On a day like today, twelve years ago, I called upon very ordinary and simple people so that they might follow Me, so that they might transform their lives out of love for My Son, and might respond to a great and important invitation that I brought from Heaven.

Thus, I appeared as the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity and the Lady of Aurora because, in My Heart, I was bringing the announcement of the time of redemption and of spiritual healing for souls.

On a day like today, but twelve years ago, such simple people who had nothing to gain nor lose said "yes" to Me, and together with Me established the manifestation of the Purpose that God had requested of Me for South America.

His request was that, before the hundred years, since My Apparitions in Fatima, should pass, I descend with all of My Consciousness to a humble place in the north of Uruguay to call the world to the conversion and to the redemption of all planetary life. But also, My request was to carry My Message of Peace by means of simple but profound pilgrimages thoughout the different nations of the world.

Thus, My Divine Person, as time went by, went calling hearts that would form part of this Mission and during this time, the first and small choir emerged, made up of three children of Mine.

One of My daughters would represent My singing Voice to the world, a Mission that was accomplished. But as the Purpose of God was so great, on seeing that My children responded, the Father asked Me to awaken more hearts and, in this way, the great choir of the Divine Mother emerged.

I then asked for a selfless Association to be founded that would disseminate My Message of Peace throughout the entire world; until finally, Misericordia María TV came along, a means of communication of the Divine Hierarchy which, through sound and images, would carry the Message and the Call of God to millions of souls in the world.

Twelve years have passed, of so many experiences, of children that left without having understood the essence of My call, of new and unexpected children who arrived, and those who will arrive to follow My pilgrim path.

Today, in My Heart of Light, I hold and remember the awakening of Aurora and the sweet aroma of the orange groves, as well as the fruits that many carried within themselves as an indelible Grace of healing.

Today, after twelve years, the planet cries out for Mercy and for forgiveness. Thus, I invite all My children to renew their vows so that, under the light of Aurora, new aspirations may be accomplished and concretized.

Under the Will of God, My children, may we be able to continue walking together in this eternal pilgrimage toward a meeting with the Heart of Jesus so that we may finally merge into the Love of God, because My one desire as a Mother is to always lead you toward God, so that peace may be achieved.

I thank all who have walked by My side during these last twelve years, and I am thankful for those who will continue walking by My side, helping Christ to continue carrying the cross of the pain of the planet so that it may be alleviated.

I thank you for responding to My sacred call!

Who blesses you in peace,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

The time has come for all the children of Mary, regardless of whether they are consecrated to My Heart or not, in any nation, in any place on the planet, as well as in any language, to be able to pray to My Immaculate Heart.

Until now, children, everything lived and experienced by the local, regional, and international groups of prayer has been a preparation. Therefore, through the Association that I have founded, with the cooperation of the Sector of Diffusion and the official support of Mercy Mary TV, your Heavenly Mother wishes to implement a real base for the transmissions of prayers among the different peoples of the nations of the world.

My aspiration is to communicate, through the meetings of prayer, to the five continents among each other, and with these transmissions to unite all the hearts and families of the world that, in more than thirty countries, accompany, until now, the Work of the Divine Messengers.

For this reason, the mission of the planetary Light-Network will be able to embrace all My other children of the world who need to learn to pray from the heart and who do not know how to do it.

This mission of praying and of uniting the nations and the peoples must also be periodically diffused in the social networks so that more and more souls in the world may unite to pray for peace.

If, as from now, a basis could be adequately managed and organized for this new cycle of prayers with the different regions of the world, this would help to attract from the Universe immense Graces for all, and the different countries would be spiritually benefited.

For this reason, your Heavenly Mother opens for this new cycle the regular task of the prayers for all; this will make the souls build inside of themselves a praying discipline capable of help in the events of the life of the people and of their families.

It will be necessary, in this new phase, to learn to pray in the different languages of the five continents, maintaining as a foundation the following languages: Spanish, English, Portuguese, German and Korean.

For all the efforts lived,

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

All the works within the Campaign for Peace must be spread on all media of communication used for this purpose, thus the majority of souls will have the opportunity to know this Marian mission for peace in the world.

My wish, at this moment, is that the new Campaign for Peace, which is protected by the Virgin of Guadalupe, will be known, especially the mission in Central America and Mexico.

I would like to ask all those who pray to once again allow the world to know the different campaigns that are being carried out, so that the Sacred Hearts can pour all Their Graces over Central America and Mexico.

My children, I want other souls to be motivated and enthusiastic to be part of this Marian mission.

This is why Association Mary, as the organizing body of this activity, must immediately publish the distinct campaigns which the groups of prayer are carrying out in their different nations.

I would like this Campaign of Peace to be registered and documented in the portal of the Divine Mother and that any consciousness, anywhere in the world, can know about this divine cause.

