My dear children,

While in the world the elements of nature demonstrate the tragic reality of the end of times, the Divinity intervenes in all possible situations so that the Law of Divine Justice not be concretized in the material space of this planet.

This is why with urgency and readiness the Hierarchy works without delay to try to relieve the different realities that, moved by the action of silent uncertain doors, unite to the imbalanced planetary mental plane, aggravating the state of consciousness of the planet.

In this sense, dear children, prayer at this moment should be the priority of all, because while consciousness are not under the spirit of prayer, many more of them will be dragged by these uncertain doors, until souls become completely lost.

It is really necessary and urgent that My children recognize and perceive how the situation of the world is so that, decidedly and like mature apostles, you may walk throughout the world together with the Spiritual Hierarchy, to deter that which at this moment is becoming irreversible.

Be attentive and do not be distracted. You must offer each minute of your lives as a state of permanent prayer and elevation so that the legionaries of Christ may also be invisible and yet active through service for the redemption and healing of this humanity.

For this reason, do not be surprised when the Hierarchy changes the destiny of its pilgrimage. When this happens, as it did a few days ago, you must realize by yourselves that there is something that is not well in the region or country where the Hierarchy goes on pilgrimage with you.

The Divinity, My children, will always decidedly and attentively do all that is possible, and what is within the reach of each reality, to fulfill and concretize the spiritual and inner assistance that each space of the planet needs.

With this preamble, we will now prepare for the following stage, which is the most important, as the Three Sacred Hearts will intervene, once again, for Argentina and South America.

I thank you all in advance for your strict observance, at this very definitive moment for the coming destiny of the Argentine nation.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace



Dear children,

On this night of travel, of return to Brazil, My Mantle is extended over you like all the stars. I accompany you in silence and in vigil so that your missionary souls may be restored in a few days time and thus you may prepare yourselves to accompany the Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Saint Joseph in the planetary task that will take place throughout the next few days, in which all My praying children will have the Grace of hearing Saint Joseph, My Son and Your Heavenly Mother, once again.

Tonight we travel back to My Mother Home in Brazil, Figueira, so that your brothers and sisters may inwardly harvest the fruits of this last pilgrimage throughout the United States and Canada, important fruits for the awakening of hearts and for the redemption of the souls that live in God.

On this night of return to Brazil, I bless you and I thank you for having responded to My call during this whole month and a half of pilgrimage.

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

God is attentive to the voice of your supplications because this is a time of great spiritual, mental and physical needs.

This is a time when solidarity and the good must penetrate the deepest layers of the consciousness so that, in truth, there may be a change and an awakening.

This is the time to bring to the world this message, which means that it is the moment to consider your neighbor and serve others because this sacred action will allow miracles to take place, and souls that are absolutely lost will be rescued just as you were rescued by the Love of God.

But this moment is crucial and definitive, it is a delicate moment in which every day and in prayer you must ask for wisdom and discernment for all those who make hasty decisions and completely lose the true sense of reality.

As the Mother of the Grace and Mercy of God, I count on each one of My praying soldiers, within this moment of planetary inflection, for everything to remain in its harmony and in its balance.

This is the reason why, in the coming times, situations of inner emergency and external emergency will be attended by means of the pilgrimages.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, with the support of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, Who today lives his retreat, will go to meet the most difficult needs and we will send all of our servers, through indication and inspiration, to attend and aid that which is necessary, as good fathers and good mothers, as impeccable servers and collaborators. 

For this reason, My children, all this movement that is approaching, which will be that of an immediate surrender of self, will help you to forget yourselves and place the grave and critical planetary situation within the balance of Divine Justice. Because we cannot permit that this Human Project of God be rejected.

All the effort that was offered during the last years and up until recent days, by many groups of prayer, of adoration and of service, is being used to compensate the gravest debts of humanity incurred upon by abortion, prostitution and exploitation of children, adolescents and adults, by the commerce of slavery, the deforestation of the planet, the extraction of minerals, as well as by the excessive hunting of whales and marine animals.

Everything that happens today needs an enormous amount of untiring prayer so that Divine Justice may not fall upon humanity.

I am now thankful for the consciousness and the opening of your hearts and lives to the call for service from the Mother of God.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



On a day like today, twelve years ago, I called upon very ordinary and simple people so that they might follow Me, so that they might transform their lives out of love for My Son, and might respond to a great and important invitation that I brought from Heaven.

Thus, I appeared as the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and the Lady of Aurora because, in My Heart, I was bringing the announcement of the time of redemption and of spiritual healing for souls.

