I leave to Mine, a profound appreciation, that springs from My Most Sacred Heart.

For this Grace that is born from My Essence, today I give to you one last prayer, that which will close the cycle of the nine days with the Merciful Jesus.

I wish to explain to you that this prayer is an inner confirmation of your souls before the Throne of God by means of My Divine Mercy.  Permit that through this confirmation all the Christic codes be sown within your hearts, because My greater aspiration as King of the souls is that you may be able to eternally live within Me.

May after these nine days of union between Heaven and Earth, your lives find rest in My Sacred and Divine Heart of Peace.  May the path that you have traversed through the Powerful Novena confirm yourselves as new Christs for the current time. 

Walk by My side because, in this way, I will not lose you.  Remember that I always need the loving help of Mine. 



Prayer of the Divine Confirmation

Lord, God the Father,
Infinite Source of Love, Unity and Light,
I am Your humble and small servant.

I am Your spark of fire that comes from the Great Source.

Allow me to be as simple as Your Beloved Son,
allow  me to be as pure as Your Precious Universal Mother.

Liberate all ties from my path,
with Your Sword of Light cut the ties that the enemy has established,
because by living in Your Supreme Freedom
I will find hope in the future,
I will find strength in the Light of Your Divine Heart.

May the nine powerful deeds
that Christ lived upon the Earth
be sown in my heart
so that, on the day of the Great Celestial Victory,
the Angels and Archangels may
guide the purpose of all essences
and we may live together with You, Lord of Love,
in the Kingdom of Eternity, of Service
and of Absolute Surrender to Your Plan of Redemption.

May those who have fallen be raised!

May Your Divine Mercy
resurrect the spirit of our brothers and sisters throughout the world!

May Your Love and Compassion unite us as one heart
forever and ever,
united to Christ Our Lord!


And Infinite Glory upon the whole Earth.



Under the Light of God, be blessed.

Thank you for answering to My call!

Merciful Christ Jesus


Those who with joy pray to Me a mystery of the Holy Rosary by the Sacred Manger on the 24th of December and, in addition to that, ignite a candle of light, will be giving the universal permission of removing from eternal earthly suffering the souls that are the most desperate and that have condemned themselves to worldwide purgatory. 

For this the 24th of December will be something more than a simple manger.  If your hearts keep themselves united to My Precious Heart during this day, the Christic codes that are engraved in the Sacred Blood of Christ will also be deposited upon those hearts that may open to Me the inner door.

I wish during this day to reign among people and God because to the hearts that may receive Me humbly through the message of the manger, I will let them know My Sacred Gifts of Unity and of Redemption.

I invite you that, in truth, you prepare yourselves for this day.  God has given Me the permission to consecrate again the hearts that are most separated from Me for some reason.  On the 24th of December I will come to the world as a new star of the night, that which will shine in the inner firmament of each being.

Opening the doors of your inner dwellings, celebrate in God the Divine Mysteries of the birth of Christ.  I will be thankful to the devoted souls for uniting themselves for an instant to My Greater Task, in this way the world will again be relieved by the action of My Divine Mercy.

Guard your lives in the Sacred Manger of the Lord Jesus.

Under the Greater Good of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for celebrating with Me the birth of the Inner Christ!

Christ Jesus of Mercy


Prayer to be recited especially during the Christmas Eve of the Lord and at the end of the Holy Rosary of the 24th of December.

    Act of Consecration of the Sacred Family of Nazareth

Divine Rays descend from Heaven
       over the dear city of Bethlehem.

The Angels announce to the shepherds
       the Birth of the King of Humility.

Jesus is known by His Sacred Name,
       He is the Prince that was born from the family of King David
       but His identity does not belong to this world,
       His Wise Spirit comes from the Holy Spirit of God.

The Jesus Child has arrived to the world
       to liberate it from error.

He is the Savior of all the races,
       He is the Messiah of the Celestial Annunciation.

The Angel Gabriel has dictated His Sacred Name.

The Most Holy Virgin has sheltered in Her bosom the Creator Power
       from Her most pure womb has been born the Savior,
       from the Most Holy Mary has awakened the Redeemer Christ.

Before this great universal mystery
       our hearts consecrate themselves
       because the prophecies of the Patriarchs have been fulfilled
       and the Son of God has defeated death with His Divine Passion.

Every race has been renewed
       by the victorious coming of the Son of God.

From Bethlehem has emerged the Eternal Light for the dark world.

The Orient has been united to the Occident
       and nothing will ever more  be separated
       because we have received the Mercy of God.

We are sheep of the Great Shepherd Child.

We are redeemed stars upon the Earth.

