While the spaces in the inner planes are prepared for the descent of Mercy, at the same time your Master and Lord withdraws from the Source of the Sacred Chalice the codes that will be deposited and placed in the souls of the Amazon, those who will feel encouraged to be present at the meetings. The space offered for this next Marathon is widely in accord with the task that your Lord must carry out during the coming days.
It is thus that the Sacred Chalice of the Lord will be especially brought by the angels, so that a divine alliance may be established again between souls and God, between the Kingdoms of Nature and humankind, although in the coming time the great forest of America may continue being subjugated.
That which will be built by means of the Marathon will be deeply spiritual and not external. In this way, the effect of that inner construction will bring strength to the original peoples so that they may continue protecting and defending the sacred Eden of God.
Also, at the same time, that inner fortitude will unexpectedly awaken those who try to exploit the sacred nature.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Do not think so much about what will happen after, it is not necessary.
Stay with Me in the eternal present, in the eternal encounter with My Heart, and there place your troubles, sorrows and pains, so that I may transform them into light.
Stay with Me in the eternal present, in eternal communion with Me, a place where you will always find strength, courage and effort for fulfilling My call.
Come and stay with Me in the eternal present, in the eternal alliance between your heart and Mine, because in this perfect union your soul will shine and live the joy of being with Me.
Stay with me in the eternal present and do not remember the past, time changes, minute by minute, and something new and beautiful waits for you to live it for Me.
Stay with me in the eternal present, because there I will be able to heal you and accompany you, I will be able to support you and lead you toward the purpose that I have for you.
Just stay with Me until the end.
I thank you for keeping My words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
A Good Mother - Part II
I wish you could remember the moment when you were in the arms of your earthly mother in an act so similar, like when the little Jesus was in My Arms.
What a treasure God gives us through you, when once when you were little, you could be in the arms of your mother!
What a special and intimate moment God granted us, that you could feel the maternal warmth of your mother, and your mother could feel the unconditional surrender of her little child!
In this relationship, of mother and child, is built the true spirit of the family and it is this spirit that allows, in later experiences, to build love and solidarity among beings.
Today, as Mother of all mothers, I come with this example because we are facing a humanity that completely lost the spiritual values of motherhood.
But if by means of prayer, today and the days to come, all the mothers of the world unite to Me, under the feminine spirit of the Holy Motherhood, they will allow the great Mother, among all the mothers, to intercede for the young mothers who today gestate their children and are tempted by the adversary to get rid of life.
If together, as spiritual mothers and mothers of all our children, we unite in this perfect alliance of mothers of God, one day we will generate that consciousness so necessary to respect, love and protect the new life that is arriving.
Today I only ask for mothers to remember their first delivery and the preparation for that moment.
How important it is for the Creation to bring life to the world, just as I brought Jesus as a light for humanity!
May today, be born again, that blessed spirit of motherhood that God conceived in each feminine being and that in these crucial times will be indispensable, because many more hearts will seek the comfort and affection of a mother on Earth.
I invite you, dear mothers, to the renewal of that intimate feminine principle of Creation.
A good mother keeps in her interior the purpose of the life she once gestated, and she is the keeper and guardian for this purpose to be fulfilled in the soul that she once brought into the world.
The spiritual mission of mothers, united to God, is a broad mission, more than it seems, because a good mother is that intermediary consciousness between her children and God. God granted that authority to the Virgin Mary and, consequently, to all mothers who are sincerely united to Her Maternal Heart.
In these times, all children of God must remember the mission that each earthly mother has fulfilled before the Universe when she brought her own child into the world.
This is reason to rekindle in souls the spirit of Motherhood, which will protect the children from the attacks of the adversary.
I want to leave you, to finish, the words that little Jesus once expressed to Me in His first years of life, words that affirmed in My interior that I should, as Mother of all, do what is possible and impossible to save My children from perdition.
And Jesus, once, being a child declared to Me the following words as a simple prayer:
Oh sweet Mother!
tender Comforter of those who are afflicted.
Tireless servant who donated and delivered
Your Most Pure Virgin Womb to Creation.
Oh kind Mother!
Who welcomes those who suffer,
Who perseveres in Your pure Faith,
Who does not rest until You can have
the last of Your children in your arms.
Oh Mother of charity!
Who does good wherever You go,
Who performs miracles and grants
graces to all of Your children.
