During Her last Apparition, the Virgin Mary announced a period of inestimable grace: plenary indulgence, a great opportunity that will be available until January 6th. Find out more!

Friday, August 31 of 2012

Daily Messages

As the Lady of Light, today I bring you, from Heaven, the Redeeming Love of My Son.

Dear children,

Today, may you be able to be in Jesus the Savior. May your prayer be the aid for many hearts that need My Maternal Help.

Therefore, dear children, today I invite you to be consciously formed in My school of prayer and devotion so that in faith the absolute trust in the Will of God may reveal itself in your lives.

Dear children, yesterday I called you to pray for all the little children of the world; today I call you to pray for all humanity. Know, My children, that your prayer can lovingly intercede in the Heavens and My Maternal Heart collects each one of the prayers to offer them to the Creator, as the love of the heart of each one of His children.

Dear children, in times of emergency I call you to be formed daily in the prayer of the heart so that through it you may be under the merciful guidance of My Son.

Today the world still needs much prayer, the active participation of each praying group so that in this way My Celestial Light may be able to fill each one of My children.

As Divine and Immaculate Mother, again I say to you that you have, through the prayer of the heart, the definitive decision in your hands. Run without delay to the arms of My Son. As the Good Shepherd of all flocks He wants to lead you to conversion and forgiveness. He waits for your permission.

I thank you for accompanying Me in this mission of Peace for Rio de Janeiro.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Thursday, August 30 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children,

Opening My merciful arms again, and with perpetual prayer between My lips, today I invite you to live My message, today I invite you to consider each one of My words, those that have been pronounced during these last months.

My children, if you do this in this way, you will be able to be instruments of God, you will be able to be the living message for each heart in the world. This will allow that each one of My words be sown in your hearts.

Dear children, know that as Intercessor for all souls, the divine message that I lovingly give to you every day is a message of Light that comes from Heaven.

My children, today I want that you not only awaken to the maternal call, but also that you remember that each one of My words reaches your lives to bring you Forgiveness, Re- conciliation, Mercy, Divine Love and Redemption in these last times.

Being the Mother of Jesus, the Great Priest of Love, I want to teach you to read the messages, I want to teach you to meditate on My messages, and I want to teach you to interiorize My words in your hearts.

Dear children, My Immaculate Heart has already spoken much to this humanity throughout these centuries. It has spoken to make you remember that God is your only and true aspiration for all eternity.

But still, My little children, a great part of humanity is blind and closes its own heart to the gift of life that My Son represents and, more so, it little accepts Mercy.

For this reason, dear children, your prayer must help to restore all these events so that your hearts, as mediators, may receive a Greater Grace of Forgiveness.

My children, when you feel My messages, your souls will be in eternal prayer. As the world changes rapidly and without pausing for reflection, My Immaculate Heart is offering Itself to each one of you so that, united in prayer, we may change the course of humanity, in the Grace of God.

Dear children, remember to feel My words with the love of your hearts, allow the light of the Holy Spirit to descend from the Infinite Heart of God upon all humanity.

Let us pray in this time of emergency! Let us pray for the presence of peace!

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My Call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Wednesday, August 29 of 2012

Daily Messages

Today I come to erase from your hearts all the pain that may have remained there from the past, because the Eternal Grace of God allows Me to do this, as Mediator between all souls.

Dear children, opening your hearts today with joy, praise and canticles to the Most High, receive in them Jesus, the Redeemer. Keep His Merciful Rays in your souls so that as little sheep, you may walk with confidence towards eternity.

My children, today My Heart rejoices in seeing joy and purity in each one of the children from New Earth(*). Therefore, dear children, let us praise the Redeemer and let us thank Him because He has sent Me towards you to give you the Peace and the Love of My Immaculate Heart. To all these children that represent millions of little souls in the world, today I give My special Maternal Blessing as a luminous sign of the Holy Cross: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

My children, because of this special gathering in the Community New Earth, I want to ask you again for more prayer from your hearts, as has been born many times, and that each new prayer from the heart be directed especially to all the children in the world, even more to those who are without a father and a mother.

My Spirit of Immaculate Mother wants to embrace each one of them to relieve their pain and their abandonment. Therefore, dear children, it is important to consider in your life the prayer that repairs all the causes that are in need of peace and Light.

With your eyes raised towards the Heavens, My dear children, on this day I am grateful for the simple response from your hearts to My Immaculate Heart.

May Jesus be praised in all the children of the world! Thank you for responding to My call for Rio de Janeiro. In the Eternal Light of My Son.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


(*) “New Earth” referring to the Light-Community New Earth, in Rio de Janeiro, where many children live.

Tuesday, August 28 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children,

A soul dedicated to the life of prayer is a heart open to new cycles. Therefore today I ask you to be an instrument of living prayer so that My Son may manifest Himself in the essence of your hearts.

Remember, dear children, that your lives must be the source of prayer, of a prayer that must spring from the heart.

Therefore, My children, live within the great Source of Prayer that is My Son so that your lives may recognize the Love of the Redeemer. As sheep of the Shepherd, unite your hearts to each brother heart and keep your hands united to each heart, because if so, you will be renovating the existence of love in all of the world, a Merciful Love that is radiated by Jesus to each heart of this Earth.

Dear children, be in this way a source and may your lives not tire of giving love, unity and hope in the times that will come.

My children, transforming your lives into inexhaustible sources of prayer, you will allow the Holy Spirit to approach the reality of each life, lives that need the Light and the Love of God.

Therefore, My Immaculate Heart tells you again: pray! Pray and pray, My little children, so that all humanity may receive the essence of Good and Peace.

As Queen of Peace I call you to pray with Me so that your hearts may become, through prayer, roses of Light for the Creator.

Reflect today on the importance of giving yourselves for love of others.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Monday, August 27 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children,

When you live in the Will of the Father, you will recognize, by means of prayer, the immensity of works of Love, Pity and Mercy that He realizes in this whole world.

When you live in the Will of the Lord you will recognize your preferences and your goals and you will know which of them to purify.

When you live in the Will of God, you will feel what Good is so that imitating it, your lives may also conduct other souls.

When you live in the Will of My Son, you will recognize the One who, with so much love, speaks to you day by day and you will be able to value everything that has been given to your hearts.

When many of My children live in the Will of the Father, you will recognize My messages and you will confirm all the maternal instruction given month by month.

When humanity lives in the Will of the Holy Spirit, everyone will know where they are and that at this moment they are invited to travel the new pathway of Christ.

When the hearts live in the Will of God, they will be able to surrender life into the Hands of the Creator, and they will stop controlling their own lives. This will allow God to express His Universe in each one of His children.

My children, if humanity already lived in the Will of the Lord, conflict would end in the world and Celestial Peace would be present, there would be no separation within families and only unity would reign; everything would be rebuilt so that God would be able to make Himself present in the hearts of His children.

But still, dear children, souls do not live in the Will of God because they fear what Love, the Eternal God, may aspire to do in each essence. If humanity were already in the Will of the Lord the plans would change, and Divine Mercy would be the Light expanded in all the corners of this world.

While souls do not live in the Divine Will of God, I ask you for constant prayer so that the soul may recognize the path it is being called to travel, the path of Redeeming Love.

You, My little ones, can aspire to live in this unfathomable Will of God because this feeling will please the Heart of God, and you will help Me in this mission of the Queen of Peace.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Sunday, August 26 of 2012

Daily Messages

Under any circumstance of life, remember, dear son, dear daughter, that I am the Celestial and Universal Mother. I am the Queen of Peace and the Guardian of Faith in all hearts.

This is why, My children, today I invite you to contemplate My Immaculate Heart, the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and the Most Chaste Heart of Joseph, so that your lives may rise up as flames of peace at the feet of the Creator.

Dear children, the devotion to these three Hearts will protect you from all evil, will prepare you as souls, will alleviate you from every pain, and you will always find in Them the Eternal Light for your hearts.

Today I call you to strengthen the devotion of the heart, not only for life, but also for your pure essence, that, at the end of everything, must reach eternity.

Little children, lovingly consider these three Sacred and Immaculate Hearts of Peace, Love and Unity as a guide, because thus the consciousness of all My children will be redirected towards Love and Redemption.

You, as instruments of the Creator, of Life and of the Only Existence, are called to repair these three Hearts, because an act of love to the neighbor, a sincere and true prayer and an action of peace and charity will repair the offenses that these three Hearts receive from many souls that, in ignorance, lose themselves on the path towards the Light of God.

For this reason, dear children, as the Mother, Help of the believers and of the non-believers (*), of those united with God and those distant from God, of devotees and of the incredulous, I ask you to pray so that in this way, under the action of the Grace of the Holy Spirit, each soul and all of humanity may awaken and find the true Will of God, the love and the total forgiveness of all causes.

Today, My dear children, I call you to wake up, with bravery, from this time of apparent normality so that your hearts, united to Christ, King of the Universe, may act as Light on the planet, as relief of pain, as shelter for the great number of souls that walk without guidance in this world.

My children, it is time to collaborate from heart to heart, and from soul to soul, so that the Kingdom of God may have its streams on Earth.

With prayer, you have the decision in your hands. I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


(*) “Mary, Help of the believers and of the non-believers” refers to and expands upon the meaning of the well-known title of the Virgin which in English has been called “Mary, Help of Christians.”

