Dear children,

Through the sublime Light of My Mirrors, today, I illuminate the surface of the Earth to dispel the darkness that looms over it.

Through the sublime Light of My Mirrors, I can remove from spiritual and material danger all those who are facing this threat to their lives.

Through the sublime Light of My Mirrors, your Heavenly Mother can intercede for the angels of the nations, who today are under spiritual oppression.

It is My wish, My beloved ones, that your hearts, acts and works may someday radiate as much as does the Light of My Sublime Mirrors; because when this happens, I will be able to present to the Celestial Father the testimony of your transformation, which will justify, before a suffering world, all the errors that have been committed and that offended the Heart of God.

So that your hearts, acts and works may be similar to the sublime Light of My Celestial Mirrors, you must be pure and honest in your intentions, transparent in your acts, and humble in your works, without expecting anything in return, nor any reward or merit, but rather being an instrument in the Hands of God so that, through your purity, the world may be transformed and recover the innocence it has lost.

This is a daily work, filled with patience and perseverance, with the gift of peace and neutrality. Because only in this way, dear children, will your lives be all that God expects, lives that must be the perfect mirror of the Love of God in these critical times.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Dear children, today I will not be able to dictate a Message but rather simply pronounce My Sacred Words to you.

My dear children of Argentina, of My beloved Argentina, despite the turbulent and dark times, today I want you to be able to feel and enter My Peace.

The world suffers and agonizes, souls endure and become lost, but do not forget that I Am here and Am your Mother, the Mother of each one of you and humanity. I rejoice at being able to be with you today and I unite with that which My Beloved Son, Christ Jesus, has said.

Dare to strengthen yourselves on the path of consecration to the Plan of God, even during the time of purification and transformation of consciousness.

However, I ask you, My children, to no longer become lost in suffering but rather to submerge in Christ, My Son, Who is the Universe of Hope. I will bring you to Him whenever you need it; yet, I also hear you, I contemplate and accompany you.

Believe that I hear your true and most intimate prayers, your deepest supplications, your pleas to the Heart of God. But now is the time for you and your brothers and sisters to live My Message, being My Message, not through your words but rather through your actions, your acts of love, charity and mercy. This is what will help heal the world and humanity.

While humanity becomes divided in that which is superficial and petty, I invite you to deepen into prayer.

The universe of prayer is quite unknown, and only when you unite to it do you start to understand and feel its meaning. Because the doors of the Heavens must be open to the Earth and it is you, My beloved children, who will keep them open through your acts of love and your prayers.

Today I come here with joy and bliss, to reconsecrate this Marian Center and all its representatives, all those who have committed themselves to Me since the earliest times to sustain this point of Light in Argentina.

It is time now for you to be an authentic and true brotherhood, you have the tools for this, you have the knowledge and especially My blessing.

This is how the souls that still wait to cross the portal of hope will be able to come and you yourselves will be renewed; thus the Work will be renewed. Because, as you know, this is the time of the Rescue Plan. Everything needs to be rescued, everything needs to be safe within the Sacred Temple of the Heart of the Eternal Father and His Messengers.

I want to leave to you here My testimony of Love, together with the bravery of moving forward, overcoming these unknown and inexplicable times, crossing the barriers and limits of consciousness and of your own beings; because there, in the infinite, after all this, God and His Creation are to be found, the place where you come from, remember.

It is toward this place and sacred space of God’s Creation that your experience in this incarnation must be taken, as a deep synthesis of all that has been lived and shared, within yourselves and with your brothers and sisters.

This is what will renew Creation, the universe and humanity. Thus, see before you the spiritual treasures that We have entrusted to you and all the Graces that have been poured out from the beginning up to the present moment.

Behold My Maternal Heart, children, an inexhaustible Wellspring of the Graces of God for souls and hearts. Allow this Light, which springs from My Heart, to heal your wounds forever; may you be thus liberated, healed and renewed. No longer hold feelings of frustration or discouragement within yourselves but rather a higher feeling of love, faith and trust in God.

Because although My Heart may withdraw in the coming times, I will be by your side if you allow Me to; and barefoot, we will follow the pathway of humility and inner divestment so that the void may fill your beings and in the void you may receive the All, the One, the Infinite, the Eternal God.

May your gestures of love be an extension of My Love in the world.

May the self-giving of your hands be a gesture of My Charity in the world.

May your bare feet, which walk steadily, be an act of surrender of the Mother of God for souls.

And today I have come to celebrate the Eucharist with you, as a witness of the sacrifice of My Beloved Son for humanity in the Holy Cenacle and on the Cross, so that your cross may be relieved.

Trust, trust in God, because everything has its hour and moment. Do not rush, do not fear. Have faith, a renewed and authentic faith, so that you may be the prelude to the One Thousand Years of Peace.

I thank you for wholeheartedly responding to My call!

May the blessing of My Son be upon you and the world, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 


Walk with bare feet, just like My Son Jesus.

Divest yourself from what is apparently small and insignificant to you. Try every day until, by yourself, you can transcend everything.

Pull up the roots that make you affirm uncertain ideas and beliefs, which do not have within them the essence of love and truth. This is a daily practice.

Avail yourself of the resigned and humble conscience of Saint Joseph. Imitate His example of chastity even in the decisions of life.

Aspire to become a lily, just as Saint Joseph's obedient life did.

Avail yourself of the simplicity of this Holy Intercessor. Accept His holy fatherhood so that your path may be blessed and sheltered by His loving companionship.

And so, follow the example of the One Who turned His human heart into an empty reliquary for God, so that later the Holy Spirit and Soul of Saint Joseph would be an intercessory instrument in the Hands of the Creator.

Before deciding to take a step or make a decision, entrust your aspirations or decisions to the humble Saint Joseph, so that His paternal Love may show you if this is the moment and if this is the path.

Consecrate your life to the selfless, humble and simple life of Saint Joseph, so that one day your soul may also be an empty instrument in the Hands of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

"Just as you are, you must come to Me.

Just as you feel, you must come to Me.

Just as you speak, you must come to Me; for I will not judge you nor will I condemn you, for the flaws exist to be transformed, the imperfections live in your consciousness to be transcended. 

But do not move too far ahead, follow the time of the heart, therein lies every answer.

Be humble and accept yourself as you are; when you do so, you will know what is beyond you, you will know the value of your soul and spirit. 

Do not want to be something you will never be, everyone has their own cross and you must carry that cross without complaining or reproaching yourself. 

Assume the part that corresponds to you in this trajectory. 

Humble yourself if necessary, but without being pitiful.

Remember to become empty of yourself."

Christ Jesus


Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path

"Detach yourself from all that you believe you control or that you believe you own. You know that nothing belongs to you and that everything you have can be taken away from you, just as everything was given to you.

Revere the Law within you, for the Law will guide you on the path of righteousness and peace.

Walk barefoot in this desert in which you have entered. Self-empty yourself, so that in humility you may contemplate the immensity of God's Grace and His Infinite Mercy.

Learn to be nothing. I wish you to be an instrument of My Peace."

Christ Jesus


Prayer of the Servant of God

O Lord,
fill our lives
with the gifts of Your Grace.

Reveal Yourself, My God,
at each step of life.

Make Yourself present in the smallest thing,
so that many more may discover
the sacred power of Your Humility.

Lord, open the doors of Your Kingdom,
so that all may enter.

With Eyes of Mercy,
may You contemplate the magnificence
that all Your Creatures are in You,
and You, Lord, in them.

May the blazing flame of Your Divine Purpose 
be recognized by those
who go through the dark night,
for You, Lord, are the Light of the world,
You are that bridge that shows itself
before our eyes,
so that we may cross it
with confidence toward Paradise.

Lord, do not look at the indifference of humankind,
the cruelty of the unbelievers;
place, Your Gaze, Lord on all those
who in sacrifice and love surrender themselves to You,
to praise You and to recognize You
as the Only Lord, Adonai.

Lord, may Your unfathomable Love
sanctify the lives of Your Children.

Make the star of Bethlehem shine once again
in the innermost depths of the hearts
of those who aspire one day
meet Christ, face to face.

Thus, My God, prepare the New Earth
through those who, out of love, offer themselves to You,
so that Your Sacred Kingdom may descend to Earth.

In this perfect union
between Your Heart and the hearts of Your children
may Your existence be vivified,
because at the end of everything,
when all will have been fulfilled
as You have decreed,
Your Creatures and You, Lord of the Universe, will be one,
and nothing more will separate life from essence,
reality from that which is immaterial,
that which is internal from that which is divine and cosmic.

Your Servant and Slave, once again, offers Herself,
in love and renunciation,
so that many more may be reborn in You.


I thank you for responding to My call!

Who Blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace and Servant of the Lord.


My dear children,

In the Law of Self-giving, you will find the inner strength to go through this moment, even if it seems impossible to you. For without self-giving, you will never understand God’s Will and all that He desires for your lives.

My children, self-giving is a master key that opens the door to piety and humility.

There is no way to understand or perceive what the Eternal Father traces with His Divine Thought, without first living by the Law of Self-giving.

Under that Sacred Law, you will purify yourselves. Under that Law, you will transcend yourselves. Under that Law, you will learn to be unconditional and righteous, just as Christ was until the last moment of expiring on the Cross.

Without self-giving, it is impossible to redeem the world and its sins.

