Dear children,
After the Meeting of Music yesterday, Amazonia has been prepared so that, through the Grace of the Divine Son, it may receive all the Light of the Universe that it will need in order to go through the end of times, as a Kingdom.
Aside from that, dear children, today your Divine Mother will prepare, by means of the prayers of Her beloved children, to enter into scenes of humanity where the suffering of the most little and innocent ones becomes worst, day by day.
For this reason, the Mother of God, the Sun of Life, will reach all the little and innocent ones, in different parts of the world, to help them and rescue them from this spiritual, mental and material condition in which hunger, persecution from war, exploitation of children and also undue trafficking of organs are carried out by a part of adult humanity that has completely lost the sense of discernment and the value that family represents.
My children, I not only will go towards those who despair, in these conditions of survival, but also, as Mother of the spiritual healing of humanity, I will come to hospitals and institutes where bodily suffering retains the departure of the little innocent souls that cannot manage to be freed from their incarnation.
Today, by a special Grace and by the sincere prayers of all servers of the Earth, I will concede immediate relief for this inhumane situation.
Therefore, My children, your support and participation, by means of the Vigil of Prayer, will contribute to and grant that the most innocent may find the relief and rest they so much need.
I will also come to the inappropriate and hidden spaces where the future mothers decide, by the interference of the enemy, to remove from their wombs the lives and love that God gave to them.
Within the coming and awaited for meeting, in the Marian Center of the Child King, on September 25th, I will come to ask all the collaborators of this Work of Love not to forget to help and serve the children, adolescents and youth that are in the Community of the New Earth, because they are the reflection of this part of humanity that needs healing, love and understanding.
I will be very grateful if the Planetary Light-Network groups visit and participate periodically and actively within the group and service life of the Community of the New Earth.
In this way, you will consciously be allowing other service groups in the rest of the world, to be able to assume the relief of suffering of other children, adolescents and youth.
May this vigil be the vigil of the heart and of self-surrender.
I thank you for responding to My call!
Who blesses you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The art of singing...
Dear children,
We have reached the closing of a cycle, a cycle that from the beginning helped the consciousness of humanity by means of music, of the voices and of the instruments.
In this cycle that closes today, you had to learn to tune your patience, to uplift raise more and each time more the love of your hearts in each new music encounter, and to work the surrender of your lives for the unity and the fraternity among all the participants.
From now I tell you, that all My singing children were placed, throughout the last times, in the test of the constant self-improvement in order to be able to free the human race from everything that conditions its evolution and its awakening.
Thus, through the encounters of music, you were facing the own human condition, which is a determining factor in humanity, which hinders the free walking of the soldiers of the Plan.
In truth I say, to all My singing children, that in these encounters of music, love was never lacking although it might not have been apparently present in everyone. The love offered during all the meetings helped gestate the necessary conditions so that your Celestial Mother could work with humanity and with the planet.
To all this, to My dear singing children of the group in pilgrimage, the last challenge has come on this day: to give all for all, placing themselves in the school of sacrifice, of effort and of renunciation, so that on this afternoon the music can give the necessary fruits that will prepare you to begin a new cycle of these encounters.
I affirm that it is difficult to gather to sing such different consciousnesses form one another, it is a true miracle that in times of planetary crisis, the encounters of music have been realized victoriously.
In this way, for all this to be possible, you never lacked the help from Heaven and from the angels, so that the essence of the encounters of music and its purpose could be fulfilled.
Today I also dedicate this message to a little child of Mine, the one that has been for your Celestial Mother the testimony of perseverance and of effort, at the moment of dealing and working with the souls in this audacious mission of gathering to sing for the healing of humanity.
I send to this little child of Mine, all the Love of the Mother of God and from now I give thanks that the planet has been so, but so helped by the gatherings of music held, and that this has avoided the activation of wars.
In the closure of this cycle of encounters of music, I will ask each singer, instrumentalist and composer to reflect about everything that has happened and that, placing your hand over the heart, you confirm to your Celestial Mother how you can help better, so that these impulses continue reaching humanity.
With more consciousness about the true events that move the encounters of music, your lives will be more fraternal, selfless and available to fulfill the designs of My Immaculate Heart.
