Poems to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

Twenty-fourth Poem

Beloved Lady of Lourdes,
let us internally come to know
the unfathomable Mysteries of Light.

May we be able to renew
the Sacrament of Baptism within us
so that we may always be blessed,
just as Your beloved Son Jesus was blessed.

May we be able to convert our lives,
just as Christ converted the water into wine
during the Wedding at Cana.

At this time, may we be able to receive
the Good News with gratitude,
just as Christ announced and proclaimed
the Kingdom of the Heavens within the human heart.

May we be transfigured
and may our true beings be revealed
so that we may come out of illusion and appearances,
just as Jesus was transfigured
and showed the Power of His whole Being.

May we be deserving of the Grace
to always spiritually commune
with the merits of Christ,
just as Our Lord communed
with His companions, at that time,
and testified to the immensity
of God’s Work of Mercy.

In this way, most sweet and loving Mother,
with Your help, we will be able to live the Mysteries of Light
and finally be apostles of Christ,
praying servants of Your Immaculate Heart.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


When the Creator thought of the human project, He contemplated from the start the upon the possibility of the His making of Himself a creature among His creatures.

The human beings were created among so many other beings and civilizations of the Universe, to express something that none of them had expressed.

They were created to unite dimensions, to express the love that overcomes the limits of all existence, and this allows beings to unite with God. They were created to express the essential likeness with the Father of all life.

The human purpose is great, and for this reason, My children, it is not attained in a simple way, although everything can occur with the awakening of consciousness and the firm decision of loving without conditions and surrendering everything for this purpose of entering the divine mysteries within one’s own heart, like in the infinite Cosmos.

Living the human potential seems to be something impossible, because most beings have not opened to truly experience the Love of God, which they are capable of finding and feeling within themselves.

I have taught you to pray, so that in this way you might cross the doors of your own heart and, little by little, you might discover the possibility of uniting with God, feeling Him and living Him.  

When a being truly lives the Love of God, My children, even for an instant, this is enough to lead them to understand that any sacrifice, effort or renunciation, of things of the world and of human illusions, is small to attain the Eternity within this Divine Love.

God, knowing that His children were lost in their evolution and that they increasingly moved away from their purpose and truth, and in order not to allow humanity to again go astray, as had happened so many times, your Creator Father decided He would Himself come to the world and show them the way.

So immense and merciful was the impulse of God for humanity, an impulse never before given to any creature, neither in Heaven nor upon Earth, that the whole existence placed its eyes, heart and hope in this world.

Mystery upon mystery is the evolution of humanity, beloved children, where the errors of the past and the history of ancient universal consciousnesses stop, so that a story of redemption and the revelation of the Love of God for all life may begin.

No being of this Earth, while being alive, has yet been capable of understanding themselves and entering both into their origin and into the true potential of their essence. Only after this life were those, who received from God the possibility of living the experience of love in this world, capable of perceiving the opportunity they received.

But today, My children, you are called to live the greatest miracle of this time and of all times, the miracle of the awakening of consciousness; the miracle of the union of time; the miracle of understanding what you were before coming to this world and what is the essence and the purpose of your lives. You are called to live the miracle of Science and the Divine Wisdom, to communicate to the world His Truth, not only with the word but, above all, with your own lives.

More than two thousand years ago, at the request of your Creator, I gathered the disciples and companions of Christ so that the Consoling Spirit might pour out upon them. Its mission was to announce the Good News of the arrival of the Messiah and to manifest, in the consciousness and in the history of humanity, the presence and the example of God amidst humanity.

Today, I gather you so that the Consoling Spirit may give you strength, may awaken in you the Gift of Science, which becomes wisdom and discernment. Science to awaken, beloved children; science for you to know what to do and how to become responsible, not only for your own redemption, but also for sustaining this world in transition.

While My last words echo throughout the world, I pour upon you Graces amid Justice, I bring you Gifts among corrections, because it is necessary that you are corrected, but it is also necessary that you awaken and fulfill the Purpose of God.

Just as the Creator came to the world while humanity was straying from its purpose, and He showed them the Way, the Truth and the Life, He will come again, My children, to show you the revelation of Love within chaos, to show you the awakening of Truth during the apex of the illusion of human suffering; He will come so that you may know how to unite the times and the dimensions, and thus you may do it, not only in this world, but in all of Creation, because not only does the Earth need redemption, all life must learn to return to God, and this will happen through the fullness of your lives and the expression of what you truly are.