I accompany each of My children who, in their nation, will be inspired and will strive to help with the plans of their Heavenly Mother.

I am very grateful.

I thank you for collaborating with My Campaign for Peace!

Who loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


To all the youth gathered for the first time at the Youth Festival for Peace:

Praised be Christ, dear children!

After the last months of preparation and of having faced tests and challenges, finally, My request is fulfilled and a new phase in the planetary rescue will be accomplished through the integration of the youngest ones within My Campaign for Peace.

I would like, My children, to thank the unconditional support of Association Mary for having opened the doors to the youth and, mainly because some consecrated ones offered to fraternally collaborate in the awakening and in the maturation of the consciousness of the young founders of this spiritual impulse that is being born concretely today for everyone.

Many of the youth present today in Florianópolis, as well as the youths from different Light-Communities, will be able to create this bond of fraternity and service with the Higher Plan of the Celestial Father.

Thus, dear children, this first meeting is the redeemed seed of light that is just sprouting and showing all its potential.

On this day on which there must be joy, love among brothers and sisters and enthusiasm for complying, I invite you to give the best of yourselves and a little more, so that, willing to learn, you may come to know your inner virtues and discover that everything is possible by willing and serving.

This first Youth Festival for Peace has been considered by the Hierarchy as preparation and, at the same time, as a spiritual and material decoupling of all the human ties that My adversary creates among good souls.

This first impulse of the Festival in Florianópolis promises to be the incipient cycle in which new doors will open for the youth that wants to assume its mission for the end of times.

Therefore, you must sustain this first impulse of the Festival until the next six months come to an end, when in the month of January of 2017, the second Youth Festival for peace will bring twice as many people as there are present today.

I invite all the founding youth to work as the Spiritual Hierarchy does, in a cyclic and paused form, so that the true fruits may be able to emerge and mature through the task.

The next six months will be, among prayer, service and diffusion, the preparation for the second Youth Festival for Peace, which will have more social and public importance,as its spirit is, through music, art and the elevation of consciousness through service to the Kingdoms of Nature, to separate from vices all the youths who are submerged in them.

Be aware that, in the meeting of today, My Heart will be with each youth, hoping that the seeds of love and peace may sprout in each being that is present there.

I thank you for responding to My call!

United to each young heart,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Spiritual and Civic Regulation for the Children of Mary

Dear children,

Due to the end of times and the beginning of inner purification of souls, I emit to you this basic regulation of consecration of the Children of Mary who, by signing it, will be accepting the foundations of this consecration and of this regulation, which will help you all to maintain yourselves within the Purpose and within the Law of the Hierarchy, the Law of Love.

This regulation is born to respond to the need of taking care of all the Children of Mary, not only of their consecration as Children, which has a spiritual value, but also to protect the Work within ethical, moral and civic values.

Remember that the affiliated to Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, register themselves within the absolute spirit of accepting the proposal that the Divine Messengers present in this cycle.

Association Mary is the legal and spiritual mother that protects the consecration of all Children of Mary within the living of Christic values of spirituality, as well as within moral, ethical and mental balance.

Given the spiritual need for the consecration to become more clear, Your Heavenly Mother is presenting to you, on this day, the basic spiritual and civic regulation that the Children of Mary, consecrated and to be consecrated in the future, must accept and send, signed, agreeing with the proposal and assuming total adhesion and trust to the guidance of the Spiritual Hierarchy. It is for this fundamental reason that each Child of Mary, having been consecrated a long time ago or recently, will have to make vows before the Hierarchy, committing themselves with the following:


To keep a life of prayer for one's own redemption and for the redemption of the world. To maintain a rhythm of daily prayer for peace and for the fulfillment of the Plans of the Creator.


A consecrated Child of Mary assumes total adhesion and obedience to the indications and instructions that they receive from Association Mary, an ecumenical and spiritual entity that supports and accompanies them on their inner path.


Every Child of Mary, once consecrated, assumes not to participate in any movement, doctrine, group, human social or spiritual association of any kind that opposes itself to the assumed values of a life of prayer, service, mercy and charity inspired by the Divine Messengers. This means, children, that each Child of Mary, once consecrated, assumes the proposal presented by the Most Holy Virgin and also signs on this document their spiritual, moral or human disengagement from any spiritual movement that is not the Christianity taught by the Most Reverend Lord Jesus Christ according to His Gospel and Instruction.

Association Mary, as guardian and speaker of all the consecrated Children of Mary, has the authority, the permission and the responsibility before each one of them to indicate, notify, orient, accompany and determine their disaffiliation from the entity for the following reasons: 

A) When they present mental problems that determine that the person cannot assume, by themselves, their own consecration, nor can it be assumed by some responsible person.

B) Due to evident reasons that they maintain, in a parallel form, any spiritual and human link to other movements that contradict the Christian ecumenism and that are out of the proposal of being a Child of Mary.

