Special Apparitions

Today I come for a world that is divided because one part wants to follow God and the other wants to follow the god of illusion.

I come for those who have persevered in Christ. It is My Son who sends Me to Earth, on this day, to awaken consciousnesses and have hearts feel the Love of God.

I come as the Mother of Justice, a Heavenly and Divine Justice, of a Law that today humanity does not know, and that has many times altered because of different circumstances. 

But despite this Law, today I reach the deepest abysses of the Earth, where souls are lost in the illusion and the celebration of the end of the year.

The reason for the change of times and cycles is not this. Thus, My children, you who have more awareness and discernment must pray more and offer yourselves more, in order to compensate for what the rest of humanity mistakenly does. 

After more than two thousand years since the birth of Christ, humanity has made absolutely no progress. Only small spiritual groups that follow the Law of the Hierarchy have, that with much effort and much heart, have managed to manifest Divine Will upon the surface of the Earth.

But many more consciousnesses are still needed so that you may continue to manifest the Will of God. 

To live the Will of God is to live in full and divine happiness, it is to joyfully live the gift of the Fear of God and in daily life carry out the fulfillment of all His requests, no matter how small or big they may seem.

It is at this planetary moment, in which the last and acute transition of humanity will begin, as from the year 2020 onward, when hearts will perceive a surprising reality, because it will come without warning anyone. 

And that reality, which is a planetary reality, will place the entire human race before the Law of God, and everything will begin to happen, especially when My Words no longer resonate in this place or in any other place in the world. 

It will be at that time and in that hour, dear children, that My messages and instructions must resound in the depths of your consciousnesses, re-experience My messages and apply them in daily life, even if you try, every day, and do not manage to succeed.

I have pity for those who abandon the ship of Christ at this time, and who have not understood, in absolutely any point in their consciousness, what it means to represent My Son on Earth.

My Son has not allowed Me to intercede for them, but I will continue to pray like a good Mother and intercessor, for My Heart will always be placed before My most lost children, so that they may be saved.

Even if this salvation is not immediate, even if the salvation is for the next cycle or the next race, your Heavenly Mother will not give up and the prayers of Her good children, those devoted children, of all the faithful who respond to Her divine and maternal call, will be the fruits I will carry toward the Father so as to intercede for My lost children and also for the impossible causes that the human being is beginning to face at this planetary time.

And so, dear children, today I am opening the Mantle, the Mantle of the Heavenly Mother, so that you not only enter the new time, the end of time, but also accept experiencing the great planetary need that millions of souls have in this world and who are not able to find the light nor see it in the Heart of God.

That is why I am again renewing My offer, not only for each one of My children, for those who respond and for those who do not respond, but I am renewing My offer in this eternal service of the Faithful Slave of God for this humanity and for this planet so that My children who will be in the events of the end of times and who will see incredible things may have the strength to endure that which will come and that which will be present before their eyes.

I would like to bring you divine reality tonight. Today I bring you the inner reality, the transparency of this time, the truth of what is happening because the doors of the Universe are closing. 

As Divine Justice begins to descend, I invite you to be in the balance of that Justice, through your thoughts, your feelings, your actions and your words, so that the Law does not fall upon you, but that you continue to be worthy of the Divine Mercy of My Son. 

Because when the Law of Justice descends, it will not forgive anything, for it is part of the end of times and of the choice the race of this planet has made.

But My hope, My aspiration and My faith are in those who continue to move forward and who, even in the imperfection, in the intolerance of these times or in the transformation of their lives, do not cease to respond to the Mother of God, knowing that these last impulses and apparitions are definitive; in which your Heavenly Mother not only stretches out Her hands to you, but also covers you with Her Divine Mantle so that you dare to continue taking steps toward Christ, in this transition, in which some will find themselves very much alone in doing all that will be necessary in this time.

Thus, I invite you to assume your tasks with maturity and responsibility as you enter this new year. May you be able to leave behind for good the conflicts, the judgments and the separation that may exist among the flocks of Christ, for He needs you united, always and forever; and when He returns to Earth, He will thus be able to find a safe and real, although poor and simple, place to dwell in the hearts of the men and the women of Earth, to be able to return completely without finding impediments nor borders so that He can come with all His Consciousness rather than periodically. 

May the Law of Justice allow, through the intervention of the Law of Divine Mercy, the salvation of the most lost, forgotten and distracted beings of this humanity.

This is why I will go on, I will take advantage of these last times, these last apparitions, in which God has authorized Me to do what is possible and the impossible, so that consciousnesses not be lost, and above all those who were with Christ and now are not, do not lose their souls forever in the fire of illusion, in the fire of damnation and the hell of this planetary consciousness. 

For I must justify, one by one, the treasures of My Son in the presence of the Celestial Father. Those treasures cannot be lost nor wasted because they are great inner relics that My Son has placed in your hearts and souls, relics that come from the non-material Universe and which will allow you to do what God needs in the cycle that will come during this acute time on Earth. 

It is time to become aware, My children. It is what My Son has asked of Me, it is what He has begged of Me, that you be responsible, that you take on with greater breadth and knowledge what it means to work for the Mother of God and fulfill the promises of Christ on Earth. Because the Law of Justice will not stop when you cry, when you complain or make a request, because the time will have ended. 

This is the truth that I want to bring to the world today. For this reason, so that hearts may generate more merits in the short time that remains, you must not only love yourselves, forgive yourselves and be reconciled with God, and free yourselves from the ties and chains of life, but you must love each other more and more with a greater love, with this love that I bring to you from Heaven, so that your consciousnesses may grow in charity and in goodness, so that pride, indifference and omission may be dissolved in your beings forever.

The upcoming times that will arrive will be very important. The next pilgrimages that will take place, official or not, will also be important, because within everything the Hierarchy will be working more extensively than it has ever done before, and will use all the time possible and all Its consciousness to reach the goals that are lacking and carry out the projects that are lacking in this cycle, which is very short, where there is very little time.

Every time you come to Me to consecrate new children who want to enter My Heart, even if they are already, keep in mind the commitment you are assuming, which is a spiritual, soul and inner commitment to God Himself, beyond your Heavenly Mother Who loves you, cares for you and protects you so that you may always learn to walk in Christ.

That should be the consciousness of all the Children of Mary, this consciousness of responsibility, of commitment and of faithfulness, beyond your Heavenly Mother, with the non-material Fount of God Itself that emits His last impulses of Grace, of Mercy and of redemption for souls.

With this awareness, I today call forward those who will be consecrated so that at the feet of your Heavenly Mother, in the same way that your Heavenly Mother is at the Feet of your Celestial Father, you will make your sincere and true offering so that this commitment may be fulfilled and be manifested in this crucial time.

Listening to the hymn of your consecration, we will prepare this moment of blessing and of grace, in which the light of your souls may emerge and reflect the flower of your hearts, and thus make the offering so deserved and so awaited by God.