Christ comes, through His Word, to awaken in you, My children, the commitment to embrace the Law of Self-giving, just as My son embraced the Cross and kissed it.

This is the moment, this is the great moment, in which Jesus will prove his fidelity to the Law of Self-giving, imperiously necessary to balance the evils of war, the impunity in nations, the indifference to those who suffer, the separatist ideologies of these times. For the Law of Self-giving will make you reunite again and again with your true essence; and in that inner communion with the essential, you will not be disturbed or intimidated. You will no longer believe, for yourselves, that the place and the moment that My Son entrusted to you to donate yourselves, does not make sense.

The opposite of self-giving is self-absorption. The opposite of self-giving is believing that you should no longer serve.

This is the exercise of the end times: self-giving without expecting anything in return, trusting that everything will be contemplated in you, even the smallest thing.

Think and meditate on all that I have told you, for My Son expects mature souls.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

My Presence replicates Itself within those who love Me.

My Voice echoes in those who heed My Call.

I Am present in the desert, as well as in Paradise. I Am present in the falls as well as in the triumphs, but My Silence is that which makes Me invisible to the eyes of those who claim to be powerful.

My Love is like a spear that pierces the human heart, transverberates and illuminates it, making it all for Me. This is why I Am here.

I Am the One Who thought of you, but also the One Who created you.

My Word reverberates in those who live My Message, and even though they may be imperfect, I sustain them through My Life. For My joy lies in those who seek Me, in all those who trust in Me.

To each one I give that which they must learn, that which they must endure and sustain, but I will never give you something you cannot cope with.

Learn to walk through what is best from that which you have attained.

Do not see the universe as empty, but rather full of experiences of love and forgiveness.

I Am the breeze that blows in the morning.

I Am the Sun that rises through those who live in My Faith.

I Am the triumph of Love in those who transform themselves.

In that which is small, I Am Big. In that which is Big, I Am Invisible. This is the keynote of My Humility.

My Signs indicate that I Am always here, and the Rays of My Consciousness embrace those who invoke Me. For in what seems to be a loss lies the triumph, in resignation lies loyalty, in obedience lies fidelity, in service lies the opportunity to love and the opportunity for Me to govern your lives forever, regardless of the battles and the uncertainties.

I need you transformed, just as My Son is. He drank from the Chalice without fear of failure. He surrendered so that all might be rescued, up to today.

His Reign is in the Crown of Thorns. His Will is in My Divine Scepter. His Infinite Love is in all whom He untiringly loves.

What about you, My Children, will you do the same?

Each one has a share with Me in this universe, which I have created with protection so that you may recognize My Love and the happiness I have in being with My Children. This is the reason for My Creation. This is the purpose with which I work and manifest, concretize and accomplish throughout the times.

You were called to live these times. This is why you are here and nowhere else. The Creator Universe guides those who obey.

There is still a wonderful Work to be carried out, even in these critical times, when impunity and indifference try to replace love and unity. However, I will not allow this.

My Name is written in all dimensions.

My Love is present in all beings, even in those who are far from Me. For the Love of My Son will make the cross of these times triumph. And those who cling to the Victorious Light of Christ shall not perish.

Today, I gather you again just as more than 2,000 years ago, when the people of Israel would listen to the prophets and follow the Scriptures.

But now your souls are the new Book for My Son in which He expects to write the new triumph of His Love, beyond all dimensions and consciousnesses, beyond all evil.

And He knows your true names. Before His Eyes, nothing is hidden.

Follow Him where He calls you to go, because this is the time of His Return.

After He returns, His Celestial Father will return. It will be more than the burning bush before Moses, more than the waters that split so that His sacred people may be liberated from captivity, more than the very transubstantiation of the Body and Blood of Christ.

I will come with the Power and Love of the Heavens, more than all praises and songs of the angels, more than the very Presence of the Brotherhood.

My Love, at that hour, will multiply more than the bread and the fish, more than the healing experienced by the paralytic and the blind, more than the very resurrection itself of Lazarus and the dead.

My Love will re-establish the Laws on Earth. More than all elements, I will gather all the Kingdoms. More than at the very Cenacle of the Pentecost, the languages will become one, understanding will bring wisdom and Divine Justice will re-build the Earth, from North to South, and from East to West.

And at that moment, the Cross of the New Humanity will be made manifest. The synthesis will spiritually be completed, and the last veils will fall from your eyes so that you may see Who I Am.

My Love continues to be unknown, but after the Return of My Son, all will be consummated, as it was on the Cross. And the law of suffering will no longer exist, souls will no longer know their pains and guilt, but they will rather be allowed to know the happiness of the Kingdom of the Heavens, which the angels will show them.

At that hour, the new human being, the new consciousness will re-emerge, because they will no longer be united to the spiritual debt, but rather to the gift of the Heavens.

Build this event with hope. Do not seek it, wait for it, for it will come.

Once again, the hour of My Son draws near. Therefore, it is time to pray with mercy and piety.

Let war and division no longer exist between beings.

Let no one evermore foster the culture of discarding and indifference, not even with the very brother by their side.

Be worthy of the gifts from Heaven, for Heaven and Earth shall pass, but My Message will remain alive in those who trust in Me.

My Heart is full of Graces for all. My Arms are open for those who want to feel My consolation.

In silence, I hear your confession.

Let there not be fear, but rather faith.

Let there not be grief, but rather hope.

Let there not be suffering, but rather liberation.

Let there not be evil, but rather love.

This is My Message for those who will experience the next meetings with My Son, as a unique opportunity to be before the Portal of My Mercy, which shows like the Water and the Blood of Christ.

The One Who rejoices and blesses you and the world for this meeting,


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Keep calm, so that the whole world may be calm tonight and, in the sacred quietude of the heart, it may find the path of return to peace.

Today, your Heavenly Mother and Mother of humanity brings, on the palms of Her Hands, the Creative Principle of the Child-King, that Sacred Purpose that the Eternal Father thought of at the beginning for the salvation and redemption of humanity.

I know that you will not understand what this means and represents, My children, but today, through the portals, I bring the presence of the Sacred Grotto of Bethlehem, where this mystery took form and incarnated through the little Child, the Messiah. Today I confess to you that, also for your Most Holy Mother, it was a revelation at that time.

This means that the mystery becomes unveiled and that the essence of the Child-King shows itself to the world, at this very moment, for all those inner worlds of humanity, for all souls without exception, even those that are lost and far away from the Father.

This was the Sacred Essence of Creation, which the Child-King brought to the whole world. There was no other way to concretize this so awaited mission, if not through a humble and poor place such as the Grotto of Bethlehem, where not only the Sacred Family of Nazareth, but also all those who participated in that event, beyond this planet and beyond the stars, were witnesses of this sacred revelation.

My children, in these critical times of the planet, when war prevails instead of peace, today, with My own Eyes of a Mother, I want to know, I want to see this Sacred Essence of the Creator, incarnated through Jesus, present itself to the world in the inner planes and through the Inner Sanctuary of the Kingdom of Lys. Thus, your Guardian Angels and all the angels of the universe may also be witnesses of this sacred moment. They may be adorers of this sacred revelation that once incarnated in the world through a Little Child, through God Himself, who made Himself man for your salvation, for the salvation of the whole human race, from that time up to now, and from this moment up to the end of times.

This is the inexhaustible and inner Creative Essence that My Beloved Son deposited as a Spiritual Legacy, not only here in the Inner Sanctuary of Lys, but also in all the Inner Sanctuaries of the planet, especially throughout all of the Americas.

My children, this is why I invite you to change dimension and frequency at this moment. Thus, you will be able to know once again that, beyond the suffering and chaos that reign on the planet, there is a Supreme Reality that awaits you, and spiritual treasures present for each one of My children, which wait to be revealed to all those who are pure in heart, to the pure of intention, to all those who do not want anything for themselves.

This would not have been possible if Saint Joseph had not embodied the Principle of Humility, or even if your Most Holy Mother had not embodied the Principle of Original Purity. This scenario, prepared two-thousand years ago, allowed in these times that this revelation could come to your consciousnesses and to the consciousness of all your brothers and sisters on the planet.

I bring you toward this Creative Principle today, in which your gaze must focus on the Purpose, when your spirits must aspire to attain the same aspiration that My Immaculate Heart and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph attained long ago.

In synthesis, My beloveds, through My Humble Hands, which reveal the Creative Principle of the First-Born, the Son of God, the Messiah, souls will be able, here and now, to find the emergence of the New Humanity, free from chains, free from errors, free from sin, free from suffering, from pain, from all that separates them from God.

I know that all that I say to you sounds symbolic, but I assure you that it is not so. The Living God, through the Little Child, has sent Me tonight, to reveal this Message to inner worlds and souls.

In simple words, My beloved children, the Creative Essence of Christ comes to remind you that all must return to the Source of Creation and that your own lives must be transformed according to what is thought of by the Father, because something wonderful awaits each one of My children, something that will be revealed upon your paths when you strictly follow in obedience that which the Primordial Source determines, although that seems unknown at this moment.

If souls do not fix their gaze on this Creative Essence of Christ, and if the majority does not do so in these times, what will happen to this humanity? What will happen to this planet and this surface?

We are at a moment and a time similar to those of the Birth of the Messiah, the Redeemer. The Living God incarnated through His Son in Body, Soul and Divinity, to demonstrate that His Powerful Presence is simple and poor, that His Majestic Presence is loving and wise.

