Dear children,

Today your Heavenly Mother emits profound thanksgiving and love to all those who made possible this new edition of the Festival in the city of Santa Fe, Argentina.

This loving thanksgiving also reaches all groups of young souls that make up the Board of this Festival who, throughout time, have made great and true efforts to keep concretizing this aspiration of your Divine Mother.

I thank you for the sincere and balanced ecumenism attained through fraternization with other spiritual movements that in some way seek a connection and contact with God.

In this way, I have been able to witness the growth and maturity of the youth, to assume this task and mission throughout the different cities of the world, knowing what this means, not only on a material level but also on a spiritual level.

In this way, the adults must keep supporting and helping the younger ones so that they can direct and conduct their potentials, talents and virtues along the correct path.

Throughout the latest Festivals, your Heavenly Mother has been able to work in the awakening of the youth, so that all may be protected and not confounded by all that the world offers them today.

Therefore, dear children, the Festival must keep reaching not only its spiritual but also its material scope, until it represents one of the most important events of consciousness, love and respect for humanity, so that the culture of discard and indifference for the Kingdoms of Nature and for the most marginalized beings may be uprooted from human consciousness.

All that was offered today by the Festival of Santa Fe will prepare you for the next stage.

May today all good beings, beyond their beliefs, religion or culture, be blessed, because in essence, all are children of the same Father and Creator.

I thank all the youth for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace



Not only in Colombia, but also in other nations of the world, a part of humanity, of the followers of Christ, must get together and assemble to await for the definitive moment of humanity, known as the Judgment of judgments.

These spaces and places for the ecumenical meeting of My followers will be the Light-Communities, where they will be free and protected from the imminent dangers that the human race itself will generate through its disagreements with the social and political life of the nations.

Because in truth, humanity will unmask those who only disseminated empty promises about a change or an improvement that never existed in any way; they were only pretty words dressed up in emotional and convincing speeches.

At least a part of humanity will turn to the Spiritual Hierarchy, wherever it may be, to have a guide and protection during the crucial moments.

Thus, companions, be attentive, because these moments are not so far away and you do not need to have fifty years go by to arrive to the end of times, because the end is here.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your hearts!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


I reflect Myself, widely, by means of the Sacraments.

The Sacraments and their forms are the extensions of the Attributes and of the Graces that come from Heaven.

When the soul comes into contact with some of the Sacred Sacraments, it has the opportunity of going through the divine mystery and of uniting, essentially, to the Supreme Truth.

The Sacraments and their forms are like spiritual bridges of Light that conduct the soul toward the fulfillment of its purpose and of its mission on Earth.

The Sacraments put us in contact with the diverse Designs of God and they provide wisdom, reverence and devotion to those who live them and adopt them as standards of inner conduct.

In this sense, the Sacraments are still pouring blessings and graces on the souls so that the human beings may learn, through them, to overcome the inner duality, to live their individual and group purpose and, mainly, for all to learn to share and to live the Christian ecumenism and human fraternity.

The Sacraments are gifts, but they are also a means to live redemption. Their practice in daily life and the devotional and ardent value that we place before each one of them will allow the human being to receive the necessary protection to transit the end of times, in this moment of planetary chaos.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


To the Youth of Peace 

Dear children,

With joy and gratitude, we offer the youth meeting of today to the Universe, so that new seeds of Light may be sown in all beings that must awaken to a new state of consciousness, as a form of inner preparation for the times that will come.

Each activity that was offered today with enthusiasm has contributed to the spiritual manifestation of this state of consciousness that the present-day humanity needs to acquire for the current times.

For this seventh Youth Festival, the city of Buenos Aires was chosen as the host of the ecumenical youth meeting; the preparation for it, with effort, love, service and dedication, has demonstrated to all youth that it is possible to carry out the Work of the Hierarchy and make it part of their lives in this cycle.

The seventh Youth Festival represents a cycle of maturity, of learning and of experiences for the pioneering youth that gave the first impulses for the materialization of the Youth Campaign for Peace.

In this sense, the number seven means that all youth have passed by seven cycles and seven schools of learning, which helped strengthen the commitment of love for the Hierarchy and for humanity.

Today, an internal and spiritual synthesis has happened in the inner world of each youth collaborating with this Work of love, which goes beyond the meetings of peace, integration, service, prayer and humanitarian missions.

From this seventh Youth Festival for Peace, which has preciously taken place in the city of Buenos Aires, an integration has been established among the youth of different nations, who, together with the Hierarchy, and from this new cycle onwards, will be encouraged to spiritually rebuild the consciousness of the planetary youth by living the new patterns of conduct, co-existence, fraternity and service for humanity and for the Kingdoms of Nature.

The Youth Festivals for Peace represented for the Celestial Hierarchy an opportunity of healing, of renewal and of service for a planet that suffers and agonizes day by day.

From the Spiritual Universe, new virtues and new talents will be placed in the heart of each youth, in order to keep constructing this network of love and service so as to relieve the human and internal pain.

We encourage you all to continue working, to live each learning and each experience as an opportunity to grow internally, knowing that such old spirits, as those of the youth, must resume their places within this Plan of Love for humanity.

My dear children and youth, let us celebrate this day as part of a celestial victory in humanity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Special Apparitions
Special Apparition of the Virgin Mary, in Geneva, Switzerland, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús

When the world understands that we are one, humanity will be saved and there will no longer be suffering or desperation in the hearts.

When humanity understands that we are one, joy will return to the hearts and hope will make souls be reborn.

When humanity understands that we are one, a new humanity will be born and it will not be necessary to live in the past anymore, but rather to look always to the future, to what is more reachable, immediate, to what is available for all souls and that comes from the Kingdom of God.

When humanity understands that we are one, it will no longer be necessary to hold back the mysteries of the Universe, because all will be revealed and divine knowledge will be there for everyone. Human science will someday understand that God, Our Father, is the great Administrator of Creation and of Life; and that we all come from Him and that someday we must return to Him to carry out the synthesis of this experience and thus recreate Creation.

That is why I come to Geneva, seeking to unite all Christians under the Most Pure Spirit of My Son, in which everything will be realized, in which everything will be able to be carried forward, following the steps of the Light of the Lord.

In this way, I come to stabilize all that moves against the evolution of God. Through divine neutrality, I come to bring peace to the hearts that need it and I come to awaken the souls that must open their eyes to the Truth of God.

Through Peace I come to grant these Graces to the world, knowing that for God nothing is impossible and this is an example of what happens today; nothing is impossible for God when He wishes it with the ardor of His Heart.

The spirituality that the world does not live consciously, which is grand and infinite, is very simple and humble. So simple and humble that the ever Virgin Mary, Mother of God, comes to meet you to testify and to confirm the importance of this ecumenical union among the servers of Christ. Because by establishing this ecumenical union, doors all over the world will open that it had not been foreseen would open; doors through which many Graces will be poured and many atonements will be granted to places in the world that were meant to disappear. 

