In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Behold the Lord of the Night, who leads all His sheep, especially those who are most lost, so that they may return to the stable of the Heart of God and drink of the Sacred Fountain of His Divine Humility. Because if humility does not live in this world, if humility does not express itself in souls and hearts, it will not be possible to avoid a third and difficult war.

This is why I Am here today, on the highest region of the Alps. Once again, I congregate you at the foot of these sacred mountains, where the Hierarchy is gathered and united to you, to implore to God for a last opportunity for this humanity, so that the nations of the world, especially the nations of Eastern Europe, may reflect the harmony and peace that is so urgent in these times.

Therefore, nothing and no one has prevented the Lord of the Night from coming here, because He has brought the whole Universe, all of Creation, with Himself. And with His Feet he steps upon all evil that exists on this planet and shows, through the Light of His Sacred Heart, the path that souls must tread during this dark night so that they may never lose sight of the Flame of the Divine Purpose, but rather, through this Sacred Immaterial Flame, souls may find within themselves the Will of God, which expresses in this material life the Purpose that has been written since the origin.

This is why, on these days of merciful prayer, I come, in the name of God, to ask you to truly pray. That each bead of the prayer of Mercy offered may be sincerely prayed to avoid a terrible third war in this world and, above all, in this Northern Hemisphere.

But do not lose faith, because you are My companions and My friends, you are My children and My daughters, and today I have all of you within the Sacred Cenacle of My Heart so that, just as more than two-thousand years ago, you may celebrate the Sacred Eucharist with Me once again, the infinite Legacy of the Love of God, which unconditionally offered itself to you through the bread and the wine.

This is why we are at a similar time as two-thousand years ago. But now you, as postulants to be New Christs of the end of times, must not only eat of My Body or drink of the Chalice of My Blood, but you also must learn to live your own Garden of Gethsemane.

And despite the darkness that reigns on this planet, despite the uncertain doors that are still open, despite the ignorance, the war, the indifference, the coldness of many hearts, despite all the sins and offenses that the Heart of God receives every day, My Sacred and Unfathomable Heart, on these days of intense supplication to Divine Mercy, will gather, from each one of you, each one of the beads that you will sincerely offer to Me, not only for peace in Ukraine and Russia, for the end of war in this region of the planet and in other places of the Earth, but I will also gather your prayers as a true offering to God, because you will have the chance to again trust My Mercy.

So that you may see how great My Mercy is, today I Am again here, in this region of the planet, contemplating through My Eyes and feeling through My Heart the pain and anguish of the souls that live in war and in the conflict of the world.

Companions, I want to tell you sincerely that all Hierarchies are working a lot for this planetary situation. That each one of your steps, the steps of the servers of Christ, are being contemplated at this very moment, as a justification and atonement, in the face of all horrors and outrages of this world, of this humanity.

For this reason, companions, these days will be decisive, not only for all My servers of the Redemptive Work of Christ on Earth, but they will also be definitive for these nations of Europe, because what will happen in the coming times in this region of the planet will have repercussions in other nations of the world, and Europe is feeling the weight of the war in Ukraine.

Through His Power and Love, through His Mercy and Sacred Intercession, God could have already stopped this war. But companions, the adherence of souls with other forces of this material world compromises this intervention, which is not only spiritual, but also material.

However, trust and do not regret, trust in the power and light of the prayer of the heart. Entrust to God all your supplications, all your intentions, all that you beg for, so that the war may stop in Eastern Europe, and the current events, just as other events in the world, which are hidden from the eyes of all, may not be used as weapons of war, fostering lack, need and injustice.

Therefore, through the merits achieved by My Sacred Heart, I invite you to be with Me in this long dark night that the planet is living, without losing sight of the Light of Divine Purpose, because many souls in these times lose sight of their Spiritual Purpose.

In truth, I tell you that the spiritual task of many will be up to a very few, just as it was two-thousand years ago, when very few, united to the Master of Love, did their very best, gave their lives for the redemption of humanity, for the salvation of this school-planet.

I know that what I promise you at this moment is not wonderful, I promise you the experience of a spiritual sacrifice that you have not gone through at any other moment.

This is why, through the symbols of My Sorrowful Passion, I will be able to pour out, upon those who accept them, new experiences of Christification and growth of inner love.

Who will accept to hold the Crown of Thorns of the Lord with their own hands?

