Thursday, October 31 of 2013

Daily Messages

When you surrender all to Me I will give you the goods that are guarded in Heaven.

Now that you find yourself before the doors of donation and surrender, walk without delay for that which your heart must realize.  But you know that I Am there to help you to cross the bridges that are broken and to help you to climb the lofty mountains towards your spirit.

This time is the time of all for the whole.  Nothing compared with your possibility of serving Me will overcome your expectations because now the Lord is building in your dwelling the path of ascension.  

That nothing more important than your life may afflict your thought or feeling because in all this journey God will accompany you in the inner silence.  I want to be in your life the one that no one has been able to be because I will never disappoint you.  My Inner Love does not belong to this world, My Christic Love, that which comes from the universe, is like a resplendent star that sends you its rays of salvation in every hour of the day so that you may perceive that My Presence is in all places.

To the extent that the disciple takes steps towards the Plan of God, greater will be the efforts to live the inner transformation, but your indestructible fortress is found in My Heart.  My Heart is the great wall that sustains the battles of all of the fires.

May you now be able to look at Me in the eyes and tell Me: “Yes Lord, here I am in spite of my falls and doubts”.

My Heart rejoices in the souls that only confess to Me the truth because My Love is infinite and It heals any inner wound.

Stay in Me and you will recognize in truth who you are for God.

Under the Good of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for remaining in My Heart!

Christ Jesus

Wednesday, October 30 of 2013

Daily Messages

My Eternal Dwelling of the Heart dwells in the great infinite ocean of My Divine Mercy.

Every day, at three in the afternoon, I wait for thirsty souls and the devout souls to address Me, and to travel, by means of the Chaplet, to the center of the home of My Heart.  There, I will humbly talk to your heart about the things of God.  In this way, I will relieve your inner beings from the constant pressure that this world of today generates, so that you may reach My House of Eternal Dwelling.

Today I ask you to make the decision of ardently living the hour of the Mercy of God.  Thus, you will permit, in a simple way, that the most sublime Graces, those that your souls need, may be received in this time of tests and tribulations.

It is so simple to enter into My Mercy that the souls become discouraged when they begin to pray with Me.  But the devotion that I need from you must overcome the obstacles of inertia and material density, and this will be possible when your hearts just say to Me: “Jesus, I trust in You”.  

Through this constant affirmation, you will open the doors of My Spring, this is the key that will liberate you from perdition and from the temptation of the world.  For this reason, before each new test, decree and affirm: “Jesus, I trust in You” because this affirmation, which was given to Sister Faustina, has the power of defeating any evil in the natural environment of your lives and of your inner beings.

Remember that I trust in you.

Under the Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Heart!

Christ Jesus

Tuesday, October 29 of 2013

Daily Messages

Before the Angel of Justice arrives to the Earth I wish to pour upon you and the entire world the Source of My Divine Mercy.

For this to be possible there must exist those who faithfully invoke My Merciful Rays. In this way I will be able to liberate you from sin, and the enemy, during the last hour, will be defeated by the infinite power of My Redeeming Love.

For this today I invite you to imitate the faithfulness of the humble shepherds of Emmaus, those who believed in My Resurrection from the first moment. May this example of apostolate and of fidelity help you to gather the inner strengths necessary for the great moments that will come in humanity.

You must not miss, not even for a moment, the hour of My Divine Mercy. That before this moment of reparation, of healing and of forgiveness, your beings prostrate themselves on the sacred soil of prayer so that in truth you may be helped and nothing related to your inner efforts may be able to surprise you.

I invite you now to be defenders of the hour of My Divine Mercy because in this way you will be helping in the redemption of humanity. Remember that I Am in the heart of those who open it so that I may be able to visit them always.

Under the Light of Father, be forgiven and be merciful.

Thank you for considering My Teachings from the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Master of the Divine Piety

Monday, October 28 of 2013

Daily Messages

In the hour of the Divine Mercy My Heart descends to the Earth and illuminates it with infinite repairing Graces for all of the souls.

But that sinful and offended soul that approaches to My Source of wonders during this hour of Infinite Mercy will be able to recognize in My Consciousness the Divine Love that heals and redeems all of the lives upon the Earth.

For this, during the hour of Mercy give Me your miseries, those that My Heart knows from the beginning so that in this way, by means of My Mercy, they may be liberated and redeemed.

I Am the Light for the world and for the hearts. That one who is directed to Me will find an answer and in this way they will unite their heart with Mine, and together we will get to know in depth the celestial universe and, consequently, the Source of My Mercies.

But there must exist in you an absolute trust in My Presence and in My Redeeming Work. It must be fulfilled in those who in truth may always be merciful with their familiars.

The Source of Piety hopes to rescue you from perdition and from the spiritual deviation that the enemy propagates as idea and thought. The one who really seeks the answer about the subjects of life, I tell you that they will find it in the Unfathomable Source of My Divine Mercy.