From now, Purest Mother,
You will be the Queen and the Lady of all mothers,
so that in this humanity
all learn, one day,
for the work of Your Grace, to truly love,
just as You love us unconditionally.
With these words I thank you for responding to My maternal call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Sixth Day of the Novena
After having invoked Divine Mercy for all those who cause war and famine in the world, I will lead you, at some moment of your life, directly to the Source of intense purification.
It will be this way that I will be able to revert all that is provoked, such as feelings and agony, to other souls of the world; I will be able to dispel alliances with evil, but everything will happen in due time and when the consciousnesses least expects it.
Taking these souls toward the Source of My Mercy means removing them from the constant errors that promote habits of power and false sovereignty.
Everything is purified and released through the powerful Source of Mercy.
This is why, at this moment, while important nations are the focus of social and human imbalance, continue to ask and beg through Mercy that the Celestial Father have pity on all souls that cause inequality in every way.
Through the work and principle of Mercy, I invite you to join My Heart so that more uncertain doors be closed, not only in human consciousness, but also on the planet.
I thank you for keeping My words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
When souls truly surrender to My Heart, they assume the commitment of enduring, together with Me, for the conversion of the world.
This is the occult meaning of the covenant that hearts can make with their Master and Lord.
In this sense, I am not speaking about extreme suffering, but rather about a path that will begin to be trodden after this covenant is established between Heaven and Earth.
The covenant with Me means to offer oneself in silence and with gratitude for everything that is to be converted and also for everything that perhaps does not belong to the learning of the soul or the consciousness.
This covenant, which is experienced and accepted by those who are Mine, is a step for approaching the path of the spiritual death of the self and, above all, a step towards the Christification of the inner consciousness of each being.
This is why I cannot offer the covenant to all at the same time.
On this occasion, I need to wait for the exact moment to be able to request a physical and spiritual covenant with Me; this does not mean that the soul will be freed of all its tests. With this I want to say that the covenant with Me requires experiencing greater tests for the redemption of the personal consciousness and also the redemption of humanity.
This covenant means the culminating moment, the reason for taking a greater step in the possibilities of loving and forgiving.
The covenant with Me means to accept new deserts, live greater sacrifices and offer the self as a justifiable victim of My Love to atone for the very serious errors of humanity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Dear children:
Despite the difficulty of this time, I can bring innumerable Graces when the hearts respond to My call, as it was this morning.
This alliance of the hearts and prayers help your Celestial Mother so that, with the intervention of the angels of the Universe, the plans of the adversary are defeated.
Therefore, when the hearts unite in prayer for peace in the nations, spontaneously, from the human essences, sincere requests of healing, reparation and forgiveness are manifested for all situations that are unbalanced on this planet
When the responses to the call of the Mother of God are numerous, as it was today, many more uncertain doors are closed, many more souls are rescued and the Mother of God can realize much more in this humanity.
It is thus that, dear children, the sincere responses of each praying heart to the requests, which come from heaven, create in this world unexplainable opportunities for many more essences that should rediscover the path of light and forgiveness.
The alliance of those who pray with the Immaculate Heart of Mary also have repercussions in the inner levels and a New Humanity starts to be built, first within the souls that adhere to the call.
I thank you for responding to my call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Who persists in his faith will never break down because they will have built inside of themselves a true alliance with God.
May this inner faith be renewed and expanded time and again, because this will help the planetary consciousness have spiritual resources capable of sustaining the Earth.
Child, may this faith be unalterable, lasting and invincible.
May the faith of the heart build within you this constant affirmation to live God's Plan and to be part of His Kingdom.
May this faith establish principles of unity, love and compassion between beings so that the awakening to true spiritual life may exist in all human consciousnesses.
Merge your consciousness into the essence of faith, and everything will be renewed.
Assume each new time and each test under the renewing impulse of faith so that each learning is experienced as an opportunity of loving, more each day.
May this faith build within you the path towards inner redemption.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Holy Grail: Instrument of Divinity and of a Legendary Brotherhood
From the moment in which Christ took the Holy Grail into His Hands, so that it could be the repository of all the Christic codes of redemption, from that moment, the Archangelic Consciousness of Michael established a spiritual union between souls and God in a definitive way, capable of sustaining itself inwardly throughout the ages, unbreakable to any opposing force.
This spiritual alliance, this celestial communion, which was celebrated by the Archangel Michael Himself with all souls, through the Most Powerful Firstborn Son, closed a decaying and involutionary cycle of humanity.