These are the Attributes that the world needs today, not only to repair the endless path of its errors, but also to recover the purity and innocence it has lost. An innocence and purity that are being stolen, that are being placated and dissolved, not only through war, but also through all that happens in this humanity.

God has His Gaze placed upon humanity at this moment. He sends Me as His Portal, as His Messenger, so that the world does not forget that it must recover peace.

What My venerable companion Saint Joseph left to you on last December 19 was important. Determining and transforming Words for you to someday achieve the Creative Essence of Christ, and be united to this Essence.

Within all that Saint Joseph has said to you lies the beginning of your paths, paths of transcendence and transformation.

In this way, you will quickly achieve what I ask of you, because God is thirsty for souls that can radiate His Attributes and Principles, who can be a mirror that may reflect, on this planet, all His Commandments, especially those that were transgressed and violated by the very humanity of the surface, due to its ignorance and ironical behavior.

Through the Creative Essence of Christ, may this Birth of Christ, which once more presents itself and takes place in the hearts open to receive it, allow the world and humanity to find a path not only of lasting, peacemaking, impersonal and wise solution, but also of return to the House of the Father. Because this will allow the millions of souls present on this planet to resume the path of the Purpose they have lost for different causes and reasons, and through the guardian angels that accompany Me in this culminating hour, this also allows the ardent Aspiration of God to be attained, that aspiration of seeing all His Creatures in His Kingdom, just as the Sacred Family was in the Kingdom of God, even while living on this planet.

Today I will carry, within this Creative Essence of Christ, the intentions, supplications, pleas and all implorations of the pure and humble in heart that, at this hour, no longer seek anything for themselves, but rather the good and charity for others, and peace for peoples and nations.

Today I carry, in this Creative Essence of Christ, the offering of souls and each one of my children's Guardian Angels, which have managed to write, in their own Books of Light, the steps of redemption and love of those who keep attempting to take them, every day.

Although it does not seem so, all that I have said at this moment is that which maintains the doorways to Mercy open. It is that which still allows, at this end time, for the Spiritual and Divine Hierarchy to be present in this humanity and on this planet, because Their Voice, the Voice of the Hierarchy, will never tire until It sees the fulfillment of what It has promised the Creator.

Through the humble and poor Grotto of Bethlehem, at this very moment and at this very hour, in any part of the world, anywhere, may all families and especially all children be touched by the Creative Essence of Christ. Thus, they will be protected from this madness of the planet at this culminating moment, and, in these little essences, not only will the Child-King be reborn, but they will sustain within themselves the purity, innocence, love and joy of being part of the New Humanity, of the One-Thousand Years of Peace.

I bless you and consecrate hearts to the Child-King.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of our Most Holy Mother, we will sing, accompanying the choir, the song “Silent Night,” allowing at this moment, through the symbol of the light of the candles, for the darkness of the planet to be dissolved and for the neediest places to receive the Peace of the Sacred Family.

Let us sing.



In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the Lord of the Night, who leads all His sheep, especially those who are most lost, so that they may return to the stable of the Heart of God and drink of the Sacred Fountain of His Divine Humility. Because if humility does not live in this world, if humility does not express itself in souls and hearts, it will not be possible to avoid a third and difficult war.

This is why I Am here today, on the highest region of the Alps. Once again, I congregate you at the foot of these sacred mountains, where the Hierarchy is gathered and united to you, to implore to God for a last opportunity for this humanity, so that the nations of the world, especially the nations of Eastern Europe, may reflect the harmony and peace that is so urgent in these times.

Therefore, nothing and no one has prevented the Lord of the Night from coming here, because He has brought the whole Universe, all of Creation, with Himself. And with His Feet he steps upon all evil that exists on this planet and shows, through the Light of His Sacred Heart, the path that souls must tread during this dark night so that they may never lose sight of the Flame of the Divine Purpose, but rather, through this Sacred Immaterial Flame, souls may find within themselves the Will of God, which expresses in this material life the Purpose that has been written since the origin.

This is why, on these days of merciful prayer, I come, in the name of God, to ask you to truly pray. That each bead of the prayer of Mercy offered may be sincerely prayed to avoid a terrible third war in this world and, above all, in this Northern Hemisphere.

But do not lose faith, because you are My companions and My friends, you are My children and My daughters, and today I have all of you within the Sacred Cenacle of My Heart so that, just as more than two-thousand years ago, you may celebrate the Sacred Eucharist with Me once again, the infinite Legacy of the Love of God, which unconditionally offered itself to you through the bread and the wine.

This is why we are at a similar time as two-thousand years ago. But now you, as postulants to be New Christs of the end of times, must not only eat of My Body or drink of the Chalice of My Blood, but you also must learn to live your own Garden of Gethsemane.

And despite the darkness that reigns on this planet, despite the uncertain doors that are still open, despite the ignorance, the war, the indifference, the coldness of many hearts, despite all the sins and offenses that the Heart of God receives every day, My Sacred and Unfathomable Heart, on these days of intense supplication to Divine Mercy, will gather, from each one of you, each one of the beads that you will sincerely offer to Me, not only for peace in Ukraine and Russia, for the end of war in this region of the planet and in other places of the Earth, but I will also gather your prayers as a true offering to God, because you will have the chance to again trust My Mercy.

So that you may see how great My Mercy is, today I Am again here, in this region of the planet, contemplating through My Eyes and feeling through My Heart the pain and anguish of the souls that live in war and in the conflict of the world.

Companions, I want to tell you sincerely that all Hierarchies are working a lot for this planetary situation. That each one of your steps, the steps of the servers of Christ, are being contemplated at this very moment, as a justification and atonement, in the face of all horrors and outrages of this world, of this humanity.

For this reason, companions, these days will be decisive, not only for all My servers of the Redemptive Work of Christ on Earth, but they will also be definitive for these nations of Europe, because what will happen in the coming times in this region of the planet will have repercussions in other nations of the world, and Europe is feeling the weight of the war in Ukraine.

Through His Power and Love, through His Mercy and Sacred Intercession, God could have already stopped this war. But companions, the adherence of souls with other forces of this material world compromises this intervention, which is not only spiritual, but also material.

However, trust and do not regret, trust in the power and light of the prayer of the heart. Entrust to God all your supplications, all your intentions, all that you beg for, so that the war may stop in Eastern Europe, and the current events, just as other events in the world, which are hidden from the eyes of all, may not be used as weapons of war, fostering lack, need and injustice.

Therefore, through the merits achieved by My Sacred Heart, I invite you to be with Me in this long dark night that the planet is living, without losing sight of the Light of Divine Purpose, because many souls in these times lose sight of their Spiritual Purpose.

In truth, I tell you that the spiritual task of many will be up to a very few, just as it was two-thousand years ago, when very few, united to the Master of Love, did their very best, gave their lives for the redemption of humanity, for the salvation of this school-planet.

I know that what I promise you at this moment is not wonderful, I promise you the experience of a spiritual sacrifice that you have not gone through at any other moment.

This is why, through the symbols of My Sorrowful Passion, I will be able to pour out, upon those who accept them, new experiences of Christification and growth of inner love.

Who will accept to hold the Crown of Thorns of the Lord with their own hands?

Who will accept to carry with them the nails that pierced the Hands and Feet of the Lord?

Who will accept to carry the planetary cross with Me?

Who will allow the spear to pierce their side, knowing that you do not deserve all these things and that your Master and Lord deserved them even less?

But  what led your Master, the King of the Universe, to allow Himself to experience all these things?

There is one and only reason: Love, the Love that would trust, the Love that would accept, the Love that would include, the Love that would never reject, the Love that would endure, the Love that would make Me grow as Divinity and Spirit. It was Love that made me accept the Will to live the Sorrowful Passion.

This is why I offer the opportunity of inner Christification to the simple, to the imperfect, to the sinners.

See how My Church is and how My priests are, how many wounds they cause Me by moving away from Me, by taking other paths that are not those of Christ.

This is why I avail Myself of this moment and I avail Myself of each one of you, regardless of the imperfection or difficulties, regardless of the pain or tests, so that the Heart of your Master may be relieved in silence, through the adherence of souls, through the silent sacrifice of the hearts that say ‘yes’ to Me, in which I can recline My head upon your chests, to rest and take comfort from the love of those who are Mine.

The world is not prepared to listen to this, but I committed Myself to tell you the truth, because I will always be the Way and the Life for you.

The world must surrender to My Mercy so that the Third World War does not happen, so that humanity does not keep opening the door to evil, which suffocates hearts and confuses minds by moving away from God.

May this Marathon of Divine Mercy be a moment of great maturity, may it be the great moment when each one of you must ask yourselves whether you are with Me or not. The time is ending and if before the cup was almost full, it is now overflowing.

Who will prevent this from happening?

Will it be necessary for more innocent blood to be shed in this world?

God does not want the sacrifice of humanity, My Father wants from you, through Me, your eternal happiness, the joy of living and belonging to the Kingdom of God, once and for all.

I ask you again to truly pray. I will be attentively listening to the voice of your supplications and I know that I will be able to count on all of you, just as on all your brothers and sisters in the world.

In the simple, in the humble, in those who adhere, in the pure of heart, lies My Celestial Church. And through these souls, through true and simple hearts, I can consecrate and  make this world sacred, so that someday it may cease to be unfaithful so as to be faithful, so that someday the world may no longer have self will but will begin to live Divine Will, the Sacred Will of God that will always lead you to peace and to the good.

