Saturday, July 27 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Dear children:

In the Universe and in the Whole exists the Good and in the Good exists Light and in the Light is present Wisdom. This belongs to the Creation of God.

When Your Father ordered the universes to be created the suns and the stars did not exist yet and God wanted for the Light to illuminate the spaces of the infinite cosmos. In this way was born Light from the great explosion of love that God radiated to the universes.

Afterwards God created the species and the creatures and from the creatures emerged the generations and from the generations awakened the devotion and the love of God. God wanted that all of the creatures of the universe have a great Being made in the image of the Divine Spirit and in this way His Holy Spirit sent to Earth His Most Beloved Son who came to the world to redeem it and protect it.

But once upon a time, in Heaven a server of God rebelled and closed forever his heart to God. God allowed this son to learn and work so that someday the Maiden Dressed of the Universe-Sun would also arrive to the Earth to rescue all of those who had fallen from generation to generation from the deceiving actions of this pained son of God.

And in this way Christ saved the world and humanity and He defeated error through the Love of God and, again, through the centuries of the centuries the children of the Father were saved.

Now My Son will return in Glory and in Spirit to establish the years of Peace. For this God now wanted that the Woman full of Stars and of Light return one more time to the Earth, because She, together with Her Beloved Son, will save the great son of the Father who is very hurt and when this happens all of the universe will change.

If now, dear son, dear daughter, you are crossing the threshold of a challenge or of a great test for your life, direct your pleas towards My Heart because I Am Your Mother, Your Beloved Mother who shines out of love in the firmament to elevate towards God the fallen souls.

Find in all this mystery the presence of the Love of God and, above all things I ask you to love the Will of God because if you love the Will of the Father all will change from the beginning until the end and you, My dears, will find the Light that you need so much.

Today I come to heal your hearts and your inner beings so that in trust, you may assume in this time what God wants you to learn. You will not be alone, you will never be so. My Heart is retreated into the hearts of My children in order to radiate to them the strength of the Spirit of God and much peace. May the peace not escape from your hearts. Remember that each moment for you is single and favorable for learning and experimenting.

Courage, My little ones! Courage! Courage and hope! While you redeem yourselves other hearts wake up to God. Remain in My Son and call Him so that He may always be amongst you. He will never fail you, He will always be at your side because He loves you deeply.

I thank you, My beloved ones, for living in My call!

Who blesses you and guides you always,

Mary, Your Little Mother of the Eternal Peace. 

Saturday, July 27 of 2013

Weekly Messages


My dears:

May those who aspire to respond to My Call under any circumstances be daily reborn in love and faith. 

Today My Heart descends from the Heavens to strengthen a little more the hearts of the world, above all, the hearts of My Marian groups from the Network of Light.

My children, at request of the All Powerful God I warn you that difficult times will come to your lives as a way of strengthening and maturing your hearts in Faith, in Wisdom, in Discernment and in Love.

To all that may say “yes” to My Heart will come tests sent through Heaven, permitted by the Lord, to confirm the adhesion of your hearts to the Greater Plan of God for this blessed Earth.

My beloved ones, I do not come to cause fear in your hearts, I come however to help you to be more strengthened before the obstacles of life and so that you may know that you can always count on the aid of My Heart.

Many impulses of Light are being sent to the world through My Marian groups, many souls are waking up to the Devotion to My Heart and to a full and concrete trust in the Heart of God.

I want that you know that each step of My groups is accompanied in detail by My eyes and by My Heart and that My hands are ready to arrive in aid every time that you may call Me and that you may ask for My Immaculate Presence.

I Am thankful for the loving answer of the groups of Uruguay that begin a trajectory of union with My Heart and to these children of Mine I say that in a little time you will discover in your inner world a Love that you do not know, a Fire that vivifies all and gives Light to the events of life.

Your souls will have infinite thirst for answering to My Call because each time that a soldier from My army presents itself to provide a service to God, the Lord sends over them an armor of the Holy Spirit and the more they answer and the more their mission expands itself upon the Earth, the greater will be the presence of the Spirit of God to bring to them new tools of Light such as Joy, Love, Faith, Persistence, Wisdom and the Gift of Counsel.

In this way, little by little, step by step, you will become intercessors of God. Together with His Faithful Servant you will be arms of the Lord upon the world in this Mission of awakening souls.

Today, My dears, to all of those who listen to My Voice, one more time I ask that you know how to persevere and that you only clamor for My aid and for the aid of My Son Jesus and that you know that your hearts are being accompanied by the Heart of God. It is only necessary that you be obedient to the indications of Heaven and that you continue to listen to the Voice of the Lord that never stops talking to your heart.

Count on the Fraternity that My presence has constructed in your lives and help, each one the others always, because My Heart also talks to you through the neighbor and My Peace also comes to your lives through the brotherly presence of those who accompany you on this trajectory of Peace.

Continue with Joy and with Peace Always.

I guide your hearts and I thank you for being today with Me.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace. 

Saturday, July 27 of 2013

Weekly Messages

My beloved children:

Blessed be Christ Jesus in your loving lives and praised be His Holy Name forever.

On this day in which I have My brave Marian soldiers enveloped in My Mantle of Light so that evil may not approach them, I want to tell you that more than ever, I Am with you.

I know that you feel My protection and that of My Son in the great tests that you are living and it will always be like this because together we will be able to defeat the opposition that manifests itself in order that the plans of the Highest are not fulfilled.

Today, My children, after the important lessons of these days, I want that you meditate together with Me and that you contemplate how a peacemaker, a Child of Mary, a Warrior and an Apostle of the Mercy of Christ places themselves before the tests and the attacks of the enemy.

A child of God the Father who lives the Graces that are poured from Heaven, lives in the joy of serving, conscious that each difficulty will strengthen their spirit for what is to come and will give to their consciousness the necessary impulse for the definitive transformation.

A Warrior and an Apostle of Mercy guards in the heart the lesson and hands to God its experience of pain so that the Father, in His Love, may transform it into courage and faith.

An Apostle of My Son is filled with joy when he or she feels their own spirit full of courage because they know that the same strength is entering into their being that Their Lord lived in His Passion.

A child of Mary, a missionary of Her Plan of rescue places all of its being on the path of the joy of serving, looking with the heart at all the good that is to come and surrendering without doubt its destiny in the hands of their Mother of Heaven, who will conduct them through the path of light and protection.

You have been able to intensely experiment, beloved children, what it is to live under another law, within the hand of the Powerful Lord of Heaven, He who has shown you His Power over all of the events of Heaven and Earth.

Today I ask you, in the name of the Most Holy Trinity, that you redouble your efforts so that your consciousness may be always attentive and vigilant, so that you may intensify prayer and fasting because through these little surrenders the shield of Grace and the protection of the Celestial Hosts will be with you.

I want you to know, My beloved ones, that the Universal Mother counts on all of Her beloved missionaries, those who take the risk of giving all out of love for the Universe and its creatures.

Afterwards the Divine Mother dictated a prayer so that her missionaries may recite it before leaving for a task:

Prayer of the Missionary

In God, we all are,
to God, we all respond,
in the hands of the Highest, we rest.

In the Heart of Christ, we are transformed,
under the mantle of the Universal Mother, we are protected,
of the Holy Spirit, we are nourished
for all  Eternity.


Thank you for being today with Me.

I love you and I bless you all,

Mary, the Universal Mother.

Thursday, July 25 of 2013

Monthly Messages
Special message for the Apparition of Mary, Mother of the Sacred Tree of Life, transmitted in the Fortín of Santa Rosa, Canelones, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías

Friar Elías:

When the Virgin Mary appeared to transmit the Message for the Apparition, at the dawn of July 25, our Mother manifested Herself as always, but this time She brought with Her the symbol of appearing beside a great tree, with a large green treetop. It was a robust, strong tree, full of mature fruit. At this moment, She told us She was the Mother of the Tree of Life.

Dear children:

I am the fertile seed that is sown in the hearts that open themselves to listen to Me. When the Seed of My Heart is sown, a new flower is born that gives subtle aromas to God; and the fruit grows and matures slowly, thus giving new seeds of love and redemption.

I am the great Tree of Life. I am the Mother who gestates the New Humanity, because through My Heart you will reach God and consequently you will find in your paths the Presence of My Son.

Some of the seeds that My Tree of Life spilled were so that it could bear other new fruit, but these dried up. Therefore, My roots nourish themselves and feed on fruits that were born, in order to strengthen the great treetop that will later bear new fruit.

If the Tree of Wisdom had not not born, the Tree of Life could not have been born. I was first the sacred Seed so as to become the Flower, and later become the Fruit fertilized in the loving Heart of God.

