Saturday, October 20 of 2012

Special Apparitions

Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Our Mother wants us all to go outside and, if it rains, we see it as a Grace from Her.

Now we'll sing while we go out and get organized to stay outside; and not to worry if we have to remain standing.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Our Lady, holding a Monstrance in Her Hands, asks that we pray with Her.


Prayer: "Hail Mary" (10 times in Portuguese)


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

We inhale.


Today, dear children, I come to speak to you about an important task at the end of these times. A spiritual practice that will define you on your spiritual path.

Today, dear children, I am speaking to you about the importance of the adoration of the Heart of My Son, mainly in these great cities, where It is highly assaulted by the movements and actions of all humankind.

For this reason, dear children, lifting up this symbol of the Universal Monstrance with My Hands, I ask that you adore the Heart of My Son in this sacred space where I have appeared throughout this time, for in this way, dear children, My Son will be among you and you will be in My Son.

Why, in this time, do I ask you for the adoration of the Heart of My Son? Because in the symbol of the Monstrance of the Heart of My Son, many keys will be revealed for your lives.

I promise you, as Queen of Peace, to participate with you in this practice. The Monstrance is the Portal of Light for the new time and you, dear children, must lovingly revere the Heart of My Son; because in this end time, you will be participating in His Mercy.

Thus, dear Children, in this last hour, open your hearts and lift up your aspirations to God.

As a Mother, I call for your attention; but as a Merciful Mother, I guide you and lead you on the good path of peace, the good path of the Christian. Will you dare to be led on this new path I propose for you?

Dear children, all have need for redemption; but now, My Son, through this practice of adoration of Him, has need of good and healthy instruments so that, despite your imperfections, the Light of the Heart of My Son is able to be poured out over you; and this will have greater consequences in the Heavens.

My Celestial Graces will be poured out over this city, as well as over others. Many of My children will be rescued and their souls will be pointed toward salvation.

Dear children, today we are speaking about a single humanity, a single race that corresponds to God.

I, as Mother, as a part of this humanity and this place where I was born, and from here, from Heaven and from the universe, I come to help you once again.

Not only fasting is important for these times, but also uplifting your consciousnesses through adoration.

Know, dear children, that today I bring you this universal merit and present, the Monstrance of the Heart of My Son, because I tell you that this is My last day here.

Now, dear children, is the moment for your feet to begin to walk on the pathway I built throughout time, a path that will take you toward the Light, toward eternity. Thus, My children, fear nothing. If you just fulfill what I ask of you, you will be protected within My Immaculate Heart; and in this end time, the Heart of My Son will be present within you.

Today, I also hold the holy rosary in My Hands, dear children, the instrument of prayer of all ages; a prayer I have requested of you, throughout time, and which has allowed this humanity to not become lost and to be guided toward the Light.

But a greater merit has come in the end of this time. In this last century, through the Mercy of Jesus, He too invites you to honor His Heart through the adoration I request of you today, and today I will teach you how to do it.

You must focus your kind and loving eyes upon the mystery of that Monstrance, so that your soul is able to express itself at that moment, and a divine connection can be manifested at that time, in that place and in that room, where this Universal Monstrance is present.

And day after day, through this practice, your hearts will be uplifted, and without your perceiving it, you will find the Guardian Angels of the Lord in your life, so they may go to each part of this city and to all of Brazil, to aid souls, especially those that have grave faults in this time, and even more, those that will commit actions that are not within the Law of the Lord.

So, dear children, the adoration will uplift you, and you, as part of this humanity, will be aiding many souls that do not adore, that do not love and that forget the importance of the prayer of the heart.

Do you now understand, dear children, why I have come throughout this time, asking you for My intentions so that they may be accomplished on this Earth?

If you trust in the Essence of the Universal Mother, in you, you will find the Holy Spirit.

I was conceived by a Greater Power which is called God, the Greatest Most High of the Heights, and I want all My children to participate in this Motherly Source through daily prayer, and now also, through this practice of adoration.

You must allow your hearts to be led, so in your lives there may be correct reasoning and thoughts; in this way, dear children, you will be able to be guided.

And why do I call on you today to contemplate through adoration?

Because currently, the great Monstrances in this world are very much abandoned. Jesus is present in them, His Sacred Heart is in all the Tabernacles of the world. Thus, you must understand, dear children, that Christ, in His solitude, is waiting for you so you may unite with Him through the practice of adoration and inner silence.

This is the greatest present I am giving to all of you today, My children. I leave this Celestial Monstrance in this place so it may be an extension of your hearts, a perfect unity with My Son; because at the end of this time, dear children, it is enough that humanity rise up toward the Kingdom of God.

From that place, from where I come and where I want everyone to be very soon, today I invite you to pray for this request so that each of you, dear children, may find the Paradise God has left in your hearts. He is there; you must believe in that. Will you seek Him?

Today, I also invite you to continue praying, dear children, with greater sincerity so your hearts experience a transformation and you rise up toward the Kingdom of God, and I am able to welcome you there, in the essence of My Virginal Purity.

I want you to be humble like I am.

I want you to be simple like My Heart; because at the end of this time, in a humbleness of heart, you will find the truth of the mysteries.

Let us pray, dear children, for all the cities, and further, for those souls that at this time, have need of the Mercy of My Son and of salvation.

