When your foundations, apparently solid, begin to transform into quicksand, know, child, that the Universe is indicating that your faith must be in the Infinite.
When your feet no longer feel secure on the paved roads of the world, know, child, that the Universe is indicating what is non-material and invisible to you.
So that your consciousness may learn to seek its own sustenance in what is Higher, everything that was once was the basis for your life must be transformed. The time has come for learning to love what is infinite, invisible, non-material, the Purpose of existence in all dimensions, that which gestated material life, rather than material life in and of itself.
Your faith must be consolidated in what is eternal, intangible, yet true; in what is immutable and perpetual, which is the Love of God and His Universal Rays.
Concentrate your heart on the upliftment of consciousness and for the world, be an instrument of truth and transcendence.
You have My blessing for this.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Let fear transform into faith. Let the anguish of not knowing how to help a fellow being transform into the certainty of the power of prayer. Let peace flood through you and thus expand into the world and permeate the souls that are in need of it.
Let the tests of these times forge within you the strength of the surrender to God and His Plan. Let your renunciations be imprinted in the human consciousness as a step toward Christic life, because when you renounce your will, you understand that there is a Greater Will and that you are in the world to manifest a Higher Plan, rather than to satisfy human desires and aspirations, no matter how good they may be.
Take a step toward Faith and pray from the heart for the situations that you cannot solve because, where God is, there will be an experience of love, a learning that will lead beings to His Heart.
Meditate on what I tell you and keep your heart in peace.
Your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Grow up and be faithful to God in all ways.
Do not let yourself be carried away by the influences of this world or by that which is within yourself, which, not yet having found the path for redemption, permanently influences you to spiritually regress.
When there is confusion within you, stop your steps for an instant and think of God; contemplate the starry sky, the infinite above you, which you can find wherever you are, and remember, child, that a Higher Plane awaits you and that it is no longer time to be entangled in human and petty things, but rather to consolidate your union with the Infinite.
Listen to the Voice of God, which is pronounced for you not only because of a Grace, but because of an urgency that is not only planetary, it is universal.
For you, the days go by the same and you little perceive the change in the times, because your heart has gotten used to everything and even chaos has become normal.
Stop your heart for an instant and look within yourself; ask yourself how far you have advanced in love and in fraternity. Observe where you are and resume the purpose of your existence. You are not on Earth to be a triumph of the world, but rather to be a triumph of God. What you conquer in the world belongs to it, but what you conquer for God is eternal and is multiplied beyond dimensions, as merits for the evolution of all of life.
Therefore, observe yourself, stop your steps and see if within you, you are building a bridge to the Heart of God. Listen to your soul. Is there fullness in it? Or is there the silence of a soul tired of not being heard by its own being?
Fullness, child, is spiritual; it is between you and God. Wherever you are, you can be filled, because it is enough to give attention to what lives in you, waiting to manifest in the life upon this world.
Your father and friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear children,
I am the Lady of the Dawn, the eternal and new Aurora who brings in Her Hands the Grace of God for all of Her children.
I am the Lady of the Dawn, who gestates in Her sacred Womb a New Humanity.
I am the One who imparts the Love of God on all creatures.
I am the Lady of the Dawn, the One who awakens the Virtues of God in hearts so that they may be at the service of souls through those who consecrate themselves to the Lord.
I am the Lady of the Dawn, the One who activates the inner Suns in beings so that the majority may offer themselves to the Plan of God.
I am the Lady of the Dawn, the One who announces a new time and a new race that will be filled by the victorious Mercy of God.
I am the Lady of the Dawn and keep in My Heart the fallen stars so that, some day, through their redemption, they may be the new stars in the redeeming firmament.
I am the Lady of the Dawn and I leave you all My message of peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and accompanies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Spirit of God will speak through humankind
When the human heart, My children, understands, through the consequences of its actions, where its arrogance and ignorance take it, the Spirit of God will speak through humankind.
When religions realize that what is most important is to establish the Kingdom of God, rather than maintaining structures and institutions, the Spirit of God will speak through humankind.
When governments understand that there is no government distant from the One Who created and knows all things, the Spirit of God will come and speak through humankind.