I love you, bless you and, with the deep humility of My Immaculate Heart, I thank you, so that you may learn that, through gratitude, Heaven opens and the Creator touches all hearts of the world.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages

Behold, the Lady of all peoples and of all races comes to meet you with the potency of the Scepter of God in Her hands, with the love of the stars of the sky in Her Heart.

Behold, the Mother and Lady of all peoples of Heaven and of Earth, Mother of humanity, of the angels and of the Son of God comes to meet you, bringing Peace in Her Heart, pouring out Graces from between Her hands.

My Crown of stars pours Mercy upon the world. The scepter of God in My hands deters the Justice that descends upon the souls because, in spite of the indifference and of the ignorance of humanity before celestial things, the Love of God for His children has no end.

I come today, children, for people who must recover their Faith in God and their spirituality, extracting from its consciousness the roots of evil, of separateness, of injustice and of lack of love.

I come to show you the doors of the Celestial Church of your Creator Father and the path through which you will reach it, regardless of your culture, race or creed on this Earth.

I come to lead you to the conversion of heart, of consciousness and of life, not to show you a new religion, but to lead you to a new standard of life in which your hearts may unite with God through transparency, truth and love, and may express this unity with your brothers and sisters through service, fraternity and love for your fellow beings.

I come to unite Heaven and Earth, in the priesthood of forgiveness and healing, which My Son granted to Me while on the Cross.

I come to guide the apostles of the last times and the latter-day saints, awakening you and congregating you within and outside of the Church, because it is not only in the churches of the Earth where the children of God and the companions of Christ are. I come to get you in the four corners of the world, because the time for you to awaken has come.

My Heart prepares the arrival of the Messiah in the world and, just as I once gestated Him in My Womb and opened the doors so that His Spirit, Soul, Body and Divinity might be on Earth among those of His, today, children, I come to prepare His return, together with you. I come to announce the good news of His arrival in the world and prepare the flocks that will accompany the Shepherd in the institution of a New Life.

He will come, brighter than one thousand suns, with the splendor of God in His Heart. His Face will show itself to all with truth and power, more transparent than He showed Himself to His apostles in His Transfiguration. His presence will make visible the miseries and the virtues of human beings and, with a mere gaze, it will knock down the structures of the false spiritualities of the Earth. And those who did not know how to love will understand their errors and will repent, but for some it will be too late.

For this reason, My children, the Redeemer sends His Servant to the world, not to intimidate you, but to awaken you, to show you the path of Mercy and of the Grace of God.

I come so that your hearts may recognize the deviations of your lives and may reconcile with God, while there is still time.

I come so that there may be love in the hearts of human beings and that this same love can heal the stains and deepest wounds of the consciousnesses of the nations.

I come to tell you and show you that, through prayer, you will heal your hearts and your nations of all errors from the past.

I come so that you may repent, children, on behalf of humanity, and cry out to God from the heart for a greater Grace, because it is now in His Hands, ready to be poured out upon the world, it suffices that you just say “yes” to Him.

Today, receive My words with love and pray with Me for a greater good. Feel My presence in your hearts. May My Love reveal a new human being within you so that, from today on and forever, you may not be the same, but may be perpetually united in love with your Celestial Father.

I bless you and thank you for responding to My call!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Within the Mysteries of Light, souls find the inner strength they need in order to learn how to overcome this time within themselves.

But what does the Baptism of Jesus in the River Jordan mean to you? And the first miracle granted at the wedding in Cana?

What does the proclaiming of the Good News through the announcement of the Gospel mean to you? And the luminous Transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor?

What does the Last Supper of Jesus with His apostles mean to you?

In all events we not only see the Light of Christ acting, working and transforming all things, but we also see the Light of God manifested by means of His beloved Son.

The Mysteries of Light are the revelation of the Divine Source by means of the public life of Christ. In such deeds we see the Divine Knowledge act through the Sacred Word.

The Word again demonstrates to earthly humankind that It is the beginning, for in the beginning was the Word, and from the Word, life arose.

By means of the Mysteries of Light, we shall find the Light of knowledge that will lead us into making our whole being sacred, as well as our whole existence.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from the city of Burgos to Santiago de Compostela, La Coruña, Spain to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

May the light that St. James the Apostle left imprinted on these paths serve for souls that have long searched for the Path of the Lord. 