Afterwards God sent Me through the universe to sow new seeds of light and, on this trajectory, He sent Me on a great mission to Earth, so that the second Person of God could be sown inside of Me, the First-Born Son who was and is the great Fruit of your salvation; for it is through Him that the way out in this time is found, only in Him can be found the way out and the direction to be able to fulfill the Will of God in life.

You, My dear ones, are these new fruits that are already maturing on My Tree of Life, because the fruits can never be separated from the their Tree and the Tree can never be in splendor if it lacks its fruits.

Today I invite you to discover the fruit of your conversion and of your redemption. The time for the new seeds to appear is still waiting to awaken and this will be possible if the fruits are very mature, so they may give good seeds.

Throughout this planetary cycle, the power of My Grace and of My Mercy is passing before your lives so that, first of all, you can perceive it.

God expects His children to be strong and mature trees, that can bear fruit so that the most humble can serve themselves of this sacred food and thus your souls be united to Me through the great seed of service and prayer. If this did not exist, the seeds would soon dry out.

Therefore, My dear ones, in this Message I want to make you understand that you are united to the great Tree of Life, the Tree of God that holds the memory of your origins, an inner space to which you must return after all.

It is the great Tree of My Consciousness, the one that gave itself to the Father to give seeds of light and to sow them in the hearts that unite in eternal prayer. Now, the new tree of mature fruit must arise in the next humanity.

Now, you are sacred seeds in the Hands of God who, with so much love, is waiting to sow them in the new world. Therefore, dear children, understand that each act of love, service and prayer is a new fruit for your redemption and for the redemption of humanity.

Your steps must be directed to God through the pure heart, purity will cause the fruit to mature correctly and so in your beings the Spirit and the Wisdom of God will rest.

I thank all the children who with love, during this dawn, have kept vigil with Me in prayer for the fulfillment of My Plans of peace and redemption.

I thank you for responding to My call, in faith and devotion!

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Thursday, July 25 of 2013

Special Message

My dears,

Today I want to confirm to your hearts that My Mantle must be a single mantle of light that covers all of humanity. I want each corner of this Mantle to be sustained by the hands of My children, those who have given themselves to My Heart, independent of religion, belief, or race.

My Heart contemplates hearts, souls, and spirits, and there, where My gaze can reach, there is no difference between My children.

My dears, My Word arrives in this time in many places of the world and, in all of them, My Message is the same, a message of peace, of union between peoples and nations, races and religions.

Humanity itself created its own separation, so that each one, in their own way, could find God, and now My Heart comes to unite all of My children under My Mantle of Light.

As the Mother of all humanity, I come to ask you to pray for one another, so that all of My children may know My Heart and thus reach the Kingdom of Heaven.

Let there be no competition, envy, nor any distinction between My little ones, because today I tell you that all the creatures that your eyes can see and your hearts can feel must equally enter the Kingdom of Heaven. 

All of My children must walk together to achieve the Grace of being by My side. And it does not matter to the Heart of God who will arrive first at His Kingdom, nor does it matter to Him the number of merits generated to reach Paradise. 

My Heart descends to Earth bringing the boat of salvation for souls and for all Kingdoms, and this boat will only return to the Kingdom of God when the last of My children has entered it.

Today My Heart invites you to awaken to love and fraternity; it invites you to see the hearts of the world through My eyes and, when you see any creature before yourselves, aspire with the heart that it may find Me, that it may walk towards the Heart of God, through the Heart of Christ.

If each time that you see a brother or a sister you silently send them an impulse of love and hope, so that they may one day find the Kingdom of Heaven, the impulse will reach these hearts and will open the door for the Love of God to enter these souls. In this way, you will be intercessors of souls before God, working for all of His children.

If you never forget that all creatures, absolutely all of them, must reach the Kingdom of Heaven, little by little competition will be erased from your hearts and celestial fraternity will be drawn with a pencil of light.

Place your hearts in this simple lesson of peace and allow love to accompany your thoughts and let the heart be the guide of your lives.

Always pray for one another.

I thank you for praying with Me and for receiving Me today.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Wednesday, July 24 of 2013

Monthly Messages
Message for the Vigil of Prayer of the Most Holy Queen of the Hearts,transmitted in the city of Montevideo, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías

My dear children,

Today My most appreciated souls, those souls who suffered the abandonment of this world, are with Me in My Kingdom. Therefore, as Mother of the Holy Rosary, from My maternal Heart I want to thank those who gathered during these days of the Vigil of Prayer for the coming of the Holy Father Francis.

Dear children, when you pray with the heart, other divine and special events are carried out by the angels of Heaven and this helps in the redemption of humanity.

My children, your next step of humility and fraternity will be your presence in the meeting with the Holy Father on World Youth Day.

When souls congregate in the name of God, evil is removed from the world. When all hearts unite without observing the different paths they tread, the infinite Grace descends upon everyone.

Therefore, today I want to demonstrate to you, My little ones, that you and each one of your hearts are instruments in the Hands of God, so that He, in His infinite glory, may fulfill the work of the end of times. Open your hearts without fear, and trust that all is under the loving sight of God.

Dear children, He needs you now, He expects that you love Him, more every day and that you glorify Him. The Heart of God is tired of so many outrages and so much indifference, but His Love for you is inexhaustible. He expects that His beloved children repair Him, help Him. Although His Power is merciful and strong, He waits for the warm prayer of His creatures.

See how God is flagellated through the Plant Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom, the Mineral Kingdom and even the Angelic Kingdom, God is in everything. Therefore, My little ones, it is time for you to become aware of the great service of love and prayer that your lives can realize.

For this, you always have Me, and by faith and Mercy I still descend from Heaven towards your presence to tell you:

" Dear children, the moment of the great step of your beings is now. Christ counts on the new apostles of forgiveness and peace." 

Dear children, you will be in My blessed Immaculate Heart for all eternity. It is time for humanity to become aware that it must unite itself in love and in spirit as one so that the new light may be born in the world.

After being with you, month by month, My loving and fervent Heart repeats in prayer to God before His Heavenly Kingdom:

Oh, New Aurora!
that will emerge as infinite Light
within simple and humble hearts.
Hail, Aurora of the morning!
that will awaken before God
out of love and Mercy.
Beloved Kingdom of the sublime heights,
Sacred Heart of the Lord,
have Mercy and hope for this world.
Oh, beloved Most High God!
My Soul in Heaven glorifies You,
supplicates to You, implores You and asks You in reverence and devotion:
Open Your glorified Eyes, beloved God!
and observe, in the sky of Your created universe,
the redeemed stars
that say yes to Your saving Project.
Oh, beloved Eternal Father!
You are love and compassion,
oh, beloved Lord of the Universe!
You are infinite Light in each being,
remain in Your children,
awaken in them
the powerful strength of Your redemption.
Through the victorious glory of Your Son, Jesus Christ,
may they reach the eternal life of prayer and peace,
now and always.
Because only through You, Lord,
will humanity be one.
Because only through You, Lord,
will Your Holy Spirit
renew the face of the Earth.
Accept the offer of Your children
and pour out Your Mercy
upon those who are fallen and helpless.
Only through You, Lord,
will we experience the Love of Paradise.
That Your Light may always reign
among hearts and souls.
Father, we await
the glorious coming of the universal King.

This is My request of Mercy to God so you will be able to feel how your prayer is so important in these times.

Thanks, dear children, for responding to My calls!

In blessing and light,

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


Wednesday, July 24 of 2013

Special Message
Message for the Vigil of Prayer of the Most Holy Virgin Mary, transmitted in the Fortín Santa Rosa, Canelones, Uruguay, to the visionary Sister Lucía

Little children of My Heart,

Today I want to dictate words of encouragement, of hope, of joy to you, so that united with the attributes of My Heart, you are able to move beyond the tests that God sends to your lives.

My beloveds, these are times of much suffering for the world, for all the Kingdoms of My Heart, and those who are willing, in prayer and in peace, to serve all these Kingdoms must grow and become stronger every day in My Maternal Heart.

Many tests are still to come, and they will be ever more intense and deeper, for the Lord aspires to purify the depths of His creatures.

To overcome each test, your hearts cannot lose their joy and the hope of continuing forward. The joy in the hearts of My children will make each fall light and will help them to get back up, always noticing the great need there is in the world, and how necessary it is to learn to fall and get back up every day.

My Heart addresses all the hearts of the world, because each being that lives on this Earth must awaken to be a soldier of My Marian army, that fights for peace through prayer.

All who live on this Earth at this time come from the Heart of God, and to Him you must return, when you have learned to overcome the tests of life through persistence in the Heart of God and through love.

