Wednesday, November 30 of 2016

Daily Messages

Dear children,

Today My Maternal and Divine Consciousness descends to the world as a great Mirror of Universal Light to reflect on it, and especially on human beings, all the divine attributes that this race does not yet manage to live or practice.

It is thus that through each prayer pronounced every day by My prayerful children, your Heavenly Mother has the permission to help souls find not only the path to peace but also the essence of their existence.

My children, knowing that humanity lives today one of its great failures due to the lack of true higher love, your Mother, as the humble servant, kneels before Her Beloved Creator to offer Herself as victim and mediator before all the outrages that the Heart of God Himself receives.

Thus, through an inexplicable Grace, the Queen of Heaven and of Earth can succor and help the ignorant souls that are most in need. When you truly pray, I can be that Mirror that through your hearts and lives can reflect the essence of the Love of God to the world. In this way, so simple and sincere, many situations can be avoided.

It will be more difficult and arduous for those souls that, being in the illusion of life and that do not seek God, miss the opportunity of knowing the true love that arises from the Heart of their Master. It is this Love of Christ, dear children, that brings Me here every day to help the suffering world and still indifferent humanity.

It is in this way that, through your hearts, I can establish the Kingdom of God so that more souls may find it again in this hour, in which absolutely everything, from spirit to matter, is at stake.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Tuesday, November 29 of 2016

Daily Messages

The peace of the heart is something that should never be missing; for without it, which is sublime and profound, life becomes unpredictable and vulnerable.

That inner peace is what you must conquer every day and deeply long for through actions, thoughts and good deeds.

The majority of souls suffer from the absence of peace within themselves and in their lives. In this way, My adversary easily disturbs them and leads them onto other paths, through experiences their hearts have had throughout time.

But with My Heart, dear children, you have had the Supreme Grace of being able to experience that inner state in which everything seems perfect.

Sometimes, the confrontations and tests, which happen day after day and which are stimulated by the art of My enemy, cause this peace, which many consciousnesses had already conquered, to be lost.

On this day, with all this peace which exists in the universe, I descend to bring your consciousnesses the possibility of finding that path again which sometimes, for various reasons, you lose sight of.

Peace is a permanent state of inner contact, and through it, many situations are clarified or dissolved.

In this time, that state of peace is unpredictable, not only for the consciousness experiencing it, but also for the planet.

Peace is not a state of illusion or of happiness; peace is a spiritual expansion of the Wisdom of God in His creatures.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who leads you on the path of peace,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Monday, November 28 of 2016

Daily Messages

Dear children:

With the strength of the Love of God I return on this day to tell you that it is in love where the strength of your lives lies.

It is in this love where the great miracles of life happen and where the human consciousnesses can be transformed.

In love the doors are opened for what seems impossible to happen because if all is in love, all will be able to be fulfilled.

In the living of love are the keys that help the consciousness to be in God and to live in His sacred Purpose.

May the inner strength of this love, lively represented in Christ, be the model for those who live redemption in My Son, because having entered into the source of this love, all evil and causes will be able to be reverted.

It is so that every day through the trust in God that you have acquired, I invite you to be the expression on Earth, of this love that gives everything for others and for the Plan of the Creator; so this love of sacrifice, effort and surrender will always be seen in the Universe as something similar to what My beloved Son lived for all of you.

Therefore in this time the essence of love will be the guiding flame that will lead the navigators towards the luminous harbor of the Heart of My Son.

Do not lose hope of finding this love, of living and professing it, the planet and humanity need it with urgency.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you in Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Sunday, November 27 of 2016

Daily Messages

Dear children,

While My mission of peace in the world spiritually progresses, all that is outside of this Purpose is removed and transmuted by those whom I have chosen to accompany Me on this sacred task.

Meanwhile, your Heavenly Mother carries out this sacred mission with good results, which on the inner planes widely favors the souls of the whole world.

Thus, today I bring you the awareness that, despite everything, what is taking place is part of a cycle of sacrifices, so that greater situations are not triggered in humanity and especially on the planet.

I want to encourage you to serve with greater surrender because in this way your hearts and lives will be within the Purpose, responding to the Call that God will give you, day by day.

By living this absolute sacrifice as Christ that Your Lord experienced, all will be consummated and, by means of your surrender, the planet will be maintained in greater balance.

Have courage and bravery.

I thank you for accompanying Me.

Who consoles you and heals you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Saturday, November 26 of 2016

Daily Messages

I am present, dear children, in the places where the greatest suffering for the planet existed.

I am present where the different cultures and peoples have forgotten that, despite the similarities or differences, all were siblings and children of the same Creator.

For this reason I came to this place, now My beloved Sanctuary of Guadalupe, to make both the conqueror and the indigenous understand that all came from a same God and from one single consciousness.

It was thus that I asked for the construction of a temple in My honor, to prevent the human race from losing control of itself and causing all future generations to become a humanity compromised with evil.

That is why, today, after more than five hundred years, your Heavenly Mother comes to close this cycle in human history, unforgettable and sad for the consciousness of the planet.

I have come here totally present and I will continue doing it from a higher plane, because My children of all cultures and of all peoples will still need My divine and maternal intercession.

Now, being here among you, I have opened the doors to liberate from the terrestrial purgatory all the conquerors, the indigenous, and the religious that at that time, with little consciousness and wisdom, were involved in the Guadalupan events.

It is thus that in this hour, dear children, I have asked you to come to this historical Sanctuary so that a cycle would be definitely closed through a moment of simple prayer, in which My angels removed the pain lived in the spaces of this nation and the planet.

Therefore, in the face of the mistakes experienced between the indigenous consciousness and the white man, through an act of pity and mercy, I invite you to transmute for Me. Just as I do with you every day and so that I am able to keep coming to bring peace and reconciliation between cultures.

Thank you for having reciprocated to something spiritual and internal.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Friday, November 25 of 2016

Daily Messages

Apocalypse: Time of adaptation

Dear children,

In the Heart of the Celestial Father, from the beginning the last days of the planet were written, when everything would be permitted so that humanity might take the leap into the transcendence of planetary consciousness and life.

It is in this hour that the Universe prepares to move through this moment, together with humanity.

The Apocalypse spiritually signifies the change of one cycle into another through timely events that will give humanity the opportunity of completely changing the primitive state of its consciousness.

For this Jesus arrived in old times, with the purpose of not only liberating humanity from its mistakes, but also with the spiritual goal of preparing it consciously for His awaited return.

After more than two thousand years of terrestrial history in which humanity lived and experienced indifference and human evil, this moment of Apocalypse approaches at a universal and cosmic level in order to be able to correct and align what humanity on its own has not been able to live nor correct.

Thus, in the consciousness of human beings, the term “Apocalypse” was instilled as a mistaken expression and information, taught by the great religions of this world as the “end of the world” or the “end of the Earth”.

Thus, this term “Apocalypse” has not yet been lived or understood by the greater part of humanity as the most important moment for the planet; a moment when the true Universal Laws can be known and applied to correct what is twisted in human beings.

The Apocalypse exists in this moment in humanity and in the entire planet, for their not having complied with or lived the basic laws of the commandments, when many more than two thousand years ago there was an attempt made, through Moses, of teaching the primitive human consciousness how it should live in God and within universal laws, with the aim of remaining as a race within the Divine and Cosmic Purpose.

Thus once Moses had delivered the revelations of the rules contained in the commandments, the human race, after the events lived by the first population of Adams and Eves, totally deviated from its purpose of being in God, in His Primordial Source of Love and Unity.

Before humanity got completely lost due to its actions and behavior, the Eternal Father sent His First-Born Son with the goal of spiritually breaking the chain of the primitive DNA so that the evolutionary Christic code might awaken through the highest expressions of love that Jesus achieved.

Even after Jesus suffered and underwent all the martyrdom and sins of humanity through His Passion and His Death, with the mission of removing the human spirit from the abyss of consciousness, the race continued to make mistakes more serious that led, over time, to where the very elements of the planet, which were also transgressed, began to mobilize and to make themselves felt through different climatic and physical effects.

The consciousness of the planet, which is a living and active being, is at the point of its greatest suffering as it is subjected to being permanently violated by humanity.

This transgression, that has become more than centenary, has caused the very Laws that rule the planet, natural and telluric Laws, to begin to activate at this time in a precipitated way, on finding on its surface a noxious effect coming from surface humanity.

This activity of the Laws of the Earth, which are part of the Apocalypse and of the change of times, will activate, as in the case of Central America, with the purpose of correcting humanity and of placing it at a different point, more aware and less destructive.

It is in this way that Apocalypse prepares humanity so that in a future time, it may incarnate true love and true unity with the Laws of the Universe.

While humankind continues to exploit the planet for its own and malefic benefit, in many parts of the world incredible things will happen.

Therefore, while the Apocalypse calls humanity to repentance and not to indifference, the time has come for humanity to take a step toward the right path, because if this were done with love and forgiveness, a great many human consciousnesses would be relieved of the current planetary process.

The fundamental tool that will help to keep things in their proper universal and planetary order will be the constructive verb of prayer, a powerful energy from the Divine Creative Source that will help to balance all that will try to physically move on this beloved planet.

The Apocalypse is the moment in which the planet, as a mother consciousness, after having suffered so much, will be at the point of its great labor; this birth of the new human and the new terrestrial consciousness will lead things into a purification and to experience great changes that just promise to improve and to expand the evolution of humanity, so that it may no longer be primitive and becomes evolved.

While this race does not accept the time and the moment of the Apocalypse that it is living, the return of Christ will be delayed, because the Primordial Source, the Living God in His Infinite Grace, will wait for souls to define themselves and to cease living superficially.

Getting out of this point of ignorance and indifference, the entire planet could shift into a different scale.

The Apocalypse is a moment when everything will be seen and recognized by humankind. Nothing will remain hidden; the Apocalypse is the opportunity for self-transcendence so as to reach the perfect union with love and peace.

These are the times that the planet and the human race will be facing. Prayer will always place you, in spite of everything, in the safe place that is the sacred enclosure of the Supreme Heart of God.

I thank all Mexico for having received Me.

Who loves you and guides you in Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Friday, November 25 of 2016

Daily Messages

The Ministry of Faith

As a Gift of God that arises in the human heart, I come to awaken in you, My children, the Ministry of Faith, so that you may be participants in these times as instruments of the Creator, supporters of souls and of His Plan for the Earth.

I want you, in these times, to live the Ministry of Faith, which is born from trust in the Divine Purpose, and from the devotion that souls awaken when praying with the heart.

Faith is the universal attribute that will cause beings to stay away from illusion and from human confusion.

Faith will keep you within the truth, when most souls will doubt the events they are experiencing, even knowing that chaos is precipitating over the Earth.

Faith is the stronghold of the spirit and the sustainment of the soul; it is what clears eyes blurred by fear and by suffering, so that they may see God.

Faith transforms your way of understanding life, and what was formerly a punishment becomes justice; what was suffering, becomes joy and divine triumph; what was renunciation, becomes divine victory in the soul that understands that defeat in human eyes is the victory of the Heart of God.

I come to awaken in your lives, children, the true Faith, so that you may believe in My words and live them with the heart. I come to strengthen you in the higher understanding of these times, dispelling fear and uncertainty from your hearts.

I want you to cling to the power of Faith and the certainty that I am here and that I instruct you and sustain you so that you may fulfill the Plans of God in these times of greater chaos.

Divine justice is only just approaching this world, but anointed by the power of Faith, you will be able to move past the obstacles characteristic of these moments of tribulation, and even though it may not be possible to prevent the learning that humanity in general must experience, you may be those whose fortitude will inspire others and who will sustain this world, when your brothers and sisters are not able to bear it.

If you feel that Faith has not been born and has not yet awoken in your hearts, children, surrender to the Power of God and renounce your own opinion, because in order to live Faith, it is necessary to renounce all control of your own life. The one who fears to lose control and doubts the Power of God, with a distrust of surrendering to something unknown, does not live Faith. Fear of Faith and of surrender is the same fear that prevents you from loving and opening the heart. Therefore, children, renounce this millenary fear that attaches the human consciousness to itself, and surrender your own control to God; in this way, you will be able to count on each word that I speak to you to prepare your souls for what will come, and you will not be analyzing if what I state is true, because of fearing what will come if what I prophesy is reality.