Walking the Path of St. James is to accept the path of redemption and apostleship that My Son offered all His followers. 

To experience the Path of St. James is to offer oneself, as an apostle of the Lord, so as to find the paths of purification, redemption and rehabilitation. 

St. James the Apostle walked this path to carry the word of the Good News to souls and to make that moment an opportunity for souls to, at some moment, find the Love of the Lord. 

To follow this path is to accept the experience of the personal cross and to learn, through the experiences, to carry it with courage and resolve. 

The Path of St. James opened doors for the evangelization of the West and for the redemption of this part of the planet. 

St. James the Apostle was spiritually accompanied by the Mother of the Apostles so that he could accomplish the mission that My Son had entrusted to each of His Own. 

The Path marked by St. James was later traveled by the feet of the simple Mother, the Mother of Jesus, carrying in Her hands the great symbol of the Grail, and thus awakening the life of ministry in all. 

The Path of St. James was later the path of the Most Holy Mary. 

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you, now and always in love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of San Giovanni Rotondo, Foggia, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

May the Light of God convert and modify all that is necessary to redeem.

May Divine Light fill the deepest spaces of the consciousness and make each state a principle of redemption.

May Divine Light convert and transform each aspect of life and realize the Plan of the Creator.

Feel yourself to be free, child, of the chains that imprison you, for the time will come for taking the great and last step toward Divine Life.

Meanwhile, continue fighting with all the strength of your heart, for in the heart is held enough love to make of each lesson an opportunity for forgiving.

Walk on the pathway of My Son; He offers the path of perseverance and of peacemaking.

It is in the change of consciousness that the opportunity for elevation can be found, and every day, make each stage of life be a great experience of love and of transcendence.

Let us live the change in these times. Let us await Him with joy, for it will be good news.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Beloved children,

Once again My Mercy is upon all Argentina and especially upon Buenos Aires, this needy city of the world.

Dear children, today I call you to the awakening of the consciousness in the end of these times by means of the prayer of the heart, because a new cycle is approaching and your hearts must be prepared to receive it. For some, this cycle will be Good News that will change the state of consciousness, but for others it will be deep changes that will lead them to define the path to follow in this time.

For this reason, dear children, you who live the day-to-day in this city of Buenos Aires, as do other souls in different cities of the world, must pray with fervor and from the heart so that the Grace of God and the Mercy of My Son may be propagated in the hearts most in need of love and redemption.

My children from Argentina, yesterday I invited you to pilgrimage to Luján in a different way. This time for a true and selfless service, because you must know that great colonies of souls must also be supported by prayer. For this, it is necessary to have prayer groups that, consecrated to My Maternal Spirit, may persist and walk in the faith of My Son. Each group must begin to exercise fraternity because in this way, in your nuclei of work and service, you will find My Universal Peace.

I want to form, for these times, awakened soldiers, who leave behind all amenities of life and who, as sincere disciples, may be instruments in the Hands of God in this end of times.

You, through prayer, have the key to define the salvation of all humanity. For this reason, now for thirty-one years in Medjugorje, My Maternal Heart has pronounced and cried out for prayer, prayer and prayer! This is what you must take in as a spiritual nourishment in this time, thus allowing My heart to redeem the paths that divert millions of souls, the paths of modernity and comfort.

I am here, dear children, in the name of the Most High, to open your eyes, aspiring as the Mother of Heaven, that your consciousnesses may mature and be able to help humanity itself through prayer.

My children, someone must do something for the world! Because each day it kindles itself in flames from its own actions and those who must act are all My faithful soldiers, the soldiers of My Heart.

Today I arrive at this world to open the Doors of the Heavens to your lives so that hope and Mercy may be cultivated in the greatest number possible of souls.

Dear children, God is listening to you, therefore continue to pray every day. I will be universally thankful.

May this month of November be a preparation for all of you for My next arrival in Buenos Aires, in December.

Thank you for responding to My call for humanity.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Embracing the Star of the Universal Peace that announces the new time, today I call you to include in your task of prayer all humanity so that it may walk within the new cycle; the whole planet so that the Light of God may continue illuminating; the whole Universe so that together we may commune with all Creation.

My children, a special request is that you pray for all of My children in India because My Maternal Heart has now begun the path of salvation in all the world, before the return of My Son.

Dear children, for this reason today your hearts must focus on these important maternal requests so that the Plans of God manifest themselves in each sector of this humanity.

