During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary announced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!

Tuesday, October 31 of 2017

Daily Messages
Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Olmué Commune, Valparaiso, Chile, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

The Lord, your God, and His Beloved Son, will never look at your sins, but rather at the efforts that your heart does not make in order to please God.

The Lord, your God, knows of your exile and has also penetrated your desert. He knows what is arid in you, but also what is fruitful and gives virtues, gifts and graces to Creation.

Walk toward the path of divestment and surrender; and I assure you, My child, that you will find the freedom you seek so much.

Surrender for your Lord, give up what you most desire in life and you will be on the path of emptiness and what is unconditional.

Let your feet not fail to walk toward the Source, so as to be able to drink of the Gifts of God and His Great and Infinite Void.

Be happy rather than sad about what you are experiencing today. Thank God for each test, each desert and each inner challenge, for in the void you will find your Master and Lord. He will wait for you with His Arms open and will free you from the weight of the chains on your body; because the spirit that dwells in you, which is non-material and divine, will merge in communion with the Lord of the Heights.

Celebrate the time of your spiritual death, because you will change your cycle and will be born to the new; you will no longer be in the old, but rather in the renewed, because the Divine Fire of your God will have touched what is deepest in your being to make you re-emerge from the void.

Do not fear surrendering, do not fear losing the control of your form and the activating of your ideas. Let your life be definitely of God, so the Almighty can make of your consciousness what He once made of the peoples and the patriarchs.

Melt now into this great mystery which is latent behind the Will of God, part of the infinite and invincible Love of the universe, which will make of your consciousness a new being in the image and likeness of your Creator.

So be it.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Monday, October 30 of 2017

Daily Messages
Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace; transmitted in the Olmué Commune, Marga Marga, Valparaiso Region, Chile, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Dear children,

Today I come with the primary intention of carrying out the pilgrimage mission to Asia and Oceania; because if this takes place in that region of the world, many situations will be avoided and others repaired.

I need each prayerful being to become aware that each step taken from now on will help in building the next stage of spiritual and inner work in humanity.

As Mother and Guide of souls, what I need, dear children, is that the steps I ask you to take at this moment, so this mission is concretized, are not only material, but are also inner and spiritual.

This will enable the inner universe of each being to be prepared to take on this next mission with a different state of consideration and consciousness; because what is most important, children, is what will begin to be generated and gestated from now on. Further ahead, the inner, spiritual and material conditions will have broad repercussions so that everything can be accomplished, as has been foreseen by the Celestial Father.

To experience a mission in the East is not the same as experiencing a mission in the West. In spite of humanity being the same, biologically speaking, other needs, lacks and emergencies must be provided for from the moment in which My missionaries place their feet on this region of the planet. Thus, I say again, My beloveds, that everything you may do will have repercussions in the future so the mission can take place.

Your Heavenly Mother is not speaking of being authoritative or severe; your Mother is referring to the importance of placing more love and awareness in all that surrounds you daily. Correcting this, the new mission will be built and the doors to Divine Providence will be open. In this way, all will move forward under the ardent aspiration of My Immaculate and Motherly Heart.

As from now, I will thank you for being attentive about yourselves so a new victorious mission, wholly in the Lord, can be built.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Sunday, October 29 of 2017

Daily Messages
Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in Ritoque, Quintero Commune, Valparaiso Region, Chile, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

My dear children,

Today, My Light comes from the East, because on the planes of spirit, your Mother is already preparing for Her important mission in this region of the planet.

Yesterday, during the Apparition in Viña del Mar, I transmitted the importance of this mission in Oceania and in Asia.

In this way, the Mother of God is already working on the inner plane of the souls of Asia, so that when it is time for this special pilgrimage, hearts will inwardly recognize that the hour of redemption and contact with the Higher Laws of consciousness has come.

Thus, dear children, each moment prepared for that pilgrimage, including the songs, the prayers, the dissemination itself, the previous visit to the place I have already chosen for moving forward with this task, will allow for the creation of adequate conditions for the pilgrim mission in Oceania and in Asia to broadly develop, and above all, to be in perfect harmony.

Right now, I want to invite My soldiers and givers of peace so that as from now, you collaborate, and through the Association I have founded for the dissemination of the Messages, a space is created that will be called: "Pilgrimage for Peace in Oceania and Asia".

This space must be presented in several languages, such as for example, in Thai and Korean, so that souls will feel motivated to collaborate and the plans of Peace and Redemption of your Heavenly Mother can move forward.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace

Saturday, October 28 of 2017

Daily Messages

Mary, Guiding Star of Chile

Dear children,

Today I appear to you as the Lady of Mount Carmel, Patroness of this nation and of this people.

I come on this extraordinary day to grant more Graces and help to My children of Chile, so that the souls walk on the path of repentance and of reconciliation so that, finally, peace may be established in the Chilean hearts that do not have it yet.

For this, dear children, I wish to renew the advocation of the Virgin of Mount Carmel so that all Chile adopts it as the Divine Face which is destined to protect and shelter the future of this nation.

Dear children, I come to ask you, on this day, for the establishment in this country of the pilgrim Virgin of Mount Carmel, who, after having travelled in Chile from North to South and from village to village, She can also make a pilgrimage through other nations of South America, just as other sacred images have pilgrimage in several places in the world.

My second request, on this day, is that in each home of each chilean child an alter be established of prayer in honor of the Lady of Mount Carmel. This will help to consolidate families; it will help to unify the fraternity among beings and the love among the consciences.

I would like each Chilean home to be protected by the Little Virgin of Mount Carmel, so that they never lack the necessary guidance and protection on this path of pilgrimage through the Earth in search of the blessed motherland

The Virgin of Mount Carmel represents for each consciousness of Chile, the Principle of salvation, of the redemption and of the reconciliation.

The Virgin of Mount Carmel, by means of Her intercession, brings the opportunity so that our souls unite to God, to His Divine Essence. She is the Patroness of the sailors and the Star that guides consecrated life.

To the Virgin of Mount Carmel, many Graces are attributed, that we can be receive from the moment of Uur sincere consecration to Her Holy Face.

The Virgin of Mount Carmel attracts, to the Consciousness of Chile, the path through where the most separated souls can again unite and, in Her Immaculate Heart, dissolve the root of the indifference, of the lack of love or of the absence of charity.

Chile has, through the Virgin of Mount Carmel, the possibility of attaining inner peace as well as the opportunity to close the uncertain doors that were opened in the past of this nation.

The Virgin of Mount Carmel brings to Chile the moment of the pacification of the hearts and, at the same time, the awakening of the consciousness toward a Greater Purpose.

The Mother of God calls to each Chilean heart so that, on this day, it consecrates to the Virgin of Mount Carmel and thus each one can be the depositary of the Graces that the Most Holy Mother brings from Heaven.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Saturday, October 28 of 2017

Special Apparitions
Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary in Vina del Mar, Chile, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Today I am here as the Lady of Carmen, because I am the Great Star of the Sea, the Star that takes care of all the seas in the world.

Today I bring you the teaching and instruction on the oceans, so that humanity can look with a little more compassion towards them. Because although it may not seem so, before the human gaze, the oceans suffer the consequences of this humanity.

That's why I am here, in Vina del Mar, to deliver a mission to all of My children of Chile, because this dear country is completely embraced by the Pacific Ocean and this brings it the possibility of working deeply with its emotional plane.

Therefore, dear children, you who love mountains, who love nature, who love the ocean, I invite you, dear children, on behalf of this humanity and of this planet, of all the oceans of the world, to look at the oceans with more compassion, mercy and prayer. This will allow, dear children, in spite of the suffering which the oceans and all the marine beings live, for souls to receive a special Grace that comes from Our Lady of Carmen, the Great Star of the Ocean, so that more hearts may awaken to the importance of taking care and protecting the oceans.

You, dear children, more than your Heavenly Mother, know the damage caused that life in the oceans experience and how much contamination they live day by day.

How will they be able to reflect to this humanity, by means of their mirrors, emotional healing for this planet, if all the oceans in the world through the hands of humanity itself, continue to be contaminated and outraged?

If the ocean could speak, the world would hear eternal cries.

Today I come as  the Mother of Nature and also as the Great Guiding Star of Chile to invite you, dear children, to place in your daily prayer not only the Pacific Ocean that embraces you, but also all  the oceans of the world, which need intercession and prayer, so that the very angels of the universe can clean them spiritually.

It is up to this humanity on the surface to take charge of the damage caused to the oceans. Know that the oceans of the world have inner ears with which they can hear many things and with which they receive great outrages from this humanity.

I invite you, dear children, out of love for the evolution of the oceans, to open your hearts to welcome this call that your Heavenly Mother and Mother of Nature brings you today. If nothing is done in time, the whole world could remain without water and even less, it would not have water to drink.

Humanity does not imagine this situation and has no consciousness of what this means for these end times, but if at least there existed sincere and open hearts that could unite to the oceans and to all marine life, which is also trespassed day by day, the Eternal Father would be able to grant something to this humanity, through the Lady of Carmen, so that many more things may be avoided.

I invite you, dear children, to open the ears of the soul and to listen with the heart to what the Celestial Mother is bringing to you.

I would like many more children in the world to consider this important call for love and for the evolution of oceans.

I would like My children of the world to respond to this convocation, because just as I come for you, I also come for the oceans of the world, which day by day lose their original purity, their innocence and mainly, the possibility to radiate their light to the world.

Humanity needs the oceans to move forward. Human beings cannot live without water and neither without having anything to drink. Imagine a totally thirsty and arid planet.

For the mercy of the mountains, they continue pouring water from the high glaciers of the world. This helps humanity to have fresh water to drink and to nourish itself day by day.

I invite you, dear children, to take a step in consciousness, for what the Father has given you since the beginning of your Creation and for everything He has thought of for you, for your evolution and for your awakening.

I would like you to place My plea in your hearts, because if you do not do it for Me, no one in the world will do it. I am being sincere about this.

I can no longer see marine beings, whales and dolphins suffer through the hands of the humanity of this world. And even though the outrages are endless, greater is the Mercy of My Heart, which today comes to speak to you and lead you towards the path of reparation and of forgiveness.

I know that many will not want to listen to this message because they will feel uncomfortable or perhaps annoyed to know that the world, as creation and as nature, needs the consciousness of the human being and especially its correction and attention, concerning everything it does daily, transgressing the Kingdoms of this Nature.

You cannot live without the Kingdoms, without the oceans and neither without the mountains. Your spiritual life would be scarce, limited and restricted. You would have few possibilities to reach God.

That is why in these critical times, dear children, I invite you to pray from the heart to be able to compensate the outrages that this humanity makes to the oceans of this world. They need to mirror the information of the universe. This information allows you, dear children, to take steps on the spiritual path, to have impulses to serve and mainly to have reasons to be able to transform.

Mirrors reflect in humanity, through the oceans, great divine principles, which will be necessary for the next humanity, for the future humanity.

You will be the guardians of this legacy, as well as the guardians of the Kingdoms of Nature. I need you to take care of the inner treasures of the planet, because later you will not be able to say, dear children, that no one warned you in time.

The Mercy of My Heart comes to meet you to live a deep awakening in consciousness, so that you may abandon this global hypnotism which leads many souls to constant distraction, to separate from God, from the path of Love and Truth.

I need you to take steps for your brothers and sisters not only here in Chile but also in the world, out of love for the Kingdoms of Nature and for the great oceans of this world.

The consciousness of the Kingdoms cry out to this humanity. They can no longer see instructors on the surface, guides or masters of this humanity, but rather see souls that outrage such small consciences as the Kingdoms. And they have nothing more to do nor to defend themselves, because they were not created to hurt humanity of the surface nor to disturb it.

The Kingdoms were created so that the beings of the surface, through them, could find communion with the Creator and with life. If this is lacking in humanity, that is, in the Kingdoms of Nature, as well as the great oceans, humanity will have no path to follow, to be able to find the light, reconciliation and especially forgiveness.

This is why I come here, dear children, because I know that your hearts are receptive to this call of Mine, and that you could not see the oceans, marine life, the great whales of this planet suffer, which sustain the axis of Earth, from north to south, from east to west. And although they are hurt and murdered, the consciousness of the whales does not cease to radiate love, in spite of the ignorance of the human being.

I would like the whale to be able to continue singing in the oceans of this world, to balance the Earth, to pacify the seas, to heal the emotion of this humanity, which is unbalanced.

The Kingdoms of Nature have a fundamental task in the end of times. Therefore I come today from the Pacific Ocean with this message, where I have made a pilgrimage from Asia to here, to meet you in prayer and in union with Me, because I am still preparing My Mission through that continent.

I want you to be conscious of this, and I will need, dear children, as up to now, that you accompany Me for this very important mission that I will realize in Oceania and in Asia, because My children are waiting for me, as you waited for Me today, and this goes above any event, any situation or circumstance.

