More than five-hundred years ago, your Heavenly Mother, the Guadalupan, descended upon the Tepeyac Hill.
Today, after more than five hundred years, after the Apparitions of the Dear Virgin of Guadalupe in Mexico, your Blessed Mother descends upon the Arequita Hill, to again open the great Spiritual Portal, the great cosmic opportunity for the definitive redemption of Uruguay.
For this reason, today is an important day of celebration in Heaven, because not only the devout believers of the Guadalupan offer their prayers and care to the Ever-Virgin of the Americas, but for Heaven this is also a reason to be in jubilee, that Uruguay, as a country predestined to the reappearance of Christ, has found a sure path where the return to God lies, so that the faith and devotion of the Uruguayan people may mature.
Just as the Guadalupan was on top of the Tepeyac Hill, in the company of Saint Juan Diego and of all his original people, in the same way, today, your Heavenly Mother is crowned and loved by the descendants of the Charrua Indigenous consciousness. Your Heavenly Mother, on this day, returns the sacred values to the soul of Uruguay, those which the Charrua Indigenous ancestors lived, with so much reverence, simplicity and faith.
It is so, that the Mother of the Americas, the Dear Virgin of Guadalupe, again unites that which was, up until now, separated in the spiritual plane of consciousness of the Uruguayans, so that, within this last chance, the people of Uruguay may have the opportunity to again reintegrate the path of the purpose that it must fulfill as a country.
Therefore, this is an important day of celebration in Heaven, not only because the children of God remember the Dear Virgin of Guadalupe, but also because the Mother of God grants a spiritual reprieve to a nation that was considered as lost.
On this day of Vigil, may each heart declare an act of gratitude for the nations to continue fulfilling that which each people will have to express and concretize within the Plan of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Mexican Rose...
Behold the Mexican Rose, the Rose that emanates fragrances of peace and of confraternity.
Behold the Mexican Rose, the Lady of the Peoples Who appeared on the heights of Mount Tepeyac.
Behold the Mexican Rose, Who brought the message of union and of respect among the simple and the conquerors.
Behold the Mexican Rose, the Woman from two races with the features of a sacred and ancient culture.
Behold the Mexican Rose, the Mother of the Sun and of all the Universe, the Lady Who, lit up like the Sun, envelops all luminaries and stars.
Behold the Mexican Rose, the Virgin Who mandated Her Church to draw the Kingdom of God to all races.
Behold the Mexican Rose, the Mirror of Justice and the untiring and incomparable Servant at the service of Her children of humanity.
Behold the Mexican Rose, Who is Advocate and Mother, the mediator and intercessor for impossible cases.
Behold the Mexican Rose, the Guadalupan, the Lady Who descended to Tepeyac to announce a time of peace and of reconciliation among peoples and cultures.
Behold the Mexican Rose, the Virgin Who reveals cosmic vision, the Lady Who brings the life and the existence of the Universe by means of Her Mantle of Light.
Behold the Virgin of Guadalupe, the Mother Who defends the humble peoples, the Servant of the slaves and the condemned, the Mother Who frees those, who became prisoners in spirit, from their chains.
Behold the Mexican Rose, the Lady Who brings the splendor of Heaven reflected in the apron of Juan Diego as a universal message, an impulse that awakens an interest in the revelation of the divine mystery throughout the times.
Behold the Mexican Rose, the Lady Who is beyond any philosophy and science, the Mother Who expresses love for all of Her children, beyond their race, culture, or condition.
Behold the Mexican Rose, the Mother Who today is honored and loved by all of the Mexican people and the world, by all the children of the Earth that recognize Her filiation with the Heights.
Behold the Mexican Rose, the Mother Who shines like a Sun of love in each devoted heart.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I come to meet with a planet that suffers its own purification.
I come from the heights of Tepeyac mountain to unite what is separate in the human consciousness and within the heart of all My children.
I come this evening, dear children, to strengthen your hope, to fill you with My Light and give you My Peace, which is the Peace of the Kingdom of God.
I come here to calm the planet and this region of humanity which has still not consciously awakened to My call.
In any case, as your Mother of Guadalupe, I come to Mexico so that, through My children present here, any disruption can be stopped, all chaos can disappear from those who are experiencing it at this moment.
