
In the company of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, your Master and Lord announces that on March 19th and 20th, 2020, the two Sacred Hearts will carry out a planetary task.

For this reason, Our Words will be shared live through the audio clip that Misericordia María TV will transmit to the whole world.

In this way, Our instructions and blessings will reach the whole world and thus, at this moment of planetary transition, hearts will unite with the love of the Voice of the Spiritual Hierarchy so that souls may be strengthened in faith and in trust in God.

The next March 19th, the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph will bless all the sacred reliquaries that will go to the Marian Centers.

It will be in this way that everyone will be able to celebrate the anniversary of the Apparitions of Saint Joseph through the program and the prayers that will be offered.

In the same way, on March 20, 2020, all pilgrims will unite from their homes and their groups of prayer to follow the important moment of the last presentation of the daily Message of Christ through Misericordia María TV.

Thus, the Voice of the Master will also reach the whole world through the audio clip that will be transmitted to everyone by Misericordia María TV.

Although we cannot be gathered together with you, the omnipresence of Our Sacred Hearts will also reach each one of your homes.

And lastly, the Divine Mother, on March 25th, 2020, will also transmit Her words to everyone.

I invite you to prepare with devotion and faith for the peace and the healing of the world.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


On a day like today, twelve years ago, I called upon very ordinary and simple people so that they might follow Me, so that they might transform their lives out of love for My Son, and might respond to a great and important invitation that I brought from Heaven.

Thus, I appeared as the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and the Lady of Aurora because, in My Heart, I was bringing the announcement of the time of redemption and of spiritual healing for souls.

On a day like today, but twelve years ago, such simple people who had nothing to gain nor lose said "yes" to Me, and together with Me established the manifestation of the Purpose that God had requested of Me for South America.

His request was that, before the hundred years, since My Apparitions in Fatima, should pass, I descend with all of My Consciousness to a humble place in the north of Uruguay to call the world to the conversion and to the redemption of all planetary life. But also, My request was to carry My Message of Peace by means of simple but profound pilgrimages thoughout the different nations of the world.

Thus, My Divine Person, as time went by, went calling hearts that would form part of this Mission and during this time, the first and small choir emerged, made up of three children of Mine.

One of My daughters would represent My singing Voice to the world, a Mission that was accomplished. But as the Purpose of God was so great, on seeing that My children responded, the Father asked Me to awaken more hearts and, in this way, the great choir of the Divine Mother emerged.

I then asked for a selfless Association to be founded that would disseminate My Message of Peace throughout the entire world; until finally, Misericordia María TV came along, a means of communication of the Divine Hierarchy which, through sound and images, would carry the Message and the Call of God to millions of souls in the world.

Twelve years have passed, of so many experiences, of children that left without having understood the essence of My call, of new and unexpected children who arrived, and those who will arrive to follow My pilgrim path.

Today, in My Heart of Light, I hold and remember the awakening of Aurora and the sweet aroma of the orange groves, as well as the fruits that many carried within themselves as an indelible Grace of healing.

Today, after twelve years, the planet cries out for Mercy and for forgiveness. Thus, I invite all My children to renew their vows so that, under the light of Aurora, new aspirations may be accomplished and concretized.

Under the Will of God, My children, may we be able to continue walking together in this eternal pilgrimage toward a meeting with the Heart of Jesus so that we may finally merge into the Love of God, because My one desire as a Mother is to always lead you toward God, so that peace may be achieved.

I thank all who have walked by My side during these last twelve years, and I am thankful for those who will continue walking by My side, helping Christ to continue carrying the cross of the pain of the planet so that it may be alleviated.

I thank you for responding to My sacred call!

Who blesses you in peace,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I write this message with words of light to be able to express, through them, the gratitude and the Love that I have for My dear children, especially for all souls that throughout the times and My Apparitions have made their first vows of consecration to the Mother of God.

For this reason, My children, I come in a special way today to invite and call each Child of Mary to be present with me on March 12, 2019, at the Marian Center of Aurora, the place that will be the venue for the next Annual Meeting of the Children of Mary.

I invite and call you to be in the presence of your Celestial Mother so that you may not only renew the vows of your consecration, which you once made, but also that your souls may receive a spiritual impulse directly from the Mother of God in order that your consciousnesses may prepare for the times of emergencies.

Surrounded by the splendorous Aurora, I invite you to be by My side on this March 12 and also to invite, in this year, a brother or sister to participate in the Meeting so they can see how beautiful it is to live in the Heart of God.

