May your heart feel the pain of the world and be moved, finding the way of repairing the suffering of humanity in each instant of life.
From the simplest things to the greatest surrenders, offer God your actions, feelings and thoughts so that He may transform you into an instrument of repair for the human consciousness.
From within you, each day, may a greater love be born that expresses fraternity and unity with your neighbor, that expresses service and cooperation among brothers and sisters, that expresses overcoming limitations and defeating barriers.
May your heart recognize in all things the opportunity to heal the world so that it may be with prayer or with life, with the word and with silence, with stillness and with service, knowing how to find the need, knowing how to embrace the opportunities and find the Living God in each instant.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Let your most sincere prayers not be for you, but rather for the world.
Let the clamor that emerges from your core not be for you, but rather for the souls that endure, for those who live in wars, for those who die in suffering and injustice, for assaulted children, for the mutilated Kingdoms, for the lonely and sick, for the abandoned elderly, for those who live without love.
Let your most sincere prayers not be for you, but rather for the world, for the deep consciousness of the planet in constant suffering, for those who experience abuse and violence, for those who do not know peace, for those lost in their own ignorance, for those who are blinded by their own illusion, for those who silence their souls so that the pleasures of the world may speak louder, for those who become lost in vices and cannot find the way out, for those who live without purpose and without meaning, for those who take their own life.
Let your most sincere prayers not be for you, but rather for the world, so that it may be healed and restored, so that it may return to God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
The Resurrection of Christ, child, means the beginning of a new time, in which humanity will be able to understand that which it came to the world for and what the path is that it is to follow in order to bring its existence into fullness.
The Resurrection elevates you above the greatest human fears, which are suffering and death, and places you in the truth of the Eternal Time of God so that you may know that the one who gives all of their self to God receives from Him all that He is, and participates in His Glory in unity with His Kingdom.
Resurrection is infinite rejoicing, divine and universal, because it is the revelation not only of the Face of God, but it is also the revelation of the face of humankind, as children of God and creatures in likeness to their Creator.
The path to the Glory of God is absolute surrender, unconditional love, full and total, which is born from the deepest core of human submission.
You already know about all these things, but you must remember, because the condition of the planet will make you face situations that will lead you into experiencing this: choose the cross, surrender, eternal life in Christ.
Year after year, you are led into remembering the Life, the Death and the Resurrection of Christ so that when the time comes for the Easter of this world, you will be able to follow in His footsteps.
For this reason, love your Lord more each day, His Life, His example, His surrender, His eternal Consciousness, His Path, His Truth, because this same Love will allow you to imitate Him.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When we were praying to receive Saint Joseph, a little before His arrival, He began to show us very poor places on the planet and people in very precarious situations, of great poverty, of much suffering, of great pain.
When He reached us, He continued to show us those places and, at the same time that He was with us in the room of prayer, He was with each one of those people, who were of all kinds: women, children, men, the elderly. He was speaking with each one of them, He was traveling through those places; they could not hear Him, but He continued to speak inwardly with them, and He gave this message for those souls that suffer the most.
To the souls that suffer
Calm your heart, little soul, in the depths of the Heart of God.
In your Savior, seek encouragement and hope, Grace and peace.
Calm your heart in the fortitude that is forged through your deepest sorrows. Find relief and peace in the Cross of your Lord. May your suffering balance many evils in this world.
Seek your safety in the Heart of God. Seek your peace in His Presence.
Forgive the deepest roots of human evil, which generate the pain and the imbalance in this world.
Make of your suffering a blessing, because you are learning to find true recompense in God, rather than in the world.
Feel that the Heart of the Lord feels anguish with yours; you are not alone in your pain.
May the Love of the Creator calm your despair, your sadness and your lack of hope. Know that you have a perfect place in the Heart of the Father and that your suffering opens the doors of Heaven for those who would not deserve to enter.
The time will soon come in which peace will reign in the world and there will be no distance or difference between this world and the Heart of God, His Celestial Kingdom.
While that time does not come, understand that the pain in the Earth will emerge, causing this world to shudder; but this is the harbinger of a higher reality that is coming to the Earth.
I know that your pain is deep and your suffering is real, just like the suffering and the enduring of your Lord on the Cross. Offer your whole life to God, open your arms on the cross that is upon you and allow a new love to emerge from all this experience that you are today going through.