I pray above all the events of the planet, where God, your Celestial Father, is waiting for you with open arms so that you may receive His Heart and all the Fount of His Love.
Today I come on this evening of Vigil, dear children, to adore My Son and pray with you for all that Central America is suffering. God does not desire that, but humanity still does not listen to Him, it is more blind every day because of superficial things, because of the things of material life.
I would like many more like you to live in My maternal Heart, to be taken into My arms so that I could strengthen their faith and union with the Celestial Father.
I know that many do not yet accept Me, nor do they seek Me.
As Universal Mother and Mother of the New Humanity, I come to prepare your essences, dear children, for future events, for everything that approaches, so that from your hearts, a source of neutrality and the impulse to pray more each day may emerge for the balance of the planet and all the continents, as well as for all races.
We are, dear children, in the end times. That time is at the doorway of your lives. I invite you to accept it so that you may grow in spirit and in love, and you not lose each lesson God sends you in order that you may be a fraternal humanity and cease to be an indifferent humanity.
Through your hearts and your voices, today the doors of Heaven open here, especially so that your Mother of Guadalupe is able to come here, not only to bless you, but to pray with you on the inner planes for all those that suffer at this moment.
Offer God your sacrifices so that peace may remain in humanity, mainly in those places that experience the events of the end of times.
Today I give you the star of My Heart so that you may illuminate your paths and the paths of all your brothers and sisters of the world, of all the races and of all the peoples that must awaken to a single fellowship, a single humanity which will prepare, together with the Sacred Hearts, to be born again in a Promised Land that is not far away.
Thus it is, dear children, that today I come especially to thank you, because your hearts became as roses of light over My holy and humble hands. I will be able to take these offerings of your spirits to the Thrones of the Celestial Father so that He, in His Glory and His Grace, may open the doors of Grace even further; and souls that have not yet received this potent divine energy, who are still not deserving of it, may receive what God has hoped for a long time to pour out upon a sick humanity.
I come to remove you, as representatives of the Mexican nation, from this captivity of suffering which began from the moment of the colonization.
Today your hearts have accepted your reconciliation in Christ and that intimate communion with the Holy Spirit is established so that peace may reign not only in your hearts, but also in the world which so needs it.
Dear children, today I extend My arms to you so you may take hold of My hands and feel My faith and My strength. A Mother Who cares for you and loves you only wishes the world to be happy, that it be a victory of Jesus Christ, that it not suffer, that it not have to endure, that it not be disturbed, that it not suffer the end of this planetary transition.
Dear children, today I also give you My Rosary of Light, the Rosary that was prayed by all of you throughout time, in all the Apparitions in which I have announced My Message to the world so that it never sleeps, but rather so that it always awakens, awakens to the Light of God, awakens to the Love of the Father, which is forgotten by the majority of humankind. It is this lack of Love in the hearts of the world which makes the planet be shaken, move, try and have humanity understand that something has to be changed soon, before My beloved Son comes to the world.
I want to find you and all your brothers and sisters on the path awake and vigilant at this great moment.
The planet is going through its great birthing so that a New Humanity may be born which will no longer be materialistic, will not be indifferent, will not damage the Kingdoms of Nature, but rather will live united with the Spirit of God and with everything He created so that you could eternally glorify Him.
With love and profound gratitude, receive My Words of Light which sow codes in the new souls healed by Christ.
I suffer with Central America all that it faces today. For this reason, I have been through there before to be able to support souls in their spiritual and higher life; so that you do not lose, through the works of My enemy, the seeds of the good and the love I sowed in each of you.
Invoke My protective Mantle over all of Central America and Mexico, for I love these millennial souls that many times met with Me to receive My Love and My Peace, to allow those attributes to sprout again in this humanity, which must only redeem itself to be happy for all eternity.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Some centuries ago, I appeared in this nation to a small man, a beloved son of Mine, because at that moment, children, humanity ran the risk of losing its affiliation with God through a lack of love in the human heart.
I came to avoid the separation between human beings with each other and with God. I came to have you understand the unity which exists between all creatures, between the peoples and between all the races; so that this unity should awaken in the human heart, a true reconciliation with the Creator.
That son of Mine, to whom I appeared, trusted in My Message and disseminated it to the world, allowing you to glorify Me, glorify My Son today, and live in His faith and His devotion.
