The month of May, children, could be known as the month of intercession for souls and the planet.
It is the month in which the Laws of Grace and Mercy are more intensely active on Earth, through the devotion of the souls that consecrate themselves and re-consecrate themselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
May is not just a chronological period, but rather the period of a spiritual cycle in which the Mirrors of the cosmos align with the Mirrors of the depths of the Earth, as well as with those that are within the heart and essence of those who pray. In this way, a network of spiritual, divine and planetary light manifests through the simple fact that souls expressed their devotion and love for the Immaculate Heart of Mary, the Queen of all the Mirrors of Creation.
Through the prayers of Her children, the Mother and Celestial Governess manifests Portals of liberation and intercession between dimensions for the most sinful and lost souls. It is in this way that an opportunity for Grace is granted to those who repent from the heart and pray for redemption and peace on the planet.
The Kingdoms of Nature, the elements and the life that dwells on the planet are also touched by the deepest Graces that come from the Heart of your Celestial Mother.
In the universe, as well as on Earth, the angels and archangels remain attentive to the pleas of those who pray in all cultures and religions, those who sincerely cry out for peace, because in spite of their lack of understanding and ignorance, the love in the hearts of those who pray is transformed into merits for healing, redemption and the awakening of all souls.
For this reason, pray, children, and re-consecrate your lives to God in each instant. You are in a cycle of Graces, of Mercy and of intercession, even during the chaotic scene of the planet. Let your souls be in the correct position for your elevation so that you may always achieve peace.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
It is necessary, at this time, My children, to grow up spiritually and humanly, to mature in your consciousness all the impulses received and place them at the service of the planet and of all its humanity.
To grow up spiritually is to understand the times in which you live, the urgency for a transformation in human consciousness and the certainty that this transformation begins and ends within each being.
To mature is to take responsibility for your own part within the Plan of God, knowing how to give your all in every instant.
When you pray, do it wholeheartedly, with your mind and spirit present, with whole feelings and words filled with their deepest meaning.
When you serve, do it completely, giving all of yourself, so that the Will of God may be fulfilled, without giving space to childish attitudes that always lead you to human comforts, to a place of inertia and not of sacrifice.
When you relate to your neighbor, know how to love them as they are, observe their miseries in the mirror of your own interior and, before you judge, be silent and look inside. The other is transformed by example and not by judgment.
Humanity is a living, unique consciousness, that sooner or later moves in chains. When a being takes a true step, their surroundings are transformed. Therefore, use the word to open the doors of the Kingdom of God and the example to transform what prevents this Kingdom from manifesting.
To mature humanly, children, is to leave the adolescent posture of being eternally served, cared for and supported, and begin moving to serve, care and support, not only the neighbor, but the Plan of God itself, the planet, life.
Just as an adult is responsible for their home, you are responsible for this world. The time has come to transform this attitude and take back your own home, because the laws are moving and the cycles are advancing into ascension.
To follow the movement of the Universe, you must grow up humanly and spiritually.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
After the Passion, Resurrection and Ascension of Christ, the apostles and disciples of the Lord remained some days in deep silence, allowing their souls to assimilate, spiritually and humanly, all they had experienced.
This period of silence was necessary so that they could understand the Grace of the mission that God had entrusted to them.
The world remained the same, humanity seemed not to have changed, but their hearts were inflamed by an unquenchable love that lasted for centuries, until today.
History repeats itself, my children.
The spiritual cycles are like a huge spiral in ascension to the Heart of God and, in each turn, the impulses are renewed and the hearts seem to relive, in different ways, the same events. And so it is.
Today you are in a new turn of this evolutional spiral in which the Lord handed to you the same impulses of two thousand years ago.
These impulses resonate within you, transform you, move you, break barriers, dissipate illusions, so that your beings may be molded according to the Will of God.
Be aware of what you experience and, for a moment, allow your inner world to assimilate all the impulses received. Meditate upon the Words of Christ, again feel the states in which He places you each day and, finally, perceive what you are called to experience in these times.
You have My Blessing for this.
Chaste Saint Joseph
Starting now, child, prepare your heart, not only to re-live the Passion of your Lord, but also to receive from Him the last and most important impulses, which will prepare your consciousness and your spirit for the time that will come.
In the same way that, in Jesus, God built the strength that allowed Him to carry the Cross of the redemption of the world, now He sends His Son to strengthen and to shape the spirits that committed to Him in the renewal of His Love and in the revelation of the deepest mysteries of His Universal Gospel.
For this reason, be aware of where you are and for what you were called for, and allow your soul to deepen into the mystery of your existence through prayer and gratitude, through the daily effort to be ready, to be before Christ.
May this Lent have for you a new and definitive meaning of truly having your heart ready, as the Heart of Christ, to bear the weight of the cross of these times and to renew His Love.