Forgive the imbalances, forgive those who have everything and are lost in their egoism, those who do not know how to look to their neighbor and they feed the deep roots of the indifference that penetrates the Earth.
Let your forgiveness be the doorway to Mercy; that your life be a source of love and, in this way, your suffering will be changed into the Grace that will transform the Earth.
I know that My words seem very far from the reality of your heart, but hear them with love, in the same way that Your Lord heard His Father in each new step taken toward Calvary and, from the first Wound up to the Cross, from His wounds poured Love.
From your inner and human wounds may faith and love blossom which will renew the Creation of God.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
With love, I contemplate the Heart of God and, standing before Him, I plead for the world.
I plead for each one of His creatures so that they not only find peace but, above all, they may awaken from the illusion and the immaturity of these times.
I plead for them to know who they are, where they are and what they are called to experience in this and in all cycles.
I plead that the suffering of so many souls may move the spirit of others so that, in love and in prayer, those who know God may cry out for peace and live it, in this way, balancing the evils of this world.
I plead for the prompt manifestation of the Kingdom of God upon Earth, for the fulfilling of the scriptures and, above all, for the fulfilling of the new and eternal universal Gospel, which you do not know, in spite of the story of your souls being written within it.
I plead for the triumph of the Heart of God in each being. I ask My Lord for His Light to illuminate the eyes of humankind and show them the truth, the way and eternal life, the path of return to His Heart.
I plead with My Lord and God, Creator of life, to have compassion for lost souls, and that they may find themselves.
My Heart, small and simple, opens to share the pain that God feels because of the indifference and ignorance of humankind in the face of so many gifts given to humanity throughout the centuries and since its origin.
In the very depths of My being, I feel the Love of God for life and, moved by that Love, I plead to the Father for all beings of all the Kingdoms and I constantly cry out for His Mercy and pity, for His compassion and love, for His peace and for His living Presence in each being.
Today, children, I plead that this same feeling of love may live within you and that you thus can unite with Me, in this perpetual crying out for Creation, because the world, the Universe and all beings need it.
May the Love of God flood you and may His Word manifest in your hearts, in your thoughts and, finally, in your mouths, as a perpetual crying out of return to the Heart of the Father.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I know, child, that it is not easy to forget oneself in order to carry out the Plan of God, to serve and transcend one's human condition; but this is the essence of Love.
Even God renounced His self by multiplying Himself and creating life; He renounced His self to be born as a human being, among humankind; He renounced His life and the love He experienced for it and for His creatures when dying on the Cross.
The essence of life is not to overcome suffering; it is to live love. That is what you must understand now. It is not by suffering that you fulfill the Will of God for you, it is by loving.
The true key of the triumph of God in Christ was not the suffering that He experienced in the world; it was the growing Love undertaken, from the manger to the Cross. It is that limitless Love that you must seek.
It is only this Love, revealed in you, that will be able to provide for you within, and lead your being to what is true. But this same Love, which is the meaning of existence for all children of God, is hidden under your aspects and records, experiences held in your cells and in your consciousness, accumulated throughout all of human evolution.
To break these walls of the human condition was what Christ did on the Cross, and not only on Calvary, but in each instant of His life. This was His mission; to find the revelation of this Love and live it, transcending the entire human condition, not only of His material bodies, but of all beings of Earth.
When I tell you to contemplate the Cross, it is because there is found He Who revealed the Love of God for you. There, He overcame your human condition and opened the doors to God for you.
Contemplate and love the Passion of Christ. In His Wounds find the open path to reach His Heart and discover in it a perfect Love. Let the spiritual wounds that open within you in these times also reveal to you this greater Love, this Love which will renew and surpass the Love of God.
Do not concentrate your attention on accepting pain and suffering, but rather on going beyond, and untiringly seeking Love. This is your path, your redemption, your salvation, your plenitude, your return to the Divine Origin.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
There is no suffering that constant prayer cannot repair. There is no wound that sincere prayer cannot heal. There is no hardened heart that true prayer cannot awaken. There is no spirit distant from God that prayer made with the heart cannot, once again, bring it closer to its Creator Father.