I thank you for hearing Me. I thank you for preparing this space for Me, because as much as this world offers Me hundreds of cathedrals, I could only be within them if love, transparency and surrender truly existed.

This is why, once again, God shows the world that His Presence is in the humble, that His Hand defeats the powerful, that His Word resounds in the simple and expels the selfish, even those who say they are with Me.

My Church is in the heart of My children. My Love is there. My Life is there forever.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

While the world seeks a mistaken way out, and humanity still keeps flaunting power and personal will, through the Fire of the Holy Spirit that congregates you today, I bring you the mystery of the Cross on Mount Calvary so that you may contemplate it through My Heart present here today. So that you may be at the foot of the Cross, just as My Mother and the holy women were. So that you may be at the foot of the cross of the planet, because many try to escape this commitment, because it is unknown and many still fear it.

That which I can offer you are sacrifices, it is a Law not yet understood by the world. Sacrifice has been transgressed by men and women of the Earth because they have not understood it, but My Mother was at the foot of the Cross, and loved that mystery.

And today, your Master and Lord, Glorious and Resplendent upon this mountain range, rejoices for being back here, for being with the warriors of Mercy of this Community, for being, for a moment, with those who are His, with those who are learning to overcome themselves, with the apostles who sustain this Marian Center.

I am here, at last, with Mine, with those who are faithful to this Plan, who accompany the Work of the Hierarchy. This is the reason that has brought Me here and it is the permission that I have directly received from the Father.

Many more must open up to love the mystery of the Cross, the Cross that was marked by My own Blood, the Cross that was bathed by My own Water. And today, through the mystery that I bring to your inner worlds, through My Cross, I mark you again as Children of the Father.

Today, I again purify you through My Blood, as those apostles who are written in the Heart of God and whom, through their talents and virtues, I come to seek.

Today, I speak to you from an abstract universe, but if the heart is open, it can understand and feel all. It understands the mystery that I bring to the world and to hearts, because it is a sacred seed of Light that I sow in consciousnesses, a seed that will germinate and sprout in the coming times. Therefore, your faith and devotion to My Sacred Heart must keep watering this sacred seed, which is invisible and imperceptible to the eyes of humanity.

Thus, I come to anoint you, and I come to mark you with My Fire.

Today, you are open to be anointed by My Spirit again. And to complete My task in Argentina and for Argentina, I come to mark, through anointment, the flocks of God, the children of the Immolated Lamb, so that they may be a visible sign of redemption throughout the world. Because not only do you need it, but the world also needs it imperiously.

Rejoice, and feel you are resurrected in spirt and soul, and no longer allow your souls to be impure.

May the visible sign of the Cross, which I bring today, to each one of you, again bring you a sacrament, through My Spirit and My Divinity, so that the apostles of the end of times may be more defined, and doubts or uncertainties may no longer exist.

Therefore, I approach you at this moment, through a special and spiritual proximity, because through you I work with the whole world, with souls, and in Spirit I can reach those spaces that need Me.

As I told you in Buenos Aires, you will still see, in the end of times, the purification around you and within you. Why should you fear, if your Shepherd is here to help you?

Do you by any chance believe I do not know each part of your beings? Each corner of your consciousness is known by Me. There will never be anything that you can hide from Me, although you may believe so.

Through the Sacrament of Anointment, which today I will offer to you, once again, I will lead you to enter My Christic Path even more, the path of sacrifice. Because the door of the great rendition is open to those who want to cross it, and I will be there to accompany you, to follow your steps so that on this path of rendition you may recognize My Footprints, the Luminous Footprints of Christ, so that you may learn to walk just as I walk in this world, so that you may learn to see Me, just as I am present through various suffering souls and hearts.

If the world deepened into the Gift of Charity and the Good, and the Good were not used as a business weapon, or if the Gift of Fraternity were not used to the benefit of just a few, I assure you that the war in Ukraine today would have already ended, just as in other conflicts throughout the world that you do not know about, in which I am silently present, sustaining the mothers of war, the cry of the innocent, sheltering with My Light the children whose innocence and childhood were taken away. I could tell you, at this moment, many more things of this world.

The great key to cross the door of rendition is the giving of self.

The one who gives their whole life and being does not find limits in their consciousness and, even if they have limits in their consciousness, they know how to overcome them.

Giving of self will always lead you to piety and service.

Be more attentive and give of yourselves. Do not do it only for you, do it for the whole world, for all those situations that are not yet forgiven by God, and only the Law of My Unfathomable and Divine Mercy can bring a solution to all that happens.

Thus, I invite you to strengthen yourselves in the apostolate, and this will begin in you and among your family members, at your homes, in daily life and also at work.

This is what I taught My apostles so that, although they abandoned Me at the foot of the Cross and denied Me three times,  they would not cease to feel they are My apostles, those who, through the Fire of the Holy Spirit, would carry My Word, the Gospel.

Now, your own lives must be My living Gospel. I not only need the testimonial of your love and redemption, I also need concrete, true and honest action. This is what I need from the apostles of the end of times: that your lives may never cease to aspire for consecration, that your own legs never tire of walking toward the encounter with the Great Master.

Why do I say all this to you today, although it seems that you have listened to it so many times?

It is because it has not yet happened, and through My Blessed Grace and the Holy Humility that My Heart can offer you, I prepare you for the great times of revelations so that you do not do the same as My apostles did in the past, leaving Me alone at the most important moment.

Therefore, I ask you, “Who will climb the Calvary of the cross of the planet together with the Master?

This is something profound and spiritual. It is to live the testimonial of Christ in the flesh, not just to adore and recognize Him as the Lord among lords, but rather that the very story of your lives, the story of your redemption and your love for Me, at each step of life, may be like a blessed Code of Light stored in the Ark of the Holy Covenant, which today, once again, I come to offer to all.

Argentina needs these kinds of apostles, apostles of One Lord, apostles of one path, apostles of one God. Because otherwise, companions, how can that which Argentina and the world live today be reversed?

I come to call to My Path those who have said ‘yes’ to Me from the beginning.

I come to call the sheep by their own names.

Children of My Father, it is time to raise the walls of the inner temple and, once and for all, surrender your dwellings. Because the Gifts that I gave you must be available, at this moment, for your Master and Lord. This is what I most need at this moment.

I am by the side of those who allow Me to walk by their side, so that I may accompany them as I Have always done.

Although the experience of this life may seem painful, sad or horrible, aspire, appeal, implore to come to know the Gift of Sacrifice, because it is something that you can live between My Heart and your hearts.

The Gift of Sacrifice is a Law that the Father enacted before I expired on the Cross. Because the Gift of Sacrifice is a Gift of Sacramental Communion between souls and My Heart, between the divinity of each being and My Divinity, between your spirits and My Sacred Spirit. It is not something palpable, it is something spiritual. It is not something material, it is something profoundly immaterial.

Each time you offer something to Me, remember that you will be in communion with Me, under the Law of Sacramental Sacrifice.

Not everyone can be called to live this school, because it depends on the history of their lives and, above all, of their souls. But today, opening the great door of rendition to the whole world, marking this door to each one of you, I need souls with courage to cross it, because I need to justify, before God, so many errors in the world.

Our Hearts, the Heart of My Holy Mother, Mary, the Chaste Heart of My Father, Saint Joseph, and My Sacred Heart, need to keep coming to the world to help in this cruel planetary reality and intervene in this scenario of horrors of the world.

Souls need to remember, but also need to love the price of My Blood, so that this Spiritual and Powerful Blood may keep descending to the world, and all those who still wait in the abysses of this world for rescue and liberation may be rescued and liberated once and for all.

Do you now understand the importance of sacrifice? It corresponds to a mature and adult attitude.

I prepare souls to feel motivated to live their own Garden of Gethsemane.

Will you drink from the Chalice when it appears before you?

When the angels show you this Sacred Chalice, will you drink of it?

You will have just one minute, at that moment, to remember what I have told you today.

No longer cling to your fears, cling to My Truth, cling to My Path, be part of My Life, just as the Son is part of the Life of the Father, and the Father is life in His Children.

Argentina approaches this great moment of inner definition, and when you see even more chaos in the streets of this world, will you run away as the apostles did to escape the sacrifice next to your Master and Lord? Will the Holy Mother be alone again at the foot of the cross of the planet? Who will give Her their scarf so that She may wipe Her tears?

The Sorrowful Mother silently walks in Argentina. The Mother travels each nation of South America and, together with Her Angels and Archangels, in the dimension of the Divine Consciousness, She crosses the calvary of this world and of souls.

Remember, companions, God knows each heart and, through His Son, God approaches you and your brothers and sisters in the world so that, just as it was in the Garden of Gethsemane with your Master and Lord, you may receive His strength, courage and bravery and say, “Lord, my heart is ready.”

As a testimonial of the greatness of the Mystery of the Cross and of the Love of God, today I will have the bliss of again consecrating new adorers who are learning to love My Eucharistic Body, who are learning to be part of My Mystical Body. Because remember, in the Adoration of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar lies the power of overcoming to go through the end of these times. The one who is capable of falling upon their own knees before the Blessed Sacrament will know how to overcome themselves.

I do not care how many times you have made mistakes, My Heart hopes you will never again miss the opportunities that I bring you, which are not transitory.

