Me, you must carry out, overcoming shame, the evidence before others, or even sadness.

Joyful will be those that consciously place their spiritual aberrations at My Feet because I promise to help them exit this abyss.

Finally, My glorious Heart will want to see, during these days, those who say they are My apostles preparing, under the luminous power of prayer, for going through the times with courage and without fear.

That this Marathon of omnipresence, which I call it in this way today because I will be in several places at once, may represent for My followers the unique opportunity of overcoming themselves so that all human cruelties that happen today on the planet, to all the Kingdoms of Nature and to humanity itself, receive the Grace and the amnesty of Divine Mercy.

I will be by your side, together with your voices, imploring the Celestial Father that I may soon return to guide you again towards the New Humanity.

I give thanks for the union of all at this moment. The Lord pours out His Pity and His Peace upon you.

Do not lose your inner strength, live through faith. If you are in this time of Armageddon and tests, it is because you are prepared to experience it, at least for My glorious Return. Transform yourselves into peace, as the entire universe awaits you.

Under the infinite Love of Adonai, be blessed and meek.

United with all the prayerful beings of Mercy,

The Glorified Christ Jesus


The one who donates to Me and surrenders to Me all their strength to serve My Lord, this one will be called disciple and blessed because in him or her I will be able to build a firm inner dwelling that is willing to give itself more each day.

Afterwards I will teach you little by little to love surrender and whenever this surrender matures in your consciousness I will give to you to drink from sacrifice, I will give to you to drink from My Chalice, the same that I drank from in honor to God and to all of My Companions in the past.

Thus I will be able to form the new apostles of the new time, those who will provide the example of My Word of Life by means of love and charity, because they will not be false nor liars; they will imitate My Christian Path through the devotion to My Sacred Heart.

In them I will deposit the power of My Glory so that they may prepare My silent Path of return to the world.

Now I need for all of those who profess My Name to forgive themselves for the mistakes of yesterday and that they no longer judge themselves. The New Kingdom of My Father will descend through Me as an only one, a unique unity between the souls and God.

For this beware of the wolves that will try to remove the wool from My Sheep, beware of all of those who will use My Precious name in vain. May no one confront another, but emanate the spirit of pacification because I will truly confirm if the talents that I have left to My Disciples have blossomed in the heart of those who work with Me.

The New Celestial Church is descending to renovate those who have ceased to believe in My Presence due to the petty actions of humans. The church that I founded is the Church of the Heart, of the Inner Temple, of the Absolute and Divine Truth that God radiates through His Firstborn Son.

Many have lost the reconnection with Me, for this I make use in this time of simple servers, not of those who received false praise, but of those who were redeemed by My Love.

May each one accomplish their part and be permitted to see how My Consciousness is present in all of the children of My Father because I Am Brother of all.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for meditating on My words with the heart!

Christ Jesus. 


My Sacred Heart rejoices when the sheep return to My flock.

My Heart expands with peace and joy when, among brothers and sisters from the same path, they recognize themselves for love to God.

My Sacred Heart rejoices to see returning to Me those to whom I have belonged.

Each soul has its path drawn through the Will of God. My feet mark the new path for those who will return in time. For this, with courage we must sustain the torch of the transmuting fire that My Heart is giving to you.

Before any test do not allow yourselves to fall down into the abysm and, by means of prayer, illuminate your steps towards the Good and the Light.

I Am amongst you to leave you My legacy, the one which must be considered by all of the groups that pray together with Me. This legacy speaks of the sublime journey that My christified Heart lived on Earth. Follow the signs and the signals that I am revealing to you.

How will you be able to live the Eternal Life if it is not through the faith of My Heart? I wait in silence for those souls that will walk, in less than six months, towards My flock. The sign that has given by My Mother shows you the time of the great purification, of the changes in the consciousness and in this movement there is time to change the everyday life.

Carry in your hearts the visible sign of My Redeeming Cross. I Am with you in the inner of the heart.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus.


Dear children,

As the Lady of Divine Defense, today I call you to pray for the protection of the Marian Centers and especially, for My National Marian Center of Luján that in these days has experienced critical situations.

Therefore, My children, with the flag of peace in My hands, I invite you to pilgrimage, out of love, to the homes most in need in this region, and through service and giving, to supply that which My children from the region of Luján may need.

