Wednesday, February 28 of 2018

Daily Messages

The Christs of the New Time

They will come from different places and different beliefs. The New Christs will have no preferences nor material or spiritual desires.

The Christs will come from the inner worlds to help in the transition of humanity. Some will awaken unexpectedly but others will remember their spiritual commitment with the Lord.

The Master and Lord of the Universe will call them by their spiritual name and the new identity of the self-summoned will be revealed.

The Christs of the New Time will unite in love and will go beyond forms, concepts and even their own doctrines. When everything is about to happen in the world, nothing will have value, not even the great intellectual philosophies.

The Christs will find the path of the heart and will have no limits; overcoming themselves, every day, will lead them to love the Purpose and, thus, prepare the return of the Great Master.

The Christs of the New Time will synthesize within themselves all the travelled journey, they will understand that without the essence of Love-Wisdom they will be nothing, that no project or aspiration will have any value without being impregnated with the sacred flame of Love-Wisdom first.

They will come from different nations, they will speak different languages, they will bring with them different cultures, roots and even experiences of conversion and redemption.

The Christs of the New Time will be anonymous and their silent work with peace will move all events. They will be so similar to the ancient Apostles and so guided like the great saints of the last times.

The Christs of the New Time will be aware of what to do, where to be and who to deal with. Their work will be planetary and will not be limited to human forms, concepts or legislations, because they will be in the Law of Wisdom and Discernment.

The school of the New Christs will be in service and in humility; they will live their deserts, they will transcend their emptiness, and they will be filled with the Spirit of God.

The New Christs that will represent My Son for this last cycle will have nothing to gain nor nothing to lose; renunciation will be the great key in overcoming all tests.

The New Christs are the new apostles, the so-called saints of the last days or, more clearly, they will be the last witnesses of the Bible.

They will have to give their faces to defend what they believe. They will not step back before any difficulty, they will trust that each challenge or difficulty will be the perfect way to realize the Return of the Lord.

This is why the New Christs will be tested, they will have to witness their faith and defend the internal principles that Christ Himself will leave as a message in their hearts.

No one will know whence the New Christs will come or whence they will arise, but they will appear and be of help for the most acute moments of humanity.

If you feel you are on the path of being a New Christ or if you live that aspiration, meditate it in your heart first, because the time will come for the last defenders of the Divine Plan to be called to justify evolutionarily before the Church, the government or the Armed Forces that Christ, the Master and Lord of the Universe is returning.

From the mouth of the New Christs will be born the most correct and wise words and nothing and no one will be able to oppose that transforming Christic energy that will change the decaying course of present humanity.

Meanwhile, let us pray that the New Christs have the courage to carry forward the last part of the history of the old humanity, so that the New Human awakens and the Promised Land manifests before the redeemed hearts.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Sacred Prophecy

Wednesday, February 28 of 2018

Daily Messages

From where the Breath of the Spirit of God is born, comes My Immaculate Heart, from the purest emanation of the Love of the Creator for His creatures. From there comes the Divine Womb of Creation, which gives life and spirit to all beings, and which not only creates, but protects and accompanies all that has been created.

A bridge to the heart of God, My children, this is how My Immaculate Heart is expressed and manifested in your lives and in all the Creation.

More than the Mother of the Son of Man, I Am the Mother of Life, life that is born and emanates from the deepest Love of God, and for this true Life I come to guide you.

I come to place your eyes in Heaven, on the intimate mystery of Creation, but I also come to place your eyes on Earth, in the intimate mystery that is kept in the reason for the creation of this planet.

I come to reveal to you the Infinite shown through the Portals that I open to reach the world, and I also come to reveal to you the mysteries that emerge from Earth when My Feet touch the ground.

Children, this is a life of mysteries where chaos lives with the most profound Love of God, and where the greatest treasure of creation hides among human beings, as pearls in the swamps of the world.

My Immaculate Heart reaches you at this time not only to rewrite your histories and to give you a new opportunity to serve God. My Heart also comes for you to know your origin, your divine and universal history, and so that, by recognizing what you have to transform in the depth of your spirits, and at the same time knowing the potential you have to do it for yourselves, beloved children, you may know how to write the history of Redemption of this planet.

Your history does not begin in this world. The Origin of Creation is more than the clay that arises from human beings. Your beings come from a Perfect Essence and from unimaginable Sources of eternal Love and donation, which create and recreate the Universes.

If you want to find the truth about your spirits, My children, today I open for you the doors for this. Just place your eyes in Heaven, but also know how to contemplate the Earth. Know how to read the symbols of the stars, and to see these symbols in your hearts; but also know how to read the symbols of the Earth, which renews itself through Nature, which shows the human beings the path to recreate this creation.

I am also Mother nature, the Mother who donates life and surrenders Her own life for the renewal of the world and of Her creatures.

Know how to see in the entrails of Earth the story of surrender and love that this planet has lived throughout the centuries of its evolution.

Know how to see life moving for the creatures to grow and, although often Nature seems to show its fury, My children, know how to see the Grace of God and His Justice. Nature does not get angry. Nature renews itself and gives the human beings the possibility to renew themselves.

Know how to see in the cycles of Nature how this planet donates itself constantly so that there may be life on its surface, for so that there may be evolution and love.

Enter in communion with nature, My children, and you will be able to know the mysteries that are written in its silence.

Nature speaks to the human beings through its simple existence and keeps in it the history of the evolution of humanity, transmuting and transforming what does not correspond to the purpose of this world, and offering to the human beings, in its most beautiful expression, what moves them to discover the love and the unity with God.

In nature is kept the history of humanity from the beginning. The most beautiful and pure that the human being can reach and live is kept in the depths of Heavens as in the entrails of the Earth.

Stay before Nature, children, as the stars, and you will know without understanding that this life is much broader than what is kept in the Sacred Books.

And to discover your own history, it is necessary to look at heaven as to the depths of the Earth; it is necessary to look at the spirit and to let oneself be guided by the soul, but also to know that what is kept in the depths of the human condition, that there are not only capital energies and illusions.

This is the time of Truth, and the Truth is expressed in all things that come from the Heart of God. His Consciousness inhabits everything, one must only silence the heart and observe, give oneself the opportunity to deepen one’s own evolution and, so, serve this world that sleeps in the middle of chaos, that loses itself in illusion.

Today, My beloved children, I come to bring you impulses that will take you to deepen your spiritual life, to the awakening of the truth within you and to your profound union with God. You only need to listen to My Voice and follow it.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, Rose of Peace

Wednesday, February 28 of 2018

Special Apparitions

I come to bring My Mercy where there is no religious or social justice.

I come to bring something that human beings do not yet have, because of the little value they give to it.

But it does not matter what education they have, it is the heart that counts with God, because it is the one that will always perpetuate, will always bear witness to the Love of God among all the men and women of the Earth.

Place your gaze, dear children, on the heart, and there you will find God, rather than humankind. If God is in you, My Son will be in you and no one will be able to change that inner union.

Nobody will be able to say, My children, that God is not present in the hearts of humankind, that God is not alive in those who believe in Him above all things, beyond all events.

I come to teach you the way of love, because in the Love of God you will always find the way out; there will always be understanding and wisdom for comprehending the designs of God and above all, His highest Will.

Today I come to bring peace to those human beings who arouse uncontrollable anger.

Today I come to tame hearts, so that they may feel peace and know that everything is being fulfilled, beyond all understanding or any philosophy.

What God needs, dear children, is for humankind to learn to love and that it not forget the path of love, because whoever is not on the path of true love will not be on the path to Paradise, no matter how much they may profess the Name of My Son, no matter how much they may perform the Eucharist before the people of God.

Love is everything. It is the first science. In love you will understand life, as you will understand suffering.

Unite in love and not in the separation of your ideas or your thoughts. The Kingdom of God is for everyone, it has no religion or doctrine. The Universe of God is free and ample. And He comes to point out the children He has chosen to carry His Work of redemption forward at the end of these times.

I tell those human beings that are claimed to be wise, that they not tempt the wrath of God. That they live the Gift of the Fear of God; let them live the Gift of the Fear of God so as to not be separate from the Father and not separate the flocks of My Son from the Heart of God.

These are not times for divisions. It is the time of the great celestial unity. It will be that unity that will save the planet and humanity, especially the most miserable in spirit, which are not only found in life, but also in religions.

My Son comes to give an opportunity to all souls. His Mercy is not limited to humankind. His Mercy is universal and infinite.

I need, dear children, for you to open your hearts to the great divine understanding, not allowing yourselves to be involved in what humans say of this world, by what humans point out in their fellow humans.

Open the eyes of your heart and you will find the Truth, the Truth that rests within you, the Truth that is born of the heart, that accepts all things and understands all things; an unconditional and living heart, that is not afraid to embrace the unknown and say “yes” to the Universe every day.

I am sorry, dear children, for those who do not understand the Will of God and who claim to live it fully, but which is not true.

Seek a union between your hearts and you will be prepared to receive the second coming of Christ.

God has asked me to come and seek all the essences of the world and not only those who believe in My Son. Remember that My Son is the Lord of religions, because He is the Lord of Love. And if He is the Lord of Love, He is the Lord of Truth, of Divine Will, and of Justice, of the good He Himself would wish to profess for all the beings of the Earth.

So, dear children, do not get confused. Feel My message in your heart, more than the message of empty human beings, who are empty of love, of truth, of the true understanding that only is given by the Holy Spirit.

There will come a time, dear children, where all religions must appreciate and understand each other. Because if this does not happen, who will open the door to Christ so that He may return?

It is necessary to pray from the heart and soul, so that in these times the humans of the Earth not confuse you.

It is necessary to choose the Most Blessed Sacrament, so that the humans of the Earth do not confuse you.

It is necessary to live a life of service, so that the humans of the Earth do not confuse you.

In this way, your faith will be strengthened, which is a faith that has no investment in anyone, or in any person. It is a faith that belongs to God and intimately to your hearts.

Revive that faith with good examples and open your eyes to divine knowledge that comes from the Universe. Thus, you will take sure steps in redemption and will fully accept the call of God, without thinking what others may say.

