My beloved and dear children,
In these days, something profoundly anonymous and significant happened for your Father God. It was the selfless and humble service that four of His missionary children rendered for the good and for peace in My beloved nation of Turkey, where your Heavenly Mother lived, in recollection in Ephesus, the synthesis of the Sorrowful Passion of Jesus, after My Son ascended to Heaven.
In this gesture by such young missionaries, representing the code of Love of the Hierarchy in a world and society hypnotized and anesthetized by indifference and material ambition, the anonymous service of My four missionary children elevated the souls of the Middle East to the dignity of redeemable souls.
I want you to understand from the heart what this means, My children, in the face of a desolate scenario in the Middle East, a Middle East destroyed by the use of power, of weapons and by the war that has sacrificed hundreds of innocent people and mainly children.
Do you know what it means for God to hear or see a child die in a war?
How much longer will there be so much impunity and evil, beloved children?
That is why today My Heart is a little relieved to see all that sacrifice for Christ, by only four brothers and sisters, which is worth more than all the money and prestige in the world.
Be aware of this and recognize, once and for all, where you are, filled with Graces, and in the sacred spaces where you are.
Children, no longer allow ingratitude to control you and divert you from the path. The Heart of God is suffering for this cold and cruel world. I invite you to value, out of love, all that you have and to value it for all those who no longer have anything and have lost everything.
This is the time of Judgment, when everything will be shown so that souls may decide which path to follow.
My Heart is the refuge for the afflicted.
In the name of My Son, I am grateful for the courage, resignation and love of My four missionaries of peace in Turkey.
May God bless them always. Let us pray for those who serve in all missions, so that the Love of the Living Christ may be the strength of will in the face of so much desolation.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Today there are now more souls that enter the Universe of the Light of your Lord so that the deep nuclei may merge with the Nonmaterial Source.
Today there are now more souls of Croatia that in a coming cycle will feel encouraged to know My redeeming Love and the maternal Love of My Mother. This will help in continuing to dissolve the thoughtform about the misfortune and the oppression of these beloved people.
Croatia has a place, has a space in My Merciful Heart. And just today, the first steps are being taken within the beginning of a Work on the inner planes, which will assist and encourage the souls of Croatia to rediscover the path of faith and of love.
So, to make known the arrival of the Divine Messengers is to open the door of sleeping and hypnotized consciousnesses so that they may step out of the illusion and the vices that make good souls corrode, trapped in the prisons of materialism and excessive consumerism.
Thus, Croatia today will move toward an encounter with an inner opportunity that, for decades, has been hoped for by the Croatian people.
Open your arms, open your hearts, because the Light of Christ will shine and illuminate all the abysses.
Go ahead, inner Croatia!
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus
Dear children:
Each day that goes by is an inner opportunity to renew the vows of union and compromise for this new Nativity that is approaching, a moment in which the attention of humanity will be placed absolutely on something external and material and not on something internal and profound.
For this reason, to all those who are more conscious and are within the spiritual path, My children, will be responsible for supporting and sustaining all of the opposite that humanity will do during this month so that at least the Codes of the Divinity of Christ may be present in the majority of the souls on Earth, so that the consciousnesses feel and perceive that it is no longer necessary to submerge themselves in the superfluous life, but to go within the life of the spirit.
This is the time of the great definitions and of great steps.
I invite you, My children, to be builders of the new time for the emergence of a New Humanity.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Songs of Figueira - "Ascension"
This canticle places us consciously before higher realities, and in a especial way, reveals to us the existence of aspects of the human being that still are unknown to the majority.
This canticle brings us closer to a truth that already exists in the Universe, something that is part of the principle of universal life and that is conducted through inner levels that already know where our next cosmic destiny will be.
This canticle reminds us of the basic conformation of our being, that we are not only matter that is born, lives, and dies, but that all the experiences, which occur on Earth, including the daily ones, are part of a great chain of learning marked by acts of love, of forgiveness, of redemption and of reconciliation.
The Holy Spirit is revealed in this canticle as this powerful flow of divine energy that can express its Gifts through the terrestrial, as well as the spiritual, consciousness.
The Holy Spirit of God helps to gather all experiences, so that, lived on the different levels of the consciousness, they may serve as a legacy and learning for the New Humanity, as well as for the remembrance and knowledge of the universal Dwelling Places.
At a universal level, certain Solar Regents are the ones who take care of and protect the evolution of these learning experiences that cause the human consciousness to awaken to the fulfillment of its purpose and its mission.
These Regents gather together all the evolutionary and spiritual legacy that a consciousness has been able to experience on Earth so that it may serve as knowledge for the awakening of new inner virtues.
This is the reason why the experiences of life unavoidably lead the human being to achieve the meaning and the reason for their having come here to this world.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I come for the souls of the world and not for the beasts that dwell on the Earth. They will not stop Me from doing what I must do in the name of the Father.
I come here for the hearts that listen to Me.
I come here for the hearts that cry out to Me.
I come here for all My children, regardless of their beliefs or their religion, for I am the Mother of Love, I am the Mother of the Sacred Victory of Christ, and who is here with Me is with God.
Everything may be trembling around you, but if My Heart is present here, dear children, it is a sign that God is here among you and that the triumph of His Kingdom is near.
The defeat of the beasts is close, because when My Son places His Feet on this planet, many things will come to an end. He promised this during the last meeting in the city of Mendoza. His promise is active and current.
You, dear children, must continue to pray with Me every day, irrespective of what is happening in your nation or in all your people, so that the promise of Christ can be concretized and many more hearts not only here in Chile, but also in the world, may be able to receive the Grace of God, as you receive it today.
I invite you, dear children, to work conscientiously and with perseverance, because I did not finish My work in Peñablanca, nor was it broadly understood. I came as the Mother of this nation, in those past times, to try and avoid many things in the Southern Cone.
Thus, as Mother of Kindness and of Mercy, I had the permission to choose the most wretched souls so that here they could understand My great testimony of love for the world, and above all, for this country that is still in My celestial plans.
For this reason, warriors of peace, ancient peoples of the sacred mountains, I invite you to work united with Me, I invite you to open the doors of your hearts so that finally, the doors of your homes can open to souls. And in the same way, dear children, you be able to go through the doors of your homes to have an encounter with those most in need of prayer, those that are most wretched, those that suffer, those that still do not know God nor the Love of the Redeemer.
With the awareness you have acquired in your lives, however small it may be, I invite you, dear children, to accompany Me, to help Me to engrave the flag of Chile on My Heart. And further, dear children, I want My celestial Mantle to be that redeemed flag so that more stars of My crown may shine.