I need that your consciousnesses be positioned above the material plane, the difficulties and the obstacles, to be able to accompany your Heavenly Mother in this Work, in which She, at the request of the Most High Father, will try to awaken all the Mirrors of the world to help humanity in the most acute moment of its transition and of its purification.

Do you understand now,  dear children, the importance of praying for the oceans of the world? If this does not happen, who will sustain this race of surface? If there are no Kingdoms of Nature, who will be there to support and accompany them in the great silence in which the Kingdoms live, in the great love that they have radiated since the beginning of this Creation?

I come to ask you, especially the Chileans, to become My missionaries of peace, not only on the path of prayer, but also in service, in the operative life of learning to take care of the Plan of God in this humanity and on this planet.

You have inner resources to do it. That is why I have called you here, to Viña del Mar, not only to speak to you about the oceans and about the critical situation that they face, but also to summon you to live the missionary life, from north to south of this country.

Chile, through the prayer of the heart, must also learn to sustain the tectonic plates. The balance of this country will depend on you, dear children, because this Earth, this planet, in its most intimate depth, also has wounds caused by the humanity of surface. This  is why this planet moves as it has moved here in this country, because it is living its transition that needs to be lovingly accompanied, by all your prayer.

This is the same task that the world has.

While the oceans suffer, the being on surface also suffers. The human being faces its purification and sometimes does not find a way out.

I come to show you, as the Guiding Star of all the oceans, that it is possible to move forward, dear children, if you simply take My Hand, say "yes" to Me so that I can lead you to the final purpose.

Today, My Heart is also bereaved about Europe, for the division that the Iberian Peninsula is experiencing, without consciousness of what this means to the Creator.

I also invite you, dear children, to place all of Europe in your hearts and prayers so that  it may be supported, supplied and guided by the Angels of the Nations.

The Angel of Peace, which corresponds to Portugal in these times, is having great tasks throughout the Iberian Peninsula and also throughout Europe.

I invite you to unite efforts of heart and soul, helping these great angels, responsible for the nations of the world, so that they can support the end of times with their mutual help.

I want to announce to you, dear children, by means of the Mercy of God, that I must, with your help, urgently, be in Europe to avoid something major that your brothers and sisters who are there, in Spain, do not imagine.

If humanity does not collaborate with the Plan of God, misfortunes will not be able to be avoided, because the human being, as part of this human race, has outraged all laws, all designs and all rules. And its debt is very great.

I invite you to live with Me the cross of this humanity, just as My Son lived it in an unconditional way for each one of you. He promised, He declared and announced that you would do greater things than He did. This is no longer a theory, nor a message, it is a reality that you are living by means of this Work, by means of this pilgrimage, in an inexplicable way in these times.

I come for all the human race and also for those who do not accept nor listen to Me. That is why I call you to unite to Me on this planetary mission, not only for the Kingdoms of Nature, but also for the nations, which, in case they do not maintain their spiritual and psychic balance, many things could not be avoided.

I will risk Myself in these times, dear children, to send less of My pilgrims, so that this Extraordinary Mission may become possible. This means, an even greater and invincible spirit of prayer on your part.

I will try to avoid something from Portugal, because there too, the love of My children concentrates in the great Sanctuary of Fatima, where I was with you a hundred years ago, to put an end to the war and establish a longer period of peace. But this period of peace, dear children, is ending.

I invite you to strengthen the path of prayer, because this will allow the doors of Heaven to remain open, so that the infinite Grace of My Heart may penetrate, as rays of Light, the nations that need it most, and thus I will be able to dissolve the evils of My enemy.

I invite you, dear children, to be conscious of the planetary situation, to come out of yourselves for a moment and not give work to God, but instead more service, more donation of self, more heart, so that many things may be relieved.

As you have placed your heart at the service of God in these days, I need this fire, ignited inside you, to continue forward, because I will be able to make of Chile, My Beloved Blessed Homeland.

This evening, I come to consecrate new Children of Mary with the same joy and plenitude, with the same happiness and bliss as Your Heavenly Mother did the last time in Santiago. Because here in this group of souls which will be consecrated today, there are origins of native people, spiritual and inner values that should emerge again in the human consciousness of this country, so that it may recuperate its spiritual dignity, its filiation with God and mainly, reconciliation among the peoples and the cultures of Chile.

This will also allow, dear children, that the very hard, difficult past, that this country experienced may be erased from the pain of the consciousnesses, and the principle of the primordial Healing of God can emerge.

That is why this consecration tonight is important for Me, because through the "yes" of these souls it is allowing many more souls of this nation to be helped, and in this way, through your hearts and your presence, you are allowing Me to return here once more, to consecrate all Chile to My Immaculate Heart.

Water to Bless.

 The Children of Mary may approach, those who will live consecration today.

Dear children, I want to tell you that I Am also that Spirit of Peace, so sacred and mysterious, which was present among the Incas and the Mapuches by means of the symbol of the Condor Bird. It is in this way that I was never far from you, your souls were accompanied by Me, as all your native peoples.

And know, dear children, that despite what you have lived or what you have suffered throughout the times, you never lost your original purity.

This is what I come to look for in Chile in these moments, your original purity, which was cultivated in your souls at the beginning, in your essences, in your experiences of love as a sacred people.

Today I come to bring to you the same values conceived by the Incas and the Mapuches. Therefore, I wish to hear this evening, at least three times, the Hail Mary in Mapuche.

Hail Mary in Mapuche (three times)

 I thank you for these prayers which I will take to the Celestial Father, so that many more indigenous essences, more native peoples throughout the Americas may receive My intercession, My Grace and especially the healing of their wounds.

By the authority that  My Son has granted Me, as the Mother of the World and Mother of Humanity, on behalf of the oceans of the world, of all marine life, may the Lord consecrate this element so that it may serve as healing, as redemption and as forgiveness for hearts.

And now, dear children, through this consecration and this prayerful commitment that you assume with Me, I ask you to sing the hymn of your consecration so that My Graces can descend upon your hearts.

I thank you for responding to My call and today I leave you the sacred image of the Virgin of Carmen so that it may pilgrimage through your homes, hospitals, homes for the elderly, infant institutions, through all places that need love, healing and forgiveness.

Remember, always remember that I will be your Sea Star, that I will come from the firmament, from the Pacific Ocean to help you.

I thank you, dear children, for responding to My call.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Friday, October 27 of 2017

Daily Messages
Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Olmué Commune, Marga Marga, Valparaíso, Chile, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

In Chile I want to create new Light-Network groups that live a true commitment to the Heights, knowing that each new Light-Network member that is born must go through several stages so that their formation may bring about spiritual results in their lives, in their region, and especially in their country.

In this way, the integration of new Light-Network members, taught and trained based on the immediate need of supporting the nations and the world, will help Chile to begin to generate a new awareness that responds to the call of the Spiritual Hierarchy.

Thus, dear children, it will be necessary that first the new groups of prayer be formed so that afterward from them are born new Light-Network members, more committed to the Work.

For this to be possible, My children of the Light-Network of Brazil and of Argentina, as well as of Paraguay, who already have the necessary inner requirements for being fraternal with the Chilean nation, will be able to come to this country to begin to work from the deepest plane to the most conscious plane in order that the consciousnesses that will awaken here may be able to finally live the Plan of God.

It will be an arduous task, needing commitment and sacrifice. I need new Light-Network members so that the Hierarchy can carry out the plans of love that Chile as a nation and as a people must live.

It will be necessary to integrate, invite and motivate the Light-Network groups already formed in Chile, within their capabilities, to be able to work more firmly in this Plan of redemption, and, above all, for moving the consciousness of Chile away from tepidness and inertia.

For this reason, as a Mother, I will assemble truly responsible members of the Grace Mercy Order, as well as members of the Light-Network, to carry out this mission, which will try to deactivate a social and political situation in this beloved country of Mine.

I need My children to help Me to avoid sad events in this world.

I will need you to help Me with further sacrifice to allow My Heart to triumph.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Thursday, October 26 of 2017

Daily Messages
Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the jurney from the city of Santiago to the Olmué Commune, Valparaíso, Chile, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Now, dear children, that part of the souls of Chile have been gathered and awakened to the path of the concretization of a greater life, your Heavenly Mother expects this mission with the consciousness of Chile to continue to bear fruits of love and light.

For this reason, dear children, it will be necessary to know how to care for and protect the bases that were established so that souls may, from time to time, take steps toward a deeper awakening.

In this way, dear children, all that you may do for this dear country will help new consciousnesses, who are also awaiting to awaken, to receive the same opportunity that your brothers and sisters of Chile received during these last two days.

You must take care that this flame kindled by My motherly Heart does not extinguish, but that it leads each heart through prayer, service, and instruction, to be able to have greater awareness and motivation for universal and Christic life .

I leave you this invitation for the purpose of generating in this part of the world a new Light-Community .

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Wednesday, October 25 of 2017

Daily Messages

The Science of Superior Love

Dear children,

I come from a dimension that you do not know, a Divine Universe where you have never been as material creatures, but only as a unique part of the Consciousness of the Father, before your lives manifested themselves. And it was there, in the origin of your existence, that you experienced and felt the Science of true Superior Love.

Today I speak to you about the Love that comes from the Heart of God, a Love that transcends all that has already been experienced by His creatures in this Universe and in all of the others.

With My Divine and Celestial Word, I come to make you feel that which is concealed, hidden within your hearts.

Today I bring in My Hands the seven keys that open the doors of your chests and in this way, places you before an unknown reality, even though it comes to something, children, that is within each one of you.

Today I want to teach you the Science of Superior Love, which in truth is the science of the return to the Heart of God; the path that you must begin to tread still in this life, so that, crossing the portals of Eternity, you find a safe space, where you will be able to continue your own redemption.

The Science of Superior Love begins to be lived when the being emits their “yes” to the Universe, recognizing their limited human condition and their great need of God.

It is there, children, where emerges in the interior the Principle of humility, which little by little breaks down the false fortress of arrogance, of haughtiness and of human pride.

Before recognizing oneself as small and poor, with sincerity of the heart, there is no way of giving place for this Superior Love to develop within you.

When the being recognizes themselves as miserable, they are capable of seeking the healing for their miseries in service, in forgiveness of their failures, and of the failures committed by their brothers and sisters. Because upon recognizing their imperfections and allowing to be born in their own interior the Principle of humility, no matter how small it is, the being can also comprehend the imperfection and the misery of others.

The more you serve and find within you the spirit of abnegation, the more you will live in the Science of Superior Love and you will let universal chemistry take place in your spirits and, above all, in your personalities, which so many times impede your walk to the return to the Origin.

Discover on this path the power of prayer, the selfless prayer, which seeks no other thing but the redemption of the world.

Let your anxieties for getting this or that convert into a possibility of union with the Divine Word, for the redemption of Life, for the forgiveness of human errors, which did not begin in this world.

Little by little, you will discover that the roots of your miseries cannot be found only in what you know about yourselves, but that they enter mysteries of human consciousness that seem unreachable for you.

But when you reach this moment, when it seems impossible for you to be healed, because it escapes your possibilities of comprehension, it is there, My children, that God will make you know something more about yourselves, something beyond your miseries and imperfections.

This is Superior Love, which is also beyond what you know of this world, and at the same time, has as dwelling the depth of your hearts. Place that is hidden from you today and which you do not know, even if you think you know how to love.

It is when the being gradually unravels their miseries and breaks down the barriers of their ignorance that the Science of Superior Love is revealed, because you become meek and humble, before the One who Is the Only One that can help you: God Most High.

The Creator will then strengthen you and encourage you to go beyond, to unite yourselves to His Spirit and to Universal Life.

And to find in the true meaning of the existence of the Earth your strength, not only to live your own purification and the purification of the planet, but also to give testimony in the Universe of the redemption of your spirits.

All that I tell you today, My children, is for you to raise from the abyss of ignorance and of resistance, and to open yourselves to the living of Superior Love.

In this way, I will lead you to the awakening of greater truths and you will discover that today I did not only speak to your souls and to your hearts, I spoke to your spirits, to your old Warriors and universal Commanders, to your essences and to this which you do not know and which comes from God, to awaken today the Science of Superior Love in your lives.

Encourage yourselves to comprehend what I tell you with your own experience. Take a step in trust and in faith, in service and in abnegation, in redemption and in the purification of your miseries and live the Science of Superior Love.

I bless you and guide you on this path and I thank you for coming to meet Me and for trusting that, from today on, your lives will never be the same.

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace

Wednesday, October 25 of 2017

Daily Messages

Declaration of the Divine Love, continuation

Oh, beloved Chilean people, who has printed on your blue and red flag, the star that must be the symbol of a celestial motherland!

Oh, sacred mountains of the Andes, which keep in in their mineral heart the greatest treasures of the original history of this humanity!

