At the request of Our Lord, at this moment we are all going to sing one of the Names of God, invoking the descent of the Celestial Church upon the planet. Let us sing the Eloha Shamayim song.
We may all stand up to revere this moment; Our Lord is still coming with the Celestial Church.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
While the foundations of My Church are established upon the surface of the Earth, great forces of evil are liberated from the planet by the elevation of the fallen stars. Be well received by the Celestial Church of My Father and the essence of all His mysteries of Love.
In the presence of His Sacred Ark, receive the impulses of Light that comes from God through the merciful Heart of His Son.
In the company of the angelic universe, prepare your hearts at this moment, to offer your souls to God and be partakers of this task that your Master and Lord will impart to the world.
The doors of My Church are already open and souls are arriving at the Temple of My Heart.
Souls arrive, just as they are, in the spiritual and material state in which they live. With their imperfections and errors, souls arrive at the center of the Temple of the Celestial Church where the Sacred Ark is found at this moment, which acts as a spiritual source of Light for all the souls that approach it at this moment.
And on one side of the Greater Altar of My Celestial Church, the Virgin Mother is to be found with the holy women and some of the apostles, praying for you at this moment, in the contemplative silence of the prayer that is refracted through the mirror of the heart.
Take your hand to your heart and feel the beat of your heart, My Heart beats just like yours, feeling the pulsation of renewal and of life.
Take the Light of My Church to your heart and let the other hand be in a position of offering. See, at this moment, the arrival of the Celestial Father in His state of One Consciousness. And in the emptiness of your beings, make the surrender that you will give your Redeemer today.
The Celestial Church continues to expand over the world so that all souls, of all nations, peoples and races, may enter My Celestial Church, and may all understand one language, one feeling, which is the language of the heart, unmistakable and perfect.
Now that you are aware of what your souls are living with Me, for all your brothers and sisters on Earth, enter the main corridor of My Celestial Church and approach the Greater Altar, where the Ark of the Holy Covenant is.
Today we are before the moment in which God thought of creating His creatures. On the Altar and through the Ark of the Holy Covenant, feel in your hearts the great moment of Our Creator Father, when He wanted to have beings in likeness to Him so that they could love Him and adore Him.
We stand before the God of Mercy. Feel the Heart of God that, in His silence, implores the world, saying to it:
"Reconcile with Me! I am your Creator, I am the Beginning and I am the End. In My House, there is a special place for each one of My children.
Today, My beloved Son has asked Me to bring you to Me, and you are before Me at this moment.
I am the God of Mercy, of the profound Divine Wisdom, the God of Compassion and Love.
Children, straighten your lives, correct your paths, the end time is approaching and you will have only Me to go through it. I am the God of goodness, the God of acceptance, the unconditional Spirit.
Today, your Eternal Father does not look at your faults, but at the gift that He placed in each one of you, with so much love. When will you offer it to Me? My Son has taught you how to do it.
This is the time of reconciliation, so that peace and healing may come to the world.
I have mobilized the entire universe at this time, because your Father is here, seeing how His children become lost and mistreat each other, how they move away from the Law and the truth.
I did not create you to suffer, but rather that you could have eternal life through the Presence of My Son, your Redeemer. But today I have allowed you to enter My Celestial Church so that you may receive within your inner worlds all the mysteries that this Creation granted you, since before you existed.
You are before the Legacy of the Wisdom of God through the Ark of the Holy Covenant. Thus, the New Jerusalem approaches and the children return to the House of David to resume the path, which they once lost, to the Purpose of My Heart.
I only wish happiness for the world rather than justice, but My children did not understand this. Once I Myself had descended to Earth to teach you about Love through the Word, through each of My Wounds, through the absolute surrender of My Heart.
I am the living, unchangeable and infinite God. My House awaits you one day, but while you are here, learn everything the universe gifts to you, correct your mistakes, purify your faults and healing will be achieved.
I come to give you an atonement that today you will not understand, but that in a short while you will know, because it is your souls that need this Grace of listening to the God of Creation.
The Book of the Life of Creation waits to be rewritten by each one of you, through your experiences of forgiveness and redemption.
On this first day of the arrival of My Church to the hearts of the world, I come together with My Son to celebrate the first and fundamental legacy that Your Redeemer left humanity: The Sacrament of the Eucharist.
Just as your souls are doing at this moment, in the withdrawal into the heart and into the void, prepare yourselves for the offering, so that everything that will take place here, as well as everything that has happened here, may continue to bear its fruits of Mercy and Love in each soul of this humanity.
Place your face upon My Feet.
(three times)
Receive the symbol of the Sacred Geometry of the Ark of the Holy Covenant and carry it to your heart in gratitude and reverence."
Our Lord says that the Word of God reaches the world after two thousand years.
My Father has absolved you.
Our Lord weeps for the non-believers, for those who have abandoned Him and did not have the strength to be supported in Him, and He shows us the Light of His five Wounds, the Light of His Hands, of His Side and of His Feet. And through His Hands He presents us His golden Heart of Light, stronger than hundreds of suns.
By the merits of His Mercy and His sorrowful Passion, He blesses humanity, the five continents and all nations, so that the science of Wisdom illuminates the minds of humankind so that the healing and the reparation of humanity may be established.
In the same way that on this afternoon Our Lord delivers His Heart to us, let us also deliver our hearts to Him.
Let us celebrate.
Just like two thousand years ago, I again give you my Life and all that I am for a simple reason: that you live in My Love and that you know the Truth.
May the Celestial Father receive these elements that will serve as Graces and spiritual anointing for all humanity, recalling the Passion and the Death of Our Lord.
This was how, when Jesus was gathered together with His apostles, He took the bread, raised it up, and offered it to the Father, as an offering of His Sacrifice for humanity. The Father blessed it, and then Our Lord broke it, saying: "Take and eat, for this is My Body that will be given up for humankind for the remission of sins."
He then took the Chalice, and offering it to the Father to be blessed, He gave it with all His Love to His companions, saying: “Take and drink, for this is the Chalice of My Blood, the Blood of the eternal and new Covenant, that will be shed by your Redeemer for the forgiveness of all faults. Do this in remembrance of Me”.
Recognizing the infinite Grace that we receive, in the immensity of the Mercy of God, reaffirming the Passion and Death of Our Lord for the redemption of humanity and for all the Earth, we unite in our hearts and minds with Our Lord Jesus Christ, and before His Celestial Church we repeat the prayer that He taught us, to consummate this consecration.
Our Father (in Portuguese and English).
May the Peace, Love and Mercy of Christ descend to Earth.
"Lord, I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof, but only say the Word and my soul shall be healed." Amen.
The most real work of these days will take place in the inner worlds. It is there where you will find My treasures to be able to avail yourselves of them in this end time.
I thank you for having entered My Celestial Church.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
We are going to finish this transmission by holding in memory what our souls lived today with the Celestial Father, so that tomorrow, on the second day of the Sacred Week, our souls may be more elevated in order to be filled by the impulses of our Creator Father and His Most Holy Son.
We unite with each of our brothers and sisters of the world, in spiritual communion with Our Lord.
And we give thanks, we always give thanks.
Thank you, Lord, for all that you give us!
In this meeting, we honor You, Lord.
Under the blessing of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The Kingdom of God is close to all the souls of the world.
Today is not My day; it is the great day of the coming of the Celestial Church of My Son.
I will always be His Servant and His Messenger. For this reason, I have come here on this very important and special day for the world, so that you may know that the Mother of God, the Mother of humanity, is with each one of you at this moment, in the same place where each one of you are.
For the Grace of God, there are no borders. The omnipresence of God grants the Most Holy Mother the possibility of being with each of Her children at this moment.
Behind me, this evening, see a glimpse of the coming of the Celestial Church. I am the Lady of the Throne of God and I come to announce to the world the great opportunity for its repentance, so that the Mercy of God in this moment may heal it and redeem it.
My Heart remains untiring. My aspiration for you continues to be eternal. The Mother of God does not stop, although Her Word and Her daily Message are retreating in this cycle.
Now, My children, you must be the living message, you must testify to My Message under the paternal Gaze of God. Some of My children must do it, some must demonstrate that they have understood My Message and have taken in each one of My Words throughout these thirteen years, for it will be the way, My children, that you will justify all that you have received before the Celestial Father. This time of uncertainty that the world is experiencing will end if faith and hope within the hearts are renewed.