Saturday, August 25 of 2012

Daily Messages

While the world and humanity define their path towards the eternity of God, the time of Divine Justice approaches to reverse all the causes that have been generated in this humanity.

Therefore, dear children, in these times of emergency, I call you all to be peacemakers and propagators of the Purpose of God on Earth. In this way and through the prayer of the heart, there will be more time for Mercy to continue to work in the hearts of all My children.

As the Mother of Divine Justice, I ask you, dear children, that you do not waste time and that you open your hearts because, just as in Medjugorje, these are My last warnings so that the consciousnesses of all My children may reflect and awaken to the reality of this time.

Dear children, do not see Justice as a punishment. The Divine Justice will put in order that which humankind has deviated from the Will of God.

Therefore, little children, pray, pray and only pray! So that the Love of God may touch all My children. Know that your honest and sincere prayer from the heart will define, as it was in Fatima, the next path of humanity.

As Mediator, I ask that your praying voices help humanity, placing each one of your supplications at the feet of the Creator.

Dear children, My Son Jesus is a great mediator. Therefore, unite your souls to the will of My Son so that your hearts may find a true guidance. In Jesus you will resurrect to life. In Jesus you will remedy the pain of the past. In Christ you will follow the pathway of Mercy and Redemption.

Do not feel fear because today I am among you and with all the hearts of the world, calling you to pray for the peace and the conversion of all this humanity.

Redeem, through forgiveness, all the past and, in joy, together with My Son, quench your thirst for love. Be responsive to each other because for the end of this cycle in the world, the time has come to manifest the sacred teachings that My Son left you:

  • To love is to forgive
  • To give is to surrender
  • To trust is to live in faith.

I thank you for responding to My call on this day! Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

The Virgin Mary continues the transmission saying:

My children, I have seen and I have considered, within My Plan of Love, that for the times of emergency, My Voice must go on, echoing in the hearts that still do not hear Me. This is why, from today on, all the monthly apparitions will be public and open to everyone so that My message may reverberate in the consciousnesses.

Saturday, August 25 of 2012


The group gathered at the bottom of the Hill of Christ the Redeemer so as to climb it in a candlelight procession all the way to the top.

Upon arriving to the top, everybody sat down to start the work of prayer.  As in all Apparitions we began reading the daily message in all three languages: Spanish, Portuguese and English.

Immediately after the reading of the message, the prayer work begins. This time by the request of the Divine Mother we prayed for the camps of the refugees.

Madre Shimani: Let us begin singing the canticle of "Luminous Bird" so that the Holy Spirit may come to us and especially to the camps of the refugees where hundreds of thousands of people live under subhuman conditions.

The prayer work begins and lasts for over one hour.

Around the time scheduled for the Apparition it is requested to sing "Immaculate Heart of Mary" to receive the Divine Mother. While everyone sings the canticle, Friar Elias transmits to Mother Shimani the requests that the Celestial Mother has made.

After, the group moves to the middle of the participants where the Divine Mother appeared to give Her message.

The bells where heard fourteen times and the Divine Mother asked that the roses that were placed at the altar be brought to Her.

Friar Elias, Madre Shimani and the brothers and sisters who support the Apparitions took one rose each in their hands and raised them up so that the Lady would bless them as She had requested.


Friar Elias:  The Divine Mother said:

I thank you in this day for answering to My call.

As Mother of the Primordial Essence of God, The Lord has granted Me the Grace of being able to pray with you and to give you, My dear children, the maternal blessings of My Heart, from the Rays of Healing of Archangel Rafael.

Let us pray for the healing of all these hearts.

Today I come here to give My blessings to all who are ill, those that are here those who may be found all over the world.

We pray for three times, Hail Mary and three times the Our Father in Portuguese.

Friar Elias: - The Divine Mother proceeds saying:

By the blessing of the Holy Spirit I give you healing to each one of your hearts.

Know dear children, that first the heart must be healed so that the soul, as a rose, may express itself before the Eyes of the Creator.

As Merciful Mother I clamor for each one of your hearts.

As I told you already, My children, this is the last time for repairing; the changes will arrive upon this planet and your hearts must be raised up together to My Son Jesus, prayerful and firm so as to assist the souls who will need the light of the Redeemer the most.

With this I want to tell you, My children, that your hearts will be preparing the return of My Son from the Heavens, from the clouds, from the Greater Sun of this universe.

For this, open up your consciousnesses because this is My one call, the call to redemption, to the re-emerging of your spirits reconciled in its totality with the Light of the Creator.

In this way, My children, through each daily prayer, your hearts will be in the Lord and you will hear in the silence His loving Voice and you will feel His Peace in your hearts.

Today I came to pray with you because healing, is much needed in every soul.

While the world runs fast, many souls need prayer, even more so those who are not in this realm and that must receive the Grace of the Light. Thus all as humanity may elevate themselves to the arms of God.

Know dear children, and with complete love today I reveal to you that My Immaculate Heart is a part of the essence of God.

The Sacred Heart of My Son comes in this time to redeem humanity, to give it a new opportunity to live in Peace.

The birth of the New Humanity must consecrate itself in this Peace, to the Sacred Heart of My Son, living the essence of the Redeemer.

Also it must consecrate itself to My Immaculate Heart, to My Maternal Heart Who has the aspiration to guide you for much more time and to accompany you in this final hour.

Pacify your hearts with the arrival of the Holy Spirit.

For the same way that It arrived in My Heart and in the Hearts of all of the disciples of Christ, this Holy Spirit must be present in each one of your lives.

But for this Spirit to arrive you must call for it.

Then you will be calling for God, for the Greater expression of Its Light and Its Love in all of this universe.

Know dear children that I come as the announcer of this Sacred Spirit, preparing since a long time ago your hearts so that they may open up to the Peace; Peace that you have not felt for a long time.

The time has arrived in which you may feel it through My maternal presence in each one of you.

As I call all of you today, I also call all of My children in the world.

In the same way as I do it from Medjugorje, calling everyone to live in Peace so that everyone may reconcile the life with God and this way, My children, through My Maternal Grace, you may reconcile your lives with the lives of your dearest beings, friends, relatives and acquaintances who are all called to live the eternity.

Today I bring to you, My children, through My Immaculate Heart, the presence of eternity, the true time that you must always seek through the prayer of the heart.

Above all you must seek for it in this time, praying in groups, praying in groups of souls so that God may make use of you and so that the Justice be easier on those who it will be descending upon in this time; upon those who must receive this Justice.

All of you must have great compassion and pray for all of them, because in this way, dear children, humanity will pray for each soul, for each heart of this world and a great network of cure, of healing of the heart will be able to expand itself as light in the world.

So then I will be able to say truly that your hearts will be prepared for the coming of My Son, as it has already been announced a long time ago.

Believe in the promises of Christ which in a short time will be fulfilled for the eyes that want to see it and for the eyes that want to veil the one Source of Life.

A Source in which all are invited to live in this time for the love and for the redemption of this humanity.

I want to tell you, dear children, that I am very happy with your company, in the same way that I have announced to you in Aurora.

For this reason, this is an invitation to proceed as pilgrims to the Source, to Eternity, to the reconciliation that My Son will pronounce upon the whole world on His Return, from His Eternity and His Omnipresence.

Open your eyes to see the arrival of My Son.

The time of forgiveness will arrive for all, especially for those who deny the essence of true forgiveness that is given by God to each creature.

Know that since the beginning the prophets have announced the New Humanity, the Promised Land.

This is not a dream, it is not an illusion, it is the true Project of God, the true mission of My Immaculate Heart to the creatures of this Earth.

Today I invite you to imitate My teachings as maternal Mother, as pure Heart of the Creator Who took in Her arms Jesus, obeying to the designs of the Father even without comprehending and without knowing how to do it or how to serve in those old times.

I tell you, My children: encourage yourselves to live in The Lord! Because you will discover the unknown, the true essence of love that comes to this world to heal the hearts.

In these times of many changes I invite you to be in Peace.

That is the word that I will pronounce eternally: Peace. Peace for this world, Peace for all the nations, Peace for all the souls, Peace for all the essences, Peace for all that has been created and which must re-emerge through the contribution of your prayers; prayers that may be born sincerely from the heart.

I thank you for answering to My requests; and for raising your hearts towards the Eternal Peace.

The celestial bells resound to call all the souls, because this is the time of the return; the return of the souls to the Kingdom of the Father so that together as consciousnesses we may glorify God.

This is the true promise for each one of you.

I thank you.

We sing the canticle from the shepherds of Fatima: "Ave, Ave, Ave Maria".

Friar Elias: The Divine Mother said:

In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


End of the Apparition.

The group returns to their seats and after a few minutes Madre Shimani and Friar Elias make the closing of the work.


Madre Shimani: Many things happened today.

The first thing that the Mother requested is that the Apparition of tomorrow will be held at 5:30 pm at the Hill of the Apparitions, and thus our task of prayer will start at 4 PM.

The second request that our Mother made was that tomorrow, Sunday at 8:30 am, will be held a study by Friar Arthur, Mother Shimani and Friar Elias, where all of you will be able to ask questions regarding the doubts that you have about the process of the Apparitions and so that we may explain what it means, in these times all of this that is happening.

At the end of this study our Mother asked us to give a gift to all, but it is not something material.


Friar Elias: The Mother saw that we could all have a rose because She wishes to give us a special blessing. She said that in order to give us Her blessings, She requested that each one of you bring a flower.