Awaken to the power of Faith, surrendering your fears to God. Do not fear losing yourselves and the control of your own life, because in fact you will never control something that belongs to God.

If you keep the fear of surrendering to the Divine, you will only be resisting something that escapes human control and you will greatly suffer for not being able to adhere to the Plan of God, because you will not find peace when you need it the most.

This is the exact moment to surrender and to say yes; this is the moment to develop Faith and surrender to God.

Ask for the grace to awaken this Divine Gift in your spirits and consciousnesses, because in this way, the test that precipitates over the Earth will not matter; your spirits will stand firm, and you will know to listen to the voice of God and to let yourselves be guided by the Creator.

Today, children, I bless you and I ask you to live in the Ministry of Faith, and that with your examples and transparency in the surrender to God, you may inspire other hearts to live this surrender.

My Faith permeates you today.

I love you and I thank you for responding to My Call and for living in the Faith of the heart.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Friday, November 25 of 2016


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Although it does not seem so, I come surrounded by the stars of the flag of the United States to change them into stars of My universal Mantle. This means, dear children, that the task has not yet been finalized , that the fulfilment of this task that I am carrying out, together with My Son and Saint Joseph, is part of your hearts.

If your Mother of Heaven can convert impossible things, you shall be able to help Me, dear children, even though it may seem impossible, for this Sacred Mission to be carried out, just as God has asked of Me, from the depths of His Heart. 

You will understand, dear children, after everything has passed, the things that I will try to avert.

Today, dear children, I bring you the consciousness of the confraternity and the Love that makes all of you participants in a perfect communion with My beloved Son.

I come surrounded by the stars of the flag of the United States, just as I came surrounded by the stars to Guadalupe, to show the world that in higher life lies the doorway to liberation and peace. 

I know there are many of you, dear children, who do not yet understand this celestial mystery, but when your hearts open to be mirrors of My prayer, you will be able to simply penetrate this mystery; and in this way, you will concretize everything that I ask of you in a humble and serving way.

Today, I am between the United States and Mexico, placing My Rays over each nation, uniting the consciousnesses of the nations so that they shall not be separated from the Purpose of God, for it was in this way that I announced it to Juan Diego in Guadalupe, that humanity must unite in spite of your cultures and races in order to achieve peace.

In this definitive time, dear children, in which the planet is mobilizing and suffers the consequences of the surface, I invite you to experience cooperation, brotherhood and love above all that you know and have learned.

Thus, you will also penetrate My Immaculate Heart not only with your prayers and voices, but with the intention of serving a Greater Plan that is still unknown to all of humanity.

Thus, dear children, My beloved children, I bring you an awareness of the true purpose for these times, uniting as a single brotherhood, so that the events of the planetary transition may be experienced in the greatest peace possible.

My wish, dear children, is that you transmit this impulse I bring you today to all your brothers and sisters, even those who do not want to listen to God nor My Heart. Trust that though the power of your simple words, you will be able to sow the seeds of Light in all those who most need this.

I tell you again, dear children, that on this special night, in which My Heart is venerated and loved by all of you with an intimate and spiritual joy, I am over the United States and Mexico to heal the wounds experienced between these peoples; to allow the true principle of each nation to be reborn, of serving God in these times through your Guardian Angels and the Angels of the Nations, ardently waiting to unite with each of you.

It is thus that, from the heights of Tepeyac, as well as from the heights of Mount Shasta, your Heavenly Mother will announce the word of salvation and will bring to all of California and the United States the hope that have lost, because of all that you have been living through in recent times. 

With all the strength of My Love, I will go to withdraw the fear from Latin American hearts, those who have been immigrants, looking for a hope of life and an opportunity.

All I wish, dear children, is that between the United States and Mexico a profound fellowship be established so that the walls, which you think to build between the nations, no longer be ideas in human thought nor in the spiritual plan. If that comes to pass, dear children of Mexico, do not reject the test you will experience.

Love more and more the Will that God places in your nations and hearts, for in this way, you will be on the correct path and any social war will be avoided.

I would not want to return to Mexico in such a crucial hour, as it was with the Aztec civilization and the European community, in which I came to announce the profound act of reconciliation and of peace between the peoples.

Your Heavenly Mother does not want to see blood running in the streets nor does She want to see hearts suffering the incomprehension of the decisions that the rulers take in this world, which affect the whole of humanity, the whole planet.

I do not come to set you against anybody; I come to ask, dear children, that you deeply love your enemies, for they have need of the Grace of God, which must be born from your hearts, so that they may have an opportunity, just as you have had in these times.

I tell you again, dear children, that I am surrounded with the stars of the flag of the United States, so as to be able to change the souls who do not listen to God and that, in a profound lethargy, submerge daily in material life, without seeking the essence of spirit, the essence that unites them with God all the time.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On this evening, I would like you to understand My Words with the heart; that you do not see a nation by its culture or its past; but rather, that you see, children, each soul that dwells there, that has such need of My maternal Presence, because they ignore Me, do not know My Divinity, do not recognize My Love. And in this time, it will be paramount for souls to be able to find in My Immaculate Heart the refuge and hope of seeing peace being born in this world.

Today I come surrounded by the stars of the flag of the United States, not to be consequent with what happens there, but to tell you, children, that at this moment, that nation has much need of My help. It needs the liberation that God grants His Servant to realize in the world; just as I have been carrying it out every day that I have been here, together with Christ and with Saint Joseph; because your hearts opened the door to Me, and many of your brothers and sisters that do not know you, who have never heard of you, helped Me to get here today; they withdrew assets that belonged to them, from their homes, generating merits for the salvation of their souls.

This was a learning experience, children, that I need to offer to many nations, because as much as you do not understand, when you strive from the heart to generate merits for the liberation of others, you are beginning to enter into the Principle of God for humanity; you are allowing Christic life to descend to the human consciousness, because My Son did not measure efforts to rescue those whom He did not know , irrespective of their religion, their nation, the people they belonged to or the customs they lived by, whether saints or worldly.

Because all of humanity, children, need the Presence of God; need to discover the hidden God existing within; because the time has come for the Creator to be able to express through His creatures. And it is in the small things of your lives, in the small acts done out of love, that this God manifests.

Today, feel My Peace, My motherhood and how I shelter you in My arms.

Feel that your pleas have been done, that your song has become life, because My lips open to speak Divine Words to you, because My arms are extended to welcome you and bring you to My Heart. 

Today, I not only give you a kiss, but I also carry you to Heaven, so that you may ardently aspire that all of humanity be able to live this divine instance.

Today I invite you, children, to be peacemakers of My beloved Son, to follow His example, Who when He was rejected, humiliated, scourged, never closed His Heart. On the contrary, His Mercy was poured out in the last drop of His Blood. He gave everything out of love for the Plan of God, and that is what I come to ask each one of you, that little by little, for more than a day, you begin, children, to surrender all that you are to the Father. I will not ask you to die on the cross, but rather that you surrender your lives out of love, that each day you be more sincere in your love for others, for the Kingdoms of Nature and for God.

Today, children, the Creator makes the ground of this world tremble to warn souls that it is time to look to Heaven, and no longer to the things of the Earth. But even so, many do not listen and need to suffer a lot in order to realize that it is time to turn back to God.

For this reason, just as today I open My arms to you, I ask that you open your arms to those who are blind up to the last hour and who will have need of your love and your understanding to be able to begin their life again.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

It is through this profound act of love, in this stage that you have offered Me, in honor of My Immaculate Heart and the triumph of the Plan of the Celestial Father, that I come to consecrate you as I have waited for so long, listening to your prayers one by one, seeing the beads of each prayer pass in your hands and the hours of the clock so that I could return to My beloved Mexico.

Here I am, dear children, to bless you in honour of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, that through this Most Holy Trinity all these things may be allowed, that I may pour My Graces upon My children so that, in the time to come, they may be fruit in the hearts and in the lives of all beings. 

I want you to gift Me, dear children, the song that you have done for Me, now at the end, for in this way, I will consecrate you.

I come to accomplish what has been written in these letters, in each paragraph of the song.

I come to look upon you, to open My arms to you, so that peace may be established.

Come here, dear children, those who will be consecrated today in the name of all the Mexicans who live in love for the beloved Guadalupana, Who never abandons you, Who always guides you, Who will always protect you in love and in goodness.

May this consecration today be significant in your lives. This is the moment, dear children, for forgiveness and for reconciliation with the European consciousness. On the other side of the world, in Europe, I ask My children to prostrate themselves on the ground to establish this reconciliation between Mexico and Europe, between the original peoples and the European consciousness, so that a definite healing may be established of the great wound caused throughout time and centuries.

That here it may be possible to establish, dear children, in My maternal Presence, a unity among consciousnesses and hearts.

Today, I again unite what surface humankind has separated. I come to unite you under a single consciousness, as a single race, which lives of the Love of God and professes its faith in the Most High.

I listen to you through this beautiful song, which is a song of love for God, through His Holy Celestial Mother, the Virgin of Guadalupe.

I consecrate you, I vivify you in My Son, I heal you in spirit, in soul and in divinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

And now that you are My children consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, offer forgiveness and reconciliation among the peoples and the nations. So be it.

Let us pray a Hail Mary together before the song.

I listen to your sweet voice.

Prayer: Hail Mary and Glory Be.

Thursday, November 24 of 2016

Daily Messages

Dear children,

Today I present Myself before your hearts as the Mother of Guadalupe and Mother of all your Aztec spirits.

I come on this day to Mexico to bless it again and to remind you about your essential purity, because in spite of all you have experienced over the centuries, that purity has not yet been dissipated by My enemy.

By opening your hearts to Mine, My children, I wish you to feel that in this moment your nation must be protected from the influences of other nations.

With this I want to tell you that, for your hearts and lives to be protected from all things, you must keep alive the devotion and the love that characterize you as a nation and as a people.

In the simplicity of your heart, I wanted all of you to recover the values of faith and of purity, so that all the descendants of the Aztecs who live today in Mexico may be able to express the inner love that you achieved in times past.

It is through the spiritual union that your original peoples had with the Universe that the key is to be found which will open the new doors to the future, and where all of your souls will recover the sense of being present and collaborating in this planetary cycle.

I have come as Guadalupe to unite what the white man was decimating in the indigenous consciousness.

For this reason, children, today is the day in which your Aztec consciousnesses, in the name of that incalculable love that you have built inside of yourselves as a people, must forgive the consciousness of the Europeans for having destroyed an entire millenary culture.

In you, My children of Mexico, is the potential for being able to live and express the Mercy of God.

It is in this way that your Mother of Guadalupe, surrounded by all the stars of the Universe, returns to your nation to establish this definite act of forgiveness and of reconciliation as an important moment for liberating all of the past.

Your devotion to the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe has generated an intimate and beautiful filiation of all your people in the Mexican nation with the Mother of God.

Because of this, My children, thanks to the Celestial Father and to all of My children that have collaborated so that this sacred mission could be fulfilled, I was able to return today to your land to fill it again with the codes of love and of pity.

Through this special Vigil of Prayer for Peace in the nations that most suffer from chaos, may your hearts be exalted with the joy and delight of participating in the spiritual triumph of My Immaculate Heart.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you from Mount Tepeyac,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of Mexico

Thursday, November 24 of 2016

Vigils of Prayer

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I come to meet with a planet that suffers its own purification.

I come from the heights of Tepeyac mountain to unite what is separate in the human consciousness and within the heart of all My children.

I come this evening, dear children, to strengthen your hope, to fill you with My Light and give you My Peace, which is the Peace of the Kingdom of God.

I come here to calm the planet and this region of humanity which has still not consciously awakened to My call.

In any case, as your Mother of Guadalupe, I come to Mexico so that, through My children present here, any disruption can be stopped, all chaos can disappear from those who are experiencing it at this moment.

I pray above all the events of the planet, where God, your Celestial Father, is waiting for you with open arms so that you may receive His Heart and all the Fount of His Love.