My children, this is the great time of adoration of the Eucharistic Heart of My Son. This is the great time of prayer of the heart. This is the time, My children, when each of your lives be the same Sacrament, renewing your baptism, your anointing, your confession and your perpetual communion with My Son. Thus, your lives will be confirmed, and this is what the Celestial Father needs to be able to continue to pour out His Mercy upon the world, in those places most urgently in need of it.
This night, My children, on the eve before the coming of the Celestial Church, in love and in devotion, through your souls, let us bow down before the Kingdom of God, for He will send His Grace to the world, He will pour out His Mercy during these next eight days and it will be the great moment for each one of you, in which the Word of My Son must be accomplished.
You must be the Word of My Son, the testimony of conversion and redemption. It is thus that, on this night, on the eve of the coming of the Celestial Church, I announce a week that is not only sacred, but a week of an important atonement for the world.
Whoever places their knees upon the ground, recognizes their faults and delivers them to God, their Guardian Angels will intercede and the pleas will be carried to the Thrones of the Father so that He may convert them into Love and Mercy.
Today, in the same way as each of Her children, the Mother of God is waiting in prayer and in vigil for the arrival of the Redeemer. He has sent me as the Mother of the Throne of God to announce His coming to the world, the advent of His Word, the Grace of His Spirit, the eternal Mercy of His Heart.
A great moment will come to the world, a profound spiritual moment. Being the last, it is the most important of all these last years, in which My Son has been with you. It is the moment of the great step of consciousness, it is the moment for recognizing God, for in penitence and in repentance, the peace will come, and a miracle will happen in your lives and in the lives of your brothers and sisters of the Earth.
All the Hierarchies of Heaven, all the beings of goodwill of the Earth, are preparing for this last moment, in which the Sacred Son of God will bring His Wisdom and Love to the world so that it may be engraved within your consciousnesses, so that you may always relive it within your hearts.
Today, at My feet, as the Mother of the Throne of God, I have the flowers given from the prayer and the love of My children, all the flowers that were given to Me on this night as the result of your prayers and your sincerity with Me.
You know, My children, though My cycle with you may have finished, My aspiration is to always be with you.
My Son gave Me humanity at the most culminating moment of His surrender on the Cross, and so that His Cross may be victorious, you must be redeemed to testify to and confirm what He did for you here on Earth.
It is thus that the life and the teachings of My Son will always be timeless and they will always invite you to renewal and to forgiveness.
This is what I bring to you today from Heaven, as His Servant and His Slave. It is what I bring to the world by opening the doors of the Heavens for the arrival of His Celestial Church.
Keep your hearts open in these coming days, without expectations, without great desires, in absolute emptiness and unconditional love for the Glorified Heart of My Son.
I see humanity suffering so much that My Being has now offered everything to the Father, for the relief of each one of My children.
But just think about the sacrifice of My Son on the Cross. In the greatest abandonment, in the greatest profound solitude, My Son became the Christ when it seemed nothing was happening. And at His feet was His Servant and Slave, the Mother of God, the apostle John and the holy women. He only had us; today He has each one of you.
Everything will pass, a new time will come. If humanity truly repents in these days, the changes could be indescribable for the world.
My children, as a mother who loves you and guides you, do not miss the opportunity, do not look at it as just another moment, for it will not be repeated.
My Son has asked His Father for the authorization of the descent of His Celestial Church in a time of humanity when nothing seems to be resolved, when a great unknown lies within the minds of My children.
In prayer, in offering, offer your lives to God and nothing more. Seek the Light of the Universe, recognize the Star of the Hierarchy. In the firmament, the Redeemer and all His Hosts of Light approaches.
With songs of praise, the angels announce the coming of His Celestial Church. The time for conversion is now.
God loves you and He can no longer be offended. He wants the good for each of His children, for if you live His Love and His Truth, you will be saved, and evil will be defeated by the powerful sword of the Archangel Michael.
The fallen stars will rise up out of the abysses and their origins will achieve the long-awaited reconciliation.
The thousand years of peace will come and Aurora will shine in the hearts of those who have believed in it.
Lift your hopes on High; My Heart brings you the Light of the whole universe. And opening My hands, I pour out the Light of Heaven, just as I poured it out many times in Aurora.
The end is near. Repent, repent, repent, and My Love will take you to God. This is all I will say to you today.
Remember this night of the coming of the Celestial Church of My Son. See His Church reflected within your inner worlds, how His Light and His Glory begin to descend to the planet.
On this night, I will remain in adoration to the Eucharistic Heart of My Son.
On the eve of this special moment, the Mother of the Throne of God is grateful for this temple you have offered Her Son. God contemplates each work done with gratitude, each moment of unity generated for one reason: for the triumph of His Love.
Let us glorify the Son of the Universe with beautiful praise.
In commemoration of this special day for Me and for you, on the eve of the coming of the Celestial Church, and in gratitude for the opportunity to serve and to love, I wish to honor the Most Holy Son of God for His presence, over the course of time, in the Sacrament and in the heart of His children, of all His companions.
Let us elevate a song to the Heart of Christ, because we owe everything to Him, our gratitude and our honor.
We will listen to "You are the King."
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Thank you, Mother of God, for all that you give us!
Through this song that we offer to Our Lord Jesus Christ and in union with the Divine Mother, we prepare inwardly for this vigil, in which our hearts and souls will be attentive to the coming of the Celestial Church in these next hours of our time.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My message comes again to the world, especially for the hearts that are open to listen to the Word of the Divine Hierarchy, a Word that resounds in the Universe, because it is a Word that comes from God.
Because from the Word emerged the Creation and all that exists, just as the children of the Father also emerged, those who have been walking upon this cosmic trajectory in order to someday attain redemption.
But forgiveness is granted to those who decide to live the path of redemption.
Therefore, the Universe and the Hierarchy still sustain this world and humanity, because there is still time to live this path, in spite of all that may happen in this cycle.
The Hierarchy needs that the daring decide to submerge into Universal Life, a life that shows them their origin, their existence and their purpose. In simple words, the revelation of their truth and also of their past. Not of a past for them to turn back to or to remember the errors committed, but rather to remember what they learned, what they experienced and what they acquired throughout the times, the cosmic time.
Today I come to speak to the world from the Andes, one of the places where the Hierarchy has Its Heart and Its Presence, from the Mendozan and Chilean Andes, because for the Hierarchy there is no division nor borders; there is one people, a single people, one race, which, in spite of its experiences, must someday be recognized as unique in this Project of Love and Redemption, of Forgiveness and Mercy.
Therefore, I open the doors of the Universe within this place, where you are today, in order for you to accompany your Heavenly Mother; where the fallen stars and the suns that awaken can find their origin again and feel that they are a part of the whole, feel that they are a part of the Creation, of Universal Life.
Therefore, today your spirits are placed before the presence of the Universe, before the presence of the Hierarchy, before the Fount of the Love of God, because it is from this that the beings from the surface of the Earth, in this time, must be nourished from in order to learn how to survive these crucial moments while humanity faces the result of what it chose.
Therefore, I come as Mother, but also as the Governess of the Universe, as the Matrix of the Mirrors, to help you to correct the path, to teach you to find the path of peace and harmony so that your inner suns can shine and manifest the Purpose, beyond the human life, beyond superficiality.
The opportunities that the Hierarchy gives at this moment are unique and will not be repeated. For this reason, you must make use of the times and of the events. You must nourish spiritually upon that which the Spiritual Hierarchy gives you so that, each day more, you can reaffirm this commitment and this purpose that you came to fulfill for a Greater and still unknown Will.
The origins of those who have awakened, and of the ones who will awaken, unite today to this moment and to this meeting with the Divine Mother so that the true lineage, so that the true gift or virtue of each being, may give impulse to the tridimensional consciousness to take the step that it must take, and to help reverse, in service and out of love, the situation in which humanity finds itself, which is an adverse and very dark situation.
But while I am with you, beloved children, while I speak to the center of each one of your beings, where the Word of the Hierarchy truly resounds, the Universal Mother and the Greater Governess dissolves the contrary currents by means of the path of peace and harmony, without generating conflicts nor spiritual confrontations. Because love, as you know, is above everything, any situation or moment, any inner desert or agony.
Love allows you to renew and permits you to again find the path that you sometimes lose for different circumstances.