May this surrender that you will offer today be a surrender for humanity and the planet, for those who are lost. This will be the main reason for your consecration, to pray for those who are lost, for the non-believers, for the atheists, for those who do not experience nor seek divine spiritual life.

In your prayers, place all those children of Mine, so that God may contemplate them someday, and so that more and more souls on this planet may be saved through your prayers and offerings, services and sacrifices, unconditional and loving surrender, and be considered in the next project of the new humanity.

For the new year to come, it will be the inner Christ of each being that must rule and direct your lives so that your souls, which have suffered the consequences of other times, may also achieve the healing you hope for and a reconciliation with God. Do not fear Justice, fear not seeking Divine Mercy.

May the impulse of devotion, prayer and love for God always flow from your hearts, souls and spirits, so that more consciousnesses, peoples, cultures and nations may be healed by the infinite Mercy of God.

And that in this way, with the offering of all the Children of Mary, the door of Graces, of the Mercies of the Mother of God, may be kept open. Amen.

To the children who will be consecrated, place your hands in the sign of reception and from your Heavenly Mother receive the blessing of the Divine Light so that you may be healed and cured inwardly and thus renew your lives in the infinite Mercy of God.

Now, place your hands on your heart and say to me:

"Mother, I accept You, I recognize You, I love You and I live You so that through You and through me, the Holy Will of God may be fulfilled. 

May the powerful Light of the Kingdom of the Heavens govern my soul.

May the powerful Light of the Kingdom of the Heavens give me the impulse to serve.

May the powerful Light of the Kingdom of the Heavens open the paths of my life so that, in the time to come, I may recognize the Return of Christ. 

So be it.


And today I will give you all these blessed roses, as I have given to many of My children who in faith, in simplicity and in love, have responded to God.

May this flower that I give you today be the symbol of the love and the beauty of the Mother of God for your hearts and so that you may always remember that I will always be here, even if someday I stop coming.

And now, the children of Mary who were consecrated will receive the flower of the Mother of God.

And to merge, concretize and carry out this offering of your souls to the Celestial Mother, we will listen to the Hail Mary of Gomez, affirming and confirming our inner consecration.

From Heaven and from the splendor of the whole Universe, I bless the souls of the world, all those who are gathered together as a family, strengthening the unity of the project of God, in your homes and in the communities, so that what God so much expects may be fulfilled.

May this blessing renew you and give you the impulse to face the coming year with courage and bravery, knowing that My hand will always be stretched out to tightly take hold of you and lead you to Jesus.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for responding to My call and remember to pray for the lost souls.

I thank you.

I come to bring My Mercy where there is no religious or social justice.

I come to bring something that human beings do not yet have, because of the little value they give to it.

But it does not matter what education they have, it is the heart that counts with God, because it is the one that will always perpetuate, will always bear witness to the Love of God among all the men and women of the Earth.

Place your gaze, dear children, on the heart, and there you will find God, rather than humankind. If God is in you, My Son will be in you and no one will be able to change that inner union.

Nobody will be able to say, My children, that God is not present in the hearts of humankind, that God is not alive in those who believe in Him above all things, beyond all events.

I come to teach you the way of love, because in the Love of God you will always find the way out; there will always be understanding and wisdom for comprehending the designs of God and above all, His highest Will.

Today I come to bring peace to those human beings who arouse uncontrollable anger.

Today I come to tame hearts, so that they may feel peace and know that everything is being fulfilled, beyond all understanding or any philosophy.

What God needs, dear children, is for humankind to learn to love and that it not forget the path of love, because whoever is not on the path of true love will not be on the path to Paradise, no matter how much they may profess the Name of My Son, no matter how much they may perform the Eucharist before the people of God.

Love is everything. It is the first science. In love you will understand life, as you will understand suffering.

Unite in love and not in the separation of your ideas or your thoughts. The Kingdom of God is for everyone, it has no religion or doctrine. The Universe of God is free and ample. And He comes to point out the children He has chosen to carry His Work of redemption forward at the end of these times.

I tell those human beings that are claimed to be wise, that they not tempt the wrath of God. That they live the Gift of the Fear of God; let them live the Gift of the Fear of God so as to not be separate from the Father and not separate the flocks of My Son from the Heart of God.

These are not times for divisions. It is the time of the great celestial unity. It will be that unity that will save the planet and humanity, especially the most miserable in spirit, which are not only found in life, but also in religions.

My Son comes to give an opportunity to all souls. His Mercy is not limited to humankind. His Mercy is universal and infinite.

I need, dear children, for you to open your hearts to the great divine understanding, not allowing yourselves to be involved in what humans say of this world, by what humans point out in their fellow humans.

Open the eyes of your heart and you will find the Truth, the Truth that rests within you, the Truth that is born of the heart, that accepts all things and understands all things; an unconditional and living heart, that is not afraid to embrace the unknown and say “yes” to the Universe every day.

I am sorry, dear children, for those who do not understand the Will of God and who claim to live it fully, but which is not true.

Seek a union between your hearts and you will be prepared to receive the second coming of Christ.

God has asked me to come and seek all the essences of the world and not only those who believe in My Son. Remember that My Son is the Lord of religions, because He is the Lord of Love. And if He is the Lord of Love, He is the Lord of Truth, of Divine Will, and of Justice, of the good He Himself would wish to profess for all the beings of the Earth.

So, dear children, do not get confused. Feel My message in your heart, more than the message of empty human beings, who are empty of love, of truth, of the true understanding that only is given by the Holy Spirit.

There will come a time, dear children, where all religions must appreciate and understand each other. Because if this does not happen, who will open the door to Christ so that He may return?

It is necessary to pray from the heart and soul, so that in these times the humans of the Earth not confuse you.

It is necessary to choose the Most Blessed Sacrament, so that the humans of the Earth do not confuse you.

It is necessary to live a life of service, so that the humans of the Earth do not confuse you.

In this way, your faith will be strengthened, which is a faith that has no investment in anyone, or in any person. It is a faith that belongs to God and intimately to your hearts.

Revive that faith with good examples and open your eyes to divine knowledge that comes from the Universe. Thus, you will take sure steps in redemption and will fully accept the call of God, without thinking what others may say.

Dear children, as Mother of God and Mother of My Son, I come to re-connect you with the path of love, because it is a path that is not being practiced by the humans of the Earth. Illusion, and all that is superfluous, separates humankind from that true path.

Live the Commandments and you will be in true spiritual freedom.

I come, dear children, to do good, to teach you the path of Love and of Truth, at the request of My Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. No one can take that away from you, the experience of your faith and of your devotion to the call of God in these times, outside of the Church of My Son.

See the importance of the awakening of hearts in these times and do not allow yourselves to be invaded by the comments of people. It is necessary to unite and become stronger. It is necessary to unite the strength of the heart with the strength of the heart of your sibling, to carry out the Plan of these times, in the face of a chaotic and difficult planetary reality.

