Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Twenty-fourth Poem
Beloved Lady of Lourdes,
let us internally come to know
the unfathomable Mysteries of Light.
May we be able to renew
the Sacrament of Baptism within us
so that we may always be blessed,
just as Your beloved Son Jesus was blessed.
May we be able to convert our lives,
just as Christ converted the water into wine
during the Wedding at Cana.
At this time, may we be able to receive
the Good News with gratitude,
just as Christ announced and proclaimed
the Kingdom of the Heavens within the human heart.
May we be transfigured
and may our true beings be revealed
so that we may come out of illusion and appearances,
just as Jesus was transfigured
and showed the Power of His whole Being.
May we be deserving of the Grace
to always spiritually commune
with the merits of Christ,
just as Our Lord communed
with His companions, at that time,
and testified to the immensity
of God’s Work of Mercy.
In this way, most sweet and loving Mother,
with Your help, we will be able to live the Mysteries of Light
and finally be apostles of Christ,
praying servants of Your Immaculate Heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I come to reveal the real story of your civilization to you, not to magnify your personas, but rather to have you grow inwardly in what God needs to build for this end time of humanity.
For this reason and motive, I speak of all this information and I present all these revelations because in the coming times I will make of the apostles prophets and instructors of the Word of the Hierarchy; of the collaborators, I will make great unconditional servers, surrendered to giving their lives in any need; of those who awaken, I will make them mature available consciousnesses, with the impulse to live in service and in the absolute giving of self; of all of you and of each one, I will make something.
For the time is arriving, and the time shows the need that exists in humanity and, above all, upon this planet.
I tell you the true history of the civilizations from the past, of the most emblematic and important moments of humanity when, in ancient times, the Plan was gradually fulfilled, beyond all errors or experiences.
I tell you all of this to bring a continuity to what God needs concretized and manifested for the coming time, which is that the project of the spiritual and universal family may continue forward, just as the sacred people of Israel lived it up to a certain point and moment, while also participating, not only directly in the Graces of the Father, but also in the awakening of their virtues, talents and gifts, which God brought through the prophets and the patriarchs.
For God, everything has a deep meaning, intimate and also unknown, just ike He has for you. And so, you must fully trust in what I am doing, saying and building; placing your consciousness in the great void of God so that, in this way, you may be filled by His Wisdom, Love and Presence, in the same way as the peoples from the past were filled by the Sacred Attributes of God.
Understand, companions, about the history and the moment you are participating in and how, in the smallest details, God can write a new time in humanity, in consciousnesses and especially in the essences that participate in the call of God.
The Son of the Father, before He returns again to the world, has this mission and task; and you are participants, just as your brothers and sisters on the path are also participants.
Each one fulfills an important part within this Plan and are called, day after day, to go deeper in this commitment and surrender, just as the apostles did in the past who, by means of living a simple and austere life, surrendered into living a greater and unknown life, surrendering their families, their goods and their possessions into the Hands of the Father so that the experience of the Gospel, the Word of God, His Will, could be built in life.
It is in this way that I bring continuity to this aspiration of the Father for these critical moments in which humanity must first recognize the deviation they are living in these times and the illusion that embraces millions of souls in the world.
Like more than 2,000 years ago, I come to bring the Good News, but Good News given impulse by the nonmaterial Ray of Liberation and of Transcendence so that, in this way, the Attributes of the Father may enter into the consciousnesses that most need it, and that they thus dare to take the steps toward God.
The people who lived in the Arctic Circle and who participated in the spontaneous experience of their contact with the Universe and with God also experienced the Attributes of the Father in their consciousness and in group life.
The evolution of that civilization began to take place naturally within months until, without them perceiving it, they began to enter into the seventh dimension of consciousness. They began to participate in everything there was in the seventh dimension, beyond the fact that they lived in the material plane. Their state of purity and attunement allowed them to have these experiences.
Spiritual growth is a principle of Divine Wisdom that can fill the spirits and souls of the world so that they may be guided by the Eternal Father Himself in the designs of His Source and of His Goodness.
In this way, I bring the impulse of this civilization of North America that lived in these distant lands and in the most arduous cold of ancient times where they spontaneously came to know everything that existed in the Universe and thus understood, even on the material plane, the Will of God within His Project of the different civilizations of the Earth.
Each people, each culture that went through this planet, contributed something important to the project of humanity and, above all, to its continuity in the present. If that had not been possible, the humanity of this time would not exist.
With this, companions, understand the importance of building, in this time, this Project of God that is still to be concretized and accomplished through the inner experience and the transformation of all.
And so, I bring you the impulses held and recorded in the Sacred Books of God, which also speak about this part of the local Universe, especially of this planet and its human project accompanied and guided by the great archangels, within the diversity of life that exists in the entire material, mental and spiritual Universe.
With this awareness, you must perceive yourselves as something very small and inoffensive within the great Creation that surrounds you and that vibrates in all spaces, like a soft and sweet melody coming from the Source of Love and Unity, because God still keeps His Eyes on this race, on this humanity and planet.
It is the time of the Plan of Rescue and for this Plan to be able to develop and move forward through the redemption of consciousnesses and through the steps that these consciousnesses can take in this time so that, just like in the past, as it was for the sacred people of Israel, you may also testify to this profound change in consciousness and that maturity, so essential for this cycle, so as to prepare yourselves and prepare your brothers and sisters for the end time that is near.
And when I say near, it is because it is very near, in this material time that you live in and inhabit.
The Hierarchy brings the treasures of humanity so that they may be revealed but also, in their hands, they bring the sacred books of the Universe, to reveal all that it holds since before the origin of your essences, of your existence and of your creation.
With this, companions, understand how history is broader and deeper, and that knowledge is not measured with the mind nor with intuition, but rather with the openness of the heart of each one of My apostles and friends who trustingly drink of the Source of knowledge without boasting nor honoring themselves, because all of this has a greater purpose that is greatly unknown to you.
Thus, trust will have you stay in the void and, above all, in the gratitude of being able to receive these spiritual impulses and these Graces that come so that many can remember what they did and experienced in other times and thus dare to bring continuity to that which the Eternal Father needs.
But all of this will not only be material but also profoundly spiritual and inner. It is there, in the inner self, where the Word of the Hierarchy must resound so that after it may be built on the outer, that which God wants to materialize as aspiration and will. This is the path for understanding sacred knowledge and so that your beings can grow and express what God needs through the presence of your inner Christs.
On this day I bring you these words so that your consciousnesses may expand, so that your hearts may continue to mature in love and in surrender; in the giving of self and in the necessary conviction of serving the Creator Father in these times, as a compensation for the errors committed in this cycle by millions of souls in the world, which brings and causes the Law of Divine Justice to rapidly descend.
In this way, you will understand and comprehend that all of this and all of this purpose that I bring to you today has a broader and infinite purpose which encompasses not only souls but also other Universes and spaces of Creation that are preparing themselves before I return to the world so as to also take their great and last step.
See in the skies the spiritual and nonmaterial construction that your Master and Lord is making with the Word of God, with the Message from the Heights, with the announcement of the Good News for these times.
Be a mirror and a representation in likeness to the civilization of North America, of the people that had that experience so spontaneous and profound with Creation, which carried them into being within higher levels of consciousness and made it no longer necessary for them to be on this physical plane to continue learning to evolve and grow inwardly
It is possible to achieve an experience under other Laws, still unknown to humankind of the surface; but this is possible through the heart, a meek heart, a peacemaking heart, a trustworthy heart, a heart that believes, beyond itself, all that it does not know and has never known.
Gather up these words as My last Words, as My last impulses, as the last revelations, because it is now time to move forward with what God needs through group life and community life, so that the Will of the Father may be materialized and concretized for the purpose of carrying out and manifesting the Universal Family. And, in this way, the majority of beings and consciousnesses will be able to enter into the New Humanity.
Today, the Father accompanies Me, not only through the Word, but also through His Omnipotent and Omniscient Presence.
Adonai is here, with His children, with His heirs of Universal and Planetary Knowledge so that in recognition, courage and honor of His infinite and Cosmic Consciousness, His Nonmaterial, Spiritual and Divine Source, His Universe of Love and of Wisdom, all His children to come to Him, in the same way that this civilization of North America did, because it entered into the Consciousness of God and fulfilled a part of His Infinite Aspiration for this Material Universe, and this was reflected in the Mental and Spiritual Universe. And, in this way, all learned from that experience, from that life that once occurred upon the surface of the Earth.