My children, your prayers will collaborate with the cycle of the New Time that is coming. Thus your hearts and your souls will be able to prepare themselves for the Good News of Christ that emerges for the second time.

Dear children, I invite you to enter into the cycle of deep changes in consciousness so that your true spirit of peace may awaken in time before the events.

Little children, for this to happen your life must be united in prayer to the Creative Universe of God and thus, your aspiration for the Infinite will be true. From there comes the Holy Spirit; from there the Source of Wisdom for all Creation is born.

Therefore, dear children, may your hearts open themselves for the new because the moment has arrived to unite the hearts in love and in the task, preparing your beautiful Inner Temples to receive My Son, the Savior.

I thank you for responding day by day to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Feel the subtle perfume of My prayers for humanity. Guard in your hearts the essence of faith. Awaken in your hearts the call to hope. Aid humanity together with Me by means of the prayer of the heart.

Dear children, accept My Good News because Jesus wants to dwell in your hearts forever. My children, today I call you to pray for the salvation of the Kingdoms of Nature and for the salvation of humanity. You hold in this world the greatest treasure that God has given you: nature, His Creation.

For this reason, dear children, pray for the salvation of each one of the elements of Creation. May your prayer reach the Heavens so that it may be heard by the Heart of God.

In your hands is the possibility of Mercy for the world. In your hands is prayer, the path towards the new and the good, the hope of a better world, which must live under the Laws of Love and Peace.

Little children, for all that to be possible you have the presence of My Helping Heart, of My maternal gaze upon each one of you. As the Queen of Peace I ask you to strengthen the path of prayer that you are lovingly realizing.

Know, dear children, that each moment of prayer helps a soul of this humanity.

When I call you to prayer I am calling you to become conscious before the need of Mercy. As the Lady of Graces I give you My Maternal Blessing and I invite you to go forward.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My children,

Believe that God forgives you every day, even more, He forgives you before you offend Him.

Dear children, I have told you to trust in Divine Mercy. Mercy is Forgiveness. Mercy is Redemption. Mercy is a new opportunity to enter into the Kingdom of God. Mercy is total absolution given by the most Holy Heart of My Son. Believe in the prodigious time of Divine Mercy.

God needs all My children, all of His instruments to bring to completion the Divine Plan on Earth. While many of My children easily distract themselves in this world, you are day by day, more and more in My Maternal arms, because every day I present you before God, under the light of Divine Mercy, as My Heart once presented Jesus in the Temple of God.

Dear children, today I invite you to meditate on Divine Mercy. It is the last fountain that is being poured over the world and over all the souls with grave faults before the universe.

My children, I perpetually pray for all of you so that, as brave souls in prayer, you may be able to be responsive to the call of the Creator, the call announced by means of the voice of My Immaculate Heart.

My children, My little ones, on this day My Heart remembers one morning when I arrived at the Heart of Aurora in Uruguay. May this day remind you of the moment when God sent Me to you to announce the time of salvation.

Dear children, after a year of being permanently with all My children, announcing My Good News, today I ask you to per- sist and, raising your eyes to Heaven, to walk with humility towards the Purpose of God.

My children, as Mother I contemplate you, as Celestial Mother I love you, I forgive you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Today I ask you that your hearts do not lose the Peace that My Son is giving you through My Maternal Presence.

My children, opening My Perpetual and Immaculate Heart, I ask you to come into it so that I may be able to elevate you as consciousness to the arms of the Creator.

Today is a moment for your lives to withdraw into the Heart of God by means of the imperious exercise of the prayer of the heart. All of you, My dear children, are co-responsible for My Marian mission here on Earth. Because of this I not only ask you to open your hearts to My call, but also to My requests for the salvation of the souls of God.

May your lives, in these times, be able to represent the path that Christ walked here on Earth. Therefore, dear children, it is important that all of you remain under the light of the Holy Spirit, because the time has come to learn to love, forgive, accept, give and fraternize your lives with each one of the hearts in the world, also with those hearts that you do not know.

All, as humanity, are inside the great boat of God that, about to leave towards the infinite, waits for the last flocks that are called to elevate themselves towards the arms of the Creator.

Dear children, this call that God has entrusted Me to make through My monthly coming has a spiritual reason that, throughout time, My Heart of Peace has been building in your little dwellings.