As of now, I announce this invitation so that each child of Mine may get organized to be present.

This Meeting will be globally broadcast through Mercy Mary TV so that the Children of Mary from Central America, North America and Europe can accompany.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

The time has come for all the children of Mary, regardless of whether they are consecrated to My Heart or not, in any nation, in any place on the planet, as well as in any language, to be able to pray to My Immaculate Heart.

Until now, children, everything lived and experienced by the local, regional, and international groups of prayer has been a preparation. Therefore, through the Association that I have founded, with the cooperation of the Sector of Diffusion and the official support of Mercy Mary TV, your Heavenly Mother wishes to implement a real base for the transmissions of prayers among the different peoples of the nations of the world.

My aspiration is to communicate, through the meetings of prayer, to the five continents among each other, and with these transmissions to unite all the hearts and families of the world that, in more than thirty countries, accompany, until now, the Work of the Divine Messengers.

For this reason, the mission of the planetary Light-Network will be able to embrace all My other children of the world who need to learn to pray from the heart and who do not know how to do it.

This mission of praying and of uniting the nations and the peoples must also be periodically diffused in the social networks so that more and more souls in the world may unite to pray for peace.

If, as from now, a basis could be adequately managed and organized for this new cycle of prayers with the different regions of the world, this would help to attract from the Universe immense Graces for all, and the different countries would be spiritually benefited.

For this reason, your Heavenly Mother opens for this new cycle the regular task of the prayers for all; this will make the souls build inside of themselves a praying discipline capable of help in the events of the life of the people and of their families.

It will be necessary, in this new phase, to learn to pray in the different languages of the five continents, maintaining as a foundation the following languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese, German and Korean.

For all the efforts lived,

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The importance of elevated music in the end of times

Dear children choir singers and participants in the Meeting of Music for the Healing and the Upliftment of Humanity,

Just as in Heavens the angelic melodies uplift and recreate the Plan of God in Its Infinite manifestation, the Divine Plan must be recreated on the surface of the planet through elevated music.

Each inner composition that is then expressed as a musical or instrumental piece must be impregnated with divine and angelic energy; this will help the planetary consciousness that always vibrates in low dimensions, to have the opportunity of awakening and feeling that the heavenly and supra-universal songs that are attracted for example by each instrument, will cause all of human consciousness to be a constant emanation of love.

This monthly meeting of Music for the Healing and the Upliftment of Humanity is a vital commitment of all the choirs of the Communities of Light and of the choirs associated with this meeting.

Because of this, as from this new cycle, a musical piece prepared by each Community of Light will be presented in the Meeting of Music for the Healing and the Upliftment of Humanity.

This means, dear children, that every month each Community of Light and each regional choir belonging to the Planetary Network of Light will send an offering, some music that will be prepared, sung, recorded, and filmed by each group.

In this way, Music for the Healing and the Upliftment of Humanity, as a program of Mercy Mary TV, will receive all the offerings that will be sent so that they can be presented later on the 23rd of each month.

It will be a loving opportunity for both each choir of the Communities of Light and the regional choirs of the Network of Light to contribute with an evolutionary musical piece that expresses love for the Kingdoms of Nature, love for the Cosmos, love for the three Sacred Hearts, and especially, love for the Creator Father.

In this way, the preparation of these monthly meetings will not fall only on the same group of servers that makes pilgrimages month by month with the Divine Mother, but instead, each choir will have the Grace of showing its work of upliftment of consciousness, as well as of union and fraternity among brothers and sisters, to the world.

All will have the opportunity of helping to uplift the chaotic consciousness of humanity through the offerings they will be able to make to the Celestial Universe.

What is important, dear children, is that you offer everything wholeheartedly and with a lot of love. I would like to see in the monthly presentations of this meeting My children of the Network of Light who have never yet participated in these meetings; this will strengthen the fulfillment of the Purpose of the Hierarchy between humanity and the Universe.

On this 23rd of August, My children choir singers in Aurora will work with the consciousness of the planet, attracting in this way the essence of forgiveness and mercy.

On this day, may the meeting of music penetrate human suffering and may the Law of Divine Mercy take action and dissolve all the pain that is generated.

As on every 23rd day of each month, I will be accompanying you with My Maternal Heart.