What I need, dear children, is that you help Me save this people, that new groups of prayer be generated here that will join Christian ecumenism, and not fear to say, dear children, that you believe in the Mother of the Redeemer.
I come with My Hands full of Graces so that on this night, they may be poured out. I come on this night, full of the Love of God, so that your deepest wounds be healed, so that the past of this country be erased and it be possible to open new doors to great opportunities and changes in this nation.
I come to seek the love you hold, within you, under more than seven keys. But remember that I am the Master of all the keys of the universe and have no impediment for being able to reach your hearts.
If I am the Lady of Mount Carmel, your Lady of Carmen, the Patroness of this country and all Chileans, what I need, dear children, is for you to dare to cause My Immaculate Heart to triumph; that you not fear to proclaim My blessings, My joy, My kindness and My love for each of you.
On this night of preparation and reflection, I invite you to take a step in this spiritual walk, to open the doors to all those that must come, to all those who have lost their faith in God and are submerged in the materialism of these times.
This country holds a great spiritual treasure that is still unknown to it, that exists from north to south and in the greatest heights of these mountains of the Andes.
Dear children, value these natural treasures that God gave you. Look to your mountains, not as if they were ordinary mountains. Look to the mountains, seeking the sign of the elevation of your consciousnesses. The time has come for you to climb the mountain to its peak to find Christ, Who waits for you with His Heart open, full of Mercy and with His Arms open, to meet with you again, to say to you, dear children, as He always says: "My companions, enter into My Heart and you will find peace."
I need this people to transform into the spiritual model which God thought of since the beginning. Your roots, those of the original peoples, hold a great treasure, an important legacy that comes from the Incas and which cannot be erased from your memories.
Remember your origins, dear children, above all things, love what this sacred people left sown here and everything it achieved through its experiences and its culture.
In this simple way, I invite you to recover the values, to recover the spiritual dignity this people once lived.
This will greatly help you change your way of thinking, to see all things differently and rise above all the events of these times.
Because, dear children, in this end time and encouraged by My Immaculate Heart, I need you to dare to live your own truth, the truth that My Son preaches not only in the Gospel, but also through the Sacraments, prayer, service, instruction, and most importantly, through the love He needs you to experience so that your hearts can be healed and redeemed.
Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
On this night, I came to speak to you about a higher Love.
I came to awaken you, My children, through My Sacred Verb, which is the echo of the Voice of God in this world.
Just as I am His Servant, and I never tire of serving the Lord, I ask, children, that you unite with Me in this universal service; that you come here for more than wanting to see Me, to pray for peace, to cry out for this nation as well as the whole world; because I need soldiers of peace, children, from north to south, in the East and in the West, to consecrate this world to a spiritual life, fraternal, real, a life that follows the Laws that are in Heaven and which also hide inside the Earth, as well as in the human heart.
The true potential, children, your real likeness with God, that love which is in the depths of your hearts and which is a principle of Divine Love, that, children, is what you should awaken on this day.
I do not come to bring you a new religion, a new belief or a new faith. I come to renew the faith of this people, to have it become real in the Lord, our God, so that in this way, My children, you no longer just think of yourselves, but become soldiers of an army that does not come from this world and does not act through the establishment of their own will, but rather through the Will of God.
Today, children, as your Celestial Universal Mother, I open My arms to the eyes of your hearts and only ask that you be under My Mantle, under My protection. And for this, I need you to pray, that you fulfill the Commandments given to you by God through Moses. And more than that, children, that you fulfill and live the only Commandment left to you by My Son, when His voice resounded on this Earth.
Today, My children, I come to ignite the mirrors of your hearts and make your beings redeemed and rescuable again, so that you may accomplish the Will of God, not only on this Earth, but also beyond it, in what you call eternity, where time does not exist and service is constant.
Thus, I prepare you on this Earth so that you may eternally serve God. There is no greater wholeness, My children, than finding a service, a meaning for your own life, a real sense which will lead you to justice, Mercy, inner peacefulness, and as a result, to the transformation of your lives, so that little by little, you transform this world.
Today, children, My Verb does not bring you a utopia; it brings you a Grace that unfolds in the heart that says 'yes' to Me. Thus, stretch out your hands to Me and receive the Graces I bring you. Cry out for My Mercy, which is the same that comes from the Blood and the Water of My Son; I am only a bearer of this Grace, I am the bearer of Peace and I bring it as mediator and intercessor into your lives.
On this evening, I call on you to experience humility, so that you recognize that many times you are lost and do not find help because you do not seek Me, because you do not seek God.
Today, children, I open a new door for you, a door to redemption, and I invite you to go through so as to renew your lives in My Peace, in My Presence, because if you pray with Me, I will be with you every day.
Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:
I come to this nation, in this time, to carry out an inexplicable and unknown plan which may appear to be impossible. A Plan that is only just beginning on this day, and which will develop over time. Thus, you must pray together with your Celestial Mother so that this plan be fulfilled, stage by stage.
Dear children, I come to prepare you for something greater, I come to prepare you so that you acquire a new awareness, so that you come out of yourselves, and encouraged by My Heart, take the steps toward Christ through an unconditional life of service, which is what this people, in perfect unity and fraternity, must work for in these times, so that in this way, My children, you never lack My Grace, the Grace which I want to pour out with so much love upon all of Chile and all My children who live there.
On this evening, this is My Message, this is My declaration. I also call on you, dear children, to gather other souls that do not know I am here, through this communication, through you, so that through your hearts, you transmit My call to the souls of this nation.
For this meeting, today I thank you, dear children, for responding to My call.
In the Grace of God, which is infinite, perpetual and invincible, I bless you.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Take My Peace to Chile, so that peace may be in your hearts and in the whole world.
I thank you.
When souls sleep the dream of this world, their eyes close to all Truth and their spirits become susceptible to all the influences of illusion and planetary chaos. Because of this, today My hands are raised before My children, to remove from their eyes the blindfolds that cause them to fall into a deep and permanent sleep.
I come to remove you from inertia and the indifference produced by a life of amenities, which you oftentimes live, without even perceiving it.
I come to remove you from the vanity and pride that make you always desire more in the world of matter, placing the goals of your lives in a material conquest, in pleasure and in human power.
My children, those of you who live here were attracted to this nation to heal something deeply rooted within the consciousness of the country, to bring from the peoples who are more open to God, in a heart-felt manner, the fervor, the devotion and the simplicity that keeps you within the divine purpose.
And those who were born here in these times have the mission of overcoming the false tendencies to which the enemy calls you, to then reestablish the divine purpose here in this nation, which must become a model of conversion, and not of decay for humanity.
