Embrace the cross that God gives you, just as His Son embraced it on the path to Calvary.
Receive the flagellation of this time and stand up, again and again, in the spirit of strength and humility, offering any sacrifice, sorrow, adversity or difficulty to the hands of God and continue forward, as a reparation for this world.
In peace, live the humiliations of these times, and receive upon your face the thorns that remind you always that the only true reign is the one that comes from God and that all crowns and honors of this world are but thorns that wound, upon the faces of humans, their purity and their true face.
Let the calvary of this time guide you to an unknown Love, lead you to discover the real meaning of life, just as Christ discovered the true meaning of Love when He forgave everything on the Cross of His time.
Prepare your heart as Christ prepared His: with prayer and silence, in communion with His Father.
Because the calvary of these times are now before you. The trials that summon you to the overcoming in Love have already begun. Now, child, you must look to Heaven, to the Heart of your Father and Lord, to say to Him: "Father, my heart is ready."
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The time has come to accompany the Lord in the calvary of these times.
But now, you will no longer be the Cyrenean who accompanies His steps; you will no longer be the holy women who wash the Blood of the path with their tears; you will no longer be the executioners who try to contain their souls in the middle of so much hate that they do not know where it comes from and then, at the end of everything, they are healed by the potency of the Love of God; you will no longer be those who live the Passion of the Lord with their eyes and heart.
Today, Christ will be the Cyrenean who accompanies your paths. Your tears will wash the wounds of the Earth and quench the thirst of those who live in the desert of their own cross. Now, children, it is you who must take this step.
The cross of the world will not be like the Cross of Calvary, because its merits must be others. Its purpose is to renew and overcome all love already known on Earth, as it is in Heaven. Therefore, live the present moment with gratitude and be attentive to each new day that brings with it a step with the cross.
Know how to say "yes" to the Chalice that the Lord gives you to drink and, like His Son, know how to say: "Thy Will be done and not mine."
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I come with the Sun, with the Child Jesus in My arms, to bless the world and ask you to pray.
Pray for the souls that agonize for not comprehending the tests of these times, and pray for those who committed themselves to the planetary rescue and do not fulfill their missions.
Pray for those who are sick in spirit, submitting others to suffering, and pray for those who suffer due to living the injustices imposed by humanity at this time.
Pray for the Kingdoms of Nature, more and more outraged and forgotten every day, as if they were not part of the Divine Consciousness. The humanity that mistreats them does not know that it is God Himself that they offend and kill, every day.
Pray for the planetary consciousness that, despite sustaining the Earth, lives the constant indifference of humanity who, blinded by their ignorance, do not know their spirits or even give thanks for the life that is given to them.
Pray, children, because the world needs repair, the souls need salvation and the moment has come for the Earth to enter other Laws, another time, another cycle of its evolution, in which the suffering and ignorance that lead humanity toward a lack of love will no longer take place.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Spiritual persistence is an extension of love. When a being loves something in a true, sincere and evolutionary way, they are able to persist in order to reach their goal. Love renews them in the face of adversities and makes them stronger when facing the tests that the path brings them to, for different reasons.
When you experience something with love, you are able to persist, to conquer your own inertia, your own resistances and, in the same way, conquer the resistances and harassments imposed by the world.
To fulfill the Purpose of God and carry the cross He offers, it is necessary to develop spiritual persistence, which is the fruit of love of the Divine Purpose.
Prayer, adoration to the Eucharistic Body of Christ, and silence in contemplation of the living God in one's own essence are keys that lead you to true love, which is the Love of God and thus, you renew yourselves everyday on your path.
Those three things will dissolve the chaos and conflicts which will naturally emerge in your inner worlds, over and over again, because this is the test of this planetary moment.
Those three keys will always be your sustenance and the priniples that will lead you to the fulfillment of all things, because through them you will find not only love and persistence, but also wisdom and courage to understand your neighbor and help them, since one of the greatest harassments of this time will be to destroy the bonds of love and fraternity between human beings, because unity, children, is what will make you manifest the Plan of God on Earth.
Therefore, today, I only tell you that, whenever you lack persistence, strength, love, fraternity and ability to overcome the challenges to unite with your brothers and sisters, stop for a moment and pray, contemplate the Eucharistic Heart of the Lord or be silent before the Universe, before your own essence, to receive the peace and the wisdom of your Father and, thus, you will be able to overcome the end of times.
Your Father and Friend
The Most Chaste St. Joseph
The Laws of Healing are those which are active in beings through the giving of self to one's neighbor; but not only a physical or material giving, but through a spiritual and essential giving of self, in which the being leaves a little of their own vitality to contribute toward those most in need.
The true healer will always be supplied for by God and the day will never come when they will not be able to give something of themselves to supply someone in need.
The true healer will always seek their sustenance in the Father and, understanding that all things come from God, they will never feel that they lack anything because what they receive from the Father returns to His children, and from the children, one day it will return to the Father.
Healing is the balance, the complement, the manifestation of love so that unity among all beings may occur.