When parents teach their children to live in communion with the Kingdoms of Nature, with the Universe, and with fellow beings, the Spirit of God will speak through humankind.
Humanity will become tired of living the consequences of their successive mistakes, the fruit of actions they carry forward without God. In that moment, My children, the simple will look to Heaven and the Spirit of God will speak through humankind.
When humankind no longer wants to aggrandize themselves, because they understand their human smallness and misery, they will seek the Word of Life in the Heights, and it is then that the Spirit of God will come and speak through humankind.
That moment will come when the consequences of human ignorance become visible to all the eyes of the world, and even those who longed for power will fear having it in their hands, because they will know their own frailty and inability to act without God.
The Spirit of God will speak through the simple, who at first will be heard by only a few, because they will be among the smallest, and many times, they will speak through the silence of their actions.
The Spirit of God will speak in the healthy of spirit, prepared by Him to come to the world, after having known the Universe, Creation, and the Divine Plan. They will be aware of human misery, but also of the greatness of God, which is hidden in their inner potential. That will make them humble and strong in Christ, to speak fearlessly to humanity, and through service and fraternity, proclaim the institution of the new life.
When hearts are no longer able to find consolation and many have lost faith in God for not finding guidelines in humankind where they sought them, it will be in the simplest and most hidden that the Spirit of God will emerge, will return and will live, as the prophets and patriarchs of the past. And He will speak, will announce and once more open the hearts of those who had lost their faith and hope. Humanity will find again the guidelines of love in the pure and the simple, who will shine not for themselves, but for the Spirit of God that will be with them.
When faith will seem to have vanished from the temples and churches, and love is scarce in the human beings who try to guide others on their own, rather than in God, it will be in the pure and in the simple, children, that the Spirit of God will speak, inspire, and unite religions and cultures, that on their own will not find the strength to remain in the world. Their examples will renew the faith and the hope for the return of My Son. They will speak of the Living Christ, and their word will be fire rather than only sound. They will open the paths to the Universal King and will be the first to prostrate on the ground, even before the Heavens open for the coming of the King.
The non-believers, who will still deny the Return of Christ, will see them prostrated, without anything happening, and they will slander them, mock them, and will exalt themselves. But the pure will not stand up, and until the Heavens open, they will not raise their heads. They will be humiliated in silence, so that humanity may perceive that it is through humility that the path for Christ is once again prepared. And behold, the Spirit of God in that hour will be silent through humankind. His silence will speak louder and will have more fire than any spoken verb.
When those who were speaking with the Spirit of God fall silent, and prostrated, calmly awaiting the return of Their King, when it seems that all has ended without a triumph and without hope, when humankind faces the void and the unknown, then, children, it will all begin.
The signs will emerge and will make the impure and the liars tremble. In that hour, the Spirit of God will no longer speak through humankind, but will only be silent and gaze through their eyes, so they will know how to recognize the One Who will be God Himself, resplendent over the world.
Until that moment comes, be pure, be simple, and strengthen your own faith in God, recognizing your own smallness and the Divine greatness; because the Spirit of God will come and seek the humble hearts, to announce to the world what very few want to hear.
I bless you today and always, and I leave you the Grace of My renewal and the principle of My humility, so that you may have them be fruitful in your hearts and consciousness.
Who loves you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Beloved children, with celestial joy and bliss, I return to the world to see My Plan of love triumph in the hearts of humankind.
I know that terror, fear, and pain take over the hearts of many of My children who are subjected to wars and to conflicts, within and outside of themselves.
I know that many are struggling to establish Peace within themselves, and fear not being able to keep themselves in balance, so great is the chaos they live every day.
I know that humankind still separates all things and that their pride does not allow them to unite that which God inspired to be a path that would lead to His Heart, and not to the establishment of human will, such as are religions.
But I come to the world so that you may live what seems impossible to you, because, in truth, beloved children, everything I ask of you is within everyone’s reach, but you ignore the truth about yourselves and are still asleep to the life of the spirit, which is more than just dedicating some prayers to Me every day.
It is for this reason that I am here and that I travel through each nation of the Americas that must manifest the Plan of God in these times. I come to strengthen praying hearts so that they may be the pillars that will sustain the world when it cannot sustain itself on its own.
