Marathon of Divine Mercy

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I come to reveal the real story of your civilization to you, not to magnify your personas, but rather to have you grow inwardly in what God needs to build for this end time of humanity.

For this reason and motive, I speak of all this information and I present all these revelations because in the coming times I will make of the apostles prophets and instructors of the Word of the Hierarchy; of the collaborators, I will make great unconditional servers, surrendered to giving their lives in any need; of those who awaken, I will make them mature available consciousnesses, with the impulse to live in service and in the absolute giving of self; of all of you and of each one, I will make something.

For the time is arriving, and the time shows the need that exists in humanity and, above all, upon this planet.

I tell you the true history of the civilizations from the past, of the most emblematic and important moments of humanity when, in ancient times, the Plan was gradually fulfilled, beyond all errors or experiences.

I tell you all of this to bring a continuity to what God needs concretized and manifested for the coming time, which is that the project of the spiritual and universal family may continue forward, just as the sacred people of Israel lived it up to a certain point and moment, while also participating, not only directly in the Graces of the Father, but also in the awakening of their virtues, talents and gifts, which God brought through the prophets and the patriarchs.

For God, everything has a deep meaning, intimate and also unknown, just ike He has for you. And so, you must fully trust in what I am doing, saying and building; placing your consciousness in the great void of God so that, in this way, you may be filled by His Wisdom, Love and Presence, in the same way as the peoples from the past were filled by the Sacred Attributes of God.

Understand, companions, about the history and the moment you are participating in and how, in the smallest details, God can write a new time in humanity, in consciousnesses and especially in the essences that participate in the call of God.

The Son of the Father, before He returns again to the world, has this mission and task; and you are participants, just as your brothers and sisters on the path are also participants.

Each one fulfills an important part within this Plan and are called, day after day, to go deeper in this commitment and surrender, just as the apostles did in the past who, by means of living a simple and austere life, surrendered into living a greater and unknown life, surrendering their families, their goods and their possessions into the Hands of the Father so that the experience of the Gospel, the Word of God, His Will, could be built in life.

It is in this way that I bring continuity to this aspiration of the Father for these critical moments in which humanity must first recognize the deviation they are living in these times and the illusion that embraces millions of souls in the world.

Like more than 2,000 years ago, I come to bring the Good News, but Good News given impulse by the nonmaterial Ray of Liberation and of Transcendence so that, in this way, the Attributes of the Father may enter into the consciousnesses that most need it, and that they thus dare to take the steps toward God.

The people who lived in the Arctic Circle and who participated in the spontaneous experience of their contact with the Universe and with God also experienced the Attributes of the Father in their consciousness and in group life.

The evolution of that civilization began to take place naturally within months until, without them perceiving it, they began to enter into the seventh dimension of consciousness. They began to participate in everything there was in the seventh dimension, beyond the fact that they lived in the material plane. Their state of purity and attunement allowed them to have these experiences.

Spiritual growth is a principle of Divine Wisdom that can fill the spirits and souls of the world so that they may be guided by the Eternal Father Himself in the designs of His Source and of His Goodness.

In this way, I bring the impulse of this civilization of North America that lived in these distant lands and in the most arduous cold of ancient times where they spontaneously came to know everything that existed in the Universe and thus understood, even on the material plane, the Will of God within His Project of the different civilizations of the Earth.

Each people, each culture that went through this planet, contributed something important to the project of humanity and, above all, to its continuity in the present. If that had not been possible, the humanity of this time would not exist.

With this, companions, understand the importance of building, in this time, this Project of God that is still to be concretized and accomplished through the inner experience and the transformation of all.

And so, I bring you the impulses held and recorded in the Sacred Books of God, which also speak about this part of the local Universe, especially of this planet and its human project accompanied and guided by the great archangels, within the diversity of life that exists in the entire material, mental and spiritual Universe.

With this awareness, you must perceive yourselves as something very small and inoffensive within the great Creation that surrounds you and that vibrates in all spaces, like a soft and sweet melody coming from the Source of Love and Unity, because God still keeps His Eyes on this race, on this humanity and planet.

It is the time of the Plan of Rescue and for this Plan to be able to develop and move forward through the redemption of consciousnesses and through the steps that these consciousnesses can take in this time so that, just like in the past, as it was for the sacred people of Israel, you may also testify to this profound change in consciousness and that maturity, so essential for this cycle, so as to prepare yourselves and prepare your brothers and sisters for the end time that is near.

And when I say near, it is because it is very near, in this material time that you live in and inhabit.

The Hierarchy brings the treasures of humanity so that they may be revealed but also, in their hands, they bring the sacred books of the Universe, to reveal all that it holds since before the origin of your essences, of your existence and of your creation.