Thus, My children, when the first step towards the Call of God is taken, many more things may happen than those which were foreseen.

When the response is real, full of love and simplicity, God can continue working in the hearts and bring more Mercy to the world.

That is why I am here, My children, in Geneva, standing by for that great moment, which anticipates the coming of Christ in a surprising way, never seen before by this humanity.

In the meantime, My children, follow the path that I am indicating to you. Continue building in yourselves this ecumenical spirit that I need to move forward with the Plans of Peace of My Beloved Son.

I need you on this path and on this realization, knowing that it is important and immediate to respond to the needs of humanity, so that more hearts may be healed and redeemed.

I encourage you to live this spirit of Christian ecumenism that will unite races and peoples even further, that will defeat the projects of My enemy and that will cause the Sacred Heart of Jesus to triumph in all souls.

Thus the importance of this moment, My children, because while the Mother of God is present here with you and with the world, with each devoted and believing heart, the omnipresence of the Mother of God can destroy the great currents of evil that pervert souls and remove them from the path of Love of My Son.

Therefore, if I am here, why should you fear?

I am here and I am your Mother, and whoever is near the Mother of God has no reason to fear evil, because evil does not exist, evil is created by the indifference and the ignorance of humankind.

The Love of God does exist; it neutralizes everything, it harmonizes everything and brings peace to hearts.

Hold on to the Love of God and your lives will triumph in the conversion, not only because of daily prayer, but also because of the Sacraments that My Son offers to you, which should be valued and contemplated as true jewels of the Spiritual Universe.

So, My children, I invite you into the spirit of ecumenism, because the world needs it in order to figure out and perceive where this current humanity stands and how distant the path that it treads is from God.

I invite you to make all the necessary effort, because this will help the Plan of God and will, in your hearts, constitute a real purpose that will cause you to walk on the Pathway of Christ and will give you the impulse to inner transformation.

Following these steps, responding to My requests, everything will have been said.

While I am here, I am with the people of Switzerland, from the North to the South and from the East to the West, sowing the cross of victory of Christ at the highest point of the Alps. So that all spirits, all consciousnesses and all hearts may recognize, through the Redeeming Cross of Our Lord, the Advent of Christ in His second glorious Return to the world.

Continue praying for peace and peace will be granted to the world for some more time, and the great representatives of this humanity will make correct decisions, that will be in accordance to the Will of God and especially with the need of the most humble and poor peoples.

As Lady of all nations, I come to call you to solidarity and to the good, because in this way, hearts will also be healed and the most solitary souls of this world will find once more the hope they need to be able to see Christ again.

I am leaving here with a stage completed by all who have responded to My Call. Because the amount does not matter, but rather the truth, which brings hearts here who hear the inner call of the Mother of God; this will build the Plan of God in souls and will bring Light to all the essences of the world.

With so little I can do much, because in the little is the simple, that which is humble and sincere.

Thank you, Divine Mother, for all that you give us!

And I give you the Light of My Hope.

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

I thank you for this important moment because later you will see. Amen.


My children,

On the day of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, festivity of the first missionaries of Christ, I have come to Geneva in the name of peace and of unity to confirm the ecumenical alliance among all Christians.

This is the reason why the ever Virgin Mary and Mother of the Church, has asked on this day, June 29th, for a special meeting in Geneva, headquarters of many state institutions, in order to unite all the believers of Christ in the inner planes, by means of the ecumenism shared among His servers. 

The mission of each Christian is to love the Purpose of God and to carrying it forward by means of equality of conditions and under the sacred spirit of understanding of the different Christian manifestations of faith.

In this twenty-first century, in which the world faces great challenges, and also social and global inequalities, may the Flame of the Love of Christ be the point of union among all Christians, based on the principle of faith and in the Sacred Gospel of Christ.

As the Mother of the Church and of humanity, My Son sends Me to grant the deep Grace of understanding, of knowledge and of wisdom so that all of those who open their heart to the call of ecumenism may together, and in unity, solve and respond to the urgent needs of humanity, of all the People of God.

This inter-religious ecumenism will allow all Christians, under the same goal and supported by Divine Grace, to reach the complete vision of the different lacks and needs of humanity, knowing that it is urgent and immediate to dissolve together the evil, the wars and the conflicts that embrace many peoples in the world, and rescue from these very hard abysses those who suffer the most: the innocent.

By means of ecumenical and Christian unity, Christ will work more widely, because His disciples of these times must be witnesses of the Gospel in all the places, in order to sow the seeds of faith, of love and of unity in the most arid soils of this world.

And Christ, the Living Water, will be the One who will water and cultivate what His kin will accomplish in the world.

The ecumenical and Christian union will generate the spirit of respect and, above all, of a true solidarity among Christians that accompany the same God, the Only and Omnipresent, with their feeling and through their faith and their trust in the teachings of the Gospel. 

On the day of the Apostles Peter and Paul, may the missionary spirit arise again in all Christian Churches, a spirit that will impel the revelation of the life of apostleship in Christ, so necessary to relieve suffering and to bring the healing and the love to the marginalized hearts.

Christ is for all.

He came on behalf of all and for all.

The effort of the witnesses of Christ will be, by means of ecumenical union, to carry forward the preparation of His glorious second coming, preparing in the souls the bases of their union with God and with all the attributes that awakens faith.

At last will emerge the burning wish of the Lord, that His followers and companions of missionary and apostolic path may unite to attend the current world crisis.

For this reason, I come to Geneva to give the blessing to all and to encourage you to carry forward the announcement of the Word and the Love of Christ by means of the works and the ecumenical unity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Virgin of La Salette


As Mother of a flagellated homeland and marked by mankind's perversion, today I unite you, for the first time, before a scenery that has been rebuilt by the faith of My children in Poland, but a scenery that has not shut itself. The feeling of invasion and disappearance of the race still inhabits the hearts of the children of Poland.

So many have migrated seeking peace and solidarity!

Today, after more than fifty years, the Virgin of Czestochowa returns to the heart of Poland to infuse peace and the definite closure of that human and spiritual wound, which has marked the destiny of millions of souls.

It is for this reason that My Son will come first, and secondly, His Mother will come in order to remind all of Poland that its people, its culture and society are still present in Our Holy Hearts. This new cycle of humanity, the Mother of God will ask all Her loyal followers and worshippers to set here a field of service and prayer so that more spiritual wounds be closed.

The revival of Poland is still to occur and it will be important that the ecumenic Christian spirit expands over these people, once within the people of Poland there is opening for this union to be able to establish itself.

From now on I thank the company of all those who make the effort of arriving in Poland, because if Poland is repaired, all of Europe will be repaired and new Grace will be poured on this part of humanity.

I thank you for answering My call!