I want that your souls make the decision to be rays of My Mercy for the entire world. For this to happen your trust in My Being will be enough and to not fear that I will remove what is old and arid in you because I will always quench your inner thirst.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Most Sacred Heart!

Merciful Christ Jesus

Sunday, October 27 of 2013

Daily Messages

My Heart is a great Sacrarium of Peace and of Reparation for the souls. You can direct yourselves to It with absolute trust because in this way you will receive in your inner beings the answer that you need for your lives.

My Heart is a Sacrarium of Peace and of Love because in It you will be able to see the light of God manifested, the Light that comes from the Source of your true origin because you must know that I have been a human and a person like you.

My Heart is a great Sacrarium of Salvation and of Conversion because in It you will find comfort, strength and your weaknesses will be dissolved from your beings because when you only invoke the Sacrarium of My Heart you will have entered into the ocean of My Infinite Mercy.

This Sacrarium of My Heart is open day and night and in It there is no material time nor time to be closed. The Eucharistic Love of My Heart makes resplendent all of the hours of the day and in this way all of the hearts can direct themselves with faith and devotion to the Sacrarium of My Heart.

Today some souls have arrived at the depths of the Sacrarium of My Heart and this means that from this moment on they must remember and meditate on how it was that they opened the door of My Sacred Sacrarium of the Heart.

May temperance and bravery strengthen your lives because only through the Sacrarium of My Heart you will find the light for your lives.

In My Wisdom is radiated Love.  

In My Truth is found the nourishment of the Spirit of God.

In My Mercy is found the Source of Forgiveness and of Piety.

Go in peace and remember to return soon to the Sacrarium of My Divine Heart of Love.

Under the Adoration of God the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for seeking always the Sacrarium of My Merciful Heart!

Your Celestial Priest, Christ Jesus

Saturday, October 26 of 2013

Daily Messages

My Heart of Light visits every home on the Earth and It remains alive with love and with peace when the dwellers open to Me the door of their lives so that I may be able to enter.

For this time I come in the search for those who have once said yes to Me. Now has come the time to unite yourself perpetually with My Heart and to surrender yourself  to My Invincible Love.

Today My Spirit of Truth and of Love descends to heal the wounds that are still open in many of My ones. For this I call all to live the great opportunity of life. I Am pouring My Grace upon those who must take the steps towards My Heart and that now will recognize Me as a One and Only King of the Heights.

I ask you that you give the permission to trust absolutely in My Consciousness. In this way I will show you the path of your redemption and the questions in your lives will be dissolved. You only must trust that all that you life has a reason for God and whoever unites themselves to Me in prayer will elevate their consciousness and the divine laws will heal them entirely.

Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My Words in the heart!

Christ Jesus

Friday, October 25 of 2013

Daily Messages

Until the end of time My Heart will unite the rings that I carry between My hands and that represent the unity among the hearts.

I still contemplate the great necessity of brotherhood that exists between the children of My Father. For this, day and night I come to the world to save it and to help it to merge itself in the essence of My Love.

True love supports and renounces.

True love forgives and is not separated by words.

The true love of God dissolves and removes all evil among the servers so that the love for the Divine Will may prevail.

In this time many souls are separated as are the stones in a river that runs rapidly and swiftly.

Whither will these precious stones go?

In which ocean will they end up?

Only My Ocean of Mercy will allow you to wash your wounds and heal your own evils. I come in the time of Mercy to unite you to Me and so that nothing that has to do with your understanding may separate you from Me.

Trust in My Mercy, pray to Me each day more and with the heart. Try to be in peace so that in this way you may overcome the mental barriers. Be heralds of My Love and distribute My Light to wherever you may go. Never fear to transform yourselves because in transformation is found the liberation of oneself.

Under the Good of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My Words with love!

Christ Jesus, Your Saviour

Thursday, October 24 of 2013

Daily Messages

The silence of the heart can say many things to the soul and this silence can calm down the mind and the hurt feelings. For this, only through Me will the disciple find the strength to continue walking among the stones and the thorns of the path.

My Luminous Heart will always provide you with wisdom, but only when you renounce to what you believed is bad. In this time the only path is Divine Love. If you do not invoke nor live by means of this Love of God, few will be able to bear the universal currents that will remove the mistakes in the many hearts.

A good heart bears all of the fires, but the fire of human friction destroys and separates the essences. This is one of the fires that many souls live because they lack the Divine Love of My Father.

Be seekers of this Love that heals and redeems all. Be brave in order to face the tests that I send to you day by day. The only thing that I ask you is that you love one another as I loved you, and as I continue to love you because in this positive and divine Love evil will not enter, as the enemy, if it were touched now by the Christic Love, would be redeemed and the world would be another.

Humanity still has much to learn until it recognizes that without God nothing can be done. Only Love constructs the new and oncoming times.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for searching for the Divine Love of God!