Dear children, My Marian Centers are in your hands and God contemplates the honorable grace that all My children can offer and perform through service of help and prayer to those most in need. Today I not only invite you to prayer, but also to serve in the end of these times.

My Son calls you all to be merciful and the hour has now come to surrender everything to the Lord for the salvation of souls.

Children of My Son Jesus, sheep of His beloved flock, as the Universal Mother and the Mother of Perpetual Help, I am calling you to pray for the Centers of Peace and also to serve, in a selfless and true way, My children that during these days have suffered the consequences of the flood in their homes and families, but above all, within their hearts. In reverence I call you all to be conscious and collaborate in My universal task of salvation.

Dear children, My Protecting Mantle of Mercy and Love is over you. I pray for you perpetually. I pray for you asking God for your salvation, asking for His Mercy. Time runs fast and humanity must pray more to prevent irreparable events.

Therefore, My children, I am with you, walking as Mother, step by step, by your side and as the Guardian of Faith for your hearts.

Dear children, we are in the time of the purification of the mind and heart. Therefore I invite you to pray sincerely because in this way you will be protected under My Maternal Light.

Dear children, opening My arms to help all souls, especially the Sanctuary of Luján, I ask you on this day to pilgrimage serving God and giving your love to your brothers and sisters, faithful devotees of My Immaculate Heart.

I ask you to go to Luján on these days to bring the love of My Resurrected Son, and also so that your hands may donate charity and humility to those who have been affected by the storm that took place in that region.

Dear children, you will have two tasks to accomplish before God:

To serve the brothers and sisters of Luján and pray with them so that the hearts of My children are repaired. I will thank you for responding to this important call.

To meet with Me in My monthly apparition that will take place on the 3rd of this month in the city of Buenos Aires, at 7:30 p.m., when My Maternal Heart will prepare your hearts and hands to go and serve Luján in the name of Christ. This task of service will continue until when your hearts indicate to you.

Dear children, will you help Me?

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

The Lady of Divine Defense


When you feel lonely, I will be with you.

When you see that life is a shipwreck, I will be with you.

When you doubt your faith, I will strengthen you.

When you feel you are carrying too much burden on yourself, I will alleviate you.

When you search for My Son, I will show Him to you and I will give you to drink from the Fount of Mercy and Redemption.

When you see that everything is empty, I will fill you with the Spirit of My Love.

When no one can help you, I will place you under My Mantle so that, with the angels of Heaven, you may praise God, the Source of Love and Forgiveness.

When you feel joy, My Heart will be with you.

When you feel sadness or desperation, call Me because there I will be and I will place you in My arms, just as I did with Jesus, to radiate to you the Light of God. Then you will no longer feel lonely, you will feel the Maternal Comfort of My Heart.

When you cultivate prayer in your heart, there God will be because souls are still in need of forgiveness.

When you do not find the path, cry out for My Heart and I will radiate the Light of My eyes so that you may walk to- wards My Son, the Redeemer. Thus you will be like a sheep that aspires to the guidance of the Great Shepherd and together with the hearts of the whole world, you will supplicate for redemption.

It will be the moment in which your heart will be kept within the Sacred Heart because in this way you will be protected from all pain.

Now, on this day aspire to be in God and in vigil, in eternal prayer for the souls.

Believe in the power of Mercy and elevate your supplications as flowers to the Heavens, because I will collect them to give them with love to the Creator as an offering of a soul in redemption. And when you see the new dawn remember that the Light of God is being born for each being.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

If you try to live in the essence of My Peace you will find the Kingdom of God upon the Earth, and the conflicts among the hearts will be dissolved, conflicts that are born from the consciousness itself.

In this time, above all, be united as brothers and sisters through prayer and let yourselves be conducted by the power that it has when pronounced with love.

Dear children, withdrawn within My Heart on this day, seek the presence of My Son, practice the teachings of Jesus through daily prayer, service and fraternity.

It is no longer the moment for any heart, for any child of the Father, to stop fulfilling their daily task of prayer because, without realizing, you would be distancing yourselves from the purpose and you would begin to live under human principles, even those souls that have consecrated themselves.

Prayer is the salt of your lives, it is the seasoning that provides humility and wisdom in these times. My children, while you walk upon this world you will open a little door towards Heaven through the daily prayer in order to find peace and meekness.

Be merciful at all times even if your thoughts and feelings say something different.

Unite to the Heart of My Son so that all the sheep that have separated from Him may find the path again. You are part of the Plan of God, a Plan that is being accomplished with effort in this part of the Americas through the announcement of My Immaculate Face.

As the Mother of Relief, I give you My Blessing and I invite you to remember the path of humility for your hearts so that in this way upon this world there may be more peace and harmony.

I thank you!

Thank you for praying the Rosary every day!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

A soul dedicated to the life of prayer is a heart open to new cycles. Therefore today I ask you to be an instrument of living prayer so that My Son may manifest Himself in the essence of your hearts.

Remember, dear children, that your lives must be the source of prayer, of a prayer that must spring from the heart.

Therefore, My children, live within the great Source of Prayer that is My Son so that your lives may recognize the Love of the Redeemer. As sheep of the Shepherd, unite your hearts to each brother heart and keep your hands united to each heart, because if so, you will be renovating the existence of love in all of the world, a Merciful Love that is radiated by Jesus to each heart of this Earth.

Dear children, be in this way a source and may your lives not tire of giving love, unity and hope in the times that will come.

My children, transforming your lives into inexhaustible sources of prayer, you will allow the Holy Spirit to approach the reality of each life, lives that need the Light and the Love of God.

Therefore, My Immaculate Heart tells you again: pray! Pray and pray, My little children, so that all humanity may receive the essence of Good and Peace.

As Queen of Peace I call you to pray with Me so that your hearts may become, through prayer, roses of Light for the Creator.

Reflect today on the importance of giving yourselves for love of others.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My Maternal Heart nourishes all the hearts with Light. My Mantle of Peace extends itself over the world. My presence among you is possible by means of the word of your prayers.

I love all My children, especially those who need the absolute forgiveness of God. I pray for all those who separate from God. I pray for all those who deny God and for those who do not believe in the Mercy of My Son.

As Guardian of all hearts, My children, I tell you not to fear for anything, to see the Presence of the Kingdom of God in the sparkle of your hearts. I place you inside My Heart in order to elevate you close to the Heart of My Son because your prayers repair all the events that happen in the world.

Dear children, may your hearts be instruments for the good and the pure, may they be the expression of the life of My Glorified Son here upon this Earth. In this way, with the daily prayer in your hands, you will become obedient sheep that will learn to love and forgive day by day.

Convert your heart into a heart that trusts and do not fear losing anything or being judged. Remember, My little ones, that the true flocks are the ones that are tempted the most.

Therefore I ask you, who trust the coming of My Son, to embrace His Sacred Heart so that under this spirit you may collaborate in the redemption and conversion of those who have not been converted before the Creator.

Dear children, I pray for those who, still distracted in the life of the world, do not find God. I pray for those who, distant from Mercy, are placed under the fire of temptation and damnation.

As Mother of Mercy I pray to My Son so that in this final time all may find salvation and peace in the heart.

I tell you, My little ones: pray with Me! Pray for the presence of peace!

I thank you!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


In My Spiritual and Immaculate Heart you will find the protection and the help that My Maternal Love wants to pour for each one of the sheep of Christ.

Dear children,

With your hearts directed towards the Heights, I invite you to be in peace and to search for this Eternal Peace in the depths of your souls. It is the time and moment to prepare the heart for the coming of the Good News that My Son will pronounce for each one of your lives.

My children, looking at this world with compassion, I ask you: pray with the heart! Because if you do not pray with the heart, the precious instrument that God has given to you will lose its spiritual strength. The world lacks a deep and loving life of prayer. Through this prayer all My children can be guided, as the Holy Spirit guided My Immaculate Heart.

My Maternal Heart counts on all the hearts open to respond to My call, a call that My voice pronounces from Heaven to this entire humanity that is deaf to the Divine call to the conversion of the heart.

For this reason, dear children, I invite you to convert all that still needs to be converted by the merciful fire of My Son. I talk to you with love so that your consciousnesses may awaken and not fall asleep when My voice lovingly manifests Itself to you.

I ask that you follow the path of consecration to My Heart because in this way you will give Me permission to guide you towards the state of peace that you must now live as a premise for your lives.

Dear children, never tire of praying. Constantly elevate prayer towards the Heights. God, attentive to the supplications of My children, will respond to you. Trust in this so that in this way you may love the Celestial Will.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Today, Holy Friday, is the day when once My Son withdrew from the world to be restored in the Lord. Today I invite you to the quietness of your hearts so that together We may accompany the Redeemer in His Sacred Hour.

My Son needs you during the passage of His Cross, My children. You must be at the side of His Heart as good sheep that accompany His priestly ministry of the Passion. Come to Him, dear children, and embrace Him strongly as I did, walk- ing at His side in silence, in an attitude of great surrender for the world.

Dear children, I am reminding you of the Passion of Jesus because your hearts must love the Will of God above all things. If you are in My Son, He will take you by the hand to the Celestial Father. For this reason, My dear ones, on this most holy day, meditate on the Mysteries of the Passion. Each one of your hearts must withdraw in My Son today so that you may meditate on how important the surrender was that Jesus carried out for all of you.

In the vigil of the heart and of prayer you will be collaborating with the world that still does not live the Passion of My Son but, rather, lives in its own pain, the pain of an injured world that, through Christ must be forgiven and reconciled. Therefore, My children, since each one of you belongs to this humanity, it is up to you to help so that a greater number of souls may be permeated by the Merciful Light of My Son. And this will happen through the act of the merciful prayer on the part of humanity.

Humanity must pray very much to be able to receive the Graces of Conversion and Forgiveness. This is why My Immaculate Heart guides you in this school of prayer.

Thank you for responding to My call.

In the Sacred Hour of the Passion,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My children,

Today I invite you again to the adoration of My Son, in each one of your prayers, as well as in the exercise of contemplation of the Merciful Christ. Raise your eyes towards the Heart of My Son so that your hearts may live the announcement of the New Redemption. In this way, My dear children, through this exercise you will be, in silence, preparing your hearts for when He returns. Your souls, as lambs in the flock of the Shepherd, should walk in trust, through the state of prayer and of adoration.

Dear children, you will not only be lifting your hearts a little more through adoration, but you will also be able to raise the feeling and the thought of the humanity that lives without My Son.

For this Easter that is approaching, I invite you to embrace My Son and just as at the Doors of Jerusalem, I invite you to receive the Redeemer Messiah. With this paschal mystery in your lives, you will be able to live the sublime presence of His Most Holy Heart, because without My Son you will not be able to truly see what God has for each one of you.

Beloved children, it is only through My Son that you will be able to direct your feet towards the Heavens so that the soul may find a safe place to return to.

Dear children, in this preparation for the adoration, your hearts will be liberated from the burden that they carry in life and thus, they will shine by the Presence of the Redeemer. Therefore, dear children, it is important to open yourselves in order to live the true mysteries of contemplation that Christ left as a teaching.

The time has come for all hearts to prepare themselves and to use time properly in order to be in My Son. Keep in your lives the mystery of the Love that Christ now brings to you, through His Mercy, for the whole world. Live in Him and live for Him, because soon you will understand everything.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Love and Light for the hearts.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Between you and I, a thread of love.

In your prayer together with Me, the call for peace. In your heart, My beloved Kingdom.

Between the Earth and Heaven, My Immaculate Heart. A sublime voice calls for all its children.

A hope of igniting again the Light in hearts.

I call your heart so that your soul may respond. I call your life to prayer. Consecrate your inner world to My Heart; I wait for you always in prayer. I want to have with all My children an inner communion that may transcend barriers and may dissolve loneliness. I love all My children who day by day consecrate themselves, because from them will emerge the bridge of salvation to other children who are distant from Me.

Therefore, My little ones, courage for life and prayer for the soul; in this way you will form a heart abnegated to the Divine Call.

Gathering the flocks by means of the Light of My Heart, all are led to the feet of Christ. He awaits you for the surrender. He awaits you so that you may love others. He awaits you during the night in prayer and in vigil. Each soul must extend its arms to receive Divine Mercy. Each trusting heart will be able to see the light of Christ in the path when the pure soul surrenders to His Presence of Love. Each heart must imitate Him so that in this way the Light in the heart may grow. He loves you deeply. He counts on the giving of your hearts. All hearts are asked for one more step in life.

Dear children, this is a lesson of surrender before the Ministry of Our Lord. For this reason, My little ones, we are at the time of living prayer as a living nourishment for life. It must be the daily strength for your hearts.

Little sheep, the Lord calls His children to a prayer that may restore the world.

Who loves you and adores you,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
