Today, children, with the Child Jesus in My arms, I come to make a special request to you.
There is not much time left before My words echo within the world. The moment for My silence has come so that, in this way, the voice of this little Child may speak louder, so that His designs may be heard and His Word may become Law.
But before silencing My Chaste Heart, I come to request the coining of the Medallion of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph. A medallion that will hold within it all the merits achieved throughout My life and throughout the eternity of My Heart; a medallion that will be the protector of families and a guide for the evolution of souls; a medallion that will remind you of the purity of your hearts and will protect your essences so that you not lose your peace during the times of transition.
The Medallion of My Chaste Heart will be engraved with My image, with the Child Jesus in My arms. He will be on My right arm, and the lilies that I carry as a symbol of chastity will be in My left hand. At My feet you will write: Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, pray for us.
On the back, the Medallion will have My Heart, as a bridge to My spiritual Reliquary. My Heart with three lilies will represent the union that I experienced as a servant of God, with the Divine Trinity.
With this Medallion, children, the legacy that I must leave to you, as Father and Friend, will be fulfilled.
Those who hold this Medallion with them will carry around the world the Gifts and the Graces achieved by My Heart.
As divine promises, I tell you that those who hold the Medallion of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph:
1. Will find peace in the times of tribulation.
2. Will achieve inner wisdom through humility and surrender.
3. Will find the path to return to the Father through simple prayer.
4. Will be protected from all darkness.
5. Will achieve Grace and protection for your families.
6. Will live under the spirit of humility and meekness of My Chaste Heart.
7. Through silence, you will discover the unfathomable Love of God and drink of His Divine Fount.
With joy in My Heart, I leave this request to you, which I would like to see accomplished by March 19, 2020, when you will receive from God a special Grace and a divine atonement.
I leave you My blessings and My peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I come with the Sun, with the Child Jesus in My arms, to bless the world and ask you to pray.
Pray for the souls that agonize for not comprehending the tests of these times, and pray for those who committed themselves to the planetary rescue and do not fulfill their missions.
Pray for those who are sick in spirit, submitting others to suffering, and pray for those who suffer due to living the injustices imposed by humanity at this time.
Pray for the Kingdoms of Nature, more and more outraged and forgotten every day, as if they were not part of the Divine Consciousness. The humanity that mistreats them does not know that it is God Himself that they offend and kill, every day.
Pray for the planetary consciousness that, despite sustaining the Earth, lives the constant indifference of humanity who, blinded by their ignorance, do not know their spirits or even give thanks for the life that is given to them.
Pray, children, because the world needs repair, the souls need salvation and the moment has come for the Earth to enter other Laws, another time, another cycle of its evolution, in which the suffering and ignorance that lead humanity toward a lack of love will no longer take place.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My Heart's feeling of Love during the Birth of Jesus
Since My first years of life and before them, I was prepared by God to fulfill His Will and to manifest His promises, those that were kept in the words of the Prophets in the sacred books of our people.
My Heart loved the Lord with fervor and this same Love allowed that, in My prayers, My Consciousness could cross dimensions in order to be before God.
Thus, I contemplated this eternal Source of life and silence; I observed how all of life was renewed through the rays, sounds, and colors that came from the Heart of God and were led by the angels and archangels to the different Universes.
My Heart only aspired to be in silence with God, to be there, in that dimension of consciousness, where all was stillness and peace.
It was like this that, contemplating the Divine Consciousness, the Creator revealed to Me the mysteries of His Creation, He showed Me the moment in which His Love expanded and gave origin to life, manifested through dimensions, He showed Me the moment in which the first Mirrors of the Cosmos were created and how they served to take Love and Divine Will to all that was created.
In His silence, the Lord revealed to Me the grace of the expression of the Divine Trinity and how, from His Heart, His Divine Spirit and His Son were born and, finally, through Archangel Gabriel, the Creator revealed to Me that His Love would manifest in life as a human body, soul and spirit, hiding all of this mystery which had been revealed before.
Before Archangel Gabriel, My Heart expanded and all the Cosmos and the sublime realities that I had been contemplating before, with my eyes, through the portals of light that opened in Heaven, I was now beginning to enter within Myself, into My womb, which kept all of this divine mystery.
First, the Creator dwelled in My Heart, then in My Consciousness and also in My body, making all the levels of My Being experience His divine presence.
The more I lived God, the more silent I became, because His Love flooded My Being in a way that there was no place for My expressions, but only for God's.
Each day that passed and the Little Child God was growing in My womb, it was like contemplating, once more, the creation of the Universes, the manifestation of the Aspects of God, the birth of the angels and archangels through the purest feeling of the Father. But now, My children, this was happening inside My womb.
An inner Cosmos was awakening in My physical body and all that I was, as part of human life, transformed into a Mirror of the Divine Consciousness. The Spirit of God mirrored in Me and, as He gave life to all that inhabited the Universe, now He was gestating a new life in My maternal womb.
Today I express with words what was lived in silence so that your hearts may participate in the mysteries of life and love them in order to seek the truth about yourselves.
Each day of My gestation was accompanied by a Divine Revelation and My Spirit rejoiced in God, in the eternal presence of the angels, as if My feet did not touch the Earth anymore but constantly lived in the renewal of life, in the divine dimensions.
My Chaste Spouse Joseph accompanied My silence and, also silenced, this allowed Him to commune with the mysteries, although He did not understand them, He lived them with the same depth.
On the Road to Bethlehem I accompanied with love every test that He lived and, in My silence, I allowed humanity to be transformed and converted through His Chaste Heart. Now the moment would come for the Spirit of God to flood His Heart and, knowing that everything has its time, I only remained silent and let the Love of God, which pulsated in My Womb, expand to His humble and faithful Heart.