My children, all the hearts of the world - each one within its lessons - experience hard tests in their maturation. Those that do not know Me are submerged in suffering, and become lost in this sea of pain and of darkness that grows in the world; but those who at some point have heard My Voice, must raise their arms and cannot allow themselves to be submerged in suffering.

Know  how to see, My dear ones, the difficulties of life as opportunities for maturing the spirit, of learning and of helping others that are in this same situation.

The warnings of the Messengers of God are always to propel you towards the Celestial Heart of God. So allow yourselves to be shaped by the Hands of the Creator through His Messengers. Be like light vessels to be shaped by the hands of the Potters of God, so that when it is the correct time, the Water of Life may be poured into your hearts and, through you, it may reach all of humanity and all the Kingdoms.

Today I also tell you that in your hearts, greater love and greater understanding for the Kingdoms of Nature must emerge. Through prayer, seek to know the greatness of these Kingdoms, and in them find My Heart, for in the Kingdoms, My Spirit already has an everlasting dwelling place.

My dears, with the heart full of joy, continue forward in spite of all the tiredness, in spite of all the tests, in spite of the feeling that your feet do not move from where they are. Do not worry, for if you just take one step, My Heart will take all the rest toward your hearts, but it is necessary that this first step be taken.

I love you and bless you always; I hold you in My Sacred Heart.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Wednesday, July 24 of 2013

Vigils of Prayer

Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Today, our Mother came here to us as Our Lady of Graces or of the Miraculous Medal, and She invited us to remember that very important symbol She imprinted on humanity, and that we remember that passage She carried out in the history of humanity through that Apparition.

And today, mainly, the Message of Mary invited us to remember this Apparition again. She said to us:


Dear children, today I call you to unity. For there to be unity, dear children, love must reign. Live for love and live in love.

Dear children, there must be peace in your hearts. Do not fear what takes place. For there to be peace in the world, there must be peace in your hearts, and this you will achieve through prayer.

Today, I pour My Light over you, dear children, because in My Heart all is well.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Afterwards, She told us She was very grateful for the meetings that are being held by the prayer groups of Venezuela, and She added:


Dear children of Venezuela, now, in a harmonious, loving and responsible way, you are preparing My coming.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Afterwards, She also said to the groups of prayer of Brazil:


Dear children, I am also accompanying your meeting. I thank you for preparing to receive Me.


Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús:

Today also, Our Lady revealed to us that during our meeting of prayer this evening, She was praying in Brazil, mainly for the Holy Father Francis, and She said to us:


Dear children, today My prayers are for the Holy Father.

Dear children, today I was in Aparecida, at that important meeting. Because of this, know, dear children, that My Immaculate Heart is gathering up all the flocks; because as I said in Fatima, the Americas will have an important task.

For this reason, dear children, do not fear what will happen to you; the main thing is that the Plan of God be accomplished, which must be fulfilled here, in this part of the world.


Mother María Shimani de Montserrat:

Very well, we are going to do two things: first take care of a request of Our Lady, that the Vigil continue tomorrow up until the time of the Apparition, and that it be offered for the task of the Holy Father.

Secondly, at the request of Our Lady, we're going to repeat the prayer She gave us today in the Message to Friar Elías del Sagrado Corazón de Jesús.

Saturday, July 20 of 2013

Weekly Messages


My dear children:

With joy I gather all of the pilgrims in My Great Maternal Heart and today, from there, I thank you because all of the groups of prayer of the entire world, and especially the groups from Rio de Janeiro, have prepared themselves to receive in love and in charity the Holy Father Francis.

Dear children, as a Mother, through My requests, I reveal to you My mystery of love, the same that I lived on Earth for all of humanity. As the Queen of Peace today I bring to you the good news from Heaven, I bring to you between My blessed hands a definitive seal of union and Marian love of you with Me, with your Mother.

This Grace that today I share with all of My children is an Infinite Grace of Mercy that comes from the divine aspirations of My Maternal Heart. Today I tell you, My little ones, that your Mother, Mary will deepen Her worldly task from the upcoming month of August and this task will bring important fruit for the month of September.

Your Most Beloved Lord Jesus Christ will awaken all of His flocks with a new call that will be realized through a monthly task which all of the missionary group that I have named as the Children of the Divine Mother will donate with love.

Dear children, the Queen of Heaven will bring with Her new keys of light that will be revealed through the task of the visionaries and all of the group of the Divine Mother. I want to tell you, My beloved ones, that God has proposed to the Lady, the Faithful Servant, a request and a Volition, those which were being drawn little by little since the first transmissions of the monthly Apparitions of My Maternal and Immaculate Heart, and now this celestial request has become a reality and a necessity.

For this, until the month of September of this year all of My work, the Work of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and of the Most Chaste Heart of Saint Joseph will be expanded through a new means of diffusion that will arrive to all of the corners of the homes of My dear and blessed families of this humanity.

If this request is from now on accompanied by the loving and faithful prayers of all of the pilgrims, your hearts will be prepared for the new times of changes.

My dears, as a Mother I Am announcing to you a Grace that God has conceded to Me and that from the month of September will be seen by all. For this pray and continue to fast on the days that I have indicated to you. In this way this Marian and ecumenical project that in a few months will be born for the good of the world and of humanity will knock on the door of many hearts, mainly of those that need peace and light.

My dears, remember today what I tell you because My requests will be fulfilled through your loving spiritual and charitable help.

I thank you for answering now and always to My maternal requests!

Who blesses you,

Mary, Queen of Peace and Mother of the Conversion of the Hearts of the world. 

Saturday, July 20 of 2013

Weekly Messages


Strengthen yourselves, little hearts, strengthen yourselves.

To those who are ready to walk is shown the path, and they are able to glimpse it until the first bend, after that they will not know unless they arrive there.

To those who are not ready, they are shown those who are walking, and, even if their eyes may not manage to perceive the path, they follow with faith those who walk with firm steps and serene gaze to the goal to be achieved.

My littlest children, for all of the creatures of this world the Lord has a special Plan to manifest with the aid of His tireless Messengers, but this Plan depends, above all on the disposition of your hearts.

As many who have said “yes” have already perceived, the Plans of God are totally unknown, surprising and celestial. The one who accepts to take the steps under the permanent guidance of God knows, through living, that they are walking under Laws that are not from this Earth, it is like living in a world that is within another at every moment.

To this step all of My children are being invited, to live under Greater Laws that will lead them to feel that their feet no longer touch the Earth, but upon some place that they do not know, another Earth.

Those who do not understand what I say, I call them to experiment living the unusual, the unknown, the mysterious, the celestial and for this you must elevate the heart to this God who constantly observes you and who waits for an answer, positive, firm, with the decision of the spirit and the will of the soul.

If you do it with purity and sincerity and if you answer one after the other the indications sent by God through the events of life, you will soon be able to realize the immediate change of your hearts and of your existence.

But for this to happen, My little ones, it is necessary that you know how to read the events of life and that you know how to see that God speaks to you directly through these events.

Whenever a call from God arrives before your hearts, do not turn your face or close your eyes pretending that the Lord does not speak to your heart, because you only deceive yourselves, because God knows the deepest intentions of your hearts, of your souls and of your spirits, matters created by Him in the Celestial Universe.

To all who have already said “yes”, be ready and willing to renew  on each day, at each minute, at each second, the commitment that you have assumed with God, because the current times are so accelerated and your own consciousnesses are so unknown to yourselves that you must confirm yourselves before God always, sealing at every instant this eternal commitment, without ever thinking at any moment that it has already been done, because in this way you will be able to reconfirm yourselves before God and to strengthen the bond of your hearts with Him perpetually.

I thank you for accompanying My Maternal Heart.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace. 

Saturday, July 20 of 2013

Weekly Messages

My beloved children:

Praised be Jesus, Our Lord, and may He live forever in your hearts.

How many challenges for the consciousness in this time come to your lives in an accelerated way.

A long time ago My Son told this humanity that His Faithful Disciples in this time would do greater things than those which He did, because He expected from all of you that you could face greater challenges, and all have understood that He was referring to suffering.

But He also told you that He had died on the cross so that no one else would have to live His Passion in such a way.

Today the challenges are others, because He needs for all of the consciousnesses of this world to know that He is returning, bringing the Forgiveness and the Mercy of God for all without exception. He needs for His Faithful Workers to make this announcement resound in all of the planet, without time and without rest.

He needs that many of His Children transform their lives into a life of apostolate, of surrender to His Sacred Heart, so that in this way they may be transmitters of His Divine Mercy for all of humanity.

In this upcoming time His Beloved Apostles of the new time will multiply themselves and they will diffuse His Message of Love, Forgiveness, Faith, Service and Mercy. They will rely on all of the media available on the world so that this may become a reality.