Today, My children, I appear again in this nation because once again, humanity is running the risk of losing its affiliation with God. Humankind still aspires to separate the races, the peoples and the nations; humankind still aspires to build walls, not only in the world, but also in the heart and in the consciousness.
For this reason, today, I come here, because I trust in the devotion and the faith of your spirits. I come to imprint My Divine Presence on your countenances, on your breasts, in your consciousnesses so that, without fear or apprehension, you announce My Presence in this world and allow more souls in the coming time to recover their faith, their devotion, glorify My Heart and My Son, so as to truly become reconciled with God, and do not allow the human heart, My children, to become separate from the Creator.
It is time to unite hearts, to unite consciousness with God. And today, in you I find, as I found in My son Juan Diego, the devotion I need so that My call expands through the world, beyond the nations.
Let many more hear Me and adhere to My call, because it is necessary, My children, that peace be established within and outside of humankind.
I come to strengthen you so that you may proclaim, in the time that will come, your love for the Heart of God, far beyond any event, far beyond any adversity, because humanity will be purified, and I will no longer be able to stop it. However, if I can strengthen your spirits, children, so that you remain standing, so that you rebuild this world and souls, so that the Kingdom of God is established on a soil where peace, unity and love among consciousness and the Kingdoms of Nature was sown.
I come so you may understand, children, that the Justice of God is already descending to the world, although the portals of His Divine Mercy can also remain open if you only cry out from your heart.
I need you awake, aware that you can change the events of this world if you pray with Me, if you pray fervently. Thus, today I offer My rosary into your hands so that with Me, you may turn the beads of the redemption of this world.
No longer pray, My children, in any way, only speaking some words with your mouth; you have now learned how to pray, you now know the power of prayer. Thus, each day, take up your rosaries and unite them with Mine; feel that I pray with you, and with Me pronounce the decree of the liberation of this world.
Pray together with My Son and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, so that unity may be established in the human heart, among you and with God. Pray so that humanity may understand the role of each Kingdom of Nature and has no need of suffering through the actions of these Kingdoms, because of not having understood that it must live in communion with the Earth.
This Sacred Consciousness, My children, hopes that you are able to unite with It through each of Its Kingdoms so that, in this way, you commune of Creation and establish love and redemption in your spirits.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Dear children, in the Guadalupian Mantle is all the Creation of God.
When you do not know how to find the path, venerate and observe My holy Aspect, and through My Heart, the Heart of Guadalupe, you will enter God and His infinite Kingdom.
I ask, dear children, that you no longer suffer, that you no longer continue to suffer.
I am here, I am your Mother of Guadalupe, and I am always with you when you pray with Me, when you invoke My celestial Presence, when you simply seek My Immaculate Heart, which is a refuge for all souls in the end of these times.
Just as you love My Light, you will love the Light of God. Do not love My Light, dear children, love the Light of God through My Heart, because the Light of God is present and descends over your consciousnesses.
I would like you to once again make this offering which you lovingly gave Me today. But now, while you sing, think that you will love the Light of God through My Heart, which is pure and immaculate; and in you, this is possible.
I want to tell My little son Iván of Mexico, before saying goodbye to you this evening, that I am imprinted in his small heart and that he believes this to be possible, for in this way, I will always be present; nothing is separate between Me and My children. Between My children and God, nothing is separate.
I thank you for listening to Me, for contemplating Me, for adoring God and for asking for your brothers and sisters of Central America. Let us continue in prayer, humanity needs it.
I thank you for responding to My call, and I am listening to you.
Dear and beloved children of Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean and the United States:
In the name of Peace, today Our Sacred Hearts descend, opening the door of the hearts that were once closed to Our pure Love.
That is how, dear children, your Celestial Mother, Guadalupana, presents Herself again here in Mexico, to remind you of your spiritual filiation with God, and, especially, with all the redemptive Work of My Son.
Today, I wish that your hearts may shine before My maternal Light, which guides you in silence, every day, towards the Purpose of God.
This is why, finally, My children, I am among you to bring to this nation the light of My Grace and My Love.
Dear children, today your Celestial Mother descended from Tepeyac, to bring to humanity the reminder that it must reincarnate the purity of heart so that the "powerful" nations of the world do not provoke the Wrath of God.