The Birth of Christ was felt by Me as a new creation, a new divine expansion. My Consciousness was transferred to the Cosmos and, seeing the Unique God multiply Himself, I felt His Son being born and expressing Himself in matter.
The angels sang glory and hallelujah and emanated sounds never heard before on Earth; the Silence of God expanded as waves of Love and I felt all of this in My Heart.
Having My Son in My arms made Me share the Love of God while He multiplied Himself; the first feeling of motherhood of all life came from His Heart. And, like something sublime and indescribable, a renewed feeling of Love, a Love that did not live on Earth, My Heart lived a new expansion of light.
Feel, My children, this Love that is kept in the memory of My words and, on this day of glory, allow this expansion of Love to be lived, in some degree, within you.
Today I revealed to you the most profound feelings of My Heart and, with simple words, I let you know that which cannot be explained, but only lived.
To truly understand what I am telling you, you must allow My words to enter into your hearts and give origin to a new state within each one of you.
I thank you for trusting in the impulses that come from Heaven and for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
Series - Divine Revelations of these times
From the humble cave of Bethlehem to the Temple of the Circumcision - Part II
After the physical, internal and universal events that took place in the simple cave of Bethlehem, after a few days, Saint Joseph and your Heavenly Mother prepared to present the Child God in the Temple.
This was now the second mystery that would be revealed to men, during that time, concerning what would spiritually signify the coming of the Messiah to the Earth.
At that time, the cave of Bethlehem was permeated and filled with Christic light and within each place that the Child King passed by divine attributes and codes were deposited, not only as teraphims, but also for all those who, in some way or another, participated in and knew about the Birth of Jesus in Bethlehem; they received spiritual impulses that would bring them to a transformation of consciousness.
Days after the sacred Child of Israel was born, Saint Joseph had already made the preparations and finished the prayers so that He would also go through, within the Temple, the process of so-called purification.
Saint Joseph arrived in the Temple together with the Most Holy Mary and the Little Child in Her arms but during the process of the circumcision of the Little Child, as the Law of Moses requires, an unexpected fact was revealed through a humble priest called Simon.
This wise and contacted being was one of the many people on Earth that waited for the coming of the Messiah and for the fulfilling of the prophecies of the Prophets.
In this instance of the Presentation of the Little Child in the Temple and after the circumcision, Simon, inspired by the Divine Fire of the Holy Spirit, shared and announced a prophecy to the Mother of God, telling Her that a sword of pain would pierce Her Heart. And, immediately, He recited one of the prophecies about the advent of Christ on Earth.
The Temple of the Circumcision was the place that not only determined the complete consecration of the Child King to the Plan of God but where the spiritual sacrifice that His Heavenly Mother would live by offering the Little Child as spiritual reparation and atonement for all the errors committed in humanity.
It was from that moment, of Jesus being in the Temple, that the fall of the evil empire, which in that time subjected and punished the Earth, oppressing the continuity of the sacred People of Israel, would begin.
The arrival of the Little Jesus to the Temple and the company of Saint Joseph and your Heavenly Mother represented that, at that very same hour, the great divine intervention would develop, the one that would bring to an end the decadence of men and of all the human degeneration, through the presence of Christ on Earth, as well as all the unconditional life that this very Child, later a Man, would give for love for all His brothers and sisters.
The act of purification in the Temple meant the passage to another stage of that perfect but silent Plan, that God Himself was carrying forward through His Beloved Son.
It was through the presentation of the Child King in the Temple that the angelic and archangelic intervention began to directly occur within all of the souls of humanity, of that time, since it was necessary for all of humankind to move away from its process of self-destruction and its ambitious power.
For that reason, since the time that Jesus had incarnated on Earth, the angelic and archangelic beings, at the request of the Mother of God, made use of the highest spiritual instruments and the purest Immaterial Rays so that the spirits on Earth may live the first steps of redemption.
In order for all of this to be possible, the Child King, still being a newborn, applied certain divine Laws that modified the spiritual condition of the Earth, but that, at the same time, opened the portals of contact and spiritual communication among the Greater Source and the inner worlds, places where the essences are.
All of the universal movements carried out, by the presence of the Sacred Family and the angelic intervention, stopped the advance of the evil powers over human consciousness, which was more primitive in that time.
All of these contrary currents, as a punishment, had to present the entire victory that was generated from the Birth of Jesus until the Death and Resurrection of Christ.
In this way, the planet and humanity were converted and redeemed by the potent voltage of Love-Wisdom.
The alliance that was achieved between Heaven and Earth defeated and overcame the projects of the adversary. But now, in this current time, and before the second Coming of Christ, humanity is in a moment so similar to that of the Birth of Jesus, a moment in which each human being will have the Grace of overcoming in love and of surpassing and transcending indifference so that Christ may triumph again in all hearts.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
A Good Mother - Part II
I wish you could remember the moment when you were in the arms of your earthly mother in an act so similar, like when the little Jesus was in My Arms.
What a treasure God gives us through you, when once when you were little, you could be in the arms of your mother!
What a special and intimate moment God granted us, that you could feel the maternal warmth of your mother, and your mother could feel the unconditional surrender of her little child!
In this relationship, of mother and child, is built the true spirit of the family and it is this spirit that allows, in later experiences, to build love and solidarity among beings.
Today, as Mother of all mothers, I come with this example because we are facing a humanity that completely lost the spiritual values of motherhood.