Rejoice in what comes from Wisdom and drink of the Words of the Hierarchy so that you may grow in an absolute giving of self. This will make you worthy children of God.
Continue praying so that your Master and Lord can fulfill the Purpose that the Father has given Him for this time and so that His apostles can bear the powerful currents that come to assist humanity of today, before everything happens, before everything is unleashed.
All have the opportunity of entering this last ship that is passing by to gather up the self-summoned and thus, live in the Ark of the Covenant.
"Father, You Who know the importance of Your Purpose and Your Universal Aspiration, let Me feed Your children with Your Wisdom and Your Words so that, fortified by the strength of Your Spirit and Your Grace, they may have the momentum and the courage to take the great step toward the realization and concretization of Your Plan.
May these principles that come from the Source and are a part of the history of the different humanities of the Earth be able to fill hearts with that which is new and renewing so that Your Will may be accomplished, as it was accomplished in those who came through and lived upon this Planet.
May the Light of Knowledge allow them to surrender more each day to You and, in that trust, ardently fulfill what You desire, like Your Son accomplished that which You needed and aspired for, until dying on the Cross, for a great Mystery, which You then revealed to Me and had Me participate in, as a part of You.
May each being, soul and spirit be a part of You, as I am a part of You, and You are in Me, in perpetual and eternal communion. Amen."
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May the coming of the New Race be accomplished.
May humanity express its archetype.
May the word be living and build Your temple.
May Your Mystery expand in us
and true existence be revealed to the world
so that we may gather in Your Name
and Glorify perfect unity.
Thank You, Father, for all that You give us!
Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!
In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.
When the Creator thought of the human project, He contemplated from the start the upon the possibility of the His making of Himself a creature among His creatures.
The human beings were created among so many other beings and civilizations of the Universe, to express something that none of them had expressed.
They were created to unite dimensions, to express the love that overcomes the limits of all existence, and this allows beings to unite with God. They were created to express the essential likeness with the Father of all life.
The human purpose is great, and for this reason, My children, it is not attained in a simple way, although everything can occur with the awakening of consciousness and the firm decision of loving without conditions and surrendering everything for this purpose of entering the divine mysteries within one’s own heart, like in the infinite Cosmos.
Living the human potential seems to be something impossible, because most beings have not opened to truly experience the Love of God, which they are capable of finding and feeling within themselves.
I have taught you to pray, so that in this way you might cross the doors of your own heart and, little by little, you might discover the possibility of uniting with God, feeling Him and living Him.
When a being truly lives the Love of God, My children, even for an instant, this is enough to lead them to understand that any sacrifice, effort or renunciation, of things of the world and of human illusions, is small to attain the Eternity within this Divine Love.
God, knowing that His children were lost in their evolution and that they increasingly moved away from their purpose and truth, and in order not to allow humanity to again go astray, as had happened so many times, your Creator Father decided He would Himself come to the world and show them the way.
So immense and merciful was the impulse of God for humanity, an impulse never before given to any creature, neither in Heaven nor upon Earth, that the whole existence placed its eyes, heart and hope in this world.
Mystery upon mystery is the evolution of humanity, beloved children, where the errors of the past and the history of ancient universal consciousnesses stop, so that a story of redemption and the revelation of the Love of God for all life may begin.
No being of this Earth, while being alive, has yet been capable of understanding themselves and entering both into their origin and into the true potential of their essence. Only after this life were those, who received from God the possibility of living the experience of love in this world, capable of perceiving the opportunity they received.
But today, My children, you are called to live the greatest miracle of this time and of all times, the miracle of the awakening of consciousness; the miracle of the union of time; the miracle of understanding what you were before coming to this world and what is the essence and the purpose of your lives. You are called to live the miracle of Science and the Divine Wisdom, to communicate to the world His Truth, not only with the word but, above all, with your own lives.
More than two thousand years ago, at the request of your Creator, I gathered the disciples and companions of Christ so that the Consoling Spirit might pour out upon them. Its mission was to announce the Good News of the arrival of the Messiah and to manifest, in the consciousness and in the history of humanity, the presence and the example of God amidst humanity.
Today, I gather you so that the Consoling Spirit may give you strength, may awaken in you the Gift of Science, which becomes wisdom and discernment. Science to awaken, beloved children; science for you to know what to do and how to become responsible, not only for your own redemption, but also for sustaining this world in transition.
While My last words echo throughout the world, I pour upon you Graces amid Justice, I bring you Gifts among corrections, because it is necessary that you are corrected, but it is also necessary that you awaken and fulfill the Purpose of God.
Just as the Creator came to the world while humanity was straying from its purpose, and He showed them the Way, the Truth and the Life, He will come again, My children, to show you the revelation of Love within chaos, to show you the awakening of Truth during the apex of the illusion of human suffering; He will come so that you may know how to unite the times and the dimensions, and thus you may do it, not only in this world, but in all of Creation, because not only does the Earth need redemption, all life must learn to return to God, and this will happen through the fullness of your lives and the expression of what you truly are.
I love you, bless you and, with the deep humility of My Immaculate Heart, I thank you, so that you may learn that, through gratitude, Heaven opens and the Creator touches all hearts of the world.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today I come to a place, to a city and to a country that is experiencing the first critical moments of humanity.
For this reason, I am here to be among My companions, friends and servers.
I come to console the distressed heart. I come to bring healing to the sick heart. I come to bring joy to the heart that has lost hope.
Because these are the crucial times of humanity, they are the result of its life choices and decisions. Our God, our Celestial Father, has nothing to do with any of this. He sends His Son to aid you and assist you because you, companions and servers of Mine, have testified to My Presence in your hearts and in actions of life.
I am here also for that reason, so that, united in faith, you may learn to transcend the end of times, first within yourselves, to then help humanity, all your brothers and sisters and acquaintances.
These are inexplicable times, in which nations are defining their destiny, and in that destiny there are millions of souls, many innocent souls indeed; especially souls that should be within this time and within this humanity, and there are those who do not want them to be here because of the liberty that the woman of humanity today take.
This is also an affliction for God, because the men and women of the Earth do not want to live His Laws but rather alter them. This is to not be aware of the Truth, and of what this means for life on the surface of the Earth.
Thus, these are also times of Mercy, because Mercy will grant miracles, it will lead souls to God and will allow hearts to reconcile with one another, knowing that it is still necessary to heal many wounds in hearts and also in the nations.
That is why our pilgrimage through the nations of the world each day will become more demanding, challenging and I would say, very daring. Because these are times in which retrograde forces of the planet want to stay within humanity to keep it imprisoned and oppressed.
But the Light and the Power of the Scepter of God will come, through the Hand of the Son of Man, to free hearts and souls of the Earth that experience the prisons of life, that experience oppression, that experience perdition.
I cannot, companions, promise times of joy to you, because what humanity is experiencing today is through their own choice. But if you are with Me, I can promise you times of bliss, of miracles, of inner and spiritual conquests, times of transcendence and of healing, moments of forgiveness, of reconciliation, and of peace, although the world on its surface may be in constant battle.
All of Creation is coming to the moment of its Universal Judgment and each day that goes by, that moment draws closer toward the human consciousness. Nobody will be excluded from this event. It will not be a judgment for punishing, rather it will be a judgment for revision, for reflecting and maturing, and especially a judgment for correcting.
But although the Celestial Father has sent Me to Argentina, under this situation and circumstances, He also sends Me throughout the whole world, for all souls, all peoples and all cultures, for all religions, so that I may announce to you the good news that in your hearts you must awaken to the opportunity of returning to God and of being in His Presence; knowing that the Celestial Father waits to give you His Love and His Goodness, His Mercy and His Forgiveness so that you, My companions, may truly learn to be happy in the spiritual and material life, uniting with the Source of God every day and knowing how to maintain the inner contact within yourselves.
But what moves Me to come to the nations of the world is the adherence of My companions, servers and collaborators, of the pilgrims, of those who try to faithfully follow the Path of Christ.
That is what motivates Me to come here, especially to Argentina, because I know that there is the potential to generate, in each Argentine heart, a process of redemption and of forgiveness so that they may again be, as in past times, the apostles of Christ.
