In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The voice of truth will always be heard in Heaven and on Earth, for it is a voice that emerges from the heart, from the innermost depths of the essence of each being.
It is this voice that resounds today in the heart of Africa, the voice that cries out, the voice that invokes, the voice that asks the Heart of God for a loving and prompt intercession.
It is for this reason that I Am here again today, to respond to the voice of all supplications, to all those who elevate to the Heavens their purest and truest intentions.
For this reason, I Am here as your Mediator and Intercessor, as the Celestial Advocate, as the Mother of the impossible causes.
This is why My Heart opens again today as a great portal so that the thirstiest souls may cross it and, in the innermost depths of their spirits, in the most secret space within their consciousnesses, they may find the relief they seek so much, and rediscover the hope they have lost.
Behold the Mother of hope and joy, Who, in the name of Her Most Beloved Son Jesus, renews all things so that Creation may also be renewed and humanity may achieve the great time of redemption.
Today, your Heavenly Mother unites Her Holy Rosary to the Rosary of each one of you, to this Rosary of the heart that you can build and manifest day by day in your lives, in each act of love, in each gesture of mercy and pity, in each new opportunity to pray to God, not only for those who suffer in Africa, but also for the whole world, because the time of peace must return to the world after having been dissipated by wars and conflicts.
For this reason, today God is attentive to the voice of supplications, to the hearts that are faithful to the Lord and, through His Most Holy Heavenly Mother, the Celestial Father collects the prayers of those who ask and invoke God for a prompt and forthcoming solution that may benefit all hearts of the Earth.
This is why I Am here as the Mother of Grace, because the Grace of God is what allows this moment with you, My children. Just like yesterday, I tell you again that all of humanity must learn from that which is most sacred and immaculate in Africa, from its profound code of simplicity, but also from its profound gift of faith, which moves the entire universe and all events.
Although you do not perceive it, dear children, this is indeed perceived by your Father God, just as it is perceived by your Heavenly Mother and the Sacred Heart of Jesus, who sends Me as an Intercessor and Mediator to tell you that His Mercy will triumph and that the time of slavery will end, because the renewal will first take place within you. This is a gift of Grace, but it is also a virtue of God; this gift will promote healing and peace within souls in an unexplainable and miraculous way.
For this reason, do not give up, do not lower your arms, My children, raise them toward the Arms of the Mother of God so that I may lift you up and raise you again from the ground. For this reason, I Am here, dear children, responding to the Call of My Beloved Son, responding to His spiritual summoning.
How many intentions exist within your hearts, which today your Heavenly Mother can observe and contemplate!
Know, dear children, that everything has a time to be resolved and clarified. This is why prayer will grant you this inner answer that you seek and need so much.
If I Am here, dear children, it is for a sacred cause but also for a Divine Purpose. Remember what I promised you, precisely two years ago, when I told you and revealed about the future but not so far-away manifestation of the new Saint Isabel's House, in honor of My holy spiritual cousin, who welcomes all souls in need by means of her spiritual presence.
This work must grow and also become stronger in these times, even overcoming the challenges of daily life, the obstacles or interferences. However, the power of the prayer of the heart will help you concretize the goal, because this is the Will of God, and God has determined it so. This new Saint Isabel's House will be a renewal and the beginning of a healing experience.
You deserve something better, dear children, always preserving the essence of the simplicity that will make you authentic and, above all, humble of heart. It is from the humility and simplicity of all of My beloved Africa that the whole world must learn in these times in order to correct the paths deviated from the Lord, in order to heal many souls from ambition, power and even the authority they believe they have.
Dear children, My beloved Africa is a school for all of humanity. Here, souls can learn if they open for this. The path of transformation is available, a transformation that is manifested through service, that is also manifested through charity and, above all, through being unconditional.
On this day I come to bless this new stage that must affirm itself in its manifestation, because the Project of God for this new house must descend from the Heavens, although this means and represents great effort.
I Am here to help you, to encourage you, to tell you: dear children, forward! My Hand will guide you to the pathway. My Heart will point to the path, and your consciousnesses and souls, united to My Consciousness and My Soul, will have wisdom.
Africa needs to expand its work of love and light, rescue and redemption of souls. This is what My Son expects; therefore, hold all this within your hearts and, in withdrawal, pray to God because everything has been said.
I will pray for this, My beloved children, just as I will perpetually pray for each one of you so that the light of Grace may reach your lives, just as the Grace of God comes to your lives at this moment. Receive it with gratitude and love.
Africa must be the new resurrected Eden and My Son wants to fulfill this promise before God. The voice of Africa will be heard one day and this will be fulfilled because it is written by the Loving Hand of God.
I love you and bless you again through My Peace, My Consoling Love and My Inexhaustible Motherhood toward each one of you.
I thank you!
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
Those who have offered to consecrate themselves as Children of Mary, please draw near.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Come to My Fount of Love and wash yourself so that you may be healed.