A sick being is in imbalance, they lack something, and it will not always be something physical or material; many times the illness is the lack of essential energy, of love, of unity with God and with fellow beings, and healing takes place when this being in need experiences balance and receives what was essentially lacking, receives love and the divine presence.
Therefore, many times, those who avail themselves to heal feel tired, because they give of themselves to others so that balance and unity may take place.
The most important thing for a healer is to know how to seek their sustenance in God, that which they offer to others, and that this movement of the giving of self attracts greater Laws from the Universe, which supplies those in need, not only with the energy of healing but also with the energy of Grace, forgiveness, compassion and Mercy so that the wounds that are not physical may also be closed and the imbalances that always remain invisible may also be healed.
I tell you all this because, in this time, everyone must be healers, through love, prayer, service and the giving of self.
Humanity as a whole is sick because it lacks love and meaning for its existence, and the healing for this is to be found within yourselves, in the possibility that human beings have to give of themselves to others and, thus, build unity with one another and all with God, so that no one lacks anything, and all are in balance.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
With your heart, accompany the awakening of the New Christs who are born of sacrifice, of martyrdom, of surrender and above all, of love.
The New Christs are born of silence, of renunciation, of chastity, of vigilance and above all, of unity with the Father.
The New Christs are born of the void, of faith, from the desert and above all, from an unconditionality before God.
The New Christs are born before the Eyes of the Creator and almost always will be known, only to Him.
Enter, child, into dialogue with God, so that He may make of you a part of His legacy of Love, a continuation of the Plan of His Son, a seed of the merits of His Passion, the result of His Blood and of His surrender.
You also aspire to be a Christ of the New Time, who renews the Love of the Father and of the Son, filled by the Holy Spirit, and in this way rebuilds the unity between the Creator and His creatures, giving God the possibility of renewing His Creation.
You have My Blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Taking a step in love and representing God on Earth means to enter into the Divine Consciousness and abandon your own plans, wills and goals, to allow the Creator to show you His plans, His Will and His goal, not just for you, children, but for the human consciousness.
Taking a step in love and representing God on Earth means to raise one's own comprehension of life, your concepts and patterns, to enter into a universal and divine pattern of life in which only the Love and Wisdom of God becomes your guide.
Begin, then, to observe life on Earth as a whole, and each heart, as well as each being, will gain importance in your lives, because the Divine Will embraces all Its children equally.
You will learn not to compete, but to help; you will learn to renounce, so that others can grow; you will learn to silence, to find God; you will learn to live sacrifice, to repair His Heart and, above all, you will learn to love, to renew His Love.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Seek always the states of peace and, within them, the reverence and respect for your fellow being, for life and for the Plan of God.
Seek to transform your patterns of behavior and thus elevate them. In this way, you will be of service to this humanity, so often conflicted and unconscious before their fellow being, before life and before God.
May the peace and love achieved in your prayers remain in your days, in this way, your prayer will come alive; you will make your prayer constant and eternal.
The more in harmony your heart is, the closer you will be to the Wisdom of God for the times of chaos.
Elevate your consciousness beyond the confusion of the human mind so as to know how to discern, define, guide and lead when the moment comes.
Wisdom and discernment will be rare attributes in the times of chaos, and in spite of this, human destiny will depend on these attributes and divine gifts because each step must be meditated upon, each decision must be made with wisdom, each definition done with discernment and with love, because beings will be writing the story of humanity and of Creation with their own lives.
Therefore, pray and be at peace.
Everything starts in states of peace and of union with God, because it is from the Celestial Father that wisdom and discernment arrive for finding His Path.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
With the book of your own lives in your hands, write with awareness, each new page, each chapter, each story.
With consciousness, build your own destiny and the destiny of this humanity, not in the sense of controlling your own existence, but rather in the sense of giving God permission, through your behavior, your actions, so that He may guide your steps and His Laws may govern your lives.
To write in the book of your own existence is to know that in all things the Universe respects human free-will, and even though the Lord, your Father, has the authority to transform all things with a single breath, He waits in silence for the definition of the steps of His children.
Thus, today I tell you that you must write in the book of your own life, conscious of each decision, of each definition, action, and thought, because everything that you emanate and manifest opens the way for certain Laws to act in your lives.
Life is creation and vibration. The Universe and the Cosmos move based on living Laws and Rays, which come from the Thought of God, to give life to the Universes and the dimensions.
In this time, be more aware of the Whole, of Life, of your fellow being, and in all that you may do, know that you are attracting a new chapter, a new experience to your stories and to the story of Creation.
It is time to begin to build the new life, and that begins with you being aware that the builders of this Work are you yourselves.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Contemplate the perfection of the human body, its sciences, its systems, organs, cells and atoms, still so unknown to the mind of humankind.
Simply observe the perfection with which life was designed and open your consciousness to penetrate this mystery of love and grace.
The Spirit of God, with Its Breath, manifested the perfection of the stars in the human composition, and just as the Creator has His living Body in the Cosmos and in the different dimensions, human beings also, in likeness to their Father and God, in the mystery of their life, hold not only creative power, but also the infinite Cosmos which is reflected in each small space of the expression of humankind.