Your Peace maker, Christ Jesus

Wednesday, October 23 of 2013

Daily Messages

My Spirit will give you strength to face the changes and My Heart will protect you from all evil. For this affirm on this path the favored union with My Heart because in spite of the transformations My Presence will fill you and it will encourage you to go ahead.

Even in adverse circumstances do not lower the arms, raise your heart towards the Heights because in this way the Lord will help you. Be always firm, looking to the horizon of Mercy. I Am with you.

Under the Good of God, be blessed.

Thank you for remaining in My Heart!

Christ Jesus

Tuesday, October 22 of 2013

Daily Messages

My Source that is endless and prodigious for all of the souls tries every day to be poured over the hearts that do not live even in the belief that the Lord of Universe exists and that He is real in all of the spaces of the infinite cosmos.

For this, through your union with Me at three in the afternoon many doors that the souls open by their actions and attitudes are closed when the source of My Divine Mercy descends.

Now the Divine Opportunity and the Merciful Grace of My Heart is opened for all, even for those that may seem to be the greatest sin or the sinner. My Love achieved on the Cross banished the evil upon the Earth and now that the love of God is invincible it can remediate and repair the most serious offences that all of the souls commit.

Through the life of sanctity and prayer Heaven intercedes and the Divine Messengers descend to pour Graces upon those who would not deserve them. It is time to live through My Source because only by means of My Blood and of My Water will all be able to achieve the Christic transformation.

I Am everywhere at the same time. For this be attentive to My spontaneous presence among the most simple ones because My Heart will make Itself be felt.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My words with devotion and love!

Christ Jesus, the Master and Guide of souls

Monday, October 21 of 2013

Daily Messages

I come to My disciples to encourage them to walk at My side because after the long journey of life will finally be born the true spirit of eternity in each one of the Servers of the Lord.

For this, in this time, join inner strengths through the joy of serving those who still have not been divested from themselves. Day by day My Heart approaches to you in order to demonstrate to you that the perfect path is built only through the love of the heart.

I will lead you to impossible challenges, but I will never leave you alone.

I will give you never-to-be-forgotten sufferings, but I will always assist you because in truth the time has come for the “very few ones” to fulfill the Perfect Plan that is designed in the Heart of God.

All the time, I will sustain you between My Arms. When loneliness seems greater than joy, it is the sign that in truth you are living My Christic Path and you will be forming yourselves as the New Christs of the current time.

Pray for those who do not manage to take safe steps towards My Heart. They need your love and spiritual attention. I accompany you always, even in the falls of life.

Under the Infinite Grace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Heart!

Christ Jesus

Sunday, October 20 of 2013

Daily Messages

Whoever gives of themselves entirely to their brothers and sisters is building within themselves the bridge of the great fraternity. And, free from appreciations and merits, the disciple will be able to reach, by means of wisdom, the comprehension of all things.

True Charity in this time is so important and necessary that the soul, through this fraternal gesture, will quickly heal the wounds of its heart.

I love with fondness those who give of themselves without questioning or imposing time, including when they are shunned by their peers. The love that these consciousnesses radiate is so similar to Mine that it can transform something heavy into something light, or sadness into a profound joy for living.

For this reason, I invite you to exercise Charity. May It flow without questions as the water of a river flows. Among all of you, may the spirit of Charity spring so that the world, in such need of help, can remedy all its woes. Charity leads to the path of Mercy and of humble and simple knowledge.

Dare to be charitable all the time, because I assure you that you will live the great miracle of love and redemption for your lives. Let those who already do this by nature awaken in your brothers and sisters the maximum interest in service so that in this way peace may be present within hearts.

One of the reasons for the lack of peace in the world is the lack of the true spirit of Charity. If humanity for an instant stopped and began to serve others, everything would change and the consciousnesses would be liberated from a lot of suffering. Therefore, I avail Myself of the true Charity of a very few; in this way, little by little, I fulfill the Will of My Lord.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living the Charity of the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Shepherd of Charity

Saturday, October 19 of 2013

Daily Messages

May there always remain a great space in your hearts so that My Redeeming Light may be able to enter and prepare a new dwelling for God.

Today with celestial joy and rejoicing I descend in the Spirit of Truth upon these precious hills with the spiritual mission of consecrating Argentina to My Sacred Heart. On this day of Glory the Sacred Hearts will deposit Their Celestial Relics in this place so that a new cycle of Mercy and of Pity may be able to be born in the souls that most need My Spiritual Redemption.

I reunite on this day all of the flocks from different origins and I call them with joy to celebrate with Me the new supper of love and of forgiveness, the supper that will prepare you for My Return, so awaited in all of the universe.

I Pour My Rays of Light upon this Center Consecrated to the call of My Most Holy Mother and I dedicate My special attention to the hearts that with faith and braveness will be encouraged to carry forward the activity of this new space of light and of brotherhood consecrated to the Divine Hierarchy.