May you experience a good offering to the Heavenly Father.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who sings with the voice of the heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To all the groups of prayer and to the dearest families of the praying groups

Dear children,

On the eve of the birth of Christ in your hearts and in the new cycle that has already begun for all, I would like to ask you, for this Christmas that is arriving, that each one of the groups of prayer and their respective families send a greeting of peace and of hope to the next nativity of the Lord.  Through the offering of your greeting of peace, My Heart will be able to attract new principles of love and of fraternity for all of the families of the world.

For that, dear children, on the 24th and 25th of December you will be participants among many children of Mine of the delivery of this greeting of peace and of brotherhood so that love be sown in the human consciousness again.

You shall send your Greetings, those that may be recorded and filmed, to Mercy Mary TV, which will organize and later on will transmit them on the 24th and 25th of December.

This work and greeting of peace shall be made in a simple and loving way, really radiating the hope that many need in this time.  This greeting of peace is meant to reach those children who on those dates will be alone, sick in the hospitals and in the nursing homes, and those who need much the power of faith.  In this way, dear children, I will be congregating all around the sacred manger that will bring Light to this world in these times of tribulation.

Dear children, I ask that you prepare this work with great care but with simplicity so that it will promote the renovation of faith and of love in the souls of the world.

Children of Mine, on this Christmas Aurora will be dressed very beautifully in order to receive the Spirit of Christ in each praying or not praying heart.

For that, all of the pilgrims and consecrated children of Mary that will be in Aurora are also called by Your Mother of Heaven to prepare the stage where this holy and simple celebration will take place.  The auditorium will be covered with all of the Christmas symbols as to create the inner environment needed for all of the families to feel welcome, and in this way the Sacred Spirit of Christianity will be sown in each consciousness.

All of My children, those who lovingly and under a spirit of peace are willing to collaborate in the preparation of the Christmas setting in Aurora, are invited to participate.  This Marian Center works with healing through simplicity and beauty, which allows for attracting the souls that need redemption and forgiveness.

In union with each child of Mine, I wish a good Christmas task of peace to all!

I thank you for answering to My call!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


After twenty-six years of preparation of the spiritual foundations for My long awaited Return, through the work and life of the Light-Communities of My Heart; today I come to announce a special Grace that in critical times will try, above all, to spiritually elevate the life of humanity through the sacred values that it must express to all universal Creation.

It is for this cause that My merciful, glorious and living Heart grants to the International Humanitarian Federation, in the name of My living Heart, the divine and autonomous permission to spread all the works of fraternity, service, healing, instruction and prayer that all My selfless volunteers carry out.

This will mean to your Master the unique opportunity that, through a space in the channel of communication Misericordia María TV, you companions, lead the world to know this Work of redemption, love and Mercy that has been carried out for twenty-six years with the Mineral, Plant, Animal and Human Kingdoms. 

In the name of the ultimate Creator who governs everything, I wish you to relieve My Heart outraged by the disasters and punishments that the Younger Kingdoms and also the Human Kingdom have received.

If the world knew the Work of service and rescue that is carried out through the union of all Associations of the Fraternity, this would widely help all the human beings, that are not interested in the Kingdoms of Nature, to find out the value, the reverence and the compassion that the younger brothers and sisters of nature deserve. 

After My last visit to northern Brazil to spiritually work in the Amazon, an atoning door was opened to this part of the world. That is why your Master, joining you in this mission to value life and Creation, lovingly requests that several spaces dedicated to the diffusion and knowledge of life and of creation on the planet, manifested in all the Kingdoms to be included from now on within the calendar of meetings with the Divine Messengers, in the schedule of Misericordia María TV.

I wish for humanity to come to know what a mineral is and how it lives spiritually. I wish for every human being of the surface to know what a plant is and what an important mission it fulfills. I wish for you to love the Animal Kingdom as you love your own lives. Thus, you must know why God created them and why they exist.

I also wish the world to be motivated to serve their neighbor through the spirit of charity, so that the majority may step out of themelves and there be no longer borders or languages, only the profound language of your hearts.  

If in a short period of time My request were put into practice, the world could suffer less from purification. If millions of human beings placed their interest in the Kingdoms and made works of restoration of all evil that is done to them, there would be no third world war. I will give inner and humble powers to anyone who is willing to offer a great reparation to God. 

Companions, today, before the Creator and the celestial choirs, I open this door for you.

I wish the International Humanitarian Federation and the life in the Light-Communities, as well as the appreciation of the Kingdoms and the healing of all beings, to be known. This will placate the actions of evil in the world and My Sacred Heart will grant some more time of peace.