To discover the hidden and divine life manifested within yourselves, you need to learn to be reverent with your own body, mind, feelings, soul and spirit, because the key of reverence is what will open the deepest doors for you to self-knowledge, for the science of one's own body, spirit and consciousness.
To be reverent with oneself is to know that you are facing a part of the Creator, to know that your bodies are a temple that guards your soul for the learning in this world, and that they are also a divine dwelling place, a dwelling place for the essence of love and of the Spirit of God.
You respect your bodies when you live in gratitude, nourish yourselves with gratitude and stay consistent with what you carry inside of yourself each day, not exposing your minds and feelings to retrograde stimuli, trying to keep your bodies always stimulated for your origin in God, and not allowing them to be more and more lost and distant from the truth each day.
In this time, everything you are must be elevated, because human genetics are reaching the correct point for its transformation, returning to its origin of purity and, with consciousness, those who awaken must walk toward this, placing your bodies before Truth and Love, placing your thought on Divine Thought, your cells on what is pure, your feelings on what leads you to the Love of God and thus, little by little, one by one, your cells awaken and ignite in the purpose for which they were created.
I know that today I am speaking to you about a mystery, but toward these mysteries you must begin to walk, to discover the science of your own consciousness, to return to the Time of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When old spirits congregate to take on their commitments and finally live an awakening, the whole Universe contemplates the Earth.
The awakening of consciousness happens in stage and in each one of them some veils are torn, and the being draws closer to the truth about themselves, about the Earth, and about the purpose of the existence of all life, from which humanity drew away from so long ago.
In each cycle that goes by, and the closer you get, as an evolutionary project, to your final goal, the more intense are the degrees of awakening, the more intense are the impulses received, and also more intense must be the need, which pulses within beings, to respond to God.
This need comes from your souls, which become agitated as they draw closer to the path of return to the Heart of the Father and to their universal origin. Because souls indeed know the Divine Purpose, and when they are properly awakened, they deeply aspire for it.
Thus, today I come to tell you to be attentive to the impulses of this time, open to experience them and be ready to let your souls express themselves in their response, experiencing a profound and absolute transformation.
Let yourselves be guided by the defining impulses of these times, through the heart that elevates toward the consciousness, and with the consciousness in God, you will manifest His Will.
I leave you My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Pray, because the more awakened the ones who committed themselves with Christ are, the greater is their responsibility before the planet and the Plan of the Creator.
Pray, because in the same time that you awaken, the world agonizes and those who are submerged in darkness enter deeper into their abysses.
Cultivate in your heart, in your mind and in your feelings, that which brings you closer to the Father, and unite to Him so that this union has more strength inside of you than the human tendency to follow the illusions of the world.
While the rulers of the nations become lost and confuse their spirit with matter, pray, child, for there to be balance in this world so that the laws attracted to it do not foster on Earth an unexpected test, something that many will not be able to bear.
Your prayer, hidden and silent, but sincere and true, reaches the Foot of God and His archangels, in order to balance the laws that cause the events to manifest within the life on Earth.
Everything in human life, before manifesting on Earth, starts to exist on the spiritual levels. The roots of virtues as well as of evil, of the new human being as well as of the tests of this time, are still in the invisible, intangible levels, but where prayers can indeed reach.
When you pray, you are attracting the Thought of God to Earth and this very Thought, when descending through dimensions, balances them so that it can manifest.
In the same way, when human beings act in a negative way and attract chaos to Earth, this chaos destabalizes the dimensions of life wherever it passes so as to manifest according to its vibration.
Therefore, we say that we are in times of battle. A silent battle, in which one triumphs with love and unity with God, because there is nothing superior to the Love of the Father, nothing that can defeat it. But, for it to be present within life on earth, human beings must open the doors to the Love of the Father through prayer.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
May My presence in this sacred place bring you peace.
Today I come in the name of the Heart of your Heavenly Father, bringing in My Spirit His Divine Love for this planet, for humanity, for all the life that lives on Earth.
Today I come in the name of Christ, His Son, the One who no longer deserves to say that He is My Son, because He is My Father.
Today I come to call each one of you, of My children, because God asked me to do so. Just as one day He gave me His Firstborn Son, today He gives me each one of you so I can instruct you, educate you and guide you to His Heart.
Many wonder who I am, who comes in the name of God, for so long in silence; today I come to tell humanity where the power I have comes from, to guide you to the Heart of the Father.
I am not the Way, the Truth and the Life. I am the one who has walked this Path, knew this Truth and became part of this Life.
I am the one who knew how to listen to the Words of Christ and also His Silence; who knew how to understand the presence of God not only within Christ but within every human being.
I am the One who could transcend his own miseries to enter into the perfection of God; who knew how to trust in the Heart of the Creator and who did not doubt His greatness or His Plan.
Often, children, you can not recognize the presence of God in your own hearts because you are too caught up in your own miseries and do not trust yourselves; but today I tell you that it is not in you that you have to trust, but in God, because it is the greatness of Him that will manifest in your essences, it is His perfection that will live within each one of you.
He will manifest His Glory and reveal himself to the world through the New Christs.
