Dearest children of Cordoba and of the whole world:
In the name of the Love of Christ, Your Lord, I gather you to renew you by means of the Source of the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
My Immaculate Heart attracts to your lives the gift of Piety, the gift of Strength and the gift of Science; these three gifts will be the ones that will renovate the life of the consciousnesses that participate in the Plan of God and in consequence, many hearts will see themselves benefited when My servants live and work through these three gifts.
As Queen and Mother of the Holy Spirit I call you on this day to reinforce the efforts in the mission of the prayer of the heart. My Divine Spirit will guide the steps of the souls who are willing to be active representatives of the Spirit of God on Earth because, in this time, only through the strength and the wise power of the Holy Spirit will be resolved many confusing situations.
Now the Holy Spirit embraces you and welcomes you in the Essence of the Love of God, so that in this era your walk in the Plan of God is totally defined and confirmed.
New soldiers must arise from the planetary chaos, for this My Holy Marian Spirit will accompany the servers that lovingly diffuse the Science and the Life of the Holy Spirit.
My Heart invites you to think and interiorize in the heart the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit wishes profoundly to be a part of your lives and to transform that which still has not been transformed; for this your determination will be necessary, so that He may work.
Beloved children of Cordoba, in this way My Immaculate Heart returns to your dwelling places to light the Fire of the Holy Spirit. Only in the Holy Spirit of God may you find the inner strength and the determination to proceed accomplishing the Plan of the Father.
Cordoba and the North of Argentina have the mission of representing the Holy Spirit through His gifts and of being groups of pioneering souls of the divine gifts.
Through the daily prayer to the Holy Spirit and the invocation of the Supreme Consciousness of the Spirit of God, new and renovated sources will arise for the conversion and the redemption of the hearts of your nation.
The Celestial Universe of the Holy Spirit waits for you, so that the gifts that Argentina needs to live and to profess from the heart may descend and be materialized through your lives.
The Queen of the Holy Spirit comes from Heaven to give you this luminous impulse of devotion and of loving work dedicated to God the Most High.
May this day, of encounter and of celebration with the Holy Spirit of God be the reason for the renovation and the confirmation of your lives to the Sacred Universe.
I thank you, dear children of Cordoba for having trusted once again in My call!
I bless you in the name of the Holy Spirit of God,
Your Holy Mother Mary, Queen of the Holy Spirit
Today My mantle extends itself over the world, sheltering all the helpless of spirit and of heart. The ray of Brotherhood that is born in My chest is radiated to those who are lacking love, and matures in the heart of those who walk the flame of fraternity and of unity with the beings among themselves, with the kingdoms of nature and with God.
My children, as Queen of the Brotherhood I bring you the Peace of My Kingdom and I deposit in your hearts the brotherhood that the world lacks so much.
A heart that lives in Brotherhood is that which knows how to recognize the need in the situations of life and overcomes them with its actions and with its most pure intention.
A heart that beats in the rhythm of universal Brotherhood is that one which overcomes tiredness and discovers the love of sacrifice, when it is before the need of its fellow human being.
Brotherhood is born in the discovery of the Divine in each being. Brotherhood clears the eyes that cannot see the presence of My Son in each heart.
Brotherhood grows and matures in the beings that aspire to love their fellow human beings above all things and that discovers in the service to the brothers and sisters the nourishment of its soul.
In Brotherhood is the key to enter into a superior life. It is by seeking to love one’s fellow human being and to serve them that you will find the door that will bring you to the Kingdom of the Brotherhood. It is by starting to be fraternal and a partner in this world, that one day you will achieve the merits to know the superior and universal Brotherhood.
My children, today I bring to you the Kingdom of the Brotherhood so that there may be manifested in your hearts the permanent and inextinguishable aspiration to serve one’s fellow human being and to love them, constructing a new life in the world and attracting to the beings the brotherhood that is lived in the Universe of God.
