During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary annouced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!

Special Apparitions

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I am the Mother of the World, I am the Mother of the Mountains.

And today you are here, in this place, as a part of this humanity, representing the entire race, all souls and consciousnesses that are at some point of this climbing of the mountain; a moment when the climbing becomes harder and more difficult for all, because this is a moment of inflection, when a change, not only in the consciousness, but also in what is material, has to take place.

But while the world, that is, the human race, does not silence and go inwards, the Plan of Rescue will not be fulfilled.

At the end of this year, I not only come with all the Grace of God to again bless you  and be with you, but I also come with a warning Message, but also with a Message of awakening. This is the time to cross the great portal of salvation and rescue that the Hierarchy is presenting to you.

We know that not all listen to Our Words, that not all practice Our Messages, that very few are the example of a Christic and fraternal life upon the surface of the Earth. But today, I do not come to point out your mistakes, your faults or your traumas. Today, I come to ask you to keep climbing up this mountain, because at the top lies your liberation.

There you will find My Son, the Resurrected, the Resplendent, the True Christ that up until now no one has known. At the top of the mountain you will recognize His true Face, and you will deeply know where He comes from and what was the reason for Him to be created.

He used an image for everyone to be able to understand, but, in His Heart, and, above all, in His Spirit, in His Divinity, God was there. It was so that the world might understand His Message of salvation and the announcement that the Kingdom of God lives and dwells within each being.

Now, all religions must also be rescued and elevated again, because, in these times of tribulation, the consciousnesses lose the sense of their spirituality.

I call you to be attentive, I call you to be vigilant, I call you to be collaborators of peace and of good within this humanity. Even if the acts carried out are small and insignificant, I invite you and call upon you to keep doing them.

All the good that can be generated in this human race will relieve the chaos of these times and will allow the Armageddon, the great door of the Apocalypse, to be more transitory for all, and not more painful, as it has been up until today.

In this way, those who take advantage of the marginalized, those who take advantage of the poorest, extracting the goods that God sends to them so that they may survive and remake their lives, cause them to live in global injustice. Therefore, the Hierarchy gathers, at this moment, to also work upon those very material situations, although it does not seem to be so.

But the state of consciousness, of the awakening and discernment of each being, will give them the wisdom they need to continue forward.

I come here, once again, as a Messenger of God, because, together with you, I am climbing this sorrowful mountain, which is the corrupt consciousness of humanity, it is this planetary calvary that all are going through, some with greater impact, and others with greater relief, but if you join My Marian Spirit, My Spirit of Love and Fraternity, many more souls will be touched so that they can awaken and realize that, up to today, they have been asleep.

I also come as the Servant of My Son, the Christ. I come in His Name and at His request, to tell you this Message: do not let yourselves be pushed, at this moment, by the adversities of the world, by all that which the governments do, by the conditioning that souls live in this cycle, although they are submerged and pressed by a global system, but rather, keep moving forward.

May your faith lead you to transcend all these situations.

May your love for the Plan of God lead you to overcome all these situations.

And may you be capable of, at this moment, loving as My Son loved you, up until the Cross, until each moment of His martyrdom, of His flagellation, of His sorrow and of His pain.

Who will offer themselves as a great server of the world, a great humble and peaceful server, to help My Son transmute and internally liberate this planetary situation?

This is why I ask you, My beloved children, not to remain in what is superficial, not to remain in what is material, to be free from yourselves, from the comments, from the judgments, from all that you see, observe and contemplate in this world. Do not be just another weight for the soul of this planet. Relieve the consciousness of nature and all the Lower Kingdoms; because, in this way, justice will be lighter for all.

In this way, the planetary birth is drawing near, the consciousness of the planet shakes and trembles, because it is the time of the awakening, but it is also the time for the purification of this world, of all its evils, adversities and errors that were committed by this race and by all previous civilizations.

For this reason, the Great Celestial Brotherhood is here, in the invisible and silent planes, where peace, sovereignty and truth reign, to guide as many consciousnesses as possible, especially the most asleep and most ignorant.

For this reason, opening up My arms and extending My Hands towards you, I beg you, beloved children, to follow the path of the inner truth. Do not let yourselves be confused and influenced by the spiritualities of these times, you already know and have heard that there is only one Truth, which is My Son. He is the Way, He is the Truth, He is the Life, for each one of you.

What do you most need at this moment?

Keep rowing at this planetary moment, because the boat of My Son must reach a good haven. This boat is formed by all the serving consciousnesses of the world, regardless of their religions or even of their belief.

I need you at another level of consciousness. I need you at the top of the mountain, to be able to glimpse and understand the reality of the world, because if you are at the foot of the mountain, you will be submerged by evil.

Open your eyes, and, above all, open your hearts, so you can feel what I am telling you, because this is a time of great transition, the end of a year that culminates with many defeats, in the consciousness of this world, in the consciousness of humanity, but Faith, Peace, Love, the Light and the Mercy of God have not ceased to descend upon this world.

If these attributes had ceased to descend to the world for the souls that truly pray and make a commitment with Me, day by day, what would have happened, My beloved children?

For a moment, think of all that I am telling you. May My Words not be carried by the wind, as they were many times before. May My Words remain in the heart of each one of you and in the hearts of your brothers and sisters, because in the Word of the Hierarchy, you will find the power for overcoming, the power for the transformation, for the transcendence of these times.

We do not come to ask you for something impossible or unattainable, we come to ask you for what is real and for what is possible, which is a thorough change in your lives.

You have received many gifts, you have received many spiritual treasures, you have received many Graces, and, I could even say, many amnesties and atonements. This is the time for the apostles of My Son, the companions of My Son, to be defined and to live and fulfill what they have come to do in this world.

These are no longer times of theories, these are times for the Teaching to be in the practice, in each detail, in each step taken, day by day.

Thus, you will acquire a mature consciousness, in a quick and surprising way, because My Son needs it to be so. My son needs the virtues and the talents that He left to us so that He can return.

In this way, you will allow, My beloved children, the Work of God to be strengthened in this world, and even in what is insignificant, in order for this humanity to be transformed.

I come with a goal, I come with a purpose, that, more each day, you may grow internally, that in the availability and self-giving of your lives, there may be healing for this world, because, as has happened to many servers throughout the times, someone will always have to give their life for others, give their life for the Plan of God.

At the end of this year, this is what each one is called to think about and meditate upon, to reflect and feel My Words within their heart, Words that only have the mission of elevating you, transcending you, making you ever-more aware and awakened before the reality of this cruel and difficult world.

I know that many times you have thought that your lives and your paths would be different. I am not saying that in your lives happiness or the joy of serving is lacking, even the sharing as a family or as brothers and sisters, I am talking about the inner attitude, the attitude that each one of My children must have at these times. While this is not happening, while this is not fulfilled, while this is not carried out, the Graces will remain kept in Heaven.

You must keep opening the doors of the universe because there are consciousnesses that have decided that they do not want to change, and this is something that only My Son will be able to solve when He returns.

I impel you to enter this coming year of 2022 under the spirit of Divine Wisdom, which leads, guides and concretizes the Aspirations of the Father in the three planes: spiritual, mental and material. May this important network of souls, this important network of light, of love and service, formed by you, expand and nourish as many hearts as possible, which wait for an opportunity.