On this night, may your hearts feel the truth of My Heart and not repent, nor abandon your consecration as children of My Immaculate Heart, because what I bring you, dear children, no one will give you, not even the highest hierarchy of the religions. Everything comes from the Heart of the Father, from His non-material and eternal Source. You must learn to nurture yourselves spiritually from that every day; not only from the Gospel, which is the basic path for your awakening and redemption.

Find meaning in your spiritual path, in what is higher and divine, and thus, you will be in the Father and the Father in you. Your hearts will feel no doubt or distrust, but rather will take a sure and firm step on the path of Love and the joy of serving God.

Remember that you must reintegrate your spiritual dignity again in the Father’s eyes.

Religions are the bridge for that, but it is not the final thing. There is something, dear children, that must begin with you, that must be born of your heart, in order to be in Christ and in His Divine Presence.

I come to evangelize with a New Word, a Word that humankind does not know, because the Word that I pronounce is a Word that comes from the Source of Love. It is a Word that is not wasted. It is a Word that serves and helps souls in their conversion.

When the times are more difficult and the rebellions of humankind are present, it is a sign, dear children, that it is the triumph of My Immaculate Heart and the defeat of the beast, which confuses hearts, despite their beliefs.

I come to bear testimony of what Christ gave you when He was present on this planet. I reintegrate this testimony of love again for you so that you do not forget, dear children, that the answer is to be found in love, in wisdom, and the way out of the great obstacles.

As I will not tire, dear children, of saying that I am here, although many publicly deny it, I come to consecrate new children to reaffirm that testimony of love, that testimony of the Infinite Love of God and of the Christ that, more and more, unites consciousnesses with the Essence of the Primordial Source.

That is why I will not stop giving blessings, no matter how much talk there is, no matter how much lying and not telling the truth.

Pray for those who do not understand, because they are very miserable and sick of spirit and do not know it, just as I pray for you to heal your spiritual illness. I invite you, dear children, to pray for the miserable of spirit and soul, because they do not know it, so that they may receive the Grace of someday realizing this and asking for true mercy from God, rather than uttering vain words.

Be merciful as I Am, and the planet will have more opportunities, more souls will be healed, and hearts will become reconciled with the living God.

Let those who today consecrate themselves come before the Fountain of God's Love, so that they may be witnesses of what I ask of them, so that they may defend their consecration and are not afraid of saying that they believe in My Presence, as a precious call from God for these times.

I would like to say to all the Children of Mary that they remember their commitment with Me, because I cannot waste anything, not even a minimum amount of the energy of Grace. All that I give you is because you need it, even if you do not understand it or do not know it; everything is a reason for a special Project in your lives, in your consciousnesses, and in your spirits. I give you something that no one can give you, that must be valued and respected, revered, and you must pray that the Gift that I give you may persist in the end of these times.

Listening to the hymn of your consecration, I come to bless you, dear children, so as to re-consecrate those who have already consecrated themselves as Children of Mary, to be witnesses of the Word of God and of the return of Christ, with nothing to fear, because the love that may be in your hearts is invincible.

The love that may be in your consciousnesses is indelible. No person or any being of this Earth can erase the Love of God. They will never win, because love is the one that overcomes; it is the Love of Christ that overcame death on the Cross and that comes to teach you that in love, everything is possible, until the end of days.

Beloved Father, have Your Fire descend upon simple and humble hearts. Have Your Divine Consciousness descend upon those who preach Your Word and who in the simplicity of their heart testify to Your Presence in the world.

Have Your Wisdom and Your Grace descend upon the hearts that must be converted to the Christic life of service and of love for fellow beings.

O Beloved Father!, listen to the voice of Your Faithful Servant, have Your Love descend upon the miserable, upon those who do not understand, and those who do not accept Your call, upon all those who cause the separation of Your people from Your Most Beloved and Intimate Heart.

O Dear Father!, forgive them, forgive them so that they may find a new opportunity, through Your Divine Compassion and Your Grace.

Forgive, Lord, those who offend their fellow beings. Forgive them, Lord, so that they may find the Light of Your Heart in the great Universe of Your Universal Love.

Today I bless and establish My Peace among humankind of the Earth, knowing that I will still be here, fulfilling Your Divine Will and Your Call, in union with all My Children, especially those who consecrate themselves, to be the example of Your Life in the Universe.

May the Lord bless you, redeem you, and consecrate you, in the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Now sing, because you have been consecrated to the Mother of God.

I thank you for responding to My call, in trust.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesus transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Live the Love of God, dear children, and the world will achieve peace. This is My main desire for this Christmas of Our Lord.

In the birth of this inner Light, dear children, I want you to be able to open your heart more so that God can completely fill you and thus carry His Project forward in every one of your days.

I come here as the Mother that can do anything, as the Mother that stretches out Her arms and Her hands to take up Her children,  just as She took Jesus up in Her arms when He was in the manger.

But today I want to have each one of you on My lap, each being of this planet that does not live in peace, that does not practice love and does not move forward with their mission in these definitive times.

I need you, children, to continue by My side, even though you do not know My Plans, even though you doubt them, even though you do not understand them.

Through the Plans of God, I bring you and give you all My Love, the Love of a Mother Who understands, Who accepts and, together with Her children, experiences the suffering of the planet and its humanity.

Today I come surrounded by the Angels of God, those angels that will announce the new times, the new stages and the new cycles. Thus, on the inner planes, they are sounding their trumpets, for they are who announce, on the eve of this time, the Return of Our Lord.

I come to leave within you, dear children, a seed of Light, of understanding, but also of supplication, so that you learn every day, through your transformation and surrender; so that you allow the Plan of God to be accomplished at each new step.

It is on the souls of this Earth that the concretization of the Plan of God depends, and of its continuation throughout time. Thus, you are called to experience something that you have never experienced and have still not learned.

So you must go through these times with courage, and experiencing love in each minute, each second, in all the moments of your life, so that your spirits, dear children, are enriched with what is real, so that love may lead you to be transparent, so that all believe that their path is truly a surrender.

On the path of prayer, you will find a key, a fortitude and the impetus to transcend tests and the times that will come.

Do not cease drinking from the fount of charity and good examples.

Allow the Piety of God to transform you through each new service, each opportunity for expressing surrender and love.

My Son has come to be born, in this time, in simple hearts. My Son has come, in this year, to finish concretizing His awaited Plan of Return to the world.

When you do not manage to take the steps in the Plan of God, you stop the Plans of the Creator.

Our Hands and Our Sacred Hearts untiringly give of themselves to help the children of God to feel safe on the path of surrender, renunciation and sacrifice.

Not everybody will experience that which I ask of you, but it is possible to do it and experience it. Each unconditional surrender of your hearts moves the Heart of the Father, and He once again entrusts His Plan of Mercy and Redemption to you.

No longer think, dear children, of the whole world, that you were fallen stars. Now, with the impulse of your inner Christ, be redeemed stars in the firmament. Be stars more brilliant and radiant than the great Star of Bethlehem, for in your hearts exists the Gift of the Fear of God; there exists His Divine Essence, which is still not understood by the world.