The times already are, and for the planetary purification to find the souls prepared, reconciled with God the Creator and with firmness in their souls and minds, this message must arrive to the ends of the world without delay.

In this time the voice of the Master will be heard in unison in all of the planet so that all of the souls that wait for His Love, His Peace and His Forgiveness may hear Him, wherever they may be.

It is for this, My beloved ones, that all must open their minds and their hearts so that unusual things may occur, and all that which was created by humanity with selfish purposes may become an instrument of good and a transmitter of the Good News: the Savior Christ is arriving.

Go ahead, beloved children. Do not fear because I Am with you, accompanying you and sheltering you from all evil.

In you My Son has placed His Trust and His Love of Master, Father, Brother and Friend.

Follow His Instructions in obedience and surrender and you will see the hand of God the Creator working on this Earth.

I bless you, I love you and I accompany you always.

Thank you for being with Me.

Mary, Mother of Peace and of the Divine Mercy.

Tuesday, July 16 of 2013

Weekly Messages


My dear children:

Praised be Jesus and Our Father, for having sent me from Heaven for this day the 16th of July, a day of two important celebrations for My Immaculate Heart.

Today is celebrated the sacred day of Our Lady of the Holy Scapulary of Mount Carmel, and, also today I celebrate the birthday of one of My visionaries. I accomplish in this way on this day the mission that God entrusted to Me on this cycle, of sharing with My three visionaries their birthdays.

For this reason My children, My Immaculate Heart today reveals to you that It has realized during the cycle of the three birthdays a most important task with the mongoloid beings, with these little souls of God that are contemplated by Me with so much maternal love.

For this I ask you, My dear children, that in your prayers you place the presence of all the souls of the mongoloid beings, so that those who have been well accompanied as well as those who were not well guided can reach the Merciful Love of My Son Jesus.

As Mother of the Holy Scapulary of Peace, I pray so that all these precious beings that have the mission of liberating with their presence the evil of humanity through universal love, can approach more each day to God. I see how many of them are denied by the world; they are beings from other points of the universe, they arose from the Source of the Love of God and have arrived as souls to this world to remedy the suffering that humanity has generated for itself.

For this, dear children, this day is a day of Glory, because through the birthday of one of My visionaries, I have realized a spiritual mission, which has been that of being able to lift to Paradise many souls of mongoloid beings, souls that have served out of love and in love to all humanity.

I want to say to you that My maternal prayers have permitted in Heaven the consecration of mongoloid beings as the first blessed ones, and this has generated that new souls that come from the Project of the Love of God can be present in this planetary cycle to help in the transition that humanity will live.

Dear children, for all these important spiritual reasons that today I have revealed to you, I ask you to pray after today for the spiritual mission of all these beings, so that they can transmit to the world the greatness of the Love of God.

Your Lady of the Holy Scapulary will be the one who will protect them for the inner mission of each one of them, but so that this is accomplished in this time, it will be necessary that all the days of Mondays and Thursdays you offer to My Immaculate Heart thirty-three beads of the prayer to the Universal Mother for the protection and the mission of all the mongoloid souls.

My children, may this donation from your part be realized during the next six months; after I will say to you what else I want from you.

May the attributes of the Universal Mother that were consecrated to My Immaculate Heart, be able to shine when your hearts unite in prayer to all the precious souls of the mongoloid beings, in this way you will help me so that they accomplish their important mission of the end of time.

That by means of your love for these little brothers and sisters, you may discover the pure love that God has left alive in each one of them, in this way you can heal your wounds by means of this love that these souls irradiate to the world.

Dear children, I thank you for answering this important call!

Who blesses you with love on this day of Glory.

Mary, Mother of the Holy Scapulary and Lady of Mount Carmel

Tuesday, July 16 of 2013

Weekly Messages


My beloved and little children:

In this time, in which My Maternal Consciousness approaches you more deeply to touch those places of your beings where the light of transformation has never arrived, I ask you to trust in that which My Maternal Spirit needs to do.

When a consciousness is transformed in truth, it lives a period in which all seems to be desert, aridity, desolation and even obscurity. Everything seems difficult and without an end; the souls feel a fear of losing what they considered as their identity, and fear not knowing what to do next. And the mind asks what will become of me when I am no longer myself? What will become of my life?

And I answer to you: wonderful things will happen, that have never happened, because the old man and the old woman will no longer be anymore, and My Son will be able to place the Water of Life, which He comes to bring to the world, in this new vessel that begins to arise.

Never again will you be slaves of your incomprehensions, of your desires, already there will be no way to tempt you so that you fall into the same errors, because the enemy yet will not find where to enter in your consciousnesses.

Peace will start to dwell always in the interior of each one, and it will sustain each spirit when any happening manifests itself in the exterior.

There will come a day in which the consciousness will be permanently united to the spirit and this will be able to bring, from the Heights, the Living Food that God the Father has available for His creatures, and all will share what each one receives from the universe.

But for this to be a reality, in all planes of consciousness, first we have to prepare it, and in this cycle all are being prepared for that which will come.

For this be in peace, trust in who guides you, surrender to the Divine Messengers, to My Immaculate Heart, and to the Immaculate Heart of My Son your uncertainties, your doubts and afflictions, and do not permit that the harassment of the enemy takes you away from the Major Purpose.

Transformation is necessary, difficult, but it brings us to accomplish the aspiration that humanity be converted into this new race that will appear on this blessed Earth.

And remember, My beloved children, that not only do you realize this surrender for yourselves, but for all those who remain asleep and, more than asleep, anesthetized by this poison that the enemy injects in the minds and the hearts of humanity, through some energies that are known as modernities.

Take up again the paths of the holy and fraternal love that My Son has taught all, defending yourself from all that is not pure and do not doubt, not for an instant, to seek for Me to share with Me your needs and afflictions.

In this time, My beloved children, those who enter into transformation need My assistance to maintain themselves firm in the purpose of changing, and I am here, available for all. Do not live alone and be anguished by these inner movements, because it is now when you have to seek Me the most.

Go forward My children. Do not doubt, do not fear, that I am here together with you, protecting your beings from any disturbance.

Be pacific and you will live in peace. Be loving and you will live in harmony. Be cautious and you will live in balance. Trust in Me and all will pass rapidly.

Surrender to the hands of the Great Potter, and permit that He realizes the Great Work, the new being, the fraternal being, the one who looks to God every day and brings to their brothers and sisters the Divine Breath that nourishes the souls so that they construct the new humanity.

I love you and I bless you, My dears.

I am always with you,

Mary, Mother and Queen of Transformation and Peace

Tuesday, July 16 of 2013

Weekly Messages

My dears,

Today I ask you that, with joy in your hearts, you may offer roses of prayer to the Creator that each petal that is born within you may be as a balm for the whole world.  It is necessary that you definitively understand the Power of prayer and that you may live it in your lives daily.

My dears, for these times, only true prayer performed with the heart will be the sustenance of your souls in the path traced by God.  Prayer will remove from your hearts all incomprehension and all doubt, so that you may tread with firmness in the footsteps of My Son Jesus.

Prayer will calm the senses, the thoughts, the anguishes and the expectations, because inside the Universe of prayer only infinite Peace will reign.  Prayer is a precious tool created by God so that His creatures may return to the path that conducts them to the Divine Dwelling of the Creator.

Children of Mine, as a sacred chemistry prayer acts inside each being dissolving the particles of darkness that permeate the hearts and the consciousnesses.  Within prayer you will be able to know the aspects of your own inner world that are unknown to your own selves.

You will find by means of persistence in prayer an unknown strength that will allow you to overcome with harmony and peace any obstacles.  But, so that you may know this hidden Universe that is awakened by means of prayer, it is necessary that you be strong enough to overcome the first stage of a praying being, which is finding everything that is meant to be purified inside your own selves.

By means of prayer you will clean your own inner temple and you will discover, kept deep in the consciousness, thoughts, feelings and ways of acting that are not positive.

Today I say to you that purification has already begun within each being and that prayer will help you to find that which has always been hidden within your hearts or that you have always tried to hide from your own selves.  These My children, are the veils of consciousness that when they fall, they will bring to Light everything that is to be transformed.  But do not torment yourselves when you find all the old, on the contrary, encourage yourselves to see it and to remove it from where it is, so that the new may enter.

The first step of prayer is like cleaning a closet that you have kept since your childhood and there you will find things that you did not yet remember existed.  But with profound joy encourage yourselves to clean this place, that is, your own inner world and when your heart is ready, you will be able to take new steps in the path of prayer; this mysterious path that will bring you to the Celestial Universe.