I leave you My Light and My Peace at this moment, thus blessing in this way the whole world on this day, on the last day of 2021, so that not only the spiritual principles may be respected by humanity, and also valued and recognized, but also so that the material principals, human dignity, the common good, fraternity and love for your neighbors, the help for the needy, may be the keynote that may motivate the consciousnesses so that the great debt of this world may be placated by the service, love and peace of those who truly give of themselves, and may this also help the religions to give more, and even the non-believers to give, so that they may realize they are children of the Source.

I thank you for having the bravery of listening to My Words, and of making your attention hang on each one of My Words, in each part of My Message.

I am the Mother of the World, the Mother of the New Humanity, the Queen of Aurora.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Upon the planet, there has always existed the presence of the Hierarchy. This presence came to this civilization to guide it and accompany its learning of the expansion of consciousness.

In this way, countless beings were summoned, in the inner planes of consciousness, so that these Hierarchies could offer to participate in the evolutionary and redeeming process of the whole human race.

In turn, this call and summoning allowed for the expansion of the field of service and self-giving of the souls, so that they could also live the advancement of their state of consciousness towards a higher and unconditional consciousness.

The lineage or virtue of the master was something that was applied since earlier times because true guidance and instruction were necessary for humanity, to prevent it from constantly straying.

So, these great summoned consciousnesses would act and help the human project in an imperceptible and silent way, bringing to the planet all the impulses needed in order for humanity to be able to perceive the continuous need for ascension.

For this, the summoned Masters were assigned to intervene spiritually and internally in certain cultures, races and peoples who could understand them and, above all, understand the message and instruction received.

With this purpose, the Masters concentrated in important and solitary spaces, such as the mountains of the Himalayas, the Alps, the Pyrenees, and even in the grand mountainous chain of the American Andes. From there, within the Sacred Enclaves of retreat, silence and contemplation, they began to work spiritually for the various needs that humanity had.

All this work of the Hierarchy was internal, but, in many cases, the process of materialization took place, which means bringing an inner level toward a physical and concrete level, without losing the acquired principles and teachings.

This movement, in accordance with the necessity or emergency of the inner nuclei, collaborated with the quick awakening of consciousnesses toward a reality that is not of matter. That is to say, of becoming aware of the life of the spirit and of the divine essence of each being.

These apparitions of the Masters fostered, both in the East and in the West, the necessary balance to encompass the expansion of consciousness and, above all, the responsibility for the evolutionary and cosmic path.

Today, I reveal this history and reality to you because it is important to understand the inner meaning of the existence of various religions that, in ancient times, were impelled by the intention of the Divinity through the Hierarchy. 

This is the moment to carry out a vaster synthesis, to understand the reason for the existence of so many religions that in the time to come must walk together towards a definite union with the Divine, leaving behind that which each one represents or teaches, and allowing for the matrix of all of them to merge with the Love of God.

Therefore, you must pray so that your Divine Mother, who has this mission for the religions of humanity, may carry forward that which God needs, with the help and collaboration of all My children.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Spirit of God dwells in the mountains and expresses within them His strength to inspire souls towards the elevation and illumination of consciousness.

The Spirit of God dwells in the silence of the mountains, in their interior, where the history of all life is held, from where this world is sustained in secret and in solitude.

The Spirit of God dwells in the mountains, inviting His children to discover the truth about themselves.

Nature, children, holds within itself many attributes and gifts of the Spirit of God. This Holy and Immaculate Spirit dwells in matter to invite it to find the sacred which exists within this dimension of life.

The Spirit of God, silent in the depths of nature, invites us to find unity, not only among brothers and sisters, but also unity with life, with the dimensions, with the stars.

Let your spirits find the silent Spirit of God, hidden in everything that expresses harmony and beauty, and allow yourselves to be inspired, awakened and renewed by this Divine Presence.

The Spirit of God dwells in the mountains to lead you towards the highest point of your own consciousness which is, at the same time, the most hidden, and which reveals itself in the silence of your inner self.

Find in yourselves the high peaks, where the Spirit of God dwells. There you will be in peace.

You have My blessing for this.

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph


I am the Pilgrim of the snow, and I walk among the mountains so that, in withdrawal, I may find God.

I am the Pilgrim of the snow, and I wander within the mountains so that, in silence, I may speak with God.

I am the Pilgrim of the snow, and I walk among the mountains to feel the Creation of God.

I am the Pilgrim of the snow, and I remain in the mountains to revere and pray with God.

I am the Pilgrim of the snow, and I withdraw into the high mountains so as to ask and implore for this humanity.

I am the Pilgrim of the snow, and I remain in this very simple place to remind souls of the great humility of God.

I am the Pilgrim of the snow, and today I come to meet with you in the cold mountains because My wish is to lead you to be in the Universe of God and remain in His infinite peace.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


I was waiting for you, companions, to arrive at this region of Argentina so that, in these days, as it was on mount Tabor, you may get to know My real Aspect, My Cosmic and Solar Consciousness.

Now it is time for a minority, in representation of humanity, to receive this revelation, the one I will try to show you during the coming days. This will prepare the planet for when it enters its final stage and has to inevitably experience its definition.

Therefore, such revelation of My Face, still deeper and unknown, even by the same Church, shall come out of the Tabernacles for humanity to see, once again, the Son of God transfigured, at the top of the mountain.

As it was with My apostles, I will tell you what it is about and you will become conscious of where I come from and where I went after My ascension. Because during the day, the sky is there, but at night you have the whole Universe upon you, many constellations, nebulae and galaxies, beyond your reality, which I govern and lead.

This is the time to deeply know the Son of God, in His Solar and Cosmic aspect, therefore the next Marathon of the Divine Mercy shall be the preamble for this cycle of revelations.

I thank you already for sustaining this cycle!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


Never fear that you are far from God, He knows everything that happens to you, day by day.

You have already learned, throughout the years, to communicate with Him through the power of prayer and you learned, with love, how to do it well.

Never fear that you are separate from Him because He, who is Father and the Infinite, is closer to His children than it seems. It will suffice that when you do not manage to solve something for yourself, you allow Him to enter inside of you so that God can act and work with Mercy.

Never tire of calling Him and of supplicating His Holy Name. He waits, beyond your mistakes and doubts, that you can find Him all the time, in the beauty of a gorgeous day, during the dawn of the sun, in the smile of a brother or sister, in the sharing of suffering and pain of others.

God shows Himself through many senses and forms, He only expects His children to always find His Love and experience It.

Therefore, there will still be difficult mountains to climb, immense rivers to cross and great deserts to travel, but He will never, absolutely never, abandon you.

Raise your arms and you will find God. Experience Him in nature, in the silence of the heart, in the fervor of a sincere prayer.

He is there, waiting for you and understanding you. He offers His Chest of Light so that you can lean and cry upon Him, and thus receive His incommensurable Love.

Dare to follow Him.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Songs of Figueira – “Stellar Regent”

In this song there is a precious invocation to the Spiritual Hierarchy, in which the terrestrial consciousness can find a revelation of its true being.