Dear children, as Mother of God and Mother of My Son, I come to re-connect you with the path of love, because it is a path that is not being practiced by the humans of the Earth. Illusion, and all that is superfluous, separates humankind from that true path.

Live the Commandments and you will be in true spiritual freedom.

I come, dear children, to do good, to teach you the path of Love and of Truth, at the request of My Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. No one can take that away from you, the experience of your faith and of your devotion to the call of God in these times, outside of the Church of My Son.

See the importance of the awakening of hearts in these times and do not allow yourselves to be invaded by the comments of people. It is necessary to unite and become stronger. It is necessary to unite the strength of the heart with the strength of the heart of your sibling, to carry out the Plan of these times, in the face of a chaotic and difficult planetary reality.

On this night, may your hearts feel the truth of My Heart and not repent, nor abandon your consecration as children of My Immaculate Heart, because what I bring you, dear children, no one will give you, not even the highest hierarchy of the religions. Everything comes from the Heart of the Father, from His non-material and eternal Source. You must learn to nurture yourselves spiritually from that every day; not only from the Gospel, which is the basic path for your awakening and redemption.

Find meaning in your spiritual path, in what is higher and divine, and thus, you will be in the Father and the Father in you. Your hearts will feel no doubt or distrust, but rather will take a sure and firm step on the path of Love and the joy of serving God.

Remember that you must reintegrate your spiritual dignity again in the Father’s eyes.

Religions are the bridge for that, but it is not the final thing. There is something, dear children, that must begin with you, that must be born of your heart, in order to be in Christ and in His Divine Presence.

I come to evangelize with a New Word, a Word that humankind does not know, because the Word that I pronounce is a Word that comes from the Source of Love. It is a Word that is not wasted. It is a Word that serves and helps souls in their conversion.

When the times are more difficult and the rebellions of humankind are present, it is a sign, dear children, that it is the triumph of My Immaculate Heart and the defeat of the beast, which confuses hearts, despite their beliefs.

I come to bear testimony of what Christ gave you when He was present on this planet. I reintegrate this testimony of love again for you so that you do not forget, dear children, that the answer is to be found in love, in wisdom, and the way out of the great obstacles.

As I will not tire, dear children, of saying that I am here, although many publicly deny it, I come to consecrate new children to reaffirm that testimony of love, that testimony of the Infinite Love of God and of the Christ that, more and more, unites consciousnesses with the Essence of the Primordial Source.

That is why I will not stop giving blessings, no matter how much talk there is, no matter how much lying and not telling the truth.

Pray for those who do not understand, because they are very miserable and sick of spirit and do not know it, just as I pray for you to heal your spiritual illness. I invite you, dear children, to pray for the miserable of spirit and soul, because they do not know it, so that they may receive the Grace of someday realizing this and asking for true mercy from God, rather than uttering vain words.

Be merciful as I Am, and the planet will have more opportunities, more souls will be healed, and hearts will become reconciled with the living God.

Let those who today consecrate themselves come before the Fountain of God's Love, so that they may be witnesses of what I ask of them, so that they may defend their consecration and are not afraid of saying that they believe in My Presence, as a precious call from God for these times.

I would like to say to all the Children of Mary that they remember their commitment with Me, because I cannot waste anything, not even a minimum amount of the energy of Grace. All that I give you is because you need it, even if you do not understand it or do not know it; everything is a reason for a special Project in your lives, in your consciousnesses, and in your spirits. I give you something that no one can give you, that must be valued and respected, revered, and you must pray that the Gift that I give you may persist in the end of these times.

Listening to the hymn of your consecration, I come to bless you, dear children, so as to re-consecrate those who have already consecrated themselves as Children of Mary, to be witnesses of the Word of God and of the return of Christ, with nothing to fear, because the love that may be in your hearts is invincible.

The love that may be in your consciousnesses is indelible. No person or any being of this Earth can erase the Love of God. They will never win, because love is the one that overcomes; it is the Love of Christ that overcame death on the Cross and that comes to teach you that in love, everything is possible, until the end of days.

Beloved Father, have Your Fire descend upon simple and humble hearts. Have Your Divine Consciousness descend upon those who preach Your Word and who in the simplicity of their heart testify to Your Presence in the world.

Have Your Wisdom and Your Grace descend upon the hearts that must be converted to the Christic life of service and of love for fellow beings.

O Beloved Father!, listen to the voice of Your Faithful Servant, have Your Love descend upon the miserable, upon those who do not understand, and those who do not accept Your call, upon all those who cause the separation of Your people from Your Most Beloved and Intimate Heart.

O Dear Father!, forgive them, forgive them so that they may find a new opportunity, through Your Divine Compassion and Your Grace.

Forgive, Lord, those who offend their fellow beings. Forgive them, Lord, so that they may find the Light of Your Heart in the great Universe of Your Universal Love.

Today I bless and establish My Peace among humankind of the Earth, knowing that I will still be here, fulfilling Your Divine Will and Your Call, in union with all My Children, especially those who consecrate themselves, to be the example of Your Life in the Universe.

May the Lord bless you, redeem you, and consecrate you, in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now sing, because you have been consecrated to the Mother of God.

I thank you for responding to My call, in trust.

Tuesday, February 27 of 2018

Daily Messages

Some Treasures of the Eternal Father, which are still kept in the inner worlds of humanity, need a timing so that they may be revealed.

When the time of the revelation of these Treasures approaches and contrary forces mobilize to prevent this, the great strategy of the Light is reclusion, in order to wait for the due time for this spiritual revelation to be carried out.

This does not mean to go back in time, nor to set a need or spiritual evolution aside.

Each divine strategy proposed by the Eternal Father Himself has a significant victory and when a withdrawal is established in this final stage of the battle, it is the way in which, in a next instance, there will be a greater impulse, much more than what is expected.

Certain Treasures of the Eternal Father, which are kept in the inner worlds of the planet, awaken powerful universal currents of transformation and of transmutation of the spiritual precariousness of the majority of souls.

In order to generate this opportunity for liberation, these Treasures must be activated in the proper moment, so that contrary effects in humanity are not generated.

The mission of awakening these Treasures must be done in harmony, so that everything flows as foreseen.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monday, February 26 of 2018

Daily Messages


Do not seek perfection while you are on Earth, because true perfection is found in Heaven, at the moment when your consciousness will definitely merge with God.

The path of perfection is conquered daily, at each new step, with each new test, until total transcendence is achieved.

In this time, in which the challenges and the difficulties are very great, the path of perfection is forged through constancy and commitment to prayer, making this spiritual exercise the main engine of transformation and of the daily battle.

All that will be until the human condition on this planet is defeated, a condition that is at the roots of this civilization.

Thus, with determination and valour, My child, continue working toward your perfection, in order to make the world a little more perfect every day.

Perfection is achieved under a spirit of humility and of an absolute surrender to God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Sunday, February 25 of 2018


Do not be afraid. I, Who am here, Am your Mother, the Mother of humanity and of all the peoples of the Earth.

I am the Mother and Lady of the Sacred Sword, the one who with the power of prayer struggles to remove evil on the surface of this planet.

I am the Mother of all the shields and with them I protect My children so that they may soon enter the Kingdom of God.

I am the Mother of the Sovereign Scepter of God and with It cause the Will of the Most High to descend to Earth, so that souls may live the Sacred Will of God.

I am the Mother of the Divine Crown of Light and with it I illuminate the paths of My children, I draw lost spirits to My Heart, I redeem fallen consciousnesses so that they reach redemption and peace.

I am the Immaculate Heart of Peace and through My Heart I bring the Mercy of God to the world, which in souls will reanimate their spiritual path and their inner transformation for these critical times.

With the sweetness of your hearts, today I can be here and bring more Graces to the world, not only for your lives, but also for the planet, which suffers in various parts of the world without anyone knowing.

I come here to bring you the design of God, which you had never known before, as well as His Sacred Will, which you must live in these times to please the Heart of God and to carry out His Project on this Earth; a Redeeming and Liberating Project that will put an end to human captivity and the spiritual loss of many souls.

The doors to the Mercy of My Son are still open, thus, today I bring in My Hands the Celestial Holy of Holies that contains the Sacred Eucharistic Body of Christ, so that it may be venerated in the world, much more than it has been venerated and worshiped until now; so that it may be considered the intermediary between God and humankind, as the last lifeline for those who want to save themselves, and thus enter paradise.

Through My Words, I come to bring you the loving example of the life of Christ, what He testified to for you while He was here, on Earth, close to this humanity and this people, which was being lost from the Purpose of God and that by His Presence and His Sacrifice, by His Painful Passion and by His Blood, was able to save the world in those times. Now that He ascended to the Heavens, you must fulfill your promise. First you have to testify to Christ in your hearts, so that He may be testified to by you to the world.

It is necessary, dear children, to live a correct and worthy life in the Lord, to have healthy and correct examples to experience a true spirituality.

It is necessary, dear children, to withdraw from what is superfluous, from all that pulls your attention away from the Heart of My Son, from true filiation with God and with His Kingdom.

It is necessary, dear children, to live a life of peacefulness, first within your families and loved ones, so that then this peace may be radiated to the world, to the hearts that are most in need of the Mercy of God.

Do not look for Jesus only in the Eucharist, but also in daily confession, in fasting, in prayer, and above all, in the service of the poorest of the poor, because if you do not serve them at this time, who will attend to them and help them get out of marginalization and suffering?

With this same Grace that I bring to your hearts today, I fervently wish, dear children, that Ecuador be a people of high service, that through service can retransmit its sacred roots of fraternity and love among peoples.

The first step for you, dear children, will be the school of prayer.

The second step will be the school of service.

The third step, dear children, will be your surrender and your consecration to God, so that many more souls may consecrate themselves to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and to My Immaculate Heart.

To be able today to say all these simple but true things, I must remove evil from the surface of this planet with the compelling and loving help of the Angels of God, under the Celestial Command of the Archangel Saint Michael.