I deposit in your hearts a new seed that must be cultivated by your souls through the permanent search and the perseverance in living brotherhood and fraternity among the beings. This will be reached when you recognize the perfect Plan of God for each sister soul, when you recognize the crystalline essence that shines in the center of each being and that was created by divine hands to manifest in the universe a principle of love and of unity.
My children, today, at the request of God, I present to you a new face of My Kingdom, that brings to you the archetype of life that all the worlds must manifest.
It is already time to awaken for the new and to let the old be extinguished from your hearts. Do not fear to discover new beings in yourselves, because all that you need to take this leap is already available before your eyes and your spirits. Only open the arms and the heart and receive with love the offer that is given you.
I am the Queen of the Brotherhood, the always Virgin and Blessed Mother of Christ and of all the beings. From My womb come all things, because in this way it was conceded by the Lord to His Universal Servant.
My beloveds, I welcome you today in My maternal arms and I receive you with love in My Kingdom of the Brotherhood, so that through the “yes” of those who represent humanity, little by little, a new life may arise on Earth, so that a greater time of Peace may be conceded to the world.
I love you and I thank you always.
Mary, Mother and Queen of the Brotherhood
Dearest children from Córdoba and from all of My beloved Argentina,
As the Queen of Peace today I come to your encounter through a Special Apparition of My Immaculate Face.
May this day be glorious, blissful and joyful for all so that we may be together and united to the Celestial Jubilation of God and, through the prayer of the heart, we may say “yes” to the Salvation and Redemption of souls.
Dear children, God the Father has sent Me to the city of Córdoba to give My Great Maternal Blessing and for this reason My Immaculate Heart has heard the loving voice of your prayers and of your call.
When souls say “yes” to the Divine Plan, the events that are written in the book of God change through the intervention of My Immaculate Heart and of the Sacred Heart of My Son. And this happens because you, as so many other souls, live the inner power of prayer.
Therefore, dear children, may your hearts continue to pray, creating new groups of prayer that respond to My requests and thus strengthen the faith in each one of you.
As the Mother of Divine Mercy today I bless you all for this path of faith and devotion that your hearts are living in honor of the Lady of the Immaculate Peace.
My children, My Message is reaching everyone throughout the world. Today I also ask you that your hearts be faithful propagators of My message and of My call, because many souls that have distanced themselves from God must begin to pray again and many souls that do not know the Love of God must feel the Celestial Father in the depths of their hearts.
Dear children, in order for this to happen, your faithful prayer must continue every day and thus open the heart to receive those who are in most need of God.
Dear children from Córdoba and from the sister provinces, today I invite you to participate in the new life of the spirit through the selfless service to the Plan of God. Therefore all the groups of prayer from Argentina are called to collaborate for love in the emerging of the New Christic Community of Brotherhood (*), extending your arms and giving yourselves through your hands. Therefore you are invited to be the work- ers of this Plan of Love.
In the Córdoba Mountain Range, from My Home of Prayer, a point of Light must finish emerging. Therefore you are all called to form yourselves in the school of prayer and to respond to the maternal requests of My Heart. All of you are part of the Home of Prayer because the world needs it in order to reach the Grace of Forgiveness.
Good fraternal service for all My children of Argentina!
I thank you for responding to My call today!
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
(*) Located at the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, Capilla del Monte, Córdoba, Argentina
Today, as Queen of Peace, I come to bring My Love and My blessing to all.
Dear children, today I invite you to be with Me in My Heart, in this very important time. And this can happen through your daily prayers.
Today, the Lord invites you to multiply your practice of prayer. Many souls are in need of this aid and of this protection. Your prayers will help the Plan of God to be accomplished here, on Earth.
Dear children, I want to tell you that today I need all of you. Thus, I also invite you to imitate My Pilgrim's Path, through good service and charity for others. With this, dear children, you will help the world to be relieved of its own evil.
As Lady of the Rosary, I also invite you to continue with this practice. The angels are opening the Heavens toward the Earth, and My guardian armies are sent to help humanity.