Today I come on this evening of Vigil, dear children, to adore My Son and pray with you for all that Central America is suffering. God does not desire that, but humanity still does not listen to Him, it is more blind every day because of superficial things, because of the things of material life.

I would like many more like you to live in My maternal Heart, to be taken into My arms so that I could strengthen their faith and union with the Celestial Father.

I know that many do not yet accept Me, nor do they seek Me.

As Universal Mother and Mother of the New Humanity, I come to prepare your essences, dear children, for future events, for everything that approaches, so that from your hearts, a source of neutrality and the impulse to pray more each day may emerge for the balance of the planet and all the continents, as well as for all races.

We are, dear children, in the end times. That time is at the doorway of your lives. I invite you to accept it so that you may grow in spirit and in love, and you not lose each lesson God sends you in order that you may be a fraternal humanity and cease to be an indifferent humanity.

Through your hearts and your voices, today the doors of Heaven open here, especially so that your Mother of Guadalupe is able to come here, not only to bless you, but to pray with you on the inner planes for all those that suffer at this moment.

Offer God your sacrifices so that peace may remain in humanity, mainly in those places that experience the events of the end of times.

Today I give you the star of My Heart so that you may illuminate your paths and the paths of all your brothers and sisters of the world, of all the races and of all the peoples that must awaken to a single fellowship, a single humanity which will prepare, together with the Sacred Hearts, to be born again in a Promised Land that is not far away.

Thus it is, dear children, that today I come especially to thank you, because your hearts became as roses of light over My holy and humble hands. I will be able to take these offerings of your spirits to the Thrones of the Celestial Father so that He, in His Glory and His Grace, may open the doors of Grace even further; and souls that have not yet received this potent divine energy, who are still not deserving of it, may receive what God has hoped for a long time to pour out upon a sick humanity.

I come to remove you, as representatives of the Mexican nation, from this captivity of suffering which began from the moment of the colonization.

Today your hearts have accepted your reconciliation in Christ and that intimate communion with the Holy Spirit is established so that peace may reign not only in your hearts, but also in the world which so needs it.

Dear children, today I extend My arms to you so you may take hold of My hands and feel My faith and My strength. A Mother Who cares for you and loves you only wishes the world to be happy, that it be a victory of Jesus Christ, that it not suffer, that it not have to endure, that it not be disturbed, that it not suffer the end of this planetary transition.

Dear children, today I also give you My Rosary of Light, the Rosary that was prayed by all of you throughout time, in all the Apparitions in which I have announced My Message to the world so that it never sleeps, but rather so that it always awakens, awakens to the Light of God, awakens to the Love of the Father, which is forgotten by the majority of humankind. It is this lack of Love in the hearts of the world which makes the planet be shaken, move, try and have humanity understand that something has to be changed soon, before My beloved Son comes to the world.

I want to find you and all your brothers and sisters on the path awake and vigilant at this great moment.

The planet is going through its great birthing so that a New Humanity may be born which will no longer be materialistic, will not be indifferent, will not damage the Kingdoms of Nature, but rather will live united with the Spirit of God and with everything He created so that you could eternally glorify Him.

With love and profound gratitude, receive My Words of Light which sow codes in the new souls healed by Christ.

I suffer with Central America all that it faces today. For this reason, I have been through there before to be able to support souls in their spiritual and higher life; so that you do not lose, through the works of My enemy, the seeds of the good and the love I sowed in each of you.

Invoke My protective Mantle over all of Central America and Mexico, for I love these millennial souls that many times met with Me to receive My Love and My Peace, to allow those attributes to sprout again in this humanity, which must only redeem itself to be happy for all eternity.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Some centuries ago, I appeared in this nation to a small man, a beloved son of Mine, because at that moment, children, humanity ran the risk of losing its affiliation with God through a lack of love in the human heart.

I came to avoid the separation between human beings with each other and with God. I came to have you understand the unity which exists between all creatures, between the peoples and between all the races; so that this unity should awaken in the human heart, a true reconciliation with the Creator.

That son of Mine, to whom I appeared, trusted in My Message and disseminated it to the world, allowing you to glorify Me, glorify My Son today, and live in His faith and His devotion.

Today, My children, I appear again in this nation because once again, humanity is running the risk of losing its affiliation with God. Humankind still aspires to separate the races, the peoples and the nations; humankind still aspires to build walls, not only in the world, but also in the heart and in the consciousness.

For this reason, today, I come here, because I trust in the devotion and the faith of your spirits. I come to imprint My Divine Presence on your countenances, on your breasts, in your consciousnesses so that, without fear or apprehension, you announce My Presence in this world and allow more souls in the coming time to recover their faith, their devotion, glorify My Heart and My Son, so as to truly become reconciled with God, and do not allow the human heart, My children, to become separate from the Creator.

It is time to unite hearts, to unite consciousness with God. And today, in you I find, as I found in My son Juan Diego, the devotion I need so that My call expands through the world, beyond the nations.

Let many more hear Me and adhere to My call, because it is necessary, My children, that peace be established within and outside of humankind.

I come to strengthen you so that you may proclaim, in the time that will come, your love for the Heart of God, far beyond any event, far beyond any adversity, because humanity will be purified, and I will no longer be able to stop it. However, if I can strengthen your spirits, children, so that you remain standing, so that you rebuild this world and souls, so that the Kingdom of God is established on a soil where peace, unity and love among consciousness and the Kingdoms of Nature was sown.

I come so you may understand, children, that the Justice of God is already descending to the world, although the portals of His Divine Mercy can also remain open if you only cry out from your heart.

I need you awake, aware that you can change the events of this world if you pray with Me, if you pray fervently. Thus, today I offer My rosary into your hands so that with Me, you may turn the beads of the redemption of this world.

No longer pray, My children, in any way, only speaking some words with your mouth; you have now learned how to pray, you now know the power of prayer. Thus, each day, take up your rosaries and unite them with Mine; feel that I pray with you, and with Me pronounce the decree of the liberation of this world.

Pray together with My Son and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, so that unity may be established in the human heart, among you and with God. Pray so that humanity may understand the role of each Kingdom of Nature and has no need of suffering through the actions of these Kingdoms, because of not having understood that it must live in communion with the Earth.

This Sacred Consciousness, My children, hopes that you are able to unite with It through each of Its Kingdoms so that, in this way, you commune of Creation and establish love and redemption in your spirits.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, in the Guadalupian Mantle is all the Creation of God.

When you do not know how to find the path, venerate and observe My holy Aspect, and through My Heart, the Heart of Guadalupe, you will enter God and His infinite Kingdom.

I ask, dear children, that you no longer suffer, that you no longer continue to suffer.

I am here, I am your Mother of Guadalupe, and I am always with you when you pray with Me, when you invoke My celestial Presence, when you simply seek My Immaculate Heart, which is a refuge for all souls in the end of these times.

Just as you love My Light, you will love the Light of God. Do not love My Light, dear children, love the Light of God through My Heart, because the Light of God is present and descends over your consciousnesses.

I would like you to once again make this offering which you lovingly gave Me today. But now, while you sing, think that you will love the Light of God through My Heart, which is pure and immaculate; and in you, this is possible.

I want to tell My little son Iván of Mexico, before saying goodbye to you this evening, that I am imprinted in his small heart and that he believes this to be possible, for in this way, I will always be present; nothing is separate between Me and My children. Between My children and God, nothing is separate.

I thank you for listening to Me, for contemplating Me, for adoring God and for asking for your brothers and sisters of Central America. Let us continue in prayer, humanity needs it.

I thank you for responding to My call, and I am listening to you.

Wednesday, November 23 of 2016

Daily Messages

To all the choirs present in the Meeting of Music for the Healing and Upliftment of Humanity:

My dear children present at the Marian Center of Figueira,

Today, with all the light and love that flows out from your hearts from the singing, I wish to ask that, under a spirit of humility and simplicity, you offer this meeting for the divine cause of making the Love of God triumph in humanity.

For this, My children, your Heavenly Mother will today accompany you from Mexico through the sacred face of the Virgin of Guadalupe, and, with all My angels, from this side of the planet, I will wait for that moment in which your voices will start to sing and to proclaim peace for the world and the healing of hearts.

In this offering of today, dear singers of My Heart, I want you to lovingly dedicate this meeting to the whole serious situation that your planet is facing, especially for what My children of Central America are suffering, who are going through the climatic effects and the intense movement of the elements of nature.

For this sacred mission that you Heavenly Mother has been carrying out, I ask you, dear singers of God, that you keep yourselves united to the great angels of the different regions of the planet, especially the angels of Central America, so that through the supplications of your voices, they may calm the furor of nature.

It is in this way, dear children, that the whole of humanity and the part of it most asleep are facing the first and acute steps of the purification of the planet.

Through your artistic offering to God, beloved children, we will be able to open the doors to Grace, so that it may be poured out again through My Immaculate Heart in all the spaces and in the consciousnesses of the planet that are not yet prepared to live the last cycle of the transition.

From the Sanctuary of Guadalupe in Mexico, at the top of mount Tepeyac, your Heavenly Mother will wait for the musical and instrumental pieces that will be offered today in a heartfelt way by each one of you, so that in this way, a little more peace is established in the consciousness of humanity that has never experienced a final transition.

As from now, I thank all those who pray for accompanying your Divine Mother on this mission through Central America and Mexico.

It is thus that I still invite you to keep collaborating with the work that the Divine Messengers will continue to expand through other places of the world.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who sings with the voice of the Heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Tuesday, November 22 of 2016

Daily Messages

My dear children,

After your Heavenly Mother has entered the United States, My Most Beloved Son will finalize and close the sacred mission carried out in Central America, Mexico and the United States.

Your Mother of Heaven will descend first in order to prepare for the arrival of Her Son in the United States, on this occasion, to the city of San Francisco, California.

Our divine mission will be to help the spiritual consciousness of the North Americans through the prayers that each one of the Latin Americans will pronounce during these meetings. Within the prayers lies My driving and spiritual force to carry out the co-redeeming work, together with My Beloved Son, Jesus.

Within the United States there are valuable souls that have also fallen into the trap of modernity and indifference devised by My adversary.

For this, My feet will step upon the serpent that causes social revolutions so that, under My power of love, it may disappear from the consciousnesses of many.

I will need the prayers of everyone so that your Heavenly Mother may be able to send all who are in spiritual captivity to the higher worlds.

Because of this, your Most Holy Mother is summoning Her children who are consecrated as Children of Mary, to lovingly and ardently accompany Her in the meetings of peace, which will be held in San Francisco.

In this way, when My Beloved Son has arrived at the United States, just once, on Friday, December 16, 2016, at 3 p.m., the Center of Love of Mount Shasta will participate and help in the sacred task that Jesus will carry out throughout the whole of North America.

For this, I invite you again to collaborate with all the extreme efforts so that, just like what happened with Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Mexico, the United States may not lose the Grace of redeeming itself, during the final days of the Earth.

As of now, I thank all My prayerful children for making My call in the United States concretize.

My Love of a Mother is with you all.

I thank you for helping Me.

Who loves you, in Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monday, November 21 of 2016

Daily Messages

Dear children:

As the Mother of all the people and all the races I will still continue in pilgrimage in Mexico to be able to heal most of the pain possible that My children live at this time.

It is so that from Heaven I light the Mirrors of prayer for them to radiate very potent streams of love, healing and liberation.

In this way, children, your Heavenly Mother will be able to penetrate with Her Divine Consciousness the spaces with most suffering in Mexico and in the world, and with the inner strength of all Her praying children She can carry out the co-redemptive work with Her Beloved Son.

Therefore, beloved children, humanity will see itself liberated from millennial mistakes by means of the Mirrors of prayer that each soul lights in the moment of simply offering Me the prayer of heart.

It is in this last cycle that the Divinity of the Son of God will allow many consciousnesses to enter the inner planes, the spaces of love, where the angels of Heaven can spiritually take care of them; this is in truth a state of Grace generated by the “yes” of all of the servers.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who unites you to God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Sunday, November 20 of 2016

Daily Messages

Dear children,

The reason for expanding this sacred mission throughout the world is to embrace and meet the spiritual needs that some nations are experiencing in these times; humanitarian and social situations that must maintain balance so that peace not be lost.