What is necessary is the intercession of a Stellar Regent, which would be the perfect and direct bridge, so that the higher aspect of the human being may attain a correct correspondence of its being through the communion with the Supreme Consciousness.

The song mentions a mountain, sacred symbol of the upliftment of consciousness. The mountain is also this pure and immaculate place where we can find the Brotherhood, so that the door of return to our origin may be opened.

The aspect that is expressed in the song “Stellar Regent”is the so-called vibration of the Spiritual Hierarchy, which, like a cosmic pole, attracts to the Earth, and all of its humanity, to the currents of the sidereal space, that are nourished by the Source of Creation.

From the Consciousness of the Hierarchy, the impulse that the terrestrial beings need is born, so that, in these definitive times, they may be able to rise in plane and vibration.

As the song says, this leads the human being, who joins the Hierarchy, to never again forget it, especially in the moments when the very being will have to face its spiritual reality.

This remembrance that the song reveals leads the spiritual human beings to be aware that they come from a universal origin and that they will have to fulfill a universal Will.

When souls have the grace of knowing all of this, and nevertheless, waste the opportunity, their spiritual life goes back and the Universe makes space for the consciousness to learn what it has decided to learn.

This song helps us not to be ungrateful, to respond adequately, according to what the spiritual Hierarchy needs, in order to eradicate the indifference and the lack of love from the planet, so that brotherhood may reign among beings.

For this reason, as the song says, the Hierarchy always emits a signal so that the consciousness may be able to awaken, and thus, reciprocate in the designs that go beyond three-dimensional life.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master, Christ Jesus


Your Celestial Mother, together with Her children on mission, enters another nation already consecrated to My Son, to be blessed by God for a second time.

The first blessing was received from the Holy Father, who opened the inner doors for the arrival of the Sacred Hearts.

The second blessing will be given by My Beloved Son in the capital of this country, and also your Celestial Mother, in service and love for the souls, will expand that divine blessing to the rest of Ecuador.

It is thus, children, that the Sacred Hearts prepare themselves, just like you, to enter into a town also very hurt and discriminated against by the inhabitants of the first world nations.

But Ecuador holds one of the most important spiritual treasures for the Plan of God. It was the land spiritually chosen to shelter the Essence of the Love of the Source, inner Essence that pulsates within the Sacred Enclosures that are protected in the ranges of the Andes.

That is why, children, this second stage of the Pilgrimage for Peace will start in the city of Cuenca, where My missionaries will go into retreat for some days to meditate and contemplate inwardly on the reason for arriving in Ecuador at this end of the cycle and the importance of the manifestation of new Light-Communities that are to be guardians of the Treasures of the Father that will emerge for the new humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special Apparitions
Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary in Vina del Mar, Chile, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Today I am here as the Lady of Carmen, because I am the Great Star of the Sea, the Star that takes care of all the seas in the world.

Today I bring you the teaching and instruction on the oceans, so that humanity can look with a little more compassion towards them. Because although it may not seem so, before the human gaze, the oceans suffer the consequences of this humanity.

That's why I am here, in Vina del Mar, to deliver a mission to all of My children of Chile, because this dear country is completely embraced by the Pacific Ocean and this brings it the possibility of working deeply with its emotional plane.

Therefore, dear children, you who love mountains, who love nature, who love the ocean, I invite you, dear children, on behalf of this humanity and of this planet, of all the oceans of the world, to look at the oceans with more compassion, mercy and prayer. This will allow, dear children, in spite of the suffering which the oceans and all the marine beings live, for souls to receive a special Grace that comes from Our Lady of Carmen, the Great Star of the Ocean, so that more hearts may awaken to the importance of taking care and protecting the oceans.

You, dear children, more than your Heavenly Mother, know the damage caused that life in the oceans experience and how much contamination they live day by day.

How will they be able to reflect to this humanity, by means of their mirrors, emotional healing for this planet, if all the oceans in the world through the hands of humanity itself, continue to be contaminated and outraged?

If the ocean could speak, the world would hear eternal cries.

Today I come as  the Mother of Nature and also as the Great Guiding Star of Chile to invite you, dear children, to place in your daily prayer not only the Pacific Ocean that embraces you, but also all  the oceans of the world, which need intercession and prayer, so that the very angels of the universe can clean them spiritually.

It is up to this humanity on the surface to take charge of the damage caused to the oceans. Know that the oceans of the world have inner ears with which they can hear many things and with which they receive great outrages from this humanity.

I invite you, dear children, out of love for the evolution of the oceans, to open your hearts to welcome this call that your Heavenly Mother and Mother of Nature brings you today. If nothing is done in time, the whole world could remain without water and even less, it would not have water to drink.

Humanity does not imagine this situation and has no consciousness of what this means for these end times, but if at least there existed sincere and open hearts that could unite to the oceans and to all marine life, which is also trespassed day by day, the Eternal Father would be able to grant something to this humanity, through the Lady of Carmen, so that many more things may be avoided.

I invite you, dear children, to open the ears of the soul and to listen with the heart to what the Celestial Mother is bringing to you.

I would like many more children in the world to consider this important call for love and for the evolution of oceans.

I would like My children of the world to respond to this convocation, because just as I come for you, I also come for the oceans of the world, which day by day lose their original purity, their innocence and mainly, the possibility to radiate their light to the world.

Humanity needs the oceans to move forward. Human beings cannot live without water and neither without having anything to drink. Imagine a totally thirsty and arid planet.

For the mercy of the mountains, they continue pouring water from the high glaciers of the world. This helps humanity to have fresh water to drink and to nourish itself day by day.

I invite you, dear children, to take a step in consciousness, for what the Father has given you since the beginning of your Creation and for everything He has thought of for you, for your evolution and for your awakening.

I would like you to place My plea in your hearts, because if you do not do it for Me, no one in the world will do it. I am being sincere about this.

I can no longer see marine beings, whales and dolphins suffer through the hands of the humanity of this world. And even though the outrages are endless, greater is the Mercy of My Heart, which today comes to speak to you and lead you towards the path of reparation and of forgiveness.

I know that many will not want to listen to this message because they will feel uncomfortable or perhaps annoyed to know that the world, as creation and as nature, needs the consciousness of the human being and especially its correction and attention, concerning everything it does daily, transgressing the Kingdoms of this Nature.

You cannot live without the Kingdoms, without the oceans and neither without the mountains. Your spiritual life would be scarce, limited and restricted. You would have few possibilities to reach God.

That is why in these critical times, dear children, I invite you to pray from the heart to be able to compensate the outrages that this humanity makes to the oceans of this world. They need to mirror the information of the universe. This information allows you, dear children, to take steps on the spiritual path, to have impulses to serve and mainly to have reasons to be able to transform.

Mirrors reflect in humanity, through the oceans, great divine principles, which will be necessary for the next humanity, for the future humanity.

You will be the guardians of this legacy, as well as the guardians of the Kingdoms of Nature. I need you to take care of the inner treasures of the planet, because later you will not be able to say, dear children, that no one warned you in time.

The Mercy of My Heart comes to meet you to live a deep awakening in consciousness, so that you may abandon this global hypnotism which leads many souls to constant distraction, to separate from God, from the path of Love and Truth.