Believe that the end of captivity is possible, dear children. Each one of you, to some degree, has experienced a spiritual or material captivity. As Mother of Mercy, as the Mother of Grace and Light, I come to put an end to these things, through your practice of daily prayer and your daily consecration to My Immaculate Heart.

I would like you to open the doors of your homes to establish new groups of prayer, because in the times that will come, dear children, the only refuge and salvation will be your homes, which must become true temples of prayer, so that God may be present in every moment and in the face of all events that will come unexpectedly into the world. You will close the doors of your houses, close the windows of your homes, you will light a candle for My Immaculate Heart, and you will stand in a circle in front of My Altar to pray and plead for this world, in the face of everything that will happen.

And you will go through the three days of darkness in this way, but you should not pay attention to what will happen in the world, but rather on what must be alive and resplendent within you, through prayer and communion with My Son, and thus you will be protected.

And then, you will call your guardian angels, even if you do not know its name. If it were a necessary grace, you will know what your guardian angel is called, and so you will invoke it so that it may be close to you, as it is until now, in unconditional and silent service, in order to protect your essences from the assaults of My enemy.

Thus, with your groups of prayer firm and established not only in Ecuador, but in the world, joining as nations in prayer, you will be part of My army on the Earth and will become members of the Light, of the Sacred Celestial Armies.

You will be part of the Divine Commands, even though you do not know how this works; but through your pleas and devotion to My Immaculate Heart, you will make this land a Promised Land, and even though the Earth may tremble, the abysses may open, and frightening things may appear on the surface of the Earth, although the moon may be the color of blood, and the sun does not illuminate you for three days, you will not perish.

Be brave, dear children, hold on to My Mantle, unite with My Rosary of Light, for I will protect you. That is My Sacred Task for the end times. This was the Sacred Request of Christ, at the foot of His Holy Cross, before He expired.

Do not fear because of what I tell you. It is time to open your eyes, the eyes of consciousness, so that you may see beyond the material illusion.

Tell this to the priests and believe that everything I say is final and decisive. It is time to truly take up the life of prayer and not just pray once a week in the Sacred Church. Your prayer must be daily, in each movement, in each breath, in each new action, both in your work and in your family, while you clean, while you cook, and also as you fall sleep.

Offer each moment as a Sacred Prayer, because millions of souls in the world are being lost daily, especially those mothers who condemn the unborn with an abortion. Let them repent who have not repented. The Source of Divine Mercy is still open to all. I desire the good for all humanity, but I know that there is an unjust people worldwide, a people that wounds the Kingdoms of Nature in an uncontrollable way.

I would like you, dear children, to learn to take care of your house, which is this sacred planet; that you experienced a healthy education, under the principle of spirituality; that you read good things and not things that contaminate you all the time. Take care of your little children, they must be part of a New Humanity rather than part of a model of world perdition. Motivate your families to experience charity, because they will always be within the good and in peace. Imitate the example of the Holy Family of Nazareth, which is a nearby, rather than distant, example for everyone.

If you live all that I ask of you, you will be within the Kingdom of God, and My Words will not pass, but will remain in your hearts as little seeds of light that will protect you in the end of these times.

That is why I come here to Ecuador, with the sacred motive of consecrating new children who surrender to My Immaculate Heart.

Today I come here to give you this special blessing for all your people, for all your culture, for your original principles that were so positive and good, for your origins and for your roots, that must continue to penetrate into the depths of the human consciousness, so that the sacred spirit of devotion and reverence always be in you, as it has been until now.

The children of Mary can stand up where they are.

Water to bless.

And just as I consecrate those who today take the step and who will not disappoint me, today I also consecrate Ecuador so that it may maintain its inner filiation with Christ.

With the same water that baptized Jesus in the River Jordan, today I spiritually baptize the souls who consecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart with the principal motive of establishing the good in the world and of removing evil on the Earth, so that unity may be established between hearts and peoples; so that like you, new consecrated souls can emerge that together with the Mother of God, may help to weave that Great Mantle of planetary protection, which today you wear on your bodies as an act of union and of reparation for all those things done that have wounded the Heart of the Father.

May Ecuador again receive this consecration and may the Purpose of God be established here.

And now, sing the hymn of your consecration so that many more may be consecrated.

Today, may this water that has been especially blessed by My Maternal Heart be a Source of Grace poured out, not only upon those who will be consecrated today, but on all who are present here; those who, one day, when they have been more strengthened in prayer and service, will consecrate themselves to My Heart. Remember that all of you are My children and that I love you as My children.

Today, dear children, I also bless these roses, which are the precious symbol of your inner prayer, of your true offering to the Sacred Mother of God, to the Lady of Guadalupe, to the Woman clothed in the Sun, Who in this time unites everything that is separate among you so that universal healing may be established in all those who need it.

I thank you for responding to My Call, and I lovingly wait for you on the next 28th so that My Work may expand even more in the world and more Graces may be poured out in Ecuador.

I thank you.

Sunday, February 25 of 2018

Daily Messages

The Second Coming of Christ

The day will come in which human suffering will end and souls will come to know the full joy of being in God and God being in humankind.

False beliefs will fall and, in the depths of souls, the temple of the heart will be raised and will receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, Gifts that will repopulate the Earth with true and evolutionary principles.

In that hour, the Return of Christ will be close. In the most critical moment of humanity, while Mother Earth is in her birthing process, bringing the New Human to light, the moment of the Return of Christ will come.

The times will stop and the cycle will stabilize so that the Son of Man may enter.

The real time will absorb the illusory time and a new time will begin after the Beloved Son has come to seek His followers of love, and judge those who, for a long time, have done evil.

In that moment, all will be revealed and the souls of the Earth will no longer have veils over their consciousness.

Many will realize all that they could have achieved, but it will be too late.

Others will repent, and on their knees before the Beloved Son, will ask for forgiveness and for Mercy.

But, in that moment, it will be God Himself Who will judge through the mouth of His Son, and the Beloved Son will only proclaim what His Eternal Father dictates in that instant.

Meanwhile, and with a little more time, repent from the heart and you will be safe, because those who accept living the school of Redeeming Love will manage to become a part of the New Earth.

When My Son comes for the second time to this world, everything in humanity will be unleashed, with the power of more than one thousand horses.

Nature will speak for itself and will come out of its constant silence.

The Kingdoms of Nature will express themselves and in each part of the Earth they will leave a significant message that no human being will be able to destroy or erase, because what is shown to them will awaken the consciousness of those who are asleep.

In the same way, many more things will happen. The Sun, the Moon, the stars and all of the firmament will give definite signs.

Natural and spiritual phenomena will show that Christ is returning to humanity.

The most asleep souls will awaken. Others will define themselves for the rest of eternity.

The majority of the men and the women of the Earth will realize that they had been lost and asleep for decades.

One last Grace will be granted to the world, a Grace that will arrive without anybody knowing it and will come unexpectedly to the world the moment when the seventh Celestial Trumpet sounds.

In that hour and at that time, that extraordinary Grace will come to men and to women to save them and, in this way, the Woman Cloaked with the Sun will open the last door so that the last of the redeemed may enter, in consciousness, the Sacred Enclosures of Love.

When the last door closes, everything will happen and will be uncontrollable.

There will be no system, government, nation or people that will be able to stop it, because it will be the higher current itself of the Universe that will remove everything that exists so that the planet may become free of the weight of its atoms generated by the majority with their human and spiritual density.

For this reason, children, let us pray so that the majority of the non-believers and of the non-redeemed may repent from the heart and reverse their painful lives.

Let us pray so that the nations of the world convert to the Plan of the Creator and carry forward real actions in an equality of conditions.

Let us pray and not stop praying, because the unexpected Return of Christ is close and your hearts, in this hour, must be uplifted in worship in order to be able to recognize it.

May God bless you and grant you sacred discernment.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Saturday, February 24 of 2018

Vigils of Prayer

I come here, because here there is a people who love My Son, who has revered Him, who has honored Him, who has glorified Him in all this Universe and beyond this world.

Today I am here, dear children, to pour out My Peace and My Grace upon you, to make of your hearts strong hearts, preachers of the Word of My Son through the example of love and mercy, of the unwavering faith that your people has built throughout the ages.

I am also here today, dear children, for the first original peoples of this region; for these peoples so dear and loved by Me who, in ancient times, through their love and devotion to the Creation, have also been witness to the Divine Word of the Creator through their pleas and union with the Most High.

Today I come, as the Mother of the Universe and Mother of all cultures, to gather all the peoples from the beginning so that, as in Peru, your people also may recover the roots, the origins and the principles that have made it possible, during these current times, for your people to be a sacred people.

As the Mother of cultures and Mother of all peoples, dear children, I want you to protect your principles, those that were born with the Inca culture in the heights of these sacred mountains, where the Spirit of God was revered through His Presence in the elements.

I want you to forgive, as My Son has done, all those who did evil, all those who invaded your lands and your colonies causing not only your original people, but also your roots, disappear.

But remember, dear children, that a true civilization of God, a true sacred people, always holds its gifts and principles in its blood. There all the codes are kept, which can again awaken, making an inner contact with God and with the whole Universe.

Through your prayer and devotion to My Immaculate Heart, may these sacred attributes that your peoples of the beginning acquired awaken again in your hearts, not fearing nor doubting to live what you truly are as a culture and a people, because this will make you free and you will be as special for God as are many sacred peoples in the world who, in these definitive and critical times, are trying to survive current humanity.

May the sacred spirit that was once present in your Creation, the stars, the suns and the universes, be able to awaken again at this time. That will make of this place, just like Peru and Bolivia, a sacred land for the coming times.

Truly believe, dear children, that the social marginalization and poverty will end, not by the hand of those who govern, but by the powerful Hand of My Son who, from the firmament, will make the sign of the Cross to close the abysses, where a great many souls are lost and subjected every day upon this surface, within this material life, which only seeks the realization and awakening of human illusion.