Inside each one of you, inside each one of My children of Argentina, exists an unknown light that you still have not discovered. Argentina has an important task as a country and as a people, as a part of this humanity that, through their commitment, will prepare for the Return of Christ.
And this will help, will benefit, and favor the rest of the nations of the world, such as for example, Uruguay, which is not opening to listen to the Voice of the Eternal Father.
This is the time, companions, to know how to fight through love and without swords, because the triumph of My heart will occur in the concretization of the Divine Plan in your lives, in your examples, in your faithfulness to Me.
That is what I need, something so simple but profound, something that is born of the heart of somebody who understands, beyond My Words, the Purpose of your Master and Lord.
I come to place a balm of peace and of reconciliation in Argentina, knowing that God, your Celestial Father, cannot be absent from the consciousness of Argentina and cannot be replaced by the forms of life and by the choices, so unconscious, of the men and women of this country.
You cannot, companions, enter into the same stream of conflict, of adversity or of chaos. Through prayer, activate the Ray of intelligence, of discernment and of science; and you will have the faith and knowledge to be able to overcome the end of times, and thus be able to help your brothers and sisters, those most ignorant, those most lost, those who do not have God and those who deny Him completely.
But the most difficult times will come and it would not be necessary for you to experience them. You still have some time to reconsider and reconcile with God, just as My Mother had once requested in Fatima for all of Europe, after Europe was completely destroyed by adversity and chaos.
But in Argentina, in spite of its difficult times, there has existed a purity still unknown, a special purity that God has given to you so that through your Ray of Willpower you may learn to align with the Purpose and manifest His Will.
I know that you have not achieved this yet, but keep your aspirations firm in being able to gestate a true spiritual family on the surface of the Earth that is part of the Divine Brotherhood of Our Hearts and that, beyond all and any event, unites with God in heart and in faithfulness.
I speak so much about fidelity, companions, because it is what will protect you from yourselves, not only My companions of Argentina, but all My followers, servers, collaborators and the consecrated.
Evil does not know fidelity, the fidelity to God, to His Purpose, to His infinite Will and Wisdom. If you know fidelity, you will truly become free from the chains, from the ties, from the oppression of life and of the planetary chaos; because fidelity will always be able to bring you into peace, trust and the absolute certainty that God is in you and in everything.
Argentina is the prelude to great events that are drawing close and approaching. The adherence of hearts, as little as it may seem, is representing a great deal for God. Thus, His approximation to the consciousness of the Argentines will occur in this month of August and September in a special way, because it will be the preparation for a new stage of challenges, requirements and of an even deeper and more definitive surrender.
I know that many may feel unprepared, ill-suited, or not available for what I am telling you and requesting of you, but believe and trust that if you are always with Me and you call upon Me, you will be able to do so, because I know your persona, souls, spirits and your entire inner life. I would not ask for something that you could not achieve, but there is a part that now corresponds to each one of My companions, servers, collaborators and consecrated.
Each one will have their moment of surrender and of a profound definition, which will be between the soul and God, so that Divine Grace may continue to descend upon the planet and humanity. And in spite of nothing upon the surface of the Earth making any sense or any longer having reason, there will be a reason for continuing to be here, on this blue planet, for this creation and for this sacred nature that the Celestial Father has given to you so that you might learn to contemplate Him, to adore Him, and to love Him in all that lives and vibrates.
I know that you would like to listen to precious, agreeable words that console your hearts, but I was born on the surface of this planet not only to announce to you the good news, but also to always tell you the truth that will cause you to inwardly mature and grow.
May this Marathon, so important for Me, be a Marathon of maturity and of growth in the consciousness and in actions, so that new responsibilities can be given into your hands and you can continue to represent Me in this critical time, in which the great majority of souls do not want to see God.
I ask the whole world to no longer blame the Celestial Father for what is happening to it, but rather to assume responsibility for what you do, day after day, knowing that the Universe gave you laws and commandments for you to be aligned with the Purpose, and know how to follow it without the need of becoming lost or confused.
Place your consciousness on what is vertical, on what goes toward the Heights, on what unites you with the Universe, and in this way, you will find the inner peace and strength to continue forward, to follow in My footsteps, barefoot and humble, that will take you into an encounter with Christic Live.
Let this Marathon be a reason for renewal, for commemoration, because it has been more than six years since I asked you, companions, to offer the Marathon of Divine Mercy for these difficult times, to sustain the Plan of God in humanity, and to bear the current of adversity and of chaos, learning to transmute them and free them with the strength and the power that the word of prayer has.
In the confidence of God, I give you infinite peace and gratitude for having prepared each detail with love, awareness and surrender for your Lord, your Master and Redeemer.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Behold, the Lady of all peoples and of all races comes to meet you with the potency of the Scepter of God in Her hands, with the love of the stars of the sky in Her Heart.
Behold, the Mother and Lady of all peoples of Heaven and of Earth, Mother of humanity, of the angels and of the Son of God comes to meet you, bringing Peace in Her Heart, pouring out Graces from between Her hands.
My Crown of stars pours Mercy upon the world. The scepter of God in My hands deters the Justice that descends upon the souls because, in spite of the indifference and of the ignorance of humanity before celestial things, the Love of God for His children has no end.
I come today, children, for people who must recover their Faith in God and their spirituality, extracting from its consciousness the roots of evil, of separateness, of injustice and of lack of love.
I come to show you the doors of the Celestial Church of your Creator Father and the path through which you will reach it, regardless of your culture, race or creed on this Earth.
I come to lead you to the conversion of heart, of consciousness and of life, not to show you a new religion, but to lead you to a new standard of life in which your hearts may unite with God through transparency, truth and love, and may express this unity with your brothers and sisters through service, fraternity and love for your fellow beings.
I come to unite Heaven and Earth, in the priesthood of forgiveness and healing, which My Son granted to Me while on the Cross.
I come to guide the apostles of the last times and the latter-day saints, awakening you and congregating you within and outside of the Church, because it is not only in the churches of the Earth where the children of God and the companions of Christ are. I come to get you in the four corners of the world, because the time for you to awaken has come.
My Heart prepares the arrival of the Messiah in the world and, just as I once gestated Him in My Womb and opened the doors so that His Spirit, Soul, Body and Divinity might be on Earth among those of His, today, children, I come to prepare His return, together with you. I come to announce the good news of His arrival in the world and prepare the flocks that will accompany the Shepherd in the institution of a New Life.
He will come, brighter than one thousand suns, with the splendor of God in His Heart. His Face will show itself to all with truth and power, more transparent than He showed Himself to His apostles in His Transfiguration. His presence will make visible the miseries and the virtues of human beings and, with a mere gaze, it will knock down the structures of the false spiritualities of the Earth. And those who did not know how to love will understand their errors and will repent, but for some it will be too late.
For this reason, My children, the Redeemer sends His Servant to the world, not to intimidate you, but to awaken you, to show you the path of Mercy and of the Grace of God.
I come so that your hearts may recognize the deviations of your lives and may reconcile with God, while there is still time.
I come so that there may be love in the hearts of human beings and that this same love can heal the stains and deepest wounds of the consciousnesses of the nations.
I come to tell you and show you that, through prayer, you will heal your hearts and your nations of all errors from the past.
I come so that you may repent, children, on behalf of humanity, and cry out to God from the heart for a greater Grace, because it is now in His Hands, ready to be poured out upon the world, it suffices that you just say “yes” to Him.
Today, receive My words with love and pray with Me for a greater good. Feel My presence in your hearts. May My Love reveal a new human being within you so that, from today on and forever, you may not be the same, but may be perpetually united in love with your Celestial Father.
I bless you and thank you for responding to My call!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
I once said to My apostles that they should give their lives for Me and I knew that at that moment they did not understand Me, and they ran away when I most needed them.
At that point, I knew that I should be alone among My enemies to be able to become christified.
Now, at this time, the situation is repeated, but with different events.
In a similar way, many, who should give their lives for Me, ran away with their own ideas and lack of understanding and left Me alone.
This test of loyalty to the Master is repeated, because it is the learning process for those who said that they were with Me, and that with different self-justifications, are not.
Before, I returned to My apostles and showed them that I was risen and that I was alive, as it had been promised; but now I will not be able to return to Mine to tell them that I am alive and that I am returning to bring them the Good News.
