Daily Messages
Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the city of Oporto, Portugal to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

When the doors are opened through prayer, a path of redemption is etched in the consciousnesses of the souls of the planet.

Such a path of redemption allows to establish new principles in the lives of those who previously were far from God, and this favors not only consciousnesses but also the evolutionary state of the whole planet.

Thus, when the life of prayer is widely practiced, the universe manages to move forward with its spiritual and, at the same time, inner task, in order to reach the state of Light, it is necessary that consciousnesses remain on the path of transformation and surrender.

The path of prayer will always lead everyone to new levels of elevation and consciousness.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace 

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

The Gift of the Fear of God

The Gift of the Fear of God is one of the seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit. It is an inner virtue that God placed in souls from the moment of their spiritual conception in the universe.

And from that point on, the Gift of the Fear of God, as well as love and unity, were small sparks placed in all the spirits created to live and evolve throughout the universes.

The Gift of the Fear of God was conceived in the One Source, and from there, as with the other Gifts, the Holy Spirit took charge of distributing it as awareness among the creatures of the universe. This was possible through the service provided by the holy angels from the moment in which beings emerged from the Reservoirs of Light. 

Before each spirit left to experience its lessons in some part of the universe, the angels sowed the Gift of the Fear of God within them so that creatures, in their different schools, would be able to remain united with God.

This Gift, which is up to now still not understood, at some stage of the path of the being, awakens the possibility of perceiving or of becoming aware of becoming separated from God.

The Gift of the Fear of God generates the remembrance in the spirit, as well as in Creation, of our commitment to the Highest and of how much we must reciprocate with our Eternal Father.

In the same way the child is gestated in the womb of their mother and is fed through the umbilical cord, the Gift of the Fear of God is a Principle, and at the same time a state, that reminds us of the importance of remaining united through threads of light to the Supreme Source.

The Gift of the Fear of God manifests when the consciousness separates from the path of God and experiences all sorts of difficulties to the point of not knowing how to re-engage with the path it once abandoned.

The Gift of the Fear of God reminds us that, as spiritual beings, we cannot lose our affiliation with the Father, because if we do so, everything becomes more difficult.

The Gift of the Fear of God always helps us to look for balance and harmony in all things and to remember what our true purpose is.

In these times, many souls experience the Gift of the Fear of God when feeling distanced from the Father because of all the reasons of material and inner life.

The Gift of the Fear of God helps us to not have the human consciousness make decisions in an impulsive way nor adopt triggered actions. This Gift has the First Ray of Willpower as its essence because its purpose is to stir up everything in the consciousness to remove it from the point where it is.

The Gift of the Fear of God makes us aware of our true actions and demands, corrects us and, at the same time, places us on the correct pathway.

When the Gift of the Fear of God appears in the life of a being, it is a sign that something deep, material and spiritual will need to be reviewed in order to straighten it out.

The Gift of the Fear of God elevates the consciousness to a true reality, making evident all that separated it from the Love of the Father.

This Gift must rebuild the ties of love and peace with the universe from the moment in which the surface consciousness recognizes itself as small, humble and in likeness to the neighbor. The Gift of the Fear of God helps us to return to what is true and not superfluous, awakens the spirit of charity and transparency.

The Gift of the Fear of God aligns the consciousness with what is higher. In this way, it feels loved and accepted by something that is cosmic and divine, in spite of recognizing itself as imperfect.

This Gift allows for the reactivation within us of trust in the One so that we may participate in His Source of renewal and healing.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The closure of a cycle of Graces

The Source of Healing through sound and song remained open, during this last time, through those who adhered and made an effort so that the meetings of music could be carried forward.

After the last blessings received during the Sacred Week, the souls, in general, committed themselves to collaborate more and to contribute for the fulfillment of the Work of the Divine Messengers.

The meetings of music held in the last months showed the Universe the possibility that the human being of surface has to reverse and to spiritually heal certain serious situations of the planet, to the point of becoming a conscious cooperator of the Evolving Plan.

As time went by, the production of the meetings of music became characterized by an intense demand of work and of material dedication so that in every following 23rd, as it is today, it might be possible to concretize the fundamental task among the choirs and your Heavenly Mother: the mission of attracting, monthly, the actuation of new Laws that could modify the chaotic reality of the planet.