Wanting to bring Peace to the world, I invite you, My beloved children, to persevere in Christ, in this way you will collaborate so that nothing becomes lost, not even the nations that compromise themselves every day with the forces of evil and chaos.
But before the time of the great purification is fulfilled, we come to open the doors of your hearts so that many more souls may enter the mystery of the Love of God through purity, service and charity, for the suffering planet.
Dear children, your Celestial Mother approaches your human reality so that you, in faith, may again find the purity that you experienced in other times, and radiated to the Kingdoms of Nature and to the whole universe.
This is how, My children, through experiencing your original purity, the Eternal Father and all His angels will have permission for many things, which are already lost in the abysses of humanity and of the consciousness, to be rescued.
I again come to Mexico to consecrate it once more to My maternal Immaculate Heart, for, in this way, I will be able to reach, through your hearts, the most chaotic situations that this beloved planet experiences.
Today, I bring you an impulse to the consciousness, for you to accept the Call of God that resonates for this final time throughout all of humanity.
Beyond yourselves, spread the holy Word of the Hierarchy, for those most asleep and distracted, to be touched by My maternal Love.
I thank you for being the proclaimers of the Message from Heaven.
I thank you, children of Mexico, because you opened your arms to receive us in simplicity and love.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who loves you eternally,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The return of the Guadalupan to Central America and Mexico
At the feet of the Tepeyac, Your Heavenly Mother prepares Her task with all the souls and hearts that will receive from Me the essence of love and redemption.
It is the return of the Guadalupan…
Through the help and collaboration of all, your Mother of Heaven will descend to the Mexican lands and to Central America, where the history of My presence and of the liberation of the indigenous peoples and of all the slaves was recorded.
It is the return of the Guadalupan…
At this moment, dear children, accompany Your Holy Mother in this pilgrimage, so that, for the second time in the history of humanity, I may stamp My Holy Liberating and Redeeming Face of Guadalupe on the precious souls of My children of Central America and Mexico.
It is the return of the Guadalupan…
Because of this, with rejoicing and joy, you, My children of Central America and of the world, will open the doors of your hearts and of your nations so that Your Mother of Guadalupe may enter and carry out the sacred mission of preparing the consciousnesses for the return of My Beloved Son.
It is the return of the Guadalupan…
With the voice and the chant of the holy angels, the Governess of the Americas, the Holy Mother of God, rejoices because She will be able to meet Her children of Central America again, to pour on them Her Graces and to deliver to them the blessed Spirit of My Peace.
It is the return of the Guadalupan…
I will go to Central America to heal old wounds, past histories of pain and suffering; at last I will be able to make My dear children be born again; I will be able to remove them from the illusion of the world and I will open for them the eyes of the soul and the consciousness, so that all can see and feel Me.
It is the return of the Guadalupan…
Opening your hearts to receive Me, listen to the voice of the Mother of the Americas, a voice that summons you to the consecration of your peoples and of your nations, so that peace may reign and thus the error and the outrages to the little hearts may end.
It is the return of the Guadalupan…
During the month of October, I will place My crown of twelve stars over Central America and Mexico and I will pour My twelve universal attributes, so that souls may receive the codes of rehabilitation and conversion.
It will be during the month of October that Your Heavenly Mother will cease the spiritual and material war and, together with the Face of the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary of Fatima, we will enter in prayer so that those lost and the imprisoned may attain liberation.
It is the return of the Guadalupan…
You will see the flags of all nations of the Americas wave.
They will be put at the feet of Your Heavenly Mother, as the symbol of the surrender of the peoples before My Immaculate Heart and as the union between cultures through the Love of God.
It is the return of the Guadalupan…
Happy are those who recognize Me as the Holy Woman of Nazareth, thus I will bring to all the awareness of the importance of the triumph of the Plan of God for these times and of the awakening of hearts to My last call.
You will see My Work fulfilled no matter what, because My Immacultate Spirit will give inner strength for the servers to comply with My petitions.
It is the return of the Guadalupan…
Each culture will ask for forgiveness from one another, each nation will reconcile with each nation, if the hearts open in time to glimpse the Love of God, which will be filling them, because in Central America the door will be closed and souls will not get lost anymore, as they will have awareness not to do it and to convert themselves.