Each one of those who said that they would be with Me until the end, but who were overcome by a test that was stronger than their very love, they must testify before Divine Justice about their failures, their lies and their lack of repentance.
But who will save them?
All that was once given must be returned. Nobody will be able to turn their back and leave with their hands full, as if nothing had happened.
Therefore, I am preparing Myself for witnessing what will shortly come to those who abandoned Me and submerged themselves in their pride and arrogance.
Let us simply pray.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Jesus always submerged himself in the gratitude of the heart.
For Jesus, gratitude was the first rule that allowed Him to reflect the flashes of a living and true Love.
Without the constant gratitude that Jesus felt for His Father, He would not have been able to carry out His Divine Will.
Because the gratitude in Jesus allowed Him, as a man and as the Messiah, to fully trust in the Mysteries of the Father, although Jesus Himself knew part of these Mysteries.
The Gratitude of Jesus brought to humanity the declared revelation of His ardent Faith, a Faith that imprinted determination and sovereign authority at the moment of proclaiming the Gospel.
The permanent and immutable feeling of the Gratitude of Jesus led Him to greatly know the deepest and most hidden feelings of His brothers and sisters, whether they were pure or impure.
This gift of profound knowledge of the human being that Jesus lived was not for the purpose of judging, but for the purpose of correcting human customs, which, in past times, led towards the spiritual condemnation of all humanity.
The experience of gratitude in Jesus led Him constantly to the path of service for others and to the constant donation of His Divine Being, even for those who rejected and denied Him.
Jesus wanted to demonstrate that one of the main bases of love is gratitude, together with unity. And that these two attributes, in the sincere practice of the life of human beings, no matter what, will lead them to find a higher and superior meaning about the personal mission of the individual and of the groups of souls.
Jesus left the teaching of gratitude as a constant message for the transformation of the human condition.
To have gratitude means to understand, beyond oneself, that the purpose God places in our hands has a greater meaning than what we can understand and experience.
Gratitude leads us along the path of selfless and spontaneous donation; it helps us, as human beings, to live and understand life from a different perspective and on a different scale.
Gratitude reveals to us the goodness and mercy in everything, it makes us less petty and more considerate, attentive and available for our fellow beings.
Gratitude closes the door to pride, to the recognition of spaces or tasks that we believe to have under our power.
Gratitude belies our appearances and gently guides us along the path of Truth.
For this reason, the gratitude that lived and emanated from Jesus was very great, to the point that few consciousnesses could reach the true and divine Person of Jesus.
Gratitude leads to the breaking of chains and of atavisms; it is the portal toward our true freedom.
Gratitude reminds us of humility.
I thank you for imitating the Gratitude of Jesus!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
After everything defines, some will think that I was never here nor will they believe that in these last years I have been talking to you directly so, in spite of your miseries and imperfections, you should let the world know that I am already returning.
For this reason, stay firm without hesitating and trust in Me, because from My Heart will come the correct words when you and some of your companions may have to testify because of My cause. But in that moment, and in that hour, everything will already have been said and the world will be at the apex of its great and last purification.
Thus, as from now, do not feel regret or distress. All who serve Me for some reason, must be tested in their faithfulness, obedience and love, so that, in My servers, in those whom I have chosen, the transformation that My Word brings about and the miracle that My Message produces, may be represented.
Keep on as you have been until now, close to Me, in simplicity and love, and tell your companions to do the same, because the time to protect the Work from the enemies will come.
Those who oppose will come to know the greater heat of My Fire.
Those who unconditionally adhere will come to know the celestial marvel of My Love.
Thus, continue forward for Me and for no one else; the world is full of personalities, and to all of them the moment to disappear for being full of fantasies and illusions will come.
But you, who are with Me and that, for My Mercy, I have taught you to be so, never cease to make Me known.
Imitate Me, even though you may not manage to do so; seek Me, even though I may not call you, because, from that spiritual communion with Me, you will receive the strength you need in order to defend My Word and My Message from those who will try to deny them.
Accept the cycles that are coming and never, not for a second, stop surpassing Me in love. Thus, for your service, you will allow Me to win over the obedience that I expect from many more hearts that are disobedient to Me.
Today I do not make you shine like gold nor diamonds; you are the most imperfect stone that has been molded by Me. Let Me continue to penetrate in the depths of your spirit, for that is where the Supreme Will will be done.
Be an example of constancy, just like some of Mine are.
Believe, above all things, in what My Love can do, in this way everything will be transformed.
I will be your breath in the times of trial. I will be your hope on the days of great planetary darkness.
I Am what I Am.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Within the Mysteries of Light, souls find the inner strength they need in order to learn how to overcome this time within themselves.
But what does the Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan mean to you? And the first miracle granted at the wedding in Cana?
What does the proclaiming of the Good News through the announcement of the Gospel mean to you? And the luminous Transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor?
What does the Last Supper of Jesus with His apostles mean to you?
In all events we not only see the Light of Christ acting, working and transforming all things, but we also see the Light of God manifested by means of His beloved Son.
The Mysteries of Light are the revelation of the Divine Source by means of the public life of Christ. In such deeds we see the Divine Knowledge act through the Sacred Word.
The Word again demonstrates to earthly humankind that It is the beginning, for in the beginning was the Word, and from the Word, life arose.
By means of the Mysteries of Light, we shall find the Light of knowledge that will lead us into making our whole being sacred, as well as our whole existence.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the light that St. James the Apostle left imprinted on these paths serve for souls that have long searched for the Path of the Lord.
Walking the Path of St. James is to accept the path of redemption and apostleship that My Son offered all His followers.
To experience the Path of St. James is to offer oneself, as an apostle of the Lord, so as to find the paths of purification, redemption and rehabilitation.
St. James the Apostle walked this path to carry the word of the Good News to souls and to make that moment an opportunity for souls to, at some moment, find the Love of the Lord.
To follow this path is to accept the experience of the personal cross and to learn, through the experiences, to carry it with courage and resolve.
The Path of St. James opened doors for the evangelization of the West and for the redemption of this part of the planet.
St. James the Apostle was spiritually accompanied by the Mother of the Apostles so that he could accomplish the mission that My Son had entrusted to each of His Own.
The Path marked by St. James was later traveled by the feet of the simple Mother, the Mother of Jesus, carrying in Her hands the great symbol of the Grail, and thus awakening the life of ministry in all.
The Path of St. James was later the path of the Most Holy Mary.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who blesses you, now and always in love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the Light of God convert and modify all that is necessary to redeem.
May Divine Light fill the deepest spaces of the consciousness and make each state a principle of redemption.
May Divine Light convert and transform each aspect of life and realize the Plan of the Creator.
Feel yourself to be free, child, of the chains that imprison you, for the time will come for taking the great and last step toward Divine Life.
Meanwhile, continue fighting with all the strength of your heart, for in the heart is held enough love to make of each lesson an opportunity for forgiving.
Walk on the pathway of My Son; He offers the path of perseverance and of peacemaking.
It is in the change of consciousness that the opportunity for elevation can be found, and every day, make each stage of life be a great experience of love and of transcendence.
Let us live the change in these times. Let us await Him with joy, for it will be good news.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the peace in the hearts of those who follow God be the visible sign of His Sacred Presence in the world.
May the fraternity and the love among brothers and sisters united for a single evolutionary purpose be the reason of inspiration and of surrender for those who do not know in which direction to walk.
May the unity with God, reached by means of prayer and shaped in all of the instants of life, be the light that illuminates the eyes of those who walk in the darkness.
May the communion with the Kingdoms of Nature, the care and the love for these smaller brothers and sisters, be an example for the human hearts that have lost the hope of finding a new world.
May the love for the Plan of God be greater and stronger in the heart of His companions than their own plans and human tendencies.
May the aspiration for the constant transformation in Christ impel the beings so that they are no longer the same every day and so that they may come closer to God, through their own inner world and also through their conduct in the material life.
May the new humanity no longer be only a prophecy for those hearts that follow God: that it may be a goal to be reached in life with effort, prayer, love and persistence in the truth.
Dear companions of My Chaste Heart, if you believe in My words and have faith in the presence of the Sacred Hearts, then never lose the opportunity of you being different and of walking towards the fulfillment of the Divine Purpose.