It was in this way that, through the Holy Grail, seven new principles were established in the Last Supper that all souls in redemption, and mostly all those who would seek this communion with Christ, could live consciously.
The first principle that the Archangel Saint Michael established was the principle of Reparation, which is the grace of being able to restore the alliance of souls with God through communion.
Second, the principle of Redemption. The opportunity of sending out all sin through a sincere confession with Christ.
Third, the principle of Liberation. An opportunity for detaching forever from all the chains that bind souls to the abysses of the Earth, and to all hells.
Fourth, the principle of Healing. The culminating moment to spiritually restore oneself through love and unity with God.
Fifth, the principle of Ascension. The opportunity of elevating the consciousness in dimension and in vibration through the inner fusion with the Body and the Divine Blood of Christ.
Sixth, the principle of Forgiveness. The possibility of closing past cycles and of remaining in the eternal present to live the reconciliation of one’s consciousness with the Celestial Universe.
Seventh, the principle of Rehabilitation. The ability for completely accepting the service to the Divine Plan and the fulfillment, throughout all phases of Higher Purpose.
Through these seven principles, through the Holy Grail that was transfigured with the Precious Blood of Christ, Blood that was shed in that moment, the Archangel Michael wanted to show humanity the incalculable value that the Passion of Jesus would have, and all the spiritual benefits that the same event would provide throughout time.
It is thus that the Holy Grail is a universal instrument, a cosmic and divine symbol, capable of awakening within us the Christic codes, those emanations of love-wisdom that arose from the Source, from which all creatures of the Universe originate.
It is to this powerful Source that the Holy Grail, this powerful instrument, leads us and essentially communicates to us that in this moment the holy angels and the elevated consciousnesses of the Spiritual Universe are reverently carrying it throughout each one of the nations of the Americas until it reaches the United States, to draw toward humanity the memory of returning to the principles of Christianity and peacemaking in the face of the planetary events that the human race is experiencing.
The Holy Grail, which is divine and spiritual, is lovingly transferred by an Angelic Brotherhood, the same that in the culminating moment of the Last Supper of Jesus with His apostles, witnessed the hidden and positive task that the Archangel Saint Michael carried out within Jesus Himself.
From that moment onward, this has given the world the opportunity of recovering communion with all the saints and angels so that a greater balance may be established in the consciousness of humanity.
The Holy Grail brings these types of celestial currents to a humanity that in these times will awaken in an intense way because of what they will have to experience.
The Holy Grail reminds us that we must be like Mirrors, able to reflect the principles that the Divine Source provides for humanity upon the planet and throughout the whole human race.
For a few days the Holy Grail has been in movement, in a sacred spiritual pilgrimage throughout the Americas, so that some events may not be triggered, and all can be balanced.
This event, which is not only universal but also divine, will allow the doors to open so that the corrupted states of consciousness may be liberated, healed and redeemed, and, in this way the planetary consciousness may recover certain values that were lost.
In its totality, this purely spiritual and inner event is supported by the Archangel Saint Michael.
And now that the Celestial Messengers await the arrival of the Holy Grail in the United States, the hearts of this nation prepare to receive this last and great impulse of Light and Redemption.
Your Most Holy Mother thanks you for the communion that souls have had in these last days with this holy instrument of the Brotherhood.
In Unity and Love, who thanks you for responding to the final call,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
When an alliance between Heaven and Earth is established many internal things come into play. This is due to the simple fact that there is a liberation from the chaos so that this alliance is possible, and because, at the same time, the servants closest to Me offer themselves entirely in life to generate the planetary redemption at whatever cost.
Thus, the permanent sacrifice and the service that makes you strong and invincible takes place, not because of your strengths or abilities. These consciousnesses, without perceiving it, receive an inner strength from the Holy Spirit to be able to take forward the different phases of the Will of God.
That is why, beloved children, in order to establish once again the alliance that Earth lost with Heaven and with the whole universe, it will be necessary that the new apostles offer themselves to experience indelible things, to the point of serving and performing tasks never experienced before. But know, My children, that although it does not seem or feel like it, your Heavenly Mother is on top of all this mission, following you from Her maternal silence and taking care of each detail.
This union, which has been built among My praying children, inexplicably allowed the debts of the nations to be miraculously liberated and relieved to avoid losing more souls into the planetary abysses. It is thus that I guide you and I do not leave you alone, because I know that within My Love you will be able to serve God, your Father of Love.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who impels you to a greater service,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May the doors of the inner and celestial worlds open so that the redeemed can enter and invoke the sacred name of Emmanuel.