For last, remember that these encounters of music dissolved the earthly hell and placated the planetary chaos.
I leave you this reflection, waiting that in the next encounter of music, in six months, the consciousnesses will have elevated themselves in fraternity to the divine Purpose.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who unifies you in love,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
The closure of a cycle of Graces
The Source of Healing through sound and song remained open, during this last time, through those who adhered and made an effort so that the meetings of music could be carried forward.
After the last blessings received during the Sacred Week, the souls, in general, committed themselves to collaborate more and to contribute for the fulfillment of the Work of the Divine Messengers.
The meetings of music held in the last months showed the Universe the possibility that the human being of surface has to reverse and to spiritually heal certain serious situations of the planet, to the point of becoming a conscious cooperator of the Evolving Plan.
As time went by, the production of the meetings of music became characterized by an intense demand of work and of material dedication so that in every following 23rd, as it is today, it might be possible to concretize the fundamental task among the choirs and your Heavenly Mother: the mission of attracting, monthly, the actuation of new Laws that could modify the chaotic reality of the planet.
Such was the practical demand in the technical production during the last months, that your Heavenly Mother explicitly summoned selfless servers to collaborate immediately, with the aim of continuing the mission that was being carried out through the meetings of music.
This meant, from the human point of view, a great demand and an extreme requirement in order to be possible to carry out in the last three months such meetings.
For this reason and for lack of immediate response, your Heavenly Mother has requested these days, the recess for six months of the live program: Meeting of Music for the Healing and Upliftment of Humanity, so that all servers of the Plan of Love, both those that actively participate, as well as those who witness these meetings on the 23rd, may perceive that the Work which the Divine Messengers have placed in humanity to generate a greater state of healing, of grace and of mercy, is responsibility of all those that are united to it from the heart.
With this, I am inviting My servers to leave the constant point of wanting to receive, to wait or to supplicate so that, definitively, you may act, work, protect and take care of the Work that was entrusted to you with so much love.
The recess of music for healing will mean the silence of humanity, which which will not be able to cry out for mercy, which it needs with urgency.
I hope that after this Sacred Week, just as My Beloved Son has asked you, your actions and thoughts may no longer be the same.
The Spiritual Hierarchy calls you to participate in a plan of rescue and of planetary emergency; we are already in another cycle and it is time to act with readiness and not with slowness or inertia.
I invite you again to awaken from this possible worldly dream in which you may entered.
The whole Universe waits for the step of the servers of the Plan of Redemption of Christ.
Who makes you aware,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
My dear children,
May the song of healing and of planetary redemption be intoned, so that the uncertain doors may be closed in the human consciousness.
May no singer desist from serving the Kingdom of God with their simple voice.
May the notes and musical melodies, on this day, be activated so that the souls of the world hear the Great Call within themselves.
May the choirs of the Earth, formed by the great armies of souls in service to the Plan of God, unite in communion with the potent angelic choirs, so that in the whole of this Universe, the sacred key of peace and of reconciliation may be emitted.
With each piece that will be presented today, may the sublime Universes descend to the planet so that the human consciousness may continue to be worked upon, and in this way, the creatures may find again the meaning of their spiritual life.
May each singer that will emit the melody of harmony, place the nations of the world in their heart, so that some time of peace may be established where it no longer exists.
May the hands of the choir members unite among themselves to draw to the Earth a unity between humankind and God, that nothing be separated anymore;may sacred brotherhood reign so that each soul fulfills its precious mission.
May each instrument radiate the note of healing that many souls lack, and in this way, each heart may receive the inner impulse that it needs.
May this meeting of music endure throughout time, and through the offerings may all the choirs never cease to embrace the call of the celestial choirs, because I assure you that you will be participants in the announcement of the second Coming of Christ.
May your hearts rejoice and may the foundations of this meeting of music be strengthened by the love of all for the Greater Divine Purpose.
May the doors of this meeting of music be kept open so that new singers may come, and in this way, the brotherhood expand beyond the nations, the peoples, and the races.
May My children of the world keep in mind that I still wait for the souls that will offer themselves to form part of the sacred production of this celestial event.
I wait for you.
I thank you for responding to My call.
Who unifies you,
Your Mother Mary, Rose of Peace
Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more