To experience this mystery, dear children, I bring you the gift of My Immaculate Heart, so you may enter into It without fear and with confidence.

In My Heart exists the Fire of God, which transforms all things.

In My Heart exists the Dwelling Place of God, which gives refuge to all, especially wounded souls, uninspired and suffering souls; souls that do evil and do not know how to get out of that.

I come to offer you, dear children, on this Christmas, the great Present of God: My Immaculate Heart, so that it may be a living flame in your lives, which illumines, purifies and transmutes all things.

Believe, dear children, that it is possible to achieve transparency, consecration, and surrender to the Plan of God.

The angels with their trumpets announce the new cycles, the new teachings and the experiences that will come to your paths to someday make you free of yourselves, free of arrogance, free of pride, free of vanity, free from sin and from the lie.

As untiring and perpetual Mother, I wish to make you in likeness to My Immaculate Heart, make you true at each step in life and with each brother or sister you encounter on your paths.

In this way, beloved children, in this time, we will build unity between souls and hearts; a Sacred Unity, which is feared by My adversary because it is unknown to it.

The essence of Unity is the Love and the Truth that will always save you, which will always be your lifeline, that will always help you and aid you in these difficult times.

I need, dear children, for you to see My Work as a global work, like the great Work of Jesus, the Redeemer, Who comes in this time to prepare you inwardly for His Return.

After more than two thousand years, Our Words will not only be Messages, but the reality. You will see what I tell you being fulfilled. For this reason, so that you may be participants in the moment of the Return of Our Lord, strengthen your trust and your belief in the faithful Messenger of God.

I come walking as a Pilgrim Mother through the times, the centuries and the years, to announce this awaited moment in each place of the planet.

You, together with Me, dear children, have a great mission which you will not understand for the rest of your lives; you will only end up understanding it after this life, when everything has already happened as requested by God.

You are part of a transitional mission, of the passage from an old time to a new time.

You, my children, are the first cell in My Work that is taking shape to generate life in new souls. Thus, dear children, you will not understand everything nor will you know it, no matter how much you believe you do.

Be humble on the path of transformation and you will reach the Kingdom of the Heavens, which still have the doors open for sincere hearts, for hearts that cry out in truth for Mercy and Redemption.

On this evening, your Heavenly Mother prepares Her next mission to Peru and Ecuador. As from now, dear children, I invite you to accompany Me in the concretion of this design, which comes from the Father and is being pronounced through My Immaculate Heart. Peru and Ecuador will be the preamble to Asia and Africa.

My Work is still not finished, but later it will withdraw, thus fulfilling the time that God has allowed Me to live among you and with you. That will be the moment in which you must be My living Message on the surface of the Earth. It will be the moment in which all the teachings of Our Hearts will not only be in the books, but alive in your lives.

It will be the long-awaited moment to help and aid the souls of the world, the nations and the continents that will experience their great and last purification.

When this is about to happen, dear children, be alert in vigil, adoration and prayer, because the Return of My Son will be near.

The Blue Crosses He has requested to be installed in the Marian Centers will be the sign and will, at the right moment, indicate His arrival. Thus, they must be lighted so that souls can recognize where the Redeemer will come and where He will assemble the nations and the peoples to speak to them again and announce His last Good News.

Thus, dear children, let the advent of the Christs of the last days be accomplished.

Let this inner Christ which has been born in the hearts of the world, which lives in faith and in prayer not only dwell within, but in this time, express in each detail, in each moment, as in each prayer. In this way, beloved children, you will allow the preparation of the Earth and the planet for His Return.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Thus, understand that what I come to build in this world though you, is unknown to you.

For this reason, on this evening, My children, I bring you a part of the Plan of God for this Work, for your lives, for your hearts that must be fully united with Mine.

I reveal a part of this mission to you which you so aspire to know so that, being aware of it, you walk toward that destination, you walk toward that goal.

Today I give you My Immaculate Heart as a unique offering, because of a request of the Creator, so that in this way, My children, in the renunciation, the surrender, the void and the silence of My Immaculate Heart, you are able to accomplish all the things that I announced to you today.

For your lives, this new cycle will represent a cycle of greater surrender, of greater renunciation and of greater silence.

My Heart will begin to go silent together with yours so that, in this way, My children, you prepare this world with an example, with the living example that you are servants and companions of the Sacred Hearts and of the Creator of all the Universes.

This is why you are being so intensely purified. This is why the Universe has you facing tests and challenges unknown to you, so that in this way, children, you may find the void, you may find the Father within your inner self.

Today, I come to deprive your spirits, minds and hearts of your personal skills, of the vanities and pride of this world, so that you make space for My Immaculate Heart.

Let It enter into your essences, your bodies, like a new cell that will change not only your consciousnesses and your spirits, but also your flesh and the depths of your human condition, so that you may be free of the old being, the old human.

Let My Heart enter into yours like a new heart; let it pulsate a new cycle, a new being; one that in truth, My children, is what you are since the beginning.

Let My Heart bring you the Grace of renewal and that, with this Grace, you discover that the true triumph of the Redeemer is built from the inside outward; that this Work is what I am building from the inside outward.

The Creator asked Us to transform your lives completely; transform your beings and your hearts; with the fire of the Divine Spirit of God, burn your old vestments so that you may be dressed with the robes of humility, barefoot to the past on this Earth and in other worlds so that, in this way, children, you may be in likeness to Him Who walked barefoot in this world, and with Me you prepare for His Return, which is close.

Believe in the Return of the Redeemer. Feel that He can arrive at any moment and, in this way, aspire every day to be ready to see Him face to Face, without fear, without shame; because today My Immaculate Heart cleansed you, redeemed you, forgave you your faults, and invited you to a new life and a new cycle, together with Me, the Redeemer, your Universal and Divine Father, and all those that respond and will eternally respond to the command of His Voice.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Before withdrawing to the Universe of God, I want to tell you, dear children, that I will always tell you the truth, no matter how hard or difficult it may seem.

When you are unable to hear Me, understand Me or accept Me, pray from the heart and allow your hearts to expand, and in this way, the fire of My Divine Spirit will embrace you like a mystery, will bring you wisdom and understanding; above all, it will bring you peace.

Before withdrawing to the Universe of God, I have also come to consecrate the new Children of Mary, whom I ask to come forward, because they will be the first in this cycle who will experience the transforming Fire of God in the name of all of humanity, knowing that it will be necessary, beloved children, that you always remain firm in service and in prayer so as to be able to persevere and transcend these definitive times.

Today I will bless the new children of My Immaculate Heart with the balm of My motherly Light, so that this Light also expands through the world and the places that are in most need of Redemption and of Mercy, in the hearts that still do not listen to God.

Place your hands in the position of receptivity to ask the Eternal Father, beloved children, to make you strong, persevering and that in this cycle, you learn to transcend errors, faults and sins, so that the inner Christ may always shine in the soul of each being of this planet, so that the Love of God and His consolation always prevail, and in this way, the flocks of the Lord are gathered when He calls all of you for the second time.