It is for this purpose that today a spiritual and material union is instituted among Misericordia María TV, the International Humanitarian Federation and all those who would lovingly like to be part of this diffusion of the creative life of the planet. 

From Heaven We expect humanity to deeply value and love what God has given you since the beginning.  

Under the glory and the Grace granted by all these things, be blessed.

Who always loves and supports you,

Your Master, the Glorified Christ Jesus


Dear children,

I wish that through this mission to Colombia and Venezuela the door towards Peace may once again open in the hearts that are in need.

This mission unites all through My Most Sacred Heart, and, beloved children, that is why I need you to be torches of peace for all those who you will meet.  I hope that the hearts that need healing, forgiveness and redemption recover faith and mercy.

Dear children, do not fear what you will find.  May your arrival sow the infinite joy of serving God and His Plan of salvation. Your Heavenly Mother finally congregates you through the spirit of love and fraternity, doors that you will always be able to keep open among brothers and sisters on the same path, the path of My Son.

While you are about to arrive at a land that needs forgiveness, discover the faith that exists in many Colombian hearts.  Unite in these days as one and only people of God, full of the Mercy of God and of Redemption.

Dear children, I wish to stay more days among you and My Son also wishes so, that is why we are inviting all the dear children of My Immaculate Heart to also receive the blessings of Christ.

It is for this special reason that on October 11, at 8 p.m., after having prayed and adored Christ, the Master, He will come extraordinarily to give the unction to the brothers and sisters of the groups of prayer of Colombia.

Dear Children, Your Heavenly Mother will also be present to accompany you.  Later on, this extraordinary meeting with My Son will be published by Mercy Mary TV so that from Colombia the whole world may also listen to the voice of the Master.

I thank you for answering My Call!

Good arrival to the nation that must consecrate itself to God.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To all of the marathoners of My Mercy I only ask you to realize the same task that was accomplished in the first Marathon of the Divine Mercy at the Marian Center of Aurora.

This time the Marian Center of Figueira will have the opportunity to prepare the dwelling that will receive the visit of the Celestial Redeemer and the warm and loving arrival of the pilgrims, those who will carry forward this Marathon of the heart.

For this the preparatory details will make the difference, so that the fruits of the Marathon may be able to be collected and carried in the heart of all of the pilgrims.

This impulse of merciful prayer will be united to the beginning of the Mercy Mary TV that will open the doors so that the souls may enter into My Kingdom of Mercy. All of the members of the Marian Center of Figueira will be those who will prepare the path of this Marathon so that the souls may, during these days of September, make use of what they will truly need, such as strengthening faith, reaffirming the commitment with Me and being partakers of My Unfathomable Mercy.

Now the Marian Center of Figueira has been chosen to begin this new cycle in which the divine message that comes from Heaven may be spread to the four cardinal points of the Earth. So that this may be possible the Marathon of Mercy of the month of September must be an inner encounter for the relief of the souls and of their sufferings. In this way My Presence will make Itself present, as in Aurora, in all of the details that may be realized with love and for love.

This new Marathon of the Divine Mercy promises a special and spiritual help for Brazil and its inner situation as a Nation. It also anticipates that by means of merciful prayer, situations that would be inexplicable for the consciousnesses may be able to be reorganized and receive the necessary peace for these times.

In this way Uruguay and Brazil will end up being blessed by My Mercy, but in order for the sacred triangulation of the Holy Spirit to be finished, this task must be completed by the Nation of Argentina.

For this I mention the city of Buenos Aires so that in the coming 5th and 6th days of October of 2013 it may receive the Divine Universal Mercy and so that It may arrive to the heart of My Argentine children because the three nations must re-consecrate themselves to My Sacred Heart.

All will be especially accompanied by My Spirit.

Good and fraternal preparation for all of the pilgrims, marathoners of My Mercy!

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for responding to My call of Universal Mercy!

Christ Jesus, the King of kings

Message for the Apparition of Mary, Mother of Reconciliation and Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías

Beloved children,

My maternal request was announced yesterday for the spiritual emergence of the communication network Misericordia María. This project, which is not a earthly project, but a spiritual project, will attempt to reach the hearts of the homes in a fraternal, ordered and peaceful way, because the purpose of Misericordia María will be to open the doors to all souls so that they may hear My Message and the Message of My Son, Jesus.