My Shepherd Heart is ennobled from seeing the effort of My disciples. Among the tests, challenges and triumphs in the daily life I invite you to walk without fear at My Side because, know that My Steps of light will always indicate to you the moment to proceed or to meditate with wisdom and attention.

Always invoke the power of the Shield of My Heart so that the superior universes may be the guiding star that may illuminate you during the night and may thus protect you. Know that My Heart is with you and that today My Divine Mercy is poured over the whole world, especially upon this, Your Sacred Dwelling of the Celestial Father.

May the Holy Spirit inspire you and may It be your inner guardian.

Under the Infinite Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for guarding My Words in the heart so that they may grow as light in your little consciousnesses!

Merciful Christ Jesus

Friday, October 18 of 2013

Daily Messages

You can stay more with Me. In this way I will give you companions on the path so that together you may seek in the night the Source that will quench your material thirst, because whoever in truth is with Me, at the least remembers My Presence every day upon their awakening.

In this time of purification and of renunciation I call you to reconsider your vows with Me. Everyone will always have a space of light in My Heart but for My Task to be fulfilled My soldiers must truly have defined themselves and in this way, according to the degree of your surrender, I will call you for greater tasks or for smaller tasks.

In My Christic Plans there does not exist differences or privileges. I only deposit My Intentions upon those who need most to grow in consciousness and in the experience of life.

I Am here in the silence meditating about your lives and about what will come in a little time. I invite you to assume the vows in a humble and simple way. May each one, according to their definition towards Me, place themselves in the level of service that fits them because My Merciful Eyes will always look at you with love and compassion.

The path of discipleship in these times is only for those who may be inspired to die from themselves every day because the true treasures are found at the entrance of the Greater Kingdom. May each one be confirmed, may each soul give Me what in truth they can give Me for this critical time.

I will carefully observe you and in this way you will be encouraged to strengthen your spirits a little more through My Merciful Heart.

Under the Greater Good of God, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My Sacred Words with attention!

Christ Jesus

Thursday, October 17 of 2013

Daily Messages

Always remember the infinite power of My Word, thus, through it you will feed your little spirit so that in the definitive hour nothing within you will be able to surprise you.

Remember the power of My Creator Word and submerge your soul into the powerful ocean of My Words so that your being may awaken invincible love by My Celestial Presence.

Be firm and decided so that you may be able to be ready to fulfill My Will, as difficult as It may seem to you, because the true soul unites without delay to the designs of the Creator. Permit that the bandage that conceals your beautiful eyes may fall on time so that everyday and forever you may be reborn in the greatness of My Merciful Heart.

May you now be an example of redemption, may you now be an example of My Mercy for the world. May no apostle become too tired to talk to Me, may you be able to elevate the loving power of your prayer so that the Heavens may be opened and, in consequence may be able to help you on this path of transformation.

It is time to carry on firmly. It is time to accept the renunciation that I propose to you for those that do not renounce, not even to the material life. I wait for you in prayer and in the hope that someday you may reach My Eternal Light, for the centuries of the centuries, until paradise.

Under the Glory of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for persevering through the Love of My Heart!

Christ Jesus

Wednesday, October 16 of 2013

Daily Messages

After the hour of the Divine Mercy My Flow of pity and of reparation is inexhaustible, My Light expands to the infinite to be able to reach the hearts that most need it.

For this, if in another hour and moment you invoke the power of My Divine Mercy you will be returned to the origin of My Source of Primordial Compassion. Do not tire your beings with unnecessary situations. Place your attention on the Inner Christ of each soul so that you may always be able to see the light that My Heart radiates through each little server.

I ask you to be perseverant because the wiles of the enemy will be greater. But whoever has sustained the fire of devotion in the Inner Temple, no headwind or storm of evil will knock you down, because you will be supported by the foundations of love, of truth and of fidelity to Me.

Follow the path of sacrifice that I indicate to you. When you feel tired, rest.  When you are joyful, really laugh, and, when you have encountered obstacles in part of your beings, thank the Father for being able to see with wisdom that which still must die from yourselves.

I sustain you. I will guide you until the end when you simply surrender to Me.

Under the Infinite Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for remaining in My Heart of Light!

Christ Jesus

Tuesday, October 15 of 2013

Daily Messages

My Invincible Heart prevails before the chaos of the Earth and every soul that is united to My Redeeming Heart will also prevail in spite of the attacks of the enemy.

Few are those who in truth offer themselves to My Universal Consciousness in order to help Me to liberate the souls and consciousnesses that are imprisoned in their own condition. The Lord of the Heights sends again His Firstborn Son to help to heal the great pain of humanity.

This time the universe reunites again the apostles so that, together and as only one, they may carry in their hearts the sword of My liberation, that which out of love will finish to cut off evil from the world.

With the rosary in hand, live the merciful prayer. May it be your light for the darkness and you shelter before wiles. Before whatever condition and moment, may your word reverberate forever so that light and love may be able to win and in the end there may reign peace in humanity.