Oh, My children from Chile, who reflect on your faces the legacy of the peoples of the past!

Lift your white flags of peace and that, upon the cry that the Universe will emit, your inner stars receive the sacred call of the redemption!

May the Vigilant of the Legacy wash their faces in the Fountain of My Grace, so that they may be healed of everything!

May the Guardians of the Treasures of the Universe receive the balm of My Peace to be able to be healed!

May the Commanders of other times be forgiven and receive the spiritual Absolution from the Son of God!

Children of this ancient sacred people! Peoples of the beginning and peoples of the end! Open your hearts to be liberated!

Throw from your hands the weapons of destruction! May each radiant Sun, which dwells in this people, be erected again to the Glory of God, so that everything may be restored, so that nothing is lost. So that, from the silence of the Andes, the Sacred Word of Our Redeemer and Savior Jesus Christ may be heard.

Follow your Mother of Heaven on the path that will lead you to the blessed motherland, because thus your people, wounded by the causes of yesterday, will be redeemed of everything.

Trust, children, in everything that I bring you!

Trust in the renewed hope and in the end of this national captivity!

I Am the Mother who moves the whole Universe so that Her smallest and needy children have an opportunity!

May the soldiers of the Stars gather today at the foot of the great Celestial Altar! And may the doors to the abyss of this people be closed now!

Because the inner Christ will emerge from your beings and thus you will be one with My Son, so that He, in His Celestial Glory, may be one with His beloved people!

I want the Star of My Brotherhood to now be the motto and the symbol of your people!

I want, from this country, beings redeemed by the Love of the Creator!

May the Commanders of once now raise their hearts to Heaven!

Because now, without helmets, weapons nor cloaks, you will be free to sit at the Redeeming Table of the Lord and thus commune of His Codes of Life.

May the fallen in the past, arise in this present!

May those who have not yet forgiven the errors of this homeland and of this people, forgive today, so that My Beloved Son, in His Divine Grace, may reunite you and, by means of His Word, make you commune of His Most Holy Spirit!

That today Chile can, as a people, take each other by the hand, to declare the long-awaited reconciliation and pronounce the so longed-for peace, erasing thus, from this Chilean history, the errors of yesterday!

Thus, your hearts will shine and together with Me you will be able to take the steps toward the reunion of love that will heal the greatest wounds.

Let no one else grieve his or her heart, for Christ, My Son, will put an end to this exile!

And all the soldiers and Commanders of the purple helmets will unite in Christ, to make of this nation, the concretion of the Divine Promise in the life of each being.

That today the swords be abandoned, and the meek heart of each Chilean be offered to the Creator, so that the Plan triumphs, beyond everything!

So be it.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace

Wednesday, October 25 of 2017


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Today I consecrate this land, a promise of God and His Divine Kingdom.

Today I consecrate your hearts, a project of Christ, the Redeemer.

Today I place My children of Chile in My arms, a project of My maternal Love.

Because of all this, dear children, today I present you with the Plan of the Creator for this part of the world, for this nation that must carry out the most infinite aspiration of God which comes from His Most Holy Heart, a project that will be accomplished with the help of each of you.

Today a new horizon can be glimpsed by your consciousnesses. A door into the past closes and another door opens into Heaven so that you may recognize your origins, your personal mission, your commitment to Christ.

The deepest cores are healed by My Heart and by the strength of the Love of God, coming from His purest, most chaste and immaculate Source.

Today, this is what I bring you, dear children. From the furthest infinity of the universe to what is greatest of this planet is being bathed by the Light of God, by His non-material Source, which brings new principles to the hearts of this nation and for the world.

Here, today in Santiago, your Heavenly Mother finishes a stage and begins a new one, accompanied by your hearts that have given their vow of confirmation on this night of consecration and peace.

I will count on your hands to carry service, prayer, instruction and also healing to Chile.

I will count on your feet so that, through you, dear children, I am able to journey among this people, carrying out the ardent aspiration of My Son of turning this nation into a blessed homeland.

Thus, dear children, with this small step that your hearts take today, the most precious Project of God descends upon your consciousnesses like a Grace, and in this moment, to your lives brings the strength of the renewing Spirit that transforms and heals all things: the strength of My Holy Spirit, so your lives, united with My Son, may begin the apostolic path that I encourage you to experience in the end of these times.

From that Greater Source I come today, from the purest and most chaste non-material Source I bring that which is unknown to your beings, which at the end of these times, through your prayer and your charity, will become visible, aware and available for each of you.

The Mysteries of God will cease to be mysteries. They will be teachings, impulses of light, ways to renew your hearts daily.

Thus, I tell you, dear children, that you are not alone on this night. Your Heavenly Mother, in light of the Celestial Father and in light of His most beloved Son, has made the commitment to accompany you. Just as you have made a commitment to Me, on this night, to accompany Me on this new walk of returning to this people, a people in redemption, love and light, so that it may recover its sacred values that were inspired in the original people, so it may recover the spiritual dignity of being able to feel like a child of God, as a nation and as a race.

For this reason, dear children, let your hearts celebrate today, let your bitterness disappear today, let your hearts beat as Mine beats in this great emanation of Love that I bring you from the Source to make your lives, lives within the Divinity, within the Father, within His Project of Love.

I would like you to feel your spirits to be free to walk in peace, knowing that you are taking sure steps toward that new reality, toward that new mission that My Heart brings you today, that My hands today gift you with a motherly Love, to each of your hearts.

Let the suns of your beings rise and may this land be redeemed by the star of your hearts, which today shine again in the Love of Christ, Our Lord.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On this night, My children, I invite you to renew your commitment to Me and also renew your faith, so that in this way, you may prepare the return of My Son to this world and that He may find, in your hearts, a refuge and a hope.

The world is distant from God, and humanity no longer believes in the Return of Christ. But I come on this evening, children, to show humanity, through the testimony of your lives and the renewal of your faith, that your Lord and King is now returning in Spirit to the cradle of the Americas and, with all His Divinity and splendor, He will place His Feet on the soil of this land.

For this, I want you to prepare your hearts with faith and hope, with an absolute trust in My Immaculate Heart; because in spite of all the tests that humanity will experience and which I have already announced, the Son of God will return to the world and it will be when the time of this Earth unites with eternity and dissolves the chaos and the conflicts of this Earth, to make way for the Kingdom of His Love, His Mercy and His Peace.

Today, My children, I come to establish this Kingdom within you, because you opened the doors of your hearts to Me. Let this Kingdom expand, transform you and change you every day into true divine projects, in which the promises of God are fulfilled and His perfection is manifested.

In this way, My children, Divine Will shall expand throughout this planet and the East will also see a new opportunity, a new life being born on this Earth, in the heart of the Americas.

Children, you will see the chaos of this world, you will see this world tremble; but today, I come to strengthen your faith and the joy of your hearts.

Today, My eyes of a Mother and Pilgrim contemplate your hearts with great joy, because I see redeemed soldiers that are defeating the battle of the end of times, with knees on the ground, with your forehead on the ground, crying out to the Father for His Mercy, for His Forgiveness, and for the redemption of this planet.

Today I also come to especially ask for the Kingdoms of Nature, so that you may understand, children, that this country, like all the countries of the world, not only has great beauty to be contemplated by the heart of humankind; such beauty, children, sustains this world with a surrender that humanity still does not understand.

If you allow the Kingdoms to be assaulted, and little by little, disappear from this world, as essence and spirit, you will not allow the Earth to be sustained and fulfill its mission.

Especially in this nation so loved, I come to ask that you pray for the Kingdoms, and that in your groups of prayer, be aware of the silent suffering that the Kingdoms of Nature endure because of the indifference of humanity, because of the assault and all the sins that are not only in the human heart, but also, as a result, extend into My little Kingdoms of Nature.

Today, children, feel the joy of My Heart, the infinite Love that I bring from My Celestial Kingdom, and allow yourselves to be inspired to be different, and with an even greater impulse, carry the good news of the Presence of God on Earth with words, with prayer; but above all, with the examples of your lives.

Show the world and this nation that you are different after being in the Presence of your Divine Mother; because today I bring you the redemption of your spirits, the Mercy of Christ, so you may be renewed and finally express this higher love that dwells in your essences, this unique love that I come to wake up with My infinite Divine Love.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Responding to this celestial call to assembly, see born in your hearts the Star of My Celestial Confederation.

And on this afternoon, on this evening of Graces, feel part of an infinite legion of love that works for peace, the good, the awakening of all the universes.

Let your deepest beings, your spirits unknown to this material life, stand up again and look firmly toward the universe to find again this inner communion with the Great Brotherhood.

And now, dear children, that your hearts were worked upon and are now ready to be able to begin with new steps on this walk of light, on this apostolic walk that I invite you to experience, I will consecrate you with the Water of Life, with the water that comes from the Source which materialized on this Earth through water as a sacred element for the healing, redemption and consecration of this humanity.

Bring water here for Me to bless.

"Place, Lord, Your Hands over this element that You have created for the creatures of this world, so they may be washed, purified and redeemed by the consoling Spirit of Your Sacred Heart.

Through this element, place here the gifts of Your Son so that, in this important Sacrament, with the essence of infinite life, all the souls of Chile may again find their original purity. Amen."


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

At the request of Our Lady, we are going to ask that the Children of Mary stand up to receive this blessing Our Divine Mother is providing.

You can bring more water here, because I will also bless everybody, dear children, not only those who are being consecrated today; because through your souls, the souls that are present here today, I am weaving My Celestial Mantle with your essences, in this nation and in all your people.

I will also, dear children, bless these sacred elements that you have brought to the foot of My alter, as well as these intentions that have come from other nations of the world, which I will hold with the great love of My motherly Heart, to request for each of them, so that more children of Mine in the world achieve healing and freedom.

Let these flowers as well, at the foot of the altar which make the spirit of this people re-emerge, be blessed by the Love of My Heart, so that souls may find Higher Love again. Amen.

Today I bless the children that are being consecrated to My Immaculate Heart and who come from this land, which is closing its wounds and is resurfacing to true Love, which I invite you to experience and to practice every day, holding My Immaculate Heart as its foundation, as impulse and as an awakening.

I consecrate you, in this new apostleship that you will experience together with Me, so the land may be consecrated as the homeland that God hopes to see manifested in this end time.

I bless you with the Love of My Heart. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

And My feet will continue to walk among this people. I invite you to accompany Me, in the next meetings, so that more souls may be consecrated in love. And you, as from now, My children, be instruments of My Immaculate Heart so that more stars may be ignited in this nation and fill this firmament with redeemed beings.

So be it.

I love you always, I love you eternally. And for this meeting which has been done in the name of Grace, I thank you for responding to My call.

Sing with your hearts so that God may hear you and thus His Celestial Kingdom be established above all things.


Song: "To Look At You."

Tuesday, October 24 of 2017

Daily Messages

Declaration of Divine Love

Listen, children of God!

Listen, companions of Christ!

The maternal Voice, the Mother of the Ark of the Holy Covenant, speaks to you!

Rise now from your death, because the Great Spirit of the Resurrection of Christ has come!

May the millenary chains be broken!

May this people of Chile rise from where it has fallen, because today the time of true freedom has come!

The Voice of the Mother of the World cries out for your awakening today!

The Voice of the White Lady of Peace today gathers you together in spirit, so that all this people accepts with gratitude the redemption that is being offered by Our Lord.

Listen, My soldiers, your wreck has now ended!

May your hearts open to feel again the powerful divine energy!

I come from Heaven to liberate you from the chains of yore. I come to make those who have been disappeared appear back. I come to bring Divine Justice in the face of so much injustice.

My Children, look at God! Feel the echo of His Merciful Love resound within you!

Oh, beloved Chilean people! Oh, ancient people of the Andes, I am here today!

I am your Mother of Heaven, I am the Condor Bird, I am the Sacred Spirit of Peace who gathers you together to commune in reconciliation and in faith!

Believe, My children, that your true Spiritual and Celestial Church exists! Seek within yourselves for the Inner Christ, call Him by His Name and in this way you will all be saved!

Make of your people a garden of Paradise!

Make of your motherland, a celestial motherland!

May your faith be renewed today! May the national hypnotism end here today, so that hearts may recognize within themselves the value of their filiation with God!

Rise, armies of Christ!

May the Guardians, Vigilants and Commanders of the Plan rise now!

May they raise their flags up to the Universe! May they again form the ranks of the armies of the end time!

I come here so that you may unite with Christ again and in this way set aside this cruel inertia.

May Chile awaken from North to South, from the mountains to the sea!

May Chilean hearts be uplifted as trophies at the feet of the Redeemer!

May no one fear to relinquish this blind captivity, because I am here, I am your Divine Mother, who wants to again guide you towards the Heart of God!

May the Mirrors of your hearts be ignited!