C) In face of any situation, be it spiritual, mental or human, that impedes them to assume their own consecration, or that puts in risk and compromises Association Mary, or other consecrated children.

D) Due to slander, verbal, social or public mistreat of the Work of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, or for generating confusion, commentaries or any kind of individual or group movement that compromises the values of respect, fraternity and transparency held among members registered in Association Mary.

E) Due to passing away. In this case, the consecrated Child will be terminated from the Association, holding the presence of this soul in the Kingdom of the Heavens among all the consecrated Children. Association Mary will send a document to the corresponding family members, informing them about the decision made. 

F) In the face of any other spiritual, mental, emotional or human situation that compromises their own consecration due to the purification of these times.

Every Child of Mary assumes, through this signed document, that they could be officially disaffiliated from their consecration and openly accepts to maintain their inner consecration to the Divine Mother. In the case of being disaffiliated they cannot keep the materials received at the moment of their consecration. Therefore, they must hand over all of these elements to preserve from themselves, or from their own impossibility, the Work of the Heavenly Hierarchy.


All the Children of Mary, through this document that will have to be signed by each one, assume and accept, trustfully, any determination, action or procedure from the Board of the Association Mary about their possible disaffiliation from the entity, which integrates them as consecrated members of Association Mary. Every affiliate entirely accepts any observation or decision that, for logical reasons, may lead the Association itself to take a rapid determination.

This regulation intends to reinforce the true commitment of each consecrated being to the Hierarchy as a healthy and harmonious response to protect, from oneself, what the Divinity intends to build, assuming that in the time of purification, everything is unpredictable.

I will thank that all of My consecrated Children receive from the Board of the Association Mary a copy of this document so that, as soon as possible, they may send it back signed for it to be registered and archived. 

If any Child does not accept this regulation, I lovingly ask them to return all the elements of the consecration and that theyapproach some Marian Center to pray and ask for light because the consecration is a commitment assumed consciously out of love for the Plan.

I thank you for understanding Me!

For a major purpose,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

The Youth Campaign for Peace hopes to embrace, as an evolutionary proposal, all the young people from Brazil and from the world so that they may feel motivated to serve for the sake of humanity and for the end of war.

It is for this reason that the Youth Campaign for Peace, which will be supported by the Association Mary, will try to answer the demand of the young ones, of those who need to renew their lives and their habits through service, charity and the good.

At this moment the young people of Florianópolis are being called to diffuse and expand the work of the Heavenly Mother. Thus, through the Youth Campaign for Peace, the young ones will have a space to be able to express their moments of prayer, service and also of art and music as means for elevation and spiritual creativity, based on mutual respect, fraternity and union within the same purpose of peace.

For this, Association Mary should be the means that motivates and impulses the search for an ordered, peaceful life, of service and prayer for the planet.

Through art they will search to express the inner beauty of each soul, and prayer and the manifestation of music will be the place of encounter and peace with humanity.

The Youth Campaign for Peace will have its own website and at the same time will be the diffusor of the meetings of prayer for the young people, and also of all the moments of service and charity towards their fellow beings.

This campaign must aspire to live, as a base, the importance and urgency of having peace at these times and to radiate it to the whole world, so that in this way My Immaculate Heart may triumph.

This mission has the proposal to help all young people to find a spiritual meaning in their lives and their habitual environment.

I thank you for responding to My call!

In Campaign for peace and salvation,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


I would like that through the Campaign for Peace the young people of Florianópolis and of the whole world would perform activities of peace, prayer and service to establish again the spirit of love and reconciliation in the consciousness of humanity.

Through the Campaign for Peace, the young people of the world will have a space in which the works of mercy and prayer that they carry out will be echoed.

For this, dear children, the Campaign for Peace through the young ones will carry out meetings of prayer, gatherings of fraternity and selfless service for those in most need.

In this field, the Association Mary will be the guide of these meetings with the young people who postulate to promote the spirit of peace in the world, non- violence, non-discrimination and the ecumenical and Christian union among the youth of Brazil and  the world.

The Campaign for Peace should lead everyone to know the call of Christ, Mary and Saint Joseph. Through fraternal actions, the missionary spirit for the world is expected to be awakened in the young ones through humanitarian services and also the expression of art and music as a movement of elevation and union with the essence of Nature.

This Youth Campaign for Peace intends to remove from abysses, vices and bad habits those who are in the spiritual and material illusion.

The Campaign for Peace intends to awaken patterns of good behavior, harmony and the common good in the young ones.

Therefore, the young people of Florianópolis with the youth of all of Brazil can be the first promoters of the message of peace that comes from Heaven, and thus make it known that in truth, the young ones can live a spiritual life without drugs, alcohol and harmful habits.

This Youth Campaign for Peace will start when the young people have their hearts prepared to welcome this call.

Christic life must express itself in the young ones.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who encourages you to serve,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