Who blesses you, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Virgin of Czestochowa


If in truth My Presence amongst you were only visions, it would never have been possible to build the Work through the human beings of the world.

A work is real when it is sustained by the Divine Presence itself and that Work persists because the Divine Presence so wishes and thus manifests it all.

Sometimes, certain religious people and priests offend more with their comments on the Work that God carries out in the world and please less with their liturgical activities.

In truth, when certain priests, religious people or even bishops offend the Work that God carries out within souls, far from the control and the authority of the Church, this is more serious than all the faults committed by poor sinners.

One must be careful with everything that a representative of Christ on Earth says or manifests to the people of God, causing hearts to dissent, filling them with more and more doubts.

This is much more serious because with their word, they could be condemning the salvation of all of these souls that hear them.

The Celestial Father has the only Truth and before everything that He does with His Work, separate from the power of the people of the Church, we must bow our head and be respectful; because the human being will never be able to deeply understand everything that God wants to do.

For this reason, I ask all priests, the religious ones and representatives of Christian churches to hold their tongues to not continue to offend the Work of God, which is infinite and eternal, and with their ironic comments, to not stain the souls that place their faith in Christ.

Each one fulfills their part in this mission of evangelizing in the Presence of the Lord, through example, love, and truth more than with words.

Do not forget the fraternity and the ecumenism which have not yet been understood by you, since the true alliance that must be established between the different beliefs is based on love and transparency.

Let priests be true intercessors of Christ between Heaven and Earth and not executioners dressed as saints who condemn their fellow beings and do not look within themselves, forgetting penance.

The one who thinks they will survive alone will be lost. Unity and respect among peoples and religions are what will defeat the beast that will come out of the abyss.

Faith is not measured by acts or judgments.

Faith is the balm of light in simple hearts.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Prayer: A Door to Liberation

With the divine Rosary in My Hands, I come from Heaven to reveal a simple mystery in which the Power of God hides.

Pray and you will be free.

Pray and you will be free from the pains and bindings of the past. Pray and you will be free from the concepts of the mind, from division, from the lack of forgiveness and love, from the incapacity to reconcile with your fellow being and with God.

Pray and you will be free to be reborn and leave behind that which causes you pain. Pray and you will know how to comprehend your paths, because God presents you the different situations of your lives, and how to make the apparent difficulties a service for the consciousness of all humanity.

Pray and you will be free to understand the celestial mysteries. You will not doubt the Truth and will not fear knowing it because you will not limit the greatness of God to the small human comprehension.

Truly pray and you will live your own union with God, your own inner contact that will raise you to the Heavens even if your feet are on Earth.

What I come to ask you, My children, is that you pray and in the simple act of praying, the virtues will be revealed to you, the Light of the Divine Word will free you from darkness and the Gift of God will guide you so that in spite of the tribulations of the world, you will never lose faith and love in your hearts.

While all is allowed in these times of definition, place your rosaries in your hands and speak to God, cry out for His Mercy in these times of miseries and imperfections, and let the Father respond to the heart with a simple feeling, with a breath, with a relief or even with the sharing of the pain that He feels for this world so lost.

What I come to ask you, My children, is that you pray and open your hearts to a new time, for it is the moment of unity, of living in communion for the Peace and Redemption of this world.

It is the moment for the religions to unite, to pray with the heart for One God and for each one, in their own language, to cry out to the Father for the Purpose of God to be fulfilled.

It is time for respect to exist among races and beliefs, for the religions to learn to pray for one another so that the Purpose that God had, when He inspired each one of them, may be fulfilled at this time.

If all religions resume their purity and return to the purpose of their origin, which is the expression of Love and the establishment of Peace, the hearts will be worthy to recognize He Who will come to unite all things on a unique path and put an end to divisions and human wars.

They will recognize the Last Prophet, Who will return so that those who did not recognize Him in the past can surrender to His Love in this last time.

The Son of God will again place His Feet on Earth, and His last promise will be fulfilled, so that Love may have life within the hearts of human beings and God may renew Himself through His creatures.

In the meantime, My children, pray for the divine Light to illuminate your paths, pray to know how to fulfill the Will of God, pray to free yourselves from what prevents you from walking towards the Heart of the Father.

Pray to grow in spirit, and finally, pray for the Love of God to triumph definitively among the dimensions and, so that, not only the Apocalypse but also the one thousand years of peace may become a reality.

Just as you see the chaos foreseen in the Apocalypse be fulfilled, you will also see the final triumph of God in the radiance of His Son.

Just pray for humanity to persevere in its faith and to overcome the tests of illusion until it reaches the essence of the Truth.

Unite your rosaries to Mine and you will never get lost.

My Feet of Mother and Pilgrim will always mark the rhythm of your steps until you surrender them to the Heart of the Heavenly Father.

I bless you and thank you for praying with Me for the establishment of Peace and the liberation of this world.

Your Mother, Mary, Rose of Peace


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I come for the souls of the world and not for the beasts that dwell on the Earth. They will not stop Me from doing what I must do in the name of the Father.

I come here for the hearts that listen to Me.

I come here for the hearts that cry out to Me.

I come here for all My children, regardless of their beliefs or their religion, for I am the Mother of Love, I am the Mother of the Sacred Victory of Christ, and who is here with Me is with God.

Everything may be trembling around you, but if My Heart is present here, dear children, it is a sign that God is here among you and that the triumph of His Kingdom is near.

The defeat of the beasts is close, because when My Son places His Feet on this planet, many things will come to an end. He promised this during the last meeting in the city of Mendoza. His promise is active and current.

You, dear children, must continue to pray with Me every day, irrespective of what is happening in your nation or in all your people, so that the promise of Christ can be concretized and many more hearts not only here in Chile, but also in the world, may be able to receive the Grace of God, as you receive it today.

I invite you, dear children, to work conscientiously and with perseverance, because I did not finish My work in Peñablanca, nor was it broadly understood. I came as the Mother of this nation, in those past times, to try and avoid many things in the Southern Cone.

Thus, as Mother of Kindness and of Mercy, I had the permission to choose the most wretched souls so that here they could understand My great testimony of love for the world, and above all, for this country that is still in My celestial plans.

For this reason, warriors of peace, ancient peoples of the sacred mountains, I invite you to work united with Me, I invite you to open the doors of your hearts so that finally, the doors of your homes can open to souls. And in the same way, dear children, you be able to go through the doors of your homes to have an encounter with those most in need of prayer, those that are most wretched, those that suffer, those that still do not know God nor the Love of the Redeemer.

With the awareness you have acquired in your lives, however small it may be, I invite you, dear children, to accompany Me, to help Me to engrave the flag of Chile on My Heart. And further, dear children, I want My celestial Mantle to be that redeemed flag so that more stars of My crown may shine.

