May the flame of faith blossom from your heart so that, with joy and trust, you can experience the coming year.
May you recover the strength and inner love to serve me.
That, beyond everything, you may believe in God, that a Purpose exists, a story that your life and experiences are writing day after day, and that, beyond any circumstance, test, desert or suffering, you may know that God loves you and waits for you.
Lift up your head and smile, because the day of the great redemption is near, the awaited day of the meeting with your Master and Lord.
For this reason, I love your fidelity, I accept your imperfection, I only seek you calling Me and receiving Me. And when, in the coming year, this story of love with Me comes to its end, My Words will end, but My fidelity will be eternal within you, for you will perceive how much I have given you throughout the times.
When the time comes for you to be My witnesses, those who persevere and step out of themselves will be like Mary Magdalene, because they will wash My Feet with their tears.
Others will be like John, because they will be by My side, confirming My Presence.
But others will be like My Mother; they will suffer with Me up to the height of the Cross and, in this way, again I will say to them: "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do."
And the spiritual evolution that I have achieved in the Universe will be the justification and the cause for their rescue and salvation. And those who were with Me and turned their backs on Me, I will have them, face to face, and then all will have been said.
Receive from My Mouth the last words, so that your hearts may be prepared to say to Me: "yes, Lord, I will give My life for You."
Let those who have been just, in this year of 2019, be blessed.
Those who have given of themselves, may they receive the impulse to continue giving.
Those who made an effort, may they be anointed by My Spirit, so that the New Christs will be those who dare to experience the planetary calvary.
May everything be renewed, may everything be healed, and let those who are closer to Me never forget the grace they received, because in the same way that I have given My all to you, I will ask for all from you.
Be worthy children of God, be peace-makers and apostles of the end of times.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The last months are drawing closer, in which your Master will give the last instructions and guidance to humanity.
A moment in which souls will have the opportunity to drink of the spring of the last impulses, which will strengthen them for the coming events, which are already coming.
Thus, this is the moment for carrying out an inner synthesis of remembering, reviewing and memorizing the impulses and instructions that were given for the spiritual preparation of the consciousnesses that were self-summoned to carry forward the preparatory path of the glorious return of Christ.
And so, your Master will need to have His house prepared, not only the inner house, but also the external house so that, with all the tools that are necessary, the Islands of Salvation can be supported upon the surface and thus be able to receive the consciousnesses and souls that, in the end of times, will participate in the moment of the re-encounter with Christ.
All that can be done and built in the Islands of Salvation will contribute to the next coming of the Hierarchy.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
As the southern hemisphere of the planet begins to feel the beta solar rays, in the northern hemisphere one of the strongest polar waves in history can be felt.
The planet shows its acute physical and climactic transition; which will come in this new year of 2020, and both people as well as communities must prepare for a movement of great change in the climate.
In this sense, all this unexpected movement of the Solar System, where your planet is, brings different consequences and also diverse repercussions on a spiritual, mental and inner level.
With this, I wish to express to you that the movement of the beta solar rays will bring an unexpected advancement in the process of purification of humanity. That is to say, an acceleration, not only in global warming, but also in the process of personal purification of consciousnesses, which means to face unknown situations.
All this is because of the descent of the beta rays, which are direct emanations of the magnetic heart of the Sun that governs them in this system of physical life.
Thus, the first step will be to keep the consciousness on what is High so as to not enter the planetary field of dissociation.
As from this cycle on, humanity will endure what it did not change in time. This is the reason for carrying out an immediate preparation.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
It is in this new cycle, which will begin in the year 2020, that incredible things will be seen and known.
Everything that was cleverly hidden, in all senses, forms and ideas, will be uncovered.
Every lie, manipulation or deceit that has been constructed through invention of humankind will be unmasked.
Every situation of people, whether it is inner or outer, concerning health, purification or resistance, will be shown, because the solar waves that in this time will be entering, during the summer in South America, are ultraviolet waves that are coming with an extremely high degree of expulsion and movement in all living beings of this and other planets.
As from the year 2020 on, the Solar System will enter into the last and most acute spiritual, cosmic, mental and material stage of its transition.
Of the eight billion people present upon this planet, ninety percent are distracted or hypnotized by global illusion.
In this sense, the field of action of the solar waves will move from its location and remove everything that is outside of the Law, and this impulse that the Universe will bring, which will be associated with the imbalance of the planet and the axis of the Earth, will increase the unexpected effect of this cosmic movement.
Therefore, the year 2020 will be the last segment for being able to achieve an elevation of consciousness and of the mental plane, so that the universal effects of this movement shall not affect the majority of sleeping consciousnesses.
Just as the solar impulse will be intense for the involutionary spheres of humanity, the same impulse will bring all beings of goodwill the opportunity to take great and firm steps in evolution and in the maturity of consciousness, as well as the possibility of establishing important spiritual processes of redemption, of forgiveness and of reconciliation.
But I again say: there will not be a being on the surface of this planet that will be able to oppose or hide from this solar movement. Everything will be in evidence.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In the inner life, deserts and defeats are experienced, but there are also triumphs and victories experienced when souls trustingly manage to surrender completely to God, beyond their limitations or impossibilities.