On a day like today, but twelve years ago, such simple people who had nothing to gain nor lose said "yes" to Me, and together with Me established the manifestation of the Purpose that God had requested of Me for South America.

His request was that, before the hundred years, since My Apparitions in Fatima, should pass, I descend with all of My Consciousness to a humble place in the north of Uruguay to call the world to the conversion and to the redemption of all planetary life. But also, My request was to carry My Message of Peace by means of simple but profound pilgrimages thoughout the different nations of the world.

Thus, My Divine Person, as time went by, went calling hearts that would form part of this Mission and during this time, the first and small choir emerged, made up of three children of Mine.

One of My daughters would represent My singing Voice to the world, a Mission that was accomplished. But as the Purpose of God was so great, on seeing that My children responded, the Father asked Me to awaken more hearts and, in this way, the great choir of the Divine Mother emerged.

I then asked for a selfless Association to be founded that would disseminate My Message of Peace throughout the entire world; until finally, Misericordia María TV came along, a means of communication of the Divine Hierarchy which, through sound and images, would carry the Message and the Call of God to millions of souls in the world.

Twelve years have passed, of so many experiences, of children that left without having understood the essence of My call, of new and unexpected children who arrived, and those who will arrive to follow My pilgrim path.

Today, in My Heart of Light, I hold and remember the awakening of Aurora and the sweet aroma of the orange groves, as well as the fruits that many carried within themselves as an indelible Grace of healing.

Today, after twelve years, the planet cries out for Mercy and for forgiveness. Thus, I invite all My children to renew their vows so that, under the light of Aurora, new aspirations may be accomplished and concretized.

Under the Will of God, My children, may we be able to continue walking together in this eternal pilgrimage toward a meeting with the Heart of Jesus so that we may finally merge into the Love of God, because My one desire as a Mother is to always lead you toward God, so that peace may be achieved.

I thank all who have walked by My side during these last twelve years, and I am thankful for those who will continue walking by My side, helping Christ to continue carrying the cross of the pain of the planet so that it may be alleviated.

I thank you for responding to My sacred call!

Who blesses you in peace,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages

God the Father establishes His Sacred Geometries by means of pilgrimages to the different nations and cultures of the world.

In this human diversity, the Father tries, by means of His Sacred Geometry, to have His Children of the Earth resume the essence of what they were in the beginning and before committing errors.

It is in this way that the Divine Messengers gradually draw, in the inner planes, the principles of these geometries, and thus important spiritual matrixes are established by means of the word, instruction, the Sacraments, Mercy and Grace.

The Sacred Geometries of God try, at this time, to have souls remember their origins so that in this Origin they can recover what they lost, that which is spiritual and divine, in these times, when modernity and influences deviate hearts from the path of fulfillment of their mission.

For this reason, the Sacred Hearts, while they go on pilgrimage in the world, take souls to the path of awakening so that the spirit of each being can recognize the Love of God within, and unite to the Eternal Father.

There, in this union, in this divine alliance, the soul comes into contact with the Sacred Geometries which are, in essence, the Virtues of God and His Greater Purpose for humanity.

For this reason, when a pilgrimage is fulfilled, as was this one that has just concluded in Europe, the Divine Hierarchy manages to finish establishing, in the inner planes, these Sacred Geometries that bring with them impulses of renewal for the nations, of awakening to a life of disinterested service and especially, these Sacred Geometries establish peace among peoples for greater periods of time.

In this sense, the Sacred Geometries always manifest, from the beginning to the end of a pilgrimage, and they can continue working for a longer time, although the pilgrimage has ended.

In this way, a mystery is projected upon the consciousnesses of nations and this mystery is unveiled when the consciousness adheres to the Divine Purpose, often without understanding or knowing it.

But every purpose is based on love, and it is this love that approaches the suffering souls so that they may experience it in the joy of finding God again, and of being able to live forgiveness and Mercy.

For this reason, in each new pilgrimage, new Sacred Geometries are delivered by the Divine Messengers to be sown in the consciousness of nations and, in consequence, in humanity.

All this spiritual and divine movement deactivates points of world conflict, as the hidden bases of exploitation, corruption and trafficking of persons, and also the Kingdoms of Nature are benefitted by the Sacred Geometries of God.

Thus, the planet, as a consciousness that lives and feels, breathes again.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages

Dear children,

The times that will arrive will deeply need the adherence of all in order to know how to go through the culminating stages which will place humanity on a new path.

With all of this, My children, I need you to be able to perceive the reality of this cycle which, full of challenges and tests, will be filled with the light of your prayers so that peace may be established in the world. 