I need you to take steps for your brothers and sisters not only here in Chile but also in the world, out of love for the Kingdoms of Nature and for the great oceans of this world.

The consciousness of the Kingdoms cry out to this humanity. They can no longer see instructors on the surface, guides or masters of this humanity, but rather see souls that outrage such small consciences as the Kingdoms. And they have nothing more to do nor to defend themselves, because they were not created to hurt humanity of the surface nor to disturb it.

The Kingdoms were created so that the beings of the surface, through them, could find communion with the Creator and with life. If this is lacking in humanity, that is, in the Kingdoms of Nature, as well as the great oceans, humanity will have no path to follow, to be able to find the light, reconciliation and especially forgiveness.

This is why I come here, dear children, because I know that your hearts are receptive to this call of Mine, and that you could not see the oceans, marine life, the great whales of this planet suffer, which sustain the axis of Earth, from north to south, from east to west. And although they are hurt and murdered, the consciousness of the whales does not cease to radiate love, in spite of the ignorance of the human being.

I would like the whale to be able to continue singing in the oceans of this world, to balance the Earth, to pacify the seas, to heal the emotion of this humanity, which is unbalanced.

The Kingdoms of Nature have a fundamental task in the end of times. Therefore I come today from the Pacific Ocean with this message, where I have made a pilgrimage from Asia to here, to meet you in prayer and in union with Me, because I am still preparing My Mission through that continent.

I want you to be conscious of this, and I will need, dear children, as up to now, that you accompany Me for this very important mission that I will realize in Oceania and in Asia, because My children are waiting for me, as you waited for Me today, and this goes above any event, any situation or circumstance.

I need that your consciousnesses be positioned above the material plane, the difficulties and the obstacles, to be able to accompany your Heavenly Mother in this Work, in which She, at the request of the Most High Father, will try to awaken all the Mirrors of the world to help humanity in the most acute moment of its transition and of its purification.

Do you understand now,  dear children, the importance of praying for the oceans of the world? If this does not happen, who will sustain this race of surface? If there are no Kingdoms of Nature, who will be there to support and accompany them in the great silence in which the Kingdoms live, in the great love that they have radiated since the beginning of this Creation?

I come to ask you, especially the Chileans, to become My missionaries of peace, not only on the path of prayer, but also in service, in the operative life of learning to take care of the Plan of God in this humanity and on this planet.

You have inner resources to do it. That is why I have called you here, to Viña del Mar, not only to speak to you about the oceans and about the critical situation that they face, but also to summon you to live the missionary life, from north to south of this country.

Chile, through the prayer of the heart, must also learn to sustain the tectonic plates. The balance of this country will depend on you, dear children, because this Earth, this planet, in its most intimate depth, also has wounds caused by the humanity of surface. This  is why this planet moves as it has moved here in this country, because it is living its transition that needs to be lovingly accompanied, by all your prayer.

This is the same task that the world has.

While the oceans suffer, the being on surface also suffers. The human being faces its purification and sometimes does not find a way out.

I come to show you, as the Guiding Star of all the oceans, that it is possible to move forward, dear children, if you simply take My Hand, say "yes" to Me so that I can lead you to the final purpose.

Today, My Heart is also bereaved about Europe, for the division that the Iberian Peninsula is experiencing, without consciousness of what this means to the Creator.

I also invite you, dear children, to place all of Europe in your hearts and prayers so that  it may be supported, supplied and guided by the Angels of the Nations.

The Angel of Peace, which corresponds to Portugal in these times, is having great tasks throughout the Iberian Peninsula and also throughout Europe.

I invite you to unite efforts of heart and soul, helping these great angels, responsible for the nations of the world, so that they can support the end of times with their mutual help.

I want to announce to you, dear children, by means of the Mercy of God, that I must, with your help, urgently, be in Europe to avoid something major that your brothers and sisters who are there, in Spain, do not imagine.

If humanity does not collaborate with the Plan of God, misfortunes will not be able to be avoided, because the human being, as part of this human race, has outraged all laws, all designs and all rules. And its debt is very great.

I invite you to live with Me the cross of this humanity, just as My Son lived it in an unconditional way for each one of you. He promised, He declared and announced that you would do greater things than He did. This is no longer a theory, nor a message, it is a reality that you are living by means of this Work, by means of this pilgrimage, in an inexplicable way in these times.

I come for all the human race and also for those who do not accept nor listen to Me. That is why I call you to unite to Me on this planetary mission, not only for the Kingdoms of Nature, but also for the nations, which, in case they do not maintain their spiritual and psychic balance, many things could not be avoided.

I will risk Myself in these times, dear children, to send less of My pilgrims, so that this Extraordinary Mission may become possible. This means, an even greater and invincible spirit of prayer on your part.

I will try to avoid something from Portugal, because there too, the love of My children concentrates in the great Sanctuary of Fatima, where I was with you a hundred years ago, to put an end to the war and establish a longer period of peace. But this period of peace, dear children, is ending.

I invite you to strengthen the path of prayer, because this will allow the doors of Heaven to remain open, so that the infinite Grace of My Heart may penetrate, as rays of Light, the nations that need it most, and thus I will be able to dissolve the evils of My enemy.

I invite you, dear children, to be conscious of the planetary situation, to come out of yourselves for a moment and not give work to God, but instead more service, more donation of self, more heart, so that many things may be relieved.

As you have placed your heart at the service of God in these days, I need this fire, ignited inside you, to continue forward, because I will be able to make of Chile, My Beloved Blessed Homeland.

This evening, I come to consecrate new Children of Mary with the same joy and plenitude, with the same happiness and bliss as Your Heavenly Mother did the last time in Santiago. Because here in this group of souls which will be consecrated today, there are origins of native people, spiritual and inner values that should emerge again in the human consciousness of this country, so that it may recuperate its spiritual dignity, its filiation with God and mainly, reconciliation among the peoples and the cultures of Chile.

This will also allow, dear children, that the very hard, difficult past, that this country experienced may be erased from the pain of the consciousnesses, and the principle of the primordial Healing of God can emerge.

That is why this consecration tonight is important for Me, because through the "yes" of these souls it is allowing many more souls of this nation to be helped, and in this way, through your hearts and your presence, you are allowing Me to return here once more, to consecrate all Chile to My Immaculate Heart.

Water to Bless.

 The Children of Mary may approach, those who will live consecration today.

Dear children, I want to tell you that I Am also that Spirit of Peace, so sacred and mysterious, which was present among the Incas and the Mapuches by means of the symbol of the Condor Bird. It is in this way that I was never far from you, your souls were accompanied by Me, as all your native peoples.

And know, dear children, that despite what you have lived or what you have suffered throughout the times, you never lost your original purity.

This is what I come to look for in Chile in these moments, your original purity, which was cultivated in your souls at the beginning, in your essences, in your experiences of love as a sacred people.

Today I come to bring to you the same values conceived by the Incas and the Mapuches. Therefore, I wish to hear this evening, at least three times, the Hail Mary in Mapuche.

Hail Mary in Mapuche (three times)

 I thank you for these prayers which I will take to the Celestial Father, so that many more indigenous essences, more native peoples throughout the Americas may receive My intercession, My Grace and especially the healing of their wounds.