Return to your sacred origins as a people and a culture, and you will awaken in yourselves the true inner sun, just as My children of Peru awakened it during these last few days. Thus, your Heavenly Mother, the Lady of all cultures and all peoples gradually spreads Her mantle throughout the Americas; not only as The Guadalupana, but also as the Sacred Mother who cares for and protects the sacred principles of Her children.

Just as when your Heavenly Mother was in the Holy Land, all of Her sacred people, the people of Her beginning, were protected by the Hand of God.

I come to teach you, dear children, to rescue the values of your spirituality and faith, which will one day make you free from these constant pressures imposed by other nations.

I want to awaken these sacred values again, not only in Peru but also in Ecuador, which will allow you to feel, in your heart, the cosmic Fire of God's Love that will renew all things; that will repopulate this Earth with true spirits of good, with sacred servants of love, who will struggle together with Me for the institution of the Kingdom of God upon Earth. In the same way that many more hearts in the world of today are united with you in this sacred mission, working for the same cause and for the same spirit.

Dear children, smile at life, smile at the Love of God, because the end of your captivity is near, just as will be the end of the captivity in Peru, and souls will be spiritually liberated. You will be able to feel renewing hope in your hearts, something that will lead you to fulfill the Plan of God and to experience great and unpredictable things, which are written in the Heart of God, and which in this new cycle, dear children, you will be able to experience through the mere work of your prayer, of your consecration to My Immaculate Heart and through the Reparative Communion with My Son.

Believe that this will be possible, because if I have come here to Ecuador, it is because God wishes it to be so, God feels it to be so and He will allow it to move forward through His faithful Servant, His Celestial Messenger, the Mother of humanity.

I know that you have many intentions for My Immaculate Heart, but what I need, My children, before you give them to Me, so that I may carry them into My Heart, is that you pray every day for them, so that God may make great miracles out of your intentions, within the time that God foresees, under the Spirit of His Sovereignty and His Wisdom. Because everything has a time for being carried out, for being moved forward.

Trust that everything has a time. Do not hasten the events, but definitely ask with fervor, with the fervor of your hearts, because in this way God will hear you through My Immaculate Heart.

When your sacred and inner suns awaken, the Earth will be able to be illuminated by a redeeming, pure and immaculate Spirit, which will go through your hearts and will come directly from My Beloved Son, to call the last unredeemed, those who will form the last lines of His army of Light and prayer knowing that, in these difficult times, prayer will be essential in your lives. It will be that great shield that will draw you away from evil, that will separate you from the abysses and illusions that My adversary continues to generate, clouding the eyes and leaving the hearts distracted, without the Light of God.

But I come to make of your lives and Ecuador a gift for God. God has allowed the Holy Father to come here to bless you and, through His humility, to impart the spirit of renewing Mercy; Mercy that will finally free the hearts that, in the simplicity of their hearts, will just say ´yes´ to the call of God, which today is pronounced by your Heavenly Mother.

Tomorrow we will pray the Rosary for Peace and will contemplate the Sacred Mysteries that the Holy Family and especially My Beloved Son experienced, which is the true testimony of your redemption.

I would like you to pray the Rosary with your heart tomorrow. May each one of your hearts be the one to pronounce the words, so that an infinite light may awaken within you, which will convert impossible and difficult things within you and around you.

And in this way, the Angel of the Justice of God, Saint Michael, will bury His sword and will ennoble your lives, as members of His celestial army, spiritually united with His Divine Militia for these times, when the fundamental battle will be experienced through the prayer of the heart.

My Son sends you a message, through His Mother, your Mother.

He says that He has chosen Ecuador for the next meeting of Mercy so that here, in this country, not only may souls be redeemed, but also may they awaken to the sacred Treasures of God, which many do not see nor know that they are kept in these sacred mountains, as the legacy of the Universe of the Creation. A legacy that will make of this humanity a new humanity, under the guidance of your Savior.

Prepare your hearts for this moment and call the souls that most need the Mercy of Our Lord so that, when He comes to visit you and bless you, He may transform all things and bring you to His Heart, to His Heart of Love.

Today I am so grateful for this simple but beautiful altar, which magnifies God rather than My Heart, because everything belongs to the Lord, everything is part of His Work; of the Work of His Infinite Mercy. Always keep this in mind because, in this way, you will be in God and He will be in you, forever.

Before saying goodbye and withdrawing into the heights of these mountains, I would like to take with me, as an offering to God, the Hail Mary that at this moment you are offering so that, through this melody and this song, many more souls will receive the Grace of God that they need for awakening.

I thank you for responding to My call, for having come to meet Me; because, in truth, you have come to meet God, the God who is present in all things and in all those who open their hearts to Him.

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you.

Saturday, February 24 of 2018

Daily Messages

My Words will remain, but time will pass

My Words will remain, but time will pass, and the moment will come in which all the divine knowledge of the Sacred Hearts will be the guiding star, when we are no longer among you.

My Words will remain, but time will pass, and in that hour you must have been confirmed in unity and in faith so as to know what to do and where to be.

My Words will remain, but time will pass, and for the majority it will be too late to become aware that all that was said by the Voice of Our Sacred Hearts is essential for the transformation and the redemption of humanity.

My Words will remain, but time will pass, and everything will be happening, inside and outside of creatures. Inexplicable things will be shown and the majority will know who they really are.

My Words will remain, but time will pass, and some will remember the sacred keys of instruction that we have brought for the great change within the human consciousness.

My words will remain, but time will pass, and many will not be able to return to the previous moment because they will not have taken the step in trust and obedience to the Higher Law.

My Words will remain in the consciousness of the peoples and the nations, but time will pass; each impulse given is decisive and definite and will never again be repeated.

My simple Words will remain in humanity, but material time will pass and everything will be shown inside and outside of human beings.

Merciful and compassionate hearts that can withstand the fire of imperfections will be essential, because there will come a time in which souls will be able to be free themselves, for the last time, from their prisons and chains of yore.

This will be the moment in which your Heavenly Mother will come from Heaven to open the last Seal of the Armageddon, and everything will be unleashed in order to define the emergence of a new and purified humanity.

My Words will remain, but time will pass, and only those who dare to lose control of their lives, the power and pride of their actions, will experience overnight the great inner changes.

For this reason, My Words will remain so that all may remember them, but the time of the world will pass and the Source of Graces will unexpectedly close. In this hour, your hearts must have alraedy truly repented and have become reconciled with fellow beings. This will be the only way in which the beast, who will come out of its abyss, will not find you divided, distracted or indifferent.

My Words will be strength for the simple, a shield for the peacemakers, encouragement for the humble, and victory for the divested of self.

My Words are now the last, and they will remain to guide those who want to be guided by the Mother of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Friday, February 23 of 2018

Daily Messages

The Musical Note of the Heart

My dear children:

Today let the musical note of the heart be played, the note that resonates in the spaces of this world when the soul feels the Love of God within itself.

Today let the musical note of the heart be played, so that this world may be redeemed and so that the hosts of Light of the Father may open the doors of the Heavens.

Today let the musical note of the heart be played, the musical note that vibrates in the subtle worlds and attracts the Mercy of God to Earth.

Today let the musical note of the heart be played, so that voices may be ignited by the Holy Spirit and this humanity may again receive the powerful current of Divine Healing.

Today let hearts play the musical note of love, so that it may expand in devotion and light throughout all corners of the Earth.

Let the musical note of your hearts reaffirm, on this day, the victory of My Son on Earth, and may your souls enter into the celestial choirs to confirm the Plan of the Creator within this grieving humanity.

Today let the musical note of your hearts light up with the spirit of joy, the devotion to all that is sacred and the faith that strengthens consciousnesses.

Children, on this very special day of elevation of the human consciousness, I ask you: within your voices and instruments, let the musical note of the heart vibrate, because this very deep note in our souls will open the doors to Heaven so that Grace, redemption and healing may be established in humanity.

Let the musical note of your hearts revere Creation and all the Kingdoms of Nature, from the Mineral Kingdom to the Angelic Kingdom.

Today, let all of your voices be one, to gestate sacred unity between souls and God on Earth.

From Ecuador, as the Mother of the Andes and of all the singers of God, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

May this sacred mission motivate you to live the changes.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Thursday, February 22 of 2018

Daily Messages

I am the Lady of the Most Chaste Eucharistic Body of Christ and, upon my chest I carry a sacred replica of Christ.

I am the Lady of the Most Chaste Eucharistic Body of Christ and, through that sacred teraphim, your Celestial Mother converts the world and lost souls.

I am the Lady of the Most Chaste Eucharistic Body of Christ, and through this sacred Christic symbol, I give an impulse for the renewal of faith in souls and their consecration to the Master and Redeemer.

I am the Lady of the Most Chaste Eucharistic Body of Christ, and I bring to the world the revelation of the restoring and comforting Love of the Lord, when souls just prostrate themselves before the Most Holy Sacrament.

I am the Lady of the Most Chaste Eucharistic Body of Christ, and through that sacred redeeming power, your Celestial Mother can intercede even more for those who have fallen and I can grant Graces to those who would not deserve them.

I am the Lady of the Most Chaste Eucharistic Body of Christ, and I bring the news to humanity that there is still time to surrender to the Lord so that His Grace and His Mercy may redeem the souls and the nations of this planet.

I am the Lady of the Most Chaste Eucharistic Body of Christ, and I leave to the hearts the testimony of Greater Love, that which overcame death and all perdition, the Love of My Son, who suffered and endured for lost hearts.

Carry within your hearts the symbol of the Most Chaste Eucharistic Body of Christ, and all will be redeemed.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Wednesday, February 21 of 2018

Daily Messages

The ardent wish of God is that there be in Cuenca a Community-of-Light, guided and accompanied by a monastery of the Order founded by My Son.

In order for this to be possible, I come to ask the union and integration of My children of Peru, Ecuador and Colombia to carry forward this intimate wish of the Creator.

Right after this, I want to found a Marian Center in Cuenca, which will have the patronage of Mary, Mother of the Mountains.

There I wish to establish a center of prayer for the Andes and for all the peoples of the Andean region, in order to draw from Heaven, the Gifts of God that, by means of the community and the life of service and of prayer, must be established.