It is in this way that My intention of reaching the United States, even if just one state, is an ardent and divine aspiration because, there, many children live there deep sleep of these times, and, most of all, they do not find the real God, but rather the god of material life and of modernity.

Through this pilgrimage that we have carried out up to now, dear children, I wish with all My Heart and Soul that the United States may not lose the little spirituality that it has left.

It is for this purpose that, through the Lady of Guadalupe, I will enter with all My legions of angels into the United States so that the most important spiritual part of this country, which is the region of Mount Shasta, may not be erased from the mental or spiritual consciousness of the North Americans.

On another occasion, and through other apparitions, I announced Myself in New York to warn the North American people that if they did not change, their destiny would be one of unhappiness.

Today, with all the fruits achieved through the love of the Central Americans, your Heavenly Mother, in this inexplicable spiritual respite, will enter the State of California, specifically the city of San Francisco so that from there a social and human collapse may be avoided.

 It will be from San Francisco where Our Sacred Hearts will finish this sacred mission and from where everything will be fulfilled.

As from now, and in confidence, I will thank all the pilgrims of the world that will allow Me to reach the United States through their prayers and donations.

In this way, the borders between the nations and the peoples will not be closed, and, at least among the simplest children of North America, bridges will exist that will unite that which the surface humankind wants to separate.

As of now, I thank you for accompanying Me.

Who blesses you on this mission,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Saturday, November 19 of 2016

Daily Messages
Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Mexico City, Mexico, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear and beloved children of Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and the United States:

In the name of Peace, today Our Sacred Hearts descend, opening the door of the hearts that were once closed to Our pure Love.

That is how, dear children, your Celestial Mother, Guadalupana, presents Herself again here in Mexico, to remind you of your spiritual filiation with God, and, especially, with all the redemptive Work of My Son.

Today, I wish that your hearts may shine before My maternal Light, which guides you in silence, every day, towards the Purpose of God.

This is why, finally, My children, I am among you to bring to this nation the light of My Grace and My Love.

Dear children, today your Celestial Mother descended from Tepeyac, to bring to humanity the reminder that it must reincarnate the purity of heart so that the "powerful" nations of the world do not provoke the Wrath of God.

Wanting to bring Peace to the world, I invite you, My beloved children, to persevere in Christ, in this way you will collaborate so that nothing becomes lost, not even the nations that compromise themselves every day with the forces of evil and chaos.

But before the time of the great purification is fulfilled, we come to open the doors of your hearts so that many more souls may enter the mystery of the Love of God through purity, service and charity, for the suffering planet.

Dear children, your Celestial Mother approaches your human reality so that you, in faith, may again find the purity that you experienced in other times, and radiated to the Kingdoms of Nature and to the whole universe.

This is how, My children, through experiencing your original purity, the Eternal Father and all His angels will have permission for many things, which are already lost in the abysses of humanity and of the consciousness, to be rescued.

I again come to Mexico to consecrate it once more to My maternal Immaculate Heart, for, in this way, I will be able to reach, through your hearts, the most chaotic situations that this beloved planet experiences.

Today, I bring you an impulse to the consciousness, for you to accept the Call of God that resonates for this final time throughout all of humanity.

Beyond yourselves, spread the holy Word of the Hierarchy, for those most asleep and distracted, to be touched by My maternal Love.

I thank you for being the proclaimers of the Message from Heaven.

I thank you, children of Mexico, because you opened your arms to receive us in simplicity and love.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who loves you eternally,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Friday, November 18 of 2016

Daily Messages

With the trust deserved by God, dear children, today I bring you to Mexico the Divine Compassion so that It will touch the hearts of the most in need of inner healing and peace.

Opening the doors to the Love of God, I place each one of your little hearts in the Source of Unity so that you and the world will strengthen yourselves in it and in this way the world indifference will end soon.

It is therefore that as your Mother of Guadalupe I bring you today the Primordial Source for you to recognize it as a filiation within you.

Dear children, with the joy that brings Me here today to Mexico City, I show you how it is possible in spite of everything to fulfill the Will of God, and thus establish the principle of peace that does not exist in many hearts.

By showing you all My Immaculate Heart, today I leave you the possibility to be reborn every day in God and thus live in His Love so that your faith will be unwavering.

My children, I give you thanks for all the efforts performed and I ask you to trust in My Holy Spirit because It will always be for you the source of manifestation of the Work of the Highest.

I thank you all for following Me in this sacred mission.

Who blesses you under the Spirit of Peace,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Thursday, November 17 of 2016

Daily Messages
Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Mexico, Mexico to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I offer you My Heart so that you may have it with you and see in It the Divine Fire of Love for every soul that contemplates It.

I offer you My Soul as a tabernacle so that you may find God and, in His Divine Grace, be in His Peace.

I offer you My hope so that in your heart there is strength, a path that will lead you to meet God.

I offer you My humility so that you may adopt it and, at every moment, see the Will of God.

I offer you My prayer so that you may imitate it and trust that nothing and no one can detain the Plan of God, because all is under His divine care and thus His Kingdom will finally be established.

I offer you all that is in the Heavens so that you may always long for it and know that for every effort you have made, nothing will lack for you, because whoever is in God will lack nothing.

I offer you My Love as a refuge so that in the extreme hours you may be reborn with the impetus of the Holy Spirit and thus accomplish the sacred mission.

I offer you what I am eternally.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who contemplates you with Love,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Wednesday, November 16 of 2016

Daily Messages
Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from Managua, Nicaragua, to Mexico City, Mexico, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Feel the trust, for in My Heart all will always be well, because it is the Will of the Eternal Father.

On this day, My Divine Consciousness rests over Mexico so that it may once again be blessed by My Grace and My Love, on finding devoted hearts open to praise Me in love and in simplicity.

It is in this way that your Heavenly Mother prepares you for this third part of the mission, with the purpose of offering Mexico and the world the inner relief that they need so much.

I will call you one by one so that you, My missionaries, may stand before the sacred Face of the Mother of Guadalupe. This gesture of gratitude and thankfulness on your part for all that has been possible in this Marian pilgrimage, dear children, will spiritually allow your hearts and those of your brothers and sisters to receive My Graces when the last part of the pilgrimage to Honduras is accomplished, thus closing a cycle of great spiritual and planetary balance for Central America.

With My open arms I receive you, dear children, and I thank you for once again responding to My call.

Who protects you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Tuesday, November 15 of 2016

Daily Messages
Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Managua, Nicaragua to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

When an alliance between Heaven and Earth is established many internal things come into play. This is due to the simple fact that there is a liberation from the chaos so that this alliance is possible, and because, at the same time, the servants closest to Me offer themselves entirely in life to generate the planetary redemption at whatever cost.

Thus, the permanent sacrifice and the service that makes you strong and invincible takes place, not because of your strengths or abilities. These consciousnesses, without perceiving it, receive an inner strength from the Holy Spirit to be able to take forward the different phases of the Will of God.

That is why, beloved children, in order to establish once again the alliance that Earth lost with Heaven and with the whole universe, it will be necessary that the new apostles offer themselves to experience indelible things, to the point of serving and performing tasks never experienced before. But know, My children, that although it does not seem or feel like it, your Heavenly Mother is on top of all this mission, following you from Her maternal silence and taking care of each detail.

This union, which has been built among My praying children, inexplicably allowed the debts of the nations to be miraculously liberated and relieved to avoid losing more souls into the planetary abysses. It is thus that I guide you and I do not leave you alone, because I know that within My Love you will be able to serve God, your Father of Love.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who impels you to a greater service,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monday, November 14 of 2016

Daily Messages

Dear children:

My intention is to bring peace and light to the world directly from the Celestial Kingdom through your simple and profound prayers. Each time that you say the prayer of the Hail Mary, you allow for My Rays, the Rays of My Divine Consciousness, to penetrate the suffering Earth, and to awaken deep healing within hearts.

Therefore, dear children, I ask you to never get tired of praying with fervor and heart because an important spiritual chemistry is established between your sincere prayers and My intercession for the world. It is as if the door of the Kingdom of God never closed, through which every day I can send to Heaven the lost souls for them to receive an opportunity.

Dear children, it pleases Me to listen, to feel and to hear you through the word of prayer. It is like a clamor, a supplication of the hearts that is permanently heard from Earth and for all of humanity in need.

It is so that from cycle to cycle, with faith and hope, I invite you to renew yourselves and to start losing the fears, the feeling that you might fail and go backwards. Dear children, do not think about your captivity anymore. Remember that I took each one of you out from this state of consciousness. I placed you in My arms for you to be able to feel until the end of days My Immaculate Love.

I invite you to keep faith. The tests can be great, but the love will always be infinite and invincible.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who always accompanies you without delay,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Sunday, November 13 of 2016

Daily Messages

The Mother of the Inner Church of each being

Dear children,

I am the Mother of the Inner Church of each being, I am the Mother and Guardian of the spiritual temple that resides in the essence of each soul.

This is why I am here, so that you remember the value of the sacred and of the eternal, of what is pure and of what will always lead you into finding peace in that perfect union with Jesus Christ, your Shepherd.

I am the Mother of the Inner Church of each being, and through it I watch over, I pray, and I adore in order to see My Beloved Son in the very depths of each soul.

This Inner Church is inexplicable, and at the same time, mysterious, because each soul that considers it and appreciates it in their lives, will sooner or later know that there are precious treasures that are inner and non-material.

I am the Mother of the Inner Church of each being and I guide consciousnesses through the prayer of the heart, so that they may always find within themselves that spiritual communion with the Divine Consciousness of My Beloved Son.

I am that Mother that will lead you by the hand to Jesus and I am the One that will give you the inner strength to overcome the obstacles.

I am the Mother of the Inner Church of each being and with My celestial armies I protect the souls that unite with Me from all perdition and destruction.

As the Mother of the Inner Church of each being, I come on this day to lovingly ask you to look inside of yourselves and see the condition of your Inner Church, your Spiritual Church. 

I invite all at this time to, day and night, from cycle to cycle, reinforce this vital commitment of maintaining your inner worlds orderly and aligned with the Purpose.

I have taught all of you the great key that opens all doors, the key of the Holy Rosary; through it the Inner Church strengthens its existence and is able to keep within itself the greatest treasures that may motivate the soul to take its steps toward the Light of the Kingdom of God.

In this time, children, millions of Inner Churches are at risk because of the superficiality that dominates the human life and relationships.

Your families must be the sacred example of unity and goodness, so as to be able to protect the values of love, of service, and of fraternity.

Dear children, I am the Mother of the Inner Church of each being and I come on this day to warn humanity that it is very far from its true spirituality and that it is only centered upon itself, upon its benefits, upon its comforts, upon its modernities and upon its egocentricity.

I ask all My dear prayerful ones to live definitively in the sacred flame of My Immaculate Heart so that your consciousnesses, in the name of all, may be closer to the Goodness of the Father, to the Love of the Son and to the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

I call on all to be less indifferent to and more fraternal with world reality.

I want, My children, a perfect communion of your Inner Churches with the Celestial Father, in order to recover certain principles of light, which humanity loses day by day due to its pride and its arrogance.

By recovering the sense of harmony and of peace in the Inner Church, dear children, you will help the Mother Church, which is expanded and present all over the Earth, to be strengthened by its children and not by its governors.

In this way I invite you to not have power over anything and to remain detached from everything, so that the treasures of Heaven, which are the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, may penetrate beyond the human consciousness.

Remember that as the Mother of the Inner Church of each being, I hope that My children may believe in the blessed redeeming message that My Beloved Son brings you in this time.

In this cycle, your Heavenly Mother appears outside of the institutional Church because the priests have not yet managed to go beyond the soul of people.

Thus, I come to teach you that all are essences created by God and that all without exception have a mission to fulfill before the Celestial Father, a mission that will allow the planet to be placed on a greater scale of rescue.

My beloved children, I announce Myself outside of the institution of the Church of My Son because He asked Me seek all the hearts that, on their own, destroy their union with the Celestial Father.

Thus, through this work I am forming new Christians, similar to the first that in the past testified to the presence of Christ within themselves.

This is why I come now for all of you, without leaving behind any child of Mine.