Today My Universal and Planetary Sacerdotal Consciousness has interceded for the brittle spirit of humanity and during the hour of My Mercy the portals of liberation will evacuate souls in a condition to be redeemed and forgiven. But My Love for you, that is infinite, restored all that was damaged and one more time My Unfathomable Mercy had its victory on the Earth.

This great source will protect and wash in your beings the wounds that are open. Thank you for calling Me to your prayer meeting.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for prevailing in My Merciful Heart!

Christ Jesus

Monday, October 14 of 2013

Daily Messages

In the serenity of My Merciful Heart lies your comfort.

In the Mercy of My Spirit lies the breath and faith to be able to continue.

On the path of the apostolate, you may find broken bridges to cross and hard stones in your paths.

Before all of these obstacles, I ask you to sustain the ardent fire of your faith united to the Heights. From Heaven you will receive the Grace to be able to overcome, without difficulties, all these tests.

Remember, that all My disciples come from different schools, just as it was with the Apostles. In some of My apprentices you may find promptness, in others, slowness, in others you may find spiritual maturity in training and in others, deficiencies in the spirit.

But in spite of all of the imperfections, I call you to enter into My Mercy, for whoever in truth makes an effort and works for their own transformation, this effort will be considered as merit in Heaven.

Do not lose hope of getting liberated from yourselves. My Heart will accompany the steps of those who are only willing to follow the simple instructions that I bring in these times. Take advantage, with wisdom, of the source that I give to you today, be worthy to be with Me.

Under the Powerful Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for listening to My words and maturing them in the heart!

Christ Jesus

Sunday, October 13 of 2013

Daily Messages

On this day of Piety I invite you again to remember My Passion on the Cross. In these significant acts you will find the strength for the moments of confirmation and of challenges.

The steps that are being taken by some of My New disciples are changing the course of the planetary life and in this way the Grace of God is becoming able to reach the hearts most damaged by the arts of evil.

Now, at this time of Infinite Mercy My Heart reunites to My ones in order to indicate to them the next step to be taken through this pathway of the Christification of the heart. For this be attentive to My announcements. Guard in your hearts My words of light, those that will give you Eternal Life, and you will walk firmly in search of My Divine Christic Purpose.

Go in peace and in reverence glorify the God of Love because on this day of immense joy and consecration of the entire world humanity is receiving the Grace of redemption.

Under the Infinite Light of God be blessed now and always.

Thank you for receiving My Words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Sun of the Eternal Grace

Saturday, October 12 of 2013

Daily Messages

That in this time My disciples may not fear to be offended because on the path of humility the hard hearts will come to the conclusion of their opening themselves to the call of My Redeeming Love.

Be patient and silent, be an example of beatitude and simplicity because the mirror that reflects your heart will be the example that you live by Me in peace and in faith.

I Am returning and thus I will look for those who I have chosen to help Me to fulfill My Redeeming Work. My Meek Heart is with all of the good servers. Go ahead!

Under the good of God, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Heart!

Christ Jesus

Friday, October 11 of 2013

Daily Messages

In truth I tell you that the souls forget My Divine Piety.  Because it will be through Piety that I will be able to resolve your problems.

I ask you that you be brave and that with courage and braveness you face the headwinds that will come to your lives. I will never abandon My soldiers because the moment has come for My ones to take the steps towards the ascension of the heart.

In My eternal silence I shelter you within My Being, in My Heart I commune with all of you. Do not fear to be completely empty before life or before your families because it is only My Love that unites you.

It is only My Redemption that will resuscitate you in life. It will be only My Mercy that at the difficult moments will fulfill you and My Source will quench your inner thirst. Look always only to the horizon because a new star of peace and of hope will emerge in your life. You will not be in the darkness because whoever trusts the power of My Mercy will be guided until the end.

In truth I do not promise you joys in this life, I do promise you Blessings and Graces in the upcoming eternity. There you will be together with Me, there will no longer exist suffering nor pain for learning.

I Am Your Path, Your Piety and Your Sun.

Stay with Me, it is time to look at the infinite and to encounter the light of My Mercy.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed and meek.

Thank you for living in My Heart!

Christ Jesus, Your King

Prayer to be recited every Tuesday
for the formation of the Light-Communities and for all servers.

May my hand never separate from the fraternal hand of my brother,
because for Christ I will grow and become a new being.

May my feet walk along side my brother,
because in Christ we will follow His steps of light.

May my eyes always look to Heaven,
because together with my brother we will search for the Eternal Grace of God.

May my being donate itself entirely to the neighbor,
because the New Humanity will be born with Christ.

In You, Lord, is my strength.
By you, Lord, I will be redeemed.
With you, Lord, we will fulfill the Plan of God upon the entire Earth.

May Brotherhood emerge among beings.
May Fraternity be the torch of the new apostles.
May Peace be established in each inner essence.



Prayer to be recited every Tuesday for the formation of the Communities of Light and for all of the servers.