More than announcing Our presence with words, I ask you to announce it with your own transformation. The beings of this world need to have an example to follow, even if you are in silence.
If you want that the Plan of God be established in the world, never be doctrinal about something that you do not live. Before you bring the Good News of the Sacred Hearts, at least try every day to live Our words. I assure you that, if you do so, your example of fraternity, charity, forgiveness and reconciliation will go further than if you were disseminating for years a word that did not find life in you.
I love you and I impel you to the experience of the Will of God.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Our Mother has requested of us that She be among Her children and we will go where She indicates at this moment.
Our Divine Mother says She is with all Her Spiritual Consciousness manifested, at this moment, over Aurora.
At this moment She is closing a cycle. She has asked us to be alert to the signs of Heaven, after the coming hours.
She wants to carry out a massive spiritual healing on those who open to it. This is a state of Grace She achieved through everybody's prayers.
She manifests as the Mother of the Sun, of the Universe and of the Earth. Thus, through Her Golden Presence, She manifests the Power of God.
She said She is the Woman Clothed in the Sun and on Her breast, the Most Sacred Immaculate Heart appeared. Under Her, the world appeared, which She stepped on with Her feet. She had a scepter in Her right Hand and is crowned by the angels as Solar Queen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Thus, I manifest to you, dear children, so that after seven years, you may understand My Prophecies.
Let us go to meet My children.
Song: Ave María (in Latin).
My dear children, by the Blessed Fruit I brought to the Earth, I was able to pour out the Peace of God, and through this Blessed Fruit, I brought Grace to humanity.
Through My paths, dear children, I have opened the doors of redemption for all, and many courageously heard My call. My Voice reverberated in the heart of all beings and My Mercy was radiated to all beings of the Earth.
I Am the Queen Who comes from the Sun and I illuminate the stars and hearts of all My children so they are able to follow the steps being pointed out on the horizon.
My Works will be done through all My children.
In these last seven years, My beloveds, I brought the Presence of God to your essences. Many souls were able to be reconciled with God, and thus, I was able to give you a lifeline.
I prayed a lot for you throughout these years, and in the eternal present, I will continue to do so for all of humanity.
Many more hearts must awaken to My call; for this reason, the time has come for you to be testimonials, that your lives reflect the Light of My Immaculate Heart so that many more souls can awaken and thus, healing can be established in simple hearts.
On this day, I gather you all together, in this Sacred Kingdom. The doors of Heaven and Earth open and you are in the middle of this inner communion, in this fusion with the Spirit of God and with all the servers of the Plan of Love.
Thus, dear children, let you hearts not stop beating. In these years, I have sown the Flame of the Holy Spirit in your lives. It is time for love to blossom in your hearts, that pure love which God sowed in your lives and gave you the supreme opportunity of being able to experience redemption through the Presence of My Son.
I gather you all together in My Immaculate Heart. My Solar Essence expressed to creatures and all spirits of goodwill are summoned so that, as flocks of Christ taught and trained by spiritual instructions of the Divine Hierarchies, all are able to prepare the Return of Christ.
Let your hearts no longer be discouraged, but rather, open the door to be able to find the inner universe, which dwells within each being.
No longer seek things outside of yourselves. Through the prayer of the heart and a supreme intonation to God, find your own inner universe; in this way, you will be able to come to know your galaxies, your stars and suns in communion with the Soul and the Spirit of God.
I prepare the way for the Return of Christ, but My hands have need of laboring hands that can join with Mine, in charity and love; in this way, together and inseparable, we will be able to unite Heaven with the Earth in a time of chaos.
Dear children, suffering will end in the world. I know, with My merciful eyes and mainly with My Immaculate Heart, the sufferings that many brothers and sisters cause other siblings. Disunity will end.
I come to announce the Good News of the Return of Christ. Thus, as He was born of My maternal womb, in My womb, in My supreme and blessed womb, I gestate all redeemed essences; which are all of your hearts and souls that will be born in the new time to fulfill the promise of Christ of being the new redeemed, apostles of love and of redemption who said 'yes' to My maternal call.
Today, I come barefoot to meet with you so you may see My humility and simplicity. My Crown is your crown, My Power is your power, but not as you know it.
Dear children, true power is born from love and unity, something that many have not known throughout the ages because of wanting to do their own inner will. But I invite you, in the last cycle, to experience a divestment of self, so your wounds may close and no sign of suffering remain in your cells.
Do not fear to live what God gives you, be brave and persevering on the path of transformation.
I Am your Mediator and Peace-keeper; as Mother of all of humanity and of the universe, I accompany all creatures that take steps toward the Lord.
My dears, what is most important is that you not forget to live the Laws of the universe. Your hearts must be transmitters of these Greater Laws.
Go deeper into living the Law of Charity, the Law of Mercy, the Law of Redemption and of Purification; thus, you will be able to be austere, simple and true, and from your hearts will be born the spring from which many need to drink, because your spirits will be nurtured by Christ.
With all of the universe over My Presence, the stars carefully greet you. Open your eyes to the spiritual life. Fuse your essences with God the Father, no longer offend Him, the world has made Him be offended. He does not want to pour out His Justice over you, because through My Infinite Pious Mercy, I want to lead you on the correct paths.
Remember the Commandments, live the Commandments. Be the living expression of My Marian Message; in this way, you will avoid My Words remaining on paper, and so they may be a divine fire in your hearts, impulses to transformation, truth, love and Mercy.
Dear children, today I present Myself to you as the Mother clothed in the Sun. Feel My Immaculate Heart, I am here with you because through you and all of humanity who respond to the Call of God, My Heart will triumph.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Let all souls once touched by My Heart come to Me. Come to Me, come, because today I open the Doors of this Kingdom to you so you may receive healing and liberation.
Let all spirits come to Me, who once lost the way, but were able to find Me so as to experience a Reconciliation with God. Come to Me, because today I am opening the doors of Heaven so you may once again unite with what is sacred, with the divine, with the aspects of your beings that represent higher life.
Let all the spirits who at this time stop My children from uniting with the Sacred be expelled. Let all the spirits who do not respond to Divine Will be expelled, because at this hour of Mercy, I allow the majestic Light of My Kingdom, the Divinity of Christ, to descend to the world, which enters each of your cells, each of your atoms, igniting the consciousnesses of those of My children who accepted responding to My call.
In this hour, receive the healing and liberation which your souls have so long awaited so as to become true missionaries, followers of Christ, proclaimers of Divine Truth. Come to Me all the souls who have distanced themselves from My heart, who allowed all the impulses I once gave you to be lost.
My children, My Voice echoes beyond this place, enters into other Kingdoms that are far from this one to summon all the souls that once were in My Presence, because in My Maternal Consciousness, I gather together all the aspects that I once presented to the world.
At this moment, I bring each of your lives, in this place, all the codes of My Consciousness, which I once brought to the world to awaken you and give you the impulse to set aside the old life, the old human that up until today degrades the planet.
My children, I come to renew your consciousnesses, to free you from all the evils that sicken your spirits and imprison your souls in a deep darkness.
My children, if in this time of profound Mercy, you lift up the cry of your hearts to the Heavens, the 'yes' of your beings, so you may be freed and forgiven of the whole past, I tell you that this Grace will descend over the world, freeing the ties of your consciousnesses, and through you, freeing many other creatures of this world.
At this time, I bring it to all the nations where My Feet have trodden, to all My children who were in the Presence of My Heart in the whole history of humanity, so that, through this act, all hearts are reignited, and those that lost the impulses I gave them can re-engage with the point where their souls remained.
My children, incomprehensible to your little consciousnesses is this great universal moment, in which all the beings of the Universe, all the blessed and the saints, all those consciousnesses that guide many spirits that move toward evolution in the Celestial Kingdom, today revere My Presence, and for an instant, stop to contemplate Me in this world, drawing redemption toward very ancient souls that are crying out in this time to find a new path, to enter into the new future promised to humanity so long ago.
My children, although it may be incomprehensible to your hearts, I want you to walk by My side, even without understanding on which path I make you walk. I guide your steps, even without your understanding on which path I lead your steps.