I bless you and consecrate you as children, servants and slaves of My motherly Heart, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Lift up the song and the hymn of your consecration to Heaven, so that as Mother of Providence and Grace, I take this offering to the Feet of Our Father, the Creator.

I thank you for responding to My call and I leave you in the light of Aurora.

So be it.

Marathon of Divine Mercy
Apparition of Christ Jesus during the 50th Marathon of Divine Mercy, on September 6, 2017, in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Our Father... (x2)

Pai Nosso... (x1)

Never stop looking at the Inner Sun of My Heart, for in this way, you will always be protected from everything.

My Silence today speaks of an acute planetary reality.

For this reason, yesterday I had to emanate the greatest Fount of My Love to you, in order to be able to speak to you today about what I am going to say.

I am holding the Book of the Wisdom of God in My Hands and I come accompanied by the twenty-four Ancients. Gathered together in a single Council, we deliberate on the next steps for this humanity.

Today is not an ordinary day, but rather a day of great definitions, for which I invite you to continue praying, although apparently it may seem a mystery.

In this Book of the Wisdom of God, the destiny of the current humanity is to be found, a destiny unknown to everybody, which still has not been revealed, not even in dreams.

But today I bring you this treasure of God because it is the Father Himself who, with His Holy Hand, writes down the events of this current humanity that has already entered fully into the planetary transition.

I ask you to open your hearts for what I am bringing to you today as a message.

I ask you to not be afraid, but rather have a broad awareness, in order to inwardly perceive the Sacred Knowledge of God that is written in this Sacred Book of His Universal and infinite Kingdom; the Kingdom that the angels and archangels care for in perpetual praise and honor to the Almighty, because He writes and builds the destiny of humanity every day.

What many would wish to see is to be found In this Book, but also what many do not want to see, because in the Book of the Wisdom of God the Divine Wisdom is reflected, the one which has begun to invisibly descend all the planes until reaching this physical plane and being concretized.

That is why I ask you to concentrate your gazes on the inner Sun of My Heart, because there exists the equilibrium, harmony, and unity that will make you strong for these difficult times.

That is why in these days, companions, I invited you to define yourselves as My apostles of the end of times, so that you may be able to serve Me in each corner of this world where the planetary reality is becoming acute and souls fall into their own abysses, without finding even a speck of light.

I invite you to be aware so as to acquire a maturity sufficiently uplifted to help you face these times and all the learning experiences that will come to enrich your spirits with new experiences of Love and of Redemption.

It is in this way that I come to request, with the Book of the Wisdom of God in Hand, something that you have never experienced: an absolute and full surrender so that My Plan may be able to materialize even further on the surface.

The twenty-four Ancients of the Universe, the great carriers of the Sacred Knowledge of God, the Great Mentors among mentors, are those who mirror Divine Justice to the Universe in this time.

They are not promoters of universal punishment, as My adversary is. They are just consciousnesses that throughout time have learned and lived, in all Heavens, the knowledge of this human experience within this sacred planet.

In their hands they hold the Project of God, especially in their Solar Hearts.

They know what the world needs to experience and what the aspiration of the Almighty is, but they cannot interfere or alter the free will of this humanity, which is what truly condemns it, time after time.

But if your eyes are upon the Inner Sun of My Heart, you will learn to set aside superficiality and everything that blinds the human being in this time, disconnecting them from God completely.

Today, they came with Me, the Sacred Ancients of the Universe, to be able to see and be present for what will happen in the world overnight.

It is important that you not change My Words, because their meaning, the energy, and the Principle of what I want to say change, for your inner worlds, not for your minds.

Thus, place your feelings in your heart and in this moment, re-experience what I brought you yesterday; it is what I always wish to give My companions, so that the universal bitterness may finally be dissolved, that which has condemned all the creatures in this Universe to the errors of yesteryear.

We come as a Universal Council to make you aware of the new decisions that have already been taken and of which you are a part, just as is each being of this surface.

Today I ask you to disseminate to the world the importance of living in the Gift of the Fear of God, so that souls may have time to repent and to do true penitence, before everything happens, because I know that many believe that nothing will happen.

There would be no sense in My being here after fifty meetings, preparing you for that great moment, in which your missionary souls will be active, in operation, and at the service of the planetary need.

Prepare to stop doing all that you do daily. Do not feel discomfort when the time comes to be removed from what is normal in these times.

I have already told you, companions, that you are My Hands and My Feet so that I may work on this planet and avoid millions of souls being unexpectedly lost, in an unheard-of way, that nobody knows about up to now.

That is why it is important that your spiritual values be present and latent. You will need all those values to be able to go through the end of the times with bravery and courage, and thus not be distracted with everything that happens daily in the world.

In you I want to build universal consciousnesses, beings that are able to mirror the Wisdom of God in these times, without losing a moment of their lives to learn all that is necessary, everything that God needs you to learn for the great planetary moment that humanity will experience.

Today I expose My Most Holy Body to the whole planet because it will be the Portal through which you will be able to enter, to be safe under Divine Protection and under the protection of My Eucharistic Heart.

Happy will be those who do so, and if many more did so, there would be a greater balance on this planet, and it will not be necessary, in spite of the great debt of this race, from its human line to the Kingdoms of Nature, that the Oceans be so stirred up, nor the Earth move so much.

I can say to you with all of My Heart that nobody is prepared for the end of the times, but it will be necessary to experience them.

You incarnated in this era, in these end times, to participate in this transition, of which many more should be aware, to get out of the global drowsiness.

The more good works that are done in the world, the smaller the catastrophe in humanity will be.

The fewer animals sacrificed by humankind itself on the surface, the less necessary it will be that blood continue to be spilled in this world, innocent blood.

The fewer minerals and forests are exploited, the fewer abortions there will be in the world, and the mothers will not have the pain of that cruelty remain with them up to their next lives.

The less infringement on the oceans, contamination of the seas, and sacrifices of the whales, the smaller will be the movement of the axis of the Earth and the melting of the poles, never seen before by God, nor by the whole of this Universe. It will not be necessary for the planet to get so much closer to the sun and for the temperature to go up such unknown degrees, never experienced in any era of this planet.

Now you understand, companions, what the Council of Ancients is deciding as the future of this race, for the triumph of My Sacred Heart.

Do not be sad, but rather further strengthened, because I need you to be strong here, more decided, more aware, more open, to aid humanity and all of this planet.

Do not think about what will happen, but about what the world still does not do in a balanced, true, and fair way.

And to complete this meeting, I invite you to be carriers of justice, so that always and in everything you have fair attitudes: in all that you do, in all that you think, in all that you experience, because no matter how small it seems, it will help to balance the world and the harmony of this planet and of all the Younger Kingdoms.

Now I want to leave a request with you: that you strengthen your prayers for Brazil, twice a week, because this people and this land are being very sought after.

In spite of everything that happens in this nation, the triumph of My Sacred Heart could only happen here, and from here to the whole planet.