Remember that I am the Mother of the Inner Church of each being and that I am the Mother of all, not only of the Church, I am more than that and the time has come for you to come to know the Mother of the Sun.

Keep My words within, and on this day of consecration, may your hearts and lives find again the path towards the Inner Church.

I thank you for receiving Me.

Who accompanies you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Sunday, November 13 of 2016

Daily Messages

Beloved children, with celestial joy and bliss, I return to the world to see My Plan of love triumph in the hearts of humankind.

I know that terror, fear, and pain take over the hearts of many of My children who are subjected to wars and to conflicts, within and outside of themselves.

I know that many are struggling to establish Peace within themselves, and fear not being able to keep themselves in balance, so great is the chaos they live every day.

I know that humankind still separates all things and that their pride does not allow them to unite that which God inspired to be a path that would lead to His Heart, and not to the establishment of human will, such as are religions.

But I come to the world so that you may live what seems impossible to you, because, in truth, beloved children, everything I ask of you is within everyone’s reach, but you ignore the truth about yourselves and are still asleep to the life of the spirit, which is more than just dedicating some prayers to Me every day.

It is for this reason that I am here and that I travel through each nation of the Americas that must manifest the Plan of God in these times. I come to strengthen praying hearts so that they may be the pillars that will sustain the world when it cannot sustain itself on its own.

I come, beloved children, in order for you to discover that the joy and bliss of the spirit are not to be found in the things of the Earth and for you to learn to discern, in the events that will come, where the will of God is and where it is not, so that in this way you may know how to let yourselves be guided by this will, and not outside of it. In this way, you will be able to see the old world structures collapse without losing hope, spiritual joy, and faith, because you will know that these ashes will fertilize the soil of a new world and will strengthen hearts so that an unshakeable race sustained by love and by unity with God may arise on Earth, and no longer by the pleasures and by the material power that this world offers you, and for which you struggle day and night, even knowing that they will perish as dust at the end of all things.

I come to consecrate the Americas, children, so that you may learn again how to understand life and its values. I come so that you may recover the sacred that exists in your families. May you understand that a group of souls gathered together by God must fulfill a mission of expressing love and the capacity to understand others and uniting with them, beyond their shortcomings, miseries, and imperfections.

Family life creates conditions for you to awaken the true love, for example, of a mother for her child; that love which transcends the barriers of egotism and of the human condition and that you must learn to extend to the whole of humanity.

But if you degrade family life and bring to your homes the indifference and the sparse love that is experienced in this world, you are missing the opportunity that God has given you of awakening a pure and true love. Because of this, My children, it is so important that you know how to love and respect your families and that you also know how to extend this bond of love to all souls in this world.

Gradually, with My love and My celestial motherhood, I lead you to the universal family, which is what must be manifested on an Earth consecrated by God.

My children, may My presence among you not be the only thing that brings the impulse to transform and consecrate this world, but may each one, according to their perseverance and their faith, also be an engine that transforms and purifies the Earth, so that the Plan of God may be fulfilled.

Today I leave you My love and My peace, so that you may have the faith and the courage to transform your lives, and with them, the life of this world.

I bless you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Sunday, November 13 of 2016


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

With all the sweetness of My Heart, I come to meet with you to bring you peace again, the peace that is perpetual in the Heart of God and all His universal Kingdom.

Opening the doors to this Kingdom, today I place you all in My arms, just as I placed the Child Jesus and each of the apostles when they doubted the true existence of Christ on Earth.

Dear children, in this way, I strengthen your ministry, your personal and group mission in the end of times, in light of the Heart of the Celestial Father. In this way, I bring you My codes of Light, so that your hearts are able to receive them, can hold them within, and they may be flames that can be perpetuated in the world, in this time of transition.

With the joy of your hearts, I can carry out My works in the world and bring My children the Holy Spirit of God, which will motivate you in the transformation and the redemption of your lives.

It is for this reason, dear children, that today I have come here not only to bless you, to consecrate you, but also to thank all of you and all your brothers and sisters for accomplishing this second stage of the sacred Mission with the Divine Messengers.

You do not know, dear children, what it means to the Heart of the Father, to hold within Himself the feeling of love for all His creatures, above all the perfect adherence to this purpose of bringing peace and love to the world, so that these attributes not be erased from innocent and simple hearts.

It is through your inner response, dear children, that I am able to concretize My Work in Central America and Mexico, and in the future, in other places where the planetary need is very serious, and many, a great many souls, as well as the Kingdoms of Nature, need My celestial intercession to be prepared and ready for the end of times.

It is thus that today I unite My Rosary of Light with your rosaries, creating this bridge of Light to the Celestial Kingdom, allowing you to vivify the Codes of God in the depths of your souls so that, in this end time, dear children, you are able to carry out your purpose which is the Holy Purpose of God in your lives, His magnificent Will of bringing the infinite Source of His Mercy to the planet and making you redeemed beings in the Eyes of My beloved Son Jesus.

This confirms that here in Nicaragua, dear children, this task is not an emotion, but rather a profound devotion for Me, thus establishing a communion with My Immaculate Heart. 

And so I ask, dear children, that you continue forward; that you deepen the practice of the prayer of the heart in your lives so that many more souls may be benefited by this Grace that I bring all of you today, a repairing Grace, healing and redeeming, in each part of your beings and of your molecules. And so it is that I ignite the cells of Light within you, the same cells that I ignited in the apostles, preparing them for preaching and living the Word of God.

You, My beloved children of Nicaragua and the world, are the apostles of the end of times, the apostles of Christ, the Redeemer, who must be the example of peace and the good for all creatures. Avail yourselves of the service that your brothers and sisters are doing for Venezuela. Through them find the true testimonial of charity.

This is why I want to say, dear children, that today I am also with all of them in this sacred mission. And through their missionary hearts, I am alleviating the most suffering hearts, closing the greatest wounds in the consciousness of humanity.

This work of service for peace, especially for My beloved Venezuela, is opening the doors to an inexplicable reconciliation. This means, dear children, that the holy Throne of God and all His celestial power is reopening the doors to Venezuela, through His angels and all His saints and the blessed, bringing the unique opportunity of rehabilitation, freeing the prisons of chaos and suffering, dear children, simply by serving, loving and giving charity to those most in need.

And so I invite you, My children, to embrace this mystery of charity and the good. You do not know, dear children, how the Kingdoms of Nature are also benefited by these things. Thus, today I also invite you to be guardians and protectors of the Kingdoms of Nature, to take care of your seas, forests, any Kingdom living in each nation, in each town and in each city.

I want you to value these matters that have been part, from the beginning, of the Creation of God. It is in this way, dear children, that you being here from the heart with Me and with a deep love for My Immaculate Heart, that I am able to pour out My Graces, which will be results in the future of souls, in the nations that need it most.

Central America, through this pilgrimage and the adherence of all My children of the world, especially because of all your prayers and pleas, is receiving an inexplicable expiation which is produced, generated and carried out through My Immaculate Heart, bringing everybody the flame of faith and hope.

My wish, dear children, is to be closer to you every day and that, from Nicaragua, new groups of prayer emerge strengthened, just as I asked the brothers and sisters of Costa Rica, who will form groups of prayer, inspired by My Messages of Peace, by the redeeming Words of Christ and of Saint Joseph.

I want you to definitely live in Our Sacred Hearts, may you take the step for all the planetary consciousness, may you not tire of being missionaries of peace and of propagating that peace in the whole world.

It is through this work and especially through the missions that the scales of the human imbalance are miraculously being balanced. Do you know what this means, My beloveds?

Many prayers must have been heard by God Himself, for Him to be able to allow this inexplicable Grace for the world and for Central America.

So it is today, dear children, through this Grace and this love that assembles us in Christ, that I invite the Children of Mary who will be consecrated to come up here so that I may be able to continue to share My Love and My Light with you through the words of the Divine Verb which I proclaim today.

I bring to the world, dear children, the opportunity to love again, to forgive, to be reconciled with God and of definitely being a part of His Plan of Love and of Redemption.

And before continuing to speak with you, My beloved children of Nicaragua, I would like you to offer My Heart a song that unites everything that is apart. That in devotion and love, you honor the Virgin of Guadalupe.

I am listening.


Song: "Mother and Queen of Guadalupe."


It is thus, dear children, that I establish the sacred Universe of God on Earth, opening the doors to reconciliation among peoples and among the nations of the world; trusting absolutely that, in each of you, My Plan, which is the Plan of My Son, the Plan of God, your Eternal Father, can carried out in the most simple and pure, in the innocent and free of heart.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

In this way, I teach you how to free the past with the joy of the heart, how to release the pain that permeates the consciousness, of each people and of each nation, with the simple love of your hearts.

Today, I assembled you here not only to transform your lives, not only to redeem your hearts, but so that you, My children, representing all of humanity, representing the consciousness of this planet, are able to change the uncertain destiny that this Earth will experience because of there not being peace or love in the world.

I asked you to lift up your voices, so that your hearts may also be uplifted, for in this way, I open the abysses, I free souls, including the most sinful ones, which on finding the Light of My Immaculate Heart, repent of the past. And that, through the authority of God, which He has granted his Holy Servant, I redeem and free you from damnation so that, rendering a service with Me, you balance your debts and experience redemption.

In this way, children, today I ask that you confess to Me, and through Me, that you confess to God; because today I open the portals to the Kingdom of the Heavens for you, I show you the celestial Altars so that you may place your faults and sins on them.

Repent, because I will forgive you. Repent, because I will renew you and free you, so that you may be able to build, in this country as on this planet, a redeemed land that lives in peace and union with God.

I ask that all who listen to Me, with hearts redeemed in light of the Celestial Father, ask Him for forgiveness in the name of humanity, with the joy of this very simple people.

My children, I came to carry out this redemption of the Americas, this liberation that for so long this people waited for and that, because of the openness of your hearts, today I will begin to concretize. Today, in the eyes and in the hearts of My children, you will see the concretization of your efforts, the merits you generated with each assistance you gave Me so that I could come here.

Today, see My Light, the Grace and Redemption that I allow to descend from the Heavens; and thank God, My children, for being participants in His Plan.

The redemption of this planet is possible, the redemption of your souls is already active. Multiply this redemption in those who do not listen to Me, go in aid of those who do not follow Me, pray for those who will close doors in your faces, pray for those who will spit on the floor in front of you because of not believing in God, pray for those who curse you, cry out with your head on the ground for your enemies, cry out for the redemption of this planet; because in this way, beloved children, My Plan will triumph.

Release resentment from your lives, release hate and rage from your lives, live and establish peace, be reconciled with your families, be reconciled with your friends, ask for forgiveness and forgive your brothers and sisters.

And in this way, beloved children, you will announce to the world that it is possible to live the divine archetype expressed so long ago by My beloved Son Jesus.

It is time for the Christs of the new time to wake up. It is time for your souls to wake up to the commitment you came to fulfill with God. Thus, you are here; because you were called by Me so that you could say 'yes' to the Heart of God.

And so, I consecrate you and bless you not only to completely transform you, but so that you, My children, may transform this world, transform this nation, transform each home of those who are listening to Me today; because today My Grace and My Divine Presence reaches all your homes. Open the door of your homes, of your hearts to Me, because I will enter every day to pray with you for the Kingdoms and for souls so that, one day, My beloveds, this planet may become sacred, to which the Creator always aspired.

And may, in the universe as on Earth, your souls testify that the sacrifice of Christ was not in vain; and that the sacrifice each of you will experience will also not be in vain; because from them, My children, will be born the transcendence of all pain, a freeing from the tiredness of your bodies, the transformation of suffering into spiritual rejoicing, the transformation of sadness and grief into the eternal joy of seeing the Divine Plan triumph.

Today, My beloveds, see in the Love of My Words, in My Heart exposed to your hearts, that the Grace of God is infinite and His Love is immeasurable. And that, with that same Love, you must fill your spirits so that each one who approaches you feel the Divine Presence and believe that it is possible to transform the decadence of this world and make it sacred in the Eyes of God.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary: 

Dear children, I consecrate you, I bless you and I love you, as the White Dove of Peace.

Before leaving here, I want you to sing to Me as you did at the beginning, so that I may gather up the love of your hearts and pour it out where it is most needed.