But if by means of prayer, today and the days to come, all the mothers of the world unite to Me, under the feminine spirit of the Holy Motherhood, they will allow the great Mother, among all the mothers, to intercede for the young mothers who today gestate their children and are tempted by the adversary to get rid of life.
If together, as spiritual mothers and mothers of all our children, we unite in this perfect alliance of mothers of God, one day we will generate that consciousness so necessary to respect, love and protect the new life that is arriving.
Today I only ask for mothers to remember their first delivery and the preparation for that moment.
How important it is for the Creation to bring life to the world, just as I brought Jesus as a light for humanity!
May today, be born again, that blessed spirit of motherhood that God conceived in each feminine being and that in these crucial times will be indispensable, because many more hearts will seek the comfort and affection of a mother on Earth.
I invite you, dear mothers, to the renewal of that intimate feminine principle of Creation.
A good mother keeps in her interior the purpose of the life she once gestated, and she is the keeper and guardian for this purpose to be fulfilled in the soul that she once brought into the world.
The spiritual mission of mothers, united to God, is a broad mission, more than it seems, because a good mother is that intermediary consciousness between her children and God. God granted that authority to the Virgin Mary and, consequently, to all mothers who are sincerely united to Her Maternal Heart.
In these times, all children of God must remember the mission that each earthly mother has fulfilled before the Universe when she brought her own child into the world.
This is reason to rekindle in souls the spirit of Motherhood, which will protect the children from the attacks of the adversary.
I want to leave you, to finish, the words that little Jesus once expressed to Me in His first years of life, words that affirmed in My interior that I should, as Mother of all, do what is possible and impossible to save My children from perdition.
And Jesus, once, being a child declared to Me the following words as a simple prayer:
Oh sweet Mother!
tender Comforter of those who are afflicted.
Tireless servant who donated and delivered
Your Most Pure Virgin Womb to Creation.
Oh kind Mother!
Who welcomes those who suffer,
Who perseveres in Your pure Faith,
Who does not rest until You can have
the last of Your children in your arms.
Oh Mother of charity!
Who does good wherever You go,
Who performs miracles and grants
graces to all of Your children.
From now, Purest Mother,
You will be the Queen and the Lady of all mothers,
so that in this humanity
all learn, one day,
for the work of Your Grace, to truly love,
just as You love us unconditionally.
With these words I thank you for responding to My maternal call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
First Series of Poems
Second Poem of a Soul to the Sacred and Blessed Heart of Jesus
Make me love the Divine Purpose, Lord,
as You have loved it since the beginning
while You were among us as a Child,
while You preached and taught the Word of Life,
while You worked and did wonders in the most closed hearts.
Beloved Jesus,
faithful Master and Celestial Spouse,
commit my life more and more to You.
During the cold night, may I feel the warmth of Your embrace,
may I always take refuge in Your Heart
when I cross the desert of the soul,
may I be absolutely empty
each time You call me to serve.
Venerable and noble Heart of Jesus,
participate entirely in my life,
because my life is Your life,
my breath is part of Your breath,
my dreams are part of Your magnificent Projects.
Dear Jesus,
convert my aspirations into Your Designs,
my longings into part of Your Work,
so that I may make You known to the world
just as You, my Lord,
have let humankind know
the Greater Love of God.
May Your Kingdom, Lord, descend to Earth
so that each aspect of my consciousness
may be ennobled and transformed,
according to Your Word and Your infinite Mercy.
Keep me beside You, Jesus,
because in the dark night of the soul
I need to feel confidence and strength
in being able to be near You.
Allow me, Lord,
to empty myself completely by Your intervention
so that You may deposit in this small heart
the Work of Your Kingdom and Your whole Legacy
and thus the higher design of Your Spirit
may be fulfilled in this humanity.
Make me see with clarity and wisdom
the steps that today I must take towards You.
Sustain me with Your Hands
so that, with confidence, I may cross
the inner abysses that separate me from You.
make me recognize Your powerful Light,
make me recognize the sublime Fire of Your Heart,
so that You may be able to fulfill Your Divine Will in my life
I thank you for keeping these words of a Soul in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
My Love and respect for Egypt and its people are great, from the depths of My Heart, because it was the Egyptians who welcomed with hospitality and love the Sacred Family when they arrived in the city of Cairo.
In those times, the Sacred Family, after having escaped and exiled themselves in Egypt, was received with glory and love by all the Egyptians they met along the way, even by those who received them at that time to be able to protect the newborn Baby Jesus.
It was a request from the Highest that the Egyptians be the first guardians of Baby Jesus. The royal family of Egypt, knowing about the arrival of the Messiah, decided to help with all that was necessary.
The Sacred Family was the first refugee consciousness upon foreign lands. This was an unforgettable event because, to this day, My children of Egypt remember the passage of the Sacred Family within this place, where the spiritual and divine marks of healing, love and redemption are experienced now, by the Christian devotees of these times.
The exile of the Sacred Family in Egypt was the first step in the expansion of Christianity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Today, I take you all to the moment of the exile of the Sacred Family to Egypt, a moment in which the incarnated Divine Son brought to humanity of that time the faith in the one and only God.
Through the exile of the Sacred Family to Egypt, the human consciousness learned to recognize the presence of the sacred Will of the Creator through Christ, which must be irrefutable and broadly accepted by all human beings. In this way, the human consciousness will be free of constant errors and full of the Will of God.
That was how the Divine Son, with His Presence in Egypt, brought to that time the dissolution of atheism and through christic energy, the establishment of an inner and sacramental union with the Almighty.
The presence of the Sacred Family in Egypt marked a before and an after for that ancient people, accustomed to a superficial and pagan form of belief.
