Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"In each fall, a learning.
In each learning, an opportunity of transcendence.
In each transcendence, a Grace of liberation.
In each liberation, an opportunity to die to oneself.
In each moment of spiritual death, a door that opens to the expansion of consciousness.
But you must know well that, while you are in this world, you will live with afflictions. However, the afflictions might make you grow and mature, or the same afflictions might make you sink into interminable victimism.
Therefore, be intelligent and do not deceive yourself. From each life experience, allow yourself to take each moment as an impulse of ascension, as the stairway of Light that is placed before you so that you may ascend step by step.
The universe will always show you its signs."
Christ Jesus
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"Withdraw from your weaknesses the strength of the spirit, and let your spirit lead and guide you to the fulfilment of the Spiritual Purpose.
Rise from your falls as many times as necessary, but do not set yourself up as a victim, but as being responsible for your own actions.
Allow the power of Divine Mercy to transform all your miseries, so that you can be freed from yourself, from your own resistances.
Everything can be renewed, remember this. Nothing is fixed or permanent, the universe is dynamic and changes all the time.
Be brave enough to recognise your shortcomings, but do not punish yourself with your thoughts.
Be determined to achieve the inner freedom that I offer you. The desert is for the brave of heart, it is for those who are not afraid to be others."
Christ Jesus
Forty days with Jesus along the Lent path
"In each fall, a learning.
"In each learning, a choice.
In each choice, a path.
In each path, a destiny.
In each destination, a decision.
In each decision, a test.
In each test, a challenge.
In each challenge, an opportunity to mature.
May the Christic Spirit mature within you.
May the Christic Spirit give you strength every day to cross your own desert.
May the Love of My Heart show you that it is always possible, because it is a matter of willingness.
Do not stop, fix your gaze upon My Heart."
Christ Jesus
May your heart always be clean so that you may receive God within you, hear His Words and follow His steps.
May your heart be pure, a human and divine heart, where the Spirit of God can dwell and guide you at each instant of life.
To consolidate a sacred dwelling place within you, child, you need to learn from determination; not the determination that is the result of human will and impulses, but rather the determination that is the result of love, the dialogue and communion with God, the determination that is born of the will, to reciprocate with Divine Will and fully be Its dwelling, Its instrument.
Spiritual determination must be born within you so that you may mature and consolidate the Purpose of God for your lives, every day. This determination comes from the love for Christ and forms ever more intensely as your heart becomes more united with the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
Confession to God every day strengthens the determination within you to follow in His footsteps. Confession renews your heart and gives you the impulse to begin anew, in spite of the falls, and to not desist, in spite of challenges.
Adoration of the Eucharistic Body of Christ will fill your being with Divine Grace and strengthen the determination within you, to know how to say 'no' to the temptations and stimuli that repeatedly cause you to fall.
Thus, understand, child, that to develop holy determination within your heart, which leads to a pure heart, you need to fill it with the Grace that a sincere relationship with Christ brings into your life by means of daily confession and adoration, because these two moments will be like drinking from the Fount of the Love of God so as to love His Will and His perfect Thought, to listen to His designs and renew your commitment with Him, so that you may know how to be in this world and defeat its stimuli.
In these times of many battles, that become stuck in the invisible field of the human mind, feelings and senses, the spiritual determination will be the necessary gift for you to manage to stay on your feet. For this reason, seek this Grace and cultivate this gift within your heart.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
XVI - Be Healed by God
A soul was afflicted, for feeling in the depths of their heart that old pains energed, records of experiences unknown to them, and of others that they thought had been overcome. The soul felt that within their inner world there was never a time in which their old experiences passed and new experiences emerged in a harmonious way; rather, everything was mixed together and it became difficult to understand and transform that which was within.
Therefore, in a sincere prayer, this soul questioned God, saying: "Lord, time passes by, ouside of me, but within me it seems not to exist. How do I feel and suffer due to wounds that I am not even aware of existing within me? Today everything is so confusing; what seemed to have been overcome then emerges with greater force, and when it seems that I have risen, I fall again into the abysses of my fears and uncertainties, into the pain newly opened wounds, those both known and unknown. Explain to me, God: how can I heal and overcome that which takes place within me?"