The world, and especially humanity, must acknowledge today that it is not alone in this macrocosm. This will grant the intervention and the help of the Celestial Spheres. And humanity, at least a small part of it, could then recover that which it has internally lost; and would continue to receive the impulse to live the path of Light.
Therefore, all efforts that the Hierarchy makes at this moment are immediate and urgent. Thus, your response, at this moment, must be immediate and urgent so that the greater balance can be attained in the whole human race on all the surface of the Earth, in each heart that is part of this universal family
Thus, while I talk to you and transmit My words to you, your Heavenly Mother and Greater Governess works with humanity in those situations that are not solved yet and that need the powerful Hand of God to find a solution and a path of return to the origin.
When I am here with you, I bring you the Universe, not only that which exists out there, in the Cosmos, but I also bring you the spiritual Universe where the beginning of everything and the origin of your existence is, the primordial and fundamental essence that created you, so that you might be here today, on this planet, and living this school that My Son lovingly offers to you.
By assuming a commitment with what you truly are, and not with what you appear to be, you will allow the Purpose to be attainable, to everyone, and you will be able to keep contributing to the Plan of the Hierarchy in this acute time of humanity.
Today, I come to contemplate what is true within you and not what is apparent. I come so that the center of your being may rise, which is a sun, an essence, which fulfills a purpose and a goal in this Creation, as many, many essences in the Universe and, thus, I come to unite you to the one Source, to the divine Thought of God.
I come to elevate you toward the Heart of the Father because there you will always find the inner strength you need in order to transcend and to redeem in the name of My Son, your Redeemer.
While this happens, the essences of humanity are also worked on by your Heavenly Mother, by the Greater Governess, so that at least a spark of Divine Grace may ignite the consciousness of those who sleep and thus they may awaken to universal truth.
For this to be possible, I need intermediaries, servers, faithful collaborators who follow the instruction of the Spiritual Hierarchy and not of others, so that you do not get confused, so that you do not take vainglory, so that you only fulfill Divine Will, in obedience and gratitude,which is the Will that will always free you and guide you toward the just and right path.
While the planet experiences its purification and purification mobilizes chaos and conflicts, let Peace reign in the hearts of those who believe in God and in those who fulfill His call without conditions nor rules.
May the advent of the New Humanity now become a reality for all, because this humanity, children, must first be born within you, and then be present upon the surface; it is something profoundly spiritual and non-material.
The New Humanity will be a gift of God granted by the Eternal Father Himself for the regeneration of life and the whole Creation after the traumatic and painful experiences lived in the whole human race throughout the times and the decades.
The gift of God of the New Humanity will be a living reality in those who self-summon, so that the old flock of Israel may gather and congregate again and finally they may fulfill the promises that are written in the Heart of God, your Eternal Father.
At this moment of planetary transition, gather the inner forces that come from the love of the heart and from the love of the spirit to carry forward, upon this path, the wills and the projects of My Son, which are still to manifest in this time, although humanity lives this harsh reality.
Trust in that which is possible to fulfill, in that which is possible to concretize and in everything that is possible to attain because, as it is the Will of God, it will manifest and present itself before your eyes, and you will carry forward everything the Father has expected, for such a long time.
It is possible to decrease the risks that the planet and humanity could experience in this time, if the offering is sincere and does not waver; the Plan will be fulfilled because it is a Law, and you must believe in this, every day.
I am here with you always, to help you to build, within you, the Plan of God, so that later the Plan may be a reality upon the surface.
Obedience and fidelity will be the great key for this moment of transition, for all servers and collaborators of this work; thus, the bridge of contact between your Universe and Ours will never be missing.
May the Love that My Heart brings today rebuild you internally and place you in the Commands of My Son, so that the Work of His infinite Mercy may come to all, without distinction.
From the Andes, I invoke and proclaim to all the return to your origin, so that in this time of purification you may believe in the gorgeous and beautiful that God gave to you in the beginning.
I thank you for accompanying Me in this planetary moment! Because I know that you have never lived or experienced it. This is the great moment and the great time for all. Help yourselves of Our Love to live it. Welcome Our support to be able to face it.
I am here and I am your Universal Mother.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
By the infinite Mercy of My Heart, I descend to the lowest places of the Earth, to bring the Light of God to the world, that Divine Light which will redeem all consciousnesses and all spaces, the powerful Light of God that will redeem all times and all epochs, all facts and all events, so that the humanity of the surface may have a new opportunity and may know how to benefit from it.
Therefore, your Lord and Redeemer visits the most complex nations of the Earth where apparently nothing happens but, within the inner planes, they suffer much the consequence of their acts and errors. Errors that have not been forgiven yet, acts that have not been redeemed yet, and that only in this current time and within this final time will they begin to be liberated by the prayer of those who cry for God, by those who build toward Heaven the nonmaterial Churches through their profession of faith and through their daily prayer, their mantralization with the Heights, with infinity, with the Universe.
Only My merciful Heart can deposit here in Hungary a new opportunity, like also in the other nations that are witnesses of past errors that still have not converted, nor been forgiven.
But My intention is not to step back, it is not to remember the past nor the history. My intention is to liberate you from the chains, from the oppressions, from everything that makes you follow an involutionary course, from everything that makes you lose peace and hope in God.
Only the Son of God and no other consciousness, not even an angelic one, can take charge of this situation, however much the angels of the Universe may participate in this within the inner planes, and are removing the hells of the Earth so that they may be finally closed before the Second Coming of your Master and Redeemer. It will be the Son of the Supreme, the Son of the Creator, the one who is at the right side of the Father who will come to unite the religions into one belief, the belief of love and of compassion.
Therefore, companions, everything that will happen here in Hungary, everything that happens in Romania with the Holy Father, at this moment, everything has a sense and a spiritual reason that impels the Divine Fount of Creation to try to recover the planet at least through faith, faith in the celestial, faith in the divine, in the nonmaterial.
God sends His Son as a means of salvation for humanity, and the Son announces the Word of the Father that is Holy and Sacred so that the inner ears may listen to the good news of the time of liberation and of the time of peace.
But it will be necessary to yield and to humble, to surrender and to trust, so that what is in the Universe can descend to the Earth and make of the new nations a new Eden with redeemed creatures, forgiven and reconciled by the Spirit of the Love of God.
By means of the next Marathon of the Divine Mercy, you will offer to the Father your prayers for the nations of the world, especially for those nations that still keep deep inner wounds, which no one has manged to heal, not even through charity nor through love.
Therefore, this message must become conscious within each one of you, knowing that you not only take care of your homes, of your groups or of your works, but now you must take care for those who do not take care of themselves, who do not love themselves and who do not reconcile with God, and in millions of cases die without seeing the Light, the Light of God, and remain in the dark.
I want to put anend to the darkness of the world, which humanity itself generates with its actions and acts, with its feelings and thoughts. The psychic and mental plane of the Earth must be transmuted by all, through the collaboration of all, although the situations accelerate more each day.
You must not lose peace, nor the certainty that you are building the Plan of the Return of Christ to the Earth. You must always be within My Heart to be in the Divine Protection and in the fortitude of My spiritual Temple, of My Celestial Church, which congregates everyone so that you may drink of the Water of Life, of the Fount of Love and of the renewal that I bring to you, time and again.
My Heart contemplates all necessities of the Earth and My Spirit elevates all intentions of the children of God, including those intentions that are not pure and that you have as conveniences, but I purify all intentions because I know that the inner worlds need an opportunity in order to be able to reconsider and truly love.
Therefore, I welcome all needs, I receive all requests, I hear all supplications. This is the time when the Heart of God is attentive and open to feel the voice of your supplications, because no one on the surface of this Earth will be able to miss the opportunity of awakening and of truly uniting to God.
Therefore, everything you do will be for something that must happen after and before I return to the world, under the Glory of God and the splendor of all the Universe. On the surface of the Earth there are still many fallen stars that must find again the path of redemption, and these fallen stars are within the nations and also within the religions.
Fraternity will be this basis that will build the Temple of Redemption for all these fallen stars that must resume their commitment with God and recover their faith in the Light of Christ. For this reason, I offer Myself directly to you and to the world as a Door to the House of God, our Father, so that His Divine Attributes may be among you and may fill you.
I make you apostles of the times of tribulation so that you may learn to win as I won in the silence of the Cross and in the true and deep Love that exorcised all the hells of the Earth at that time.
The world needs a high and incalculable Love and you can be instruments so that this Love may come here and build new things in the world, for peace to reign in all spaces.