The Divine Son in Egypt, even being silently small, brought to the world the possibility of understanding and living the spiritual vision in an evolutionary sense rather than that of appropriation, such as the Egyptians conceived the stars of the universe to be.
The Presence of the little Child Jesus brought order to the system of beliefs and also to the universal cosmic vision; because He, in that time, manifested the correct alignment with Laws and with Rays.
Jesus opened the source of renewal upon the planet, so that consciousnesses could be healed and given relief from their suffering.
He gathered together all the consciousnesses of various paths and placed them in the Hands of the Eternal Father, so that they could have the opportunity of feeling the Love of God and thus recover their affiliation with Creation.
The presence of the Sacred Family generated the spiritual rebirth of the origins of this Project, so that the human race of those times could recover the principles of this school of love and of forgiveness.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Signs in the Sky
The world will wake up one morning and will see the sign in the Sky that will indicate the moment of the return of Christ.
Many eyes will open and hearts will be redeemed before this visible sign of the universe.
While the sun rises on the highest peak of the hill, the sign of the universe will become more and more visible and it will not be erased. It will be the moment in which all will be transformed, and that which had remained hidden, out of nowhere, will be seen.
This sign will leave three more signs, visible throughout the world. They will not be able to be mistaken nor interpreted as natural phenomena, because they will have such a high degree of splendor that they will resemble nothing of this world.
In the meantime, a star, similar to the great Star of Bethlehem, will announce the opening of the portals of the universe.
When you see this great and unknown Star shine so bright in the sky, kneel down upon the ground and make penance, manifest deep repentance in the name of humanity because this will be the sign that Christ is now returning.
Similar things to what happened at the Birth of Jesus will occur at the final hour, because when the Child of God was born, He was Alfa, now, at His Return, He will be Omega.
Prepare your hearts with time for this moment.
Allow purification to take place so that you will be free of yourselves.
In total, four signs will be shown throughout this universe so that humanity may understand it is time to awaken and abandon illusion and inertia.
These signs will bring with them something new and innovative. But, at the same time, they will move all that is obscure, unjust and unloyal from East to West and from North to South.
It is thus that, because they are the signs of the universe upon the planet, they cannot be erased, altered nor hidden.
These signs will have the strength of hundreds of horses and an expansion greater than all the oceans.
This will be the moment in which you should be praying without distraction because the impulses will remain and that which is in vain will be transmuted.
The signs will reveal unknown mysteries, open inexplicable doors and allow the sleeping humanity to awaken and finally turn its attention toward God, as it will be unable to escape anywhere.
This way, regardless of how human beings become conscious of all their sins, all will be revealed in this world.
So, the great world lie, created by the beings of the surface, will be removed, and all will become conscious of the illusion that has been created for centuries.
When Christ returns many things will move, even the most incredible ones. Because as Christ is the living Law, where this Law is present, there will not be anything unfair or hidden.
Therefore, purify your hearts with time so that these events may not surpass your expectations nor surprise you from night to morning.
Keep watch, just as the guard does, who takes care of the house during the night.
Enter into vigil and prayer because this way you can be guided, step by step, until the end.
The signs of the universe will allow the planetary reality to become clearer and more evident in the face of all lies, frauds and injustices that will be revealed.
May the hearts be merciful as God is merciful because, this way, you will not fall into temptation.
I come to ask you, in essence, the same that Jesus asked His Apostles while He agonized in the Garden of Getsemani, because, at this time, your full correspondence, attunement and unconditionality will be necessary.
The most humble will help the most asleep.
The wisest, who will be moved by the Holy Spirit, will help the most ignorant.
The simplest will show all the way out towards the new and future cycle of humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
When I see you sleeping before My presence, I only remember your moment in the maternal womb.
May that dream which you live restore your consciousness, and may you always remember that you hold within you a valuable inner child that is still learning to grow in love and in charity.
That is why, when I see you sleeping before My presence, you also remind Me of the Child Jesus surrendered into My arms, after I had nursed Him with the sap of the Holy Spirit.
Remain in My arms and give Me your weariness so that I may heal and nourish you with the same essence with which My Beloved Child was nourished.
Let me bathe you with holy water, and in My arms I will cause you to sleep so that you may feel peace and consolation.
All will be recovered, because I will place you in the divine crib of My Beloved Son, so that the Laws of healing may act in each one of you.
Smile at the Mother of all the children of the Father because the time to renew yourselves has come.
I thank you for being in My arms.
Who maternally protects you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Nativity of Jesus
In that time, when the presence of Christ was fundamental for the redemption of humanity, the Sacred Family, after spending three days in Bethlehem, at the request of God, went to Nazareth, where the Divine Family would prepare to accompany the first and important years of the life of Jesus.
At the moment of the birth of Christ, after the visit of the kings of the East, the Sacred Family was also sought by other consciousnesses, who, as pilgrims of God, came to meet the little child in Nazareth.
We remember that the prophecy about the birth of the Messiah was also confirmed by the sacred star of Bethlehem and by all the angels who announced the birth of Christ in different towns throughout the whole of Israel.
So important was the coming of the Messiah, that even those most distant from the truth and from love would become aware through dreams that an infinite light had come to the planet.
The Sacred Family always remained austere, humble and simple, this was its main mission, to show itself as it truly is so that the principles of the Mercy of the Universe might reach humanity through Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph.
Remember, dear children, that more than two thousand years ago, humanity was on the verge of self-destruction and of definitely leaving the Plan of the Creator, because it might have entered into a deep decay.
The birth of Jesus brought to the world the possibility of reintegrating its spiritual bond and its filiation with the Father, something that was being corrupted by the actions of humankind.