It is necessary only to be persistent and that you do not become discouraged in face of the first encounter with that which is to be purified.  You will think that is so much and so big that it will seem infinite, but if you persist, you will see how simple it is and that soon will come the time of peace and inner strength in the Heart of God.

Unlike what many think, prayer in this time is an instrument for the brave ones, for the courageous, for those who are not afraid of encountering darkness, above all their own darkness, because they know that their goal is the infinite Light of the Heart of God.  They know that they count on the Inexhaustible Source of the Creator's Mercy, they count on the help of the Queen of Peace, they count on the Redeeming Son of the Celestial Father and they count on all the Hosts of Light that only wait to be called to come in their aid.

So persevere, persevere, persevere always.

I love you and I bless you.

I thank you for walking with Me on this path of ascension.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Monday, July 15 of 2013

Special Message

Under the most pure Love of God, may Our Lord Jesus Christ be eternally praised.

My children, today I reveal to you a prayer to be pronounced with the heart and thus it will open the way to your hearts for the arrival of the Spirit of God.

Holy Spirit of Redemption,
come to us.

Holy Spirit that vivifies all,
illuminate us.

Holy Spirit of the Creation of God,
divinize us.

Holy and sovereign Spirit of the Celestial Father,
lead us to the true archetype of material existence.

Holy Spirit,
may you be glorified in the universe and on Earth,
 for the eternal honor of God.



I ask you to invoke the Spirit of God because when a pure dwelling is available in your hearts, this greater Light may inhabit. For, in the near future, my children, only the Light of the Holy Spirit will be able to protect your essences.

Only the wisdom that comes from the Spirit of God will keep your understanding healthy. Only the purity that comes from the Holy Spirit will keep you free from any energy that approaches your hearts. With a pure heart, you will be closer to God.

Invoke, invoke the presence of the Holy Spirit of God. Study My Words spoken throughout the years with your hearts because, within My Word, full of the Holy Spirit, you can find the keys that you so much seek, for this encounter with the Spirit of God.

The Holy Spirit, My children, will be the only Light that will not go out when darkness comes, and those who have the Light of this Spirit in their hearts will be like lighthouses for the souls of the world, they will be a source for the thirsty multitude, just as Jesus was 2013 years ago.

Jesus Christ was born in an era in which darkness reigned and, even in the search for God, there was death and suffering caused to others. Jesus was this Light which I tell you about because he was full of the Holy Spirit, and the empty hearts of those who accompanied Him ran through the valleys, as moths go towards the light in dark nights. Jesus was an inexhaustible Source of Divine Water for those thirsty in heart, soul and spirit because the Spirit of God does not become exhausted, end or perish.

My children, other times of deep darkness are approaching the entire world and no place will be free from knowing what must be known so that the learning of the human heart may be concretized. But it is necessary that there be suns amid the darkness, that there be those who manifest the relief of the thirst and hunger of souls, those who, following the steps of Jesus and through the Holy Spirit of God, become the Bread and Water of life to the souls who need it the most and who seek with thirst the Kingdom of Heaven.

Cry out for the unfathomable presence of the Holy Spirit because if your hearts are true and pure, this mystery will become clear and be able to be lived within your hearts.

If My Word today tells you that it is possible, you must trust in My Words and follow My instructions because I was once the bearer of the Firstborn Son of God and now I have been gestating within My divine Womb a race of Children of God, of Christs, who will be born from rebirth and will have upon their chests, in that moment of rebirth, the Christic essence, gestated within My Heart and blessed by the King of kings, Christ Jesus, Our Lord.

My dear ones, this is the great Divine Plan, revealed to your little hearts, day by day.

Who will open and dare to fulfill this?

I await you in prayer and union with God.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Saturday, July 13 of 2013

Monthly Messages
Message for the Apparition of Mary, Queen of Peace and Reconciliation, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías

Dear children,

Once again I beg you to follow all My Messages with your heart, because it is now the time for you to live My Words; they have tried to build something unbreakable within your beings. Now, God has requested that, after all I have given My dear children, I give Him the fruits of what I placed in each one of your hearts.

For this reason, My maternal consciousness manifests itself through spiritual impulses to all those who open to receive the knowledge of other Laws, Laws that are not present in your beings, but Laws to which you can be united.

My Work is a work of peace, of fraternity, and of brotherhood.

All the pieces that I shape day after day are then given to My Son, so that He may direct them toward their final mission. But some of these pieces, which are part of the All, are difficult to polish. For this reason, My Love is profound and true for all of you; it tries to banish that which should now die so that the new spirit may be born.

Throughout the centuries, I have always warned humanity that if it did not change its attitude, difficult times would come to the door of the life of each being. Now, these times have come, times of wrong actions in abortions, suicide, lies, power, and dishonor, which in some hearts overflow more than a river.

But My Heart, which is patient and meek, wants to lead you into finding the Truth, the Truth of God for your lives, because it will be through your transparency and your prayer that you will transform into that which God so expects, and in this way, you as part of all this unique humanity, will help it to quickly change.

Do not forget, My dear children, that what was written in the Sacred Bible is being fulfilled, in a way that many do not perceive because of being full of other things instead of holding tight to the powers of prayer.

If the world truly wanted to be in the Kingdom of God, it would no longer commit certain actions that always harm the most helpless and the poor.

Thus, My Love enters the world as a new Law so that My children react; these are no longer times for experiencing small insignificant matters, but rather it is time to acquire a greater strength through the Holy Spirit so as to help the Plans of God.

Through Grace and Mercy, I know that you will be able to accompany Me and will take the mature steps toward the change that will cause you to live freedom. Today, more than ever, the flocks of Christ must be a single one, so that through prayer, you create a protective wall that separates you from evil and unites you more with the Almighty God.

Dear children, I have wanted to be faithful to you in light of the planetary situation, for it is time to live life from another inner posture; because your inner universe in this time must collaborate with the Plan of the universe. You must be carriers of the new Christic codes that My Son is pouring into those that said 'yes' to Him.

Thus, it is time to remove the old from you, that which hurts in the depths of your hearts, so that in prayer, you may achieve the precious strength that radiates forgiveness.

Dear children, I want to prepare you and instruct you, because the Woman Clothed with the Sun is announcing Herself to the world for the last time before the birth of the New Humanity.

I thank you for maturing in faith and trust in God!

Who blesses you always,

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace and of Reconciliation


Saturday, July 13 of 2013

Special Message
Message for the apparition of the Blessed Mother of Jesus, transmitted in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay to the visionary Sister Lucía

Contemplate, in My eyes, the imperishable Light that never goes out, so that it may illuminate your paths that lead you to the Heart of God.

Contemplate in My Mantle the eternal protection, so that you may risk to take the steps and, without fear, experience the transformation.

Contemplate in My Heart the flame that will sustain you in devotion and in faith, and that will not allow you to lose heart before the ordeals of the enemy.

Contemplate in My hands the perpetual, tireless and impassive help that will always await you to lead you to the Light.

Contemplate in My feet, sanctified by the glorious walk I have taken to the Kingdom of God, the secure path through which your little feet will also walk.

Contemplate, in My crown of stars, the Light of the Holy Spirit, which will appear even in the dark of night and that will appear from behind the thickest clouds that approach your lives.

In My Rosary, contemplate the unshakable faith and the eternal persistence of My Heart that prays day and night for the souls of the world.

Contemplate, in the roses under My feet, the permanent offering generated by My perpetual prayer, an offering that is adored by God and that represents all humanity.

Today, My children, I clothe your bodies with My Mantle, I cover your heads with My crown of stars, in your hands I place My Rosary and, under your feet, I lay seven roses so that you may follow My example eternally, an example that I bring to your hearts week after week, month after month.

I want you to accept this true offering of My Heart so that you can have a pure heart, a simple and humble life, a journey full of faith and absolute trust in God; and through the rosary in your hands, never forget that each step must be taken for your neighbor.

Experience the transformation as an eternal service of help to humanity and to the whole planet, which needs hearts Christified by the Love of the Holy Spirit of God; hearts ready to cross the threshold of a new race, a new humanity, based on Love.

My Presence at this time comes to show you the path which you must follow, until the moment you will meet My Son, and from then on, you will follow Him, in His glorified example of union with the Father.

My children, luminous is the end of this path of stones; I only ask you to be persistent and to follow the instructions left by the Messengers of God, for in this way, the stones will be opportunities for growth and not reasons for atavism.

My beloved, seek in My Heart and in the contemplation of My Sacred Image, the strength and faith that nourishes your spirits; thus, I will always be able to guide you and to accompany you, side by side with your hearts, on the trajectory you must experience.