May this Holy Birth of Christ impel us to continue walking.

Nothing shall detain us.

Nothing shall torment us.

Nothing shall separate us from God.

We are members of the Sacred Family.

We are children of the Most Hoy Virgin.

We are faithful companions of Saint Joseph.

In Christ we shall fulfill the Will of God
       as it was in the beginning,
       now and forever.



The most precious souls are those that rejoice My Heart every day because they adore Me and consecrate themselves to My Eternal Presence.

For this reason, I must always take care of these souls that, for various reasons, have come to the world to redeem their lives and their pasts. For the sake of My Infinite Mercy, these souls can liberate themselves from the conditions of the past, those that do not allow them to take safe steps towards Me.  I sustain each one of the souls within My arms in order to carry them with Me towards the Greater Kingdom of My Father.

In this time, the consecrated souls are entering into the apex of strong experiences and learning, those which will allow them to mature with wisdom and discernment.  All these souls are like treasures in My Kingdom because I pour My Graces and My Peace upon them so that forever may be radiated to the world the sacred gifts of Heaven.

Under the Infinite Love of God, be blessed.

Thank you for keeping your souls within My Heart!

Christ Jesus

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: At the end of the message, Christ transmitted a new sacred exercise of prayer that, according to His Instructions, will help us to face the end of times and, above all, to annul the actions of capital sin.  This exercise is considered by Christ to be a shield of protection against these energies.

The Powerful Novena to the Merciful Jesus Christ comes from an inner emanation of prayer that springs perpetually from the Heart of Jesus.

This novena is a direct dialog with the Creator Source from which the essences of all creatures have arisen.  The soul that venerates Me by means of this Sacred Novena will enter into the historical moment in which Christ lived His public life and His Passion.  In this way, it will spiritually collect the divine fruits that the Master left engraved on the consciousness of this world.

Whoever invokes Jesus by means of this Sacred Novena will approach the celestial powers that the Father conceded to Jesus at the moment of His birth, and at the first moments of His public life, of His Passion, of His Death and of His Resurrection.

This exercise of prayer must be prayed during nine days, with the purest intention of being able to receive the same spiritual merits that Jesus received when He was upon this world.  This Grace that today I concede to you for this time of chaos is similar to the Orandium of the Passion and of the Transfiguration 1.  The signs of the Transfiguration and of the Passion of Jesus represent for the souls the first school of approximation to Jesus.

Now the powerful novena to the Merciful Jesus Christ symbolizes the entrance into a deeper state of consciousness and of prayer.  I reveal to you that you will be able to remain in the same Christic vibration, in the same state of Christ.

This powerful novena will try to help all, mainly those who have consciously consecrated themselves for life to Christ Jesus.  It will try to transubstantiate, that is, to change the cellular and mental state of all of the events that have prevented the spiritual awakening of the souls to the Divine Life.  This powerful novena will bring to you the impulse of the divine merits that Christ achieved during His trajectory upon the Earth.

This exercise aspires to transfigure the inner states of each being, turning them into divine and sublime principles.  For this, the work of prayer with the powerful novena must be constant, without setting a time of ending in weeks, months or years.  Now each soul will know how to recognize the importance of becoming a faithful instrument of God.

This Grace is poured especially to transform something that causes the world to drown, that which are the called capital sins.  This novena will work as a shield before the presence of these energies.

Have a good work of interiorization and of expansion of consciousness!

Your dear Master, Christ Jesus.

The Powerful Novena
to the Merciful Jesus Christ

First day

On the first day, you will pray to transcend human control through the Most Holy Purity that Christ incarnated during His special birth in the manger of the city of Bethlehem.  In this event, you will be able to see manifested the first power of the Holy Spirit, which was the sublime incarnation of God through the coming of the Messiah Jesus.

With total fervor and inner determination, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer: 


For the powerful birth of Christ on Earth,
Most Holy Spirit of God,
transcend our matter
so that the power of Divine Purity
may incarnate in us.





Second day

​​​​​On the second day, you shall pray to expel from the consciousness the human condition, that which throughout times has been awakened by the work of the enemy: temptation, pride, avarice and greed, capital energies that closed off the paths of light for good souls.

With faith and conviction, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer: 


For the Sacred Humility expressed
by the Divine Family,
and through the Pure Love
that the Child Jesus radiated to the world,
Lord, expel from our beings
all domination constructed by the enemy.



Third day

On the third day, you shall pray to God begging Him for Mercy through the Divine Pity that Jesus offered during His public Life. You shall supplicate to the Lord for Him to liberate the hearts from the sins of vanity, possession, pride and curses that may have once lived in poor hearts.