I ask you not to become involved with what may happen on this surface. The Universe itself will clean up what is in excess, and in this way, I will be able to reforest the nation with valiant souls, who will accomplish My Project in the end of these times.

Remain above the events and in this way, you will also be able to help Me, and you will help many, many souls that remain lost in the events of this surface.

If you pray to My holy Mother for Brazil, Brazil will maintain its original spirit, and conflicts, such as the ones that exist in other nations, will not be necessary.

Remember that Archangel Metatron is the one in charge of caring for your people and you must unite with his Cosmic Fire so that his igneous currents may transmute the contrary currents that bring disturbances to My beloved Brazil.

I promise you that this land will no longer be a land of slaves, but rather of triumphant souls that live in the Love of God and radiate it to the whole world.

Brazil is the Mirror of My Heart and when it suffers, I suffer in silence.

Strengthen your spiritual values and teach simple souls to pray, for in the most humble, as well as in the poorest, exists the support of My Work, which also makes Me come here, time after time.

May the Lord illumine hearts.

May souls avail themselves of the powerful stream of My Eucharistic Heart.
May all drink of the Fountain of Life and the Principle of Redemption of this Earth be renewed.


Now revere My Body and thus receive the dispelling of the darkness and the illumination of your essence for the times that will come.


We may stand.

Song: "You Are the King."

Know that I am honored to come from Heaven to be able to see you in these times, through this meeting, in which My Mercy expresses itself to all souls, in different ways, in the simple hearts that seek the Truth and Unity with God.

My Heart is filled with joy when I see you so close to Me with your spirits in absolute trust of My Redemptive Project.

I renew all things in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for being here today in My Heart.

And today I wish you to radiate more love to the world so that souls may be healed and withdrawn from their captivity, so that the consciousness of this planet, in this end time, has somebody to lean on and whom to trust, without fearing that humanity will once again assault the planet, as in recent times.

The planet also suffers as consciousness; that is why it moves so rapidly in this time and in each event; it is the sign of its suffering, of its agony, of the planetary birth.

Embrace the planet and hold it in the depths of your hearts, just as the planet has always held you in the Universe of Creation, in all that exists, in all that vibrates, and in all that evolves.

Go in peace and be My Peace in the world.

Today I have calmed My Heart with your presence, with the presence of each pilgrim and of each one who prays who has made an effort to give Me their all in these two days, and this makes Me come back here, always.

Do you accept that I come back one more time? 

Friar Elías:

He is crying.

Now yes, I must go, but hearing your words with a song that inspires souls to be close to Me: You are here.

Friar Elías:

Let us place our hands in the sign of reception, to receive from Christ His Energy, and then take it to the center of our heart, in an inner communion with His Divine Consciousness.

And let us thank Him through this song, for all that He has given us in these days.


Enter into My Heart and you will find your home, your origin and your principle, your path and your truth.

Enter into My Heart and you will find the new, what you most seek, what your soul and spirit most need, so that in this acute cycle you experience the Plan of God.

Enter into My Heart and empty yourself of everything, up to the point of knowing who you are and all that you should lose so that I can work in you.

Enter into my heart and calm yourself. I have already seen your tears and your weeping, because I come with My Mercy to heal the impenetrable.

Enter into my heart and be silent. Seek within Me the great refuge of God, the dwelling that many do not seek because of their preferences, desires, and their external life.

Enter into my heart and satiate me. I thirst for your love and your truth, so that you finally merge in Me.

Enter into my heart and do not worry. There, a treasure is stored that was thought for you by the Father; the principle of your essence, at the moment you were created in the womb of your mother.

I come with My Mercy to erase the past, not only in your consciousnesses, but also in Spain and beyond.

Enter into my heart and commune with Me. I already know your imperfections, your trials, your miseries and your difficulties. I smile at each one of them because you think you cannot overcome them.

Enter into My Heart and surrender, because in this way I will teach you to find meaning for life, the spiritual path, the goal of your soul and your spirit.

Enter into My Heart and you will take refuge in God, because there, in My Heart, nothing else matters but that you only unite with God, the Creator, because you will be doing it for those who do not, for those who do not experience Him and also for those who do not seek Him.

Enter into My Heart and you will find the way out, the liberation from your hell, the surrender of your fetters, the elevation of your spirit and the redemption of your whole being.

Just enter into My Heart and let Me act for a moment, because that way you will not know your life from now on.

As many times as you enter My Heart, I can be in you, I will govern your consciousness, your feelings, your thoughts and all your senses. And you will perceive in each moment what is not good for Me, and united with Me, you will transform each aspect of your being, until the point of not being able, in a short time, to recognize yourself.

If you just enter My Heart, you will know your virtues; you will also know your miseries so that you can transcend them one by one.

If I achieve with certitude that many more enter into My Heart, the whole planet will not be lost. I will find instruments and servants totally surrendered to Me so that I can act through their lives and make of each stage a new path and a new opportunity that you have not experienced in this life yet.

Enter into My Heart, because there is the Door toward God.

In the Heart there is a living love, in the mind there are only empty ideas. If you enter into My Heart, I will be able to give you wisdom and fullness.

My Heart was pierced by the spear of humanity, by sin, by impunity, by false power, and My Heart poured water and blood, virtues of mercy and divinity for all souls.

When souls do not enter into My Heart, I can do nothing, only contemplate them, pray for them so that they can find the way to the temple of My Heart.

Today the flocks are scattered. Few want to know who they really are and what they came to fulfill in the name of My Father.

If you enter into My Heart, all this knowledge will be revealed and you will be free from ignorance, illusion and all that is not real. You will perceive a different life, you will find meaning in your paths and you will be able to experience the Gift of Fear of God, because you will be able to feel when you are moving away from Him and when soon you will have to return to His Divine Heart.

If you enter into My Heart and empty yourself completely, I will be able reach more hearts that are troubled, sick and that feel lost with a great lack of love and with no mercy.

Today I come to deliver, as My Holy Mother said, the last keys to the salvation of humanity, because the portals of My Divine Mercy are still open. And it will be in this Source that your sins will be dissolved, that your faults will be forgiven and that all mistakes you have made against love and unity can be liberated. And you will attain the atonement you need to take new steps in this work, which I am decreeing for the end of times.

You can enter more easily into My Heart if you are humble, if your souls resign themselves to the Will that I bring to you and that until now you never experienced.

With all of this message, today I want to tell you that once again today a cycle is over. Today the doors must be closed to the planetary difficulty, to all that is debt on the spiritual level, inside and outside the beings.

Thus today I implement a new, more demanding and more risky cycle, for the victory of My Sacred Heart in the fallen ones of humanity, in the lost stars, in the suns that have extinguished, in the spirits that have not reached the Heart of the Creator.

The souls that are here today, before My Celestial Presence, all of them are precious to me.

I want you to seek your virtues, because in truth you will need them for the times that will come. You will be very much needed and urgent for your brothers and sisters on the path and for all the beings that are around you in this life that you live today.