Who will accept to carry with them the nails that pierced the Hands and Feet of the Lord?

Who will accept to carry the planetary cross with Me?

Who will allow the spear to pierce their side, knowing that you do not deserve all these things and that your Master and Lord deserved them even less?

But  what led your Master, the King of the Universe, to allow Himself to experience all these things?

There is one and only reason: Love, the Love that would trust, the Love that would accept, the Love that would include, the Love that would never reject, the Love that would endure, the Love that would make Me grow as Divinity and Spirit. It was Love that made me accept the Will to live the Sorrowful Passion.

This is why I offer the opportunity of inner Christification to the simple, to the imperfect, to the sinners.

See how My Church is and how My priests are, how many wounds they cause Me by moving away from Me, by taking other paths that are not those of Christ.

This is why I avail Myself of this moment and I avail Myself of each one of you, regardless of the imperfection or difficulties, regardless of the pain or tests, so that the Heart of your Master may be relieved in silence, through the adherence of souls, through the silent sacrifice of the hearts that say ‘yes’ to Me, in which I can recline My head upon your chests, to rest and take comfort from the love of those who are Mine.

The world is not prepared to listen to this, but I committed Myself to tell you the truth, because I will always be the Way and the Life for you.

The world must surrender to My Mercy so that the Third World War does not happen, so that humanity does not keep opening the door to evil, which suffocates hearts and confuses minds by moving away from God.

May this Marathon of Divine Mercy be a moment of great maturity, may it be the great moment when each one of you must ask yourselves whether you are with Me or not. The time is ending and if before the cup was almost full, it is now overflowing.

Who will prevent this from happening?

Will it be necessary for more innocent blood to be shed in this world?

God does not want the sacrifice of humanity, My Father wants from you, through Me, your eternal happiness, the joy of living and belonging to the Kingdom of God, once and for all.

I ask you again to truly pray. I will be attentively listening to the voice of your supplications and I know that I will be able to count on all of you, just as on all your brothers and sisters in the world.

In the simple, in the humble, in those who adhere, in the pure of heart, lies My Celestial Church. And through these souls, through true and simple hearts, I can consecrate and  make this world sacred, so that someday it may cease to be unfaithful so as to be faithful, so that someday the world may no longer have self will but will begin to live Divine Will, the Sacred Will of God that will always lead you to peace and to the good.

I thank you for hearing Me. I thank you for preparing this space for Me, because as much as this world offers Me hundreds of cathedrals, I could only be within them if love, transparency and surrender truly existed.

This is why, once again, God shows the world that His Presence is in the humble, that His Hand defeats the powerful, that His Word resounds in the simple and expels the selfish, even those who say they are with Me.

My Church is in the heart of My children. My Love is there. My Life is there forever.

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


In the beginning, the Creator created essences, manifested souls, grouped them according to their missions and sent them off to fulfill them, beyond the dimensions, in manifested life. And the souls of God went off into this vast Cosmos, experienced and learned, often distancing from the Divine Purpose, and other times managing to fulfill the Will of their Creator.

Time passed and evolution took place. The souls of God still tread this path, as sheep that graze in the Gardens of Creation. Now, children, your Celestial Father calls all souls created by Him. His voice echoes within the valleys and upon the hills of the spirit, where souls can hear Him and with love recognize His call.

One by one, the sheep of the Great Shepherd begin to congregate; with their steps, they return to the House of the Father and inspire others to also return to His Heart.

This is the time to return to God, to again spiritually find the mission that He entrusted to you; to give Him all the fruits picked along the path so that the Father may make of them a new Nourishment.

The cycle has arrived for a new life and for a new time in which the sheep are congregated to strengthen one another for the great transition; because I tell you, My children, that it is with the love of each one of you that you will keep your balance and you will strengthen, in order to pass the trials that the planet must experience at this time.

Your souls will congregate at the Feet of God, without distinction, discovering the likeness that was hiding within you. You will discover that you are kindred in spirit and in heart. You will discover, feel and live the only divine filiation that make you fruits of the same Sacred Tree of the Creation.

It is by means of the love that will build up within you that you will receive the impulse to live the Love of God and surpass it, thus renewing the Divine Creation and giving birth to a new life, a new time and a new Plan.

I tell you this so that you may recognize that Christic Love will be born and awaken by means of the union of your hearts, souls and spirits in God. The cycle has come for you to live unity more deeply, because the Creation needs it so.