I wish from Ecuador a consecrated land together with Colombia, Peru, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay and Argentina, as a new Eden, where humanity can be regenerated in the upcoming times.

Next, I want to found another community in the region of Guatavita, in Colombia and also a Marian Center which will have the patronage of Mary, Queen of Cultures.

If My children, in time, carry forward these purposes, I promise to protect and to support the emergence of a new humanity in this region.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Tuesday, February 20 of 2018

Daily Messages

When a door of Light is opened so that lost souls may enter, another uncertain door closes so that souls may be liberated.

Therefore, each stage of the Plan that is concretized is an opportunity to awaken and assume the Divine Plan.

Within this realization there exist battles, challenges, and tests that confirm the soldiers; and all that movement also unblocks what hinders evolution.

In this cycle, the stages of the Plan will mark the different moments of concretion of the Work, which in critical and difficult times will fulfill the designs of the Almighty at any cost.

In this current of concretion, those who awaken and those who have already awakened enter; and this generates great movements, not only in the consciousness but also in the spiritual plane, where everything is defined.

It is necessary to live these times with neutrality, with a willingness to concretize projects, and, above all, to do so with love, because this will help make the most difficult moments more bearable, by being transmuted by the power of the love of the servers of Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monday, February 19 of 2018

Daily Messages

Your Celestial Mother, together with Her children on mission, enters another nation already consecrated to My Son, to be blessed by God for a second time.

The first blessing was received from the Holy Father, who opened the inner doors for the arrival of the Sacred Hearts.

The second blessing will be given by My Beloved Son in the capital of this country, and also your Celestial Mother, in service and love for the souls, will expand that divine blessing to the rest of Ecuador.

It is thus, children, that the Sacred Hearts prepare themselves, just like you, to enter into a town also very hurt and discriminated against by the inhabitants of the first world nations.

But Ecuador holds one of the most important spiritual treasures for the Plan of God. It was the land spiritually chosen to shelter the Essence of the Love of the Source, inner Essence that pulsates within the Sacred Enclosures that are protected in the ranges of the Andes.

That is why, children, this second stage of the Pilgrimage for Peace will start in the city of Cuenca, where My missionaries will go into retreat for some days to meditate and contemplate inwardly on the reason for arriving in Ecuador at this end of the cycle and the importance of the manifestation of new Light-Communities that are to be guardians of the Treasures of the Father that will emerge for the new humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Sunday, February 18 of 2018

Daily Messages

Today I say goodbye to a land and a people marginalized and exploited, but profoundly blessed by God and by all of His Kingdom.

Today I say goodbye to simple but strong hearts, to souls who want to protect their roots and teachings so that these may serve as a spiritual support for the New Humanity.

Today I say goodbye to a devout but poor people, charitable but rejected in the world, because of its condition.

Today I am leaving happy, because new Suns awakened to the sacred knowledge of their mission and to prayer.

I carry in My Heart the warm expression of My children through songs and prayers; this will make Me return someday to bring continuity to the Work of Love and of Redemption of My Beloved Son.

Today I say goodbye to a people who was blessed by Grace and restored by the Mercy of God.

Today I say goodbye to the essences that awakened and to the hearts that, in profound humility, responded to the call of the Heavenly Mother.

I bless you all and I encourage you in the ministry of prayer and on the path of restorative service.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace.

Saturday, February 17 of 2018

Daily Messages

The emptying of self will allow you to cross any desert in life; and in that emptiness of wanting nothing or expecting nothing, you will allow the Universe to flow through you.

The emptying of self is more than divestment, surrender, or penance.

Emptiness is more than an attitude of introspection or a profound silence.

The emptying of self is to trust and have faith in the Arms of God in order to feel His Will and His desire at every new step in life.

Emptiness maintains you within the Law of Impermanence.

Emptiness does not allow the static or that which leads to terrestrial inertia.

The emptying of self is an impulse that the spirit can give you, from time to time, so that inner paths may be unblocked and so that, once open, the steps toward the light may be taken in humility.

The emptying of self is not arrogant, proud, or ostentatious of what does not belong to it.

Emptiness is empty; it is to be in the void in order to enter the universe of the All.

The emptying of self is a new school for disciples; it is a path that causes you to find neutrality and the sense of inner life.

Emptiness of self is premeditation and, at the same time, wisdom.

In the emptying of self one learns to be silent.

In the emptying of self lies a doorway to inner liberation.

The emptying of self never wavers, it is always prepared for new challenges.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Friday, February 16 of 2018

Daily Messages

In truth, children, few will have the Grace, in this time, of recognizing the Wonders of God even in the smallest details of life; few will have the capacity to understand that behind each request or intention, there the Will of God is to be found.

For this reason, only those who have a simple heart and a humble mind will not doubt nor fail in their faith, because being empty of self, they will be free of themselves.

You should never, children, put your faith into play, and even less the Designs of the Father through His Hierarchies, since behind everything a Purpose exists that is intangible to the prideful and the owners of themselves.

In this time, children, you must learn to differentiate between the Will of the Father and your own will; you must stop underestimating what you do not like and seems false to you in comparison with that which you fancy and makes you feel good.

On a spiritual path, you should never judge with the same measuring stick what you like and what you do not like; you must keep in mind that your inner wavering or your unreal doubts must not destabilize the Work, and above all, your sibling consciousnesses, as others have already done after having shared everything with them.

One should not small-mindedly judge the Work of God.

Be mindful and watch over the Supreme Truth rather than what is convenient to you.

I will be thankful if you are more mature in evolution.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Thursday, February 15 of 2018

Daily Messages

Dear children:

With joy, today your Celestial Mother presents Herself to demonstrate to the world the sacred Prodigies of God, which come from His Humble and Merciful Heart; Prodigies that allow His children to feel in their hearts that love and hope will always exist and reign.

Dear children, it is the driving force of hope and of love that defeats evil, that which from time to time, through lack of love in the hearts, makes all peoples succumb to error and adversity.

But today I come to speak to you about a special prodigy granted by the Eternal Father which will allow the realization of the sacred project of the Light-Families. A project felt and lived by the Heart of the Father and carried forward by the Work of the Divine Messengers on the planet.

The family is the model of perfection that must be sheltered and safeguarded in these critical times, so that it may incarnate the Gift of God's Love, which will make it worthy before the Universe and Creation.

As Mother of the families, I come with my Mantle of Light to protect all the beings that integrate a family, which one day must become spiritual and evolutionary.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Wednesday, February 14 of 2018

Daily Messages

Feel My Love in the breeze that caresses your face.

Feel My Love in the blowing of the wind.

Feel My Love in the sound of the waves and in the harmony of their movement.

Feel My love expressed in the Kingdoms, in each part of Nature.

Because I am the Mother of nature, the Mother that regenerates the life of the spirit and of matter.

I am the Mother who gestates and conceives what is new for each being.

Therefore, feel me in each part of this Creation, because I am always present there.

Be a part of this communion with all that is created, with all that the Father created with so much Love so that His children could glorify Him and recognize Him in each aspect of Creation.

Union with Creation, between creatures and God, can be inalterable.

This sacred filiation with the Highest allows souls to find meaning in all that exists and why it exists in this way.

I would like all My children to enter into this same consciousness of union with Nature, so as to restore the deepest wounds of the Earth.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Tuesday, February 13 of 2018

Monthly Messages

Prayer: A Door to Liberation

With the divine Rosary in My Hands, I come from Heaven to reveal a simple mystery in which the Power of God hides.

Pray and you will be free.

Pray and you will be free from the pains and bindings of the past. Pray and you will be free from the concepts of the mind, from division, from the lack of forgiveness and love, from the incapacity to reconcile with your fellow being and with God.

Pray and you will be free to be reborn and leave behind that which causes you pain. Pray and you will know how to comprehend your paths, because God presents you the different situations of your lives, and how to make the apparent difficulties a service for the consciousness of all humanity.

Pray and you will be free to understand the celestial mysteries. You will not doubt the Truth and will not fear knowing it because you will not limit the greatness of God to the small human comprehension.

Truly pray and you will live your own union with God, your own inner contact that will raise you to the Heavens even if your feet are on Earth.

What I come to ask you, My children, is that you pray and in the simple act of praying, the virtues will be revealed to you, the Light of the Divine Word will free you from darkness and the Gift of God will guide you so that in spite of the tribulations of the world, you will never lose faith and love in your hearts.

While all is allowed in these times of definition, place your rosaries in your hands and speak to God, cry out for His Mercy in these times of miseries and imperfections, and let the Father respond to the heart with a simple feeling, with a breath, with a relief or even with the sharing of the pain that He feels for this world so lost.

What I come to ask you, My children, is that you pray and open your hearts to a new time, for it is the moment of unity, of living in communion for the Peace and Redemption of this world.

It is the moment for the religions to unite, to pray with the heart for One God and for each one, in their own language, to cry out to the Father for the Purpose of God to be fulfilled.

It is time for respect to exist among races and beliefs, for the religions to learn to pray for one another so that the Purpose that God had, when He inspired each one of them, may be fulfilled at this time.

If all religions resume their purity and return to the purpose of their origin, which is the expression of Love and the establishment of Peace, the hearts will be worthy to recognize He Who will come to unite all things on a unique path and put an end to divisions and human wars.

They will recognize the Last Prophet, Who will return so that those who did not recognize Him in the past can surrender to His Love in this last time.

The Son of God will again place His Feet on Earth, and His last promise will be fulfilled, so that Love may have life within the hearts of human beings and God may renew Himself through His creatures.

In the meantime, My children, pray for the divine Light to illuminate your paths, pray to know how to fulfill the Will of God, pray to free yourselves from what prevents you from walking towards the Heart of the Father.

Pray to grow in spirit, and finally, pray for the Love of God to triumph definitively among the dimensions and, so that, not only the Apocalypse but also the one thousand years of peace may become a reality.

Just as you see the chaos foreseen in the Apocalypse be fulfilled, you will also see the final triumph of God in the radiance of His Son.