Today, to your beings, in this merciful hour, I bring the truth of your spirits, which is very far from this matter, but which cried out in the Kingdom of the Heavens for an opportunity to unite again, so as to feel whole in Christ, in this new cycle being offered to you.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I bless the blessed fruits of the Plant Kingdom. Let us revere this sacred Kingdom for forming part of the Divine Creation of God, of Universal Thought, of the Infinite Creation of all things that exist in this world, on this planet, in the heart of humanity.
I bless all the Children of Mary, who took the steps toward My Heart. Today, I consecrate you and bless you. And all of you, My dear children, in the name of all those who are not here, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Now, sing "Immaculate Heart of Mary" to please My Maternal Heart. My Ray is over you from Eternity.
Song: "Immaculate Heart of Mary".
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
Very well, here are the oranges from our Lady's tree, which are harvested every year on August 8, and which our Mother blesses so that each one may take an orange.
And we're going to ask the brother and sister to present us with some comments.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At first, we were faced with a mysterious Apparition, which the Divine Mother Herself gradually revealed to us.
In the moments before the Apparition, while we were praying the Hail Mary, She gradually descended from the universe with great forcefulness and power; and the angels supported Her Mantle, which was open, and above Our Lady, Christ was crowning Her and God was giving Her a Scepter.
She was descending in this way, with that manifestation. As the moment approached when Our Lady was coming closer, to this place of Aurora, many Celestial Consciousnesses assembled during the Apparition. Somewhat inexplicable situations could be seen; it seemed like a great meeting was taking place in Heaven, and that meeting and all that energy were descending with great force over us, and our Lady was the center that channeled these celestial energies to us.
When She arrived, She remained in silence for a long time, contemplating all of humanity. From a great Heaven that was open behind Her, many celestial beings were accompanying Her, as well as blessed ones and saints. There were many, both in Heaven and here on the surface, and all of them were attentive to the movements of Our Mother.
While She was present there, from the very first moment, She manifested ever more strongly and clearly, until the moment when She named Herself as Mother of the Sun.
The vestments of Our Lady were almost palpable and Her gaze was penetrating and deep. There were moments in which it was difficult to look at Her all the time. And She showed details of Her Vestments, Her Attire, as if She held in Her Mantle many universes, which were infinite, profound and unknown.
Until, at the moment of the Apparition, after the long silence of Our Mother, She asked us to loudly ring the bell.
And I asked Her, could the bell fall?
She remained in silence, smiled, and said: "Ring the bell loudly 33 times."
As each toll of the bell rang out, She carried our consciousness to more elevated levels; and it was very intense, because She saw all our debts and difficulties. She saw the different aspects of our beings, through Her Eyes She saw all the good and all that we didn't do well; but in spite of this, through the meeting of those Celestial Consciousnesses and that grand door which was open behind Her, She gradually uplifted us all as a single group.
When She performed that symbolic and spiritual movement, She was also elevating a large part of humanity. And at that moment, She banished and deactivated many energies.
Through that action She was doing with us, when She lifted us up from dimension to dimension, which we counted as 33, all of which we entered through Her.
In this way, She slowly deactivated future events that had been foreseen for humanity, which ranged from wars to disasters. Just Her silent gaze deactivated those things, but all the time, She radiated a lot, a great deal of humility, until She asked us to draw closer to Her children, as She said, and there She continued carrying out an inner task with everybody.
We could perceive that Our Lady was placing touches of Light in some of the brothers and sisters present. In spite of Her being in Heaven, She uplifted, Her Heart transmitted rays of Light toward some brothers and sisters; and those little rays were carrying out a grand work in the spirit of those present.
And it seemed like that would never end; but Our Lady, as She seemed to perceive our inner self, by the degree of the voltage of the energy of Her Presence and of the presences that accompanied Her, She began to gather in Her energies, Her Presence. Even when She was still talking to Sister Lucía de Jesús, She continued to emit inner impulses.
And at a certain moment, at the end of the Apparition, She showed us that over some of the brothers and sisters present there were open books that some angels left with blank pages, erasing them. They were very thick books, full of writing, and they were blanking them out as if with a paintbrush of light, that's what it seemed. It was an indication that Our Mother gave them to the angels.
This is a summary.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
Maybe someday we'll be able to understand, right? Perhaps, after another cycle goes by, another seven years, and we are gathered together in the auditorium of Aurora, in the real auditorium, we will be able to remember these moments and understand all the things the Divine Messengers have given us in this time.
Now, we're going to fulfill a request of Our Mother. She asked, just as She asked Her children of Brazil to put music to the prayer "Universal Mother"; She also asked Her children of Argentina for something else.
So, some are going to open and others are going to close this great event. To close this meeting, our brothers and sisters of Argentina are going to make a loving offering to Our Lady; it seems Padre Pio had something to do with it.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the words of the Virgin Mary:
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Dear children,
As Mother, I open my arms to receive My children, and in this way, I receive the entire world which is so much in need of Peace and Light.
Today, My Immaculate Heart expands and enters into profound jubilation for My children have heard My Call for Peace.
On this evening, I invite each one of you, My little ones, to enter the Kingdom of God. God is very joyful because of your sincere and honest response. May these Graces multiply for those who are not here. In truth, I tell you, dear children, that the Queen of Peace places each one of your essences under My Merciful Rays as a response and gratitude for all my children have given since the beginning, from the first moment in which I wanted to come here to transmit a little more of My Peace to you.
You know, My little ones, that a long time ago, I was in the Middle East accompanying the Passion of My Son Jesus, and from the moment that He gave Me to you, My Immaculate Heart opened to receive each one of My children.
From São José do Rio Preto, I want a profound call for peace and for the good. What I need, my little children, is that this city should change, like others which I have passed through, into a paradise of peace, into a great mirror of prayer that will begin through your prayers, mainly in your families, so the healing of the Holy Spirit may be radiated to your hearts.
Dear children, into My Maternal Heart I have received each one of your intentions and pleas. God has allowed Me to return once again to this city.
For this reason, tonight, I invite you, dear children, to consecrate yourselves to the Heart of My Son. He is most offended in these times and not heard. Through His Merciful Heart, I bring the liberation of your souls, the spiritual healing that each child needs so that the new doors to peace can be opened.
Dear children, you know that I am in this world, throughout the centuries and times, to transmit a Truth that each one must hear. And My main call for South America is to invite you to the path of conversion, and that can be achieved, My children, in the simplicity of prayer, in good acts of charity, in helping those in need, in remembering every day that you belong to the Lord, your only Lord of the Heights.
Today I pour over each one of My children the Immaculate Love of My Heart, so that in these times, you may prevail steady and united to My Heart, together with the Divine Purpose; for it is necessary, dear children, that your hearts open, it is necessary, dear children, that the world change at this time. Your hearts can feel, indeed, that things are not well in these times.
Through my immaculate call, I bring you the Good News and the hope: that the Great Star of this universe, the Sun and the Heart of My Son, will return to the world at the most difficult times, but you must not fear for those times. If your families consecrate themselves as temples of prayer, all will be said, and I will be able to intercede once again for this humanity.
The new flocks of Christ, the apostles of the inner heart, those who will testify to the Coming of My Son, walk in prayer, feel yourselves to be safe on this path. In a little while, problems will be resolved, the Light will descend upon your families because My Eternal Presence will be among you.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I come on this night to awaken those of My children who committed themselves to Me a long time ago. For this reason, My Heart rejoices in this reunion with your little hearts.
Today I tell you My beloveds, that each of your souls has a commitment to the Heart of God, a commitment you have made since the origin and which you must manifest in this time.
I come to this city to give each one of My children the Grace that corresponds to them, because through each one of you, I will intercede for a different situation in the world.
Only those who said 'yes' to this Plan of Love and of Peace on Earth will become instruments in the Hands of God; through them, when they are in prayer, the Lord will labor in the world and will send His healing and His redemption not only to consciousnesses, but also to all the Kingdoms of Nature.
Today, My children, rejoice in your hearts for being in My Presence, and place at My Feet all those situations that separate you from My Heart. Place between Me and God, all of that needs My intercession, for I will place in My Hands each of your lives, and those of you who have the courage to offer themselves to the Lord will have their lives placed at the Feet of God and will be under His Eyes and His protection in this end of times.
I do not ask you for anything complex, I do not ask you for great works; I only ask that you pray, that you consecrate your lives, a moment of your day to dedicate it to God, to remember that in spite of everything there is in the world, there is a Greater Light that watches you permanently and that waits patiently for His children to return to His Heart.