It is thus, dear children, that through your consecration to My Immaculate Heart, I again consecrate Nicaragua to the Mother of God, the Queen of Peace, to the White Dove that brings you the Message of reconciliation and of redemption.

Place your left hand over your heart to confirm this consecration in My Presence, and raising your voices through song, I bless you, dear children, and I thank all of you for having responded once again to My call.

You do not know, dear children, how much relief has been brought to the oceans and all that is within them.

I thank you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now sing so that I may rise up to Heaven with the joy of your hearts for Central America.

Saturday, November 12 of 2016

Daily Messages

Assert yourself in the power of prayer…

Dear children,

In times that will come, humanity will violently purify itself and it will not be this way because the Eternal Father establishes it, but the purification of the humanity will come hand in hand with all incoherent actions that will be committed by the humanity of surface, which will affect many people.

It is in this way that in these times, prayer will be the shield and at the same time the spiritual remedy against all mental, psychic and emotional infection, which is consequence of the global mismatch that humanity has attracted to itself and to the Kingdoms of Nature.

Prayer will cover with light and peace those who practice it with heart and not for obligation.

On the other hand, humanity will not know how to sustain itself, not even spiritually, the moment in which the purification unleashes in the consciousnesses overnight.

But prayer will offer, to those who live it with heart, an inexplicable balance, capable of neutralizinge spaces or entire cities, because its power is unknown until today.

While the world is being purified, many consciousnesses will realize too late all they never offered to God and how far they have been from the Source of His Eternal Love; this will be the most difficult moment for most of the humans of the Earth.

But prayer will make of the prayerful souls, crystalline essences, not bound to the debts of the past; they will be as mirrors of light that will reflect, wherever they go, the codes of redemption.

This will be part of the last phase of the apostleship in these times.

While the planet is being purified, unknown human situations or causes never seen before in the health of humanity will appear, which the scientists will consider: without explanation.

But these causes will have their roots in the lack of love. Souls that do not pray nor seek union with God in these times will, little by little, fade because the love in their interior will not be enough, since this love is based on the personal needs and not on the divine essence, which is what moves love in the Universe.

In this time, the true prayerful ones will have a special mission, and the love that they have generated inside themselves through the works of good, of charity and of peace, will make that all of these consciousnesses that will be as “dissected living beings” by the lack of love, may receive this divine energy of love that will save them and redeem them.

Here, My children, I speak of inner revelations that will emerge little by little, as humanity fully enters the transition of the Earth.

Many consequences and inexplicable events that humanity lives today are generated by a great worldwide imbalance: by conducting abortion of innocent souls, by the unmeasured killing of animals for human consumption and by the wars that are consequence of a worldwide sin that has increased over the past three years.

In this way, the humanity that has not been redeemed by Divine Love, that denies the existence of the celestial and invisible worlds, will live what it has sown; and what it will live in this last cycle will not be for lack of spiritual assistance, but for the indifference before so much world inequality.

But prayer will make of the prayerful beings, impenetrable shields of light, capable of enduring the purification of the planet; in truth, these prayerful souls were chosen by the angels to accompany the current and acute planetary process.

I did not wish to offer an apocalyptic message, but this is what humanity has started to live since the last August 8.

This world reality must reach the consciousness of all servers of light, because with the support and prayer of all, it will at least be lighter for some.

Dear children, in these times prayer will become the most effective and powerful spiritual tool in the moment of being pronounced with heart.

If souls knew about the power of prayer, maybe their own debts and sins would not be purified through pain, but rather through the love that the prayer itself awakes, a love that is not human nor from this tridimensional world.

In this sense, the prayerful life in the end of the times will become priority for the awakened hearts to understand that, without prayer, the exit and the enclosure to be far from chaos that will reign on planet will never be found.

Prayer will make you remain in the world to serve it and to learn, but without being in it. All this will all be the beginning of a preparation that will define the battle during the Armageddon.

I thank you for accompanying Me in prayer.

Who loves you and guides you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Saturday, November 12 of 2016

Vigils of Prayer

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

For the second time, with all My angels, I arrive in Nicaragua to be able to free it from its pain and its agony; so that, through My children, My Immaculate Heart may triumph in the Americas and in the world.

With joy in My maternal Heart, I gather you together again, dear children, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, bringing Graces to this place and to the hearts that most need them.

I tell you, dear children, that the end of your captivity is near.

The spiritual war will end, for My feet tread on the head of the evil serpent and bring the Light of the entire Celestial Universe, the Light of My Immaculate Heart, which comes to penetrate the sorrowful land to close the wounds in hearts and souls.

Dear children, with immense joy, I receive your prayers, and even more, your hearts, that must be perpetuated in My Heart so that in this way, the Greater Law of Peace may be established and the punishment be alleviated.

Hearts will not suffer if you pray with Me every day, to establish the Sacred Laws of God upon this planet and in the consciousness of humanity, which many souls have forgotten through the influences of the material life.

Dear children of Nicaragua and of Central America, after having been with you in Costa Rica, today I return to this blessed nation, for I know that this nation cherishes Me greatly through the Lady of Cuapa.

I come again as His faithful Messenger, to announce the redemption and the victorious Gospel of My Son, which in this end time must be practiced by your lives and hearts so that the example of Christianity and the good may not disappear from this nation nor Central America.

I want your lives, dear children, to be the example of Christ on Earth, propagating charity and brotherhood among hearts, establishing peace in families and in all your loved ones.

Today I come with the Light of My Immaculate Heart to pierce your hearts in the name of the Holy Spirit, of the Most Holy Trinity, of all Its Celestial Gifts, which will be necessary for your lives, to be able to cross this threshold, this transition of the Earth, with the hope of finding the Promised Earth and the birth of the New Humanity.

Today I am also here, dear children, for those who respond to My call on the planet, for all the prayerful souls that, at this crucial hour, unite with Me in this sacred Mission for Peace.

After this evening, dear children, tomorrow I want you to go out to disseminate My Campaign for Peace. Call the hearts that suffer and do not know Me; you have the inner power to be able to do it.

I want your mouths and your lips to pronounce that the Lady of Heaven, the Immaculate Conception, the Patroness of Nicaragua, the Lady of Cuapa returns to this nation in the face of the Queen of Peace to establish in hearts the hope that have been lost through human suffering, through indignation, through guerrilla warfare, through  spiritual and moral decadence.

Opening My arms to you, dear children, I embrace your beloved nation of Nicaragua and all its representatives so you may govern under the spirit of the Will of God, and over this nation establish the sacred star of fellowship, unity and brotherhood.

Dear children, what I seek from your hearts is that you not only pray with Me for the triumph of My Immaculate Heart, but that you also work with Me for all the nations of Central America that are losing hope and faith on seeing so much hunger and so much pain in innocent souls, marginalized and indigent who lose faith in God.

My wish is that after today, dear children, your hearts be like that flame that you hold in your hands; that you proclaim your faith in Christ your Lord not only in daily Communion with His Sacred Heart, with His Divine Body and His precious Blood, but also, dear children, through yourselves, being witnesses to the Word of life, to the saving Word, which strengthens fallen spirits and elevates souls who are in the abysses.

Today I am with all My angels, sounding the trumpets over Nicaragua, so they may be heard beyond this nation and hearts feel the echo of the Spirit of God calling His children and all His creatures to reconciliation and peace among peoples, among nations and among hearts, among families, in all of humanity.

Fulfilling this important request of Mine, dear children, will alleviate the Heart of the Celestial Father, which is injured. Your sins will be released and forgiven. On this same night, I bring you this absolution in the name of My beloved Son Jesus.

I want your hearts to beat as My Heart beats. I want you to feel what I feel for you, the essence of Love and Unity with God that will never separate you from Him, that will always bring you peace for these end times.

I want you to raise, dear children, the flame of that candle, proclaiming over Nicaragua once again the consecration to My Immaculate and blessed Heart , for the rescue of the lost souls, of the essences in need, of all spirits submerged in the abysses of the Earth.

Opening the door of the Greater Heaven, through My Immaculate Heart, I offer them to God, so that the thousand years of peace may be established upon the planet.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

For I will come to consecrate you, to not only consecrate your spirits, but also your families.

I will come to consecrate this nation, to make the ground you walk on sacred, for My feet also touched it and will touch it as long as you call Me with the devotion of your spirit.

Thus, I come to ignite your hearts with an inextinguishable flame, for the fire of the Spirit of God will fire your souls, your hearts, and will allow you, My children, to warm others at the moment when this world is cold and in darkness.

I want to make, of each of you, a torch that illuminates the life of others; that those who are blind find the path through your lives, that they are able to come to Me and to the Heart of God through each of you.

Thus, I will come to consecrate you as Children of Mary, as children of God, so that you may have a likeness to the example of My Son, so you may be My children, as He was. That you are able to offer each instant of your lives in reparation to the Heart of God.

I know that for many there is suffering, pain and anguish for not finding peace in your daily life, for the things of this world absorb you, and many times separate you from God.

On this evening, I come, My children, so you may understand that each sacrifice God offers you is for placing on His Celestial Altar as a reparation for this world, for humanity does not seek the Creator, does not turn their eyes toward Heaven to thank God for the life He granted them.

Today, children, I come to teach you the spirit of gratitude so that through it, you transmute and transform the suffering of this world, just as My Son transformed it upon the Cross.

Today I bring you the cross of love, sacrifice and surrender, but know, My children, that you will discover a different joy, the joy of being in God and of being able to assist Him to rescue souls and the Kingdoms of Nature.

You will find the joy of taking each step in your lives in the name of Christ Our Lord; renewing His sacrifice and His Cross with the cross of these times so that, in the end of everything, your lives generate the merits for Divine Mercy, which will once again triumph in the world, will rescue souls that are still in the abysses, will avert evil and darkness from this planet, and will finally make it sacred, just as God thought in the beginning.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Dear children, remember that Central America and South America are the new Eden of the planet. They take care of the Kingdoms of Nature. Make them become sacred in the eyes of the ignorant human beings, so they may wake up to the reverence and devotion which God gave them through the Lower Kingdoms.

Valuing these principles of Creation, the world  should have no need to suffer nor should it have a lack of peace. 

Listen to the invocation of My Immaculate Heart and carry out the works that I ask of you so that My Spirit not only triumph in the world, but so that your lives are also redeemed in Christ, your Lord, the Master of Love.

Today I say goodbye to this place, dear children, promising to accompany you tomorrow in the Campaign for Peace.

Tomorrow I will come to consecrate you, just as God indicates.

During this evening, in which the vigil echoes on the planet because of the union of all hearts with My Heart, a truce is established so that the most innocent and most suffering souls are able to have the Grace of inner healing, of salvation and of the liberation of Central America. I am also united with all My children of the Caribbean. My promise will be to someday visit them.

Pray for Haiti, so the Mercy of God may be established in that country.

By the Holy Spirit that has assembled us today, dear children, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Let joy not disappear from your Nicaraguan hearts.

Let us thank God for this Grace and this opportunity.

I love you.

I bid you farewell.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of our Lady, we will listen to "Ave Maria" by Gomez, sustaining this inner flame that today Mary consecrated for all.

Friday, November 11 of 2016

Daily Messages

Dear children,

When your Heavenly Mother visits the nations of the world, and especially their peoples, it is to deactivate the spiritual chaos that reigns in the human consciousness; a chaos that feeds on suffering, indignation, and pain.

Thus, from time to time, at the request of My Most Beloved Son, I send you on a mission of peace, so that My plans of love and of redemption may be fulfilled in humanity.

Each time that I visit a new nation, a fraction of the human condition is transmuted. It is for this reason that your Mother summons all Her instruments incarnated on the planet so that spiritually and without any condition, only for the love of Christ, you may help Her to liberate earthly hells with the goal of avoiding a third social war in the Americas.

With simple actions and pure prayers, your Most Holy Mother collects all supplications of the planet to place them at the Feet of the Creator, and in this way expand His infinite and most powerful Mercy where it is most needed.

In the face of the great and last planetary imbalance, dear children, I invite you to keep truly praying, in a spirit of effort that cannot be measured or valued.