By the authority that  My Son has granted Me, as the Mother of the World and Mother of Humanity, on behalf of the oceans of the world, of all marine life, may the Lord consecrate this element so that it may serve as healing, as redemption and as forgiveness for hearts.

And now, dear children, through this consecration and this prayerful commitment that you assume with Me, I ask you to sing the hymn of your consecration so that My Graces can descend upon your hearts.

I thank you for responding to My call and today I leave you the sacred image of the Virgin of Carmen so that it may pilgrimage through your homes, hospitals, homes for the elderly, infant institutions, through all places that need love, healing and forgiveness.

Remember, always remember that I will be your Sea Star, that I will come from the firmament, from the Pacific Ocean to help you.

I thank you, dear children, for responding to My call.

I bless you, in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Declaration of the Divine Love, continuation

Oh, beloved Chilean people, who has printed on your blue and red flag, the star that must be the symbol of a celestial motherland!

Oh, sacred mountains of the Andes, which keep in in their mineral heart the greatest treasures of the original history of this humanity!

Oh, My children from Chile, who reflect on your faces the legacy of the peoples of the past!

Lift your white flags of peace and that, upon the cry that the Universe will emit, your inner stars receive the sacred call of the redemption!

May the Vigilant of the Legacy wash their faces in the Fountain of My Grace, so that they may be healed of everything!

May the Guardians of the Treasures of the Universe receive the balm of My Peace to be able to be healed!

May the Commanders of other times be forgiven and receive the spiritual Absolution from the Son of God!

Children of this ancient sacred people! Peoples of the beginning and peoples of the end! Open your hearts to be liberated!

Throw from your hands the weapons of destruction! May each radiant Sun, which dwells in this people, be erected again to the Glory of God, so that everything may be restored, so that nothing is lost. So that, from the silence of the Andes, the Sacred Word of Our Redeemer and Savior Jesus Christ may be heard.

Follow your Mother of Heaven on the path that will lead you to the blessed motherland, because thus your people, wounded by the causes of yesterday, will be redeemed of everything.

Trust, children, in everything that I bring you!

Trust in the renewed hope and in the end of this national captivity!

I Am the Mother who moves the whole Universe so that Her smallest and needy children have an opportunity!

May the soldiers of the Stars gather today at the foot of the great Celestial Altar! And may the doors to the abyss of this people be closed now!

Because the inner Christ will emerge from your beings and thus you will be one with My Son, so that He, in His Celestial Glory, may be one with His beloved people!

I want the Star of My Brotherhood to now be the motto and the symbol of your people!

I want, from this country, beings redeemed by the Love of the Creator!

May the Commanders of once now raise their hearts to Heaven!

Because now, without helmets, weapons nor cloaks, you will be free to sit at the Redeeming Table of the Lord and thus commune of His Codes of Life.

May the fallen in the past, arise in this present!

May those who have not yet forgiven the errors of this homeland and of this people, forgive today, so that My Beloved Son, in His Divine Grace, may reunite you and, by means of His Word, make you commune of His Most Holy Spirit!

That today Chile can, as a people, take each other by the hand, to declare the long-awaited reconciliation and pronounce the so longed-for peace, erasing thus, from this Chilean history, the errors of yesterday!

Thus, your hearts will shine and together with Me you will be able to take the steps toward the reunion of love that will heal the greatest wounds.

Let no one else grieve his or her heart, for Christ, My Son, will put an end to this exile!

And all the soldiers and Commanders of the purple helmets will unite in Christ, to make of this nation, the concretion of the Divine Promise in the life of each being.

That today the swords be abandoned, and the meek heart of each Chilean be offered to the Creator, so that the Plan triumphs, beyond everything!

So be it.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace

Apparition of Jesus Christ during the Sacred Call, in the city of Mendoza, Province of Mendoza, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Today My Presence descends from these high mountains bringing you renovation, the principle of reparation and of cure.

I descend from the Universe with all the Majesty of My Father and brighten the darkest places with My Presence.

And so the Project of God once more triumphs and nobody, nobody will be left behind, because I will come on a moon-lit night to search for My most lost sheep.

I will come in the night of major despair, of major unrest, in the night of perdition.

I will come in the night, when the world still does not look toward God. I will come to call everyone and with My Feet I will touch this ground created by the Most High in His image and likeness.

I will gather those who have called themselves and also those who have not summoned themselves. I will not lose sight of anyone.

I will call by their names the children of God and I will reunite the Adams and Eves to receive in their essence, the Christic code of My atonement.

I will repopulate Earth and fulfill the promises one by one. The Word of God will be heard at the top of the mountain, and the ancient people of the desert will return to walk towards the mountaintop and they will see the Son of God coming in Mercy and splendor, more brilliant than the Sun, more luminous than all the stars.

It will be the living God who returns to the world, to pour upon the souls His Infinite Grace and as an order of the Almighty, by the intercession of the Divine and Sacred Son, the abysses will close and the crying of this Earth will never more be heard. The souls will cry of joy and not of suffering because through My Sacred Heart, I will bring the most powerful Compassion, that will transform the most impossible things.

You will see the Son of God with the Scepter of the Father indicating that in the East as well as in the West, in the four points of Earth the Holy Archangels of the Creator are gathered.

The Holy Books will be opened and everybody will know the new commandments.

Woe to those who have not fulfilled them!  Woe to those who have not repented from the heart, not even prayed to implore for My Holy Name! Because I Am Jesus, the Christ. Who sits at the right of God, Who governs these universes and others, to make of this Creation the new beings of love and of mercy who will repopulate this planet.

And finally for the sacrifice of My Passion and of My Cross, Earth will be joyful. There will be no pain, sickness, guilt or sin, because the one who has fallen at the feet of the Creator will be defeated and the powerful Sword of Emmanuel will be placed upon this planet.

And when all is in a great confusion, dear children of My Father, that will be the sign that the most powerful star of this Universe will approach Earth and all will feel inside them the definite hour.

The children of goodness and also those who have not done good will be called. Nothing will remain hidden. Believe it! My promise will be fulfilled. There will be no more injustice, theft, unrest, human sacrifice. There will be no blood running because My Blood ran over this ground to save you, each one of you.

Woe to those who turn their back to God and who generate wars, conflicts and sickness that does not exist!

They should prostrate before the Creator and at this hour their hearts must be merciful, more than they are today, so as to forgive them in My Name and for My Heart to triumph.

From chests will be born the new mandalas of light and the true essence of the creatures will be manifested. There will be no more ignorance on Earth, lack of knowledge or indifference, because those who have not loved God nor their brothers and sisters, I tell you, companions, they will not be here anymore because the Father is merciful and fair, and has a place prepared for each soul.

At this time, on the top of the Mountain and in the presence of the First Born, you should leave your swords and all your weapons, because My Heart that is merciful and kind, fair and compassionate, will detain all the nuclear and destructive weapons of this planet.

And in spite of the world drowning itself at this time in its own illusion, I promise you that the New Christs will be born and they will not be few, because I will call them by their name as God called Moses, Abraham and the ancient Patriarchs.