The life of prayer will allow your hearts to unite to each other, and above all, to unite in the call that My voice pronounces day by day. The new time has not come yet for My children; much must be forgiven and reconciled from the heart. But yes, My little ones, the moment of the Good News that I bring to you has come so that you can be partakers of the Kingdom of God.

My children, the promise is for all when you simply say “yes” to Paradise.

I thank you.

Thank you for responding to My call for humanity.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


In My Spiritual and Immaculate Heart you will find the protection and the help that My Maternal Love wants to pour for each one of the sheep of Christ.

Dear children,

With your hearts directed towards the Heights, I invite you to be in peace and to search for this Eternal Peace in the depths of your souls. It is the time and moment to prepare the heart for the coming of the Good News that My Son will pronounce for each one of your lives.

My children, looking at this world with compassion, I ask you: pray with the heart! Because if you do not pray with the heart, the precious instrument that God has given to you will lose its spiritual strength. The world lacks a deep and loving life of prayer. Through this prayer all My children can be guided, as the Holy Spirit guided My Immaculate Heart.

My Maternal Heart counts on all the hearts open to respond to My call, a call that My voice pronounces from Heaven to this entire humanity that is deaf to the Divine call to the conversion of the heart.

For this reason, dear children, I invite you to convert all that still needs to be converted by the merciful fire of My Son. I talk to you with love so that your consciousnesses may awaken and not fall asleep when My voice lovingly manifests Itself to you.

I ask that you follow the path of consecration to My Heart because in this way you will give Me permission to guide you towards the state of peace that you must now live as a premise for your lives.

Dear children, never tire of praying. Constantly elevate prayer towards the Heights. God, attentive to the supplications of My children, will respond to you. Trust in this so that in this way you may love the Celestial Will.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


As long as God allows it, and out of love, I will intercede and I will be with you all the time that may be necessary. My last presence in the world will occur before the return of My Son, as a sign for the souls.

Today I want to invite you to internalize the reading of the Gospel of My Son, written by His faithful followers. Behind the Acts that Jesus lived, there was a Greater Consciousness, which is the One and Only Consciousness of God, that guided and accompanied all the steps of the resurrection of My Son.

Dear children, so that your lives may grow in the direction of God, the Most High, I invite you to keep in your hearts the teachings that Christ manifested to the world with so much love.

The mysteries of Christ were keys for the expansion of the heart for many souls and thus, healing was manifested in the children of God. Therefore, My children, the keys He left through His examples, teachings and parables, will lead you to consecrate yourselves more each time on the path of My Son, a path towards fraternity.

Christ, who resurrected before the eyes of the world, is the One who will return as Good News for the present time. It is important, My little ones, that you prepare your hearts from now on because each moment of union with My Son will strengthen you. At each new encounter with Him you will be remembering the importance of keeping vigil in the prayer of the heart.

Know, My dear and beloved children, that He sends Me to you so that, as a kind Mother, I may instruct you and guide you to the true path that Jesus traveled while in this world. The path of the souls is a celestial path that you must travel on this Earth without belonging to it.

Now the moment has come for the rehabilitation of all the fallen ones, and My Immaculate Heart invites you to pray mercifully for all these children who, without knowing, seek God.

As I am the Mother of Graces, I call you to collaborate with the Infinite Plans of God.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


After thirty-one years of My presence with you in the world through the Apparitions in Medjugorje, today, dear children, I invite you to celebrate with Me the Grace that God has poured over humanity through My announcements and messages throughout these years.

Therefore, My children, may today be a special meeting be- tween your hearts and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, because He is attentive to the praying voice of all My children, even more so of those who aspire to walk through the path of forgiveness and conversion.

Today, from this side of the world, My Immaculate Heart gathers sister souls, especially in Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay, in order to prepare them for the new time. And the most important for Our Lord is that you live in fraternity.

Dear children, My Immaculate Heart has already been in your lives accompanying you for five continuous years, just as My Maternal Love accompanies My children of Europe through the devotion in Medjugorje.

With this I want to call you to the reflection of the heart so that your consciousnesses may be able to truly awaken to that which My voice is announcing to you day by day in the messages.

It is the first time in My Apparitions in the world that God has allowed Me the Grace of dialoging and talking to all of you daily.

My Maternal Heart hopes that all this instruction that I give you today may be kept in the depths of your hearts so that, in prayer, you may receive with immense joy the coming of My Son, the Redeemer. And it is by His Merciful Love that all of you will be able to be guarded and thus carry the Light of Christ ignited in your hearts.