Jesus, in Nazareth, while still a boy, worked on the first inner steps for the redemption of humanity and in the building of a new consciousness on Earth through re-orientation of the Divine Source.
The Grace of God was always present, especially in Nazareth, when the Sacred Family lived a stage of deeper union with the Creator which came from the presence of Jesus as the little Savior.
As a boy, Jesus was aware of the urgency of rescuing humanity. When the Little Child was three years old, with love and simplicity He embraced the manifestation of this Purpose that the Father would confer upon Him at the age of thirty three.
Even as a boy, Jesus worked together with the angels that surrounded Him, within the inner worlds of humanity.
Let us see an example of this:
I can tell you, dear children, that, at the age of three, Jesus already offered, with His little consciousness, some sacrifices that were very visible to all, such as that of not drinking water nor eating for days.
We knew, as part of His Family, that the Father in that time was already fulfilling His Designs, because the whole life of Jesus was filled by the Holy Spirit, it was God Himself made man and human consciousness Who was coming to rescue the consciousness of humanity.
As a child, Jesus was developing spiritual and supernatural actions at the moment of making contact with the Source of the Father, which, with love and gentleness, sprang from His little Heart.
The Boy Jesus granted many Graces, states for the consciousnesses that allowed the human condition and its debt before the Law to revert. The Little Child worked silently, and, in spite of being so little, the Archangels oftentimes worked through Him. For example, at one stage in the life of Jesus, the Archangel Gabriel granted a certain kind of miracle to souls, which not only transformed their lives, but also liberated the bonds that they had upon having made contact with the Little Child Jesus.
The Sacred Family dedicated the first years of the life of Jesus to carrying out service, and one of the main occupations of Saint Joseph was what you know aof s carpentry, which, in truth, the humble carpentry of Saint Joseph was the temple of miracles and conversions.
The service that the Sacred Family physically offered to humanity, in the first years of the life of Jesus, was to reestablish within the human consciousness the necessity of serving others, a fellow being, with the purpose of reactivating the spirit of charity and fraternity.
Saint Joseph committed Himself so that this simple carpentry in Nazareth would be capable of receiving suffering souls, to convert them into souls filled by the relief of the Lord.
While Saint Joseph was carrying out His work in carpentry, at the same time, He would teach the children of Nazareth to build something evolutionary in their small consciousnesses. Thus, Jesus, on many occasions, would participate in these meetings, and the union and the love that existed between Jesus and Saint Joseph were capable of turning this carpentry into a moment of elevation and devotion to God, to the point that, in an inexplicable way, the works of carpentry were miraculously finished by the angels.
The Sacred Family, through the essence of service, was able to help reverse human spiritual precariousness with a powerful energy of love and charity.
The Most Holy Mother would dedicate Her moments of prayer to engage in a deeper union with God and also to relive within Her Spirit the sacrifice that Her Beloved Son would live and a moment of which, through the revelation of the Archangel Gabriel, Mary was already aware of.
By the time Jesus reached the age of twelve, the holy archangels showed the Holy Mother the spiritual and conscious preparation that the Divine Son would live in that time.
From that moment, the Holy Mother became resigned as a slave before Her Eternal Father, leaving the young Jesus in complete and humble freedom, so that His mission might be fulfilled, just as the sacred prophecy indicated.
Throughout this first stage of the life of Jesus, the Sacred Family was being guided by the holy angels towards the needs that had to be provided for in the consciousness of humanity. In this sense, the Sacred Family gave to the human consciousness the opportunity of being reintegrated into the Project of the Creator through the sacrifice of Christ.
Many were the Gifts and the Graces during the first stage of the life of Jesus, which created the main basis for all that the Small Child would live in His holy adulthood.
Since the birth of Jesus, humanity had the opportunity of connecting with the essence of love, even after Christ made His final surrender on the Cross.
In this time, in which the values of the Sacred Family have lost the attention of the humankind of the surface, the Celestial Messengers come to this meeting, to a meeting with a humanity once again precarious in all senses, so that, through love and mercy, it may awaken from the deep sleep of illusion and remember that it must love its fellow beings, that it must serve them and help them to heal their consciousnesses through acts of fraternity and brotherhood.
The Sacred Family draws closer to humanity for the purpose of repairing the human consciousness and removing it from all the mistakes that it commits through wars, conflicts and indifference, as well as the destruction and domination of the Kingdoms of Nature.
The Sacred Family invites all, so that, on this Christmas, the Inner Christ may be born from an intimate communion with the Creator, thus, the Earth will be polarized to the Light that has been lost.
I thank you for responding to My call.
For all those that will make an effort to fulfill this last part of the pilgrimage, I will be very grateful.
Who loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Shooting Star of Bethlehem
In those days, when the inner preparation to receive the Baby Jesus into My arms was being anticipated, the sacred star of Bethlehem, the symbol of the Great Brotherhood of Heaven, revealed Itself to the three kings that, because of having pure hearts, could come to our gathering in the humble stable of Bethlehem.
The great star of Bethlehem shone during several days and was sent by God to accompany and, at the same time, to announce the arrival of the Son of God in the world.
It was in this way that this sacred star, that only appeared during those days, began to reveal, at first in dreams and in signs, to some consciousnesses that by the Will of God, should become aware of the arrival of the Messiah.
In those days previous to the arrival of Jesus, Saint Joseph, although still being in Nazareth, heard from the angels of Heaven the announcement and the exact time in which the Most Holy Spouse should be in Bethlehem in order to give birth to the Divine Son.
It was in this way that the sacred star of Bethlehem also showed the place and the path which the Sacred Family was to travel.