And with love and wisdom, the Lord responded: "In truth I tell you that not only within you, but also in true life, time does not exist. Time is a form that I created so that creatures of this world would be able to grow in a sequence of divine laws and sciences, which keeps them in an evolutive school up to the moment of their spiritual maturity. Time happens outside of you, for your human side. Time is perceived by your body, mind and feelings, but within you, little soul, in your deepest essence, there is no time. There, you are in likeness with Me, with My Infinite; within you pulsates an eternal life.
The closer the transition of the planet comes, which is the awaited for human maturity, the closer one comes to the moment when that which hides within you will manifest, when truth will express, when time will no longer exist, but rather Eternity will be revealed. It is part of this process of transition that your little soul will see emerging the innermost registers of that which you experienced in other times, because everything emerges to be recognized, to become aware of and balanced, according to the awakening of your consciousness and the love of your heart.
Therefore, in the face of the oldest pains, simply seek the Love that there is within Me and the Grace of My Spirit so that I may have a place to act in, through you, and thus balance and heal all that which you experienced through ignorance; all the wounds opened through a lifetime distant from Me. Simply seek Me and give Me a space within you, in your mind, body, soul and heart. Thus, I will be within you."
May this dialogue allow you to understand, children, that this is the moment for seeing emerge within you all the records of other times which still need to be healed. However, in the face of what you feel, do not despair, but simply seek God and give Him a place, because only He has the Grace and the Love to definitely heal you.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Withdraw your heart, together with Christ, into the depths of the Heart of God.
Withdraw your consciousness, your life, your mind, your soul and your deepest emotions into the Heart of God.
Withdraw your plans, your aspirations, your goals, your innermost understandings, your highest victories, your lowest falls, withdraw all that you are into the Heart of God.
Withdraw humanity into the Heart of God, the inner registers of lives and lives carried out in search of the Love of God and the fulfillment of His Plan and His Will.
Also withdraw your spirit, mysterious and silent, the part of you closest to the Truth and the Time of God. Let it all be in the Heart of the Father, let it return to Him, and there let it take its time to be recreated, transformed, healed, restored and become new.
Allow everything, child, to be made new in the Heart of God. Let go of the reins of the apparent control of your life. Let your soul move beyond the stones of the deep and dark grave of the human condition, of its certainties and illusions, of its half and imperfect truths and that, in high flight, your soul may reach the Heart of God and within It, learn what it is to resurge.
Within yourself, practice this spiritual and divine science of the void, of dying to eternal life, of resurrection.
You have My blessing for this.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
May every day be for you the day to remember the Passion of Your Lord; a day to retreat into His Arms and His Heart; a day to be in the presence of His blood and His eternal surrender; a day to learn how to love as He has loved, and loves forever.
May every day be for you the ascent to Calvary, where you should look at the obstacles as opportunities to love, the falls as opportunities to renew yourself, the humiliations as opportunities to be in emptiness, and to there be fulfilled by God.
May every day be for you the day to overcome yourself in order for your consciousness to approach the Love of Christ, more and more.
May every day be for you the day of your surrender, your yielding, your offering, because eternity will come soon if you follow in the footsteps of Christ, and your steps must never stop.
Therefore, child, remember today, and relive the Passion of your Lord, so that your consciousness understands that every day is a day to follow in the footsteps of Christ. Every day is a day to see a new Christ be born.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Through His Wounds, you were healed.
Through His martyrdom, you were liberated.
Through His pains, you were redeemed.
Through His agony, you were reconciled.
Through His three falls, you were converted.
Through His loneliness, you were unified.
Through His silence, you were absolved.
And through His Crucifixion, you found peace again.
On the eve of this Sacred Week, may your hearts ignite with love and devotion for Jesus, so that the merits of His Passion and Death may be the bridge toward the conversion of sinners.
Through your union with Christ, children, may the legacy of His Passion be valued. May each act of the life of My Son be contemplated as the opportunity of reconciling with life and with God.