All are united in the Kingdom of the Father. It is important that you now know this, because in Paradise, all souls are equal. And all drink of the same Source of the Lord, a Source of Love and of Unity.

An aspiration that, in this time, your hearts must not lose, in spite of what happens. If you help Me to have My Immaculate Heart triumph, I will silently be with you.


Prayer: "Universal Mother" (three times in Portuguese).


How much I love you, dear children!

In My Arms I carry the Child of the new time at the return of My Son, the Savior.

As from tomorrow, dear children, let Our Lady Aparecida perpetually appear in your hearts.

Under the blessing of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thank you, dear children, for responding to My call!

May Peace, may My Eternal Peace, illumine your hearts, and this Peace be your faith to continue walking, in spite of everything, under the power of Divine Devotion, a Devotion that God will give you, a Devotion radiated to you by My Heart.

Today I only ask that you remain in My Motherly Heart.

Let the roses of My Peace be a new spirit of fraternity in your lives.

I thank you!


Song: "Magnificat".


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

We're going to listen to a short account on the part of Friar Elías and then we'll make some comments about that which our Mother has requested and announced.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We saw that about 15 to 10 minutes before the Apparition, there was a significant movement in this room. When our sister began to intone the Hail Mary, in a very quick and spontaneous way, a portal opened upward in this place; a deep sky blue portal. It was a portal that went up, into infinity.

While we prayed, and the sister sang the Hail Mary, choirs of angels began to appear. From those different choirs of angels, seven angels approached and positioned themselves from the ground up, toward infinity and were forming a great spiral, a spiral of Light toward the heights.

At that scene, that image appeared, we waited to see what it was that was taking place. The prayer-work continued and the sister continued intoning the Hail Mary.

At the center of that spiral, formed by seven angels, the first angel, which was very close to us, manifested a great bell in its hand, which rang as we prayed the Hail Mary.

When that bell rang, it radiated Light toward all of São Paulo. At that moment, the six other angels also had bells; there was a total of seven bells that were ringing on different scales and with very elevated and bass tones.

While all these bells rang, at the highest point in the sky, our Divine Mother appeared, came through this portal toward here, and She was the eighth consciousness Who also held a bell. In all, there were eight bells ringing at the same time, on different sound scales.

While they rang, our Mother had a greater bell which She was ringing loudly, calling all of us. At that moment, through this portal, many souls were being lifted up by the angels toward another place. We then saw that all these souls, which were scattered throughout this city, were moving through that channel of Light. They took advantage of, used that channel of service which had been opened through prayer.

Then came the moment when Our Lady arrived in this room and held a very large rosary; it was a rosary of white crystal which moved from side to side when She spoke to us, making gestures, expressions with which She was transmitting.

Then She gave us the opportunity to make some clarifications like those She also makes at other times. A moment came when She said: "I will appear to give My Message, outside of this room, because My Immaculate Heart is bringing a lot of heat to this place", and then said: "So that the words may be fluid, we will all go outside". Then She finished, saying: "Do not worry about it raining, because that will be a sign that My Grace is being poured out. It will be an opportunity for all, because all have to be very together, as I am with you."

And then, as She began to transmit Her Message, outside the house, She placed Herself very close to the side of the forest, more than 3 meters above where we were. There, She appeared as the Queen of Peace and brought the symbol of the Monstrance of Light. We asked Her what was happening, why She was bringing that Monstrance: "Wait, I will soon tell you, I will soon explain it to you," She said.

When She spoke in the Message about the importance of adoration, She placed the Monstrance between two trees, it being golden and having many rays, and suspended in the air over those trees.

As She continued Her dialogue with us, that Monstrance was radiating little by little during the whole Apparition. We saw that the energy of that Monstrance was working on the most subtle part of our consciousnesses, and this was very clearly manifesting in all those present.

When that situation of the movement of the Monstrance occurred, from which It was radiating little by little, Our Lady showed the state in which  beings may be when they are adoring. So at that moment a material being, a physical being could be seen, as well as the expression of that same being in a subtler part, in a more contemplative state, in a state of prayer and of attunement. According to what Our Lady told us, the adoration for that Monstrance awakens that state in us. She also explained, among other matters, that when souls enter into contact with that spiritual practice, besides being physically in front of that symbol, that symbol also acts like a portal of contact with God.

When She told us we had to focus our loving eyes on that symbol, She showed us how through our physical eyes, on observing that Monstrance, a connection was created with the heights very quickly, which was not through our own will. It was just by placing ourselves in front of that symbol, in our practice, and those various effects would gradually be spiritually generated in us.

She also told us that this practice would allow a rapid elevation of humanity, and that, if even a small part carried out this practice of adoration, it would be helping many situations on the planet to be resolved, especially unexpected events.

For this reason, when She told us She would appear today here for the last time, in this Nucleus of São Paulo, it was because She had already finished with a task and that, from Heaven, where She is, She brought us this non-material  Monstrance of Light so we could consider it a practice for the end of times.

Afterwards, during the work of the Apparition, She explained how this practice would be for all of us, which we will shortly comment on.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Very well, I had the intention of providing an explanation, but it's not necessary. When we have all the steps of this spiritual practice, we'll make them known through the ways our Mother indicates.