Like water that flows in the river of life, allow yourselves to conform to the Will of God expressed in the instructions you have received; this way, you will free your beings from being in unnecessary suffering at this time.

Never forget to pray. Pray, pray a lot to achieve peace in the whole world.

I love you and I thank you.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Saturday, July 13 of 2013

Special Message

My Heart, on this day, rejoices a little more because of the merciful response of My praying groups. I know of the effort and commitment of each one of the little lights of this network that is being woven upon the Earth.

Today My Heart invites you to take a step on the path of consecration, the consecration to My Heart, and this step is to live My Message of salvation.

My children, especially those who listen to Me for the first time, I invite you to continue walking because if God allowed your hearts to meet My Immaculate Heart it is because your souls have already said yes to My Plan of Peace.

To those who meet me for the first time, from your cities, I invite you to follow this path of prayer traced by My Heart.

My dear ones, My Heart descends to the Earth, in this time, to proclaim Peace and bring to the world the salvation that many souls wait for. If you listen to My Words with the heart, above all those pronounced in recent times, you will be able to feel the Love which descends from the merciful Source of God to fill your lives.

Therefore, I only tell you to open your hearts and spirits and only say yes to My Heart; in this way, I can soon be closer to your hearts and your lives.

I thank you for walking towards My Heart.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

Saturday, July 13 of 2013

Special Message
Message of the Virgin Mary, transmitted during the apparition in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, to the visionary Friar Elías

Dear children,

Through peace, I lead you towards redemption, and from redemption I lead you to eternal faith. Times are already different and it is necessary to pray with all the fervor of the heart for My Work to be fulfilled upon the whole Earth.

Dear children, Jesus awaits you in the Eucharist so that you can repair the Heart of God from the offenses that are still committed in these times.

Dear children, pray for the blessed ones who give their life to God, those who give their life for the fellow being and for the Will of God, fulfilling without delay My requests.

Today, My Message is to tell you all these things even if they seem the same, they are, for Me, the most important, for faith must be sown in all My children.

Today I reveal to you that many of My servers will suffer for humanity and out of love for God, to liberate the great sin that leads many souls to perdition, the path to hell in this world.

My children, in this way I invite you to persistence in prayer, to hope and Mercy, because some of My children were chosen by Jesus to be able to revert evil in the world. Let us pray so that the Plans of God may be fulfilled.

I thank all of you, those present, in their homes and in their cities for responding to My call!

May the Grace of God remain in your hearts.

Mary, Queen of Peace


Friday, July 12 of 2013

Monthly Messages

My dear children:

Today My Heart desires to make a special request of prayer for the world. I come accompanied by the Celestial Hosts of the Kingdom of God, so that by means of the intervention of your hearts, My angels can go in aid of the nations of the world.

I want to ask you that in a special way you pray for India, for Egypt and for Kenya, that on this day need much help to overcome the threats of the enemy.

I ask that you pray much, so that My Marian missionaries can accomplish the Mission of arriving to India, because their presence does not have the goal of bringing only service and donation, but they also carry My Heart between their hands, so that it is given to those most in need.

My dears, My Immaculate Heart needs to arrive to these nations to consecrate them to My Heart and to protect them from all the evil that is expanding.

Sometimes the ignorance of those who live in the dark does not permit them to see the real spiritual needs, and in this way the enemy takes advantage of the ignorance of My children to close with seven keys the doors of the nations.

If you pray with Love, with Devotion and making to God a true offer of relieving the world, Light can arrive to the hearts that are today in the dark, it can remove the blindfolds from the eyes of My children, so that they can perceive a greater reality, and recognize in My soldiers My Immaculate presence.

Today I ask you to pray also for all the children who live in Kenya, all the little souls that violently balance their debts to God, so that by means of the merciful prayer of your hearts this Unfathomable Source of Mercy can be poured over all these little children and also over those who are to be born.

My dears, the times are being accelerated, the final moment of this purification that the world already lives approaches, and it is urgent that your hearts are placed in prayer.

Trust the Voice that guides you, because My eyes contemplate the needs of the entire world, not only of those who listen to Me. Those who today listen to My Voice must respond with promptness to My Call, so that this Call is expanded throughout the world and arrives to those hearts most forgotten. This is achieved, My children, above all by means of true prayer.

On this Friday of reparation and preparation for the Saturday of Mercy, unite yourself to the Most Holy and Most Sacred Heart of Saint Joseph, so that He helps you and teaches you to be intercessors before God, for the benefit of the entire world.

The nations most distant from My Heart need much help and much prayerful collaboration. For this, together with Saint Joseph, place in your hearts all of Asia, and lift to the Heart of God a merciful request for help, ask Him to send His Hosts of Light, to pour His Piety and His Mercy over these children that so need it.

Pray, pray much so that the Plans of God become a reality, and this world is converted into a luminous world, consecrated to the Heart of the Creator, that responds to His Celestial Will.

I thank you, My dears, for accompanying My Marian Mission for Peace of Earth.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Friday, July 12 of 2013

Monthly Messages
Message for the Vigil of Prayer of Mary, Mother of the Divine Mercy, transmittedin the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandú, Uruguay, to the visionary Friar Elías

Dear children,

For another month, today I gather everyone into the depths of My Immaculate Heart, in this way, preparing the anniversary of Graces that will take place during the next month of August, in the original place where Heaven touched Earth.

For this purpose, and so that more hearts may awaken to My call, I invite all the prayer groups, for love and universal order, to help through their prayers and their donations so that the mission of the new bridge that is being built, and has not yet been finalized, may be fulfilled at the Marian Center of Aurora.

My dear children, if among everyone we are not able to gather the praying and donating efforts to concretize this bridge, before the month of August, this bridge, that wants to lead you to peace, will not be concretized.

Therefore, as Mother, I invite all My children to fulfill this request in truth, love and faith. Today I reveal to you that, some time ago, I asked My visionaries for the construction of a new bridge, for everyone to be able to reach the Marian Center.

Now I ask you, My beloveds, to incarnate the symbol of My petition within all of you.

What will it mean for your souls to build a new bridge and to concretize it, even in the physical plane?

God is showing you that, in this time of change, the bridges will be built by all.

My children, as a Mother, I give you this challenge that, if it be fulfilled with love by My dear children, the Marian Center of Aurora will be able to count on a secure path for the next month of August, in which My children will be able to cross.

While My Heart speaks about these small things, it wants to transmit to you the importance of everybody being able to build a new world based on spiritual maturity and faith.

If this bridge is able to be built before August 8th of this year, the current path and the ecosystem that is used by all will no longer suffer aggressions, and the Kingdoms will be able to once more approach all the regions of the Marian Center and to manifest, in this way, the harmony that existed, when the old bridge was present.

But what will building a new bridge mean?

It is a new spiritual alliance that is symbolically established, even on the material plane.

Therefore, this important act of charity by those who pray will allow to create a new consciousness within everybody, thus bringing wisdom and understanding about the essence of each one of My requests.

I want My little ones to understand that building a simple bridge, that leads to the Light of My Marian Center, has a planetary repercussion because, in this way, one rebuilds in the consciousness of humanity something that was destroyed by evil.

Dear children, may you experience this challenge in peace and, in the month of August, I Myself, The Virgin Mary, may cross the bridge that My children built with love for Me, to be able to reach the eternal Temple of prayer.

The month of August will announce profound and true revelations for all those who open themselves and reach Aurora with an open heart.

Today, I only ask you to pray for this symbolic bridge to be able to manifest itself. As good children, help so that this bridge for peace may be concretized.

The New Humanity will be born under the loving impulse of the hearts that are good, simple and humble, hearts that only radiate love and peace.

I thank you for responding with love and truth to My call for peace!

I bless and tell you: Go ahead, My workers, get to work!

Who thanks you,

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace


Friday, July 12 of 2013

Special Message
Message for the Vigil of Prayer, received in the Marian Center of Aurora, Paysandu, Uruguay, transmitted by the Most Holy Mother of God to the visionary Sister Lucía

My dear children,

Today My Heart wishes to make a special prayer request from you for the world. I come accompanied by the celestial hosts of the Kingdom of God so that through the intervention of your hearts, My angels are able to come to the aid of the nations of the world.

I want to ask you to especially pray for India, for Egypt and for Kenya, which on this day are in need of much help to defeat the threats of the enemy.

I ask you to pray a lot so that My Marian missionaries are able to accomplish the Mission of reaching India, because the reason for their presence is not only to provide service and the giving of self, but also of carrying My Heart in their hands, so that it may be given to those most in need.

My dear ones, My Immaculate Heart needs to reach those nations to consecrate them to My Heart and to protect them from all the evil that is expanding.