The Divine Messengers have come here, beloved children, to warn you that the moment to awaken has come, because all false strongholds will collapse, and the foundations of illusion will be broken by the Power of Divine Justice. If the inner temple is not built and supported by faith, you will fall like all those who are weak in spirit, and you will have no way of rebuilding your own lives within this world.
Children, this country has chosen to live the test which will show that, before God, without power and without possessions, it is nothing.
Souls are confused and their values are inverted. The search that they have come to live in this world is not that of material conquest, it was not an experience of pleasure and power, children, that you have come to live here.
If you spend all your lives struggling against Divine Will for yourselves, only attentive to the illusions of this world, what will you take from here? What experience of unconditional and Christic love have you lived? What have you imitated from the example of Christ? How did you experience the Divine Presence? Did you give anything of yourselves to others? Or did you just conquer for yourselves something that will be buried with your ignorance in this world?
My children, humanity is not perceiving the urgency of these times, and it is very far from true divine purpose. You are not interested in true love, you are not interested in giving of yourselves to others, but rather just demanding of your brothers and sisters that which brings you outer power and goods. It does not matter to you if your own benefit results in the suffering of many of your brothers and sisters throughout the world. It does not matter to you that your comfortable life is the result of an age-old imbalance, which enriches a few and impoverishes many of My children, who suffer in matter and in spirit due to those imbalances.
Children, I would like to have you at least reflect on the meaning of your lives, that you at least question yourselves on why and for what you are in this world, on what you are building in it and in yourselves with everything that you live? On what fills your souls each day? And on how you contribute to the evolution of humanity?
I come to invite you to the simple exercise of prayer, not only for yourselves, but for the whole planet. I come to invite you to have a consciousness that encompasses Life, the Kingdoms of Nature and your most distant brothers and sisters, and, may you feel that you are not alone, and that there are many in the world who suffer and need your help. In this way, you may live to bring balance to what you have so far generated as humanity, and you may renounce the poor pleasure and constant distraction so that those who suffer may receive relief and hope from God.
I invite you, children, to have a divine purpose in life, and not a material one. Understand that this world is just the beginning, it is a temporary school which defines the evolution of souls. Here you must learn to serve, to renounce and to be a conscious part of the Divine Plan.
I look at this country and I find many of My children distracted. Those who committed themselves to Christ at the beginning have forgotten that it is through renunciation and through sacrifice that God is reached. They have forgotten that it is by giving to one’s fellow beings that one receives from the Father what is needed. They have forgotten that it is through emptying oneself that one learns to love, that it is through accepting differences that it is possible to be transformed.
My children, I am here to remind you that this is the final time for Graces, that this is the time for the awakening of faith, because only in faith will your strength reside.
I humbly ask you to open your eyes, that you pray, that you serve and that you definitely wake up, because the test of this nation is imminent, it is right before you.
Those who know they respond to God do not need to fear, and those who are far from Him simply need to awaken.
I warn you, I show you the path, and I give you My blessings and Graces so that you may walk. Take your steps.
I love you.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
The reason for My coming to the United States is also to try to spiritually recover the essence of the families in the face of the facts of indifference and disharmony, which are experienced in this nation.
I will try, by all inner means possible, for the souls of this country of North America to remember that, in essence, they must recover the values of Christianity and peace so that the families from here may stop being artificial and influenced by materialism.
Thus, by the power of prayer and the perseverance of all of you, your Heavenly Mother will try to awaken the consciousnesses and, even more, the inner hearts of those who have them closed to the Love of God and those who have them open to indifference and continuous modernity.
As your Mother, I will try so that at least a small group of souls, in representation of many more, may be the depositories of the Gift of wisdom and science so that these spirits, these North American and age-old consciousnesses, may awaken to their inner truth and to the source of love among beings.
My purpose will be to pour out light and love where it no longer exists, for different material as well as spiritual reasons.
To recover the consciousness of a nation may take some time, especially when the nation itself has been condemned through its own actions.
Dear children, let us pray for love to be what will reign within all these hearts, so that truth may show itself, and the souls that await it may redeem themselves.
All of this will be possible with the loving help of all My prayerful armies.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who restores you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
While your Heavenly Mother is still in vigil and prayer over the city of São Paulo, I wanted to tell you that the inner and intense work that My beloved Son performed within you, was very profound and transforming.
Furthermore, your Holy Mother waits patiently for some souls of this nation to become aware and to feel pity for the Lady of Heaven, opening their pockets and helping like good guardians so that the mission to Central America may be carried out.
My intention is not to take anything from you, but rather to have you become aware of planetary fellowship, for the common good of all of humanity and all nations.
Here in the city of São Paulo, there are souls that could, from time to time, impel and concretize all the divine projects of your Heavenly Mother.
Thus, on this Saturday, I bring you this revelation so that the majority truly know that everything belongs to the Creator and His Creation.
For this reason, My children, My aspiration as a Mother is that Brazil, as well as other nations of the Americas, may be able to stand in solidarity and unite, to seek beyond everything, the harmony and Mercy that all the peoples of the world need.
On this day, I come to awaken you to a faithful brotherhood, chastity in material things and austerity in spiritual assets.
I come to teach you to share, just like the Sacred Family shared everything it had.
I invite each Brazilian to weave My Mantle of Light in the world through charity and sharing; thus, you will make the planet a place of equality rather than of imbalance and great poverty.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Just as more than two thousand years ago, the prophecies will once again be fulfilled. The Sacred Books will no longer be only sacred, but become alive again before the eyes of the human beings.
My children, when Jesus arrived in the world and manifested, in a human expression, the Words of God and of the prophets, those who were apparently waiting for Him did not want to see Him, because He came to remove from the hands of the human beings the false power over the souls and over the temples; for they should become sacred again, so that the pure of heart and those who really were searching for God could find Him.
The doctors of the law did not want to recognize Him. They preferred to remain with their false power and humiliate the Son of God rather than surrender to Him and to the new Gospel that He was bringing. They did not want to renew their faith with the living Scripture, because it was easier to subject souls to waiting for a Messiah who never arrived.
Humanity at that time, My beloveds, feared to renew its own faith and to complete the Scriptures with what Jesus wrote with His arrival in the world. In spite of everything, My Son tore down the power of the hypocrites and the arrogant with His humility, because the smaller He was before the human beings, the more filled He was with God and His Love.
Children, I tell this because, in spite of so many wars, so many persecutions, so much denial, My Son rewrote the history and left the world a new Gospel, which renewed the Scriptures and brought souls even closer to God. Now, again the time has come to fulfill His prophecies, to renew the Gospel of Christ with life. The time has come to see His return, because those who, two thousand years ago, thought they had accepted His Presence among the human beings are clothed in false power again, taking control over the faith of the souls and hearts for themselves. They know that My Son will come, but they will not proclaim Him and will deny His Spirit, just as they denied His Body and His Blood so many centuries ago.