My Kingdom needs to have souls as flowers in God's Garden. How many souls in religious and lay life wither away, day by day, like a flower that dries up due to the lack of the Water of Life! I bring you the Fountain of renewal so that you may cross the door of consecration.

I am grateful that you have prepared this space for Me and for Saint Joseph. You do not know how significant this is to My Consciousness, how important it is to My Heart. Because it is in the heart where the Treasures of the Father are kept, it is in the heart where the Son and the Holy Spirit can dwell.

Now, may the doors of consecration open, may incense be lit, and may water be offered to bless souls. May the Sacred Oil of the Altar anoint needy hearts, through the Powerful Cross of the Redeemer.

Let us truly prepare for this moment, because all may receive a Grace at this moment. an Incalculable and inexhaustible Grace.

Bring Me the scarves of the Adorers so that I may consecrate them with the Breath of the Spirit. So that they, day by day, through the Eucharistic Adoration, may unite to Me until they are in Me, in Eternity.

Those who will be consecrated may approach the foot of this Altar.


Lord, God of the Universe,
 through Your Spirit
and through the offering of these Sacred Elements,
which are a part of My Christic Congregation on the planet,
bless and renew souls whenever it may be necessary,
so that they may feel, in this consecration, the Breath of Your Spirit,
so that all may be healed and liberated.




Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Christ will accompany this consecration of new adorers, and we will unite to Him, at this moment, through a song that He has asked of us, which is called “Consecration.” We will sing it in Spanish.

And at the request of Christ, we will accompany the brothers and sisters so that they may live this moment in a deep and inner way, while the Lord accompanies this consecration.

Please, let us preserve silence, as the Hierarchy is present.

(The consecration of new adorers of the Eucharistic Body of Christ is carried out)

We will ask the mother of Friar Juan Evangelista to come here, and be consecrated, at the request of Christ, as helper. 

We ask for the elements to be brought, please.


I have the power to renew all that you offer to Me, when this offering is true and honest.

My Love blesses the souls that truly surrenders to Me, because I make all things new.

Today, the Lord blesses you with the name Lucero de Dios.

Welcome to this path of helping at the Altars of Christ and of honoring His Name forever. Be welcome, Lucero de Dios!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now we will prepare for the moment of the Eucharistic celebration, the Spiritual Communion, expanding even more this spirit of consecration, so that it may be received by the souls of the world.

I give you My Peace, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Today, the third secret of Fatima, announced by My own lips more than one hundred years ago, has been altered by the consecration of humanity, and, especially, of Russia, to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart.

Therefore, My children, I tell you again not to fear, I am here and I am your Mother, the Sorrowful Mother, the Pious Mother, the Loving Mother, who made a commitment to Her Son at the foot of the Cross.

Today, My Rosary, My Rosary of Light, is filled with the prayers of My children, which I will keep looking forward to receiving in the coming times, because what is happening in the world today is just the beginning.

But pay attention, My children, to the powerful key of prayer! With it, the doors of the Heavens are opened so that My angelic and archangelic armies may intervene and transmute the causes that imprison humanity.

Especially today, My Mantle is wrapped up in the flag of Ukraine, for all those who have supplicated for this nation, highly destroyed by the blue tyrant. But do not fear, My children, because it is in the apparent destruction where life is reborn, and the consciousnesses resurrect, which persist and resist the adversities of these times.

For this reason, keep holding the rosary in your hands, as a powerful alliance between Heaven and Earth, so that the Woman clothed with the Sun can step even more upon the head of the crafty serpent, and so that the Archangel Michael, in My sacred company, may send to the hells all impure spirits that wander throughout the world, as well as those spirits that enter the planet through uncertain doors that are open.

But I tell you again, My beloved children, not to fear, I am here and I am your Mother.

Now, the time will come for the reconstruction of those places in the world that have been highly destroyed. Therefore, My Light, the Light of the Kingdom of Heavens, descends upon these places to again consecrate them to God and to the purpose they have had since the beginning of their existence.

For this reason, I tell you again not to fear, I am here, and am your Mother.

Keep placing at My feet the true needs of the planet, all that which does not have a solution nor a way out, but I ask you to leave in My hands your hearts and all your circumstances so that your Mother, the Queen of the Angels and of Heaven, may transform and heal all.

May your hearts, and the hearts of your brothers and sisters, keep working for peace because in it, through peace, lies the way out for souls to re-encounter My Son, for souls to prepare to receive My Son, because His Arrival is near and it will be at a moment of even greater uncertainty, of world uncertainty, when My Son will return in a surprising and unknown way, and many of Mine, of My dear children, will be able to recognize Him. The one who is united to His Merciful Heart, in spite of the circumstances or of all adversities, will be able to feel the Arrival of Christ, the expected Return of the Redeemer.

If your lives have decided to fully consecrate themselves to God, they will be able to prepare the Return of My Son, first through the transformation of your lives and hearts in the small acts of daily life.

He will avail Himself of these moments, of these small acts of love, true and honest acts which all souls can provide to Him, so as to transmute, liberate and purify the extremely serious errors that humanity has committed, especially that part of humanity that benefits from wars, famine, persecution, slavery and even death.

My Son will count, one by one, all the small and true acts of love, in order to be able to pour out His Divine Mercy in the places where the Light cannot penetrate; because He is the very Light of God, the Light that surrendered for you, and the Light that keeps surrendering for you with one aim: your redemption.

Today, I also unite in Spirit to all souls and hearts, to all the places and spaces that have opened a channel of prayer so that, on this day, the triumph of My Immaculate Heart may be more and more real and true.

All this has allowed, as I told you at the beginning, for the third secret of Fatima to be altered. For this reason, we must keep praying with fervor and commitment. This is what the Celestial Father needs from each one of His children, He needs you to be in a spirit of prayer and unity so that the dreadful forces of evil, ruled by My enemy and adversary, do not have the least authority to cause peoples and nations to succumb, nor have the authority to use many souls as instruments of evil.

Keep making the fruits of the Rosaries of Light grow and expand throughout the world because your Heavenly Mother, just like Her Son, avails Herself of simple and humble hearts, of poor and austere families that have, as their main nourishment, the prayer of the heart.

My Son, when He returns, will come for each one of them. He will come for those who have been anonymous in prayer, who have been at the foot of the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar for hours and hours of their lives, with one objective and one mission: for Heaven to descend to Earth.

My Heart will also avail itself of the fidelity of all those who have received the Sacraments, of those who keep in mind and in their consciousness that they cannot spend one day without communing with the Eucharistic Body of My Son, that they cannot spend even a moment without addressing a prayer to the Altars of Our Creator.

Throughout these times, and throughout all public Apparitions, I have prepared you for this moment, My beloved children. I have prepared you so that you would be a solid and strong army of Light, which, present and spread throughout the planet, could be united in spirit and omnipresence under the powerful impulse of prayer.

I know that these times lead each one of you to run after practical and material needs, in the face of the demands of these times, of work, family, the problems you may have in your daily lives. But I assure you that if in your lives, each day, the prayer of the heart is present, you will find the solution to all things.

God needs humanity to be united more fraternally, to enable the eradication of the indifference that My enemy has sown in many consciousnesses, an indifference that causes the heart to become cold in the face of so much impunity and planetary destruction.

But you, before My Presence, have the duty to respond to My call, because I know that you are more conscious and awakened, and these last thirteen years of Apparitions have not been in vain.

Now, in this next Holy Week that is approaching, you are invited to take new steps; in the same way, you are invited to assume, with responsibility and love, the inner and material spiritual tasks that God is entrusting to you for the coming cycle of humanity.

For this reason, My Beloved Son, during the Sacred Week, will come to definitely ask you for the talents He gave you. And, although you do not know this in depth, you will, by just being connected with Him, recognize in yourselves the talents that He gave you, talents that He needs in order to carry out His Return, the time that prepares His Arrival.

In the silence of My Heart, I hear the voice of those who cry out, and of those who grow with My Son on this path of apostleship and redemption.

If you, My children, have come as far as this moment, it means that you can complete and accomplish your personal mission and come to more broadly know your commitment with the Heights. A commitment that many of those who are not here today did not understand, did not value, did not love and did not appreciate, because they did not realize that the commitment with Our Sacred Hearts is unchangeable.

Now that you have listened to this, I hope, as your Mother, that you act in a way that fits My Son. He will not demand anything from you, He will not request anything from you. When you can feel His silence, you will realize, through prayer, that He has had something thought of for you since long ago.

Allow your lives to be written by the Hands of God and never again by your personal wills because My enemy dwells in personal will, it takes advantage of the personal will, confuses through personal will, and distorts the flocks of Christ through personal will.

What eradicates this personal will? It is the Law of Obedience, founded on the sacred spirit of humility.

My Son has asked me to tell you all this, not only in order to celebrate the triumph of My Immaculate Heart through all those who on this day have offered to be consecrated, in soul and heart, but also I have told you all these things, as a good Mother, so that you may be ready for what will come after the Sacred Week, in the months to follow, when your lives must be firm, surrendered and strengthened in your commitment of love to Christ.

Today, My Immaculate Heart rejoices at having the opportunity to be in this House, which has open arms to welcome Me each time I call. But, children, however much I will travel again to other places of the world, where hells dwell and souls need urgent liberation and atonement, there will be plenty of blessed opportunities for the Lady of Figueira to be here again.