In those days in which the whole Universe gathered to accompany and at the same time to witness the birth of Jesus, the star of Bethlehem, from Nazareth, had the simplest consciousness among the simple ones come to the manger, souls that were called by the Most High to lovingly accompany the arrival of the Messiah.
The star of Bethlehem was that powerful bright star that in that time worked upon the spiritual and the material plane of the planetary consciousness, so that it could receive the extremely potent love-wisdom, the Ray that would change the events overnight.
This sacred star of Bethlehem has marked a before and an after. It was radiating certain universal currents that, before the coming of Christ, physically modified all the human mistakes that made of the race a civilization compromised by evil.
During the nine months of the gestation of Jesus, the Sacred Family was prepared by the angels themselves, so that this important event of the coming of Jesus could be experienced in all planes of consciousness, in order that this divine event could be recorded on the planet and in the solar system.
The star of Bethlehem was the guardian of the birth of Christ, and at the same time, it was the cosmic bridge that united humanity’s time with celestial time.
It was in this way that the Holy Mother of God, moments before the birth of Jesus and after having been in silence during nine days, received the divine impulse of all these revelations that the sacred star was fulfilling.
The Most Holy Mary knew that the birth of the Son of God would, in that moment, bring to the world the liberation of age-old errors, and at the same time, the redeeming light that should, no matter what, shine on this planet.
The star of Bethlehem was that cosmic beacon that drew a spiritual awakening of consciousness to the human race. That sacred star was what generated the maturity of many souls for future times; it was the great star of Bethlehem that announced in all the inner worlds the arrival of the powerful Christic energy of redemption and of love.
In those days in which the planet was prepared for the coming of Jesus, and was also purged of the codes of perdition of the world, the holy angels, the same ones that were at the manger of Bethlehem during the divine birth of Christ, also supported the awakening of inner love in humanity, especially in the simplest hearts. If that love gestated by the holy angels had not been born in humanity, the coming of Jesus would have necessitated other spiritual requirements.
In the star of Bethlehem was reflected the presence of the Love of the Most High, as well as the Grace that was being granted through the birth of Christ.
Bethlehem was the scene chosen by the Father so that this event, guided by the Archangels, could be carried out under the divine perfection of love and of ceremony.
The coming of the Messiah and the Great Liberator of the peoples was beautifully guided by the angels, who at the same time, worked on the unconscious of humanity, in order to be able to redeem it as from this blessed moment.
The great star of Bethlehem brought to the world the opportunity of elevating and of purifying the consciousness through elevated and not rudimentary thought by means of determination.
This precious star of Bethlehem showed itself to the world in that time to gradually disintegrate the patterns of self-destruction and of a commitment to all that is mundane in the human race.
The star of Bethlehem brought the awareness that we are spirits in service to a Greater Purpose, capable of giving us the impulse to a fulfillment of the Divine Work.
It is that very same star of Bethlehem that in that time tried to reflect and shine in the consciousness of human beings, so that they might perceive within themselves that a unique opportunity was being given through the birth of Christ.
Because of this, children, after all these events that were planetary and universal, once again humanity is facing the test of Christmas, of being able to go through this sacred date remembering and placing their attention on all that the coming of Christ to the Earth meant.
The Eternal Father hopes to see Christ be born inside of you, so that a love greater than the one you experience today may awaken in the consciousness of humanity, which must fulfill and collaborate with this last part of the Divine Plan of Love.
I would wish My children to not be indifferent, but rather that they take advantage of this Christmas time to reaffirm their vows before the Celestial Hierarchy, because that confirmation will open the doors of consciousness to other souls in the world.
On this Christmas Eve, when the Sacred Family is in adoration at the foot of the manger of Bethlehem, may all My children prostrate themselves to revere within, the birth of the Child-King in their hearts.
At least do it as an offering and in devotion on behalf of those who today will become lost in banal celebrations.
For your consciousness and union with this moment, dear children, I thank you for responding to My call.
Who, under the sacred star of Bethlehem, blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Launch yourself into the impossible, if the Lord asks you so. Overcome any natural or supernatural fear and respond to divine Will, even without understanding It.
What could seem more impossible for a human being than to accept that his virgin wife gestates the Son of God, brought and impregnated by the Holy Spirit? Nevertheless, child, in the face of this and so many other mysteries in My life, I never denied the Will of the Lord.
It was for this unrestricted obedience that the Creator granted His simple servant the Grace of sharing His Power and His Glory, even though I was alive, in a body, a mind, a soul, and a human heart.
The Lord always asked Me for impossible things, and the most impossible of all was having asked Me one day to be as like Him as His Son was, in the human form of that little child, whom I carried in My arms for years.
The greatness of that child was so immense and His Holiness and Majesty were so infinite, even being in such a small body, that to resemble such manifested love seemed impossible to Me. But I did not refuse that divine request and I just opened myself to love My Son and God as one thing. I allowed myself to be permeated by Divine Presence in my life and I opened each cell of My body so that it might live in itself the awakening to love and the likeness to God.
I gradually discovered that to be like the Father, just as My Son was, meant to love the Father as My Son loved Him, and to love everything just as the Father loved. The essence of love was the beginning, the middle and the end of all things, of all paths.
And it was in observing the little Jesus that I discovered that evolution is eternal, and that the union with God must be permanent, constant. And so it was that, even after death, I continued to contemplate the steps and the triumph of My beloved Son, and I went ever deeper into experiencing love and the likeness to God.
I tell you this because the Creator asks for impossible things from all His children. Even in the same way He asked Me, He will also ask you to love as His Firstborn Son loves and to be in likeness to Him, just as His beloved Son is.