The virtue of strength, the virtue of faith, the virtue of unity, the virtue of wisdom, the virtue of discernment, the virtue of science and especially the virtue of love, which unites all others through My Merciful Heart.

Practice them with effort and determination, because if you enter into My Heart, you can know them one by one and they will be close to your lives in the moments when you will have to make great decisions that could change forever the course of your lives.

With these virtues, souls of My Heart, I invite you not to make hurried decisions, asking your inner world what you truly must do to be able to follow the path that My Hand is indicating in this final stretch, in this last part of the transition, in the last five years.

At the most crucial time of the world, you must remember these words and how many times I have invited you to enter into My Heart of Light. For if you do not do this now, in the next time you will regret it for yourselves, for your families and your acquaintances. Bring everyone to My Heart.

I do not want to have thorns in My Spirit anymore. The horrors of the world anguish me, the blood that falls upon the planet as well. The Sacrifice to the Kingdoms and to Creation, all this distresses My Heart.

If you enter into My Heart, despite what may happen, I will feel fulfilled to be closer to you and your brothers and sisters. Because if you are in my heart, you will realize how far you are from me, many times.

I do not come here to claim anything, I come to reestablish the covenant of your souls with My Soul, the union of your hearts with My Heart.

Do not lose the sense of what I am saying.

Enter into My Heart and you will be on the right path. You will not lose the school that I come to present to you, so that at this moment you can live it.

If many more enter into My Heart, the world should not suffer so much.

Today humanity provokes the wrath of God; from the most insignificant things to the most grave situations, such as war, refugees, the blood that flows in the world and the sacrifice of animals.

As long as the world does not change these attitudes, do penance and truly repent, peace will be lacking very much, and I will be alone in the consequences, until what I desire is fulfilled.

Times have changed very much and souls do not want to see it. Many think that everything remains the same: in society, in nations and even in religions.

When I return, as soon as My Father asks, I will have to break many structures, from human life to religions.

God is found in what is simple and not powerful.

You may have built many churches to Me, but I am in just one and it is in the hearts of My companions.

Take care of this true Church. May your feelings become more and more fraternal, your attitudes become more and more peaceful, so that I can count on you anytime, anywhere, no matter what or how much it may cost.

The Work of God, through the Sacred Hearts, is the most difficult to materialize on this surface. That is why, in this last time, we came to meet that which is in flames, which burns in the fire of friction and which is impure and unjust.

In this way, I come to deliver the last treasure I have left, the most precious for My Father: it is My Heart that suffered for you, that was pierced by you and that resurrected to demonstrate to the world the eternal life.

Repentance is born out of true honesty, of a transparency that has no limits in this material life.

I come to deliver these words to those who lovingly want to receive them, meditate on them and reflect on each decree that I have given to you today.

Now, with your meek hearts and your more open consciousnesses, on this day we celebrate Communion with My Body and with My Blood; an act of reparation, penitence and surrender to My Merciful Heart.

In these simple elements is the renewal of life, what nourishes the spirit and makes the essence of My Divinity show in you.

Today I come to renew the Church all over the Earth and all those who join it under My Heavenly Universe.

May the angels now descend and purify the elements, which will be converted into My Body and My Blood, for all beings of good will.

Find in this Sacrament what is simple, humble and pure to the eyes of the Creator.

As in Jerusalem and Emmaus, before and after I was resurrected, I met with the apostles and later with the pastors, so that they would feel and see My true Being, who was the living God in each particle of My Consciousness and in every earthy and human being that would live the Passion for you, in order to redeem humanity and liberate evil from the planet.

After two thousand years, My enemy has seized the world, but his scepter will be broken by the stroke of the sword of Saint Michael.

All that he holds in his hand, through the ages and times, will be defeated by the power of the love of the Source, when I return to the world and when I return to collect all those who belong to Me, through the centuries and ages.

Then you will see those who will resurrect from nothing. Everyone will be amazed at what they will see around them. In that hour nothing will be hidden, everything will be evident to all and there will no longer be white and dark, but when I return there will be the eternal, God.

At that time, I took the bread and thanked the Father for this sacrifice. He blessed it and I decreed to My apostles: "All take and eat of It, for this is My Body that will be delivered for you for the forgiveness of sins."

In the same way I took the cup in My Hands, I thanked God for this sacrifice, He blessed it with the light of His angels and I gave it to My apostles decreeing: "All take and drink of it, for this is My Blood of the new and eternal Covenant, the Blood that will be shed for all humanity for the remission of sins. Never forget to do this in My Memory. "

This is the Sacrament of Renewal. Happy are those called to live it. Blessed are those who receive it to experience their redemption and conversion, until My return to the world is fulfilled. Amen

So, take My Words to the heart and may the Father, through His Son and the Holy Spirit, always bless you, so that you can find in your path My Path of Light, which I show you today, inviting you to return to My Heart, and this way we can be one forever.

Spain vivifies My Mystery. May the wounded hearts of My Church be open and feel in their interior the truth that I bring to you, because what is alive is what is inside the beings and is called love of the heart. May this love emerge in those who do not have it and may many more be encouraged to attain it, healing their wounds of incomprehension.

May faith, unity and fraternity enlighten you. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for being with Me and all those who have been with me through this means of communication.

Today I emit an irradiation to all my friends.

Believe that it is possible that the Kingdom of God approaches a sick humanity that needs so much love, forgiveness and reconciliation.

May your sincere hearts sing today and may they join this Work that must embrace all of humanity, all languages, all peoples and all beliefs that seek to live love and solidarity. So be it. Amen

Song: "Sincere Heart"

Marathon of Divine Mercy

Our Father...

See how many armies follow Me and many do not know it.

This is the real presence of My Kingdom on Earth; a Kingdom that is united with each praying heart. And this Kingdom expands through the world in its invisible universe to reveal itself to the simple of heart.

This is the Kingdom that I promise to all, which I promised once when I was among you in My beloved Holy Land, revealing the power of My Gospel to you, the Sacred Word of God, that comes to redeem you time and again.

Today, with great happiness, I am in Costa Rica, because hearts are listening to Me, not in quantity, but in spirit, their simple spirit that unites with Mine and thus brings the Kingdom of God to a place so much in need of the presence of the Most Holy Trinity.

Seek God in all that exists, in all that He has created through Nature. There I am also, in silence and in the heights of the volcanoes, contemplating the whole planetary population, waiting for their awakening, for their great and last step towards the path of Light and of Forgiveness.

Thus you can see, companions, that I am in all places. I have come here to give you My inner Strength and My Love to have Central America rise up in its purpose and its spiritual mission, so as to fulfill the Plan of Peace of God.

Unite more, each time, and you fulfill this purpose that I am requesting of you today. Do it for all your brothers and sisters, of all the nations of Central America, who are so in need of My Divine Mercy to be able to continue forward in this final time that is approaching.