May the self-summoned get together to create the alliance with the Holy Spirit of God.
May the so-called children of Adam recall the principles of the ancient race so that the Laws become visible and the universal Harmony establishes itself.
May the consequent ones manifest the wise gratitude and, from now on, banish the human aspects which led them to damnation.
May the brave ones purify themselves so that, clean of all stains, they can receive the rays of the transubstantiation.
May the pilgrims and the searchers of the sacred knowledge never get tired and never stop searching for the source of Humility.
Everything is ready to take place in the new Humanity; the old acts and the old customs will be banished so that the new and sacred Sun of the Universe can shine within each soul.
May no one stop the descent of the Kingdom of God so that those who are farther away from the Truth can rediscover the meaning of being in this life.
Forge ahead disciples of Christ! Walk barefoot from your old alliances with the world, this will free you from everything and make you worthy of the divine and infinite Mercy.
I thank you for answering to My call.
Who unites you to the Principle of Love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Until the end of time My Heart will unite the rings that I carry between My hands and that represent the unity among the hearts.
I still contemplate the great necessity of brotherhood that exists between the children of My Father. For this, day and night I come to the world to save it and to help it to merge itself in the essence of My Love.
True love supports and renounces.
True love forgives and is not separated by words.
The true love of God dissolves and removes all evil among the servers so that the love for the Divine Will may prevail.
In this time many souls are separated as are the stones in a river that runs rapidly and swiftly.
Whither will these precious stones go?
In which ocean will they end up?
Only My Ocean of Mercy will allow you to wash your wounds and heal your own evils. I come in the time of Mercy to unite you to Me and so that nothing that has to do with your understanding may separate you from Me.
Trust in My Mercy, pray to Me each day more and with the heart. Try to be in peace so that in this way you may overcome the mental barriers. Be heralds of My Love and distribute My Light to wherever you may go. Never fear to transform yourselves because in transformation is found the liberation of oneself.
Under the Good of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for listening to My Words with love!
Christ Jesus, Your Saviour
Dear children,
With immense delight and joy in the heart, I give My Blessing and Maternal Peace to all My beloved children of Argentina. For this reason, My children, I gather all of you around the Divine Sacred Heart of Christ so that your souls may reaffirm their alliance with the Universe of Love and Peace.
Dear children, today is one more moment to remind you of the confirmation of each one of you with the Universe and with the life of prayer, necessary and fundamental for humanity in this end of times.
Dear children, as the Queen of Peace in Medjugorje and in the world, today I ask you to pray from the source that exists in your hearts.
Today once again I ask you to pray to prevent wars, persecutions and disorder in the life of humanity.
Today, dearest children, I ask you to pray to prevent suffering, pain and the desperation that My Immaculate Heart witnesses day by day in this world.
Today I call to pray to alleviate My flagellated Heart that is hurt by the grave offenses of humanity.
Dear children, today I am calling you to awaken your small consciousness in the face of the events that are unfolding in this world.
As the Mother of Graces, today I ask you to place your hearts under the Redeeming and Merciful Rays of My Beloved Son, because it is in Christ that you will find Relief, because it is in Christ that you will find Light and Forgiveness, because it is in My Son that you will find the Reconciliation that your lives and the lives of humanity need.
Therefore, My little ones, may the hope and the joy of serving God awaken in you, because you should know that many of My children must live the redemption of the heart.
My children, on this day of meeting with Me in Luján, a Sanctuary of love and faith, I ask that through prayer you unite to Jesus, that you call Jesus, and that you look for Him so that His Divine Spirit of Love may be with you, visit you, guide you and shelter you in everything.
Dear children, for one more month I say to you: thank you for responding to My call, to all the pilgrim hearts of Argentina!
I thank you!
Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
Being the Mother of Graces, I contemplate the need of each one of My children. As the Mother and Queen of Peace, I invite you to put in your prayers all the supplications that your brothers and sisters send Me so that the Light of the Father and the Grace of His Love may be able to respond to the call of His children.
My children, with this you will see how great is the urgency of prayer for humanity, for the nations and for the continents. Dear children, as servants of Christ, today I call you to pray for all the supplications that the souls pronounce every day towards Heaven.