May the veils that separated the children of God from one another begin to fall, and may human beings perceive that differences are just expressions of the path that each soul has trodden, the way it is understood to fulfill their mission and live the Will of the Father, although so many times they became lost and were confounded by the stimuli of the world.

Now that everyone has learned enough to know that only love will allow you to return to the Father, it is time to live this love.

The planet agonizes, My children, due to the lack of love and Peace in the human hearts, and it is simply by recognizing yourselves as brothers and sisters, and by loving one another with the truth of your hearts, that you will be able to transform this, heal this agony and repair the wounded heart of this Earth.

Unity will make you free and will liberate this world; it will lead you to expand love by means of the prayer and service that will be born from your spirits.

Allow yourselves to be inspired by My words and by My Presence. Little by little, silently, I help you along this path of return to the Heart of God.

I love you, bless you and thank you for responding to My call!


Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace




I am the Guardian of the night, and it is during the night when the Guardian of souls protects His sheep so that they may be under His Mantle of Light and of Love.

I am the Guardian of the night, and it is in that moment in which, in the inner planes, I call upon My sheep to bring them in and protect them within the Stable of My Heart.

If you call upon the Guardian of the night through a feeling of love, of faith and of prayer, He will always be there to unconditionally accompany you and to guide you on the safest path.

I am the Guardian of the night, and it is in that moment that your Lord enters into vigil and prayer, in order to help and assist the hearts that cry out and ask for it.

I am the Guardian of the night and, in that moment, I take everyone towards the Universe of My Light so that they feel the relief and the Grace of being able to find Me again, every time they need it.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


At this time, I come to meet my most fragile sheep so that they may be in My Arms and can strengthen and move ahead.

In My Arms, I take My sheep toward the stable of My Heart, where they will not fear the storm nor the darkness, but in the stable of My Heart they will feel the warmth of My Love and the tenderness of My Soul.

This is the reason why I am present here among those who are Mine because, My House, which is your House, must be spiritually rebuilt so that souls can continue to feel the inner security of being here, beyond any circumstance or any situation.

And I will come here, to My House, as many times as necessary, because your Lord also needs to find rest and repose in the hearts that follow Him and that accept Him as their Master.

True love is reciprocal. Give, all the time, this love to your brothers and sisters as I taught you, so that the love that is above all things is able to work and operate through you in understanding, acceptance and comprehension of your neighbor, of the imperfect, of the fragile spirit, day by day.

Thus, you will build with Me many more stables where My Heart will be present to help all My sheep.

I thank you for keeping My words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


In times of stillness, as well as in times of challenges, I am present and under any circumstance, I safeguard and protect My sheep, because in My sheep, servants of My Heart, the Divine Plan must be accomplished.

Thus, through the different occurrences, I carry out My Plan, taking the love and the redemption that comes from the Universe, from the Source, to any place, like an inexhaustible wellspring.

This is why I am nearby My sheep, I guide them and take care of them when they allow Me to, because when I manage to care for them, I reveal My aspirations to them and they carry My Message of Peace wherever they go.

I am present and I never cease to assist the needs of My servers, because in them I build My Church so that inner peace and love may expand upon the Earth.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus


What I most love is to be able to guide My sheep and that My sheep accomplish, in obedience and in love, all that I tell them.

That is the principal reason for being here again on Earth. There would not be any other reason, because My life exists because My sheep are present, who I love with all of My Heart, which I contemplate with devotion and reverence so that they always dare to do the good and to live for celestial peace in My Name.

But when My sheep do not listen to Me and do not trust in what I tell them, I can do nothing, only observe and wait.

In this time, I no longer want to see My sheep suffer because of their own mistakes and deceits. I promise you a fertile and fruitful soil to manifest the New Earth.

But in truth I tell you, this is the time of the definition of those who will be with Me or not, and that will depend on the trust and the faith that you give your Master and Lord.

There will no longer be any time to justify yourselves nor to place the responsibility on your brothers and sisters because of your own actions. This is the time of adulthood and of being able to see everything with maturity, without emotions or lamentations.

This is the time to give everything for Me or to retreat. It is no longer the time for the tepid of heart. I need you present in the love that surrenders without conditions nor personal benefits.

I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!