With this, companions, understand how history is broader and deeper, and that knowledge is not measured with the mind nor with intuition, but rather with the openness of the heart of each one of My apostles and friends who trustingly drink of the Source of knowledge without boasting nor honoring themselves, because all of this has a greater purpose that is greatly unknown to you.

Thus, trust will have you stay in the void and, above all, in the gratitude of being able to receive these spiritual impulses and these Graces that come so that many can remember what they did and experienced in other times and thus dare to bring continuity to that which the Eternal Father needs.

But all of this will not only be material but also profoundly spiritual and inner. It is there, in the inner self, where the Word of the Hierarchy must resound so that after it may be built on the outer, that which God wants to materialize as aspiration and will. This is the path for understanding sacred knowledge and so that your beings can grow and express what God needs through the presence of your inner Christs.

On this day I bring you these words so that your consciousnesses may expand, so that your hearts may continue to mature in love and in surrender; in the giving of self and in the necessary conviction of serving the Creator Father in these times, as a compensation for the errors committed in this cycle by millions of souls in the world, which brings and causes the Law of Divine Justice to rapidly descend.

In this way, you will understand and comprehend that all of this and all of this purpose that I bring to you today has a broader and infinite purpose which encompasses not only souls but also other Universes and spaces of Creation that are preparing themselves before I return to the world so as to also take their great and last step.

See in the skies the spiritual and nonmaterial construction that your Master and Lord is making with the Word of God, with the Message from the Heights, with the announcement of the Good News for these times.

Be a mirror and a representation in likeness to the civilization of North America, of the people that had that experience so spontaneous and profound with Creation, which carried them into being within higher levels of consciousness and made it no longer necessary for them to be on this physical plane to continue learning to evolve and grow inwardly

It is possible to achieve an experience under other Laws, still unknown to humankind of the surface; but this is possible through the heart, a meek heart, a peacemaking heart, a trustworthy heart, a heart that believes, beyond itself, all that it does not know and has never known.

Gather up these words as My last Words, as My last impulses, as the last revelations, because it is now time to move forward with what God needs through group life and community life, so that the Will of the Father may be materialized and concretized for the purpose of carrying out and manifesting the Universal Family. And, in this way, the majority of beings and consciousnesses will be able to enter into the New Humanity.

Today, the Father accompanies Me, not only through the Word, but also through His Omnipotent and Omniscient Presence.

Adonai is here, with His children, with His heirs of Universal and Planetary Knowledge so that in recognition, courage and honor of His infinite and Cosmic Consciousness, His Nonmaterial, Spiritual and Divine Source, His Universe of Love and of Wisdom, all His children to come to Him, in the same way that this civilization of North America did, because it entered into the Consciousness of God and fulfilled a part of His Infinite Aspiration for this Material Universe, and this was reflected in the Mental and Spiritual Universe. And, in this way, all learned from that experience, from that life that once occurred upon the surface of the Earth.

Rejoice in what comes from Wisdom and drink of the Words of the Hierarchy so that you may grow in an absolute giving of self. This will make you worthy children of God.

Continue praying so that your Master and Lord can fulfill the Purpose that the Father has given Him for this time and so that His apostles can bear the powerful currents that come to assist humanity of today, before everything happens, before everything is unleashed.

All have the opportunity of entering this last ship that is passing by to gather up the self-summoned and thus, live in the Ark of the Covenant.

"Father, You Who know the importance of Your Purpose and Your Universal Aspiration, let Me feed Your children with Your Wisdom and Your Words so that, fortified by the strength of Your Spirit and Your Grace, they may have the momentum and the courage to take the great step toward the realization and concretization of Your Plan.

May these principles that come from the Source and are a part of the history of the different humanities of the Earth be able to fill hearts with that which is new and renewing so that Your Will may be accomplished, as it was accomplished in those who came through and lived upon this Planet.

May the Light of Knowledge allow them to surrender more each day to You and, in that trust, ardently fulfill what You desire, like Your Son accomplished that which You needed and aspired for, until dying on the Cross, for a great Mystery, which You then revealed to Me and had Me participate in, as a part of You.

May each being, soul and spirit be a part of You, as I am a part of You, and You are in Me, in perpetual and eternal communion. Amen."

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

May the coming of the New Race be accomplished.

May humanity express its archetype.

May the word be living and build Your temple.

May Your Mystery expand in us

and true existence be revealed to the world

so that we may gather in Your Name

and Glorify perfect unity.


Thank You, Father, for all that You give us!

Thank You, Lord, for all that You give us!

In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.