Eastern Europe must be a people renewed in faith and in the trust in God. And this work has just begun through the self-summoned, those who are internally called by Christ, your Master and Lord, to serve Him in His Plan of Redemption and of Love.
Celebrate this Marathon as an opportunity of living the apostleship of these times, regardless of the place or of the necessity, intention or cause, because I will place you where I need you, however it may be or however much it takes. I will place you in the place where love, healing and forgiveness is most needed. I will put you where the Light has never descended.
The work of the apostleship will prepare the Return of Christ. For this reason, union among religions will be important; the union in love, in human fraternity, in faith and in charity will impel the world to become aware that it must make a great change before the last day of the final transition comes, when your King Himself, the Christ, and the Archangel Gabriel will judge that fallen angel that has caused everything throughout the times and the centuries.
Everything that is done now is for these times that will come. The Fount of My Mercy is still open to the whole world, just place yourselves under My Light with the intention of the heart and the consciousness to be able to be purified and transmuted, to be able to be consecrated as My Apostle of Peace.
I thank you for your reception and response to My call!
My Mercy still springs as an infinite Fount from My Heart to the most lost and suffering souls of the whole world.
I bless you,
Dear children,
I am the Lady of the Dawn, the eternal and new Aurora who brings in Her Hands the Grace of God for all of Her children.
I am the Lady of the Dawn, who gestates in Her sacred Womb a New Humanity.
I am the One who imparts the Love of God on all creatures.
I am the Lady of the Dawn, the One who awakens the Virtues of God in hearts so that they may be at the service of souls through those who consecrate themselves to the Lord.
I am the Lady of the Dawn, the One who activates the inner Suns in beings so that the majority may offer themselves to the Plan of God.
I am the Lady of the Dawn, the One who announces a new time and a new race that will be filled by the victorious Mercy of God.
I am the Lady of the Dawn and keep in My Heart the fallen stars so that, some day, through their redemption, they may be the new stars in the redeeming firmament.
I am the Lady of the Dawn and I leave you all My message of peace.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses and accompanies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesus transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Live the Love of God, dear children, and the world will achieve peace. This is My main desire for this Christmas of Our Lord.
In the birth of this inner Light, dear children, I want you to be able to open your heart more so that God can completely fill you and thus carry His Project forward in every one of your days.
I come here as the Mother that can do anything, as the Mother that stretches out Her arms and Her hands to take up Her children, just as She took Jesus up in Her arms when He was in the manger.
But today I want to have each one of you on My lap, each being of this planet that does not live in peace, that does not practice love and does not move forward with their mission in these definitive times.
I need you, children, to continue by My side, even though you do not know My Plans, even though you doubt them, even though you do not understand them.
Through the Plans of God, I bring you and give you all My Love, the Love of a Mother Who understands, Who accepts and, together with Her children, experiences the suffering of the planet and its humanity.
Today I come surrounded by the Angels of God, those angels that will announce the new times, the new stages and the new cycles. Thus, on the inner planes, they are sounding their trumpets, for they are who announce, on the eve of this time, the Return of Our Lord.
I come to leave within you, dear children, a seed of Light, of understanding, but also of supplication, so that you learn every day, through your transformation and surrender; so that you allow the Plan of God to be accomplished at each new step.
It is on the souls of this Earth that the concretization of the Plan of God depends, and of its continuation throughout time. Thus, you are called to experience something that you have never experienced and have still not learned.
So you must go through these times with courage, and experiencing love in each minute, each second, in all the moments of your life, so that your spirits, dear children, are enriched with what is real, so that love may lead you to be transparent, so that all believe that their path is truly a surrender.
On the path of prayer, you will find a key, a fortitude and the impetus to transcend tests and the times that will come.
Do not cease drinking from the fount of charity and good examples.
Allow the Piety of God to transform you through each new service, each opportunity for expressing surrender and love.
My Son has come to be born, in this time, in simple hearts. My Son has come, in this year, to finish concretizing His awaited Plan of Return to the world.
When you do not manage to take the steps in the Plan of God, you stop the Plans of the Creator.
Our Hands and Our Sacred Hearts untiringly give of themselves to help the children of God to feel safe on the path of surrender, renunciation and sacrifice.
Not everybody will experience that which I ask of you, but it is possible to do it and experience it. Each unconditional surrender of your hearts moves the Heart of the Father, and He once again entrusts His Plan of Mercy and Redemption to you.
No longer think, dear children, of the whole world, that you were fallen stars. Now, with the impulse of your inner Christ, be redeemed stars in the firmament. Be stars more brilliant and radiant than the great Star of Bethlehem, for in your hearts exists the Gift of the Fear of God; there exists His Divine Essence, which is still not understood by the world.
To experience this mystery, dear children, I bring you the gift of My Immaculate Heart, so you may enter into It without fear and with confidence.
In My Heart exists the Fire of God, which transforms all things.
In My Heart exists the Dwelling Place of God, which gives refuge to all, especially wounded souls, uninspired and suffering souls; souls that do evil and do not know how to get out of that.
I come to offer you, dear children, on this Christmas, the great Present of God: My Immaculate Heart, so that it may be a living flame in your lives, which illumines, purifies and transmutes all things.
Believe, dear children, that it is possible to achieve transparency, consecration, and surrender to the Plan of God.
The angels with their trumpets announce the new cycles, the new teachings and the experiences that will come to your paths to someday make you free of yourselves, free of arrogance, free of pride, free of vanity, free from sin and from the lie.
As untiring and perpetual Mother, I wish to make you in likeness to My Immaculate Heart, make you true at each step in life and with each brother or sister you encounter on your paths.
In this way, beloved children, in this time, we will build unity between souls and hearts; a Sacred Unity, which is feared by My adversary because it is unknown to it.
The essence of Unity is the Love and the Truth that will always save you, which will always be your lifeline, that will always help you and aid you in these difficult times.
I need, dear children, for you to see My Work as a global work, like the great Work of Jesus, the Redeemer, Who comes in this time to prepare you inwardly for His Return.
After more than two thousand years, Our Words will not only be Messages, but the reality. You will see what I tell you being fulfilled. For this reason, so that you may be participants in the moment of the Return of Our Lord, strengthen your trust and your belief in the faithful Messenger of God.
I come walking as a Pilgrim Mother through the times, the centuries and the years, to announce this awaited moment in each place of the planet.
You, together with Me, dear children, have a great mission which you will not understand for the rest of your lives; you will only end up understanding it after this life, when everything has already happened as requested by God.
You are part of a transitional mission, of the passage from an old time to a new time.
You, my children, are the first cell in My Work that is taking shape to generate life in new souls. Thus, dear children, you will not understand everything nor will you know it, no matter how much you believe you do.
Be humble on the path of transformation and you will reach the Kingdom of the Heavens, which still have the doors open for sincere hearts, for hearts that cry out in truth for Mercy and Redemption.
On this evening, your Heavenly Mother prepares Her next mission to Peru and Ecuador. As from now, dear children, I invite you to accompany Me in the concretion of this design, which comes from the Father and is being pronounced through My Immaculate Heart. Peru and Ecuador will be the preamble to Asia and Africa.
My Work is still not finished, but later it will withdraw, thus fulfilling the time that God has allowed Me to live among you and with you. That will be the moment in which you must be My living Message on the surface of the Earth. It will be the moment in which all the teachings of Our Hearts will not only be in the books, but alive in your lives.
It will be the long-awaited moment to help and aid the souls of the world, the nations and the continents that will experience their great and last purification.
When this is about to happen, dear children, be alert in vigil, adoration and prayer, because the Return of My Son will be near.
The Blue Crosses He has requested to be installed in the Marian Centers will be the sign and will, at the right moment, indicate His arrival. Thus, they must be lighted so that souls can recognize where the Redeemer will come and where He will assemble the nations and the peoples to speak to them again and announce His last Good News.
Thus, dear children, let the advent of the Christs of the last days be accomplished.
Let this inner Christ which has been born in the hearts of the world, which lives in faith and in prayer not only dwell within, but in this time, express in each detail, in each moment, as in each prayer. In this way, beloved children, you will allow the preparation of the Earth and the planet for His Return.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Thus, understand that what I come to build in this world though you, is unknown to you.
For this reason, on this evening, My children, I bring you a part of the Plan of God for this Work, for your lives, for your hearts that must be fully united with Mine.
I reveal a part of this mission to you which you so aspire to know so that, being aware of it, you walk toward that destination, you walk toward that goal.
Today I give you My Immaculate Heart as a unique offering, because of a request of the Creator, so that in this way, My children, in the renunciation, the surrender, the void and the silence of My Immaculate Heart, you are able to accomplish all the things that I announced to you today.
For your lives, this new cycle will represent a cycle of greater surrender, of greater renunciation and of greater silence.
My Heart will begin to go silent together with yours so that, in this way, My children, you prepare this world with an example, with the living example that you are servants and companions of the Sacred Hearts and of the Creator of all the Universes.
This is why you are being so intensely purified. This is why the Universe has you facing tests and challenges unknown to you, so that in this way, children, you may find the void, you may find the Father within your inner self.
Today, I come to deprive your spirits, minds and hearts of your personal skills, of the vanities and pride of this world, so that you make space for My Immaculate Heart.
Let It enter into your essences, your bodies, like a new cell that will change not only your consciousnesses and your spirits, but also your flesh and the depths of your human condition, so that you may be free of the old being, the old human.
Let My Heart enter into yours like a new heart; let it pulsate a new cycle, a new being; one that in truth, My children, is what you are since the beginning.
Let My Heart bring you the Grace of renewal and that, with this Grace, you discover that the true triumph of the Redeemer is built from the inside outward; that this Work is what I am building from the inside outward.
The Creator asked Us to transform your lives completely; transform your beings and your hearts; with the fire of the Divine Spirit of God, burn your old vestments so that you may be dressed with the robes of humility, barefoot to the past on this Earth and in other worlds so that, in this way, children, you may be in likeness to Him Who walked barefoot in this world, and with Me you prepare for His Return, which is close.
Believe in the Return of the Redeemer. Feel that He can arrive at any moment and, in this way, aspire every day to be ready to see Him face to Face, without fear, without shame; because today My Immaculate Heart cleansed you, redeemed you, forgave you your faults, and invited you to a new life and a new cycle, together with Me, the Redeemer, your Universal and Divine Father, and all those that respond and will eternally respond to the command of His Voice.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Before withdrawing to the Universe of God, I want to tell you, dear children, that I will always tell you the truth, no matter how hard or difficult it may seem.
When you are unable to hear Me, understand Me or accept Me, pray from the heart and allow your hearts to expand, and in this way, the fire of My Divine Spirit will embrace you like a mystery, will bring you wisdom and understanding; above all, it will bring you peace.
Before withdrawing to the Universe of God, I have also come to consecrate the new Children of Mary, whom I ask to come forward, because they will be the first in this cycle who will experience the transforming Fire of God in the name of all of humanity, knowing that it will be necessary, beloved children, that you always remain firm in service and in prayer so as to be able to persevere and transcend these definitive times.
Today I will bless the new children of My Immaculate Heart with the balm of My motherly Light, so that this Light also expands through the world and the places that are in most need of Redemption and of Mercy, in the hearts that still do not listen to God.
Place your hands in the position of receptivity to ask the Eternal Father, beloved children, to make you strong, persevering and that in this cycle, you learn to transcend errors, faults and sins, so that the inner Christ may always shine in the soul of each being of this planet, so that the Love of God and His consolation always prevail, and in this way, the flocks of the Lord are gathered when He calls all of you for the second time.
I bless you and consecrate you as children, servants and slaves of My motherly Heart, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Lift up the song and the hymn of your consecration to Heaven, so that as Mother of Providence and Grace, I take this offering to the Feet of Our Father, the Creator.
I thank you for responding to My call and I leave you in the light of Aurora.
So be it.
Dear children,
I come here for a wounded world, and, in My hands, I carry the greatest cause of God, which is the fulfillment of His Plan of Love and Redemption on the surface.
I pray for this cherished Project and every day I relive the Words of the Creator, which He spoke to Me in His Kingdom:
“Dear Universal Mother, supreme and humble Mirror of Love, Your Father and Lord of the Universe asks that you tirelessly go forth to meet souls and the most simple because through them, I will be able to heal the planet and its humanity, I will repopulate the world with hundreds of suns, many more than I have created throughout the Universes.
I will make of each sun a prodigious emanation of My Source and, through them, I will pour out the Divine Codes of My Paternal Heart.
Go ahead, most sweet Lady of the Light, Governor of all the stars, fallen and non-fallen. Go ahead, appear and announce to the race that I deeply love them and that they are offending Me while setting themselves apart from the Universe of My Love.
Do everything in Your power, You have no boundaries, but rather thousands of angels and devas to reverse the lack of love and to transmute the indifference upon this planet.
You will always hold within Your Heart the unquenchable wisdom of My Words, because, through Your Grace, I will make of hearts luminous trophies of redemption, to place them at the foot of the celestial altar”.
In My silence, children, I hear this proclamation, every day. And I will be able to be the Mother of humanity and of all the Earth, as long as you allow Me to be. Thus, My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Carry in your hearts the badge of the Brotherhood.
May those who have fallen rise.
May evil be submerged itself into its hells and may the doors to perdition and to the condemnation of souls be closed at last; because the Almighty has come to meet you in order to be able to fill you with His Light and His Mercy, and to make of His creatures a new flock of Light, full of the Love of God and impregnated by His Gifts of Compassion, Unity, and Faith.
Today I come as the Priest of the Universe; I come to give you My Peace so that you may be in My Peace, and I give you My Peace so that you may multiply it and make it alive in your hearts and in the hearts of your brothers and sisters.
I have come from a very special place for Me, and also for My Father, one of the most beautiful places in the Creation of this Planet.
I come from the high peaks of the Himalayas, where the spirit of the sacred, of the pure, and of the reverent is gestated for humanity.
I want those who are Mine to walk with Me upon this mountain. I want you to feel your feet free in order to be able to do so.
I want you to be able to attain the goals that I propose for you for these times, and that, in spite of everything, you continue trusting in Me, because even though the purification may be extensive, the Mystery of Faith is infinite and it is what allows souls to be in God, and God to be in them.
I wish you to contemplate these mountains of the Himalayas as a great revelation of your Master and Lord, who, while amongst you, more than two thousand years ago, already knew what existed there.
Let the mountains be the example and the principle of the elevation of humanity, and, above all, of the elevation of the human mind, which is volatile and destructive.
I come to give strength to those who consider themselves to be My soldiers.
I come to bring the Light that rises in the infinity of the horizon.
For this reason, walk together with Me upon that mountain path, until you reach its highest point, thus, your spirits will rejoice, for you will no longer see obstacles nor will you have limitations in rising up to God. While matter is purified, let the spirit be firm in its purpose and in its mission.
Precious jewels of the Brotherhood are being delivered to everyone and they must be recognized first within yourselves, so that later you are able to express them in the physical life.
In order to climb to the top of this mountain, you must follow a rule that is necessary for Me: that you be what I need you to be, that you give the example of your true spirituality and that, no matter what happens, you keep faith and know that nothing is lost.
Humanity has never faced such difficult times as these. It is the first time that it crosses a portal towards a definition of its consciousnesses and of its purpose.
I come from the heights of the Himalayas to be able to show the world that it is possible to attain the goal and to reach the end of the purpose, no matter what the cost may be.
But if your hands remain united as brothers and sisters, and you create a great chain of Light up to the heights of the Himalayas, the one who is last, and experiencing the hardest test, will be able to be elevated through you and achieve the Light, feel Peace, and, in this example, will be able to find the Spirit of Brotherhood.
Many places of the planet keep Sacred Mysteries.
Unknown keys will be activated in the end of times so that the sleeping humanity may awaken.
And in order for this to happen, first this initiative will come from you, because, in truth, you already know what exists in the inner worlds of this Planet, which allow for the true awakening of humanity.
Today I show you the Himalayas so that you can see within them the spirit of that which is sacred, of all that is good, that can be permeated in the consciousness that seeks the transcendence and elevation of its being.
I am not the only Master in that place; there are also others who, on the inner planes, work for the purpose of the salvation of this humanity, especially the most unconscious of humanity.
Enter the heights of these mountains and feel your spirits in deep freedom.
See how your souls fly like the bird; feel how your hearts open to the beat of the Brotherhood and of all that is sacred.
Discover in yourselves the true Sun that you are. Let it shine and let it dazzle in order to be able to fulfill its purpose in this humanity.