What I need, dear children, is that you help Me save this people, that new groups of prayer be generated here that will join Christian ecumenism, and not fear to say, dear children, that you believe in the Mother of the Redeemer.

I come with My Hands full of Graces so that on this night, they may be poured out. I come on this night, full of the Love of God, so that your deepest wounds be healed, so that the past of this country be erased and it be possible to open new doors to great opportunities and changes in this nation.

I come to seek the love you hold, within you, under more than seven keys. But remember that I am the Master of all the keys of the universe and have no impediment for being able to reach your hearts.

If I am the Lady of Mount Carmel, your Lady of Carmen, the Patroness of this country and all Chileans, what I need, dear children, is for you to dare to cause My Immaculate Heart to triumph; that you not fear to proclaim My blessings, My joy, My kindness and My love for each of you.

On this night of preparation and reflection, I invite you to take a step in this spiritual walk, to open the doors to all those that must come, to all those who have lost their faith in God and are submerged in the materialism of these times.

This country holds a great spiritual treasure that is still unknown to it, that exists from north to south and in the greatest heights of these mountains of the Andes.

Dear children, value these natural treasures that God gave you. Look to your mountains, not as if they were ordinary mountains. Look to the mountains, seeking the sign of the elevation of your consciousnesses. The time has come for you to climb the mountain to its peak to find Christ, Who waits for you with His Heart open, full of Mercy and with His Arms open, to meet with you again, to say to you, dear children, as He always says: "My companions, enter into My Heart and you will find peace."

I need this people to transform into the spiritual model which God thought of since the beginning. Your roots, those of the original peoples, hold a great treasure, an important legacy that comes from the Incas and which cannot be erased from your memories.

Remember your origins, dear children, above all things, love what this sacred people left sown here and everything it achieved through its experiences and its culture.

In this simple way, I invite you to recover the values, to recover the spiritual dignity this people once lived.

This will greatly help you change your way of thinking, to see all things differently and rise above all the events of these times.

Because, dear children, in this end time and encouraged by My Immaculate Heart, I need you to dare to live your own truth, the truth that My Son preaches not only in the Gospel, but also through the Sacraments, prayer, service, instruction, and most importantly, through the love He needs you to experience so that your hearts can be healed and redeemed.


Sister Lucía de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

On this night, I came to speak to you about a higher Love.

I came to awaken you, My children, through My Sacred Verb, which is the echo of the Voice of God in this world.

Just as I am His Servant, and I never tire of serving the Lord, I ask, children, that you unite with Me in this universal service; that you come here for more than wanting to see Me, to pray for peace, to cry out for this nation as well as the whole world; because I need soldiers of peace, children, from north to south, in the East and in the West, to consecrate this world to a spiritual life, fraternal, real, a life that follows the Laws that are in Heaven and which also hide inside the Earth, as well as in the human heart.

The true potential, children, your real likeness with God, that love which is in the depths of your hearts and which is a principle of Divine Love, that, children, is what you should awaken on this day.

I do not come to bring you a new religion, a new belief or a new faith. I come to renew the faith of this people, to have it become real in the Lord, our God, so that in this way, My children, you no longer just think of yourselves, but become soldiers of an army that does not come from this world and does not act through the establishment of their own will, but rather through the Will of God.

Today, children, as your Celestial Universal Mother, I open My arms to the eyes of your hearts and only ask that you be under My Mantle, under My protection. And for this, I need you to pray, that you fulfill the Commandments given to you by God through Moses. And more than that, children, that you fulfill and live the only Commandment left to you by My Son, when His voice resounded on this Earth.

Today, My children, I come to ignite the mirrors of your hearts and make your beings redeemed and rescuable again, so that you may accomplish the Will of God, not only on this Earth, but also beyond it, in what you call eternity, where time does not exist and service is constant.

Thus, I prepare you on this Earth so that you may eternally serve God. There is no greater wholeness, My children, than finding a service, a meaning for your own life, a real sense which will lead you to justice, Mercy, inner peacefulness, and as a result, to the transformation of your lives, so that little by little, you transform this world.

Today, children, My Verb does not bring you a utopia; it brings you a Grace that unfolds in the heart that says 'yes' to Me. Thus, stretch out your hands to Me and receive the Graces I bring you. Cry out for My Mercy, which is the same that comes from the Blood and the Water of My Son; I am only a bearer of this Grace, I am the bearer of Peace and I bring it as mediator and intercessor into your lives.

On this evening, I call on you to experience humility, so that you recognize that many times you are lost and do not find help because you do not seek Me, because you do not seek God.

Today, children, I open a new door for you, a door to redemption, and I invite you to go through so as to renew your lives in My Peace, in My Presence, because if you pray with Me, I will be with you every day.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús transmits the Words of the Virgin Mary:

I come to this nation, in this time, to carry out an inexplicable and unknown plan which may appear to be impossible. A Plan that is only just beginning on this day, and which will develop over time. Thus, you must pray together with your Celestial Mother so that this plan be fulfilled, stage by stage.

Dear children, I come to prepare you for something greater, I come to prepare you so that you acquire a new awareness, so that you come out of yourselves, and encouraged by My Heart, take the steps toward Christ through an unconditional life of service, which is what this people, in perfect unity and fraternity, must work for in these times, so that in this way, My children, you never lack My Grace, the Grace which I want to pour out with so much love upon all of Chile and all My children who live there.

On this evening, this is My Message, this is My declaration. I also call on you, dear children, to gather other souls that do not know I am here, through this communication, through you, so that through your hearts, you transmit My call to the souls of this nation.

For this meeting, today I thank you, dear children, for responding to My call.

In the Grace of God, which is infinite, perpetual and invincible, I bless you.

In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Take My Peace to Chile, so that peace may be in your hearts and in the whole world.

I thank you.


Dear children:

The official declaration is hereby made that the Work of Peace of the Divine Messengers, in an ecumenical, autonomous, and fraternal way, will provide its humanitarian services to the different peoples and nations of the world for the purpose of spiritually establishing a longer period of peace.

It is thus that the missionaries of Fraternidade and those consecrated from the Order of My Son, as from the impulse given by international organizations, are assembled, gathered together, and twinned in the two bases that will be permanently established in the north of Brazil.

This means, dear children, that for your Heavenly Mother, the permanent mission of Greece will be temporarily closed and will be taken over by the representatives and members of the Network-of-Light of Europe.

Regarding the mission of permanent service at the pheriphery of the Community-of-Light of Figueira, it will also be temporarily closed, and will be taken over under My call by the Light Network of Minas Gerais and São Paulo.

Therefore, under the Will of Our Father, all principal and in-formation missionaries will be transferred to the north of Brazil in order to respond to the request made by international organizations, which seek peace, justice, and equity among races and peoples.