By praying and fasting you will help so that the Grace of the Mercy of My Son may propagate itself in the hearts of all My children. Little children, I invite you to mature by means of the exercise of prayer, because it is in prayer that you will discover the wisdom that your consciousness needs so that, in these times, it may make the decisions of peace.
Dear children, as Queen of Peace I ask that at each moment of your lives you seek Jesus to alleviate the offenses that He receives from humanity. My children, try, through prayer, to alleviate the Heart of My Son and, from the exercise of prayer, to consolidate in your heart the covenant with Christ.
Dear children, in these times peace must reign in the dwelling places of all My children. You, with prayer, have the key that opens the Door of the Celestial Universe of God.
By means of prayer you will find the most peaceful path for your lives.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
While the world still does not stop to contemplate the Heart of God, the Father sends Me to call you today to practice the prayer of the heart. The prayer of all of the faithful ones will give the sustenance to help humanity. The prayer of those devoted to My Immaculate Heart will unite the hearts with God. The prayer of the humble and the servers will awaken the devotion and the faith in the defining moments.
Dear children, united by means of prayer you will be prepared, as missionaries, to assist the need of peace in the world. Therefore, My children, pray much and consider this sacred exercise of prayer so that your lives may be guided by the Holy Spirit.
My children, by uniting your hearts to each group of prayer, you will be uniting to the Christic Love of My Son. For this reason, today I also invite you to consider the important union among the groups of prayer so that in this way your souls may be one in fraternity and peace. Once you unite all your groups of prayer as one group, you will be giving the Almighty God the permission to act in each one of you.
Little children, as Mother of the Pilgrims, today I guide you through a New Path that many of My children are taking again; and this Path is called Jesus Christ the Redeemer, your Savior. He must be your inner alliance and you must have the purpose of living with Him through prayer.
Dear children, keep this mission in mind, knowing that My Heart will help you.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Dear children,
May trust be the next spiritual goal that all your hearts will be able to radiate as worthy children of God. My little ones, may this trust between the creatures and the Supreme God be the new redeeming alliance for this humanity in need.
My children, today I call you to strengthen, by means of prayer, this same alliance which My Son established between His Sacred Heart and God. Dear children, may this purpose for your lives be the reason of your presence on Earth in such a way that if you keep this spiritual flame of God ignited, many creatures in need will be able to be helped by the Great Angels of the Lord in the final time.
Dear children, it is important to consider this in your life: to build in your dwelling the perfect union between the soul and God. And this unfathomable trust will begin through the act of love, a love that My Son teaches you to live in your life, a repairing and redeeming love.
For this reason, today I invite you to open your hearts to the Light of the Creator, Light that is being poured over all My children of humanity through My Maternal Presence among you.
My children, may your hearts ignite again with joy, in gratitude so that your lives can be eternally in the Lord.
Today I call you to live in this trust as it will take you towards faith, and faith will keep you in the devotion to My Immac- ulate Heart and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. May Our humble Hearts be the essence of forgiveness and hope in your lives in the moments that humanity will live.
If prayer were the Light in all of the families of humanity, they would become sacred families, members of the Fraternity in these times.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
My children,
Live in perpetual alliance with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. He loves you above all things and shelters you in His arms of Mercy.
Today I contemplate you from My Maternal Heart and with eyes of Mercy, I tell you: do not fear, I am with you! Stay in the arms of the Redeemer because He will announce Himself, alive and resplendent, in each one of your hearts.
Do not fear, do not fear, My little ones! God wants the best for your lives. This is the moment in which God the Father calls you to redemption, to the awakening of faith and love in the essence of all My children. For this reason today I invite you to surrender each one of your fears and to fully trust the Plans of God.
There must be peace in the hearts of My children. Therefore, today do not forget that My Maternal Kingdom shelters you so that each one of the souls may arrive at the Redeeming Kingdom of the Love that Jesus, as a priest and as a shepherd, has prepared for you.
When I come to your encounter in silence, as Mother and Servant of God, it is so that your hearts may recognize that I am always among you.
It is important that, in this time, you live in a state of constant prayer because prayer will lead you to recognize with absolute clarity and wisdom the next and true inner path to go through.
Dear children, come to Me with your arms open, and remain- ing in faith and love in My Maternal arms, I will be able to fill you with the essence of the Love of God, a Divine Love that I lovingly bring from Heaven.
Therefore, walk with joy towards the Purpose because in this way you will be in God.
I want to lead you each day to the Peace of the Heart. Rest your souls on My maternal lap.