Who blesses you,

Your Master and Lord, Christ Jesus

Special Message of the Glorified Christ Jesus, received in San Carlos, São Paulo, Brazil, transmitted to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My Most Sacred heart becomes distressed when souls do not want to listen to God. But I already knew this, I knew it would happen in this century and in these times. During the Agony I received the revelation of the one hundred and thirty-three main pains that humanity would cause to the Heart of the Creator.

Today I tell you, companions, that what happens and is visible to the eyes of the whole world is the sharpest pain that My Heart experiences. For this reason, today I have come to show you My spiritual agony in the Garden of Gethsemane, an agony that wounds My poor Heart because of the sins and injustices of the world.

Everything that happens today is because the majority of souls, in this time, did not recognize the offer of My Love. This is not a punishment; it is a consequence generated by humankind that separates itself more and more from God.

Like the immigrants in the ships, I am in a shipwreck, because, like a seafarer, you have lost Me at high sea. I was not seen in the eyes of the smallest, nor in the heart of the mothers who seek consolation. I was exiled from this humanity for being a foreigner.

Know that I am present in the heart of the most unprotected, for I expect to awaken them someday so that they may give living testimony to the world.

Thus, I present Myself to you so you may understand that everything is not what it seems. Humanity covers its eyes in order not to see the result of decay without limits.

Who will console My Heart that is overflowing the chalice of injustice?

Who will live for Me in order to be saved?

It is time to grow inwardly and not let your own life cause you to perish.

Follow Me along this path and do not continue on the one that takes the world into unconsciousness and lack of faith.

Companions, be My witnesses, My true witnesses before the cruelty of the world.

Open your arms and in your hearts feel the pain of the Redeemer.

I have come to San Carlos because here there are sheep that should follow Me, and, in this time, they must profess their true faith, a faith that will help the world and all of humanity.

May this new Marathon be dedicated to the reparation of innocent souls, for now I am among those hearts, suffering the horror of the world.

Be good prayerful beings and help Me continue to pour out Mercy for the world.

I leave you with the sacred vision of My agony in the Garden of Gethsemane. Who will drink of the bitter Chalice with Me to save humanity?

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you, children of San Carlos, for being with Me!

The Glorified Jesus Christ

I leave in silence so that you may feel My wounded Heart.

I bless you, now and always, in the name of the Love of God.

I thank you!

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón:

Brothers and sisters, today the Master came here, to San Carlos, in a special way, and we want to share a brief story with you so that you can better understand the Message He brought us today, which is different than all the Messages He has given up until now.

When the Master arrived here, He came revealing us the scene of the agony in the Garden of Gethsemane.

He did not come as He has come at other times, with all His Presence, to speak to us directly, but rather He was on top of a stone, He had His Gaze focused on Heaven, on the universe, and He spoke with Adonai. He was like this for a very long time, throughout the whole time that we were here, waiting for Him to begin to speak.

We were asking ourselves what it was He wanted to say with this. And we understood at the end that He wanted to share a pain He experiences, at this moment, with us, and He needed us to be aware in order to collaborate.

And after He showed that scene for a long time, He showed that He carried a crown of thorns on His Head; and we asked Him: but was the Crown of thorns not afterwards, during the Passion? And He said that this Crown is the one humanity places on Him today, and He suffers many agonies caused by this world, just as His Mother Mary suffers them.

So, at that moment, He turned His Face toward us; He was crying, with Blood on His Face and His Heart was overflowing with great sorrow, which was unknown why. He said it was a spiritual agony He was experiencing, something that would be inexplicable for humanity to understand, but that He would try to explain to us, through words, what He was feeling from humanity, at this moment.

In this Message, He included some very symbolic examples, that we have to pay attention to in order to understand, through those symbols, the Message He wants to give us.


Among the simple and true sheep My Sacerdotal Consciousness helps the great planetary consciousness.

Among those who pray and those who adore My Most Holy Glorified Body I construct the path for the New Humanity.

Among the silent ones, the reverent ones and the devotees, I construct the Source that will give to drink to all those who have thirst.

Among My ones I accomplish all of the works and to all of them I give of My Sacrifice so that they may be formed as new Christs.

Because with the humble and the peace makers I manage to get deeply into the abysses of this world and I collect essences that have fallen into mortal sin. For this each new day My Heart will ask for a little more from My servers because it will be necessary to reverse the planetary situation and as I have always said: amongst My ones I will make My Great Works.