Come to My Fount of Love and purify yourself so that you may be renewed.
Come to My Fount of Love and draw near so that God may bless you.
Come to My Fount of Love and consecrated yourself so that you may learn to live the Will of God.
Come to My Fount of Love and elevate yourself so that your consciousness may expand.
Come to My Fount of Love and nourish from the Divine Codes of the Celestial Universe.
Come to My Fount of Love and repent so that My Son may forgive you.
Come to My Fount of Love and liberate yourself so that you may be converted into an instrument of Peace.
If you come to My Fount of Love, you will receive all My Graces, your faults will be cleansed and My Love will dissolve them. Thus, I will renew your consciousness, your heart and your life, because I Am the Mother of Graces, I am the Universal Mother, who comes from Heaven and from the Universe to remind My children of the spirit of Peace, present in this blessed place and in the hearts that believe in Me.
I am the Mother who brings from the Universe incalculable opportunities for Her children, because My objective and mission is that, through My Heart, you may be able to reach the Heart of My Son and someday convert into His apostles, into His ambassadors of Peace, of Mercy and Light.
For this reason, I ask you that your paths not become confused, that you can follow the spiritual path that I open to you today through this Fount of Spiritual and Celestial Life, so that, not only may you purify and wash yourselves, but also the past of each one of your lives may be erased, because this is possible.
I Am the Mother of Graces, I am the Immaculate Conception, which leads you to be reborn in Christ, and leads you to live eternal life for Christ, together with the Angels and the Hierarchies, in perfect communion with the Father, with the Son and with the Holy Spirit.
Place yourself at My feet and wash yourself with the Fount of Life, which today, through this place, I give you, present to you and offer you, so that your life may finally be different, distant from suffering, from sin and debts, close to the Heart of the Father, so that the apostles of the end of times may be ready and fervently prepare the Arrival of My Son, and then the Arrival of His Celestial Mother.
With this breeze that touches you today, I purify your lives, re-consecrate your spirits, under the Infinite Grace of God and of all His Divine Manifestations present in the Supreme Source of Creation, which sends sacred impulses of Light, Mercy and Rehabilitation to the consciousnesses that consecrate themselves to My Immaculate Heart.
For this reason, at this moment, empty your being completely, divest yourself of that which weighs on you or that which you believe you control on your own. Allow your soul to elevate itself to God, just as, at this moment, My Humble Presence elevates your souls to the Kingdom of God, together with the Angels, Archangels, devas and elementals, together with all the Creative Potencies of God, which, as sacred rays of the universe, gave life and origin to each one of your essences.
Today, through My Immaculate Conception, through the Presence of the Universal Mother, Governor and Guardian of all Attributes of the Father, you are, through My Heart, before the cosmic impulses which gave origin to life throughout the whole universe, to existence in all Creation.
For this reason, I ask you to empty yourselves so that these impulses may descend to your consciousnesses and that your lives may be impelled to keep taking steps toward Christ, with one aim: to reach the Promised Land that lives within each one of you, called the Kingdom of God.
In this void, which you can reach with your effort and determination, you will also help your Heavenly Mother and the Hierarchies so that the ties and heavy chains of humanity may be liberated from the world and, above all, from the whole human consciousness. For this reason, I am here today, not only for France, Europe, Africa and the Middle East, but also for the whole world, which is a slave and prisoner of evil.
Trust, My children, trust in the power of Divine Healing that I bring you today, just as I brought you healing, long ago, through My Presence in Lourdes. But today, this healing that I bring you today is greater than the one of that time, it is a healing that makes you walk toward peace, toward the transformation of life, toward the consecration of your lives, toward the elevation of your spirits so that you may be in communion with the Father, just as you are, at this moment, My children, in communion with My Maternal Heart.
Be brave and enter the Fount of Life that reflects today like a Higher Grace, through this Sacred Sanctuary of God, where the angels that are present and all creative devas of the universe and of the planets, of the suns and the stars, of the nebulae and the universes, today for an instant are here, with Me, so that the human consciousness may attain redemption and peace.
Through this Sanctuary of God, through these Sacred Places of the Father and through all His serving Hierarchies, may your consciousnesses and minds open to the impulses of the Supreme Grace that I bring you today through My Message and My Words, because humanity still needs healing, and this is not something new, but rather an emergency.
For this reason, the Fountain that I opened in Lourdes is open to all so that you may wash your beings through the codes of the Divine Source, and thus all may finally be healed.
Because when the world becomes liberated from its spiritual slavery, it will achieve redemption and the New Earth will emerge, a New Eden will manifest itself, and its essences, Essences of the Eternal Father, must deeply aspire, with all heart and life, with all consciousness and with the spirit, to be a part of this New Eden, similar to this place, where there will exist the presence, on your surface, of the Treasures of the Father, the sacred tools of the Hierarchies, which, once ignited, will convert the planet into a consecrated world elevated to the Father, into a world consecrated to the Universe and to all Cosmic Life.