When we speak to you of the new man, of the new humanity, of the Christs who must arise in these times, you look at yourself and you do not find it.
Today I come to tell you to look into your own heart and go beyond it; enter into your very essence, which makes you like God, and let Him express Himself.
He will be this New Christ within you.
He will be the new human that will live on Earth.
He will be the expression of His own Thought in this world.
As it was in His Son, it will be within each one, within each one of those who believe, that have faith in what I am telling you today.
Today I come to take your thoughts, your understanding, to something a little broader.
You must understand the essence of human existence, the reason that brought you here to this sacred place. You did not come just to be instructed or to receive special grace. Instruction awakens you and reminds you of the true reason for human existence.
After knowing the truth, you must live it, strengthen your faith so that it may become wisdom, understanding and manifest in your lives and in your consciences the Gifts of the Spirit of God. The one whose breath has become Life must manifest itself in your cells and in your atoms, to be revealed.
If the Spirit of God did not dwell within you, you could not live, because He is life itself, but also humility itself, and will remain silent in the hearts of those who only hope to hear their own voice, who only believe in their own thoughts and feelings and do not surrender to God.
But in those who know how to silence, in those who place their own miseries at the Creator's Feet, surrendering their powers to God so that He may manifest within these children; the air that circulates in your body will manifest the divine breath, the blood that circulates in your body will finally manifest the genetics of that Blood of those who commune every day.
When they commune with Christ and do not believe in Him, His Blood also remains silent. But when you have faith that He enters into your cells and travels through your body, soul and consciousness, you gradually become participants of the genetics of the Son of God. And what has been lost, that which has been misrepresented, begins to resume its path to express the divine thought, to truly be what a human being is.
Many wonder if I am a part of God, and today I come to tell you that we are all parts of God. My Heart has returned to His to give you an example that not only the Firstborn Son can return to the Father. He came to show you the way to follow this path, to imitate His steps, to live His Love.
Today I come as Your Messenger, as part of Your Heart, because I offered myself to God so that, until the end of human existence, souls had an opportunity to find the way back.
Returning to the Father is not ceasing to exist. Unity is a state of consciousness that you can experience at every moment; you can continue to be human beings and yet express unity with God.
His Son came to show you this; at no time in His existence was the Heart of Christ separated from God.
Let the boundaries of human understanding be broken so that you can understand what you cannot explain; so that you may live what you cannot think, but which only manifests not as a thought or a science, but as a state of life.
Many of you have learned to move from mind to heart, and now you must put your heart into awareness so that spiritual life is not a feeling but a living, constant experience.
You are entering a new cycle, in which the new humanity must cease to be a teaching.
You will no longer pass by, studying about the new human and seeking in others his manifestation. He will not come from another world, He will not come from the stars, although the stars will manifest on Earth, the Universes will manifest here.
The life that inhabits the Cosmos will express itself upon the planet to participate in the expression of the new human, which will manifest within each one of you. It will not be the other way around; do not expect the new life to come from heaven, for it begins here, within you, in this place, and in all the islands of salvation, consecrated by God and prepared by Him to manifest the new life.
From the pure in heart the new human will be born, and it is his own example that will awaken the sleeping Christs; It is the very example of each one of you that will allow your brothers and sisters to awaken and thus expand the new humanity.
From the transformation of each being upon this earth are born the merits so that those who will come in the future, those who will be born here, find the way ready to no longer express the old human condition, but to participate in this new being, this new archetype of life, which expresses the divine thought.
I am here to tell you all these things because this should be the priority of your lives. You are not here to work, study, take vacation or travel the world. You are here to express a divine principle, to express the resemblance to God, because all life in the Universe awaits you. All the stars that you see in the sky contemplate the Earth and silently wait, they wait for the Plan of God yo be fulfilled.
May this new being not only be in the Heart of the Archangels, in the consciousness of the Creator Fathers and in the occult of human beings.
Mysteriously, from this small planet, will set the example of life for all Creation, just as it has already happened through Christ.
Do not look at yourselves as I speak. Do not think about how far apart your lives are from the manifestation of what I tell you. Let the veils tear from your consciousness so that your way of thinking transforms, so your thinking is within the heart and your heart is in consciousness.
I'm talking to each one of you and every human being. As I speak, I draw to the world what you truly are, so that you may awaken.
May your essences scream for you to finally hear; that there is no longer silence within; may God not remain silent within you; may the breath of His Spirit not be hidden, but may it move your inner world, remove the old human.
God will speak to you again and again until you live what He tells you, and I commit myself to Him to repeat His Words until the institution of the new life.
And even though My Word may no longer speak through the visionaries, I will shout within your inner world and you will hear Me in your hearts.
Those who want to hear Me will be guided by Me unitl the end, because for this I am here. My evolution walks with yours.
Today I will ask you that the priests consecrated by Christ will be those who bless this Eucharist, because upon them our Lord has placed His trust and the time has come for them to express their true mission.
You will continue to commune with Christ, in every new encounter with Me, but it will be the priests who will bless this Eucharist, who will call with their heart and their consciousness the Angel of the Presence, because He always listens to them.