It does not necessarily need to be a rose; it can be any kind of flower but that each one should bring a flower and that She will give it Her blessing.


Madre Shimani: Tomorrow She also requested that we make during the study some announcements about some tasks that She is commissioning to us.

She also requested that this study be transmitted over the Internet to the whole planet and that it be available at the Divine Mother's webpage. This study must also be translated into English simultaneously.


Friar Elias: Let us make a report of the Apparition.

Today at a certain moment during the prayer of preparation, we had a special visit of Saint Joseph Who came accompanied by two great masters of antiquity: Elijah and Moses. He also gave to us a special task for the next months that tomorrow we will communicate to you with more detail.

The happiness that Saint Joseph transmitted to us today was very intense. The most important teaching that He left recorded in our inner was His devotio

Moments later the time of the Apparition arrived. Our Lady appeared dressed in a very special way and we asked Her what signified these symbols.

She wore a white veil, a light turquoise mantle that was joined together at the height of Her Heart by a rose and a white tunic.

Above Her head, there were twelve stars.

We asked Her what was the significance of the rose on Her Heart; the fact that the rose was fused within her Mantle caught our attention.

She answered that this represented the Mystic Rose but also it represented the fact that She was not only the Mother of God but She was also the Spouse of the Creator. At this moment She opened Her arms and smiled.

We asked Her if She was God's bride (laughter) and She said "I Am the Spouse of the Creator, the Spiritual Spouse"
Soon She asked us to move over to a spot amongst the audience.

There She appeared in the same form as She had appeared at first but this time She came accompanied again by Saint Joseph.

Her proximity was very intense not only because of the height that She was placed Herself but also because of the lights and colors that She irradiated.

Her face was very clear and also the way that She pronounced the words, everything could be heard with much clarity.

When She referred to the cure of the Archangel Rafael, at this moment She brought from the Heaven the presence of the Archangel.

Then we saw descend a mantle of green light which She, with much love, expanded over all of the town of Carmo da Cachoeira.

In another moment when She was transmitting Her message, She appeared with a baby in Her arms. It was a baby of about nine months old and we asked Her if this was Jesus and She said that this baby was the baby of the New Humanity.

She said this is what She aspires to be realized and She said that for this She will not tire of clamoring for Peace. The Peace will allow the aspiration of our Mother to concretize itself.


Madre Shimani: Everyone who would like to participate in the study is invited to come tomorrow morning. The study will be held in F2. Shortly after we will be meeting at the Hill of the Apparitions at 4 PM for the Apparition.


*  End of the apparition  *

Friday, August 24 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children,

Awaken to the call of peace! Today I ask you to open your hearts so that more light from My Immaculate Heart may enter into your lives. My Maternal Light takes you towards the Eternal Redeeming Light of Christ. My prayer gathers you as souls so that together We may pray for peace.

The world changes fast and it is necessary to create pillars of prayer that may be able to harmonize the consciousness of humanity before the events that it produces with its actions.

I tell you, dear children, that the life of prayer will keep you prepared for the times of change. The important thing is that your hearts be participants in the life of the Spirit of God so that you may be able to transmit the Love of the Father to all those who need it.

All My praying children are called in this time to the repara- tion of the soul and the heart through continuous prayer. Your groups of prayer must represent the Heart of the Living Christ for this humanity, and this heart, formed by your prayers, must widely expand love towards the whole world.

I invite you to be bearers of My Peace; believe in it because the Peace of the Lord is necessary in all humanity in these moments.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Thursday, August 23 of 2012

Daily Messages

First of all, dear children, I want to thank all of this Marian group for your sincere dedication, especially in the last few hours, during the trip from the city of Montevideo to Brazil.

To all My other children, today I want to give you this example, the example of the constant selfless giving, which you can understand as the Will of the Lord.

Therefore, dear children, I invite you to walk by means of prayer in the Purpose of God because this Purpose is a celestial idea that the Father plans for the soul that decides to be in the arms of the Creator in order to be accompanied and guided throughout eternity.

My children, as Pilgrim Mother who has been following humanity step by step in this world for many centuries, today I invite you to imitate the path of the pilgrim so that the Love of God may be revealed in your life. A pilgrim who is consecrated to My Immaculate Heart is a soul dedicated to a life of prayer for the world. A pilgrim who is consecrated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is a spirit in harmony at the feet of the Redeemer. A pilgrim who is consecrated to God is a complete soul, willing to stop living its own will and to remain in the unknown, in Heaven.

Dear children, through the prayer of the heart every day your souls can consecrate themselves to the Will of God. As humanity, this will allow you to find the peace that is lacking in the lives of many of My children. In this way you will find the essence of the true Love of God in your hearts because the soul that prays through the voice of its heart is living in the Love of the Father.

Today I thank all the brave ones for responding to My call, and in the Blessing of Jesus, the Only Son, I give you My Peace.

Thank you for responding to My requests.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Thursday, August 23 of 2012

Special Apparitions

At 7.30 pm, a group of around a thousand people gathered together in the Nucleus of Figueira in Sao Paulo to welcome the Divine Mother.

To begin the work of prayer Mother Shimani spoke a few words to explain why the apparition was delayed, which at first had been for 4.00 pm.


Mother Shimani: Good evening.

First we would like to apologize for the delay of the Apparition of the Divine Mother.

Actually, it was Her who changed the scheduled time, because we had a difficulty to come. We could not take the flight that was scheduled due to great conflicts in the airports, and for this reason we had to travel by land, which took much longer. But here we are, and well protected by our Mother.

We are going to begin with our work of prayer, and as we always do, we’ll begin reading the Daily Message.

First, it will be read in Spanish, then in Portuguese, and on the internet broadcast it will be read in English.


The message was read and then the work of prayer began.

After an hour and a half of prayer the energy of the Divine Mother, was so intense and to receive Her we sang the canticle “Immaculate Heart of Mary”.

Some minutes later the Celestial Mother appeared inside the room. Friar Elias and Mother Shimani, standing up, moved close to Her.

After a few minutes, Friar Elias, Mother Shimani, and the group that support the Apparitions and the Monastery were requested by the Divine Mother to move to a place in the yard of the Nucleus, where there were lots of people.

Silence was asked for, and 14 rings were heard. Afterwards, began the transmission of Her message.


Friar Elias: The Divine Mother says:

Dear children, from My maternal Heart I thank you for waiting for Me during this hour, for waiting the coming of the Heaven of God.

I want to give you especially a blessing to all of your hearts and to the heart of all your families.

Truly My children, I want to thank you for the answer of all.

This means, dear children that I can come for a while more because My eyes of mercy read in truth the prayer of your hearts.

I want to thank you also for the answer of all the groups of prayer.

Today I dedicate My message especially giving thanks for, giving thanks for all that had happened in My home in Aurora.

Giving thanks for the answer of all the hearts and all the souls.

My Son today is a little more happy for the answer from this side of the world.

This means My children that My mercy can reach more souls, including those that today deny God and do not listen to My voice.

Today I want to ask you dear children for more prayer, especially for many little souls of this city, that live various grades of desperation and of pain for the lack of Peace, and the lack of Love for My Son.

Still the Love of My Son is present in the world and your hearts must preserve it in the depth of your souls, because it is a Love that will allow you to strengthen yourselves during the difficult hours that will come.

Dear children, My maternal task is to tell you the truth although it seems to be opposite to your consciousness.

But if you keep in your hands the living prayer, My Son will use your prayers in order to help the world more and My Heart may intercede for this world a while longer.



We prayed three times Our Father in Portuguese.

After, in silence, we heard an airplane that was passing very close to the place of the Apparition.


Friar Elias: The Divine Mother says:

While the world moves around in a way that is inappropriate to the Law of the Lord, My maternal Heart will intercede before God without rest and without delay, working perpetually for the reparation of the Heart of the Lord and for salvation of all souls.

You must know My dear children, that in the simple prayer of Our Father you will find the light and peace that will need your hearts for the path that I invite you to go through by prayer, in this hour and in this moment.

It will bring more light to the hearts that are darken and in this way, dear children, all angels of the Father will help without conditions the consciousness of all nations.

They need at this time, much mercy, so that Grace may descend through My special intercession, which My duty task realizes daily.

While I am not here among you, I watch you from Heaven so that the rays of My mercy, through each one of your prayers, may permeate the life of all beings, the life of each spirit of the Lord that lives upon this Earth.

Dear children, the normal times have finished, you must live inside of the new time, the time that calls you to prayer from the heart, so that your lives can be sincere before the Father, before this task that My Heart announces to you without tiredness and waiting for the best from you.

I want to thank you in this hour for how much you did during the last months accompanying the call of the Lady of Peace.

This call is the call of God, the call to conversion, to the reparation of the Heart, to forgiveness of life in order to be born again to the new, the promise that My Son is establishing by means of the return of His Light to this world.

While My Son does not arrive, He contemplates with His heart of Light and says to you that He needs you at any moment to help souls by means of prayer.

Souls that need light and that are suffocated by attacks of the enemy.

And so you My dear children will be My faithful collaborators so that My maternal Heart elevate all your prayers to the feet of the Creator.

Also so that much of Grace and much Compassion may arrive to all My children during this hour of transition, where many of them do not perceive the danger that exist for these times.