Beyond all of this, God loves you and understands you, because to die inwardly to the mortal aspect is difficult; it is a daily challenge.
But if you trust and persevere, you will transform. Everything is foreseen, and in that foresight, everything will take place according to that which was thought of by the Universe.
You must be the very redeeming triumph and victory for God.
Your lives should achieve the example of selfless humility and profound surrender, having as a foundation the Grace of permanently serving and the Spiritual Anointment that My Presence can give you at this time.
Therefore, walk toward Me and I will guide you. Open your heart so that your fears and doubts may be dissolved.
If today you are here with Me, it is for a reason, because otherwise you would be somewhere else and under another energy.
The Universe delivers infinite opportunities to all, which must be loved, valued and taken into consideration by each one of you. While this happens, nothing will be separate within you, and you will know how to correspond as the Eternal Father needs.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
You must not fear seeing and recognizing the parts of your being that resist and struggle in order not to transform.
When you are finally already aware of what has caused you to fall and fall, throughout the ages, you will be able to resolve it from another perspective.
To redeem the lowest aspects of the consciousness will not be an easy path, because you have to remember love, every day. Because if you do not have love, you will make your soul, mind and body sick.
You must proceed with a great deal of peace and strategy, because the most resistant aspects of the consciousness will want to maintain their space and resist.
Think and observe for a moment upon how they are very ancient aspects, that your consciousness nourished and strengthened over the course of time. But now that you have the grace of becoming free, do not oppose these aspects nor struggle with them, because a revolution will occur within you when you try to forge their release.
Trust in the Grace of the Sacraments and in the power of the surrender of your being, for in this way, you will gradually transform your being, your life and all of your consciousness.
Do not suffer, for you will not obtain any result. Remember that you are aware and that the blessed day will come in which everything will be transmuted forever, and you will be in Me and I in you.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
When the Hierarchy is present, some divine and cosmic doors remain periodically open, because the Hierarchy itself can accompany this movement.
And so the doors remain open to help or assist in some need that must be resolved through the assistance that comes through these doors.
When a need is resolved, by this assistance and support, the doors close and only open again when the Consciousness of the Hierarchy that guides it works with Their thought.
At this time, in certain places of the world, where no Sacred Enclave exists that can support an intense task upon the surface, the Hierarchy opens doors so that the necessary help may come forward and the needs can be resolved.
Thus, they are momentary doorways that collaborate in a specific task so that the Plan may continue to be fulfilled, as it is fulfilled throughout time.
But now, each being must maintain an inner contact within themselves so that they can survive the challenges of these times.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Where the Hierarchy is present, spiritual work can be carried out. Where the Hierarchy is not present, that work would require a great effort to be accomplished.
Where the Hierarchy is present, there are cyclical impulses that are given to concretize certain goals. Where the Hierarchy is not present, those impulses do not exist, because those impulses, which come directly from the Universe, are given by the Hierarchy itself.
Where the Hierarchy is present, laws, rules and protocols are followed so that, where the Hierarchy is present, it may be possible to learn to contemplate that which is smallest to that which is largest. Where the Hierarchy is not present, it is difficult to establish a protocol, a rule or a law that all are able to obey, because it will always end in something very concrete and human.
Where the Hierarchy is present, the different rays can be expressed; not only the material rays, but also the non-material rays, and this movement of the rays can be inwardly related to the virtues and the gifts of the servers that work with the Hierarchy. Where the Hierarchy is not present, the presence of the rays is not possible, because the Law is not present and the ideals or the preferences of those who participate prevail in a project that is not supported by the Hierarchy.
Where the Hierarchy is present, a government exists, an important and basic organization that allows projects to be accomplished according to what is established by Greater Laws. Where the Hierarchy is not present, a government exists that is generated and built by personal preferences, mental projections that are not based on equitable benefit, but rather on the fixed idea that tends to crystallize, or to subject a concrete form or a group of people.
Where the Hierarchy is present, there is divestment, constant surrender of personal will, trust in the unknown and love for the divine and cosmic Plan, all based upon continuous effort. Where the Hierarchy is not present, there exists personal advantages, systems or ways of governing a project that is led by the temperament, the ego or a limited vision of reality.
The basis for being in the Hierarchy is faith, and it is to open so as to be guided by the Greater conduction.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
My heart is bathed in injustices, but it is filled by the love of those who continue onward.
My Heart feels the approach of Divine Justice, but the majority of humanity does not perceive it.
Justice is descending and Mercy is yielding its place so that Universal Justice may begin to take action.
Souls are not aware of what Justice means. They often play with it like a child with a toy. With this comparison, understand all that people are doing with their lives, how capable they are of completely losing the meaning of law and of loyalty.
For this reason, My Heart also transmutes all that My Father feels and the unexpected consequences of what souls could experience.
This is the time to perceive reality and to assume the end of times. It is a moment to begin to see how Justice acts through the attraction that souls generate toward themselves.
When Justice acts, it places everything in its place and makes of each stage a learning experience.
It is no longer time to generate conditions in which Justice will have to severely correct what in truth and with intelligence should be corrected by yourselves.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
There is no one else like Me who can feel, see and understand what it means to lose an apostle, a warrior or a friend.