It will be the priests who, from now on, will open the Heavens so that the elements will be converted and all the Graces that God has to offer you will be manifested in the Body and Blood of Christ.
In the same way, you will rely on transubstantiation; they will trust that the Blood of Christ is found in wine and that His Body is present in this bread and that within you, day by day, little by little, it will lead you to express the genetics of Christ so that, like Him, they may express the similarity with God and return to the Heart of the Father.
So be it.
In this way, we teach you to trust in the mediators we have brought you because, despite their human condition, a divine grace inhabits within them and, by the merits of their surrender, each day it will manifest a little more.
Whenever you trust in God more than in yourself, He will express Himself within you.
Surrender your human condition, your faults, your personalities and trust in He who created you perfect, to dwell within you.
There are no mistakes in Divine Creation; there are no mistakes in His Thought. Let His perfection be expressed.
For this, I bless you, I place upon you My hands and the irradiation of My Chaste Heart so that, through My Example, your beings awaken and so that, in the near future, through your examples, others will awaken.
Feel the breath of the Spirit of God circulating in your bodies that permeates your consciousness. Let Him express Himself, let His Gifts manifest.
May the Presence of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit remain in your beings forever.
I thank you.
And now, I ask you, in reverence and while still in My presence, that the priests come here to receive My blessing and thus consecrate these elements.
Confess to God in order to reach the path of His Heart, and find the answers full of wisdom that He has for you.
Allow your heart to be transparent before the Father, to find the path to enter into His Truth and His Love.
The Creator wants you to be a partaker of His infinite Wisdom, the knowledge of His sublime Laws, of His celestial Truth, but for this, child, you must begin by opening yourself, by knowing yourself deeply, without layers, without masks, without resistances, to find that which is most hidden within your human consciousness.
It is only through unveiling the illusion that you will know the truth. Being true before God, you will find that which is most pure within you, and it is within your own essence that everything will be revealed to you, because there you will find the path toward God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Wherever there is a heart that struggles to win itself over, God will be there helping its footsteps.
Wherever there is a heart willing to overcome itself in love, so that a greater love may emerge within itself, God will be there helping its footsteps.
Wherever there is a heart that prays sincerely and begs for the redemption and transformation of its miseries, God will be there helping its footsteps.
The Lord will turn each one of your falls into a greater impulse for the strengthening of your spirit; He will turn your miseries into a greater impulse so that your spirit may live humility and detachment from your skills. The Lord will make your weaknesses the reason for His constant surveillance. And everything that made you weak before, will strengthen you. Everything that made you miserable before, will be converted.
His tests will become a trampoline for human evolution and for the renewal of Divine Creation.
It is enough that the hearts ask for divine assistance in everything. And that they do everything within their reach to sincerely fulfill the Plans of God. Even if they are not perfect and feel like a sea of misery, the Lord will pour everything into the ocean of His Mercy. It is enough to know how to surrender to God.
Your Father and Friend,
Saint Joseph Most Chaste
Message transmitted in the Garden of the Monastery of the Assumption of the Divine Spirit, in Uruguay, where a fountain with the image of Our Lady of the Garden was placed.
As the water that flows from the fountains consecrated to peace, may the divine blessings pour out upon the souls and hearts and, through you, reach the whole world.
May the Blessings that God pours upon your lives multiply and reach each heart throughout the world.
In this garden consecrated to prayer, contemplation and the rendition of souls and the Kingdoms of Nature, the Creator finds reparation and hope. May each being that arrives here remember that he has the opportunity to pray and repair the Heart of God, just as His Son did, while in the Gethsemani Garden, and as His Divine Mother continued to do, time and time again, by going through the sacred places of the Passion of Christ in prayer.
The Most Holy Mary arrived at the Gethsemani Garden to relive the agony of the Lord, thus keeping alive the merits of His Passion and multiplying them. Her prayer repaired the Heart of God and above all, the Heart of Christ, eternally flagellated by the great indifference of humanity.
May this garden, children, be for you as if you were entering the Garden of Gethsemani, and share with the Lord His agony, repairing His Wounds and sores, generating merits for the salvation of souls and the institution of the New Life.
Here, always enter with gratitude and joy for being able to serve the Heart of God and in It, all the Kingdoms of Nature. Through your prayers, united to the different Kingdoms in communion, the angels of the Lord will repair the suffering and the outrage that the Kingdoms live in this world. Thus, find here a space of service that, although it is hidden and silent, it crosses borders and dimensions, and touches the Heart of God.
He blessed you for this, blessed this fountain, this place and your lives, so that the harvest of your rendition may be of assistance to many other souls.
I love you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
At this time, everything is allowed.
It is allowed that humanity express the imbalance that is inside of them, through excessive actions empty of love, empty of God. And at the same time, it is allowed that the spirit of unity pulsates within the pure of heart and manifests in the expression of love between races, cultures and religions.
It is allowed that families dissolve and live the laws of chaos and disharmony, generating conflicts and lack of love amongst beings who have united to learn together how to love. But, in the same way, it is allowed for families to heal themselves and express the archetype of a new life, evolving and growing as a family group, walking towards God.