The Sacred Book, the Bible, will finally be rewritten. You will tell the history at this time, the new history of Love for the New Humanity.

And so the holy archangels and their legions of the whole Universe, will be with their sacred books opened and on the blank sheets they will write the new sign that the redeemer will bring to this humanity.

There will still be captivity. Humanity has still decided to learn through suffering, but I invite you, beloved of Mine, to always search life through the Law.

May your hearts be transparent to be near Me. May your real faces of love appear and that there will be no more masks to hide the real being, in his profound pain and agony.

I have come here to Argentina because I have chosen it, as the other nations of this Southern Cone, for My return. And it will not be only words, but you will see the Son of God coming as a great Sun on the highest of the mountains.

All, absolutely all, will feel His Presence and there will be no more separation, ever again, between Heaven and Earth, because the blessed ones will come reflecting through their hearts the experience and My Redemptive Project.

And the nations will not be separated anymore, because everybody will speak the language of Love. So all will understand each other, as Mine in the past have understood Me.

I will not let the stars that I have chosen to shine, turn off. Trust what I tell you. Feel the love in all that I pronounce, because in spite of your deserts, your sufferings, I know you one by one, and the great day will come when you will be freed. The ties will tear apart, because I will cut with My Sword what causes pain in this world.

May your hearts rejoice, companions, in the four corners of the Earth, because My hour is approaching. Now not the hour of My Death, but the time of My Return. But first I will be present, because it is what I want most: to be present in your hearts, so that all humanity, all races, all peoples, recognize the humble Savior.

That your hopes not be lost, that your joy does not end, because all that My Father hands you at this moment is part of your purification. Do not give up, do not sink, do not feel that you will drown, because I am here to be with the world, that is losing itself and is unfaithful.

I am here for all, the fair and unfair ones, for those you believe I am here and for those who do not believe.

I ask those who do not listen to Me not to forget God, because He is full of Mercy and hope to deliver it to your hearts.

I ask you to remember My Presence in the Holy Eucharist for the Tabernacles that inhabit each soul not to fall.

Bear the Cosmic Fire of the Redemption. Earth and its humanity are going through its most crucial and definite time.

Thanks to you and to your small sacrifices, today I can be  here in Argentina, because this nation belongs to Me. This ancient nation that once found Me, belongs to Me.

I expect from this nation equality, justice and above all, solidarity, because there are many souls who suffer here and who are in faraway lands, waiting for the balm of My Love, so that they may be nourished in spirit and in life.

Do not stop serving Me. And in spite of your errors and your constant falls, do not forget to search for Me. I come here for your inner universe, for the most grandiose richness that the Father has left in each human heart.

Do not let My enemy confuse you nor trick you, because if you are in Me at each moment, at each second, with each breath, I will be in you; for My Father is in Me and so you will be in My Father. He awaits you to the end of days, to the end of times.

I have left many Graces in this place, above all on the top of these mountains, for the whole world to recognize that here, in the mountains of Argentina, as in the mountains of Chile, you can find in silence, in prayer, in contemplation, this wonderful experience of Love that God has given you through His Creation.

May the hearts that feel they have fallen, arise, that the doors of evil close, that all the self-summoned sustain for Christ the banner of Peace until the end; for the time and the moment will come that the world will recognize and will be surprised to see the humble Son of God arrive at the planet.

May the advent of the New Christs be fulfilled. May the souls which separated themselves from God awaken because the Lord God, the Almighty, has sent the Divine Word to be heard at this moment in the whole planet.

So feel comforted and consoled in the eternal plenitude of My Heart, because I will wait for you on some plane high on these mountains, for the whole humanity to share in the new redemptive communion with your Master and Lord, the Christ.

I raise to My God, the Almighty Emmanuel, Father and Mother of this Creation:

Listen again to the Voice of Your very Beloved Son, who surrendered for Love to the Passion and Death to make His codes of Life flourish in the souls.

Emmanuel, descend Your Source upon this part of the world. Do not look at the mistakes of Your children, but to the presence of Your Gifts in all souls, so that Your Plan in this humanity may be fulfilled, Father. Amen.

I come to bless you with the Love that transfigures you, that raises you, that makes you conscious. By means of the Communion with My Body and with My Blood I come to give you the absolution, for you to meditate and reflect on the new steps that you have to take in your lives for My Project.

May those who have been unfair, repent.

May those who offended with their thought, make penitence.

May those who are not encouraged to live Love through pain, do so, because I have taught you to love each other for My Sacred Heart to triumph in this world.

I ask you Father on this evening, to bless this nation, that is about to make a mistaken decision, but I know that it is fair for You, Father, that everybody learns some day to live goodness and equality.

However, the time will come when nothing else will be necessary between the souls and the nations, because I will come bringing the Scepter of God, the Heavenly Government, and finally the Laws on this planet will be fair and will be united to the Creator.

Raise your Hearts before My Heavenly Church. May the Angels who congregate today for this ceremony at the foot of these sacred mountains, receive with your hearts the most simple and pure offering, so that many lives on Earth may be rescued, as yours were rescued.

Holy Father, Highest Lord of all creation, of all the visible and invisible, I repeat again before Your Sacred Presence in the simple hearts, the great formula of transubstantiation, so these elements can become redemption and new life in the souls.

Some time ago I said to My apostles and to all of you reunited as souls in the Sacred Tabernacle and your Redeemer, that I took the bread, gave thanks to the Father for Him to bless it and said: "Take and eat all from It, because this is My Body, My Essence, My Spirit, that will be given for you and for all beings."

After communing with My Body, that was to be given, I took the Chalice, the Sacred Chalice of Redemption, raised it and gave thanks to God for the Father to bless it and said looking into your eyes: "Take and drink from It, because this is My Blood, Precious Blood of the New Alliance between the souls and God, that will be shed for the beings in the Passion, Cross, Death of your Master, for the forgiveness of the sins."

Do this in My memory, so I can always be present in you until My return.

I raise to Heaven, Father, this Sacred Sacrifice for all the souls to merge in You and in Your Father, that You can do it all, that You can realize it all, that You can manifest it all, and be in Your children for eternity.

Now bring me the new hearts for My new daughters, Helpers of Mercy. I wish to give a special Grace on this evening to these souls, who through different paths, have trusted their Redeemer and the power of the invincible love that in spite of all has lived in them in these times and in face of the last events.

Offer your suffering to God, although unknown to you, My daughters, for your Master to be able to feel pleased when seeing the offering of your hearts, the effort of your souls for being near, very near to your Lord.

I come to bless you, My daughters, with the Source of My Spirit, with the kindness of My Soul and with all the Love of My Heart, for you to know that in spite of what happens, never, you will never be alone; for My Presence is Infinite, My Spirit is Omnipresent and My Divinity is Omnipotent.

I come to offer you the same Grace I offered to the ancient women of Jerusalem who cried the Passion of your Lord, who were at the feet of the Cross contemplating in the unknown the great sacrifice of their Son. Who were near Mary, My Mother, experiencing the silence, the injustice and the pain, for a greater Love that came to this world after My Death.

I come to give you what I am, for you to give Me what you are at this time. Amen.

I bless these golden hearts, for them to represent on this material plane the Presence of My Spirit in the souls who walk the path of consecration.