I come, beloved children, in order for you to discover that the joy and bliss of the spirit are not to be found in the things of the Earth and for you to learn to discern, in the events that will come, where the will of God is and where it is not, so that in this way you may know how to let yourselves be guided by this will, and not outside of it. In this way, you will be able to see the old world structures collapse without losing hope, spiritual joy, and faith, because you will know that these ashes will fertilize the soil of a new world and will strengthen hearts so that an unshakeable race sustained by love and by unity with God may arise on Earth, and no longer by the pleasures and by the material power that this world offers you, and for which you struggle day and night, even knowing that they will perish as dust at the end of all things.
I come to consecrate the Americas, children, so that you may learn again how to understand life and its values. I come so that you may recover the sacred that exists in your families. May you understand that a group of souls gathered together by God must fulfill a mission of expressing love and the capacity to understand others and uniting with them, beyond their shortcomings, miseries, and imperfections.
Family life creates conditions for you to awaken the true love, for example, of a mother for her child; that love which transcends the barriers of egotism and of the human condition and that you must learn to extend to the whole of humanity.
But if you degrade family life and bring to your homes the indifference and the sparse love that is experienced in this world, you are missing the opportunity that God has given you of awakening a pure and true love. Because of this, My children, it is so important that you know how to love and respect your families and that you also know how to extend this bond of love to all souls in this world.
Gradually, with My love and My celestial motherhood, I lead you to the universal family, which is what must be manifested on an Earth consecrated by God.
My children, may My presence among you not be the only thing that brings the impulse to transform and consecrate this world, but may each one, according to their perseverance and their faith, also be an engine that transforms and purifies the Earth, so that the Plan of God may be fulfilled.
Today I leave you My love and My peace, so that you may have the faith and the courage to transform your lives, and with them, the life of this world.
I bless you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
May your life be for the concretion of a higher Plan. May your actions, your word, your thought and your feeling be impregnated by a true meaning, a meaning which will conduct you to the Divine Plan, to the meeting with the Creator.
Make your life be permeated by the sacred, with conscious actions that will lead you to not only the personal transformation, but the transformation of the old human patterns.
Receive from God, with joy, the Grace of being aware of the planetary reality and of the higher life, aware of the purification and the chaos that spreads throughout the world. Because, at the same time that you are here, before these words, there are many brothers and sisters of yours in the world who do not understand what they live, who do not accept their infirmities and do not know how to revert them; they do not understand the movements of Nature and do not understand the hatred in the hearts of humankind, which causes the wars and the conflicts; they do not know how or where to find peace.
May your life be a permanent offering to the Creator, in reparation for what takes place in the world.
Child, never live only for yourself, because otherwise the Graces of the Father in your life would have no meaning. The more you receive from God, the more you must attract a new principle of life to the Earth; you must prepare, in yourself and around you, the arrival of the Celestial Kingdom.
You must, each day, transcend the human condition a little, so that others who are on the other side of the planet may receive the reflection of your transformation and, in this way, receive an opportunity.
My child, whatever you do, do it with joy. Do not let the chaos and the oppression of the world discourage your heart. Do not let the purification that you live and the purification of the Earth make you give up finding the most marvelous thing that exists in the universe.
Behind all the mud of consciousness there is something pure and limpid, hidden in all beings. Because of this, child, remember the treasure that is inside you and, even though it may cause you pain or disturbance, do not get sad when you purify yourself.
Seek resources to find peace and to relieve yourself, in the certainty that, one day, all this will pass and the light will again shine within you, defeating the darkness of your inner world. This same light, which will first shine in you, with all its potency and majesty, will shine in the darkness of the world, in the return of Christ, consolidating unity and likeness of God in the human heart.
The one who encourages you and who embraces you, so that you may never give up, your Father and Friend,
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
For your consciousnesses to mature, you must recognize the realities of the planet manifested in the different dimensions. You must be knowledgeable of every good and every grace that you receive as an aid from the celestial worlds and from the superior existence, but you must also be conscious of everything that happens on the surface of the Earth and in the inferior plans of consciousness, states that concern God and make that many and endless be the Graces poured over the human consciousness.