For this reason, with My back, I bore the heavy wood of the Cross, so that all My friends, who were few, could receive an opportunity.
Beyond the martyrdoms, the transmutations or even the humiliations and sufferings endured by your Lord, none of that was similar to the anguish that I felt on the Cross when My companions abandoned Me. Nobody could explain that or compare it.
In this same way, I feel the loss or the abandonment due to all those that I have called to My path and that, for some reason, decided to move away from Me.
Within My Heart, I carry all these souls, beyond the pain that is caused Me and that which your Master experiences in silence, all the time.
Could all this be better?
Yes, it could be, and it could bring about wonderful results, but the flesh of humankind is weak. I know this because I incarnated in this world to be able to understand and encompass the human condition.
It is in these moments, in which a sort of emptiness can be seen and makes itself felt in My Heart because of the loss of some of My dear friends, that, in solitude, I focus My gaze upon Heaven to pray to the Celestial Father and, in that intimate conversation, I ask for each one of you, so that His Will may be done as He did it with Me.
My enemy is carrying those whom I most want by My side. But that only happens through free choice. At this point, I can only observe what happens.
In My Heart, I carry all My friends, those who are with Me today and also those who today no longer are.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your Hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Today I come with the same wind that embraced Me while I was hanging on the Cross, the wind that witnessed the entire sacrifice of the Son of Man.
That powerful wind, together with Me, transmuted the human calamity, and the pride of humankind was thrown to the ground while the holy women prayed and cried for the loss of their Master, but an inner fire consoled them.
I told you once not to cry for Me but rather for your children and families, because the time would come when families would be the center of the division between beings, who seemingly love one another.
Today, the families are the result of a social and national exploitation that causes them to lose the values that it acquired for the evolution of consciousness.
For this reason, the family is the most attacked project of all. Because within the families you must awaken the awareness of one universal family among beings so different from one another, and yet so similar.
The death of your Master and Lord was for the emergence of this universal family, to be able to renew the project of the family, but at the same time, to free consciousnesses from the captivity in which they have entered.
The family must be the reflection of the Will of God upon Earth, through love and the inner union among beings.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The rain that falls from the sky today is the crying of the angels, upon seeing the five thorns of pain in the Heart of their Master, caused by the religious life and by humanity.
So that the Heart of your Lord may be alleviated, today I come to give you the "Rosary of the Five Thorns Nailed in the Heart of Jesus", so that you may pray it for all those who are ungrateful and indifferent after having received from Me the celestial treasures, which were wasted and not valued.
I give you this rosary, so that you may pray it as many days as possible, so that the Eternal Father may see the appeals of His good children for the greatest sinners and so that the five thorns of pain may be removed from the Heart of your Master.
Each time an indifferent soul commits an action against the Law and the Universe, the thorns are nailed even further into the Heart of the Redeemer.
If this prayer is prayed before the Blessed Sacrament, the merits it will generate will benefit the rescue of some deep nucleus of souls that are indifferent, so that they may have an opportunity in the next world.
If this prayer is prayed within the families of the Light-Rosaries, the pilgrim devotees will heal the punished Heart of Jesus with their voices, and many Graces will be granted to faithful hearts.
Now I will teach you the "Rosary of the Five Thorns Nailed in the Heart of Jesus."
Union bead
For the faith, devotion, service and love of all pilgrims,
may the punished Heart of Jesus be healed and alleviated.
First decade
For the thorn of ingratitude, nailed in the punished Heart of Jesus,
may the surrender and love of the pilgrims restore our Lord.
Second decade
For the thorn of indifference, nailed in the punished Heart of Jesus,
may the service, charity and fidelity of the pilgrims repair our Lord.
Third decade
For the thorn of disobedience, nailed in the punished Heart of Jesus,
may the obedience, loyalty and transparency of the pilgrims repair our Lord.
Fourth decade
For the thorn of infidelity, nailed in the punished Heart of Jesus,
may the purity, humility and simplicity of the pilgrims heal our Lord.
Fifth decade
For the thorn of the lack of love, nailed in the punished Heart of Jesus,
may the faith, light and consolation of pilgrims rebuild the Spirit of our Lord.
Thank you for being responsive to Me!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The End of Some Experiences
As I have told you once, companions, My time among you is ending and when this time comes, everything will be unleashed.
Today, I want to announce to you that not only the time and the cycle of the end of the daily impulses is coming, but also coming is the end of many Christic experiences that some of Mine, the closest ones, have lived in these last six years and that, for various reasons, have lost the spiritual experience with Me and only remained with the remembrance of what they once lived with Me.
With this, I want to explain to you and clearly warn you that the choice, made by some who were with Me, upon My path, and that no longer are, has led them to lose the great Christic experience of their entire life, as they were prisoners of illusion and of a supposed invulnerability to harassment.
In truth, they let themselves be defeated, they yielded and lost inner forces, because they let themselves be taken by their weaknesses.
This is the time of the end of experiences, and souls that become without the Christic experience lose the state of Grace that, due to Mercy and Pity, they had once received.
In truth, the seriousness of some extreme choices of some souls is not in the action, but rather in the absolute loss of common sense and reality, and the spiritual meaning of life.