Today, by a state of inexplicable Grace, the Mother of God, the Immaculate Conception, the Lady of the World, establishes for a moment the door that opens to the New Humanity, comprised of and consecrated by all consequent souls, especially those who are victims of the Love of God.
And it is for this cause and by this inexplicable Grace which God granted Me on this day and through this place, that I make each one of your hearts partakers of a union with the Heavenly Mother, in this first preamble that gestates in humanity the Attributes of God, the same Attributes that were present in the people of Israel for a long time.
May the sacred lights of the Natural Sanctuary of God and of His Sacred Places illuminate your lives and the lives of your brothers and sisters so that each one may find the path of return to the Eden of God.
Today I am here in deep gratitude for the sincere and honest response of My daughters who represent this nation of France, which needs reconciliation and forgiveness, unity and love, which begin today to be gestated through your hearts, through the hearts of My daughters from France. Present today in this valley of the Sanctuary of God with the Angels of the Heavenly Mother, with its devas and elementals, pleading together with My Heart for humanity, for the planet and especially for France so that it may finally attain the total consecration to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, and so that neither difficult tests nor painful events may come, but rather that the consciousness of France and of its Angel may respond to the Will of God.
Also for this reason I am here, to confirm to each one of you, My beloved children, that it is possible to live the Will of God within His Celestial Kingdom.
I consecrate all those present and the world, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
And now go, and wash your faces in the Fount.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Second Message
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
If souls believed that I am already here among you, the world would change.
If souls believed that I am already returning and that I come from the Universe with all the power of My Grace, the world would change.
For this reason, the trust of the hearts in My Presence will be fundamental to carry out the Work of Redemption.
Today I come for a world that is suffering and that, day by day, opens new wounds in the Kingdoms of Nature, in humanity and in the consciousness of the planet.
Humanity cannot see nor feel many of these wounds because they are internal. In this, the Hierarchy works untiringly so that chaos may not be reproduced nor be regenerated by the action of humankind.
I come for a Brazil that needs Me very much as well as it needs My Mother and Saint Joseph and, in spite of the ruling chaos, the internal and spiritual presence of Our Hearts allows to sustain the souls that have faith in Me.
Through the Sacraments that we will impart during these days, souls will be able to be spiritually renewed and healed; but there is a part that corresponds to each being, there is a part that the consciousness will have to assume for its transformation and redemption.
The Grace of God, through the Sacraments, comes to help you, as a spiritual basis, to generate and concede this transformation, so awaited by the Eternal Father, in each one of His children.
In the same way, through the Sacraments that we will impart these days, the legacy that I left to humanity will be renewed again.
For this reason, not only souls will benefit from them but also My Celestial Church will descend to the Earth in order to unite the souls with God, in essence and in spirit.
The Sacraments that I can impart to the souls that request them are means to reach My Celestial Church, they are paths to reach the Center of My Being, the Temple of My Spirit; of this Divine Spirit, Pure and Immaculate, created by God, that descended to the Earth in order to bring to the world an opportunity of love, an opportunity of light and an opportunity of hope.
Although My Church on Earth is very lowered, I revive the spiritual legacy once delivered to the Apostles, through the New Christs, through the last apostles of the last days that I am calling to serve Me.
Because My gaze is not placed on miseries, on imperfections or in faults.
My gaze is placed on the transparency that each serving heart can give Me.
It is this transparency that you can give Me and this trust that you can deliver to Me that will make the Work of Mercy and of Redemption happen in Brazil and in humanity.
There is no more place on Earth that is free from evil or from sin; you know this, because you can see it.
Only in certain sacred spaces, where the Spiritual Hierarchy concentrates in its profound silence and contemplation, will you find the doors to cross towards the consciousness of the Great Universe and commune with the Supreme Fountain.
In these spaces of South America there are sacred precincts in which humanity, silently and in prayer, can find itself again, in its essence, in its origin, in its state of light and of transcendence.
But while these sacred spaces, which are not visible to physical eyes, are not protected and respected, this Fountain will close.
All souls in the world need this spiritual nourishment, although they do not know these sacred places.
But you, who are conscious of this reality, foster, through Mercy, this approximation of souls to this state of consciousness which is something internal and sublime, it is where they will be able to be in communion with the Hierarchy and find again this path that humanity has lost toward Truth.
For this reason, My Merciful Heart does not cease to pour out graces, goodness and light, although It is in silence and in reflection, just as the Eternal Father is at the moment.
The Universe contemplates this moment in which God withdraws from Creation.
A new time comes, a new revelation will be manifested.
All the Universes are concentrated on this state which God has entered a few days ago.
You, through prayer and mercy, must be part of that movement so that you can perceive what the Universe will make descend in the next cycle, when the Hierarchies of Light are in more silence, in a deeper and more internal silence.
As you know, companions, I will not carry out My Work of redemption with multitudes but with few disciples, as it was in the past.