But this will not prevent Christ from returning to the world and demonstrating an even deeper union and likeness to God. He will come resplendent and will blind the eyes of those who thought they saw the light, but were in darkness.
As the prophet John warned humanity to repent because the Kingdom of God was near, now My Children, I tell you through My visionaries, to repent again, to ask for pardon and to renounce, before the crucified Christ, every false power you think you have in your hands.
May all souls prepare their homes! May the churches repair their faults and renounce the material and spiritual accumulations that they hold so carefully in their homes.
The Redeemer will come and demand that those who call themselves His apostles live His Gospel. It was not He, children, who put on His garments like the garments of a king.
Christ came among the poor and divested His disciples and apostles of everything and, above all, of themselves. However, the human being once more adorned themselves and filled themselves with gold and stones, in the name of Christ, without understanding why the Messiah came into the world in a manger and not in a palace.
My beloveds, I do not tell you these things to hurt your hearts, but for you to review your lives. May all renew their vows before Christ, because only the simple of heart will recognize Him.
Will you be ready, My children, to divest of everything in the name of the resplendent Christ and see Him rewrite the Sacred Books with teachings that transcend human existence? Or will you hold the gold and the false power tightly in your hands, and prefer to wait for the temple of this world to be destroyed in order to understand that the Son of God has returned to Earth?
Truly sanctify your lives. One who is pure and transparent before God does not need to fear anything. Therefore, children, do not say that I come to threaten you or to cause you fear. I come to warn those who are deaf and blind in their vanities and believe they serve Christ.
Recover the purity of your hearts. Pray with Me so that I may show you the Truth and the Path. Let Me wash your eyes and show you the Light, preparing you to be once again before My Son, and now, in surrender and with a sincere disposition, to follow Him.
I love you and tell you all of this so that you do not get lost. I wish that even the last living soul would recognize the arrival of My Son. His Spirit is now among you, but many deny Him.
I leave you My Peace, so that with it, you may reflect and renew your commitments to God.
I thank you.
Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace
The Two Final Witnesses and the Love of Error
A not so distant day will come when, through His holy angels, the Lord will send the two final witnesses to the court of the world to declare before humanity the whole truth that very few knew.
The Holy Spirit of God will inspire them to speak the words, one by one, and so that the disbelievers wearing red caps may no longer deny the truth.
And the Universe, which is holy, knows that the final hour of the two witnesses will come after they have declared, with divine inspiration, that the coming of the Redeemer is close. In that hour, the two last witnesses will know that they will be fulfilling the prophecy and it will be their task to give their lives to unmask those who indoctrinated the belief into a materialistic god.
At that moment, and before the hands of those with red gloves place the two witnesses in the main square facing the crowd, to be unjustly judged, the angel of the Lord will make a great roar from east to west, and a cosmic light, like thousands of golden ribbons flying in the wind, will mark the definitive sign that the last Judgment of humankind has been established on Earth.
The angel, who will only be able to be seen by the pure of heart, will ask that the strong and momentous winds of the Atlantic deactivate the fortresses of sand that those in the red caps have built through their own idolatry.
No one will be able to deny that after they have condemned the two final witnesses of Christ, humanity will be purified. Therefore, before the blood of martyrs of the two witnesses is shed, as if poured out into a thousand temporal chalices, another sign of the Universe will appear, and the truth will come to light because nobody will be able to hide from their fellow beings.
The Lord will give knowledge and understanding to the pure of heart so that they too may reveal the hidden actions of those with red gloves; in that hour, humanity will become aware of its age-old deception and at that moment the final and unknown Judgment will begin.
Until the last hour, the two witnesses silenced by the Divine Spirit will be in deep prayer, and with their surrender, which will fulfill the final prophecy of John the Apostle, they will save thousands of those spiritually condemned.
The cry of the same women of ancient Jerusalem will be heard when those with red gloves have declared their death sentence. In that hour, a powerful fleeting spirit, brighter than the sun and all the stars, will descend upon the two witnesses who will be chained for having spoken pure truth, and many will be able to open their eyes and awaken because of the intense and Christic light that will illuminate them.
Humanity will declare death for the two final witnesses of Christ, those of His Celestial and not earthly Church, and this event will be broadcast and communicated.
Thousands of ridicules, which will be the cause for offense against the two witnesses, will immediately turn into a plague of thousands of locusts, and in that moment the sky, which before was bright, will darken.
Those who were not deaf, will be so. Those who blasphemed will become mute, and an inexplicable silence, generated by the blowing of the trumpet of the second angel, will leave the entire Earth hypnotized. It will be in that hour and at that moment that the nations will become aware of all the ways they failed God; and thus the new time will be constituted after all has passed.
In the last minute of life, the two witnesses will ask God for forgiveness for their fellow beings, just as Christ taught. It will be in this way that the two witnesses will teach by example the love that loves all error. As it was on Mount Calvary, those with red gloves will become aware of their wickedness and their hearts closed to the truth of the Universe.
Children, the two witnesses are already on their way toward that moment, to fulfill the sacred scripture. Repent while there is time and ask God for His Mercy so that those most deaf and blind of spirit can be saved.
Today I reveal to you the Book of the Apocalypse because you are already prepared to understand it.
I thank you for accompanying Me!
Who prays for the two witnesses,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Peace for the world and an end to war.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
I come to absolve you in the name of Love and Forgiveness, in the name of the infinite Piety that exists in the Universe and which is lived in the angels and archangels, in all the beings of goodwill, that in the Universe and on Earth live the Plan of God.
Today I come as the King of the Universe, as the living Presence of God for this humanity, still very asleep.
I come to awaken you from the dream of this material life so that your souls may be uplifted to Me, and in communion with Me, follow My steps, that are the steps that God asks you to take in this definitive hour of humanity, at the beginning of the apex of this transition, that many will not know how to face.
That is why I have come here, not only to bless you with My Mercy, but to unify you with My Plan and with My proposal of peace for the world.
Today, My wish is that you leave at My Feet what you should no longer live, what does not belong to My paths, nor to My Work.
I want you to transform in Me and I will transform in you, so that you may be new christs; a new race that will colonize humanity when the 144000 emerge, that each day more, you may approach in the spirit of awakening and of the mission that you are summoned to live in this final time.
I know that many of those who are present today do not understand what I say.
I do not need, companions, that you understand Me, but that you live Me, that you keep My Words in your heart, because they are not only words.
My Verb is vibration and energy, it is a principle of manifestation and of all Law for this Universe, of which you form part in this solar system.