In this sense, the Spiritual Hierarchy is calling all of the planetary Network-of-Light to undertake the humanitarian service, the objective of which is that the principal and consecrated servants who belong to the Communities-of-Light and reside in them be able to extensively develop a fraternal service in the quest for establishing healing, redemption, and love in the souls that, because of conflicts, wars, and disorder among nations, have lost the essence of faith and of love.

It is important to emphasize that the spiritual shield of protection of the missionaries and those consecrated who will undertake the operative phase of service in the international organizations under the principle of fraternity, will have as an inner foundation the presence of the Sacred Hearts. But under no circumstance or reason will some religious or spiritual principle be disseminated, since the cause of the current conflicts comes from the social and humanitarian misunderstandings among the religions.

In this new phase of taking up world tasks and of those of a universal order, the Fraternidade will only seek the good and the benefit for fellow human beings, so that values and human rights may be recovered.

We will be guiding this new phase step by step, which will have the consciousness of all those who serve sacrifice many things in their lives so that a worse situation than already exists may not be precipitated in South America.

I thank you for responding to this operation of world rescue for peace and the good of the world.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted during the journey from Lisbon, Portugal to Rome, Italy, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

In these times, My children of the world place their attention upon all that is external, neglecting their great inner world, where God dwells.

Few of My children place their attention upon the infinite richness of their inner world, and this is painful for Our God.

Hearts are trapped by all that they call "innovative" and great planetary hypnotism surrounds the planet, especially humanity.

For this reason, I have asked My beloved Son for permission to return to the world as many times as necessary so that your Heavenly Mother may awaken humanity ahead of time.

With the prayers of My children, I can intercede. With the prayers of My children, I can reach where the greatest planetary need exists.

Now your Heavenly Mother, the Queen of Peace, goes on pilgrimage with you to Italy, with the mission that the sacred ecumenical union among all believers of Christ, Our Lord, may be accomplished.

I accompany you, guide you and protect you with the maternal Light of My Heart.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you and is among you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Today I dedicate this message to all the youth of light, to the new seeds that are sprouting in these definitive times, and in whom My eyes of a Mother can see the virtues that awaken within them.

Thus, these seeds of the youth that are sprouting today represent, for My co-redemptive work, the expression of the essential purity that must be kept in each one of them.

Within the youth lies the foundations of the New Humanity, it is for this reason that your Heavenly Mother is ready to work directly and unconditionally with these souls.

That is why I have requested that throughout these recent days the Youth Festival for Peace be disseminated in Brazil, so that the young people themselves, who carry forward this impulse of brotherhood and union with the Kingdoms of Nature, can in the future take it to Central America, North America, Europe, Africa, Oceania and Asia.

I would like the culture of the youth for peace to be known upon the five continents, as well as in the monthly Meeting of Music for the Healing and Elevation of Humanity, in which the youth should especially have a wider space where they can express their musical gifts and their artistic virtues.

In the planetary youth, who are awakening to a search for spiritual life and to non-aggression toward the lower Kingdoms, lies the potential to open the doors for many souls in the whole world, who do not know of My Maternity nor My love for each of the children of God. For this reason, the Youth Campaign for Peace must also expand into various languages, just as the Meeting of Music for Healing must be translated into other languages.

Thus, dear children, I want to show you the path toward the true universal ecumenism, which is not understood by the Church of My Son; I come to teach you the ecumenism of brotherhood and peace, which was preached by My Son two thousand years ago.

I thank all My children for their adherence.

I give you Thanks for receiving My call in your hearts.

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Archangel Gabriel:

I am the Archangel Gabriel, the Messenger of God,

I come before Christ to announce a prophecy,

Let us pray to the First-born Son.

Thank you for listening.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

In the name of the Christ of Light...

Let us again sing "Christ, You are Love" to wait for the Master

Embrace your cross and follow me.

I come from Heaven as a Messenger of Peace, to bring hope to lost hearts, to bring peace to those who judge Me, to bring healing to those who most need it.

I Am that Great Heart of the Universe that announces itself to all souls, bringing them renewal, transcendence and the transfiguration of their consciousnesses.

This is My Message for the end of times: That all may vivify Me, no matter to what belief they belong, because if the Love of God is in you, there will be the Love of the Son of God and He will fill you, He will guide you, that love will strengthen you, and you will know which path to follow in these times.

I am calling all the souls that follow different paths of light, and even more, I call those souls that are lost on dark paths.

Including within My Church. I come to banish what is already old.

My Government is Divine rather than terrestrial.

My Church is Celestial and Universal and is not made of stone, as it is in the minds of some hearts.

I come to bring everyone the Great Spirit of My Ascension, which throbs in the heart of the Universe and that has redeemed all the existing world. Thus, I also bring you My Divine Mercy so that deep in your hearts you may know My Peace.

I do not come to create conflicts among nations, nor among religions. My sole religion, dear companions, is Love, and I know that, since the beginning, when I was among you, those first did not understand My Message. And that mistaken message has come forward today; thus, the structure of My Church is very rigid.

Time and again, through My Divine Aspects, I come to bring a renewal in order to break away from all the structures that have crystallized many hearts on Earth.

Live in My Mercy and truly profess My Divine Mercy.

My scepter is not with the impious, nor with those who think to govern through Me.

My scepter of Light is with the humble, because it is nothing material. My Government is spiritual and incalculable.

I bring the Divine Mercy of the Universe for all, something which I drew to Earth when I died on the Cross.

So really feel these things, transform your hearts in time and you will not remain like your fellow beings, lost in their own ideas and projects.

May all be able to hear again, just as you listened at the Mount of Beatitudes: I Am the Son of humankind. I am that pure Heart of Love that is represented through Mercy so that all souls may achieve redemption.

In this final cycle of the planet, our message is not to bring terror to hearts, but rather, consciousness and awakening.

When the impulse of our messages reaches the whole world you will see how the castles of sand will move, of those who build their own structures and say they are doing it in My Name. But things are not like this, companions.

I invite you to live the renouncement of self, the emptiness of self, so that My Church, which is celestial rather than terrestrial, may awaken in all the hearts that need it.

Therefore, I am sending My angels and archangels so that they may testify to the world that many of My apostles are mistaken.

I came to bring you the Gospel and the good news through the simple things, through prayer, charity, and poverty.

In My Celestial Church no wealth is kept, but only the treasure of the Heart of God that is not visible to all.

Open your eyes, My apostles of the whole world, priests that preach My Word.

My real church is still descending to the world and it is spiritual and sublime.

Happy are those who adore Me in the Holy Sacrament, because they will be able to understand all the mysteries that I bring today.

Do not bother your siblings any longer; live your own transformation before the door of Mercy closes. There will be no place or space where you will be able to cry.

Repent and do penitence, priests, before it is all too late.

It has already been said and written: the Son of God, together with His angels and archangels, will separate the straw from the wheat and will come with His Divine Justice to correct humanity and also all of the church's on Earth.