It is allowed that chaos dissolve the inner peace of beings and to cause them lack of hope. In the same way, it is permitted for an unknown love to emerge from the heart of those who say yes and who believe in the miracle of the renewal of the Love of God through their essences.
Everything is allowed, but everything happens according to the choices of each being.
It is allowed that there be chaos and evil in the world, but it is also allowed that a love capable of healing all things may emerge.
Therefore, in these times of definitions, when the heavenly laws touch the Earth to battle with the false laws of the world and to institute a new life, decide and define yourselves according to the purity of your essences, following that which is within you and that which makes you similar to God.
You have my blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The most Chaste Saint Joseph
When the last rays of the sun begin to withdraw, quiet your heart and fill it with hope. Remember the colors of the day, their brilliance, their warmth, so that the dark night may be a moment of retreat and of inner deepening for you, rather than of fear or hopelessness.
Recognize that within you there will always be the door that takes you to God, and that it does not matter where you may be, it does not matter what happens in this world, communication with God will always be possible for you, because He lives in your heart, His Fount of Life is found by going through the doorway of your chest.
Thus, today simply appreciate the moments of quiet, of silence, of prayer and of upliftment, for in you they will build that bridge to God. It is these moments that will awaken and make the presence of the Celestial Father known within you. So face each opportunity of prayer as if it were the only one, and never fail to be entirely in what you do.
From one moment to the next, the sun will withdraw, and the night will seek from you the fortitude that you built within yourself. It will be three long, dark nights, as if they were eternal. They will be enough to define the hearts of humankind and redirect their paths according to their choices, according to what they built within themselves.
Therefore, pray and appreciate the moments of peace. They will be essential for you and for this world.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Bring your prayer of the heart to the consciousness, children, and have the feelings of peace and of union with God that you feel while you pray remain in your lives, reflected in your actions, in your thoughts and in your feelings; and to your daily and constant experience bring the wisdom and the discernment that you feel when praying, and be in the constant presence of God and of His Spirit; being reverent not only in the sacred places and moments, but at all times.
Bring the prayer of the heart to the consciousness and allow your beings to be constantly elevated, seeking to draw to Earth the principles of higher life, in the certainty that in this union of the Time of God with the time of the world, this life will manifest on Earth.
Feel your hearts and your inner world during a moment of prayer, and after this try to maintain that state of alignment and of gratitude. That is bringing your prayer to the consciousness.
Seek that knowledge and express that wisdom.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
With the sky-blue Mantle of their Divine Mother upon their bodies, their consciousnesses and their hearts, a Child of Mary is someone who represents the Celestial Mother within this world.
Seeking to love their fellow beings and the Kingdoms of Nature, with the Love that comes from the Mother of God, a Child of Mary is someone who in prayer discovers the path for transforming their human condition and opening the door of their heart so that the Most Holy Mary may find Her dwelling place.
By looking at their fellow being with pity, humility and compassion, a Child of Mary is someone who makes an effort to purify their mind and thoughts, and to make of their eyes the windows through which the Mother of God observes, watches, accompanies and supports Her children.
A Child of Mary is someone who is ready not only to recognize their miseries, but also to transform them.
A Child of Mary is one who learns to pray from the heart and who, with their experiences, discovers the simplicity of the path to unite with God.
A Child of Mary becomes more aware, everyday, that they are an instrument, so that the Mother of the World may be present on Earth, so that She may act through their hands, intercede through their prayers, understand and support through their feelings, remain humble and not judge; through the pure heart and the essence united with God, they know how to see their fellow being as a doorway to the Creator.
Everything that I say to you is a path and an aspiration that in a short time becomes alive within the hearts that pray, becasue the one who prays gradually discovers and experiences what it is to be a Child of Mary.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In order to fulfill the Plan of God every day, you only need to be sincere of heart, always seek the path of humility, and the overcoming of self.
It is in these times, child, when the purification becomes more intense within many beings and, above all, within the consciousness of the planet, that you need to elevate your heart more and seek within it the strength and the courage to persist on your path, every day.
Place your heart and your mind always on what God needs of you.
When what you want intermingles and becomes confused with the desires of the world, turn your heart toward God and offer Him your being so that He may make it clear and pure, transparent and true, before His Will.
God will call on you to surpass yourself every day, but not to surpass through pride, competitiveness or vanity; He will call on you to surpass through love, He will call on you to overcome obstacles in your inner world, experiences that will occur between your heart and the Heart of God.
Surpassing, in these times, is not just physical but, above all, it is interior. And it is not the obstacles of the planet or the external difficulties that you are going to overcome.
Within you will be your greatest challenge, where nobody sees, where nobody reaches, just you and your Father. And it is there, child, that you will fight your greatest battle, and it is through that triumph that you will overcome yourself and surpass the Love of God.
For this reason, do not place your attention so much on external things, on the defects of others, but rather on the truth and on the transparency that there should be within you, so that you may fulfill the Will of God.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
See, the Origin of all life is also in you. The infinite Universe and the One and Omnipotent God are reflected in those who were created to express the likeness with the Father and to renew His Creation.