For this reason, and when these situations happen, the Spiritual Hierarchy can no longer intervene or rescue, because those most miserable souls that received everything from the Universe, and ridiculed and offended the spiritual treasures of the Hierarchy, begin to be within the planetary chaos and the common denominator of the inert suffering of humanity.
It is to absolutely lose the possibility of being in communion with their own spirit, because the spirit of this being that disconnects from the Christic path loses the experience, which is outraged and stolen by My adversary, in the art of his astuteness and deception.
Do you understand, companions?
To be with the Spiritual Hierarchy and live in the environment where the Hierarchy is, as for example, the Light-Communities are, does not mean to do, fulfill or carry out one’s own will.
It is obeying for love and, in the strict and loving obedience, to be able to deepen into the trust, in the Guidance that comes from the Heights and, in this way, keep walking in transformation.
I want all of you to understand that to be with the Hierarchy is not to be with a friend, a family member or a coordinator of a task.
It is to correspond and respond to a command that comes from the spiritual plane, which is what later reflects in the mental plane and finally in the material plane.
In all this movement of integration with the Hierarchy, there are no choices or tastes, opinions or personal ideas.
It is to join a superior divine and cosmic stream, which has once contacted them, and thus it is to fulfill a Supreme Will.
In clear words: to be and follow the Hierarchy is to be nothing.
This avoids entering the chaos of these times, in the unnecessary loss of profound spiritual experiences, which, once stolen by the adversary, remain deactivated from the nucleus of the essence.
May the process of personal purification not be the center of your attention. May the center of attention be the giving of self and the love for what is divine and cosmic, because in this way you will not lose the last impulses that are descending from the Universe, and will thus be the example of transformation and of true redemption.
The Spiritual Hierarchy unfolds within a hostile field of permanent battle, where the war of all against all has begun.
But you should apply the intelligence of the third ray and not let yourselves be dragged by your own processes or traumas, but rather you should feel impelled and ascended by the last Words of the Universal Hierarchy.
The three days of darkness will come and the islands of Salvation must be ready and prepared for the massive movement that it will have to attend to, as an unprecedented humanitarian emergency that, overnight, will present itself to be attended and alleviated.
All the preparation and training that you experience will help you to live up to the events.
On one hand, the Hierarchy invites everyone to keep collaborating in the manifestation and the order of life in the Communities.
But also, the Spiritual Hierarchy invites the consciousness that, at this moment, do not measure up to the needs of the Plan, to be able to relocate to other places outside the Communities, so that certain processes of purification do not keep blocking the concretion of a purpose that, I have told you, is divine.
The Hierarchy feels in Its Heart the effort and love for all, but there is no longer time, and you must choose your true transformation or your departure.
The Plan has run important risks and, at this moment, the unity of the Divine Hierarchy and the assistance of some servers of the surface sustains the accomplishment of a goal that has been undervalued.
It is time for everyone to be sincere with the Hierarchy; to no longer deceive yourselves and to not give Them so much work, just as the rest of humanity does.
We are navigating into the sea, in the only ship of the Brotherhood, which is living the storm and the shipwreck so that the greatest number of indifferent consciousnesses can be saved, no mattter what.
Today I come with Words of pain and silence to tell you all this, because it is a responsibility and maturity of everyone, to give the best to God, for all that God has given you and keeps giving to you after these last twelve years of apparitions.
As you know, the cycle will end, and this does not mean that everything ends, and that after this you will nourish upon unsafe or non-spiritual sources to be able to feel your lacks supplied.
It means to assume this planet with maturity, the redemption of all the human race and, in selfless service, prepare the bases for the return of Christ.
There are times when the need for change and purification of consciousnesse will place you before a universe of responsibilities.
Many of those who are not present today still believe they have left inmortal, and believe they are free from the Law, because they did not accept being helped, corrected and straightened, like the poor tree that was twisted.
Now there is no time to retrogress, it is time to advance, to give this testimony that I have asked you for so much, and whose meaning many have not understood.
The Hearts of your Lord and of your Heavenly Mother often feels alone, abandoned by the selfishness, by the offenses and trifles that are frequently committed, losing consciousness, sense, discernment.
Enough with all this!
Because it is time to grow and not to complain. It is time to thank every day for what many do not have, but to truly thank.
When you have read many times all that which I have told you, you will truly demonstrate some change to Me. While this does not happen, everything will continue at the same point.
In Rwanda, we warned about the genocide, and no one believed in it. Today we warn about the urgency for many changes, so that afterwards your repentance may not be too late.
These are moments to mature. But also to make room or to set oneself aside, to not block what others, with so much effort, do want to concretize, according to what the Hierarchy asks.
The moment has come for listening clearly and for not becoming closed, because if you become closed to Instruction, you will become an easy prey to My enemy.
May the fire of My Words give you an impulse and place you upon another step of the Plan, so that the real humanitarian emergencies, which are many, can be attended.
I thank you for having the bravery and love to listen to the truth!
Who blesses you and waits for your true change,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Certain Universal Laws sometimes fulfill and follow the mandate of a fundamental Law, such as the Law of Transmutation, which in this time is active and intervening as it has never intervened before.
The Law of Transmutation permanently prevents certain events from being triggered in humanity, or in a particular situation.