May the doors to inner reconciliation be opened!

May the hearts of Chile be truly repentant, so that the Grace of the Universe may descend here and make of all this people the cradle of a blessed motherland!

Now, may the Suns of your hearts rise and see emerge, in the firmament of this Universe, your origins as great stars of light!

May the Commanders of yore prostrate themselves upon the ground and divest themselves from their swords and their capes so that the King of the Universe may pass among them and thus bless them!

May healing reach your hearts! May a true and full love exist, so that this nation may be rebuilt, and instead of having swords, I will give each Chilean My Holy Rosary so that as from now you may pray to My Heart and I am able to liberate you!

May today be the day of your joy, because the Almighty has sent His Faithful Servant so that the self-summoned prostrate themselves before the Altar of the Redeemer!

May the great Prophecy be fulfilled in you!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Tuesday, October 24 of 2017

Vigils of Prayer

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I come for the souls of the world and not for the beasts that dwell on the Earth. They will not stop Me from doing what I must do in the name of the Father.

I come here for the hearts that listen to Me.

I come here for the hearts that cry out to Me.

I come here for all My children, regardless of their beliefs or their religion, for I am the Mother of Love, I am the Mother of the Sacred Victory of Christ, and who is here with Me is with God.

Everything may be trembling around you, but if My Heart is present here, dear children, it is a sign that God is here among you and that the triumph of His Kingdom is near.

The defeat of the beasts is close, because when My Son places His Feet on this planet, many things will come to an end. He promised this during the last meeting in the city of Mendoza. His promise is active and current.

You, dear children, must continue to pray with Me every day, irrespective of what is happening in your nation or in all your people, so that the promise of Christ can be concretized and many more hearts not only here in Chile, but also in the world, may be able to receive the Grace of God, as you receive it today.

I invite you, dear children, to work conscientiously and with perseverance, because I did not finish My work in Peñablanca, nor was it broadly understood. I came as the Mother of this nation, in those past times, to try and avoid many things in the Southern Cone.

Thus, as Mother of Kindness and of Mercy, I had the permission to choose the most wretched souls so that here they could understand My great testimony of love for the world, and above all, for this country that is still in My celestial plans.

For this reason, warriors of peace, ancient peoples of the sacred mountains, I invite you to work united with Me, I invite you to open the doors of your hearts so that finally, the doors of your homes can open to souls. And in the same way, dear children, you be able to go through the doors of your homes to have an encounter with those most in need of prayer, those that are most wretched, those that suffer, those that still do not know God nor the Love of the Redeemer.

With the awareness you have acquired in your lives, however small it may be, I invite you, dear children, to accompany Me, to help Me to engrave the flag of Chile on My Heart. And further, dear children, I want My celestial Mantle to be that redeemed flag so that more stars of My crown may shine.

What I need, dear children, is that you help Me save this people, that new groups of prayer be generated here that will join Christian ecumenism, and not fear to say, dear children, that you believe in the Mother of the Redeemer.

I come with My Hands full of Graces so that on this night, they may be poured out. I come on this night, full of the Love of God, so that your deepest wounds be healed, so that the past of this country be erased and it be possible to open new doors to great opportunities and changes in this nation.

I come to seek the love you hold, within you, under more than seven keys. But remember that I am the Master of all the keys of the universe and have no impediment for being able to reach your hearts.

If I am the Lady of Mount Carmel, your Lady of Carmen, the Patroness of this country and all Chileans, what I need, dear children, is for you to dare to cause My Immaculate Heart to triumph; that you not fear to proclaim My blessings, My joy, My kindness and My love for each of you.

On this night of preparation and reflection, I invite you to take a step in this spiritual walk, to open the doors to all those that must come, to all those who have lost their faith in God and are submerged in the materialism of these times.

This country holds a great spiritual treasure that is still unknown to it, that exists from north to south and in the greatest heights of these mountains of the Andes.

Dear children, value these natural treasures that God gave you. Look to your mountains, not as if they were ordinary mountains. Look to the mountains, seeking the sign of the elevation of your consciousnesses. The time has come for you to climb the mountain to its peak to find Christ, Who waits for you with His Heart open, full of Mercy and with His Arms open, to meet with you again, to say to you, dear children, as He always says: "My companions, enter into My Heart and you will find peace."

I need this people to transform into the spiritual model which God thought of since the beginning. Your roots, those of the original peoples, hold a great treasure, an important legacy that comes from the Incas and which cannot be erased from your memories.

Remember your origins, dear children, above all things, love what this sacred people left sown here and everything it achieved through its experiences and its culture.

In this simple way, I invite you to recover the values, to recover the spiritual dignity this people once lived.

This will greatly help you change your way of thinking, to see all things differently and rise above all the events of these times.

Because, dear children, in this end time and encouraged by My Immaculate Heart, I need you to dare to live your own truth, the truth that My Son preaches not only in the Gospel, but also through the Sacraments, prayer, service, instruction, and most importantly, through the love He needs you to experience so that your hearts can be healed and redeemed.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On this night, I came to speak to you about a higher Love.

I came to awaken you, My children, through My Sacred Verb, which is the echo of the Voice of God in this world.

Just as I am His Servant, and I never tire of serving the Lord, I ask, children, that you unite with Me in this universal service; that you come here for more than wanting to see Me, to pray for peace, to cry out for this nation as well as the whole world; because I need soldiers of peace, children, from north to south, in the East and in the West, to consecrate this world to a spiritual life, fraternal, real, a life that follows the Laws that are in Heaven and which also hide inside the Earth, as well as in the human heart.

The true potential, children, your real likeness with God, that love which is in the depths of your hearts and which is a principle of Divine Love, that, children, is what you should awaken on this day.

I do not come to bring you a new religion, a new belief or a new faith. I come to renew the faith of this people, to have it become real in the Lord, our God, so that in this way, My children, you no longer just think of yourselves, but become soldiers of an army that does not come from this world and does not act through the establishment of their own will, but rather through the Will of God.

Today, children, as your Celestial Universal Mother, I open My arms to the eyes of your hearts and only ask that you be under My Mantle, under My protection. And for this, I need you to pray, that you fulfill the Commandments given to you by God through Moses. And more than that, children, that you fulfill and live the only Commandment left to you by My Son, when His voice resounded on this Earth.

Today, My children, I come to ignite the mirrors of your hearts and make your beings redeemed and rescuable again, so that you may accomplish the Will of God, not only on this Earth, but also beyond it, in what you call eternity, where time does not exist and service is constant.

Thus, I prepare you on this Earth so that you may eternally serve God. There is no greater wholeness, My children, than finding a service, a meaning for your own life, a real sense which will lead you to justice, Mercy, inner peacefulness, and as a result, to the transformation of your lives, so that little by little, you transform this world.

Today, children, My Verb does not bring you a utopia; it brings you a Grace that unfolds in the heart that says 'yes' to Me. Thus, stretch out your hands to Me and receive the Graces I bring you. Cry out for My Mercy, which is the same that comes from the Blood and the Water of My Son; I am only a bearer of this Grace, I am the bearer of Peace and I bring it as mediator and intercessor into your lives.

On this evening, I call on you to experience humility, so that you recognize that many times you are lost and do not find help because you do not seek Me, because you do not seek God.

Today, children, I open a new door for you, a door to redemption, and I invite you to go through so as to renew your lives in My Peace, in My Presence, because if you pray with Me, I will be with you every day.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I come to this nation, in this time, to carry out an inexplicable and unknown plan which may appear to be impossible. A Plan that is only just beginning on this day, and which will develop over time. Thus, you must pray together with your Celestial Mother so that this plan be fulfilled, stage by stage.

Dear children, I come to prepare you for something greater, I come to prepare you so that you acquire a new awareness, so that you come out of yourselves, and encouraged by My Heart, take the steps toward Christ through an unconditional life of service, which is what this people, in perfect unity and fraternity, must work for in these times, so that in this way, My children, you never lack My Grace, the Grace which I want to pour out with so much love upon all of Chile and all My children who live there.

On this evening, this is My Message, this is My declaration. I also call on you, dear children, to gather other souls that do not know I am here, through this communication, through you, so that through your hearts, you transmit My call to the souls of this nation.

For this meeting, today I thank you, dear children, for responding to My call.

In the Grace of God, which is infinite, perpetual and invincible, I bless you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Take My Peace to Chile, so that peace may be in your hearts and in the whole world.

I thank you.

Monday, October 23 of 2017

Daily Messages

Dear children,

On the inner planes, your Heavenly Mother is already gathering the consciousnesses of this nation so that, at the foot of these sacred mountains, they may surrender to Christ and participate in the communion of reparation that My Heart will offer you during these next days.

This surrender will be first spiritual and then material, so that the consciousnesses of this country may come into contact with their spiritual and physical reality and, thus, be able to live their moment of redemption.

This will take a long time until, finally, most recognize that it is important to look at God every day and to be able to live in His Heart of Compassion and Love.

Therefore, from now on, I invite you to continue praying for the intentions of your Heavenly Mother so that they may be fulfilled, one by one, and that, in these definitive times, healing and peace may be established in most hearts.

This will also help My Immaculate Heart triumph!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Sunday, October 22 of 2017

Daily Messages
Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Santiago, Chile, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

From time to time, I choose the places most in need in the world and, with what My children give Me, I go to meet the worst and most hostile situations on the planet, so that at least one soul awakens among so many that are lost.

Therefore, where My Father and My Son send them to is to counteract, spiritually, the perversion and uncontrolled freedom that millions of consciousnesses experience daily within the large cities of the world.

Thus, I place My soldiers of peace in the first rows of the battle, to help Me transmute and endure the chaos of this world so that more souls are awakened in these times.

But, in spite of all that, as a Mother, I do not leave you alone in this mission.

I have come first to the city of Santiago to remove it from its most archaic resistance, so that the hearts that are here perceive the spiritual illusion which they experience and how they need to try harder to get out of their convenience and comfort.

For this reason, I return to Chile to give continuity to what I once did in Peñablanca, so that the souls that are here move towards God and do not go backwards as they have been doing for more than thirty years.

As a Mother, I come to ask that the hearts reach true and not lukewarm repentance. Therefore, I will need to remove that which is immobile, so that the consciousnesses may have the slightest opportunity.

If this does not happen soon, the nation will be strongly moved as it has been in previous times; except that, by not changing, this next movement would be worse.

I invite all the Chilean hearts to give an answer to the call of their Heavenly Mother.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Saturday, October 21 of 2017

Daily Messages
Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from the city of Mendoza, Argentina, to Santiago, Chile to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

At this time, I come to the world to give continuity to the Work of Redemption of My Son, so that souls awaken to the path of pardon and reconciliation.

Therefore, your Heavenly Mother goes on pilgrimage, from nation to nation, so that more hearts in the world may reach the real consciousness of love and compassion.

My Son sends His Mother to the world every day to transform the lives of the planet, into hearts in fullness and redemption.

It is thus that My steps are not separated from those of My children because as a kind Mother, I can be near and united to each heart in need.

I encourage you, in these times, to be part of the armies of the Redeemer, so that the Sacred Master and Lord of the universe may have instruments available to take forward the Project of Love.

At this time, feel the joy of serving Him, the joy of being able to meet Him again, the deep desire to be close to Him.

May your lives, in constant redemption, receive the impulse of Our Lord so that everything may be fulfilled.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Friday, October 20 of 2017

Daily Messages

My dear children:

In the Celestial Universe Our Sacred Hearts: the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, keep in the center of Their Beings a spiritual replica of the Tabernacle of Jesus with the Most Holy and Divine Eucharist.

This Tabernacle of Jesus, both in Saint Joseph and in his Celestial Mother, radiates to the world and to humanity the divine Codes of Redemption, codes that will allow to form the consciousness of the new humanity.

Thus, the Sacred Hearts of Saint Joseph and of Holy Mary, bring to the world this Divine Tabernacle as if the Mother of the Redeemer carried in Her Arms the Child Jesus.

The importance of this Divine Tabernacle is that, so the souls can find in it, a safe door to redemption and to their own freedom.

The permanent devotion to My Immaculate Heart and to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, allows any heart on the planet to make contact with that mystery hidden at the spiritual center of your Celestial Mother and of the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

The souls that dedicate their devotion to the Divine Tabernacle of Jesus through the Most Holy Mary and Saint Joseph the Worker, will acquire, spiritually, all the necessary merits, the same Merits attained by Jesus Christ during His public Life, His Passion, His Death and His Resurrection.

All souls that dedicate if only fifteen minutes, that pray, meditate and contemplate before them the power of the Mystery of the Divine Tabernacle of Jesus through Mary and Saint Joseph, will receive the Grace of a life blessed by God, the Grace of a divine protection in the time of death, the possibility of celestial atonement of all faults committed against the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and also the Grace to be in perpetual communion with the Divine Son of the Universe.