Let My daughters come here now.

I will follow this small ceremony of consecration as Helpers of the Divine Mercy of My Heart for these times, in which forgiveness and redemption is necessary in the whole planet.

That the Lord blesses this new task.

Through this oil, My daughters, I give back to you what was given once to Me at the Tomb: the love of your hearts.

And now receive the alliance with My Heart.

Now you will receive the Communion with My Body and My Blood.

And now I will go to Heaven, a place where I come from and the center of this Universe.

I leave in rejoicing to see your souls in communion with Me, through the Divine Word and through this ceremony of Love that tries to strengthen your souls and your lives for the coming times.

I want to listen to a song that has touched My Heart many times. The song of My son Nathanael, who brings as a message the redemption of the souls and the union of them to My Heart.

I would like this song, with its strength and impetus, to reach the whole world at this moment, with a radiation of love, cure and liberation to relieve the suffering, for Compassion to reign. Amen.

I bless you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Thanks Argentina for having received me.

Remember that I never forget you. Never!


Apparition of Saint Joseph in the city of Mendoza, Argentina, to the visionary Sister Lucía de Jesús

Today I am not alone here, I am with the whole Brotherhood. I call Brotherhood those beings, those consciousnesses who, in spite of not having the need to be in this world, continue here to serve humanity.  Their eyes are not visible to the human eyes, because they do not belong to this world, but they are here for a higher apprenticeship, of humility, of surrender and of service.

I call Brotherhood those brothers of yours who, in the invisible worlds, sacred places unknown to humanity because of its ignorance and indifference, there, children, they serve tirelessly, where the Kingdoms of Nature protect them, where the greatness of the mountains keeps a still superior greatness, that makes itself small and humble, for being unknown to humanity. In spite of all the insults committed by humanity, the Kingdoms of Nature persist in a service that is also unconditional and, together with their Greater Brother and Sisters, help this world and sustain it so that this Project does not get lost, so that hope in the Heart of God does not disappear.

I know that many will ask what I am talking about.

I come to reveal a mystery, to speak to the ears that want to listen to me, because, in this way, I bring meaning to your lives, beyond your material existence, beyond this constant fight for survival in the world.

You are, children, in a sacred place, but sacred has been hidden in the human heart, because they did not want to see it. The resemblance to God hid itself within your hearts to give way to what you have made grow century after century and that, in truth, does not resemble what you really are. If the human being is similar to God, have you never asked where this similarity is? Could God have sent the human being to the world to do what he does, to live as he lives, between wars and conflicts, amidst ignorance, pride, vanity? Could this, children, be the resemblance to God or is there something within you that you do not know, that you do not seek and that, often, you do not believe exists?

I come with those who represent the truth, for it to be reflected in your hearts and place you before a new cycle. In these times, not only chaos will be visible to the human heart, not only evil will be able to freely act upon Earth. Light will also shine, truth will also emerge within the human beings, within the Earth, from the invisible worlds, from superior realities, and this is what I bring you today, because, although it may seem otherwise, although you do not know it, this place which I come to is a sacred place. These mountains that surround you keep the mysteries that you do not know and that today I came to make known to you.

Because there you must find your fortitude. When nothing upon Earth makes sense and the Plan of God seems to have failed, just as in the Cross it seemed to many that the Son of God had failed, it will be in these mountains that you will find relief and, in what lives in them you will find your fortitude and your protection.

When this world shakes with an unknown tremor, never seen before, it will be in these mountains that you will find the fortitude not to fall, not to tremble and not to lower your arms before the redeemer arrives in this world. Because He will come. Yes, He will come.

But it will be when humanity has given all, when your heart discovers the hidden potential that exists within you, when inertia gives place to service, to transformation and to unconditional love. When you, children, discover the potency that exists within you and the spiritual immaturity disappears, it is then that the Son of God will return.

Before this, everything will happen and you must not fear. These moments with the Divine Messengers prepare and strengthen you. Hold on firmly to each impulse we give you, place it deep in your heart and make it flourish, transform it into seeds, so that the others who are not here and will not be in Our Presence may receive them.

The Graces we bring from Heaven are to be multiplied every day by each one of your hands, by your hearts, by your words and by your thoughts.

Today God brings forth, from the interior of these mountains, His mirrors of peace that are not only in the lakes, in the oceans, in the rivers, but are also in the mountains and in the hearts of the human beings; they are in the universe, as well as on Earth, attracting peace and redemption for those who want to receive them.

Through My Words, that enter into your consciousnesses, I bring the redemption that comes from the Heart of God to the human heart.

This way, I place you before a great service for the whole planet, even though you are here, in this very small place.

How many souls are passing on these streets and do not see me? How many families, how many hearts in need of peace are not feeling the peace of the mirrors of the cosmos, of the sacred mountains, that are opened and revealed today, but the eyes do not want to see?

With this, children, I want you to go out on these streets and let your witness be a light in the world. May your examples draw the eyes, awaken the hearts to the supreme truth that I bring you today.

The words that comes out of your mouth can be heard by many ears, but the true examples of your actions transform the hearts of this world. Therefore, I ask you to speak, to announce, but most of all to be the Divine Message.

Today the chain of the Andes shines in gratitude, because the mineral kingdom, can see Me. And so they are renewed in tireless service for sustenance and rescue of the human hearts. Just like the Kingdoms of Nature are renewed, children, also you today must renew yourselves to know that I called you here, in the Name of God, for you to become instruments of the Divine, and not of your own lives anymore.

Within these mountains, as with so many other ones, there is a mystery, a world so real as this one that you see, touch, feel. There the souls unite to God and their hearts can reach out when they pray, when they work in silence for the peace of this world. Today their doors are opened for the light to radiate to your essences and bring you new codes, for you to take new steps and, this way, help in the consecration not only of Argentina, but of this world.

We are in a definitive time and your souls already know it, otherwise they would not be here and would not listen to these Words. As much as many doubt and many do not believe, your souls do know it, because they have not ceased to listen to Me.

God expects a definitive change from you, because Argentina needs it and so does this world. If you want to build here a new reality, as similar to the one I present you in the invisible worlds, you must work tirelessly and, even if your eyes do not find any result in this life, you should never stop. The results of your actions are not for you, but for the universe.

All the stars you see in the sky, when it grows dark, wait for the redemption of the world, and it is for them and for that Supreme Heart, that lives beyond all things, that you will experience your transformation and will transform, with you, this world. It is by the renewal of the Heart of God and of the whole universal evolution that you are on this Earth. Perceive how small all the difficulties of the human heart are, all the aspirations, all the desires. All these, children, must disappear.

When you are possessed by selfishness and cannot experience fraternity, look at the starry sky, let your heart go beyond the stars and find not only your brothers and sisters of the Cosmos, but the Heart of God, that waits for you to take this step.

It is in the simple things that greatness is built. It is in the invisible that what will become visible in the New Humanity is built. It is with faith that arrogance and human ignorance are defeated.

It is not phenomena that will build redemption in this world, because this convinces the mind, but does not transform the heart. So many phenomena were already manifested on Earth, and humanity remains the same. This is the time of faith and that is why we are here, that our voice echoes through a human voice and your eyes cannot see us, unless you look at us with the heart.