My children, this planetary moment will need more and more consciousness, righteousness and prayer in order to be within the necessary spiritual protection to know and learn how to discern before all the events that in a short while will approach.

For this reason, the Sacred Hearts go on pilgrimage to different nations of the world to prepare and alert all children of the Celestial Father, to remove souls from the illusion of these times, to awaken human consciousness and fraternity, which will help to feel the inner need to assist and cooperate with one’s fellow being.

Dear children, for this reason, the Divine Messengers also bring the graces that exist within the Creator Source of God so that souls may recover their filiation with the Eternal Father and, above all, remember their divine and spiritual origin, which is drowning under the modern influences of these times, under a global distraction.

Thus, dear children, I bring you to God through My Heart and I invite you to repair the Heart of the Divine Father so that He may pour His Mercy upon you.

My children, I call you to have more consciousness so that you may know how to make correct decisions rather than hasty ones. I call you to find the truth through your love and your devotion to God and to all of His Celestial Kingdom. 

I impel you to change.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Within the Sacred Places, places where the Hierarchy is present, in deep levels of consciousness the Law of Permanent Transmutation is fulfilled, which is a spiritual process that allows for redemption and purification of certain states of consciousness that corrode humanity and that, in many cases, condemn the functioning of great nations.

For this reason, children, in some unpredictable cycles, at undetermined moments, this process of permanent transmutation takes place; a moment in which certain states of consciousness that are against love and light are exorcised in order to generate the relief, so necessary for humanity.

During the last Pilgrimage throughout Argentina, the Spiritual Hierarchy has been working on these deep levels of consciousness with the purpose of unblocking the spiritual counterpart of the country that is very contaminated by what is happening on its surface.

Not all consciousnesses on the planet know about this internal mission made by the Hierarchy, but, from the moment you perceive and feel the fierce movement of the elements, it will be because on a regional level and, could be on a planetary one, The Sacred Centers will be working in a permanent way and without delay.

Prayer is an offering that the souls of the world can make as a way to compensate their own evils that the human being generates for themselves, which are transmuted, through the Sacred Centers, in order to keep the balance of the planet.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace and Virgin of Schoenstatt, transmitted in the city of Bad Vöslau, Austria, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Dear children:

As Mother of Austria and Germany, on this day, I also go on pilgrimage in these lands to dissolve the very serious and sad decisions that were made in the last century, that affected and transgressed millions of souls in the world.

Therefore, children, today My aspiration through this pilgrimage to Slovakia and Austria is to be able to enter into the heart of each Slovakian and Austrian, so that My maternal and divine Love can repair on deep levels what has been kept in the consciousness of My children and that has generated terrible human pain.

As My Son will visit Slovakia to grant it Peace once again, his Heavenly Mother, the Virgin of Schoenstatt, Patroness of this pilgrimage, will be present from the inner planes, working and laboring to dissolve the roots of evil, power and perversion, so that these human actions may be reversed by Mercy, Love and Forgiveness.

Therefore, children, to all who follow Me sincerely in this mission, from here or from any place in the world, I call You, children, to follow the inner steps of the Mother of God, who avails Herself of the present conjuncture of work to help the nation of Austria and especially its Regent Angel.

With the rosary in My hand, My children, I invite you to continue penetrating the powerful mystery of the prayer of the heart, so that not only the souls that suffer the most be helped, but also the nations may be permeated with new values and principles of Love that My Immaculate Heart wants to pour out.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you with the Light from Heaven,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monthly Messages

My children,

Place your eyes and hearts on the Truth of God, because today and from this new cycle on, I come to awaken you from the dream of this world and I come to release you from the captivities of material life.

I will come to remove from inside of you what binds you to this world and I will speak to the heart and also to all the aspects of your consciousness that resist transformation. Because the time has come for you to become others and, in the face of all that you know and all that you have received, you must not continue your lives as if the times were the same as fifteen or twenty years ago.

Children, you should no longer base your surrender and donation on the lack of surrender and on the material crisis that the world lives in this time. This crisis is the annunciation of a time of trials, and the more difficult life is on Earth, the more it costs you to donate materially or spiritually something of yourself, the more you should know, my children, that it is time to do so, because the fact that the world is in crisis means that My Heart as well as the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph must reach the souls and the nations that need to awaken.

Do not measure the Plans of God according to human needs; do not think that if the nations are in crisis and the economy is scarce, the Sacred Hearts should no longer be in pilgrimage through the nations. Because these thoughts are seeds of harmful trees that are springing up in your consciousnesses to distract you and make you lose yourselves from the Plan of God.