With consciousness and with truth, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:

For the Sacred Miracle of Jesus
at the Wedding of Cana,
may all beings be converted
so that true love
for the Creator may finally
awaken in the world.


Fourth day

On the fourth day, you shall remember the blessed healings that Jesus carried out among different people; blind, lame and dumb. In this way, you will ask God for the deep healing of your souls and of the aspects that are marked as indelible wounds within your evolution. You shall request from God that, through the healing power of Jesus Christ, all events that occurred in the lives of simple souls may be healed by Jesus, as He at that time had healed the sick.

With devotion and mercy, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:


May the powerful Hands of Jesus
and His Rays of Mercy
descend upon our hearts
so that the Light of the Kingdom of God
may liberate the ties
and forever heal all our wounds.


Fifth day

On the fifth day, you shall glorify God because He has sent the Savior Son to quench the spiritual thirst of the world. You shall then remember the moment in which the Samaritan offered Him fresh water from the well and Christ, in return, offered her the Water of Life.

May your lives, in this divine mystery, be washed by this Blessed Water that sprung forth strongly from the Side of Jesus on the Cross so that the sins of omission, cruelty, torture, outrages and of indifferences, that humanity has generated throughout the centuries, may be transmuted by the sacred codes of the Water of Life, and that healing may be manifested in all consciousnesses.

With love and compassion, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:

For the Water of Life and Redemption
that poured out from the Side of Jesus,
may the baptismal powers of liberation and forgiveness
descend upon our lives.


Sixth day

On the sixth day, you shall pray to the Father to implore Him for Mercy for those who perpetually blame themselves and condemn themselves eternally, without having changed anything in their lives. You shall now remember the moment in which Jesus was condemned to death. You shall meditate on this mystery that Christ offered for all, and in this way, you shall understand that in absolute self-surrender lies the key to the transformation of consciousness.

Contemplating this mystery of the surrender of Jesus for humanity, you shall pray with hope and joy for thirty-three times the following prayer:

For Jesus' great surrender of Love 
on the arms of the Cross,
Emmanuel, Sacred Father,
grant us the Grace of permanent surrender
on behalf of our fellow beings.



Seventh day

On the seventh day of the Powerful Novena, you shall take your memory back to the moment of the encounter of Jesus with His Mother on the path of Calvary.

May the maternal power of love that sustains all and resolves all allow the world to be liberated from the constant falls and perditions that it has been led through.

Through this important act of absolute love between the Son of God and the Mother of God, may the weakest souls receive the Grace of affirming themselves on the path of the spirit by means of the supreme strength that Christ lived during His Passion. 

May this same strength lead those consecrated to Christ to abstain from all temptation and energy that may seduce them to deviate them from the path of the good pilgrim. May the Faith of Christ remove the obstacles so that the children of the Father may walk in freedom towards Paradise.

With openness and piety, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:



For the divine and supreme strength of Jesus
during His Sacred Passion,
Father, affirm Eternal Faith in our beings,
the sublime fire of eternal ascension.



Eighth day

On the eighth day, you shall open the celestial door to receive the Divine Pity that the glorified Christ expressed in spirit and in consciousness after having been brought down from the Cross.

May this mystery of invincible love, that restores all and transforms all, in spite of the mistakes committed, incarnate as infinite and permanent light in the hearts that have decided to live the path of apostleship.

May this Divine Christic Pity transfigure, without being detained, the hard aspects of unconsciousness, those which are kept and prevail, frightening the servers. That the sublime fire of Pity, which Jesus expressed for the whole world after the Cross, may remove the difficulties for those who cannot live chastity, austerity, detachment, impersonality and surrender to the Heart of God

With peace and firmness, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:


For the divine and powerful Pity
that Christ emanated out of love for the whole world
while in the arms of the Most Holy Virgin
Mary, Supreme Mother, shelter us now and always
in the Heart of Your Kingdom.



Ninth day

And on the ninth and last day of the Powerful Novena, you shall meditate on each one of the eight previous mysteries that Jesus left engraved as light for the world. On this ninth day, the synthesis of all the prayerful and spiritual work must emerge. The Christic codes must already be latent in the hearts that, with so much love, have invoked the preceding eight powerful divine mysteries of Christ.

Today you shall remember the moment of the Sacred Resurrection of Jesus on the third day and you shall see in this act of power of the Son of God that, in profound humility after having been condemned, martyrized and humiliated, He resurrected gloriously, defeating the spiritual death that was condemning the whole world.