Just pray for humanity to persevere in its faith and to overcome the tests of illusion until it reaches the essence of the Truth.

Unite your rosaries to Mine and you will never get lost.

My Feet of Mother and Pilgrim will always mark the rhythm of your steps until you surrender them to the Heart of the Heavenly Father.

I bless you and thank you for praying with Me for the establishment of Peace and the liberation of this world.

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace

Tuesday, February 13 of 2018

Daily Messages

The Sacred Lines of Nazca

Nazca is a place considered sacred by Heaven, due to the spiritual and inner wealth that the ancient civilization who lived there left as a message for the future humanity.

That civilization was one of the many Peoples of the Sun that attracted to the planet the attribute of reverence and of the sacred.

Nazca is a place in the world that should be spiritually reverenced, since in this place a humanity advanced in the cosmic and divine knowledge and in its spontaneous relationship with the Universe and with Creation developed.

The Lines of Nazca represent to the Father this inner message of union of the previous humanity to the Divine Source and, in this way, of its most important inner communication with the Cosmos.

The Lines of Nazca leave over the desert the message to the Universe that, in remote times, there was a humanity that could mirror, through these symbols, its union with the Eternal Father and all its cosmovision related to the Solar System that rules this planet.

Thus, the Lines of Nazca not only left an eternal message for the future civilizations, but they also served as Mirrors to establish this system of spiritual communication between the Mirror of the heart of each being with the Mirrors of the Universe.

This demonstrates, in current times, that humanity has spiritual and inner conditions to be able to come into contact with its true inner reality and that life on this planet is not only physical or material.

The Lines of Nazca left for the current world the message of a renewed and permanent union with the Universe that exists within every being and demonstrate to us that we can get in touch with the higher and divine.

The Lines of Nazca left a message of Love for the Kingdoms and the consciousness of reverence and devotion that every human being can conceive for the Kingdoms of Nature.

Nazca is the symbol of awakening for this part of the Americas, just as others sacred places where civilizations before this one taught the universal and divine knowledge to all its people.

In this sense, the consciousness of the Peruvian nation holds one of the most important spiritual legacies, from a human and internal point of view, since the civilization that once lived in this place achieved a state of Love and Wisdom that no other race, in no other age, has lived.

This is the reason why the culture of Peru and its intimate relation with the native peoples will facilitate, in this time, that the sacred values of brotherhood, equality of conditions and love may help the physical and spiritual rebuilding of a country that is permanently submitted by the social and human exploitation of other non-evolutionary cultures.

It will depend on the very consciousness and culture of Peru to be the spiritual and inner bridge so that the sacred values of loyalty and unity with the Universe may manifest again on souls and that these same values elevate the consciousness of their people.

The Sacred Lines of Nazca are also registered on the Book of God as one of the major legacies of spirituality of the human race to present day.

It is time to return to our origins and to the roots that were the cradle to gestate a new humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of all Peoples

Tuesday, February 13 of 2018


I come here for a people that loves Me, that listens to Me, that invokes Me and pleads to Me.

I come here for this land to be able to heal it, so that a New Humanity can re-emerge from it.

I come here for the love of hearts that express themselves to God with simplicity and humility. That is what makes me come here, dear children, that you chose to arrive here within this work of pilgrimage and this purpose that God has given me as part of His sacred designs.

Today I come here, dear children, to place each of you in My Arms; so that you may feel the gentleness of My Love, the fire of My Heart, and the Light of My Spirit that comes to heal souls of the past, to heal the errors, to dissolve the sorrows and all the suffering that you may have experienced at some time.

Today I hear the voice of your prayers with complete enjoyment, in eternal joy, because today you are opening the door to your Heavenly Mother so that She not only may be here among you, but also with the whole country and with all of the Andes, which so need God's help.

I would like that after this day, dear children, your lives enter the path of ministry and of prayer, and that this first impulse that your souls will receive at your consecration be the reason for taking new steps in the concretization of the Plan of God on Earth, so that one day your souls may be the suns of the New Humanity.

Today a new path begins in your lives, dear children. Your paths are straightened so that at some point you may meet the Lord Jesus Christ, for He is the forerunner of all things. He is the Great Messenger of God Who sends His servant and disciple to deliver the Word of Life to you through His fount of Mercy and of Love.

I would like you to know, dear children, that today your steps are illuminated in love and in truth, so that many, many more souls, who in these times despair and live in darkness, can find the light, the light of their hearts.

I come to encourage you, dear children, to be charitable; to live a life of service for your fellow being, so that your nation and your people may receive a great universal atonement, and above all, the restoration of the consciousness of this nation. So that the new divine codes enter into your essences, in your hearts, and in your lives; and everything, everything, may be recreated just by taking your steps on the path of love, of prayer, and of service.

I invite you, dear children, to be a part of the Work of God; not only experiencing communion with Christ every day through the Holy Eucharist, not only through confession, prayer, or fasting, but also through your ardent surrender, in the same way that you surrendered today to My Immaculate Heart.

My wish is that all these spiritual impulses that I bring you today from heaven may remain alive in your lives for a long time, because in truth, dear children, you will need them to carry out the Plan of the Return of Christ to Earth.

Today I come to bring you, dear children, the new Wills of God; that is, the new designs that spring from His Merciful Heart for each one of His children, which today especially, He pours out with so much Love and so much Mercy through My Immaculate Heart, as a doorway to Redemption.

I know that the world and your lives need healing. I deeply know all the needs of My children, and especially those of My children of Peru; but if you fulfill My requests, and obediently follow My steps on the path of love and of service, I assure you, dear children, that not only will your lives transform and your bodies heal, but also, thousands more souls, that in this nation are still waiting to awaken, will receive the same Grace that your hearts receive today, and they will feel motivated, despite the end of times, to say 'yes' to the Plan of God.

You are a sacred people, and I could say, blessed in its origin. I remind you again, dear children, of the importance of recovering the values for the life of this humanity, so that the Sacred Gifts of God may permeate your consciousnesses, and beyond your lives, all your siblings who also have need of the Sacred Spirit of God to find the Path of Light.

Today I also wanted to thank you, dear children, because your people, despite their needs and tests, have welcomed those who emigrate to this country looking for an opportunity and a new hope, and above all, peace, which must also be instated in this people and in this nation. If you truly continue to pray from the heart every day, I will be able to fulfill the promise I have made to God, to awaken new suns here that may illuminate this humanity and these times of tribulation.

If you come together in groups of prayer, it will be more fluid, dear children; the Plan of God will be concretized, not only in this nation but also in the Americas, where a large part of this race also waits for its awakening.

In this time, I have been making a pilgrimage through the Americas to awaken the race to the designs of God, to the Sacred Will that is written in the Heart of the Father and that must become a reality in your hearts.

If you pray with Me during this time, dear children, you will allow Me to return to Peru a second time. I will fulfill My promises when I see your hearts kindled by the fire of prayer and of service, of charity and of goodness, so that in this Sacred Land, the principles of a New Humanity may be regenerated; a New Humanity that will begin within you so that it may finally emerge on this surface.

Today I come as the Sacred Sun of the Universe to light up your essences, so that you may remember your origin and your beginning, so that you remember the beginning of your existence and the first steps of your evolution. That will make you strong. Because prayer will make you strong, to be able to carry out My Requests, and finally be able to consecrate this people and this nation to My Immaculate Heart. Thus, I will be able to count on your hands and arms to carry forward the Work of Redemption in this part of humanity.

Be happy, dear children, because you are rediscovering the path toward God. Your perseverance and your faith have permitted this event and today a new history is rewritten for Peru, which begins to emerge in the inner universe of each being.

And now, My Words are the Breath of Spirit, a Flame that ignites the flame in your hearts so that you may vivify the Plan of God and carry it forward in these critical times, where Peace, fraternity, and the brotherhood between consciousnesses is pressing.

Today, I would like to do a special consecration before all your Sacred Suns; that inner Sun that must always shine, that must have the inner strength to overcome obstacles, tests, and darkness; that must be in the heights of the Universe to shine the Purpose of God through the conversion and redemption of your lives.

Those who will consecrate themselves here today come forward, so that your Heavenly Mother may bless you through the Divine Fire of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

Water to bless.

"Lord of the Universe: Bless this element that you have Created as the purest emanation of Your Sacred Heart, so that it may bless the souls with the Breath and with the Fire of Your Spirit, with the true experience of Love in the hearts of the humankind of this planet.

May Your Light descend, as Codes of Light, as radiant stars that cause the Divine Purpose to be vivified in souls. Amen".

While you listen to the hymn of your consecration, may your hearts be lifted up to the heights to be blessed, welcomed, and received into the arms of the Creator Father.

Let your inner suns light up. May the living flame of devotion awaken and that the healing of your spirits be established as a portal for a New Humanity.

May this consecration represent the new time, the new unity, the eternal covenant between your souls and God, in which nothing will be separate.

Dear children, on this sacred night, on this blessed day in which God unites with your hearts and the Divine Son unites with your essences, your Celestial and Universal Mother gives you the aspect that unites all peoples, all the religions, and all the cultures. May your people and your country be protected and blessed today by the Sacred Mantle of the Lady of Guadalupe, so that the Purpose of God for this nation may be fulfilled. Amen.

Today I give you this image, so that as a pilgrim of your people, many more consciousnesses can experience this inner union with God through Our Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of the original peoples and of all the cultures of this land.

May this image visit those who most need it and may it always be present at your moments of prayer, as a new group of prayer.

Today I leave here the testimony of My Light, of My Love, and of My Grace for each one of you. For this purpose, I consecrate Peru to My Immaculate Heart. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

I listen to the voices that rise up to God to establish this Divine Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

I thank Peru, its people, and its culture for having responded to My Call.

I love you, and I thank you.

Monday, February 12 of 2018

Daily Messages

Behold the Radiant Sun of God

Behold the Radiant Sun of God, the Woman Clothed with the Sun, the one who announces the arrival of a new and expected time.