For this reason, I come in this day to give you the Sacred Devotional of the Triune Union of the Chaste and Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary and of Saint Joseph, so that souls and all the planet may be worthy of the divine Merits attained by Jesus during His passage on Earth.

Sacred Devotional of the Triune Union of the Chaste and Sacred Hearts of Jesus, of Mary and of Saint Joseph

Union bead
By the invincible Trinity of the Sacred Hearts,
       Eternal Father, grant us the Grace of fullness and of redemption.

Fist decade
By the Divine Eucharistic Tabernacle,
       present in the Sacred Hearts of Mary and of Saint Joseph,
       Merciful Father, grant us the Grace of eternal sanctity.

Second decade
By the Divine Eucharistic Tabernacle,
       present in the Sacred Hearts of Mary and of Saint Joseph,
       Merciful Father, grant us the Grace of redemption.

Third decade
By the Divine Eucharistic Tabernacle,
       present in the Sacred Hearts of Mary and of Saint Joseph,
       Merciful Father, grant us the Grace of eternal love.

Fourth decade
By the Divine Eucharistic Tabernacle,
       present in the Sacred Hearts of Mary and of Saint Joseph,
       Merciful Father, grant us the Grace of eternal protection.

Fifth decade
By the Divine Eucharistic Tabernacle,
       present in the Sacred Hearts of Mary and of Saint Joseph,
       Merciful Father, open the Doors to Your Divine Kingdom for us.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Thursday, October 19 of 2017

Daily Messages

The mission that has already changed

Dear children,

On the 13th of October, while your Heavenly Mother was visiting Her children of Argentina at the Marian Center of the Holy Spirit, My Voice of Mother reminded all the importance of the materialization of this mission; above all the second part of the mission which corresponds to the nation of Chile.

The efforts that, for example, My children of Argentina made until today, were seen; this is what has allowed this sacred mission, integrated by all those who pray, to be able to reach the city of Mendoza.

The importance of the materialization of the spiritual task of the Divine Messengers with the nations, and the conscious collaboration of those who directly or indirectly participate in this Work of love allows to generate the necessary bases so that the Plan foreseen for each nation, as for each part of humanity, may be fulfilled and, specially, certain catastrophic events be prevented.

Thus, the souls, with a little more material time, can meditate and reverse their errors, travelling, as of this cycle, the path of redemption that My Son offers.

The materialization of a divine mission as the one of Chile includes many factors, some of them in favor and most of them against, since the mentioned nation, in the last times, has not been receptive to the spiritual and inner changes that it needs to live.

This is the reason why Chile, as a country, has faced processes of purification through earthquakes, tsunamis, tremors and recently, through the very serious fires.

In 1981, your Heavenly Mother presented Herself as the White Lady of Peace, in Peñablanca, Chile, with the aim of stopping the serious errors of dictatorship and of the disappeared, which became a regional process of all the Southern Cone, promoted and planned by the mentioned nation.

In this sense, the spiritual debt acquired by Chile is, at this moment, unpayable.

It is thus that the Merciful and Compassionate God decided to risk this pilgrim mission through Chile to try by all means for this nation to have an opportunity.

As in the last months the support and the collaboration for this pilgrimage has come from very few donor hearts, the mission through Argentina, in this last phase, began to feel the lack of means and of resources to be able to continue.

When the Divinity presents the program for a pilgrimage it means, in the first instance, an aspiration that the most awaken humanity is called to help to concretize, as is the case of Santiago, of Valdivia and of Punta Arenas.

But as this aspiration, until the moment, has not been totally manifested, today, as Mother and Intercessor of the just causes of Heaven, I see Myself in the duty and in the commitment of announcing that the pilgrimage will fulfill half of the foreseen program.

However, with the few resources received, we must reach Santiago de Chile, so that, one way or another, Chile may receive at least one part of all the Grace, of the Redemption and of the foreseen Mercy.

For this to be possible, today I come to ask the world to at least help your Heavenly Mother to carry forward this mission in three places that I have chosen for this purpose. They are: Santiago, on 24th and 25th of October, Viña del Mar, on the 28th of October, and Valparaíso, on 5th and 6th of November with the Marathon of Prayer.

These places chosen by My Heart are relatively close and are within the possibility of the resources received.

However, dear children, the help for all of this happens will be essential.

The next visit to Valdivia and to Punta Arenas will remain an inspiration of your Heavenly Mother, in the hope that, in another cycle, your consciousnesses may already be in another point of awakening.

I thank the company of all My children and again I thank the loving efforts.

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Wednesday, October 18 of 2017

Daily Messages
Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Mendoza, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My dear children,

Today I take you all to the very important and luminous moment of the Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan, an event that, through the Savior, led the whole world, during that time, to regain the spiritual dignity and the merit the Love of the Creator.

The Baptism of Jesus instituted the divine and spiritual purpose of that sacred Sacrament so that souls, through the Sacrament of Baptism, would recover the inner dignity of being children of God.

Fort this reason, the sacred Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan not only signified the initiation of the Divine Son in His public task, from this moment on and for the next three years, but it also opened the doors so that the Holy Spirit could work in the world until after His Ascension.

The power of the Sacrament of Baptism and the profound humility of the Divine Son represented, at that time, the possibility of reintegrating the human consciousness into the universal Laws through experiencing the Commandments given to Moses, but with the fundamental key Christ revealed during His public life: “You shall love God above all things, as well as love your neighbor as yourself.”

At that planetary moment, this closed the cycle of acute perdition in which the whole planet through ignorance. found itself

The Baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan also represented the reintegration of the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, which humanity once lived in the beginning, through Adam and Eve.

The Sacrament of Baptism, instituted through the Baptism of Jesus, brought to the world the opportunity of learning every day to love the life of the spirit and to not be separate from it in spite of what may happen.

Christ represents the Sacrament of Renewal through the Sacrament of Baptism. He is the beginning of our spiritual path and, at the same time, He is the end of our trajectory on this planet.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Tuesday, October 17 of 2017

Daily Messages
Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from Los Cocos, Cordoba, to the city of Mendoza, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Today, I take you all to the moment of the exile of the Sacred Family to Egypt, a moment in which the incarnated Divine Son brought to humanity of that time the faith in the one and only God. 

Through the exile of the Sacred Family to Egypt, the human consciousness learned to recognize the presence of the sacred Will of the Creator through Christ, which must be irrefutable and broadly accepted by all human beings. In this way, the human consciousness will be free of constant errors and full of the Will of God.

That was how the Divine Son, with His Presence in Egypt, brought to that time the dissolution of atheism and through christic energy, the establishment of an inner and sacramental union with the Almighty.

The presence of the Sacred Family in Egypt marked a before and an after for that ancient people, accustomed to a superficial and pagan form of belief.

The Divine Son in Egypt, even being silently small, brought to the world the possibility of understanding and living the spiritual vision in an evolutionary sense rather than that of appropriation, such as the Egyptians conceived the stars of the universe to be.

The Presence of the little Child Jesus brought order to the system of beliefs and also to the universal cosmic vision; because He, in that time, manifested the correct alignment with Laws and with Rays.

Jesus opened the source of renewal upon the planet, so that consciousnesses could be healed and given relief from their suffering.

He gathered together all the consciousnesses of various paths and placed them in the Hands of the Eternal Father, so that they could have the opportunity of feeling the Love of God and thus recover their affiliation with Creation.

The presence of the Sacred Family generated the spiritual rebirth of the origins of this Project, so that the human race of those times could recover the principles of this school of love and of forgiveness.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monday, October 16 of 2017

Daily Messages

Today, I take all of you in My arms, just as I took Jesus to the Temple.

Today, I give you to God so that your lives may be purified, redeemed and filled by the Sacred Spirit of the Creator.

At that time, at the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, the sacred and little Child was the primary mediator so that humanity could be reinstated with the spiritual connection that it had lost through its errors.

The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple meant a culminating moment in which humanity, through the Presence of the Divine Son, was removed from the great abysses in which, through different circumstances, it had been placed. 

This Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple also meant for your Heavenly Mother the surrender of Her Son so that, from that moment on, My maternal Heart would be prepared to take on humanity until the end of times.

In this event of the Presentation of the little Child Jesus, the Father granted, His Firstborn as well as His tireless Servant, the divine authority of absolute intercession for all those for whom They might ask.

The delivery of Jesus into the Arms of the Eternal Father represents for humanity the renewal of the gifts of faith, of trust and of unity with the Divine Source.

The Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple was the first symbol of defeat and removal of paganism of the time by the conception of the one and only true God, Adonai.

This was how the Presentation of the Child in the Temple gave the world an opportunity to recognize themselves as children of God, so that the connection of each being can be built with dignity.

This means that the Child Jesus was presented in the temple to reveal to the world the Merciful and Just God and to reverse the doctrinal concept of a God of intense Justice and irreproachable Law.

The Child Jesus made it possible to reestablish, at that time, the connection between souls and God. From then on, He renewed the times through His sacrifice in the following moments, of His Passion and Death.

Presenting the Divine Child in the Temple of the Creator means reminding the world of its inner universe and the existence it holds, in order to contribute to this humanity with the true divine virtues that God conceived in the origin of each essence, just as in the spiritual emergence of each soul.

The Presentation of Jesus in the Temple allowed, on the spiritual plane of the human consciousness, the rebuilding of this inner temple that is transgressed by one's own actions.

The small Jesus recovered, for humanity of the surface, the principle of spiritual connection with the Creator and His Most Pure Source.

I thank you for responding to My Call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Sunday, October 15 of 2017

Daily Messages
Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the district of Los Cocos, Cordoba, Argentina to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

Today I take you with Me to Mount Tabor so that on this day we may remember the sublime Transfiguration of Jesus, a divine and at the same time cosmic revelation that the Sacred Son brought to the Apostles.

The Transfiguration of Jesus was the perfect and cosmic symbol that, on experiencing changes in consciousness, it is possible to reach very high states of illumination. 

Through the Transfiguration of His Divine Person, Jesus not only showed the spiritual reality that the human beings of this surface have in them, but He also brought continuity to the previous illumination of the Master Siddhartha.

It is thus that Siddhartha, in the past and by means of His illumination, demonstrated to the world the first step for transcending suffering. Jesus, the Christ, by means of the Transfiguration, brought to the world the divine knowledge that it is possible to transcend the state of suffering and reach a sublime elevation of the consciousness through a perfect communion and integration with the Divine Source.

On Mount Tabor, My Beloved Son revealed the knowledge of the non-material Laws that vibrate and are active in this Material Universe.

It was in this way that Jesus taught His Apostles about the true spiritual consciousness that we acquire at the moment of our conception in the sacred Reservoirs of the Source, and how from there the first steps of the experiences of love and of redemption, which this Material Universe offers us, begin to be cultivated in our essences.

But on Mount Tabor, Jesus also taught how to place oneself above all suffering or experience, focusing the consciousness within an objective state and with the gaze constantly on the Divine Purpose.

Through the Transfiguration of Jesus, My Son gave the human race the possibility of walking above suffering without entering into it, through the awareness of the love that opens the door to the healing of consciousnesses.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Saturday, October 14 of 2017

Daily Messages

Today, My dear children, I take everyone to the Mount of the Beatitudes, where My Beloved Son, among the crowds that followed him, taught the most important prayer of all time: the Our Lord in Aramaic.

From that moment, humanity became aware of the fact that it could have a perfect and full filiation with the Creator and His Creation and that, from the point of the celestial revelation of the Our Lord, it would never again be immersed in itself or in its reality, but that it could look around and understand that there exist greater and real needs that ought to be met through mercy and service to the fellow being.

The second teaching that My Son left to the crowds at the Mount of the Beatitudes is that humanity is part of a macrocosm, that the Universe is dynamic, constant and changing, and that human consciousnesses are part of an evolutionary system able to generate the process of redemption and rehabilitation.

The celestial and universal Revelations brought by He Himself at that time allowed humanity to awaken to its true spirit and greater consciousness.

From that moment, the Beatitudes showed the most basic rules so that any human being on the surface of the planet may know how to be in inner contact with the cosmic and divine Laws, which act in the regions of the Material, Mental and Spiritual Universe.

The Beatitudes revealed by Christ left one of the most important legacies in order to learn to enter into the real and unique system of evolution, in which every human being of this planet, under any condition, could be worthy of celestial treasures by fulfilling, living and practicing the hidden Principles contained in each one of them.

This will be one of the ways of being able to revert planetary situations in this time and, therefore, give continuity to the universal history of this humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Friday, October 13 of 2017

Daily Messages

Behold, She will come brighter than the sun, the Servant of God, to prepare the return of Her Son, as She one day prepared His sacred Birth on the Earth.

Behold, the Silent and Humble Servant became Queen and Celestial Mother, because Her silence revealed Her Majesty and Unity with God the Father and His Beloved Son.