Know, child, that the essence of everything lies in losing your fear of launching yourself into love.
Even though doubt, fear, pride and the lack of peace torment you, never stop fulfilling the Will of the Father. When you respond to His Call, you will see His Wonders manifest in your life.
I love you and, with My example, I always inspire you.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children:
The warm maternal embrace that I offer you every day is for the souls to recognize the great and infinite Love of God.
The warm and loving maternal embrace that I offer you is for your lives to be reborn in Christ.
It is through the warm and loving maternal embrace that I redeem your hearts and lead you to peace.
Who can resist this great and warm maternal embrace?
The Love of the Father transforms, restores and relieves everything if the soul simply opens itself to live this experience of love.
Dear children, a loving and warm maternal embrace is missing for all humanity, for it not to feel lost or distracted. Therefore, children, look for My maternal embrace, so you will imitate the little Jesus when He was in My arms in each moment of His life, also after the Cross.
See, then, how the maternal embrace solves many things, even those that seem impossible. The souls must risk to feel themselves loved and not to forget the perfect path that constitutes the Love of God.
Be in My arms with hope and joy, much will still be relieved when you recognize and adopt My holy maternity.
Now and always I wish the best to all. I wish peace and redemption for all of My children of the world.
I thank you for responding to My Call!
In a perpetual embrace,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
I come on this day to continue preparing the new flocks of My Son on the eve of this coming Nativity, when together, as one heart and one soul, we will celebrate the memory of the Birth of Christ.
For this reason, dear children, may your hearts represent this call of redemption and may it also be ignited in the hearts of non-believers.
It is in this way, dear children, that your hearts today will be participants of this long-awaited advent of the Redeemer Child, who will expect to find the door open so that His Heart can enter into each of the human beings that aspire to be with the Holy Child.
Dear children, may this Christmas be one of reconciliation and peace, may no differences separate you from My Heart, so that I may take you by the hand toward the Sacred Manger of the Lord.
I thank you for responding to my call!
Who elevates you to the Heart of Christ,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear companions and servants of Christ,
Today I want to teach you something that I learned from My Son Jesus, when He was still a child.
Jesus began to discover the essence of the Divine Plan of God for humanity at five years old and He was capable of seeing in the hearts of humanity the Perfect Thought of God to each one of them. That was how the little Jesus would seek seeing in each being only their perfection and, even if this being resembled in nothing the Thought of God to him or her, Jesus would only see the Divine Thought. And it was so much love that would be born in Jesus on seeing the Perfection of God in each creature, that this love, by itself, would start to expel from the hearts of humanity that which was separating them from God.
To this mystery, I want to invite you today, because, throughout the centuries, humanity only responded to the capital stimuli and very little to the divine ones, and it was in this way that in the human heart only grew the habit of always searching for the worst in the neighbor, as a way of feeling better than the others.
For this reason, the beings do not known the Love of God for His creatures, because the consciousness that only glimpses the miseries of each being cannot understand how God loves such miserable beings, and wonders from where the redeemed humanity will emerge, if everyone around is lost in shrotcomings.
Today I tell you that inside of each soul are latent the Perfection of God and the possibility of living and manifesting that perfection. You must learn to seek what of the most wonderful a consciousness expresses, because there are the eyes of God.
It is because of this possibility of uniting to the principles of the Creator that He aspires incessantly that from this humanity be born the new man and the new woman, capable of transforming all of His Creation.
Learn to banish from your own interior the need of observing and seeking the shortcomings of others, but, on the contrary, rejoice with the manifestation of a virtue in the neighbor and imitate them on what they express with perfection.
Find in the attribute that each being manifests the possibility of the emergence of a new race and aspire from all your heart that each one be able to grow in virtue. Help each other so that you may mature under the spirit of fraternity and love, and erase from your own consciousness and from the human consciousness the evil of the permanent competition.
If you follow such simple examples, little by little you will learn all that Christ taught the Sacred Family and you will be able to attract the Christic Spirit to the planet.
I love you and bless you, under My Divine Humility, so that you may be fulfilled by this celestial balm and may understand and live what I tell you.
Your Father and Companion, Saint Joseph, Humble and Chaste Worker of God
The principle of the universal Sacred Family
Once upon a time there was a humble family of Nazareth, who in their spirit cultivated sacred obedience to the Divine Laws.
From a most pure womb was born the Supreme Mercy named Jesus, and in those very difficult times, the Three Sacred Hearts accomplished a task in support of the spiritual salvation of humanity.
From Saint Joseph emerged the humility to serve God. In Mary was expressed the obedience and the love for souls, and in the little Child Jesus was manifested the Grace and Mercy of the Greater Universe.
It was this project of Sacred Family that should be cultivated in all non-redeemed creatures. It was this well-thought-out project that would transcend the barriers of evil and of pain through the Love professed by the little Jesus.
This triune project ended when the Master fulfilled the Will of God on allowing Himself to be nailed to the Cross, and it was there that Sacred Mercy was poured out once again over the world.
It is this project that is still latent in the Divine Messengers, and it is for this that They work tirelessly, so that the greatest work of planetary redemption may be fulfilled in humanity.
Let the inner ears of creatures be opened so that they may listen to the celestial call, for the Will of the Heavenly Messengers, which encompasses all things, is that all creatures of the Earth be a universal sacred family. And it will be during the time of purification, My children, that this sacred and divine desire of God will be able to be concretized.
Do not cease to work for your redemption. Do not rest until you are completely empty of yourselves; it will be in this way that My Son will find new clay to mold the archetype of a family divinized by God and by the Most Holy Trinity.