Through this mystery, may the souls that fight without rest, those that truly work to accomplish the Plan of God, be liberated from all evil and may they manage, through love of the resurrection of Christ, to redeem the profound elements that condemn the consciousnesses. May they stand up from where they have fallen!  In this way, may they defeat, as did Jesus, the spiritual death that generates the sin of the world and may all hearts be raised to the foot of the Sacred Altar of the Creator.

With presence and fidelity, you shall pray for thirty-three times the following prayer:



For the sake of the glorious and victorious Resurrection of Jesus,
may the sacred celestial rays
descend upon our lives
so that the Omnipresent Life of God may reign.



Christ Jesus, the Instructor

At the end of the novena, if the one who prays wants to begin it again, one day of pause must be taken.

1 Spiritual exercise delivered by Christ Jesus in April 2012. For additional information, see the book “Siete Dias con el Maestro Jesús de Nazareth”, by Irdin Publishing. 


Before His daily Apparition, the Master appeared walking in an indigenous community in Brasilia, DF, Brazil. He was helping and supporting the original peoples; after that He came to us and transmitted His message.

Dear brothers and sisters:

You know that, now and always, the entire humanity forms part of the incalculable source of My Divine Mercy.

Today My Heart wants to pour out Its Graces, not only in the entire world but also, in a special way, upon all the original peoples that have appeared since the beginning of the project of God.

With such a goal, today I give you a new exercise of devotion, which will assist in conserving and protecting the spiritual and loving culture of all your original brothers and sisters.  They too, at this time, are deserving of My Divine Mercy.  All the religious and devotees that will pray this devotional will be able to channel many Graces over the consciousness of all these peoples.  Spiritually they are in need of recovering their identity before God, the identity and the purity that was interfered with by the modernities of today's world.

For this, I ask you that the Sacred Devotional to the Heart of Jesus for the Indigenous Consciousness be prayed fervently on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and especially on Wednesdays, together with the prayer of the Five Sacred Wounds.  This will have important spiritual repercussions in Heaven and I promise to be attentive to the voice of your supplications.

This Sacred Devotional has the goal to protect, through the Sacred Heart of Jesus, all the original consciousnesses, the ones that you call the Indigenous Consciousness.

Since the origin, when I was on Earth, the Father trusted Me with the revelation about the existence of all these brothers in the Americas.  After My Work in the Middle East I made the promise to bring My Mercy to the Americas with the goal that this continent be consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

This devotional may be prayed as many times as the soul feels the necessity to unite herself with My Purpose of salvation of this Sacred Indigenous Consciousness.  Now you shall exercise the devotional in the following manner:

Sacred Devotional to the Heart of Jesus
for the Indigenous Consciousness

Union bead

For the Invincible Force
of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Beloved Father,
attend to and listen to our supplications.


First decade

For the Invincible Force
of the Heart of Jesus,
all peoples are rescued.

Second decade

For the Powerful Fire
that springs from the Heart of Jesus,
all peoples are saved.

Third decade

For the Unfathomable Light 
that the Sacred Heart of Jesus emanates,
the entire Indigenous Consciousness is sheltered.

Fourth decade

For the Sublime Flame of Love
that the Sacred Heart of Jesus radiates,
all original peoples are reconciled.

Fifth decade

For the Sacred Merits achieved by Jesus Christ
during His Passion on the Cross,
Beloved Father, unite us now and always.


Have a good experience of love and of prayer for your brothers and sisters.

Under the Grace of God, be blessed.

Thank you for responding to the command of My Heart,

Christ Jesus.


At the end of the message we asked the Master “why so many tasks of prayer for all of us?”

Christ answered:

“With so many prayers transmitted, they are proportional to the necessity of light on the Planet.”


In truth I tell you that the souls forget My Divine Piety.  Because it will be through Piety that I will be able to resolve your problems.

I ask you that you be brave and that with courage and braveness you face the headwinds that will come to your lives. I will never abandon My soldiers because the moment has come for My ones to take the steps towards the ascension of the heart.

In My eternal silence I shelter you within My Being, in My Heart I commune with all of you. Do not fear to be completely empty before life or before your families because it is only My Love that unites you.

It is only My Redemption that will resuscitate you in life. It will be only My Mercy that at the difficult moments will fulfill you and My Source will quench your inner thirst. Look always only to the horizon because a new star of peace and of hope will emerge in your life. You will not be in the darkness because whoever trusts the power of My Mercy will be guided until the end.

In truth I do not promise you joys in this life, I do promise you Blessings and Graces in the upcoming eternity. There you will be together with Me, there will no longer exist suffering nor pain for learning.

I Am Your Path, Your Piety and Your Sun.