Behold the Governess of hearts and the Mother, Help of Christians, the one that keeps vigil and prays for those who are demeaned and miserable.

Behold the Lady of Guadalupe, the Mother who unites what is separated among the consciousnesses, the Lady of Light who gestates in Her sacred Womb a new humanity.

Behold the Mother of Reconciliation, the one who gestates the alliance among cultures and peoples, the Mother who intercedes for those who are exploited.

Behold the Warrior Mother of the Seven Swords, the White Woman who treads with Her Feet on the serpent of evil, allowing the Love of God to triumph within oppressed hearts.

Behold the Mother of the Heavenly Church of Christ, the one who takes care and accompanies those who are truthful at heart, the Mother who prays for the mission of the priests and of the servers of Christ.

Behold the Mother of the Andes and of the Peoples of the Desert, of those who live in the heights, as well as those who live in the prairies, the Mother of the poor and of the simple, of the humble and of the workers of God, of those who cultivate the arid land to make the Life of Creation flourish.

Behold the Mother of the offended and of the discriminated, the Mother of the sick and of the helpless, the Lady of Healing who leads the journey of the non-redeemed ones, of those who search for inner healing.

Behold the Mother of the Americas, the Lady of all the Andean cultures, the Mother of Nature, Pachamama, the one who in Her sacred delivery is ready to give birth to the New Human Being, to the new consciousness of humanity.

Behold the Mother of the Armies of Christ, of the soldiers who only battle with the sincere prayer of the heart, the Mother of those who beg for Mercy.

Behold the Mother of the emigrants, of those who abandoned their lands and their origins in search of a place of peace and hope.

Behold the Mother of Divine Justice, the Mother who intervenes for Her children in spite of any spiritual and inner situation, the Mother who aids those who suffer the chastisement of human beings.

Behold the Lady of Evangelization, the Mother who instructs with examples, the Lady who instructs through sacred words of Love.

Behold the Mother of Peru and all its people, the Mother who prays for equality and justice, for equity and hygiene of those who survive amidst desperation and chaos.

Behold the Mother of the sick of spirit and body, of those who are not helped and of those who are forgotten in the streets of this world.

Behold the Mother of the children, of those who sell on the streets, the Mother of those who are in danger, the Mother of those who are sold and are lost.

Behold the Mother of Divine Mercy, the Mother who implores to the People of God and of the governors for equality and healthy justice, the Mother who tries to avoid greater sufferings.

Behold the Mother of morality, the Mother of healthy education and of worthy teaching, the Mother of the illiterate.

Behold the Mother of Love and the Mother of Hope, the Lady who gives impulse to awakening.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Lady of Evangelization

Monday, February 12 of 2018

Vigils of Prayer

Today I come to liberate an oppressed land so that it may reach the light of the Kingdom of God.

I have come here for these peoples, that I love and appreciate so much because of their perseverance in achieving peace; from Colombia to Chile, the sacred peoples of the Andes have not been able to teach the world more things because they disappeared through the actions of the white man.

But I am the Lady of all nations, the Mother of all peoples, and I come to amend the errors, to dissolve the suffering and to bring the Love of the Heart of God.

I have chosen to first come to Lima, because here there is a people in great need of God. A people that has delivered a plea to the Heart of the Firstborn Son, who has heard it. This is why I am here with happiness and the joy of meeting you, and of meeting some of you again in this life, to carry forward the mission of God, which no longer has a nation, language or border but rather union and brotherhood among the hearts that will be part of this New Eden, as the Americas once were.

I am here, dear children, to bring you universal healing, something very unknown to the world and to science.

Through the Light of My Hands, I come to bring you healing of the spirit and soul so that the suffering of your past may be erased and so that the new doorways to reconciliation may be established among nations and peoples so as to welcome into your hearts the call of God, that One Who comes for the last time to announce Himself, to bring to the world the Wisdom and the Mercy of God, through the message that tries in these times to permeate souls so that they may enter the path of salvation and redemption.

I come to give testimony to your hearts so that it is possible to experience relief and inner healing, so that they may resurface from within the Source where all is recreated and regenerated, where you can be permeated by the Love and Compassion of God, Who will help you and motivate you to take new steps towards a consecrated life, towards the life of the Spirit, towards the life of the Plan of God.

Today I come for the sake of the original peoples, but also for the peoples of today, who are the remnants of the first peoples, who are the ones in need of the greatest relief from God in order to face these times that will arrive at the doors of all lives.

Now trust, dear children, that you will be able to repopulate the New Earth through your conversion and redemption, through the acceptance of God's call, so that it may be edified in you and manifest in this planetary life, which also needs it.

Today I bring the flag of Peru as a mantle, which represents the expression of your culture and origins, those sacred teachings that were lived in the Andes by the first peoples, before the conquest. Teachings that were also kept in the Ark of the Covenant of God, where cultures left to the world that which white men did not understand and never understood, out of ignorance, lack of wisdom and even out of fear.

But just as I came to Mexico as the Lady of Guadalupe to unite that which was separate among humankind, cultures and peoples, today I come as the Lady and Mother of all Peoples, as the Sacred Woman who brings the Dawn of the New Aurora, so that hearts may spring forth in their awakening and inner healing.

May each of My Words be fulfilled in your lives. May each Word that I pronounce be a decree for the concretization of the Plan of God.

Live, dear children, in My Heart of hope, because your captivity will end; as well as the captivity that is spiritual and defeats souls without leaving them any strength to live the life of the spirit and get out of this illusion of material life.

I need, dear children, for you to re-educate your families in the basic principles of life so that your people may regenerate and acquire new values that will allow them to manifest the new consciousness and the New Earth, with you as participants in a new humanity that also must occur throughout all the Andes, in all these nations that embrace the sacred mountains, which are part of the sacred treasures of God, kept within them like the incandescent flame that illuminates everything and re-consecrates everything.

Recover the values of your ancient peoples. Do not be afraid to show the value of your culture and origins, because that too is a part of the Work of God.

Dear children, do not let yourselves be influenced by the modernities of these times, by everything that comes from outside this nation and is not part of the essence of your spirit and divinity.

I need you to continue consecrating yourselves to My Immaculate Heart through the act of your faith, love and constancy, through communion with Jesus, My Beloved Son.

In these recent times, the Holy Father visited you to give you the message that your people can experience the new times, completing your fulfillment with the heights and with all the values that you acquired in times past, as a people of wisdom, as a people that loves nature, creation, life, the elements.

This is why the Holy Father comes so often to the Americas, because it is not only part of that new humanity that He is building, little by little, but also because your people and the other peoples of the Americas must recover that which they lost with the advance of humans with the science they believe they have achieved, without having the Wisdom of God.

Be like the Sacred Condor of the mountains, which is always in high flight to revere God and to give the cry of hope in the subtle worlds, where the spirit of who offers themselves to God in love and truth is to be found.

May your sacred roots come to life again.

May your sacred codes be reintegrated today in your hearts and essences so that the fire of this new humanity may arise, a fire full of hope, joy, brotherhood and love.

I have come to Peru because it also must have this opportunity, this inexplicable grace that My Maternal Heart comes to grant to the nations of the world, especially the Americas.

The world must know that here there are values that are not lost, but rather beautifully kept in the Ark of the Holy Covenant of God. And I, as the doorkeeper of this sacred symbol of the celestial Universes, come to announce to you, dear children, that it is possible to again find that which you have already lost through the influences of these times.

May your holy Guardian Angels guide you upon this path to find the values of the sacred life in this land and the spiritual values that, in its original peoples, led them into being in contact with the Universe.

I am the Mother of the Races and of all ethnic groups, I Am the Lady of all peoples, Who comes to unite consciousnesses and nations in the essence of love, an essence of love that will allow them to understand and accept one another, in spite of differences or traits. But in truth, dear children, all are a part of  the  same people, of the same civilization and of the same project thought of by the One in His Creator Source of Manifestation and Light.

On this night of Vigil, dear children, we not only pray for Peru; Your Mother prays together with you for your people, but we also pray for the Americas so that from here the Sun of a New Humanity may arise, invaded by the Spirit of the Father and by the Light of His Redemptive Grace.

I thank you for being here today with Me in the simplicity of the heart, in the humility of your essences, because this, dear children, allows Me to also reach the world.

From here, in Peru, your Heavenly Mother can also help Venezuela, which is within My beads of the Rosary, so that someday I may return to put an end to captivity, together with the Archangel Michael. But everything has its time. Trust. Everything has its time. Everything is marked in God's time. Everything will be resolved when hearts simply accept the call.

In unity with the Father, I bless you and I bless this nation as Mother of the Church, as Mother of Hope and Reconciliation, as Mother of the Sacred Awakening, of the Sacred Inner Light of the original peoples, of those who once upon a time knew how to unconditionally love the Kingdoms and the Creation. This will also help, dear children, alleviate the suffering of sinners, of those who continue to commit mistakes and offenses to the Heart of God through transgression to the Kingdoms of Nature.

Someday humanity will know who they have at their side and that the Kingdoms created by the Father also have a purpose upon this planet.

I also thank all those who pray for the Kingdoms of Nature on a weekly basis. This is helping the essence of the Kingdoms so that they may have a sacred opportunity in new dwelling places, in the dwelling places of God in the Universe.

Each prayer bead prayed for the Kingdoms is a knot that is untied in the suffering of a neighboring Kingdom, be it mineral, plant, animal or devic.

Remember that each bead that you add for the Kingdoms weekly is a great knot of suffering that is untied, alleviated and healed.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for responding to My call.

I thank you today for being here in union and trust. Amen.


Sunday, February 11 of 2018

Daily Messages

Dear children,

The physical-spiritual contamination of the planet compromises the inner evolution of the human race because it creates disharmony in Creation and, at the same time, leaves the correct rhythm of the universal Laws.

In the great oceans, for example, the contamination not only shows a lack of spiritual consciousness, but also a high level of indifference for the Kingdoms of Nature.