It is this sacred creative project that must be fulfilled in at least a part of humanity. When somebody manages to live the principles of unity and love, it will be the sign for the Divine Messengers that the Sacred Work has been completed.
It will be on that day that the angels will sing Hallelujah, for they will have seen the promise of the universal sacred family fulfilled, which must be formed by each one of you; thus, evil will be liberated from the planet.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who unifies you in the Most Holy Trinity,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Beloved children of Ours,
Today we are gathered together in Aurora of Love to renew the vows of all those who have committed themselves to Our Son, Christ the Redeemer, so that in this end of time, the Grace and Mercy that comes from the Heart of God may descend upon this planet.
Here, today, humility was reflected upon, that which We learned with Our little Son Jesus.
Do you know, beloveds of Ours, that when Jesus was three years old and We came together to pray, God already spoke through Him. And it was by means of that tiny and gentle Word that the Creator instructed the Sacred Family almost daily.
In this way, We learned to listen to God, also through Our little Son, Who in complete innocence and love told His Parents from Earth what His Father from Heaven showed Him about the worlds, about the universe and about His other Children of the Cosmos.
Our ears and Our Hearts learned to humbly listen and recognize the infinite Wisdom that God placed within Us through the little Jesus.
And you, beloved children, do you listen with humility and with your hearts to that which comes from the Heart of God?
Do you truly believe that it is possible that the Eternal Father speaks through His Messengers?
Do you humbly and fraternally live all the Wisdom that We, your Parents of Love, transmit through some of your brothers and sisters that have given themselves to repeat Our Words?
So that we may all be able to build this new and sacred family among us alll, you must open and trust in the Message of Love and Humility that today We bring to the world.
So that fraternity may be the keynote of your lives, you must cease to be that which you were and imitate the lives of the Sacred Family. At first, you will only be able to imitate them, but as you experience the peace and the deep feeling of the heart, when uniting with God, the time will come when everything will be converted into an extraordinary experience. That experience will be the cradle of the New Humanity.
Do not feel afraid to experience humility, do not feel ashamed about being less than the others, because in reality, you are nothing, you only represent a few little grains of sand in a great desert.
Today, We give you an impulse of love and of unity, and gathered together in the Love of God, We invite you to make an offering to Our Son, Who will visit you today, at nightfall.
Ask Him to teach you about humility, that which He taught the both of Us, His Parents of Love, since He was very little.
Today, in this blessed place, We leave Our Grace and Our Love for all Our children of the world.
Who loves you and accompanies you always,
Mary, Rose of Peace and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph
I am the Mother and the Lady who helps, together with Her Son, all the Christians and non-Christians.
I descend from Heaven to bring the Grace and the Mercy of God, because these are the Holy Gifts to which the souls must hold on.
I am the One who aids during the tests and the One who helps during difficult moments. I am the Consoler and Co-redeemer in whom the essences find the path of redemption and of peace.
I am present in the world through those who invoke Me. I am the Great Mirror of Justice and of the intercession for the hearts. Through My Grace, the most difficult situations are converted when there is the sincere aspiration to be willing to change.
My authority and kingdom embrace many consciousnesses, because in the spiritual level My actions are works of Peace and Love.
I Am Mary Help of Christians, the Lady who guides the Christians and helps in all the impossible causes, whenever there is faith and confidence in the Lord. I Am the Mother who carries the Child King, the Divine and Prodigious Child Jesus so that He may establish the Will of God in the simple hearts.
Who appeals to the Divine Child will receive the answer because His Purity and Innocence will transform the most difficult causes.
I am your Helping Mother, so that you may remember My universal presence in these times.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who blesses you in Christ,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear souls and families devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ,
I want to announce to you My special presence at the Marian Center of Figueira and at the Marian Center of Aurora for these upcoming dates of the Christmas of My Heart.
With joy I am pleased to be among all of the dear beings that, with faith, throughout the years have lived My Gospel and My Teachings.
I want you to know that My Spirit of the Child and Firstborn Son, the one that was once born in the beloved Bethlehem, will be present among all of the participants of the two important meetings that will be held in both Marian Centers consecrated to the Immaculate Heart.
For the first time I ask all of the wayfarers of the life of spirit to place in their homes some simple images of the Manger in Bethlehem. On the 24th of December of this year those who venerate Me through the symbol and the joyful mystery of My Birth will receive during the Christmas Eve a universal blessing of Christ, the King of Kings.
And if on this night all homes of the world would offer Me a mystery of the Holy Rosary in reparation of all of the offenses and scourging that humanity has caused to the image of the Holy Jesus throughout the centuries, I promise you that whoever does this with the heart, with faith and who prays with fervor on this night of the 24th of December will be freed from the deadly and capital sins which agonize My Spiritual Heart.
If many families and Centers of Prayer unite themselves at the same time and at the same hour by means of this request I promise that the souls that wander through the world, the evil spirits that circulate and deceive many hearts on these dates will be removed by Me from this world. On this date the Master of Forgiveness will descend upon the world in Pure Spirit and will visit the home that lovingly opens the door to Him.
In this way, during these dates, I wish to institute the fraternal, devotional and loving spirit that many souls have lost. All of those who unite themselves to this Christic impulse will consequently receive the Graces that God wants to pour upon your lives.
I will appreciate from now on that all of those who pray rescue for their lives the true symbol of My Most Holy Birth because it was in these times that God became flesh and life. He united Himself in love to all of His Children through the coming of the Messiah.
Know how to understand from now what I ask you. I will thank you forever.
Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.
Thank you for venerating the Birth of the Redeemer!
Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more