Dear children, I invite you in the name of humanity to embrace the sacrifice for the victory of My Immaculate Heart.

In this way we will avoid that millions of ignorant souls blind to the true spiritual life should lose the opportunity of awakening before it all happens.

With My celestial gaze, I am accompanying and helping you, seeing the inner effort of all; this is why I thank you for helping Me every day.

Who shelters you with Her Light,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Thursday, November 10 of 2016

Daily Messages

It is through all the efforts of My children that I can carry out My co-redemptive Work in the Americas and in the world.

It is this soul and soulful effort that allows for the balancing of great injustices in humanity, for there is so much inequality among peoples and nations, between those who have more and those who have nothing.

This is why every day, dear children, your Heavenly Mother offers to the Creator these sacrifices, which are highly valued by My Son in this final cycle.

I wish that, beyond what you experience, feel or think, you could understand what all the sincere efforts that His children can make mean to God.

Loving this call to sacrifice, without perceiving it, your lives will lose the vice, pride and arrogance which drowns so many souls in the illusion of material life.

I invite you once again, dear children, to live these times as the times they are, responding to the call to experience transmutation and liberation of the nations as a great relief for all.

Thus, little by little, the chains will begin to break and many consciousnesses, which were imprisoned by human systems, will achieve the inner freedom of their souls and their lives.

Thus, I bring you the Grace to have your consciousnesses expanded and your hearts even more, for this Work that will only offer you great efforts.

I thank you for accompanying Me!

Who blesses you in this sacred mission,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Wednesday, November 9 of 2016

Daily Messages

Dear children,

Each time that I visit some nation to pour My extraordinary Graces over it, first I must liberate it from the greater forces that have imprisoned it for a long time.

For that, My children, your Heavenly Mother uses the Mirrors of prayer, those that open each time souls sincerely unite with Me.

In this way, a great portal is established through which all that is impure and malignant is transmuted and elevated in dimension, far from the planet.

This task, which is occult and deeply spiritual, is done through the human instruments that I have chosen for this purpose; it is a mission that goes beyond the understanding of the consciousness; in turn, the soul that is chosen by Me to help Me in this spiritual task can no longer have personal will, because in that being, in that soul, non-material laws are in action.

It is in this way, dear children, that today I teach you to value the sacrifice and the renunciation for which you will never receive a reward or merit, since it is a task of absolute surrender to the Plan of God.

It is the same case as those consciousnesses that receive stigmata from My Son to fulfill a mission of redemption for humanity.

Open to this mystery, dear children, at this time I invite you to offer all that satisfies you and that promotes human freedom. My wish is that My apostles, on living the sacrifice of their lives, know that they will lose nothing, but on the contrary, will be able to be inwardly closer to Divine Will, something that humanity does not live and for which it suffers and suffers.

Today I leave you this reflection so that you may renew yourselves through it every day.

The server of Christ is where they are called, and above all, where they are needed.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Tuesday, November 8 of 2016

Daily Messages

By the Power and by the Motherhood that God has given Me, I come to meet you.

By the Grace and by the Divinity that are part of My Holy Spirit, I bless you.

By the Piety and by the Mercy that live in My Immaculate Heart, I shelter you under My mantle and I invite you to awaken to My Plan of peace and of love on Earth as it is in the Universe, for all Eternity.

Beloved children, as Mother and Lady of Creation, I have come to this place so that from now on I may awaken in your hearts the purity that emanates from the Kingdoms of the Nature.

I have come so that with the assistance of all the Kingdoms – which are expressions of Divine Consciousness – humanity can awaken to the spirit of unity and of peace.

Nature in Costa Rica, children, not only preserves within itself its beauty and its life, but also preserves divine principles of unity and of purity, which sustain a large part of Central America.

I have come to this place so that you may understand the role of each Kingdom on the planet; when observing nature here preserved, may humankind be touched and led into finding God again within themselves.

I have come because, in spite of all the divine expression that is within the reach of all, humanity is distracted by the pleasures and by the capital forces that obscure eyes and hearts, and do not allow you to see the great mission of the Kingdoms of Nature, do not allow you to cooperate or learn with these Kingdoms.

My children, My Heart places itself today by the side of the Heart of My Son and of the Most Chaste Saint Joseph, over the great Eden that dwells here, safeguarded by God. And with Our Hearts exposed, we awaken the origin of unity among all the existing life on Earth. We awaken the purest records that the human consciousness has been capable of expressing, especially in the originating peoples of the Americas. It is in this way that we generated the correct balance to heal the past.

Today it will be enough that you open your hearts and are willing to receive the purity that I bring you.

Today it will be enough that you say yes to express in your lives something sublime and no longer backtrack on this evolutionary climb, that the human consciousness has such trouble with.

Today it will be enough, children, that you observe nature with the heart, and in humility, recognize that this world only exists through the balance generated by the Kingdoms.

Give thanks to Creation for having conceded you the Grace of cohabiting with the Kingdoms, and recognize that if they have sacrificed themselves throughout all human history to sustain you and to keep you standing, the time has come for responding, and with love offer a little of your lives to generate peace and balance all that the Kingdoms have lived for you, when in truth, it should be humankind being an example in the evolution of the Earth, because it is from your hearts, children, that the love that transforms everything comes.

Today give thanks to the Kingdoms of Nature, and be willing, from the heart, to commune with all life. As the Mother of Supreme Nature, and as Rose of Peace, I reveal My Presence to you in all that was Created and I thank you for cooperating with the life on Earth, generating peace and preparing the planetary consciousness for a new life, a life of unity with God.

I love you and again I thank you for being here and for opening yourselves from the heart to have My Love in the world triumph.

I bless you today and always,

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace

Tuesday, November 8 of 2016

Daily Messages

The Liberator of Love

Dear children of Costa Rica and Central America,

Your Heavenly Mother comes today to this meeting with you with the mission of proclaiming peace, in you yourselves and among your Central American peoples, so that finally a stop may be established in the conflict, and peace may be sown in the nations of this place on the planet.

With a merciful gaze, the Liberator of Love hopes that Her children of Central America may, through forgiveness, dissolve the wounds generated by the different guerrillas in the last forty years of history.

The Lady Liberator of Love comes to Central America to stop the unforgettable punishment and suffering that My children have experienced.

It is only through a just cause of love that the Lady Liberator of Love wants to bring to an end a sorrowful past that has remained engraved in the hearts that had to go through these events.

Now, with a gaze of hope, you will see on the horizon the awaited help from Heaven, which finds you open of heart to carry out this mission of reconciliation and of peace together with your Heavenly Mother.

I need, dear children, you to banish from your memories all those events that you have lived as peoples and as nations.

I come in the name of My Son to heal the pain through the infinite love of My Heart.

For this reason, on this day, free of all that you have lived and united with Me, let us profess our filiation with the Celestial Father. With His Mercy, and with charity and love, open the doors so that your civilian enemies may receive the opportunity for spiritual and inner liberty.

As Lady Liberator of Love, I wish you to learn to live a state of consciousness and of love that you have never experienced; this is why, with all the simplicity of the Heart, I teach you, My dear children of Central America, to bring events to an end, and to be reborn in spirit under the Grace and the Reconciliation of God.

I wish, My dear children, that with My visit to Central America and to Mexico, you may take a definite step and leave behind a history of struggles and of power that only sickens the good heart.

My children, I know that for you it will take a great effort to detach from the past of your peoples. Do not fear! I am the Liberator of Love, I am She, the same women of Nazareth that surrendered Her Beloved Son for you, to generate your salvation and your freedom from an age-old prison of human error.

Dear children, this act of forgiveness that I ask you to live today will lead you into finding mercy, and those same opponents of yours will also be deserving of an inexplicable Grace, because My Son has asked Me to call those who are the worst and those who are most imperfect, because in them resides His redemptive Project for the end of times.

All this is possible simply through love and through peace, something that I hope you will undertake, because living those attributes will help your nations very much, so that they may be liberated from the captivity in which human beings have placed them.

Remember that I am the Lady Liberator of Love and that I just wish what is best for your lives and for your peoples. I just wish you to live holy peace.

I thank you for responding to My call. 

In the name of Love, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Tuesday, November 8 of 2016

Special Apparitions

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Like a great ray of Light, I come to bring the world the liberating Light that it so needs so the peace and the harmony in the consciousness of humanity is not lost.

I am finally here among you, dear children, once again fulfilling My promise, in the name of the Almighty, Who allows this Grace of finding you in My Heart so that you may feel My Love and the happiness of living in God.

I come here today to bring you good news, a very special reason for your lives and hearts, which is the path of redemption which your consciousnesses are experiencing today for the first time, together with the Glory of My Son that also allows this special Grace.

For the Celestial Father, this means that the doors of the Light in Central America will not close and that the Celestial Kingdom will continue to descend, together with all His Angels, to help humanity, especially those who are still not redeemed.

As I told you today, dear children, I come as the Mother of Nature so that you remember the importance of observing the lower Kingdoms as your siblings, as part of the great Creation of God, so that all of you on this planet are able to evolve.

Today I also come to give you My Immaculate Heart as a symbol of peace for the whole planet, as a profound healing for souls, as Mercy for all hearts.

My wish is that on this evening, dear children, each of you should inwardly confirm yourselves on My path of Light so that, besides your loved ones and family members, souls are able to be touched by the Light of Heaven that I bring all of you today, which is a redemptive and liberating Light that will bring you peace and trust in the Creator.

But I am not here alone among you today, but also with all the angels who accompany Me and with your Guardian Angels, that come here at this moment to remind you they exist to be able to guide your lives, as a non-material service they provide for all of humanity. Unite with them in heart and soul. Pray together with them every day, so that you may be freed from a spiritual captivity and thus the nations be constituted into nations renewed by the Holy Spirit of God, which comes in this time to pour out Its Seven Gifts into simple and humble consciousnesses that open to this great Mystery.

Today I feel a special joy in My Heart and in My Soul, on being able to consecrate new Children of Mary, seeds of light for the new humanity that are healed and protected by Me, that are bathed by My Divinity and from the Celestial Father receive the Infinite Love of His Heart and His forgiveness. For this reason, My children, with the trust which must incarnate in your lives, on this evening, dare to take that step toward God. You must not fear anything. I only want to see you in a life of prayer, if possible in family prayer.

You know, dear children, that not only children suffer from separation in the families of humanity, but also the adults. In this place and in all Central America, I want to constitute a network of family prayer so My Heart, through your prayers and all your pleas, may also care for the beings most in need of peace in this time. It is through this network of families, of praying families united with God, that I will be able to bring peace to the nations of Central America. And as I told you today, the wounds of the past will close and forgiveness established when your hearts and souls say 'yes' to the Forgiveness of God, to the establishment of love among all creatures and among all the nations of Central America.

Thus, on this day, I come to erase from your memories that which you have experienced since the beginning of the colonization until today, because by forgiving the white man and allowing the original purity to emerge in your hearts, the purity of the original peoples, in these nations the spirit of fellowship and love, of brotherhood and union among human beings and the Kingdoms of Nature will be able to emerge again.

As your Mother of Guadalupe, I come to unite what is separate in the core of your beings, motivating your hearts to be able to achieve the purpose. It is very simple, My children, the purpose of serving God, your fellow beings and the Kingdoms of Nature, protecting all that God created so that you could be in peace, united with His eternal Love.

Thus, what I want, dear children, is that on this day, this consecration awaken many more souls to this commitment with Creation, to this commitment to your peoples and nations to first come to peace and then to a love and unity among beings. In this way, I will happily be able to leave Central America, seeing that My Purpose was accomplished in your hearts.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On this evening, I come to imprint My Divine Aspect in your spirits, in your souls, just as I once imprinted it on the garments of Juan Diego.

In this way, I come to unite the peoples, to unite the cultures and the religions in the Love of My Son, which is the true path to finding God.

I come, My children, so that you may experience a re-encounter with Me, so that you know that I accompany you and brought you here by the hand, confirming the commitment of your spirits to God with the manifestation of His Plan of peace and of redemption for the Earth.

I called you to My meeting, My children, not only so that you could hear My voice, not only so you could feel My Peace, but so that you proclaim this Peace, so that you announce My Presence among humankind through a living testimony, through a peace-bringing example.