Just as the Heavens opened to receive Her in Body, Soul and Divinity, in the Mystery of Her Assumption, the Heavens are open again for the descent of Her Divinity and the announcement of Her Sacred Word; because the Blessed Mother of the Lord can no longer remain in silence, in the face of all that happens in the world. Her silence of other times sustained the echo of the Voice of Her Son in the valleys and in the peoples of the East, and now Her Word comes to prepare the Universal Triumph of Christ, because He will no longer come to preach and teach among humankind: the power of His Presence will be conversion itself; the power of His Feet placed on the Earth will be redemption itself for the planet. From His Mouth will only come out prayers and decrees that will unite Heaven and Earth, will close the hells and the abysses, will calm the despairs and will establish Peace.

For this reason, before the Son, again His Heavenly Mother and His adoptive Father, Humble and Faithful, approach, in order for Them to be the ones to prepare the human heart.

Children, today I tell you to listen with attention to the purposes of God, brought by His Messengers. They are like the truths said by the prophets in the past, to prepare the arrival of the Messiah in the world.

Our Word not only instructs you, but it also transforms and unites to the Universal Teaching, which will come with the Son of God, as a living expression of the Reality that dwells in the Universes.

With simplicity, We open to you the doors of the heart and the eyes of the spirit, so that you recognize the Laws that dictate universal evolution and you may enter them, in obedience and love, while there is time.

All Mysteries reveal themselves in the Law of Love and of Obedience, principles that rule all Evolutionary Life, in Heaven as on Earth. Spiritual Life reveals itself to those who know how to love and every Mystery revealed becomes simple and understandable to those who know Love, because their minds become pure and their hearts are simple.

With this, beloved children, I want to tell you that the Faithful and Tireless Servant of God comes to the world with simple words, to reveal Sublime Truths. I come to awaken Love in your hearts, so that you may comprehend Me, and without difficulties, live what I tell you.

What impedes you to live My Instructions is not the human condition, is not material karma and is not ignorance; it is the lack of true Love and of true Humility.

In a world of mysticism full of vanity and false bases of true knowledge, I come to conduct you to the Truth. But before this, I must oust from your hearts, pride and ambition for power and for knowledge.

For this reason, I teach you to love and to obey, above all things, the simple purposes of God. And it is in this way that I prepare you, transform and reveal the New Life, which will emerge in the hearts without their realizing it.

It is in this way that I unite you to the true Celestial and Cosmic Brotherhood, and I make your hearts able to be true companions of your King and Universal and Divine Master, Christ.

Behold, I am here, as Queen and Celestial Mother, and in the simplicity of My words is hidden the Power of God and the Truth that I Am. In My presence is hidden the Unity with the Infinity. And in this way I tell you that, if you unite yourselves to Me, you will unite yourselves to the Whole, to the Cosmos, to Life, to the Creation of God.

Prepare along with Me the Return of My Son, and announce, children, that it is time to repent of being in vain paths, which lead to nothing but to being lost, not only from God, but also from oneself.

Behold, I come to find you and to conduct you to the encounter with yourselves, so that you may know who you are and what you have come to do in this world. Do not be lost any longer. Follow My steps and I will guide you always.

I bless you and love you.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Friday, October 13 of 2017

Daily Messages

The Great Miracle of the Sun

One hundred years ago at the Cova da Iria, in Fátima, Portugal, the last and definitive Apparition of the Mother of God happened, the one which brought to the world the end of a terrible war and a prolonged period of peace. At that time, humanity was on the brink of its own perdition.

Although the message of Fátima was clear and convincing through the revelation of the three secrets of Fátima, the Most Holy Mother warned Her children that a true penance was urgent and immediate, since the repentance of the hearts would grant the world a significant atonement.

The Miracle of the Sun, also called the stellar phenomenon, was the culminating event when, on October 13, 1917, this local Universe, of which this planet forms part, lived a cut in time and space.

The Miracle of the Sun, or stellar phenomenon, consisted in mobilizing great consciousnesses of the Material Universe and Cosmic Regents which allowed, at a planetary level, to put an end to the endless cycle of siege, destruction and of the conquest that humanity was immersed in by the First World War.

This phenomenon, understood by humanity as the constant and random twirl of the Sun, meant the reunion of certain cosmic currents of the Material Universe, that have their bases in the Central Sun of this galaxy.

I would like, dear children, that you comprehend that, if this evolutionary intervention of the Greater Universe had not have happened on October 13, 1917, humanity would have already destroyed itself.

It was necessary, at the universal and divine level, to carry forward this movement of the solar and stellar elements of the Universe.

This allowed to stop, upon the planet and within its humanity, the idea of a conquest and of an unmeasured power, that would lead to the development of other events.

The Miracle of the Sun, or the stellar phenomenon, cleaned and purified the psychic plane of the entire planet in less than fifteen minutes, a time in which the solar and stellar elements that were operated by the Regents of the Universe, dissipated from the ether of the Earth a great quantity of registers of suffering and death that had been generated.

The global Miracle of the Sun, with the meeting of the angels and the Hierarchies, despite having its epicenter in Fátima, embraced the whole planet, relieving it from its chain of great human and terrestrial errors.

October 13, 2017,  was the closing of the mission that your Celestial Mother came to accomplish during six continuous months, in which humanity was prepared to live the Miracle of the Sun.

Even though the Most Holy Mother had announced that if there were not a true repentance a second war could come, worse than the one that was already occurring, humanity was able to know, after the atomic bomb, that it was capable of self-destruction and irreversible damage to itself, even in these current times.

That is why, on October 13, 2017, after one hundred years of My Apparitions in Fatima, your Celestial Mother came to beg the world not to forget to live a deep and true repentance, because this lack of penance in the human beings of today is heading toward ideas and war projects, worse than the ones that have already occurred, it is headed toward wanting to destroy the life and the evolution of the Kingdoms of Nature, as has been happening in the last fifty years, and it is leading to the loss of logic and discernment of the human beings who lead and govern this planet.

I come to ask for the repentance of the heart, so that you remember that there exists only one God present in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit; I come to ask you not to forget to be considerate, merciful and fraternal to one another; I come to ask you to proclaim your faith in the infinite existence of the Celestial Church of Christ; I come to ask that you give the examples, among yourselves, of equality, compassion, love and respect, because, after all the help received, humanity continues to hurt itself in ways never seen before.

As the Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, I remind you, dear children, to pray a Mystery of the Rosary, every day, and that you do not deceive yourselves anymore by exchanging this important prayer for the technologies and their constant problems.

Do so with the heart, and you will see the powerful results of this spiritual tool, that will provide you with peace and the spiritual healing of your lives.

If at least just a few fulfill all these requests, I will be able to continue interceding before the Celestial Father, although the scales are in great inequality. I will go tirelessly, to meet of all My children, and I will be able to help, one by one.

If humanity does not pray and does not stop to think before acting impulsively, a worse crisis will embrace the planet and, as in these days, innocent lives will unjustly pay for the others.

To avoid all this, I come again to ask for the consecration of your lives and homes of the world to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, thus I will triumph, being able to live among you in a true and solemn way.

I thank you for responding to this important call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Friday, October 13 of 2017


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

My very dear children, one hundred years after being in Fatima, today I am here among you, with this humanity, for this beloved planet which from the beginning has been a part of a project greatly appreciated by God, which must be concretized in this end of times.

Today I come here, dear children, with a special Message that is born of My Immaculate Heart, to announce it to all the souls of the Earth, especially those who are the favored ones of Your Celestial Mother.

Today I am not here alone, dear children, but also with the Presence of the Father and the Son; and this Sacred Trinity, which is being established today in this Marian Center, benefits many souls in the world, resolves many planetary situations, dissolves many evils that were about to happen.

With the love that comes from My children of the world, with the love that comes from your hearts, I can transform this humanity and this planet into the spiritual and physical model that God expects. It is enough, dear children, that you follow the indications of your Celestial Mother so that My Immaculate Heart not only continue to triumph in your lives, but also on all the planet.

The Message that I want to bring to you and bring you closer to today is about the important events that took place yesterday in the Sanctuary of the Aparecida, and today in the Sanctuary of Fatima in Portugal, moments in which the souls most appreciated by My Immaculate Heart went to meet with your Celestial Mother, not only to implore and plead with Her for healing, but also to pray with Her to stop new events on this planet, just like a hundred years ago.

I want to tell you, dear children, that with the two meetings carried out, both in Brazil and in Portugal, many situations that perhaps your minds are not able to understand today, were stopped.

Thus, today I invite you to place My Words in your hearts, because it will be the place where they will truly be perpetuated and cause the sacred virtues of the Divine Family of Nazareth to grow in you.

With the meetings that took place on these two days, not only Argentina was aided, but also the whole world, but especially the places of the world where nuclear and atomic tests are done, which are at the point of being activated in humanity.

But this was stopped in the thoughts of those who idealize it, as well as in those consciousnesses who carry it out.

Humanity does not have control in their hands or in their actions. Power itself is held by Our Creator, although humanity knows absolutely nothing about it.

See how simple, dear children, can be the act of love that can be born of your hearts for the Celestial Father, and everything that He must do on this planet and with this humanity.

The souls of Asia were also helped, especially those that face annihilation and torture; and in truth I tell you, dear children, that these events also cause My Immaculate Heart to suffer.

But I gather up the strength to continue to come to the world through your prayers and your presences. This is what motivates Me to continue coming to the world, because I know that on this planet, in spite of there being imperfect souls, there are true hearts that want to work for the good and for peace.

On this afternoon, dear children, when your Celestial Mother unites this Marian Center with the Marian Center of Fatima in Portugal, I want you to be able to fully understand how important the meetings, the calls and the convocations are that Our Sacred Hearts are doing in these critical times through the Pilgrimages for Peace, of which the aim and the primary reason are to avoid there being many more disorders in the world than those which already exist, many more revolutions than those occurring, and mainly, avoiding the continuation of the human massacre of this humanity. 

I want you to feel in your hearts the true call of My maternal Heart, just as you have felt it since the last Marathon of Divine Mercy up until today; taking care, accompanying and carrying out each detail to be able to honor God Our Creator, who continues yet to be very offended and who today is repaired by the prayers of your hearts, by the pleas of your souls and by the true intentions of your spirits.

To follow the steps of the Celestial Mother in these times, dear children, means to make new decisions in your lives and experience great changes, changes that you have never experienced before in this life, for the main reason of helping the evolution of this planet and the survival of this humanity.

I would like, dear children, that from your hearts a vow of commitment to Me be born every day, so that I may perform through you the thousands of wonders and of miracles that I still want to carry out in your consciousnesses and in the whole planetary consciousness. 

Through these pilgrimages for peace, the Divine Messengers untiringly and unconditionally come to build on the surface of this planet the bases that will be used in the future for the New Humanity.

We know, dear children, that your humanity of the surface is going through a great and definitive transition. I ask, dear children, that you not fear what Our Hearts have announced, but rather you live Our Message daily, so that future events be diverted, dissipated and transformed by the light that can be born of your hearts.

I can no longer see souls suffering in the world and how consciousness of this humanity daily decides to take other steps that separate them from God, and especially, from the universe of His Love.

Thus, I invite you on this afternoon to renew your vows, so that you may be more merciful and carry this so needed Mercy to the world to be able to close the wounds of many hearts and lives, and bring the peace that the world so needs in these times.

I would like, dear children, that these wonders, these miracles of love that we can do together through these meetings of prayer, which greatly help the planet through the avoidance of catastrophes, will be able to be repeated.

May these meetings be able to be renewed, may they be able to give you the impulse to live your inner transformation, and in these times, find the path of return to Christ.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

It is in this way that I reveal to you that My Mission in this world, together with each of you, is much broader, deeper and more infinite than what your hearts imagine or know.

Today, My children, I come to this place to broaden your understanding, not only in relation to these times, but also in relation to the mission that each of you has with Me.

I called you here not only to heal your lives, your souls and your spirits; above all, I called you, My children, so that united with Me, we may heal the wounds of this planet, heal its wounds that go beyond the Kingdoms of Nature, that go beyond the consciousness of this planet, beyond the human consciousness and reach the Heart of God, wounded daily by the outrages that His children commit out of a lack of awareness, out of ignorance and a lack of love.

Today I call you to a reparation of the Heart of God and of human life, of the consciousness of the Kingdoms of Nature and the spirit of this planet which untiringly sustains you, although you do not see it, do not know it, do not know about its mission or its perseverance.

Today, children, I come to share with each of your hearts, the pain I feel for this world, not only so that you suffer, so that you feel this pain in your hearts, but so that your consciousnesses wake up to know the planetary need, which is beyond your homes and the sorrow that your hearts may experience.

There is so much in this world to be repaired, to be healed and to be redeemed, My children, that I need you to hear My call and that you simply pray with Me for the redemption of this humanity.