Stay with Me, it is time to look at the infinite and to encounter the light of My Mercy.

Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed and meek.

Thank you for living in My Heart!

Christ Jesus, Your King

Prayer to be recited every Tuesday
for the formation of the Light-Communities and for all servers.

May my hand never separate from the fraternal hand of my brother,
because for Christ I will grow and become a new being.

May my feet walk along side my brother,
because in Christ we will follow His steps of light.

May my eyes always look to Heaven,
because together with my brother we will search for the Eternal Grace of God.

May my being donate itself entirely to the neighbor,
because the New Humanity will be born with Christ.

In You, Lord, is my strength.
By you, Lord, I will be redeemed.
With you, Lord, we will fulfill the Plan of God upon the entire Earth.

May Brotherhood emerge among beings.
May Fraternity be the torch of the new apostles.
May Peace be established in each inner essence.



Prayer to be recited every Tuesday for the formation of the Communities of Light and for all of the servers.


My Peacemaking Heart also makes Itself present and lives among the families that, united to Me, pray the Chaplet of My Divine and Unfathomable Mercy.

This is why, in this time, I allow Myself to say that My Restoring and Compassionate Love wants to reach the hearts of each family, because from the origin of My Coming to the world as Jesus, the Son of Mary, My Mission was and will be to conserve perfect and loving unity between the loved ones of each family in the world.

In this time, merciful prayer within families will allow the re-establishment of peace and the true and sincere love that is lost in numerous families of the entire world.  For this, before My awaited Return, I will ask the good families for daily prayer.  This request will have, as a spiritual reason, the consecration of all the loved ones to the favorite symbol of the Sacred Family of Nazareth, that loving, austere and simple essence of life that has remained engraved in the three Most Sacred Hearts of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

With this goal, if merciful prayer is present, every day at three in the afternoon, as a model of union and fraternity among the hearts of the families, the Sacred Heart of Jesus will make use of the powerful prayer that each family may generate out of love for the Greater Good.

The prayer to the Divine Mercy, as a family focal point, will avoid future divisions, conflicts, disharmonies and barriers that the enemy creates and imposes between loved ones because, as My Celestial Mother has said, the Sacred Heart of Jesus will triumph in each home that opens to receive It as a protecting emblem.

Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for listening with love to My humble words!

Christ Jesus.

At the end of the daily message, in the Absolute Love of His Heart, Christ gave us the following prayer that He named:

Prayer of Family Consecration 
to the Sacred and Powerful Heart of Jesus*

Eternal and Sublime Heaven
that permeates us completely. 
Precious Heart of the Universal King.
Sacred Water of Life
that springs up constantly.
Divine Blood that washes, heals and redeems all.
Most Beloved Heart of Jesus:
protect, consecrate, shelter,
preserve, take care of, heal and redeem
each one of our families
so that, eternally,
before Your Merciful Presence,
we may deserve to live, now and always,
in Your Glorious Kingdom
by the intercession of the Immaculate
and Powerful Heart of Mary.


*According to Our Lord Jesus, this is a prayer to be recited every Friday, the day of consecration of families to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. 


Dear children on the Earth:

The Sacred Hearts have, at this time, the spiritual purpose of transforming and elevating the condition of current humanity.  With this goal, the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph has proposed to help in the awakening of the consciousnesses that are asleep to spiritual life.

In this way, the Sacred Heart of Jesus works by means of the Most Chaste Heart to open an inexhaustible source of Graces and of infinite purity for all of humanity through this great Working Spirit.

Jesus wants to consecrate the Americas to the Most Sacred and Blessed Heart of Saint Joseph so that this part of humanity may achieve the peace and purity of soul and body. This will be possible by means of the constant daily prayers that name the beatitudes of the Chaste Heart.

If humanity in its majority responded to the request of the Sacred Heart of Jesus there would be, through the intercession of this Worker of God, an unlimited salvation of souls that in these times are being condemned to eternal hell.

Before My Glorious Coming South America must be consecrated to the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph and to the Immaculate Heart of Mary so that this part of the world may be worthy to receive the spiritual visit of the King of the Stars.

If this consecration to Saint Joseph and to the Virgin Mary were realized as a vow made on the part of the souls, the events would change and the entire humanity would be totally forgiven.

For a greater consecration of souls to the Blessed and Most Sacred Heart of Saint Joseph My Merciful Consciousness will leave written for you on this day the Seven Beatitudes of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, beatitudes that will allow you to find inner strength for the critical times, with the objective that peace may be established in all beings.