Dear children, I only invite you to give of yourselves in a more heartfelt way. That will be very important for the end of this time; for you must not only create groups of prayer, but rather a great network of fraternity far and wide throughout the world.
Dear children, I invite you to walk with Me in peace and in faith.
Today I am also here to ask you for something important. You know, dear children, that in My Marian Centers of Love, Bell Towers of Peace have manifested, which must sound the call of peace for souls.
Today I am also calling on you, My children, to manifest a Bell Tower of Peace in the new Community of My Son, so that the three Marian Centers of Love help these nations, the three nations to which I appear, month after month, calling all My children to assist this humanity by means of the consciousness of their hearts.
Thus, this Bell Tower of Peace will bring peace to this nation. Even though it may seem to you, dear children, that this is far from your reality, this Bell Tower of Peace in Argentina will bring good and peace to this nation.
Today, I come to meet with you to announce that it is important to disseminate peace, and this will begin through prayer, also through good acts that transmit peace.
It is important, dear children, that you gather together in the name of the light and peace, to help this part of humanity that needs them so much.
Of course, dear children, your prayers count. But it is necessary to practice service and charity; and this will begin, dear children, with the brother or sister beside you, looking at them with a peaceful and loving gaze, to dissolve the conflict that many hearts experience.
Thus, many hearts distance themselves from that true peace, because at the end of this time, starting with all that hearts experience in this material life, they also distance themselves from light and peace when hearts generate conflict.
For this reason, you are called to think on this peace, because you will find the Lord in your lives and your spirits will rejoice in the Heart of My Son.
Also, today I invite you to feel and to think about Mercy, all the times you are able to in your lives. This is a paramount request, dear children, so that you may see it is important to bring more Light to this world.
For that, dear children, My Motherly Heart has need of faithful soldiers who are able to lead many groups of souls through prayer, service, peace and love; for in that way, dear children, your hearts will be united at the doors of Heaven.
On this day I want you to know, dear children, that through the Grace of God and the permission He has granted Me as the Universal Mother of all, that My Motherly Heart will return here. For that, you must pray a lot during these months, so that My Motherly Heart is able to be present as from next year.
And I will come here to save you and aid you during the time of this purification. Thus, prayer will prepare your hearts.
Take your minds into the center of the heart and live within the Kingdom of His Peace; for in this way, dear children, you will not only be with Me, but also with My Son.
Thus, pray, pray and only pray. Pray for those who have forgotten to pray, and even more for those who do not want to pray in this time.
Live the principles and attributes of the patriarchs, and learn from the great fathers of prayer to coexist in peace and in good, spreading love and hope.
Today I am here, over this city, to bless it; for it is the heart of Argentina, which must beat strongly in this time through renewed groups of prayer, that not only spread peace, but also the hope that many need, because otherwise many hearts will be lost. Thus, there is a need for instruments of prayer.
My Heart has need of faithful servers who are able, from their heart, to disseminate the purity they hold. For in this way, dear children, your small purity will unite with My great Purity, and through My Motherly Love, I will be able to coexist with you every day in your homes, in each prayer, to support you and tell you to continue onward because evil will not defeat you, but rather, My Immaculate Heart will triumph if you will simply allow it.
Thus, listen to the call I bring from Heaven. Open the inner hearing of your heart, because hope is possible, dear children. And if you are united with Me, the heart will heal little by little, and the consciousness will open to the new and will not fear anything, for it will be with Me on this path of prayer that many need to experience in this time.
Count on Me, dear children, because I Am your Mother, your Mother of Peace.
Now you must place your hearts and your attention on the importance of prayer. Day after day, you must grow through this practice and not see it as something simple, but rather as something very sacred.
I am teaching you, dear children, daily Message after daily Message, to learn to walk in prayer and to discover the attributes that My Immaculate Heart once experienced when It was here on this Earth.