In the face of all that is happening in this world, it is so little that I ask of you, that you pray for peace, that you not only pray for yourselves, but for all of humanity, and that you also serve, that you provide an example and testimony of the change God makes in your lives every day.

I want, My children, to expand My Kingdom of Peace beyond Fatima.


(The transmission is interrupted because of an electrical outage)


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Do not worry, dear children, for My divine and universal Presence is powerful and transformative, and everything that I can touch is liberated.

Everything is in universal order. Everything is under My immovable and non-transferable Peace.

Continue to listen to My Message.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

What I want to tell you is important for the confirmation of your spirits upon a unique path, which not only leads you to peace, but also builds the triumph of My Immaculate Heart on this planet.

For this reason, in the same way that at this moment I ask that you have an immutable peace, and that with Me, it be invincible, irrespective of interferences or the chaos there may be on this planet; within you, My children, I want to build true disciples of peace and companions of Christ, so that My Kingdom may expand out through this world beyond the sacred places I founded and that, through each of you, My Peace reach the four corners of this Earth.

In this way, children, I come on this day to reveal the importance of you being confirmed in My Plan, which in truth, is the Plan of God, a single Plan for the redemption of this planet, for the renewal of this universe, as well as for all of creation.

I want to lead you through simple things, simple actions and real transformations so this Plan may be accomplished.

For this reason, I ask that today, at My Feet you give up all human will and ambition which does not build what I hope to build within you. Like warriors of this time, that you place your swords at the service of God so that they do not fight for some other reason, but rather for the establishment of peace. And that, in Fatima as well as in Lourdes, as well as in Aparecida or in Aurora, My army be a single, invincible one, because it acts together with God for the reparation of His Heart and for the transformation of this planet.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On this afternoon of Grace, I also come to bless those who will be consecrated as new children of My Heart.

Thus, you will now take, dear children, the water of this basin, blessed by the Holy Spirit, so it may be sprinkled over those who will be consecrated by a priest, as a symbol of consecration and of renewal, closing the doors of the past and opening the doors, the new doors, to the Celestial Kingdom.

May this consecration mean to live the commitment with God in a perpetual and eternal way, so that all that surround your lives and paths may also be able to receive the Grace of being consecrated someday to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart.

In this place, and through this new army that is being consecrated today, I want to see true warriors of peace who, in Argentina, make the importance of this Marian Center and the spiritual task it carries out be known, when souls simply place their feet on this place, for this will help more souls in this Argentina to once again recover the light of love and mainly experience the path to their redemption.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Let us fetch the water. Sister Amerisa, if you would, please.

Let us prepare at this moment and in the Presence of the Most Holy Mary for this consecration of the new Children of Mary who will represent Argentina and the future which this nation must live as part of a New Humanity.

So be it.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

Beloved and Almighty Lord, yesterday, through Your faithful Servant, You deigned to bless this small and humble source so that from here the New Christs may emerge.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

We will ask the new Children of Mary who will be consecrated to stand, place their hands in a sign of reception and let us prepare for this consecration.

We will intone the hymn of your consecration.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

When a soul is consecrated to God, it can mirror the Divine Attributes of the Creator on the surface.

Divine Thought is done through the souls that are consecrated, to find again in each moment the love of the universe and all of Creation.

I leave here, dear children, with the joy of having accomplished this important call through you.

I invite you and I call you to accompany Our Sacred Hearts until the end of this pilgrimage, through which many more things will be avoided.

So be it.

I bless you, under the authority that My beloved Son granted Me and under the authority of the Supreme Celestial Father.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for responding to My call.

See you soon!

Thursday, October 12 of 2017

Daily Messages

The Celestial Commander

Here is the Celestial Commander, who carries stamped on Her Maternal Heart the Sacred Star of the Brotherhood.

Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who commands armies of angels and souls in this Universe to be able to establish long periods of Peace.

Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who together with Her Beloved Son carries forward the Rescue Plan, the one Who builds the bridges of light and the fraternal bonds of love through the prayers of all Her children.

Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who silently works in this Universe, the one Who ignites the Mirrors of hearts so that souls feel the ardor of the Love of Christ.

Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who seeks the good in Her children, the one Who promotes the redeeming prayer, the Mother Who will always bring you closer to God.

Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who descends from the Kingdom of the Heavens to grant hearts a Grace, the one Who accompanies, helps, and understands Her fellow beings.

Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who carries with Her the Sword of Light of the Archangels of Heaven, in order to expel the invading spirits, to separate souls from the path of perdition.

Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who carries between Her Hands the Shield of the Archangel Michael, to be able to defend Her children during the battles, the one Who protects and supports the innocent souls.

Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who intercedes for the impossible causes, the one Who defends the souls during their judgement, the one Who grants hearts moments of Peace.

Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who raises the consciousnesses towards what is true, the one Who prevents destruction in this world, Who guides and accompanies the inner awakening of souls.

Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who brings from the Universe the Gifts of God, to pour them upon the world as infinite Graces, the Mother Who presents the offerings of Her children to God.

Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who interrelates the Universes so that the Rays may transfigure the planet from time to time, the Commander Who, transmutes from cycle to cycle, the chaos of humanity.

Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who gestates in Her Most Pure Womb the emergence of a new humanity, the one Who will show the world the door through which Christ will return.

Here is the tireless Celestial Commander, the one Who baptizes Her children with the Holy Spirit, the Mother who grants the inner reconciliation.

Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who today descends in Glory upon this Marian Center, to be able to open the eyes of Her children and show them the true path of the spirit, the path of perpetual prayer.

Here is the Celestial Commander, the Patroness of Brazil, the Lady Aparecida, the Kind Mother Who protects the spirit of the nations.

That today, on the day of Her celestial celebration, the souls receive from the Lady Aparecida sufficient strength of love to be able to live the changes that will come.

Here is the Celestial Commander, the one Who prepares the souls for the return of Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Thursday, October 12 of 2017

Vigils of Prayer

In the same way as on a cold afternoon, on February 11, 1858, in the Massabielle Grotto, in Lourdes, today I come to meet with you, dear children, to plead, together with you, to the Celestial Father for all that I still must do here, in Argentina, together with My Son and Saint Joseph.

I hope hearts feel that a Divine Purpose is being gestated through this pilgrimage, during which all the hearts of this Earth again receive a new opportunity, which comes directly from My Immaculate Heart.

I want you, dear children, to feel the importance of continuing to accompany your Heavenly Mother on this path of redemption, which, together with My beloved Son and His Divine Presences, We have been building on the surface of this humanity.

Thus, today I come as the Lady of Lourdes, and at the foot of this small fount of Christ, I baptize you again by the strength of the Holy Spirit, for all that water, as a chaste element, can provide for humanity.

May this water, which is today at My feet, be the symbol for the immediate healing of spiritual life that many souls need for these times.

Just as I told Bernadette to dig and find the Fount of Life, today, through this water, dear children, I ask you to participate in your purification, your healing and redemption, through this element, which, from the origins of the Earth, has given itself to humanity to be a part of its evolution, and mainly, of its healing: of its spiritual healing, its mental healing, and its bodily healing.

See then, My beloved children, how important the symbol of water is in these times. How much it suffers in the world, the great waste of humanity and the permanent contamination, which even spiritually compromises it, so that it may continue to carry out its task with humanity.

God first created water. Have you ever asked yourselves why the Holy Lord, the Almighty, created water before humankind?

I come to show you, through this example, the spirit of self-giving, of humility, chastity and surrender, by means of the Kingdoms and the elements of this Nature, which God expressed for all His children.

Today, on this day of vigil of prayer, let your spirits be spiritually washed by the gifting of this water, so that your spirits are able to merge with Christ and Christ, My beloved Son, is able to be present in your hearts and for more time, in this humanity.

I am happy for being able to be here, in this place and at this very moment, together with My children, so that, through My Presence, you can feel the Celestial Kingdom, which comes to meet with you to strengthen your hearts and souls; so that you may continue to be, in this end time, instruments renewed in Christ, for the concretization of His Redemptive Work, in this time and with this current humanity.

Each time you feel the need, dear children, for purifying your hearts and minds, approach the rivers, the oceans or this small waterfall, to find through it the symbol of reconciliation, of healing, and of union with God.

The water element is in permanent self-giving for the world, and is not deemed by this humanity to have the value it has deserved, since the beginning of Creation. For this reason, My Son, throughout the times and the generations, baptizes with His Spirit, by means of the Sacrament of Baptism and with the gift of the water element, so the forces contrary to evolution present in souls can be dispelled and expelled, and spirits be renewed through this Sacrament, which your Lord has instituted for the permanent renewal of this humanity and future humanity.

I am here today also as the Mother of all the Kingdoms, so that, through them, you may feel the love they silently radiate, and the very deep and intimate healing that your souls can find, by simply drawing close to them.

This will also help, dear children, at least a part of the more aware of humanity, to consider the Kingdoms with the importance they have for Our Lord, and above all, for their presence in the future humanity.

You, as human beings of this surface, could not live on this planet without the Kingdoms of Nature. They also transmute the contrary current and all the action that the humankind of these times generates, transgressing the Kingdoms, as well as each element of Nature. But if your hearts, in simplicity and love, contemplate the Kingdoms with the gratitude they need, many things can be repaired. Great expanses of the Kingdoms of this Nature can be healed and relieved, when humankind contemplates them with love and simplicity.

Simply with this act, great devas and elementals can be led into new spheres of evolution, for the purpose of having an opportunity, still on this planet.

See, dear children, how water, in its permanent self-giving, holds all this information of each of the Kingdoms. Because I remind you once again that water was present first, since the beginning of this planet.

How much it can contribute to the world through its Laws of Healing and of Grace!

Water is also the principal element of communion with Christ, together with wine and bread.

The Rays of My Grace cause sparks of light to emerge, coming from the water element, present in other Universes.

See, dear children, how important water is in this humanity, which without it, could never be physically alive.

Water, lovingly created by God for this humanity and this planet, is not only a physical element; it is an alchemical element, a spiritual science that comes from the Source of Creation.

See also, dear children, how the counterpart of water at a spiritual and inner level, can be found on the planes of consciousness where God the Creator is present.

Is the water of this world correctly esteemed? You and I know that it is not. It is time to consider water with the spirit and gratitude it deserves, because in a future time, the water of life will be lacking. But the souls that are aware in the world will be able to help safeguard this element, so the water of the world not only be salty.

If you radiate love to the water element, you will help its great devas, present in various parts of the world, such as in the great oceans.

The nations of the world could never live without water. And we all know that; but they could never live without its spiritual counterpart, which is what heals, restores and redeems consciousnesses.

I invite you to continue to pray for the Kingdoms of Nature, so they can survive in these times, under the conditions of this humanity, which each day are more serious and outrage the elements God created for humankind as a great offering of love.

I wish to make a last revelation for the Planetary Consciousness. Water, on this physical plane, is the Presence of God, the Living God, who can be close to His children and not only feed them, but also nurture them with His Divine Spirit through the element of water.

Now, before Creation, dear children, recognize the importance of this sacred element, which, if missing in the future, as it already is missing in some regions of the world, will generate a great social inequality, a war for water.

Preserve what God has given you in this incarnation, through the self-giving of this element, so it may be esteemed in the world, contemplated, loved and respected, just as you should do daily.

Each time water is wasted, a debt is generated in the Universe by humanity itself. If you cannot drink of this element, because it may not be pure, gift it to the elements of Nature, to the gardens, the animals, so that they too can be in God, as you are in God through the water element.

Today I want to bring this message to Argentina and to South America, because here there are great reservoirs of water that will serve future humanity. From the south of Ushuaia to the north of South America, God has left a great physical and spiritual treasure here for humanity.

Continue to pray so that the water element can preserve its chastity and purity in the world. Because remember, dear children, that the rest of the Kingdoms of Nature also depend on it for being able to live in this end time.

In the Grotto of Massabielle I left the fount of water open, so that all souls of the world could heal their bodies, close their inner wounds.

Today, through the water from this fount blessed by Christ, My beloved Son, I come to bless it with a special gesture of love, so that souls may avail themselves of it and also be able to heal in this part of the world.

May this water serve to baptize consciousnesses, to heal the wounds of injured bodies. 

To again sanctify this element with the effusion of the Spirit of God, we will pray to Our beloved Lord Jesus Christ, so that through this element, He may grant healing for souls, redemption for hearts, freedom for those still not redeemed. 

Let us pray to God, dear children, with all the strength of our hearts, as you have done this afternoon, pleasing My Immaculate Heart and allowing Me to pour out My Graces in the most distant places of this world, where souls also saw themselves benefited, as in Argentina.

May this fervent prayer born of your hearts never end, never be over, be inexhaustible and perpetual, so that I can establish a point of Light and of Grace here for the world, which must expand, through your collaboration, to all of this nation.