That is why I need you to open your hearts and not your minds, because what I am saying today, I said two thousand years ago, in each one of the parables, in each one of the signs, and even so in My Passion, which was the most visible sign for all of you that My Work still continues, in the Victory of God, the Most High.
I have brought the guardian angels for you, so that you may pay a little more attention to them, because they serve you since your origins and they expect that you may be able to perceive them. Only the angels and no one else, that may make himself look like an angel.
Your prayer will raise you to that consciousness, to which I need you to approach, to the Ultra-terrestrial Consciousness, to the Divine and Universal Life; because humanity is very densified.
Your actions weigh heavily, your feelings, thoughts and the works that go against the Plan of My Father, against humanity and the souls.
Today I reveal to you, through My Heart, the Plan of God in this era of the Earth, in this moment of humanity, in which each one of you, companions, must be that living principle of My Presence in the world; you must be that soldier that responds to the commands and that apostle that takes the word of salvation and of truth.
In order for all that to be possible at this moment, My companions, transform yourselves, transform yourselves a lot and do not fear transforming.
The time has come for all of you and the world to be purified, not with fear, but with valor, to let go the ties of the past, dismiss what is not of the Plan of God and embrace the cross that the Father has given you in this evolutionary trajectory of humanity.
Thus, you will be with Me living My Principles; because I will help you to get up from the ground, to raise your eyes to the Universe so that you may recognize your star and so, unite again with your God.
Adore the Father, Who continues offended, and offer a reparation on this day for the whole world.
Thus you, companions, will receive what you need at the exact time and not when you look for it; because everything has its time, within and outside of you.
Today I offer you My Constancy, for each one of your souls and for the souls of the world that still do not live Me.
Today I bring you this reality, because I want to share it with you, and thus you will share it with Me, in this eternal silence that I promote today for everyone, the silence that lives in the silence and that allows the discovery of what truly happens within the hearts.
Embrace this moment as something unique and reconfirm your vows of collaboration with the Plan; that Plan that today you do not know in depth, but that I deliver to you today so that you may follow it in prayer and in vigil, in fraternity and service.
I need you to continue fulfilling what I asked you two thousand years ago.
The souls are very lost and hearts despair for not knowing the Love of Christ, your Lord.
If I come here today to ask you these things, it is because in truth you can do it, in a simple and honest way, without so many concepts, or forms. Because in truth I say to you, companions, everything is born from the heart, and it is the heart of each soul that rules things, and it is what helps everything to be fulfilled, under the Will of Adonai.
As I told you yesterday, companions, the discipleship must awaken in the youngest ones, the discipleship of Christ, Who will guide their lives and will lead them by the correct path of redemption.
Be awake to what I tell you and do not miss a word, because I will not be able to repeat it.
I say all this before everything happens, for the time has come for the hearts to be converted by the fire of prayer and by the principle of peace; and may all be more brothers, united in a great spiritual family governed by Christ, for this Redemptive Work of the end of times.
This region and this city must be the cradle of new things, of elevated patterns of behavior, of fraternity, and of brotherhood.
The young people must know My christic energy so that they may be redeemed. And just as the apostle John did, they may follow My Steps to the mount of the Cross, where I will share what I expect to share with all, at this hour of the planet.
I come to heal in you what is still not scarred; I come to heal your wounds.
Through My wounds, I purify you; through My Blood, I consecrate you; and through My Body, I glorify you in the name of My father, so that finally the New Humanity may be fulfilled.
Let us pray.
(The Our Father in Aramaic)
And today you will wash your feet, as I washed those of the apostles, who at that moment did not understand the humility of the Master of Light.
Because in the humiliation and in the renunciation of those who wash the feet of their brothers, is found the existence of love and of life, which unifies them with the Universe and thus, everything is renewed, as I renewed it on the Cross for you and for the world.
So, I want you to do it always and that you live it all the time that you can.
Because who washes his feet, wash his past, heals his wounds and re-ignite his soul in the Light of God, expelling the impure, exorcizing everything that is not of the Light, under the Christic Energy of Jesus.
Song: For the Wounds of Jesus...
Through My Sacred and Glorified Heart, companions, I give you My Kindness and My Grace and I make you participate of My Spirit, in this perfect Communion with My Eternal Father.
Thus, I bless you, renew you, heal you, and I raise you up close to My Heart, so that you may be between My Arms and may continue to feel the confidence that, since the beginning, everything was fine.
In the name of the Light, I thank you and I bless you under the luminous sign of the Redeeming Cross of Your King.
In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Now, I can leave in peace from this place, because I know that you have heard Me at this moment and in other times, My beloved apostles in redemption!
Contemplate the world where you live and, for an instant, silence the thoughts of your mind and the emotions of your being.
Observe how your inner world recognizes that the life which expresses itself on Earth does not resemble the Thought of God.
See how within you inhabits the archetype for humanity and the expression of the planet as a whole.
Feel how your heart has the yearning of living fraternity and of knowing true love, that One who makes you give your life for your friends and to forgive the enemies, loving them as if they were part of you.
What will you do with this which dwells within you? Will you shut your heart – as most of the human beings do – or will you renounce worldly views to institute new life on the planet, even if it seems crazy in the eyes of the world?
Child, the age of the Armageddon has come to the planet, but most of your brothers are seeking scientific, philosophical and spiritualist concepts which place a pattern of normality in what is happening in the world today. These are the human minds trying to silence the heart.
Those who listen to the voice of God in their own interior know that a final time has begun in the world and that, without the establishment of peace in the human heart, chaos will establish its reign and govern the minds and spirits of those who did not open themselves to the truth.
Those who unite themselves to God and silence their minds, in order to let the wisdom of the essences arise, do not fear to know the truth and do not want to silence the Will of God. They know that, at the end of all this battle, the good will triumph. For this reason, they recognize the urgency of the need for transformation, recognize the imperious inner will of renouncing the old man and its tendencies and to open themselves so that the New dismisses the reign of the outdated human addictions, even though, for the human mind, these retrograde and degenerated energies, when manifested in matter, sometimes are called technologies.
Child, the path to retrocession is known by the human mind as a progress. Those who follow the trends of these so-called “advancements” do not perceive that the path to evolution was left behind when the human consciousness rejected simplicity, fraternity and love and in the industrial age, that marked a spiritual retrocession of humankind, opened itself to competition, slavery, the obsessive usufruct and the almost absolute denial of spiritual life.
In other eras of decadence, as in the end of Atlantis and Lemuria, it was the eagerness for manipulation of the spiritual power that lead man to lose its path of purity and unity. Now, again, false power takes control of the mind and of the aspiration of men who believe they can place themselves above the Creator with their free will.