Dear and beloved children, I leave for each one of you this maternal reflection in this cycle that is ending, and which brings the Good News of the Kingdom of God for those who have never believed in the Creator.

May the Celestial Light of My Heart illuminate you eternally.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Dear and beloved children,

Before anything that happens in the world you must irradiate the absolute peace of the heart which is coming to life in each one of My children through the daily coming of My Immaculate Heart for your lives.

That today, My children, may harmony prevail in your hearts so that the peace of Christ may settle in them. It is necessary to have much bravery for this time, a bravery that brings you to donate yourselves to God so that the plans of My Peace are fulfilled throughout the world.

Today I call you in a special way to convert yourselves into a point of prayer and devotion so that in this way the angels may help in the salvation of many souls. For this dear children, I place you close to the Kingdom of the Lord and thus your hearts will participate in the inner communion with My Son.

Today I also invite you in obedience to live from prayer, as a primary instrument that will quench the thirst of the spirit and will allow you to meet with My Son, who awaits you in love and in forgiveness.

For this dear children, open the doors of your hearts so that My Heart of Peace may sow itself in your lives and thus you may see the purpose of the Creator. Through absolute trust in God you may accompany step by step, My plans of salvation for each one of the souls.

Awaken in your lives that which My Son has left you as a legacy: the Good News and live them as precious precepts for the transformation and the consecration to God the Father.

May the Holy Spirit be the guidance for each one of My children. Start this day in prayer because you know that I support you above all things.

I love you. Be in My Maternal Peace.

Thank you for answering My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.


My children,

Today I invite you to the withdrawal of your little hearts, to wait for the awakening of the Lord Jesus, My Glorified Son. Remember, dear children, that during this week your lives are being prepared to enter the redeeming doors of Easter, that My Son makes reverberate through the act of the Passion of His Sacred Heart.

Therefore, dearest children, you are now ready to commune again with My Son, the Savior of all souls. To be able to live this sublime act of love for Jesus I ask you to forgive and to reconcile your lives with each one of your brothers and sisters, who are also My children in Redemption.

Dear children, I call you to deeply contemplate today in prayer the mystery of the Resurrection of Christ through the power of Love. If your hearts have already taken this step of Love, My Immaculate Heart will be able to give more life and salvation to many of My children who are very far away from God.

My children, celebrate this Easter as the first Good News that comes in the end of these times, to alleviate you from all the suffering in your lives. Therefore, dear children, the prayer of the heart will lead you to find, on the path, the Presence of My Son, of His Holy Heart of Love.

Holy and venerable be the Angels of the Lord! Because, through the sacrifice that My Son offered out of Love, they will be able to help in the Redemption of the world.

Open the doors of your little hearts and search for Christ because My Son is there in each one of you. Accept the arms of love and redemption that My Son extends to you. Allow your hearts to burn with love for Christ. If this happens, dear children, My Immaculate Heart of Mother will be able to help, through Mercy, the world that is lost. Pray with the heart. Embrace with peace every mystery of the Passion because the time has come for your lives to grow.

Thank you for responding to My call.

In the Good News of the Resurrection of each life and of each little heart,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Contemplate My Immaculate Heart so that your lives may be converted into crystalline sources of purity and peace. Allow your hearts to live the conversion of the heart through daily prayer offered to the world that lives without peace and without redemption.

My children, prepare your hearts through the glorious joy that My Son will bring to you with the motive of helping the world that needs God. My children, may you all have meek and patient hearts so that the changes that need to happen in your lives may happen in Peace and in the Presence of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Dear children, continue penetrating the Heavens through the simple instrument of prayer. In this way all souls that need Light in the world will receive, by the expansion of My Mantle of Light, all the Spiritual Graces for the redemption of each heart. Beloved children, love My Son perpetually. In this way you will open the Heavens for the descent of the Rays of Mercy that many of My children need.

If you still live the changes of transformation, live them in absolute joy, because this will indicate to you that the Good News will be coming to your lives.

Dear children, unite your hearts in Light so that God may show you the victorious steps of His Will and His Mercy.

I only ask you, little children, that in the Easter that is approaching, you renounce that which you have not yet renounced, elevating thus your hearts towards the Creator.