Nothing will escape My Universal Justice but if you repent from the heart, rather than only in appearance, you will be able to find My Celestial Kingdom.

Again, I will not cast My pearls before swine.

Help souls so they can rescue themselves and fulfill the mission they came to fulfill.

Do not defame the things of My Work and unite in charity and in ecumenism because it will be the Love of God that will triumph in all the hearts of the Earth.

It will be that infinite and inexplicable Love that will unite religions and beliefs because when I physically return to the world, I will show the world and especially all My followers, how mistaken they have been. In this way, they will open their eyes and will be able to recognize all I have done throughout the ages, through all the consciousnesses that I have self-summoned.

Do not tempt evil, because in truth you do not know it. Unite with My Heart and you will find peace.

Do not be unbelievers, do not deny My Message.

My Heart comes to those that have not reached My Church, to all those who have not managed to attract it.

Live in love and you will be in My Divine Mercy, and you will not be touched by the rod of My Justice.

Do not deny My Message.

I do not come for the world, I come for essences, for the hearts that need to find love again and live My last and Divine Mercy, for I will raise those to the Kingdom of My Father who are fallen and it will not be My priests who will first enter the Kingdom of God.

Have you ever asked yourselves whether you may go to purgatory?

Everything is allowed in these times.

Live love, because humanity needs love, thus, you will attract peace, and in this way, the conflict on the whole planet will end.

Friar Elías of the Sacred Heart:

Christ is gone

Let us enter a moment into adoration and ask for forgiveness, for us and for our brothers and sisters, for the fulfillment of the Work of the Father.

Each one will make their offer to Christ, in gratitude and love

The Archangel Gabriel has asked us for the Holy Sacrament: Can you bring it here?

Let us keep the connection with the angels.

Let us stay in silent prayer, being grateful for the presence of the Archangel Gabriel, and all that this means.

Let us keep the contact with that reality, that Angelic and Archangelic Kingdom that comes to help us and bring us peace. And in this way, we are going to prepare ourselves for adoring the Holy Sacrament for some minutes, bringing peace to us, to the planet, and to our peers, for those of whom Christ spoke to.

The Archangel Gabriel tells us to penetrate the Universe of the Holy Sacrament with the eyes of our heart.

Through this sacred symbol, may we find the Kingdom of God and all the adoring angels who bring Peace and the Mercy of God to all the Universes.

Let us adore, says the Archangel Gabriel, for all those who have been outraged and removed from the path of light.

Let us offer this adoration for these souls, trusting in the fullness of the Mercy of God for each one of them.

Let us unite our souls with the Holy Sacrament of the Altar and trust in the Lord at this same present moment, in the Eternal Present of the Creator.

Let us adore for those who are unjust and for those who hurt the Plan of God, because in their essence, they really do not know love, but only pain.

Let us have mercy and let us be merciful.

Let us revere.

Those who are present say the prayer to the Angel of Peace.

 My God, I believe...

Let us thank Christ for this moment and carry His Words in our heart, to inwardly maintain this communion we had with Him.

Let us close the program of today in this way, in silence, so that we may keep what the Archangel Gabriel and Christ built inside of us.

Thank you Lord for all that you give us!


It is time to recognize the Truth of God, My children, to remove from your consciousness the ignorance about itself and to experience divine filiation as an everyday principle.

It is time to recognize your own essence and in humility turn to the Creator of all things, He who dwells within yourselves, and let Him expand and definitely establish His Reign.

I have come to the Kingdom of Lys, beloved children, for a Universal Purpose rather than a human purpose. I have come because this is My spiritual and divine Kingdom, where that which is most pure in each consciousness is held. It is from the Kingdom of Lys that I safeguard the essences and protect all My children from themselves and from My adversary.

The keys that open the doors of this Kingdom are faith and ardent devotion, and it is this faith and this devotion which I came to renew within My children so that, through their awakening, the doors of the Kingdom of Lys may be open for all of humanity and for all the Kingdoms of Nature, which also have their purity safeguarded in Lys.

While the critical times begin and many of My children are lost in the darkness, especially in the north of the planet, it is necessary that the doors of Lys be open so that, in recognizing their own essence, discovering and experiencing their filiation with God, souls are not extinguished and discouraged in the face of challenges and the abysses into which My adversary propels them.

Children, we are in a great battle for the triumph of Peace and you must be aware of this. The Kingdom of Lys must count on awake soldiers on the surface of the Earth so that, aware of the spiritual and physical situation of the planet, they may be guardians of the spring that flows from Lys to sustain souls in truth and in love, and that they not allow themselves to be lost nor deceived by the confusion of these times.

My children, the Purity radiated by the Mirrors of Lys is indispensable in these times of obscurity and darkness for a large part of humanity. And when I speak to you of darkness, I am not only referring to wars, hunger, to violence, but I am also speaking about ignorance, the indifference to God and the growth of capital powers, which blind the eyes of those who committed themselves to My Son and to the Creator, to experience Christic principles and awaken a love that opens the doors to infinity for a union with God.

The Mirrors of Lys, with their divine potential, must dissolve the darkness that does not allow My children to find the truth about themselves and about life on Earth. And for those Mirrors to be active, children, there must be pillars of prayer and of faith that support them and that, with purity of intention and humility, offer the Father their awakening and their surrender to be His instruments in the world.

It is for a universal and divine reason, My children, that I awaken the Kingdom of Lys and I establish a new Home on the surface of the Earth, not because that which I have already achieved as Divinity in Europe through Fatima, Lourdes or Medjugorje was not enough, but each of My Homes has a unique function: to awaken certain souls and to manifest a divine principle.

Now is the time for a more profound awakening for Europe, like in America. It is time for My children to be more aware of the battle of these times and to unite through universal ecumenism to spiritually sustain the planet and prepare to fertilize the ground of the Earth for a new life.

Children, it is for the simple reason of elevating you and awakening you that I am here. As a Celestial and Universal Mother, I seek to lead you to the Truth of the Creator.

This evening, may the Mirrors of Lys be ignited within you and reflect Their Purity and Their Peace in your essences so that you feel and live an awakening to higher life, and may your souls, which are thirsty to serve the Father, finally find their path.

I love you and bless you, placing the Flower de Lys in your essences, a flower that awakens purity and truth within you.

The One who always guides you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Spiritual and Civic Regulation for the Children of Mary

Dear children,

Due to the end of times and the beginning of inner purification of souls, I emit to you this basic regulation of consecration of the Children of Mary who, by signing it, will be accepting the foundations of this consecration and of this regulation, which will help you all to maintain yourselves within the Purpose and within the Law of the Hierarchy, the Law of Love.

This regulation is born to respond to the need of taking care of all the Children of Mary, not only of their consecration as Children, which has a spiritual value, but also to protect the Work within ethical, moral and civic values.