See how great of a mystery is hidden from humanity because the science of the awakening of love begins in the essence of humility. The one who is in all things, to be what He Is, lives in the emptiness of Self and allows His Heart to be shaped to the hearts of His children, so as to dwell in all of them.
Perceive then, that in spite of the great mystery of Creation being within you, God made you the least of creatures, apparently the weakest, and with the least scientific and spiritual resources. This is the great key of the revelation of the Love of God; He is delivered to the lesser and reveals Himself to the most humble.
See that Infinity is kept within you, because just as the Father manifested life and the Universes, through the essence of His Love, someday, child, from the essence of love that is awakening today on Earth, the seed of a new life, of new dimensions, of new Universes, of a new Creation, must emerge.
I know that what I tell you seems distant and incomprehensible, but when My Word pronounces truths, it awakens within you what is dormant and which must begin to express itself.
Love is the principle from which life emerges, in all of its expressions. In it is to be found the mystery of your existence, the reason for which God manifested this humanity, and in it, Himself.
Just meditate upon what I tell you and allow My words, on their own, to inspire you to love more than to understand all these things.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Silence and breathe to search within yourself for the path of elevation. Let all the veils of illusion and the human condition that you must transmute and transcend before you reach God be shown to your heart.
May your limitations make you humble, but may they not remove your faith and hope. Go beyond and discover within you the door that unites you to the Infinite, to the Divine Consciousness and to your celestial origin. Let your essence reveal itself as a bridge to the Heart of God and, even if you cannot cross this bridge at once, let it always be the symbol of your perseverance, the reason for your faith.
Each day, aspire more to the Infinite, to the eternal, but not only to abandon what upsets you about life upon Earth. Love the opportunity that God gave you and learn to understand life in its evolutionary and spiritual sense. May your eyes contemplate upon the planet the opportunity to love more and better, and in each of your brothers and sisters, contemplate the potential of renewal of the Love of God in the emergence of a New Christ.
Aspire toward the Infinite, the universe, as a form of knowing that your goal is to return to God; but you will return, child, with your heart full of an unknown love, with your spirit full of the Divine Spirit, with your consciousness fully expressing the essence of the Divine Thought for humanity. And with this legacy within your heart, you will offer it to God so that a new beginning may be written in Heaven, as on Earth.
For this aspire to a superior life; for this aspire to return to God. May there be no human aspirations and human concepts about the supreme life within you. Let the truth pulsate within your heart and be the motor that allows you to experience the transformation, every day.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
In each new day, elevate your thought to the Father to say to Him:
"Lord, here I am,
ready to try once more to accomplish Your Plan;
ready to try once more to be Your instrument;
ready to try once more to multiply and renew Your Love.
Lord, here I am,
with my fragile heart, strengthened by Your Presence,
with my temporary life surrendered to Your designs
so that someday I may be worthy of participating with You in Eternal Life.
Lord, here I am,
ready to rise, ready to be reborn, and, in the same way,
to die a little more every day to that which I believe I am,
and thus enter into Your Essence of Life,
into Your Supreme Truth.
In this way, in a prayer of surrender to God for each new day, you will know, child, that every day is a day for beginning again, of rising, of walking, of trying once more to reach the Heart of God.
In this infinite path, what is most important is to always be willing to take one more step, and to do this every day.
Pray from your heart to the Father so that your little being not lose hope, but rather become renewed every day. If you do this, you will be generating merits for the salvation of those who are lost in their most profound mistakes and sins, and who believe that for them there is no more hope, there is no forgiveness, there is no way out from the abyss in which they have placed themselves.
Let the Love of God be known through your own existence. Receive the Forgiveness of God every day, and thus you will not only be renewing hope in yourself, but also, child, you will be renewing hope in the Heart of God that one day He will find in you a triumph of His Love.
Pray and with your life announce Divine Grace to the world.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Collect the fruits of the Grace of God within you, trying hard every day to express the virtues and gifts that He gave you.
May His blessings remain not only in your hearts, but may they also be expressed as a way of life, as actions, as the praying word, as a helping and loving word, as a thought that elevates the mind to the Heights.
These are the ways to multiply what God gives you and, therefore, become dignified of a more and more deeper union with the Father.
May your example, child, always speak to the hearts about love and unity with God, because this is the way that the Creator has to reach all His creatures: through the example of transformation and the prayer of those who do listen to Him.
For this reason, allow yourself to become an instrument of God. Each day more, love what He gives you, and aspire that this Love, that comes from the Father, reach all your brothers and sisters.
Go and serve, pray and multiply the Love of God within your life. This is what it is to collect the fruits of His Graces within your heart.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May your hearts always be available to call upon Mercy.
May your mouths always be available to proclaim Divine Mercy.
May your actions always be ready to be merciful.
May your lives be reflections of the action of Divine Mercy.
May your hearts, with love, always be ready to allow Mercy to expand and reach more souls in this world.
This is My prayer for you today. May everybody love and know Divine Mercy, and thus, be bearers of Divine Mercy for the world.
For this, I bless you, and I keep you in My Heart so that you may grow in humility, strengthen yourselves in prayer and serve the planet through the constant experience of Divine Mercy.