Such was the practical demand in the technical production during the last months, that your Heavenly Mother explicitly summoned selfless servers to collaborate immediately, with the aim of continuing the mission that was being carried out through the meetings of music.

This meant, from the human point of view, a great demand and an extreme requirement in order to be possible to carry out in the last three months such meetings.

For this reason and for lack of immediate response, your Heavenly Mother has requested these days, the recess for six months of the live program: Meeting of Music for the Healing and Upliftment of Humanity, so that all servers of the Plan of Love, both those that actively participate, as well as those who witness these meetings on the 23rd, may perceive that the Work which the Divine Messengers have placed in humanity to generate a greater state of healing, of grace and of mercy, is responsibility of all those that are united to it from the heart.

With this, I am inviting My servers to leave the constant point of wanting to receive, to wait or to supplicate so that, definitively, you may act, work, protect and take care of the Work that was entrusted to you with so much love.

The recess of music for healing will mean the silence of humanity, which which will not be able to cry out for mercy, which it needs with urgency.

I hope that after this Sacred Week, just as My Beloved Son has asked you, your actions and thoughts may no longer be the same.

The Spiritual Hierarchy calls you to participate in a plan of rescue and of planetary emergency; we are already in another cycle and it is time to act with readiness and not with slowness or inertia.

I invite you again to awaken from this possible worldly dream in which you may entered.

The whole Universe waits for the step of the servers of the Plan of Redemption of Christ.


Who makes you aware,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


My dear children,

May the song of healing and of planetary redemption be intoned, so that the uncertain doors may be closed in the human consciousness.

May no singer desist from serving the Kingdom of God with their simple voice.

May the notes and musical melodies, on this day, be activated so that the souls of the world hear the Great Call within themselves.

May the choirs of the Earth, formed by the great armies of souls in service to the Plan of God, unite in communion with the potent angelic choirs, so that in the whole of this Universe, the sacred key of peace and of reconciliation may be emitted.

With each piece that will be presented today, may the sublime Universes descend to the planet so that the human consciousness may continue to be worked upon, and in this way, the creatures may find again the meaning of their spiritual life.

May each singer that will emit the melody of harmony, place the nations of the world in their heart, so that some time of peace may be established where it no longer exists.

May the hands of the choir members unite among themselves to draw to the Earth a unity between humankind and God, that nothing be separated anymore;may sacred brotherhood reign so that each soul fulfills its precious mission.

May each instrument radiate the note of healing that many souls lack, and in this way, each heart may receive the inner impulse that it needs.

May this meeting of music endure throughout time, and through the offerings may all the choirs never cease to embrace the call of the celestial choirs, because I assure you that you will be participants in the announcement of the second Coming of Christ.

May your hearts rejoice and may the foundations of this meeting of music be strengthened by the love of all for the Greater Divine Purpose.

May the doors of this meeting of music be kept open so that new singers may come, and in this way, the brotherhood expand beyond the nations, the peoples, and the races.

May My children of the world keep in mind that I still wait for the souls that will offer themselves to form part of the sacred production of this celestial event.

I wait for you.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

My dear children,

Today I leave in your hands the Sacred Reliquary of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph, as an offering of My Celestial Spouse and in gratitude for all that has been lovingly manifested up to today.

This Sacred Reliquary of Saint Joseph will be your instrument for the battle against human indifference and will be the impulse towards a continuous fraternity among beings. For in this Sacred Reliquary is the Divine Heart of Saint Joseph, honored by the angels of Heaven as a spiritual model because of His holiness, humility, and service.

May this Sacred Reliquary of Saint Joseph that I place today in your  hands, motivate you to a continuous awakening to unconditional service, so that new souls embrace this proposal. Through the Most Chaste Heart, may you live in service to your fellow beings and the Kingdoms of Nature, building and regenerating all of humanity.

This Sacred Reliquary which Your Heavenly Mother presents to you today, is the fundamental relic that Saint Joseph constituted when He humbly entered the Kingdom of the Heavens. It was this Sacred Reliquary of the Heart of Saint Joseph that the Eternal Father received from His faithful server, after He was lifted up to the Heavens in soul and in spirit.