If only eleven consciousnesses, in spite of their imperfections, managed to carry out My Plan and testify My Presence as Son of God in the world and in the four corners of the Earth, what could more than eleven consciousnesses do in this final time?
All spiritual life is congregating and uniting.
All the force from the Immaterial and Divine Universe is uniting to impel in spirits the concretion of the Plan so that at least a part of the Earth may become rescuable and may turn into an Island of Salvation.
On this afternoon, I could say many more things for your hearts, but I know that the human being still needs some time to understand the Hierarchy.
Know that Our trust, as Celestial Brotherhood, is placed in everything we do because Our Mission, in the name of the Heavenly Father, goes beyond the forms and humanity, it embraces an infinity of universal consciousnesses and spaces, because there is a Project to be fulfilled and to be manifested.
I hope that, with the consciousness and discernment of Brazil, which could someday awaken, this land may be part of the Eden of God again and, thus, the New Race may be able to express as God has wanted so much.
I invite you to live this Marathon as a step for your consciousnesses, without leaving behind any Word of the Hierarchy, knowing that everything we say has an objective, a principle and a mission, knowing that it is time to understand the Creation as God needs and not as men believe.
If humanity began to respect the Laws of Creation, many situations would not happen.
The transgressions and faults are very great before the Law of Divine Justice, but I come to place My Heart as intercessor and not as a judge, as mediator and as advocate of all souls that in truth want to repent and transform.
Because the most beautiful thing that could happen to your lives is to live in God, is to feel God and is to commune with God all the time.
May My Passion, once lived on the Cross, in Calvary, in each moment that your Master and Lord suffered, be revived as a means for the salvation and the redemption of humanity.
We have come to the south of Brazil because Brazil needs it very much. It is the country, it is the nation, it is the people that will have to keep its heart open so that it may always know how to hear God.
I bless you and invite you to the reconsecration of your homeland, on the 5th and 6th, to My Sacred Heart, during six months.
If this consecration is true, in response and adhesion, you will give Me the authority to intercede in very serious situations of your people.
I love you and bless you with the Light of My Spirit, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
First Message
Children, in the silence of My Heart is heard the introspection of God, a moment in which the Universe reflects upon the coming times.
This is why My announcement is precise and cogent. My Word is clear to bring wisdom to the hearts.
We have no time to lose, there is much more to mature and grow internally.
I need you to know that the Universe contemplates this moment, above all, the beginning of this Pilgrimage in which the gathered Hierarchy will establish the new guidelines and the new principles for all those who want to adhere and be ruled by the Hierarchy.
The Universe will not stop the steps of those who may want to continue to be free, because the Father has given them freedom, has given them the conception of life, has given them the opportunity and the joy of being able to live the Creation.
The Universe contemplates the steps that the nations and all of their representatives take. This restricts the awakening of the Plan of God in the consciousness of humanity and the responsiveness of all creatures.
It is time to see duality manifest and how everything is at stake.
It is time to overcome this duality and to transcend it by means of love, a love that you have never lived, a love that you have never achieved, a love that you have not yet discovered and that you are on the way of being able to live.
While I am here, I am with this part of humanity that needs much of the Mercy of God to be able to have an opportunity of redemption so that a door may open to the conversion of hearts and the transmutation of many lives.
The Silence of My Heart represents the Silence of God, Who contemplates the whole Universe and especially this planet, which He created with so much love through the archangels and the angels as well as the great devas that today are banished by humanity through its actions and a great ignorance that corrodes the Kingdoms of Nature.
But, although all these situations occur, the Kingdoms of Nature do not fail to express themselves and demonstrate what they truly are.
When all of humanity values the Kingdoms of Nature, it will be able to find in them the regeneration of life and the healing for many illnesses.
But still, the humankind of the surface has not understood the Creation nor the system of universal life; otherwise the effects would be different and the opportunities for souls would be different.
In the meantime, the Spiritual Hierarchy tries to seek a solution that can benefit all of humanity, although in this time there are many who are present who offend God and destroy the Divine Plan with their actions, not only within the nations, but also within the societies, within everything that should be harmony and balance for humanity, order and justice, equality, solidarity and cooperation.
But humanity has not incarnated these attributes in a just way yet. It believes it lives and understands them, but in its essence it has no foundations, because humanity must still learn to evolve and grow internally in order to be able to express the Divine Will, that goes beyond ideals and forms, constitutions and laws of the Earth.
When the human being decides to live the Will of God, everything will change.
Who maintains their own will, will not be able to survive.
I am being just and clear so that there are no misunderstandings.
It is time to know that the Universe needs awakened consciousnesses that are capable of reflecting the Plan of God on Earth, that are capable of helping to correct everything that humanity has diverted throughout times and generations.
For this, much effort, surrender and sacrifice will be necessary; something that is not seen in these times, because humanity is distracted and its attention is placed on other things.