The strength of your prayer has reached beyond Central America, has embraced a great part of the planet and many condemned essences were benefited. And this was possible, companions, because of your unity with the Unity of God, with the Son and with the Holy Spirit, with each of your brothers and sisters of the nations that  fervently embraced the fire of this prayer, fulfilling, in this way, the task of this day.

A great part of My armies are formed with angels from Heaven, angels that accompany you time and again, from cycle to cycle, to facilitate your evolution and the great moment of your awakening to mature.

I want you to keep these words in mind because your Guardian angels wait for you, to show you the path towards the Truth, to strengthen your spirits, and so you may find the peace that must be radiated to the whole planet.

Today I come here with the Grace of God and of His Holy Spirit. Through My Divine Mercy I bring for all, the atonement, a holy absolution of each one of your lives at this crucial moment of the planet in which many consciousnesses, a great number of souls, are in need of forgiveness and of liberation.

Through this spiritual practice, companions, and after forty consecutive meetings, you are already at another point in your awakening. And as these meetings advanced, many more souls gradually awakened to My call.

This means that there is still much to do, much to sacrifice, especially in the surrender to God, each one to the degree of their consciousness and of their inner availability.

Thus, I come to give you My Message of Peace so that you may allow it to reach your siblings of the path, your relatives, all of the people; the people of God who must return to the path of hope and the path of forgiveness, that many are still searching for and cannot find.

Therefore, today, also with open Arms, as the Redeemer, I show you My Sacred Heart, My Eternal Spirit, so that you may strongly embrace it inside of you, adopt it in your lives as the one Flame, as the true path, as the hope for your lives rather than other spirits.

These spirits have also to be redeemed. Free them, set them aside and follow My path, because I will comfort you and free you from all evil, without leaving any of My disciples behind, especially those who must return to My Path and who for a long time have forgot Me.

I come to recover My old friends in  Central America, who committed with Me to live me, to worship me, to honor me, to love me, to seek me above all things and especially to serve me in this end time, in this Work of Redemption and of transformation of the consciousness.

So It is thus that I open the doors for you to see the Light again, the invisible Light of God that comes from His Spirit, from the deepest core of His Sacred Heart. He brings you His Mercy through His Beloved Son so that you may be able to free yourselves and walk freely in Redemption.

Today I launch the nets of Light so that many more souls may be able to return to My Heart.

Today I come as the Fisher of Men once again, seeking those who are lost, those who cannot find the path, those who, until now, have not seen the way out in the face of so much darkness.

And I bless you, companions. I give you the impulse to follow me in faith and in love, confirming in your lives that if I am in you, you will be in Me, and everything will always be well, and you are not to fear anything because you will be with Me and I will be with you, in vigil and prayer.

I come to withdraw many consciousnesses from sleep. But you will see this time and again because these souls must learn to know me, must learn to find the path by means of the seed of Light that today I once again am sowing in your hearts so that you may achieve the peace of living in God and in His Divine Kingdom.

Do not lose sight of these moments.

And I tell you again, companions: feel the strength of My liberation sustained by the whole Universe, by its Divine Laws, that come to try and reshape your lives into spirits consecrated to God and to His Holy Purpose.

I also bring you My joy, because of the joy that you have transmitted to Me on this day; the healthy joy of the heart that heals and redeems souls and a great part of the planet because joy is the flower of Love and Love will lead you to a Unity with God, with all of His Consciousness.

Understand this mystery in a simple way. Joy will lead you into peace and peace can be in everybody, especially in those who most need it.

Keep peace as a great treasure for these times. Let nothing disturb or bother you.

Offer each challenge as an opportunity of humiliation and of redemption without losing anything or seeking anything in return.

And now I show you the wounds in My Hands, how millimeter by millimeter they heal when feeling the love of all My companions, of those who seek transcendence, persevere in an unwavering faith, devotion, peace, the experience of My Divine Mercy.

See how the light of your prayers heals My Wounds, bringing relief to My Heart when seeing the horrors of the world and the sins of humanity.

Adore this moment, contemplate My Heart and live it in this last moment, in which My Grace allows all things and My Mercy gives impulse to all things, so that you may be in the Kingdom of God.

Each time you go through a test or face a difficulty or illness, remember this moment in which My Wounds are healed by the light of your prayers and through this example, of this symbol of holiness, strengthen yourselves and do not allow yourselves to fall, because My offer will always be to pick you up from the ground so that you may live Me, so that you may look into My Eyes without shame, without fear, not caring what may happen, contemplating the Love that My gaze expresses for all souls.

And so, with My angels, saints, and the blessed who today help Costa Rica and Central America, we enter into communion, in union of spirits, of essences, and of souls, with the one and powerful God Who gives you eternal life.

I come to especially consecrate all you have brought to Me to the altar because I have seen, on this day, the sincere hearts praying for a just cause that I have transmitted to you in the message for this Marathon.

Understand My Words with simplicity and thus you can live them, one by one.

The sacred objects are symbols of redemption for souls and a reason for igniting the spirit in profound devotion.

So today I will also give the sacrament to each one of you, through the sacred office of priesthood by means of the Sacraments that I instituted in the past, as an inner legacy for souls and for all the consciousnesses that may want to unite with Me in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Today I see that you are experiencing the Gift of the Fear of God. For Me, this is incredible, especially at this time in which humanity is very distracted; this does not make me give up, because if I carried the Cross for you, you with Me and I with you, we will be able to carry the cross of this planet to achieve Redemption.

Offer yourselves to experience this sacrifice for the triumph of the Three Sacred Hearts in all of the Americas and the world.

Adonai, Mercy, Mercy, Mercy,

Redemption, Redemption, Redemption for this planet. Amen (x 6 times)

And before consecrating all the elements, I want you to hold hands to plead together with Me to God.

Feeling your sincere hearts, we unite in peace and work for peace for the places that most need it, where chaos reigns and causes more hearts to tremble.

Adonai, Creator Father-Mother, only existence amongst all that is created, Omnipresent and Omnipotent Spirit, experience of the Sacred and of the Eternal, descend with all Your Universal Light and may Your angels open the doors that the Fathers of Creation may descend.

May the twelve archangels help in the Redemption of consciousnesses, in the Liberation of sinners.

Do not forget, Holy Father, about any created essence.

We are a likeness of Your Face. We were created in Your Image. We are impregnated by Your Divine Spirit.

Close the hells that have been opened and redeem the one who has fallen and has created all the evil.

Clear the doubts from all minds. May the power of Your Love penetrate the core of spirits so that the Power of Your Unity and of Your infinite Love may thus be established for the centuries to come. Amen.

Place your hands on your heart and now sing to the sincere heart, because it is this heart that will accompany Me up to the last days on Earth and will see, on the horizon, the coming of My Kingdom and of My Glory, establishing the thousand years of peace.

I thank you for accompanying Me on this day in each corner of this planet.

Let us continue praying, proclaiming the sincere heart. It is that heart that will unite everyone, will free you from indifference.

And so may it be.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