You must have asked yourselves: why will the Celestial Hierarchy need to transmit Its Words through a means of communication? Because of the planetary urgency, the lack of awareness about the events in humanity, the need for peace and prayer in homes, the constant union with God, and mainly because of the redemption of the souls that in these times are linked to the networks of evil. It is a reason and an aspiration of My Immaculate Heart that My Kingdom of Peace may obtain victory over the world before the glorious arrival of My Son.

But this project of My Heart is a timeless project, this means, My dear children, that the Celestial Hierarchy will communicate Its Words and consequently pour out Its Graces for an undetermined time, because the Father has asked us, the Celestial Messengers, to do everything possible so that a great part of the consciousnesses of humanity may withdraw from modernities and enter, through this project, into experiencing their own redemption.

Misericordia María is an archetype of more direct and advanced communication that will operate through celestial principles, which will protect the development of the task, and this will avoid the influence of the external realities towards the task.

I mean, dear children, that Misericordia María will not be a broadcaster similar to those that exist nowadays in the world and those that confuse souls. This project will directly reach the most profound nuclei of the inner beings through the work of the Holy Spirit and thus, it will cease to be something superficial and material.

All that the Celestial Hierarchy requests, we communicate with a high degree of love and wisdom to prevent those who receive the call from interpreting it or becoming confused.

For the first time in the History of humanity, Heaven asks, through this call, for a project that is little understood by the consciousnesses. But Misericordia María will have the foundation of prayer, fasting, and the loving surrender of those who are willing to carry the task forward, under the vow of obedience and order for this design that My maternal Consciousness is carrying out.

Misericordia María wants to take the Mercy of God to the homes. Therefore, this project of communication will experience principles, to banish from the unconscious of the servers something that this world awakens by mistake such as vainglory, vanity, power and competition among beings.

Misericordia María, through the Christic principles, will gradually liberate these needs of self-realization from the unconscious, and thus it will place the Light of the Divine Kingdom in the hearts.

It will be a task of Misericordia María to repolarize the consciousnesses of the world that have been dominated by the modernity of evil, so that through its impulses, beings may awaken to God, their Lord.

Misericordia María will be the heart of the Heart of Mary, which will lovingly beat to transmit impulses of fraternity, healing and forgiveness, which is what the present humanity needs.

The Christic principles of Misericordia María are the following:

1. Transmit the true and healing love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

2. Approach the consciousnesses and the souls to the saving Message of the Sacred Hearts.

3. Rescue for everyone, the value of the Creation of God through the care of all Kingdoms.

4. Unite the groups of prayer under the same Divine Purpose.

5. Be a bridge of redemption and forgiveness among families.

6. Fraternize in the whole world through the devotion to the Sacred Hearts.

7. Express the pilgrims' experiences of faith as an inner testimony of conversion.

8. Liberate the unconscious of humanity from the influences and deceits of evil.

9. Generate in the consciousness of the whole world the consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

10. Train those who awaken as soldiers of prayer.

11. Build among pilgrims the Love of Christ.

12. Activate in the consciousnesses the importance of responding to the call of God.

13. Establish within the hearts the spirit of humility and peace.

14. Eradicate suffering through the union with the Divine Mercy.

15. Congregate groups of prayer so that they respond to the call of planetary prayer.

16. Awaken in the souls the true devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

17. Close the uncertain doors of the enemy in the homes, so that the celestial doors may be opened in the hearts.

18. Create a perfect unity between souls and the universe.

19. Gather the presence of the protecting Guardian Angel among the souls.

20. Be conscious of the importance of living in the Law of God.

21. Be a link between homes and the Immaculate Heart.

22. Generate a peaceful response in all beings.

23. Elevate the realities of families towards the spheres of prayer and harmony.

24. Support those who try to pray every day.

25. Accompany, like the Most Holy Mary, the soul that awakens for the first time to the call.

26. Convert human pain into spiritual healing and redemption.

27. Be the shining sun of the Heart of Mary so that all may recognize Her.

28. Work tirelessly for peace in the world.

29. Serve the Plan of God above all things.

30. Illuminate the spaces that are dark.

31. Reconcile the souls in most need with the good of Christ.

32. Merge the hearts in the Presence of the Sacred Hearts.

Dear children, these principles will allow My Marian project to be fulfilled under the protection of My maternal Light.

I thank you for supporting and collaborating in this call!

Mary, Mother and Queen of Reconciliation

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