For this reason, love is what will help you to overcome this duality, and when this duality has been overcome within you, you will generate opportunities for other souls that also wait for a next step, for a next opportunity, for an extraordinary grace.
As Higher Priest, I have come to the South of Brazil to be able to correct the deviations of this part of the country which are reflected in many more souls.
For this reason, it is time to walk with the consciousness well awakened, letting yourselves be impelled by the ardent vigilance that the Hierarchy can imprint upon you through their impulses and their cosmic currents.
I come to warn that there is still time to be able to correct the path for millions of souls; that there is time to be able to unite to the Will of God and to vivify it through the plan that corresponds to each one.
When we are present, as Hierarchies, possibilities for souls and unique opportunities for consciousnesses are constructed; because what would take you years to transform can be simplified and solved in seconds by the presence of Our divine energy that comes directly from the Source to bring the energy of redemption and renewal to souls.
The deep nucleus of the Truth must awaken in the human being of these times so that they can perceive that there is something which must be changed and it is urgent.
This will help so that the Celestial Brotherhood can act in souls and on the planet; this will allow the most sacred that exists, within this humanity and within the planet, to remain alive and resplendent, as it has been from the beginning of times.
For this reason we have chosen to come to the South of Brazil, because here exists the roots of many perverted situations of the human consciousness, which only through love, and in love, will be redeemed and transformed by means of a true and sincere plea to the Kingdom of God.
This will transform everything within the beings that have been perverted; this will also change the destiny of this nation.
We have come to the South of Brazil to awaken the consciousness of wisdom and a profound reflection in the heart of each human being so that they may feel, in the most intimate, what the Universe is asking from them, and towards where the Universe is indicating for them to go forward.
In the meantime, the Silence of My Heart proclaims a wait.
My Heart is waiting for a change and a response on the part of human beings; of a response that is constructive and evolutionary, of a response that is elevated and that has discernment.
After so many impulses that the Father has given you, through so many generations and at all times, it is time to recover the treasure of the sacred that exists here so that the New Eden can manifest again as consciousness and purpose.
This is all that I wanted to say to you today, as a first instance.
The Divine Fire of transformation is touching all consciousnesses and no one will be able to oppose it, because it will reveal what in truth each being is, for the good and the glory of the Father.
I encourage you to offer this Marathon as a path of spiritual reconstruction, not only of the consciousness of the youth, but of the other part of humanity that, despite being more adult, is very immature.
That in the impulse of renewal, change may be concretized, and that in this change, life may be reconsecrated to the Greater Will.
I thank you for opening the doors of your hearts to listen because My Words must not just pass, they must remain in the consciousness, because you will need them someday.
I bless you with the Light of My Spirit and of the whole Universe.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
From the Higher Universes, your Master has already begun to descend for the second time to Argentina, within this course of the Pilgrimage for Peace.
From those Universes, your Master and Lord approaches the Earth in the company of the celestial spheres coming from far away regions of the Local Universe.
All this conjuncture prepares for the moment in which the Lord of the Universe will unite with the great spiritual teraphim of all times.
This will be the moment in which the Greater Priest will take up the Holy Chalice in His Hands to again celebrate the supper of the planetary transition with His people.
For this reason, companions, the Local Universe and the Spiritual Universe silently accompany the coming of the Shepherd to the south of Argentina, where the ceremony of communion and of the upliftment of consciousness will take place, in order to reposition the purpose of Argentina within the Project of the new Eden of South America, ardently preparing for the emergence of a New Humanity, free of the errors and mistakes from all times.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master Christ Jesus
Today I am on a very special Mountain called Shasta.
From here, I entrust to My Father all the souls there that do not hear Me, that do not live Me, nor feel Me within themselves.
This is the key Mountain that brings important revelations for the end of times, for those who awaken to its inner revelation.
As much as many do not know this, today I tell you: this Mountain is very special to Me, it is in North America, and it is where the first Fount of Redemption emerges for all those who are here and who have not even perceived what is contained within it.
This is why I am upon it today. I bring it to you in its spiritual aspect.
I am above it, with My arms open, as the Redeemer, as the One Who will come among the clouds, announcing a New Time and the end of a cycle for humanity.
In this Mountain, there are seven important keys, not only for the North American consciousnesses, who in the entire world need them the most, but also for all hearts that may want to experience an inner revelation through these keys, for their spiritual path and their profound awakenings.
Mount Shasta is like the tip of the New Eden, it is the head that commands many other consciousnesses in the planes of spirit.
Many Graces are poured into it, which are for those who least expect them.
These seven keys that I am talking about work at the end of times with the redemption of humanity, beginning with North America, and then with the entire world.
First Key: To be humble before what you do not understand or know, that which is infinite, higher and unknown. That which is above all of Creation, which you know as the Primordial Source.
Who does not humble themselves in the face of this Source will not be worthy of so many Graces.