Therefore, We repeat that you must pray.
To heal this world, pray.
To restore human spirituality, pray.
To reopen the doors that unite you to God, pray.
To receive the Grace of forgiveness and redemption, pray.
To rescue the purpose of your existence, pray.
To rescue the meaning of life on Earth, pray.
For your souls, this planet and the whole universe to find peace again, pray, children, pray with the heart.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Offer God all suffering, pain and sorrow, so that everything in your life may serve as reparation for all humanity.
Transform the obstacles by means of a leap toward evolution and thank the Father for the opportunities that you receive to repair His Heart.
You, child, are called to be an instrument in the Hands of God and, through the perpetual gratitude of your heart, you are able to make this a reality.
Gratitude is the key so that the Father may take your life into His Hands.
Seek, each day, to love God more, His Will, His path, and I do not say that you will not suffer from anything, but that everything you may suffer will be merits for the Father, so that His Love and His Grace may descend to this world, especially for those who are ungrateful and indifferent before God.
Sincere gratitude is the key to the unity with God, and it is the doorway for what you call in this world, holiness.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
After so many impulses received and so much that you have had to sustain, so that this world could know a little peace and, even though there are few, may souls be awakened at this time. Now, children, you must retreat into your own heart and become peaceful.
The world has not stopped suffering. Humanity still has a long way to walk in order to be healed and liberated. Therefore, allow your bodies to recover, let your consciousness assimilate the impulses received and meditate upon the next steps to be taken.
After experiencing with Christ the steps of His Passion, now you must re-live the moment when the apostles faced the Ascension of Jesus into the Heavens and the solitude and silence that they went through to synthesize within themselves all that they experienced with Christ.
The impulses that you have received in recent days are much like those impulses received by the apostles in the last three years of the life of Jesus. Many were the Graces, the blessings, the Rays and the Laws that acted in your lives within a short time. Thus, now is the moment of silence, solitude and quietude. A moment for looking toward Heaven and emitting your response to the Father, having God hear your "yes" and, in this way, continue to walk with faith, which is renewed within each step, within the echo of the Graces that you have received.
May the fruits be prolific within your hearts because all the doors have been opened to you; now just go through them.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I come with the Sun, with the Child Jesus in My arms, to bless the world and ask you to pray.
Pray for the souls that agonize for not comprehending the tests of these times, and pray for those who committed themselves to the planetary rescue and do not fulfill their missions.
Pray for those who are sick in spirit, submitting others to suffering, and pray for those who suffer due to living the injustices imposed by humanity at this time.
Pray for the Kingdoms of Nature, more and more outraged and forgotten every day, as if they were not part of the Divine Consciousness. The humanity that mistreats them does not know that it is God Himself that they offend and kill, every day.
Pray for the planetary consciousness that, despite sustaining the Earth, lives the constant indifference of humanity who, blinded by their ignorance, do not know their spirits or even give thanks for the life that is given to them.
Pray, children, because the world needs repair, the souls need salvation and the moment has come for the Earth to enter other Laws, another time, another cycle of its evolution, in which the suffering and ignorance that lead humanity toward a lack of love will no longer take place.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
When a soul seeks help, pray with the heart so that the consequences of its action, which led it to suffering, are transformed into an experience that makes it grow and open more to love.
When a soul seeks help, listen to its call, and take this request to the Feet of God. There will be things that are uncontrollable, which you will not be able to change or help, because human life has its limits. But there is something boundless, which unites you to the Infinite, to the Origin from which you departed and to where you must return. This, child, is prayer.
Pray and let your soul intercede before God for those who most need it.
Pray and cry out to the Father for his Mercy, not for things to happen according to your will, but so that Divine Mercy be the law that rules the teachings and the experiences that you live in this world as human beings.
When some situation escapes your possibilities of acting, of serving, of giving of yourself, resort to something deeper, and though sometimes it may be imperceptible, it is able to transform all things: pray to your Father and cry out to God, because He is the Creator of all things, and He can transform them all.
More important than anything in this time is to be with your heart united to God. And if you can serve and pray, you will be rendering the greatest service of life on Earth.
Love each being and pray for your brothers and sisters with love. God, who is perfect, will always listen to your prayers.
Your Father and Friend
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more