All the known and unknown waste that is thrown into the great seas of the world, besides drawing toward humanity a series of spiritual and physical diseases, which within this twenty-first century have been considered inexplicable, there is also generated the manifestation of certain spiritual forces, created by the contamination and by the chemical experiments made in the oceans.

This situation has an effect not taken into consideration by the human being and triggers the colonization of certain regions of the planet and of the human race, compromising the process of evolution.

At this time, prayer will not be sufficient to diminish the effects caused by the modern human being to the Kingdoms of Nature, but rather it is urgent to be aware of and to have an interest in protecting and supporting the Plan of evolution of the human race.

Great angelic Hierarchies work in these affected regions to generate an effect of transmutation capable of compensating for all the imbalances caused.

It is time to wake up!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Saturday, February 10 of 2018

Daily Messages

With the light of the oceans and the Celestial Mirrors, your Universal Mother radiates toward the great imbalance of humanity, in order to harmonize and repair it.

With the inner essence of the Marine Kingdoms, your Celestial Mother maintains the planet on its axis and spiritually purifies everything that the human being of the surface causes to Creation.

With the essence of love of the whales and the dolphins, despite being outraged, your Celestial Mother provides humanity with a Source of unknown spiritual love that is not valued by human beings.

With this Source, the Mother of God stops the marine cataclysms such as earthquakes and tsunamis.

With the essence of love of all the Marine Kingdoms, your Celestial Mother can revert, little by little, the grim thought of hunting and fishing of the whales and the dolphins, as a means of unconstrained profit of the present humanity.

With the essence of love of those who pray for the Kingdoms of Nature, I can balance the great human debt as well as all actions contrary to Creation that this race commits, every day.

With the consciousness and the love of those who awaken in this time, I can make a New Humanity emerge.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Friday, February 9 of 2018

Daily Messages

The inner sun within each being is capable of illuminating the spiritual path and redemption, from beginning to end.

The inner sun can shine, more or less, according to the inner attitude of the human being and according to their thoughts.

The inner sun can connect us with our essences, and our essences can connect us with the Creator Universe.

The inner sun is capable of opening doors to the universes and of closing doors to the hells.

Who lives based on the manifestation of their inner sun will one day know how to ignite it, safeguard it and awaken it to radiate inner love and healing to the world.

The inner sun is related to our lineage, and the lineage of each being can become conscious according to the intensity with which the inner sun shines.

If the inner sun has the habit of praying, it will know how to distinguish with premeditation when it is dimming and it will know what to do in order to repair this.

The inner sun is what relates us to the universe and it is what spiritually registers the history of our evolution.

The inner sun is the means for us to be in communion with universal life.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Thursday, February 8 of 2018

Daily Messages

Dear children,

May the Solar Essence of the Love of God nurture you so that you may spiritually acquire inner fortitude in the face of all the battles of these times.

The Solar Essence of the Love of God is a most potent current that flows among the spaces of Creation and within the cosmic universe, which makes it possible to regenerate the spiritual and material life of everything that a molecule of light of the non-material Source holds within itself.

This Solar Essence of the Love of God is what allows our connection with the Heights to be awakened, but it is also the matrix essence that generates life and the different forms of expression in the material, mental and spiritual universe.

The Solar Essence of the Love of God is capable of repolarizing the spiritual being of a human being of the surface in the light since its electric and cosmic current comes from a spiritual Source that generates the expansion and illumination of the consciousness.

The Solar Essence of the Love of God is what brings us the principle of healing and reparation.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Wednesday, February 7 of 2018

Daily Messages
Daily Message received during the journey from Sao Paulo, Brazil, to Lima, Peru, transmitted by Mary, Rose of Peace, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

The life of the Missionaries of Christ is under the care of their Heavenly Mother, Who protects and safeguards each step that they take.

In obedience, the Missionaries of Christ follow the principles of the Brotherhood and gestate within them the awakening of the sacred sun that ignites the inner universe.

The Missionaries of Christ walk in faith and do not separate from the Commandments of God.

They help to renew the Earth and its humanity by their daily offering and permanent sacrifice to the Higher Purpose.

The guiding star of the Missionaries of Christ is to always glimpse the Divine Purpose, which will lead them all the time to know themselves in order to experience the sacred transformation of their little hearts.

The Missionaries of Christ collaborate with the manifestation of the Plan, as guardians and watchers of the night so that the designs may be fulfilled.

They make a promise before Our Lord Jesus Christ and, from then on, the blazing flame of the spirit illuminates them so that they also take the sacred steps in the Higher Plan.

The Missionaries of Christ have nothing to gain nor to lose. They have much to give to humanity by means of their consecration to God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you in this mission,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Tuesday, February 6 of 2018

Daily Messages

Dear children,

May the Glory, the Grace and the Peace of Jesus Christ be in your hearts, and let nothing and nobody prevent the propagation of Peace; because the time will come for the ceasing of spiritual wars, and hearts will fervently support the banner of Christ so that the people may reconcile, so that souls may receive universal forgiveness and absolution.

Nothing will remain unfinished; on the contrary, My beloved Son will come to the world under the sovereign Power of God to dismiss the kingdom of the enemy. Only, that sacred defeat will take it by surprise, because the Lord of the Universe will bury His sword in the essence of evil and all darkness will dissolve in a matter of seconds.

Believe in this, because the sacred Name of Jesus will triumph in the planetary life.

I thank you for responding to My humble call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Monday, February 5 of 2018

Daily Messages

Dear children,

Through the prayer groups, formed by groups of souls, your Heavenly Mother is able to pour out Graces from the Heavens and, at the same time, the Immaculate Heart awakens the saintly virtues, the talents which lead souls to the sincere path of higher service, as well as the inner communion with the universe. 

The prayer groups can someday be converted into sacred cells of light that awaken other cells, other prayer groups, other groups of souls that affirm their devotion to the Immaculate Heart.

In truth, children, each prayer group consecrated to the Mother of God is like a little flower that surrounds the Heart of the Mother, the Immaculate Heart, which inspires the souls on the path of peace and the good.

Announce to the groups of prayer that they can be these precious little flowers in the immaculate garden of your Heavenly Mother. Because it is through the sacred prayer groups that your Heavenly Mother can spiritually work in the world, lighting up the flame of love and fraternity, more each day.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Sunday, February 4 of 2018

Daily Messages
Daily message received of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

This is the key that I give you today: if only all the beings on this planet offered one day of fasting, in truth I tell you that wars would cease, conflicts would disappear, diseases would be healed and there would not be any interior or exterior cause left unsolved.

If in truth the majority offered a day of fasting, certain spiritual forces would be dismissed from their earthly powers and more than a thousand swords would be defeated.

If in truth the majority offered a day of fasting, certain unexplainable situations would not be manifested and no one would lose their awakening and evolution.

If in truth the majority offered a day of fasting, certain earthly forces would not act because they would not have a place nor way to proceed.

Imprisoned souls would be liberated, more sinners would be forgiven and the planet would be relieved of the serious outrages it receives every day.

If in truth a day of fasting was offered, the innocent souls that were aborted would be taken to limbo and, above all, the soldiers of Christ who became lost by their own will would not go to purgatory to pay for their debts.

Fasting is the second spiritual weapon against the enemy.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Saturday, February 3 of 2018

Daily Messages

Dear children,

When I come to meet you, I also come for the world and, in consequence, for all those who suffer the catastrophes of the end of times.

I arrive at certain places of the world through My maternal and immaculate Spirit and thus I may help the most innocent souls that live the most difficult tests of all times. If this happens, it is because there is inequality among peoples and equity does not exist.

Your Celestial Mother goes on pilgrimage through the nations of the world to awaken within the human being this consciousness of equality and union among all beings. It will be this equality that will grant Holy Justice and, in this way, nations will no longer be dominated by capital sins, but will be guided by Divine Wisdom.

This is how, with very few, your Celestial Mother is building this consciousness of equality and respect so that it may serve as virtue and value for the next humanity.

Thus, little by little, humanity must recover the values and be re-educated with the civilized principles that once, by mistake, it lost.

I am united in prayer with all My children who suffer the consequences of inequality, so that they may have inner strength and, in this way, get through these difficult times. 

I thank you for responding to My calling!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Friday, February 2 of 2018

Daily Messages

Dear children,

Do not fear that I untie the deepest knots of your consciousness, rejoice because the end of your inner captivity is near.

Nothing will be able to oppose the liberation and redemption of your being. If I am here, and I am your Mother, you will live, above all, what God has thought of, with so much love.

If I can untie the knots of your consciousness, your being will find peace, you will come to see the main reason for being in Jesus and Jesus being in you.

Do not submit to yourself anymore. When the greatest pain or affliction emerges from your consciousness, it is a sign that a new step will be taken. Do not think to recede or stop, you are a part of a redemptive project thought of by Christ for the liberation and salvation of souls.

Believe, above yourself, that each stage is part of a purpose and that each learning is the possibility of taking great steps in love and patience.

Sustain yourself in Me and I will hold you in My arms; and everything that is bad will pass, because the love that can spring from you will dissolve the mirages, and the path of life will be illuminated by receiving the Grace of liberation from the knots of consciousness.

Strengthen yourself and walk, walk by My side. A good and sweet Mother will never abandon her children because the maternal purpose is that you one day be a part of the Kingdom of My Immaculate Heart. Trust.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Thursday, February 1 of 2018

Daily Messages
Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

May the gift of persistence permeate you completely so that in these times your souls may be strengthened for the learning experiences of love and compassion that will come.

Such a gift of persisting will help you to be free from value judgments or any other interference.

The gift of persisting will impel you to be in permanent unity with your brothers and sisters on the path, and will also strengthen you spiritually in order to sustain those who may be intensely purified.

The gift of persistence will never allow you to lose sight of the Purpose and of its immediate concretization in these times.

Knowing how to persist is a new apprenticeship, it is a mission to be reached every day without backing down.

Dear children, persistence will lead you to love the tests of life each day more, and in this way, permeated by love, you will know how to overcome them without leaving behind the constant path of great transformation.

May the gift of persisting help you to live in that which is true, so that this truth may someday be reflected everywhere.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