If you are in prayer with Me you will be inside the Heart of the Lord, and if prayer is inside your homes I will be with My maternal Heart present in your lives, guiding you from the heart as Mother of all.

Today I make a special blessing to you through the Holy Spirit, so that any inner situation can be resolved through My intercession and through your daily prayers.

Praised be My Son and that My Son may be in your lives.

Today I leave you a special mission for this city and for this world: to help them through silence so that the Echo of My Heart may reach all. I thank you for this effort.

In the blessing of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, may My maternal Heart be upon you.


Friar Elias: The Lady is asking at this moment that we pray for the souls in purgatory.

For this we will make the prayer that She asks for, the prayer named “In God”, which will do in Portuguese.


Who is in God, nothing fears
 Who is in God, does not go back
        Who is in God, lives in the Love of God.
 This is the strength for today.
 In God, in God, in God.


The prayer is said a number of times.


Friar Elias: The Divine Mother says:

Always remember, dear children, to put in your prayers all those that who must be elevated to the Kingdom of the Lord and that still remain suffering on this Earth without realizing that they have to go back to the Dwelling of God.

I will thank you for putting your intentions on all of these souls, in this way My Immaculate Heart will also be able to intercede for the great necessity that exists in each of them.

I offer for your lives My twelve roses of light, those that I carry in each of My hands, the ones which bring you the Peace and Beauty of the Lord to this world. Beauty that is called love and that you recover in this final hour.

The love is here, the love is in your lives, only call for it.

I leave and I thank you always.

Let us pray for Peace.

Thank you for answering to My call.

And as good pilgrims, as pilgrim souls to the Lord, I wait for you on the Hill of My Son (Hill of the Redeemer Christ in Carmo da Cachoeira, Minas Gerais) and in the dwelling of My Heart (The Hill of the Apparitions) in Figueira.

I thank you.

In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Mother Shimani: The Lady is asking us to sing “Revelations of Aurora”


The canticle is sung and it a very special atmosphere is created.


Mother Shimani: Thank you Mother for all you give us.


*  End of the Apparition *


The group returns to inside of the meeting room and the closing of the Apparition with the reflections of Mother Shimani, and the accounting of Friar Elias takes place.


Mother Shimani: We will make a brief explanation about what the Mother wanted to say with silence.

Everyone is in agreement that our planet emits much noise and that this unbalances the energies and over-stimulates the mental and emotional level of our planet and its humanity. This is why the Mother asked us to collaborate with silence.

How to collaborate with this silence?

Something very important, first, is to try to maintain inner silence, therefore we must talk only when it is necessary and useful.

Only with this will we silence the eighty percent of what we say.

If we could say only what it is good and useful for everyone, we would be more silent.

If we could think before speaking, if what we are going to say is necessary, this also would help, because we would talk much less.

This also relates with these elements that produce noise in our planet, such as having electronic devices turned on without necessity this includes radio computer and television.

You know that there are people who turn on the television so that they have company, this produces a great distortion in the internal level of the person and of the environment.

But one of the most important silences is our mental silence.

We all know that we have many thoughts throughout the day, sometimes it is as if we have the radio, the computer and the television turned on permanently, and concomitantly, all together at one time.

This is how our mind looks.

If we would turn off from our mind, from our inner world all these unnecessary voices, not only would we collaborate with the harmony of the planet, but we would also hear the Immaculate Heart of our Mother.

One of the proposals that we make for our own selves, is that while we do our tasks we pray mentally. 

It may be short prayers that do not involve much attention, or one of the canticles that we sing frequently, because this will collaborate much with our personal process and with the environment which we are in.

It is like a spiritual practice, an exercise that we do at the request of our Mother.

When we started the Apparition today our Mother requested something of us: that from now on, every 11th and 24th of each month, we will have a vigil during the whole day, as we did in Aurora this last week when the Mother was with us.

Especially during these days, will be done at a specific time the “Vigil of the Hail Mary”, praying the Hail Mary, transmitted on the Internet in different languages.

With this, our Mother will make a task of intercession for our planet.

For the Communities of Light, this will be permanent, always on these days we will make a permanent vigil to collaborate with the sustaining of our planet.

You are all invited to participate.

For those who cannot participate within the Communities of Light, we tell you that in all the Nuclei of work, the work of the same vigil will be done, and in all that homes that are open to realize this vigil, and also this exercise will be done in collaboration with our Mother.

For this we are inviting you to intensify our task, the one that will help us to organize and strengthen our being, so that when difficult things occur our consciousnesses may be able to pray for a long time, because will need to.

For this we have to practice and to strengthen ourselves, in order to fulfill this task and so that in the future our beings may be able to pray for many hours without losing concentration and without getting tired.

There will come a crucial moment when we will only breath and pray.


Friar Elias: Let’s recount very briefly something that happened today.

In order for everyone to comprehend better, the Lady came as the Queen of Peace. With a white veil, a pink robe and a blue mantle, a bright, cheerful and smiling face.

The most important thing She left for us today was an inner instruction that we perceived while She communicated Her words.

This instruction that we discovered was gratitude through love.

Because while She talked, not only did She transmit love, but also gratitude.

And everything that She pronounced was manifested in light. This gratitude that Her Heart emanated, was melted with love in the words.

This added to Her manifestation that today was very forceful.

When She arrived, she came accompanied by the Angel of Peace, the Angel of Portugal.

This angel did not come alone, it came with other companions.

They came guarding our Lady, and bringing in their hands some flags of light that were moving as if there was wind.

They stayed with Our Lady all of the time.

After that She communicated to us the first words, She said: “For Grace, I will come close to My Children”.

Today, in a moment of the Apparition, She gave Her blessing by making the Sign of the Cross, especially when She addressed to the Holy Spirit. The movement that She made doing the Sign of the Cross generated a great light.

Despite the movement of airplanes from the nearby airport, our Mother still stayed present, firm, neutral, because She knows that movement is also part of humanity, of Her children.

It was then when She communicate the guidelines of silence.

We would like to add something to what Mother Shimani said, that Our Lady indicated to us.

She said that silence was also important when praying.

Let us generate little moments of silence between prayers, because She said that the silence is also a form of inner prayer.

At this moment She showed us what a conscious consciousness generates when it produces silence while praying.

While silence was made She showed us that the soul generates a light to the planet.

The last thing that we would like to comment is that She made a final movement when we were singing the canticle “Revelations of Aurora”.

She went over the two trees of the Nucleus trees and placed Her hands in the form of radiating. 

Inside of Her appeared clearly the image of the planet Earth – not only was there light from the inside to the outside of the planet – but also beyond the planet.

She was radiating this light with much potency towards the world.


Mother Shimani: I thank you very much for being here with us and we reaffirm the invitation that our Mother made to follow Her to Figueira.

Wednesday, August 22 of 2012

Daily Messages

The arms of God, the Most High, are open for all of you to enter into the pure Heart of Love. With this I want to tell you that the Universe awaits daily the coming of more souls towards the Kingdom of the Creator.

My children, a path to this encounter with the Universe of God is the Light-Star of My Son. In Jesus you will lose the fears of consecrating your life to the Will of the Creator.

Many souls lack the Presence of the Love of God because they put their personal will in first place. My Son teaches you how to be partakers of this Greater Will, which you will be able to find by means of the prayer of the heart. It is through prayer that you will find the true essence of the Will of God because your hearts are donated to the universe during prayer.

Dear children, today I ask you to pray for all those who live their own will and that are far from the true Purpose of God, which is the eternal life through His Merciful Love. The world will able to be better when it accepts that God is the Only pathway for the life of every soul, because it is in God that all life can be conducted towards the Light.

My children, know that the moment has come for the world to recognize the existence of the Creator. Therefore, one of the reasons for so much prayer is the great need for salvation of many of My children.

As Co-Redeemer I ask you to contemplate every day the lov- ing Heart of God. Each time that your hearts are in God, the world will be safer.

I thank you!

Thank you for considering My call in your life.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Tuesday, August 21 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children,

By following the steps of all the souls of humanity, today I call you to continue praying for all hearts. Every day, humanity must open its heart to receive the Eternal Grace from the depths of the Heart of God.

Dear children, God awaits you so that from His Kingdom all My children may find the true Source of Love. As the Mother of Graces, I hold humanity in My arms like a little child. As the Mother, Help(*), I shelter the hearts that lose themselves. Your prayer helps to relieve the burden of pain and suffering in the hearts of many children.

Children, the Lord loves you, the Lord needs you, the Celestial Universe counts on your loving collaboration. Therefore, My children, assume in your lives a spirit of collaboration and fraternity so that many of My children may learn from your example of life.

Your souls must express the Spirit of God in this time, in this way the Love of God will be closer to the reality of all hearts. Try in each prayer to take one more step towards the inner refuge in the Heart of God.

My children, it is time to repair, and this reparation is perpetual, as much in the life of humanity as in the essence of all souls that must be in the Lord.

Today I want to share this reflection, since the number of souls in the world is rising and they all must be led towards My Immaculate Heart and towards the Sacred Heart of My Son. This will happen through your honest prayer. Heaven is for everyone, but in truth, My children, each soul defines its path at this end of time.

You are instruments of peace and peace must be life in your hearts.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


(*): “Mary, Help” refers to the well-known title of the Virgin which in English has been called “Mary, Help of Christians.”