Before I retreat into the deep withdrawal of My Heart, where I hold each one of you, My children, each one of your aspirations, problems, deserts and trials, I want to announce to the Community of Figueira that tomorrow, Saturday, I will wait for you on the Hill so that you may receive Me, because it will be the last opportunity in this cycle, before your Mother returns to Europe, for Me to leave in your hearts a very small key that will be able to open the right door, at the most important moment, as long as you are attuned with My Heart.

I want you to go on pilgrimage to the Hill, for all those who have seen themselves in the impossibility to go on pilgrimage to the Marian Centers, because tomorrow this Sacred Community must be re-consecrated to My Heart.

I wait for you in joy and motherhood. Will you say ‘yes’ to Me?

Those present say: “Yes!”


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

She is smiling, but she is also crying.


Because it is the love of those who live Me, as well as the love of those who live My Son, that allows Us, before God, to return here to bring the Message of Peace to the world.

Today, I bless, in a special way, these sacred images that have been offered by My pilgrim children, especially by a pilgrim son that has had absolute faith in the miracles of My Love, which I invite you to also live; to have absolute faith in the Graces and miracles of the Mother of God.

My Son has asked Me one last thing, for you to consciously prepare for the next Sacred Week so that you can understand the importance of commitment in these times, as it is not transitory, but rather eternal. With this aim, I want you to gift Me your songs, especially a song that makes you be nothing: “Make me nothing.”

This is what you must fervently ask in this Lent and on the eve of the meetings with My Son during the next Sacred Week, thus, your hearts will be empty, in the plenitude of God, and, as new wineskins, you will be filled by the Consoling Spirit of My Most Beloved Lord Jesus Christ.

May this Light that you offer to Me today be the symbol of the establishment of peace throughout the whole world, and especially in Russian and Ukraine.

I thank you for having responded to My call and My summon.

I bless you, under the spirit of the Peace of God.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I return to Heaven with the melody “Make me nothing.”


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Bring the Child King here.

Behold the One who has given His life for the world and who would keep giving it for all eternity.

Behold the Child that was prophesized and announced by the angels.

Behold the Messiah, the Redeemer and Savior, who, in Divinity and Spirit, is reborn today in the hearts of humanity, in all beings of goodwill.

Behold the One who loves you, who knows you deeply, who awaits you and waits, with His open Heart, for you to receive His Graces and His Mercies.

Behold the Son of God, the Son of David, the One who was visited in the simple and humble Grotto of Bethlehem by the shepherds and Kings of the desert.

Behold the One who was in the arms of Saint Joseph and in the arms of the Mother of God.

Behold the One who knew what He was coming to this world to fulfill, and did not doubt, not even for a moment, all that God asked of Him since the beginning of His Birth until His Death on the Cross.

Behold the God of Life, the God of Mercy, the God of Peace.

On this Christmas, may the Inner Christ reignite within you, and, like the Child Jesus, may you be in the Arms of God, in the Arms of the Divine Mother.

Everyone, keep this clear within your memory: the One who was born in the Humble Manger of Bethlehem, the One who preached, healed, exorcised and liberated the souls of this world, the One who carried the Cross of the world and supported all the sins of the world upon His Back, as He carries them, even up to today, the Child of the Annunciation is today the King and the Governor of this universe, He will be the One who will return in Victory and in Light to this world in darkness, to again raise souls to the Heart of God, to separate the wheat from the chaff, to invite all those who followed His Path throughout the times and generations.

Behold the One who was blessed and protected by the Sacred Star of Bethlehem, the One who will come among the clouds as He has announced to His companions and to all who followed Him in those times.

Behold the Presence of God, alive in the Sacraments, and, especially, in the Sacred Eucharist. God became human, became humble and simple, became small and even inoffensive so that He could be understood, recognized and loved.

It is this Love of the Little Child Jesus that can be born in your souls and hearts today, that is present today, that descends today to the world in the Spirit of Love and Grace because, know this well, His Love is unchangeable, His Love is non-transferable, His Love is eternal, His Love is divine and sublime.

This is the Child that was in My arms, as you can be in My arms today, fully trusting, in spite of the tests and the deserts, in spite of the clashes and the challenges, and even in spite of the doubts, that the Inner Christ of each one of you can be reborn again!

Understand this Message that I bring to you today, because the Little Child was born in a Manger so that all could understand the immensity of the Humility of God, and that His Power is not based on authority, on monarchy or on imposition. His Power is ruled by Love and this Love is what, throughout the times and generations, has led and guided souls. It is this Love that descends from the Source through the Nativity of the Lord.

Now, like this Little Child,  for an instant, sit in My arms, in the arms of the Mother of God. And, for a moment, just as Jesus was in the arms of the Servant of God, being taken care of, accompanied and even caressed by My kisses, feel, within your Inner Christ, the great kiss of the Mother of God.

Remember when you were small children, perhaps you do not remember, but your mothers of the Earth do know what that moment was, not only for them, but also for your families.

Is it not wonderful, My children, to be in bliss under the Love of God? And, knowing that this Love is simple and renews all things?

Therefore, trust that you are in My arms and let all your doubts dissolve, all your sorrows and sadness disappear, and, impelled by My Love, the Love of the Virgin of Nazareth, again feel that you are in My arms for a moment so that you may know that, through My Heart, God loves you and loves the whole world despite its errors, its mistakes and even its distancing from God.

Together with the angels, who accompany Me today, let us rejoice in our hearts, because the Child King has been born in the world and His Divine Light is returning for all, the same Light that shone during the sacred night in the Grotto of Bethlehem, when the shepherds, Kings of the desert and even the little animals, with their warmth and closeness, took care of the Little Child Jesus, while His Heavenly Mother, in deep ecstasy like Saint Joseph, contemplated the greatness of the Love of God in the Little newborn Child.

All the mothers of this world know what I am telling you, they know what it means and represents to have had their children in their arms, to have fed them, to have helped them take their first steps.

Would you not do anything or make all efforts to safeguard the family Project, which is a Project of God?

Would you not be capable of giving your lives so that the children of this world who are orphans, lonely and abandoned may have a worthy home where to live?

Or so that the hungry children may have the food they need to nourish their bodies, have the hands of men and women of the Earth, in self-giving and service, who can embrace, kiss and protect them?

Have you not yet discovered how wonderful the Love of God is? This is why He made Himself small to become similar to all His children and creatures.

May this Child, who can be born again in the hearts of those who say ‘yes’, may this Little Child bless you and always make you remember your innocence and inner humility.

Now, let us place Him back, because He is a newborn.

Let us pray to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit so that this simplicity and humility that I bring to you today, from the depths of My Maternal Heart, awaken in many more souls, above all, in the souls that need Love, Light, Peace and Mercy.

May the Light of the Sacred Family of Nazareth accompany you and impel you to keep walking so that you can see the Footsteps of Christ along your paths, until someday you reach the Eternal Paradise of God.

And we will withdraw with a song that resounds very much within My Heart and that has resounded and will keep resounding in the hearts of My children, which is the song “Sacred Heart of Jesus”.

Because God, having been born, offered His Temple to guard our dwellings. He offered His Divine Fire and He will keep offering it, through the Holy Spirit, to illuminate our paths. This is the Sacred Heart of Jesus, unfathomable Source of Love and Unity, which nourishes souls through His Divine Fire and His Peace.

I bless you, at this Nativity of the Lord, and I bless the whole world, all those who trust Me, because I am the Virgin of Nazareth, the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, the Queen of Peace.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.



When you need to return to the beginning of the Whole, to your origin, contemplate the starry sky at night and ask: Father, where am I from? Thus, you will be opening your heart to awaken to the knowledge of your existence.

Open yourself without fear, so that one day you may know where you come from and why you are here on this planet, because you must recognize that true life is not material, but immaterial.

But if you ask where your inner origin comes from, you should know, My child, that knowing this will commit you to being responsible and mature, for your evolution and awakening.

Therefore, I invite you to risk knowing who you really are, and allow your soul to be released from the material prison, which does not allow it to be what it has come to be here on Earth.

I am not talking about looking for achievements, but rather about knowing, in order to grow and better serve the Plan of God; because the Celestial Father needs His children to be awake and to abandon the illusion and pleasures of material life.

Thus, knowing who you are and placing yourself to serve, you will not fear death, because you will know that the spirit does not die but reintegrates into the dynamic universal life.

Be patient, but also be humble. Persevere every day in the ardent aspiration that your consciousness may rise to expand, only so that you become more aware, responsible and surrendered to Higher Life.

You have My support and blessing to begin this sacred path towards the return to Higher Existence.

Go ahead!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


My child, My soul, 

When you have to take a step, on the path of your purification, you must know that you are taking a step towards the unknown that is within you. But, first, in order to purify that which is unknown, you must decide to, and that decision rises from within.

You must know, My child, that this is the time for this expected purification to take place. Christ, being the Son of God, purified himself in the temple to humbly fulfill the Law.

Christ was tempted throughout forty days in the desert in the same way that today many of My children are tempted, being placed in the permanent challenge of persisting, until the end.

The time of purification must be lived as a constant resignation of what one believes of oneself and also of what one believes of others. Without an attitude of resignation, in the face of unknown purification, there will not be sufficient humility to help placate the pride and arrogance disguised as noble people.