Experience the cycles with attention and humility, simple, yet vigilant at heart. Everything in your life has a spiritual meaning; human evolution is a great and constant ceremony of opening paths toward God. Participate in this ceremony with your heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My children,
Since the beginning of your lives, during the manifestation of your essences in the Universe, the Purpose of God and His perfect Thought have been drawn for each one of you.
Each being of this Earth, and even beyond it, has a unique mission designed by God so that through their fulfillments not only the Plan of their Creator may be fulfilled, but His vast Creation, from cycle to cycle, can be recreated and renewed, based upon new and greater degrees of Love.
Each essence bears within itself a unique gift of the Spirit of God, a virtue that makes it unique in Creation and special for God, with its place kept in His Sacred Heart.
This virtue is like a musical note within a great celestial melody. Without it, the melody would not be complete. This note is in the chord that corresponds to it, with other notes that complement it; this note is in the perfect melody, in the perfect tempo so that, upon sounding its tone, a new door may open to Life.
I say this to you, My children, so that you may understand that nothing ends. Cycles do not mean an end, but a new step of an infinite evolutionary scale, which has been manifesting in your lives since the beginning of your creation, from the beginning of the creation of Life itself.
The evolution of beings is built, step by step, since the creation of their consciousnesses and, although their mission is the same, it deepens and is perfected so that through it something greater may be constructed.
Each consciousness, as it is created, receives a lineage to express and, life after life, on Earth or beyond it, this lineage is fulfilled and manifests more or less intensely, according to the awakening of the consciousness.
The beings that you know as visionaries manifest this lineage since the beginning of their existence, because their mission is to see beyond the dimensions and to communicate the perceived Will of God to all creatures.
There are different expressions of this spiritual lineage, which does not mean that they are better or worse than one another, but just that they are in different degrees of development, according to the Will of God and the mission of each consciousness.
From their universal and cosmic life, to their experience on Earth, a visionary has been deepening not only into their capability to perceive the dimensions, but above all to love them, to love what they perceive, to love what they transmit and to whom they transmit, and to do it each day more deeply and truly.
Each stage of the evolution of a visionary invites them to deepen not only into their perception, but also into their degrees of love and humility. And oftentimes a cycle that closes means a new and deeper cycle begins.
When the Divine Messengers begin a stage of retreat, this not only means, My children, that the visionary must begin to deepen into their mission and enter subtler and more unknown spheres, which are revealed in the solitude of their hearts. It also means that all those who share what is transmitted by God must begin a cycle of deepening and inner synthesis.
A note by itself cannot contain an entire melody within a song. The whole song collects the notes and deepens into its silence so that the note can then intensify during a later moment of this great melody.
In this way, I explain to you that this is a cycle of revelations, which must not only be heard, but also deepened into.
After this cycle, while we begin to retreat, a great silence will come, a moment when Our Voices must echo within each one of you.
This echo must enter into your consciousnesses, into your cells and atoms, echoing, within each one, the experience of superior Laws, the experience and living all that We have said throughout the years. Because it is through the depths of this silence that the fortitude will be built in you, which will make you worthy, not only of sustaining this planet, but also of re-building it from the Sacred Enclaves that, little by little, are revealed to you.
Live each cycle with your spirit filled with gratitude, with your heart ready for an even greater new step. Thus, My children, Our silence will not be a reason for you to weaken, but rather to elevate.
I take this time for you to understand that evolution is an eternal ascension, and that this Law is fulfilled beyond the appearances and the small human understanding.
Live each stage always looking toward the Heights, and there the Purpose of God will be, guiding your lives.
I love you and I am with you at each instant.
My Heart, from the birth of Christ to the Cross, My children, always remained silent, and I nonetheless did not cease to feel and live each instant of the life of Christ. I shared with Him each experience, each learning, each leap into the unknown, each challenge that was overcome, and this is what I am doing today, with each one of you.
Therefore, trust in My word of Love and, even more, trust in My mysterious and consoling silence, because it is there that I sustain your cross.
I bless you and thank you for responding to My call with love!
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The time has come to prepare hearts for the living of a spiritual, inner and human synthesis.
In this cycle, many inexplicable memories will emerge in the consciousness as a way of being healed.
It is the cycle in which love has already begun to gain space within beings and they are now able to face that which must be healed and forgiven, and they choose to do this through love.
It is through this inner healing that your fears are defeated and give way to the Love of God in your hearts; Love that must grow and expand in order to be renewed and multiplied.
Thus, children, in this cycle of revelations, allow a synthesis to take place within you. Let that which happened and shaped the growth of your consciousnesses, which is not like a stone closing your paths but rather a base that elevates your spirits, take its correct place within your hearts.
The last definitive cycle of humanity will seek within human beings nothing more than hearts permeated with such great love that there is no room for darkness, fear nor doubts.
Let the synthesis take place within you. Give thanks for what happened, allow yourselves to be transformed by the present and let the future simply remain in the Divine Mind.
May your spiritual treasure be the fulfillment of the Will of God. And if you cannot find it, serve, love, more and more each day, and you will discover that it is in a simple way that the Plan of God is built.