Monday, August 20 of 2012

Daily Messages

Prayer, a life of much prayer to God is needed by many of My children in this time. The Heavens are open to receive the pleas of all my children who pray with the complete sincerity of the heart.

Dear children,

Being the Mother of Reconciliation today I ask you to consider the life of the spirit, the loving expression of your souls so that God may reign among you.

My children, it is time to vigil and pray, as My Son Jesus has said and, in these times, the vigil of prayer will be of great importance for the entire spiritual life of the world. Dear children, you must be precursors of prayer, motivators of prayer so that souls may place themselves within the life of prayer.

Know, My children, the Divine Heaven gives thanks for the conscious intercession of a soul of this world each time it begins to pray. Dear children, I want to tell you that prayer is heard, not only in the whole world but also in the entire uni- verse, from where the angels and the archangels assist souls.

Your life must be an inexhaustible fountain of prayer so that God the Father may use the selfless service of each one of you.

The more groups take on the task of praying for this world in need of Light, the more I, as the Merciful Mother, will be able to help you and thus, together, you will help Me to repair the hearts of many souls.

This is the time of Mercy, of Pity and of Redemption. This is the time of the last call to reflection and to the conversion of the heart. This is the time to place yourselves in perpetual prayer for all humanity.

All of you, My dear children, are called to pray for peace in each heart.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Sunday, August 19 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children,

Praised be Jesus in your hearts and in your lives!

My children, just as yesterday with My Maternal presence in Buenos Aires, today I invite you to consider these last words, this last call that My Heart of Light pronounces for each one of your lives.

With this I want to tell you, My dear children, that praying to God every day is very important because it is the prayer of your hearts that will help you in the time that will come. The life of prayer is for all souls; prayer is a permanent exercise in your existences. Therefore, your collaboration with the Plan of God must be conscious every day.

Dear children, I introduce you into My school of prayer so that your hearts may learn to love the life of the spirit, of the Spirit of God. A path to arrive at the Most High is My Son Jesus, and as souls you have complete permission to cry out for the Presence of Jesus. God the Father gave His Son for the salvation and total forgiveness of all.

Now the world finds itself in another cycle and God sends His Messengers to announce this new cycle of changes. My children, in prayer you will not lose anything. You must only form strong praying groups so that, from the Heavens, God may help all souls.

My Maternal Heart invites you to become aware of the time that humanity is living, a time of lack of control, of pain in the heart. I call you to be servers of peace because it is very necessary for life on Earth.

Let us pray, dear children! My Heart will guide you!

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Saturday, August 18 of 2012

Daily Messages

My children,

Believe that God forgives you every day, even more, He forgives you before you offend Him.

Dear children, I have told you to trust in Divine Mercy. Mercy is Forgiveness. Mercy is Redemption. Mercy is a new opportunity to enter into the Kingdom of God. Mercy is total absolution given by the most Holy Heart of My Son. Believe in the prodigious time of Divine Mercy.

God needs all My children, all of His instruments to bring to completion the Divine Plan on Earth. While many of My children easily distract themselves in this world, you are day by day, more and more in My Maternal arms, because every day I present you before God, under the light of Divine Mercy, as My Heart once presented Jesus in the Temple of God.

Dear children, today I invite you to meditate on Divine Mercy. It is the last fountain that is being poured over the world and over all the souls with grave faults before the universe.

My children, I perpetually pray for all of you so that, as brave souls in prayer, you may be able to be responsive to the call of the Creator, the call announced by means of the voice of My Immaculate Heart.

My children, My little ones, on this day My Heart remembers one morning when I arrived at the Heart of Aurora in Uruguay. May this day remind you of the moment when God sent Me to you to announce the time of salvation.

Dear children, after a year of being permanently with all My children, announcing My Good News, today I ask you to per- sist and, raising your eyes to Heaven, to walk with humility towards the Purpose of God.

My children, as Mother I contemplate you, as Celestial Mother I love you, I forgive you.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Saturday, August 18 of 2012

Special Apparitions

A group of four hundred people met at 3:30 pm to pray and to receive the Divine mother.

After an hour and a half of prayer, Fray Elias and Mother Shimani stood up and approached the side of the altar, where the Divine Mother appeared.

After a few minutes, and while all sing "Mercy, Oh, Maria!" and then "Hail, Hail Mary", the Divine Mother transmitted to Fray Elias some orientations that Mother Shimani communicated afterwards to all present.


Mother Shimani: Our Mother told us that she will give to us Her message today by writing and then it will be read, so that everyone can hear it properly.

Therefore, while it is being received, let us all pray the "Hail Mary", so that Her message is well grasped, and so that it will be heard well by all.


Everyone got ready to continue praying to assist in the reception of the message.

The prayer lasted roughly half an hour and finally we sang "Blessed You are” to say farewell to the Divine Mother.


Mother Shimani:  Now, Fray Elias will read what the Mother transmitted, and phrase-by-phrase the translation to Portuguese will be made.


Beginning of the reading of the message.


Friar Elias:  Special message given by Mary, Queen of Peace, during the Apparition of August 18, 2012 in the city of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Dear children:

With immense bliss today I invite you to pilgrim into the depths of My Immaculate Heart. Opening My merciful arms, I ask that you enter within Me, so that My Heart can heal you of all pain and of all suffering.

Dear children, also for this special reason and for this meeting with you, I want to announce to you that my Immaculate Heart will be among you and with all of this nation in the month of September in the Marian city of Luján.

My children, if you accept this spiritual invitation, I ask you that during the day of September 8, to pray the Rosary there, especially for the souls in purgatory and for all My children of the nation of Argentina.  So that My Heart will be amongst you for a while longer, I say that before the Throne of God, you must pray sincerely for God to grant the Grace of having My presence as mediator of all souls.

My little ones: the Lord needs to reverse the pain in many hearts and above all in this world that barely listens to My call. All the prayers offered with the heart open the doors of the universe of God, so that the Angels may come and may cleanse the evil on Earth.

You, My children, are the lights of the Father on the Earth, therefore with courage, love and devotion, open your lips and utter only prayers of light for the entire world. I will be very grateful, because in this way you will be participating in the new path that My Son will announce upon His return and for all eternity.

Dear children: be consistent with the life of prayer, I invite you to persevere, since many of My children need peace and forgiveness.  May your life be not be disturbed by anymore by anything, accept My maternal presence in them. I am only here in the name of the Praised and Beloved Jesus, and I come to you to bring you Peace, so that you can recognize it.

Still the world needs much prayer, needs immense fountains of Mercy. You, My dear children, are you open to receive from the universe great fountains of Grace?

Know that I am leading you towards My Son, as the Mother of all the hearts that suffer and that at the end of this cycle need light.

Dear children, I call you to remedy and restore the immense number of faults that are generated every day by humanity. You, My dear children, must make the major part of the path towards peace, because still many of My children do not courage to build it through prayer.

I want for the next month, where My heart will again emanate love for all Argentina, that you respond to My request to pray for the great need of light and of love in the hearts of many of My children.

My promise is to let them know Heaven, at least while you are here on Earth. My children, I am the Heaven and you are the stars that must dazzle the dark path of many children. God wants to lead you to peace, towards a true peace of heart because the peace of the Lord will relieve the world and all its aching humanity.

God calls you to become servants for His Plan of Love, a Plan that day by day is hurt by the hands of those who do not pray.  I invite you to be a source of Mercy so that all humanity may enter into the Plan of salvation.

As mother I hear your pleas; I hear your little hearts.

I want you to permeate all of the life in the heavens, so that your hearts may recognize the redemptive love of My Son.

My children today you have been cleansed by the fountain of My compassion; go in peace and start your life within the absolute Heart of God. He waits for you, because He loves you.

I wait for you in Luján next month, for the salvation of many more hearts. 

I thank  you for waiting in prayer for My words.

Thanks for answering to My call.

Peace and Divine Love.

Mary, Queen of Peace.


Mother Shimani: The Mother asked us that on September 8 we gather in Luján.  That we participate in a mass in the Basilica, and then go into the "Haras Las Mañanitas" where She will transmit Her words for everyone.

We will make a pilgrimage from Buenos Aires to Luján. We will organize it so that we can all go in the same transport and go pilgrimage together as She requested.

Through the webpage of the Divine Mother  and through the people who normally organize these events here in Buenos Aires we will give you all the information. We will do it  on time so that everyone may take this Saturday, September 8 for this task, which will surely take us all day.

Today, the Mother asked that there be no report, to place Her words in our hearts.  All of us have felt that starting today we will need to intensify our syntony so that everything can happen as expected.  The need that She has to choose a place that is open and sheltered, motivates Her to go to Luján so that in addition, we can make a broader service to souls.

If we respond to this request of Our Mother, we may pass through  a very intense day, very fraternal, and we will be able to realize a truly  good service.

All those who are in other provinces and want to participate, will be very welcome.

Thank you all.

Friday, August 17 of 2012

Daily Messages

My Maternal Heart nourishes all the hearts with Light. My Mantle of Peace extends itself over the world. My presence among you is possible by means of the word of your prayers.

I love all My children, especially those who need the absolute forgiveness of God. I pray for all those who separate from God. I pray for all those who deny God and for those who do not believe in the Mercy of My Son.

As Guardian of all hearts, My children, I tell you not to fear for anything, to see the Presence of the Kingdom of God in the sparkle of your hearts. I place you inside My Heart in order to elevate you close to the Heart of My Son because your prayers repair all the events that happen in the world.