Sometimes, the ignorance of those who live in the darkness does not allow them to see the true spiritual needs and, in this way, the enemy takes advantage of the ignorance of My children to close the doors of the nations with seven keys.

If you pray with love, with devotion and make a true offering to God for bringing relief to the world, the Light will be able to reach the hearts that today are in darkness, and will be able to remove the blindfolds from the eyes of My children, so they may perceive a greater reality and recognize My Immaculate Presence in My soldiers.

Today I also ask you to pray for all the children that live in Kenya, all the little souls who violently balance their debts with God, so that through the merciful prayer of your hearts, this unfathomable Source of Mercy may be poured out over all those little children and also over the ones about to be born.

My dear ones, the times are speeding up, the final moment of this purification the world is now experiencing is drawing closer, and it is urgent that your hearts begin to pray.

Trust in the Voice that guides you, because My eyes contemplate the needs of the entire world, not only of those who hear Me. Those who today are listening to My Voice must respond quickly to My call, so that this call expands throughout the world and reaches those most forgotten hearts. This is achieved, My children, most of all through true prayer.

On this Friday of restoration and of preparation for the Saturday of Mercy, unite with the Most Chaste and Most Sacred Heart of Saint Joseph, so that He may help you and teach you to be intercessors in the light of God, so as to benefit the whole world.

The nations farthest away from My Heart are in need of much help and much collaborating prayer. Thus, together with Saint Joseph, place all of Asia in your hearts and lift up a merciful request for aid to the Heart of God; ask Him to send His hosts of Light, to pour out His Pity and His Mercy over these children who are so greatly in need.

Pray, pray much, so that the Plans of God may become a reality and this world may become a luminous world, consecrated to the Heart of the Creator and responsive to His Celestial Will.

I thank you, My dear ones, for following My Marian Mission for peace on Earth.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Thursday, July 11 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Rejoice all the hearts of the world, glorifying the Creator for the Immaculate presence of His Faithful Server. Praise today and eternally the Son of God that sends the Messenger Bird to announce His return, and to prepare His Holy flock of souls.

My children may on this day joy be the guide of your hearts. Rejoice yourselves today because part of My Plan is already realized in the world. My word is arriving to the homes of many of My children, the families are achieving special Graces because they gather to pray with Me. The sinners most committed to evil are finding the Light of My Son, because His word is arriving to their lives.

My beloveds, I want today that you understand the greatness of My Marian task, and with Me be infinitely grateful to all My children who work day and night, and that donate their little lives so that My task is carried forward.

My Heart, on this day, brings from the Kingdom of Heaven the merciful gratitude that fills those who open themselves to receive it.

Many do not know, but great is the service of those children of Mine that made themselves available to work in the offices, in such practical things, and whose little hearts do not even imagine the luminous repercussion of their offers.

Today I renew the vows of these children and servers of Mine. Even those who do not know Me, and that seem to serve in a professional way are receiving merits and balancing debts towards God.

I want to make known to the World the importance of this task, because many do not know the effort of My children to realize My requests, but I do know it, and observe it always, because with these efforts not only My word reaches the world, but also My Heart, and each time that you are able to transcend yourselves a little, this effort is converted into a loving offer that I bring to the Creator for the Salvation of souls.

The task of creating and maintaining a website that is the echo of My Voice and of the Most Holy voices of Jesus and Saint Joseph, in truth, is a Sacred Mission of bringing to all the homes, in the four corners of the world, the Voice of God the Father, the Almighty Lord of the Universe, and by means of this sacred tool of His, His Plan of Love is diffused throughout the world, and His Heart awakens those who have been asleep for so long.

The Love of God is arriving to many souls, above all of youth who have never had any contact with Him. The Redemption and the Mercy of the Endless Source of the Creator are permeating the homes, the prisons, the schools, the world.

When just one soul, in some nation, enters into contact with this tool of God and opens themselves to dive into this Mystery that is My presence in the world, all of this nation receives from God the merits to reach awakening and, in this way, to reach Peace.

Each time a member of a family, in their home, enters into contact with My Sanctified words, and with the Glorious words of My Son Jesus, all of this home and this family are blessed by My presence, even though many times they only come to discover this is in the Kingdom of the Heavens.

In this way, My children, My requests of prayer expand themselves through the world, and My little ones who pray respond to My Call, sometimes in secret, and, in this way, they open to Me the door so that My presence is for some more time in the world, Redeeming and Saving souls.

For this, rejoice with Me and contemplate the greatness of this Mystery and the amplitude of My task, that more than planetary, is Universal.

I love you, My dears, and I will always be grateful for your answering day and night My Redeeming Call of prayer for Peace.

I thank you always.

Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace and of the world, the Sacred world of God.

Monday, July 8 of 2013

Special Message

When My gauze looks over the Earth, it comes filled with the Spirit of God, so that the Divine Source of Creation may radiate His Gifts and His Light to the Earth.

The Holy Spirit is the living Consciousness of God which reigns among creatures; a part of Him that exists to illuminate matter and divinize it.

The Spirit of God descends upon humanity in the form of aspiration, instruction, life-giving Light that restores all. One can perceive the presence of this Holy Spirit in the illumination of knowledge, when you have clarity and understanding of the Truth; in the illumination of the spirit, through the spirit of love and of humility; in the illumination of matter, through the constant rebirth in God the Father.

The Holy Spirit, My Children, is the Source of Eternal Creation that permeates the universes. The creative power of humanity comes from the Holy Spirit, and to be able to deal with this gift of creativity, which makes you in likeness to God, it is necessary to permanently invoke His Spirit.

In the life of Mary, Jesus, and Joseph, the Power of the Holy Spirit reigned perpetually, because even if we did not know Him in truth, we invoked Him permanently, until this Holy Spirit revealed Himself, in silence and solitude, to each one of Us in secret. Our eyes were illuminated by the presence of the Holy Spirit and Our gaze has become merciful forever. Our hands were blessed by the Holy Spirit and just as Jesus healed, Mary consoled and Joseph brought graces of charity to all who came in contact with the material of His carpentry.

Each being who received from Joseph anything made by Him, always for free, received from the Holy Spirit a special Grace. On the tables that He made, the food that the families needed was manifested; the planting tools gave rise to healthy and abundant plants from the soil for all to eat, and thus each instrument that He made in His carpentry work carried mysterious graces to those who received them.

The children who were instructed by Joseph were instructed above all in love and in the power of creation through this love. Joseph, full of the Holy Spirit, taught the children to work with charity and to create like the angels, to live in silence, chastity and prayer; and many of those He had taught His carpentry to became beloved disciples of Jesus.

The Holy Spirit worked in different ways in that simple family, always in secret, always in silence. Silence is the first key for those who seek the Spirit of God; solitude with God is another step that must be taken by the soul that aspires to unite with His Holy Spirit because the most precious Mysteries of this life on Earth are revealed in the silence of one's own heart. 

The Holy Spirit makes Himself known to those who await His presence with simplicity, who keep their soul united with God, and who work on Earth with charity, humility and silence.

To achieve the eternal presence of this Spirit, you must eternally aspire to be with Him and to live in God and, when the mind aspires, the emotions aspire and the soul also aspires. In this way, exercise yourselves in charity and in silence, exercise yourselves in prayer and in peace, in understanding and in admiration of your neighbor; thus you will achieve a humble spirit and the Spirit of God will finally be able to approach your hearts.

I bless you always.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Saturday, July 6 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Dear children:

Today I pour my Pity over My children of the world, so that each one of you receives this spring of Mercy and feels consolation in your heart.

The Pity that comes from God reaches all those that cannot overcome their limitations, even though they try all the time. So that they find consolation, I bring in My Immaculate Heart this Blessed Pity, that which will be a a balm for the hearts that suffer.

With this balm that goes through the soul, each child that suffers from their limitations finds peace and strength to keep on trying once and again. You just have to appeal to My Pity and you will see how the breath of God returns to give you a new impulse to start over.

In these times, beloved children, in which the tests are profound and the paths difficult, I, as Helping Mother, come to bring you peace, calm and My Blessed Pity, so that you do not lower your arms, so that you do not grow sad, so that you do not feel the weight of a defeat; because to the Universe of the Father there is only triumph in each hard learning.

If you could see what there is behind these tests, the transformation that they bring, you would give an impulse to your consciousness, and would give thanks everyday for these tests; God is constructing in each one of you a fortress where His Son can find protection and rest.

May no one be discouraged by what they live; on the contrary, may they lift their gaze and conduct themselves without fear towards the Blessed Heart of My Son, that waits for you always to renew His vote of confidence, that which He gives to those who say yes.