Do not be afraid or have resistances when you listen to My Words, because I come to touch where humanity does not want to transform, I come to open your eyes to that which you do not want to see.

Yes, the world is in crisis. Yes, people in the nations are in economic difficulties, and they will be even more so, because the foundations of their lives should not be formed by material needs.

It is not to accumulate physical possessions or to take advantage of the planet that you came to the world, My children.

You came to the world to live this exact moment you are transiting today. A moment in which God calls you to transform the human condition, to not be afraid to give away what you do not have, beyond what is leftover to you. And I speak of all levels of donation, not only material but also spiritual.

The crisis of the planet will expand to all sectors of life and you are called to consecrate yourselves more and more to the Plans of God.

You will be seen as crazy and My Words will be criticized, but the Graces that the souls and the planet will receive during their biggest crisis will be priceless, when the Messengers will remain in the world and will strengthen the hearts for their greater trial.

We will still need to come to many nations of this world to embrace and reach those of My children that, in remote places, condemn their own existence, and to heal planetary wounds that otherwise could not be healed.

Because there are not many, My children, of those who have the gift of being aware of what God spiritually accomplishes in the world through His Messengers. And to these few, to whom We give all, We will also ask all, because through their consciousnesses We will transform the human concepts, and through their lives We will give testimony to the world that it is possible to surrender oneself even in times of crisis, of fear and of chaos.

Your hearts must be on the establishment of the Plans of God and, therefore, empty of human concepts and in a world full of fear, you, children, will be like torches that symbolise the dawning of a new life.

And it is on these bases, formed by your hearts, that you will replace the old man, where My Son will come to rebuild the Earth.

Believe and have faith that when I tell you these things, I am preparing in you and on this planet the expected Return of Christ to the world.

I bless you and call you to the deep reflection of the heart.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Today I would like, dear children, to emit My deepest maternal thanks to all your souls that made possible the special and important Pilgrimage for Peace in Europe.

With the most sincere vows of My Immaculate Heart, in this month of August, on the occasion of the tenth anniversary of My Apparitions, I wish, maternally, that you offer to the Creator a special novena of gratitude, bliss and renewal for My presence very close to your lives, for such long time.

I expect that all consecrated of the Grace Mercy Order dedicate this novena praying the Mystery of the Holy Rosary, from the 31st of July until the 8th of August of 2017, the date on which My Apparitions are commemorated and celebrated.

In order for this novena to have fruits of love, mercy and conversion, you will pray the Holy Rosary, meditating each day on the mysteries and miracles that God has provided you through My Immaculate Heart and through the Divine Heart of My Son; and in this way your hearts will also be able to express gratitude to the Celestial Father.

It is in this way, My dear children, that you will pray the Mystery of the Holy Rosary, meditating and thanking God for:

First day, 31st of July: “For the opportunity of loving more one another, as souls at the service of God”.

Second day, 1st of August: “For having known the value of the Holy Communion and of the other Sacraments”.

Third day, 2nd of August: “For the charity and the altruistic service lived by God, through His creatures, to the mineral, plant, animal and human Kingdoms”.

Fourth day, 3rd of August: “For the unconditional surrender of the consecrated to the Divine Plan of the Father”.

Fifth day, 4th of August: “For the Presence of Christ in our inner world and for being part of His Work of Mercy”.

Sixth day, 5th of August: “For receiving from the Source all the Knowledge of the Universe, manifested through the Instruction and through the formation of the servers of God”.

Seventh day, 6th of August: “For the existence of the Holy Spirit, which has guided and inspired all the groups of service, prayer, instruction and healing, demonstrating the spiritual talent of each one”.

Eighth day, 7th of August: “For the manifestation, on the surface, of the Points of Light, such as the Communities-of-Light and the Monasteries, which represent the presence of the Spiritual Hierarchy”.

Ninth day, 8th of August: “For the infinite Grace, for the incalculable Providence and for the incommensurable Love of God in our lives”.

In this way you will pray the Rosary during the nine days preparing My arrival, this time at the Marian Center of Figueira.

May this celebration be joyous and may all My children, without exception, be called to participate.

I transmit to you the prayer of gratitude that must be prayed at the beginning and at the end of the Rosary, during the nine days.

Prayer of the Most Holy Virgin in thanksgiving to God
for Her ten years of Apparitions in South America

Eternal and Divine Father,
       Who conceives the divine life in all Your creatures,
       Who expresses and manifests in the humble hearts,
       Who is alive and resplendent in the Sacred Body of Christ.