Today, My children, I come to remove a veil from your consciousnesses so that the Universe of God may rise on the horizon of your lives. A much greater reality awaits you, a greater light waits to be ignited in your lives to balance those situations which are in need of healing and of redemption.
There is no sin in the world that cannot be redeemed, there is nothing, My children, that does not deserve the Forgiveness of God; all that is necessary is that, in humility, you turn your faces to the Creator and ask Him for Mercy, because that Mercy will descend and will transform each of your lives.
Never lose the faith in your hearts, faith I come to nourish and to kindle each day. And if you pray in your heart and in truth, I will be able to keep it alive while you are on Earth and for all eternity.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I wish on this night that many could see Me, but it is important that you hold My Presence in your hearts. Nobody will be able to take this Sacred Presence away from you, for God is omnipresent, compassionate and generous with each one of His children.
Dear children, before saying goodbye to you, I want to do a prayer, a request, an intercession for the most sick, so that in truth, you are able to heal your spirits, and once again, through peace, be reconciled with God.
My children, know that there is nothing separate, unity is to be found in the depths of your being. Return to that inner place, feel in your hearts the invisible Presence of God. It will not perish, when you simply open the door to It and say: "Lord, I accept redemption". As from that moment, your lives will change and you will give yourselves fully to the Lord.
I will also bless these sacred images which are the symbol of My Presence in different parts of the world; but My true and real Presence is to be found in union with you, through the prayer of the heart. The flame of Purity, the sacred flame of Truth and the Good will be able to be reignited when you pray with Me every day for this situation.
I will always thank you and receive you into My Heart.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Mary, our Lady, asks that the most sick approach so they may be assisted.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
In silence, a great deal of silence.
Let us sing "Immaculate Heart of Mary."
With a great deal of silence and very calmly, we will place ourselves here.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Thank you, children of Saint Joseph, for having received Me. I thank you. Lift up your hearts to God for you have been born again on the spiritual Path of Christ.
I love you and bless you always.
Mary, Queen of Peace
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
Let us sing now, all together, to close: "Mary of Nazareth."
Now we will give a small account of what happened during the Apparition, and if everybody is okay with that, you can stay where you are.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Today, as everybody heard, Our Lady came as the Queen of Peace, dressed with a white veil, a light blue Mantle, a pink robe and a golden belt. She was barefoot. She came to this place as a radiant sun, like the sun we know, but more brilliant, more luminous, and She gradually introduced Her rays into each one of us.
Before Our Lady arrived, the angels opened the door through which She descended.
When She arrived, the first thing She did was smile at us, opened Her Mantle a little and showed us Her Immaculate Heart, a Heart that was beating strongly in Light.
At a certain moment, we also saw the Presence of Saint Joseph, Who was in a higher place than Our Lady, and He was blessing, making the Sign of the Cross. Close to Him there were many sheep that accompanied Him and also the Guardian Angels of some of you.
Before the arrival of Our Lady, some angels that were accompanying us manifested. They were strong angels, as if invincible. What we could perceive, at that moment, was that these angels, that were behind you, were being activated as if they were going to begin a new task, receiving an opportunity to be able to guide you.
At the moment when the Mother performed the consecration and healing, Her Countenance shifted and She appeared as Our Lady of Fatima, Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary. She slowly drew close to you, those who were closest to the stage. And at that moment, Her Immaculate Heart, which held thorns, changed into a Heart with roses, a Heart of blood that was beating strongly and which came out from the center of Her chest to radiate to those present.
When Our Lady did that invocation, that prayer, She asked for the intercession of the Archangel Raphael and He immediately responded.
Between Our Lady and this space many doors opened, Heavens, one within another, from which descended the Light of God that was radiating through Her Immaculate Heart.
During the work of prayer, from the beginning, we also had the company of Padre Pio of Pietrelcina, who was accompanying us and blessing us, praying together with us for this moment.
When Our Lady announced that She would return to São José do Rio Preto, we understood that She was inviting us, on this night, to prepare in prayer as from this day until She returns, which we do not know when it will be, but according to what She told us, because of Her planetary task, She will soon be with Her children.
She also invited us to keep Her Presence in our heart and to believe in Her Presence.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
For this reason, let us prepare our hearts for the return of Our Mother, and while Our Lady does not arrive in São José do Rio Preto, let us pray and accompany Her in all of Her task of pilgrimage throughout America, which you will be able to see and follow through the internet, just like all of you who today are being seen on the whole planet.
In this way, we shall be able to accompany Our Lady until She returns to this city.
We made a little song, a very joyful song to call the Holy Spirit. Today let's end all together, singing this little song so that the Holy Spirit may come to us.
Let's go!
Song: "Invocación al Espíritu Santo." (Invocation to the Holy Spirit)
Thank You, Mother, for all that You give us!
And the Lady dressed of Sun will pour the Crown of Stars, so that a path may arise from the bowels of the Earth and through which will walk the new redeemed flocks. Each one of Her stars will be the visible sign of a new cycle and each soul, according to their choice, will enter through a path that will be able to bring them to the Kingdom of the Lord.
At the Greater Door of Heaven, the Beloved Lord will wait for His beloved soul, so that together in victory, they may consecrate the spirit to the Eternal Love of God. The Lady dressed of Sun will manifest Her universal symbol and this will be the sign that will announce the next coming of the King of the Universe.
Blessed are those who will be waiting in joy for the coming of the King of the Patriarchs, because they will be participants of the Good News for the world.
Blessed are those who have given of themselves, in order to transfigure in Christ their lives, because they will recognize the rays that come from the Heart of the Son of God.
And the New Boat of life and of prayer, will sail in deep sea and many will see it arising by the efforts of the little beings of Christ. The New Boat will not be from the past, it will be born as a new child from the womb of His Immaculate Mother.
Many will not understand this mystery and not many will feel the brightness and the strength of its light, that which comes from the Boat and the new flocks. These are the ones brought together for the redeeming mission, those who silently will lift high the torch of light, to show to the world the path of the true conversion.
No one will remain without knowing where to go, because the Boat is already sailing by means of the impulses that it receives from the favored fire of prayer. Those who are curious will want to know the essence of this great food for the spirit, but because they do not know themselves they will see too late that everything starts and ends in the prayer of the heart.
The workers speed up the work of the great bridge to the Great Spirit of God; time flies and the souls slow down their steps towards God. The Bird of the Holy Spirit announces a new call and only will follow in flight the ears attentive to the voice of the heart.
A New Humanity awakens in the south of the world. On the horizon the Aurora breaks radiant, in order to open the cycle of purification. All of the universe comes together so that the Divine Purpose may reach its reality in the sleeping consciousnesses.
Compassion for those who will cry for having depreciated the instruction of Heaven! The Voice of the Great Master will continue to resonate for some more time, while His Light illuminates with love the pace of the New Boat.
The old will be knocked down, because the pillars were not based in living the Law of the Lord. It is time to recognize the Time and to live in the wisdom of the Lord.
The Doors of Heaven are opened to welcome all of those who have been separated from God.
Penance for the proud ones! Redemption for the timid! Mercy for those who do not tire of serving the Great Lord!
The Star of the Universe will announce the great moment for the world, while the New Boat sails to the south of the world; its passing knocks down with love the structures that are already expired. No one will be able to oppose it, because it is filled by the Light of the Great Universal King.
Recognize with faith all that you receive in your hands, because for the expected time there must exist a repentant heart, so that it may be healed by God.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for meditating on My signs with the heart!
Christ Jesus, Master of Love
Dear brothers and sisters in My Father the Most High:
It has been a while since I have seen as today, a flock so united to My Purpose.
To those who are tired, I give you My Rest.
To those who are overwhelmed, I give you My Eternal Relief.
To those who suffer in the depths of the heart, I give you My Courage, My Faith, My Mercy.
In this way I want to see My New Soldiers of the end of the times, disposed beyond themselves, surrendered beyond their wills, encouraged beyond any inner concern, because whoever trusts in Me, will prevail in this life and beyond life, whoever trusts in Me, will not fear, will have courage, courage that they will receive from the bravery of the Holy Spirit.
When once I said that My Good News was preached in My Name, I wanted to say that always My Words would be in those who were willing to overcome themselves out of love for others.