I come to free you from the roots of indifference.
I come to raise you up to the spirit of Truth so that you may enter these mountains, free of the past, redeemed in your actions, and healed of your wounds.
In this way, you will receive the inner light that you need, and with gratitude you will embrace the Codes of Love that God will send you through His Presence in those sacred places of the planet.
From the heights of the Himalayas, I come to proclaim My coming to the world, so that all ears may hear within their inner worlds, and this Word may echo and resound where it should resound, beyond this Universe.
Meanwhile, the doorways to an incalculable opportunity are opening so that souls may recognize their origin and cease to be ignorant and asleep in the face of the Mysteries of the Universe that are being unveiled in these times, in which everything is in play.
Today I leave you all in the heights of the Himalayas, in one of the places most Sacred for My Father, in which He has chosen to place His Feet and again bring His Spirit of Reconciliation and Peace, to give it to all of His creatures.
His Fount will become visible in the times that will come, and souls will awaken and set aside their ignorance; they will open their eyes to what they truly are and set aside arrogance and everything that is petty in this surface humanity.
The chains of error of the past will be dissolved because Saint Michael the Archangel will wield His sword over them. Saint Raphael the Archangel will pour out His healing over the spirits that are unconditionally with God.
The keys of the Doors of Heaven will be given into the hands of the simple, to those who have followed the Path of the Lord, in spite of their purification and their tests.
Blessed are they who enter into My inner Himalayas.
Blessed are they who commune of this Mystery and reveal it to the world.
Blessed are they who with gratitude give thanks for all of these things without deeply knowing them.
Blessed are they who seek the Spirit of Brotherhood beyond themselves and their imperfections.
Blessed are they who take care of the Project of God and make It a part of their lives, defending it from themselves.
Blessed are they who remove their shoes to enter the Temple in an act of reverence and devotion to Divine Compassion.
Blessed are they who bow down in the heights of the mountains to plead to the Father, to Adonai.
Blessed are they who build the new and maintain it throughout time.
Blessed are they who have nothing to gain nor to lose because the Kingdom of the Heavens will be within them and scripture will be fulfilled; they will be freed of the sin of Adam and Eve. And a New Humanity will finally rise, full of new Christs, servant spirits, of souls in constant adoration.
Blessed are they who care for their work of prayer, truly and without deceiving themselves.
Blessed are they who build the foundations of spirituality and hold them in their hearts, as the last legacy.
Today your High Priest speaks to you; the Almighty pronounces His Words through His Beloved Son so that the flocks spread throughout the Earth may assemble at the foot of this mountain of the Himalayas, awaiting the great moment of the Return of their Beloved Lord.
"I ask You, Father, to open the Heavens over a world that is in darkness and that, through the Compassion of your Heart in the world, You may see the lights that ignite to recognize Your Call.
See now, Father, how Your fallen stars shine and how they rise up to the heights of the Firmament to become part of Your Universal Kingdom and Your Great Heavenly Vault.
Now, Father, do not leave anyone behind. I promise to give those who are lost refuge in My Arms. I promise to fulfill Your Works through those who give of themselves to Me and who are unconditionally consistent with My Invitation.
Today, in the heights of the Himalayas, Father, I leave those who most need You, so that those who are most aware and awake may, at the feet of these sacred mountains, may care for the rest of Your flocks.
I place My Scepter upon the heights of these mountains and I strike it on the Earth, to ignite it in Light.
The false temples will fall to My right and to My left, and the ruins of perdition and of the hells will be swallowed up by the earth so that Your Great Portal of Compassion may open between the East and the West, and, finally, Father, Your Words may be accomplished in Humanity. Amen."
Today I send My thanks to those who take care of the Sacred Instruction of the Spiritual and Divine Hierarchy. Through them, My Word is known throughout the world, and all languages can receive My Message so that it may be accomplished in Humanity.
I wish to dedicate My Love to those who make the effort for this to be accomplished, according to My designs.
Know that, through My Words, and all those who revise and correct them, so that My Message of Light may expand through the world, your hearts are deeply worked upon, time after time, and without your perceiving it, your consciousnesses are unified with Mine, and, thus the Plan manifests.
After these last years of work, those who take care of the instructions of the Divine Messengers should know that they have a spiritual treasure in their hands and that, through their offering, this spiritual and inner treasure may reach many souls that also need it.
For, in this way, the one hundred and forty-four thousand will awaken, who will wait for their Lord during a night of vigil.
And, before the sun will rise, before the new Aurora emerges, in your silence, you will hear the footsteps of the Lord, who is drawing closer to again meet with you, and thus seal the Covenant between hearts and God.
So be it.
I am the Mother of the unredeemed and I come in search of fallen stars, which for various reasons, submerged in the abysses and lost their path of awakening.
I am the Mother of the unredeemed and I come to the world in search of fallen stars, which stopped shining and fulfilling their spiritual mission.
I am the Mother of the unredeemed and I come to the world in search of fallen stars, which left behind their legacy of yesteryear and have submerged in damnation.
I am the Mother of the unredeemed and I come to the world in search of fallen stars, which forgot about love, of recognizing it because of experiencing hate and pain.
I am the Mother of the unredeemed and I come to the world in search of fallen stars, of the essences that lost their original purity, so they may recover it and become worthy Children of God.
I am the Mother of the unredeemed and I come to the world in search of fallen stars, of souls that no longer search for God and have set Him aside, because of having chosen the paths of My adversary.
In a motherly fashion, I come in search of the unredeemed, to be able to finally and forever remove the blindfold from their eyes, so that in this way, they come to know reality and may be redeemed.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
Although it does not seem so, I come surrounded by the stars of the flag of the United States to change them into stars of My universal Mantle. This means, dear children, that the task has not yet been finalized , that the fulfilment of this task that I am carrying out, together with My Son and Saint Joseph, is part of your hearts.
If your Mother of Heaven can convert impossible things, you shall be able to help Me, dear children, even though it may seem impossible, for this Sacred Mission to be carried out, just as God has asked of Me, from the depths of His Heart.
You will understand, dear children, after everything has passed, the things that I will try to avert.
Today, dear children, I bring you the consciousness of the confraternity and the Love that makes all of you participants in a perfect communion with My beloved Son.
I come surrounded by the stars of the flag of the United States, just as I came surrounded by the stars to Guadalupe, to show the world that in higher life lies the doorway to liberation and peace.
I know there are many of you, dear children, who do not yet understand this celestial mystery, but when your hearts open to be mirrors of My prayer, you will be able to simply penetrate this mystery; and in this way, you will concretize everything that I ask of you in a humble and serving way.
Today, I am between the United States and Mexico, placing My Rays over each nation, uniting the consciousnesses of the nations so that they shall not be separated from the Purpose of God, for it was in this way that I announced it to Juan Diego in Guadalupe, that humanity must unite in spite of your cultures and races in order to achieve peace.
In this definitive time, dear children, in which the planet is mobilizing and suffers the consequences of the surface, I invite you to experience cooperation, brotherhood and love above all that you know and have learned.
Thus, you will also penetrate My Immaculate Heart not only with your prayers and voices, but with the intention of serving a Greater Plan that is still unknown to all of humanity.
Thus, dear children, My beloved children, I bring you an awareness of the true purpose for these times, uniting as a single brotherhood, so that the events of the planetary transition may be experienced in the greatest peace possible.
My wish, dear children, is that you transmit this impulse I bring you today to all your brothers and sisters, even those who do not want to listen to God nor My Heart. Trust that though the power of your simple words, you will be able to sow the seeds of Light in all those who most need this.
I tell you again, dear children, that on this special night, in which My Heart is venerated and loved by all of you with an intimate and spiritual joy, I am over the United States and Mexico to heal the wounds experienced between these peoples; to allow the true principle of each nation to be reborn, of serving God in these times through your Guardian Angels and the Angels of the Nations, ardently waiting to unite with each of you.
It is thus that, from the heights of Tepeyac, as well as from the heights of Mount Shasta, your Heavenly Mother will announce the word of salvation and will bring to all of California and the United States the hope that have lost, because of all that you have been living through in recent times.
With all the strength of My Love, I will go to withdraw the fear from Latin American hearts, those who have been immigrants, looking for a hope of life and an opportunity.
All I wish, dear children, is that between the United States and Mexico a profound fellowship be established so that the walls, which you think to build between the nations, no longer be ideas in human thought nor in the spiritual plan. If that comes to pass, dear children of Mexico, do not reject the test you will experience.