The knowledge of these realities is complemented to forge its fortress in the interior of the beings. If you only were knowledgeable of the planetary reality in the inferior sense of life, you could lose the trust in the Plans of God and even the faith in the existence of the One and Only Consciousness of the Creator. And if you were only knowledgeable of the subtle worlds and ignored what happens with your brothers and sisters in the surface of the planet, you would run the risk of keeping yourselves immature and selfish, living only for your own benefit, for your own elevation.
With the knowledge of all the realities, you will be able to take the emanations of the superior life as an encouragement for the souls that find themselves in the abysses of the planet. And even before so much suffering that the humankind itself generates in the world, influenced by chaos and by evil, you will never lose hope, because you will know that there is something much higher and more powerful than evil and that this which is called God, the Creator Father, will always triumph, because His Will is what animates all the existence. With a breath of His Divine Spirit, life creates and recreates itself constantly.
It is for this reason that now we allow you to access the sublime realities and sometimes we show you what must still be transformed in the life of this world, because in this way you will be able to learn and grow in consciousness. In this way your prayers will be true and will be conducted to the right place.
I love you and, therefore I remain here, tirelessly impelling the human heart.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
My beloved companions and seekers of the celestial truth, today My Chaste Heart only comes to ask you to carry on deepening yourselves in the path of prayer and surrender.
I ask you to not forget of the campaign to which I invited you some time ago, and remember the sacred mission that the missionaries of Mary must carry out as soon as it is possible.
Know that the adversary of God will do everything in order that the missionaries are not able to reach the destination set by the Lord; for this, from now on, as praying soldiers of God who live to fulfill His Plans, place in your prayers and in your hearts this sacred mission, in order that, thus, the paths may be opened and the obstacles imposed by the evil may be dissolved.
For the Sacred Hearts, this mission is of vital importance as well as the campaign to sow the Love in humanity, because – if you fulfill these two purposes – humanity will be sending a sign to Heaven that it ardently aims that Light descends to the world and that evil be dissipated.
Today I tell you that, for all the evil that humanity causes to the planet, to God and to their own fellow humans be dissipated, it is not enough to want; you must pray, act and make many efforts and sacrifices. You know that the greatest sacrifice of the human being is not the martyrdom of the body, but rather the living experience of humility. It is for this reason that I send you in order that you will ask for forgiveness and will live the reconciliation, because in this way you will overcome what humanity has always nourished, which is pride and vanity, in favor of the fulfillment of a Superior Plan.
All the conflicts of the world are based on the pride ingrained in the human heart; for this, in order to establish Peace, be humble of heart.
I love you because I know about the greatness of your hearts once you express the truth that is latent in your own interior.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph
Dear companions,
Today I want tell you that, as the consciousnesses open themselves to live wider degrees of spiritual maturity, God makes known world truths that transcend the physical barbarities that humanity lives in the world.
The great sorrow of God is the suffering of souls that die day by day submersed in the incomprehension and, thus, are not able to leave the states of consciousness that are hells created by chaos and by evil.
You are being called in this moment to be true companions of God and of His Son and, in this way, to share with Him His sorrows and not remain in the stinginess of the your daily lives.
God calls you to maturity, and when His Son leads you to know His constant agony, caused by the world, it is so that, in this way, you may walk fast towards the forgetfulness of self and recognize that exists a Higher Plan, which manifestation depends on the awakening and on the maturing of those who have committed themselves to the Creator in the beginning.
This moment that you live is marking the time of coming out of yourselves and assuming the planetary task that is due to you as a group.
The Lord is making known realities that many are not prepared to face because evil precipitates itself in the world and progresses each time more, making the souls lose faith and hope and enabling the essences to be completely extinguished.
An essence that is extinguished and disintegrated, My beloved ones, is like a part of God that ceases to exist. Remember that each essence created by Him is a living part of His Divine Consciousness sent to the manifested Creation to fulfill a mission.
Now I ask you to accept this offer that has been delivered to you as a grace to serve God consciously and to no longer lose yourselves in trivial problems of your lives, but let yourselves be transformed and molded by the ray of the divine humility and unite in prayer to the Father for the salvation of the planet.