The degenerated man believes it has the power over life and over the Kingdoms of Nature. That is why, by sending His Son, Who conquered death and perpetuated His Resurrection, the Creator wanted to demonstrate to humanity that only He has the Power and that all that exists under His Power belongs to the force, which is the one that loses itself and vanishes like dust before the fire of the Glory of God.
I tell you, beloved child, that many of your brothers did not learn from the example of Christ and chose an even greater suffering, a learning that would transcend the experience of only one man and would involve in himself all humanity and all the Kingdoms of Nature. The Armageddon is the Passion of the planetary consciousness.
You might be in this Passion in three different ways, as Christ and the crucified thieves next to Him: both the thieves were thinking only about themselves; however, in the end of all, one of them accepted the Will of God and converted himself in time. The other decided to keep his pride and not even with all the suffering did he surrender himself to the forgiveness of God. Or you might be like Christ, being this one who will live the same steps of the Passion of all the beings on the Earth, but not with the spirit of punishment, guilt, anger, frustration or of pain, but only offering to the Father each step with the cross of the world, so that a new redeemed race can appear from your offer of love and of forgiveness.
Child, you must choose, right away, the path which you will follow: if your footprints will be over the footprints of Christ, confirming the victory of God; if you will choose to suffer in the ignorance and remain in your own opinion, to surrender yourself in the last hour; or if you will remain in your boundless pride and even in the presence of God, you will choose the path of the abyss.
The cross will be given to you in every way. Hold it tight and take your steps.
The first steps in the planetary Passion will dictate the destiny of humanity. For this reason, from now on, in your inner Gethsemane, renounce temptations and accept redemption. God will be with you, the angels will support you and you will carry your cross, only contemplating the victory of your Most High Father.
After all, peace will reign.
The Most Chaste Saint Joseph, this one who comes to open the eyes of humanity
While the world sleeps a deep sleep of illusion, I call you to a true awakening.
While many see the hells opening up and burn in the fire of eternal suffering, I come to show you the Kingdom of the Heaven and give you simple keys that lead you to the Eternity of God.
While the world demands efforts from human beings to win in competition with others, I ask you to struggle to overcome yourselves and to be defeated by the Power of My Son.
While the world asks you to suffer in order to acquire material goods and that you give every last drop of sweat from your brows to build your own material kingdom, I come from Heaven to tell you that nothing that you accumulate in this world will enter My Kingdom, and whoever wants to follow in My footsteps must divest themselves of everything and leave to the life of illusion what comes from it and belongs only to it.
I come to the world to change the laws and reform human concepts. I come as Queen of Heaven, the Mother and Lady of Creation, to place you once again on the path that leads you to the Consciousness of God.
I am here to make you unlearn, die to the world and be reborn to the life of the spirit. But many prefer to continue holding on to their own will and tendencies rather than following the Voice of God, manifested on Earth through His Messengers.
Many believe they are following the path dictated by God by the simple fact of listening to My voice, and I come to tell you that until you live My Words, in the path is being trodden, and you will be deceiving yourselves when being in My presence and believing it is enough to come to Me.
Children, today I tell you that, throughout the history of humanity, many stood before Me, but the urgent need to follow their own aspirations was greater than the willingness to follow in My footsteps, and until today, after so many centuries of existence, humanity continues to run the risk of not accomplishing the Plans of God, and the majority of humankind does not fear losing their evolution, because they do not even recognize the existence of that evolutionary path.
With all of this, I want to tell you that I do not just look forward to seeing you before Me, because that is not enough. What is gained by coming to meet Me if after a few minutes, you will again be submerged in the energies of this world and are not capable of choosing brotherhood in the face of competition, understanding in the face of anger, love and forgiveness in the face of indignation?
To live My words, My beloved ones, is not to accomplish great heroic deeds of sacrifice and of conversion.
I want to see you choosing the Path of God when the adversary tries to convince you to follow its steps of dissociation. I want to see you saying 'no' to the illusions of this world, and 'yes' to the fulfillment of the Plans of God. I want to find you searching with all your strength for the path of Light, being a beacon for those who dwell in the darkness and not falling into the same abysses as your fellow beings.
My voice will not echo in the world for very long. God asks Me to announce the coming of the times of transition to beings, a moment when humanity will have to choose, by itself, to follow the Plans of God rather than their own. It will be only in that moment, when the power of love for the Creator is greater than the forces of chaos within the self, that His Son will cross the Heavens and will descend from the clouds, announcing His definite victory.
My beloved ones, do not play anymore with the path of evolution, because there is no more time. It is time to define yourselves.
I love you, I guide you and awaken you to the manifestation of the Plans of the Most High.
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Queen of the Divine Word
Dear children,
Everything you see in the world, in this time, is the grave result of the self-destruction of spiritual life in humanity. Few are the things spiritually preserved today in the conscious awareness of humanity; for this reason, the aid of Heaven for the planet is immediate and urgent, to avoid more consciousnesses going on the path of error.
Thus, children, with Eyes of Compassion and Mercy, Your Heavenly Mother contemplates all these situations, and prays, hoping that someday your consciousnesses awaken to the Call of God.
Dear children, in light of the immensity of the universe that surrounds you, Your Heavenly Mother implores of Her Son to pour out His Infinite Mercy, so that at least the essences and souls may be freed from the sea of confusion and blindness, the effects of a materialistic and scot-free life.
But now, the Universe sends the Mother of the World as spiritual Mediator, so hearts may receive the last Grace of entering the Kingdom of Adonai and do not miss knowing the grandeur of His Fatherly Love.
Children, that Love is what has, through the invincible Grace of My Son, allowed the influences of My adversary to be banished from many souls.
For those who get lost, it is enough to pray and wait for a touch of Divine Grace to reach their hearts.
Remember, the opportunity is for all My children.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who keeps you in Her Lap of Light,
Your Mother, the Virgin Mary, Rose of Peace
Dear children,
While Jesus prepares Himself again to resurrect in spirit into the consciousness of every being that opens itself to live redemption, your Heavenly Mother is already beside the sepulcher, waiting in prayer and vigil, for the Redeemer and King of kings to liberate the souls that are prisoners of condemnation and martyrdom.
For this, children, I invite you today to imitate the holy women of Jerusalem, those who were absolutely and unconditionally faithful to the Master, so that in the moments in which humanity lives its worst hell, may exist inside and outside of you, a spark of light and hope, the essence that will strengthen the spirit of the self summoned.
The Master rests on His bed, surrounded by incense and violet flowers and anointed by the oils of light that restore His martyred Body. His Spirit, on these times, works extensively and combats, together with the angelic armies, all the expressions of evil.