Decide to live this cycle of purification in a constant exercise of inner divestment, of a detachment from everything that you consider good or not good. Thus, you will open the correct door for Heaven to help you cross this desert that, sooner or later, will come to an end, and, after going through it, you will find the favorite oasis of the Heart of the Redeemer.

Remember, first you must accept the moment, and then go through it. Be consistent with My Words and all will be well.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I know that sometimes you feel tired of your own purification, but I am here, come to My Arms.

I know that sometimes you do not know how to move forward and you cannot find meaning in all that you do. I am here, come to My Arms.

I know that sometimes you do not understand what happens or how the universe proposes some lessons and tests, but, you should know that I am here, come to My Arms, because everything makes sense to God, although you may not deeply know it. For this reason, I am here, so that you may come toward Me and be in My Arms. because I will only give you the strength and courage in order for you to learn to overcome these moments and these times.

I am here, at the doors of the month of August, in which the Spiritual Hierarchy will deliver to the world new impulses of Light that will permeate from your spirits towards your whole being. And these impulses that will come are those that will make you postulate yourselves to this path of apostleship that I come to offer to you at this moment, for this final moment.

This is why I come today to celebrate, with the consequent, these eight years of a path of prayer, of effort, of perseverance, of songs, of devotion, of praise and of honor to My Sacred Heart.

Today, I can say, companions, that beyond what happens today in the world, My Heart feels hope again for those who have been by My side, up to this moment, fulfilling My invitation, responding to My Requests, making known in the world the unfathomable power of My Mercy.

It is in this way that many souls, that you do not know today in the world, through these years of merciful prayer, through the participation of these souls in the meetings of prayer, those souls have been marked and anointed by My Spirit. This means a lot for Me, for the opportunity that these souls will have, of being able to remake their lives in the future, and especially to remake their spiritual path, the path that will lead them to God.

This is why, in this month, at the beginning of these sacred events of the Sacred Hearts, your Master and Lord announces Himself to the world to bring it the time of hope and healing that humanity needs, and to also tell you  that all those who live the Commandments will follow the universal Laws, and, by following the universal Laws, they will feel in their hearts an indescribable joy, despite the times of darkness, because upon you will descend the Holy Spirit and, with all Its Gifts, It will make you find the Promised Land, the Kingdom of God that lives within each one of you.

Thus, companions, you will fulfill My Promises before the Celestial Father, because you have been transformed by My Mercy throughout these years and, with your adherence and devotion, you have opened the doors at many moments for very painful and unknown situations to be solved, just as it was with the Indigenous Consciousness of Canada, which, for more than one hundred years, suffered the inquisition of My mistaken Church.

But I come today to raise these hearts and all the hearts throughout the world so that they may always keep in mind My Message, and not all those who follow Me, because those who follow Me could always be mistaken, this is human because it is weak. But in My Message and in My Word you will find the power of renewal and, by finding this power of renewal, you will find the Healing, Redemption and Mercy that all of you still need in order to attain the Kingdom of God.

With this impulse, I come to prepare your hearts for the new cycle, which will explicitly begin after August 8, when My Mother, who is your Mother, will open even more the doors to the definitive call in this Plan of the rescue of humanity and of the Kingdoms of Nature and, in consequence, of the salvation of the whole planet.

Therefore, what we have built together, up to this moment, has been the three important columns of the Work of Redemption: the column of Mercy, the column of Grace and the column of Forgiveness. These three columns unite through a great circle of Light, which  is the column of Redemption, which is what souls need today in order to remake their lives in this world that is contaminated by war, by technology, by the ideals and the grave tendencies that move souls away from the Love of God.

This Grace that I have brought to the world, since eight years ago, has been possible through the principle basis that was built for this spiritual task which is the basis of the Light-Communities which I invite all those who listen to know, so that they may enter the Islands of Salvation and may come to know the path that will rebuild your lives from these difficult times. But, first, you must keep loving My Project of Redemption, to someday be able to know the Project of Salvation through the evolutionary life of the Light-Communities.

Because the Light-Communities were the main pillars for the Work of expansion of Mercy to other nations of the world, to make it possible to include many more souls that in this life were waiting for redemption.

This is what I place today at the Feet of the Celestial Father: the efforts, the true surrenders, the devotion of hearts, the service of the selfless and innocent, the souls that strive to live humility, chastity and the unconditional spirit of an ever-deeper surrender for the concretion of the Plan of God through My Sacred heart.

Therefore, I encourage you and I invite you, companions, for this Marathon to be a moment of celebration, to be a moment for giving an impulse to all souls that participate in this prayerful meeting to renew their vows with the attribute of hope so that this Earth may be healed in all that is possible and allowed. Thus, you will understand, companions, that I will not do My Work in this place and in the whole world by Myself, I need your hearts and your lives, I need your ‘yes’ to carry out what is not yet materialized, what must still descend from the Spiritual Universe to heal this wounded Earth and create the bases of a New Humanity.

In these last 8 years, in which I have been appearing to you and delivering My Message to the whole world, I have seen that some of Mine have decided to enter the school of the degrees of love, and, even more, some have decided to enter the degrees of the school of compassion.

I invite you to move ahead in this school, I invite you, for your souls not to forget this school, because the Love of God will not only make you strong and invincible, the Love of God will make you ever more conscious of the reality and of the necessity, to the point that you, by yourselves, will be able to perceive, in everything, what you must help and assist.

Children of My Father, the end of times is already taking place, and, with Me, and in union with Me, you must keep the doors open to this universe of Mercy, where souls can be purified, washed, bathed and may receive an opportunity, as each one of you has received, on this path of the encounter with Me toward Mercy.

Because when your hearts are ready to live what I need, as many hearts are preparing for this, I will open  My Heart even more and I will show you My most unknown and deepest feelings, which I will invite you to feel in order for you to learn how to transmute and liberate this world; feelings of My Heart that cannot be seen by the physical eyes, but rather by the eyes of the heart, of a sensitive heart, open to the unknown.

I come here so that you may feel under My Spirit, because I know that it is difficult for many companions to cross this planetary moment, to live this world situation, to be a part of this human consciousness that day by day steps back due to the lack of love and compassion. But you, who many times have submerged in the ocean of My Mercy, can already know, but can also feel, what this means, and you can place yourselves at the service of all that is necessary to carry out, without fearing to surrender, until it hurts, because you will feel it even in your bones; at this moment, you will come to know charity, and your souls will be in joy, they will be in glory, in adoration, because they will be fulfilling a small part of the Plan of the Lord. If everyone did the same in this world, there would no longer exist a pandemic, there would no longer exist suffering, because all this would be replaced by the fraternity and the solidarity of the cooperation that emerges from the souls that, at this time, are here to serve.

In the name of the Source of Creation, at the doors of this month of August,  I want to bless you, so that this blessing may impel you even more towards the transformation and elevation of consciousness, for all the consciousnesses that do not elevate themselves and do not love, especially for the consciousness that make wars, humanitarian crises, inequalities, social conflicts, even the diseases that the world is today experiencing.

Although it may seem impossible, difficult or impenetrable, I invite you to imitate what I did in the sorrowful Passion, so that the merits of your efforts and surrenders, in this month of August, may serve as a justification of all the errors committed so that the chaos in the world may be soothed and the most lost souls may be reborn in love and forgiveness. This is My great aspiration in this month of August, and you will begin to accomplish it first among yourselves, with all those who surround you, with your families, with your dear ones and friends. thus you will come to know how much it is necessary to live the school of the degrees of love, in the conscious effort to attain it.

Therefore, I have come to bless you especially, not only you, but also the world, so that the spirit of collaboration may awaken in the hearts of all humanity, especially in the non-believers, so that someday the sacred spirit of brotherhood may awaken.

When this happens, Heaven will have descended to Earth and the Earth will have ascended to the Heavens, in perfect unity, and that is when I will return to bring Peace to the world.

At this moment, I hear the offerings of your souls. Although imperfect, let it be a true offering, let it be the offering that is born from the voice of the heart so that all may be redeemed and healed.

For this first event of the month of August, the Marathon of Divine Mercy, I leave to you what My Heart has that is most precious, what in brotherhood I once shared with you: the Eucharist, the Blood and the Body of Christ, which will always lead you to find the truth within you and redemption, because I did so for you, and I would keep doing so, many times more.

Remember that within the Sacraments lie the lifeline, the path that will lead you to peace and to the divine union with the Most Holy Trinity.

In this month of August, in which we have been so many years alongside each one of you, by means of Our Presence, of Our Sacred Hearts, of Our Words, we come to demonstrate to you that We are here to help this wounded, suffering and agonizing world.

Therefore, I invite you to be a definitive part of My Heart, I invite you to be a part of the Rays of My Heart to illuminate this world by means of works of charity and peace.

At the request of the Eternal Father, I bless you in this new cycle, when the doors of humanitarian service and prayer will open more, until it can reach the whole world, until all hearts possible may hear My Voice, may hear My Message.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:


We will close this moment, making an offering to the Sacred Heart of Jesus by means of a song that impels us to live this path of apostleship so that the Light of Christ may descend to the world and His aspirations may be concretized through the ‘yes’ of each heart.



