In this time of definition, children, all beings, in different degrees, are being obliged to confront within themselves both human will and Divine Will, the old and the new human.

Within the human will are held all the beliefs about life, about yourselves, about God and His Plan, about your personal mission and how to move it forward, about knowledge, wisdom, truth and ignorance.

Within Divine Will, something profoundly unknown and silent is held, that with its simple approach, knocks down walls and structures, transforms, modifies and renews that which was out of place within beings.

But holding on to what is unknown is not easy to do. Allowing for the transformation of one's most formed and oldest convictions in the consciousness, in order to walk toward something that is unknown, where the human consciousness does not have roots but only spirit, is the great challenge of these times.

And how can this be carried out?

There will be no other way of going through this moment, children, except by praying, yielding more deeply each day and opening yourselves to a more true relationship with God so that, in this way, you may recognize Him, even in the invisible, even in the silence, so that you may know how to distinguish His Will, beyond the shouts of human wills.

During this time of the planet, you will only be sustained by a real relationship between God and humankind. It is about the experience of the Covenant already realized by Christ that must now be experienced by the beings. But in your relationship with God, there is no past, there is no human condition, flesh does not prevail, but only spirit.

To go through the doorway toward the Meeting, you will have to defeat shame, beliefs, convictions, personal plans, wills, conditions, fears and desires, goals and aspirations. It is in the void where you will find the answer and the correct vestments for going through the narrow doorway, where only spirit and love fit.

Pray to understand what I tell you. Become silent so that, in communion with silence, you may know how to listen to the Voice of the One who, even having manifested the Word, speaks through silence.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Whoever fears the transition of times, in reality, fears himself and humanity. He fears because he does not know what is inside of him and inside of all men and women in the world.

In reality, the Apocalypse, children, is a consequence of the choices of each being, of the path that each one has decided to follow. The Apocalypse, although experienced throughout the whole world, will be supported and sustained according to the inner world of each one.

Understand, then, that you should not fear the times, the movement of nature or descending the Laws, but rather, children, you need to get to know yourselves, transform yourselves, adhere to the Plan of God and let yourselves be healed; you must surrender and not resist before the Love of the Father, allow your consciousnesses to mature, according to the divine principles.

Deepen into the spiritual synthesis that, as humanity, you must experience; let the wisdom of ancient times unite to the love that you can reach today, and make this a new step towards a new stage for your consciousness. 

Seek transformation in small things, in the love for your neighbor, in understanding, in patience, in non-judgment, in compassion, in abnegated service, because it is in the day to day life where you will transform your heart.

Embrace the opportunities that God gives you to serve and to love, because it is through them that you will shape your beings according to the Divine Will. Be attentive with yourselves and with everything, and pray with your heart, with consciousness, with spirit and truth.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


Gladden your hearts and glorify God, Who never forsakes His children and never ceases to pour out His graces over those who, with faith, serve Him, and in trust, respond to His call.

Today I come to the world for each one of you, servants of God, who every day, with effort, try to go deeper into your own surrender and transformation.

I come for those who feel alone, inwardly forsaken sometimes, because they feel they never reach the place where God needs them to be. I come to tell you that, indeed, you are on the correct path and must not fear not reciprocating with God, because what the Father needs from you is your perseverance and not perfection.

I come so that you never stop learning to love, because the simple effort of living love is already enough for you to cross the threshold between the old and the new man.

Remember, children, that you are in a time of transition, in which you are stepping out of what you were but have not yet achieved what you should be. You are the tip of the spear of a new life, which perhaps will be fully lived by others.

Today I simply ask you for your constant effort to love and to live these times in unity with your brothers and sisters, and each time you feel disunity knocking at your door, know how to say "no" so that you may remain in love and in unity.

I want to help you take a new step toward the Heart of God and for this reason, I am here.

Receive My presence as a response of the Heart of God Who, placing His Grace within your spirits, simply tells you: "Persevere! And try to love every day."

Love His Plan, love His Purpose and love His Will for each one of your brothers and sisters. Love the existence of each human being, of each Kingdom of Nature, because all beings that live on Earth are here because, being fully loved by the Father, they have received, from Him, an opportunity to imitate His Love.

With these words, I bless you and I thank you for trying every day to take a step toward the Heart of God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


After the daily Message, Saint Joseph added:

I also come today to make a request: the Group Effort of Saint Joseph, at the Marian Center of Figueira.*

Just as this practice of unity with My Chaste Heart has brought results at the Marian Center of Aurora, it will also do so here, in which is My home.

So that hearts may be strengthened in unity with one another, and so that this very unity may make you strong in the face of the situation of chaos that the world is experiencing, I ask you to carry out this Group Effort, in which I will always be present.

As from now, on the days in which you pray to receive Me, you will experience a moment of service and of community among you, to then commune with God.

