It is when a soul works for Me from the heart and without obligation that it achieves extremely high degrees of love through their service.
It is in this way that the soul, through the service that it is selflessly giving, is freed from the errors and the faults that for some reason it may have committed.
Serving souls are the first that achieve spiritual happiness, and they not only cease to feel the lack of love in another, but are fully filled by the Love of God.
Thus, when you feel that you are not well or that you inwardly lack something, place yourself in service with all the strength of your heart; in this way, your being will expand in proportion to the love that you have given in each new service.
On the other hand, the soul that is most needy or always complains, this is because they have yet to give of themselves and surrender so as to feel free of themselves.
The key of these times is the giving of self.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Today happiness is lost in the world because of the lack of peace and love among beings.
Therefore, as part of the emanation of God, as the Feminine aspect of God, represented in the Mother of the World, I come to give to humanity the divine and cosmic Love that it so needs.
And I ask you not to fear, not to doubt nor to spiritually fail, My children. This is the time of adversity, the great moment of the planetary Armageddon, in which everything will be defined.
It is also the moment when My Son approaches the world, each time more, to be able to place it upon the Path of God.
Therefore, I am here today, My children, so that you may listen to My voice and so that you may announce My message to the world.
Today, may this Meeting of Music that will be offered elevate the consciousness of the planet, the consciousness of humanity, but may it also bring the spiritual healing that nations need to attain peace and reconciliation among peoples.
Do not cease to aspire to attain the Sacred Merits of God. These Merits will make you worthy before His Presence.
Therefore, My children, offer each moment of today as if it were the last one, so that God may listen to the voice of His children that rises through singing and instruments.
May this elevation, which will be built from you, as a bridge of light toward the Universe, transmute the corrosive and retrograde energies so that the most lost essences, which are in darkness, may be rescued by Me.
As up until now, I count on the adherence of each one of My children; because elevated music and the music that brings consciousness to souls will always transform everything, although it may seem impossible.
When souls group together and gather in the name of God, to sing to Him and praise Him, the extraordinary and inexplicable Graces of the Universe can descend so that all creatures, regardless of whether or not they are in the good, may receive the help they need to awaken.
Today I come as the Mother of the Sun, as the Governess of the Universe, to tell you, My children, that the Universe will again open to hear your melodies and vibrations that you will offer in the name of My Son and for peace.
I bring you the true joy of being able to live in God and to find Him in each moment of your lives knowing that, beyond what you live, what you experience or the pain that you suffer, God will always be attentive to help you, because He is infinite in Mercy.
Hold on to and affirm yourselves upon the powerful Kingdom of God, which is within each one of you; and in the giving of self, in service, in singing and in prayer, you will be able to be in contact with the Supreme Father and in communion with His Spirit.
In these acute moments of humanity, may the Prayers for the Nations of South America keep being offered daily.
On this special day, in which Heaven will commune with the voices that will emerge from the Earth, and the Earth and its inhabitants will commune with the Universe, I wish for a weekly prayer for South America to be offered, which would include all nations, all peoples, all situations and acute moments that it is going through, to reaffirm the re-consecration of South America to the Mother of God, to the Immaculate and eternal Heart of Mary, before the sacred face of the Lady of Guadalupe, Mother of the Americas, Mother of all peoples and of all cultures, so that the flame of faith may ignite in hearts and so that this flame may attract peace to societies, to governments and to peoples.
We know, My children, that the world will come to know, in this time, the reality that was always hidden. And humanity will not be able to transgress the laws nor omit them, nor from all this take advantage and benefits, because if there is no justice and equality, there will be no peace.
The conflicts in nations are crises to mature, reflect and change. May My children no longer hurt one another. May transgressions or violences no longer exist in peoples and in societies.
This is a time of rebellion, but it is also a time of Mercy.
Raise your voices to the Heights, may the Father feel the love of His children within His Heart tonight so that the whole planet and its humanity may receive His Mercy, and Peace may be granted to the world, especially to South America.
I thank you for everything that you will offer, because it is very important for your Heavenly Mother.
And those who still do not feel motivated to take a step toward service for the Plan of Love, let them do it, because they will lose nothing, but they will rather receive the treasures of Heaven, which are incalculable and infinite.
Support this work of Music for the Healing of humanity. May souls volunteer, may hearts congregate, because prayer and elevated music is what will heal and cure humanity.
I bless you, My children, and I wish you a good gala of offering to the Creator Father.
May this be a night when the stars of the cosmos will shine in the inner firmament of each being.
So be it.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
God never underrates any effort; on the contrary, God recognizes in the depths of each being that there truly is a sincere intention of being always close to Him.
Thus, the Father welcomes all the aspirations of His children, no matter what they are, and regardless of how imperfect they may be, just as souls upon Earth are, God greatly considers the value of the love that each child places in their aspirations.
In this way, so that the children of God may be assisted in accomplishing their inner aspirations, the Father allows them to know His Will, which is like a bridge that will lead them into fulfilling His most ardent desires of seeing His children on the path of good and of spiritual happiness.
For this reason, companions, you must not become depressed nor discouraged because, in spite of the purification of these times, God never forgets, just like you, that you are souls trying to achieve the path of perfection.
Yet, in order to experience this path of perfection it will be necessary to detach from old and ancient structures and ways of life that will not let you achieve the Christic life.
That is why in some cases it is more wearing; but trust, for I am here to help you. Just trust.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
My Heart is a Temple and a refuge of Love and Light for whoever accepts it as a perfect receptacle of God.