In the face of all events that humanity goes through, and taking into account the time of perdition that souls experience today, by the merits attained by Christ, may the souls on the Earth receive the grace of reconsideration and conversion for their paths so that they may meet the Love of God.
Children, now that you will have the spiritual grace of reliving the Passion of My Son, may your lives testify the triumph of the Love of Christ in your hearts. And may this testimony help you in the elevation of consciousness and in the reparation of all that happened.
Dear children, during the next Sacred Week, may you again go through the mystery of what the surrender of the Love of My Son meant for the world. And may this mystery, filled with profound compassion, help the world to live its purification as a preparatory path to receive the Redeemer for the second time.
Make each moment of the Passion of Christ a part of yourselves, and may this reflect within your daily lives, in the sharing with brothers and sisters, in the Works of charity and of peace; thus you will be able to be witnesses of the Love of the Lord and carry it wherever you go.
I encourage you, My children, to have the Divine Passion of My Son transform you into His Instruments of Peace in these critical times.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Purify your mind, your gaze and your heart in order to find God. To be in the Father it is necessary to constantly elevate yourself and choose, again and again, to be by His side.
Drawing closer to God is an art in these times. While the attacks and stimuli of the world grow, the inner world of humankind, so focused upon superficial things, does not know how to struggle to be in God.
It is part of the planetary passion to know how to choose God rather than the things of the world. To choose God is to embrace your cross, to yield, to be humbled and to divest yourself of all the goods that humanity so seeks, every day.
But all that is achieved when the soul understands that there is nothing more beautiful, sublime and real than being in God, and all mundane matters lose their value within and outside of hearts. Renouncing will no longer be a burden, but rather a need. Loving will no longer be a struggle, but rather a firm and only purpose that causes you to be renewed on the path with the cross, in spite of falls, difficulties and challenges.
Let your soul be nourished by God, know God and live God, so that it may know through your souls own experience that nothing in this world can be compared with His Love and His Will. No human aspiration will be greater than His Purpose, and your heart will no longer lament for not managing to defeat the temptations of the world, because your only purpose will be Love.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Just as your Lord renewed all things in each step with the Cross, also renew yourself in the planetary passion, My child.
There is no weight that God may place on you that you are not able to bear.
There is no fall that you may experience in which you cannot get up from.
The love latent within you must awake and grow, and that will happen in your overcoming of self, each day.
Receive the graces from the Father so that your heart may be firm and anchored in the love for His Divine Purpose.
Pray, and may your prayer be sincere, because from it will come the strength that will make you rise, again and again, with cross of these times, and in each fall, love will grow within you; in each step, love will expand within you.
Experience agonies without fear; experience humiliations without fear; experience loneliness without fear; experience sacrifice without fear.
Fix your gaze and your heart on the calvary of this time, where you will not only die to yourself, but you will surrender everything that you are so that, through you, God may renew and surpass His Love.
Without fear, shame or pride, dare to be a Christ of the New Time, because for this your Lord called you by name. Let each day be lived for this Divine Purpose.
Contemplating the memory of your Lord with the Cross, imitate His steps and allow your heart to find the Love that He felt for the world and for the creatures that inhabit it; the Love He felt for the Universe and for all the life that evolves within it.
Let your heart make space for the Heart of Christ so that you may learn to be in the passion of this time, not only as an imperfect human being, but also as a spirit envisioned and manifested by God to recreate His Creation.
That is what you are. That is what this planetary moment will forge within you.
Thus, release the reins of your life and no longer walk towards what your think you should be. From the way you are now, God will make a Christ of you. Simply live that calvary and surpass yourself each day. The time will come in which God Himself will surpass Himself, within you.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Wherever there is a heart that struggles to win itself over, God will be there helping its footsteps.
Wherever there is a heart willing to overcome itself in love, so that a greater love may emerge within itself, God will be there helping its footsteps.
Wherever there is a heart that prays sincerely and begs for the redemption and transformation of its miseries, God will be there helping its footsteps.