I ask you for this because the Communities of Light must become a bridge of salvation and of healing for the human consciousness and this only happens when beings learn to be united, and thus, learn to be fraternal and create a connection of love with one another, and thus, with God.

During this first period the Group Effort will be weekly, and when My channels  are not here, it must be done bi-monthly.

You will see, children, how in a short time, unity will dissolve the conflicts, and being closer to each other, you will be closer to God.

I bless you and I thank you for fulfilling this request of Mine for unity and fraternity among the servants of God.

Your Father and Friend,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


*The Marian Center of Figueira is located in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil.


Apocalypse: Time of adaptation

Dear children,

In the Heart of the Celestial Father, from the beginning the last days of the planet were written, when everything would be permitted so that humanity might take the leap into the transcendence of planetary consciousness and life.

It is in this hour that the Universe prepares to move through this moment, together with humanity.

The Apocalypse spiritually signifies the change of one cycle into another through timely events that will give humanity the opportunity of completely changing the primitive state of its consciousness.

For this Jesus arrived in old times, with the purpose of not only liberating humanity from its mistakes, but also with the spiritual goal of preparing it consciously for His awaited return.

After more than two thousand years of terrestrial history in which humanity lived and experienced indifference and human evil, this moment of Apocalypse approaches at a universal and cosmic level in order to be able to correct and align what humanity on its own has not been able to live nor correct.

Thus, in the consciousness of human beings, the term “Apocalypse” was instilled as a mistaken expression and information, taught by the great religions of this world as the “end of the world” or the “end of the Earth”.

Thus, this term “Apocalypse” has not yet been lived or understood by the greater part of humanity as the most important moment for the planet; a moment when the true Universal Laws can be known and applied to correct what is twisted in human beings.

The Apocalypse exists in this moment in humanity and in the entire planet, for their not having complied with or lived the basic laws of the commandments, when many more than two thousand years ago there was an attempt made, through Moses, of teaching the primitive human consciousness how it should live in God and within universal laws, with the aim of remaining as a race within the Divine and Cosmic Purpose.

Thus once Moses had delivered the revelations of the rules contained in the commandments, the human race, after the events lived by the first population of Adams and Eves, totally deviated from its purpose of being in God, in His Primordial Source of Love and Unity.

Before humanity got completely lost due to its actions and behavior, the Eternal Father sent His First-Born Son with the goal of spiritually breaking the chain of the primitive DNA so that the evolutionary Christic code might awaken through the highest expressions of love that Jesus achieved.

Even after Jesus suffered and underwent all the martyrdom and sins of humanity through His Passion and His Death, with the mission of removing the human spirit from the abyss of consciousness, the race continued to make mistakes more serious that led, over time, to where the very elements of the planet, which were also transgressed, began to mobilize and to make themselves felt through different climatic and physical effects.

The consciousness of the planet, which is a living and active being, is at the point of its greatest suffering as it is subjected to being permanently violated by humanity.

This transgression, that has become more than centenary, has caused the very Laws that rule the planet, natural and telluric Laws, to begin to activate at this time in a precipitated way, on finding on its surface a noxious effect coming from surface humanity.

This activity of the Laws of the Earth, which are part of the Apocalypse and of the change of times, will activate, as in the case of Central America, with the purpose of correcting humanity and of placing it at a different point, more aware and less destructive.

It is in this way that Apocalypse prepares humanity so that in a future time, it may incarnate true love and true unity with the Laws of the Universe.

While humankind continues to exploit the planet for its own and malefic benefit, in many parts of the world incredible things will happen.

Therefore, while the Apocalypse calls humanity to repentance and not to indifference, the time has come for humanity to take a step toward the right path, because if this were done with love and forgiveness, a great many human consciousnesses would be relieved of the current planetary process.

The fundamental tool that will help to keep things in their proper universal and planetary order will be the constructive verb of prayer, a powerful energy from the Divine Creative Source that will help to balance all that will try to physically move on this beloved planet.

The Apocalypse is the moment in which the planet, as a mother consciousness, after having suffered so much, will be at the point of its great labor; this birth of the new human and the new terrestrial consciousness will lead things into a purification and to experience great changes that just promise to improve and to expand the evolution of humanity, so that it may no longer be primitive and becomes evolved.

While this race does not accept the time and the moment of the Apocalypse that it is living, the return of Christ will be delayed, because the Primordial Source, the Living God in His Infinite Grace, will wait for souls to define themselves and to cease living superficially.

Getting out of this point of ignorance and indifference, the entire planet could shift into a different scale.

The Apocalypse is a moment when everything will be seen and recognized by humankind. Nothing will remain hidden; the Apocalypse is the opportunity for self-transcendence so as to reach the perfect union with love and peace.

These are the times that the planet and the human race will be facing. Prayer will always place you, in spite of everything, in the safe place that is the sacred enclosure of the Supreme Heart of God.

I thank all Mexico for having received Me.

Who loves you and guides you in Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