Thursday, October 10 of 2013

Daily Messages

In the Celestial Universe everything has a Hierarchy and on the Earth there must exist an extension of this divine command.

Therefore, those who follow the rules will be protected from themselves and they will avoid constant futile falls that will lead them to the condemnation of the soul. It is only enough, My dear friends, that you look to your side in order to perceive at what point are the souls of the world.

A good disciple is attentive to the rules and they will always be a morning star for your path. If in truth the Eternal Father had not created obedience, the coming of Christ would have been difficult.

Therefore, from the beginning, when I was in the world I had to reunite the twelve, as they would be the living example of transformation and of obedience to My Inner Priesthood. It was in this way that throughout the times emerged the monastic orders, those that would preserve the spirit of the rule and of consecrated life.

It is necessary to accept the commands because they will always lead to a deep reflection about the aspects of life. I need disciples willing to incarnate inner obedience; this will lead you to meet with your true being and in this way you will ascend in consciousness to the Spirit of My Father.

Meditate on the vows that you have made with Me because they will preserve you for the critical moments.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My Words with the heart!

Christ Jesus

Wednesday, October 9 of 2013

Daily Messages

I Am the Great Priest and you are My apprentices so that you may be able to learn about love and about the truth.

I Am the Great Master and you are My beloved disciples so that you may be able to learn to live in the law.

In each one of My ones I pour My celestial gifts so that in the next time they may wake up to the service of the current humanity.

Every disciple must revere the instruction of His or Her Master because if it were not this way the disciple would not be born straight, as tree does when it directs its crown towards the High. Each teaching and learning has a question and an answer for your lives. Without the experiences of faith and of forgiveness it will not be possible to gestate the new humanity.

Today I call you to live in My Shepherd School because it is necessary that the new apostles wake up to the missionary call of love and of peace. In your essences is found the true being and in your hearts is found the truth for your lives. Never allow for the lie or the ignorance of the world to separate you from the Master of Truth. Try every day to be clear and transparent like the waters of the ocean. In this way you will be able to transmit the message of peace that many souls need.

The most important for this time is to participate in the Sacred Communion with Me. In this way the ignorance or the art of the enemy will not knock on your door. You must only seek Me day and night, in joy or in pain.

I Am everywhere when you simply feel Me in prayer. It is time to use the instruments of protection, such as prayer, communion and fasting. In this way nothing will knock you down, but you will have the understanding about things because I will give you the strength of My Redeeming Love. I Am with you.  Go ahead!

Under the Supreme Will of God, be blessed.

Thank you for imparting eternal love to the entire world!

Christ Jesus

Tuesday, October 8 of 2013

Daily Messages

I have given you My Life so that you could live through Me.

I have given you My Body so that you could be purified through Me.

I have given you My Blood so that you could be renewed through Me. And today I give you the great universal merit of My Infinite Mercy so that through Me you may trust in that which God sends you for you to mature and grow spiritually.

Nothing else I ask you, only that you follow Me until the end. The soldiers of the new era are still too few to be able to materialize the expected mission of My Return. Entrust to God your beings and tasks so that other Suns on the Earth may be able to wake up as stars of the great brotherhood.

Be simple, loving and humble, it is time to obey the commands that are dictated for your hearts. It is time to give yourself entirely so that redemption may be achieved in all of humanity.

I only ask you to be as crystalline as the Water of Life that tirelessly springs from My Side as energy and repairing light for the entire world. Be seeds that now sprout in Grace and Love inside of My Heart.

I wait for you in prayer, I thank you on this day of Tuesday for having helped Me in the planetary salvation of the essences that are asleep.

Under the Universal Peace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you now and always for being united to My Heart!

Christ Jesus

Monday, October 7 of 2013

Daily Messages

My Heart speaks through the signs of some disciples. For this I ask you that out of love you be attentive because in some moment My Wise Spirit will make Itself strongly present in the heart of some of My servers.

But My Words will always be simple in order to be able to communicate to you My Supreme Truth. My dialogue with your beings will be through My Infinite Omnipresence. I will always want to bring you to the peace of the heart because this will be the perfect way in which your lives may be able to understand all things.

I only ask you for an exercise of attention by means of constant prayer, prayer that builds peace and good for all of the beings. In this way you will see in your brothers and sisters of the path My Mastery of humility and of simplicity.

The moment has already arrived and the time for you to recognize Me as your morning star amongst the darkness, as your gentleness in the face of any rivalry. The prayer to My Divine Mercy will strengthen and nourish your souls for the moments of tests and of definitions.

I Am and I will be in all of the places when you only call Me. I want you with Me.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My Message of Truth and with Love!

Christ Jesus, the Lord of the Sacred Celestial Clouds


Sunday, October 6 of 2013

Daily Messages

This Third Marathon of Mercy has awakened a special joy in My Sacred Heart because from the beginning I wanted to demonstrate to all of My disciples that it is possible to do greater things than those that I realized in other times.