Remember that the affiliated to Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, register themselves within the absolute spirit of accepting the proposal that the Divine Messengers present in this cycle.

Association Mary is the legal and spiritual mother that protects the consecration of all Children of Mary within the living of Christic values of spirituality, as well as within moral, ethical and mental balance.

Given the spiritual need for the consecration to become more clear, Your Heavenly Mother is presenting to you, on this day, the basic spiritual and civic regulation that the Children of Mary, consecrated and to be consecrated in the future, must accept and send, signed, agreeing with the proposal and assuming total adhesion and trust to the guidance of the Spiritual Hierarchy. It is for this fundamental reason that each Child of Mary, having been consecrated a long time ago or recently, will have to make vows before the Hierarchy, committing themselves with the following:


To keep a life of prayer for one's own redemption and for the redemption of the world. To maintain a rhythm of daily prayer for peace and for the fulfillment of the Plans of the Creator.


A consecrated Child of Mary assumes total adhesion and obedience to the indications and instructions that they receive from Association Mary, an ecumenical and spiritual entity that supports and accompanies them on their inner path.


Every Child of Mary, once consecrated, assumes not to participate in any movement, doctrine, group, human social or spiritual association of any kind that opposes itself to the assumed values of a life of prayer, service, mercy and charity inspired by the Divine Messengers. This means, children, that each Child of Mary, once consecrated, assumes the proposal presented by the Most Holy Virgin and also signs on this document their spiritual, moral or human disengagement from any spiritual movement that is not the Christianity taught by the Most Reverend Lord Jesus Christ according to His Gospel and Instruction.

Association Mary, as guardian and speaker of all the consecrated Children of Mary, has the authority, the permission and the responsibility before each one of them to indicate, notify, orient, accompany and determine their disaffiliation from the entity for the following reasons: 

A) When they present mental problems that determine that the person cannot assume, by themselves, their own consecration, nor can it be assumed by some responsible person.

B) Due to evident reasons that they maintain, in a parallel form, any spiritual and human link to other movements that contradict the Christian ecumenism and that are out of the proposal of being a Child of Mary.

C) In face of any situation, be it spiritual, mental or human, that impedes them to assume their own consecration, or that puts in risk and compromises Association Mary, or other consecrated children.

D) Due to slander, verbal, social or public mistreat of the Work of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, or for generating confusion, commentaries or any kind of individual or group movement that compromises the values of respect, fraternity and transparency held among members registered in Association Mary.

E) Due to passing away. In this case, the consecrated Child will be terminated from the Association, holding the presence of this soul in the Kingdom of the Heavens among all the consecrated Children. Association Mary will send a document to the corresponding family members, informing them about the decision made. 

F) In the face of any other spiritual, mental, emotional or human situation that compromises their own consecration due to the purification of these times.

Every Child of Mary assumes, through this signed document, that they could be officially disaffiliated from their consecration and openly accepts to maintain their inner consecration to the Divine Mother. In the case of being disaffiliated they cannot keep the materials received at the moment of their consecration. Therefore, they must hand over all of these elements to preserve from themselves, or from their own impossibility, the Work of the Heavenly Hierarchy.


All the Children of Mary, through this document that will have to be signed by each one, assume and accept, trustfully, any determination, action or procedure from the Board of the Association Mary about their possible disaffiliation from the entity, which integrates them as consecrated members of Association Mary. Every affiliate entirely accepts any observation or decision that, for logical reasons, may lead the Association itself to take a rapid determination.

This regulation intends to reinforce the true commitment of each consecrated being to the Hierarchy as a healthy and harmonious response to protect, from oneself, what the Divinity intends to build, assuming that in the time of purification, everything is unpredictable.

I will thank that all of My consecrated Children receive from the Board of the Association Mary a copy of this document so that, as soon as possible, they may send it back signed for it to be registered and archived. 

If any Child does not accept this regulation, I lovingly ask them to return all the elements of the consecration and that theyapproach some Marian Center to pray and ask for light because the consecration is a commitment assumed consciously out of love for the Plan.

I thank you for understanding Me!

For a major purpose,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

It is with the joy that My Immaculate Heart feels after the positive answer and the confirmation of a longer stay of the missionaries of peace in the Middle East, that on this day My Plan of peace, rescue and service will expand itself over the Arab regions.

It is in this way, dear children, that your Heavenly Mother will be sending the servers to carry out the next humanitarian missions in Iraq, Oman, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, among other sister nations that need the presence of the Christic energy through the donation to voluntary service.

In the spiritual plans, Your Heavenly Mother is already working together with the angels to manifest this project, in order for the love and the service of the Divine Messengers to reach, through the humanitarian missions, many needy and completely forgotten souls.

The positive answer of the Turkish association of service to the refugees, throughout many years, has opened the doors so that the unpayable spiritual debts between the Middle East and the Americas were balanced by means of the selfless donation of Fraternidade – International Humanitarian Federation with the Turkish association that takes care of the refugees.

The ecumenical exchange that was spontaneously created through service will allow, in the next cycle and in the new missions, to approach many souls to the Divine Spirit of Mercy, of peace and of love, which goes beyond the religious creeds. The true ecumenism happens as a result of the attention that one soul gives to another when the later is suffering from pain and neglect.

Dear children, your Heavenly Mother and Saint Joseph already find themselves preparing, in the inner plans, the next stages of service and selfless donation, which new consciousnesses belonging to this group of spiritual work will be called to live, directly by the inner call of the Divine Mother.

In this hour, in which the judgment is happening in the world and to all the souls on Earth, the Universe will be granting an extraordinary Grace so that, still in time, the seeds of love and mercy may be sown in the consciousness of humanity, seeds which – in this case, through the humanitarian missions – will be sown in the Arab nations of the Middle East.

What is happening between the different missions in the Americas and in the Middle East is extraordinary, since it is mobilizing the action of more elevated Laws of mercy and redemption to the world.

I leave this message as an opportunity, not only for the missionaries but also for all the servers, that there is still time to change the destiny of this humanity and of this beloved planet.

I thank you for answering to My call!

Who blesses and elevates you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the Refugees


Devotional for Ecumenism
and Unity in the Human Consciousness

Union bead
for the union of humanity in Your Purpose of Love,
we beg for Your Presence
among the different nations, peoples and religions.
May the Universal Culture become a reality on Earth.

First decade
For the Power of the Divine Mercy
emanated from the Sacred Heart,
may all peoples, races, cultures and religions
reach redemption.

Second decade
For the sacrifice lived by Christ
and for the merits achieved by Him on the Cross,
may all nations awaken
to the experience of absolute Love.

Third decade
For the Power of Pity emanated by Christ
while descending from the Cross into the arms of the Virgin Mary,
may all cultures, religions, creeds and nations
unite to pour out the Grace of God
upon the most forgotten and lost
among humankind and the Kingdoms of Nature.