Children, prepare yourselves, keep vigil and keep on praying so that the Redeemer of souls, outside of the sepulcher, may find you quite awake and then, may put an end to human captivity.
Dear children, such as the holy women, wait for the resurrection of your interior Christ, the one which, over the years, has been oppressed, denied, judged and subjected to the forces of distraction, of lack of control, of desire and of the superficial materialistic life, preventing Him from awakening. Act intelligently and abandon the prison in which you placed yourselves.
Your internal Christ will resurrect for the second time, after having borne all the horrors of a life of illusion, empty of spirit and of love.
For this, children, prepare yourselves before the great moment of self purification comes, when your internal spirits must be already strengthened by the fire of prayer, of service and by the permanent confirmation to the Plan of God.
There is no longer anything else to be done, only to wait for the resurrection of Christ within the sepulcher of your beings.
Attentive to His arrival, you will sing alleluia giving thanks to God for having become aware of how much time you wasted on the material life. And for those who are still trapped between the chains of the unrestrained temptation and lust, pray, because through your acts and offer of love, Christ will also try to go to the encounter of the lost.
Today is Saturday of Alleluia, the angels sing: the Savior has resurrected!
¡I thank you for answering to My call!
Who waits for you outside of the sepulcher for the resurrection of the Lord,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
On this afternoon of Mercy, I come with the burning desire to meet you once again, because there are still many souls in the world that do not want to see Me.
That is why today and during this week, I invite you to remember My Sacrifice, so that you may also experience it for those souls who deny God.
There are still many consciousnesses submerged in materialism. But My Mercy still comes to the world so as to be able to save you. And in My total trust, I will continue forward through you, so that My plans of redemption may be fulfilled.
I would like your hearts to be very close to Mine, for I need to hear the beat of your essences, because this week will not be like the previous one, the one I experienced with you last year.
The times have changed a lot, My companions, and few perceive the changes that have occurred in humanity. That is why today I show you My Heart, which perpetually pours out Blood and Water.
My Heart is full of Mercy for all, but very few have come to drink from this Fount of Graces for fear of sin, of error or of a mistake. Dear companions, My Mercy does not see these things, but rather the spirit of your perseverance.
At the beginning of this meeting, I sent you a message of peace from the higher spheres of consciousness, so that you would be able to unite with these creator principles.
But today I also want to tell you, My companions, that your Father, the archangel Michael, accompanying me in presence and omnipresence, expects to descend upon this sacred ground of Aurora through the manifestation of the sacred hermitage. Much time has gone by since I made the request to you, My friends. Many souls in the invisible worlds wait to pass through this portal. And this will be possible through your collaboration.
You will know, My friends, that Heaven has many needs with regard to this humanity. And in the same way that We, the Divine Messengers, ask for many things, humanity also asks us for many things.
Grace is reciprocal. Therefore, My companions, let us start working, because the archangel Michael hopes to descend and bring His glory to this place. A Glory that will be radiated to the world, principally to those hearts that need to be exorcized.
Continue to pray for this holy cause. The Creator Father will thank you. Continue to evoke His Holy Name in your hearts, for thus you will also be calling for My Universal Grace.
The archangel Michael and I are but one. He was the great Messenger of God for those past times, when He helped Me to carry the cross of this humanity.
But He comes now to your aid, luminous and winged, to bring His liberation to humanity, which souls have been awaiting for a long time.
In this Sacred Week, companions, I wish for you to relive My Passion, as you did the previous year. But at this time, in this Sacred Week, your hearts should already be mature, for in this cycle, I need to gather up all the talents that I placed in you, for the planetary emergency is very great and souls ask for help and liberation, and it will be through your hearts, through your inner instruments, which are souls praising God, where I will be able to carry out My tasks and reach inhospitable places, where not even light or love exist.
Repeat your pleas and inner intentions to My glorified Heart, because My Heart is open to welcome your requests. Because during this Sacred Week, I will be working with each one of you. I will try to show you the signs I need you to see, so that your spirits and consciousnesses may mature.
I deeply rejoice to meet with you again, because this Sacred Week is special for the world, especially for those who do not receive anything. For this reason, I am summoning all servers, so that they take the risk of coming here and sharing with Me the emanation of the Love of My Heart that is necessary for the world and for large parts of this humanity, who can no longer bear it, who need My Mercy through your mediating spirits.
I bring you the final summons so that you, now and always, may be My apostles. Live My message in practice and in life, live My teachings above all things, for you are already prepared, My companions, just as I prepared many spirits throughout the world, who always feel Me in their hearts and respond to My celestial commands, serving the neediest and most deprived souls, listening to the poorest and dying hearts. And mainly, carrying the Light and My Love.
Be still, for My energy is working in you.
This is one of the last Graces that I pour out upon the world, before My Return to the Earth. Therefore, keep each code of Light that I place in you.
Remember the words that I dictated at the beginning of this meeting.
Live My Message, live My Message and be My Message for all.
Feel My Heart, which draws close to your spirits.
Feel the rejoicing of My Love.
Come into My Lap of Light, because there, all will always be well.
Forget what happened. Live the eternal present with Me; in this way, you will receive what Heaven wants to pour out through My Heart.
I only need you near Me, so that you may feel My Hope and My Encouragement.
I come here for all, principally for those who are no longer here, whom I wait, in infinite patience, that they one day return to My Arms, in spite of the paths they have chosen for their lives.
I summon all the sheep to become a part of this great flock of universal light, of these deep nuclei of light that your inner consciousness experiences, for it is time to awaken. Your deep consciousness is calling you so that you really live what you have come to live in the name of the Lord. The world needs it and many souls also expect it.
The Plan will also be accomplished through all the servers. Everything is united to the same thread of light, from the Earth toward the Universe, beyond this material Universe.
Always summon your Eternal Father. He will be the strength that will move you, transform you and purify you.
My Heart will be your refuge. Thus, the time has come for you to be prepared and to not waste time on superficial things.
Reaffirm your vow of commitment with Me, for I wait every day, within the great universal silence in which I live, that each soul of this Earth may hear My last call, for I am fulfilling the promise to return, first from spirit, to then manifest in Glory for the whole of humanity.
But I need faithful witnesses who can give the example of what they have experienced and who are also able to wait for Me when the great hour for humanity approaches. That will be the moment, companions, in which all will be fulfilled, as it was written in the beginning.
You are a part of a universal story that is being written in the books of the Creator. You must be the pens in the hands of God, so that He may write His Will through your lives.
I invite you, companions, to the consecration of the sacred elements, which for you will be the Body and Blood of your beloved Redeemer.