In truth today I thank you because this offer of your prayers has spiritually helped in the following points, those that I want to share with all:

First, the Marathon in Argentina has congregated souls that are thirsty for Me and this helped all of them to find the path of faith and of renovation.

Second, this merciful prayer collaborated so that all of the celestial plans in Argentina would be guided by the light of God and not by the will of men and women.

Third, My primary gratefulness is for your fraternal and ecumenical union with the Holy Father Francis. I assure you that Argentina, on the 13th day of October of this year will be the first nation consecrated in Heaven to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

I invite you to discover the results of each marathon in your hearts. My Shepherd Hope is to unite you each day more until you may be finally one among the others and one with Me. It will be necessary that the law be accomplished in all of humanity but it will always be your faith in My Infinite Mercy that which will allow you to see the light in the horizon of life in each inner situation.

Dear sheep of My new flock,

I want to have near Me those who have separated themselves from My Love. For this I will receive day and night the simple offer of your hearts so that My Redeeming Plan may be able to be fulfilled.

This Third Marathon managed to unite the essences with the Sacred Kingdom of My Father. Serious problems will be solved, confusing matters in your lives will be dissipated, because you have trusted in My Mercy.

As good apostles I ask you to pray for those who never listen to My Voice of Love so that on the day of tomorrow these children of My Father may find a path of light and of hope.

I would like to return to Argentina if you allow Me because My Purpose is to consecrate the nation to My Sacred Heart. If it were like this, in the same way as Uruguay and Brazil, these three nations would work as shelter and protection for souls of other nations when they come to the time of confirmation.

I hope that you deposit your faith in My Purpose. In this way the Lord will bless you every day. It is time to unite the hearts and to carry them to the ocean of My Divine Mercy.

I wait in silence for your permanent answer. May this encounter with Me today be the reason of living in the joy of God. Be joyful; go ahead seeing in your paths My Sacred Footprints of light. I want sinner hearts to be converted into merciful souls.

Thank you for having encouraged yourselves during these days to enter into My Ocean of Pity and Mercy.

Under the Infinite Light of God, be all blessed.

Thank you for remaining every day in My Heart!

Christ Jesus

Saturday, October 5 of 2013

Daily Messages

INFINITE PEACE, will be the new baptism of your beings because only through Infinite Peace will your souls fulfill the mission that God has entrusted you in this time.

Dear companions,

This is the love that I want to reveal to you, that through My Infinite Peace your lives will be able to be united to the universe, and the Earth and the Heaven will be one, as it was predicted from the beginning.

For this to happen you must first incarnate Infinite Peace in your hearts because it will be the perfect path so that you may be able to truly love one another as I have taught you from the beginning, when My Life was among you.

Only through Infinite Peace will you find the chosen pathway of humility and in this way your souls will shine before My Kingdom because they will be fulfilling the precious gift of living in peace.

The world fades away from the lack of the true peace. Search for this Infinite Peace in your origin, in nature, in the heart of each peace maker brother and sister. Today I ask you to be an example of peace so that at least the great events of the Law of God may not weigh upon those who are not peace makers.

That through this Third Marathon of prayer to My Infinite Mercy you, as soldiers of the prayer of peace, may be able to go out strengthened and sheltered, ready to realize the missionary and apostolic task that I invite you to in this time.

Brothers and sisters, I feel a profound joy by seeing Argentinian hearts a little more mature and open to the collaboration of the Plan of My Father. That in this meeting your beings may be able to be reborn and to acquire the Spirit of God to work with your neighbors, united with the heart and with the soul.

Have a good merciful journey for the day of tomorrow. My Heart accompanies your pleas of love.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Heart!

Christ Jesus of Argentina

Friday, October 4 of 2013

Daily Messages

A Celestial Salutation of Jesus Christ to all of Argentina on the occasion of the third marathon of Divine Mercy.

Dear companions of Mine:

Praised be Your Father in the Heights!

Today I want to salute especially from My Most Sacred Heart all the souls of Argentina, mainly this whole ecumenical group that was disposed from the beginning to carry out My requests of Mercy.

Now that Heaven chose a Christian patriot of your Nation, Pope Francis, Argentina will now have the divine opportunity to remedy her faults through the portal of prayer to My Divine Mercy.

I want to dedicate the days of My celestial Presence in Argentina to all the beloved children of this nation. For this special reason I invite you to unite yourselves with My Unfathomable and Powerful fountain of Mercy during these next two days, the 5th and 6th of October; in this way all the Argentinean provinces and cultures will be able to receive the same fruit of love that I will deposit in your little hearts.

My friends, I talk directly to those that are the simplest and are neither literate, nor theologians nor philosophers of spirituality, because the science of My Merciful Love is, in truth, not yet known.

