Peace reigns in hearts that silence their mouths, minds and hearts to listen to God.

When the murmuring and clamoring stop for an instant and yield their place to silence, souls bow down before God to hear His Voice and His Designs which are also silent but full of Love, and They can permeate hearts and bring them clarity, certainty, answers and, above all, peace.

Silence, children, is also prayer.

In silence, your spirits can elevate beyond the dimensions of conflict and chaos and be in a safe place to converse with God.

Souls that learn to become silent learn to enter into true contact with Infinity, because they are not only asking or wanting to rise up through their own effort but rather to know how to be silent, trust and allow themselves to be touched by the Hands of God that guide them into contact with higher life.

Silence is also part of the path that leads you to God. Know how to perceive the moments for crying out, for singing, for pleading or simply becoming silent in order to hear the Voice of the Father, to allow Him to guide you to the Infinity of His Kingdom, to the mysteries of His Creation.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Heal your heart, your body and your spirit, renewing all your being in Christ.

The spiritual as well as the physical infirmity, child, is the fruit of disunion of some level of your consciousness with God and it comes to show that there must be a larger balance in you. Try to be united with the Father and to be reborn internally in spirit.

Life begins in essence and in consciousness. All the facts that manifest themselves in matter, first have their origin on more subtle and hidden levels for the human mind that is asleep. Therefore, it is to the consciousness that the events are reverted, and it is in the essence of all things in which the new codes emerge, those that will convert what was degenerated.

If you feel sick in the heart, body, mind, soul, spirit, or even as humanity, try to transform in consciousness this unbalance. Search in prayer for the clarity to live the transformation and to know how to conduct your own steps. Search in prayer for the fortress to overcome your human condition and to live principles that this world is not used to experience. Pacify your interior and, from it, all the levels of the being, from spirit to matter.

If you have faith, there will be no unbalance that cannot be reverted. However, your effort and your dedication in becoming something else must be permanent.

Quiet yourself, breathe, reflect before acting, pray before taking a step. Ask yourself internally for the correct direction to follow. Leave the unbalance for others who were not able to come know peace. Be a proclaimer of a new pattern of life: a healthy life, of union with the Creator.

Child, bring serenity to your heart at this time and search for a deeper and inner contact with God and with yourself. Those who remain in the superficialities will get very confused and will not be able to sustain themselves. Therefore, firm yourself in God and, facing any adversity, do not let yourself be influenced by fear, despair and impulsiveness.

Search for peace and find in it all you need.

For the inner balance of each human heart,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Today I come to your encounter by means of the presence of the Sacred Heart of Jesus so that you may always remember that My Heart has a precious space for the souls that spread My Existence in the entire world.

The Heart is the Temple of God for your consciousnesses because through the heart your evils will be remediated and all pain will be dissipated. Try to live from the heart so that you may know when it is your heart that talks to you and when it is the enemy that dictates wrong ideas to your inner mind.

Through the heart your feelings will be clarified and through My Heart you will know what step to take towards which path. Live in the heart because in this way you will be able to recognize the divine purity that God guards in each creature. May the souls be united by the intermediary of the heart so that they may help Me to fulfill the purpose of God.

Enter into the infinite ocean of My Sacred Heart because in this way you will receive the eternal light of My Rays and your darkness will be dissipated from any space. If you still do not know what to do with your lives or how to proceed, I ask you to enter into the consciousness of your hearts so that My Ocean may be able to be united to your river of love that runs through life without direction. I want that your hearts and Mine be only one, thus you will know what to do at the right moment.

My Heart is infinite, it is pious and merciful. My Heart is the refuge for your doubts and it is the light for your darkness. Be all the time in My Eternal Heart and in this way you will always be communing with Me, with My Eternal Love.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Sacred Refuge of the Heart!

Christ Jesus, the Sacred Heart.

Consecration to the Sacred
Heart of Jesus

Eternal Temple,
that guards in love my dwelling.

Eternal Fire,
that illuminates my paths.

Eternal King,
Sacred and Unfathomable Heart
of Jesus, live in me, be in me,
act and work through
my heart
so that we may be now and always
one in the Eternal Paradise of God.



This prayer is to be recited every Thursdays, day of the luminous mysteries, as indicated by Master Jesus.


My children,

In the advent of the new time for this world, a time of changes and learning, today I ask you for more prayer, a prayer that may spring as a fountain from your hearts, a prayer that may help the world, a prayer that may alleviate the great burden of humanity. Prayer will always bring you clarity, wisdom and discernment in the moments that will arrive for humanity.

Your lives are already living a different time. It is necessary, dear children, to be attentive and vigilant to the consciousness and to the heart.

While the world continues repeating mistakes that have now become irreparable, My Maternal Heart comes to humanity to bring Light and Mercy.

I know that some of My children judge the truth of My existence and of My apparitions. Therefore, dear children, today I tell you that the ever Blessed Virgin Mary, Universal Mother and Queen of Peace, has now been among you for some years.

God gave Me the permission to send My saving message to all My children; therefore many hearts were participants in My apparitions throughout the last year.

Dear children, in the face of hunger in humanity, in the face of the wars that are awakening among brother-hearts, in the face of the great loss of children and teenagers, in the face of the path of perdition that many young people are going through, and in the face of many more things that are now unknown to you, I tell you: Pray! Pray! Pray! And pray, as if it were the last time! And recognize, from this day on, the Celestial Grace that you are receiving through the loving intercession of My Immaculate  Heart.

My children, you are now adults in your lives of prayer, therefore with maturity and charity pray for Peace and Mercy in each corner of this world.

This is My last and definitive call to humanity: Prayer! Prayer and prayer so that more souls may be partakers in the presence of the Master and Savior.

Dear children, you have the path of Salvation, Grace and Mercy in your hands and on your lips. You have within your lives the infinite power of prayer. You must love prayer and feel it in the depths of your souls.

Dear children, you are in My Heart, therefore you are being awakened from the dream of this world, by the Universal Love of the Queen of Peace.

You are in Me. I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