The Seven Beatitudes of the Most Chaste
 and Sacred Heart of Saint Joseph

1st Beatitude
To receive the gifts from Heaven
by means of consecration to the Father while on Earth.

2nd Beatitude
To redeem mistakes
through love for the Venerable Saint Joseph.

3rd Beatitude
To forgive the past
by means of the healing of the Chaste Heart..

4th Beatitude
To eternally live the aspiration to serve.

5th Beatitude
To be merciful, even in little actions,
so that Graces may descend from the Heavens.

6th Beatitude
To pray with the heart so that the devotion
of the soul may emerge.

7th Beatitude
To prefer to be in Heaven, together with the Chaste Heart of Saint
Joseph, so that all souls may find salvation.

Whoever meditates on these beatitudes will receive the impulse of remaining eternally under the divine shelter of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph. 

Under the Glory of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, be pure and blessed.

Thank you for receiving in the heart the Love of the Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph!

Christ Jesus


Today I come to your encounter by means of the presence of the Sacred Heart of Jesus so that you may always remember that My Heart has a precious space for the souls that spread My Existence in the entire world.

The Heart is the Temple of God for your consciousnesses because through the heart your evils will be remediated and all pain will be dissipated. Try to live from the heart so that you may know when it is your heart that talks to you and when it is the enemy that dictates wrong ideas to your inner mind.

Through the heart your feelings will be clarified and through My Heart you will know what step to take towards which path. Live in the heart because in this way you will be able to recognize the divine purity that God guards in each creature. May the souls be united by the intermediary of the heart so that they may help Me to fulfill the purpose of God.

Enter into the infinite ocean of My Sacred Heart because in this way you will receive the eternal light of My Rays and your darkness will be dissipated from any space. If you still do not know what to do with your lives or how to proceed, I ask you to enter into the consciousness of your hearts so that My Ocean may be able to be united to your river of love that runs through life without direction. I want that your hearts and Mine be only one, thus you will know what to do at the right moment.

My Heart is infinite, it is pious and merciful. My Heart is the refuge for your doubts and it is the light for your darkness. Be all the time in My Eternal Heart and in this way you will always be communing with Me, with My Eternal Love.

Under the Light of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for living in My Sacred Refuge of the Heart!

Christ Jesus, the Sacred Heart.

Consecration to the Sacred
Heart of Jesus

Eternal Temple,
that guards in love my dwelling.

Eternal Fire,
that illuminates my paths.

Eternal King,
Sacred and Unfathomable Heart
of Jesus, live in me, be in me,
act and work through
my heart
so that we may be now and always
one in the Eternal Paradise of God.



This prayer is to be recited every Thursdays, day of the luminous mysteries, as indicated by Master Jesus.


By means of the message, My Consciousness radiates to hearts the light and the expression of the Seven Rays.

As in a rainbow created by the infinity of elements, you will be able to encounter Me as the immaterial tone of light and color that will fulfill the needs of your lives. In these shades of colors and light forms your consciousness can enter with trust and faith. In this way you will be uniting to the merciful dimensions of My Heart.

See My Sacred Heart as an incandescent flame from which the shades of light and color emanate to the life of all beings. When My Seven Rays come in light and in color to your inner beings, My Priestly Consciousness prepares the temple where It waits to dwell perpetually.

Search in Nature, as in well as in all of the Creation, the light of My various Colors and Rays, because there will always be some of them for which you will feel fulfillment, love and affinity in your hearts.

If My Consciousness from Heaven, as well as from the Universe, did not present itself before humanity in light through the various rays, souls would have difficulty recognizing Me as the Universal Instructor.

For this reason, today I reveal to you the infinite greatness of My Love, that Love which comes from the Living God and which dwells always in the presence of His Firstborn Son.

Therefore, My Companions, get to know now how My Divine and indestructible Love is manifested in this time to the creatures and to the world.

Find Me within the shades of the rays and each time you see a rainbow, remember that My Merciful Heart is descending in Grace and in Pity through the colors of the seven rays.

Collect from your beings the fruits that have already matured and no longer disturb your lives for that which still has not been redeemed. Always try to give Me that aspect which is tough and impenetrable because I, as Your Beloved King, will always know what to do with it and where to lead it to. 

Only place all your being within the rays so that the joy of living in God and of serving God may descend into your spirits. Under this Christic impulse, you will renovate the old Earth and in this way My Seven Sacred Rays will consecrate the essences that are lost.

So that your hope of redeeming yourselves may be stronger than your self-will and so that love may emanate eternally and transmute your unknown aspects you will repeat with faith, devotion and divine conviction the following prayer:

Victorious Prayer
to the Seven Rays of Jesus

Sacred White Ray,
that emanates from the Heart of Jesus,
cultivate absolute purity in my being.