Obey and you will know that your spirits express themselves when your personalities are shaped. There will be no greater inner freedom than that which was defeated through obedience, service, humility and love.
For this reason, be free, so that this new cycle may find you ready to be dwelling places, not of yourselves, but of God.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
From time to time, the Words and impulses of God are renewed, even though at His core they may be the same principles that seek to lead humanity to an expression of Divine Will and Thought.
Since the era of the Patriarchs, and long before them, God had already spoke to humankind, corrected their paths and guided their steps so that, according to the human understanding of each period, beings would be able to experience the attributes of surrender, yielding, charity, love and all the Gifts that, at the origin of human existence, the Holy Spirit manifested within the essence of each being.
When humankind was in need of justice, God spoke to them with justice.
When they had need of wisdom, God spoke to them with the wisdom and the science of the Spirit.
When they had need of peace, God spoke to them with peace and transmitted the peace of His Kingdom.
When humankind was completely lost and only a step away from disappearing as a race and as a Divine Project, God sent them His Son to break the veils of illusion and open the eyes of beings to that which their true purpose is.
Today, children, humanity needs to experience a synthesis of all that it has learned through the errors and successes of its evolution.
For this reason, God comes to you and speaks to you with pity and with justice, with silence and with science, with love and with Mercy, bringing your spirits into awakening, to righteousness, to maturity and to surrender, because within you are all the impulses that, as humanity, you received over the course of time.
And today, each divine word comes to make you remember and to place you in a position never achieved before by humanity, because it is time to redeem the old and live the new.
Thus, listen to each Word of God and receive each impulse of His. The history of humanity is rewritten every day through your lives.
In spite of all the difficulties, know how to say "yes" and, in this way, everything will be accomplished.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
I come with the Sun, with the Child Jesus in My arms, to bless the world and ask you to pray.
Pray for the souls that agonize for not comprehending the tests of these times, and pray for those who committed themselves to the planetary rescue and do not fulfill their missions.
Pray for those who are sick in spirit, submitting others to suffering, and pray for those who suffer due to living the injustices imposed by humanity at this time.
Pray for the Kingdoms of Nature, more and more outraged and forgotten every day, as if they were not part of the Divine Consciousness. The humanity that mistreats them does not know that it is God Himself that they offend and kill, every day.
Pray for the planetary consciousness that, despite sustaining the Earth, lives the constant indifference of humanity who, blinded by their ignorance, do not know their spirits or even give thanks for the life that is given to them.
Pray, children, because the world needs repair, the souls need salvation and the moment has come for the Earth to enter other Laws, another time, another cycle of its evolution, in which the suffering and ignorance that lead humanity toward a lack of love will no longer take place.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Give thanks to God for each moment of your life, for each word received from His Sacred Heart.
Give thanks to God for each blessing and each trial, for each experience lived on Earth, which makes you grow and give new steps on the way of evolution and of return to the Heart of the Father.
Give thanks to God for the cycles experienced as well as for the present moment, and always build with Him the steps of the future; not just your future, but the future of the whole humanity, the future of this planet with its Kingdoms and its life.
Be thankful, at each moment, because gratitude will open the correct door toward the evolutionary path for you.
Gratitude will convert the growing adversities into love, and even the harassments that come your way will, under the spirit of gratitude, be transmuted.
May your thoughts and your heart be constantly in God, in an eternal movement of gratitude toward Him. This way, child, you will find the way back to the Heart of the Father.
Your Father and Friend
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Thank God for each cycle that ends, and give glory to God for each new cycle that begins. Allow a synthesis of everything that you learned in these last years be carried out within you and, with gratitude, create the bases for beginning a new time, a new cycle of service, of learning, of definition, of Grace.
Open yourself, child, to take a new step, every day, to reconfirm your heart and your consciousness on this path, and, above all, so that, besides being a child of God, you may also be His friend and companion, the one upon whom the Creator can rest His Cross, the one in whom the Creator can renew His Love.
Aspire that in this cycle your being be even more open for transformation and truth, to discover and to know your original essence and dissolve the illusions of the human condition.
May this be a cycle to deepen in the desert of your heart, where you will be before yourself to define your heart and where you will be before God to come to know His Will and accept it with love.
This will be a moment of emptiness, of surrender and of solitude, because your heart must mature in order to deal with that which will come. Your consciousness must be firm in truth and in divine knowledge so that, in this way, you may go through the transition of the times with full certainty of the light of the new life to come.
This is the moment to stand before the Father and receive from His Hands the Scroll of His Will in order to fulfill it. It is the moment to grow spiritually and manifest the strength that for so many years the Lord has been building within your heart.
Therefore, go, and enter into the desert of your inner self, live your cycle of definition, live the confirmation of your surrender, live the encounter with the Creator of all things, and prepare your consciousness to carry the cross of the end of times and be the spearhead that opens the cycle of the new life, the new humanity.
You have My blessing for this.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more