As a member of humanity, Saint Joseph brought to the universe a living example of love for knowledge and instruction. Saint Joseph was considered by Adonai to be the guardian of souls, and for the human race, this Sacred Reliquary represents the possibility of being in likeness to a transformed human example, as was the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph.

This Sacred Reliquary that the universe presents to you today, is a spiritual symbol for souls that it is possible to experience human transformation and redemption on Earth.

May this Sacred Reliquary, lovingly offered by Saint Joseph to the Divine Father, from now on represent the symbol of persistence and faith in the face of every human and materialistic condition.

This Sacred Reliquary will remain spiritually placed and displayed in the spiritual counterpart of the House of the Pilgrim, so that all the souls of the world that will come to this place may through prayer find this sacred teraph that the Chaste Heart gives you today through the Immaculate Mother. 

May this sacred teraph be worked with every 19th day of the month by the missionary and praying souls, so that in these times, there may be reparation for the grave outrages from the wars in the world, for the exploitation of children, for the women being sold on the streets, for the loneliness of the sick, for the death of the innocent, and for the harmful destruction of the Mineral, Plant, Animal, and Devic Kingdoms.

May this teraph be the bridge of communication of all with God; and in this way, He will not pour out Justice, but rather pure and infinite Mercy.

I thank you for responding to Saint Joseph, because these last four years of work have allowed this Grace that Your Heavenly Mother brings you today.

Who loves you, in union with the Love of Saint Joseph,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

During the next Pilgrimage for Peace on the European continent, your Heavenly Mother will try to draw a certain and urgent balance toward a large part of that region, which will be achieved through the adherence of all the Europeans.

From now own, it will be up to them within the principles of charity, goodness, cooperation and fraternity, to lay the foundation so that this liberating pilgrimage can be accomplished. 

This next Pilgrimage for Peace will attempt to reach the spiritual roots of certain matters that over the centuries and times, remained inconclusive and unresolved.

For this reason, I again say that the adherence, the work and the dedication of all the Europeans in gathering the resources for this pilgrimage will show the universe that in truth, the consciousness of all has changed its place and position, has matured and is responding to the need of these times, which is planetary.

The pilgrimage will be developed from what the groups of prayer generate, so that everything may move forward according to what is established by the Divine Plan.

It is time that the Europeans pierce the hard layer of indifference and look around them, to see the need for help and relief of thousands of refugee souls, separated from the chaos reigning in the nations of the Middle East.

Everyone is invited to create the conditions so that this next pilgrimage not only be granted by the Latin Americans, but also the Europeans, called to work extensively in the Campaign for Peace.

Get to work rather than to comfort; Heaven waits for your active participation!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

During the next Pilgrimage for Peace on the European continent, your Heavenly Mother will try to draw a certain and urgent balance toward a large part of that region, which will be achieved through the adherence of all the Europeans.

From now own, it will be up to them within the principles of charity, goodness, cooperation and fraternity, to lay the foundation so that this liberating pilgrimage can be accomplished. 

This next Pilgrimage for Peace will attempt to reach the spiritual roots of certain matters that over the centuries and times, remained inconclusive and unresolved.

For this reason, I again say that the adherence, the work and the dedication of all the Europeans in gathering the resources for this pilgrimage will show the universe that in truth, the consciousness of all has changed its place and position, has matured and is responding to the need of these times, which is planetary.

The pilgrimage will be developed from what the groups of prayer generate, so that everything may move forward according to what is established by the Divine Plan.

It is time that the Europeans pierce the hard layer of indifference and look around them, to see the need for help and relief of thousands of refugee souls, separated from the chaos reigning in the nations of the Middle East.

Everyone is invited to create the conditions so that this next pilgrimage not only be granted by the Latin Americans, but also the Europeans, called to work extensively in the Campaign for Peace.

Get to work rather than to comfort; Heaven waits for your active participation!

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you always,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

So that a Divine Work may be realized and continued on the planet, with your hearts, you must follow the changes that are drawing closer and not fear experiencing them or have them taken up by new consciousnesses.

The Divine Plan is not archaic nor transitory but rather endures throughout the cycles of renewal that it goes through, time after time.