This Law assists in the spiritual unblocking of certain spiritual, mental and physical circuits that make it difficult for the Law of Harmony to be fulfilled.
Thus, the Law of Transmutation repels, and, at the same time, evacuates certain adverse currents that try to destroy the Plan of Love in humanity.
When this is about to happen, the Law of Transmutation enters into action to try to release and lead that which is impeding the flow of the Laws to other planes of consciousness.
In this time, the Law of Transmutation is present to grant the human hearts an opportunity to recreate their lives and their way of perceiving the reality of this cycle.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Let those who are tired and overwhelmed come to Me.
Let those who purify themselves and learn to be redeemed come to Me.
Let those who suffer and endure the consequences of these times come to Me, for I can renew all things, I can provide understanding for all situations and experiences.
Let those who need peace the most come to Me, and I will carry them within My Heart so that they may feel encouraged and have the strength to know that every test or situation has an end and reason for every being.
Come to Me, all those who need meaning in life, and an explanation for all that has happened, for I will have you understand with your heart all that you need to understand.
In this time, come to Me, and you will be able to recognize your worthiness before the Celestial Father and, in this way, you will know that you were always His children, and you always will be, you will not lose the spiritual paternity that you can experience with the One.
Come to Me and all will pass, for whoever comes to Me learns to truly love.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
There are plans contrary to Christ being able to be born in each human heart, plans that intend to prevent souls from becoming aware of their Christifying potential.
This means distracting the consciousness so that it may never come to know the virtues and gifts that it contains and thus it is placed in constant illusion.
For this reason, the Divine Hierarchy emphasizes the end of each year as an important period in which hearts can take refuge in the Spirit of the Sacred Family, so as to be able to draw closer to that inner and Christic reality.
Each time a consciousness achieves contact with its inner Christ, it is allowing its spirit to draw closer to material reality and, in this way, give it the impulse to take greater steps toward the fulfilling of the Greater Will.
But upon this path of carrying out Divine Will, there are tests and difficulties so that the consciousness may strengthen and affirm all the light that can emerge in the heart.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
It is through effort and persistence that the warrior of the heart is built, who is capable of further overcoming their own difficulties and miseries, every day, and, above all, continuing onward out of love for God and His Plan.
In this way, the new apostles emerge, the apostles of service and of a constant willingness to build all that which the Hierarchy needs and aspires for, for the different phases of the Plan.
It is in this effort and persistence that God relieves the oppressed heart of the server and has them feel, as many times as necessary, that they are fulfilling His Will rather than their own.
To reach this moment, only effort and persistence bring to awareness the possibility to always participate in the new, in the impulses that come from the Universe Itself, and that bring to consciousness an expression of humility and of service to others.
In all of this, I contemplate My apostles, because your errors are errors, but the triumphs are victories that you can give Me with your constant transformation.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Today, My Solar Consciousness brings to completion the spiritual task that was carried out in the inner planes, in help and for the benefit of the recovery of the spiritual purpose of Uruguay.
It was in this inner work of souls where the Hierarchy, through everybody's adherence, was able to place its trust again. The Spiritual Hierarchy hopes that the adherence and correspondence remains alive, so that other inner opportunities can present themselves and, as a result, it not only helps the needy Uruguay even more, but also helps in the awakening of the consciousness, of all its inhabitants.
This will place Uruguay upon the path that it should always have been; which will happen from the point when certain terrestrial rules and laws are deactivated, which are the ones that compromised the country and spiritually defeated its inhabitants, leaving them in the world illusion and in indifference.
We aspire that a change of consciousness and responsibility can arrive to the Uruguayans, since the stages of the Plan that must be accomplished by the suns that are to be found here will be definitive stages in the area of the preparation for the return of Christ.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Our last messages, the last instructions that will be given to humanity, will be forceful, determinant and revealing.
All the knowledge of the Hierarchy, kept since the Patriarchs up to the present, will be known, and humanity will be definitely positioned to take its last and great step.
This movement, to be given impulse to by the Spiritual Hierarchy, will come together with the concretization of works and projects of charity, that will benefit humanity and will be unimaginable, because they will be completed overnight.
This is why I say to all of you to benefit, to the maximum, from the last moments in which the Hierarchy will instruct and guide you, before the three days of darkness, before the three cycles of transition arrives, because, in this way, you will live up to the events and will not be submerged in the global indifference.
Take the fullest advantage of the last impulses; do not miss even one word of the Hierarchy, because your lifeline might be there in the great moment of the spiritual tempest.
Be attentive and, above all, very grateful.
We have already given you everything so that you may triumph in humility; do so, before we leave.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The oceans are great planetary receptacles and vortexes of transmutation.
During certain times of the year, the oceans have to purify, purge and transmute onto the surface all the harmful and physical, as well as spiritual effects that the human being provokes.
The only way in which the oceans, as consciousnesses, can continue carrying out their task of elevation and of purification of the human consciousness is by, every so many cycles of the year, they must intensely release all that humankind places within them. But this movement of purification that the oceans experience is not sufficient.
Thus, the great elementals and devas of the marine species, such as those of the whales and dolphins, help in this immediate purification, so that the consciousness of the oceans can renew, and thus, continue working on the harmony and the planetary equilibrium of the emotion of humankind.