Dear children, may your hearts be instruments for the good and the pure, may they be the expression of the life of My Glorified Son here upon this Earth. In this way, with the daily prayer in your hands, you will become obedient sheep that will learn to love and forgive day by day.

Convert your heart into a heart that trusts and do not fear losing anything or being judged. Remember, My little ones, that the true flocks are the ones that are tempted the most.

Therefore I ask you, who trust the coming of My Son, to embrace His Sacred Heart so that under this spirit you may collaborate in the redemption and conversion of those who have not been converted before the Creator.

Dear children, I pray for those who, still distracted in the life of the world, do not find God. I pray for those who, distant from Mercy, are placed under the fire of temptation and damnation.

As Mother of Mercy I pray to My Son so that in this final time all may find salvation and peace in the heart.

I tell you, My little ones: pray with Me! Pray for the presence of peace!

I thank you!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Thursday, August 16 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children,

Do not fear, do not fear for anything because My Heart knows your tests and your challenges well. In spite of everything, never stop looking at Jesus because His Sacred Heart will always shelter you from everything.

My children, believe in the power of His Merciful Rays, be partakers of the absolute Gift of His Redeeming Love.

Dear children, you have the Great Shepherd by your side. He is the one who can hear you and accompany you from Heart to heart. Therefore, My little ones, leaving behind the pain of the past, I invite you to renew yourselves through the loving Fire of Jesus.

Walk towards Him because He will show you the new path towards the Kingdom of the Father. Today I talk to you about the importance of living in Jesus and being in Him all the time possible.

Dear children, allow Me, as Mother, to bring you close to the Great Priest of Love and Redemption so that your lives, at the feet of My Son, can be like roses at the feet of the Creator. Venerate the Face of Light of My Son and trust that everything is in its place, because in this way you will recognize the Will of the Father, a will that many souls do not live for lack of love.

The True Love of the Heart is what is lacking in the world. Therefore, dear children, I call you to imitate the love of My Son so that each heart may find relief for its own sorrow and joy to be able to continue through the pathway of its own school.

Radiate the love of Jesus at each moment and be the carriers of hope.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Wednesday, August 15 of 2012

Daily Messages

My dear ones,

With My arms open towards the world, pouring immense Mercy, today I call you to contemplate again the flagellated Heart of Jesus that is offended by many souls that deny the life of the Great Spirit of God.

My children, I ask you to continue to pray as you do every day so that My other children may also be able to receive the Grace of salvation. You are already within the Grace of God having Me every day at your side. But today, dear children, you must know that many hearts deviate because they are tempted by the onslaughts and traps of the enemy. This is why My Immaculate Heart is willing to fight for the salvation of all before My Son descends from Heaven for the second time.

Dear children, you can help Me in this mission of salvation, praying for those who need Light and Redemption the most. The time has come to help all the hearts that day by day lose themselves because of the modernities of the world.

My children, you have Christ, the Redeemer, as alliance and as protection; in Him you will be able to take the steps towards giving and charity to the others.

Today I show you a reality of the world that many, out of ignorance, do not want to see.

I call you to collaborate with humanity and with your home, which is this world.

Dear children, opening your eyes to the call, you will be invaded by the Light of My Maternal Spirit so that you may walk with firmness towards the praying mission that My Heart asks of you.

You, the ones who are most awaken, can help consecrate the world to the Creator again.

Let us work in the name of peace.

I thank you!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Tuesday, August 14 of 2012

Daily Messages

Esteemed children,

Today I especially thank all the servers that are donated to My Immaculate Heart. My task for peace is propagated through the spontaneous and selfless collaboration of many of My Marian servers in the world.

The message for today, I dedicate, with love and gratitude, to the group of souls donated to the mission of the Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity. Without the full dedication of your lives, many souls could not have been saved. Know, My dear children, that My Heart does not praise, but that it does radiate love and celestial gratitude for the task that you, as children, make possible in this part of the world, in this part of South America.

Dear children, for this reason I extend My arms to this entire dedicated group of souls so that, held by My Maternal Hands, I may be able to raise all to the Kingdom of God.

My children, remember that your dwelling must repose every day, because God needs your temple to be firm and strong so that you may be able to continue in the task I have entrusted to you.

As I am the Mother of all souls, today I ask all My children to pray, pray for this whole Marian group of souls so that the Light of the Holy Spirit may fill them, guide them and give them spiritual wisdom for each one of the steps that they will take with Me in this task of peace, in this Maternal Mission of Mine.

Fully grateful to this whole group, which is dedicated to car- rying the message of My Immaculate Heart, I ask you, My little children, that you collaborate sincerely so that this task may be able to go on for much longer. God has entrusted Me to come to you and Jesus has asked Me to be a Great Protector of your hearts.

Dear children, continue through this path, God is joyful today for the giving of all.

Welcome to My Kingdom, missionaries of Mary!

I thank you from the Heart of God.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Monday, August 13 of 2012

Daily Messages

I will not tire of coming into your lives because as the Mother of Mercy, the merit for all the souls of the world is salvation.

Dear children, with your hearts open you will reach eternity, therefore today I invite you to consider the life of prayer as primordial. In this way your lives will be within the Kingdom of the Creator. My children, as the Lady of Peace today I ask you to pray, to pray with your hearts because the whole Uni- verse of God is attentive to the supplications of all My children.

My dear ones, sustain prayer with steady hands so that it, as Light in the world, may be able to aid those who need it the most. Open the Doors of the Heavens through prayer because everything is allowed when it is born in a pure way from the heart.

Today remain in Me and do not fear for anything; now is the moment to revere the One who has created you out of love and devotion. He is your Only and Omnipotent God.

Dear children, the time of Mercy is passing fast in the life of all souls. Do not delay in calling for the Divine Presence that is born in the surrendered and loving Heart of My Son. All are invited to live in this unfathomable Presence of Jesus. The Priest of Love, with His open arms towards the world, awaits you and tells you that now is the moment to prepare the Inner Temple for His return. The sacred words pronounced in the past by the Redeemer will become true in these current times.

My children, wait day by day for the silent coming of My Son. He is your Guiding Star; He is the Fount that will quench any thirst that your hearts have in these moments.

Drink from the Fount and wash your faces with the Divine Water that has sprung from My Son, because it will be in this offering from Jesus that you will find the Law of Love.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Sunday, August 12 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children,

Today I ask you that your hearts do not lose the Peace that My Son is giving you through My Maternal Presence.

My children, opening My Perpetual and Immaculate Heart, I ask you to come into it so that I may be able to elevate you as consciousness to the arms of the Creator.

Today is a moment for your lives to withdraw into the Heart of God by means of the imperious exercise of the prayer of the heart. All of you, My dear children, are co-responsible for My Marian mission here on Earth. Because of this I not only ask you to open your hearts to My call, but also to My requests for the salvation of the souls of God.

May your lives, in these times, be able to represent the path that Christ walked here on Earth. Therefore, dear children, it is important that all of you remain under the light of the Holy Spirit, because the time has come to learn to love, forgive, accept, give and fraternize your lives with each one of the hearts in the world, also with those hearts that you do not know.

All, as humanity, are inside the great boat of God that, about to leave towards the infinite, waits for the last flocks that are called to elevate themselves towards the arms of the Creator.

Dear children, this call that God has entrusted Me to make through My monthly coming has a spiritual reason that, throughout time, My Heart of Peace has been building in your little dwellings.

The life of prayer will allow your hearts to unite to each other, and above all, to unite in the call that My voice pronounces day by day. The new time has not come yet for My children; much must be forgiven and reconciled from the heart. But yes, My little ones, the moment of the Good News that I bring to you has come so that you can be partakers of the Kingdom of God.

My children, the promise is for all when you simply say “yes” to Paradise.

I thank you.

Thank you for responding to My call for humanity.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Saturday, August 11 of 2012

Daily Messages

On a day like this 11th of August, but in the month of February, 1858 in Lourdes, My Immaculate Heart brought to the world the Universal Mantle of Healing for all of My children. I asked My daughter Bernadette to dig a spring so that all the generations would be served from it, in the loving union with God that all souls must seek.

Today I accompany you, as I have been doing for five years, and in these times of great definitions, I contemplate you and I only ask you to be inexhaustible sources of prayer.

Dear children, the world still has not prostrated itself at the feet of the Creator and, as the Mother of the healing of the soul, I ask you to keep praying, praying with the power of love from each one of your hearts. This will allow the Universe of God to act on all consciousnesses, especially those that need the Redeeming Light of My Son.

Dear children, I invite you in a special way on this 11th of August to convert your lives into a state of prayer, into a new proverb of Light that may be radiated to humanity.

I conduct you through the new paths of the shepherds, shep- herds that you must love and respect, because My Son has elected them to proclaim the Kingdom of God.

Dear and little children, the time is coming to unite what the consciousnesses of all My children have separated throughout time. The only reconnection for all the souls is the Divine Heart of My Son, because it is in My Son that you will be able to find the Peace and the Forgiveness of God, which many need.

Humanity continues along the path of the offenses and this has repercussions on the life of the spirit. This is why, as Inter- cessor of all souls, I call you to pray with the heart so that more Light may be ignited in those who walk through darkness.

My Son is the Light of the world and you are potential sparks of the eternal brilliance of His Sacred Heart.