It will be enough to experience inner union with the Plan of God for it to begin to materialize on the surface of the Earth, and fundamental to this is adherence.

It is important that hearts feel that the cycle truly changed and that there are other needs approaching in this end time.

Thus, with your consciousnesses elevated and your eyes fixed on the Purpose, you will be able to follow this cycle that the whole of humanity is going through and that only needs to be experienced from your deep understanding.

This new cycle comes to renew the spaces of the subconscious and beyond, it comes to take it out of human inertia.

To live the Plan of God also means to raise your arms to receive the gifts that will prepare each server for experiencing the changes, from the moment in which they give their 'yes' to the universe.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children:

Each time the bells rings at noon to announce My arrival, a portal from Heaven opens upon the Marian Centers, even though your Heavenly Mother is on pilgrimage in another part of the world.

If you are sure that, through the sound of the bells, something universal happens every day at noon, you will experience a profound connection with the Kingdom of Heavens.

Therefore, announce every day to the world that the Mother of God is arriving on Earth to bless Her beloved children and to show them the path towards the source of Love.

May every day the portals of the universe be opened for souls to avail themselves of the Source of Divine Mercy and to nourish themselves spiritually from the Gifts of God.

May each new noon, the bells resonate at all Marian Centers and in all homes throughout the world that wish to unite in decreeing the descent of infinite Grace upon humanity. So be it.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses and loves you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Sacred House of Mary, Madre Paulista, city of São Paulo, Brazil, to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Dear children,

When your consciousnesses manage with effort to open your heart, the doors of Grace open and there is nothing that can prevent this from happening.

Therefore, in this time, if you open your heart, the consciousness will be guided by a sublime energy that comes from the Source and that you, here on the Earth, know as wisdom.

My children, the wisdom of God will always place you on the path of His Divine Will and your lives will avoid entering the path of errors and constant human impulses.

The Lord needs you to be able to grow inwardly, because the hour has come for your consciousnesses and souls to show the universe that you have understood the call and that now you will live it with greater resolve.

I would like My disciples, the disciples of Christ, to go through the end of times with the inner tools that prayer and instruction have given them.

With this foundation of learning, you, dear children, will make each stage of the Plan victorious and sublime. In this way, you will be participants in the materialization of the Plan on Earth.

Thus, My beloved children, it is necessary that you be available for the needs the Universe may present in each sector of the Divine Work.

In this way, guided by a greater intelligence, you will be able to be at the height of events with more maturity and, above all, with much love.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you under the Love of Christ,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children:

Before the Venerable Heart of Saint Joseph, may your hearts be filled with love, so that forever the truth may reign and you may liberate yourselves from past suffering.

Dear children, Saint Joseph is the Father of all essences, and in your essences are life, origin and the beginning of all.

Your essences are the ones that are able to fulfill the Purpose of God, because through your essences the goals of Creation are fulfilled.

I need, dear children, that your essences be humble and resplendent to the Eyes of God.

In your essences is the synthesis of your journey through the Universe and through this planet. Your essences are able to be this portal so that at the end of times, souls may avail themselves of them.

In you, dear children, is this potential to be able to love more each day. I need, My children, that your inner worlds serve as a relief to the great planetary pain.

Through service, in the humanitarian missions, a history of love, of forgiveness, and of mercy is rewritten.

Be essentially the example that the Universe needs to be able to carry out this last phase of the rescue operation in humanity.

The Sacred Hearts expose Their inner temples to all with the end that you may approach the Kingdom of God, the one that also inhabits the sublime worlds.

Open your eyes to the true reality because thus you will be in communion with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who loves you infinitely,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

I have the celestial power, dear children, to untie any knot or to unblock any impediment, because if the Will of God is accomplished in you, the Law, which is divine and unalterable, manifests at each new step.

I know that your lives have never gone through such a difficult time as this one, nor have you experienced or endured the sufferings and the Wounds of Jesus.

Let the testimony of Love of My Son help you every day to achieve liberation from human forms and structures.

My wish, dear children, is that in these critical times, you learn to not fear and to bear all the universe will send for your inner maturity.

But you are not alone, because your Mother that is in the Heavens will assist you with all Her angels and, in this way, I will free precious souls from the clutches of My adversary.