Mount Shasta elevates your consciousness so that you can experience this humility and recognize within yourselves an inner God that has always existed.
The second Key that is held in this Mountain is the Transcendence of the entire human condition of life, of the perversions, abuse, the false power, the human control, devastation, of all that humankind of the surface has done to the Kingdoms of Nature.
Transcendence is the main key of this Mountain in order to achieve the next steps.
Third Key: The renunciation of all that you have believed about yourself, all that you have achieved while far from the Higher Law, from the Truth, from Sacred Knowledge, and, mainly, from Unity.
If you do not give this up, greater steps cannot be achieved.
The key of renunciation of Mount Shasta is fundamental for the consciousnesses that still safeguard control and the non-positive conquest of other hearts.
Fourth Key: Penitence. If there is no act of restriction, there will be no liberation. This is what the American consciousness lacks in order to definitely be able to unite with the Source, from where it has separated a long time ago.
In penitence, there is the possibility of inner liberation, from the atavisms, from the abysses of the human consciousness and the entire planet.
In penitence, you can recognize your errors without the need for suffering nor of undergoing pain.
Mount Shasta gives you the expansion of consciousness when the soul is penitent in a true way.
Fifth Key: Healing. Everything lies in healing, the beginning and the end of life, the synthesis of human consciousness, of everything that it has experienced on this planet, whether that be positive or non-positive.
In healing, you find the Higher Source that embraces you and wants to permeate you with Its Rays so that you may achieve Redemption.
If you recognize penitence, first, you will be able to recognize healing, a Sacred inner Fount that dwells in the very core of each being when they enter into communion with the Most High.
On this Mountain, there are many mysteries that are not visible to curious eyes but rather to the simple hearts that are open to know this inner Sacred Mountain within them, which in the beginning was permeated by the Light of the Creator, especially within the indigenous consciousness.
The next Key is knowledge of self, to know who one truly is, what they have come to fulfill in this humanity and for this final cycle.
The key of the knowledge of self is important because Mount Shasta, in its inner essence, can allow you to know about your true origin, about your true essence in this Project of the Creator and for this phase of Redemption.
The knowledge of self allows you to not be more than the rest, to not flaunt to the rest those things that do not belong to you.
The knowledge of self through Mount Shasta leads you to spiritual and material detachment from everything that has held you for a long time, from all the debts incurred that do not allow you to take steps toward ascension.
The sixth step is the ascension of your hearts and souls through the inner fire of Mount Shasta, which activates inner devotion and union of consciousnesses with the Principle of the One Mind.
In short, they are the gifts and the talents that the Primordial Source, through Mount Shasta, can reveal to souls that awaken to Sacred Wisdom and the great knowledge of the Source of God.
Upon this Mountain, just like upon the Mount of Beatitudes, the principles of Creation descended, for an asleep humanity, which still does not see its own reality.
The seventh Key, which completes all the steps, is Humility, to achieve the illumination of spirit and the expansion of soul into other worlds where life, fraternity and brotherhood exist.
You cannot experience the key of humility if you skip the previous steps.
Each consciousness has its own timing for ascending this stairway toward the heights of Mount Shasta, where the Work in each human consciousness will be completely realized, when in simplicity and in love it has followed all these steps, to thus finally experience Redemption.
Do you now see, companions, what North America is missing through its spiritual somnolence and its profound indifference?
Those who have awakened through Mount Shasta, contemplating the simple nature around this sacred mountain, place at its foot all the consciousnesses that must awaken to the Call of the Son of God so as to be able to follow the path of ascension rather than the path of involution.
Thus, I come to show you a different path to the doorways of Mount Shasta, where many more keys are kept, other than these that I have revealed to you today.
As of now, I invite My companions of the whole world to practice these seven steps because, in this way, you will help Me when I reach the United States, and My spiritual and divine task will be deeper and broader within all those consciousnesses that need the Mercy of God, the Fount of Compassion and Love, just as you have received it, meeting after meeting.
Now, to all of you, the time has come to give your best for others, for those who are more indifferent and blind on their spiritual and material path.
Thus, I come to demonstrate to you, through Mount Shasta, that My Heart beats above it like a Spring of Mercy and is poured out upon the human consciousnesses which, throughout the years, the centuries and the times, have deteriorated a lot due to their own ignorance and perdition.
I come to request of you, companions, that you be merciful with the work that I must carry out in the United States. That following these steps of ascension to Mount Shasta, you place yourselves above all that you feel against this nation and people, and do as I did: carry the Cross of the sins of the world so that the most imperfect and lost may receive the Grace of Redemption and Rehabilitation.
The time has come, companions, for you to take a greater leap, a greater step in your evolution, and this will begin from your hearts, experiencing each one of My Words and practicing them in this crucial time in which My enemy condemns many souls of the world, such as those found there, in their own spiritual, and, above all, material abyss.
If you take that step for Me, your families will take a very large step.
I do not come to make small promises, but large triumphs, and you will see this through My Divine Consciousness in the United States.