Love more and more the Will that God places in your nations and hearts, for in this way, you will be on the correct path and any social war will be avoided.
I would not want to return to Mexico in such a crucial hour, as it was with the Aztec civilization and the European community, in which I came to announce the profound act of reconciliation and of peace between the peoples.
Your Heavenly Mother does not want to see blood running in the streets nor does She want to see hearts suffering the incomprehension of the decisions that the rulers take in this world, which affect the whole of humanity, the whole planet.
I do not come to set you against anybody; I come to ask, dear children, that you deeply love your enemies, for they have need of the Grace of God, which must be born from your hearts, so that they may have an opportunity, just as you have had in these times.
I tell you again, dear children, that I am surrounded with the stars of the flag of the United States, so as to be able to change the souls who do not listen to God and that, in a profound lethargy, submerge daily in material life, without seeking the essence of spirit, the essence that unites them with God all the time.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
On this evening, I would like you to understand My Words with the heart; that you do not see a nation by its culture or its past; but rather, that you see, children, each soul that dwells there, that has such need of My maternal Presence, because they ignore Me, do not know My Divinity, do not recognize My Love. And in this time, it will be paramount for souls to be able to find in My Immaculate Heart the refuge and hope of seeing peace being born in this world.
Today I come surrounded by the stars of the flag of the United States, not to be consequent with what happens there, but to tell you, children, that at this moment, that nation has much need of My help. It needs the liberation that God grants His Servant to realize in the world; just as I have been carrying it out every day that I have been here, together with Christ and with Saint Joseph; because your hearts opened the door to Me, and many of your brothers and sisters that do not know you, who have never heard of you, helped Me to get here today; they withdrew assets that belonged to them, from their homes, generating merits for the salvation of their souls.
This was a learning experience, children, that I need to offer to many nations, because as much as you do not understand, when you strive from the heart to generate merits for the liberation of others, you are beginning to enter into the Principle of God for humanity; you are allowing Christic life to descend to the human consciousness, because My Son did not measure efforts to rescue those whom He did not know , irrespective of their religion, their nation, the people they belonged to or the customs they lived by, whether saints or worldly.
Because all of humanity, children, need the Presence of God; need to discover the hidden God existing within; because the time has come for the Creator to be able to express through His creatures. And it is in the small things of your lives, in the small acts done out of love, that this God manifests.
Today, feel My Peace, My motherhood and how I shelter you in My arms.
Feel that your pleas have been done, that your song has become life, because My lips open to speak Divine Words to you, because My arms are extended to welcome you and bring you to My Heart.
Today, I not only give you a kiss, but I also carry you to Heaven, so that you may ardently aspire that all of humanity be able to live this divine instance.
Today I invite you, children, to be peacemakers of My beloved Son, to follow His example, Who when He was rejected, humiliated, scourged, never closed His Heart. On the contrary, His Mercy was poured out in the last drop of His Blood. He gave everything out of love for the Plan of God, and that is what I come to ask each one of you, that little by little, for more than a day, you begin, children, to surrender all that you are to the Father. I will not ask you to die on the cross, but rather that you surrender your lives out of love, that each day you be more sincere in your love for others, for the Kingdoms of Nature and for God.
Today, children, the Creator makes the ground of this world tremble to warn souls that it is time to look to Heaven, and no longer to the things of the Earth. But even so, many do not listen and need to suffer a lot in order to realize that it is time to turn back to God.
For this reason, just as today I open My arms to you, I ask that you open your arms to those who are blind up to the last hour and who will have need of your love and your understanding to be able to begin their life again.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
It is through this profound act of love, in this stage that you have offered Me, in honor of My Immaculate Heart and the triumph of the Plan of the Celestial Father, that I come to consecrate you as I have waited for so long, listening to your prayers one by one, seeing the beads of each prayer pass in your hands and the hours of the clock so that I could return to My beloved Mexico.
Here I am, dear children, to bless you in honour of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, that through this Most Holy Trinity all these things may be allowed, that I may pour My Graces upon My children so that, in the time to come, they may be fruit in the hearts and in the lives of all beings.
I want you to gift Me, dear children, the song that you have done for Me, now at the end, for in this way, I will consecrate you.
I come to accomplish what has been written in these letters, in each paragraph of the song.
I come to look upon you, to open My arms to you, so that peace may be established.
Come here, dear children, those who will be consecrated today in the name of all the Mexicans who live in love for the beloved Guadalupana, Who never abandons you, Who always guides you, Who will always protect you in love and in goodness.
May this consecration today be significant in your lives. This is the moment, dear children, for forgiveness and for reconciliation with the European consciousness. On the other side of the world, in Europe, I ask My children to prostrate themselves on the ground to establish this reconciliation between Mexico and Europe, between the original peoples and the European consciousness, so that a definite healing may be established of the great wound caused throughout time and centuries.
That here it may be possible to establish, dear children, in My maternal Presence, a unity among consciousnesses and hearts.
Today, I again unite what surface humankind has separated. I come to unite you under a single consciousness, as a single race, which lives of the Love of God and professes its faith in the Most High.
I listen to you through this beautiful song, which is a song of love for God, through His Holy Celestial Mother, the Virgin of Guadalupe.
I consecrate you, I vivify you in My Son, I heal you in spirit, in soul and in divinity, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
And now that you are My children consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, offer forgiveness and reconciliation among the peoples and the nations. So be it.
Let us pray a Hail Mary together before the song.
I listen to your sweet voice.
Prayer: Hail Mary and Glory Be.
At the gateway of a Great Mission…
Dear children,
With the bliss of My Spirit, I pour out My Peace on you today so that the perfect and invincible communion with My Son may be established in you.
It will be in the sacred cenacle of the Heart of Christ where the first steps on the redemption and the rehabilitation of souls will be mercifully shown.
This, children, is the beginning of a new stage where many souls will be benefitted by the upcoming pilgrimage to Central America and Mexico.
Your Heavenly Father congregates you in prayer and in cooperation, so that the plans of your Most Holy Mother may be fulfilled in this dear region of the planet, threatened by the exploitation of human beings, of the Kingdoms of Nature, and of innocent society.
It is in this way that your Heavenly Mother gets ready, in prayer, adoration, and silence, to cross the abysses of all those places and thus light fallen stars again, which were lost for different reasons, and which must remember their filiation with God.
On this day, when you, My children, and especially those children who opened their hearts to help me in this plan of redemption and of peace, have generated a positive and pleasant response to the Heart of the Heavenly Father.
The mission to Central America and Mexico will encompass several fields of consciousness, and your Heavenly Mother will be able to enter with Her Kingdom of Light and with all Her angels into the nations that need it the most.
It is thus, My dear children, that through My simple hands the Universe of God will undo the knots that are millenary in the consciousness of humanity.
Each one of your hearts is called to accompany your Holy Mother on this pilgrimage, be it with your prayers, with your offerings, or with your presence on some part of the pilgrimage through the nations of Central America.
It is in this way that, through your support and your loving company, your Heavenly Mother will be able to count on Her soldiers to carry out this work of mercy and of forgiveness for your fellow beings.
The first part of the mission to Central America will work to deactivate the suffering, the indignation, and specially the existing mistreatment of the human Kingdom, and of the lower Kingdoms of Nature.
This task will be possible from the moment in which each child of Mine participates in this pilgrimage from their nation, from their group of prayer, from the Marian Centers, or even inside the operative task of the pilgrimage as a child of Mary.
The second part of the mission in Mexico will try to balance the pain generated since the conquest, upon the indigenous peoples. Through the advocation of the Lady of Guadalupe, during the days of the pilgrimage the deactivation of the suffering of these indigenous peoples can be carried out through an act of forgiveness and of pity, so that in this way Divine Mercy may be established.
The entire route of the pilgrimage to Central America and Mexico can be inwardly and spiritually supported by all the children of Mary and by the groups of prayer in the different nations.
So that My children can be present during the complete pilgrimage accompanying your Heavenly Mother, I invite you to fraternize with My children from Central America and Mexico by sending a greeting of peace to Misericordia Maria TV, which will be shown during the public events.
This section, which will be presented during the public events of the Divine Messengers in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Mexico, will try to create strong bonds of love and of fraternity between peoples and their languages.