Awaken the faith within you and your brothers and sisters and all that I tell you will be understandable. All the mysteries will be revealed and you will find peace, even if this world lives in chaos. That is what I am here for today, that is why I tell you this.

Re-consecrate your hearts today because you need to do it every day, even more in the Presence of God and your Bigger Brothers and Sisters. Remember that there is a superior plan to be fulfilled and that it starts within each one of you. The New Human Being is born from the transformation of your lives, therefore, do not fear to be broken within and die so that something new can be born.

This morning, I thank you for your presence and, before so many mysteries, I deliver you a truth: the Communion with the Body and Blood of Christ. This is the greatest mystery revealed in the Creation, when God merges, in an always new alliance, always eternal, with the hearts of the human beings, so that this little piece of bread and this wine reveal to you your similarity with God.

Sister Lucía de Jesús: can the group from Mendoza come here?

I call you because I want to thank you and place this sacred mountain, that shelters you, within your hearts, for you to take the definitive step and become soldiers of this time. And, beyond this world, may your redemption announce to the cosmos the greatness of the human project and the triumph of the Heart of God, through the Redemption and the Mercy of Christ for all souls, today and always.

By the power that My Son granted Me, I consecrate these elements, as He consecrated them one day, sharing the bread and the wine with His companions, saying: "Take, eat and drink it, because this is My Body and My Blood that shall be given for you."

Christ surrenders to humanity every day, in all the Tabernacles on Earth, in all the Eucharists. This is the symbol of the Renewal of God and must be the symbol of His permanent renewal for a superior plan that is manifested in the Heart of Christ.

Let us pray together Our Father in Aramaic, as He taught us, so that this sacred prayer does not only transform these elements, but transforms your hearts, transmutes and redeems this place and makes you able to be consecrated, a possible cradle of the New Humanity.

Abvún debachmaia
Netcádech chmor
Teitê malcutar
Nerruei tseviánar aicána
Debachmaia af ba-ár há
Ravlán larma dessuncanan iarmana
Uachpoclan raubéin uartarréin
Aicána daf renan chuórren olrraiaben
Uela tarlan letnessiuma
Ela patsan min bichá
Metual delarre malcutá
Uarraila uatechpurta
Lar-lam almin

With these words, I thank you, bless you and ask that you not only seek to enter into the heart of the Aconcagua, but let the heart of the Aconcagua enter into you and remain there, for you to be part of this Brotherhood that I bring you today, eternally.

I bless you with the Power of God, for My humility and simplicity, that united My heart to the Heart of the Father as a symbol of what is possible for every human heart, to experience this unity with the Creator, and placing upon you the Gifts of the Spirit of God and the presence of the Hierarchy, for you to be consequent with all you receive at this time and to be worthy of being called companions of Christ.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Once more, I thank you and ask that while I rise, leaving the Peace and Mercy of God upon the Earth, sing and let your souls express themselves, for them to command your lives. Cry out for peace and let it be extended beyond Argentina, may it penetrate these cameras, these technologies and reach the four corners of the world, beyond the eyes that see us and the hearts that feel us.

Everybody cry out for peace!


I am that white mountain of light that souls aspire to find in their inner world in order to ascend to its highest point and feel that a purpose has been fulfilled.

I am that white mountain of light that everyone hopes to come to know and climb so that, at each level, the soul feels complete when it is able to walk it.

I am that white mountain of light that attracts consciousnesses like a magnet so that, in union with it and its natural beauty, hearts transform into worshippers and contemplatives of Creation.

I am that white mountain of light that radiates a subtle energy capable of redeeming lives and rehabilitating hearts.

I am that sacred mountain of light that manifests itself as a goal within consciousnesses so that they dare to ascend to the sacred space of their inner world.

I am that white mountain of light that activates devotion for all that has been created and allows souls to find God through the inner mountain.

I am that white mountain of light that gives the consciousness the impulse to go beyond itself every day so that at the summit the consciousness may reach a sacred union with the Creator.

I am that white mountain of light that holds the most valuable treasures of Christ. In essence, I am the Mount Shasta of Light.

I thank you for responding to My Call.

Who elevates your consciousnesses,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

May Peace reign today and may each being reach the union with God for these times.

I Am the Mother and Lady of the Andes, I Am the Condor that flies over the world calling Her children to redemption.  I come to this world to save it with the hope that Christ, your Lord, will find the souls strengthened and decided to live the Plan of God.

For this My little children, open your eyes and look at the Star-Sun that enlightens you, look at the mountains that surround you and invite you to elevate yourselves to find the path of the inner union with God.

You, who are My disciples of the new time, have the mission of helping to transcend the human conditions, so that this planet and all its minor kingdoms becomes sacred and blessed; but there is still much to forgive inside and outside of you.

Dear children, I invite you to proceed without tiring, without discouragement, only looking towards the top of the mountains in order to find Me in flight, guiding your lives and your steps.

For this last cycle of transition, you will find yourselves in many tests.  With joy and united to the strength of the Heart of Christ, do not fear to unmask your old habits and, thus, to make them sacred through the constancy in the prayer of the heart.

Now you are at the moment of never retreating and complying with this blessed project which should incarnate in life and in the essence of all My servers.  While this is about to happen, I ask that you live through the spirit, through the good courage and that you risk to banish your own self.

Now, as disciples, among you there should be no preferences; the path of My Heart indicates to you the time for your rapid purification so that in this way the Light of Christ may dwell in you.

The Lord sends Me glorious and resplendent as the Condor of Light, so that humanity may comprehend that it is no longer the moment to stop nor delay in this life.  It is time to walk, to overcome barriers and obstacles inside and outside of your little beings; that will be only achieved through a loving act of repentance, that which will lead you to do penance for all those who not even think in God the Father.  Thus My little ones, you may be adults and may be mature to face this last time of changes and of massive transformations.

When My Immaculate Spirit appeared for the first time upon the soil of Aurora, many did not understand the meaning of My message, and the ones who accepted Me the priests, when at the time I called them to accompany Me on this planetary mission of peace and of permanent pilgrimage.  And this responsibility was granted to the more immature and inexperienced in the path of the spirit, but it was only the faith that they incarnated and the devoted love to My Heart that permitted that My work towards other nations and continents.

Only by the love and fidelity of the prayer groups of the Network of Light I have been able to fulfill the designs that God had given Me.

Remember children that I Am the Mother who must give you the essence of the Most Holy Trinity for this cycle, so that all of you will be conceived and contemplated once again by the Merciful Heart of God.  This is the work of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity: that all the souls of the world may revive the union with the Love of the Father, with the Faith of the Son and with the Wisdom of the Holy Spirit.

I still hope that My Holy Church in Uruguay and in the world may take the first step, in order for all the good Christians to recognize My presence.

Dear children, as your Mother, I bring you to this day, the 13th of December, these reflections; I wish every day that you may be able to grow and thus separate from the illusion with which the enemy fills you and which confuses you.

May in this time of changes, your aspiration to be with Me be permanent.

My Light will always illuminate you!

Who blesses you, heals you and loves you,  

Your Mother Mary, Lady of the Andes

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