The voice of your hearts, the supplications and the prayers of each one of you, who has been consistent in this pilgrimage, have opened the doors for this sacred opportunity.
Only the Mercy of God, only That, has permitted this intercession and this Divine intervention: do you understand?
That is why I have My Arms stretched out like the Redeemer, over Mount Shasta, opening My Heart to those who most need it in their profound indifference.
I do not come to punish the world, I come to give it the last lifeline. It will depend on you, companions, on your collaboration, that many, a great many of souls not be lost in this country forever.
Who will witness the Judgment of each one of them? Who will be the mediator for the consciousnesses that are deeply sleeping? Who will risk taking a greater step than that which My Heart takes? Will you be capable of this, at least doing it for Me, and, even more, for My Father?
I do not come to ask you for impossible things, but rather all that you can give Me. And you know, companions, that in truth, you can give Me a lot, so that I may fulfill the Work that God has requested of Me, through your hearts and lives.
Today I bring you the image of Mount Shasta and your Redeemer upon it: glimpse this scene, this illuminated mountain bringing to the planet and to all the North American consciousness the Fount of God that will save those who are most lost and forgotten in this part of the world.
Mercy is for all, without exception, because, otherwise, it would not be Christ speaking to you.
I come to obtain from you that you more greatly enter the mystery of Love, through My Glorified Heart, which on this afternoon is shown to the world to implore for its collaboration.
I will bless you, I will bless you day and night so that you can help Me to fulfill what is written in some books by the Sacred Masters about the Reappearance of Christ. This is not simply a theory or a hypothesis; it is something that I come to accomplish from that which was prophesied within these books.
Refer to those pages and you will more consciously and wisely see all that I meant today. In those books of the Sacred Masters lies the complement to what today I have waited to tell you, for a long time, in this place, in this time, in this period of humanity, and through the alignment of all the Universe, so that My Divine Word could be expressed for all of you. Read and you will understand with the heart.
About these two sacred elements, the wine and bread, which transform and transubstantiate into My Body and My Blood, carry within yourselves, in your blood and in your cells, the codes of the Redeemer so that they may be given out in Love and Mercy to all the souls of North America.
So be it.
And in this way, as I have already asked of you, I want you to sing to say goodbye to Me, for many more sincere hearts must be invoked by their own humanity and the planet so that the errors may be uprooted, the sins released and souls may ascend to Sacred Mount Shasta, where they will find the Fount of God for their conversion.
I thank you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
For the second time, with all My angels, I arrive in Nicaragua to be able to free it from its pain and its agony; so that, through My children, My Immaculate Heart may triumph in the Americas and in the world.
With joy in My maternal Heart, I gather you together again, dear children, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, bringing Graces to this place and to the hearts that most need them.
I tell you, dear children, that the end of your captivity is near.
The spiritual war will end, for My feet tread on the head of the evil serpent and bring the Light of the entire Celestial Universe, the Light of My Immaculate Heart, which comes to penetrate the sorrowful land to close the wounds in hearts and souls.
Dear children, with immense joy, I receive your prayers, and even more, your hearts, that must be perpetuated in My Heart so that in this way, the Greater Law of Peace may be established and the punishment be alleviated.
Hearts will not suffer if you pray with Me every day, to establish the Sacred Laws of God upon this planet and in the consciousness of humanity, which many souls have forgotten through the influences of the material life.
Dear children of Nicaragua and of Central America, after having been with you in Costa Rica, today I return to this blessed nation, for I know that this nation cherishes Me greatly through the Lady of Cuapa.
I come again as His faithful Messenger, to announce the redemption and the victorious Gospel of My Son, which in this end time must be practiced by your lives and hearts so that the example of Christianity and the good may not disappear from this nation nor Central America.
I want your lives, dear children, to be the example of Christ on Earth, propagating charity and brotherhood among hearts, establishing peace in families and in all your loved ones.
Today I come with the Light of My Immaculate Heart to pierce your hearts in the name of the Holy Spirit, of the Most Holy Trinity, of all Its Celestial Gifts, which will be necessary for your lives, to be able to cross this threshold, this transition of the Earth, with the hope of finding the Promised Earth and the birth of the New Humanity.
Today I am also here, dear children, for those who respond to My call on the planet, for all the prayerful souls that, at this crucial hour, unite with Me in this sacred Mission for Peace.
After this evening, dear children, tomorrow I want you to go out to disseminate My Campaign for Peace. Call the hearts that suffer and do not know Me; you have the inner power to be able to do it.
I want your mouths and your lips to pronounce that the Lady of Heaven, the Immaculate Conception, the Patroness of Nicaragua, the Lady of Cuapa returns to this nation in the face of the Queen of Peace to establish in hearts the hope that have been lost through human suffering, through indignation, through guerrilla warfare, through spiritual and moral decadence.