Sacred Blue Ray,
that emanates from the Heart
of Jesus, sow Pity in my consciousness.

Sacred Pink Ray,
that emanates from the Heart of Jesus,
transcend now my difficulties.

Sacred Golden Ray,
that emanates from the Heart of Jesus,
bring to my consciousness
Your sacred wisdom.

Sacred Green Ray,
that emanates from the Heart of Jesus,
heal my old wounds,
so that the new being may be born.

Sacred Golden-Ruby Ray,
that emanates from the Heart of Jesus,
nourish my consciousness
so that the divine gifts may awaken within it.

Sacred Violet Ray,
that emanates from the Heart of Jesus,
transmute my doubts, guilt,
sorrows and any curse,
so that my spirit may be one with Jesus
and may be one in God eternally.

Under the imperishable Light of the Father,
in Christ, now and always,
I live the spiritual mission.


Under the Grace of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for receiving My words in the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Sacred Ray of Love.


Dearest friends and followers of Mine:

Today, under the Power and the Grace of the Father, springs from My Merciful Heart for all of you a new and powerful exercise of Prayer, of Mercy and of Redemption which I name the Devotional to the Five Sacred Wounds of Jesus.

With true love, devotion and surrender, you will repeat ten times each one of My Five Wounds. Whoever does this exercise with faith and spiritual conviction will receive the merits achieved by Me on the Cross and these will be the same merits that I will deposit in the heart of all those who may clamor for Me and who may believe in the redeemer and healing power of My Wounds.

Those hearts that, as in the Via Crucis, venerate Me and pray to these five wounds marked on My Glorified Body, all Wednesdays and Saturdays, will be truly united to My Compassionate Heart and with reverence I will give them My Peace, My Comfort and My Mercy. If this exercise is prayed in group or as a family, the power of this devotional will acquire greater celestial repercussions.

All those who with faith exercise these prayers to My Five Wounds will be able to understand from the heart the divine mysteries that were achieved by Me during the Passion. In this way you will repeat ten times each one of the five wounds and you will concentrate your being on the place where they were marked on My Glorified Body. Whoever does like this each new day will help in glory and in honor so that My Sacred Heart may be relieved from the pain that humanity causes Me for not accepting the All Powerful God through His Most Beloved Son. 

First signal
For the Sacred Wound that we marked(*)
in the right hand of Our Lord Jesus,
Father, have Pity on us.

Second signal
For the  Precious Wound that we marked(*)
in the left hand of Our Lord Jesus,
God the Father, have Mercy and Pity
on all of us.

Third signal
For the Immaculate Wound that we marked(*)
in the right foot of Our Lord Jesus,
Eternal Father, have Compassion and Forgiveness
for all of us.

Fourth signal
For the Glorified Wound that we marked(*)
in the left foot of Our Lord Jesus,
Lord of the Universe, have Love and Grace
for all of us.

Fifth signal
For the Blessed Wound that we marked(*) 
in the Side of Our Lord Jesus,
from where sprang the Unfathomable Source of Mercy
for the entire world,
Adonai, Eternal Father,
reconcile us with Your Glorious Kingdom.

(*)Marked: According to Christ Jesus, all prayers have reference to this word because we as humanity marked the Son of God with wounds and this is an exercise of reparation.
And for the union beads, you will repeat with faith:

Union bead
O Lord Jesus,
resurrect our spiritual life,
redeem our hearts,
elevate our being before God.


Have a good exercise of union with Me.

Under the Mercy of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for praying to My Heart with all your love!

Christ Jesus. 


The one who has the courage to open the wings of the heart will be able to arrive quickly to My Kingdom of Peace and Redemption, because the soul that day by day surrenders itself to Me by means of merciful prayer will receive the precious gifts of My Sacred Heart.

In this time the flocks will be only one because through them I will always intend to prodigiously share My Graces of Love and Mercy. That heart which at three in the afternoon opens its door to Me will be aided by My Spirit that comes from the Universe as an immaterial and divine presence. In this way It will erase from the memory of its soul all of the sufferings caused to My Merciful Heart.

But My Grace that comes from Heaven and from the Kingdom of God descends all of the days at three in the afternoon to be multiplied in love, truth and fraternity. My Heart looks for thirsty souls and souls that may still not know the greatness of My Universal Love.

In this time I gather the sheep so that they may graze new laws, very close to Me, at My side, without losing sight of the path of redemption that each one must go through in this world.