My Heart is a witness to the Creator Love of the Father and of all that He thought of to carry forward the project of the happiness of His children.
This is why My Heart offers Itself to the world as He offered Himself on the Cross, for each one, so that each being might have the Grace of inner rehabilitation and of redemption.
Here is My Heart which, even though being offended and hurt by the world, gives Itself, again and again, out of Love and Mercy so that planetary redemption may be established.
Stay in My Heart and nothing will remove you from It, because My Heart is the temple for the elevation of your consciousness, and is the consolation for your moments of purification.
I give you My Heart as the door of salvation and as a support in times of tribulation.
In My Heart, you will always find God.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
And someday, you will come to Heaven to be with Me, and you will tell Me how your experience of love and forgiveness on Earth went.
You will tell Me, step by step, what you have lived for My cause, and I will bless you again in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Thus, your wounds will be healed and you will no longer remember anything about suffering. You will enter through the main door of the Kingdom of the Heavens to unite with and join the blessed.
There, face to face, you will find those you have truly loved, and those you once loved will approach you to give you the warmth of their fraternal embrace.
You will feel unknown happiness within your spirit and you will no longer remember the struggles you once lived to be able to overcome yourselves. You will only have the memory of the true affection you once felt from those you loved wholeheartedly and with all your strength.
You will be placed in the Fount of Purification so that your head, hands and feet may be washed, and thus, right after, you will enter the House of the Heavenly Father alone, you will come to know His Seven great Golden Portals and, before you, the majestic humility of His Kingdom will be revealed.
Therefore, I tell you that it is worthwhile to continue sacrificing yourselves for Me because, after this whole story of life, which you are going through at this moment, you will find the powerful joy of having lived in God and for God.
You will help to recreate Creation with your example of renunciation and redemption, and in your spirit, you will build the result of a long trajectory of love and service for humanity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
The peace of the heart is something that should never be missing; for without it, which is sublime and profound, life becomes unpredictable and vulnerable.
That inner peace is what you must conquer every day and deeply long for through actions, thoughts and good deeds.
The majority of souls suffer from the absence of peace within themselves and in their lives. In this way, My adversary easily disturbs them and leads them onto other paths, through experiences their hearts have had throughout time.
But with My Heart, dear children, you have had the Supreme Grace of being able to experience that inner state in which everything seems perfect.
Sometimes, the confrontations and tests, which happen day after day and which are stimulated by the art of My enemy, cause this peace, which many consciousnesses had already conquered, to be lost.
On this day, with all this peace which exists in the universe, I descend to bring your consciousnesses the possibility of finding that path again which sometimes, for various reasons, you lose sight of.
Peace is a permanent state of inner contact, and through it, many situations are clarified or dissolved.
In this time, that state of peace is unpredictable, not only for the consciousness experiencing it, but also for the planet.
Peace is not a state of illusion or of happiness; peace is a spiritual expansion of the Wisdom of God in His creatures.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who leads you on the path of peace,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
With maternal love today I pour the comforting warmth of My Immaculate Heart so that, renewed by the most pure principle of My Divine Conception, all your lives may someday reach the reflection of My consecration.
But the hour of your surrender has already arrived. Go without delay and prostrate yourselves at the feet of the Cross. My Son, that continues to be martyred, will give you the power of His inner fortress, so that in the end of times you may risk living the sacred apostolate of love.
Without love, the redemption of humanity will not be possible. Reevaluate in your consciousnesses the path you have chosen to live, near My Heart or far from It and distant from the accomplishment of My requests.
With the bravery and the inner strength that the prayer of the heart gives you, encourage yourselves to remove from your lives the gratification by means of good living or comfort. It is comfort and the sophisticated life that has brought the whole world to move away from the source of love and charity.
For this, children, serve without delay, God will not abandon you. The hour of your purification has come, do not fear being that which you have never been; be bearers of My Immaculate Spirit and in this way you will help Me to accomplish the sacred designs of the Creator.
While the world is convinced of that which it lives and that which material life offers to the poor sinful souls, I call you to seek inner happiness in sacrifice and in the absolute surrender to My Beloved Son Jesus.
If anyone answered to My humble requests, it would be the evident proof to God that this original project is worth for all Creation.
Do not deceive yourselves with your illusions, set your eyes in the Passion of the Lord and you will be safe from false offers, from living your own realization distant from the Will of the Most High.
You were born to love. You live to forgive. You work to serve permanently.
I thank you for answering to My call!
Who loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My Sacred Heart is present in all of the souls, only that in some lives My Heart is more felt and loved, mainly by those who pray with faith to My Divine Mercy.
But in those hearts that I visit I find emptiness, pain and disquietude from the lack of prayer and of special attention to My Most Sacred Heart.
I want to conduct all towards My Kingdom where exists the peace and joy of being eternally in God. In this time the souls will define by themselves, if they want to be near Me or if want to be far from Me. God has given them the freedom to decide so that none of them may feel imprisoned in their own life.
Now has come the moment that all of the souls that I summon come to know the transfiguring power of My Divine Mercy. The moment has come to unite oneself to My Source and to not losing the path towards the transformation of the heart and of the inner life.
My Path indicates only one way, that which will lead you towards a spiritual goal: towards the Kingdom of God. Pray for the souls that in these times are imprisoned by themselves by the realities of the world because after all My Light and My Love will prevail in the hearts.
Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for feeling My words in the heart!
Christ Jesus.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more