While you prepare to learn, to know these times, I ask, dear children, that you have sufficiently great patience and love to be able to overcome all that will come.

Trust in the powerful Flame of Jesus, for there lies freedom and a covenant of your hearts with the most powerful Heart of Christ.

Each time you lose strength, each time that everything seems impossible or difficult to unblock, lovingly and in a determined way, implore the following prayer:

Powerful Flame of Jesus,
that ignites with Light everything that is life,
that fills with Love everything that You touch.
Powerful Flame of Jesus,
liberate the abysses and all obstacles of life
so that I may be in You
and You in all that was created.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses and restores you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

Even in the time of the Mercy of God, have faith and love for the sacrifice that is being offered to you so that you may experience it for everyone. For, after all that will have been transmuted, a greater alliance will be established between consciousnesses and God. 

The mission, in these times, will be to open the doorways so that the powerful currents of the universe are able to liberate something every day, for the purpose of relieving the oppression that the planet faces. 

Following the steps of the impulses that are being given, the Divinity emits Its last and great wave of Mercy over humanity. 

The times will continue to change and all of the disciples of Christ must be faithfully aware that they will never be alone until the last battle between light and darkness is experienced in this world. Because afterwards, the cycle of the much anticipated universal Peace will enter.  

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses and protects you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Praise Jesus for being present in your lives in Body and Blood in the Eucharist.

Praise God for allowing Our Hearts and You to be present in these critical times.

Praise life and the learning that each one receives, because it is the best that the Universe and Divine Mercy can give you.

Praise each moment that will be experienced, because behind it there will be a key, and a learning to live.

Praise everything, from the very smallest to the very largest, from the insignificant to what is grand in the Universe. Because all forms part of the Creation and all is alike each other.

Let us praise, and in this praise, let us be thankful for all that is given to us, because in the gratitude that your hearts can express there will never be a lack of what is truly necessary.

Let us give thanks to God for all those who do not do so and forget what is fundamental, which is to be grateful in each stage of life.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace

Daily Message of Mary, Rose of Peace, transmitted in the Marian Center of Figueira, Minas Gerais, Brazil to the visionary Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón

The ship of Light sails decisively through South America and is carried out to sea by the great currents of the universe.

It is crewed by new disciples that respond to the Great Captain, Who directs it with the movement of His Consciousness.

It will never shipwreck, its resistance and form are millenarian, for it has been built by the hands of the Great Laborers.

The ship goes toward new ports, after having visited other ports throughout the world.

Now it is going toward new destinations because the crew has been called to give of itself through new and great services.

For this reason, the ship sails rapidly, and the currents of the universe move it along, more quickly than expected.

It is guided by a greater impulse that makes it strong and invincible so that the Purpose may be accomplished.

Who will see it go by along the coasts of the great oceans?

It is characterized by the potent Light it emanates because its great sails reflect the Light of the Hierarchy.

Wherever it goes, a purpose is fulfilled, and in each port that it visits, it invites new crew members to come aboard.

What will the initiates find within this mysterious ship?

In essence, something that many have been forgotten: love and brotherhood. This is what makes the ship travel among the spaces of this humanity.

There is no other mystery to reveal. The ship travels in search of the self-summoned so they awaken to their sacred mission.

While the world and humanity are shaken, the ship of Light will go to meet those who awaken so that people of other nations also fulfill the call.

I thank you for responding to My call!

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace 


Dear children,

To be able to liberate you from the bonds of the human condition, there must exist in your hearts an adherence capable of transcending all the limits of terrestrial consciousness.

For this, dear children, the first step is to have faith and hope that this liberation will take place and will make of each moment an opportunity to evolve.

In this time, the souls present in the world will face their purification without even knowing it, but that heart that has as a premise a life of continuous prayer, will find the keys it needs to make of each experience, as well as of each test, an opportunity for transcending the abysses of consciousness.

The Universe will present each being with the moment of taking its definitive step toward the unknown and of being able to become disentangled from the bonds of the Earth.

For that moment you must be prepared in prayer, because in this way your hearts will be able to count on the help of the angels to walk firmly towards the final goal, which is to come together with My Son after all the experience of this school.

The Father, by means of His redeemed children, will write a new history that will later be told on the New Earth and in the new humanity as the events that have allowed the whole of this race to have an opportunity of living inner redemption.

I leave your paths clean, so that you can walk firmly in the transformation of consciousness as a continuous offering to the Creator.

I thank you for transcending yourselves a little more every day.

Who gives you the impulse to upliftment,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

The Father always wishes the best for your lives; it will only be important that your lives be united to His Purpose and that all of this be to you of vital and pleasant trust.

For this reason, dear children, with your hearts open to the great Mystery of God, live every stage that the Universe presents to you as something unique, as the possibility of making of each moment a sacred opportunity to love more and more each day.

My wish is that from your hearts would blossom the gratitude needed to make of each learning experience a moment of inner growth and of awakening, of detaching from the past and of seeing with meekness each experience lived.

My vow, dear children, is of accompanying you every day so that you may grow.

I thank you for responding to My Call.

Who unifies you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Believe in tomorrow, and you will be born into a new life. Have hope, and you will be reborn as an essence. It is time to heal and not to resist. It is time that life detaches from its bonds through love.  Without love, nothing is worthwhile, nor is anything achieved.

Feel the peace that I once gave you within, take refuge in it and you will fear nothing. Do not give power to what does not exist. Help Me to dismantle the plans of My adversary with intelligence.

Believe once and for all that you will be delivered from evil, because where I am present, nothing opposed to Me can exist. I am the Mother of Light, and, where there is Light, there is God. Because the Father is Eternal Light, Infinite Love in constant expansion. And if you unite with this Love, who will separate you from It? Do you believe in Christ? He is your trust and He is your whole life, He knows who you are and whom you have come to serve.

Nothing is separate; only the human mind separates. Overcome obstacles with peacefulness, and may that peace be stronger than all storms. Place your senses, feelings and ways of being into the Hands of the Lord. He will know perfectly well what to do with each one of them. And, thus, purity will arise, and the treasuries will open so that virtues may emanate from the greatest depths of the consciousness. Darkness will dissipate and all will be renewed. To God, nothing remains inconclusive.

The Universe will show the true face of life. Believe in that Divine Face which is the Universe in its infinity of forms and expressions. You come from there and some day you will return with the baggage of a lived experience, of a concretized redemption and of a love communed with Christ. Your promise will be to transcend the challenges, day by day, without wanting any immediate result.

I thank you for responding to My Call.

Who gives you the impulse,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Dear children,

Old wounds of the North-American people must be closed so that a sacred opportunity may be able to be established.

It is so, that, with faith and devotion of the hearts that may awaken to the forgiveness of the entire past, your Heavenly Mother will be able to intercede in all causes that provoked mistakes and rancor.

The hearts that may awaken to this reality will be able to perceive the importance of changing some aspects of consciousness that are those which have interfered in the positive evolution of the human race.

The time has come to bring some situations to an end so that everything may be immediately redeemed.

Your Heavenly Mother invites you to incarnate the spirit of peace and unity because, in this way, the Heavenly Father will hand you His Divine Grace, His Divine Love, the Redemption, a moment in which the doors will open towards a great change.

Therefore, dear children, with the forgiveness among all the components of the North-American people, and with this consciousness, the humanity of this part of the planet will help the other parts, which depends on a profound act of love and brotherhood.

The Universe hopes that this act of change and reconciliation closes the uncertain doors towards suffering.

I thank you for responding to My call.

Who blesses you,

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


The Shooting Star of Bethlehem

In those days, when the inner preparation to receive the Baby Jesus into My arms was being anticipated, the sacred star of Bethlehem, the symbol of the Great Brotherhood of Heaven, revealed Itself to the three kings that, because of having pure hearts, could come to our gathering in the humble stable of Bethlehem.

The great star of Bethlehem shone during several days and was sent by God to accompany and, at the same time, to announce the arrival of the Son of God in the world.

It was in this way that this sacred star, that only appeared during those days, began to reveal, at first in dreams and in signs, to some consciousnesses that by the Will of God, should become aware of the arrival of the Messiah.

In those days previous to the arrival of Jesus, Saint Joseph, although still being in Nazareth, heard from the angels of Heaven the announcement and the exact time in which the Most Holy Spouse should be in Bethlehem in order to give birth to the Divine Son.

It was in this way that the sacred star of Bethlehem also showed the place and the path which the Sacred Family was to travel.

In those days in which the whole Universe gathered to accompany and at the same time to witness the birth of Jesus, the star of Bethlehem, from Nazareth, had the simplest consciousness among the simple ones come to the manger, souls that were called by the Most High to lovingly accompany the arrival of the Messiah.

The star of Bethlehem was that powerful bright star that in that time worked upon the spiritual and the material plane of the planetary consciousness, so that it could receive the extremely potent love-wisdom, the Ray that would change the events overnight.

This sacred star of Bethlehem has marked a before and an after. It was radiating certain universal currents that, before the coming of Christ, physically modified all the human mistakes that made of the race a civilization compromised by evil.

During the nine months of the gestation of Jesus, the Sacred Family was prepared by the angels themselves, so that this important event of the coming of Jesus could be experienced in all planes of consciousness, in order that this divine event could be recorded on the planet and in the solar system.

The star of Bethlehem was the guardian of the birth of Christ, and at the same time, it was the cosmic bridge that united humanity’s time with celestial time.

It was in this way that the Holy Mother of God, moments before the birth of Jesus and after having been in silence during nine days, received the divine impulse of all these revelations that the sacred star was fulfilling.

The Most Holy Mary knew that the birth of the Son of God would, in that moment, bring to the world the liberation of age-old errors, and at the same time, the redeeming light that should, no matter what, shine on this planet.

The star of Bethlehem was that cosmic beacon that drew a spiritual awakening of consciousness to the human race. That sacred star was what generated the maturity of many souls for future times; it was the great star of Bethlehem that announced in all the inner worlds the arrival of the powerful Christic energy of redemption and of love.

In those days in which the planet was prepared for the coming of Jesus, and was also purged of the codes of perdition of the world, the holy angels, the same ones that were at the manger of Bethlehem during the divine birth of Christ, also supported the awakening of inner love in humanity, especially in the simplest hearts. If that love gestated by the holy angels had not been born in humanity, the coming of Jesus would have necessitated other spiritual requirements.

In the star of Bethlehem was reflected the presence of the Love of the Most High, as well as the Grace that was being granted through the birth of Christ.

Bethlehem was the scene chosen by the Father so that this event, guided by the Archangels, could be carried out under the divine perfection of love and of ceremony.

The coming of the Messiah and the Great Liberator of the peoples was beautifully guided by the angels, who at the same time, worked on the unconscious of humanity, in order to be able to redeem it as from this blessed moment.

The great star of Bethlehem brought to the world the opportunity of elevating and of purifying the consciousness through elevated and not rudimentary thought by means of determination.

This precious star of Bethlehem showed itself to the world in that time to gradually disintegrate the patterns of self-destruction and of a commitment to all that is mundane in the human race.

The star of Bethlehem brought the awareness that we are spirits in service to a Greater Purpose, capable of giving us the impulse to a fulfillment of the Divine Work. 

It is that very same star of Bethlehem that in that time tried to reflect and shine in the consciousness of human beings, so that they might perceive within themselves that a unique opportunity was being given through the birth of Christ.

Because of this, children, after all these events that were planetary and universal, once again humanity is facing the test of Christmas, of being able to go through this sacred date remembering and placing their attention on all that the coming of Christ to the Earth meant.

The Eternal Father hopes to see Christ be born inside of you, so that a love greater than the one you experience today may awaken in the consciousness of humanity, which must fulfill and collaborate with this last part of the Divine Plan of Love.

I would wish My children to not be indifferent, but rather that they take advantage of this Christmas time to reaffirm their vows before the Celestial Hierarchy, because that confirmation will open the doors of consciousness to other souls in the world.

On this Christmas Eve, when the Sacred Family is in adoration at the foot of the manger of Bethlehem, may all My children prostrate themselves to revere within, the birth of the Child-King in their hearts.

At least do it as an offering and in devotion on behalf of those who today will become lost in banal celebrations.

For your consciousness and union with this moment, dear children, I thank you for responding to My call.

Who, under the sacred star of Bethlehem, blesses you, 

Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace


Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