If humanity truly valued and respected the oceans, it would discover, through a personal connection, what the great oceans represent within Universal Creation.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I thirst for the souls who do not seek Me nor love Me, because I know these souls have not yet experienced the Love of My Heart.
Just as I have treasures and Graces for those who faithfully follow Me, I also have treasures and Graces for those who do not follow Me.
My Heart overflows with so much Love and Mercy, that I have to place and deposit all that I have in the good and pious hearts.
If the souls that do not accept Me knew the immensity and the Light of the Universe of My Mercy, they would live in the celestial happiness that My Heart brings to them.
I hope that the good souls give the example of all that I give you, day after day, so that the souls that I feel an immense thirst for dare to one day learn who their Master and Lord is.
Carry the Love of My Heart to the world, and let the souls that feel empty be filled with consoling and redeeming Love.
Let the lonely hearts, that do not believe in God, have the bliss of coming to know Divine Truth.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
For Me, your heart is like an open book, where I can clearly read all that you experience and feel. Thus, nothing can be hidden from the eyes of the Lord, be it something lovely or not.
Everything is revealed when I visit your heart, to be able to know what you need or the step I still have to give you the impulse to take.
This is the time to leave the heart open and, without fear, allowing your Lord to know the deepest feelings or all that within you that is still to be purified.
Not all leave their heart open to Me so that I can visit it. Souls believe that I will judge them or that I will be something more than an executioner.
But nobody deeply and in silence knows the human heart like I do. For this reason, I incarnated among humankind, to have them come to know the power of repentance and Mercy.
Dare to tell the world that the Master of Love still hopes to be able to enter into repented and open hearts, in hearts that are tired of suffering on their own.
Tell the world that My infinite and unfathomable Mercy can fill all the empty spaces and can heal the misunderstandings and the greatest pain.
But there is only one condition: that you open your heart to Me, so that souls, beyond all that they purify or experience, trust that My Grace will be their fortitude in this time of indifference and of egoism.
It is repented hearts that I need in order to move forward with the Plan.
Imperfect hearts, if they believe in Me, will be transformed.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Souls sometimes choose to follow their own path, even after having been called by God to accomplish an important task.
When the soul abandons a call, that is undeniable and has a divine reason, it disconnects from the essence of its purpose and cannot evolve. It remains at the general level, as do souls that for some reason or motive have disregarded the call of God.
In this sense, the soul enters the planetary wheel of lessons, and everything that it could have avoided learning, upon responding to the call, turns into a scenario of endless experiences and continuous suffering, for having chosen the path opposite to Divine Will.
But those who make this choice, in opposition to Divine Will, and who have an eternal commitment with Me, forever lose the state of Grace, because they choose to experience the state of disgrace.
Souls do not believe that the Law is truly severe, because as above, so below, and thus, as within, so on the outer.
Nobody can hide their spiritual commitment with Me, as if wanting to hide from everybody the sun that shines upon them.
The one who misses the opportunity of fulfilling the divine summoning will never be able to be happy, because their spirit will remain in constant emptiness.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
This is the time for the suns, which have been awake for a long time, to come to know the inner tools that they brought from the Universe and for these tools to be at the service of the Celestial Plan, for the rescue of the human consciousness.
For this reason, the spiritual Hierarchy is assembling the different groups of souls and will continue to do so, so that the purpose of the Plan may be closer to the consciousnesses and, upon being closer, they can, with greater discernment, accomplish what up to now has not been accomplished, for different reasons.
It will be the responsibility of these groups that will continue to be called and assembled by the Hierarchy to change and transform certain tendencies of disharmony and conflict so that the principles of obedience and faithfulness may be the protective foundations that gives impulse to the concretization of the stages of the Plan.
In this sense, the spiritual Hierarchy will bet that these new summonings carried out will finally place souls upon the path of their personal, group and collective mission, so that in this way and under certain rules, they may be guided by the Divinity and by the Heavenly Brotherhood.
Thus, the conjuncture and the opportunity must not be missed, for it will never repeat.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
The great Universal Consciousnesses gather together in space time to collaborate in the liberation of the planet and humanity.
For this, during these days, these great Universal Consciousnesses visit the oceans of the world to relieve all the creatures that inhabit them, and to spiritually heal the wounds caused by the participation of the human being in the contamination, the mistreatment, the exploitation and the chaos generated in various marine species.
In this sense, the great Universal Consciousnesses, in their subtle aspects of Light, cleanse and purify the oceans, because the greater consciousness of the oceans also suffers from all the adversities caused by humanity throughout the course of time.
The great Universal Consciousnesses unite in light and in spirit, in love and in solidarity, so that all this critical situation of the oceans may be alleviated and, for all that is created, may bring renewal and peace.
In this way, the oceans are assisted and new inner principles are placed in their soul to make humankind of the surface feel the importance of their care and protection.
It is for this reason that, in the youngest, an interest and an impulse for the care for the planet is awakening, so that certain adverse currents that manipulate the human being may be discharged through the stimulus of Love and Christic Light, and all may be regenerated.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
It is in the greater and extensive silence that the Hierarchy works widely, and it is in this silence that the great universal operations are carried out.