You have my blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Keep your heart in peace through the Source of the Divine Mercy, and become an instrument for God to shed His Graces upon the world.
Contemplate the great need of the planet, of the souls and of Creation, and strengthen your faith in the Divine Mercy, in the certainty that with it the hearts will find hope to start again.
May no sin be eternal before the Source of Divine Mercy. May no wound remain open, beyond the one from which the Grace of forgiveness and redemption flows into the world.
At this time, God hands you everything, not just for you to experience redemption, but also for you to guide humanity through this path. Be thankful, every day, because He placed you on the path of prayer and the choice of love, and fearlessly experience the leanings that lead you to this.
May each lived experience strengthen you at this time. May each moment lead you to the experience of love.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May the ever deepening silence of the Divine Messengers lead your consciousness to become silent as well. Thus, learn how to listen to your inner world and, within it, to the Spirit of God that inhabits your consciousness and guides you.
Understand silence as a way to deepen communication with the Father. Understand retreat as a way to mature that which you have received, and to prepare your being for something higher.
Allow this cycle to speak to your consciousness through the desert because all those who aspire to truly deepen their spiritual life must cross it.
Do not fear emptiness or loneliness, but learn to find in them the silence of God by means of the Love of the Father, discover a dialogue with God that up to today has been unknown to you.
The Creator speaks to the innermost part of His creatures through silence, and only in the desert of your heart and in the emptiness of your consciousness will you learn to find Him .
Receive the Divine blessing for this cycle, which the whole universe contemplates with love. Creatures are living their spiritual maturity in order to take an unknown step for all life, for all Divine Creation.
May your being be united to the Universal Laws and Principles that rule this moment and, above all, may silence be your greatest guide.
You Father and Friend
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May the peace of God be present in all hearts.
Children, remember the essence of the spiritual life, every day, that is to be found in surrender, sacrifice, service, prayer, and, above all, in the attribute that unites all things, which is love.
Remember that true freedom is found in surrender, and by experiencing this surrender you will learn to love the Will of God, and not your own.
Remember that true freedom is found in sacrifice, and by experiencing this sacrifice you will learn to overcome yourselves in love, finding a greater love, every day.
Remember that true freedom is found in service, and by experiencing a heartful service, you will be free from your constant wills and needs, so that through fraternity you may learn to live by the Divine Providence.
Remember that true freedom is found in prayer, and by living this prayer you will find the Celestial Universe and its origin, overcoming all human fears and illusions, that make your feet constantly trapped to the Earth.
Remember that true freedom is found in love, and by living this love, you will be free, not only from yourselves, but also from all the limits, covers and dimensions that separate you from the Divine Consciousness. Love will lead you to the All that God is and, more than that, it will open the doors so that all life may return to the unity with the Heart of God, and it will give the Creator the possibility of finally renewing His Love and His Creation.
In this time, find true freedom, and be free inside of the Divine Unity.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Give thanks to God for each moment of your life, for each word received from His Sacred Heart.
Give thanks to God for each blessing and each trial, for each experience lived on Earth, which makes you grow and give new steps on the way of evolution and of return to the Heart of the Father.
Give thanks to God for the cycles experienced as well as for the present moment, and always build with Him the steps of the future; not just your future, but the future of the whole humanity, the future of this planet with its Kingdoms and its life.
Be thankful, at each moment, because gratitude will open the correct door toward the evolutionary path for you.
Gratitude will convert the growing adversities into love, and even the harassments that come your way will, under the spirit of gratitude, be transmuted.
May your thoughts and your heart be constantly in God, in an eternal movement of gratitude toward Him. This way, child, you will find the way back to the Heart of the Father.
Your Father and Friend
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Thank God for each cycle that ends, and give glory to God for each new cycle that begins. Allow a synthesis of everything that you learned in these last years be carried out within you and, with gratitude, create the bases for beginning a new time, a new cycle of service, of learning, of definition, of Grace.
Open yourself, child, to take a new step, every day, to reconfirm your heart and your consciousness on this path, and, above all, so that, besides being a child of God, you may also be His friend and companion, the one upon whom the Creator can rest His Cross, the one in whom the Creator can renew His Love.
Aspire that in this cycle your being be even more open for transformation and truth, to discover and to know your original essence and dissolve the illusions of the human condition.
May this be a cycle to deepen in the desert of your heart, where you will be before yourself to define your heart and where you will be before God to come to know His Will and accept it with love.
This will be a moment of emptiness, of surrender and of solitude, because your heart must mature in order to deal with that which will come. Your consciousness must be firm in truth and in divine knowledge so that, in this way, you may go through the transition of the times with full certainty of the light of the new life to come.
This is the moment to stand before the Father and receive from His Hands the Scroll of His Will in order to fulfill it. It is the moment to grow spiritually and manifest the strength that for so many years the Lord has been building within your heart.
Therefore, go, and enter into the desert of your inner self, live your cycle of definition, live the confirmation of your surrender, live the encounter with the Creator of all things, and prepare your consciousness to carry the cross of the end of times and be the spearhead that opens the cycle of the new life, the new humanity.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more