Courage and Hope to all!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
My Immaculate Heart radiates Love to the world. My hands of a faithful servant sustain it with much love. From Eternity, I send Light onto all so that the Holy Spirit may act as a celestial fire in the hearts, may heal them, elevate them and forgive them in order to be in unity before the Creator.
Dearest children of My Maternal Heart, with the Flame of Love from the Holy Spirit over the world, let us celebrate today the immense joy that God gives you through My daily presence in your lives. Today, emanate the ray of gratitude so that all souls may also receive the Grace of the conversion of the heart, the inner relief for life.
Rejoice your hearts, for in these past seven months of daily messages My voice has been echoing. When your souls rise to the Heavens, the Eyes of Kindness will reveal to you all of this daily exercise of love that My Heart is doing for this humanity.
I want to tell you that God, silently, through My Fire of Merciful Love, has been calling you every day for seven months so that the world may remember that the One and Only Will, the original Source of Love and Unity, the Eternal God, Omnipresent and Kind, loves you and waits for you through a sincere act of reconciliation with His Beloved Heart. The Father of Graces has descended in Divine Spirit to awaken the Light in your hearts. This is the echo that My Maternal Voice is propagating so that all hearts may reach peace.
Therefore, dear children, may each moment of prayer dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary be a perfect alliance with the Love of God for your lives and for the conversion of all those who are still not converted.
My Heart, through these past seven months of daily calls has wanted to impregnate you with the instruction of Love and of the Redemption that My beloved Son radiates to the world with His Divine Mercy.
Walk without pause to the encounter with the Love of God.
I thank you!
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Witness the Sacred Heart of Jesus, because in My Son you will find that which your hearts so much search for: peace.
Today I come to permeate you with My eternal and celestial prayer, a prayer that My Immaculate Heart pours, out of love, over humanity. For this reason, dear children, I call you to strengthen the alliance with God, so that your lives may be able to be in Him.
My children, each act of love and charity will place you in the Kingdom of the Father, within the Plans of Peace that My Heart proposes in this end of times. Therefore, dear children, elevate your prayers with fervor towards the center of the Heart of God, because in this pure and sincere way your lives will be partakers of the Holy Spirit.
Be in vigil so that this holy flame of peace may be able to touch the hearts of many of My children in the world. So that this Spirit of God may embrace and radiate to humanity, there must exist a true path of prayer that is formed by the souls of this humanity. In order to form these groups of praying hearts, I am among you day by day, allowing you to grow as My little children who listen to the voice of the great Lady Clothed with the Sun, of the Queen of Peace.
As a mother I seek that the formation of your hearts in the school of prayer be real, true and humble, because the ones who are most simple of heart will be those who will be able to transmit My Immaculate Peace.
Dear children, I invite you to follow Me in this school of prayer so that your little hearts may correspond to God the Father. Be today, once again, in the Heart of My Son so that the Light of the High Priest may guide you.
Thank you for responding to My call.
In the Love of God the Father,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
My children,
Do not be afraid of darkness because the triumph of My Immaculate Heart will guard each one of your lives.
Dear children, never lose the path of faith that you have built through prayer.
Today I am among your hearts so that you may feel Me as a Mother of Love and Peace. Never be afraid of what has not yet happened. Know that through My Son you will be able to find the strength to walk through the world. Therefore you must secure prayer in your hearts so that the fount that comes from the Divine Source may descend over the hearts of the world.
Beloved children, the alliance of your hearts with Christ will permit you to see the horizon of light that is approaching. Wait daily for the presence of My Son and know that we are still in a time of Grace. Walking in prayer, humanity will reach triumph in the Love of God, although for this to happen, it is necessary that many hearts liven up their lives through prayer. Thus all of them will be able to renew the life of the heart in love and forgiveness.
Dear children, accept and live the forgiveness of My Son. In this way you will receive the Rays of His Divine Mercy. This is the path that you must travel together, imitating the pilgrimage of Joseph and My Heart towards Bethlehem.
Why do I tell you this? Because your lives must be born as Jesus was born, who awoke in Mercy for the world. I need you in purity so that you may feel through My Heart.
My dear ones, I hope that through prayer you may be forgiving everything with your heart. Thus the suffering of the world will be less, because if souls pray with the heart they will be able to be saved.
Dear children, feel My Peace and live My Peace. I need you firm in the heart.
Thank you for responding to My call.
Mercy and Peace for humanity!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more