The Guardians and Stewards of the Divine Plan

1. Are those who obey promptly, before even thinking of obeying.

2. Are those who adhere to the Divine Will, and, from their plane, work to live it and manifest it.

3. Are those who protect, from themselves, the Sacred Mystery.

4. Are those who love the unknown spontaneously, even if they do not know it. 

5. Are those who profess and live humility through the permanent giving of self. 

6. Are those who work every day to be able to live transparency within their degree of consecration in order to one day live Truth.

7. Are those who ardently aspire towards the best spiritual results in their fellow beings.

8. Are those who learn to love through mistakes in order to one day be able to love unconditionally. 

9. Are those who do not break the rules and inner codes that they set for themselves.

10. Are those who assume to live the pain of humanity, but work every day to transcend the human condition. 

11. Are those who are not afraid of being mistaken; however, they are afraid of not being able to repair the error, but they trust in the infinite Mercy.

12. Are those who aspire to lose control of their decisions in order to one day live the divine decisions.

13. Are those who revere the Instruction and make it a part of themselves, even though they think they do not need it.

14. Are those who recognize the Power and the Glory in one God, present in three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. 

15. Are those who do not forget others. 

16. Are those who learn to be compassionate with themselves in order to learn to be compassionate with others.

17. Are those who no longer justify themselves but always make themselves available. 

18. Are those who understand, beyond themselves, the Plan of God. 

19. Are those who live Justice, but, first, live Love.

20. Are those who stand in solidarity with everyone. 

21. Are those who, above all else, fulfill their duty without complaints. 

22. Are those who do not step back, but always advance.

23. Are those who promote and gestate brotherhood. 

24. Are those who eradicate, within themselves, indifference and lack of collaboration.


I thank you for responding to My call! 

Who blesses you, 

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



Dear children:

In this time of tribulation, you must be courageous and persevering to be alongside My Son.

His merciful and just Presence will make you know of yourselves everything that must die so that all this does not modify the spiritual evolution of your lives.

Being next to My Son means remaining naked as a consciousness and seeing yourselves as you are, each one of you, without fear of knowing the truth of your existence.

My Son needs you more empty, every day; He needs you humble so that He, through His redeeming Love, may make you trustworthy trustees of His Christic life.

In this way, My children, your consciousnesses will truly be transformed. In this way, you will open the doors to the world and to the whole human race so that His Mercy and His Heart are able to work.

He needs His companions to define themselves; that they no longer dirty their feet with the impure mud of this world; that they undertake the path of redemption so that, one day, they may be called worthy children of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

You have come to Me, barefoot, to the Temple of My Heart.

Behold My Temple that welcomes you, just as it welcomes the world and its needs.

I Am the Lord of the refugees and of the innocent, of those who have no land, of those who have no home, of those who have lost everything and tread the path of this world, seeking an opportunity and hope.

I will again return to multiply the bread and the fish, to give manna of eternal life to those who are hungry, to those who have lost hope, to those who are in exile. 

I want you to know that, through this Work, the missionary hearts, the eternal volunteering of serving others in an unconditional way, will always be renewed.

This will be a source that will always be open to give an impulse to other consciousnesses for humanitarian service, for extending their arms and hands to help those in need, the millions of the needy throughout the world who keep being punished by a system of adversity and control.

The Temple of My Heart, which is the very Eucharist, contemplates all these needs, in the end of times: the crises that the world experiences, the disturbance of the men and women of the Earth, the despair of the innocent hearts, who only hope to eat and drink water in order to survive.

For you here, and for your brothers and sisters who listen to this Message and have everything, it is time to give thanks, but also to share. It is time to revere and glorify the Grace that you have received throughout the times, and it is your spirit of volunteering and selflessness that will mend and heal the wounds of the refugee hearts.

It is not only food and water that will save lives, not only protection and refuge will support the innocent and the children, but also the Love of My Heart that you can mirror into the world will redeem humanity.

Upon seeing the suffering of the world and the refugee camps, the pain of My Heart is indescribable, and this goes beyond life in matter or the organizations that carry it forward.

The world has still now known the true Celestial Government, the one that was thought of from the beginning so that all of you could be happy in the Holy Land. But humanity has gone astray and, as it has been throughout the generations, the most innocent suffer the marginalization and slavery of these times.

Who will deter this perpetual agony?

Who will relieve the suffering hearts?

Who will step out of themselves to see the need, the great need that the world experiences?

On this day, I come in a special way, because you cannot be without guidance and without instruction.

All that you have received throughout the times must not be considered only as the expansion of your consciousness, but also as your response, your generosity and service.

The souls that do not truly understand Me and do not truly listen to Me, have to go out to the world to see the reality, and face this reality until it hurts.

I chose you for a reason, that still today you do not know, for a reason that is written in the Sacred Books of God, which is a part of the recovery and spiritual integrity of the old People of Israel, which, spread throughout the world, has become lost, even though I died for you on the Cross.

It is time for you to place before your eyes the planetary situation, the need. When you serve and welcome those who suffer, your inner situations or your problems will dissolve.

Because the true universal family must be constituted by the emergence of a small group that will carry forward this Aspiration of God, so that, in this way, the New Humanity can arise.

The Plan of God is written through your actions and your adherence to the Most High; there is no other way that allows the Plan to be fulfilled, but through the readiness of your hearts and lives, for what is necessary.

If I had not come to the world, in what situation would your consciousnesses and your civilization be?

You could not imagine, companions, because it would be something more serious than what you live today as humanity.

Being able to acknowledge the Grace that fills you and blesses you, divesting yourselves and coming towards Me barefoot, towards the Temple of My Heart, is a sign that you can understand My Message and that you accept to live humility, so urgent and necessary in these times.

Humility must not lack in humanity, because it would be the victory of chaos over humankind.

To few souls of the world, I come to ask for what might seem impossible, that which will spiritually lead My Plan towards triumph in the inner planes, and will lead them to experience the Christic path.

I do not need great movements to carry forward My Work, I only need you to accept to live My Will, as much as you do not understand it, because in My Will lies your protection and your support.

I know it is not easy to obey the commands of the Lord and the guidelines of the Most High.

There is no being on the surface of the Earth that has not undergone this experience, but it will be after they fulfill My Will that they will understand the Plan and the meaning of having received the Call that comes to converted hearts.

As the Lord of the refugees and the innocents, I come to ask the world to open its eyes to this need. It is not enough for a few to help, neither for the wealthy minorities to take advantage of the world crisis.

If you open your eyes to the necessity, although they are not Christian or spiritual, you will comply with the attribute of charity, and many serious situations that the world keeps generating today will be forgiven by My Mercy, and will not be corrected by My Justice.

But you must first believe in what I am telling you and in what I am proposing to you because the opportunities are unique and will not be repeated.

If you open your eyes to the necessity of the humanitarian crises, at least those who are within this Work and follow My Call will leave their homes and families to serve Me, and help those who suffer.

Those who cannot serve me from anywhere, due to a disability or any other reason, let them pray with Me and adore the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar, so that the Grace of My infinite Mercy may permeate the Earth and the souls that suffer, so that the traumas of these souls and hearts can be healed, in the opportunity of a new hope.

As long as nations do not repent from their acts, peace will not come; and only those who fulfill My ardent aspiration will be bearers of peace, and able to bring the Peace and Love of My Heart to the great refuges of the world, where there is no longer Light or hope, only agony and hell.

Just as I told the twelve apostles, today I tell you: “Go, two by two, or go in group and serve, so that someday you may live your redemption by means of service, for those who suffer and become desperate.” 

The triumph of the Love of God will take place through your surrender and service, through your total and unconditional 'yes'. Thus, you will be before the doors of My Mercy, and the infinite ocean of My Compassion will fill you so that, in service and in silence, you may reach those who suffer.

This critical time is the beginning of something more difficult, but, through prayers and the surrender of hearts that are sincere with Me, many situations and events will be deviated, by the power of Mercy.

Thus, My sorrowful Blood will cease to be shed upon the world so that My Rays of Mercy may illuminate the souls and grant them peace.

No longer be tempted or deceived by yourselves or by My adversary. You have the tools to overcome it.

I have given you the Sacraments so that you would live them, so that you would be sanctified in My Name and be under the protection of the Holy Spirit, which is this Divine Spirit that speaks to you today, just as it speaks to the world, for it to awaken.

I sanctify you with My Light, and invite you to the renewal of the missionary heart in the most difficult times of the world and of humanity.

Trust My Words and the bridges of hope will be built so that the most innocent and the refugees can cross them towards the New Earth.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Dear children,

During the time of the Armageddon, may your fortitude in Christ be unbreakable.

May nothing disturb you.

May the sacred flame of faith teach you to overcome each moment and situation.

This is the time of the spiritual war of everyone against everyone, but through prayer, you will remain free of this worldwide movement that will try to carry souls along the path of damnation.

Throughout the years, I have taught you how to help your fellow being, not only through service, but also through the strength and power of prayer.

Now, more than ever, prayer will be that path that will allow you to communicate with God when Our Sacred Hearts have completely withdrawn.

Those who pray will be by My side and I will accompany them throughout their transition and purification because the triumph of My Heart will also happen within your lives.

Do not cease to seek My Son in the Sacraments as well as in His Word. There lies the support for all of you, the protection that you will need in the moments when everything is unleashed.

Dear children, always be grateful, and you will learn in this life to be humble, and humility will carry you into peace.

Persist and continue to walk alongside My Son, because His Divine Light will always dissolve all adversity, and the trusting hearts will be healed.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
