Today, I pray with you, My children, prostrated upon the ground before the Majesty of God, to again ask for all My children and, together with the angels, we make the loving offer to God so that He, in His unfathomable Love and Pity, may have Mercy upon the whole world.
I pray, prostrated upon the ground, for a humanity sick in spirit, confounded and deceived by the mind, shaken by its emotions.
I pray, together with you, so that all lies, which are provoked and subject the majority of humanity, may dissolve by the power of Truth, the Truth that each one is, from their spiritual essence.
Prostrated upon the ground, I pray for the nations and for all their inhabitants so that souls may again seek God and no longer the idols of communications nor the fanatics of the end of times.
I pray, prostrated before God, so that the light of discernment may invade, with its power of wisdom, as many souls as possible so that, in this way, My children may not again enter the endless chain of sufferings.
I pray, prostrated upon the ground, for all those who occultly promote and generate evil in humanity by means of global actions that only harm and frighten humanity, so that harmony and inner order may be established.
I pray, prostrated upon the ground, for the Kingdoms of Nature, those which most suffer the effects of pollution and the contamination of humanity. Something that worsens, day by day, and that no longer has a return.
I pray that the consciousness of awakening propels My children towards awareness and mutual respect among the Lower Kingdoms and humanity so that Creation may have its essential and fundamental space to regenerate itself.
I pray, prostrated upon the ground, for all those who suffer and for those who have suffered in recent times, so that these anguished souls may attain liberation from themselves and may find the path of forgiveness and inner healing.
I pray for the Church of My Son, extended throughout the whole Earth, so that the Holy Father may have the force of determination and bravery to purge from the bosom of the Church that which is not of God, just as My Son expelled the merchants of the Temple.
I pray, prostrated upon the ground, for countless causes, requests and appeals.
I invite you to pray together with Me, on this day of Vigil of Prayer and on all days that will come, because, although it may not seem so, prayer will be your defense weapon against My adversary and all his wicked plans that he carries forward.
Prayer will always be the fortitude for your spirits and consolation for your souls.
Never cease to pray because, in this way, you will be protected and supported from the extremely hard consequences that the planet will experience and from the barbarities that the anti-Christs will commit.
Love prayer and you will not recognize yourselves. In this way, you will also help all souls that suffer.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Series – Manifestation of Aurora – Part VII
Through the integration brought about by a meeting between the Light-Community of Aurora, the local community and the public institutions, a project must be proposed for the improvement of the entries and the roads to the Marian Center of Aurora, something that will also benefit the other inhabitants of the area, keeping in mind the important task of spiritual support that this Center currently fulfills.
For that reason, given the needs of this time, the improvements of the entries and in the roads of the area will help to better include the Marian Center of Aurora in the local and spiritual scope of the region.
This project of improvement of the roads will also require a better channeling of the water, as well as a reinforcement of the structures of the bridges and the rest of the elements to bring greater order to the region.
The improvements of the roads will also require that the collaborators in the Work be more present in Aurora, with the intention of being able to carry forward some periods of work in the cleaning of the roads and of the entries that lead to the Marian Center.
For this, it will be necessary to organize a schedule of meetings among all the collaborators of Uruguay, of Argentina, of Paraguay and of Brazil so that they may give the first impulse, demonstrating to the population of the area that it is possible to improve the conditions and quality of life by maintaining a balanced relationship with the ecosystem.
This basic organization will stimulate the population to give of themselves, in service, to maintain the spaces in harmony where they frequently live. For this, they may offer their own work tools to collaborate in the improvements to the roads.
It will be necessary to remain firm of purpose so that these goals may be achieved and do not remain unresolved. For this reason, it will be important that the coordinators of the areas of the Light-Community of Aurora bring a local and regional assembly together with the city organisms, with the intention that the region of San Mauricio be considered a space that needs a better territorial organization, and thus, it may be contemplated as a region with international activity, given the presence of the pilgrims.
I thank you for keeping My Words in your heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
When a heart breaks inside, it is a sign that the Law of Inner Liberation is being fulfilled.
Therefore, on this day, leave your heart open so that, like others, it is available for structures to fall and all forms to be broken.
Leave your heart available for all that it must experience, because thus you will allow the Universal Laws to flow in you, those which will order your life and adjust your consciousness.
May your heart find the necessary liberation from all that hinders the free walk of the disciple of Christ.
