Thursday, March 12 of 2020

Daily Messages

Today, I pray with you, My children, prostrated upon the ground before the Majesty of God, to again ask for all My children and, together with the angels, we make the loving offer to God so that He, in His unfathomable Love and Pity, may have Mercy upon the whole world.

I pray, prostrated upon the ground, for a humanity sick in spirit, confounded and deceived by the mind, shaken by its emotions.

I pray, together with you, so that all lies, which are provoked and subject the majority of humanity, may dissolve by the power of Truth, the Truth that each one is, from their spiritual essence.

Prostrated upon the ground, I pray for the nations and for all their inhabitants so that souls may again seek God and no longer the idols of communications nor the fanatics of the end of times.

I pray, prostrated before God, so that the light of discernment may invade, with its power of wisdom, as many souls as possible so that, in this way, My children may not again enter the endless chain of sufferings.

I pray, prostrated upon the ground, for all those who occultly promote and generate evil in humanity by means of global actions that only harm and frighten humanity, so that harmony and inner order may be established.

I pray, prostrated upon the ground, for the Kingdoms of Nature, those which most suffer the effects of pollution and the contamination of humanity. Something that worsens, day by day, and that no longer has a return.

I pray that the consciousness of awakening propels My children towards awareness and mutual respect among the Lower Kingdoms and humanity so that Creation may have its essential and fundamental space to regenerate itself.

I pray, prostrated upon the ground, for all those who suffer and for those who have suffered in recent times, so that these anguished souls may attain liberation from themselves and may find the path of forgiveness and inner healing.

I pray for the Church of My Son, extended throughout the whole Earth, so that the Holy Father may have the force of determination and bravery to purge from the bosom of the Church that which is not of God, just as My Son expelled the merchants of the Temple.

I pray, prostrated upon the ground, for countless causes, requests and appeals.

I invite you to pray together with Me, on this day of Vigil of Prayer and on all days that will come, because, although it may not seem so, prayer will be your defense weapon against My adversary and all his wicked plans that he carries forward.

Prayer will always be the fortitude for your spirits and consolation for your souls.

Never cease to pray because, in this way, you will be protected and supported from the extremely hard consequences that the planet will experience and from the barbarities that the anti-Christs will commit.

Love prayer and you will not recognize yourselves. In this way, you will also help all souls that suffer.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace