Vigil in prayer so that your heart is willing to embrace the mysteries of the Celestial Kingdom as never before experienced by humanity.
Vigil in prayer so that your consciousness may know how to recognize the visible signs of the Presence of God, and It may transform you inside and out.
Vigil in prayer so that, with an empty heart, you may be able to receive all the divine gifts that, as a last impulse, are being delivered to humanity. Let these gifts become life, becoming fruit within you, that which will take you to participate in a new Earth, a new time.
Vigil in prayer so that the many traps of the enemy do not confuse you and do not make you perish before you reach within yourself the renewal of the Love of God.
Just pray, child, and vigil in prayer, because the time has come for the definition of each being, and every instant must be a moment for you to confirm your vows with God.
Vigil in prayer and do not allow it to be you who becomes taken off of the path.
Vigil in prayer to know how to ask for help in the right moment, to know how to cry out to God for His Grace.
Vigil in prayer to see when the other needs you, even in silence.
Vigil in prayer, to understand that your life, as small as it may seem, can transform other lives, when you know how to be an instrument of God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XIII - Seek God, Come to Know His Mysteries and Experience Them
A soul that aspired to know eternity and Paradise, and each day sought merits so as to come to deserve a place in Heaven, questioned the Lord about which path is deserving to be by His side, saying: "Lord, life on Earth, in spite of being sacred, is too little for me. My soul ardently aspires to be with You in the Paradise of Your eternity. Tell me, then, beloved God, what do I do to remain by Your side in the Infinite?"
And with profound love and wisdom, the Lord responded: "Little soul, what is Paradise to you? In your heart, how do you think that life is in My Kingdom? I created you so as to dwell within you; thus, I want to make you understand that you do not have to desire to be in Heaven to be by My side, but rather discover Me within you. Happy and blessed is the soul that knows how to find unity with Me within their own essence, the one that does not seek outside of themselves, but rather within, in the depths of their own inner world.
Many are the souls that say they want to be with Me but how many souls silently stop to seek Me within their own essence?
Many are the souls that say they prefer My Kingdom to the world; but how many set aside, even if for an instant, the things of the world to seek My Kingdom within their own hearts and know themselves to be the Kingdom?
Many are the souls instructed in My Knowledge, those that know of My Words and say they love them; but how many souls are there that, after having been instructed about something, do not stop in the knowledge but rather seek an experience about what they have learned?
Little soul, My Kingdom is within you, just as I Am also within you, and the path to find Me is simply to truly seek Me, with sincerity and love. When you simply stop in order to find Me within you, you will see that My mysteries were not hidden in the stars. My Paradise is not only in Heaven; it lies within you."
May this dialogue, children, inspire you to seek God within yourselves, and not only come to know His mysteries, but also experience them, each day.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
VIII - Pray without Ceasing
A soul that was awake and willing to enter the celestial mysteries, prayed every day to God and asked for His help to detach from the world and to not fear Heaven. That soul feared suffering, the transition of the times and the change on the planet, because all this was unknown to them.
So, one day, questioning the Lord, the soul said: "Lord, I believe You are God and that beyond this life there is a greater Life. I know we are experiencing a great illusion but, immersed in it, I am not able to understand the truth. I fear the change of the times, I fear the suffering of the world and I fear everything that we are supposed to experience before the Return of Christ. Will you be able to defeat this fear in my heart?"
And contemplating this little soul with a gaze of compassion, the Lord answered: "When a heart is within Me, it experiences everything in a different way. For them, suffering transforms into an offering and loses its weight, converting pain into a greater Love.
The transition of the times and all that humanity will have to go experienced through will be experienced in a different way by those who are within Me. Their eyes will see the confusion of the world, and within them will lie wisdom. Because I tell you, beloved soul, that it will not be the plagues, the movements of nature or the signs in the sky that will cause souls on Earth to suffer. It will be the ignorance and their disconnection with higher life that will cause them to be lost.
The foundations upon which they used to sustained themselves, tirelessly seeking a life of pleasure and comfort, will no longer exist, and this will be the greatest sorrow of humanity, the root of all suffering.
That heart that is within Me will not fear, because I will give it peace and will strengthen its faith. And the more you pray, the more you will be within Me and I will grant you wisdom. And within the confusion and darkness of the world, your souls will be like beacons showing the way, and you will thus be the salt of the Earth and the light of the world. And My Words will be fulfilled, and the fulfillment of the prophecies will also bring you peace. For this reason, do not fear, but pray and be persistent in your fidelity, because I have chosen you to be a light at the table, and this is your destiny."
May this story strengthen you, may it dispel your fears and place you in the correct direction so that you may pray and not stop praying, and thus find peace.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
III - The True Treasure
A poor soul, lacking the basic means to survive in the world, questioned the Lord, asking where He was and what was the reason for their suffering, saying: "Lord, I who so seek and ask in Your Name, receive no answers but rather I received ever greater suffering and woes. Tell me the reason for the imbalance in this world, and why I cannot have as much as my fellow beings"
And responding also with a question, the Lord said: "Where lies your treasure, little soul? In longing for accumulating things on Earth or in discovering the mysteries of Heaven? So contemplate those who truly came to know Me. The illumination of their consciousness allowed them to give up all goods of the world, and having become poor among the poor, yet they were rich before Me.
Therefore, contemplate My Son. Was He sent to the world to accumulate riches, to experience pleasures, to satiate His Body, Mind and Feelings? Is My Son your example and guide? Is He the mirror in which you want to find yourself reflected every day?
Then, little soul, understand that the suffering and poverty of this life comes to balance the great many excesses of humanity. For you, they must be a symbol that your school is not through accumulation, but rather in renunciation and gratitude.
Teach the world through a humble example and open the Doors of Heaven for those who are ignorant of this truth, and who seek in the world rather than in Me for the way of filling their lives."
I am telling you this story so that you may learn where lies the true treasure of your lives. And when you feel that something is lacking, give thanks, and be an example of the humble Love of God. In this way, you will open the Doors of Heaven for the most ignorant.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Together with the angels and archangels, I am at the foot of the Cross of Christ, gathering all the Blood and Water poured out for the redemption of humanity and all Creation.
The spring of Mercy flows for all souls, inexhaustible and unfathomable, a mystery that has no end, held in the Blood and in the Water of Christ.
This Blood is now being poured out upon the world, upon the life of all creatures, changing their genes and their heart into the likeness of Christ.
The Blood of Christ is already being poured out upon the world and upon all beings, not only to redeem, but also to transform and restore life.
Humanity will finally come to know the Thought of God and, within themselves, they will go through what it is to feel and experience the Living Christ.
The Blood of Christ descends upon the Earth, transforming all blood and all life. His Passion became a living Eucharist for the whole planet, and His surrender now not only redeems the Tribes of Israel, but also all creatures, all life, all essences.
The sacrifice of Christ becomes a spiritual and cellular communion and, like a divine miracle and a spiritual Grace, souls are touched and transubstantiated by the Blood of Christ in the same way as the wheat and the grape upon the altar.
Humanity will be the Altar of Christ in this time of the planet, and everyone who prays in the name of His sorrowful Passion will be a living Eucharist and unity with Christ.
This is the gift of the priesthood spread over the Earth.
This is the miracle of Grace and of Divine Mercy that touches all creatures.
Meditate upon His Passion and yield your hearts. Live a unity with Christ.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the face of celestial mysteries, My child, you must be like the holy women of Jerusalem, who did not need to be recognized to deeply live Christ.
It was their own silence and humility that allowed them to cross the thresholds within so that they could experience the mysteries of God, even without it being necessary for Christ to speak any word to them.
The inner depths that the holy women learned from Mary allowed them to read the Wisdom in the Eyes of Christ and to understand all mysteries with His Love.
The humility and the fidelity of the holy women were kept as a treasure in the Heart of the Lord.
In silence, they found Christ Himself in their own heart and, at the same time that they were unveiling His mysteries and experiencing a profound transformation, their inner steps and the faith with which they walked repaired and supported the Divine and human Heart of the Son of God.
The holy women of Jerusalem did not need to do great things to experience what was truly great for God. It was their exact simplicity that allowed them to learn about the Purity of Mary and to awaken this purity in their own hearts. In this way, pure, in spite of being imperfect, little by little they became one with Christ and, through Him, one with God.
Learn today, My child, about the simple but true things, of the great treasure that is cultivated in the secret of your surrender and in the depths of your heart.
And in the times of the Passion and the definition in Christ, may your spirit live the example of the holy women and, in this time, take another step, not only in supporting the Cross of God in silence, but also of knowing how to carry your own hidden cross.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Surrender your heart into the Hands of God, O soul so small and fragile!
Let your life be suspended in the Hands of the One who created you so that He may place you on the correct point of your evolution.
Live, being an expression of the love that you receive every day from your Creator Father.
Let your desert be fertile, like the deserts that, through the Grace of God, blossom and express the miracle of life, even in the aridity of the world.
Let your little soul be a source of faith through the persistence of your heart in the face of the challenges and trials of life.
May it not matter to you whether you are last or first.
May it not matter to you whether you are hidden or elevated in the eyes of humankind.
May it matter to you to serve and love more each day, to close your eyes to the illusions of the world and open them to the universal Truth that is revealed to you.
May it matter to you to enter into the depths of your heart and there find not only a Living God full of Graces, but also a Crucified Spouse who calls you to be like Him, every day, with the full surrender of your heart.
May the pain of the world matter to you, the pain of those who suffer and who do not find relief, and may the Grace of God upon you make your little life a fount for those who are thirsty; even though you will often drink, you will feel thirsty and empty.
May your emptiness not be filled by the world and its illusions but rather by God and His mysteries, by the faith that He places in your heart, in times of desert and solitude.
Seek relief in service; seek support in charity, in those who will always be in a worse condition than your little soul which, in spite of being so fragile, was chosen by God as a chalice for His spiritual Gifts.
It is not for you to judge the Will of the Lord, but simply to accept it, just as your Mother Mary did who, being small and simple, made Herself a Chalice and a Tabernacle so that the Living God could come into the world.
Be you, beloved soul, like your Divine Mother, and every day surrender your smallness into the Hands of God, because in your nothingness He will do everything.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May each Child of Mary today elevate their gaze and their hearts toward the Heavens, not to plead but to give thanks, to recognize how many Graces and Mercies the Creator has poured out upon their lives and how much there is still to be lived within this walk in God, toward the Infiniteness of His Love and of His Creation.
May each Child of Mary today elevate their gratitude toward the Father for the Love He constantly emanates from the Immaculate Heart, for the Peace that comes from Mary and floods the souls, transforming them and consecrating them to God.
May each Child of Mary raise their gratitude to the Father for the awakening, for the revelation of His mysteries, for the veils that were torn and will be torn, for the life that is consecrated and re-consecrated in each new prayer.
May gratitude be the eternal prayer of all the Children of Mary because it will be only in Heaven, children, after this trajectory of transformation and love, that you will understand how blessed your lives were.
Gratitude will open the doors for you toward Eternity.
Gratitude will make fruitful all the Graces received.
Gratitude will make you instruments in the Hands of Mary for the reconsecration of the whole world to Her Immaculate Heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
May the peace of God be in you.
It brings Me joy to share this new cycle with you. After the last eleven years, Your Heavenly Mother has managed to deepen into the task with the souls of humanity, much in need of consolation and love.
Over the course of the years, dear children, you learned about the school of daily prayer, and this granted merits before the Celestial Father and, in spite of how todays humanity is, this allowed Your Heavenly Mother to return for another cycle, to guide and lead each one of Her children along the path of redemption.
But now we are in the final cycle of all cycles. Everything, until now, was an important preparation and, at the same time, a path that led you to understand many of the Mysteries of God.
Now it is time for the rest of humanity to know the truth that dwells within each essence.
The time has come for humanity to abandon ignorance and awaken to divine reality. This is the purpose and the reason for the coming of Your Heavenly Mother in this new and last cycle.
Continue to pray, so that what should be built can be built and, in this way, the pillars will have been established so that My Son can return.
I love you and bless you all, and from here, I again say to you:
I thank you for responding to My call!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Starting now, child, prepare your heart, not only to re-live the Passion of your Lord, but also to receive from Him the last and most important impulses, which will prepare your consciousness and your spirit for the time that will come.
In the same way that, in Jesus, God built the strength that allowed Him to carry the Cross of the redemption of the world, now He sends His Son to strengthen and to shape the spirits that committed to Him in the renewal of His Love and in the revelation of the deepest mysteries of His Universal Gospel.
For this reason, be aware of where you are and for what you were called for, and allow your soul to deepen into the mystery of your existence through prayer and gratitude, through the daily effort to be ready, to be before Christ.
May this Lent have for you a new and definitive meaning of truly having your heart ready, as the Heart of Christ, to bear the weight of the cross of these times and to renew His Love.
Experience the cycles with attention and humility, simple, yet vigilant at heart. Everything in your life has a spiritual meaning; human evolution is a great and constant ceremony of opening paths toward God. Participate in this ceremony with your heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The time has come to become aware of the sacred that you are called to live; the sacred that dwells within the ground you walk upon; the sacred that is expressed in that which is invisible in the life you lead, each day.
This is the moment for perceiving the presence of the Hierarchy in everything, which for humanity has been silent for so long, but that must reveal, not only its realities, its wisdom and its mystery, but also the Hierarchy must reveal itself for all beings.
Little by little, you must transform that which is still superficial in your lives. And I speak of what is in the depths of your hearts, your aspirations, thoughts, desires and your most human wills, because what is external and expressed in the world through your actions inevitably transforms when your hearts transform.
Thus, I do not speak of looking outward, I do not speak of correcting a fellow being and their steps and the way others live and express themselves. Because to correct what is outside of you is often a step that does not become consolidated because within you the world of your desires, your superficiality and your illusions remain.
And so, it is the time to look inward and become aware of the sacred in your own heart; to know and to recognize the Love of the Hierarchy and the Graces that God grants you through higher life.
In this way, you may become elevated while within yourselves you experience transformation.
True transformation occurs in what is hidden, where nobody sees it, because it is also there where those aspects of the consciousness that resist surrendering remain.
You may appear to be many things to the world that are not true, because within you is where the truth dwells.
And when you are transformed from within, you become vehicles of transformation on the outside. Your simple presence will speak to the world about the truth and will inspire hearts to seek it.
For this reason, children, it is time for you to become aware within yourselves of the sacred, the presence and the silence of the Hierarchy and all the life that dwells within the Earth. Because this life will begin to emerge on the surface of the planet and, so that you may participate in it on the outside, you must first truly live it within yourselves.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Be a guardian of all the impulses that you receive from God, cultivating within your heart that which draws you closer to His Truth and His Graces.
With silence, defeat adversities, with prayer, keep your consciousness elevated, and with eternal gratitude, constantly open the doors of the Universe, as well as to Infinity.
Child, be a guardian of all you receive in the name of humanity. Let each impulse reach your consciousness as something that pushes you toward the path of ascension, so that each day you are more within the Time of God and outside the time of humankind.
In your heart cultivate the good and the love for the Divine Purpose and leave the things of the world, which are no longer for you, to those who are still lost.
The impulses you receive come, in this time, so that your heart may be a doorway toward higher life. For this reason, keep your consciousness focused there, united with the subtle worlds, united with the Truth of God, united with the celestial mysteries that are revealed behind the veils that continue to be torn in these times.
Cultivate faith and hope, in spite of all that is taking place in the world. And even though life around you may seem so distant from what is real, do not suffer, rather simply walk toward what is High.
Do not let your mind be confused with the illusions of the world, which seem so real. There is a greater Life, there is a higher Purpose, there is a reality drawing closer to Earth and this is where your heart must be.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In these times of assaults and inner conflicts, become silent and place your consciousness within God.
Be in the light of His Heart and cry out for His Mercy, contemplating His Cross, His sacrifice and His triumph for you.
Contemplate all that Christ experienced until reaching the Cross: the moments of recognition, of glory and of joy, but also the assaults, the battles, the humiliations.
Feel the tired Heart of your Lord, yet full of faith, full of the certainty that the Will of His Father is accomplished and manifested through persistence, courage and firmness.
Contemplate the Heart of your Lord and ask Him for a heart like His, willing to suffer, but ready to love; firm in compassion, but also in justice; transcendent in Grace and overflowing in Mercy. A wise heart in the face of assaults, strengthened in faith before the voids; a heart that is pure before the mysteries and simple before the unknown.
Ask your Lord for a priestly heart like His, so as to recognize within a neighbor the possibility that Mercy may be expressed.
See, within your brothers and sisters, souls sent by God to fulfill a mission, and you, child, be a bridge to the Heart of the Father, a doorway to His infinite Mercy.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Universe of God is sublime, and its mysteries are incalculable. But, before reaching the celestial heights, children, you should learn to deal with your human condition and live the transcendence of illusions, available to humans by the time of Earth and its mysteries, until you can cross the layers and veils that separate you from the Truth and the Time of God, so you may discover not only the celestial mysteries but, above all, yourselves.
If I spoke to you only of sublime things, you would make from the Truth an illusion in your minds, you would have it as a story, but not as an experience, as a philosophy, but not as life manifested in everything that you are. This is why, sometimes, I speak to you of the Universe and sometimes I go back to your human condition, to create a bridge between what you think you are and what you must find out about yourselves.
The Truth already is. It manifested in the Origin of life and has hidden in the essence and microcosmos of each being. To find it, you should search for it as you search for the things of the world today. Just as you make an effort for the victories on Earth, make an effort for the triumphs of Heaven.
Search for the example of those who have already walked this path. Drink from the experience of those who were tested and transcended human life, to find Christ hidden and alive within themselves. Those you call saints, children, are not God, and it is not their miracles that will make them reach God, but rather their example which can inspire you and bring you light for the darkness of consciousness.
To reach what is High, you should elevate yourselves. To reach that which is within, you should deepen. And this is an eternal and tireless mission, until you return to the Origin of life.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Universe within you does not hide, it merely keeps silent, waiting for its beings to turn inward to find it.
Mysteries only remain mysteries in the hearts of humankind when they do not seek them or are indifferent to spiritual life. All sciences may be revealed to you, because the Wisdom of God Himself is to be found within you. Your essence is a bridge to the Heart of the Father, to everything that He is.
There are no limits or boundaries for the spirit that untiringly treads the path of return to God. Ignorance is the self-condemnation of those who choose to remain in illusion, in the darkness of their consciousness. Wisdom is not a gift for the few; Wisdom is a virtue that is asleep in the essence of all human beings who can awaken through a sincere and pure search for the Truth.
Be pure of heart and begin to walk. Be sincere and ask the Father for the grace of being in His Heart and of living what you were created to live.
Aspire to go through the school of the Earth and to experience it fully. Aspire to express all the potential that you hold within you. God manifested each being according to His Perfection. All of you have unique virtues to express. Aspire, children, to fully manifest this truth.
Empty of human concepts, of vanity and pride that keep you attached to material concepts of evolution, you will be able to find the truth about yourselves. Divine Grace can reveal these and all things to you; it is enough that you wholeheartedly cry out and open up with your whole being.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When you invoke My Divine Mercy and turn toward Me, I do not contemplate your miseries, but rather the potential of your virtues kept in the depths of consciousness.
Thus, I remove your structures before they harden and before nothing can make them move from the place where they are.
Thus, My Divine Plan, which is dynamic and constant, brings you an awareness of the Purpose, of the constant dynamism that you must achieve in order to continue the Redeeming Work of your Lord.
For this reason, I also send you to different peoples, so that the nations may come to Me and find Me in all those who sincerely wait for the path of reconciliation.
This is the time for Me to not only be am among you through the Sacraments, but to also be among you through My Word of Love.
This is the time to have the Virtues of God grow within you, in this way you will more consciously know the Mysteries of Heaven.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Your first connection with the Universe must be prayer because prayer is what will prepare your consciousness to cross dimensions and to be worthy of finding God and His Universal and Divine Truth.
In order to enter the gates and reveal the most sublime mysteries of the infinite Cosmos, you must first enter the gates of your own consciousness, revealing the muck and mud that you have to transform before reaching God.
To cross both the gates of the Cosmos and the gates of your own inner self, there is something that your consciousness must know; without love, nothing will be revealed to you. Love is what makes you worthy of being with God, and the same love is what allows you to deal with the miseries of your consciousness, transforming them in the correct way.
In prayer, you will learn how to love. Therefore, pray and let God Himself be the one who leads your consciousness to the gates that you are ready to cross.
Do not fear, child, because both self-knowledge and the knowledge of the Cosmos are sources of wisdom and evolution, they are revelations which complement each other and are necessary for you to fully return to the Heart of the Father, even though you are alive.
Just as when we say that there are living dead people, it is also possible to return to God in consciousness, and continue within this world thus, beings will be in God, in His Thoughts, in His Feeling, in His Mind, in His Heart and, like a pencil in His Hands, they will draw the manifestation of His Plan on Earth.
Everything starts with prayer, but not empty prayer with distractions or by obligation. It all begins when beings learn the true value of praying and they pray with their hearts.
Your Father and Friend
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My Heart's feeling of Love during the Birth of Jesus
Since My first years of life and before them, I was prepared by God to fulfill His Will and to manifest His promises, those that were kept in the words of the Prophets in the sacred books of our people.
My Heart loved the Lord with fervor and this same Love allowed that, in My prayers, My Consciousness could cross dimensions in order to be before God.
Thus, I contemplated this eternal Source of life and silence; I observed how all of life was renewed through the rays, sounds, and colors that came from the Heart of God and were led by the angels and archangels to the different Universes.
My Heart only aspired to be in silence with God, to be there, in that dimension of consciousness, where all was stillness and peace.
It was like this that, contemplating the Divine Consciousness, the Creator revealed to Me the mysteries of His Creation, He showed Me the moment in which His Love expanded and gave origin to life, manifested through dimensions, He showed Me the moment in which the first Mirrors of the Cosmos were created and how they served to take Love and Divine Will to all that was created.
In His silence, the Lord revealed to Me the grace of the expression of the Divine Trinity and how, from His Heart, His Divine Spirit and His Son were born and, finally, through Archangel Gabriel, the Creator revealed to Me that His Love would manifest in life as a human body, soul and spirit, hiding all of this mystery which had been revealed before.
Before Archangel Gabriel, My Heart expanded and all the Cosmos and the sublime realities that I had been contemplating before, with my eyes, through the portals of light that opened in Heaven, I was now beginning to enter within Myself, into My womb, which kept all of this divine mystery.
First, the Creator dwelled in My Heart, then in My Consciousness and also in My body, making all the levels of My Being experience His divine presence.
The more I lived God, the more silent I became, because His Love flooded My Being in a way that there was no place for My expressions, but only for God's.
Each day that passed and the Little Child God was growing in My womb, it was like contemplating, once more, the creation of the Universes, the manifestation of the Aspects of God, the birth of the angels and archangels through the purest feeling of the Father. But now, My children, this was happening inside My womb.
An inner Cosmos was awakening in My physical body and all that I was, as part of human life, transformed into a Mirror of the Divine Consciousness. The Spirit of God mirrored in Me and, as He gave life to all that inhabited the Universe, now He was gestating a new life in My maternal womb.
Today I express with words what was lived in silence so that your hearts may participate in the mysteries of life and love them in order to seek the truth about yourselves.
Each day of My gestation was accompanied by a Divine Revelation and My Spirit rejoiced in God, in the eternal presence of the angels, as if My feet did not touch the Earth anymore but constantly lived in the renewal of life, in the divine dimensions.
My Chaste Spouse Joseph accompanied My silence and, also silenced, this allowed Him to commune with the mysteries, although He did not understand them, He lived them with the same depth.
On the Road to Bethlehem I accompanied with love every test that He lived and, in My silence, I allowed humanity to be transformed and converted through His Chaste Heart. Now the moment would come for the Spirit of God to flood His Heart and, knowing that everything has its time, I only remained silent and let the Love of God, which pulsated in My Womb, expand to His humble and faithful Heart.
The Birth of Christ was felt by Me as a new creation, a new divine expansion. My Consciousness was transferred to the Cosmos and, seeing the Unique God multiply Himself, I felt His Son being born and expressing Himself in matter.
The angels sang glory and hallelujah and emanated sounds never heard before on Earth; the Silence of God expanded as waves of Love and I felt all of this in My Heart.
Having My Son in My arms made Me share the Love of God while He multiplied Himself; the first feeling of motherhood of all life came from His Heart. And, like something sublime and indescribable, a renewed feeling of Love, a Love that did not live on Earth, My Heart lived a new expansion of light.
Feel, My children, this Love that is kept in the memory of My words and, on this day of glory, allow this expansion of Love to be lived, in some degree, within you.
Today I revealed to you the most profound feelings of My Heart and, with simple words, I let you know that which cannot be explained, but only lived.
To truly understand what I am telling you, you must allow My words to enter into your hearts and give origin to a new state within each one of you.
I thank you for trusting in the impulses that come from Heaven and for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
Perceive the life around you, the Kingdoms, the elements, the presence of your brothers and sisters, the light, the color, the sounds. Perceive what the surroundings create in your heart, what they reflect in your mind, in your emotions, in your heart.
Life, child, is permeated by the silent presence of the Spirit of God, but He is hidden, hiding like the King of the Universe, hid in the Womb of His Most Holy Mother. The Spirit of God only reveals Itself to those who are humble of heart and who open to perceive the mysteries of the divine presence among humankind, just as His Son revealed Himself to the simple in the manger of Bethlehem.
If you cannot feel the presence of the Spirit of God around you, close your eyes, breathe and become silent. Within the air that enters your being, that is where the Spirit of God dwells. In nature, in its sounds, in its colors, there dwells the Spirit of God.
Live in this presence and act, in each instant of your life, under the Eyes of your Heavenly Father. In this way, you will see, child, that you will no longer do those things that cause you to fall, again and again, into the same errors and tendencies of the past.
Live with the gaze of the Spirit of God upon you. But do not only live in fear of God; know that His Presence comes to help you to re-consecrate your life and to persevere in your consecration.
May the Eyes of the Fire of God that are upon you lead you to transformation.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I am the Mother of the New Humanity, the Mother of the New Being, of the New Human, which gestated within the Womb of the Servant of God, just as His Firstborn Son expresses perfection and likeness with the Father.
I come, My children, to place each one of your essences in My Heart and in My spiritual and divine Womb, so that you may be reborn and that, from your victorious redemption, the New Being and the New Life on Earth may arise.
Fruit of the redemption and rehabilitation of beings, fruit of the reconciliation between men and God, fruit of the awakening of hearts, in order to remember their Origin and purpose: this is the New Life on Earth; this is the Life that I come to establish through you, by Divine Will and Purpose.
With My Love united to the love of your hearts, I come to remove the power of illusion, of indifference, of human will and of the wickedness that permeates the hearts of humans. And making you free from all evil and clean from all stain, I come to give you the Grace of being worthy children of God, worthy representatives of Your Creator Father on the Earth.
I come to awaken ambassadors of peace and good, precursors of a New Time, in which duality will be overcome by the power of Love and Unity, which will reach the Earth through the sincere prayers of the children of God.
I come to demystify the celestial mysteries so that illusion may cease to be the truth in your lives and that, awakened to the true meaning of human existence, you may get to know the divine mysteries, the universal life and the celestial dimensions, which have always been hidden from your hearts, and now they must express themselves.
Pray, my children, for a redeemed America, for nations that lay their faces on the ground and, in humility, cry out for peace and for forgiveness.
Pray for a planet that awakens to Unity among beings, and pray for Love to be a necessity within each being. A necessity that makes you overcome arrogance, pride and vanities, which until today have led you to perdition and deception.
Pray for the Americas and also for the planet. Pray that, until the end, all nations may have an opportunity to know peace and Truth, and knowing the Truth, they may choose between the old and the New Human.
Pray for ignorance to be dissipated from the hearts of beings. And pray so that the Truth may reveal to you that Love must prevail beyond all human understanding and science, beyond religions and cultures, beyond differences and borders, and even dimensions, so that nothing else may separate you from each other, and nothing may separate you from God.
Today I pray with you before God, and I cry out to the Father for a New Life. I cry out so that the Being that is being gestated within Me be born in your essences and, as mysterious as the birth of My Son Jesus, you may express the New Life and the New Human.
I love you and bless you, and with My Heart full of Love, I thank you for making My words and My divine aspirations a reality.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the New Humanity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more