Let your heart conquer the emptiness of self so that it may soon be filled by the balm of the Mercy of My Heart.
Surrender, as if nothing else makes sense, and in this way you will find the exit door that will lead you on the path of hope and Greater Love.
Let everything within you find a meaning, a realization thought of by God, but which is not under your human power.
In this sense, allow the Work of Love to act within your being so that in the next cycle you may be what in truth the whole Universe expects you to be.
Follow My Steps of Light.
I Thank you for keeping My Words in the heart!
Who blesses you,
Your Master, Christ Jesus
From My most pure Womb is born cosmic life, and that life is projected in the different dimensions of Creation.
My Womb of Light gestates the new, and every being or consciousness that it receives is transformed by My maternal Light.
From My Womb are born the immaterial Rays that circulate throughout the universes to order and govern under universal harmony.
From My luminous Womb, new spiritual lives can be born in the hearts that unconditionally surrender to Me.
From the most pure Womb of your Mother of the World comes the Principle of Creation, and, in this way, time and again, Creation is renewed and everything evolves within the universe of the Light of God.
In My most chaste Womb, I give spiritual and essential life to that which seemed to be dead.
My Womb revives the lost spirits and, through the Principle of Healing, recovers the souls that distanced themselves from God.
My Womb is a new universe that gestates love for the New Humanity.
Those who place themselves within My Womb will be initiated into a new stage and they will be in Me, and I, as Mother, will be humbly mirroring Myself in the creatures of God.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
In the Celestial Universe everything has a Hierarchy and on the Earth there must exist an extension of this divine command.
Therefore, those who follow the rules will be protected from themselves and they will avoid constant futile falls that will lead them to the condemnation of the soul. It is only enough, My dear friends, that you look to your side in order to perceive at what point are the souls of the world.
A good disciple is attentive to the rules and they will always be a morning star for your path. If in truth the Eternal Father had not created obedience, the coming of Christ would have been difficult.
Therefore, from the beginning, when I was in the world I had to reunite the twelve, as they would be the living example of transformation and of obedience to My Inner Priesthood. It was in this way that throughout the times emerged the monastic orders, those that would preserve the spirit of the rule and of consecrated life.
It is necessary to accept the commands because they will always lead to a deep reflection about the aspects of life. I need disciples willing to incarnate inner obedience; this will lead you to meet with your true being and in this way you will ascend in consciousness to the Spirit of My Father.
Meditate on the vows that you have made with Me because they will preserve you for the critical moments.
Under the Love of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living My Words with the heart!
Christ Jesus
Praised be your Holy God in the Heights! Because holy will be those who, in humility, collaborate with the accomplishment of the promise of My return, which is written in the Sacred book of the Bible.
May those rejoice who also in sincerity consecrate themselves to My Heart, because they will always have a safe space in the Kingdom of My Father.
May those rejoice who collaborate with Me, so that My Task is incarnated in those that I have chosen from the beginning. Without the help of My collaborators of the Divine Mercy, the Orders united to My Spirit could not exist.
I give you to drink from My Fountain, and from My Fountain emanates the Great Spirit for all the universe. Whoever directs themselves to Me will lose nothing, because they will find the infinite path that they seek so much. But whoever sustains all the Orders are those who live the great sacrifice out there; in them My Heart is supported, because in Love and in Grace they permit that My apostles walk towards the mission that My Father has entrusted to them.
Praised be all those who are part of My Eucharistic Body, because a cell of My light has been planted in those who have said yes to Me. For this never forget the Life of the Spirit; your spirit will be like the times, it will adapt itself to the final changes, and humanity will be able to sustain itself by the unbreakable faith of all My followers of Mercy.
Now go two by two and say that I have consecrated you in body, in mind and in heart, and say that I have resuscitated you in spirit, and that again you have seen My inner light.
Be firm bridges for those who must cross. Today I give you three keys that will protect you from yourselves and from the enemy, these keys are humility, purity and love. May these three fountains spring again in your hearts; in this way those who are thirsty may drink and go out of the desert in which they live.
Before My return certain Orders, to which I have entrusted My legacy, will serve as salvation and rescue for those who are in need of My Absolute Love. Go and say that I love them always and that I am with you.
Under the Glory of the Father, be blessed.
Thank you for living My words from the heart and from the spirit!
Christ Jesus, Your Humble King
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more