Today Your Servant and Slave
       gives thanks to You for the infinite Graces
       that You have poured out through the Immaculate Heart.

Give strength, bravery and courage
 to all those who follow Your call.

Give momentum and motivation
to those who concretize
Your Work of Mercy
so that Your Humble Mother and Lady of Light
may become known in the world,
through this miraculous Work
that You, Beloved Lord,
have expressed on the surface.

So be it,
until Jesus Christ returns in Glory.


I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Santiago de Compostela, La Coruña, Spain, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

And now, your Heavenly Mother is going to Lourdes, taking firm steps on this mission of redemption of the planet.

Her children also follow Her with firm steps until She arrives and places Her feet on the heights of the Pyrenees, where once again, as in 1858, She will give the needed blessing for a very asleep French nation, hypnotized by the worldwide reality.

Once again, your Heavenly Mother will arrive in Lourdes, Her special home, so that from there, the French people may receive a little more Mercy, and that all they experience today may be more balanced and fair.

That is why your Heavenly Mother will only use the great mirror of prayer to radiate new things from Her simple hands that will allow this moment to be an opportunity for a greater awakening.

The time has come for My children of France to have the Grace of receiving the same impulses as Portugal, Italy, and Spain.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of the Child King, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

With motherly joy, today I descend once again over My beloved and dear Marian Center of the Child King, the Center of Light that must finish being built on the physical plane with the cooperation and help of all the Children of Mary.

I come here not only to bless you, but also to lovingly ask for the completion of the works of the House of Prayer.

This will be My fourth House of Prayer, the fourth mirror of light that I will found, after the three Houses of Prayer that already exist in the Marian Centers of Figueira, Aurora, and the Holy Spirit.

I am still waiting for My dear children to carry out the fortnightly pilgrimages to the Marian Centers, and now it will be necessary for the Children of Mary to be the guardians of these Marian processions.

Just as in Lourdes, Fatima and Medjugorge, I want to see, with My own maternal eyes, the processions of love and of devotion of all My children in the four Marian Centers, and that all of you may say that the Mother of God, the ever Virgin Mary, is present flying over the sky of each Marian Center and waiting for the prayers of all Her children.

In this cycle, the Marian Centers will be of spiritual and internal importance for souls, for there they will find the Graces they so much need.

I wish that, in this cycle, consecrated and religious souls take on this maternal and paternal task in the Marian Centers, with the aim that the souls who may be attracted to these Centers may also be finally guided by the Grace and the Love of your Celestial Mother.

In March, I want to see the walls of the House of Prayer of the Marian Center of the Child King erected.

In April, I want to see the roof manifested and built with the collaboration of all My children of the world.

In May, in the month of the Most Holy Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, I want to see the completion of the windows of My Chapel of Light.

In June, I want to see the floor of this House installed, so that My pilgrims may have a place where they will feel sheltered.

In July, I want to see the completion of the painting.

In August, feminine hands will already be finishing the details of the harmony of the House, so that finally, in September, I am able to return here to again bless and consecrate this Marian Center to My Immaculate Heart.

If the efforts and care are the correct ones, the House of Prayer of this Marian Center could  receive the pilgrims before this time, and above all, it could be a place where the children could meet with their Celestial Mother.

For all the efforts and for having received Me, I thank you for responding once again to My call.

Who infinitely loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Eagle of Light bus during the journey from the city of São Paulo to the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Today I come as a ray of Light to the world to reignite it with love and with peace.

In order for this to happen, children, the help of all of you is indispensable. That illumination of peace and of love victoriously took place during this last pilgrimage, and the seeds will be able to sprout in those souls that in some way were touched by the Mercy of God.

That is how, after having gone through all of this last pilgrimage, your hearts will already have matured in consciousness, which means to live in the Universal Laws and to fulfill them. All have seen how the souls of the world are lost and do not fulfill the basic laws; because of this, they need to be rescued by Our hands.

On this day, the synthesis of what has taken place on this last pilgrimage must be available for all of your brothers and sisters; because it will be fundamental for those who remain in the Centers of Love to learn and to know what is experienced in the world and how necessary it is to step out of oneself in order to solve the spiritual needs that are experienced by millions of inner worlds.

For all the efforts experienced, I thank you for having accompanied me.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

When the Divinity descends over a place through the Celestial Messengers, there is a moment of pressure, expansion and contraction due to the opposing currents that imprison souls in the abysses.