I come here so that you announce the Return of My Son, so you prepare a safe dwelling place for Him in your hearts and so that you clean and wash your spirits through the fire of prayer and the living water of the Holy Spirit; thus, in this way, My children, I am able to make you be reborn, I can bring to this world a new life through the renewal of your lives.

Today I come here as the Mother of Nature, as the Lady of Guadalupe, confirming to Central America this commitment to the Kingdoms of Nature.

From the beginning, My children, the Americas have had the mission of uniting with God through all that was created and of finding the Divine Presence in each Kingdom, of understanding the mission of each species created by Him.

The human heart, especially in the Americas, must understand it is part of a Law of life, must be a part of that balance, which is not only planetary, but also universal. And through that unity which you live with Nature, you be able to draw to the world a unity with the Heart of God; and in this way, children, open this door to the whole universe which unites creatures with their Creator.

Today I come to speak to you in a simple but profound way, because I hope to awaken your spirits for the mission you came to accomplish on Earth.

I come to erase from your lives all the errors you have made until now; so that, renewed by the Love of My Immaculate Heart, you are able to establish peace, love and forgiveness among human beings.

Children, as in other times, I come to ask for the establishment of peace so that wars can end, and just as I asked the shepherds of Fatima to pray for peace, today I ask each one of you to cry out for peace with the faith of your hearts, and that you draw this peace to the world; because it is possible, children, to stop the wars and conflicts that are precipitating on Earth and bring a truce to the places of the world that no longer know peace, which are permeated by hate and resentment, by rage and the need for vengeance.

With Me, children, forgive the past of this world. Forgive those who through ignorance, through not knowing God, subjugated their brothers and sisters and the Kingdoms of Nature, causing a wound in the consciousness of the planet that up until today needs to be healed.

Unite with Me in prayer for peace. Unite with Me through acts of forgiveness. And thus, just as I forgave those who scourged My Son, those who crowned Him with thorns, those who placed a cross on His back and crucified Him; forgive, children, those who scourged the world, who scourged souls, who crucified them with martyrdom and suffering, a suffering that until today many are living as souls on dark planes of the planet.

Free those dimensions of the Earth with Me, so that this planet may shine in the universe with the Light of Love that dwells only within it.

May this divine attribute be a living spring for the whole Cosmos and may all the creatures created by God avail themselves of this Divine Principle. And in this way, My children, may peace be established in all of Creation.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

It is through My coming to Central America, dear children, that I am able to bring My Grace to you. It is that Grace which will form the new armies of Light so they may correspond to My call.

Today, here in Costa Rica, I will consecrate new Children of Mary who will be part of that army of Light which will commit to praying for peace with Me, with the main objective of allowing My Heart to triumph in souls and in all nations.

With that Love of the universe that I bring you today, which is very unknown to many, I want the Children of Mary to come up here. Remember that all of you, in essence, are children of My Divinity, of My Motherhood and of My Love.

Today I come especially to consecrate you, for you have confirmed to My Immaculate Heart the realization of the great mission of bringing peace to the planet and to humanity.

Place your left hand on your breast.

Let us repeat:

My God,
I believe in You, I adore You, I wait for You and I love You;
and I ask pardon for those who do not believe in You,
do not adore You, do not wait for You and do not love You.

Feel the peace of the angels of the universe. Comfort your lives through My Holy Spirit, and thus, in this time, carry out the preparations for the glorious coming of Christ and the redemption of humanity before the Thrones of God.

With this Grace that emerges from My Heart like a spring, I consecrate you, My children, as sparks of Light of My Spirit, as souls in redemption, in profound rehabilitation, as examples of living prayer for the world, especially for those who do not know the prayer of the heart.

And thus it is that here today, in Central America, I establish the original purity of your hearts as the fundamental principle of God in your lives and in your consciousnesses, with the aim and the purpose that you always remember the purity of your hearts, for it will be the purity of the heart which will carry you eternally into peace and love.

Dear children, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. 

And now sing the hymn of your consecration, as representatives of the armies of Light of your Most Holy Mother.

I thank Costa Rica for having responded to My call, in this first part of the Sacred Mission.

I thank you!

Monday, November 7 of 2016

Daily Messages

Rejoice for what you have achieved and do not sorrow for what you have not yet lived.

Be that vital instrument in the Hands of God that is at the service of the One Will.

Leave behind the influences of evil. Believe, despite any obstacle, in the strength and the power of My Immaculate Heart; in this way, detach from what is old and recalcitrant, from all that crystallizes the life of the spirit.

That is to say, try this each day until you manage to do it, not with sophisticated methods or with formulas, but rather through the great key of love.

Forgive, and do not get tired of doing it; the human condition is something genetic, hereditary, and millenary, the life itself of an incarnated consciousness would not be enough to purify and transform something that is centuries old.

But the sacred christic energy is what redeems any condition of the consciousness and it is what makes it possible to reinsert the soul into its rightful spiritual.

This Christic energy of love can do all things, because the one who opens themselves to receive it loses the control or the dominion that they have over many things. 

It is the merciful Love of My Son that will lead you into re-encountering your true essence and your true inner union with the Father-Mother Creator.

At this time do not seek to solve everything; first, trustfully surrender to the Universe and you will never lack peace.

The project of humanity is still in its phase of redemption. For this reason, nothing will remain without being stirred up so that the real surface being may finally emerge.

Trust in what I tell you and so it shall be.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who elevates you with love to the Kingdom of God,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Sunday, November 6 of 2016

Daily Messages

Through the prayers, I clean the hells of this world and remove from those places whomever cries out for My help.

Through the prayers, I help the lower Kingdoms and relieve all the suffering they undergo.

Through the prayers, I guide souls so that they may find the Purpose and so that, above all, they may live Divine Will.

Through the prayers, I open the doors to Grace, and consciousnesses that would not deserve such an intercession have the opportunity of correcting and straightening their paths.

Through the prayers, the planet is relieved, and at least in a small percentage, its consciousness is protected.

Through the prayers, I can establish the Kingdom of God in hearts so that you always remember it and thus love it deeply.

Through the prayers, My Immaculate Heart is strengthened and this inner strength is radiated toward all who pray with their heart.

Thus everything is kept within a minimum balance, and the planet as a consciousness can breathe and endure.

All this will prepare it for its next transition and all those who have denied the life of the spirit and of transforming prayer will realize too late that they have missed the opportunity of reconciling with the Father and there will no longer be a return.

I thank you all for having prayed to My Beloved Son today.

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Saturday, November 5 of 2016

Daily Messages

Dear children:

I feel that you are worthy children of God when you pray with the heart to My Son, just as you did today. This represents evidence to the Father that all is not yet lost.

It is for this reason that every day I teach you to pray to God and to talk to Him so that when these moments of prayer and of sharing the spiritual task come up, you move forward, taking meaningful steps.

I am at your side to give you the impulse to live the Plan of God and so that you fulfill it from the heart, and for all of humanity.

When every day you unite with this Purpose, you will allow Divine Grace to reach many consciousnesses, a Grace that they would not deserve.

It is in this way, dear children, that the grave destiny of humanity is modified a little, each time that a consciousness takes a new step and undertakes living the prayer of the heart.

And it is in this Marathon of Divine Mercy, and especially in Central America, that this sacred opportunity is given to all.

With a spirit of faith and full of gratitude, continue working on this goal, so that holy atonement may reach beyond Central America and more sleeping hearts are touched.

I thank you for bringing healthy joy to the world.

In reverence and love, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Friday, November 4 of 2016

Daily Messages

With both crosses in My hands1, dear children, today I come to testify to the Presence of My Son in the hearts that still do not live this.

These crosses represent the liberation from human and materialistic illusion; for each one, they are the protective shield against all adversity and deception.

I want and I wish this symbol of the redemptive cross of Christ to be honored and venerated in Central America, so that it may be more safeguarded and protected from the temptations of My adversary.

I impose over this place the spiritual symbol of the crosses, so that humanity from this part of the planet may not be driven into making big mistakes, such as other sister nations are experiencing at this time.

I need this luminous cross to be the greatest treasure for each of those who pray, to be the celestial magnet that attracts the principles of redemption and of liberation for a corrupted humanity that is very far from the truth.

I want each one of My lost children with Me, so that in this cycle the majority may have the opportunity of repenting and of forgiving.

You do not know, My children, how My Heart suffers on seeing precious souls far from God.

It is time that we do something for them; it is for this reason that I come to Central America, so that My children will be able to find Me again through My dear and devoted simple hearts.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who is united with this Sacred Mission,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


1.- “On this day, the Most Holy Mary came with a cross in each hand”.

Thursday, November 3 of 2016

Daily Messages

First will come My Beloved Son to pour out the Mercy needed by the most lost souls.

Afterwards will come your Heavenly Mother to reaffirm in this people the Kingdom of God, and so that the seekers and non-seekers of My Heart may at least receive the Grace of final atonement.

Why do I tell you this?

Because the time of definition is already happening, and My most lost children will have the opportunity of not condemning themselves.

It is in this way that the Father sends us to assist Central America and so that at least a spark of light amongst so much darkness can be rekindled, and in the name of many, can achieve redemption.

That is why the last time for repentance is approaching and will catch many of My inattentive children by surprise.

We come here to be able to repair something on time; the hour indicates a greater rescue and all will be at stake.

But while your hearts are united to Mine, nothing will happen to you; you will be able to stand before the great planetary and human chaos and My sword will defend you.

Be brave and persist; you still do not know how much I am doing through the extreme efforts of My servants.

I greet a nation in need of the true and pure love of the heart.

I am always with you and I help you.

I thank you for responding to My Call.

Who gathers you together in the Lord,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Wednesday, November 2 of 2016

Daily Messages

Dear children,

On this day, your Heavenly Mother accompanies the beginning of the humanitarian mission for Venezuela.

I have sent hundreds of angels to guide and inspire My missionary daughters of the Christic charity, who are those I have called again to alleviate the suffering generated in the whole of My beloved people of Venezuela.

Under the special companionship of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, My missionary daughters of the Christic charity, together with the missionaries of the Fraternidade will, through sacred service, enter into the hearts that are most wounded by the social crisis of Venezuela.

The most important thing for My missionary daughters will be to teach rebuilding life from scratch, so that the hope and above all the love that My children of Venezuela have lost may awaken again.

Today, from the heart of Colombia, from Bogota, your Mother of the Andes and of the Americas prays together with the blessed and devotees so that essential peace may be established in the whole of the Americas, with the goal that My Immaculate and Pure Heart may triumph.

Today I bless all the missionaries of peace who, from the city of Boa Vista in Brazil, will give testimony of Christic charity and of mercy to all My beloved children of Venezuela.

I only hope that, through this test that My dear Venezuela undergoes, the Brazilian nation and her people may also awaken to service for the wounded Human Kingdom, so that once and for all they set aside indifference.

Let us pray and let us not get tired of doing so, because prayer will make you worthy and simple in the face of all Creation, just as I am simple and humble among you, because I love you and I never get tired of loving you.

I thank you for accompanying Me in both missions.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Tuesday, November 1 of 2016

Daily Messages

Peace, only peace, in this way, peace will be established between nations.

For this reason, My children, I visit nations to pour out My holy Peace over them, the Peace which flows out from My Heart and from My Soul, the one which I wish you to live through My Divine Consciousness.

Today I remind you of that divine Peace, because My children of Central America and of Mexico will seek It and will also proclaim It.

Feel peace and you will be instruments of peace in the world; this will bring the inner harmony that is needed so much by the entire world.

Today I observe your effort to always be in God, and this effort is recognized by My Immaculate Heart because through effort many souls, especially those who surround you in this moment, are touched by My spiritual Grace and by My Maternal Love.

Dear children, when you touch the ground of each nation, remember to confirm My Peace, because in this way I will be able to leave My Maternal Light in each soul.

I am happy and I pray for this pilgrimage, which has already started to work in the inner and spiritual planes; this greatly helps the consciousness of the nations, especially the nations that I will visit.

Dear children, once again I leave you My Peace so that you may live It.

Onward, My little ones!

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who accompanies you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