For this My Sacerdotal Spirit comes again from the Universe to free from sin all of those who may open themselves to recognize that the Son of God is near and that He will arrive at each one of your lives to unite you again in Peace and in Love.

Something that this world lacks today, the world that God perpetually contemplates, is to live in the Love of My Heart, something important that humanity forgets about. If you live in this love, the alliance that must exist between My Disciples will be able to be materialized in the same way that I created it between the apostles.

My dears, today I gather you and I come to your Prayer Gathering to open the doors of your hearts because this will be the way for this final time. Open the doors of the heart, in this way your spirits will be redeemed and they will find the safe path towards the victory of My Light.

Tirelessly unite yourselves to the indispensable hour of My Mercy because once more, through the Chaplet of the Divine Mercy, I will be able to liberate from hell many who live there perpetually for not having met love and for not having accepted My Redemption.

I belong to you in Heart, Soul and Divinity and I give you, for the beginning of these journeys of prayer, My Peace and My Mercy in the hope that soon may blossom within you the fruit that I have left to you, a fruit that will flourish in the spring of My next coming to the world.

May Peace be the shield for you and may faith soon transform you.

Go ahead, My companions!

Under the Mercy of the Father, be blessed.

Thank you for sharing My teaching from the heart!

Christ Jesus, the Redeemer.


And whenever you feel a lack of consolation or feel perturbation, confusion or disquietude, repeat with full trust and love towards Me:

Lord Jesus,
Only and Favorite Son,
Christ Redeemer,
keep me in Your Heart
for all Eternity,
and liberate from my heart all evil,
in Glory to the Universal Father.


Daily Messages

In this afternoon of endless mercy and infinite wonders for souls of the entire world, I see with joy the hearts gathered in My Name, hearts that in truth intend to follow My Path of consecration and apostolate.

To you and to all those who follow Me, I give My Celestial Mercies to erase any affliction, impediment or limitation that may separate you from Me.

The path for you to reach Me will be the merciful prayer. All those who accompany Me with the heart and unite themselves to My Inextinguishable Source of Mercy are blessed in spite of the great circumstances of life. All those who follow My Path of Mercy at three in the afternoon will be purified by the Light of My Heart and in the hour of great tribulations they will not feel any fear, but they will feel peace, joy, grace for being a worthy and praised child of God.

All those who pray the Chaplet to the Divine Mercy with Me will be highly contemplated by My Compassionate Heart, including their families, and no one will lose the hope of entirely surrendering themselves to My Eternal Kingdom.

Those who pray the Chaplet to the Divine Mercy will help Me to intercede before the Universe for this humanity and no soul will lose the opportunity of encountering Me at some moment of their life. My Mercy is infinite; it penetrates the deepest spaces of hearts and heals the spiritual wounds that seem irreversible for the consciousnesses.

All those who unite to Me at three in the afternoon receive the merit of absolute redemption and at least the opportunity of knowing My Celestial Kingdom in the Universe. No one will remain without knowing who I Am, because whenever the soul feels My Redeeming Love, its little heart is healed.

At three in the afternoon, God contemplates, through His Son, the pleas of all the apostles and flocks that by Grace, united as one, relieve the weight of the Law upon the world. My Mercy awakens Graces and Forgiveness never before understood by humanity.

Those who have faith in My Promise will not repent because I bring to you the Good News that will liberate you from yourselves and thus you will be with Me for all eternity.

I aspire, as a Master, that you can be My living Cells of love and redemption for all those who die, day by day, without knowing the greatness of My Love.

I need you, even when you are in error. I forgive you and, above all, I love you deeply.

Go forward, My companions!

Under the Mercy of God, be blessed.

Thank you for interiorizing My Holy Words with your hearts!

Christ Jesus, your Savior.

 Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón: At the end of the daily message, Christ Jesus transmitted to us what He called “The Devotional to the Divine Mercy”, an exercise of prayer and devotion to the Divine Mercy of Jesus. This devotional is made up of two prayers so that we may pray them every day.

The first prayer is a repairing prayer to be recited in the name of the most inveterate sinners and for humanity so that it may achieve Mercy.

Reparative prayer to the Divine Mercy

Water, Blood, Life and Redemption,
that flowed out from the Blessed wounded Heart of Jesus,
have pity, Mercy and compassion on all of us.


Our Lord Christ Jesus then transmitted to us the complement to the first prayer, which He called “Restorative Prayer to the Creator Father“ which must be prayed after the Restorative Prayer to the Divine Mercy.

Restorative Prayer to the Creator Father

Celestial Father,
Supreme Unity,
Supreme Consciousness,
Supreme Love,
have compassion on all of us
and on all of humanity.


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