The Lord will turn each one of your falls into a greater impulse for the strengthening of your spirit; He will turn your miseries into a greater impulse so that your spirit may live humility and detachment from your skills. The Lord will make your weaknesses the reason for His constant surveillance. And everything that made you weak before, will strengthen you. Everything that made you miserable before, will be converted.
His tests will become a trampoline for human evolution and for the renewal of Divine Creation.
It is enough that the hearts ask for divine assistance in everything. And that they do everything within their reach to sincerely fulfill the Plans of God. Even if they are not perfect and feel like a sea of misery, the Lord will pour everything into the ocean of His Mercy. It is enough to know how to surrender to God.
Your Father and Friend,
Saint Joseph Most Chaste
Love your brothers and sisters just as they are, just as I love you, without conditions, without rules or restrictions.
Love your brothers and sisters as they are, without trying to change anything in them, because they themselves should make the great change in consciousness, just as you should make the inner change.
Love your brothers and sisters with all their defects, with all their imperfections, with all their anger and with all their resistances, just as I love all of your being, with all your errors, with all your faults and with all your miseries.
Love your brothers and sisters with all their talents, skills and abilities, just as I love you with all your potential, with all your intelligence and with all your energy.
Love your brothers and sisters in their moments of happiness, in their moments of pain and in their moments of joy, just as I love you in your moments of falling, in your moments of test and in your moments of defeat.
Love your brothers and sisters with all their happiness, with all their anger, with all their folly, just as I love you with all your resistances, with all your misconceptions and with all your doubts.
Love is capable of everything and it has no limits, no commitments nor schedules.
Love is the giving of self and is the acceptance of the biggest and of the smallest errors.
Love will always free you from chains and will heal your heart.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart.
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
If you feel that your spirit and consciousness are worn out from so many tests, or that your personality is imprisoned due to so many falls, trust me with your heart.
If you believe that you cannot find an exit, nor light upon the horizon, trust me with your heart.
If You believe that all is useless and you will never be able to find a way out, trust me with your heart, because in your heart I will be able to place the Graces that will dissipate all these obstacles, and My Grace will give you inner strength to once more overcome yourself, time and again, until you are able to do it alone.
Trust me with your heart and I will be able to do wonders.
In spite of the temptation that is strong and the challenges that are constant, trust me with your heart because this way I will renew everything; the Light of My Grace will penetrate the deep spaces, will talk to you about the cells that are asleep and will awaken you to the new being.
Trust me with your heart, because this way I will be able, as Mother of the Universe, to intervene for you.
Trust me with your heart and say "amen" as a confirmation of this surrender.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When you open your heart to My Son, He, with His authority, can act with Mercy through you.
When you meet My Son along the path, in spite of what may have happened before, He, with His authority, can act with Mercy through you.
When you seek above all things to be in My Son, He, with His authority, can act with Mercy through you.
When you feel that nothing makes sense and all seems lost, if you seek to find My Son, He, with His celestial authority, can act with Mercy through you.
When you feel that you always fall into the same thing and you are never able to get out, but you abandon yourself in My Son all the time, He, with His authority, can act with Mercy through you.
When you see that nothing makes sense and that you cannot find a way out to anywhere, but you allow His Love to overcome you, He, with His authority, can act with Mercy through you.
Spiritual perfection exists only in Heaven. While you are in this school of the planet, learning to banish what is within you and dying to yourself every day, Christ, with His authority, can act with Mercy through you.
Therefore, rise from where you have fallen; for I, who am your sweet Mother, come to raise you up and place you in My arms, so that you may feel My maternal refuge.
When you fall again, at another moment and place, remember this message; Christ can act with Mercy through you, as long as you say 'yes' to Him.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
My adversary does not know the virtues of the hearts and he gets angry when these virtues, that are part of the sanctity of the spirit, emerge for the service of God.
Therefore at this time of the final battle, may your hearts pacify themselves, may your souls be in peace and without fear that something bad might happen.
Surrender your lives and commands to the Hands of God, and a new time of Light will come to fill all of you up, just as it has been thought by the Father.
Dear children, be what you have not been yet and for this to be possible, determination and faith will help you manifest this model of spiritual life that must also be at service of the planetary life.