For this say yes to Me because I will always accompany you.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thanks for being in My Sacred Heart of Peace!

Christ Jesus


Blessed be those who pacify the souls in My Name by means of the Divine Mercy because at this time occurs the great miracle of love.

For this go with Me to the encounter of the pilgrim and of the solitary because at this moment My Light will come to the aid of those most in need of My Spirit of Light. I ask you that in this journey My Apostles be the living testimonial of conversion and of redemption because, if it were like this, the path to be travelled would be open and those who that need Me would listen to the love from your words.

In this time the flocks will be regrouped so that they may be conducted towards the stable of the single and true Shepherd. But now it is necessary to go and seek the sheep that are forgotten or that are hurt by the old incomprehensions of life. It is time to unite and not to separate.

It is time, for those who claim to be with Me, to recuperate the most injured sheep or those that are most separated from My Path, because, in the end My Divine Mercy is for all without preferences and without partiality.

My Pure Love defeats error. My Pure Love opens new doors and new opportunities for those who in trust are surrendered to Me every day. It has come the time to reunite those who are lost as souls and those who must, before the new cycle, be in My Sacred Redeeming Heart.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for being in My Eternal Heart!

Christ Jesus


I will come from the Heavens to heal your hearts and finally remove from your essences any particle of evil.

Because the place where I come from is Bethlehem. Bethlehem was and will be the radiant star that will illuminate your lives just as My birth in the manger ignited with much love My Little Heart.

Dears, come to Me, lay your hands on My shoulders, lie down your heads on My chest because My Redeeming Love will free you and take you to meet the Father in all the things of life. I want you to talk to me, to tell me and say to me what you need because if you trust in Me you will know soon how to act in life, in all the days.

Children, I want you to await for My coming because first I prepare the hearts to receive Me and My Light removes deep consequences, withdraws and purifies them. Know that I Am who sustains your lives above all things because I know you very well since before you knew Me.

I wait for you every day. The Shepherd loves his sheep and the sheep must love the Great Shepherd of Love. I know that many are tired from what you experience internally but remember that I Am the Victorious Light that comes from the Celestial Father to enlighten your paths, your essences and your hearts. I just want that, in each moment of your day, you have me present, that you call me, that you cry out for Me, that you want to have Me as close as possible so that My Love may repair and forgive you.

I do not know worse evil than the lack of love to one another. This is the first lesson of My Return, My First Commandment, which today I renew for you as a premise for life. If you still do not know how to love, I will teach you but you must abandon yourselves to Me entirely so that I may move away from your hearts every inner situation.

My dears, believe in the next coming of My Kingdom. Those who will be participants of the encounter with Me must have the heart clean and purified so that My Eternity may enter into your dwelling places.  I am illuminating with My Light your paths; in each test, see the transformation of your little hearts.

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for living My commandments.

Christ Jesus.


Today I come to erase from your hearts all the pain that may have remained there from the past, because the Eternal Grace of God allows Me to do this, as Mediator between all souls.

Dear children, opening your hearts today with joy, praise and canticles to the Most High, receive in them Jesus, the Redeemer. Keep His Merciful Rays in your souls so that as little sheep, you may walk with confidence towards eternity.

My children, today My Heart rejoices in seeing joy and purity in each one of the children from New Earth(*). Therefore, dear children, let us praise the Redeemer and let us thank Him because He has sent Me towards you to give you the Peace and the Love of My Immaculate Heart. To all these children that represent millions of little souls in the world, today I give My special Maternal Blessing as a luminous sign of the Holy Cross: in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

My children, because of this special gathering in the Community New Earth, I want to ask you again for more prayer from your hearts, as has been born many times, and that each new prayer from the heart be directed especially to all the children in the world, even more to those who are without a father and a mother.

My Spirit of Immaculate Mother wants to embrace each one of them to relieve their pain and their abandonment. Therefore, dear children, it is important to consider in your life the prayer that repairs all the causes that are in need of peace and Light.

With your eyes raised towards the Heavens, My dear children, on this day I am grateful for the simple response from your hearts to My Immaculate Heart.

May Jesus be praised in all the children of the world! Thank you for responding to My call for Rio de Janeiro. In the Eternal Light of My Son.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity


(*) “New Earth” referring to the Light-Community New Earth, in Rio de Janeiro, where many children live.

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