Fourth decade
For the Power of the Pure Love
that resurrected each cell of Christ
and allowed Him to defeat death,
may all religions be reborn
in the Principle of Purity.

Fifth decade
For the absolute Grace that the Creator
grants us with the return of His Son,
may all peoples awaken, all hearts open
and all languages proclaim, in one language,
the Unity with God, through the Resplendent Christ.

Each day that passes by, humanity separates more from God and, as a result, from one another, strengthening individuality and the lack of love in a world that should emanate the Principle of Unity throughout the Cosmos. For this reason, I will ask you to pray for all religions, all nations, all races and all cultures.

May the creatures that were one day born from the Divine Consciousness be able to return to It.

May the different expressions of God on Earth find the purity of their original impulse.

May everything be according to the Will of the Creator in the new cycle of Earth; may everything be according to His Divine Principles.

Pray with love and with the heart because the two missions that you are currently experiencing are opening a door so that humanity may awaken to respect and unity with one another, and with God.

I love you and I wait for you in prayer.

I will pray with you every day and for all Eternity.

Your Father and Companion,

The Most Chaste Saint Joseph

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees, transmitted in the locality of San Esteban, Córdoba, Argentina, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

May the Divine Conception of My Original Purity be of spiritual help for those souls that aspire to reach God and be in His Fatherly Arms.

Service to humanity, dear children, detaches the incapacity to love from the consciousness, and holds the doors of the heart open to God.

Every day, when missionaries serve, they must bear in mind that they are doing so for the Plan of God, for the fulfillment of this highest Work for peace in the world.

It is My Original Purity, the Purity of God, that will help you find the eternal path of elevation and of love for the world.

Dear children, the service in Turkey has the inner intention of opening doors even further so that hearts, on some plane of consciousness, may reencounter God.

The gifts that favor peace, love and fraternity can become unforgettable for the souls that receive not only humanitarian help, but also the love from heart to heart.

My dear children, in these times I need you to learn to serve spiritually, seeking in this moment to fulfill the Purpose of the Creator in all of humanity.

The missionaries in Turkey, together with the humanitarian associations that take care of the refugees, established an ecumenical bond of service for peace, with no conditions and in favor of no one. This fraternal act of cooperation and charity demonstrates to the universe the possibility that the paths of service may expand even more and that other consciousnesses may be able to serve in order to forget themselves and put their attention on the needs of the other.

The Divinity is relieved by the voluntary work; this shows an open path for new opportunities. Service to others will take you to find inner purity.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who leads you to eternal service,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace and Mother of the refugees

Marathon of Divine Mercy

As My storm of Light draws closer to the world, revere the Sacred and Merciful Heart of God, for He is attentive to the voice of your supplications.

Elevate your thought to God and be worthy; in this way, My companions, you will allow the Purpose of God to be manifested on Earth.

The Plan will not waste time and through The faithful followers, it will be accomplished.

After two years shared together with Me, I come again to renew you and consecrate you. My omnipresent, kind and merciful Spirit thanks all the faithful that have been consistent with My Call to prayer.

Do not fear the times that you will face; remember that I am present in your hearts.

Open the doors to My Divine Mercy more and more every day, for My last Graces are being poured out upon the world.

For this reason, through these days, I have proclaimed My requests to all, and in this way, all may be attentive to the great need of God that all souls become redeemable, kind to the Eyes of God, blessed to the Eyes of My Mother.

I want to close this meeting, My companions, giving you the Sacraments again so that you may find in them the hope to continue, for, in the end of times, My friends, you will find in each of the Sacraments the doorways to salvation and redemption.

Through My Call to Christic ecumenism, My Heart prepares the new priests on the sublime planes.

But know that My Heart sees the potential rather than the difficulties. Each of your souls has a gift that I have given you.

Through the priests, like mirrors you will reflect My spiritual petition of unifying the peoples, the races and the languages.

Woe to those who have not understood My Purpose!

My true Church is to be found in the heart of all souls. But the souls of this material world still need many rituals, many ceremonies, much consecration, so that all those attributes, which are priestly movements of light, can imprint within all hearts the codes of My Redemption and My Return, which I am now providing to you.

But even humanity must receive these codes; it will be through the priests, servers, and apostles, those who live My Gospel from the heart, who will evangelize on the New Earth through example and conversion.

While the rain falls on your spirits, receive the cosmic rays that come from the universe, the points of light that congregate at this Center, the doors of freedom that are opening for the unredeemed. All the spirits of the world are helped through this storm of light, mainly those who fell into the abysses and lost the essence of God.

Through this nightly meeting, I come to remind you of the commitment to live the Plan. This is why I give you the Holy Sacraments so that you may be strengthened and united with Me.

For in this hour, My companions, I need your supreme surrender so that My Heart can have a dwelling place in your temples; I have still not been able to enter into some beings, but My Spirit of Peace is working on each one of them.

For this reason, today I come as the High Priest and show this Face to the whole world, remembering the principle of the Last Supper, the great mystery of Love that I celebrated with all of you and that, throughout the times and the centuries, must continue to be renewed by all priests.

Renew your spirits, pray for those whom I will call on to officiate at My Celebration, for evil will not rest in seeking them; but in your inner union as souls and hearts, as it has been in these two days, you will help, My companions, for this planet not to suffer, for souls to be liberated and the Earth not to collapse.

For the Source of My infinite Mercy to continue descending upon this world and in this place for the reparation and the redemption of souls.

Thus I wait, My companions, for your faithful response.

Let us elevate to God all the supplications, the intentions, the suffering, but also the joys you achieved during these days.

Recognize the supreme vibration, My friends, of your spirits and do not allow this superficial world to take away the union with God.

Day after day, work without tiredness and without delay so that your souls may fuse with My Soul, so that My Glorified Body be in your bodies and My Divinity be able to transform you, just as God thought of since the beginning.

Let us sing to God, Our Lord:

O Blood of Christ!,
poured over the world,
purify our souls,
relieve our hearts.
Have pity on us, Lord.
(three times)

In perfect union with Heaven and Earth, the higher world and the lower world, the angels, archangels, human beings and souls, let us elevate to God, brothers, the offerings to the Altar of the Creator so that they may be the visible testimony of the conversion of beings.

Let us adore the Lord of the Universe, let us open the doors to the Grace of God. The universe, the whole universe, is attentive to this moment.

Song: Pater Noster.

While you are participants in the Communion with My Most Holy Body, feel in your hearts and your inner beings the coming of the celestial armies and choirs.

Revere this moment in which a Portal of Light coming from the Consciousness of God, through the Most Holy Heart of His Son, is radiated from here to the whole world.

Let us praise God, let us glorify the Father, let us sanctify His Name.

I thank you, for many in these days received the source of My Mercy.

Go in Peace, be renewed every day, do not forget Me, I will always wait for you in the temple of the Heart.

I thank you.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