For this, in this time of changes and of opportunities for the awakening of Consciousness, I ask of you that you be good peacemakers and praying beings; unite yourselves with this spiritual and ecumenical flock that will wait, in the next night of vigil, for the coming of the Humble Shepherd and Fisherman of hearts.

Now, I will return to the world, first in the Spirit of Love, of Mercy and of Humility; because I want to demonstrate to the world, as I did with My Little and Holy visionary Segatashya of Kibeho, in Rwanda, that in truth My christic Love is for all of humanity.

I will now leave from the sanctuaries that are closed to the thirsty souls, so that in truth My Spirit be in all the hearts of the Earth, because in them I shall find Myself comforted, free, and united with My disciples.

Dear souls of Argentina: I thank you for your sincere effort of praying for the fulfillment of My plan for this Nation and the entire world.

This Third Marathon will represent the favored union of your lives with the Holy Spirit of God, since He will help so that My Son, Pope Francis, may realize the mission that the Heaven is entrusting him with, which is to unite hearts and religions prior to the glorious return of Christ.

Under the Powerful Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you Argentina for opening the door of your heart!

Your King, Christ Jesus

Thursday, October 3 of 2013

Daily Messages

Let My steps guide you towards the level of the Infinite because in this place you will find the Source that will nourish completely your inner being.

Liberate your heart from every fear because My Luminous Heart protects and indicates the next path to traverse.

Remain in My Heart because in this Sacred Temple you will not lose the sense of life or the safe path of the spirit.

Be firm, brave and cheerful so that once you get into My Boat of Love, I may be able to introduce you to the greater universes of peace and unity.

During the hour of My Divine Mercy the humanity, the most lost and separated from My Supreme God, is conducted through a path that leads to redemption and to a prompt conversion.

I will thank you in advance for your prayers for the most in need. In this time there are many souls that have been cunningly distracted and those that have been prevented from encountering Me. Now, by means of the channel of My Infinite Mercy the Lord sends Me for the second time to spiritually resuscitate those who stopped talking to My Father and occupied themselves with the things of the world.

I know that for many of My ones it is difficult to remain in this orbit of the Earth but now I tell you that you have entered the path of constant sacrifice. Know that for God it is precious to know and to see all of His Children helping each other mutually for a greater aim.

Now I find you in My Heart, with merciful prayer as a constant and a true nourishment for your lives. Dears, the time has come of giving all for the whole. In this way My merciful Plans will not suffer limitations through My servers, but it will be fulfilled through the absolute donation of the hearts.

I walk by your side in the serenity of the heart of God.

Go ahead! And with faith continue My Path of transformation because the goal indicates a future of peace and of unity with the Highest.

Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.

Thank you for remaining in My Heart of Love!

Christ Jesus, the Protector Guardian of Love

Wednesday, October 2 of 2013

Daily Messages

In the most difficult moments is when My Merciful Heart is radiated towards the consciousness that suffer, because in the hour of My Mercy the source of life and of reparation washes deeply the spiritual wounds of the fragile and lonely hearts.

But when in truth you feel lonely My Wisdom invades your little spirits and comforts the soul that needs forces to be able to continue on My Path. In the plans of the Father, His Works are accomplished according to the availability and the surrender of the servers but these superior works are fulfilled, or they are held up without obstacles when the soul truly needs inner rest.

Those who in truth serve Me and who surrender all to Me are few. For this in them I confirm My Will so that My savior Project is fulfilled.

Guard today the Healing Face of My Being. Know that the Sacred Heart of Jesus also helps and accompanies Its disciples when they are sick or sad. My Light comes to the world to ignite again the commitment. May nothing disturb you, no matter how great it may seem. Trust in the moment of purification and of redemption that your souls and bodies are living.

Be one with Me. In this way I will help you to sustain yourselves in spite of the battles of the enemy. Know that My Light will always triumph on the Earth and in Heaven.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living My Message with soul and heart!

Christ Jesus

Tuesday, October 1 of 2013

Daily Messages

My pitiful Heart is expanded to the boundaries of the universe to rescue the essences that are lost and especially the souls that are forgotten and have forgotten about Me since the beginning.

My Unfathomable Mercy has pity on the enemies, on those who oppose the accomplishment of My Works in the souls that I have come to awaken at the end of this time.

As I have told you, pray for your enemies and opponents so that the light of the sublime redemption may open a space of love in these consciousnesses, those that have lost the sense of the spiritual life.

In this hour My Shepherd Consciousness gathers all of the flocks that will need to answer to My universal Commands of redemption. Do not fear finding obstacles because they are part of the maturity of the love in your beings. Continue firm without looking behind, with the merciful prayer as a shield and no longer unquiet your hearts.

It is time to transfigure the past for a good future of graces and blessings. My Heart will rehabilitate some of the consciousness that have forgotten about My Confident Heart. Open your arms and say yes to the Supreme Will that the Father is giving to you. In confidence and love continue walking because humanity must redeem itself.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living always in the protection of My Merciful Heart!

Christ Jesus

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