Let us pray to Jesus, in the humility of the heart and in the devotion of the soul.

I will first pray to God and then we will pray together, dear children, so that the strength and the power of this element, in its constant and permanent self-giving, may reach the souls most in need of liberation, healing and redemption.

Accompany Me at this moment, from the heart, in the plea I will now make.

O Most High God!
Who made Yourself small and alike, 
in the eyes of all Your children,
I ask, with the strength of My Soul,
 with the Love of My Heart and the devotion of My Spirit, 
that You sanctify and consecrate, in the name of Your Celestial Mother,
this blessed and pure element,
so it may serve, help and free those most in need of You,
so that Your Celestial Kingdom may finally be established
in all hearts.


Now let us pray to Jesus:


Blood and Water
that flowed out from the Heart of Jesus
as a Fountain of Mercy for us, 
I trust in You.


And now, dear children, place your left hand on your chest and your right hand stretched out to Me and in communion with the water element, as a symbol of the purification of the Earth and of humanity.

Now from My own Hands receive the Grace that I will offer you, so that healing, the most profound healing may be established in your consciousnesses.

Receive this Grace as a sphere of Light, which the Immaculate Conception brings today from Heaven for Her children.

Now place your right hand over your heart and let us give thanks to God for this Grace received.

I would like the song of your voices to rise to Heaven, so that I may carry this offering of your hearts for the Kingdoms of Nature, for Argentina and for the emergence of the new humanity.

I want you to again sing “Flower of Peace”.

I thank you for responding to this important call. And tomorrow I will return here to bless each of you, Argentina and the world.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Wednesday, October 11 of 2017

Daily Messages
Daily Message of the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in Los Cocos, Punilla, Cordoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

Today, I come to the world for the surface human beings who are suffering from genocide, annihilation and exile.

In this cycle, I come to pray and intercede with all the strength of My Heart for all those that, in these modernistic times, suffer the consequences from other human beings.

If in these times and this cycle, this kind of massacre is occurring, just like what the Animal Kingdom experiences daily, the debt of humanity and the nations that promote these kinds of actions will grow disproportionately and the debt will become unpayable. That is to say, nobody will be able to take charge of this situation.

If these events occur between siblings in these times, it means that humanity has gone backwards in space-time and has generated a state of spiritual involution never seen before.

The same thing is happening with the Animal Kingdom, which since ancient times, is the main worldwide object of massacres never seen before and done in the most unthinkable ways. That is the reason for which humanity pays the price of its acts with its own blood, increasing the action of Universal Justice on this suffering blue planet.

Moreover, this world continues in this Solar System because of an inexplicable Grace which could never be understood and which allows this race to survive itself.

The presence of certain outstanding souls in this humanity, in this time, allows a planetary vortex to be created which supports, alleviates and transmutes the planetary reality, to the point of dissolving irreversible spiritual and physical situations.

But when the day comes for Universal Justice, that vortex of Light, which is supported by various souls in the world, will be deactivated and humanity will become awake and aware of its gravest errors.

At that moment, we must pray, because those souls that are present in this period of the planet will carry out their great and last task for humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace 

Tuesday, October 10 of 2017

Daily Messages

I shall come with the Scepter of the Light of God on one hand and with the mighty Sword of fire of the Archangels on the other to separate light from darkness, to rescue the souls lost in the abysses and the illusion of spiritual mysticism.

I shall come with the Sword of fire of the Holy Archangels so that some darkness may be dissipated, so as to ensure that the spirits that wander around this part of the world be expelled and led to other spaces of the universe.

I shall come in these days with the Sword of fire of the Archangels to close with My own hands the spiritual abysses opened by the excessive search for a spirituality based on the benefit of very few.

I shall come with the Sword of fire of the Archangels to gather the self-summoned of the Plan and to create the future foundations of a new Ark of God, where not only the Kingdoms will be helped, but also the consciousnesses which must be removed from a constant spiritual and mystical illusion.

I shall come with the Sword of fire of the Archangels of God to bring you peace once again.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monday, October 9 of 2017

Daily Messages

I come to this part of Argentina to institute again the Principles of God that the souls of this place of the nation must live.

I come to banish certain capital powers that have made so many consciousnesses objects of evil.

Because of that, as Co-Redeemer I come to this part of Argentina and return to My beloved Marian Center of the Holy Spirit to be close to My children and to give them what they need to keep taking the steps of faith towards Christ.

I wish by all means, spiritual and divine, that my sons of this region of Argentina, came out of spiritual mysticism, that they opened their eyes and feel in their hearts the true and only Brotherhood, the one that comes from the Universe and permeates with Its Light this part of Argentina.

I come to gather the lost ones, to the searchers of something greater, the ones that have forgotten God within their inner self.

With all of them I will make a new flock so that, recognizing on their paths the footprints of Christ, they may consecrate again to the Plan of the Creator.

This mission that God has commissioned Me has just begun.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

You Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Sunday, October 8 of 2017

Daily Messages
Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from Santa Fe to Córdoba, Argentina to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

May you feel My Peace today, because you are in the place and at the time which you are supposed to be.

May an unchangeable faith be built within you, so that the unity between your consciousness and God can reign.

May you be calm, because everything that happens is for the good of the universe and your evolution.

May you not fear anything, because if I am here, nothing or no one can harm you.

May you live at this time the joy of serving God, the rejoicing of fulfilling the Will of the Most High.

May you not get tired of walking, because in spite of the stones on the path or the difficulties that may arise, if you are truly united to My Heart, all will tremble, but the inner fortitude will be unbreakable.

At this hour, may you offer yourself for the planet, for its Kingdoms and for all that exists and lives here, so that you can allow the Plan of Christ to triumph on Earth with your minimum effort.

May nothing or no one oppose My children, because I will tread on their head as I did on the serpent.

May no one tempt the Will of God, for he will not know its outcome.

May the wolves dressed in sheep's clothing be set aside.

Let nothing opposed, apparent or contrary to the Light of the Plan prevail.

So be it.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Saturday, October 7 of 2017

Daily Messages
Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Santa Fé, Argentina to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Through the act of consecration of new clergy, My Son is able to move forward with His Work of redemption on the planet, because from the consecration of new souls to the Sacred Heart, this creates a spiritual bridge by which humanity can be aided through a most powerful Grace.

It is thus that the act of consecration of new clergy in this cycle represents the deactivation of global human illusion and of all that leads souls into separating themselves from the Love of God.

That is why, when such a new soul consecrates itself to the Heart of Christ, giving and surrendering its life to the life of the spirit, it must be kept in mind that this consciousness, as from the moment of its consecration, enters into another Law, and in this way, is separated from the continuous tendency of the race to open doors to damnation.

It is through the young souls that are consecrated that your Heavenly Mother has the permission to intercede and to bring from the Universe, great flows of Grace to be given and poured out in impossible situations and in irreversible cases.

All this is possible when souls recently consecrated to My Son accept entering the Christic path and in this way, in the name of Christ, take on suffering and sacrifices so that the planet and its humanity may have a new opportunity.

The path of consecration to Christ is one of the paths to the sanctity of life and the conversion of the spirit of each being.

Consecration represents, in this time, one of the principal means by which Christ is able to concretize the Plan of Rescue.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Friday, October 6 of 2017

Daily Messages

While some souls risk their lives and their evolution for this planet, My Heart comes to protect and shelter them in this cycle of Armageddon.

Everything that you live at this moment will be part of the battle, and at the same time, of the inner preparation for what must come later to this world.

In the meantime, do not allow that your aspirations to fully serve Christ fade, do not allow that the aspiration of achieving redemption also fade.

Keep rowing together with Me until we are able to find a good port within this spiritual shipwreck that the planet is facing.

Continue to live the purification of the heart, the transcendence of the feelings that form part of the human degeneration of these times.

Whatever happens, never lose the great capacity of loving and of serving, because I assure you that someday you will be free from the ties and the chains that for centuries have imprisoned many souls.

I am with you, in the joy as well as in the tests. I am maternally inseparable from the new apostles of Christ.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Thursday, October 5 of 2017

Daily Messages

Look into My Eyes and discover My Peace.

Look into My Eyes and envision My Light, the Light of God.

Look into My Eyes and find My Maternal Love.

Look into My Eyes and regard My Face.

Look into My Eyes so that evil may dissolve.

Look into My Eyes so that love may be born in you.

Look into My Eyes so that everything may be transformed.

Look into My Eyes and feel the divine protection.

Look into My Eyes so that you may follow My steps.

Look into My Eyes so that everything may be renewed.

Look into My Eyes so that everything may become calm.

Look into My Eyes so that you may feel My Heart.

Look into My Eyes so that the new being may emerge.

Look into My Eyes so that everything may be redeemed.

Look into My Eyes so that peace may flourish.

Look into My Eyes and feel Me everywhere.

Look into My Eyes and all will be in God.

Look into My Eyes because I Am already here.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Wednesday, October 4 of 2017

Daily Messages

Dear children,

That on this day your consciences collect themselves in the Heart of God, so that they may then acquire strength of spirit, that which will help them to miraculously carry on the foreseen task.

Know, children, that I Am with you until the last days of life and that I do not forget any detail, since it is important that the souls reach their inner and divine growth.

This is why, I come every day from Heaven to guide you and indicate to you the new path which will be necessary to travel in the name of My Son and for the concretion of His inexplicable Work of mercy.

Thus you will confront and live unexpected situations, those which will allow you to strengthen your faith without ceasing to be protected by the Holy Spirit.

Each stage that you live will help you to grow and, every day reach to be nothing, so that through your hearts the imperious force of the Holy Spirit of God manifests, Spirit that will liberate you in each new step and thus you will be able to learn to love more and more.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Tuesday, October 3 of 2017

Daily Messages

I Am the Doorkeeper of the Universe and in My Immaculate Heart I keep the keys to the Heavens, the same keys that Peter received as an inner and spiritual legacy from My Beloved Son.

These keys, which are bathed in the Love of My Heart for all the children of the world, are the ones that allow Me, as Mother and Mediator, to intercede for the salvation of souls and for the redemption of hearts.

In the same way, with My own Hands I can undo the knots and the most hard bindings of humanity, and simply with the opening of a brave heart, I can intercede for that consciousness and liberate it from its constant captivity.

Today I come as the Doorkeeper of the Heavens because at sometime of your lives you will face this mystery, which will be revealed and will need your attention for you to be able to recognize it.

I Am the Doorkeeper of the Heavens, because I desire that many more hearts may be able to enter into the Kingdom of the Heavens and thus live in Communion with the Highest so that redemption may finally be established.

I Am the Doorkeeper of the Heavens and I try to lead My children towards the truth of the heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Monday, October 2 of 2017

Daily Messages

Dear children:

Humanity as a consciousness must surrender to God so that all the faults committed may be forgiven and the hearts may be relieved and liberated form their inner captivity.

As long as there is no true surrender and disposition to God, the humanity that does not yet repent will suffer greatly and will learn to become conscious of its errors through the effects caused by all its decisions.

Announce to the world and to all those you find on your paths that the time has come to surrender to God, to place your head on the ground and to ask for mercy and forgiveness so that, before the last great events, the souls may find the path of salvation.

For this, I come to ask all the souls of the world the daily consecration to My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, so that I can intercede more each time for all those who are lost and hypnotized by the traps of the enemy.

I wish at this time, My children, that everyone can open their eyes and come out of the world illusion that traps millions of souls.

Tell the souls to consecrate day to day to My Immaculate Heart, so that the majority can live a true repentance of their sins and thus, receive the Grace of a victorious redemption directly from My Beloved Son.

Remember that repentance form the heart opens the doors to the Kingdom of the Heavens so that the Divine Mercy may descend.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Sunday, October 1 of 2017

Daily Messages

My Crown of Twelve Stars is crowned by the essence of the most beautiful flowers in the world.

My Mantle is covered by all the leaves of the plants of the world, but My Heart is the Divine Rose that represents the synthesis of the Creation of God on this planet.

My Blue Belt is the vine of life, the one that seeks to grow, to spread, and always rise to the highest to praise God.

My Tunic is embroidered by the matrix of themost simple flowers of the world, those that express a permanent devotion to the Creator. And I am surrounded by the Rays that each Kingdom expresses on this planet, to donate itself to God.

I am the Mother of Nature and I am integrated by each Aspect of God once manifested in the beginning of this Creation.

My Immaculate Heart keeps the matrix of the Kingdoms of Nature. My Cells keep the memory and the origin of each created Kingdom.

I Am a part of Life, of the Infinite, and of the regeneration for this planet. The one who from theheart, is with the Kingdoms of Nature, will always be with Me to be able to realize the Will of God on this planet.

The Kingdoms of Nature simply need to feel themselves loved by the human being of the surface, so that they too may be healed.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
