Monthly Messages

Behold, the Lady of all peoples and of all races comes to meet you with the potency of the Scepter of God in Her hands, with the love of the stars of the sky in Her Heart.

Behold, the Mother and Lady of all peoples of Heaven and of Earth, Mother of humanity, of the angels and of the Son of God comes to meet you, bringing Peace in Her Heart, pouring out Graces from between Her hands.

My Crown of stars pours Mercy upon the world. The scepter of God in My hands deters the Justice that descends upon the souls because, in spite of the indifference and of the ignorance of humanity before celestial things, the Love of God for His children has no end.

I come today, children, for people who must recover their Faith in God and their spirituality, extracting from its consciousness the roots of evil, of separateness, of injustice and of lack of love.

I come to show you the doors of the Celestial Church of your Creator Father and the path through which you will reach it, regardless of your culture, race or creed on this Earth.

I come to lead you to the conversion of heart, of consciousness and of life, not to show you a new religion, but to lead you to a new standard of life in which your hearts may unite with God through transparency, truth and love, and may express this unity with your brothers and sisters through service, fraternity and love for your fellow beings.

I come to unite Heaven and Earth, in the priesthood of forgiveness and healing, which My Son granted to Me while on the Cross.

I come to guide the apostles of the last times and the latter-day saints, awakening you and congregating you within and outside of the Church, because it is not only in the churches of the Earth where the children of God and the companions of Christ are. I come to get you in the four corners of the world, because the time for you to awaken has come.

My Heart prepares the arrival of the Messiah in the world and, just as I once gestated Him in My Womb and opened the doors so that His Spirit, Soul, Body and Divinity might be on Earth among those of His, today, children, I come to prepare His return, together with you. I come to announce the good news of His arrival in the world and prepare the flocks that will accompany the Shepherd in the institution of a New Life.

He will come, brighter than one thousand suns, with the splendor of God in His Heart. His Face will show itself to all with truth and power, more transparent than He showed Himself to His apostles in His Transfiguration. His presence will make visible the miseries and the virtues of human beings and, with a mere gaze, it will knock down the structures of the false spiritualities of the Earth. And those who did not know how to love will understand their errors and will repent, but for some it will be too late.

For this reason, My children, the Redeemer sends His Servant to the world, not to intimidate you, but to awaken you, to show you the path of Mercy and of the Grace of God.

I come so that your hearts may recognize the deviations of your lives and may reconcile with God, while there is still time.

I come so that there may be love in the hearts of human beings and that this same love can heal the stains and deepest wounds of the consciousnesses of the nations.

I come to tell you and show you that, through prayer, you will heal your hearts and your nations of all errors from the past.

I come so that you may repent, children, on behalf of humanity, and cry out to God from the heart for a greater Grace, because it is now in His Hands, ready to be poured out upon the world, it suffices that you just say “yes” to Him.

Today, receive My words with love and pray with Me for a greater good. Feel My presence in your hearts. May My Love reveal a new human being within you so that, from today on and forever, you may not be the same, but may be perpetually united in love with your Celestial Father.

I bless you and thank you for responding to My call!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Mexican Rose...

Behold the Mexican Rose, the Rose that emanates fragrances of peace and of confraternity.

Behold the Mexican Rose, the Lady of the Peoples Who appeared on the heights of Mount Tepeyac.

Behold the Mexican Rose, Who brought the message of union and of respect among the simple and the conquerors.

Behold the Mexican Rose, the Woman from two races with the features of a sacred and ancient culture.

Behold the Mexican Rose, the Mother of the Sun and of all the Universe, the Lady Who, lit up like the Sun, envelops all luminaries and stars.

Behold the Mexican Rose, the Virgin Who mandated Her Church to draw the Kingdom of God to all races.

Behold the Mexican Rose, the Mirror of Justice and the untiring and incomparable Servant at the service of Her children of humanity.

Behold the Mexican Rose, Who is Advocate and Mother, the mediator and intercessor for impossible cases.

Behold the Mexican Rose, the Guadalupan, the Lady Who descended to Tepeyac to announce a time of peace and of reconciliation among peoples and cultures.

Behold the Mexican Rose, the Virgin Who reveals cosmic vision, the Lady Who brings the life and the existence of the Universe by means of Her Mantle of Light.

Behold the Virgin of Guadalupe, the Mother Who defends the humble peoples, the Servant of the slaves and the condemned, the Mother Who frees those, who became prisoners in spirit, from their chains. 

Behold the Mexican Rose, the Lady Who brings the splendor of Heaven reflected in the apron of Juan Diego as a universal message, an impulse that awakens an interest in the revelation of the divine mystery throughout the times.

Behold the Mexican Rose, the Lady Who is beyond any philosophy and science, the Mother Who expresses love for all of Her children, beyond their race, culture, or condition.

Behold the Mexican Rose, the Mother Who today is honored and loved by all of the Mexican people and the world, by all the children of the Earth that recognize Her filiation with the Heights.

Behold the Mexican Rose, the Mother Who shines like a Sun of love in each devoted heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