Each step that you take towards Light is a step of the whole humanity towards a new time.
Mature from the heart and in consciousness, since there is no more time to lose with yourselves anymore.
I love you and lead you to new planetary cycle.
Saint Joseph, the Eternal Servant of God
Be grateful and become worthy of listening to the words of God through His Messengers.
In the simplicity of the heart, thank for not being submersed in the common humanity that ignores the existence of God.
While you are today before My Heart, there are many others that should be by your side, and however, ignore their own commitment to God and to His Plan.
While humanity purifies itself by suffering and by chaos, you purify yourselves by consciousness.
While the world loses itself in the technologies and in the supposed material progress, your spirits try to grow and progress in the fulfillment of a Superior Plan.
The Eyes of God are fixed on the small portion of humanity that will still have a chance to manifest His Purpose, but, for this, you must assume your own transformation with maturity and not with regret.
No longer cry nor ask for forgiveness for the mistakes you have made. Recognize the Grace that you have received to take news steps and do not miss the opportunity of growing.
The Voice of God always pronounces Itself to lead you to evolution. Listen with attention to the corrections of life and follow through the path pointed out by the Creator and not through your own paths.
The cure for all ills is in never losing the faith of heart and, with this unbreakable faith, taking the steps towards transformation, without lamenting it, just with profound gratitude.
Gratitude is the key to living the Will of God and to let oneself be shaped by it. Never lose sight of it.
If you take with seriousness and maturity the goals proposed by the Lord and walk determined to them, all that happens around will accommodate itself, because the Ray of the Will of God will come in aid.
That each one take for oneself all the words that have been said to this day and walk without fear of losing oneself.
For the sake of the spiritual growth of humanity and for the awakening of all beings, I bless you.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, Servant of the Supreme God
My little children of Manaus and of the whole world,
As a faithful servant of God, I come to the world to light in the hearts the flame of Devotion, of Love and of Peace that day after day is being extinguished in the creatures of the Earth.
I come at the request of the Lord to remove from sleep those who are asleep and who do not accomplish the mission for which they are in this world.
My children, today I say to you that, for each creature of the Earth, God has a perfect plan, a learning to be realized and a mission to be accomplished. And it is with the accomplishment of the mission of each being that the Plan of God for this Earth is constructed; only thus is manifested the new world, thought by the Lord.
My beloveds, today I also say to you that this world that humanity has constructed has only destroyed, over the centuries, the union that existed in the beginning among the creatures and their Creator. Each day the hearts are seeing themselves more distant from the Divine and submerged in the endless illusion of the material prison that they have built for themselves.
And today I come to the world bringing between My arms Hope and, in My womb, a new race; a race that must arise from the rebirth of the souls that today live upon Earth, souls that must be renewed and redeemed before God so that, through His Holy Spirit, they may be born to a new life, a life that is the image and likeness of the Divine life.
My beloveds, I ask you to not fear to listen to My words, do not fear to follow My steps of pilgrimage, because in this time My voice echoes in the whole world, in search of the awakening of the souls, and I will not tire until the last of My children have listened to My voice. I will not be able to walk in your shoes, if you do not want to follow Me, but to all I will show the path and will make the offer, so that they may have the opportunity of recognizing this awakening and electing where to follow.
My beloveds, there are no mysteries in My presence. Those who open the heart, feel Me and I can dispel the doubts of their inner; those who open the path to Me, will see My acting in their lives and in their homes; those who permit Me, will see in themselves the miracle of My conversion; those who pray with Me, will see in the world the Power of My intercession.
Children of Mine, I will not ask you to repay anything, I will offer you all, I will give you sacrifice, but also Peace and the strength that will bring you to overcome all the trials that may come your way; I will show the path for the forgetfulness of yourself and I will fill all with Infinite Grace, Grace that is born from the donation to others, Grace that is born in service and in Jubilation, which is for the hearts to encounter Christ in those most in need.
Feel today My Love in your spirits, My Mantle over your beings, My support, My help and, above all, My Peace. Because for this I come to the world, to be with My children and to help them to cross the threshold of a new time.
I love you and I bless you today and always.
Your beloved Mother, Mary, Queen of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more