It is in this way, dear children, that the Celestial Hierarchy finds a deep space where to work, redeem and rehabilitate, and it is through the prayers of My children that I can cause all Graces and Gifts to descend over souls.

For this reason, dear children, the Celestial Father sends His Mediators of Heaven so that the planetary consciousness may be touched by strong luminous impulses of liberation and healing.

In this way, a higher and divine reality is generated in what we call inner universes, which helps to unblock the obstacles that are imposed upon the spiritual lives of the servers and the souls of the whole Earth.

For example, the intention of the Divine Hierarchy to reach the countries of Asia and Oceania is not only to liberate the oppression generated by the constant mistakes of humanity, but to finish building the planetary Network of prayerful service that must be willing to serve the Plan of the Creator.

It will be this planetary Network of prayer that would be able to encompass worldly issues of a high risk. It is in this way that the Father tries to awaken the consciousness of all His children in order to avoid worldwide situations of purification, of which humanity is completely unaware.

When each stage of a pilgrimage is promptly fulfilled by all those who pray and by the collaborators of the Divine Work, the Hierarchy has the permission to enter spaces that the Mercy of God had not reached before.

Everything begins and ends in the collaboration and support that you are able to give. Now, through the pilgrimage, throughout the nations of Central America, Mexico and in the United States, a positive spiritual condition has been generated, which will help millions of souls throughout the next four years, as a preparation for the final times.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who unifies you through the heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Today your Mother of the World contemplates humanity with serenity and compassion. With My eyes full of tears and anguish, I see many of My beloved children in worldly blindness and hypnotized by indifference. Where is the Christ who was born a few days ago within you? I ask you, My beloveds, do not forget Him or turn your back to Him, because this Christ who lives in you waits patiently to be attended and filled with much love.

To all those who today elevate their thoughts and hearts to Heaven, I ask: pray, pray and adore My Son in the Blessed Sacrament. May this year that ends, a year full of misfortunes and unconsciousness, be liberated so that next year will be one with more light and more mercy. Therefore, I ask all of My children of the world to have God present, at least do this for all those who will distance themselves during this night of their true and most pure innocence.

I would like you to celebrate with Me the triumph of the Sacred Hearts, more than the change of one year and the end of a cycle. Let us pray, dear children, because the year that is approaching will be harder than the past one, and I see how many consciousnesses decide for other things and resist more each day. Give, not as the world gives, but give a beautiful smile to the Mother of God, give love, mercy and compassion so that the ignorance of the world may be balanced.

Love and understand each other a little bit more every day and no longer close your hearts. I am teaching all My servers to love sacrifice, for this sacrifice to be at least similar to the one that My Son offered in solitude, abandonment and silence.

Dear children, let us pray so that next year your Holy Mother of Light might not have to cry, although My supplications and My petitions will be continuous, relieve My Heart from the serious sins I see being committed every day throughout the world.

At last, forgive yourselves, and you will be forgiven, and humanity will miraculously be forgiven when on this night somebody may feel encouraged to tell Me “Yes, my Mother, today I will be with You at all costs for the triumph of Your Immaculate Heart.” Thus, God will have infinite pity for all nations, for all the continents and for all consciousnesses that on this night will spiritually confirm their alliance with evil. But know that, in spite of all, dear children, it is your lives and your acts that make My Heart triumph, day by day.

And if you have come until here on this pilgrimage with Me in prayer and to all these nations, it is because only the Grace of God allows for some things, only sincere love conceives and generates a sacred opportunity for souls.

Dear children, I apologize for this declaration that I bring you today, but I promised, since My Assumption, to only tell the truth to the world.

For all efforts and for all renunciations, I thank you for following Me throughout this planetary Calvary.

Who loves and blesses you, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


Dear children,

When the triumph of My Immaculate Heart is near, it seems that everything precipitates, to the point that new changes turn up for you. The important thing at this moment is that you have the assurance that while by My side, nothing will happen to you, because I always place you inside My Heart so that nothing can perceive or observe you.

Thus, at this time, I am finishing forming up the last praying armies so that they may accompany the Heavenly Mother in this imminent battle of Armageddon. I wish that you, dear children, could feel the confidence that everything is in its place, even when it sometimes does not seem to be. Each signal that you receive within you is important because they will place you nearer to or further away from Divine Will.

For this reason, on this day I come to tell you that the stages of My Plan of Peace are taking place and that all of you, in due course, will be benefited by the results of this pilgrimage. It is thus that after so much time, your Heavenly Mother has managed to come and address matters of humanity that seemed impossible to resolve. In this way, I teach you to have faith and to practice it above all tests and difficulties.