I will accompany you step by step so that you do not feel fear nor shame, but joy for being able, through My Blessed Pity, to overcome another test and to take a step forward.

My souls, divine children of God:

I want you to lift your gaze and find My eyes of Mother that watches you and prays for each one of you, so that in this way you renew your commitment with the Plan of God over this Earth.

I love you and I bless you, I protect you and I wait for you in the inexhaustible source of My Pity.

Thank you for being today with Me.

Mary, Mother of the Blessed Pity.

Saturday, July 6 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Enter into My Heart of Mother and rest your face on My bosom. Guard this Heart that listens to all your miseries, afflictions and anguishes of your heart. Leave at My feet your fears, so that I can convert them into full trust in God.

Walk with your feet along side of Mine, come together with Me through this path of Redemption, because My Mission in this world is to guide your little hearts.

Do not delay to arrive to My arms, I Am the beloved Mother of your souls, of your essences. I Am the one who waits for you and that will wait for you always, because My Heart is not in a hurry and does not become tired.

Beloved children, I come as Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity, to conceive the Holy Spirit in the souls and in the consciousnesses. This Holy Spirit is ready to be poured over the beings, it is only necessary that you permit Me to come with this Spirit to your lives.

Many times I have said to you that I do not wait for you to be perfect, I do not wait for you to be ready, I wait for you to be willing to not be now what you were in the minute before. The only thing that Heaven needs is that your hearts be open, because if you say "yes", I Myself will take charge to form you, as a good mother does with Her children.

My dears, come to My arms just as you are, just as you are. Only be available to live Mercy and to receive from this Infinite Source the Graces to live the transformation, this eternal transformation.

Today, with deep Love, My Heart comes to say that all the Universe of God is in constant transformation, but the obstacles must be lived with Joy, with Love, with Peace.

Do not carry forward the tests of your hearts alone, if I am here at the side each one of you, and the only thing that I ask you is that you call Me, that you clamor for My presence, clamor for My help and for the Eternal Grace that waits for you from Heaven.

Come to Me, come without delay, without anguish, without fear. Give into My hands your hearts and I will make them the most precious roses of My Garden.

Each one of your hearts, the more imperfect that they may be, are beloved and adored by My Immaculate Heart. Do not forget that in your hearts I find My dwelling and My refuge of prayer.

Do not close the doors of your hearts to Me out of fear of going forward, towards My Heart and to the Eternal Heart of God, because already many hearts in the world say no to Me and close the doors to Me.

From those who listen to Me, I expect Faith in My Mercy and in the Mercy of My Son. If you trust Me, follow without fear to My Heart. I wait for you always.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity.

Saturday, July 6 of 2013

Weekly Messages

Dear children:

With love, bliss and blessings, I return to your encounter from Heaven to remind you and to let you know the infinite and precious value of Jesus in the Eucharist.

For this reason, My Immaculate Heart today brings the stamp of the Sacred Body and the Precious Blood of My Son Jesus, so that all My children of the Earth remember the importance of living by means of the eternal presence of My Son.

I want to let you know how important it is that you meditate and contemplate on the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, from the moment in which His Body and His Blood are consecrated by the shepherds that He himself has chosen and called so that they profess the love of Jesus. And also today I have come so that your consciousnesses remember the presence of My Son from the moment in which your souls received communion of the Merciful Light of Christ.

Dear children:

Why do I say all these things to you? Because as Your Mother I hope that in your inner vision you reach greater universes, to be able to understand that Christ lives and reigns in your essences all the time that you permit it, and from the moment of each new communion with His Divine and Holy Spirit.
In each new exercise of Communion with the Body and the Blood of Jesus by means of the Eucharist, He tries to enter and remain working through your little hearts. This mystery of the Eucharist hopes to be revealed to all the beings of the Earth, because in this way all the souls will be prepared with more consciousness to form part of the Mystical Body of Christ before His return to the Earth.

To live in the Mystical Body of Christ is to be donation. To live in the Mystical Body of Christ is service and love of the Will of God. For this it is time for you to go further beyond the act of communion, to understand that the celestial universes will be open before the eyes of all those who want to see.

All those monastically consecrated to the Sacred Heart of My Son should dedicate to Him at least five minutes after Communion with the Holy Body of My Son; in this way with more consciousness, reverence and love, they will shape the consecrated life as a living reflection of the presence of Christ. Each time that a soul contemplates internally the Body of My Son that they have received, the precious part that God has brought them can make them transcend all the difficulties of life and of the world.

For this today I come to your encounter as Queen and Guardian of the Holy Eucharist, to transmit to you the spiritual values and the merits that all can reach in this time, when receiving communion only with a different attitude and giving to it another importance.

I hope that My maternal words have offered light to each one of your consciousnesses, because in this way you will be one with My Son and My Son will be One with you and will be accomplished the Will of God in the creatures, closing definitively the hells in the world and awakening conversion in all the souls.

Have a good exercise of communion and of renovation with the Glorified Body of My Son.

I thank you for answering My call of the end of time!

Mary, Queen and Guardian of the Holy Eucharist.


At the end of the message the Virgin Mary transmitted to us the following prayer of union with Christ, to be recited at all times following the Communion with the Body and the Blood of Christ:

              Prayer of Eucharistic Union with the Master Jesus

Sun of God,
              that illuminates the darkness of our lives.

Spirit of God,
              that liberates the faults of our beings.

Come, Sacred Body and Precious Blood of Jesus!
              so that, united to You,
              we may reach eternity and paradise.


Monday, July 1 of 2013

Special Message

The true awareness of what Life is only comes to humankind through the Spirit of God. My Immaculate Spirit and the Most Sacred Spirit of My Son comes from the Holy Spirit. But today I want to reveal to you that it is not necessary to be originally conceived by this Holy Spirit in order to experience the infinite Graces that Jesus and I experienced 2013 years ago.

The Holy Spirit transforms everything It touches, Its Fire purifies into Light everything that comes near It. The soul that has been touched by the Holy Spirit will never be the same, even during other existences in the Kingdom of Heaven.

The Spirit of God even transforms the spiritual destiny of beings because the one who opens to receive a glorious touch from the Holy Spirit makes a commitment to the Creator to serve Him eternally.

The Holy Spirit is a mystery to the world because It is in everything, and everyone seeks It without knowing how to find It. The Holy Spirit manifests Itself as life-giving Fire and as a superhuman Gift; It manifests Itself as Love that illuminates everything, as Forgiveness that forgives everything, as Peace that radiates to everyone. 

The Holy Spirit comes when you least expect It, because at the moment when you least expect It, without losing the permanent aspiration to find It, that is when the heart makes room for the Holy Spirit to enter.

For the indwelling of Holy Spirit to be eternal within beings, the consecration of the soul must also be eternal, the offer of the heart must be eternal, the aspiration to serve the One and Only God must also be eternal.

The Lord deeply knows the heart of His creatures and He knows when His child confirms themselves perpetually in union with His Most Sacred Heart. And it is at this moment that the Lord sends His omnipresent Spirit to find this new home.

Since the heart of humankind is unpredictable, even to themselves, only God knows the truth about the intentions and feelings of humans, about the offers and aspirations. Therefore, the only thing that your beings must do is to be in a permanent offer and to reconsecrate yourselves daily before the Universe of God, with a pure and sincere heart. 

Seek without seeking, because this is how it will be without realizing it, and humility, which is the first Gift of the Spirit of God, will come to those who do not know it and have never known it. The Gift of humility is only known by the one who recognizes it in his neighbor because the heart that is truly full of the Holy Spirit is so close to God that it does not notice its own progress and virtues.

This is how Jesus, Mary and Joseph experienced the Holy Spirit. One recognized this Holy Spirit in the other and realized how many Gifts God had manifested in that family, full of charity and humility, but none of Us observed within ourselves the presence of this Spirit. We admired in silence and in prayer the virtues of the others, and the more we noticed the Love which the other manifested for God, the more our hearts were filled with this Spirit. And in Our simple life, but full of mysteries, the Holy Spirit was manifesting Itself.

Therefore I tell you today that a key to progress is to think only about God and strengthen the virtue of the neighbor, so that you may always grow and develop. Thus, even without realizing it, your spirits will be preparing themselves to receive the Spirit of God. 

May peace and harmony reign in each heart.

Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception of the Trinity

Who are we?

Association Mary
Founded in December of 2012, at the request of the Virgin Mary, Association Mary, Mother of the Divine Conception, is a religious association without ties to any institutionalized religion. It has a philosophical-spiritual, ecumenical, humanitarian, charitable, cultural character, and it supports all activities that are indicated through the instructions transmitted by Christ Jesus, the Virgin Mary, and Saint Joseph. Read more