It is the return of the Guadalupan…
On this day, may all embrace the mission of Your Heavenly Mother and may hearts not forget to cooperate, to collaborate and to lovingly donate so that the Plan of Peace may be fulfilled. Thus, I teach the Church how to use its goods in the name of the Greater Plan and not in its own name, because souls wait for spiritual help.
May all be balanced. May all be just for the good and for the future of the New Humanity.
It is the return of the Guadalupan…
I thank you for accompanying and supporting Me in the Mission to Central America!
Who blesses you from the heart of the Tepeyac, Your Guadalupan,
Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
Colombia, as an Andean and indigenous nation, holds one of the most important original legacies of the primitive and wise peoples.
For Creation, the Andes as a whole represents the spiritual elevation of the consciousness of humanity.
All the original peoples who developed there managed to spiritually maintain a union with the Divinity of the Eternal Father.
When the peoples were decimated and enslaved by the white man, a great spiritual and inner wound remained in the last descendants.
This unforgettable wound, which expanded throughout all the Americas, from the peoples of North America, going through the Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas, left a pending debt to be resolved.
This is one of the many causes of what can be seen in this time, a consequence of what happened in other times.
It is this wound that your Mother of Grace wishes to heal and dissolve through the power of restorative love.
For this reason, Colombia is the cradle to be able to again awaken reverence and devotion for the principles of sacred and divine life.
In Bogota, your Heavenly Mother will try to open a celestial doorway of Mercy, and this will be possible especially because of the help of all the groups of prayer present there, during the days of the meetings with your Divine Mother.
For this reason, children, one of the just causes, for which all the groups of prayer of the Americas, especially of Central America and the Caribbean, pray for this Marian objective, is so that as from now, the Law of Divine Mercy may be established on this debt caused by Europe.
Thus, your Mother of Guadalupe will be the patroness of the mission in Colombia and the United States. I will return, as in Tepeyac, to call humanity to a profound reconciliation, for in this way, through forgiveness and communion with My Son Jesus, the Andes and Europe will close a cycle of suffering and cruelty generated in the primitive indigenous civilizations.
Dear children of Mine, for this reason, from now on I prepare you in consciousness, revealing the real story of humanity to you, for God hopes that the same errors will not be repeated.
For this, your Lady of Guadalupe will return to the heights of the mountains of the Americas, so that the Bird of the Sun may emit the voice of redemption and forgiveness.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and unites you with Christ,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children:
Do not fear for anything anymore! Because behind every circumstance or difficulty is found the supreme support of My Heart. See this time as a moment of sacrifice and of permanent effort to accomplish the Plan of God on Earth.
Despite the fact that the Marian soldiers are very few, on them falls the greater degree of service and responsibility; through these servers who are not indifferent, but helpful and abnegated, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
I want on this day to encourage you to continue on the path of faith and renunciation. In this way, My little ones, you will permit that the Lord of the Universe may accomplish His great works through His children, especially those who live the apostolate of Christ.
By means of constant prayer, nothing that is outside the light will disturb you. Know that My Mantle is over you daily, and that only I may permit that in this time of chaos your souls may know the judgment is being lived by the evil.
God wants to establish over Latin America the true devotion to My Immaculate Heart; if this gesture of love and devotion were exercised by all My children through the Holy Rosary, future social, political and family confrontations would be avoided.
Those who do not pray with heart and soul in this time, will not be able to stand the involutionary game that the enemy intends to create in the hearts, such as discord, lack of unity and, above all, the absence of love.
But humanity still does not want to recognize that the end of the times is happening and that the Woman Dressed of the Sun and crowned with the twelve stars of salvation is proclaiming to the world the last saving and redeeming call; a call that Christ will be accomplishing before the great judgment.
It is time, dear children for your eyes to see a little more beyond the normal life, because while some nations of the Americas open the doors to chaos and to the plans of the enemy, I beg of you: Pray! Pray! and only pray! Be mediators between the world and God, because over the course of this time I have already taught you how to open the Doors of Heaven through holy prayer.
If the Americas do not achieve a praying, fervent action, many families will suffer the subjugation of those who believe that they make good works. I want to say today, before anything, that I do not come to instill fear, but I come from Heaven having decided to rescue and save those who are submerged in the abysses and in the illusions of this world.