Opening My arms to you, dear children, I embrace your beloved nation of Nicaragua and all its representatives so you may govern under the spirit of the Will of God, and over this nation establish the sacred star of fellowship, unity and brotherhood.
Dear children, what I seek from your hearts is that you not only pray with Me for the triumph of My Immaculate Heart, but that you also work with Me for all the nations of Central America that are losing hope and faith on seeing so much hunger and so much pain in innocent souls, marginalized and indigent who lose faith in God.
My wish is that after today, dear children, your hearts be like that flame that you hold in your hands; that you proclaim your faith in Christ your Lord not only in daily Communion with His Sacred Heart, with His Divine Body and His precious Blood, but also, dear children, through yourselves, being witnesses to the Word of life, to the saving Word, which strengthens fallen spirits and elevates souls who are in the abysses.
Today I am with all My angels, sounding the trumpets over Nicaragua, so they may be heard beyond this nation and hearts feel the echo of the Spirit of God calling His children and all His creatures to reconciliation and peace among peoples, among nations and among hearts, among families, in all of humanity.
Fulfilling this important request of Mine, dear children, will alleviate the Heart of the Celestial Father, which is injured. Your sins will be released and forgiven. On this same night, I bring you this absolution in the name of My beloved Son Jesus.
I want your hearts to beat as My Heart beats. I want you to feel what I feel for you, the essence of Love and Unity with God that will never separate you from Him, that will always bring you peace for these end times.
I want you to raise, dear children, the flame of that candle, proclaiming over Nicaragua once again the consecration to My Immaculate and blessed Heart , for the rescue of the lost souls, of the essences in need, of all spirits submerged in the abysses of the Earth.
Opening the door of the Greater Heaven, through My Immaculate Heart, I offer them to God, so that the thousand years of peace may be established upon the planet.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
For I will come to consecrate you, to not only consecrate your spirits, but also your families.
I will come to consecrate this nation, to make the ground you walk on sacred, for My feet also touched it and will touch it as long as you call Me with the devotion of your spirit.
Thus, I come to ignite your hearts with an inextinguishable flame, for the fire of the Spirit of God will fire your souls, your hearts, and will allow you, My children, to warm others at the moment when this world is cold and in darkness.
I want to make, of each of you, a torch that illuminates the life of others; that those who are blind find the path through your lives, that they are able to come to Me and to the Heart of God through each of you.
Thus, I will come to consecrate you as Children of Mary, as children of God, so that you may have a likeness to the example of My Son, so you may be My children, as He was. That you are able to offer each instant of your lives in reparation to the Heart of God.
I know that for many there is suffering, pain and anguish for not finding peace in your daily life, for the things of this world absorb you, and many times separate you from God.
On this evening, I come, My children, so you may understand that each sacrifice God offers you is for placing on His Celestial Altar as a reparation for this world, for humanity does not seek the Creator, does not turn their eyes toward Heaven to thank God for the life He granted them.
Today, children, I come to teach you the spirit of gratitude so that through it, you transmute and transform the suffering of this world, just as My Son transformed it upon the Cross.
Today I bring you the cross of love, sacrifice and surrender, but know, My children, that you will discover a different joy, the joy of being in God and of being able to assist Him to rescue souls and the Kingdoms of Nature.
You will find the joy of taking each step in your lives in the name of Christ Our Lord; renewing His sacrifice and His Cross with the cross of these times so that, in the end of everything, your lives generate the merits for Divine Mercy, which will once again triumph in the world, will rescue souls that are still in the abysses, will avert evil and darkness from this planet, and will finally make it sacred, just as God thought in the beginning.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Dear children, remember that Central America and South America are the new Eden of the planet. They take care of the Kingdoms of Nature. Make them become sacred in the eyes of the ignorant human beings, so they may wake up to the reverence and devotion which God gave them through the Lower Kingdoms.
Valuing these principles of Creation, the world should have no need to suffer nor should it have a lack of peace.
Listen to the invocation of My Immaculate Heart and carry out the works that I ask of you so that My Spirit not only triumph in the world, but so that your lives are also redeemed in Christ, your Lord, the Master of Love.
Today I say goodbye to this place, dear children, promising to accompany you tomorrow in the Campaign for Peace.
Tomorrow I will come to consecrate you, just as God indicates.
During this evening, in which the vigil echoes on the planet because of the union of all hearts with My Heart, a truce is established so that the most innocent and most suffering souls are able to have the Grace of inner healing, of salvation and of the liberation of Central America. I am also united with all My children of the Caribbean. My promise will be to someday visit them.
Pray for Haiti, so the Mercy of God may be established in that country.
By the Holy Spirit that has assembled us today, dear children, I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Let joy not disappear from your Nicaraguan hearts.
Let us thank God for this Grace and this opportunity.
I love you.
I bid you farewell.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:
At the request of our Lady, we will listen to "Ave Maria" by Gomez, sustaining this inner flame that today Mary consecrated for all.
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more