With this we announce the great spiritual and cosmic moment that Uruguay is going through because, due to the adherence pronounced by a very few, the spiritual Hierarchy is managing to carry forward what is most urgent and necessary.
It is for this purpose that important Consciousnesses of Light of the Universe, of the Greater Universe, are interrelating through profound operations of help and of intervention for those consciousnesses that have polarized and compromised all the others through plans and ideals that they themselves did not even create, but rather others did.
Those consciousnesses are being deployed from terrestrial space so that Uruguay, as a consciousness in redemption, will not have to bear the weight of those presences that, even though incarnated, will not be completely present.
That inexplicable movement that the Hierarchy performs is so that those consciousnesses, that govern and mobilize the nations, may in other spheres receive an opportunity of redemption, as you receive it today.
The spiritual plane will draw ever closer to the density of the Earth to show and reveal to the human being how far they have moved from the truth. In this way, your blindness will be removed and you will be able to see more clearly the greatness of the Divine Purpose.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
In this time, the Spiritual Hierarchy works through small groups of humans, not only to establish and experience the Project of Redemption, its effectiveness and potentials, but also as a part of the Plan. In a smaller number of gathered consciousnesses, the Hierarchy is able to access all the areas of the human race and, in this way, it helps it find the path of healing and the Greater Purpose.
In order for this to be possible, certain spiritual tools are used that, spiritually and cosmically, help to unblock the human evolutionary process, and thus bring wider possibilities for the rest of humanity.
In this way, the Plan slowly takes over the more serious and complex areas, in which entry into the levels of higher Light or of rehabilitation hase not been achieved.
In this sense, through the small human groups that are truly united to the Hierarchy, It can extend the opportunity to allow universal life to reach all those who are absent from this supreme reality.
All this is possible through a single key that opens the doors: adherence.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
It is in the most humble and simple places on Earth where God can be present, and thus have the power of His Mercy become known to the most miserable and lost.
For this reason, each opportunity that presents itself is a door of Light that opens in the face of spiritually complex, painful and sorrowful situations.
And so, before the hells, the power of Mercy descends to help and rescue incarnated souls that are more ignorant and fragile due to the adversity of these times.
All this is possible when a soul opens its heart and implores God for help. In this way, not only the consciousness, but also all that is around it, that needs Mercy and Light, is benefitted.
This power increases and doubles when, in the time of Mercy, souls pray and unite with the Passion of the Lord.
It is in this way that other very needy souls find themselves drawn to this celestial Light that is present, and receive much inner pity.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
After quite a while, I once again draw close to the south of Uruguay, after the Uruguayan people chose the new school, that it must go through.
As from now, this country will have a chance to be able to reverse the state of consciousness in which it spiritually placed itself and will have the opportunity to close a great many uncertain doors that it opened throughout the last fourteen years.
In this way, the Uruguayan people will achieve the freedom that it so believed it had for its life decisions. For this reason, the Universe will grant the Grace that many Uruguayans can again find a path of return to the house of the Celestial Father.
In the new coming cycle, Uruguay will experience the test of disagreements and opposition, because in order to reverse the spiritual situation it has entered, only a new cycle could generate a sufficiently large enough change, for the opposite of what this country has experienced in the last years to occur.
For this, the Hierarchy will intervene in the consciousness of Uruguay so that, together with Argentina, it may maintain the possibility of resuming upon the path it once lost.
For this reason, I pray that this Grace may be established.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
I speak not only to you but also to the world.
I waited for time to pass and some days for this moment to come, to be able to find you truly in union with gratitude, because gratitude is an expression of the merciful Love of God. And when I saw that gratitude in you today, I could confidently approach to speak to you.
You are a part of the Plan of your Master and Lord, of a Plan that cannot break down or fail, because behind you there are many, many souls and consciousnesses that have still to come to drink of My Fount, to be nurtured by My Message.
The time is coming to an end, which is why the emergencies are so great and the commitments are also so great.
In the key of gratitude and of love you will be able to understand everything that I ask of you and thus unite with My Consciousness.
I see a world suffering because of indifference and because of error.
I need you to be amenders of My Mercy, I need that you can compensate for and bring into balance what humanity does not do well in this time, for the risks that are run, day after day.
Thus I come with the Light of My Wounds, to entrust you with a deepening of this mission, and of this task which is of the Hierarchy and yours, of your inner beings with the participation of your souls.
That is why it is necessary to correct, in order to improve and to grow. Everything said by the voice of the Hierarchy is because of love, rather than for some other cause.
Souls sometimes resist hearing and understanding because their heart is closed, but you have learned to open your heart to Me. This is why I speak so directly to you, because we can no longer waste time in what is not necessary, but rather we must invest our time in that which is urgent, and you know, by the grace you receive, that the emergencies will grow and increase.
I am here because of the responsibility that I have toward you and that you have toward Me. But it is not a commitment that comes only from the period while I was present on Earth. They are very remote commitments unknown to you.
I only come to ask you for what I need you to give Me, but I will not oblige you to do so, nor demand anything from you.
My apostles from the past went through the same school, but it was a more demanding and immediate school. It was a very great responsibility because your Master and Lord, among so few, had to achieve a very great victory, and through Grace and Divine Mercy, this occurred.