Dear children, I Am Mother and part of this humanity; for this reason, I deeply know you. Know that I read and feel your thoughts, I know your hearts' intentions. So, dear children, you are transparent to My Heart. For this reason, God sends Me to you to teach you to walk on the path of the good, and in this way, dear children, the example of your life, your simplicity and your humility will be able to attract many hearts that also need to learn a new way of life.
This humanity is mistaken, dear children; and silently, step by step, My Motherly Heart has accompanied the awakening of this humanity, the lessons and the tests.
I have been here, dear children, century after century, radiating all My children through the Source of the Love of God, so you may know that the universe is broad and that in it is the Great Presence of God.
For this reason, your eyes must always look up to infinity, so your aspiration is able to be on a straight path that only takes you toward the Lord, like the angels of Heaven. The beloved Archangel Gabriel taught Me this in the Annunciation.
My Words are poured out through the Light. Thus, you must keep them as a treasure in the heart; because you know, dear children, that they are already the last ones, which I announce in Medjugorje and which I now announce here, among you, to awaken faith in this very definitive time.
Thus, today, walk, dear children, taking steps with hope and accepting to live in the Lord, above all things.
Beyond your lives, your hearts must always draw close to the Kingdom of the Lord, for there you will be sheltered under the Light of My Motherhood and under the Light of the Heart of My Son. You must believe in this, dear children, because it will allow your faith and your devotion to God to be strengthened.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At the request of Our Lady, we're going to pray for the nations, practicing the prayer of the Hail Mary in different languages. And today, we're also going to include the Hail Mary in Latin.
She said that while we pray, She will open a door from Heaven so the Light may descend upon this place and can be spread through Peace.
At the request of Our Lady, we'll pray each Hail Mary twice.
Dear children, I thank you for this simple practice of the heart. For this reason, I invite you to continue praying together with Me during every day, out of love for all the nations of the world, so their representatives are able to guide the hearts of all souls toward the path of eternity.
Dear children, I thank you for responding to My call and for your love, for having received Me on this day with so much love in your heart.
May the Heaven of God, His Infinite Universe, remain in your hearts forever.
Under My motherly blessing and the blessing of My Son Jesus, I tell you, dear children: go in peace and go forth!
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
We're going to try and make a summary of what Our Lady transmitted today, the requests She made, so that afterwards, Friar Elías can give us a brief account of how the Apparition unfolded.
Two important things She manifested today as requests, beginning with the daily Message, is that the Nucleus of work which exists in Cordoba, which as you know, there is a Nucleus in the city of Capilla del Monte and a Monastery in the Cordoba Hills, that this task be turned into a Community.
That means there will be a greater responsibility towards the Plan of God. And all the people and groups that, above all, assist in this task here, in northern Argentina, will have a greater responsibility.
As you all know, the Light-Communities are designed to support the process of purification and so that we, as human beings, have a choice for a different life, a life dedicated to the One and at the service of the One.
In the same way as the Figueira Community and the Fraternidad Community in Casa Redención, now the Community of Brotherhood will be a goal to be achieved by all of us.
As you all know, they are also three strategic points within the Americas that will allow us to support the planetary movements during the purification. And we will do that through prayer, as has been requested of us and taught to us.
As we already know and have repeated several times, prayer will be the instrument that humanity will have for support in the difficult times. An instrument that any person of any religion, of any race, of any color and of any social standing can develop. For this reason, it will be the instrument that will support us, and any of us can do it.
Therefore, as from now, especially in Northern Argentina there is a very important commitment which is to unite through the heart and participate in the development of the Community.
Another of Our Mother's requests is that we build a bell tower like the one there is in the Figueira Community and in Aurora.
So we're going to get to work, because through each bell ringing during the times indicated to us, the energy of Peace descends upon this place; and wherever there is a prayerful peace-bringer, that energy is drawn toward the place where that peace-bringer is.
And as all of us have to become peace-bringers, through each prayer, united with the bell tower, we will be attracting the energy of Peace to this place.