From the earth comes the wheat, the product of the work of humankind. From this wheat, flour is born so that the bread of life may emerge for humanity. Through this example, companions, I invite you to remember your origins, for you must return to the beginning of everything. Just as you arose from the Whole, you soon will return to the Whole, because there you will merge with the Essence of God.
At that time, when I was present with you, celebrating My last supper, this same bread that is in front of Me was upon the table, being offered to the Creator as the glorified Body of Christ, Who would be mutilated, martyred, flagellated and wounded for the releasing of the sins of souls.
To your memories, and principally for your cells, may this sanctified Body represent the constant search for union with My Spirit, with My Divinity and with My Glorification.
Receive at this time the Rays of My Light.
The grape is also a product of the earth and the work of humankind. But through this example, I give you to drink of the renewal, the transfiguration, of the transubstantiation of the impure particles that are part of this planetary consciousness.
At that time, when I was sitting at the table with those of Mine and with many of you as souls in glory and in praise, I gave everyone to drink of the perfect code of My Blood, in which no impurity exists, but rather the maximum expression of the Love that was shed by Me during the flagellation, the Calvary and the cross.
Receive on this afternoon the Rays of My infinite Mercy and remember to drink of this Blood with reverence and love, for it will always renew, transmute, and free you, as long as you remember that I am present in all that is created.
Let us pray like on the Mount of Beatitudes.
Prayer: Our Father, in Aramaic.
And through the water that will wash your feet, the symbol of purification is found, where the wounds, sins, and errors are washed by the chastity that the water itself represents.
When you receive this blessing, remember that you are being released from the ties. Because water holds the code of original purity, of what existed in the beginning in the Genesis, which sanctifies souls, purifies them and also renews them, under the Holy Spirit of God.
Bring me the water here.
O! Blood of Christ,
poured over the world,
purify our souls,
relieve our hearts,
Have pity on us, Lord.
The women from Bethany prepared the wells of light so that the codes of God could be poured out and the sick could be healed by the baptism that I granted after John, My beloved brother.
Remember the wells of Bethany and Samaria. There, when I went by, I left a fundamental principle for the world: the renewal of the Sacrament of Baptism and of Faith for all the souls who had faith in the Son of God, in spite of not knowing Him, nor truly knowing who He was or from where He was coming. Faith heals souls and brings them the hope to be able to continue onward.
So on this afternoon of Mercy, I bless this sacrament, this chaste and pure water, so that it may serve as healing for souls and as liberation from the sins of the world.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
At the request of Our Lord, we will listen to the Our Father in Latin.
For those who are able, kneel to receive the blessing of Our Lord on this first day.
Song: Paternoster
Under the blessing of the celestial spheres, remember that on this day and for the days that will come, I will be congregating you in the Spirit of My Love, that you may be motivated to continue onward. And in spite of the consequences, see the Light of My Presence on the horizon, which will always be present within you.
I send My embrace of light to Mother Maria Shimani and to Sister Lucía, for during this Sacred Week they will be present in My Heart.
I thank you for being with Me today!
Create bridges of light during these days, thus I will be able to help you and give you the essence of My Love.
Go in peace.
In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
My dear children,
With Grace and Mercy, I raise your hearts to Heaven, to offer the Celestial Father the loveliness and the beauty of your lives.
Today, for the last time, I send My Messages of Peace to the world. Today a cycle closes in which humanity should have heeded My call and listened to My warning Message.
On this evening of Graces and redemptions, I have prayed for all of you and have received your essences upon My lap, which are truly important from an evolutionary point of view to your Celestial Father.
While the world places its attention on the things of material life, I come here with the objective and with the divine mission that you take Me into your homes as co-redeemer and Mother of all hearts. In this way, you, My dear children, will allow Me to intercede for your peers so that they too may achieve the redemption of the heart.
In the name of the blessed Love of God, I ask you to carry My sacred Word to all the places you go; in this way, I too will be able to carry out My plans in the souls that day and night become lost in this world of illusion.
As Mother of the Divine Word, I announce Myself to all of you as I once announced Myself in Fatima, in Lourdes, and recently, in Medjugorje, because God has allowed Me to appear in all the places where is a real spiritual risk.
With this aim, on this evening I open My arms, I lift them up to Heaven, and I plead for all of humanity and for all Kingdoms of Nature, which are ravaged by this race. I come to remove the blindness from your eyes so that through My universal healing and My Motherhood, you can awaken to the Return of Christ, Our Lord.
My eyes will illumine your paths when you simply pray with Me for the priests and the consecrated, so that they are able to be the luminous mirror of the Face of My Son Jesus; because, beloved children, this humanity is closed to hearing what comes from Heaven to correct you and place you on the path of peace.
As Queen of the Holy Rosary, I ask you to pray with Me for My plans, before the enemy manages to convince you to live a life of material illusion.
My children, My desire is that here, as in the whole world, the apostles of love and redemption be born who will be able to bear faithful witness to the return of Christ.
Thus, I ask that you be consecrated to My Immaculate Heart so you may be protected and safeguarded from all evil, because when all of you manage to open the doors of your hearts, God will be able to give you His restorative and merciful Love.
You are in a time to take up the rosary and begin to pray for peace, a peace that does not exist in humankind nor in any soul. You hold the truth in your hands. Pray with devotion, ask for forgiveness, reconcile in time and you will be worthy of experiencing the redeeming supper with My Son, the Higher Priest.
Through My Immaculate Heart, I open the doors of the Kingdom of God to you so you may quickly be elevated in spirit and dispel the codes of evil from your lives.
Through your 'yes,' My Immaculate Heart will triumph.
I am grateful for the great companionship of all My children during these last three years of Graces and of conversions.
Who loves you and blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Queen of Peace and of all humanity
Trust in My Heart that I will shelter you. Do not fear for that which you still have not overcome. Rejoice in My Immaculate Heart so that My Love may echo within you.
Dear children,
Today I call you to the daily contemplation of prayers. This will allow, My little ones, that the requests that are pronounced from the Earth by each one of the souls, be heard by our Most Beloved Lord of the Heavens. Today I invite you, My dear ones, to the meditation of prayers that elevate the spirit and the soul. Raise your voices to the Heavens so that I, the Queen of Peace, may intercede for all the souls that in this final time lose themselves in materialism and ambition.
Therefore, My little soldiers, ignite the praying inner fire so that, together with My Immaculate Heart, you may help Me in the liberation and in the forgiveness of the whole world. I listen daily to your prayers and My Immaculate Heart will respond to your requests according to the Will of the Lord.
I love your hearts very much, I contemplate you moment by moment. Thank you for responding to My daily call. My Heart protects you; we are united in prayer and in Mercy.
The Kingdom of My Peace in your hearts.
Who protects you from everything, in the Celestial Light, Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more