I know that the human being is fragile and sometimes tepid, but the Love that I give you and have given you for so long must ignite within you, in the fire of My Love and of My Truth.
I come to ask you to be aware of what will come in the near future, in which you will not only experience personal situations or realities of the nations. Now My Work will expand to continental situations, as is Africa.
In Africa there are those who suffer most and yet give the most to Me, because they offer Me their hearts, which is what I need from you so that you may recognize the Grace that you have received, and still receive, and the care provided to you by the Hierarchy over the course of time, without lacking anything.
For you, Africa will be a school of the love of sacrifice and of the possibility of recognizing that, in the great and extensive misery, there are souls that love God unconditionally. And it is this love that nourishes them spiritually rather than physically, that quenches their spiritual thirst and thus satiates their physical thirst.
I do not ask you to be the same as them, because everyone has their school and their lessons. I need you to inwardly be like them, that you are aware of the possibility and of the opportunity that you receive in this time.
Within a process of planetary emergency, sometimes hearts need to be straightened out, so as to not lose the path toward God, for one must never forget humility, which is the great master-key of your liberation.
Today I have seen that you have drawn even closer to gratitude, to a spontaneous and sincere gratitude that touched My Heart. Thus, I have decided to speak to you to bring you awareness and wisdom, so that each one may recognize within themselves the effort that they still have to make, not only for Me, but for your Celestial Father, which is Who placed you upon this path and in this mission so that you may accompany Me.
Thus, today I again surrender to take in your miseries and for you to know that the Light of My Mercy can transform and redeem all things when a heart sincerely opens and pleads, without letting its resistances control or dominate.
When a heart spontaneously opens, miracles can happen. Faith is the great Light that bathes the consciousness and redeems it; it has the Grace, as a group consciousness, of being able to implore to God, to help the world and humanity, to help in very serious and sorrowful situations that this race experiences at this time.
You must never forget that Our task is planetary rather than personal; that it is a task with the Hierarchy and by the Hierarchy, for the advent of the energy of Grace and compassion within the world.
Today you face the opportunity of reflecting upon many things because of love and trust in My Heart, because times of greater challenges will come and projects that will seem impossible will come, but who is united with Me will do it, as they have done many things over the course of time, through this mission of carrying Love and Peace to souls that most need it, and to the nations that most need it.
While I am here, I take care of humanity at this moment, and I carry everyone within My Heart, the most miserable and the sinners that have need of spiritual relief and healing.
Everything that is done at this moment and through this Work is for the healing of humanity and so that love may be established in the human heart, and so that this love may allow you to become free and live your spiritual mission with Me.
My Heart is full of graces and pity for all. And the support that Adoration provides you with will be the great defense weapon for the coming times and for the next missions.
I am thankful for the sincere and loving effort of everyone, because not everything is error or failure. You must raise your eyes to the horizon to contemplate the victories that I have given everyone, spiritual victories.
In the strengthening of this union and of this alliance with Me, beyond all adversity or darkness, nobody will be able to take away what I have given each one of you, and you must defend it and protect it from yourselves and from the world.
It is that same conviction, certainty and faith that the apostles experienced, as for example, Saint Peter, who up to the last second did not doubt what he felt and what he trusted in. Love caused him to believe in Me until the end, and thus he surrendered.
Today I come to read of the achievements and the Graces that I have given to everyone, that which you always must contemplate so as to gain inner strength from them in order to continue onward, for a time will come in which this mission will come to an end, and when that happens, everything will be unleashed. And at that moment, you must be strong and firm in everything that I have given you over the course of time, not only to support yourselves, but also your brothers and sisters, who will not have been able to build that same fortitude in themselves like that of which I have given you, through love.
This is My Message for you, because it is also a message for the world, for those who enter into the service of My Merciful Heart, for those who daily seek the path of transformation and of the elevation of consciousness because, in truth, it does not matter to Me that you not achieve it, but rather that you try, and that you try every day. And without perceiving it, one day you will reach My Glory and, on that day, you will realize that I told you the truth.
This is why I am here today, and for this reason, I pray at the Feet of My Celestial Father, because I know that many more will be able to surpass Me in Love. I trust in this and I know that it is possible.
I thank you for listening to Me and for gathering My Words up into your hearts, which are now the last for the world.
May the Light that comes from Love guide you and bless you.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
We have reached the last month of the alternate year for humanity, a month in which hearts are called to be in Christ and so that the inner Christ may emerge, purify you and renew you for another year, so that you may continue to serve the Most High.
But it is also a month in which inattention and distraction will be the premises for the life of hundreds of people of this humanity.
And to not fall into that trap, idealized by My enemy, you must be attentive, vigilant and with your consciousness elevated toward the Universe, because for the human race a chronological year ends, but for the spiritual Hierarchy a change of cycle occurs again, and this new cycle will be full of challenges because it will be an important duty to be able to concretize many projects.
Thus, I invite you to remember the Hierarchy and all that the Hierarchy will give impulse to in this new stage. Because in the same way that the clock time runs, the cycles also change and the opportunities will only come around once.
December of 2019 is the preamble to the last times with the Hierarchy.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more