Dears, I wish that all at the same time could reach the Light of My Kingdom, because this Kingdom of Peace, Love and Glory is for all, but few servers are willing to abandon their old garments, so that, free, they may find Me as the only refuge of the hearts.
For this I ask according to the readiness of My Flocks, because I know that your lives are weak, but they may become strong as My Spirit, in order to receive always My Call.
I am here to bless you and thank you for the perseverance of the heart.
Dears, prayer moves and liberates the hearts, for this your answer has touched the depths of My Being and in this way, has given comfort to the God of Love. Justice has been lighter for those that would receive it strongly, this means that your seeds of love and prayer have been deposited in My Heart, I was repaired and restored by the love of your spirits.
For this I invite you to follow Me beyond yourselves, because what I want to reveal to you is not from this world, it comes from the Universe to find all My Followers. Guard the love that I radiate in your hearts.
I love you beyond the existence of each essence. I conduct you and I give you My Eternal Peace.
Under the Light and the Grace of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for answering to My Requests with the heart.
Your Lord, Christ Jesus
My dears:
Remember that all of the days you can come towards Me and let your beings rest in My arms of salvation.
For this today I invite you, as has said My Mother, to constancy, to what is to come, to live in the holy hope of the heart because with your good works of peace and of love, you too, My Companions, will transmit My Good News for all.
Today I can already get to the depths of your hearts, but still My Soul has thirst for those who do not even look at the Heights of Heaven, of the Universe. With this aim I am forming the warriors of the Divine Mercy so that as much in prayer as in humility, the one which you must reach everyday, you may be a proof and living example of My Redeeming Message made flesh in you.
My Dears, accept to live the lessons of love and of forgiveness because through these two lessons you will learn to love and to redeem the heart. I wait in prayer for you as My Mother of the Universe, in all of the moments of the day. Just allow that My Love may radiate on your faces, in the examples and in the daily actions of life. I want and I can be present for longer in your inner temple only when you are able to tell me: “Come Master, you are absolutely in Me and I am in you!”, thus you will open to Me the door of your houses, families and of the dearest beings.
If I redeem your lives with the Source of Life consequently I will also redeem your closest brothers and sisters. Before all that happens I want to show you the Love of My Mercy and the Faith of My Spirit Divinized by the Supreme Father.
I want to have you near, for this I wait in silence, in the contemplation of Creation and of Life. As I Am part of God, I am everywhere. When you unite yourselves to Me I will help you because My Love for you is still unknown for many.
Trust in My Spirit because at the end of all I will resuscitate you from death and I will take you to the Promised Earth, to the Earth and to the Paradise blessed by the Creator God.
Under the Holy Spirit of God, be always merciful.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus, your Shepherd.
Brothers and sisters:
In the beginning of your lives God had drawn a plan of life for His creatures but throughout the ages the generations of My flocks have decided (instead) to walk through the paths of great learning.
Now My Sacred Heart returns to correct your lives as had been foreseen by the Lord God, My Father. Through your absolute trust in Me, My Consciousness will be able to redirect the flocks through the more peaceful that are coming.
My dears, I bring you today My Good News of the return so that you may be participants in the coming of the Kingdom of God for the second time. Your hearts must purify themselves in the same way that your consciousness, so that empty of all, the Holy Spirit may fulfill you of light and joy, to be living in the Kingdom of the Lord. What today I tell you is not a hypothesis, it is a crystalline reality that the consciousnesses must assume to form part of the next time.
Dears, My Heart wants to transmit to you hope and faith which you must live for the transformation and the consecration. My Spirit also returns to free the souls from the intense weight that many carry on their back but through My Divine Mercy I come to integrate the hearts to My Universal Rhythm of Love.
Dears, I expect from you neutrality and patience in order to not fear being purified by those laws that are of the Father and that come to the world from beyond the Earth. It is the moment to assume the coming times that will show you the profound changes that the consciousnesses will live.
For all this, your union with Me will be important because thus My Eternal Heart will be before you like the incandescent light that will guide you and will remove from you the inner fear. The first step is to trust completely in Me and in what the Father shows you day by day as a learning.
Thus, living the events with wisdom and united with Me, you will be able to untie the knots that impede the free walking of souls. Pray to find these knots because thus My Rays will burn them and you will be released in your path.
Under the Grace of God be blessed.
Thank you for guarding My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
I Love the souls that with fondness internally prepare My Second Celestial Coming and persist, even having failed the laws of the Lord. For this, dear children I come as the Savior, as the Shepherd of all flocks, that in this time allow themselves to be redeemed by the imperative strength of My Love.
I know that your intentions are good before My eyes and that day by day you fight without rest to reach the holiness and the humility in the heart. Before each test today I ask you My dears, to give them to Me so that, through My Hands I may mold your learning and thus I may take you quickly to My Eternal Light.
I told you when I was among you that life on Earth deserves to live the redemption because as souls you come to this world to learn the great lessons that look easy to live but are for many, very hard to achieve. They are the lessons of humility, love and forgiveness.
For this companions, My return is already happening. I am seeking humble hearts, simple and truthful, hearts that can live without theorizing My messages of redemption. Because from you can be born My Christic Flame, the one which will encourage you to transform yourselves into good sheep of My flock. I know that now you are under the transforming fire of the universe and today, the 21st day of January of 2013, it makes a month since the beginning of the purifying cycle.
Many children thought that Christ would allow everything to be lost or that the Holy Mother of the World would abandon the children that I entrusted to Her from the Cross. We are returning as Sacred and renovated Hearts, the ones that were universally prepared to announce the next truth to the world.
Who has ears that hear and who opens the heart that guards My precepts, the ones that announce the advent of the Good News for the whole humanity. I am arriving with My Holy Celestial Mother, firstly in the hearts that willing to live the Divine Plan of the Father, are open to follow My saving and redeemer Message. After, to the ones who do not wait for me.
I am with you in tests as in joy. I am with you in crying as in the good news. I am with you always, feeling you, seeking you, welcoming you in My Heart, giving you My kind help. Do not be afraid of yourselves; abandon yourselves entirely to Me because you will lack nothing.
Under the Powerful Light of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for meditating on My words from the heart!
Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.
Beloved children,
Once again My Mercy is upon all Argentina and especially upon Buenos Aires, this needy city of the world.
Dear children, today I call you to the awakening of the consciousness in the end of these times by means of the prayer of the heart, because a new cycle is approaching and your hearts must be prepared to receive it. For some, this cycle will be Good News that will change the state of consciousness, but for others it will be deep changes that will lead them to define the path to follow in this time.
For this reason, dear children, you who live the day-to-day in this city of Buenos Aires, as do other souls in different cities of the world, must pray with fervor and from the heart so that the Grace of God and the Mercy of My Son may be propagated in the hearts most in need of love and redemption.
My children from Argentina, yesterday I invited you to pilgrimage to Luján in a different way. This time for a true and selfless service, because you must know that great colonies of souls must also be supported by prayer. For this, it is necessary to have prayer groups that, consecrated to My Maternal Spirit, may persist and walk in the faith of My Son. Each group must begin to exercise fraternity because in this way, in your nuclei of work and service, you will find My Universal Peace.
I want to form, for these times, awakened soldiers, who leave behind all amenities of life and who, as sincere disciples, may be instruments in the Hands of God in this end of times.
You, through prayer, have the key to define the salvation of all humanity. For this reason, now for thirty-one years in Medjugorje, My Maternal Heart has pronounced and cried out for prayer, prayer and prayer! This is what you must take in as a spiritual nourishment in this time, thus allowing My heart to redeem the paths that divert millions of souls, the paths of modernity and comfort.
I am here, dear children, in the name of the Most High, to open your eyes, aspiring as the Mother of Heaven, that your consciousnesses may mature and be able to help humanity itself through prayer.
My children, someone must do something for the world! Because each day it kindles itself in flames from its own actions and those who must act are all My faithful soldiers, the soldiers of My Heart.
Today I arrive at this world to open the Doors of the Heavens to your lives so that hope and Mercy may be cultivated in the greatest number possible of souls.
Dear children, God is listening to you, therefore continue to pray every day. I will be universally thankful.
May this month of November be a preparation for all of you for My next arrival in Buenos Aires, in December.
Thank you for responding to My call for humanity.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more