Let's remember that in this time, all is allowed. All the good we are able to generate is allowed. All the peace, all the love, all that we can offer is allowed, and will be multiplied as never seen before. So let's trust in what we, as beings of love, are able to multiply: love, the good, and peace. And let's not worry about what's multiplied on the other side, which will be a lot also.
So we have to get to work with a lot of striving.
Now we'll listen to the Friar, to see what he can tell us.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
We thought that today the Apparition would be in front of the Altar, but it was the opposite. Our Mother always has wonderful plans for us.
As you heard today, She came as the Queen of Peace.
To better understand, we'll explain how the Apparition was.
Barefoot, with a rosary in Her Hands, with which She constantly prayed while She spoke.
She was dressed in a pink robe, a blue belt and a white veil that almost reached Her Knees, and that swayed from one side to the other, but that veil also fell forward a little because of the movement She made as She spoke to us, and around Her, a blue aura.
When Our Lady appeared over this place, She did so through a channel that was light blue, directly connected to the Heavens. And through Her, Light poured out over here, and expanded throughout Cordoba when She said that Cordoba was the heart of Argentina.
She was showing how Cordoba should be a heart that beat strongly and that the Light should be sent as if through arteries to all the other provinces. It is a creative exercise She taught us for praying, because She said that this would greatly help Argentina.
When She referred to the Bell Tower of Peace, She showed us that those three bell towers were already manifested, especially the one that will be present in the Cordoba Hills; and that the three, in unison, radiated Light for all of South America.
She promised us that if that bell tower were manifested before the end of the year, it could aid the three nations during the process of purification.
We asked Her if this meant that, in Argentina, Uruguay or Brazil, nobody would experience the tribulation. She said to us: "Each child will experience the state of purification that is foreseen, but if you do what I ask of you, if you pray with Me, you will be greatly protected, and My Heart will be able to aid you all."
Once again, today She gave us a lesson on being humble and being mediators through prayer. Above all, She asked about those we see daily, who we don't know, or that we may come across during our life, and that also have need of that prayer. In this way, She told us we will be practicing fraternity.
And when She told us She would return to Cordoba, we asked Her when it would be. She responded, as you all heard, that a lot of prayer was needed.
We asked Her: "Has the Lady foreseen appearing in the House of Prayer that is in the Cordoba Hills?"
She said, nodding Her Head: "Yes, it is in the Plans of God."
And She added something else, which really drew our attention: "Everything will depend on the communications of this world remaining in place, so I am able to transmit My Message."
So we understood how important the task She is doing in this time is, and that She also is carrying Her Message through the media we have available at this time, trying to save as many as She can.
This is why we know that also there, in the Cordoba Hills, there is no possibility of transmitting an Apparition until now.
So She will wait for that to manifest. We understood that it's a task for everybody to make the Apparitions possible in that House of Prayer that She asked to be built.
She also made a third request of the groups that are present here today and those that are not, specifically all the brothers and sisters of Argentina.
We know that next Saturday we have the Apparition in Lujan, and at that moment, She asked that some of the representatives of the groups of prayer present here, do a pilgrimage to the Lujan Sanctuary with the brothers and sisters of the Buenos Aires groups on the day of the Apparition.
We asked Her what the reason was and if She had a special request. "What is important," She said, "is that whoever can, should go and join that pilgrimage; because the same task I am doing here, I will also do at that Apparition at Lujan."
So the invitation has been made by Our Lady.
Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:
So we have to get to work, to pray and to be on pilgrimage.
As Friar Elías said, this next Saturday we'll be in Lujan. As She has been appearing during these last months and will continue doing so, according to what She has said, up until the end of the year, we need to avail ourselves of the Presence of our Mother.
We invite you all to accompany us, and know that each moment during the time the Mother is present, is an unparalleled moment for receiving Her codes of Light; that if we attend the Apparition, open of heart and inwardly united with Her Presence, while we pray, many things can happen in our lives, which we have waited for since we were born; because as I previously said to you, during this time anything is possible, and we have to have a lot of faith in this.
We'll see each other in Lujan. Thank you all for being with us.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more