Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Olmué Commune, Marga Marga, Valparaíso, Chile, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

In Chile I want to create new Light-Network groups that live a true commitment to the Heights, knowing that each new Light-Network member that is born must go through several stages so that their formation may bring about spiritual results in their lives, in their region, and especially in their country.

In this way, the integration of new Light-Network members, taught and trained based on the immediate need of supporting the nations and the world, will help Chile to begin to generate a new awareness that responds to the call of the Spiritual Hierarchy.

Thus, dear children, it will be necessary that first the new groups of prayer be formed so that afterward from them are born new Light-Network members, more committed to the Work.

For this to be possible, My children of the Light-Network of Brazil and of Argentina, as well as of Paraguay, who already have the necessary inner requirements for being fraternal with the Chilean nation, will be able to come to this country to begin to work from the deepest plane to the most conscious plane in order that the consciousnesses that will awaken here may be able to finally live the Plan of God.

It will be an arduous task, needing commitment and sacrifice. I need new Light-Network members so that the Hierarchy can carry out the plans of love that Chile as a nation and as a people must live.

It will be necessary to integrate, invite and motivate the Light-Network groups already formed in Chile, within their capabilities, to be able to work more firmly in this Plan of redemption, and, above all, for moving the consciousness of Chile away from tepidness and inertia.

For this reason, as a Mother, I will assemble truly responsible members of the Grace Mercy Order, as well as members of the Light-Network, to carry out this mission, which will try to deactivate a social and political situation in this beloved country of Mine.

I need My children to help Me to avoid sad events in this world.

I will need you to help Me with further sacrifice to allow My Heart to triumph.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Contemplate the divine beauty of Creation

Dear children, may the essence of love and truth spring from you so that your hearts may be open to the essence of giving. My children, never stop contemplating the Love of God in your hearts. Embrace the essence of forgiveness in your inner worlds so that the new spirit of Love may be sown in you.

Dear children, never give up, raise your aspiration towards the Infinite, aspire to live in the Kingdom of God and also aspire to live the Reconciliation and the Mercy of My Son.

Little children, never lose the joy of being in Me and of glimpsing in yourselves the power of My Immaculate Love. Accept to be on My path. Your souls recognize where My Maternal Heart comes from, they recognize My presence before your consciousnesses do.

I am the Lady of the Heavens, I am the Mystical Rose, I am the Mother who helps the pilgrims and I am the Immaculate Heart that gives Itself to you in order to love you and to forgive you.

Dear children, My voice announces Itself to the world once more so that My children do not lose the path to salvation, to the rescue of the heart.

I am with you on this path of pilgrimage towards eternity. May pain, bitterness and desolation not be a burden in your lives. May your hearts, filled by the Holy Spirit, receive Peace, a Peace that comes from the Universe, a Peace that the suns and stars emanate, a Peace that is radiated from all galaxies, a peace that comes from the Infinite and that you do not know.

From there My Maternal Heart comes in order to show you the path that leads to a humble and peaceful life, a path towards the Universe, towards everything that the Father, Adonai, created out of love for you and for His Glory.

Dear children, glorify God! Love God! Search for God in your lives because in this way your little essences and all the essences will be in the Celestial Kingdom of the Universe.

Beyond your earthly life there is eternity, the eternal present, the Omnipresence of God in all the universes.

Therefore, My children, pray, pray and pray! May your lips not tire of praying so that the Mercy of Christ may aid humanity.

I thank all My children for the loving welcome in this nation of Paraguay.

Love and peace for all.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


My little children,

Flaming souls in the Creator, with joy for His Mercy, may Jesus be praised in all the hearts of My children of Paraguay.

Dear children, by the Grace of God the Most High, today I visit you with much Love to invite you again to proclaim the prayer of the heart. My children, I send My Maternal Blessings to the whole Guarani Nation and today, as the Mother of the Americas and as the Server of the Lord, I bring you My Maternal Peace and comfort to the afflicted.

Little children, as in Guadalupe with Juan Diego upon the Tepeyac(*), today again I place My crown of stars upon each one of My Guarani children. Dear children, My call in these times is a call to prayer, to the reparation of the life of people, of each one of the American cultures and of all humanity, and this will happen through your sincere prayer.

As the Mother of the One and Only and as Queen of Heaven, My children, today I call you to reaffirm, through prayer, your conversion to God, to the Almighty; this will allow your souls to commune with the presence of Christ the Redeemer.

Dear children, today I arrive in Paraguay to give you My Maternal Blessings and My Peace.

As the Mother of all souls, I supplicate you to pray for the salvation of all the peoples of the Americas so that, just as Juan Diego, they may regain humility, simplicity and the love for God.

My children, today from here, from the Celestial Universe together with Juan Diego, We thank you for responding to My requests. I hold a special fondness for all My children of Paraguay, because the ever Blessed Virgin Mary knows about your love for Her Immaculate Heart.

Dear children, pray, pray much so that God may hear you from the voice of your hearts. Pray for the Guarani communities, pray so that education and a dignified life may be expressed in each one of these children of Mine.

I adore you all with My Heart. Let us pray for the presence of peace in all of Paraguay.

I thank you!

To all the prayer groups in Paraguay, thank you for listening to My call.

In the Living Christ,

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


(*) Hill near Mexico City, where in 1531 the Virgin appeared to the Indian Juan Diego.


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Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
