Saturday, February 24 of 2018

Vigils of Prayer

I come here, because here there is a people who love My Son, who has revered Him, who has honored Him, who has glorified Him in all this Universe and beyond this world.

Today I am here, dear children, to pour out My Peace and My Grace upon you, to make of your hearts strong hearts, preachers of the Word of My Son through the example of love and mercy, of the unwavering faith that your people has built throughout the ages.

I am also here today, dear children, for the first original peoples of this region; for these peoples so dear and loved by Me who, in ancient times, through their love and devotion to the Creation, have also been witness to the Divine Word of the Creator through their pleas and union with the Most High.

Today I come, as the Mother of the Universe and Mother of all cultures, to gather all the peoples from the beginning so that, as in Peru, your people also may recover the roots, the origins and the principles that have made it possible, during these current times, for your people to be a sacred people.

As the Mother of cultures and Mother of all peoples, dear children, I want you to protect your principles, those that were born with the Inca culture in the heights of these sacred mountains, where the Spirit of God was revered through His Presence in the elements.

I want you to forgive, as My Son has done, all those who did evil, all those who invaded your lands and your colonies causing not only your original people, but also your roots, disappear.

But remember, dear children, that a true civilization of God, a true sacred people, always holds its gifts and principles in its blood. There all the codes are kept, which can again awaken, making an inner contact with God and with the whole Universe.

Through your prayer and devotion to My Immaculate Heart, may these sacred attributes that your peoples of the beginning acquired awaken again in your hearts, not fearing nor doubting to live what you truly are as a culture and a people, because this will make you free and you will be as special for God as are many sacred peoples in the world who, in these definitive and critical times, are trying to survive current humanity.

May the sacred spirit that was once present in your Creation, the stars, the suns and the universes, be able to awaken again at this time. That will make of this place, just like Peru and Bolivia, a sacred land for the coming times.

Truly believe, dear children, that the social marginalization and poverty will end, not by the hand of those who govern, but by the powerful Hand of My Son who, from the firmament, will make the sign of the Cross to close the abysses, where a great many souls are lost and subjected every day upon this surface, within this material life, which only seeks the realization and awakening of human illusion.

Return to your sacred origins as a people and a culture, and you will awaken in yourselves the true inner sun, just as My children of Peru awakened it during these last few days. Thus, your Heavenly Mother, the Lady of all cultures and all peoples gradually spreads Her mantle throughout the Americas; not only as The Guadalupana, but also as the Sacred Mother who cares for and protects the sacred principles of Her children.

Just as when your Heavenly Mother was in the Holy Land, all of Her sacred people, the people of Her beginning, were protected by the Hand of God.

I come to teach you, dear children, to rescue the values of your spirituality and faith, which will one day make you free from these constant pressures imposed by other nations.

I want to awaken these sacred values again, not only in Peru but also in Ecuador, which will allow you to feel, in your heart, the cosmic Fire of God's Love that will renew all things; that will repopulate this Earth with true spirits of good, with sacred servants of love, who will struggle together with Me for the institution of the Kingdom of God upon Earth. In the same way that many more hearts in the world of today are united with you in this sacred mission, working for the same cause and for the same spirit.

Dear children, smile at life, smile at the Love of God, because the end of your captivity is near, just as will be the end of the captivity in Peru, and souls will be spiritually liberated. You will be able to feel renewing hope in your hearts, something that will lead you to fulfill the Plan of God and to experience great and unpredictable things, which are written in the Heart of God, and which in this new cycle, dear children, you will be able to experience through the mere work of your prayer, of your consecration to My Immaculate Heart and through the Reparative Communion with My Son.

Believe that this will be possible, because if I have come here to Ecuador, it is because God wishes it to be so, God feels it to be so and He will allow it to move forward through His faithful Servant, His Celestial Messenger, the Mother of humanity.

I know that you have many intentions for My Immaculate Heart, but what I need, My children, before you give them to Me, so that I may carry them into My Heart, is that you pray every day for them, so that God may make great miracles out of your intentions, within the time that God foresees, under the Spirit of His Sovereignty and His Wisdom. Because everything has a time for being carried out, for being moved forward.

Trust that everything has a time. Do not hasten the events, but definitely ask with fervor, with the fervor of your hearts, because in this way God will hear you through My Immaculate Heart.

When your sacred and inner suns awaken, the Earth will be able to be illuminated by a redeeming, pure and immaculate Spirit, which will go through your hearts and will come directly from My Beloved Son, to call the last unredeemed, those who will form the last lines of His army of Light and prayer knowing that, in these difficult times, prayer will be essential in your lives. It will be that great shield that will draw you away from evil, that will separate you from the abysses and illusions that My adversary continues to generate, clouding the eyes and leaving the hearts distracted, without the Light of God.

But I come to make of your lives and Ecuador a gift for God. God has allowed the Holy Father to come here to bless you and, through His humility, to impart the spirit of renewing Mercy; Mercy that will finally free the hearts that, in the simplicity of their hearts, will just say ´yes´ to the call of God, which today is pronounced by your Heavenly Mother.

Tomorrow we will pray the Rosary for Peace and will contemplate the Sacred Mysteries that the Holy Family and especially My Beloved Son experienced, which is the true testimony of your redemption.

I would like you to pray the Rosary with your heart tomorrow. May each one of your hearts be the one to pronounce the words, so that an infinite light may awaken within you, which will convert impossible and difficult things within you and around you.

And in this way, the Angel of the Justice of God, Saint Michael, will bury His sword and will ennoble your lives, as members of His celestial army, spiritually united with His Divine Militia for these times, when the fundamental battle will be experienced through the prayer of the heart.

My Son sends you a message, through His Mother, your Mother.

He says that He has chosen Ecuador for the next meeting of Mercy so that here, in this country, not only may souls be redeemed, but also may they awaken to the sacred Treasures of God, which many do not see nor know that they are kept in these sacred mountains, as the legacy of the Universe of the Creation. A legacy that will make of this humanity a new humanity, under the guidance of your Savior.

Prepare your hearts for this moment and call the souls that most need the Mercy of Our Lord so that, when He comes to visit you and bless you, He may transform all things and bring you to His Heart, to His Heart of Love.

Today I am so grateful for this simple but beautiful altar, which magnifies God rather than My Heart, because everything belongs to the Lord, everything is part of His Work; of the Work of His Infinite Mercy. Always keep this in mind because, in this way, you will be in God and He will be in you, forever.

Before saying goodbye and withdrawing into the heights of these mountains, I would like to take with me, as an offering to God, the Hail Mary that at this moment you are offering so that, through this melody and this song, many more souls will receive the Grace of God that they need for awakening.

I thank you for responding to My call, for having come to meet Me; because, in truth, you have come to meet God, the God who is present in all things and in all those who open their hearts to Him.

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you.