May the Mirrors of your hearts shine before Mine today, so that all of this may be a precious offering of love and of reconciliation with your Father God. On this day I leave you an open path so that you can again find your essential purity, a key that will easily open the doors to the Brotherhood, just as happened today.

Remain in My arms during this day so that I may keep contemplating you, and My gaze be able to protect you and distance you from all evil. Be brave and keep being so, for the total triumph of My Most Pure Heart.

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



At the gateway of a Great Mission…

Dear children,

With the bliss of My Spirit, I pour out My Peace on you today so that the perfect and invincible communion with My Son may be established in you.

It will be in the sacred cenacle of the Heart of Christ where the first steps on the redemption and the rehabilitation of souls will be mercifully shown.

This, children, is the beginning of a new stage where many souls will be benefitted by the upcoming pilgrimage to Central America and Mexico.

Your Heavenly Father congregates you in prayer and in cooperation, so that the plans of your Most Holy Mother may be fulfilled in this dear region of the planet, threatened by the exploitation of human beings, of the Kingdoms of Nature, and of innocent society.

It is in this way that your Heavenly Mother gets ready, in prayer, adoration, and silence, to cross the abysses of all those places and thus light fallen stars again, which were lost for different reasons, and which must remember their filiation with God.

On this day, when you, My children, and especially those children who opened their hearts to help me in this plan of redemption and of peace, have generated a positive and pleasant response to the Heart of the Heavenly Father.

The mission to Central America and Mexico will encompass several fields of consciousness, and your Heavenly Mother will be able to enter with Her Kingdom of Light and with all Her angels into the nations that need it the most.

It is thus, My dear children, that through My simple hands the Universe of God will undo the knots that are millenary in the consciousness of humanity.

Each one of your hearts is called to accompany your Holy Mother on this pilgrimage, be it with your prayers, with your offerings, or with your presence on some part of the pilgrimage through the nations of Central America.

It is in this way that, through your support and your loving company, your Heavenly Mother will be able to count on Her soldiers to carry out this work of mercy and of forgiveness for your fellow beings.

The first part of the mission to Central America will work to deactivate the suffering, the indignation, and specially the existing mistreatment of the human Kingdom, and of the lower Kingdoms of Nature.

This task will be possible from the moment in which each child of Mine participates in this pilgrimage from their nation, from their group of prayer, from the Marian Centers, or even inside the operative task of the pilgrimage as a child of Mary.

The second part of the mission in Mexico will try to balance the pain generated since the conquest, upon the indigenous peoples. Through the advocation of the Lady of Guadalupe, during the days of the pilgrimage the deactivation of the suffering of these indigenous peoples can be carried out through an act of forgiveness and of pity, so that in this way Divine Mercy may be established.

The entire route of the pilgrimage to Central America and Mexico can be inwardly and spiritually supported by all the children of Mary and by the groups of prayer in the different nations.

So that My children can be present during the complete pilgrimage accompanying your Heavenly Mother, I invite you to fraternize with My children from Central America and Mexico by sending a greeting of peace to Misericordia Maria TV, which will be shown during the public events.

This section, which will be presented during the public events of the Divine Messengers in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and Mexico, will try to create strong bonds of love and of fraternity between peoples and their languages.

It is thus, My children, that each group of prayer as well as each pilgrim, in the moment of presenting their greeting of peace, must have with them the image of the Virgin of Guadalupe as the symbol of union and of love between the nations of the world: Uniting all that is separated.

This section will be called “We unite with Mary in Her Sacred Mission.”

I thank you, children, for the gesture of inner brotherhood that each consciousness will be able to express through this greeting of peace, and this will be the way in which the pilgrims and those who pray in the world will accompany each part of the pilgrimage.

Lastly, My children, with the immense joy of Heaven, I once more thank all of My children for having concretized the mission to Central America and for having responded to My call.

United with each prayerful heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I come on this day, dear children, to remind you that your Celestial Mother is still praying for the juste cause of the peregrination to Central America and Mexico.

It is so that your Eternal Father sends His Loyal Servant to declare to humanity that the moment has come to take a great step towards group life and fraternity.

It will be with these two great virtues that the consciousnesses will perceive that they should come out of themselves to be able to be as a whole with their fellow beings.

I need you, My dear children, to adopt at this time this inner and outer attitude so that, in this way, the Plan of God reaches higher planes of consciousness and will be a reality for everyone.

I invite you to fraternize, to cooperate, to donate to the Work of the Celestial Father for you to be able to create the necessary foundations for the new humanity, because living on this way of equality and balance you will learn to pay off your debts and, at the same time, you will be led by the angels to find the real need to be able to supply it.