My children, it is time to raise your arms and cry out for Mercy through prayer so that the whole Creative Universe may be able to transform all that humanity still does not manage to change.

Know, all My little ones, that you are in the last time of Mercy, and as it was announced by My Son to the world, the time for Divine Justice will come. Love the Law to be able to love the Universe of God. Remember the commandments; renew your vows with the Creator.

I guide you and I place you near My Son.

Do you accept the coming of His Kingdom?

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Friday, August 10 of 2012

Daily Messages

Continue to pray every day because the supplication of humanity is being heard.

My children,

With all of you in the center of My Immaculate Heart, today I call you to prepare yourselves by means of the vigil of prayer that all My children are being called to carry out tomorrow, on the 11th.

Dear children, God is receiving true impulses of love from all of you. I invite you to continue praying for the world. My Immaculate Heart elevates the pleas of all My children, and God, in His Infinite Mercy, contemplates the love of all His children.

Dear children, go forward, go forward! And do not stop the victorious art of prayer. This is the time to share, your prayer is equivalent to the charity of many hands. With the coming of My Son everyone will be able to be touched by the Mercy of the Redeemer.

It is time to propagate the importance of praying with love for the redemption of all My children. You, My little ones, have received the greatest instrument from the Universe of God and this instrument is called the “prayer of the heart.”

And today, extending My merciful arms and My Mantle of Light on all who need it, I ask you to continue through the Christian path that is being built from your hearts.

My Son, under the High Glory of God, contemplates you with His Eyes of compassion. He invites you to work for Celestial Peace and, in the name of this Celestial Peace, it is time to help the world, the Kingdoms and humanity.

May the Holy Spirit be the flame of wisdom in the hearts of all My children. I will accompany you always, and whenever you allow Me to, because I love you.

In the Merciful Love, praised be the Redeemer!

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Thursday, August 9 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children,

May trust be the next spiritual goal that all your hearts will be able to radiate as worthy children of God. My little ones, may this trust between the creatures and the Supreme God be the new redeeming alliance for this humanity in need.

My children, today I call you to strengthen, by means of prayer, this same alliance which My Son established between His Sacred Heart and God. Dear children, may this purpose for your lives be the reason of your presence on Earth in such a way that if you keep this spiritual flame of God ignited, many creatures in need will be able to be helped by the Great Angels of the Lord in the final time.

Dear children, it is important to consider this in your life: to build in your dwelling the perfect union between the soul and God. And this unfathomable trust will begin through the act of love, a love that My Son teaches you to live in your life, a repairing and redeeming love.

For this reason, today I invite you to open your hearts to the Light of the Creator, Light that is being poured over all My children of humanity through My Maternal Presence among you.

My children, may your hearts ignite again with joy, in gratitude so that your lives can be eternally in the Lord.

Today I call you to live in this trust as it will take you towards faith, and faith will keep you in the devotion to My Immac- ulate Heart and to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. May Our humble Hearts be the essence of forgiveness and hope in your lives in the moments that humanity will live.

If prayer were the Light in all of the families of humanity, they would become sacred families, members of the Fraternity in these times.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Wednesday, August 8 of 2012

Daily Messages

By request of the Divine Mother, the message for this day is the one from the Apparition of August 8, 2012, that took place in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay.

Wednesday, August 8 of 2012

Special Apparitions

Mother María Shimani de Montserrat: Welcome to the Celebration of five years of apparitions of our Divine Mother. We have made a great journey in these five years that could only have happened under Her protection. All of this that you can enjoy today is the work of Her Love. The only thing we can do is to give thanks to God for the possibility of Her being with us, guiding us, giving this impulse to our humanity.

We hope that we can open our hearts and receive the Graces that She has for each one of us.

As we saw in the opening of the Meeting last night, today, the 8th of August, is a very important day, the beginning of a new annual cycle. The year of 2012 brings the last moments in which the Divinity tries to place in our consciousnesses codes of Light that will help us in the moments of transition. This is why what we are going to live is so important; although not related to external phenomena, it is an unprecedented spiritual event. We need to place it in our hearts and let our spirits adhere to the energy of the Divine Mother and thus, in the inner planes, many things can happen.

Now let us pray and sing, and as time passes we will perceive how a state is being consolidated in which we will build a path of Light from here to the Heavens, a path through which the Divine Mother will arrive with Her angels to transmit Her message to us on such an important date as is today.

At the request of the Divine Mother, Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón asked two nuns to approach the tree. The Divine Mother asked us to repeat the following prayer a few times:

Come Jesus, come into our lives,
and be the bread of Eternal Life.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón transmitted the words of the Divine Mother:

Message for August 8, 2012

Today I am here to celebrate the communion with the King of the Universe. For this reason, My children, I thank you for your response.

My Maternal Heart is with each one of you and this means that the Kingdom of God is on the planet, more so in those who need the Celestial Light.

Dear children, today you do not commemorate My presence, but the Presence of God in your hearts. Today I invite you to remember this Presence permanently; this aspiration will strengthen you for the times that will come.

Dear children, today I contemplate you in My prayers and the Lord has also heard your prayers. This is a very positive response in this final time and many of My children are being helped at this very moment.

You are within the Kingdom of My Peace, just as other children of Mine, this is why I invite you in this time to persist in prayer.

With immense joy, dear children, once again: I thank you! I thank you! May My Eternal Peace be in your hearts so that I can make you find Christ. The King of the Universe waits for you each day, therefore, do not only open your hearts, but also Your arms in order to receive the light that comes from Him and that with Love He is giving to the world.

Today I leave a sign to you, a symbol for eternity: the flock of My Son. Each one of you forms part of this flock, including those who distance themselves from Him day by day. My Maternal Task is to make you return to Christ. Each one of your prayers counts for salvation. Contemplate this as something true, because God will always hear you when your prayers are true and are born from the heart.

Today I am inviting you once again to prayer, to continue praying for the world, the world needs it and you know it. The Grace that today I am giving you, you do not know because it is born from the heart. This Grace that I want to teach you is called Love of My Son, the Redeeming Love and the Saving Love.

Dear children, continue on this path so that, in some more years, your lives may transform themselves into the desired Temple where God waits to enter.

I am contemplating at this moment many that need help and to all of them I say: pray, pray with the heart because you will be in communication with Me and My Maternal Flower. The prayer of all of My children will be placed at the feet of the Lord so that thus I may be able to intercede and in due time I may be able to help you.

Trust in what you are doing, do not be afraid to transform your lives, rather, be afraid to not be able to consecrate them to the Lord. This is what I ask of you, a healthy trans- formation that is born from the heart and that expresses itself as a precious instrument in the life of all My children who are in much need of God.

Therefore, as mediator of souls, I invite you to be in Me so that God may be in you. I want that you continue pilgrimaging with Me by means of prayer, of forgiveness among yourselves and above all, in the love that must prevail in your lives and in your essences in this time that is so important.

On this day I bring to all the contemplation of My Immaculate Heart, which will be able to illuminate you in every decision of your lives and every step that you are willing to take in the consecration of the heart.

In the simple words, dear children, are to be found the great mysteries. Know that through all this time, and in the same way that My Heart does in Medjugorje, I want to teach you how to be in God despite the circumstances of life, trusting in the unknown, in that which you cannot touch but that does come from God.

Dear children, trust in the unknown so that the truth may express itself in your lives, a truth that is called Faith and that will lead you towards the Heights.

Today I am with you and I am silently pouring My Graces upon the world. Open your hands and your hearts so that the beating of My Immaculate Heart may be the flame that blazes eternally within you.

Now, in this time of definition, I ask you to gather together and pray with Me so that My Heart may guide you and the eternal flame of My Son, His Sacred Heart, may accompany you in each step that you take in this life.

Silence promises you greater knowledge of the essence of God, therefore, dear children, silence is also prayer.

Today I come here to absolve you and to open the Door of the Kingdom of My Father to you.

Let us pray:

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: Let us repeat the following prayer that Our Lady is teaching us at this moment, it is a very simple prayer.

Listen to me, Redeemer,
because I trust in You.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón transmitted the words of the Divine Mother:

My school of prayer teaches you to pray with determination. Place your spirits in the words so that they may be heard.

Remember that the prayers and the singing open the Heavens so that the healing of God may descend.

Now, in gratitude to each one of you, I will pour a little more of My Light in order to bid farewell.

Mother María Shimani de Montserrat: The Divine Mother is asking us to sing María, Virgen Madre.(*)

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón transmitted the words of the Divine Mother:

Know that as Mother, My greatest purpose is Peace for all of My children.

I thank you!

And remember that you must never separate yourselves from God but rather search for Him in your hearts because He lives there.

Thank you, dear children.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


– End of the Apparition –


(*) Tr: Mary, Virgin Mother.

Mother María Shimani de Montserrat: I would like to comment that the Divine Mother called the two sisters to participate with us here because they were part of the group that welcomed Our Lady for the first time five years ago, on the 8th of August, 2007. We remember the simplicity in which we gathered together at that time to be with Her for the first time. She told us that this manifestation is the response to what all of us here have carried out, trusting in Her and She in us.

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: During the preparation there were some events that we want to report. At a moment, several crowns of golden stars emerged in the heights. At another, there was a great assistance of the guardian angels to all of those present; they released many knots that existed around the people, strings with various knots could be seen, which were untied very delicately.