Let your human lives continue being guided by Me until the final goal and during the battles that you live for the redemption of souls. Acquire a spirit of greater meekness than all evils that exist in this world; in this way you will be able to gather all the sufficient virtues, those that will help to take the last step of surrender to God.
Do not fear God because even if you fall over and over again, confirm innerly that you are children of the Most Beloved Father and He will have pity on all the actions My adversary inflicts to the hearts; the Father will help you with the strength of all His angels so that you will never forget that who is in God fears nothing.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and absolves you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Your Mother, Rose of Peace
When the universe gives you graces, distribute them to the world through merciful acts, prayers, silence, joy and the experiencing of virtues.
When Heaven opens Itself before your eyes, even if often the limitation of the human eyes cannot see It, contemplate with the inner gaze this unfathomable Grace of the Divine presence and cry out for the planet, for the ignorant, for those asleep. Offer the Father a true transformation, a true miracle for His Creation. That by contemplating the world His wounded Heart may find a relief in your permanent effort.
I will not ask you, My child, that you do not fall or do not sin anymore because this world will always lead you to fall and, even if you do not want it, a part of you always sins because in some form it collaborates with the human degradation.
What I will ask you today is that, if you fall, that you get up; if you sin, that you clean your stains with the Forgiveness and the Divine Mercy, with the true repentance, this one that will help you not always to make the same mistakes.
Your weaknesses are the same as many of your brothers and sisters of the world; therefore, find the strength to surpass them in the permanent offer to do it for others, for those who are blind of spirit.
Today, child, I will offer you a path of reparation, a path in which your life becomes a planetary service, in which all your acts, thoughts and feelings are offered to God to repair something. If you do it so, you will make fewer mistakes and you will meditate before acting, because your consciousness will remind you that everything you do is for God.
Offer to Father your daily attempt to overcome yourself and, if you are not able to do so, offer Him your intention and persistence. Never give up, child, because the merits are found in the heart and in the consciousness of those who have pure intentions.
Many times the sincere intention to overcome something and the eternal attempt of doing so is worth more than the act of the one who overcomes themselves easily every day. A sinner who tries to get out of sin is worth more than the saint who is so by nature.
Make of your life a permanent repair of the Wounds of God and may He find in you a true relief.
I leave you My Blessing and My Grace, for you to take fruitful steps.
Your Father and Companion,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
Do not give up and fight with Me for the victory of My Immaculate Heart! For the triumph of the Plan of God!
Dear children, despite all the onslaughts of the adversary, do not lose faith. I allow you to learn so that you get to know how to rise from the ground by yourselves.
Determination and effort will be you master keys, love and mercy will be your eternal solace.
Today I cut with My swords the bonds that the souls establish with evil so that your consciousnesses resurrect in spirit of truth and be promptly removed from the path of the illusions of the world.
There is nothing truer than the very Living God that dwells in your hearts. Find the inner strength in the Eternal Father, do not permit that the falls or the disagreements generate division between the Hearts and the Purpose.
Place yourselves under My Light and do not observe around you, search the elevation of consciousness through your true steps.
Today I help you to undo the unknown knots of perdition, knots that tie many hearts that do not want to live in God.
Dear children, there is no greater beauty than that of the whole Creation of this and other universes. Do not be disturbed, do not detain yourselves, the Kingdom of God comes to you to show you the reality.
I thank you for answering My call!
Who raises you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Do not let your days become mechanical and your life, common, “ordinary” to your heart. Do not let the rhythm make you automatic and the repetition of the actions remove the spontaneity from your being.
Observe yourself so that you do not get used to the chaos and to the internal and external disorder, so that the Armageddon of the planet do not become something normal to you and you lose the sense of your role in the Plan of God, such as many have already lost it.
You know it is human nature to seek adapting itself and accommodating itself to all the situations that present themselves in life, but this accommodation is a fruit of the influence of the forces of the inertia that do not allow the evolution of the consciousness.
Most human beings are, in this moment, trying to get used to violence, to terror and to the current chaos of the planet. Those who are minimally awake should be eager to remove their brothers and sisters from the sleep, because numbness is involving humanity.