Embrace this announcement of your Celestial Mother because this way you, praying people, will see that the Plan of God will be fulfilled in all the planetary sphere for the lost humanity to receive a Grace and an opportunity.

Think about what I am telling you.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children:

When the requests of your Celestial Mother are fulfilled in humanity, it is a sign that the Will of the Eternal Father is also fulfilled.

In this way, and fulfilling My requests of pilgrimage through the world, I draw you closer to the Law so that you may experience it, feel and fulfill it, just as it is written in the universe.

To experience this Will, the consciousnesses go through many tests that, once overcome, can confirm that this Divine Will was not that far away.

Every day, I also teach you through My request to contemplate the Purpose of God in order not to forget it and, thus, to find, through it, the necessary food that will comfort you and will cause you to elevate your souls to reach sacred eternity.

I would like all My beloved children to learn with simplicity all these things, so they may grow in spirit and not in personality.

To love the Divine Will and to have faith in it is the great step of all the apostles of My son, because in them must be drawn the precious project of redemption and peace, that is waiting for the souls that are not able to see God through their own means.

In each fulfilled stage of the requests of your Celestial Mother remember, dear children, that the Lord, in His Glory and Presence, will be closer to all.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who accompanies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Contemplate today the invaluable Grace of being in My Presence and in deep union with My Immaculate Heart. Clamor to God for an opportunity for this world.

Yesterday, when you reconsecrated your souls to My Plan of love, I removed from your lives the roots of all suffering, of all anguish, of all that had been keeping you from finding God, despite your faith and devotion.

And today, My beloved, I will ask you for a spiritual intercession in the name of all those who do not know Me, who deny Me and who do not accept My maternal Love out of fear, out of insecurity, out of ignorance or because they are blind and with their hearts closed.

I will ask from all My children a greater depth in their own surrender, a greater openness to the experience of love and forgiveness, and also for communion with the Kingdoms of Nature. Because you, children, among the majority of human beings, are few who are living a greater awakening to love and higher knowledge.

There are other children of Mine in the world who follow Me and who respond to My Call, but who are also conditioned by their lives and their cultures. Therefore I cannot ask them the impossible for the human mind, as I venture to ask you.

Your hearts, My dears, have opened to manifest the impossible, to respond to the higher designs, even if this often means that you seem to be crazy in the eyes of the world.

My Heart can count on that space of your consciousness which - despite understanding, respecting and valuing life on Earth - knows that, in truth, this is only a path, a way to something higher.

I tell you this, My children, because I am preparing your hearts for a deeper and more complete surrender to the experience of an ever holier madness – sanctified by the fulfilling of My Plans.

As the human consciousness is so far removed from the plans of God and clinging to material things, it will cost you a lot to understand the spiritual designs of the Creator, and this is why you will appear to be crazy in the eyes of the world. But those who respond to Me, even without understanding, will see the fruit and the manifestations expected by God and only then, children, you will be able to confirm the truth of what I have been telling you for so many years.

When chaos permeates the whole world, but not the hearts of My children, humanity will understand what I wanted to tell you when I promised the establishment of My Peace in your lives.

When the nations I have visited manifest, in times of trouble, the response to the operation of Grace delivered by Me, through the awakening of the spirits, everyone will be able to see that My pilgrimages were not symbolic and what I was trying to show you was not so invisible.

Children, when the conversions of those who make contact with My words multiply and radiate to others through example, you will understand the power of My maternal Word and that there is something more than simple phrases full of love in what I tell you.

Maybe you do not really understand what I ask of you today, perhaps the dynamics of the transformation of the Plan and its constant adaptation, according to the response of everyone, causes you a lot of doubts and confusion. But this time, My beloved, just fix your eyes on what I have built within your hearts and measure the truth of My presence through the love that I deposited in your beings and not through what your minds can comprehend. Because the logic of the Plans of God and the Laws on which they are based are not the same which are comprehensible to the human mind.

Those who want to understand the Plans of the Most High, before loving them and following them, will be confused. For this reason, trust the Law of Love and remember that the victory of My Son seemed to be a failure for many. In this way you will see how the plans of God are incomprehensible to the human mind that does not know how to love.

Focus today on what I will tell you and open your own hearts, not to reason but to absolute love. In this way, I will be able to teach you what is the true keynote of these times and you will know how to think and feel as My Immaculate Heart does, so that at the end of everything you know how to guide your brothers and sisters as I have guided you.

I love you and bless you always.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