Be in My Perpetual Peace.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Beloved children,

May this day in your hearts begin before the most beloved presence of My Son.

The King will arrive to reign once again over the life of all souls. He will quench the thirst of the heart and He will renew the hope of all those who have lost it.

Dear children, today I call you to witness the unfathomable source of life and salvation that comes through My Son, the Redeemer. May all of you come towards My Heart, My dear ones, so that we may walk together in this pilgrimage toward the conversion of the heart. The time of reconciliation is being given to each one of My children. Therefore, little ones, go in prayer and adoration, announcing to the world that the Redeemer of souls is arriving with a Good News of Peace and Mercy.

Dear children, the Grace of God must be a living experience in your hearts. In this way, dear children, you will come to glimpse the path toward the consecration of the heart. Today I radiate My flame of peace to you so that it may dissipate fear from your hearts. See the Lady surrounded by the Sun coming again into your lives so that this sign may restore in the world what has been unjust to God up to now. Come to My encounter so that I may help you to reconcile your hearts with the Most High.

My beloved children, the source and the fount of My Peace and those of My Venerable Son Jesus are open and in abundance for all hearts. Commune with the presence of Christ so that His Sacred Heart may show you the new path to travel.

Dear children, let us pray with the heart for the peace of all lonely hearts.

I will guide you through this path toward true peace.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

Love defeats the barriers of pain. The pain of the world can be liberated by the imperious power of each prayer. In each prayer there is an inner mission, which each soul will assume before God.

Dear children, avail yourselves of My Immaculate Heart and in this way, each one of your hearts will be formed in the school of prayer. Remember, My dear ones, the importance that all of you, as souls and as families, pray united and together; in this way the Lord will provide you with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit that in these times are necessary in humanity.

Each moment that your souls are before prayer and before My Immaculate Heart will give you the strength, dear children, that each one of your hearts will need in this last cycle. Open your eyes, My little ones, and see the Good News that the Lady Clothed with the Sun is communicating to your hearts.

Dear children, while time is quickly passing by, the inner force of prayer must be a pillar where God can find support and pour out His Grace, because in order for the Graces to be victorious, in each soul there must exist a support of prayer for this world. In this way each soul that is supposed to be impregnated by the Graces will be able to recognize what God will dictate to its heart.

Dear children, vigil, with much love, the path that each one is traveling. The evil that is suffocating the lives of many hearts and that leads them to perdition has not yet finished. Because of this I ask you to pray so that My Plans of Peace may be accomplished in the souls and in the world. All your hearts, little children, are being prepared for the next world that will come after this one.

So that true joy may heal hearts, today I invite you to pray with joy and also because of the lack of joy of sad souls.

May the omnipotent, venerable and beloved Lord God be in each one of your hearts.

May peace be in the lives of all My children. Thank you for responding to My Call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

May the infinite compassion of My Son strengthen your hearts so that they may walk in life towards God the Father. Today I call you to reflection by means of the exercise of prayer.

My little ones, in this time we must uplift humanity and the souls through contemplative prayer. Today, My little children, I teach you how you must contemplate:

First, by giving your heart to the Lord;

Second, by opening the merciful source of prayer;

Third, by praying with compassion and piety for all your brothers and sisters.

In this exercise, I assure you, My little ones, that your hearts will be deepening in union with God through a prayer that will alleviate the sorrows of the world.

Your hearts are participants of My Maternal Presence. For this reason I invite you to live within My Immaculate Heart. In this Kingdom that belongs to God, your souls will find shelter, protection and renovation of life.

The Lord, in His Immense Grace, wants to renovate your hearts so that in this last cycle of the world, they may live life by means of a true communion with Christ. You, My little hearts, must love each moment of the encounter with My glorified and kind Son. There, in this supper that each day you shall celebrate, you will be able to drink from His wonders, and you will be able to eat in humility from the compassion and from the Mercy that His Most Holy Heart will be radiating to you.

The moment has come for that which John the Apostle wrote as a message, to be fulfilled as Good News in all the hearts of the world.

The Lady Clothed with the Sun brings the stars of Light, stars of the Father, those which redeem the world. For this, My dear ones, the hearts must open their inner treasuries that in some children still remain closed. Opening the heart, the Heavens will open themselves to the souls that may want to recognize them.

Let us pray for the relief of the suffering that many of My children live daily.

Run all of you towards My Immaculate Heart, My Light will guide you.

Who loves you,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