Pray, My dear devotees, so that vices and consumerism that deteriorate the souls of the Earth, may be liberated by the Mercy of Jesus.
It has already been some centuries since My Immaculate Heart descended in Mexico, over Mount Tepeyac, to announce through Saint Juan Diego, a time of peace and reconciliation between the indigenous civilization and the white civilization; this stopped the continuous slavery of good souls and permitted that this human slavery did not continue from generation to generation.
A long time ago the Holy Virgin of Guadalupe brought between Her hands the perfect revelation of union between the peoples and God.
Today, the Queen of Peace cries out so that Her children may awaken in consciousness to that which is happening in the whole world.
Dear children, whoever truly lives prayer will have the shield of My Mantle upon their being. Whoever lives the prayer of the heart in truth will be able to protect themselves and their families; God has given them an instrument of elevation that is much feared by the enemy.
For this today I say to you that it is already time to grow and to mature; I beg you to support Me, and that you dedicate to Me the help that I need from you, to go on pilgrimage throughout the countries of the Americas. Even though God granted the Faithful Servant the power of manifestation, Mother Mary today gives you the opportunity to dedicate a part of your lives to the Plan of God.
Now redemption of the world must be brought forward by the effort of all; My Son will not be crucified again by human cruelty because He will return victorious for the second time to pour His Mercy over the world.
Accept the offer and the call that I give you, forever and forever I will be eternally grateful to you!
Your Most Holy Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and Protector of hearts
At the end of the strong revelation that the Virgin Mary today announced to us through the message, She gave us the following prayer dedicated especially to the Indigenous Consciousness; for this day of December 12 of 2013, on which the date of the Apparitions of the Virgin of Guadalupe in Mexico is celebrated.
Saving Prayer to the Virgin of Guadalupe for the Indigenous Consciousness
Dear Mother of all the races,
Sacred Mirror of the Divine Justice,
Virginal Chalice that pours out
upon us the Most Precious
Redeeming Blood of Christ.
We now beg of You,
of mind, soul and heart,
Mother and Queen of Guadalupe:
unite that which is separated between our consciousnesses,
liberate the human condition with Your celestial rays.
O Holy Mother of the New Race!
open the Doors to the Sacred Heart of God for us
so that, in the times to come,
all of humanity may see the Promised Land
be born for the absolute good of all.
In Glory to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
My little children,
Flaming souls in the Creator, with joy for His Mercy, may Jesus be praised in all the hearts of My children of Paraguay.
Dear children, by the Grace of God the Most High, today I visit you with much Love to invite you again to proclaim the prayer of the heart. My children, I send My Maternal Blessings to the whole Guarani Nation and today, as the Mother of the Americas and as the Server of the Lord, I bring you My Maternal Peace and comfort to the afflicted.
Little children, as in Guadalupe with Juan Diego upon the Tepeyac(*), today again I place My crown of stars upon each one of My Guarani children. Dear children, My call in these times is a call to prayer, to the reparation of the life of people, of each one of the American cultures and of all humanity, and this will happen through your sincere prayer.
As the Mother of the One and Only and as Queen of Heaven, My children, today I call you to reaffirm, through prayer, your conversion to God, to the Almighty; this will allow your souls to commune with the presence of Christ the Redeemer.
Dear children, today I arrive in Paraguay to give you My Maternal Blessings and My Peace.
As the Mother of all souls, I supplicate you to pray for the salvation of all the peoples of the Americas so that, just as Juan Diego, they may regain humility, simplicity and the love for God.
My children, today from here, from the Celestial Universe together with Juan Diego, We thank you for responding to My requests. I hold a special fondness for all My children of Paraguay, because the ever Blessed Virgin Mary knows about your love for Her Immaculate Heart.
Dear children, pray, pray much so that God may hear you from the voice of your hearts. Pray for the Guarani communities, pray so that education and a dignified life may be expressed in each one of these children of Mine.
I adore you all with My Heart. Let us pray for the presence of peace in all of Paraguay.
I thank you!
To all the prayer groups in Paraguay, thank you for listening to My call.
In the Living Christ,
Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
(*) Hill near Mexico City, where in 1531 the Virgin appeared to the Indian Juan Diego.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more