Also, during the preparation we had the special visit of the Master Christ, as the Sacred Heart, who came accompanying Our Lady. He brought in His arms a representation of the planet Earth. He showed the planet and indicated with His left hand some continents, especially the American continent, which could be seen illuminated by a golden energy. He explained that the task of prayer allowed for this continent to light up. At that moment Our Lady disappeared and Christ performed a special task with us. He opened the Kingdom of the Heavens and an energy of sky blue color started to descend upon His head as a great column of light. This column expanded itself, radiating its energy to everyone and touched this whole place and also other more distant places.

Then Our Lady appeared again. She descended from the Heavens with many guardian angels and imprinted in our consciousnesses the image of Her Glorification, making this light descend from the Heavens and coming closer. Two of the guardian angels that were with Her were each holding a chalice.

With this image we understood that a Ceremony was taking place, an inner communion with Her consciousness.

At a certain moment She indicated to the angels to place themselves in different parts of the field.

Our Lady came dressed in white, but changed Her attire three times. The second was pink and the third, with which She ap- peared at the end when She blessed us with Her Light, was grey.

Mother María Shimani de Montserrat: Let us give thanks by singing the same song that we sang that night of the 8th of August, 2007: La Mujer que Nos Guía.(**)


(**) Tr: The Woman who Guides Us.


Tuesday, August 7 of 2012

Daily Messages

Peace! Peace! Peace in the hearts of all My children! Come to My Kingdom because in this place of love and peace My Immaculate Heart will heal you. Open your arms and receive from My Heart the flame that will illuminate you to travel the new path with My Son, a path called Redemption.

Dear children,

May your hearts rejoice because My Immaculate Peace is with each one of you. Know well that all your prayers count a lot in the universe, especially the prayers that are born from the essence of the heart.

Today I ask that you wait for Me in prayer each day. If so, My merciful eyes will contemplate you preparing the salvation of all the essences of God.

The world waits for your prayers and so do My children that do not pray. Therefore, contemplate with Mercy each one of the Kingdoms created by the wise Hands of God and know that they need all My children who are on Earth.

You, dear children, have the primordial key of the prayer of the heart, which will open the Sources of the Heavens so that more Mercy may descend.

My children, you have in your hands the possibility of mak- ing the decision for a new life. My Son Jesus, the Most High Guardian of all the hearts, waits for you so that, united in vigil and in prayer, you may help the heart of all the souls who are deaf and do not hear the Voice of My Heart.

I thank you for your persistence. Walk towards the Light, forgetting the past with love so that your spirit may be reborn.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Monday, August 6 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children,

Embracing the whole world and radiating the Light of My Immaculate Heart, today I ask you: multiply the life of prayer so that it may be the seasoning for your life and so that it may awaken love for prayer in those of My children who still do not pray.

My little ones, through these almost eight months of daily instructions you have been invited to be participants in the school of prayer and now I ask you that it be the true reason for your lives and the lives of many souls.

You are called to be examples of the life of prayer in such a way that it must never lack on your day, because prayer is a permanent dialogue with God, the Creator. Prayer is the fraternal relationship with the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Prayer is the path for each one of My children to find peace for the heart.

Without daily prayer the world cannot be repaired because each encounter with the life of prayer will lead you to a state of reverence and love for the Infinite, the Most High God. If the world, in its totality, heard My call, Grace would forgive many of the causes that limit the walking of many souls.

Therefore, My children, your effort in the life of prayer will represent, to the Heavens, the triumph of the angels on Earth.

Dear children, on this day and in these times of important definition, I tell you, save a moment for God because He waits to meet with each one of you.

My children, the key to open the Door to Heaven is in you and this key is called Will. As the Mother of Hope I am here to show you how to open the pure treasury of the Heart of God.

I count on you!

I thank you!

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Sunday, August 5 of 2012

Daily Messages

With joy I send My blessings to all My children of Argentina, who with great kindness, await My Maternal arrival to this nation on the 18th of this current month. This is a Marian date that celebrates the anniversary of My Merciful descent upon Aurora which took place in the morning of the 18th of August, 2011.

Dear children, with your hearts in celebration today I invite you to prepare your dwellings to receive the Merciful Heart of My Son. I know that many of you are tired from such a long walk. This is why today I place you under My Restoring Mantle so that your souls may always say “yes” to the Will of God.

I invite you to remember the importance of working in love, the love of Jesus, in this way you will know how to extend your arms to give and to be charitable with all, without boundaries or time.

Dear children, for this reason, and contemplating the igno- rance in the world, I invite you to prayer for all humanity. Each day, as a Merciful Mother, I want to embrace the greatest number of children.

Being Mother I know well your tests and your learning. In this way today I invite you to persist in the infinite Love of God.

My children, it is in the source of this transforming Love that I daily invite you to stay, and also today I call you to prepare My arrival with joy and bliss for this coming 8th. Remember that we celebrate the Graces that God has allowed Me to pour on all My children and all the Graces of Love and Forgiveness that I will be able to radiate as Rays of Light to many more children.

You are in My arms, today I only ask that you do not leave them because I want to deliver you to Jesus, the Redeemer.

I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Saturday, August 4 of 2012

Daily Messages

My Eternal Peace liberates and forgives souls from all their faults.

Dear children,

Pouring today the Grace of forgiveness, I ask you: pray with the heart! And pray with all the love that God has placed in each one of you throughout your lives.

My children, live in the Source of Grace that God has granted Me so that, out of love and for your redemption, I may pour it over all of humanity.

Therefore, dear children, pray with constancy and faith so that the Guardian Angels of the Lord may guide you through the new path towards fraternity.

Today I invite you to convert your lives into a pure rose. Do not fear, I am with you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Friday, August 3 of 2012

Daily Messages

Dear children,

I wait for you every day so that in groups of prayer you may pray the Rosary asking for Light for the world and peace for all My children. I wait for you in prayer so that together with Me you may contemplate the Luminous and Redeeming Face of My Son.

As I am the Mother of humanity, I call you to strengthen the groups of prayer by means of the prayer of the heart and through the reading of My daily words.

Dear children, I want that, by means of prayer, you trust in the existence and power of Divine Mercy. You are invited to remain very close to My Son so that He, as the High Priest, may baptize you with His Gifts of Peace.

In these times you are contemplated from the Heavens and My rain of Graces awaits to awaken in the hearts of all My children. For this to happen, I invite you to deepen into the path of prayer, because God the Father wants to fill all souls with His Mercy.

I will accompany you as Guardian of souls and as Master of prayer. All My little children are called to the time of reparation of the spirit through the power of prayer.

Have absolute faith, and under the Holy Spirit, walk to- wards My arms; I will comfort you as I once comforted Jesus. I love you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Thursday, August 2 of 2012

Daily Messages

Keep My Maternal Words in your hearts so that you never forget that they come from the Lord. Awaken in you the Sacred Spirit of God, and may your lives be a great dove of Light that transmits peace to those who do not have it and faith to those who have lost it.

Dear children, you are My Missionaries of Peace. This you must remember well, this is a mission of peace and redemption that My Immaculate Heart invites you to live day by day.

Know that I am here because I love you, and My Son Jesus sends Me to the world as a mediator between souls and God the Father. I am the Maternal Flame of Love and Help and I want to teach you not to waste time in normal actions. Each new day your spirit must place itself before the Will of God so that the hearts may recognize that they are called to live in the Eternal Kingdom of God.

Dear children, with supreme compassion for My children, whom I contemplate in My hands, today I invite you to recognize the importance of a sincere prayer that can aid the whole world with its Light. You, My little ones, are called to be the new disciples of My Son, you are called to unite Heaven and Earth through an honest prayer of the heart.

It is time, My little ones! It is now time for you to open your arms and receive the Maternal Grace that My Heart of Peace is pouring! Many of My children who form part of this humanity waste the precious time of their lives immersed in illusion. I call you to reflection with the Voice from Above so that your hearts may be able to shine in the Throne of God’s Eternity.

Know well, My dear children, that I need you despite every- thing, because My Son is coming, and before you are called in consciousness, He will touch each heart. I invite you to the sincere preparation of your lives by means of prayer.

Awaken, My little ones! I thank you!

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Wednesday, August 1 of 2012

Daily Messages

In Jesus you will find the true path towards peace. For this reason, dear children, opening My merciful arms today I ask you above all things: come to Me because if you do this My Immaculate Heart will help you.

Today, especially, I open My Protecting Mantle so that, through the prayer of the heart, each one of My children may place themselves under My Mantle so that the Rays of the Eternal Light of God may illuminate you and may show you the just and holy path that you are invited to travel, imitating My Son who traveled it once for all humanity.

Dear children, find the strength of faith in the devotion to My Immaculate Heart. I want to cause you to be reborn as Jesus made brother Lazarus resurrect. Dear children, it is time to walk so that you may be able to see the Eternal Light of Divine Mercy that My Son wants to give you.

Go forward and do not waste time because My Son needs you strong and brave as the flight of the birds in the dawn.

Dear children, today I invite you to pray for Light in the heart, I call you to remain in joy, because this will allow you to awak- en the inner presence of the Holy Spirit in each one of you. Come to know the Gifts of the Holy Spirit through prayer.

Stay in My arms! Trust in the surrender that My Heart makes for you today.

Thank you for responding to My call.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