Child, I tell you that so that you do not seek a comfortable, easy or “normal” space for yourself in order that your consciousness does not live the typical tension of these times. On the contrary, affirm to your sleepy cells that it is time to awaken and live in Christ each second, as if it were the last one.
It is time to listen to each message as if it were the last one and to seek living them as if it were the last moment to do it, because – in truth – it is.
Do not seek to adapt your bodies to the daily tension as a way not to feel bothered by the harassment of darkness, because from the moment you accommodate yourself in this current planetary scenario, the victory of the chaos will prevail in you.
Child, seek only to find the inner peace. Find your fortress in the divine purpose of the existence of this planetary cycle and be firm to bear all the currents that may descend to the world.
Do not fear to waver and, even, to fall; just stand up each time, because also Your Lord fell more than three times.
For the awakening of the human heart,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Just as the rain, that touches the Earth and makes the fruit grow in arid deserts, so do My Graces, which touch your hearts in order to convert them into the perfect model that God planned for since the beginning.
Children, I know that which must still die and be transcended within you, so that someday the true apostle of redemption may manifest.
Dear children, we are in a time of spiritual battle, and many of My children do not want to realize it; for this I come to ask you for prayer, so that you can realize how distracted the world is and how it affirms, before the Universe, that it is doing everything fine.
I come to demystify what you believe about your lives so that you may recognize the Will of the Celestial Father and so that your own will may die. Thus, children, you will be worthy of understanding all things.
Now the Universe allows certain events so that all may learn and not repeat the same mistakes again.
Children, I am consistent with you and I will touch you with My Grace, as many times as necessary, because My true purpose is to convert you into that which you are not yet. Be patient and love transformation, thus, it will be less dificult for those who are willing to know themselves; when this happens, you will be able to be conscious that your very little problems in life are light compared to the great sin of humanity.
Seek fidelity through Christ; do not despair over that which you experience; there are greater planetary problems that encompass regions, peoples and, above all, a project of spiritual evolution.
Purge that which is old, empty yourselves all the time and thus, you will be the new wineskins that will be filled with the Precious Blood of Christ.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who purifies, heals and elevates you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In order for you to work with maturity and consecration to the Plan of God, I give you the Seven Precious Stones of Salvation:
- To not be ungrateful towards the universe or towards your neighbor
- To believe that everything is possible through Mercy
- To not destroy the Divine Plan by means of false actions
- To be reverent towards others
- To love the Divine Plan more than your own comfort
- To accept the help that comes from the Heights
- To forgive yourself in order to be forgiven.
With these seven little stones you will be able to truly live the Five Unions with the Celestial Father through:
- Repairing communion
- Healing confession
- Formative instruction
- Renewing reconciliation
- Redeeming conversion.
Who loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
When your prayers are donated with love they arrive to My Heart as flowers of relief for It.
For this, My brothers and sisters, companions of the long trajectory to the infinite, give Me all that you are and that you are not so that I may transform it according to My designs. Surrender to Me what is good inside of you or that which anguishes your heart because at three in the afternoon My Heart pours the Source that liberates you from sin.
Assume that you will not be able to be anything, but only through Me. Do not be discouraged from your falls nor be happy for your successes because only the spirit of humility will let you know that all must be in the perpetual silence of the heart.
I guide My Sheep until the end of the path so that from there they may begin to walk with Me as apostles in redemption. If My Consciousness had chosen wise and perfect souls what would have been the reason of My coming to the Earth?
I came to the world to liberate it from error and to demonstrate to it that in My Mercy is found the liberation of oneself. For this continue walking in spite of the landslides on the path of life. My Hope for redeeming you will comfort you. Whenever you address yourself to Me, do it in confidence and without fears. I Am the Son of the God of Love, the One who will always understand you and encourage you to transform into something that you do not know because you will be a part of My redeeming Design for the end of time.
Rejoice at being conscious of Me and at knowing that, through My Eucharistic Communion, you will find eternal life.
Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for remaining in My Sacred Heart!
Christ Jesus, the Mediator
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more