It is thus, My children, that each group of prayer as well as each pilgrim, in the moment of presenting their greeting of peace, must have with them the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe as the symbol of union and of love between the nations of the world: Uniting all that is separated.
This section will be called “We unite with Mary in Her Sacred Mission.”
I thank you, children, for the gesture of inner brotherhood that each consciousness will be able to express through this greeting of peace, and this will be the way in which the pilgrims and those who pray in the world will accompany each part of the pilgrimage.
Lastly, My children, with the immense joy of Heaven, I once more thank all of My children for having concretized the mission to Central America and for having responded to My call.
United with each prayerful heart,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The Beast of the End Times and the Woman of All Times
An imminent sign will precipitate over the world and it will clearly reveal to all that the end times have come.
This sign that will arrive in the world will open the last and great abyss, and the raging beast, which was imprisoned in its hells, will come to the surface. The world will not see a material beast because, with its cunning, it is already conquering many innocent hearts.
This sign, that will come to the world from the Universe, will reveal to all who pray how much the beast has reigned in the main consciousnesses of this planet. Its great ostentation is to lead hearts into constant sin, this is why the beast, which is still in its abyss, is strengthened by the desires that all humankind experiences in this material life.
But the beast does not desire souls that are more aware, but rather, with its cunning, it sows indifference and omission.
It does not give up seeking the bravest, its claws are on the great governments of the world, which, as a result, defeats the dignity of souls and their evolution.
When the beast emerges from its abyss, all capital sins will be greatly and decadently exacerbated. As many know, everything will be allowed, even debauchery and superstition.
The beast feeds upon the failure of its fellow beings, but it does not know that prayer makes souls invisible and disengages them from its claws. The beast develops its fury through conflicts, and all that live in conflict draw to themselves the fury of the beast itself.
On the other hand, the soul that prays builds and elevates itself, it knows how to sustain itself and the planet, and is freed from decay. But the beast already knows it must go in search of the children of the Sun.
Because of this, at this hour, the Woman Clothed of the Sun is running to the desert and signaling to Her beloved children that it is time to work intelligently.
The beast will not only try to keep any Christ from being born, but, with its false power, it will try to destroy everything that a consciousness of the Light has inwardly built. To be protected from these clashes of the beast, you must be attentive and vigilant about all the external stimuli that will cause you to lose true Christic codes.
From where it reigns, the beast manipulates the nations, and, at the same time, their governors. One who is truly not in God will not manage to escape these sharp claws, because the beast creates and recreates itself in the capital sins that, in truth, are the roots of evil and the damnation of millions of souls throughout the world.
Each time a consciousness opens the door of its being to these temptations, even if sporadically, the beast is satisfied by these energies, and this consciousness enters the kingdom of the beast consciously.
The beast that subjugates the world is generated time and again by humankind, and humankind itself receives all its punishment from the beast. But a hopeful Light descends from the universe and the Mother of God, the Woman of all times, battles with the beast in another way in order to dispel it more and more from the consciousness of the planet.
The beast knows that it has little time left, but in the time it has left, it will want to carry to its abyss the greatest number of fallen and non-fallen stars. Because of this, the children of the Blessed Woman must not sleep, because in the face of any sly movement of the beast, the battle could be lost.
May the intelligence of the soldiers be vigilant over their desires and expectations as the beast wallows like a pig within superficial and mediocre things.
To weaken the beast, which humanity itself has created and which is now uncontrollable, it will be necessary to love the Plan of God and live it as if it were the main thing in your lives because the beast does not know the inner love of creatures, it does not know the love that Christ teaches, that love that makes the beast weak and sickens it to the point of making it oftentimes immobile.
If this love were always sufficiently great and true, the beast would no longer have its reign in the Middle East.
May the school of the Love of Christ motivate consciousnesses to abandon illusion because while your consciousnesses are on two paths, you will be opening the door for the beast to enter. Be wise and, by your prayer, may the beast be deactivated.
The Woman of all times again points out and marks the path for you so that the majority of souls do not deviate from the path of Light.
But to defeat the beast, the Woman will have to physically and spiritually count on consecrated soldiers so that, at a universal level, this act of consecration will testify and confirm that the beast will be expelled from the planet.
Humanity itself must generate the conditions for everything to be reversed. While uncontrolled desire and capital sins continue to feed the beast, the planet will have no peace.
Therefore, with more awareness and intelligence than the beast itself, help me defeat it through love and unity, which humanity has not yet experienced.
Take refuge every day in the desert of the Holy Woman in order to be protected, because the beast does not know the emptiness of self, it does not even know what that is.
Because of this, without outer motivations, which are the things that attract the beast to the surface of this planet, work in this time to create evolutionary conditions that are the opposite of the conditions that you have always experienced in this humanity.
May My children at this hour perceive that we are now in another time, and that it is urgent to truly change your behavior, for, in this way, the mask of illusion and blindness will fall from many faces that are still asleep and not able to see the Light of Divine Mercy.
I would like to see My soldiers wide awake and not inert because the beast feeds on and also becomes stationed within convenience and minimal effort; it is repelled by sacrifice.
The beast fears the New Christs.
I thank you for accompanying in consciousness the end and awaited times!
Who guides you always,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The triumph of My Heart is near
Dear children,
Do not fear nor despair because the triumph of My Immaculate Heart is near and the hell of the Earth will be sealed.
The triumph of My Heart is near and the great powers will tremble; the ground beneath your feet will be removed and there will be no stone left on top of another.
Dear children, the triumph of My Heart is near and no one will oppose it, the Kingdom of God is approaching and all souls will see it in the Second Coming of the Redeemer.
The triumph of My Heart is near and the false kingdoms of the world will perish because once again the Love of My Son will triumph, which is the Love of the Living God.
Dear children, the triumph of My Heart is near and I will reignite the fallen stars, and make them so similar to My Love that no one will believe it.
The triumph of My Heart is near and the Crown of Light of My head will shine in the abysses to remove from illusion those who sleep and are deceived by humanity.
The triumph of My Love is near and the beasts will tremble at that moment because their great and anticipated defeat will be near and the fallen angels will be rehabilitated.
Have faith and trust because the triumph of My Plan is near and I will prevent, above all, one nation from opposing another nation.
The triumph of My Divine Heart is near, first within those who were self-summoned to this mission of peace in the world.
My children, see the great triumph of My Heart already realized, for the conversion of your lives and souls, at the moment when each one of you must ask God for forgiveness.
The triumph of My Heart is near and the forces of evil will lose the battle after I have protected, in My desert, each of My children. There, the armies and celestial powers will descend to the planet to allow the power of the Love of My Immaculate Heart to triumph in the great abyss of the Earth.
My Grace sustains you and calms you so far; the triumph of My Heart is near and no one will remain without being taken into account because everyone will be warned before the end of time that will come.
Dear children, despite everything, know that the triumph of My Heart is near and no one will remain unprotected if in simple humility you ask me to do so. There I will be, to embrace and protect you from all adversity under My Mantle.
Now, beloved children, while everything is about to happen, I lovingly ask you to allow My maternal Plan of Love to triumph in each Marian Center, just like in each Light-Community, which I so lovingly protect.
Make service, charity and good triumph in every Light-Community. Make the Islands of Salvation triumph, which will be shelters for a great part of humanity. Open your hearts to what I tell you today.
Triumph and unite every day through love. My time amongst you is now ending and, from Heaven, I want to see the fruits of this planetary Work. The Communities are your internal and external shelters, they are the space where your bodies can rest protected when chaos settles in humanity.
Value the divine heritage which the universe has given you because shortly you will understand what I am telling you today.
Dear children, the triumph of My Immaculate Heart will also be given by your surrender and self-giving to all the Communities, which are the foundations of the Marian Centers.
Dear children, with your hearts wide open after having received so many gifts and instructions, at least say to your Heavenly Mother: Yes, Divine Mother, I will respond to this Work and, until the end, I will do whatever is necessary so that the Heavenly Plan of Your Immaculate Heart may triumph!
Dear children, I will be grateful that on all the holy days of the Lord, you live and work with this affirmation so that more souls may receive, through your service, that which they are most awaiting.
The triumph of My Heart will be given to all humanity by their inner response to My Plan.
May Medjugorje not stop shining within your hearts, just like every Marian Center which I have consecrated for the salvation of humanity.
I thank you for understanding Me and for living My call!
Who loves you and elevates you to the Kingdom of God,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more